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Went to visit my 15yo asian gf while she was sick in bed
My name is Sean and I live in Seattle, Wa. where I currently attend highschool as a Sr. where I play football and run track. I am 6 ft tall and have an athletic build, I have dolphin blue eyes with a slash of gray and am moderately attractive.
     Earlier this year I was dating a Vietnamese Soft more named Amy that goes to my school. She was born in the states so she didn't have an accent at all, but her parents whom I never got to meet only spoke Vite so she spoke both. Amy stood about 5'2" long black hair to the middle of her back with blond highlights, She had light brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She has B sized tits and just enough ass to grab onto, about 105 lbs at her heaviest with a small vagina that only has a slit, no external lip at all, almost like a clam shut tight. We had been dating for about a year and a half and she was 15 at the time.  
     Not to brag but i could date anyone i wanted to but when I saw her she was all I wanted. My school is about 1/2 Asian as is but Amy is by far the finest one.  We always spend our breaks together and lunch as well sometimes we slip out to my car or a bathroom and have sex depending on if we are going to be able to meet up after school or not. Well when I got to school that day on my 1st break I did not see her nore did i think to text her, I just figgured she got held up in her class and I would just catch her on our 15 min break. So after my second class I was really ready to see her because I had to go the weekend with out seeing her at all because her grand parents where in town. I went to our usuall meet up spot and still nothing. This time I did think to grab my phone and text her I just figgured she got held up in her class and I would just catch her on our 15 min break. So after my second class I was really ready to see her because I had to go the weekend with out seeing her at all because her grand parents where in town. I went to our usuall meet up spot and still nothing. This time I did think to grab my phone and text her to see whats up. I basically said hey whats up where are you I cant find you anywhere. I didn't get a text back until 4th period like 20 min before lunch, which was strang cuz she can never manage to text in that class being that the teacher is a royal cunt. I didn't care really if i got fussed at over the phone I could bull shit my way out of it if i needed to, so i checked it and she said that she is sorry but she couldnt talk cuz she was sick and at home and that she would try to text me later when she woke up and felt better. I texted her right away asking if she needed anything and she didnt reply at all so I decided that I would go over to her house and bring her some pho(viet soup) because I know her parents are at work. They never missed work, her mom owned her own nail shop and her dad was a tech some place. So I planned on going over there and just pampering her for a bit and skipping the rest of my school day and make it back for practice.
      So right when i get in my car she texted that she didn't need anything and thanked me for asking but all she needed was some sleep. I got all the way to her house before I saw the text she sent so I decided to come in quietly and put the soup on the counter for her and she was sure to see it when she woke up and get all happy. So I pulled up and there was a strange car infront of her house which was pretty normal because there was no street parking and the park was right up the street. Threw the gate and up to the door I go w/ soup in hand. I open the front door slowly to avoid the creek sound it makes so I don't wake her up. 
I come in and I close the door nice and quiet and take my shoes off. I go into the kitchen and lay her soup next to the stove and I make my way for the door. I slip my shoes on and go to open the door when I realize that these are not my shoes. It wouldnt have struck me as unusual except her brothers where 8 and her dad was tiny. I where size twelves and these where 14s. I didn't ponder too much on it, it could have been anyones who knows. So I closed the door to put my shoes on and I hear a noise that sounded like her voice. I smile thinking she might be waking up and hearing me and I might get to see her and tuck her in, so back off came the shoes and I walk back into the kitchen to grab the soup and bring it to her sence its still warm. 
       When I grab the bag I heard her say my name "baby" so I walked down the hall to her room which is at the end of the hall str8 forward and her brothers room was right next to her room if you take a right before getting to her door. As I get closer to her door I can hear her jumping on her bed which I thought was so cute... Until I heard the next sound that I had trouble righting off as a normal sound.. Then I heard it again seconds later it was her moan. She must be touching her self omg this is so hott. I get to the door and the random squeeking of the bed had more of a rythum to it and that is when I heard another guys voice. I knew right away by the vibration of his voice that it was not the tv, and I froze, my face flushed with all the blood in my body and my throat sank to my stomatch. He just gave out a grunting sound but that was enough, now I can hear my Amy clearly being fucked, she was moaning " uh uh uh ah ah AH uh.. fuck me... like... that.. uhh AHH mmm uh uh uh" she made a noise for every squeak i heard    
   I'm not sure what to do so i just go to her brothers room and sit on the bed. Just the sound of her sexy moaning was giving me such a hard on but I was so confused with the flooding of too many emotions. The squeeking stopped and i heard foot steps. I got up and hid behind her lil brothers door incase someone was going to the bathroom, and I was much too confused for confrintation. I peak out and catch a glimps of a tall built black male as he passed by to the bathroom. He was fully naked and I could hear him Peeing it sounded like he was pooring out a gallon of milk.I don't know why but I felt the urge to try to look at his package when he walked back and omg, it was just at half mass and hanging there but it was already longer and thicker than mine. it swung back and forth loosly but it was about six inches away from his knee. I was in shock not only was my girl cheating on me but she was cheating on me with a giant black guy with an enormous cock. I think the worst is over and he will leave and i can w8 and try to sneek out and think this threw. Not the case..    
