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A former story of mine refined.
baRMAID IN BONDAGE by Blake Garfield


"Should have never come down here," Buck whispered, pressing Lynda Cartier into the wall with his big, muscular body. He ran his big hands over her slender throat, broad shoulders and silky arms. "The guys who come here have been watching you swing your big sexy ass around town for years. I don't think there's a thing in the world any of them would like more than to fuck you right into the dirt. And I think I'm going to let them. You might own this building, you stuck-up cunt, but you don't fucking give me orders."

"No!" Lynda screamed, driving her knee into Buck's crotch and tearing at his face with her sharp nails. She ran past him through the dark bar, telling herself that she would have him evicted, maybe even in jail, by the end of the day.

She never had a chance. A big guy named Grady Peane, who'd been working with Buck for years, grabbed her by her shiny black hair. Pete Fint, a young, good-looking guy who always seemed to be drunk, caught her by one arm. Together they slammed her face-first into the wall.

"Let me go, you bastards!" Lynda shrieked, struggling desperately in thefr grasp. Dozens of other men were headed in her direction, drinks in their hands, lust and hate in their eyes. "You creeps had better let me go right now!"

"Strip the bitch!" Buck shouted, wiping a trace of blood from his cheek. "Strip her naked and beat the shit out of her! I think it's time for this stuck-up slut to learn what the fuck she's good for! All she's ever been is a landlady, well, now she's going to be a barmaid. She's going to serve us in any way she can."

Buck ran the roughest, sleaziest bar in town. His customers were all men, and all mean. There wasn't one of them who didn't know about Lynda, who didn't hate her for her superior attitude and easy life, who didn't lust for her because of her sexy body and beautiful face. A cheer went up at Buck's words, and brutally strong hands gripped Lynda from every side.

"She's a big bitch," one of the men said, grabbing one of Lynda's full, firm tits through the satiny orange fabric of her clinging dress. "And fucking skinny! About the only meat on her is these jumbo tits!"

"Bullshit!" another man shouted, grabbing both the full, rounded cheeks of Lynda's ass and squeezing so hard that the sexy young landlady moaned in pain. "Check out her ass and legs! Big and meaty and shaped just fucking right! Let's get this cunt naked!"

Lynda screamed and struggled, but the men were far too strong for her. They ripped her dress to rags in a matter of seconds, laughing and joking and pawing Lynda's luscious body while she cried and fought helplessly. Then, strangely, they backed away from her. They formed a rough circle around her, an unbreakable prison of hard-cocked men. Lynda stared at them in shock, sobbing helplessly and trying to hold the rags of her dress together to cover her voluptuous body.

"Shit," Buck said, stepping into the circle. "You are a fucking beauty."

It was the truth. Lynda was perhaps the most beautiful woman in town. She had a perfect face, with wide, startling blue eyes, full, red lips, a strong jaw and high cheekbones. Her hair was pitch black and shiny, and it splashed past her shoulders in a silky tumble. But her body was even more special than her face.

Lynda was a tall woman, standing almost six feet even without the heels she was wearing. Her shoulders were broad and sexy. They had to be wide to support her tits. Lynda's tits were big, firm mounds that sat so high on her chest that they seemed to grow right out from her collarbone. They were so round and creamy that they seemed almost unreal. And her nipples were perfect, dark brown spikes that jutted out almost an inch.

Lynda's waist was obscenely small. But her hips flowed out generously, full and soft and inviting. And her legs were wondrous, her thighs lush and creamy, her calves delicate and perfect.

Lynda Cartier looked like a woman who had been built for sex. The only problem Buck could see was that some stupid motherfucker had forgotten to tell her.

It was an error he intended to correct. "No!" Lynda gasped as Buck wrapped her in his big arms and pulled her roughly against him. "You can't do this to me, you bastard! Let me go, let me go, let me go!"

Buck clamped his lips over Lynda's.

Lynda gagged at the wet press of Buck's mouth to hers. She jerked her head wildly from one side to the other. He just ground his lips against hers even harder. While he crushed his mouth against Lynda's, his hands were roaming all over her body. He pinched her ass and squeezed her tits and even cupped his hand over the furry mouth of her cunt.

Lynda got one hand free and slapped him as hard as she could, and he threw her away from him.

Lynda stumbled helplessly into the arms of another man. Before she knew what was happening he jerked back her head by a handful of her silky black hair. Then it was his lips plastered to hers, his slimy tongue trying to force its way into her mouth. Lynda swung at him wildly with both fists, and when one of her punches caught him on his chin, he grabbed her full right tit and turned it like a corkscrew.

"Oh no!" Lynda gasped. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

"Stupid bitch!" the man growled, and used his grip on her tit to send her sprawling away from him.

Lynda covered her tits with her hands as she stumbled across the floor on her high heels. Grady wrapped her in his arms and struck at her elegant, creamy throat like some kind of viper. Lynda cried out in anguish as he chewed on her creamy flesh. Grady squeezed her around the middle, driving the air and the fight from her body. Then he shoved her to another man.

The new man smiled at her sweetly, then drove his fist brutally into the pit of her stomach. Lynda fell forward into his arms, almost passing out from the pain she was feeling. When he jerked her head up and blanketed her lips with his, she couldn't keep her mouth shut. In an instant his vile tongue was probing deep inside her helpless mouth. While the man kissed her, another guy pulled her arms behind her back.

By the time Lynda realized what was happening it was too late to fight. There was a big man holding each of her arms, twisting them tightly behind her back while a third hulking monster tied her wrists with the ragged remnants of her own dress. When the man who was kissing her threw her back across the circle, Lynda didn't even have her hands free to struggle or break her fall.

The men tossed her back and forth, and soon Lynda was so shocked and disoriented that she wasn't sure what was happening. The men all looked the same, whooping and laughing and looking at her with hate and lust. They did the same things to her, mauling her big tits and full ass, squirming their lips against hers while they drove their tongues deep inside her mouth, even hitting her with short, chopping punches to her tits, stomach and back.

Lynda fell against Pete and he grabbed her by her hair, raising his ar until Lynda was standing on tiptoe, squirming with pain. He grabbed the swatch of cloth that draped her hips and tore it away, revealing Lynda's pink-lipped, dark-furred cunt. Half the men in the bar groaned in collective lust at the unveiling.

"No, don't rape me!" Lynda gasped, crying uncontrollably and sounding so pitifully frightened that most of the men in the bar were laughing. "Please don't rape me! I'll let you have anything you want! I'll never tell anyone what happened! Only please don't rape me! Please, please, please!"

Pete laughed wildly, then spit right in Lynda's face. His spit splattered between Lynda's eyes and trickled down both sides of her nose. He levered her jaws open and spit again, this time filling her mouth with his spit. Lynda gagged and Pete spit again.

"Who else wants in on this?" he asked, jerking Lynda's head to one side so that she faced the rest of the mob of men. "How about we spit on the bitch?"

Instantly Lynda was pelted with spit. There were a couple dozen men in the bar, and everyone crowded around to spit on her. Pete jerked her head first in one direction and then the other, using her beautiful face for a target. A dozen different men hocked their spit into Lynda's open mouth. The spit of the rest rolled down her perfect features in sticky streams.

Lynda shrieked, her mind exploding with horror and humiliation over what was being done to her. She pulled wildly at the fabric that bound her wrists, jerking and tugging until the cloth bit deep into her flesh.

Pete forced her to swallow the pooled spit of at least a dozen men, and Lynda gagged helplessly as the collected drool poured down her throat.

Pete wrenched her around and plastered his lips over hers. Lynda cried out in fear and humiliation as Pete raped her mouth with his tongue. He grabbed her lush asscheeks and spread them wide, revealing both the pretty pink mouth of her pussy and the tight pore of her asshole. Within an instant the men were attacking her sensitive little fuck-holes with their thick, grubby fingers.

A finger stabbed all the way inside Lynda's cunt, making her cry out in pain. Her pussy was as tight as a girdle and as dry as a desert. The man's finger tore into her like a jagged wooden splinter. A moment later something even worse happened, as a man's fat, long finger fucked up her tight, virgin shitter. The pain was incredible. Lynda squirmed and jerked spastically, tearing, burning pain shooting up her sensitive little asshole.

The fingers were pulled out of her pussy and asshole almost as soon as they were plunged in, but there was no relief for Lynda. Other fingers replaced the ones that were gone, stretching Lynda's tight, dry fuck-holes.

Men were pinching her lush thighs and full, round asscheeks. Men were stroking her sides and stomach and arms. Dozens of hands swarmed over her huge, round tits, pinchlng and pulling and twisting and slapping. And every man in the bar was taking a turn fingering Lynda's cunt and asshole. There were also fingers scratching her ass-crack and tugging on her pretty pink pussy-lips.

Pete dragged his lips off Lynda's, slobbering his way all over her beautiful face. The sexy landlady cringed under the vile nibbling and licking. He was washing her nose, cheeks, chin, even her eyes and forehead with his slippery spit. And while he did, other men crowded tight around her. A strange mouth clamped over hers, a strange tongue slurping all the way to the back of her throat. Teeth clamped down on both sides of her long, creamy throat, biting until Lynda whimpered in pain. Tongues probed her ears and traced the fine line of her jaw.

"Bastards!" she screamed, in the instant of breath she had between one man breaking off his rape of her mouth and the next clamping his lips over hers. "I'll get you all! I'll hire men to get you all! I'll have them cut your cocks off!"

"You stupid cunt," Buck said, grabbing her by her slender arms and lifting her off her feet. "Who said you were ever going to get the chance?"

Buck's powerful hands bit so tightly into her creamy arms that Lynda screamed out in anguish. Her feet kicked at the air as he hefted her high. Then he threw her face-first against the wail, and everything began to go dark.

Lynda hit the wall, unable to brace herself with her hands tied behind her back. She wobbled on her heels as she bounced back off it, but before she could fall a half dozen men, Pete and Grady among them, had grabbed her. They dug their strong fingers into her arms and tits. One man wrapped his big hands around her narrow waist. Another grabbed her by her slender throat. And they threw her into the wall again.

And again.

And again.

By the time they slammed her into the wall the fourth time Lynda was barely conscious. Her head was rolling on her shoulders. Her mouth hung liniply open, dribbling spit onto her drool-slick face. The few scraps of clothing that still clung to her shoulders and waist fluttered like flags as the men pounded her into the wall. There was a trickle of blood from her long, elegant nose. The men whooped and hollered at the sight of the sexy, stuck-up landlady stripped naked and battered almost senseless.

