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Cindy gets a CFNM Party for her birthday!
A reminder that this is a Non-Consent/Reluctance story. If you don't want to read about sex where someone is put into that position, then stop now and move on.

From the last story

Brittany frigged herself, really getting into it as I got off at a small country road and reentered the highway on the other side. I drove back to the Subway and she masturbated to a tremendous orgasm. As we came back into civilization, she slouched again and I let her.

"Still a little self-conscious?"

"Yes. I'm afraid I'll be arrested."

"Okay. I'll find another way to get you more into exhibitionism. Deal?"

She eyed me suspiciously, but then grinned. "Okay. Deal." She didn't sound too sure, but was willing to take the chance.

I let her out and she checked the area and darted back into her van. Unfortunately, I had to go back to work. Shit!

Recurring Cast

Dennis, 41 years old, 5' 11", 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, Cindy's husband.
Cindy, 41 years old, 5' 4", 105 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, Dennis' wife.
Diane, 41 years old, 5' 7", 140 lbs, auburn hair, green eyes, recently divorced friend of Cindy's.
Becky, 38 years old, 5' 9", 155 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, Cindy's friend, widow.
Jack, 42 years old, 6', 185 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, Louise's husband.
Louise, 38 years old, 5' 4", 130 lbs, blonde hair, brown eyes, Jack's wife.
Jackie, 19 years old, 5'6", 125 pounds, dark brown hair, blue eyes, neighbor girl.
Katy, 19 years old, 5'6", 115 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, Jackie's friend, now Dennis' sub.
Suzanne, 36 years old, 5'5", 125 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, neighborhood acquaintance.
Bill, 38 years old, 5'9", 170 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, Suzanne's husband.
Brittany, 27 years old, 5'8", 120 pounds, red hair, blue eyes, Jimmy's wife.
Jimmy, 29 years old, 5'10", 160 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, Brittany's husband.

Over the next few days, Suzanne came by the office and gave me my blowjob reward. My client meeting that I had scheduled that she was going to accompany me on was cancelled. After that week, we didn't see any of our friends for a while and we kind of pulled back and took a break from playing around. I think that Cindy and I needed a bit of time to ourselves to take in all that had happened in our lives over the last few months.

It was now early-June and it was getting near Cindy's birthday. She was going to be 42, but she looked much younger. She worried about her body, but it was always small and tight, so she didn't have any stretch marks or droopy skin. The only thing that gave away anything near her age was her laugh lines and lines around her eyes. She had taken to treating them every night, so she could have easily passed for 32.

I asked her one morning about it. "So, Cindy, you have a birthday coming up and you haven't given me a birthday list. Any ideas?" We always gave each other lists of items that we would like for our birthdays so that the other was not totally in the dark. This was, of course, the first year that we had either had a birthday since our recent sexual openness had started.

Cindy grinned. "Yes, I think I know what I want. I don't have a list. I'll just tell you what my number one item is, okay?"

I narrowed my eyes and gave her my evil glare. "Something tells me it's not a book."

She grinned. "Nope. I want to have a CFNM party."

I stared at her. "Clothed Female Naked Male party? One of those?" We had seen some videos on the internet.

"Yes, one of those. I already asked Suzanne and she would bring Bill if you agree. I would invite some friends over and you and Bill would serve us while naked."

She had obviously been thinking about this for a while so I considered it for a moment. "Hmmm. I don't know. Are these people we know and are you going to let them know about our newfound openness?"

"They are not people that ‘we' know. They are people that I know from work conferences and maybe a friend or two. None of them except Suzanne really know you. For you and Bill we would change your names and you would wear hoods or masks or something. I want you two to be anonymous. I have cooperated in some interesting things for you lately, right? I'm just asking for a return favor. What do you think?"

I grinned. "Well, I know that I have benefitted greatly from our arrangement, so I probably owe you. Are you sure about this? Also, I don't want a recurrence of the incident at your conference." I was referring to a woman who got out of hand and tried to crush my balls, taking out some problem she had with men on my gonads.

She flinched slightly. "Sorry, honey. No, I don't want that to happen again either. I want to make this one a fun time for the ladies and hopefully for you and Bill, too."

"Let me think about it for a while."

"Well, don't take too long. I want to get the invitations out by this weekend so that people have time to plan for it."

I looked at her closely and thought it over. "Okay, honey. I'll agree. We can work out all the details between now and then. Let's make sure we know the ground rules and we have an outline of where we want the evening to go."

Cindy jumped up and grabbed me for a hug. "Thank you, thank you. I knew I could count on you. I love you so much." She gave me a big kiss and ran off to call Suzanne. I wondered if this was going to be as nice an experience as she promised.

