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Part 15
Maria and Juanita

Tim moved swiftly into action. Northern Mexico was in chaos. Miguel had been a fool to fight all the other cartels simultaneously, but he and Rafaela had made careful plans to keep his family safe.

Rafaela related their plans to Tim. He was impressed. Within hours, Rafaela’s cousins were on their way to her.

As sad as Miguel’s death had made her, she knew it had to end that way. Peter’s death had been harder to accept as they’d always dreamed of being together to be father and daughter. Now that chance had ended. Even his thoughts were gone. When his kidnappers pulled Peter’s laptop from its station, it triggered a program that erased and overwrote all files six times and then ignited a tiny thermite capsule, melting the hard drive.

Peter had always been thorough.

He had named Michael as his executor and sole heir.

The main house had been completed for several weeks, though the compound still had work to be done.

Jake had developed a virtual program of the main house, as it would look after the post construction renovations, so the girls could begin ordering furniture. Over the next two weeks, the furniture arrived and, after being thoroughly inspected by Tim’s people, it was installed.

Everyone was anxious to get into the new home. This would be their home for the foreseeable future.

Five days after learning of Miguel and Peter’s deaths, Michael and his harem were sitting in the rented house’s living room, looking at the virtual plan with the furniture that the girls had selected. Beth, Lynne, Rachael and Rafaela were having a spirited discussion on the color of the couch for the main living area. Michael smiled as Beth and Lynne opposed Rachael and Rafaela. They asked him to make the final decision. He declined.

“Why not get both? We’ll give away the one we don’t like.”

Beth recoiled slightly then laughed. Rafaela giggled.

They heard the garage doors open. The bodyguard motioned them to stay and summoned his partner on the radio. He pressed his earpiece; then just said “Copy,” into his microphone.

He looked at the family he had begun to love. “The girls are here.”

Six women seemed to levitate as one, rushing to the door that led to garage.

Michael hung back. They didn’t speak English, so he would let the girls communicate as only females can. He reached the door as Rafaela ushered the girls to him.

Maria looked into his eyes. She looked exhausted, her face sallow. The past several months had not been kind to her. She was still very pretty, having grown a bit to just over 5’2”, maybe a hundred ten pounds with 34 C chest and a magnificent ass. The Afghan clothing, though, hid her body.

“Hello Michael,” she said softly, “I’m glad they didn’t cut your cock off. Rafaela seems to have put it to good use.” Her dark Latino eyes flashed impishly. “And yes, I speak English. So does Nita.”

She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. “Now you can’t run away. And I’m 16!” Sixteen was the age of consent in Queensland. Maria had checked.

Nita followed and gave Michael a tired hug. She looked like a younger Rafaela. She had clearly been crying. Rafaela led the girls to their rooms to change and sleep if they wanted.

Rafaela, Maria and Nita came into the living room, now dressed in jeans and T-shirts. Nita looked lost while Maria looked like a younger, darker version of Shoshana.

Michael had been sipping a particularly good South Australian wine. He refilled his glass and then looked at Rafaela who nodded slightly.

“Would you like some wine Maria? Nita?”

Both nodded and he poured them a small glass. As tired as the girls were, they would almost certainly go to sleep.

“What’s that?” Maria asked indicating the wide screen that still showed the virtual living room. She was sitting next to Rafaela.

“That’s our new home. We’ll be moving in about ten days. Rachael restarted the animation showing the ocean view from the pool deck.

“Holy Mother of God, Rafaela. Do you have so much money?” Maria asked a bit breathlessly.

Rachael answered for her, “Rafaela is very wealthy, yes, but so am I and my children. In fact, Lynne probably has the most money. Beth also has a large trust fund. So does Shoshana.” She giggled at the Maria’s look.

Nita sat next to Alice, to whisper something. She smiled and said aloud, “Yes honey, I’m all healed up,” looking at Michael, “much better than new.”

Nita was quiet, then whispered to Alice again. Alice’s eyes widened. She took Nita by the hand, pulling her into another room.

Rafaela looked at Maria, eyes demanding.

“You know how you and Nita look a lot alike? After you fled, he forced Nita to come to him. He did many bad things to her.”

“What about you?”

“He was tired of me. He took me to his bed when you were arrested.” Maria said calmly.

Seeing the look of horror on Rafaela’s face, Maria said almost gaily, “don’t worry Rafaela, Alice will fix Nita and me. She fixed you!”