"Please!" Lynda gasped, aware of nothing now except pain and fear. "Stop! Please stop! Oh, please stop hurting me!"

The men only laughed harder, some of them spitting on her, others continuing the abuse of her big tits and tight pussy. They slammed her into the wall another dozen times before Buck told them to throw her on the pool table.

By the time they dumped her on the table Lynda felt as though every bone in her lush, sultry body had been shattered. She felt as helpless as a baby, and realized she was completely at the mercy of Buck and his rough customers.

"Now you're going to learn a lesson, you lousy cunt!" Buck snarled, ripping off his belt. He dropped his pants, and Lynda cried out in stark terror at what she saw. "You're going to learn your place, slut! And learn what you're fucking good for, too!"

Buck's cock was thicker than Lynda's wrist and longer than her forearm. Its bulging, dripping head was at least as big as her fist. Lynda had only had sex with two men in her whole life, and she had been disgusted both times.

Lynda, who hadn't let a man touch her with a cock in almost ten years, couldn't bear the sight of the monstrous cock Buck was waving in her direction. Even the threat of his big leather belt, whicn he was swishing menacingly through the air, was nothing compared to the weapon that bobbed, almost fully erect, out from between his legs.

"No, please, no, please, no!" Lynda cried in a small, desperate voice. "Don't put that in me! Please, Buck, oh please, please, please! I couldn't stand it! I couldn't stand it!"

"The bitch don't sound so high and mighty now," one of the men said.

"Don't worry, cunt," another guy said. "A big bitch like you ought to be able to take Buck's cock without tearing too much."

"Yeah, wait to start worrying until he shoves it up your ass," a third man said.

Lynda stared wildly from one man to another, seeing nothing but lust and cruelty in their drunken faces. She was sprawled helplessly on the pool table, stripped naked, her hands tied behind her back, knocked half senseless by the battering she'd taken and in a state of near shock from the outrage that had already been perpetrated on her long, luscious body.

"Aaaaagggghhhh!" she screamed, throwing her head from side to side, curtaining her face with her silky black hair. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhh!"

"Did you say please fuck me, Buck?" Buck asked, bringing the belt lashing down into her tits again. The big, perfect mounds bounced and swayed across Lynda's chest with the impact of the blow. "Maybe you'd better say pretty-please. Maybe you'd better tell me just how much you'd like my big hard cock fucking the shit out of your scummy little pussy-hole."

The pain was incredible. Lynda had never dreamed that it was possible to hurt so bad. Her sleek, big-titted body squirmed against the green top of the pool table, immersed in an agony that seemed to be both burning and bruising its way into every inch of her skin that the belt had touched. Lynda couldn't keep her cries of anguish from tumbling past her parted lips. She couldn't stop more tears from sliding down her beautiful, pale cheeks. But she swore to herself, with every ounce of willpower she possessed, that she would never beg Buck to stick his huge, vile cock into her.

Then Buck stepped between her legs and slapped his huge cock against the lips of her tight, dry pussy, and she screamed in terror.

"Let's see how fucking far you'll stretch, Miss Cartier," Buck said in a mocking tone, then slotted the huge head of his cock against the tight pink lips of her cunt. "You should have been getting these for years, bitch. But I guess you'll make up for a lot of them before you get out of here."

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Lynda screamed as Buck started to push his massive cock against the tiny mouth of her cunt. "Slow, please slow, please slow!"

"No, big-tits," Pete said with a sneer. "Fast."

The lips of Lynda's pussy spread wide against the advance of Buck's gigantic prick. Before the fat part of his cock-head had breached the tiny mouth, her pussy-lips were spread rubberband tight.

Lynda moaned in discomfort, feeling the thin folds of flesh stretching past the point of their endurance. She tried to wiggle out of the way of the huge fuck-rod, but she was bound so tightly that she could barely lift her ass off the table. Then Buck punched his hips forward again, and she could feel herself tearing, feel Buck's cock sliding inside her.

"Yeeooowww!" Pete shouted. "You split her wide, Buck!"

"Oh, oh, oh," Lynda muttered weakly, certain that her pussy had been ruined forever, suspecting that she was being raped to death on the fleshy, foot-long spear of Buck's cock.

Lynda's cunt-lips were spread wide around the inhuman girth of Buck's long cock. Tiny trickles of blood ran from the spots where she had torn to accommodate the wrist-thick pole. The blood greased Buck's prick, making it easier for him to slide the rest of his cock inside her.

There was nothing in the world that could have made the brutal rape any easier for Lynda.

Lynda couldn't draw a breath as Buck slid his monstrous cock deep inside her pussy. She could feel the tiny pocket of her cunt stretching in a hopeless attempt to accept the fat, twelve-inch prick Buck was fucking inside her.

Every fold in her tiny cunt straightened, every nook or cranny disappeared. It wasn't nearly enough. Four inches of Buck's cock were still outside her cunt when the bruising head pounded against her cervix. "Bitch!" he hissed down into her face, drawing back out. "Worthless, big-titted, big-assed cow! You're going to take it all, whore! You're going to take very fucking inch even if it kills you!"

Lynda pleaded helplessly, wildly, but the men only laughed at her begging. Buck's cock felt like a rough-barked tree inside her dry cunt. When he pulled out her stretched-tight pussy clung to him like a rubber glove on a sweaty hand. It was as though Buck's cock was a plunger, and it was pulling her cunt right out of her body. Then, when only the head of his mammoth prick was still inside her, he fucked back in.

Lynda slammed her head against the table, the pain in her cunt so intense that it seemed to fill every nerve in her body. Two more inches of Buck's cock slid inside her this time. Lynda could feel something deep inside her tear, and when Buck leaned his weight forward the last two inches pushed in too.

Lynda whimpered at the slap of Buck's heavy balls against the curve of her ass. She knew that he was ruining her forever with his awful, freakish cock.

"You did it, bitch!" a man shouted, grabbing one of Lynda's tits and wringing it as though it were a big sponge. "You'retakinga foot of cock up your dirty little cunt!"

"Bitch!" Buck gasped, grabbing both of Lynda's huge, creamy tits in his hands and crushing them flat against her sleek, sexy body. "Fuck me back now, Lynda -- whore! Squeeze your cunt on my cock! Shake your big, sexy ass! Now, landlady! Now!"

Buck closed his fists into claws on her silky tits, then yanked the fleshy mounds to the sides with such force that Lynda was sure he was tearing them from her body. Her firm ass shot up off the table, and her savaged cunt clamped tight around Buck's cock.

It was pure self-preservation that moved the sexy, captive landlady. Tears poured down her pretty face as she fucked back against Buck's pulverizing prick.


Buck pounded Lynda with his cock, flattening her against the pool table with every brutal thrust. He swung his ass from side to side, spearing her wounded pussy first from one angle and then another. Lynda gasped, her beautiful face going pale. She couldn't believe the horrible violation of her body that was taking place, or that she had begged Buck to fuck her with his mammoth cock.

"That's it, cunt!" Buck growled, squeezing her full, round tits until her creamy flesh bulged out between his fingers. "Such a tight little cunt! Shake your big ass for me, Lynda! Shake it real good!"

Buck's cock was soaked with Lynda's blood as he stabbed it back and forth through the torn mouth of her cunt. Lynda trembled on the pool table, shivering at the lightening bolts of pain that shot through her cunt with every thrust of Buck's cock. Her big blue eyes rolled and a single, shimmering strand of spit drooled from the corner of her mouth as she passed out from the pain.

"Wake the whore up!" Buck shouted as the gorgeous landlady's long, lush body went limp beneath him.

Grady opened a beer and upended it on Lynda's helplessly upturned face. She came awake choking and crying, and before she was fully conscious Grady popped a second can and force-fed it to her in two huge gulps.

Grady opened a bottle of cheap whiskey and poured it all over Lynda's face. She choked on the hard liquor, snorting on what flowed up her nose and blinking her eyes against its stinging wash.

Several men ducked down to lick and suck at the alcohol. Lynda trembled with revulsion as their tongue's washed over her face and their lips slurped over her soft skin.

"Now shake your slutty ass, whore!" Buck growled, releasing his holds on her big aching tits and grabbing her plush hips. He jerked her ass off the tablend onto his thrusting cock. "Fuck me back, Lynda, or I'm going to make it so no one ever wants to fuck you again!"

Lynda couldn't hold back her cry of terror. It hurts horribly, but the next time Buck shoved his foot-long cock into her cunt Lynda bounced her ass up off the table to meet him.

"That's it!" Buck shouted, fucking Lynda's helpless cunt even harder. "Shake your ass, you sweet whore! Clamp your scummy pussy on my big cock!"

Lynda cried at the depth of her desecration, at the fact that she was being forced to aid her tormentors in the violation of her own body. Her cunt had started juicing, hut the lubrication it was providing was far too little, far too late. Every tearing slice ot Buck's massive cock felt like a killing stab from a razor-sharp knife.

"Tell me you love it," Buck said, leaning over her sleek, sultry body and washing his tongue over her face.

"I love it!" Lynda gasped, her voice hollow, her eyes glazed. Buck's tongue lapped into her eyes, played over her lips, every poked into her ears and nostrils. "I love it! I love it! I love it!"

Something terrible was happening inside her. It had started out feeling like a rug burn on the tender nubbin of her clit. Now it was growing hotter, more intense, like nothing she had never felt before. Lynda recognized the sensation as pleasure, wrung from her unwilling pussy by the unbearable friction of Buck's huge cock on her sensitive clit. The reallzation that she could be feeling pleasure in the middle of this brutal assault almost unhinged the lovely landlady's mind.

"Have some more to drink, Miss Cartier," Grady said, uncapping another bottle of booze and poking the neck between Lynda's moist, parted lips.

The dazed beauty swallowed without even reallzing what she was doing. Buck dropped his head to her full, round tits and chewed on her nipples until she was jerking and squirming uncontrollably at the new agony. When Grady pulled the bottle out from between her hps Lynda's head was swimming. For a moment she wasn't even sure where she was. Then Buck sank his strong fingers into her creamy soft ass and jerked her onto his cock and she remembered oniy too well. "I'm cumining, Lynda!" he bellowed, raising up off her squirming body and hammering his massive cock into her with pussy shattering force. "Get ready to suck up some jism, whore, because I'm going to give your pussy a fucking cock-cream shower!"