The Friday night before Cindy's Saturday birthday party, we were sitting with Bill and Suzanne going over the arrangements. Since it was a birthday party, Cindy wanted a cake. We were going to have 6 guests not counting Cindy and Suzanne, and since we had two slaves we made 2 of those angel food cakes with a hole in the middle. The way the party was supposed to go was the girls were going to get together around 3. As soon as everyone had arrived, Cindy was going to explain the reality behind the party. Nobody knew right now that this was a CFNM party. The women were going to be Cindy's friends Mary, who I knew from the conference, Jean, Jennifer, Audrey, Debbie, and Stephanie. I had only met Mary, so didn't know the rest, but Cindy assured me that all the ones she had invited were ‘adventurous'. Once the theme of the party was revealed, Cindy would introduce me as Jack and Bill as Bobby. We would be wearing only a bow tie and a hood. We had gone out and purchased pretty good hoods for us to wear that covered most of our face from the nose up and the rest of the head. Bobby and I would serve drinks and let the women get started on their little party. Cindy was going to let them drink a while and then tell everyone that there was cake. The angel food cakes were made so that Bobby and I would come in carrying the cakes, recline across the large coffee table, and finally, insert our dicks into the cake to be eaten from around them by the women. We discussed this and I wondered if Bobby and I would make it thru the cake-eating without showering someone with cum. Cindy laughed and said that could certainly be a possibility. Then after the cakes, Cindy would open her presents, which she had told the guests were to be of the sex-toy theme. I got a little suspicious about that since the ladies might want to "play" with Bobby and I and the toys. Cindy said that was possible with a glint in her eye, but said that she and Suzanne would insure that they wouldn't let things go too far. There was a discussion about what that meant, but it left a lot of room for interpretation. We all agreed nothing painful. The rest of the party was left open and I wondered if that was exactly how Cindy had wanted it. I thought there was something else she wanted to accomplish.

Finally, the day was here. The four of us got everything ready and then Cindy and Suzanne sprang a surprise on us about two hours before the party

Suzanne turned toward Bill and I. "Okay, in order for you two to get into character, from now on we will call you Jack and Bobby." She grinned and I saw the two women exchange a look. "Also, you have to be shaved."

I looked at her and then Cindy. "You mean you want to shave our pubic hair off?"

Suzanne looked at the two of us. "Exactly."

I was not sure about this, and I knew she had purposely waited until the last minute to tell us. "Look, the last time I tried something like this it itched for a long time because I don't like to keep it shaved. Can't we just trim it a little?"

Suzanne and Cindy exchanged another look. "Okay, deal. I know how much it itches and not many men keep themselves shaved, so we'll let you off this time."

Suzanne led us into the bathroom and got out the scissors. She then told Bill to go first. He took off his pants and stepped into the tub as she indicated. She leaned over and sucked his mostly limp dick into her mouth. He got a hard on instantly. Suzanne pulled back and smiled up at us. "It's easier to trim around a hard dick than a soft one." She then went to work trimming Bill. Once she had him appropriately short, she took a good look. "Bill, this is a good look for you. It makes your dick look longer."

"Yeah, thanks." Bill answer sarcastically and he rolled his eyes as he looked at me.

"Okay, next!" Suzanne held up the scissors. I took off my pants and stepped into the tub. She looked at my already mostly hard dick. She looked up at me and smiled. She leaned over and sucked on me for a few seconds. "Just making sure." She grinned and started trimming me close. I was usually fairly closely trimmed, but she started making it real close. I had barely any hair left showing when she was done. She leaned over and kissed my dick on the tip. "Much better."

Bill and I got dressed and went into the bedroom. Cindy handed us each a beer and told us to stay in the bedroom. We waited and watched TV and I could tell that Bill was getting a little nervous. So was I. I wasn't sure about serving 8 women.

Finally, we heard the doorbell for the first time and then several times afterward. It was about 3:30 when Cindy came back in and told us that everything was ready. She looked at us and said "Good Luck!"

Bill and I shrugged our shoulders and stripped. Once we were naked we both put on our hoods that protected our heads completely except that the hood ended at the end of our nose, leaving us able to breathe and drink (and maybe some other things). We looked at each other, took deep breaths and left the bedroom. We entered the kitchen and Cindy was there waiting. She grinned and came over to us. "Thanks for playing with us, Bobby." She put her mouth by my ear. "In case I forget to tell you later. You look fantastic and I love you so much. Thank you for doing this." She patted us both on the ass, put her hand up for us to stay there, and then walked into the other room. We could hear her clearly.

"Ladies. You all know that this is a sex-themed party." There was a light murmur of approval and one woman shouted out ‘Fucking A'. "There is a part of this that nobody knows about until this moment. My husband has agreed to stay away today so that I could have this party. I have also arranged some special entertainment." We heard some snickers and guesses on what the entertainment would be. "No, these are not strippers. These are normal guys who have agreed to help us have a CFNM party." She waited. A couple of women knew what she was talking about and whooped it up, but a few were confused. "CFNM stands for Clothed Female, Nude Male. These two guys will serve us and wait on us while naked. They are not slaves, they are servants. Please treat them nicely and they will take care of all our needs." Cheering.

"Ladies, I think we need nametags so that the servants can properly address us." She went to our desk drawer and pulled out some stick-on nametags and a marker. She went to the large square coffee table that we had and put the items down. "Ladies, please put Miss and your first name on the tag. For instance, I'll be Miss Cindy. That way the servants know who we are and can properly address us." I could hear the movement and scribbling as the ladies all put on their nametags. After a few minutes, I heard Cindy address them again.

"Without further ado, here are our two servants. Bobby, please come out."

I watched Bobby as he walked out and moved around so that I could see him from the kitchen. He no longer had an erection, and was a little tentative, but walked out and faced the audience. There were a couple of catcalls. These women were pretty bold and Cindy had told me that most of them were married. Cindy was seated closest to the kitchen and motioned Bobby over.

Cindy addressed them again. "Ladies, I need to show you how to meet and greet your servants. They will walk up and introduce themselves, with their hands behind their back. Bobby, come over and do so."

Bobby walked over in front of Cindy striking the appropriate pose. His dick was almost completely erect now. "I'm glad to meet you Miss Cindy. I'm Bobby."

