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Ever had that fantasy of doing that hot waiter? Well fantasise no more!
Isaac Treslow is a boy. A rather special boy at that; top grades, rich background, friendly, fit, attractive, the lot; as it normally goes with stories like these. You always get the really nice one don’t you? I mean it’s starting to get samey right? Right? Oh yes, the story...

Yes, Isaac really does have life easy doesn’t he? And guess what, he’s gay! Who didn’t see that one coming? But not one of those flamboyant shout-about-it gays, he’s more subtle than that. Don’t want the family to know what little Isaac’s been up to! But he’s extremely charismatic; he could talk any guy to doing what he wants. That, basically, is what this story is about...

On this particular evening, Isaac is out with the family for some form of meal. Now, Isaac’s family being rich and all, they do like enjoying life as best as they could. So their usual restaurant was very up-market, they had a lobster tank and everything! Their usual table was set conveniently at the far end of said posh restaurant, right where the waiters would normally gather. And it’s this reason why Isaac finds coming here so entertaining.

Upper class families may have been fun to live with, what with the private education and forever sponging off your parents. But conversations are dull, very rarely edging away from usual pompous topics. With a Dad owning a large trans-national company of sorts and a Mum working very high up the pecking order in some office firm, family life can be a tad dull. Being an only child didn’t help either, no-one else stuck in the same dreary boat.

Of course Isaac didn’t rebel against his parents’ snooty ways. He just followed suit, being the polite and generous young man they expected him to be. He didn’t mind to be honest, he enjoyed dressing smart and playing the dominant young man role against all the others. But there was always a darker side to characters like his; as I shall explain later...

So yes, Isaac and his boring family were out at their usual 5-star restaurant in town having their usual dinner of some kind of steak for Dad, some kind of salad for Mum and probably not any food at all depending on what the staff was like for Isaac. Thankfully the staff tonight was very good, friendly and quick to provide service. But that was the least of Isaac’s worries.

The waiter tonight must have been newly hired as Isaac had never seen him before. Name badge printed as Stefano, and when Isaac noticed him he was fumbling about on the table next to his trying to pick up too many glasses. Of course, Isaac got a good look in once he had bent over. That was one hot exotic ass he had there too! The waiter couldn’t be any more perfect for Isaac. Dreamily continental, innocently shy, and a uniform that greatly complimented what must have been one hell of a torso!

Once he’d arrived at Isaac’s table to take orders, he couldn’t resist a little flirting with the poor guy.
“Can I take your order, sir?” he politely asked in a lilting Spanish accent. He flicked back a lock of his long greased black hair and searched for his notepad. By the time he was ready, Isaac had an idea.
“Yes, I’ll have the sirloin please, medium-rare” Dad ordered. Mum said something like:
“The seafood salad for me please. Isaac, what would you like?” She thankfully played the right ending line for Isaac:
“Oh I think I’ll go with something exotic with a little kick to it” Isaac vaguely growled whilst staring all the time at the waiter. Stefano got the hint but didn’t show it as he just stared vaguely back. To stop his parents from getting suspicious, Isaac continued: “The beef enchiladas for me, thanks”
Stefano was still looking at Isaac when he wrote the order. “And to drink?” he turned back to Dad.
“Yes, a bottle of Merlot for my wife and I. Isaac?”
“Let’s just see what comes out!” It was risky of him for being a tad unspecific. But thankfully a long stare at Stefano did the job. Mum wasn’t sure though:
“Excuse me?”
“I think I’ll be fine without thanks!”
“Are you sure?” Stefano spoke directly at his hunter. “Things tend to be quite hot here” Isaac couldn’t believe the innocent looking Spaniard came out with such a subtle innuendo! Isaac crossed his legs at the thought. At least he was going along with it!
“OK then I’ll have a glass of water”
“I think you might need some refills if the waiter is right, Isaac” Mum thankfully didn’t get any of our signals to each other
“Oh it’s OK, madam. He’ll get free refills” Another long stare and a slight grin and Isaac was full on fantasizing with awkward results.
“Oh well that’s good then” Thank God that Dad got none of this either. Stefano left, but didn’t take his eyes of Isaac all evening.

Oh the luck Isaac seemed to have on this one particular night! But then every fit character must have luck with some other fit character in stories or else it’d never work! But yeah, Isaac felt so lucky how he now had an insanely hot continental stud of a waiter drooling over him. He couldn’t wait to find out how saucy the Spaniards were at fucking!

But he had one huge problem. Well two if we’re counting the trouser department. How would he get this guy to screw him without his parents noticing? He chewed thoughtfully on his unsurprisingly spicy enchilada, thinking about the annoying matter. He couldn’t just disappear, they’d wonder, and either get panicked for no reason or find out. And he couldn’t just say at the end of the meal “Excuse I’m just off to fuck this hot waiter. Oh and by the way I’m gay!” How could he get what he so badly wanted? Unless another stroke of luck comes his way. I think we can manage that...

