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In our last chapter we discovered a treasure buried by our great-great-great-grandfather John Thurgood, among the gold and silver were several stock certificates from 1929. The fall of Wall Street that year brought about bank collapses and the start of the Great Depression. That led to our great-great- great-grandfather doing his best to safeguard is wealth for the family’s future. He buried a good portion of his wealth. But his death brought about problems in the family, which led to my great, great, grandmother leaving. Our great-great-grandfather died in the spring of 1932 before grandma’s sixth birthday. Our great-great-grandmother left here about six months later as best we can figure.

I made contact to my lawyers in California. They advised me under no circumstance that I am to permit companies to simply take the stock certificates. They suggest that the experts be allow to examine the stock only with one or more family members present, they heavily emphasize more. The lawyers feared, that the corporations. Fearing the loss of so much money would be willing to cheat, lie and steal to prevent that. They suggest that we get our own experts to verify the stock as well.

It took us a week to locate a competent lab capable of doing an independent analysis on the stocks, we hired them. A week later we had experts for us beginning the evaluation. The stocks were treated like evidence and were continually under video surveillance throughout the process. This particular lab works with several government agencies and was highly recommended, both for their technical superiority and credibility.

The companies were yet to provide experts to begin their evaluation. That worries me, I’ve read enough detective novels to know something’s up.

It only took fifteen days for our experts to determine they were genuine. They had an impressive amount of science behind their findings as well. They have even done DNA analysis on every piece of paper to determine who have handled the stocks certificates. They use trace skin samples from the documents. What they determine was no one outside the family had ever handled the stocks. Well not since 1929, and then they only found one DNA and from the genetic markers he was our great- great- great-great grandfather.

The lab informed me they’ve set a copy on to each of the companies in question. IBM was the first to agree with their findings. Each of the other companies, still have their experts take a look at our stock certificates. I wouldn’t allow them to leave with the certificates. The corporations wanted to call foul. I simply put them in touch with my lawyers. A week later, and a threat to take all the back dividend payments, all the way back to 1929 had them scrambling to negotiate. We agreed on the last four years of back dividend payments, and arrange a payment schedule.

I also have stock experts determine how many times each company split in the last eighty-three years. We needed to determine exactly how many stock we owned. Needless to say my estimation that I gave the family was low and if we combine our stock we easily could take a board seat on any of the three corporations.

Grandma left for home two days after we found the treasure. After a total accounting Kathryn, Sam, and I went to Grandma’s home for a visit. Information of this kind Kathryn and I wanted to give in person. I have to personally let Grandma know that the total was almost fifty-one billion dollars before dividend checks and taxes. Since the treasure wasn’t in a trust with most likely have the inheritance tax.

Grandma took the news well, laughing until she cried. She asks, “Have you told anyone else in the family?”

Sam giggles, “Daddy packed me in the car before he let me know.”

I chuckled and say, “No, I haven’t told anyone else in the family and only telling Kathryn and Sam once we were safely away from the house.”

Sam giggles, “I want to tell everybody how rich they are.”

I take a deep breath and look to grandma then back to Sam. I want to explain this in a way that Sam will understand. I wonder if there is a way to explain it so it sounds fair to a four-year-old who loves everyone in the family. Before I can say anything grandma says, “Sam, the way I was planning on dividing it not everyone was going to get some.”

Now confuse Sam asks, “It so much, why not?”

Grandma begins, “Well I didn’t know it was this much to start. I want to make sure you get some too. You did help find it. You’re after all my cousin, and family makes sure you are taking care of.”

Sam giggles again, “Mommy and Daddy are cousins too. They make sure I am taking care of. Mommy makes sure I brush my teeth and do all the right things. Daddy makes sure I have fun. They both help me learn new things, like math, science and geography.” Sam pauses for a second and with a giggle she continues, “Great Grandma did you know if we give everybody an equal share we would still be billionaires.”

Bright smile comes across Grandma Elizabeth’s face as she says, “That is the best idea Sam. Michael has so many children, compared to Maggie and George.”

Sam points out, “They are all my aunts and uncles and I love them all. They should get as much as everybody else. Great Grandma, Daddy is going to say he doesn’t want any, but that isn’t fair too. Everybody in the family should get the same.”

I point out to Sam, “Sam if I get the same as everyone else, Kathryn and I being married look like we get more. Besides that were already billionaires my beautiful Sam.”

Grandma sets me straight at this point. She says, “John Joseph Meyer you’re just as much family as anyone. You will get an equal part. If it was anyone else they would keep the whole thing. Don’t think we all know what you’re doing and why.” She steps forward wraps me in a warm hug and kisses me on the cheek. “We all know that the treasure truly is yours because you owned the land now. If you want to share with the family that’s fine, but there’s no way we’re letting you cut yourself out. You can do it equally or keep it all.”

I guess grandma made her decision and accepted Sam’s idea of sharing it equally. There’s no way I am keeping all of it. Grandma backing me I’m sure the rest of the family will agree to equal shares. Michael will because it sees his children getting what they deserve. Uncle George will because legally knows the decision truly rests with me. Marshall will not have a problem this way too. An idea hits me and I decide to push the point. I say, “As long as Sam decides who gets the shares.”
Sam giggles and names everyone in the family including Grandma Helen and Aunt Misty, when she gets to Aunt Alyssa she explains she is marrying Uncle George after all, and then she adds Joan and Johnny. Sam takes a breath and adds her Aunt MC she says, “We are all the family she has. If it wasn’t for us Michelle would be all alone.”

This gave each family member Sam named, over a billion, actually after taxes 1.2 billion. I tried to refuse again, but grandma wouldn’t hear of it. She said, “The money you and Kathryn have already, you worked for. This money belongs to the entire family which you are part of.”

The rest of the family agreed with that. I guess they always knew I would always have their back and nothing will change that. What my brother-in-law’s said, “If ever I’m in a fight I want JJ at my side.”

One of the first things that happened was a major shopping trip. We were ready for our annual shopping trip before everyone return to school, when I brought out the prepaid visa cards. They all laughed and handed them back, then they handed me one from each of them. Laughing Helen told me, “For once we get to have the fun of treating you.” I give each of them a hug and kiss. I was a little surprised to find MC there too, but like Sam said she is part of the family now.

They dragged me into several men’s shops and by the end of the trip I had a complete new wardrobe. The way the girls laughed and giggled they enjoyed dressing me in new clothes even more and buying for themselves. Of course they made Sam have me to try on things knowing I wouldn’t turn her down. By the end of the trip, I figured out the family knew Kathryn and Sam had me wrapped around their little fingers.

The interesting thing the Coach refused to quit his teaching position. His three sons and Maria remained in college. Michelle worked with my mother. Kara and Karen are still planning on going to high school and college. We decided not to advertise our wealth more than is already known. The only thing that they say when I asked them, “We’re doing what we love, Dad’s always said find something you love and work it that.” They usually added, “We do have the money now to pick and choose who we work for, and if we ever get tired of our job a long vacation.”