Lynda's feelings of pleasure disappeared in an instant when she heard what Buck was saying. Her tattered cunt clamped tight around his pistoning cock and her svelte body froze on the pool table.

"No, Buck!" Lynda cried pitifully, staring up at the big man with wide, frightened eyes. "Don't cum inside me! Please, please, please, please, don't shoot your stuff in my pussy! Oh, please!"

"Drown on it!" Buck shouted cruelly, skewering her torn pussy as his cock spurted jism. "Maybe we can make a fucking baby slut to carry on the family tradition!"

Lynda almost vomited as Buck's jism splashed deep into her shredded cunt. He had a huge load, and he milked every drop of it inside her clasping, violated pussy-hole. Lynda could feel it, a heavy, wet weight deep inside her, burning and slushy and slowly soaking into her poor little pussy. It was as though by shooting his jism inside her Buck had somehow polluted her beyond hope of redemption.

"Just like a dog pissing on a tree," Buck said as if he'd read her mind while he shot the last of his jism into her fouled little cunt. "You're my piece of ass now, Lynda. Of course, there's a lot more dogs in this kennel."

Lynda wept in shame and degradation at Buck's mocking words. When he pulled his cock from her cunt as she saw it soaked with her blood, she cried in terror. He had ripped her wide open with his massive cock.

And he was just the first. Grady was already stepping between her legs, slapping the fat head of his massive cock down on the plump mound of her pussy.

"Take a look," Buck said, stepping around the end of the table and holding his cock over Lynda's head. Drops of blood and strands of sticky fuck-juice dripped onto Lynda's face. "Looks good, doesn't it? Good enough to eat. Lick my cock, Lynda. Lick it clean of all your nasty pussy-slime." Buck slapped her face with his dripping cock, smearing her lovely features with blood, jism and pussy-cream. Lynda gagged as Buck rubbed the foul mix of sex slime onto her cheeks, nose and forehead. He ran his dirty cock over her lips until she wore a coat of sticky red lipstick.

It took every ounce of willpower Lynda possessed to open her mouth and stick out her tongue. Buck rewarded her by dragging his foul, filthy cock all over the dainty pink lapper.

"Nhhhh!" Lynda moaned in disgust and shame as Buck wiped his filthy cock clean on her pretty tongue. The taste was so foul that she couldn't keep from gagging. "Nh-ugh! Ugh! Oh, please! Ugh!"

"Oh please?" Grady said, a grin on his face as he slapped his fat cock brutally against the petal-pink lips of Lynda's pussy. "Are you begging me to fuck you, fancy-ass Miss Cartier? Is that what you're begging for?"

Lynda couldn't answer Grady with Buck wiping his cock clean on her tongue, but she stared up at him with her big, blue eyes, a miserabie expression on her gorgeous face. Grady was so turned on by the sexy landlady's suffering that he decided to add a little to it. With a snap of his wrist and a quick, brutal jab of his hips, he buried his whole foot-long cock into Lynda's pussy.

"Ahhhh!" Lynda screamed, her eyes crossing as Grady sliced his cock between her stretched pussy-lips. "Nhhaaaooowww! Slow, Grady, please, please slow! I hurt so much already, Grady! Please, slow!"

"You had your chance for slow and you fucking blew it," Buck said, wiping her tongue with his cock one last time, then drying it in her silky black hair. "The only thing that's going to help you now is fast. And that's what you're fucking going to get."

Grady grabbed Lynda's full tits in his big hands, jerking her sleek, sultry body against his savagely pistoning prick. Lynda stared up at him blankly, her big blue eyes empty with shock, her mouth hanging slack. Her long, lush body jerked with spasms as Grady's cock pounded her into the pool table. She twisted and writhed on the green felt of the pool table, her sensual, thrashing body trembling with pain and jolted by every shattering fuck-thrust Grady dealt her. He moaned with pleasure at the way Lynda's sleek, twisting body was dancing around on his hard prick.
Lynda whimpered in terror and hunched her ass up off the table to meet Grady's pounding cock-thrusts. She whipped her hips from side to side, wringing the big prick with her hot pussy. She worked her cunt on his cock like a velvet gloved hand, trying to ignore the agony that burned through her tiny, tattered fuck-hole.

"Yeah," Grady said, locking his strong hands around Lynda's lush hips and jerking her back and forth on his ruining cock. "I'm going to cum, Miss Cartier. I'm going to soak your pussy with some working-class jizz!"

"No," Lynda whimpered weakly as Grady's first blast of cum splattered deep inside her already marshy cunt. "Not again. No... no, not another time!"

"A lot of times," Pete said, slapping the beautiful landlady across the bridge of her nose with his long, hard cock. "So many times that by the time we're done with you you'll just be one big gooey mound of jism."
She could also feel the firehose splash of Grady's tacky cock-slime in her battered little cunt. Each new spurt slapped into her like a separate line of fire, and as it soaked into her pussy flesh its heat seemed to fill every inch of her long, lush body. Lynda jerked and wiggled, but her cunt stayed spitted on Grady's foot long, fountaining cock.

"That was a nice, sleazy fuck, Miss Cartier," Grady said, pulling his cock from her cunt and squeezing out the last of his cum onto her silky cunt-hair. "Why, somebody who didn't know better would think you were nothing but a sexy whore down here to take on the guys for a hundred bucks."

"Please, no more!" Lynda sobbed. Every inch of her sensual, sultry body burned with pain. Her cunt felt like so much raw hamburger. "I can't anymore! It hurts too bad!"

"Open your mouth, Miss Cartier," Grady said, stepping around the side of the table.

Pete took his place between the sprawled beauty's outstretched legs. "I want to give you a big wet kiss. To thank you for being such a sweet little piece of ass."

Lynda still couldn't see. She parted her moist lips as soon as Grady told her to, broken to the fact that she had to obey whatever orders Buck and his mob of customers gave her. A moment later Grady pushed the fat, sloppy head of his cock right into her open mouth.

Lynda screamed, but her cries were blocked by the huge roll of cock-flesh Grady was forcing down her throat. She gagged at the taste of blood, pussy-cream, and the cum of two different men, and Grady and the others laughed at her. She tried to jerk her head away, but Grady had already impaled her face on four inches of jaw-breaking cock.

"Swallow it, whore!" a man shouted, grabbing Lynda's full right tit and wringing it like a damp washcloth.

"Deep-throat him, slut!" another man screamed, slapping Lynda's lush left tit again and again, turning the creamy pillow red with his handprints.

Lynda didn't have any choice. Her lips were spread so wide around Grady's massive cock that they were cracked and bleeding. Her jaws were wedged so far apart that Lynda didn't think they would ever close properly again. The fist-sized head of Grady's cock was bigger than Lynda's tiny throat. When he jammed it against her gullet, Lynda couldn't breathe at all.

Grady didn't care. Lynda's throat stretched wide, and then something in the soft, wet tunnel tore, as Grady force-fed her inch after inch of his wrist thick cock. The men laughed and pointed as Lynda's throat bulged with the huge girth of Grady's prick.

Lynda thought she was going to black out. She couldn't draw a breath around the throat-clogging girth of Grady's massive cock. She was in so much pain that she would have welcomed a chance to pass out, thogh she realized sadly that Grady and the others would just wake her back up again. An instant later her pain became infinitely worse, and she wished for oblivion even more.

Pete was fucking his cock up her virgin asshole.

"You like this, you big-titted cow?" Pete growled, spreading Lynda's creamy asscheeks wide and pushing his huge cock against the tiny pore of her shitter. "You've got such a big sweet ass that I just couldn't resist sticking my cock up it." Lynda's sleek, sultry body froze on the pool table. She arched her ass high above the green felt, every well toned muscle in her athletic frame tensing hard as steel cable. The press of Pete's huge cock against her tiny asshole hurt worse than anyting sile had ever felt before.

Grady pulled his clean cock out of Lynda's mouth, slapping her across the bridge of her nose a couple times before he stepped back away from her. Once Grady was gone Lynda stared at Pete in horror and disbelief. His cock was so huge. And she had never imagined having a cock of any size fucked into her tiny, tender asshole.

"No!" she gasped, her beautiful face going white as Pete's massive cock-head pushed against the tight outer ring of muscles that protected her tiny shitter. "Anything, Pete, anything but that!"

"Fuck you," Pete said, dribbling spit onto one hand and rubbing it all over his massive prick. "Fuck you right up the ass. And if you keep fighting it, I'm just going to tear you up real bad."

Lynda couldn't stop fighting him. The muscles that ringed her asshole locked tighter than they ever had before, trying desperately to block the passage of Pete's cock inside her. The strain of holding his cock out made her break into a clammy sweat. It caused her to shiver uncontrollably. It felt as though she was freezing and burning up at the same time.

Men grabbed her full, creamy asscheeks, spreading them wide apart. Other men grabbed her around her waist, by her shoulders and tits and arms and legs. They held her completely still as Pete wedged the tip of his cock-head into her tiny asshole.

"Please!" Lynda sobbed in a tiny, broken voice. The outer ring of muscle that protected her shitter was tiring. She knew it was going to give way soon. "Please, not this, not this! Hurts so bad!"

The head of Pete's cock slipped into her asshole.

There was a loud pop. Lynda felt her muscles relax, then draw tight again as they stretched as wide as they could. Pete leaned in harder and the muscles tore. Then Pete's massive cock-head was inside her, filling her until she felt the need to shit as she never had before. Lynda couldn't draw a breath with the massive ball of flesh buried inside her asshole. She jerked and bucked around even under the restraining hands of a dozen strong men. The pain tore her and burned her at the same time, until it felt as though she was being stabbed by a blazing sword.

The tiny mouth of Lynda's shit-chute was spread obscenely wide around the bulging head of Pete's cock. The pink ring of her asshole was spread rubberband tight around the wrist-thick shaft. A tiny trickle of blood ran down from the over-stretched pore and ran down the velvety crack of Lynda's ass.

"Hurts real good, doesn't it?" Pete hissed in Lynda's ear. "And that's just the head, you stuck-up piece of shit cunt! Now you're going to get to gobble every fucking inch!"

Those were the last words Lynda heard before she passed out from the pain and the shock of the tearing penetration. The last thing she felt was inch after inch of Pete's enormous cock fucking its way deep into her bowels. Her tiny shit-chute stretched and tore, the tight rings of muscle pulled loose by the unnatural intrusion of Pete's wrist-thick prick. It was when Pete's balls slapped up into the crack of Lynda's ass that she passed out completely, her big blue eyes rolling back in her head.