He went back in her room and jumped in her bed and I could hear her giggle lazily. I then heard a loud smack and a lil playfull scream, he must have just smacked her on the ass which was strang cuz she hates that.. well she always said she hated that so i never tried. They left the door wide open this time and I could hear every detail, I could hear them tunge kissing and moving a little. then I could hear him moaning saying ahh yeah baby girl just like that. I planted my ear to the wall and I could hear a muffled sound of her sucking on him and every now and then i could hear her gag followed by a smacking sound that sounded like his dick slapping against her face while she caught her breath. then repeat process. This lasted for about 10 min but to me it felt like an hour. then it went silent and i could only hear a slight moving around on the bed and no moaning or slop sound. Then in the middle of complete silence i hear her say OOPS at the same time as him saying Shit, it broke. I think she was trying to put a condom on him with her mouth and may have broke it, then she asks him if he has another to which he replied nah but its cool cuz he would just pull out, and to my surprise she said ok good...
Then i hear them role around a lil and then my stomach tightened when i heard her let out the sexiest most pleasure pain filled moan as he filled her tight asian pussy with his huge black dick. I hear him say something she laughs and then in mid laugh he started pounding it inside her and all i could hear is her screaming and the bed squeeking but the bed was pretty much drownded out by her screaming . I became so currious what was going on to make her scream in such a way so I crept out of the boys room and down the hall a little and with every step i could hear so much more clearly. the door was not quite as wide open as i thought which worked for me cuz then I could get closer with out being seen. So i got right up next to her room and listened for a min and then peaked threw the crack where the hinge of the door is and could see him ontop of her with her legs pushed open and her knees almost touching her shoulders. I couldnt see everything but i could see movment and her feet bouncing as he power thrusted into herlifting himself off the bed pretty high and slamming back down and each time she screamed and continued to encourage him by saying fuck me harder or just like that, omg it feeeelss sooo goood UHH, so soft so wet ect..
 I could smell sex in the room, it smelled a little like ass mixed with Amy's sweet pussy and a slight fishie smell and general sweaty mugginess. . He lets her up and tugs her arm and in one motion she was on her belly. He grabbed Amy's tiny 15 yo hips and lined him self up with her starting by first slapping his fully hard dick on her back and that is when I saw what he was working with. This thing went up her back and onto her hair it looked like it could reach her heart if stuck in all the way, and it was so damn thick, so thick that thick is not the word for it. The head looked to be the size of an apple and the shaft thick as a soft ball bat. He backs up and possitions him self and slides the head of his cock up and down her ass and vag over and over again until he holds it in the middle and pauses for a moment until her pussy opens enough to allow his giant dark shinny cock inside and she screams really loud again and he goes right to plunging his manhood in her repeatedly trying to get deeper and deeper and seeming to have some success as she was forcing her butt back against him when he would plung forward.
After 15 min i could hear his balls slapping against her and at this point i thought he was going to destroy her so i decided to go back in the brothers room and call her phone. I figgured guilt and fear would bring her to her sences and she would stop what she is doing just to answer the phone and ease my mind. But she didn't answer or stop what she was doing she just got louder as he started fucking her as fast as humanly possible. the slapping of her young asian ass against his stomach was as fast as I could clap my hands. The bed slaming into the wall and bed squeeking. So I kept calling and calling and after trying literally 20 times to call her they stop for a moment and i think she is going to answer this time and she actually does. She answered all tired sounding and even works up a caugh and trys to rush me off the phone but i can hear him even on the phone still playing with her , her breathing was pausing and excellerating and she even made a squeek noise and then I just realized that I have talked to her before in the past and she sounded just like this and it hit me that this may not have been the 1st time. She hangs up on me and turns off her phone when he did somthing to her that made her moan.