The end of the meal came very quickly for Isaac. He had a hard-on for well over an hour now, and when Stefano came to give the bill to his parents, things suddenly perked up.
“Oh, Mr. Treslow?” Stefano addressed my Dad “I’m afraid there’s some serious news from the hospital”
“A phone call came in about an Edna Treslow?”
“What? Mum?”
“She’s been admitted, and the hospital needs you”
“Oh dear Lord, we’ll have to go quickly”
“But what about the bill?”
“We’ll have to pay it some other time, we have to go!”
“I can’t let you leave though!”
“But we have to go!”
“Then I guess, you’ll have to come back”
“Yes, yes OK, we will. Come on!”
“What will you leave to guarantee your return?”
“I’ll stay then” Isaac spoke before he realised. He knew this was what Stefano had planned though.
“Alright alright, we’ll leave Isaac here, be back in about 2 hours and we’ll pay the bill when we come to collect him. Now Petunia, we have to go”
“Will you be OK?” Mum asked as she was dragged away
“Yeah I’ll be fine; Stefano will take care of me!” Isaac didn’t hear his mother’s reply as she was taken away.

The infamous staring between the two of them came back once more. A moment of silence passed by before Stefano made the first move.
“So...I gather this is what you wanted?”
“What, you alone in an empty restaurant? How could you tell?”
“Please, I’ve had these signs before!”
“Why does that not surprise me?”
“But no-one’s made me open my eyes as much as you”
“Well I have been known to be a bit waywardly flirtatious!”
Another bundle of seconds went by.

“Nice plan by the way”
“The call from the hospital!”
“No that really did happen...”
“I’m sorry, but it was a risk me trying to convince them to leave you here”
“It was well worth taking!”
More seconds of silence...

“So, Isaac...?”
“Treslow, 16, privately educated, 6 foot, 9 inches”
“Ha! You know what I’m after, don’t you?”
“Yes I do, Stefano...”
“Garcia, 24, Madrid born and bred, 5 foot 5, 11 inches”
“And I might be underestimating!”
“Double wow...”
More awkwardness... God, get on with it guys!

“Your voice is turning me on...”
“I just love how Spaniards can sound so saucy...”
“Well...your voice is pretty hot too...”
“You sound so manly... and growly...”
“Must be the enchiladas!”
They both laughed.
“I’m so hard right now”
“I’ve been hard all evening!”
“Then come with me, Isaac Treslow!”

The lure of the Spaniard’s wink was enough to make Isaac’s crotch tingle with excitement. He followed him right round the restaurant and out to the main door. Now conveniently, the restaurant was joined to a hotel. And even more conveniently, Stefano had taken the liberty of booking a double room for the night. How convenient! Who wouldn’t have seen that coming? Even though the concierge gave them a slightly dodgy look as the two of them got into the lift, they were both as horny as hell! The lift ascended far too slowly for the both of them:

“So have you ever...”
“What, had sex? Of course!”
“Oh I could tell that by looking at you! But have you ever screwed a customer before?”
“Oh, no”
“Or even this young?”
“It’s going to be fun finding out though!”
“You bet!”

Annoyingly the lift door opened before they could snog each other. Stefano walked briskly to the designated room, with Isaac not far behind. Neither could wait.
“So, have you done much then, Isaac?”
“Have I ever!”
“Got some experience then?”
“Trust me; I can do things with your cock that will make you scream!”

The door flung open to reveal the room in which two guys would shortly be making passionate love. Like two magnets they shot towards each other in a fiery kiss. They were two strong men with huge muscles; I would be surprised if there were fireworks going off with the friction! Isaac ran his hands against his waiter’s face, feeling every lock of long dark hair and every inch of macho Spanish stubble. Stefano was too preoccupied with Isaac’s rugby player’s ass, squeezing it tight to make him gasp in the kiss.

The two moved towards the bed, which was where Stefano was expecting a landing. But the strength of the teenager’s arms took him by shock when he was shoved into the en suite.
“What are you doing?”
“Get under there, you spicy hunk!”
Isaac turned the shower on full blast, and cold too. Stefano shrieked in shock, but he knew Isaac’s plan. The shirt clung to him, revealing his hugely erect nipples and the massive contours in the waiter’s muscles. With every gush of water, Isaac caressed Stefano’s eye-watering body.
“You like my body then?”
“Oh fuck yeah...”
“Never touched anything like it before huh?”
“Nothing like it...” Isaac was almost in a trance!
“Kiss me Isaac”
“Oh Stefano...” The lusty teenager pulled the waiter’s hips right against his own. They both kissed like crazy, the water just adding to the sensation. He felt the waiter’s massive erection against his own; it felt like he was true to his word. It felt huge! He couldn’t wait to unleash its fiery Spanish taste.

Stefano meanwhile felt the shirt wasn’t necessary and quickly peeled it from his soaked skin. Underneath was what could only be described as your usual macho Spanish chest. Huge pectorals with black hairs dotted about, and washboard abs. Isaac just moaned even more at the sight. Huge streams of water were now running down the waiter’s body, making his nipples look even juicier to taste. So Isaac did. He sucked frantically as if it were cock, with the odd playful bite here and there. This had to be the best body Isaac had ever gotten the opportunity to play with!