Cindy reached out and grabbed his dick and shook it like she was shaking hands. "Happy to meet you, too, Bobby." She finished and pointed to her right. "Now greet all the other ladies." Bobby moved down the line and each woman shook ‘hands' with his dick and introduced themselves. When he was done, Cindy pointed to the center of the room. "Please wait in the center of the room, Bobby."

She turned to the ladies and pointed to the kitchen again. "And now, here's my favorite, Jack."

I took a deep breath. I had a little chubby, but was not fully hard. I was excited and a little apprehensive, but after being on display in the hotel room at Cindy's conference, it was a little easier to walk out in front of this new group of women. I walked out and stood in front of Cindy. "Glad to meet you Miss Cindy. I'm Jack." She shook my dick and pointed me to the next lady. By now I was fully erect and bouncing. I approached each woman and introduced myself. I was handled by warm hands and cold hands. They all smiled and giggled as they handled my dick. By the time I reached Suzanne, who was last, I was leaking a little precum. She looked at it as she shook ‘hands' with me and then leaned over and took a long suck. Everyone stared at her.

"Sorry, but it seemed a shame to waste it." The other ladies just smiled.

Miss Mary laughed and looked at her left hand. "Shouldn't a married woman be a little careful?"

Suzanne giggled. "Yeah, I guess so. I'd sure hate for my husband to see me sucking another man's cock!" She was staring at Bobby as she said this and I could see him smile.

Cindy stood up and went over to Bobby. "You mean like this?" She leaned over and gave his cock a quick suck. "Yeah, I see what you mean!" Everyone laughed. "Ladies, we are now ready to start the party. Anyone need another drink?"

A couple held up their empty glasses and Bobby and I responded. I walked up to a plain, but fairly nice looking redhead. Bobby took the busty blonde. I asked her what she wanted and she grinned and looked down at my dick. Then she looked up and said she wanted white wine. I took her glass into the kitchen and Bobby came up beside me.

"White wine here, too." I poured both of them and we looked at each other. We reentered the den and the women were laughing and giggling. Bobby and I returned and provided the drinks to the ladies. We took several more orders as the ladies talked and after each delivery stood off to the side to act like we were proper servants. Most of the women continued to stare at our cocks and many of their discussions centered around them. A few even took the liberty to fondle our ass or dick while we delivered their drinks.

"Okay, ladies, I think I want to have my birthday cake now. Jack, Bobby, please bring the cake in and prepare for it to be eaten."

Bobby and I went into the kitchen and retrieved the two cakes that were on a cookie sheet, two spatulas, and 8 spoons. We walked back into the den and approached the table. Cindy and Suzanne came over and Cindy took the cookie sheet. The women were all staring as Bobby lay down. Suzanne took the two spatulas and lifted the cake off the sheet. She turned to Mary. "Mary, hold that dick straight up for me while I thread this needle." Mary kneeled next to Bobby and held his dick straight up. Cindy slowly lowered the cake over his dick and all the ladies were smiling and whispering to each other. His dick barely poked out from the center. Once that was done, I lay down on the other side of the coffee table and Suzanne asked Stephanie to hold my dick. I was hard as a rock and the cake easily went down over me, leaving my mushroom head sticking out the top. Suzanne and Cindy put the cookie sheet and spatulas aside and handed out the spoons. Some of the ladies were still in shock at the display in front of them.

Finally, Miss Stephanie spoke up. "Well, that is a very original presentation of cake." All the other ladies laughed. "I think that would be a very big hit in some restaurants." They all laughed again, and then they arranged themselves four to each cake to begin eating. Mary, Jean, Jennifer, and Stephanie were on me and Cindy, Suzanne, Audrey and Debbie were on Bobby.

I lifted my head and watched as they all used their spoons to scoop up pieces of cake and work their way down, displaying more and more of our erections as they went. Finally, Miss Jennifer, with the big tits, leaned over, providing a scrumptious display of those massive mammaries and sucked on the head of my dick. "I need some protein with all this sugar." She looked over at Cindy. "Is that on the menu?"

Cindy giggled. "Have at it girls, you are welcome to get all the protein you want."

About that time, I saw a flash and noticed that Suzanne had taken a picture of Jennifer sucking my dick. That brought a reaction.

"Wait! We need to have a rule about photographs. I'm married and would prefer that there not be any photos taken at all."

Cindy looked around the room. "Well, I think everyone except Stephanie and Audrey are married, so does everyone agree to that?" There were murmured agreements all around and Suzanne put away her camera.

Suzanne looked around. "I'm married, too, but I thought it might be nice to have just couple of momentos."

Jennifer responded quickly. "That sounds great now Suzanne, but in a year, if someone forgets something on a hard drive or phone, it could turn up anywhere. I love my husband and I can't afford to have that happen. After all, this is just a little fun between women, right?"

Suzanne grinned. "And servants."

Jennifer looked at my dick that she was still holding while the discussion carried on. She blushed. "I… well, I…." She looked around the room and everyone was waiting for an answer. Since almost all of them were married, I think they were wondering where this was going as well. "Oh, fuck it!" She dropped her mouth back down on my dick.

Cindy suddenly piped up from the other table. "Yeah! Let's suck some dick." The women started smiling again. She leaned over and started licking and slurping on Bobby. It was only about 30 seconds later that Bobby started moaning and Cindy pulled off him. "Ladies, I think this dick is gonna spew. Who wants some cum?" Mary moved in next to her and quickly shoved her mouth over Bobby's dick. Several sucks later, he came, loudly, into her mouth.

Mary sat back. "Hmm. Not bad. Thank you, Bobby."