Thankfully Kathryn’s morning sickness didn’t last very long, but she has cravings, sometimes for some very odd things. That saw me driving very far to find what she wanted. That led me to getting a twenty-four hour drugstore in our little town. I got the current drugstore owner to expand his services, and build a new store near our mall.

Kathryn and I have a full-time job in homeschooling Sam, she loves to learn and is nearly finished the first grade material, another week and she should be done with the first grade.

We also help the family manage their wealth, helping them diversify some of the wealth from our massive dividend checks. Fortunately our little class helps a lot with this. Marshall and Misty help Uncle George. Kathryn and I help the Edwards and Sam.

MC keeps shaking her head at our luck. She asked once, “You think it’s karma? The more you help people more the universe just throws your way.”

Laughing I get a sense we’re actually not the only ones. I say, “Yes. The more I turn around and help others the more I seem to get in return. When I help others with no true expectation of pay or greater compensation for the help I give. The universe, or God, or the angels seem to place more in my hands. It’s like they’re saying you did so good so far let’s see what you can do now.”

The rest of the family seems to follow in my example in this. They each have picked several businesses to sponsor, and unlike so much of the nation our little town seems to be turning around. Even some of this year’s graduates that had moved away for jobs elsewhere have returned home and found work. We’ve even help a few of those individuals start new companies right here in our local community.

Mom’s project with the theater took on a new turn when she partnered with the local restaurants. Two of the restaurants were on the same block as the theater. What started as Mom giving discounts for those who eaten at the local restaurants, transformed into a dinner and a movie. Mom converted the balcony to a dining area. Ordering from the restaurant’s menus, you get your food served right in the theater balcony. It makes for a more interesting dining experience. That is quickly becoming a tradition with some of the young people, with many becoming regulars on their date nights.

We took a cue from that upscale renovated neighborhood. We’re not going to compete with the major discount chains. We’re going to provide what they don’t. Misty is taking over one of the vacant stores for an art studio and gallery. I was surprised at some of the local talent we have here in this area. I and MC use our influence to get several magazines to feature some of her art and others.

Our main Street started becoming like an open-air mall, some of the more upscale retailers moved into the old storefronts. We were able to save most, but a few are too far gone and have to be rebuilt in the same style architecturally as the old storefronts, we will rebuild two now and two more will be replace later. A notable high-end retailer wanted one a larger space took both buildings demolished the old and rebuilt new ones in the same style match the rest of Main Street. The amount of upscale retailers our little town quickly become a destination for shopping. We were closer than some of the major cities to a lot of people and we now provided nearly everything that you could get in one of the major cities. Our local mall actually is expanding as well, adding several new department stores on its edges.

We figured out which one was grandpa’s old grocery and we were able to save it. I think great grandpa doesn’t mind, it now holds a new clothing store, one of the upscale ones you would find in any high-end mall. It seems to fit right in with the store, and Kathryn and I actually get a good feeling when we shop there. One of our returning classmates is running the store, with us as his silent partner.

Michael to help his construction crew purchased one of the dilapidated farms at the edge of town and subdivided into very large lots for upscale houses. We are far enough away from the major cities of the area for him to create a weekend retreat community, not a major tourist trap but a great place to have some fun on the weekend. As long as we don’t let it get overly large we should be would keep a fairly good demand up and bring in some much needed dollars to the community.

Michael’s construction crews are busy building those and the homes for Marshall, Misty, Joan, and MC. Johnny, Joan and Alyssa are moving in with Uncle George in his home in town. The judge has a very large home and they can stay until Joan’s house is finished. Construction has begun on their houses. MC’s house is first under construction then Marshall’s and Joan’s.

Daniel is very busy nowadays; architecture weekly featured him and the floor plan of MC’s house. Several of the lots have sold and he is designing homes for our future residents.

One thing we seen, after doing some advertising suggesting this is a great place to spend your weekends, our three bed and breakfast inns now completely booked for months. Rumor has it two more are in planning to open in the near future.

Foot traffic on Main Street during weekends has gone up drastically; even if people can’t get a bed to stay overnight they’re coming for a day. The Marina is completely full, and plans to expand, considering it only had twenty-four slips this is a very good thing. People keeping their boats here mean that they will return several weekends a month for the entire summer.

Mary’s and Bobby’s restaurant is seeing progressively more profit and now they supporting lunch and a movie on Saturday and Sunday. They had hired an extra cook and more wait staff just for the weekends. The weekdays are still fairly slow, but that might change some of the B&Bs reporting their getting bookings for weekdays.

George and Alyssa had decided to use the boat house for their reception after our insistence. They chose September twenty-second first day of fall for their wedding. That will shortly be here. I’m not looking forward to losing Alyssa; she has quickly become part of the family. We may have to hire another person to take over her duties when she’s gone. It’s not like she’ll be totally out of our life, but Mom so busy with the theater she has little time to do some of the things Alyssa took over.

Marshall and Misty are here most days. Misty and Kathryn fix lunch and we trade when we find one too profitable to ignore. Most days we spent with Sam, like I said Sam is almost finished the first grade of her homeschool.

At the pace Sam is keeping with her schoolwork she will be graduating high school around her tenth or eleventh birthday. I insisted that she takes a week or two off between grade levels. I wasn’t sure what we can do, during those weeks off with Sam. We might just hang around the house, or take a small trip to let Sam experience some of the things she actually learned about.

The school year approaching and I will be training self-defense at the high school. When I talked to the administration about my classes I was to instruct, they requested I start doing two class periods a day. One for a beginner’s class and a second advanced class, I should be able to do that. I talked to Kathryn about it and she agreed. It was definitely something that was required and I can provide easily.

Like us swimming laps when we started doing our Karta again Sam joined in on those also. Her young body stretched easily as she caught onto the steps and movements of the exercises quickly. Sam picked up martial arts as quickly as she picked up swimming. Sam can easily go through the steps that would earn her third belt if I trained that way. Sam had the knowledge her body only lacked the size to allow her to do most throws. She did have speed on her side and her small fists left a few bruises on me before Sam learned how to pull her punches.

Sam seeing bruises almost cried before I told her, “My daughter, don’t you dare cry, you haven’t hurt me. I’m proud of every one of those. After all, who can say they bruised a man, who snapped his fingers and lightning not down the tree concealing the family fortune.”

Giggling Sam says, “Me. Daddy, but you said it was a coincidence.”

With a wink I say, “The second lightning bolt was the coincidence, Sam.”

Sam’s eyes get large and she asks, “Daddy, are you saying that you really did knock down the tree with a lightning bolt?”

Chuckling I say, “Sam I already told you about that.”

Sam giggles and says, “I know Daddy. But it’s more fun to think that you can call down lightning to knock over trees.”

Laughing I say, “Sam I’m not Superman or something like that.”

Sam hugs me before she says, “I know Daddy, Superman probably could beat me at a race swimming.”

Kathryn giggles rubbing my shoulder she says, “You’re my Superman even if Sam doesn’t think so.”