The man laughed and cursed the luscious landlady. They let her stay out a few minutes this time, joking over the way that Pete was battering her limp, sultry body. Pete fucked her unconscious body as savagely as he could, pounding his cock into her ravaged asshole until his cock was soaked with her blood. When Pete was almost ready to cum, he had Grady open another bottle. He wanted Lynda to be awake when he filled her tattered shitter with his jism.

Grady splashed Lynda's face with whiskey, then jammed the bottle between her lips as soon as she came awake. Lynda looked like a miserable little baby as she sucked down the whiskey Grady was pouring into her mouth. The sight of her lush lips wrapped around the liquor bottle turned on one of the men so much that he stepped in close and sprayed his burning hot jism all over her big, soft tits.

Lynda cried out in shock and disgust as the greasy lines of cock-slime slappeddown onto her creamy skin. They looked like slug tracks running over the rounded pillows of her tits. "Here it comes, whore!" Pete screamed, locking his strong hands around Lynda's tiny waist and impaling her on his massive cock. "I'm going to fill up your filthy little asshole with my sweet cum. I'm going to pump you so full of jizz that it'll be running out your ears!"
"Pete!" she whimpered softly. "Oh, Pete! Oh, Pete!"

Lynda didn't understand what was happening to her. Her asshole had been torn to ribbons. The pain from the brutal ass-rape was running all the way up into her shoulders, all the way down her long, lush legs. She'd been raped and beaten and humiliated in every degraded fashion possible.

"Fuck my ass, Pete!" she sobbed, thinking that it must be the alcohol and the shock that was doing this shameful thing to her. "Fill my whorish ass with cum! Fuck me, you bastard! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

"Fuck you, tramp!" Pete hissed back. "I'm cumming!"

Lynda screamed in agony as Pete flushed her ravaged shit-chute with his burning jism. One gooey streamer after another spurted deep inside her. It felt to Lynda as though she was receiving a jism enema. Pete filled her reamed out asshole with his gluey cum, then pulled his cock out of her shitter and dribbled the last of his jism all over the silky backs of her thighs.

Lynda collapsed back against the pool table as Pete stepped around its edge. She felt as though Pete had fucked every last bit of life out of her. She was too tired and hurt to move a muscle. The booze created fog that surrounded her only made things worse. When Pete laid his still-hard cock across her face, Lynda moaned with despair. It was drenched with her blood, smeared with her shit and streaked with his cum. She knew what he was going to make her do.

"No," she whispered between clenched teeth. She couldn't do it. Nothing could be worse than having to lick her own shit off Pete's filthy, bloody cock. "I won't let you. I won't. You can do anything with me you want to, but not that. Please not that."

"Okay," Pete said with an easy grin. "Give her another drink, Grady. Shit, the sexy little slut's had a pretty hard night. She deserves it."

Grady uncapped a bottle of rum this time, and poked it between Lynda's lips. She didn't want to drink anymore, but she guzzled the booze as it flowed into her mouth. Grady made her drink almost half the bottle, and when he pulled it away, Lynda's head was swimming. And before she could close her lips Pete had pushed his cock deep into her mouth.

Lynda gagged. Her big, sexy body shook with her retching. Pete's cock stretched her lips wide and sprung her jaws. He kept pushing until she had swallowed every ghastly inch. Then he drew back until only the head of his cock was still trapped between her lips and fed it to her again.

Men stepped up on either side of Lynda, rubbing their hard cocks all over her creamy tits. They pushed their dripping cock-heads into her perfectly rounded tits until her silky skin was slick with their fuck-lube.

Lynda moaned with unexpected pleasure at the sensation of having hard pricks rubbed over her big tits. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, and against her will it was turning her on.

Pete pulled his cock back until the first few inches of it sat on Lynda's pink tongue. He swished it back and forth inside her spit-filled mouth Lynda could taste salty blood and meaty jism. She also tasted the base, putrid flavor of shit. It made her want to throw up, but she didn't try to pull away.

"Suck me," Pete said. "I want to cum again, Lynda, right in your pretty mouth."

Lynda stared up at Pete in horror, but she did as he told her. The booze they had made her drink had robbed her of the last of her willpower. Three cocks were working on her voluptuous body at the same time. The cocks that were rubbing over her tits were dribbling fuck-lube all over her silky skin. Pete's cock was clean from its fucking of her asshole, but it was already leaking slippery strands of pre-cum into her waiting mouth. Before long lines of her spit and his fuck-lube were dribbling from the corners of her lips, striping her pretty cheeks.

"Mmmmmmm!" Lynda moaned with pleasure as Buck stepped between her spread legs. His cock looked long and hard and luscious to Lynda's confused mind. "Mmnmnmmnnn!"

"The bitch is getting into it," one of the men fucking her tits said, driving his cock into the silky mound of her right tit until most of his cock disappeared into the creamy soft cushion.

"Let's see her get into this," Buck said, pulling a pool cue off the wall. "I'm going to fuck you, Lynda. I'm going to fuck you real good."

"Nhhhhhh!" Lynda groaned around her mouthful of cock as Buck poked the tip of the pool cue between the swollen lips of her baflered pussy. "Nhhhhhh!"

Buck shoved the pool cue deep inside her.

Lynda's cunt grabbed at the long rod of wood. Her clit wiggled as the slick wood rubbed over it. Buck drove the pool cue a foot into her cunt with the first plunge, then jerked it back out and thrust it in again.

The end of the cue knifed into Lynda's cervix and the gorgeous captive landlady thought she was going to die.

She also thought that she was going to cum.

Lynda had never had an orgasm in her life, but she recognized the ticklings inside her, the heat that was building in her pussy and stomach. Her cunt clutched at the pool cue as though it was the cock of a long lost lover. Her clit buzzed and wriggled as the wood rubbed against it.

"Oh, yes!" she gasped around Pete's fat cock. "Oh, no! Oh, yes! Oh, no! Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Lynda's long, sultry body arched up off the pool table. Her creamy asscheeks flexed like a chewing mouth. Her cunt-lips fluttered around the cue like butterfly wings. The silky hollow of her stomach rolled like a belly dancer's. Spit poured out of her mouth, drenching her beautiful, flushed face.

"The slut's cumming!" Pete shouted, driving his cock into her clasping mouth. "Cum, you dirty whore! Cum like the sleazy slut that you are!"

One of the men fucking her tits moaned and started slopping his jism all over her chest. A moment later the other man was cumming too. Lynda wailed with passion as jism poured all over her shifting, creamy tits. To Lynda's dazed mind the men's cum seemed like the creamiest lotion she'd ever been rubbed with.

The men plastered Lynda's tits with their jism. Gooey lines of cum splattered everywhere, striping Lynda's perfect tits and soaking into her silky skin.

Lynda thrashed on the pool table, slurping at Pete's cock as though it was the most deliciow thing she had ever tasted. She hollowed her pretty cheeks as she sucked him. She soaked his cock in her spit and then sponged it away with her tongue. She nuzzled his cock with her pretty lips. Her face was soaked with her spit and his fuck-lube. It was the sweetest, sloppiest blow-job Pete had ever gotten.

"I'm cumming, you dirty twat!" Pete shouted, shoving his cock ballseep in Lynda's throat, then pulling back so that he could spurt his jism right into her wet, waiting mouth. "Drink some jizz, you fat-titted cow! Suck it down like the cocksucking piece of shit you are!"

Pete's jism filled Lynda's mouth. It exploded off her tongue like shrapnel and soaked every corner of her mouth. It filled her cheeks until they bulged like a chipmunk's. Lynda had never tasted fresh male cum before, and the flavor was so salty and meaty that it made her head swim. She swallowed one gooey mouthful after another, but she couldn't keep up with the gluey tidal wave. In an instant gluey globes of cockslime were rolling down her hollowed cheeks.

Lynda was cumming.

The orgasm rattled through her beaten, bound body like a runaway freight train. Lynda's sleek, sexy body thrashed and jumped off the pool table.

Buck drove almost two feet of the long, slender pool cue into her writhing body. He was plugging her cervix with every plunge, stretching her cunt so far out of shape that the deranged beauty didn't think it would ever be the same again.

Pete pulled his cock out from between Lynda's lips, dribbling the last of his cum onto her waiting, upturned face. Buck drove the pool cue relentlessly into her cunt, driving it into her until she had stopped moving on top of the table and lay limp as a corpse on the green felt surface. Some of the men spit on her trembling, beautiful body.

Lynda felt the world spinning away from her as the last dregs of her orgasm poured through her limp, exhausted body. She had climaxed, climaxed while being violated, degraded and tortured by a vile mob of savage men. She wished she could just die. She had the terrible feeling that it was going to be a long time before the men let her do that, or let her escape them in any other way.


They untied Lynda and made her walk over to the bar. Lynda's long, shapely legs felt like rubber. She weaved drunkenly in the midst of the crowd of men. They made things even harder on her by grabbing her, pinching her tits, slapping her ass, fucking fingers into her reamed-out cunt and asshole.

Lynda felt like something less than human as she stumbled toward the bar. She was naked, her luscious body on display for the men who surrounded her. She was dripping jism and pussy-cream and blood down her creamy thighs. And every man in the bar was pawing her perfectly proportioned body, as though she was some mindless, sexy creature they had bought and paid for.

When Lynda finally reached the bar, hands grabbed her from every side. She was lifted off her feet and thrown on the bar the same way she had been thrown on the pool table earlier. This time, though, her head was hanging off one side of the bar and her ass was hanging off the other.

Her long sexy legs dangled toward the floor, the spikes of her heels barely brushing the hardwood surface. Men stretched Lynda's arms out to her sides and tied her wrists to the edges of the bar. Lynda whimpered in anguish as the men tugged her arms out painfully wide. The men left her legs free, joking with each other about how they wanted her able to wrap those long, meaty legs around their asses while they fucked her.

When they finished with her, Lynda was sprawled across the bar, looking like a sexy meal ready to be devoured. She cried out in pain, both from the way her arms were pulled wide and bound and from the way only a tiny portion of her back had to support all her weight.
"Somebody stick a cock in sweet little Miss Cartier and take her mind off what we're going to do to her."

