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This is a story that describes a unique situation that confronted a mature couple when they bought a beach house in Florida. They suddenly found themselves in a "Swinging Community" of senior citizens. Although it is a fictional account, the story applies real people and actual circumstances to develop the narrative. As expected, names have been changed and situations have been modified to provide anonymity. Be warned: the story starts very slowly, in order to develop the characters and the situational environment.
It was certainly not what we expected at that particular stage of our lives. Unbelievably, my wife and I found ourselves in the middle of a "swinging lifestyle" group in our mature years. Incredible! Perhaps I better give some background on us, our circumstances, and what led us to this way of life just a few years ago.

My name is Dave Stewart. I was in my early sixties at the time that the following series of incidents occurred and had been married to my wife Carolyn for more than thirty years. I had retired from the Army as a lieutenant colonel in my early forties and was able to apply my skill in logistics to a second career in the business world with a multi-modal logistics company in Raleigh.

After many years of service there, my regional firm was bought-out by a large, multi-national Transportation-Logistics corporation. The new owners were intending to take a different corporate approach with the firm, yet offered all those senior employees with more than 20 years of service and who were over age 60 the opportunity to retire early on a slightly reduced annuity. That was a no-brainer for me. I already had my Army pension and the retirement check from the business would certainly provide a handsome income.

Just about the same time my wife, a senior nursing supervisor at a regional medical center, was informed that the facility would undergo an organizational restructuring. Staff members with more than 35 years of service were offered full retirement benefits, opening up senior positions to younger employees. Carolyn had been hired straight out of nursing school and had been working at several of the hospitals operated by the not-for-profit health care organization ever since. Again, this was a no-brainer, as well, and she quickly accepted.

On the investment front, we were pretty well established, too. I had started investing a small part of my pay way back when I first was a brand new second lieutenant in the Army. During the rest of my career I had continued the practice of investing a few spare dollars each pay check, turning all my investments over to an old fraternity brother of mine from UNC. He had indeed done a good job as an investment counselor, because by the time of my second retirement, we had a very large, sound, and diversified portfolio.

We decided that it might be in our best interest to buy a beach house in Florida as a second home. We had paid off our home in Raleigh, so we had money to invest. Florida was in the down side of one of the frequent "property roller coaster rides" the state seems to experience. Consequently, it was a buyers-market. We found the perfect home on the Atlantic coast south of St. Augustine. It was a foreclosure and did need some work, but it was a tremendous bargain.

The house was on a cul-de-sac on a barrier island south of the city. The cul-de-sac was actually on a small peninsula projecting into the marshlands along the Intracostal Waterway. So, although the beach house wasn't on an Atlantic beach, it was only a short walk to the ocean and still on a body of water.

We closed on the house and decided that we'd spend most of our time in our North Carolina residence, but would have frequent visits to our beach house. We would split our time between our two homes as we felt the urge.

During our first few weeks in the beach house we were focused on renovation to the structure. The neighbors were very helpful, both with assistance and the loan of essential tools. We got to know most of them somewhat, but really didn't have the opportunity to become closer. However, that was soon to change.

Sid Dixon had helped me many times during the period of our renovations. The Dixons lived directly across the cul-de-sac from our beach house in a large home, with exceptional landscaping and a large screened-in pool between the house and the marsh leading to the Intracoastal. He was a retired engineer who had moved to Florida from Pennsylvania a few years before. A good looking man in his mid-sixties, physically fit and was an avid tennis player and an exceptional golfer. He was soft-spoken and about 5 foot ten or so, with salt and pepper hair and neatly trimmed beard. His wife, Lynn, was a strikingly good looking woman. She was in her late fifties, tall ... probably 5 foot 8 ... with attractively styled, long, brown hair. She was deliciously buxom, just a little chunky in the waist , but with a curvy ass, and nicely shaped legs. Her vivacious personality was always cheerful and lively.

Lynn Dixon called us late one afternoon and asked us to come on over to their house as it was time for cocktails and an opportunity to socialize. We agreed, washed up from our renovation work, and walked across the cul-de-sac to their attractive home.