Sam had finished classes for today, Kathryn and I look over Sam’s work as always Sam had done outstanding 100 percent across-the-board. We graded them and took them downstairs to the refrigerator to post like normal. Just our way of bragging on Sam’s work, neither Kathryn nor I would do that for ourselves, but for Sam it feels natural to do.

Kathryn and I look at each other, it’s been a few days since we made love and I see the longing in her eyes. Sam is playing with her aunts in the pool. Mom is taking one of her rare days off from the theater. Kathryn and I ask Mom to watch Sam for us. We want to take a boat ride and will be gone for a little while. It’s still early enough in the afternoon for us boat out to the island in the lake and hike to the summit of it. There’s a large flat rock with a great view of the Lake. No one ever goes there this time of year.

We give Sam a kiss and a hug goodbye before we leave we tell her we will be back soon, and to have fun. Sam’s aunts giggle as I run to catch up with my wife as she walks away with a sway to her hips. I hear Sam asks, “What’s so funny?” To more laughs from her aunts.

I catch up with Kathryn at the foot of the stairs and sweep her off her feet. I carry her all the way to the boat as she giggles. We exit out onto the lake from the river it being a weekday we have the entire lake to ourselves. Kathryn turns the boat towards the island four miles across the lake. She turns to speak with me as we speed across the water. Kathryn says, “When I get you to the island you’re so fucked.”

Chuckling I return, “That’s funny, that’s what I was thinking.”

Kathryn turning back forward pushes the boat to its limit and it begins to speed across the water. She only slows as we near the island. Pulling into the secluded cove it has. A narrow opening nearly completely hides an area of nearly two acres in size. Trees completely cover the island all but the summit picking where she wants to tie off, Kathryn carefully approaches the shore.

As I tie off the boat to a decent sized oak tree, Kathryn removes a large picnic basket I had not noticed in the boat before. Reaching into the basket Kathryn removes some insect repellent and applies some to her body before handing it to me. It’s a non-toxic insect repellent safe for the baby.

We find the narrow path that leads to the summit, as we walk the gentle slope we look around. There are no animals on the island only thousands of birds and the woods are full of Birdsong. The birds serenade us as we hike. They seem to be every type of bird that is native to this area. Blue Jays, Cardinals, purple Martins, Goldfinch, I pointed each out Kathryn as we walk. At the summit we looked around, once sure we were alone Kathryn removes her top. I made of birdwatchers joke, “Oh look one a beautiful pair of great tits I see.”

Kathryn looked around for second and begins to giggle. She shook them at me and asks, “You really think they’re great.”

With a devilish grin I say, “Better than any I played with before.”

Looking angry Kathryn asks, “Whose have you ever played with other than mine?”

Laughing I say, “My Mom’s tits of course, but I was only a baby when I got to play with them.”

Kathryn giggles, “Like you would remember that.”

Looking serious I say, “Actually I do. I hated when Mom change me to formula. Love the way her milk tasted compared to it.”

Giggling Kathryn says, “Why didn’t you just tell her about it?”

With a chuckle I say, “I could not talk yet, but I would cry and push the bottle away. I turned my head toward her breast and try to nurse. She would just put the bottle back in my face.”

Kathryn cups the back my head and pulls me to her breast she coos, “You poor baby I won’t deny you my tits.”

I bend down to lick on Kathryn’s breast. I tease it with my tongue watching it harden as I play with it. Now that is slightly hard I capture it between my lips sucking and continuing to tease it with my tongue Kathryn moans, “Damn my cousins good at that.”

This is the first time since we found out were actually cousins that Kathryn is mentioned it, let alone mentioned it when we were making love. I let my hands go down to the top of her shorts and I quickly unfasten them. I release them and let them fall, as Kathryn works at my pants. We both stepped from our clothing. We release each other long enough for me to take off my shirt. Kathryn pulls an air mattress from the basket it has a pump to inflate it. She hands it to me before saying, “Okay pump up this quick.”

Where we stand a large flat rock with a couple inches moss covering it, which is springy, but who knows what all resides in it. The air mattress will keep a separate from the moss, and hopefully from any biting or stinging insect within it. That would definitely be a mood killer, bitten or stung by some insect in the throes of passion.

With the air mattress inflated Kathryn releases my cock she had been playing with. Kissing her passionately I lay her down on the air mattress is a full-size air mattress actually designed for two adults. It easily holds our young frames as I come to rest between Kathryn’s legs. I lick through her pussy causing her to squirm and lift her hips. It doesn’t take me long before Kathryn’s hand holds me to her clit as I bring her to a shaking orgasm. I kiss up her body to her breast I tease her nipples getting a loud moan for my efforts. I continue on finding her lips I kiss her passionately as I positioned myself above her body.

Kathryn spreads her legs wide as she moans, “Yes husband. Let me feel you inside me.”

Taking my cock in my hand I run through her slit nudging her clit several times, Kathryn shakes as I do. Running it down to her vagina I slowly stretch her opening and she becomes wetter. I tease her a little more than a second time I position my cock in her vagina Kathryn throws her legs around me and pulls me into her. We both moan at the ecstasy that it gives us.

We begin a slow steady rhythm with each of our hips moving to meet the other. It doesn’t take Kathryn very long just a few minutes before she is moaning loudly as I allow myself to touch her cervix each time before I pull back. I’m careful not to push into her womb. Her womb now belongs to our child.

I kiss her passionately as I grind against her Kathryn’s moans become screams, then she howls as we continue her pussy tightens and continuously tries to milk me. Kathryn is in one huge long orgasm, or several back-to-back too close to each other to call separate.

It’s been a while since we started and I feel my body move to the point of no return, Kathryn can sense it too. Pushing her energy into me taking me way past the edge and I howl as I release into her. I was trying not to push into her cervix, but I am against it and my seed pours into her womb quickly filling it. Kathryn screams, “FILL ME UP HUSBAND.”

I begin kissing her between each breath as we begin to recover. I feel like I’m stuck in an electrical outlet, every nerve tingles from my orgasm. Holding Kathryn I feel alive, loved, blissful, and contented. This is what heaven must feel like. To be totally surrounded in love, to breathe it in to your soul like air into your lungs.

We are laying there enjoying the euphoria of being together. Lovingly I say to Kathryn, “I never want to give this up, I want us to find some time no matter how many kids we have to be together like this.”

Kathryn giggling says, “With as many aunts and uncles the kids are going to have we may be able to arrange time for each of us.”

I question, “You mean give Marshall and Misty an afternoon together while we watch their children in exchange for an afternoon when they watch ours?”

Kathryn says, “It won’t be that bad. We have the pool, and the home theater.”

With a smile I say, “I didn’t say it would be bad, it would be good for our girls to associate with others not in the immediate family. I have a feeling Marshall and Misty will be over with their kids a lot anyway.”

Kathryn giggles, “Misty believes she’s going to have a boy. Like me it’s too early to know for sure.”

Turning over onto my back I feel the sting of sunburn on a sensitive part of my body. I say, “The next time we make love outside, let’s put on sunscreen first.”