"Thank you, Miss Mary." Bobby smiled and sat up. Jennifer was still going to town on me, but I was not going to cum anytime soon.

Cindy pushed Jennifer some more. "Honey, I think he's going to take a while like that. Why don't you give him some more motivation? Show him your big tits." Cindy knew I liked to see big tits when I had the chance because she was a small, tight, package with only B-cups.

Jennifer pulled back and didn't even hesitate. She pulled her blouse off over her head and whipped off her bra. Her nice, large tits were there for everyone to see. Some of the women appeared to be a little shocked, but Jennifer was caught up in the moment and wanted my cum. She had been to the side of me, but moved to between my legs and pulled to help me scoot down to the edge of the table. Now my ass was right on the edge, putting my dick right into her tits.

She smiled at me. "Do you like big tits, Jack?" She held them up. They were large and still firm. I nodded. "Good, I think I'll wrap them around your dick and let you see them bounce up and down." She did just that and I watched as her beautiful, bouncy boobs swallowed my dick. I thrust up into her tits and she grinned. "I think he likes that."

Audrey spoke up then. "They all like big ones. When guys see my tits, they always seem a little disappointed. I stopped wearing push-up bras because I felt like it was false advertising and I hated that look they would give me when they finally saw them." She pushed up on her small probably barely B-cup tits.

Cindy looked at her. "Don't be embarrassed. You are what my husband would call a ‘nice, tight package' and some men love small tits. My husband loves mine."

Audrey looked down at her chest. "I also have very big areola and big nipples. I think I look deformed."

Cindy pulled her top up; she was not wearing a bra. "My tits are pretty small, too. See?" I knew she was pushing for more nudity for me and Bobby. "But once you are in a sexual situation with men, as long as you even have tits, they are happy. They are entranced by them, no matter what size."

Audrey looked around, shrugged, and then pulled her top up. She was also braless. Everyone stared at her tits, even Jennifer stopped titty-fucking me to look. They were scrumptious. She had very firm small B-cups. They were probably just barely a B. Her areola covered almost half of the swell of her breast, although they were fortunately not really dark. That probably would have made going without a bra impossible. Her nipples, however, were amazing. They were not that long, only about a half-inch, but their circumference was enormous. They looked to be as large as the mouth of a plastic soda bottle… and I wanted to put my mouth on them in that same way.

Cindy looked at them. "Honey, those nipples look fantastic. Are they sensitive?"

"Oh, yes."

"Well, why don't you feed them to Jack and let him see."

Audrey stared at her, then me, then her again. I could see the hesitation, but then Stephanie pushed her on the back and she scooted around near my head. She lowered her left breast toward my mouth. I waited until she got real close, keeping my head on the table until the last moment. Then I lunged upward, latching on to her nipple, and sucked on it. She immediately moaned and threw her head back.

I sucked and nibbled on it while Jennifer had tired of the titty fuck and was back to sucking my cock. Now I knew I was going to cum soon and I let them know it by thrusting up into Jennifer's mouth.

Cindy knew the signs. "Jennifer, he looks close. When he comes, pull back and let's see him shoot his spunk."

Jennifer nodded while she sucked.

Finally, I could stand it no longer and I took my mouth off Audrey's enormous nipple and groaned. Jennifer pulled her mouth off and jacked me as I reached orgasm. I spurted and spurted, leaving a large load all over my stomach and pubic region. Jennifer leaned over and took a couple of swipes. Stephanie, the loan single woman, leaned over and licked and sucked a bunch up and everyone just let her finish it. Cindy, Suzanne, and Mary also seemed ready to play, but some of the others were holding back. I think they liked the show, but were reticent to do anything because they were married.

Once I was cleaned of spunk, Cindy told Bobby and me to prepare to serve more drinks. We got up, took all the cake related items into the kitchen and started serving drinks. Some of the women were getting a little tipsy and were getting much grabbier. One woman even tried to finger my ass. It was another 30 minutes before the next step was taken.

Suzanne leaned back in her chair and lifted her skirt up. She pulled down her panties and spread her legs. "Bobby, get over here. I'm so fucking horny I need you to get me off now. Hurry, eat my pussy!"

Bobby scrambled over to Suzanne and knelt between her legs. He started feasting on her delicious, wet, pink cunt.

"Mmmm. That looks good." Cindy voiced her approval and turned to me. "C'mon my trusty servant, come service me." Cindy stood up, turned around, and bent over, pulling her skirt up over her ass and revealing that she was not wearing panties. I knelt behind her. "Eat my ass, baby. Show mama how good you can rim."

I reached up and pulled Cindy's cheeks apart, revealing her pretty little asshole. I leaned forward and started licking and fucking it. She moaned and put her head down on the seat, arching her back and making it easier for me. I felt her slip her hand up under herself and start fingering her clit. I thought she was looking for a fast release, but she surprised me. She suddenly stood up and reached into the end table next to her. She pulled out a condom and ripped it open. Some of the women gasped, not expecting anyone to get fucked. She rolled it on my dick and then turned back and bent over again. "Alright, servant, fuck me and make me cum."

I certainly obeyed that command immediately. I pushed forward and worked my dick into my wife's wet cunt. She was more than ready and as I started pumping her, she reached up and thumbed her clit. She reached orgasm less than a minute after I started fucking her.

Cindy pulled forward and turned to sit down. My dick was still hard, sticking straight out at her. She looked up at me and smiled. Then she turned to the others. "Anyone else?"