Lynda grunted with pain as a big man with a lot of missing teeth stuffed his cock into her cunt. She wrapped her long, muscular legs around his ass almost on reflex, and the men laughed at her. One of them boasted about how quick they were teaching the tight-ass landlady how to act like a real woman. The man's cock was no more than seven inches long, but Lynda's cunt was so battered and swollen that it felt like it was two feet long.

"Please stop!" she moaned, staring up at Buck, her big blue eyes miserable and pleading. "You're killing me! You're ruining me forever!"

Lynda shrieked in agony, arching her long, sexy body up off the bar. The man fucking her groaned with pleasure as she whipped her hips from side to side in a hopeless, vain attempt to throw the smoldering match off her silky skin. He wrapped his big hands around her satiny hips and pounded his cock into her brutally, almost knocking her off the bar.
Lynda bucked high off the table, driving her hips against the man who was fucking her. When her cunt clenched tight around the man's cock, he groaned and filled her cunt with his jism.
The cool rush of jism into her injured pussy was like a salve to Lynda. Her scream of pain turned into a coo of relief, and she locked her long, lush legs tight around the man's pistoning ass. Her big, creamy ass bucked high pff the table, meeting every savage thrust of his spurting cock into her pussy. Their bodies made wet, sweaty slapping sounds as they collided.

"That's it, you fancy slut," Pete said, puffing on his own cigarette. "You keep moving that ass just the way you are now!"

"I'll bet Miss Cartier didn't think she had enough energy left to shake her ass like that," Grady said, flicking ashes from his cigarette into Lynda's open mouth. "Here, tits, let me show you how we really want you shaking that big, sexy ass!"

The man who had fucked her was pulling away, wiping his slimy cock clean on Lynda's creamy thigh before he left her. Before the next man stepped up Grady ran his cigarette down one side of Lynda's pink pussy-lips and up the other. Then he jabbed it quickly right into the center of her gaping, dripping cunt.

"Please, please, please!" Lynda shrieked, thrashing around on the bar as though she was suffering some kind of fit. "Anything! I'll do anything! I'll give you anything! Please!"

"Now you're going to get it, slut!" the man growled, hooking her leg over his shoulder and slapping his fat cock against the swollen pink lips of Lynda's pussy. "I'll bet you've never had cock stuffed in both your dirty holes at the same time, have you?"

"Answer him, whore!" another man shouted, sliding the head of his cock into the tight crack of Lynda's ass. He dragged the cigarette he was holding across the back of Lynda's knee, making her howl in agony. "Have you ever had both your scummy holes fucked at the same time."

"No," Lynda whispered, her voice shaking badly as the man traced his cigarette up and down the back of her calf. "No, I've never had -- never had both my scummy little holes fucked at the same time. Oh please, no, please, no! I can't take anymore!"
At that moment the man in front of her fucked his fat cock into her pussy. Lynda grunted with pain at the penetration. When the man behind her forced his hard cock up her tiny shit-chute, she felt the world spinning away from her again. The last thing she remembered before she passed out was swallowing the cigarette like a dutiful slave.

The men let her stay unconscious for a few minutes, amusing themselves by making her jerk and wiggle and moan while her conscious mind was on hold. The men fucking her cunt and asshole battered her senseless body brutally back and forth, driving their cocks into her ravaged fuck-holes until they came. Almost as soon as the first two backed way, two more stepped up to take their places.
After the second pair of fuckers hosed their jism up Lynda's pussy and asshole, Buck decided it was time to wake her up. A man got so excited that he shot his load, stepping in close so that he could bathe Lynda's beautiful face with his jism. As the slushy cock filth slithered over her cheeks Lynda started crying again, her whole body shaking with the force of her grief.
Buck fucked her hard and fast, driving his cock into her so savagely that men had to hold Lynda to keep her from being knocked over the side of the bar. Her tattered shitter turned with the friction of Buck's hard cock fucking deep inside her. She could feel the moist channel stretching wider and wider, and she wondered if it would ever be the same again. The jolting of the brutal fuck caused Lynda to spill piss all over her face, but Buck didn't seem to mind.
His monstrous cock still hurt her tiny shitter so badly that she couldn't stop shivering, that she felt as though her back was being broken. But it was starting to excite her, too. Slowly, impossibly, the stab of Buck's cock up her ass was starting to turn her on.

Lynda iifted her long, sexy legs and wrapped them tightly around Buck's muscular ass.. Her pussy was squirming and dripping, and her cockclogged asshole flexed around his ruining cock as though it wanted to squeeze every ounce of jism he had out of his balls and deep into her body. Her tiny cries of pain transformed themselves into grunts and moans of pleasure.

"Tell me you love it, whore," Buck said, fucking his cock into her asshole as though he wanted to fuck it out through her full-lipped mouth. "You're turned on, aren't you, landlady? Say it so everybody can
"Such a good little slut," Buck whispered. "Such a beautiful little slut. And such a big girl. You're the sexiest bitch this town has ever seen, Lynda big tits, big ass, and the sweetest little face a man could ever want. And you belong to me, don't you?"

"I do, Buck!" Lynda moaned, pulling Buck tight with her long legs, flipping her ass up to meet every thrust of his huge cock. "I'm your whore, Buck! I'm your slut! You're going to make me cum! Oh shit, you're making me cum!"

"You're making me cum, too, Lynda," Buck gasped, grinding his cock savagely into her shitter. "And I'm not going to cum in your big sweet ass. I'm going to cum in your hot little cunt."

Lynda cried with disappointment when Buck yanked his cock from her asshole. She shrieked with ecstasy when he buried it to the hilt in her cunt. Her climax hit her like a speeding truck. She went into convulsions, writhing and twitching wildly. She dropped the mug and grabbed her tits, tearing and twisting at the big, silky mounds until she caused herself to bleed.

"Cumming!" she screamed, her big eyes glazed, spit drooling from the corners of her mouth. "Cumming! Cumming, cumming, cumming! Oh, Buck! Oh, Buck! Fuck me!"

Buck screamed with pleasure too. Her cunt was so wet and hot that Buck couldn't hold back anymore. It squeezed and tugged on his cock in a convulsion of pure lust. With a deep, long groan he hosed his jism up her burning hot pussy.

"Agggggghhhhhhhhh!" Lynda shrieked, deranged with the pleasure she was feeling. "Oh! Ohhhhh! Yes!"

Buck's jism burned into her pussy like acid. Every wet shot of his cum inside her drove Lynda a little bit crazier. Her pussy clamped around his cock as though it never wanted to let it go. One orgasm after another pounded through her beautiful, thrashing body.

"Do you want to fuck these other guys now?" Buck asked at last, fucking his still-hard cock inside Lynda's swampy pussy. "Are you going to make all my friends feel good?"

"Yesssssss!" Lynda hissed, tossing her head and driving her hips up at Buck's thrusting cock. "I'll fuck them all so good! I'll make them all cum so good!"

"Good," Buck said with a smirk, puffing his cock from her cunt. "Give her a bottle, Grady. The good stuff. I think we've got a real pet here. Yeah, I think this big-titted whore is ready to make us all real happy."

"And for a real long time," Grady said, pulling a bottle of whiskey off the shelf. "And after she drinks this shit she might just love us all as much as she loves you."

"I aiready do," Lynda said, her mind nearly unhinged. "I love you all. All of you, and all of your big, hard cocks!" When Grady shoved the bottle between her lips, Lynda drank the whiskey as though it was mother's milk.


"Pretty cocks," Lynda cooed, looking up at the stiff, dripping pricks that surrounded her. "Such pretty, pretty cocks!"

Grady had made her drink most of the bottle of whiskey before the men had turned her over on the bar. Now she was lying across it on her stomach, staring at the three hard cocks that were pointing at her face. Behind her two more stiff pricks were rubbing over the lush, silky cheeks of her ass. Dozens more hard, dripping cocks were waiting to take their turns on her. The news of what was happening at Buck's Bar had spread through the town. The place was packed now, so full of horny men that Pete had had to lock the door and turn off the sign. There wasn't room for anyone else.

"Please don't hurt me," Lynda said in a little-girl voice, looking up at Buck. "Please don't hurt me bad!"

"Why would we want to hurt you now?" Buck asked, flashing the other men a mocking grin. "You're being such a good little girl, such a good, big-titted little girl."

"I am a good girl," Lynda said eagerly, and when Buck rubbed his hand over her face, she licked and kissed his fingers like a happy little puppy. "A very good, big-titted girl."

"Let's fuck her," one of the men rubbing his cock over her full, round ass said. He slapped one meaty asscheek. "Hey, whore! Tell us you want us to fuck you!"

"I do," Lynda said, her crystal blue eyes wide and thoughtful. She was drunk almost to the point of passing out and in a state of shock from all the fucking and torture she had endured. "I want you to fuck me right now!"

"And beat you?" Pete asked, stepping up inside Lynda and slapping his belt softly against the small of her back.

"Oh please," Lynda said, fat tears slipping down from the corners of her big, blue eyes. "Yes, please beat me too! If you want to beat me, that's what I want too."

Lynda looked to Buck for approval, and when she saw him smile, she felt warm and wanted inside. Lynda had never had a steady boyfriend, and in her drunken, muddled state that was what Buck seemed like. She wanted to do everything she could to make him happy.
One of the men behind her stuffed the head of his cock between the swollen, drooping lips of her cunt and fucked his cock inside her until his balls were snuggled tight against her quivering, silky thigh.

The men in front of her stepped closer, rubbing their hard, leaking cocks all over Lynda's beautiful, aristocratic face. One of them plunged his cock straight down her throat, squirming his ass and shoving his cock until Lynda's pretty face was mashed into his musty crotch hair.

Then the other man behind her stepped close and pushed the head of his cock against the cock-stuffed lips of Lynda's pussy.

"Mmmmgggrrffhhhh!" Lynda cried around her mouthful of prick. She arched her back against the hellish pressure on her cunt, jerking her big, sexy ass wildly from side to side.

Her pussy had been fucked loose and filled with so much jism that it was slick as greased ice. Her pussy-cream was running down the insides of her thighs.

Even that much lubrication couldn't ease the penetration of two thick cocks into the squirming, captive body. She squealed with pain as the second man pressed his cock into her tiny pink cunt mouth.

The head of the man's cock popped into her pussy, stretching the mouth of her swollen cunt wide. Lynda cried out in agony, then moaned deep in her throat as the man drove his cock to the hilt inside her. Her long, sultry body trembled with the pain of the unnatural penetration.