Kathryn giggles and reaches into the picnic basket to bring out the sunscreen. She says, “I just forgot about it, I was so excited to have you here.”

I poked her breast gently, it causes her to whence and I say, “Sorry love, but I think it’s best if we get dressed.”

We are redressing quickly to prevent any more damage to our sensitive skin. We pack up our items deflate the air mattress then gently rolling it up to reuse later. We’ll have to wash it once were home. We retrace our hike going back to the boat then home just before dinner. I can already tell I’m going to be in some discomfort and not able to sit for a long time in the next few days.

Seeing me squirming and wincing as I set at the dining table for dinner my sister-in-law’s giggle before Kara says, “Looks like someone forgot to put the sunscreen on.”

Kathryn giggles, “I was thinking about something else and the sunscreen didn’t come to mind.”

Chuckling I say, “For some reason I think we will definitely remember it the next time.”

Her sisters giggle, and from underneath the table they pull out a large container of cold cream. Karen says, “This will take some of the heat out and make you a little more comfortable.”

Kathryn says, “Thinks Sis.”

Giggling Kara asks, “You need any help putting it on?”

With a chuckle I say, “I think I can help Kathryn and she can help me. Thanks but I think we’ll get it covered.” Kara had a slightly disappointed look but I knew she was only teasing. Daniel and Kara had quickly become close to each other. If he wasn’t so busy he would be right at her side now, the two of them seemed to spend every spare moment together. I was happy for the two.

Karen and Matt hit it off as well and would spend a lot of time together. Maria in college I didn’t know she had a boyfriend or not but she seemed happy. Michelle keeps herself busy, now that she works with Mom at the theater. I’m not sure but I think a few guys have shown interest in her. She doesn’t seem to be interested in a one night stand anymore. I think she wants what Kathryn has, not me in particular, but the happiness like we found.

After dinner Kathryn asks my Mom a few questions, about breast-feeding and how to wean a baby. I know what Kathryn is trying to do. She wants to know if I was telling her the truth and if my Mom remembers how I acted when she switched me to formula. Mom says, “JJ was the hardest baby to wean, he acted like he hated the formula. He would always cry and push the bottle away and then tries to nurse. That went on for weeks until he finally given up.”

I chuckle before I say, “Told you Kathryn. Mom did you switch formulas?” Mom shakes her head yes so I continue, “The first one tasted awful, much preferred your milk to it. The second wasn’t as bad but I still like your milk better.”

Giggling Mom says, “Now you tell me.”

With another chuckle I say, “I couldn’t talk back then. But I was trying to tell you what I wanted.”

Still giggling Mom says, “For two weeks I couldn’t leave the house. Every time I pick you up you try to latch onto my breast even through my clothing.”

My laughing at Kathryn’s expression becomes contagious and then she joins in. Finally she grabs the cold cream and leads me from the room back up to our bedroom. She says, “You can cover me first.”

Stripping Kathryn of her clothing didn’t think we had been out that long obviously we been out long enough to get sunburned. I gently apply the cold cream to Kathryn’s discolored skin. She seems to relax the more area I cover with the cold cream.

Finally she is fully covered and I ask, “Feel better love?”

With a smile she says, “Much, thank you.”

Then she takes my clothes off when she drops my pants I step out of them. Kathryn moans seeing my sunburned ass, “Oh my poor JJ, you have blisters.”

With a chuckle I say, “No wonder was hurting so bad. I’ll probably lie down on my stomach most of the next two or three days.”

Kathryn says, “If I knew it was this bad, I would have made you go first.”

The cold cream as she applies it to me actually hurts for an instant before it takes the heat out. Each time Kathryn touches me I can’t help but flinch. She is trying to be as gentle as possible but there’s not much you can do when it is this bad.

Sam giggled from the doorway seeing how I jumped each time Kathryn touched me. When she walked closer and got a good look her giggles stop. Sam asks, “Daddy did you get spanked?”

With a chuckle I say, “Old Mr. Sun spanked me for not using sunscreen.”

Giggling once more Sam says, “Maybe he thought it would be funny because you showed him your ass.”

Kathryn can’t help but giggle at that. I say, “I hope you don’t have any bad dreams in the next few days, because Sam I will only be sleeping on my stomach.”

Giggling Sam says, “I guess I can go sleep with Grandma Maggie if I do.”

It took a week for me to heal fully. Kathryn didn’t take quite as long, she wasn’t sunburned as badly as me. My Mom laughed saying, “What you expect that’s the first time your ass actually saw the light of day.”

It’s a good thing Sam didn’t have a bad dream that week, she still couldn’t resist one night when she got lonely she did come to bed with us. Fortunately I was in better shape and I did roll over and let Sam sleep on my chest.

Sam says, “Daddy I love hearing your heart beat it says love you all the time.”

Kathryn giggles at hearing Sam. She asks Sam, “What is mine saying?”

Sam holding her head to Kathryn’s breast smiles and says, “Mommy, your says the same thing.”

Now giggling Kathryn says, “That’s because I love you my beautiful little Sam.”

Sam asks, “Daddy does that mean you love me too.”

Giving Sam a kiss on her forehead I reply, “Of course Sam I love you. You and your Mommy mean more to me than anything else in this world.” Sam and Kathryn both give me a hug and a kiss.

Sam stays with me and we talk as Kathryn goes and gets our lunch, just sandwiches from downstairs glass of milk for Sam and sweet tea for us. We review Sam’s home schooling she’s getting ready for the final tests this afternoon for her first grade subjects. She seems a little nervous that is why were actually going over the work. She may be nervous but she gets every one of the questions correct.

Smiling I tell her, “Sam you know all the material for the first grade. You’re going to pass the tests easily.”

Sam brightens at hearing that she asks, “You’re not just saying that to make me feel better?”

With a chuckle I say, “No my big girl. You know all the material so the tests are going to be easy for you.” Of course they were, Kathryn gave her the test and I graded it. After I finished the first subject test, I show Sam just how well she did. She didn’t miss a single question. Sam seems to relax a little on her next test and even went faster. By the time she finished her test on the last subject it looked like Sam was actually enjoying the experience. She did perfect on the entire battery of tests. I even sent a fax to Ms. Clark.

Ms. Clark calls back and spoke to Sam congratulating her on finishing the first grade. Ms. Clark got me on the line. She informs me that Sam’s adoption was nearly complete. They only had to do a number of visits to ensure Sam’s welfare over the next three months. December 14 will be our final signing for Sam’s adoption paperwork, after that Sam will be all ours.

She also informed me that Capt. Davis again wants me to allow him to visit. Ms. Clark couldn’t even give him our phone number but she could pass along a message. She faxes me the message Capt. Davis requested just that day that I get. It basically has his phone number and the best time to call him. The Captain only taken a week’s leave and has more than a month available that he wishes to spend with Sam.