They all looked at each other and then we were treated to Suzanne yelling out her orgasm as Bobby gave her a tongue-lashing. The ladies all looked at each other and then some made a decision. Mary, who I had always wanted to fuck, stood up and dropped her pants and panties. She lay down on the couch and stared at my throbbing dick. "Bring that thing over here and fuck me! I'm ready for a good fucking!"

I walked over and at the same time saw Audrey pull her skirt up and lean back, offering her treasure to Bobby, who immediately dove in. I was guiding my dick into Mary and leaned over toward her. I seated myself and worked my dick all the way in. She moaned and then pulled me down for a kiss. I kissed her and then she pulled me down further to whisper in my ear. "I know who you are, Dennis. I love that you are doing this for your wife."

I smiled and kept thrusting. The condom, which I seldom used any more, was allowing me to last a long time. I rose up a little and reached down with my hand to thumb her clit in time to my fucking her. Mary reacted like I expected and after just few minutes was jerking to an orgasm. At about the same time, Bobby was bringing Audrey off with his well-honed oral skills.

Once they were done, the other ladies were watching and seemed turned on, but nobody was making any further moves toward having sex. Bobby and I stood up and Cindy looked around. "Anyone else?" Everyone shook their heads no, even the single Stephanie.

Bobby and I were standing there with hard dicks and Cindy decided that it was time to open the presents. "Okay, we'll let the servants stew a little while I open my presents. Jack, please bring the presents to me."

I walked over to the table and retrieved the presents. I couldn't wait to see what was in them. There were only four, but that was going to be enough to provide some entertainment. I carried them over to Cindy and put them on the floor next to her.

Cindy reached out and grabbed my dick. She pulled the condom off and handed it to me. "I think you can throw this away now."

I disposed of the condom and the ladies readied themselves for Cindy to open her presents by ordering more drinks.

Chapter 15

It was time for Cindy to open her presents and as she readied for opening them, the ladies who had displayed themselves got dressed. Soon it was just Bobby (Bill's alias) and I (Jack was my alias) who were naked. Cindy asked us to stand in the center of the room facing the ladies. She didn't start opening the presents until everyone had drinks and we were standing there for the ladies perusal.

The first present Cindy opened was in fairly small box. It was from Jean and Jennifer. When she ripped it open she squealed and laughed. She picked it up and showed it to everyone. It was one of the very expensive solid glass dildos. It was a little larger than my dick; probably about 8 inches long and had a normal width. It had a realistic circumcised mushroom head and a couple of raised portions to simulate large veins. She ran her hands up and down it and giggled.

"I guess I'll have to try this out when my husband is not around." She laughed and threw me a glance. I smiled. She then passed it down the line so that everyone could feel and examine it. While they were oohing and aahing over the dildo, Cindy moved on to the next box.

This box was a little larger and more like a book shipping box. It was from Suzanne. When she opened it she smiled and got a very nasty grin on her face. "Hmmm. I wonder how I can use these?" She pulled out the package and held it up. It had two sets of handcuffs in it. It said ‘His and Her Cuffs' on it and the lining of the men's was blue and the lining of the women's was pink. Cindy grinned and didn't hide the fact that she was staring at me and Bobby.

Suzanne laughed. "I thought you might be able to figure out how to make good use of those." That made everyone giggle and the ladies started discussing various uses.

Cindy put the box down and studied the cuffs a little. Then she passed them along so that everyone could see them.

The next gift she picked up was again in a rectangular sort of box with not much height. Another that looked like it could be a book. She announced that it was from Mary and Audrey. Knowing what I knew about those two and just from the short time I knew them, I figured it was something interesting. Cindy opened the box and let out a big laugh. "Oh, my. I'm going to have to figure out how and when to use this. You ladies are bad. I don't even know how this would work." She held it up. It was a strap on. It had a purple harness and two dildo attachments. The first was a very small, about 4" and not very large and the second was about my size, 7" and somewhat thick, but not enormous.

Cindy passed it down and waited for each to discuss it before moving on. Debbie gasped as she realized what it was. I could even tell that there was a picture of one woman fucking another on one side of the package. Stephanie let out an ‘Oh, my' and passed it along. They all seemed enthralled with it.

Finally, Cindy picked up the last box. It was from Debbie and Stephanie. I watched Debbie blush a little as Cindy opened the package. She was obviously not that comfortable with what was in there being opened in a public forum.

Cindy laughed and threw back her head. "Oh, my. I think you guys are trying to get me into trouble." She held it up and it was a set of three black butt plugs. There was small, medium, and large, with the large one being two inches in diameter. "I don't know if I want my husband to find these!" She grinned and the ladies laughed. I tried not to grin too much.

She passed those down and then asked me to get her another drink. Suzanne asked for Bobby to get her another drink and as we went into the kitchen I could hear Cindy call the ladies together. When we reentered the room, they were all gathered around the coffee table laughing and giggling. We provided their drinks and then Cindy asked us to return to the kitchen and wait to be called back in. We went into the kitchen. Finally, Suzanne came in to get us. When she did, she walked up to her husband and started fondling his dick.

"Honey, I want you to make sure you cum quickly. I want it to be you that we take advantage of." She leaned over and sucked on his dick for a few seconds and then came up and kissed him.

Bobby smiled. "Of course, honey. I just hope it's something good."

"Oh, yes, baby, it will be wonderful for you and me. I think the other ladies will be a little shocked, but they will love it as well. I love you." She kissed him and then turned to me. "Try to hold on."

I looked at her questioningly. "Okay, I guess."

She patted me on the arm. "C'mon. You'll see. Let's go."