 I rush to her room to see what was going on and he was sucking on Amy's tits with her strattling him. This time they are laying the width of the bed instead of the long way. his legs where hanging off the side and I could see his balls and Amy's nice fat little ass grinding on them and his shaft was pressed against his belly and she was just grinding her slit against it. Then his large hands grab both of her ass cheeks and lift her way up and then she reached down and grabbed his shaft and rubbed his giant helmet against her tiny slit and then tried sitting on it and grinding it in. I can see every detail of his vieny blackish purple dick head covered in precum and her juises sliding into her spreading her open so wide. Once the head is in she slides down another 8 or 9 inches still leaving another 3 or 4 inches of the thickest part of his dick untouched. She slides up and down and when she gets down to the last few inches he grabs Amy's ass and makes her grind on it with the majority of his monster inside of her. after 6 or 7 times of her sliding up to his head and just before it falls out of her pushing it back in and all the way down and grinding back and forth 5 or 6 times the rest of his cock was wet with her juises and his precum. his balls where dripping with it and then he slams her a few times with out grinding and to my amazment he got another 2 inches in her and i could hardly see what was not making it in. Amy was going crazy making all sorts of noises i never heard her make.
 So here I was out side of my Amy's room while she was sliding up and down this black guys huge shaft with no pretection. Some how I couldnt get enough tho. It was like watching a train wreck, you dont wanna look but you can't stop from opening your fingers to peak. There Amy was with this black man balls deep in her at least 12 inchest of giant cock and only at 15. I have seen plenty of porn and hardly ever do porn stars get full penitration with something so huge. But there she was taking it and loving every second of it. He pulls Amy down so she is laying on his stomatch and grabs her butt and holds it still while he thrusts himself up inside of her in a slamming fassion. I could hear the slapping and the juises and see the side of Amy's bed was all wet and his balls and legs where covered in sex juise. He fucked her really hard pulling only the last 6 inches out of her and then slamming it back inside of her and squeezing her ass down to his thighs each thrustand smacking it over and over, and each time he let his hands go she would continue to barry his shaft inside her and grind on it as hard as she could.. He pushes her up and lifts her left leg and pulls it over his chest and around so she was sitting side ways all the way down on his dick. She bounced up and down on it for about 6 strokes until he turned her the rest of the way facing my direction. I almost thought she could see me but her eyes where shut tight. Seeing her bent over with him on the edge of the bed and her standing bant over and bouncing on him, seeing her titties sway back and forth and the face she was making omg was so sexy. I started to touch my self because I was just too arroused by all of this. It just felt right to touch. I figgure It hurt less to enjoy this rather than to cry about it. He was really givin it to her pulling her back to him and using his hands to grind her hips in circles once he got in deep. Her face was moist and her body glisened with sweat and I could not stop looking at her titties, He grabbed her sholders and pulled her to him forcing him self farther into her small tiny body. All Amy could do was scream and moan and now all i could smell was pussy. 
 After several minuets he pushes her off and she spun around real quick and got on her knees and started sucking him really slopily. Using both hands in a twisting motion and raising it up to suck on the shaft and the base of his dick. Then while stroking the top portion of his tower of a penis she was rubbing her open mouth and face in his nut sack. He had very large balls and she made it her busines to get every inch of them wet. Then she did something that shocked me, she was still stroking him and then i see her dip way down and tilt her head and I had to move to see but i saw his balls on her upper face and forehead. Which meant that she was licking his ass crack which she did on me every now and then when she had been drinking.  But it looked different she had burried her face in his ass and was licking his ass hole, and he grabbed the back of her head and forced her face to rub against his balls taint and ass hole. Then pulled her hair to lift her up to force her mouth on his cock and pushed down until she was gagging and he continued to hold her head down and she started to pat his thigh saying she can't breath but he didnt care he just rased his hips to send his giant cock deeper into her throat. the patting on his leg turned into slapping and Amy was fully panicing as he stood up and swung her around to where her back was to the side of the bed and his ass was facing the door. I could see her hands grab his ass and start to slap it again as she was still short of air. Right when she started that he just started thrusting into her face and not really pulling it out much at all, just kept trying to get it down her throat. She clawed him nails dug into his legs and ass cheeks and then he just plunged forward and held it there as her panicy hands fell limp to her side. 
 He pulls his cock out finnally and lifts her limp body up like she was nothing and drapped her over the side of the bed. He walked away for a moment and grabbed something out of his pants. He came back and she didnt move and inch i was looking at her ass and pussy and the way her legs where dangling lifelessly when he came back in the picture. He had a baggy in his hand and it looked like there where pills in them but i was not sure but what I was sure about is he took 2 of what ever was in that bag and walked up to Amy and grabbed her ass cheak and used his giant hand to spread her ass apart then with his other hand he stuck his middle finger in her ass hole. I thought he was just fingering her ass then I saw when he went to do it the second time he was shoving those pills up her ass.  I have heard of people doing E that way so i assumed it was that, but what ever it was he took and stuck his huge erect dick right back into her pussy and really pounded her. I could see her legs dangle and I could tell he was all the way in her but she was not making a noise. 15 Min of him pounding her then he stands up on the bed over her with his junk still inside her and crouching down he begins to dip sinking his dick inside of her with each dip. I see her leg stiffen and this is the 1st time i think she is awake and she startes to moan and then scream right away when she realizes that not only was he way deeper than before but now its bent inside her stretching her insides.