Lynn met us at the door and gracefully guided us to the patio deck surrounding the pool. We sat down in the poolside couch while Lynn poured Margaritas for the others and a bourbon for me. I'm afraid I've never acquired a taste for Margaritas. Sid told us that they bought the lot thirty years earlier, anticipating moving to Florida when he retired from the engineering firm. Lynn had been a social worker for the state of Pennsylvania and retired herself as soon as she became eligible. Once that had been accomplished, they moved to Florida and built their retirement home.

We talked about a wide variety of subjects and enjoyed the opportunity to learn much more about our neighbors, their family, and their interests. After some time, Sid paused and then began to direct the conversation in a totally different and unexpected direction. "Dave, we'd like to discuss something with you and Carolyn. It's quite personal and somewhat of a sensitive matter."

"Sure, Sid," I responded. "What is it?"

"Well, we are members of a unique neighborhood senior's group." He paused briefly, and then continued, "Lynn and I would like to encourage you to participate, as well."

"Senior's group?" I asked, somewhat bewildered. "What kind of senior's group? A neighborhood bridge club or something like that?"

The two of them chuckled. "Well, not exactly," said Sid. "Lynn, do you want to tell them a little more about our little group and what makes it unique?"

"Well, Dave," Lynn said, "The seniors around here had become bored to death with the status quo life here in the neighborhood. The Florida lifestyle is fine, but it becomes stale awfully quick. Anyway, we started a group to add some spice to our lives, particularly our love lives. Tim and Candie Saunders next to you were the ringleaders and started a 'senior swingers social club.' You know, have consensual sex in the open with the others in the group." She paused, then continued, "What do you think? Is this something that you might be interested in joining as a couple."

I was completely stunned. This was certainly not something we would have ever suspected from our apparently perceived conservative neighbors. Carolyn was staggered as well, her jaw dropping in total surprise as she stared at Lynn.

Sid laughed and said "Not what you expected, is it? There are four married couples that are part of our little group and we are all your neighbors.

I was somewhat shocked and bewildered by this news. I sipped on my drink for a while, trying to sort out this development in my mind. After a few moments I asked, "Well, who are the others in your little group?"

Lynn said " Tim and Candie Saunders and Doctor Ken Milner and his wife Jan. You haven't met them, but they have that large house on the other side of the Saunders. They've been on a tour of Europe for some time, but will be back in a week or so."

"Oh, Jeff and Jerri Overton are in, as well." interjected Sid. "They were hippies way back when and were swingers before the term was probably invented." Jeff is still working part-time at the engineering firm on Route One in town and Jerri is still teaching music."

Sid said "If we've correctly accounted for everyone, that would make four couples and if you join that will be five. However, I don't think we've ever had a swinging party with all the couples attending. It's usually been only two or three couples at any one party. As you've probably concluded, all of us are mature, between 52 and 64, and most of us are retired.

I looked at my wife and she shrugged her shoulders in disbelief, a stunned and bewildered look on her face.

I paused and then said "Are you two serious? Are you really serious? "

Lynn smiled and responded, "Oh, quite serious.... and I think you two would be a wonderful addition to the group."

We sat for a few silent moments and Lynn refreshed our drinks while all this began to sink in.

I said "When do you guys want to have an answer from us? "

"Well, how about this: Why don't you talk about it overnight," said Sid. "Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow night. We can have a few drinks, some good wine, a nice dinner, and then you can tell us your decision. If you feel uncomfortable and decide not to participate, that's just fine with us and we'll all remain friends."

Carolyn and I walked back to our house, still trying to grasp what we had just encountered. We talked about it and I must admit, I found the prospects to be intriguing and exciting. We weren't prudes and had several opportunities for a little "playtime" with others ... singles and couples ... early in our marriage. However, once we had kids, we had stopped all our sexual escapades. Carolyn was a great deal more hesitant to get involved at our age than I was. We reached no conclusion and decided to sleep on it.

All next day we mulled over the offer, again not reaching any conclusions. Finally, we decided that we would attend the dinner, ask further questions, and then make our decision.

That next evening we walked across to the Dixon's house and were escorted into the living room by Sid while Lynn finished off diner preparations. Carolyn offered to help and joined her in the kitchen. Sid and I sipped bourbon and chatted about sports for several minutes with the girls out of the room.