I reluctantly give the Capt. a call that evening, he only gotten off work and just returned home shortly before I called. We talked for a few minutes and he explained why he needed to see Sam and why it was so important to him. Sam’s father was his best friend and he was the best man at their wedding. He and Sam’s mother was in the same unit.

The day of her death they were on the same mission, he was in the lead vehicle and missed an IUD. It exploded beside his vehicle and he was injured. Sam’s mother drags him out of the vehicle which was on fire, which definitely saved his life.

On her way back to get another injured soldier they received small arms fire from a group of insurgents. Sam’s mother takes a round but still managed to save the other soldier. She doesn’t stop until she reaches cover with her. Even dying she returns fire on the insurgents.

Sam’s mother received a bronze Star and Purple Heart. Sam has never received those metals for her mother. Her father’s actions were very similar. He too received a Purple Heart although Capt. Davis doesn’t know the exact events other than what the award reads.

The Capt. continues, “I and Sgt. Hansen owe Nancy our life. There were only the two vehicles that day and only six of us. Nancy pulled us from the vehicle and returned fire. While the two of us were unconscious she protected us. If she had just taken cover she may have survived, but if the insurgents took her it wouldn’t been good. She held them off long enough for us to recover. We came to and return fire as Nancy ran out of ammo. More insurgents showed up just as our backup arrived and we had air support arrived too and give suppressing fire so we could evacuate. I didn’t even know of Nancy’s injuries until then.” I can hear the sadness in his voice at the loss of his friend.

After a deep breath he continues, “Nancy had these letters she had written to Sam. There’s one for each birthday from her fourth to the twenty-first. I was supposed to get them to her if Nancy couldn’t.

Nancy knew about Nicole, she said that girl is bad news. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to stop Nicole from getting Sam. From what Ms. Clark says, the little she can tell me. Sam seems to be very happy with you. That’s all I want now. It is to know Sam is happy and loved.”

I say to Capt. Davis, “I wish I could’ve prevented what Sam went through as well. As for Sam being loved she is more than you will believe. She has totally won the hearts of the entire family. As for happy you’ll see that yourself. Tell me when and where you can leave from, and I’ll have transportation ready for you.”

Capt. Davis replies, “Right now we are in downtime after our deployment. My replacement is due back on Monday. I can leave next Wednesday after briefing him on Monday and Tuesday. Nearest major airport to me is Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport. If you can arrange a flight from there, I will pay at the gate.”

I asked the Capt., “Capt. did you ever Google me?”

Capt. Davis laughs, “Yes I did. There’s seventy two John J Myers in North Carolina.”

With a chuckle I say, “I actually had no idea they were that many. Would you like to know little about me?”

Capt. Davis says, “Yes please. Ms. Clark couldn’t tell me anything other than you are adopting Sam with the blessings of the state.”

I ask the Capt. “How long do you have? I can give the short version, and then answer any questions you have.”

The captain asks me one thing I didn’t expect, “When did you start loving Sam?”

With a chuckle I remember, “It was about 5:15 on July 4, she had just asked my wife if she could be her new Mommy. I know that’s when my wife started loving her too. That’s a day you need to ask Sam about, we have a great story to share with you.”

The Captain chuckles and says, “I guess that’s the only really important thing I need to know.”

I say to him, “Yes sir that is truly the important thing. I can tell you all the rest and you can learn our life stories after you get here. Don’t worry about the ticket. I’ll have transportation ready for you next Wednesday. All you will have to do is just show up.”

He tries to object saying he’ll pay for it. I ask, “Sir, I have never served in the military. But I understand why you do. You do that to protect your family, your friends, and your nation. Please let me do this not only for you but for Sam.”

The Capt. reluctantly agrees, as long as I’m not putting it on a credit card he says. Obviously he hasn’t found anything out about me. So I say, “No Sir, I will not need to put it on a credit card.” We end our conversation at that and say our goodbyes.

The next day Capt. Davis called me he asks, “I know you said I didn’t have to worry about the tickets but Sgt. Hansen would love to come see Sam too. She is something else. She is just as tough as nails one minute and a little kitten the next, all soft and cute but still a Tiger underneath. If it’s a problem I’ll pay for my seat and you can cover the Sergeant’s tickets.”

With a chuckle I say, “Don’t worry about it Sir, I’m sure we’ll have a seat for you in the Sergeant.” We speak for a few minutes and I asked him what time he would prefer to leave. He suggest around eight in the morning. I tell him I’ll have something arrange for them at that time.

I call back the charter company and request a change in passenger manifest. I inform them of Sergeant Hansen’s need for transportation as well. They informed me that it would be no additional charges for only one extra person. I set the time for them and give the names of the two people there to pick up. I transfer payment to them and they sent a confirmation back.

I give the Captain a call back to confirm telling him, “I have Sergeant Hansen’s passage arranged. They will be someone to meet you at the airport at eight in the morning on Wednesday next week. They’ll check your luggage and take you to your departure gate. All you have to do is be there at eight.”

When I tell Sam of Captain Davis visit she gets very excited. She asks, “Can I meet Ron at the airport?”

I answer, “Yes of course we’ll be there to pick him up at the airport in town.”

Sam asks, “Where’s Ron going to stay?”

With a chuckle I say, “I think grandma’s room will be available for the month he’s planning on staying, but I’ll double check with grandma before he gets here.”

That next few days I get a preview about how Sam is about waiting on something, I’m not going to enjoy watching her go through waiting for Christmas if she’s the same. To say the girl is inpatient would be an understatement. I finally asked Sam how you would like to shorten your meeting the Captain by four hours. We will have to fly to Texas and will meet him there at the airport in Killeen.

Kathryn giggles as Sam jumps into my arms. In a loud voice because she’s so excited Sam says, “Yes please Daddy. I miss Ron a lot. He left with Mommy and I haven’t got to see him again.”

Two days before I had arranged for it, Kathryn and I did it as a surprise for Sam. It was also a way that we could introduce ourselves to the Captain. It gives the entire flight time to get to know him. Kathryn and I have even packed Sam’s suitcase while she was playing in the pool yesterday. Knowing how she is about waiting I didn’t want to see her suffer waiting today. Immediately after breakfast we drive to our local airport. A charter jet waits for us and they load our luggage which we only packed for three days. We’ll fly to San Antonio and see the Alamo today and a few of the sites around San Antonio. Then on Wednesday morning will fly from San Antonio to Killeen and wait for the Captain.

In San Antonio arrange for a luxury suite downtown for the three of us. On the flight out we explain to Sam what we’re going to do. We tell her so we’re not going to spoil the surprise will be spending the night in a different city in Texas. We’ll spend some time looking around there. I tell Sam I almost bought a place in Texas instead of North Carolina. Explaining that Grandma Maggie wanted someplace a little cooler than Texas we chose North Carolina.

On the flight out here Sam looked out the window nearly the entire time. She loves watching the farms, towns, cities, highways and everything on the ground as we flew over. When we land in San Antonio we were surprised to find the local temperature wasn’t all that bad just a few degrees higher but because less humidity it felt actually cooler. It is still early in the day only 10 AM in the high temperature is forecasted for the upper 80s. I hired a local chauffeur and he is there at the airport holding up a sign with our names.