 Right when he sees that she is awake he roles over pulling her ontop of him facing away from him but tward me. I again fear that she will be able to see me but at the same time i can not stop watching. She has her eyes shut tight again and he is sitting up this time and is sucking on her neck and biting it leaving all kinds of marcs and she is letting him and reaching up and holding his neck as his hands explore her tiny body.  Like she is nothing he lifts her up and moves his cock to stand up str8 and sets her on it and just jams it in and it goes so deep with out hesitation and she is moaning and sucking on his tongue while he plays with her clit and lets his dick just sit inside her motionless. He lays back and then pulls her hair and when he does her eyes open wide and this time im sure that she saw me. She instintly tried to jump off him but he had controll of her hips and when he felt her trying to flee he just fucked her harder. She just kept looking at me with her face red and blushed to the max as she continues getting fucked. Her eyes role in the back of her head and he pulls her back on his stomach and sticks his tongue in her mouth again and uses his hands to manipulate her hips on him and he lifts her up and down a couple times. 
He raises her up off his dick and stands up infront of her and wraps her legs around him and just sticks it right in and lifts her off the bed. They walk out of view and I hear smacking and her screaming and moaning so i moved a little to see and he has her against the wall fucking her lights out. His arms are underhooked and her calfs and feet are just dangling as she is helplessly fucked... He fucked her like that for 30 min and then fell back on the bed and she was going crazy on him as he just layed there. she grinded on him with her hands on his chest and every now and then she looked over at me to see if i was still there and then she continued working on him. There was a song playing that I will never forget, it is by 50 cent and G unit and it was called "I fucked your girl" she was grinding on him to the beat and he tenses up and grunts that he is about to cum and she drops her self down as far as she can and grinds rapidly as he is trying to pull her off but he is already cumming and he is too tense. I can see Amy's determinded look in her face with her mouth opened her eyes got really big when he started to shoot his hot cum inside of her. She just humped him fasted and then started to cum her self, I can tell cuz her legs get all shaky and she grinds her teath. He grabs her ass hard and thrusts up a few times as she forces her self down to get him as deep as he can be inside of her while he cums. She collapses on his chest with his whole dick still inside of her and remains this way. I thought they would be getting up soon so i hid. I hid for 20 min and went back and his Giant dick was still inside of her just as deep as before and she was passed out as well as he was.
 I was tired of w8ing so i rang the door bell and I was sure they would get up and he would jump out the back or something. I rang the bell 5 times and finnally she shoes up to the door in her pjs and as she is talking to me i see her pjs getting wet in the crotch from his cum dripping out. I came right in and she went to kiss me and her face smelled like dick pussy and ass. The smell turned me on as my mind went over what i just whitnessed and I noticed her voice was very horse and her lips where a sore pink color. I right away grabbed her and stuck my tongue down her throat and stuck my hands in her panties and felt what once was Amy's tight little slit and now was a gapeing wet puffy opening with gooy cum flowing out of it like tap water. I threw her on the couch right away and ripped her bottoms off and stuck my face between her legs while she was trying to keep me from doing so saying w8 w8 w8. I didn't care I was too turned on right when i got down there i noticed that her slit was no more and she now had 2 flappy external pussy lips and the opening the size of a cue ball. I wrapped my lips around her opening and licked and sucked and with the 1st suck my mouth filled with hot cum. I let it flow out of my mouth and down her ass crack and sucked again and again my mouth filled with cum, even more than the 1st time and i mistakenly swallowed some of it. I continued to eat her out until she came and then I went and ate her soup...
2 months later she found out she was pregnant and had to go get an abortion knowing that it wasnt mine. My little Amy humped some black guy and let him get her pregnant.. I still have her cum soaked panties to remember it by. This event changed my life and how i think about sex and how my mind processes jealousy. This storie is 100 percent true and there is a part 2 that I will add some other time. 

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-05 11:31:01
FAbr0f Im grateful for the blog article. Will read on...

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-04 09:58:25
MMCdUT Major thanks for the post. Fantastic.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-06-21 09:07:44
this is a shit story............. any guy who would just sit there and watch his girlfriend fuck another guy, let alone a nigger is a total fucked up wimp........ if she wasa my girl I'd cut his dick off and make he eat the fucking hing, beat the shit out of both f them and leave they to die..


2013-11-24 09:11:22
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!


2013-11-24 09:11:22
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!
txt or call me anytime here's mu number 09276715601 isusubo kta hanggat gusto mo!

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