Lynn eventually called us to the table for an absolutely sumptuous fish dinner. Lynn was a very talkative, chatty woman and obviously loved innuendo expressions and double entendre, frequently using terms involving sex throughout the dinner. I must admit, her colorful narratives and antics throughout dinner kept all of us laughing.

We adjourned to the living room for after-dinner drinks and discussion. The Dixons told us about the swinging lifestyle they had experienced since they had retired to Florida and how much fun they were having by being involved with the group in the cul-de-sac. Lynn reiterated that every couple on our end of the street were involved.

"How did you first get involved?" I asked.

"Well, Tim and Candie Saunders, really seduced us the first time," Sid chuckled, "and then introduced us to the others in the group."

Tim and Candie were actually the couple living next door to us. Tim was a general contractor, while Candie .... her name was really Candice ... was a nurse who had recently retired from the local hospital. Although they were close to us on the street, they had been out of town much of the time we had been working on the house and we had only a passing acquaintance with them.

Lynn explained how they became involved with the Saunders. Tim and Candie had taken them to dinner one night and they all had gotten well lubricated with booze. During the evening, Tim had asked Lynn if she liked to dance, which she did indeed. Consequently, they went dancing at several places around town for a couple of hours.

Sid said, "When we got back to the Saunders' home, we sat in their living room, Lynn with the Tim and Candie with me. The lights were low and after chatting briefly, I saw Tim kissing Lynn's neck and caressing her body with his hands. For some reason, I didn't get jealous, but took the opportunity to passionately kiss Candie. After a few more minutes, Candie grabbed my hand and slipped it under the hem of her skirt. That was too much of an invitation for me. I quickly began to push Candie's skirt up and slipped my hand up the inside of her thighs. Her panties were already wet."

Lynn picked up the narrative, "Tim and I had been kissing for quite some time, becoming more and more passionate. He then suggested that we should leave Sid and Candie alone. He then mentioned that he had something to show me in the bedroom. How's that for a lead-in to a seduction?," she chuckled. "Anyway, once we got to the bedroom, he immediately began to kiss me and began to strip off my clothes. I was amazed that I didn't stop him and was actually totally aroused by what was happening."

Sid smiled and led to a summarization of the seduction, "I don't think we need to go into any great detail, but suffice to say that the evening had been an exceptional, sexually rewarding encounter. That was only the beginning and, I must admit, Lynn and I have been addicted to the swinging lifestyle ever since."

The after-dinner drinks along with the two bottles of wine over dinner had all of us feeling no pain whatsoever. Lynn suggested that we turn on some music and do some dancing in the living room. She refilled our drinks and Sid turned on his exceptional sound system. The music was soft, slow, and sensual, encouraging close contact between the dancing couples. We probably danced for almost an hour. During that time we exchanged dance partners several times, but I could see that Carolyn and Sid were definitely getting along marvelously. Carolyn is 5'5" tall, slender, with small but well formed breasts. She said that the small breasts were a blessing when she got into her fifties, since she had no sagging problem as did many of her friends. Without doubt, however, was the fact that her most attractive feature was her curvy ass and her long, shapely legs.

On that particular night she was wearing a short, yellow sundress with a strap wrapped around her neck. I noticed that Carolyn and Sid were dancing extremely close and he had cupped his hands on her delicious ass while they danced. Lynn whispered to me, "Dave, is it all right with you; I mean, if Sid tries to seduce Carolyn." I thought for a while and then responded by saying "Well, that's really Carolyn's decision to make, but we'll just see how that progresses". I noticed that Sid had a particularly wicked grin on his face while Carolyn had a familiar sensual smile as they pressed their bodies together.

Lynn took hold of my hands and directed them to her ass, grinding her pelvis into me and crushing her generous tits into my chest saying, "How about you? Do you think that I could make this evening really exciting for you?" I suggested that we sit a dance out and just watch our spouses. Lynn sat next to me and started rubbing my erect cock through my pants. My hands went to her generous breasts and we kissed a long, deep, sensual kiss. I watched through partially closed eyes as Sid and Carolyn sat on the other couch opposite us. The two were soon passionately kissing and Sid was aggressively caressing Carolyn's body. I watched as his hand slid up under the hem of her sun dress, pushing the fabric up as he began to gently stroke her pussy through her silky panties.