He takes us first to our hotel and we check in. With our luggage stored in our rooms we go back downstairs to meet our chauffeur. He’s going to drive us around downtown and give us a tour. He is going to point out a couple of things and places we should go see. When we come out of the hotel the three of us look like any other young family.

Over the summer we discovered Sam’s true hair color, Nicole and Lester colored Sam’s hair to a Chestnut. Her true hair color is a natural golden blonde much like the rest of the family. I guess they were trying to disguise Sam in case they were an Amber alert on her. During the trip to the salon to correct Sam’s hair color, it took a while and Sam fidgeted in the seat as the young lady worked on her. I picked up a book and read to her to keep her occupied. The book just happened to be about the Alamo.

After our little tour Kathryn, Sam and I walk around downtown and into the Alamo. We took one of the tours that described the battle that occurred there. The Alamo that visitor see today is only a part of the original fort. Downtown now stands on what used to be the Alamo.

We have our lunch after our tour of the Alamo. Naturally we eat at a steakhouse, where else in the world to get a great steak other than Texas. Kathryn and I enjoy our steak. Sam also enjoys her meal she ordered chicken.

Walking around we find workshops and storefronts empty although the building seemed to be well cared for, and I noticed people moving in and out on occasion. Above the storefronts are many apartments and they still are in use. We come across several antique dealers, and shop that specializes in Western wear hats. Giggling Kathryn put a white hat on my head and makes me wear it for a picture on her cell phone. Sam says, “Daddy can’t have a hat like that. I wouldn’t have anywhere to ride if he did.”

With a chuckle I say, “That’s right my big girl. But one day you’re going to give it up anyway. Your little sisters will want to ride like you do. You’ll be too big to ride like your Mom.”

Giggling Sam remembers the time I let Kathryn have a ride on my shoulders. Sam says, “It makes Mommy have a funny face.” Kathryn blushed but didn’t say anything.

The next shop we found specialized in boots that they actually made in the shop. It would take about three days to have a pair specially made for me. I decide to go and do that. They measure my feet, cut out part of the leather the insoles and check it against my feet as I stand. With a sharp knife he cuts away the extra material from the insoles. After doing a few more measurements around my feet and ankles, the craftsman tells me he doesn’t require any other measurements to complete his work. I give him the address for shipping the finished boots to and pay for the boots.

Just down the street is a busy restaurant and we decided to have an early dinner. Looking the menu over, I ordered chicken enchiladas with a green sauce. I warn Kathryn that salsa is a bit spicy and most the salsas here will be. Kathryn and Sam copy my order saying they like spicy things. I also order extra tortillas with butter on the side. The waitress smiles at me as she returns with our drinks chips and salsa. She’s brought the extra tortillas, she says just in case the salsa is too spicy for Sam, but she uses the word in Spanish that I haven’t heard in quite a while. I question her about it as Kathryn and Sam look at me strangely. After giving her answer she smiles and leaves. Kathryn asks, “I didn’t know you spoke Spanish.”

I answered, “I speak Spanish very well. After all I grew up in Southern California. The housekeeper Mom hired was Hispanic and prefers to talk in Spanish. She taught me Spanish and I taught her English.”

Some of the conversations I overheard today it was obvious that they didn’t believe anyone around them spoke anything other than English. I stop myself from laughing several times, some of the things they say to each other when they thought no one else could understand.

I did stop three young men when they were remarking about Kathryn. Their eyes widened when I spoke to them in perfect Spanish, and explained to them they were talking about my wife. They acted like they were going to make something of it until two police officers on bikes stop beside us. They turned and left as I spoke to the officers. The three have been causing trouble over the last couple of days. The officers warned me to be on the lookout for them in any others. They usually have a dozen or so mug a tourist for their cash.

I explained to the officers that would be a bad idea on their part. I have been trained in martial arts along with Kathryn. I withdrew my martial arts card and show the officers. I told the officers the three most likely were there spotters they identified the tourist to be robbed.

The senior officer chuckled and says, “We figure that out too. We just haven’t been able to catch them at it. So we keep hassling them hoping they leave the tourist areas alone.”

Kathryn, Sam and I walk back to the hotel. It’s been a long day I will get some sleep. We are going to museum and zoo tomorrow. It’s an unfamiliar place for Sam and she can’t fall asleep in her room. Even after reading her a story, Sam doesn’t relax enough to fall asleep. Kathryn and I takes Sam back to our bed it doesn’t take Samba three seconds to fall asleep on my chest. Only a second or two more Kathryn is asleep on my shoulder.

The next day we eat breakfast at the hotel. We call for the chauffeur and he picks us up, we start with the zoo and spent three hours letting Sam see all the animals there. A short distance away is the museum, but the chauffeur still suggests he comes when we’re finished at the zoo. On the way to the museum he suggests a local restaurant for lunch. We stop there and have a nice lunch hamburgers and the normal sides, but it’s Texas and the burger is huge. A little stuff we had to museum to spend the rest of our day. Another call to the chauffeur and he again dropped us off at our hotel downtown and we arrange an early morning pickup so we can meet the captain tomorrow.

Sam doesn’t even wait till bedtime, she asked for a bath right after we got to our room. Once out and dried off Sam puts on her normal sleepwear. She catches me on the couch and pushes me down then climbs onto my chest. Sam lays her head down closes her eyes and falls asleep. Kathryn giggles at Sam and me. After half an hour I slowly take Sam to her room to allow her to sleep the rest of the night.

Catching Kathryn coming out of the bath, I slowly and gently towel her dry. My lips find her hard nipple and I slowly began to play with her tits. Kathryn moans as her hand holds me to her chest, “I’ve been wanting this since we got here.”

I lift Kathryn and carry her to the bed setting her down on the edge of the bed, kneeling down I run my tongue through her pussy, it's wet and tasty with a musky sweet aroma that I love. Kathryn moans, “Oh yes JJ, lick me until I cum for you.”

Kathryn is fully aroused, inner lips already protrude, there wet and getting wetter, running my tongue between the crease of her outer lips and inner, and that sends shivers through Kathryn. It only takes a few moments before Kathryn shakes and thrust her hips as soon as I get close to her. Kathryn moans, "Please JJ stop teasing me lick me until I cum."

I lick a crossed her inner lips, not parting them simply pressing at them, Kathryn spreads her legs so wide that they open by the time I reach her clit. Her hands grabbing hold of my head as she thrusts her clit into my mouth. As my lips close and suck her into me Kathryn moans, “Yes, please yes, cousin don't stop."

As my tongue runs along the full length of her clit Kathryn moans, “Cousin you are so good. Oh Yes!”

With plenty of saliva for lubrication I begin moving back and forth letting her clit fuck my mouth. Kathryn screams in pleasure as first her back arches then she practically wraps herself around my head and she quivers. It only takes a minute for Kathryn to begin to spurt all over my chin, neck and chest.