The horny teen then had enough of the water and demanded that the Spaniard got on the bed. As the once innocent teen had now turned into an authoritarian stud, Stefano felt unbelievably horny.

He threw himself on the bed while Isaac was tearing off his soaked clothes. He took the liberty of taking off his trousers too, which was popularly received... Isaac had only got topless when he saw the huge rod get released. He took one huge leap onto the bed and was already sucking Stefano off. Even he was surprised at Isaac’s instant reaction!

“You like to get to it then!”
Isaac didn’t answer as his mouth was full!
“Oh shit, you feel like you’ve done this before!”
Isaac just moaned in agreement
“I’d never tell you had such a hot cock-sucking mouth an hour ago...”
“You talk too much...” Isaac said before returning in a much harder suck.

Stefano moaned frantically in return. The sensation in Isaac’s mouth was almost overwhelming! The many times Isaac had done this thing didn’t even hold a candle to the 11 incher that he was thrusting in and out of his mouth now. The pace that he did it was enough to shut anyone up, even the saucy Spaniard and his foot-long!

He bit at the head of the fiery meat-stick and Stefano shrieked in pleasure. There may have been an age difference, but the young boy really knew how to make the older stud squirt! Isaac did it again, and again, and again! Stefano really was about to shoot a load it felt that good! Isaac’s lips were so tight and fleshy too...
“Time to get this baby inside me I think!”
“What? I was enjoying that!”
“Shut up and fuck me!”

The commanding side of Isaac came back and Stefano just couldn’t refuse the orders. He tore off Isaac’s trousers to reveal the firmest looking ass he’d ever seen! It was so spotless it almost shone in the light! Stefano just had to have a taste of it first!

He peeled open Isaac’s tight buttocks and took a huge gaping mouthful of the perfect entrance. Isaac thought Stefano’s cock was hot, he never expected how good this guy was with his tongue! He shrieked out loud with delight at the new wetness he was feeling. Stefano didn’t pull his face out for a very long time, not even to take a breath it was that good! He just kept on munching away, preparing his new target for a fucking it never knew would happen!

Finally the time came for Stefano to squeeze his throbbing member deep into Isaac. The lusty teen was literally screaming for it after the treatment he just received! His lips may have been smooth and tight, but his ass was smoother and tighter still! And didn’t Stefano know it as he prised Isaac open and moaned loudly as his ass grasped firmly around the intruder. Isaac deliberately squeezed even tighter just to hear the huge Spaniard groan loudly. He delivered well; Isaac hoped the people on the ground floor didn’t hear...

11 inches may have been big to fit in his mouth, but it felt perfect pumping in between his legs. Isaac had done things before, but none like this! His parents were conveniently whisked away and he was in bed with a fiery waiter. He loved every thrust he gave and every scream he gave with each. He could have been a virgin he was screaming that much! Seems he was right thinking this guy was as hot in bed as he looked!

The climax came too soon for Isaac. Stefano was enjoying it so much he wasn’t expecting a stream of semen to run up into Isaac. His own fast shooting took them both by surprise and even Isaac had to start screaming with the warm sensation. Isaac leaned back and kissed him, partly because he thought he was so hot, but also because he had made the biggest scream known to man in his orgasm.

During the kiss, Stefano was still inside Isaac. It just felt so right to him to have his cock wrapped nice a firmly around the young buttocks. It was so tight it felt like he was trying to squeeze out every last drop of cum inside him! He never thought he’d be able to break all the rules in such a way, even with such a young boy! Even better, Isaac had managed to swallow up his entire massive dick. What a young slut he was! He just wanted more moments like this with him. Hell he wanted them every night!

They stayed as they were for some time afterwards, Isaac sitting on Stefano, concealing 11 inches of hot Spanish meat inside his tight buttocks. They kissed as passionately as they did at the start, Isaac’s hands resting on the rising and falling chest of Stefano, Stefano’s caressing the ass that had eaten his giant member.

Finally, Isaac disembarked from the waiter somewhat reluctantly. They both got dressed, eyeing each other up as they did.

“Holy fuck, Stefano; you’re good!”
“You liked it then? Not as much as I did!”
“I could tell you liked it, you sure you’re not a virgin?”
“Well not anymore!”
“You filthy liar!”
“Well it turned you on didn’t it?”
“Hell, everything about you turns me on!”
“We have to do that again sometime!”
“Well you know where to find me!”
“You’d best be ready for me!”
“Always will be”
“Then it’s a deal!”

anonymous readerReport 

2013-02-13 01:11:40
good, hot young teen that loves cock, like me, haha, put sum nasty fukn details in it dude. doesn't he like to swallow n wb gettn fucked and details to jo to.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-18 10:27:56
You need to write Part 2 soon!!

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