After a few minutes I heard Sid ask Carolyn, "Carolyn, why don't we go in the other room. I have something you may find interesting." She giggled. and said "Sid, are you trying to seduce me?"

He just smiled, stood her up, turned her around , and pulled the knot in the strap that held up the top of her dress. His hands slipped her dress down to her waist, exposing her lacy bra-covered breasts. His hands cupped her tits and gently pinched her nipples through the lace decorated fabric. Carolyn looked over toward me and I responded with a grin of my own. Sid guided her toward the hall at the far side of the living room. Just before Carolyn went into the hallway leading to the bedroom she turned, her eyes questioning my acceptance of what was to obviously happen. I nodded my head and gave her a knowing wink.

Lynn rose up from the couch. "Are you sure that everything about this is all right with you?"

I smiled and responded "Oh yeah, I just hope that Carolyn enjoys herself."

"I wouldn't worry about that," Lynn giggled, "I'm sure that Sid will take very good care of her. He has a nice seven-incher that has never failed to satisfy me or anyone else. Why don't we give them a few minutes and then we can go and check on them."

I was sitting on the couch with Lynn standing directly in front of me. I slipped my hands up her leg and felt her pussy through her already soggy panties. I gently slipped them down her legs to the floor and she kicked them aside. That accomplished, she raised one foot onto the couch, giving me much better access between her legs.

As I gently slipped my fingers into her wet slash, she pulled her dress up and off. Her hand slipped around to unclasp her bra and drop it to her carpet. Lynn now stood completely naked in front of me. I gently slipped my left hand up her stomach to caress her full breasts, while gently probing her pussy with my fingers and stroking her clitoris with my thumb. Lynn responded by moaning and rocking her hips, driving her cunt against my prying fingers.

By now my rigid cock was straining to be released from the confines of my khakis. I pulled her down and sat her on the couch as I knelt on the floor between her splayed legs. I was going to enjoy eating the deliciously saturated pussy of this strikingly beautiful mature woman. I dove into her slash with enthusiasm, alternating between thrusting my tongue between her pussy lips and sucking her clitoris.

After a few brief moments her pussy began to strain against my probing mouth. I slipped my fingers back into her slash and started to fingerfuck her with my fingers, while I eagerly continued sucking her clit. She arched her back against the couch, thrusting her pussy hard against my fingers while I sucked and licked her clitoris. Suddenly she achieved her orgasm. "Oh fuck! Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!." I felt her pussy clench and spasm around my fingers as she writhed and squirmed, reaching her first orgasm of the night. Moments later she collapsed backward on the couch, a broad smile tracing her face. "Oh, Dave! That was wonderful! Oh, my! You have a very talented tongue!"

I slipped my knit shirt off over my head and stripped off my pants and boxers. I shoved my rigid shaft toward her, knowing that I seriously needed some release of my own. Lynn shook her head, "No, not just yet, Dave. Let's just go and see how well Carolyn and Sid are getting along."

I ran my hand over her delightful ass as we walked toward the bedroom and she gripped my stiff and unyielding cock. Once at the bedroom door, I saw that Sid's face was buried in my wife's pussy. He had her thighs spread around his head, giving him complete access to her luscious naked body. Carolyn was moaning and thrusting against his face with increasing urgency. Suddenly she achieved her climax, screaming as the orgasm thundered through her body. "Ohhhhh! Oh, Fuck!" she wailed as the intensity of the orgasm rushed through her body.

Eventually the climax faded and her body suddenly went limp. Sid gently worked his way up her body, licking and kissing, lingering at her small breasts in order suckle at her tremendously elongated nipples. I watched as his hard cock rubbed and traced along her pussy lips. She responded by opening her legs wider and thrusting her slash toward his probing dick.

He reached down to gently rub his cockhead against her soggy slash. "Carolyn, do you want me to put my cock in your pussy? Do you want me to fuck you?" Carolyn strained to grasp his cock with her pussy as she nodding her head. "Tell me what you want me to do, Carolyn," he asked. "Tell me exactly what you want me to do."

"I want you to fuck me!" she moaned in sexually aroused overload. "I want you to stick your cock in me! I want you to fuck my brains out!"