Her poor, tattered cunt felt like a sock on Christmas morning, stuffed so full of toys that it was stretched almost to the point of bursting wide open. Her legs felt as though they were dislocated. It was as though she was sitting on some huge wooden stake, one that was piercing every inch of her body, driving a wedge inside her that was going to split her in two.

Her throat was clogged with cock. The other two men dragged their slippery pricks all over her face. The man on the right slapped her face with his cock, beating Lynda's pretty face as though he was wielding a billyclub instead of a hardened length of fuck-meat. The man on the left was smearing his cock all over her face, probing her nose, her ear, even bumping the slick head of his prick into Lynda's wide blue eyes.

The man in the center was fucking Lynda's throat as though it was her cunt. Lynda choked with every throat-stuffing thrust, but the man only laughed and wiggled his ass so he could drive his cock in deeper. He pulled his cock out and the man on the right slid his in, driving even deeper past her gullet. The center man took over slapping Lynda's face, smearing her spit and his fuck-lube over her nose and cheeks and forehead.

"Look at the whore!" "Take those cocks, you sleazy tramp! You're starting to learn aren't you? Tell us, suck-slut, have you figured out your fucking place yet?"

The man on the right pulled his spit-soaked cock out of Lynda's hungry lips, leaving her mouth free to answer. All three men were wiping their cocks over her face now, overwhelming Lynda with the two feet of stiff prick they were making her pleasure. Laughing all three men started hitting Lynda in the face with their cocks. They slopped fuck-lube all over her, and before long her beautiful face was soaked with their pre-cum.

"Answer me, whore!" Pete screamed. Her creamy skin was crossed with angry red welts. "What should a slut be doing? What's the only thing a big-titted, big-assed landlady bitch is good for?"

"Being fucked!" Lynda moaned pitifully, her voice shaking from the pounding double-fuck she was getting, garbled from the triple prick-beating the men in front of her were giving her pretty face. Spit and fuck-lube poured over her lips in gooey strands. "A bitch with big tits and a big ass should be using her slutty body to make men feel good! She should be on her knees! On her back with her legs in the air! On all fours, taking a cock from behind like the bitch dog she is!"

"What are you, then, Miss Cartier?" Grady asked, stepping up with a lit cigarette and pressing it against the reamed-out pink bud of her asshole. "Tell us who you belong to and what the fuck you are."

"A whore!" Lynda screamed, writhing in sexual agony as the man behind her wrecked her pussy with their fucking. "A slut! I'm a pussy and an ass and a big, bouncy set of tits! I belong to you! I belong to you and to any man who wants to stick his cock in my slutty body and take me like the bitch I am! Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh shit, I'm such a dirty whore!"

"That's right," Grady said with a grin, pulling the cigarette off her burning asshole. He hefted his fat cock in his hand and aimed it at the small of Lynda's back. "What do you know, guys? The dumb slut got it right."

Her cunt clutched tight around the double-fucking cocks that stuffed it, and an orgasm exploded through her.

"Suck this cock, whore!" one of the men in front of her shouted, punching his spit-slick prick between her lush, parted lips. "Suck me off, you shitty bitch!"

Lynda locked her lips tight around the big cock, hollowing her cheeks as she applied suction to the meaty length of prick. She lashed her tongue on the bulging cock-head, drooling spit and pre-cum down her chin.

She leaned her face into the cocks that were pushing against it. She was cumming, and she couldn't get enough of the five cocks that were simultaneously ravaging her long, sexy frame.

She tried to buck her ass back against the hard-driving cocks of the two men behind her, but their doubled fuck-thrusts pounded her back against the side of the bar. It felt as though her pussy was being worked over by a hard-punching fighter, hammered fffst with one fist and then the other.

The men varied their rhythms so that sometimes they would take turns jabbing their cocks into Lynda's cunt and other times they would pound in and draw out at the same time. When the men varied their fuck-strokes, Lynda felt as though she was filled with a cock that never needed to pull back at all, that only thrust and thrust and thrust, beating her pussy to mush. When they drove into her together the jarring double impact would knock Lynda senseless, jolting her long, lush body with the force of a speedmg truck.

"Bitch!" the man she was sucking roared, clamping his strong hands against the sides of Lynda's head and fucking her throat with rabbitqulck fuck-thrusts. "You're making me cum, landlady! Suck some jizz, you gorgeous cunt!"

Lynda gagged on the first thick streamer of jism that spurted into her throat. It went down the wrong way and Lynda coughed uncontrollably. Cum dribbled from her nose and splashed out of her mouth. The next throat clogging splash poured like a lava flow down her throat and into her stomach. Then the man pulled back, filling Lynda's sucking mouth with tacky fuck-slime. Still choking on the first gooey streamer of cum, Lynda couldn't swallow any of it, and soon cum was pouring out over her cock-stretched lips.

"Drink it, you worthless cow!" the man shouted, humping her pretty face. He pounded his fists into the sides of her head, knocking her almost unconscious. "Drink it, slut! Drink it, whore! Swallow my jizz, you big-assed piece of shit!"

Lynda tried as hard as she could, but she couldn't do as the man offered. With a curse of disgust he pulled his spurting cock out of her mouth and pointed it right between her eyes. He cackled with pleasure as he fired sticky jism streamers into Lynda's wide eyes. The cum streamed down her face like tears. Finally he smeared his cock all over her nose, leaking the last of his jism and smudging it into Lynda's beautiful face.

"Oh yeah!" one of the other men shouted, stuffing the head of his cock between Lynda's parted, cum drooling lips just as he shot his first thick dollop of jism. "Here's some more, landlady! Suck it down, you sorry cunt!"

Lynda didn't even try to swallow his load of cum. It was splashing into her mouth too fast, too powerfully. Jism poured out over her face, webbed her lips and teeth together. Her lips blubbered over the thrusting length of fuck-meat, greased by a double load of cum. By the time the second man pulled his still-spurting cock out of her mouth Lynda was wearing a beard of sticky, dirty white jism. The man splashed the last of his cum all over her face, beating her with this cock while he fouled her cheeks and nose and forehead with his tacky cock-julce.

The third man plunged his cock between her jism-frosted lips. His cum poured into her mouth like water from a tap, and Lynda clamped her lips tight around his prick just behind the ridge at the back of his cock-head. She gulped his jism as it filled her mouth, but she couldn't swallow fast enough to keep up with the glut of cum. Her stomach felt swollen with jism. Like his friends the man pulled out to shoot the last of his cum all over Lynda's pretty, pale face. By the time he was finished there wasn't an inch of her beautiful face that wasn't glazed with cock-slime.

A man stepped up, his hard cock in his hand, and spurted his cum all over Lynda's back. He striped her with long, silvery strands of jism and Pete splattered the cum all over her with strokes of his big leather belt. Lynda cried out with an unbearable mix of agony and ecstasy as her sultry body was soaked in the cock-slime of the mob of lusting men.

"Bitch!" one of the men fucking her cunt screamed. Both men wrapped their big hands around Lynda's tiny middle and jerked her back against their bludgeoning cocks. "I'm cuninling, you slimy whore! I'm creaming your hot little cunt!"

"Oh shit!" Lynda moaned as her cunt was impaled on the two massive cocks. Two pairs of cum heavy balls were slapping against the backs of her thighs and two long, thick cocks were spitting themselves into her helpless, beautiful body. "Oh, fuck! Oh no! You're tearing me up! You're tearing me up! Oh please, you're making me cum!"

Lynda's injured cunt convulsed around the paired, tearing cocks, squeezing on their cum as though it wanted to soak up every drop of jism they fired.

A man grabbed her by her silky black hair and jerked her head to the side. He jammed the head of his cock against her parted lips just as he started to cum, and bathed her face with his gooey fuck-slime. He webbed Lynda's lips together with his cum, painted her chin and cheeks and nose. Sticky waves of jism poured over Lynda's beautiful face, almost a quarter of an inch thick in some spots.

It was too much for the drunken, battered beauty to stand. She was tied stomach-down over a bar, the sexual center of attention for a mob of almost fifty men. Her face was plastered with jism. Lynda screamed in agony, but she couldn't tell the pain from pleasure anymore, and an orgasm was burning through her sleek body.

The men fucking her cunt pulled their pussy-soaked cocks out of her dripping pussy. They rubbed them clean on Lynda's lush, creamy ass, and the broken landlady couldn't keep herself from hunching her ass back against the big pricks.

The men untied her and turned her over onto her back. Lynda's delicate hands were forced around two big cocks. Four men crowded around her head, smearing their cocks all over her already slimy face. Her legs were grabbed by strong hands that pulled them apart. Lynda felt as though she were a wishbone as the men forced her into a split that left her legs pointing out straight to the sides of her body. She felt the muscles that ran down her inner thighs pull and tear under the terrible pressure as the men tied her ankles and knees to the sides of the bar. Two men wedged themselves together between her legs, and for the second time two huge, hard cocks plunged into her cunt at the same time.

There were too many men, and they were too excited to wait for turns fucking her gorgeous, captive body. Men kneeled on the bar to either side of her body and plunged their cocks against the full, fleshy globes of her tits. Lynda squealed in agony as each man grabbed one of her tits and crushed it brutally around his stiff, hard cock.

Her cunt felt as though it had been pounded to mush. She couldn't breathe with her mouth still clogged with jism and four cocks poking all over her face. Her hands were already sticky with the fuck-lube of the men who were making her beat them off.

The pain from her mashed, fucked tits was so terrible that Lynda couldn't keep from arching up off the table, from wiggling and jerking in a wild attempt to ease some of the agony she was feeling.

The men playing their cocks over her face started to slap her with their pricks. Each time one of the hard cocks hit her beautiful face there was a loud, wet plop. It was like being hit with wet towels, but there was more weight behind the fat cocks that were beating her. Before long the men were hitting her so hard that they were bruising her pretty, scummy face. Lynda kept her mouth wide open, hoping that at least one of the men would be enticed into sliding his cock down her throat.

The men fucking her cunt were the first ones to cum. Lynda's cunt was slick and hot, and stretched to the point of bursting around two hard cocks. The friction was too much for the men to take. Lynda climaxed again as they hosed their jism up inside her sloppy little fuckhole. When they pulled out a wave of jism followed them. It looked like a gooey white glacier. The men laughed and wiped their cocks clean in the silky linle bush of Lynda's cunt-fur.