“She fixed all of us,” Beth said softly, “With some help.”

“All of you? You mean you’ve all been raped?”

The girls nodded, then laughed when Michael said, “Not me!”

Nita fell asleep in Alice’s arms. Michael lifted her easily and took her to her room.

“Rafaela, please help me get her jeans off. She said has some genital injuries, so we may need an OB/GYN.”

Michael left the room. They came out about 15 minutes later.

“He used his belt on her. He was drunk. She’s really bruised and swollen. We’ll have to get her to a doctor for a full examination.” Alice paused, “I think it’s best that I sleep with her tonight. She’s really disoriented.”

Michael nodded, pulling out his phone to make the medical appointment through Tim.

Leaving in the dark, early morning, Tim’s men took Nita, Alice, Rafaela and Michael to a hospital in Brisbane. Tim would only allow ex-SAS or SARS drivers. They had grown up with the left hand driving pattern.

A young woman in scrubs took Nita and his two women into the examination room. Michael waited with the guards.

It was an agonizing wait. He flashed back to Beth’s rape. He prayed for this little girl as he had prayed for Beth.

Finally, the three emerged.

“I’ll be OK. He bruised my clit. That’s why it hurt so much.” She tried to smile.

The guards were talking into their microphones, setting up their return.

They approached Michael. “Tim wants us to wait until dark. We can go to a movie.” He showed Michael his PDA that had the movies listed.

“Nita, anything look interesting?”

Her eyes lit up. A romantic comedy. Inside, Michael groaned.

The guard’s hands flew over the screen before announcing, “Done. We can leave now.”

Nita and Alice took the back seat. Nita fell asleep on the ride back, a deep peaceful sleep with her head in Alice’s lap.

Michael and Rafaela sat in the second row, talking quietly.

“I really liked the doctor,” Rafaela gushed, “She’s young, single and very knowledgeable. She’s from Surfers Paradise and has a lot of local contacts. And you know, I need a local doctor.” She placed his hand on her growing belly.

“Did you get her card?”

She handed it to him. “I’ll have Tim check her out.”

She squeezed his hand.

“Anything you want to share about Nita?”

She took a deep breath. “Miguel, God rest his soul, was a total, sick bastard. I think you have two more broken birds to help,” turning to face him, her eyes fiery, “as a father figure, not as a lover!”

“He used them. Because Nita looks like me, he turned his sick fantasy into reality.”

“With Maria, he shared her with his friends until she got a disease, then he wouldn’t touch her or talk to her. She’s clean now, or at least Nita thinks so. Miguel was looking for me when he was killed. It was his men that tried to kidnap my father.”

“Michael, I have access to Miguel’s accounts. What should I do?”

“Concentrate on our little girl,” he said rubbing her belly.

“Girl?” she giggled. “We don’t need more girls!”

Several days passed. Tim cleared the doctor and said he would make the contact.

Michael was in a deep sleep when he began to feel something wet on his cock. One of his women was slurping his cock, beneath the sheets. For a few seconds, he laid back and enjoyed the incredible pleasure of the unfamiliar technique. He threw back the sheet.

Maria lay naked with his cock in her mouth.

A hand on his shoulder, crying urgently, “Michael.” It had been a dream.

He snapped fully awake, bolting upright, ready to do battle.

He sat in the middle of his women. Beth giggled, “You were moaning. We thought you were having another nightmare,” now gripping his cock, “Or maybe a dream about your harem.” More giggles.

His cock was very hard. He looked at Shoshana. She moved to him without hesitation. A deep kiss as her body molded to his. As Beth’s wet lips closed around his throbbing shaft, he realized that the dream feelings had been real.

Shoshana was totally committed to Michael. They both knew it. Looking into his eyes, she slid sensuously down his body. She whispered, “I love you,” and lay atop him, her back against his chest. Loving hands guided him into her. She wiggled down his body until he was deep inside her. Then she sat up, driving his cock deep into her tunnel. She rotated her hips moving in a circular dance.

He grabbed her hips. He was too close. She kicked one then the other leg out, lying down, her back to his chest. Hungry mouths sucked her long nipples and clit. She felt her climax build. But her senses were really only tuned to Michael.