Sid immediately thrust forward, slowly rocking his hips toward her anxiously waiting pussy. I watched as his rigid cock firmly disappeared into my wife's slash, then re-emerged, glistening wet. With his second thrust he buried his cock deeply inside her. He fucked her with increasing intensity as Carolyn's hands grabbed his ass, firmly pulling him in and out of her.

As the pace increased, she began squealing in sexual arousal. "Oh fuck me, Sid! Oh fuck! Oh, fuck! Ohhhhhhhh!" I could see his hard cock, thrusting deep into her while I knew that she was trying to grasp his cock with her pussy, endeavoring to hold it deep inside her with each thrust. I smiled, remembering that delicious experience from many fucks over the years. I'm sure Sid was enjoying the experience as much as she was!

I suddenly realized that Lynn had sucked my cock into her mouth. Mmmmmmm! Her velvety lips were incessantly sucking on my stiff shaft, her tongue caressing the underside of my cock. She was an exceptional cocksucker, and although I always enjoy a good blowjob, I was thoroughly aroused and need a serious fuck. I reluctantly pulled her to her feet and guided her to the adjoining guest bedroom.

We were both thoroughly stimulated and ready to fuck. Lynn scrambled onto the guest room bed as we entered the room. She quickly lay on her back, slipping a pillow under her ass to prepare an improved angle of penetration for me. She hurriedly spread her legs, opening her oozing slash while I knelt between her thighs and positioned my cock at the entrance to her eager pussy. As I pushed into her waiting cunt, I felt her slash gobble up my rigid cock until my nuts rebounded off her ass.

Lynn was already on the verge of another orgasm. Her body started to shudder and tremble in anticipation after I had thrust only a few deep strokes into her clinching pussy. "Fuck me, now!" she moaned, "Fuck me, Dave! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me... hard and deep!". Her ravenous pussy was clinching and squeezing my cock as I rammed into her. The combination of her surging body and her shrieks of overwhelming sexual passion, brought me to the brink of my own orgasm.

Lynn's body began to tense as she rapidly approached another climax. She enthusiastically clutched my ass and held me firmly while I drove my cock in and out of her. Lynn suddenly pulled me deep inside her, grinding her pelvis against my thrusts.

"Cum in me! Cum in me, NOW! Oh, FUCK MEEEEE!" She squealed.

Her pussy seemed to be actually sucking me ever deeper into her. By now I was pounding into her with very rapid, short strokes. Then I reached my own orgasm and began pumping my boiling semen into her pulsating pussy. "Aaarrgghhh!!" I moaned, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!", my superheated cock jerking as the creamy sperm flooded her sodden cunt.

Once our orgasms had subsided, we lay for long minutes, gasping for breath as the sexual excess gradually receded from our temporarily exhausted bodies. Lynn lay in my arms, her head nestled against my chest. Her large tits were heaving as her body trembled slightly, flushed with the exhilaration of our encounter. I reached down and surveyed the puffy lips of her pussy, my fingers slipping inside the silky, soaked opening. "Hmmm, Lynn. Your pussy feels well fucked," I said softly. "How are you doing?" I asked.

"Mmmmm," she murmured, "Never better. Thank you for a fabulous fuck." After a few quiet moments she continued, "Why don't we join Carolyn and Sid."

We walked through the house and eventually found Sid and Carolyn in the kitchen, both completely naked as they prepared fresh round of drinks. Carolyn smiled and easily slipped into my open arms. "How you doing, darling" I asked.

"Fantastic! I had a wonderful time. I just had so many good orgasms," she responded enthusiastically. "Do you know, I think I could actually get to like this swapping racket! We peeked in on you and Lynn and you two seemed to be thoroughly enjoying yourselves." she replied with a sly wink.

We sat in the living room, commenting on how we felt so much closer to one another. After nearly half an hour we finally finished our drinks and Sid suggested that we take a communal shower. We all seemed to agree that it was necessary and could also be enjoyable!

The four of us all slipped into their large "Florida-style" shower, giggling as we enjoyed the warm, penetrating spray. Of course, there was a significant amount of caressing and groping among us while we cleaned up. Sid and Carolyn were first to step out of the shower, dry with the fluffy towels and return to the living room. Lynn and I took a few minutes longer to get dry and join the others. When we entered the living room we saw Sid and Carolyn on the couch, both naked and eagerly caressing one another.

