My mum Kate got pregnant with me at 14 she had me the day after her 15th birthday. My dad to be fair to him stuck around he was 16 at the time. They got married when mum was 18 I was 3 years old.
Mum was the eldist of 4 I had 2 uncles John and Sam and a aunt Mary who was only 3 years older than me.
As Mum and Dad couldn't set up thier own home we lived with my Grandmother & grandfather. Mary & I grew up like brother & sister we would fight like cats & dogs but were very close we were oftern taken for brother & sister which my grandmother fostered.
When I was 13 Mum & Dad got thier own place about 2 miles from the rest of the family. Mums family would pop over from time to time and things setteled down well. Mum would send me over to Grans at least once a week to spend the night so that her and dad could go out.
It was in the summer I was on school holiday for 6 weeks mum had to go to work so I would be left on my own. Mary would come over she was now 19 an between jobs. We would spend time in the garden sun bathing. On the Monday of the second week Mary came over but by lunch time it had clouded over typical English summer so we went in doors ate lunch. Mary asked me if dad had any 'wank mags' I had never heard Mary talk like that and it took the wind out of my sails. I said yes he has a bag full under his bed. Mary asked me to get then and we spend the afternoon looking at the mags. Most of them were soft core stuff readers wifes etc. Mary asked which ladies I liked I found this to be very embarissing but pointed out my favorites. Mary asked if dad had any more. I said I didn't think so. She said lets go look in the bed room. so we put the mags back under the bed and started looking. Mary was looking in mums wardrobe and said she found a case that was looked. I looked on top of the wardrobe tere was a second case there also locked. We tried to open them but they had combinations Mary said let try 175 this is the number of our house. The case I had dow from the top of the wardrobe opened. Inside was a lot of Porn mags 2 photo albums and 5 videos. Mary opened the first photo album Inside were a lot of pictures of my mum in some really sexy outfits as the pages turned there were pics of her in stockings high heels some were of her dildoing her self some with her fingers up her fanny Mary got very excited over the albums. She then said lets look at the videos.
We took the Videos down to the lounge and put the first on. On the spine of the tape it said Kate # 1
The screen came on my mum entered the room dressed in a blak lether mini skirt. black fishnet stockings very high heels black cupless bra and no top on she walkd towards and passed the camara as it pand roundshe went over and sat on the lap of. Bob, Bob was my dads boss he was about 40 and looked quite fit. They started kissing and Bob was feeling mums tits. He looked up at the camara and said 'hay Andy (my dads name) good job your boys over at his grans for the night I'm going to fuck your wifes ass off' 'Be my gest' was dads reply 'the slut love cock dont you Kate' mum looed at the camara and said 'yes' With that she got off the chair and took out Bobs cock and started to suck him off.
I looked over to Mary she had her hand up her skirt and was playing with her pussy eyes glued to the screen. She looke over to me and said 'what a randy slut your mum is' back on the screen mum was now taking Bobs cock in her fanny doggy style She was saying things like go on fuck my cum in me give me your spunk. Bob pulled out of her spun her round and spunked right on her face'
Mary said 'god that was good' came over to me and placed her left hand on my stiff cock her right hand she place under my nose then into my mouth I could tase my aunts cunt juice. Mary said It's 4 oclock best get cleaned up the slut will be home soon. Dont worry we will have our fun. tomorrow. if your up for it.
my sister has sucked most of her bosses cocks over the years. she is quite fat and married (45yo). one boss had a big cock (10") and used to call her into his office everynight for a mouthfucking. She always swallows and likes sucking young boys off.
I can tell this is a true story. It is told as a memory and not as something which was wriiten down previously and that is why Mary ( his aunt) wasn't introduced properly. one must write these things down when they are fresh in our heads so as not to jumble the details which is something our brains tend to do. 8/10 as an erotic experience, 4/10 as story meant to turn us on
good fucking start but remember voyuerism' somebody needs to get caught with their hands in their pants playin with her pussy or jackin off a huge cock and whoever is doing the watching should be masturbating themselves