Kathryn falls limply to the bed still twitching occasionally. The sound of her heavy breathing fills the rented room. Released from her grip I move her fully on the bed and then up her body stopping only to lightly suck on each of her nipples causing Kathryn to inhale fully. I move on up to her lips I kiss them as I smell strongly of her musk. Looking into Kathryn’s eyes I ask, “Is my cousin really enjoying herself?”

I ran my hard cock between her inner lips causing her to moan, "Oh yes cousin. Please cousin, make love to me. Make me cum again my cousin."

An expression of pure pleasure is on Kathryn’s face as my cock begins to stretch her vagina impelling her slowly, watching her face as I continue to lower myself into her. I finally bottom out touching her cervix causing Kathryn to moan loudly, “Oh fuck yes."

I draw back and begin a slow rhythm using my nearly entire length on each deep thrust into her tight body Kathryn moans, "Oh yes cousin that feels so good."

We continuously drive our bodies together, feeling the heat of our passion, our lust heightened by the love we felt for each other. When we are like this nothing in the world matters, nothing outside of the two of us exist, we're so into each other’s pleasure. We love to give the other as much pleasure as our bodies possibly can. With our focus so onto each other, we fail to notice the door to our room opening. A giggling Sam stands there in the open doorway.

Our climax strikes Kathryn and I are clinging to each other as our orgasms occupy our entire attention, so focused on each other we are at this point in our lovemaking. That little anything could possibly get our attention. Our orgasms do finally run their course our bodies are weak and gasping for breath, as we slowly come back to reality.

Still breathing hard Kathryn and I realize were not alone in the room and quickly grabbed the sheet to cover us. We turn to see Sam standing still in the doorway. Sam says, “Sorry, I just can’t sleep alone here.”

Finally Kathryn and I giggle and Kathryn says, “Come on in my beautiful little Sam. Daddy and Mommy are going to take a shower and will come back to bed.”

We take a shower and stop smelling of sex we wash and dryer bodies. Dress in our pajamas and walked back into the room to fine Sam waiting on us. We crawl into the opposite side of the bed and Sam again climbs onto my chest. Kathryn slides under my arm, gives Sam a kiss. Sam yawns, “I’m sorry I just can’t sleep here alone. My room is really scary.”

I chuckle and rub Sam’s back then say, “It’s alright my big girl. Just next time before you come in knock and wait to get our attention.”

Sam giggles and raises her head to tell me, “Daddy it doesn’t matter. I’ve seen you and Mommy already and it doesn’t bother me. I know you love each other and need to do that. Grandma Maggie says it’s only normal when you’re in love with someone to want that. She said it makes you happy. Mommy, Daddy I want you to be happy.”

I try to explain to Sam, “Sam most daughters never get to see the Mommy and Daddy do that. It’s not something that would hurt you if you don’t see it. That’s why I asked you to knock.”

Giggling Sam says, “I like watching you two make love. Is that the right word to use?”

Kathryn giggles, “I guess it’s okay Sam because you’ve already seen us. But that’s not something you tell everybody about. So you can’t tell anyone that you watch us make love.”

Sam giggles again and gives her Mom a kiss. She says, “Okay Mommy I won’t tell.”

I warn Sam, “Sam some people are really funny. They would not like even that I let you sleep on my chest. I wouldn’t want to make you stop because what other people thought. But if you know we’re making love you should wait outside, especially now that Ron will be in the house for a while. If you have a bad dream, you still can come in but you need to get our attention my beautiful Sam. You seeing us together as in a big thing until someone else don’t understand it makes it one.”

Sam yawns again, “Okay Daddy. I love you. I love you Mommy. Good night.”

Kathryn kisses Sam and says, “Good night my beautiful little Sam.”

I say, “Good night my Loves.”

The next morning we’re up very early we had breakfast and immediately leave for the airport and chartered flight to meet Sergeant and Captain.

When we land, the crew says we have nearly an hour before we are to depart. They asked us to depart the plane so they can refuel and service the aircraft. We can stay in the waiting areas but because of security we can’t pass into the main airport. Kathryn smiles and takes Sam with her to the restroom. It doesn’t take me near as long to use the restroom and I’m waiting outside.

A man near thirty with a slightly younger woman walks past and I am unsure of what gets my attention from the two. He has a slight limp but other than that he looks fit. She walks with a grace that only physical training will give, whether it was in martial arts or dance her light step and balance is unmistakable. Her hand lightly touches his to get his attention. It’s unmistakable that the two share a connection. She points at the gate where our charter is. The two are rather early and take jointing seats to wait.

When Kathryn and Sam finally do exit the bathroom I point out the two waiting at our gate. Sam recognizes him immediately. Going by a magazine rack I happened to notice this month’s Forbes has Kathryn and I and the cover. I guess it took a few months to get the story rewritten since Michelle Collins our MC, left the magazine. I pick one up just for the hell of it. The clerk’s eyes go wide as he recognizes me from the cover. With the chuckle he asks, “It’s you, which is on the cover of Forbes?”

I shake my head yes and hand him a hundred are built for the magazine and three drinks. When Kathryn moves beside me holding Sam he smiles and then asks, “This must be Princess Sam and Kathryn, am I right?”

Sam giggles and says, “That’s what Daddy calls me.” Kathryn gives a nod of her head.

The gentleman reaches out his hand and I shake it in friendship as he smiles brightly. He says, “I have never had the pleasure of shaking a billionaire’s hand before. Although several have come through here they usually have a dozen people around them. A lot of them act like there too good to share the same air as the rest of us.”

I shake my head and say, “A man should never be judged by his bank account. Just because you have money or don’t doesn’t change the type of person you really are.”

With a chuckle he says, “I guess that article is right, you truly are wiser than your years.”

Kathryn says, “I started out poor, the daughter of a high school football coach who barely made enough money to keep food on the table for the ten of us. Now I’m still the same person, the only thing really changed in my life is I found a very good man. I married him as soon as I possibly could. I do get to help a lot more people than I used to. I guess that’s why I got my beautiful little Sam. Love has changed my life, not money.”

Sam giggles, “I love my Mommy and Daddy. They made me rich with both love and money. Mommy and Daddy are right love is worth a lot more than money. Without them I would still be wealthy but sad.”

The clerk chuckles and says, “You definitely are one lucky little girl to have them.” This causes Sam to giggle shaking her head yes. Sam leans forward and gives the man a hug. Kathryn also shakes his hand before we leave. I leave him the change from the hundred wish him a good day.

We walk across the airport Kathryn holding Sam behind me we want to surprise Ron. As we walk up Sergeant Hansen stands up she says, “Here comes someone maybe he will know what’s going on.”

While she turns to Captain Davis I quickly walk around in front of them. With Kathryn and Sam behind them and me in front I have their attention. I say, “Excuse me it seems there is some confusion on what it is you two need to be doing? May I help?”

Captain Davis begins, “We were told to come to this gate. We don’t have boarding passes but tickets were promised us.”