Sid was suckling at my wife's luscious breasts, while his fingers easily slid in and out of her anxiously moist pussy. At the same time he gently used his thumb to stroke and caress her clitoris. Carolyn leaned her head against the back of the couch, her eyes closed and sensually moaning as she savored his probing thrusts and suckling lips. Lynn was slightly in the lead as we entered the living room. She paused in order to watch Carolyn and her husband as he caressed her anxious body.

I slipped up behind her, allowing my cock to rest in the crack of her ass as it hardened. My hands glided around her to fondle her deliciously full, welcoming breasts. We watched our spouses enjoying one another for a few minutes when I took one hand down, grasped my cock and rubbed it between her legs and against her pussy.

Sid pushed Carolyn back on the couch and crouched between her legs. He lifted her ass up giving him better access to fuck her deeply and quickly positioned his cock, gently rubbing the cockhead against her silken slit as he prepared to penetrate her pussy. He lifted each of her legs, spreading them apart as he positioned them on his shoulders and his rigid cock prodded against the lips of her anxious slash. When his cockhead pierced her pussy, he shoved himself all the way in. He then began to rhythmically fuck in and out of her, gradually increasing in tempo and intensity.

Lynn's cunt was extremely wet as she rubbed back against my cock. She looked back at me over her shoulder and said, "I want you to fuck me again. I want you to fuck me now!" I pushed her onto her hands and knees on the floor and crouched behind her as we continued to watch our spouses fucking on the couch. Bracing herself on one arm, the fingers of Lynn's free hand found her tits, stroking and fondling wildly as she rammed back against my thrusting cock. I grabbed her hips and began plunging my cock in and out of her luscious and moist pussy.

I watched with arousing pleasure as my wife was earnestly fucked by Sid and I slid my dick into his wife's pussy. Oh, man! The feeling was fantastic! We each watched the others in this unrestrained, wonton sexual activity. Collectively we were building toward a awesome group orgasm!

Carolyn was the first to reach her orgasm, her spasming pussy endeavoring to draw Sid's cock ever deeper into her writhing body. "Ohhhhhhh, Sid" she moaned, "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me good!" Sid hit bottom and held firm as his body shuddered and trembled. I could sense the throbbing of his cock as he flooded her cunt with his creamy semen. Carolyn's moans slowly subsided as she descended from her climax.

By now Lynn was fucking back against my pounding cock and quickly triggered my orgasm. I howled in release as my sperm burst free, flowing deep into Lynn's eager, sucking pussy. That alone sent Lynn over the edge, screaming in sexual release as her own juices flooded down to join mine.

We finally all collapsed, slipping into a brief period of rejuvenating sleep. It took quite a few minutes for us to recover, but we finally did.

Lynn turned to us, "Well," she asked quietly. "Have you decided to join our little group?"

Carolyn giggled, "Oh, yes. I think that you've convinced us. Count us in!"

Just like that, we became members of the neighborhood senior swingers social club. Our lives would never be the same, as the succeeding weeks revealed..

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-18 19:19:55
Excellent story and enjoyed it very much. Look forward to many more chapters.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-01 19:26:07
when will the next chapter be published?

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-18 07:22:58
s beware of the Billionaire and the Millionaire Jewish pelpoe in your community, they worship the devil. They have infiltrated your government and work inside your government to turn your kids into devil worshipers. They are all in the Illuminati devil worshipers cult. Buy Guns and form your own militia groups to kill them all. Create a neighborhood watch in your country and in your town to track the Jewish pelpoe's activity. These Jewish pelpoe worship Lucifer and they are there to destroy your country. They hide themselves in companies so they can do insider trading and bankrupt other good companies in your country. The Evil Jewish pelpoe have also poisoned your food and water supply just so they can make money from you by selling the cure. Don't let them run your country's banks. They are run by the Rothschild family, Rockerfeller family, Percy family, Rosenberg, Breakspear, Farnese, and aldobrandini family. Tell everyone.


2014-07-24 02:51:44
Good story, very well-written.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-25 06:06:49
aIFIvJ Really appreciate you sharing this blog article.Much thanks again. Keep writing.

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