Grady grabbed a big bottle of rum and shoved it into Lynda's cunt. The dazed, drunken beauty moaned with shame and pleasure as he fed her every inch of the thick, hard bottle. Jism and pussy-juice squeezed out of her abused pussy as another orgasm wracked its way through her bound, beautiful body. The man fucking her right tit came, splattering the big soft mound with tacky thick cock goo.

Lynda climaxed again, her long, sultry body squirming weakly on top of the bar. Her flat little stomach rolled like that of a belly dancer as orgasmic convulsions seized her. One of the men rubbing his cock over her face groaned with pleasure at the sight. He splashed her face with his julcy cock-filth, further coating Lynda's perfect features.

The men who were making Lynda beat them off came at almost the same time, edging closer to her body so they could splatter her full tits and silky flat stomach with their cum. The man fucking her left tit climaxed too, turning the big, soft globe into a snow-capped mountain.

Lynda had never felt anything even close to the sensation of having three cocks spurting jism onto her face at the same time. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth and let them shower her with cum. Strands of fuck-filth crossed her face from every direction. Jizz poured into her open mouth until it overflowed down her cheeks and chin. Her beautiful eyes were submerged under pools of tacky cum. Her shiny black hair was frosted with streaks of dirty white cock-cream.

The men pulled Lynda's sultry, cum-drenched body off the bar and laid her on her back on the leather bar stools. Lynda's long, lush legs were jerked wide, her feet settled on stools and then sat on by heavy men. Two stools were put under her lower body, one under her full, silky ass and another under her flat little stomach. A man banged his ass down on top of Lynda's stomach, driving the air from her squirming, captive body. There were stools under her shoulders and head, too. And then the men moved in on her again.

"Here, Lynda," Buck said, straddllng her head. Lynda had to scoop clotted jism from her eyes to see what he was doing. "I'm going to give you a chance to get to know me real well. You want that, don't you?"

"Yes," Lynda said softly, running her tongue through her mouth to clear it of cum. "I want to know you forever, Buck. What are you going to do to me now?"

"Give me a kiss, Lynda-slut," Buck said softly. "Give me a nice, wet kiss on my asshole."

Lynda cried out in despair as Buck spread his asscheeks wide and sat on her face. The damp filth of his asscrack smeared over her cheeks and mouth as he settled down on top of her. The smell made Lynda retch, but there was nothing in her stomach to come up. She dry heaved as Buck crushed the dirty ring of his asshole down over her sexy, parted lips.

A man shoved his cock roughly up Lynda's reamed-out asshole. Buck clamped both of Lynda's soft hands around the hard stalk of his cock. The men sitting on Lynda's feet rubbed their cocks over her perfectly shaped calves. The man sitting on her stomach drove the fat head of his cock into her navel. Lynda was serving five cocks at once, again. Her sex-shattered mind tried in vain to calculate how many cocks she had already pleasured, and how many more were waiting to drain their lust on her big, super-sexy body.

Buck made her lay his huge, hard cock between her big, creamy tits, then crushed the silky mounds together with his strong hands. Lynda's hands were pulled up and fitted around other cocks. Lynda stroked them diligently, tickling them and pulling them and rubbing their slippery pre-cum all over.

"Lock your pretty lips on my asshole," Buck said, squirming his ass all over Lynda's face while he stabbed his cock between her creamy tits. "Don't you want a nice, wet kiss? My ass is all you're going to get to kiss until you prove you're good enough for something else." Lynda whimpered with shame and disgust, but she brushed her lips over the tight ring of Buck's shitter. The big man moaned with pleasure and plunged his cock even more savagely between Lynda's tits. Lynda clamped her lips to the filthy ring and teased her tongue against it. She could feel the slippery wetness of Buck's fuck-lube greasing the silky valley between her tits.

She screamed when the man fucking her asshole spurted his burning hot jism inside her. Her reamed out asshole clamped tight as a vise around his gushing prick, pulling his jism deep inside her helplessly squirming body. The man sitting on her ankle shot long, greasy strands of jism up her leg. Lynda shook like a spastic as an orgasm of her own tore through her abused body.

Driven by the depraved passion that was burning through her, Lynda drove her tongue deep into Buck's asshole. She tasted his shit and gagged, but she didn't stop. She locked her lips tight around the bud of his shitter, tonguing him and sucking him as though she was kissing his mouth instead of his asshole. Buck shouted with pleasure and mashed her titsso tight around his cock that Lynda shrieked in agony.

A cock speared into her cunt, fucking her so brutally that her body shook with every thundering impact. One of the men she was beating off came all over her slender, creamy arm. The man fucking her came after only a dozen strokes, his jism pouring out of her swampy pussy almost as quickly as he shot it in.

Lynda slithered her tongue all over Buck's damp, filthy asscrack, cleaning his ass until there wasn't a trace of shit to be tasted. She was sickened by what she was doing, but she couldn't stop herself. She stabbed her tongue back up his asshole and wiggled it around, and he moaned with pleasure. A moment later he was cumming.

Lynda climaxed with her master as he hot his jism all over her big tits. The other man she was beating off came too, striping her arm with lines of fuck-filth. Buck's jism coated her silky tits, and Lynda rubbed the creamy goo over the huge mounds until they shined. The man sitting on her other foot came, leaning forward so that he could bombard her swollen pink cunt-lips with his gluey globs of cums.

"You're learning, aren't you?" Buck said, getting off Lynda's face and slapping her cheek so hard that it almost knocked her out. Her beautiful face was smeared with dark brown stains. "Before we're done with you, you won't even remember your fucking name."

More men moved in on her. They fucked her cunt. They fucked her asshole. They shoved their hard, dripping cocks between her sensuous, parted lips. They fucked her tits and made her jack them off. They fucked Lynda unconscious and woke her up a half dozen times. Lynda did whatever they wanted. She spread her legs, pursed her lips, ran her hands all over their cocks. The men kept giving her more to drink, and before they were done, Lynda's will had been completely shattered.

The men dragged Lynda's sultry, cum-soaked body across the bar. Lynda hung her head whlle they tied her in place. Tears ran tracks down her beautiful, cum-crusted face.


"No! Please, no! Please no, please no, please no!"

Lynda couldn't stop begging. The words tumbled from her mouth as the men tied her spread-eagled in the center of the bar. When they were finished binding her, Lynda's arms were spread high above her head, far out to her sides. Her legs were spread wide, too, held by ropes to studs in the walls. She was held off the ground, suspended by the ropes that cut into her wrists and ankles.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Miss Cartier," Grady said, then shook his head.

"Ought to fucking clean her up, too," Pete said, looking over Lynda's sultry, cum-soaked body. "We want to see what we're fucking aiming at."

Grady grabbed a half dozen pairs of dirty, discarded underwear off the filthy barroom floor. Pete pulled a couple seltzer bottles out from behind the bar. Lynda watched them with dazed, frightened eyes. She squealed when Pete sprayed her with the seltzer water, washing the drying jism off her long, sleek body. He sprayed her all over, even bathing her cum-plastered face with the hard streams of water. By the time he was finished Lynda was clean of cum but soaked with water. Her silky black hair was plastered to her head and shoulders.

"Open wide," Grady said, grabbing Lynda by her chin and forcing her mouth wide open. "You're not much good for fucking, Miss Cartier, but maybe you can wash this nasty underwear for us."

"Please, Grady!" Lynda cried, looking pitiful and gorgeous as she beed for mercy. "I've tried to be a good girl! I've fucked everybody! I'll do anything you want! Please, just don't hurt me like this! Don't hurt me so bad!"

"What you are, Lynda," Grady said patiently, stuffing a pair of underwear into Lynda's mouth, "is a big-titted, big-assed cow. You need to learn your place, whore. When we're done with your sweet body, you'll either know it or be too fucked up to care."

Grady backed away from her, and for a moment Lynda hung, in the center of the bar, untouched by the mob of men who were breaking her beautiful body. It was the first time in hours that a cock hadn't been buried inside her, a hand hadn't been mauling her tits or ass or pussy.

Lynda felt abandoned.

But she looked as sexy as hell.

Lynda's body was spread-eagled in mid-air. Her big tits stood out from her body like two creamy soft, water-filled balloons. Her nipples were hard little points. With her body stretched and tied, her waist looked even smaller, her body even longer. Her sexy legs seemed to go on forever, pointing out to the sides of her voluptuous body. Her pink cunt-lips were spread wide, and her big, sexy ass flexed as she tried to take some of the pressure off her long, shapely legs.

"Fuck me... fuck me with your foot," she whispered at last, her voice barely audible. She kissed the sole of Buck's shoe as he rubbed it over her mouth, slipping her tongue past her lips to wash dirt off the leather. "Please fuck me with your foot."

This time he leaned his weight on his foot, pressing it deeper and deeper inside her. Lynda moaned with unexpected pleasure as his toes wiggled inside her pussy. She screamed when the front of his foot pushed past the stretched lips of her cunt. After that there was only pain, pain so bitter that Lynda wished for death.

Men grabbed Grady's arms to hold him up while he pushed his foot into Lynda's cunt. Lynda hunched her ass up off the floor, trying to escape the terrible intrusion, but there was nowhere for her to go. Half of Grady's foot pushed inside her cunt and she felt as though she had been torn to pieces. He kicked again, with all the strength of his muscular leg, and Lynda felt as though she was having a baby.

"There we go!" Grady screamed as the heel of his foot disappeared inside Lynda's pussy. "You like that, you slimy, big-titted cow? I bet you never thought you'd be on your back with your legs spread fucking on a man's foot!"
She could feel every inch of Grady's foot inside her. His wiggling toes scratched her cervix. The bone of his ankle rubbed against her tearing cunt lips. The heel of his foot smashed against her clit. Lynda
"What's the matter, Miss Cartier?" Grady asked, grunting with the effort of driving his foot into Lynda's battered cunt. "Aren't I kicking you hard enough? You uptown cunts really need to go the whole trip, huh? Well, here you go, big tits! Fuck on this!"

Grady pulled his foot completely out of Lynda's pussy, and she collapsed against the floor, panting like a dying dog. Grady's foot was drenched with cunteam. Lynda cried in hopeless despair looking at the size of his foot, knowing that he had shoved it up to his ankle inside her poor little pussy. She knew that her cunt would never be the same after all the abuse it had suffered during this horrible night of torment.

Then Grady fucked his foot back inside her, driving all the way to his ankle in one fiendish, brutal thrust. Lynda slid three feet across the filthy bar floor, curling into a tight ball in spite of the feet that held her down. She could feel her pussy ripping under the inhuman force of the kick. She was certain that Grady had kicked his foot all the way into her stomach.