When we entered the den, they were all sitting down and Suzanne joined them. Some were stifling giggles and staring at us. Bobby and I were both semi-hard. I wondered what was going on here, but I didn't have to wait long for Cindy to tell me. She stood up right in front of me and Bobby.

"Okay, gentlemen, we have decided to have a contest. Here are the rules. You will be handcuffed with your hands behind your back. We are going to line up in the order we are now, from me to Suzanne, and I will start with Jack. I am going to come up to you and start jacking you off. I will have 30 seconds." She pointed to the large clock we had on the mantle. "Those not actively giving a hand job should be calling time." She turned back to me and Bobby. "Every 30 seconds we will move along. We will move from Jack to Bobby and then back to the end of the line. It will behoove you to win. The one who orgasms first is the loser. The winner will get the smaller butt plug in his ass, the loser the larger one. After that we will get our drinks refreshed and relax while you guys wear the butt plugs. Finally, the loser will get fucked in the ass by the woman who makes him cum with my new strap on." Cindy stared at me, watching to see my reaction. I knew that Suzanne was watching Bobby the same way. I glanced at Bobby and I could see him give a slight nod and smile to her and I stared at Cindy. She was telling me, but kind of asking me. I knew that Bobby usually had a hair trigger, so I nodded slightly, hoping I wasn't going to get fucked.

Cindy smiled and motioned everyone to get into position. She whispered in my ear. "Good luck. I love you."

I just readied myself for the onslaught. Someone yelled go and Cindy started jacking me off. She knew exactly how it liked it, so in this case she took it easy on me. I think she knew I was hoping not to get butt-fucked.

After the 30 seconds, Cindy moved to Bobby and Stephanie started jacking my dick. I looked at her and she smiled at me. Time again and we rotated. I stared into space and tried not to think about the new women that were fondling and jacking me off. Finally, Suzanne reached me and she whispered to me. "I'll get him to cum. Just hang in there." She jacked me off and she didn't take it easy. She worked me over pretty well. Since we had both already cum once, it was taking a while. Finally, they yelled time and Cindy was back to me and Suzanne was back to her husband. I could hear the ladies giggling and discussing their time jacking us off. Since they were all lined up behind Cindy to my right and Bobby was on my left I overheard Suzanne's whispered comments.

"Cum for me, honey. I want to be the one to fuck your ass. I can't wait to fuck you in the ass and then when we get home for you to return the favor. Cum, baby, cum."

I turned and looked down just in time to hear and see him do exactly that. He grunted and started shooting off all over the coffee table.

Suzanne rejoiced. "Yeah, Bobby. Shoot that cum for me. I'm gonna love fucking your ass!"

I looked at Cindy and she smiled. She turned to the other ladies as they all moved to be able to watch Suzanne milk the last of Bobby's cum out. They were all giggling and laughing as Suzanne made the statement about fucking him in the ass.

"Okay, ladies. The winner has been declared to be Jack. Let's get the winner and loser plugs."

The plugs suddenly appeared out of nowhere and I looked at Cindy. She grinned at me evilly. "Ladies, I think we should let Jack stay hard for a while, don't you?" There were murmured agreements all around.

Cindy looked at me and Bobby. She grinned at me and winked. "Okay, boys, time to be plugged!" She received encouragement from the others. She took me by the arm and Suzanne took Bobby. They helped us kneel down, with our hands still cuffed behind us, and leaned us forward over the coffee table. I watched as they pushed our chests down onto the table. Bobby was pushed directly into where his cum was all over the top. The ladies all watched and Mary said that she found that very hot.

Once we were bent over, our asses in the air, they all gathered behind us.

I felt Cindy handling my balls. "Look how his balls are sort of pulled up. I think he was almost ready to cum." She handled them and then I felt two or three other hands feel them and run all over my ass. It was actually quite a turn on to be fondled by them without being able to see who it was.

"Hand me the lube." I heard Cindy ask for it while I could hear the ladies discussing the difference in the look and feel of my balls and ass to Bobby's.

I felt Cindy drip some lube onto my ass, just above my hole and then start to run her fingers over it and smear it around. "Here, Suzanne." I heard her say as she must have handed the lube to Suzanne. "Wow, look how easy my finger goes in." Cindy was showing them how easy it was as she slowly slid one of her fingers in and out of my ass. The finger fucking was keeping my dick hard and I was wondering what the butt plug was going to do. "Okay, a couple of you lube up the plugs." I heard some movement, but couldn't see. Then I felt the tip at my hole. "Relax, Jack. Here it comes." I felt it slowly slide in. It was well lubricated and it went into me fairly easily.

"Okay, Bobby, here comes yours." I heard Bobby moan a little as Suzanne was obviously sliding it into him.

I felt Cindy stand up. "What do you think, girls? Do you like our servants with their asses plugged." That definitely brought a murmur of approval.

Someone was more than approving. "I think I'm going to have to try this with my husband."

Several woman giggled, then Cindy moved in front of me. "If any of you want to see what it feels like to put it in, go ahead and pull it out and put it back in. You can do it to either of these guys." She smiled at the two of us and I immediately felt someone slowly pull out my plug. Then it went back in slowly. I heard Bobby moan as he was probably experiencing the same thing.

"Did you see how his ass slowly closed up after I pulled it out? That was interesting." An unknown voice was enjoying my predicament.

After having this done to me a couple more times, Cindy ended their playtime. "Okay, let's get Jack back up." She came around and two ladies took my arms and helped me up. Cindy then released my cuffs and I rubbed my wrists. "Jack, I think some of us need some drinks while we get Miss Suzanne into her harness."