I say, “Oh I see the confusion now. You assumed you would be on a commercial flight.” Sam can no longer suppress her giggles. The two turn to her and see her being held by Kathryn. Ron is a little slow to react but Sam reaches for him and Kathryn passes Sam across the seats to him. Ron actually hasn’t seen Sam for nearly two years Sam has grown and changed quite a bit during that time. He recognizes her and hugs her tightly.

This only confuses Sergeant Hansen more. She turns to me for answers and I extend my hand and say, “Hello Sergeant Hansen my name is John Jacob Meyer please call me JJ.”

Kathryn is walk around the seats and now comes to my side she extends her hand as soon as Sergeant Hansen withdrew hers from mine. She says, “Hello Sergeant Hansen I am Kathryn Meyer, JJ’s wife and Sam’s Mommy.”

Captain Davis has a few tears running down his cheeks and Sam is wiping them away. She says, “Ron, don’t be sad. I know Mommy and Daddy love me. Angel Mommy and Daddy made sure only they found me. My new Mommy and Daddy take very good care of me. They even told me I never had to stop loving you and my Angel Mommy and Daddy.”

I lean just a little close to Sergeant Hansen and explain, “Sam’s birth parents she refers to them as her Angel Mommy and Daddy.”

Sergeant Hansen I can see is trying to hold back a tear as she says, “If anyone ever got promoted to Angel it would be Nancy.”

Captain Davis turns to us he has a questioning look on his face before he asks. I say, “The reason you don’t have tickets we have you on a chartered flight. It should be just about ready to let us aboard.”

He lets Sam down, and Sam crosses to me given me a tug of my leg like she always does I take her putting her on my shoulders and one smooth easy movement. Ron’s face lights up seeing this. He says, “Sam’s father would do that. She love setting on his shoulders.”

Sam giggles and says, “I still love setting on Daddy shoulders. Oh, Ron this is my Daddy now. John Jacob Meyer, Daddy this is my godfather Captain Ron Davis. Ron this is my Mommy, Kathryn Meyer.”

I shake the Captain’s hand he has a firm grip that I return. He looks me over from head to toe. I’m not dressed in anything outstanding a pair of navy blue Dockers and a medium blue shirt covers my muscular frame. Kathryn is also dressed in comfortable clothing for our flight, a comfortable medium blue sundress that comes down past her mid-thigh. It matches the dress that Sam is wearing.

I had absentmindedly set down the Forbes when I first come around to speak to them. I didn’t want anything in my hands to distract myself with. Sergeant Hansen and noticed the cover she was quickly scanning through the article that I have yet to see. A few seconds and her eyes go wide she looks from the magazine into our faces then back to the magazine. She reads a little bit, her lips move but no sound. She lifts her face from the magazine at once more and looks into my and asked, “This is really about you?”

I chuckle as I answer, “I have gotten chance to read the article yet so I can’t tell you how accurate it is. Yes it is about Kathryn and me.”

Sergeant Hansen says, “Ron you were afraid he was going to use a credit card to pay for this I don’t think so.”

Ron looks over at Sergeant Hansen and distractedly he says, “What’s that honey?” He catches himself and says, “Excuse me Sergeant Hansen what was that you’re saying?”

Sergeant Hansen giggles and points to the article the headlines read [Billionaire Finds Princess on His Wedding Day]

Ron swallows hard as he releases my hand he asks, “Is it true?”

With a chuckle I say, “That’s an interesting story that deserves more than a yes to answer it.”

The stewardess calls us let us know the plane is ready and we embark and Sam begins telling the story of how she got her new Mommy and Daddy. Just as we begin our acceleration down the runway Sam finishes her story. I hadn’t even noticed but the stewardess was listening to the story the entire time. After we level off the stewardess comes back with a drink for Princess Sam.

By the time we were on an approach for landing in North Carolina Sam had curled up and Ron’s lap and had been asleep for nearly half an hour. I was a little jealous but I quickly realized this was a good thing. Sam really didn’t trust many men because of the experience she had with Lester. For some reason I know was worse than just several bad spankings with the switch. It also seem to be a healing event for the Captain, I notice he wiped a few tears away as he caressed Sam’s back lovingly. We had to wake her to put her in a seatbelt for landing.

Sam and Kathryn had told them every story they knew about on our flight, even the one about lightning bolt and the tree, the family fortune hidden under it. Ron’s eyes were bright and happy as he listened to Sam explain how the Fortune was divided. He was quite shocked too when he found out Sam was far wealthier than he could ever imagine her becoming. He also could see how excited she became when she got to show off her family. They all had come to the airport to greet Sam home. Seeing the family and how they adore Sam was a joyful thing for Captain Davis and Sergeant Hansen. She introduces each and every one of her uncle and aunts to Ron and Sergeant Hansen. Sergeant Hansen relaxes and gives us her first name, Reese.

Grandma came to the airport to greet Sam home but she would be on her way home tonight. Alyssa invites Sergeant Hansen and Captain Davis to her wedding and they will be here during that time. Sam is going to be the flower girl for her Aunt Alyssa’s wedding.

Once home Sam pulls Ron and Reese across the meadow showing them the downed tree. It doesn’t make the two any less skeptical. Tell you the truth I don’t blame them at all. I tell Kathryn, “Perhaps that’s one story we keep to ourselves from now on.”

Kathryn playfully says, “I like letting people know my husband can snap his fingers and knock over trees.”

Laughing I say, “I only get to do that once-in-a-lifetime and I made it count.”

Ron overhearing says, “Sam said it was close to fifty-one billion you found under the tree.”

Kathryn says, “That’s right, and JJ insisted everyone got an equal share, except for one person he wanted to exclude.”

Ron looking suspiciously asks, “Who was it that JJ wanted to exclude?”

Sam says brightly, “Daddy wanted to give it all to the family, and not take any for himself. Grandma set him straight she reminded him he’s part of the family too.”

With a giggle Kathryn says, “JJ thought just because he had a couple billion rest of the family would be jealous with him having more money than they did. But everyone’s already gotten used to that. My brothers say JJ being wealthy was better than them being wealthy. They knew if they needed it JJ would be right there to help them, and they didn’t have to worry about the taxes.”

Sam giggles, “Is that why Daddy didn’t want to take any. He didn’t want to pay any more taxes.”

Kathryn giggles, “No Sam I don’t think that’s it at all. Your Daddy would rather give and receive. One thing he’s not is greedy.”

Sam whispers to Kathryn, “I know Mommy I just wanted Ron to know.”

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-19 03:42:32
God i love that child.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-05-06 17:50:13
Enjoyed every bit of your article post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on...

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-05-06 13:30:40
Enjoyed every bit of your post. Great.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-22 23:24:38
I'm very ashamed you've forgotten the original full name of your own main character... But at the same time good story ... Please work on more consistency, even if you never want to work professionally it's always nice to avoid errors especially when you want to create your own facts it's best to follow them and not be so contradictory.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-02-28 12:50:14
NcsK8L Really enjoyed this article post.Really thank you! Want more.

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