Grady pulled his foot out of her again. Her torn cunt-lips were stretched so wide that it looked as though the men could have driven a truck up inside her. Her once-dainty pink cuntlips were blood red and swollen.
"Shut up, you big-assed slut," a man said, and flicked a lit match into her open mouth.

Lynda screamed as the match sizzled her tongue. Her spit put it out almost immediately, but not before it filled her mouth with fire. Lynda gulped down the match on reflex.

Grady kicked her again. And again. And again.

The other men stopped kicking her, stepping back to watch as Grady pounded his foot inside Lynda's cunt. None of them had ever seen anything that compared to the spectacle of Lynda's tall sexy body being fucked by Grady's foot.

Lynda couldn't take anymore. There wasn't one spot on her svelte, supple body that didn't burn with pain. Her cunt and asshole felt as though they had been bored out with an electric drill. Her tits were bruised and scraped until they throbbed with pain even when no one was touching them. Lynda floated half conscious in an ocean of agony. And now Grady was kicking the shit out of her cunt.

Lynda locked her plush thighs around Grady's ankle.

"Spread those legs!" Grady shouted, wiggling his foot around inside Lynda's wounded cunt. "Spread them, whore, or I'll shove my foot up your stinking asshole!"

Lynda stared up at Grady. Her silky black hair was spread out around her in a wild tangle, her sultry body glistening with sweat. She was trembling uncontrollably, like a lost child. Grady had never seen anything that looked as sexy as the defiled landlady. It made him want to kick her even harder.

"Spread them, Miss Cartier," he said again. "You aren't the landlady anymore. You're just a sleazy gang-bang barmaid, and we're going to do anything to your big sexy body that we want to. And believe me, whore, we've been going easy on you so far."

Lynda cried hopelessly. She didn't have any choice but to do as Grady commanded. She spread her legs as wide as she could and waited for him to kick her again. When he did, she came.

The orgasm was so powerful, so unexpected, that Lynda couldn't stop herself from screaming out with passion. She was climaxing while she was sprawled on a dirty barroom floor, getting foot-fucked by one man in front of an audience of fifty more.

Lynda bucked her ass up off the ground to meet the pussy-jarring jolt of Grady's foot. Her ravaged pussy clamped around Grady's ankle, spilling cuntream all over his foot. Grady kicked her again, pushing her two feet across the floor, and Lynda climaxed again.

She was still cuinming when he pulled his soaked foot from her cunt. And when he made her lick his foot clean, Lynda climaxed again, even as she cried at the depth of her degradation.

Buck dropped to his knees behind her and wrapped his strong hands around her plush, silky thighs. Before Lynda knew what was happening he pulled on her legs as though she was a wishbone. She screamed out in agony as he flattened her long, sultry body on the filthy bathroom floor. Then he drove his huge, hard cock up her asshole, and pain shot through her body like liquid fire.
"Shake your big sweet ass, honey!" Buck growled, jolting Lynda's svelte body with brutal fuck-strokes. "Squze your hot little shitter on my big cock!
Buck hammered his wrist-thick cock up her splitting shitter. Lynda wallowed on the filthy floor, pulling herself painfully forward to clean the tile while Buck demolished her sexy body. Every goring stab of his cock made Lynda's tits swing and her ass jiggle. His strong hands jerked her back to meet every bruising thrust.
A man moaned with pleasure and dropped to his knees beside Lynda's face. Lynda jerked with surprise when his cock splattered her face with gummy wet blobs of jism. Cum splattered onto her cheek and into her ear. Jism slithered over her full lips and dripped from her nose.
"I said fuck me back, you dumb cunt!" Buck hissed, grabbing Lynda's heavy, hanging tits and crushing them against her body. "Move your lazy ass!"

Buck rabbit-fucked her devastated shit-chute, drilling his cock brutally into her. Lynda twitched and jerked with every punishing thrust, trembling with the effort of trying to clean the floor while having her tender, injured shitter fucked to shreds. She squeezed her asshole tight around Buck's bruising prick, moaning in agony.

She was going to cum.

Lynda grunted like a pig, meowed like a sexy cat in heat. She humped her ass back against Buck's massive cock. Her pussy was dripping and squirming, her clit buzzing like an alarm clock.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried out with every punishing thrust of Buck's cock up her asshole. "Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh, oh, oh yessssss!"

"That's it, slut!" Buck roared, hammering his cock up her torn, clutching shit-chute. "What a tight asshole! What a big, sexy ass! You're making me cum, big-tits! Here, take some jism, whore!"

"Aaaaahhhhh!" Lynda screamed, tossing her head back off the floor as Buck squirted jism deep into her ruined asshole. "Cum! Cum! Cum!"

It felt like lava was flowing up her tight, hot shitter. Buck's jism burned every tear and abrasion in her sweet asshole. The fire seemed to burn through the walls of her ass, blister their way into her already steaming pussy. Lynda jerked like a spastic as Buck unloaded his cock-cream deep inside her thrashing, sexy body. Lynda slammed her scummy face back against the floor, hitting so hard that she almost knocked herself out. She kissed and licked the floor as though it were the face of a lover
Buck pulled out of her ass, his big cock dripping jism and blood. He wiped his prick clean on the small of Lynda's back. Before he had stepped away from her another man had taken his place, slamming his cock to the hilt inside Lynda's reamedut shitter.

Lynda screamed with pleasure, dragging herself across the bathroom floor. A man dropped to his knees in front of her and jacked on his cock until he spurted his cum all over her face. Lynda gurgled with insane glee as the man's jism slapped against her lovely features. She caught some in her mouth, then drooled it back out on the floor and rubbed her face into it.
Lynda pounded her head against the floor and drove her ass back against the man's stabbing cock, pussy-juice running from her swollen cunt almost as quickly as jism streamed out of her wounded shit-chute.

The men moved in on her. Cocks slid into her cunt and asshole at the same time. Lynda's crotch was at exactly the right height for the men to stick their cocks into her standing up. When they pistoned down inside her, Lynda's shoulders were pressed painfully into the floor. It felt to the pain dazed beauty as if her back was being broken, her right leg torn from her body.

"Eat your titties, bitch," Grady said, kicking Lynda in her head. "Chew on those big jugs! They're hanging in your fucking face, slut! Chow down!"

Lynda cried in shame and torment, but she parted her lips and washed her pretty pink tongue over her heated, silky tit-flesh. Her body was swaying as the men fucking her pussy and asshole pounded their cocks inside her. She was writhing desperately, squirming like a hooked fish at the end of the rope that caught her ankle.

Lynda soaked her full, hanging tits with her spit. She bit at the big, soft tits until her creamy skin was covered with the marks of her teeth. She cried as she bit and sucked her tits, both at the shame of having to mistreat her own sensitive tits and at the agony of the brutal double fuck she was having to endure.

The men fucked her savagely. They angled their cocks straight down into her body and pounded her brutally against the floor. Lynda felt as if her swollen fuck-holes were being scrubbed with sandpaper. The two pricks felt like baseball bats as they pounded into her fuck-holes.

The man fucking her pussy was the first to cum. He filled her cunt with his jism. Lynda twisted and moaned as his fuck-filth soaked into her drenched pussy-flesh. He pulled out of her marshy cunt while he was still spilling cum, milking the last of his cock goo down onto Lynda's helplessly upturned face. The slimy slap of jism on Lynda's tits and face made her whimper with humiliation. Another man started fucking her cunt before the man fucking her asshole shot his load. Lynda grunted with pain as the man thrust his cock into her jism-drenched pussy. Her sweet little cunt had been fucked raw by the dozens of cocks that had stabbed inside her. As lubed as she was, the cock fucking in her pussy still sent lightning bolts of agony sizzling through her.

When the man fucking her ass finally came, his jism jetted deeper inside Lynda's tight little ass tunnel than she would have believed possible. Her asshole was so reamed out that it offered no resistance to the flush of cock-juice. The angle she was hanging at gave further aid to the jism as it poured deep inside her squirming, sexy body.

Another man stepped up to fill her ass with cum as soon as the first backed away. And after the second pair filled her soggy fuck-holes with jism another pair stepped up to take over. Lynda gazed up hopelessly at the line of men who stood waiting for turns at her ravaged cunt and asshole.

By the time twenty men had used her she felt dead.

Her cunt and asshole were dripping gummy pools of jism. The slippery white cock-cream of a mob of men slithered out of her fuck-holes. Jism poured through the crack of her ass and down her back, over her quivering flat tummy and onto her tits and face.

Lynda had thought that her pussy and asshole would go numb from all the fucking. Instead they seemed to hurt more with each new cock that speared inside them. By the time the first twenty men had fucked her Lynda was squirming in constant, unbearable agony.

She was gnashing at her tits, biting and sucking at them as if she wanted to mark herself for life. She chewed on her nipples until they were swollen and tender. Then she gnawed on them some more, until they felt like so much ground hamburger.

Men squatted near her head and beat themselves off in her beautiful face. Jism slopped into her wide blue eyes. Cum sloughed off her cheeks in inch-thick waves. Jism glazed her nose, painted her lips, filled her ears and puddled in the hollow of her throat. The men beat off into her sexy, shifting tits, too, so that Lynda was sucking down cum as she chewed on the creamy soft pillows of flesh.
Cum streaked every inch of her lush body.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-03 10:56:04
It's no fun if too extreme and violent, i get that the story is about degrading her, but it's too harsh, try to be real.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-21 11:03:07
This is a ripped 70's paperback novel by Blake Garfield.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-18 19:59:26
Made me cum :)

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-25 04:44:00
I like a rape story like the next guy. But when you get off on burning nipples with cigarettes and other such torchers, you show a violent hate against women. I couldn't finish this story. This author sounds like a dangerous offender!

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-10 11:09:09
yeah, amazing piece of bullshit garbage. I wish all you cunts with rape fantasies that write this bullshit where the cunt gets into the rape and orgasms would just put a disclaimer at the beginning. WARNING: This story is not a rape story because it will be ruined by fake nonsense about the girl enjoying the rape. It is a pathetic piece of shit that no one who really wants to read a rape fantasy story should waste their time with. So fucking annoying. Rape is not supposed to be enjoyable. This should be obvious. Stories like these are as bad as the cocktease cunts they write about, but at least the cunts are believable. These stories are not.

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