I took some drink orders, my dick was still very hard and being fondled by the women, and I was feeling stuffed as I walked around with the small plug up my ass. I returned with some drinks for the ladies and found them laughing at their first attempt to get Suzanne into the harness. Apparently, they put it on the wrong way the first time. Finally, they got it on her, fixed the smaller of the two dildos (thank god for that) and she dropped her skirt back into place. She had put it on under her skirt. She paraded around with her ‘dick' poking up at her skirt and they all thought it was hysterical.

Finally, she ended up behind Bobby, who was still bent over the coffee table. She reached down, fondled his ass, and then gave it a nice slap. "Such a nice ass. I am going to love fucking it. What do you say, Bobby?"

"Yes, Miss Suzanne, I am ready."

Suzanne pulled off her skirt. "That's not what I want to hear. I want you to tell me what you want me to do, Bobby." She slapped him on the ass.

Bobby seemed to be enjoying this and responded appropriately. "Please, Miss Suzanne, take out my butt plug and fuck me in the ass."

I could see the ladies looking at each other at the way he responded to that. I think they were shocked at his willingness. At the same time they seemed to reach a new level of sexual confidence and dominance. They all started egging Suzanne on as she readied herself to butt fuck her husband.

I stood there and took the whole thing in, glad it wasn't me. But I also knew I wasn't out of the woods yet. I was still standing there with a hard on and a plug up my ass.

"Hand me the lube." Suzanne kneeled behind Bobby and appeared to be ready. She reached up and pulled out the butt plug, then took the lube that was offered to her, put it on the dildo, and leaned forward to take Bobby's butt-fucking virginity.

Suzanne eased it forward and Bobby moaned. "God, this feels weird." Suzanne spoke and everyone laughed. "I've never thought about what it would feel like to have a dick and fuck someone." She kept easing it forward until the small dildo was buried into his ass. I watched as the ladies all stared at it.

Suzanne reached forward and grabbed Bobby's hair to lift his face up a little. "How's it feel to be fucked, Bobby?"

"It feels weird, Miss Suzanne."

"Do you want me to continue?"

"Yes, please, Miss Suzanne, continue."

Bobby was entering a much more submissive role that I thought he would play. I knew that he let Suzanne fuck around and that he had watched me fuck her, but I didn't know that he would be this submissive.

Suzanne started moving in and out, trying to fuck her husband in the ass, but she was not as proficient as a man at thrusting in this manner. It still managed to stimulate Bobby and he was moaning and moving his hips in time to the thrusts. His eyes were closed and Suzanne was holding him by the handcuffs on his wrist as she finally managed to get into a rhythm.

Suzanne stopped for a minute and reached under Bobby. "Yeah, he loves it. He has another hard on. I think we need to change positions."

Suzanne suddenly pulled out and stood up. She went and sat down on the couch, the small dick sticking up from her harness. "Come here and sit on my dick."

Bobby stared for a second and looked around the room. I wondered if she had pushed him too far and if he would suddenly back out. But instead he stared at it and spoke. "My hands are cuffed. I need some help." Audrey and Stephanie were immediately at his side and helped him turn around for his penetration. He slowly leaned back and they assisted him, each had one hand under an arm and one hand on his ass as he was lowered. Suzanne was holding the dick up with her left hand and keeping track of his asshole with her right. She had them adjust him a little and then they slowly settled him back onto the fake dick. He groaned, but his dick was hard as a rock. Suzanne started bouncing her hips a little and Bobby rocked and they were able to get a little thrusting movement of the dildo in his ass.

At the same time Audrey reached down and started jacking him off. "He's so fucking hard again." She looked right at him. "You really like being fucked in the ass by a woman, don't you?"

Bobby stared back from about 18" into her eyes. "Yes, Miss Audrey, I love having Miss Suzanne fuck me in the ass." Bobby appeared to be ready to acquiesce to anything the women wanted now and it was making me uncomfortable.

Cindy called me over and told me to get two dining room chairs and put them about 1 foot apart. I did so. She told me to stand there and watch as the ladies were now taking turns jacking Bobby's cock while they helped Suzanne fuck his ass. They had pushed him back against Suzanne's chest, his hands still trapped between them, and were working him over. Some were becoming even more aggressive. I kept hearing things like ‘Fuck him good, Suzanne' and ‘Tear up that ass'.

Finally, Bobby could take no more and yelled that he was cumming. All the ladies stopped and watched as Stephanie, who now had control of his cock, jerked him hard and pointed his dick at his chest. The first spurt hit him in the bottom of his chin and the rest spurted over his belly. He was finally completely spent and the ladies all relaxed and sat back.

Suddenly I heard a click and turned to find Cindy taking a picture of Suzanne and Bobby. I looked over and Suzanne was smiling.

"Sorry, Suzanne, but I just had to have a shot of that for posterity."

"No problem. I can't wait to get a copy."

Mary agreed. "I definitely want a copy of that."

They all picked Bobby up and left him standing there watching with his hands cuffed.

Cindy put the camera down and approached me. "Now we have to take care of Jack's very hard and leaking dick."

I looked down and I was definitely dribbling pre-cum.

Cindy pulled me over to the two dining room chairs. "Lay down across the chairs with your dick hanging down between them." I did so, feeling very vulnerable. The last time this happened, I was taken advantage off and I was feeling the nervousness after I watched what they did to Bobby. But I loved my wife and I was going to trust her. She knew my limits and saw what had happened last time. I just had to go with the flow. "Somebody bring me a plate to put on the floor." A plate suddenly appeared under my dick. I could lower my head and look under the chair at the plate and just see my dick sticking down past the seats of the chairs.

Cindy was still in charge. "Gather round ladies. We are going to take turns jacking him off onto the plate. I will go first on his ass and Suzanne on his dick. One lady jacks his dick, two hold his butt open, and one uses the butt plug to fuck his ass. Ready?" I could hear the murmurs, but couldn't see anything. I felt my ass cheeks being pulled open and then a hand grabbed my dick. As another starting pulling out and thrusting the plug in and out of my ass, the hand on my dick started jerking me off. I was not going to last long, but they prolonged it by changing often. I must have gone thru about 5 women on the plug and my dick when I could feel it building.

"I'm cumming!" I announced to them. I suddenly felt the plug get pulled out of my ass and two fingers entered it. They started sawing them in and out as I started pumping cum out and onto the plate.

"Oh, yeah, cum baby!" I heard someone say.

"Look at all that cum. I guess it was good that we made him wait." I could tell that that was Suzanne.

The other ladies all had gathered around me and now stroked me as I had collapsed limply onto the chairs.

I then felt a swat on my ass and heard my wife's voice. "Get up, Jack. We are all thirsty now."

I struggled to my feet and saw that they had now unlocked Bobby. We both took drink orders and returned with a few. Then I saw Suzanne smile evilly at me. "You know, the loser should also have to lick up all the cum of the winner from that plate."

There was a moment of dead silence in the room. I think all the ladies knew that most men would never consider tasting their own cum, much less someone else's. They all stared at Suzanne and then at Bobby, alternating back and forth and waiting to see what happened.

Suzanne ended the silence after also staring directly at Bobby. "Bobby, go over, get down on your hands and knees with your ass pointed toward us and lick up the cum from that plate."

Bobby hesitated and looked around the room. All the women were staring and a few were gaping. They had not expected this at all. Neither had I.

Finally, Bobby looked at Suzanne and answered. "Yes, Miss Suzanne."

Bobby got on all fours, crawled over to the plate, and started licking up the cum. One of the women actually said ‘Yuck', but the others looked on in silence. Suzanne, however, stood up, went over to Bobby, and spread his cheeks. His ass looked a little red and sore. "Look at that. We all know that this man is straight. But he is secure enough to let me fuck him in the ass until its sore while you girls jacked him off on his own chest, and then he will eat another man's cum because we demanded it of him. I think he deserves a round of applause."

The ladies all applauded Bobby and I knew that she was doing this to try to make him feel better. I had not realized that they had gotten this far along in D/S relationship. Or maybe they hadn't and she was pushing him right here. In any case, after a couple of minutes, Bobby stood up and turned around. His face was covered in cum, but he didn't appear to be disgusted by it. Suzanne starting kissing him and licking up the cum until he was fairly cleaned off.

She then turned to me. "And thank you, Jack, for also providing entertainment to this party."

All the ladies applauded again. Cindy then asked them all to sit back down. She picked up the toys, handed them to me and Bobby and asked us to clean them up in the kitchen. We took them in there and did so.

When we returned, the ladies appeared to be packing up their stuff. Cindy turned to us. "Please say good-bye to the ladies in the appropriate manner." Once again Bobby and I went down the line and said good-bye while the ladies shook hands with our dicks. They all departed, commenting on what a wonderful time they had and how they couldn't wait to have another chance to do this. I wondered what that might mean for me and Bobby.

One interesting thing that happened is that Mary was the last one out the door and came and gave me a hug. She whispered to me. "My husband has a home invasion/rape fantasy that I want to explore with you two. I'll call you later."

Holy shit! That sounded interesting.

Once they were all gone, Suzanne and Cindy turned to us and gave us big hugs.

I started removing my hood. They were hot and I'm sure Bobby wanted his off, too. We both got them off and our hair was sweaty and matted.

Cindy kissed me. "Thank you so much for this, honey. I can't believe how much fun that was parading you around and fucking you in the ass while my friends didn't know it was you."

Suzanne held Bobby close. "Baby, I want to thank you for putting up with me being so dominating today. I didn't mean for it to be that way, but with the hood on I felt like I was dominating a stranger and that I could do whatever I wanted."

Bobby kissed Suzanne on the head. "Everything's fine, hon. I loved it. You know we've been getting closer and closer to that all along. As long as this is only role-playing during sex, I can do it." He leaned over and gave her a serious look that he couldn't quite pull off because he was trying so hard not to laugh. "Just don't expect to order me around all day at home. Understand?"

Suzanne laughed. "Honey, you told me how you felt and the rules you set up, I knew exactly what you meant. I don't want you to be my slave except in the bedroom, okay?"

Bill smiled at her. "That's exactly how it should be Princess."

They said their good-byes and left. I turned to Cindy. "Hmmm. My birthday's next month. I can't wait to see what I can come up with for that."

Cindy laughed. "Bastard." She slapped my arm playfully. "You can't stand not to have the upper hand or get the last laugh, can you?"

"You know it!"

to be continued…

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-17 04:34:18
A) chapter 13 was mislabeled as chapter 12. B) the stories are amazing. And C) keep it up.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-12 11:23:02
Chapter 13 was accidentally called Chapter 12 dude, and I don't like your new approach on the story.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-11 17:37:03
these chapters suk azzz

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-10 20:08:37
OOOPPPSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! No chapter 13, kills continuity of the story.

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