With one arm around her waist, he whispered, ”Feel your sister’s tongue on your beautiful pussy, licking both of us,” he paused as she shivered, “Feel your sister’s sucking your beautiful, long nipples, their tongues caressing you,” another pause as Shoshana began to moan loud, her climax almost there, “feel my cock joining us…forever,” using his hands, he told Lynne to suck and bite Shoshana’s clit. She screamed her delight, her physical climax minor compared to her heart’s.

She stayed wrapped in a blanket of pleasure and joy.

There was a gentle knock at the bedroom door. Beth answered it, opening the door just a bit.

“I heard you,“ Maria said, “It sounds like an orgy in there. Is Rafaela in there? Can I come in?”

Rafaela jumped off the bed and grabbed her robe. She slid through the door and closed it firmly.

“Busted,” Beth said giggling, “No use in letting this goes to waste.” She faced away from him, threw her leg over his hips and began to work his cock into her VERY wet slit.

“Rafa, you all have sex with him?”

Rafaela nodded, looking closely at Maria to see the effect.

“What about Alice?”

Rafaela nodded, smiling.

“What about me and Nita? Will we have to have sex with him?”

“No. First, Michael is our man and we give ourselves to him. He would never force us.”

“What if we want to have him too?”

Rafaela sighed. “Then he and all of his women would have to agree. Chika,“ using her nickname, “he is a good man, maybe the best. But to be one of his women would mean you would have a very closed life.”

“But isn’t that what will happen anyway?”

Shocked, Rafaela looked into her cousin’s eyes.

“For now, you’re right. I think Michael has a plan,” she thought, ‘Dear God let him have a plan,’ “but you have your whole life in front of you.”

“Right. I’m a diseased whore with my whole life in front of me.” Maria spat with bitterness and pain.

“You’re no whore,” Rafaela said, her mind reeling.

“No? More than a hundred men have fucked me. Miguel gave me to them. I’ve sucked many more. Isn’t that a whore or at least a slut?” Pain etched on her face, “and it hurts like hell to pee. It feels like I’m on fire. So I’m a diseased whore.”

Rafaela calmed her. They talked about her room in the new house, Rafaela hiding her desperation to get to Michael. Eventually Maria slept. Rafaela kissed her temple and silently exited.

Early the next morning, three Escalades sped back to Brisbane.

In the car, Michael sat with Rafaela while Alice sat with Maria.

“Michael, do you think I’m pretty?” Maria asked with a sultry voice.

“Sorry Honey, No,” shocking Rafaela, Alice and Maria, “you’re beautiful.”

Maria giggled. “You know how to pay the game, huh?”

“I’m learning.”

The same doctor attended Maria that had attended Nita. This time she came out with Alice, Rafaela and Alice.

She held out her hand, “Jennifer Doland.” Michael’s eyes showed shock. She looked like his dead wife, Vika.

“Michael,” he couldn’t remember the last name of his cover identity.

“Two abused young girls in one week?” anger flashing in her eyes, “do you want to explain or should I just call the police?”

“Doctor, please,” Rafaela tried to rescue the situation.

“If you will, doctor,” Michael indicated a secluded alcove of the waiting room.

“Doctor, I have not had sex with either of the girls we have brought in,” firm and undeniable, “they were abused by their uncle and, before that, by their father.”

“You know Maria has internal injuries?”

They shook their heads no.

“I don’t mean physical, I mean emotional.”

“I, too am a doctor, a trauma counselor,” Alice spoke up, “We’ve had remarkable success with rape victims. If, however, you call the police, you will never see us again. ”

The doctor looked dubious.

Michael hesitated, “you have been approached to be a private, concierge doctor to a family on the Sunshine coast?”

She nodded. “You?”

Michael nodded. He watched as she fit all the information together.

“They said one woman was four or five months pregnant?” looking at Rafaela. She stroked her stomach.

“Doctor, …” Michael started.

She held up her hand, “I know, no notes and keep my mouth shut. You’re an Afghani family, running from the Taliban.” She led Rafaela back into the examination room.

When Rafaela returned with Jennifer, both were smiling.

“She’s in great shape,” looking at Alice, “obviously she’s had a lot of care. Single heartbeat, so no twins. Slow heart rate, so probably female. Rafa says she wants to try to nurse, so no cosmetic surgery for a while. We’ll need an ultrasound machine at the house. I know some good plastic surgeons. Some of your women have scars?” Michael nodded. “We’ll get them fixed up. Can you get me the plans for the clinic? There are some things I will want if I am going to be delivering babies!”

He handed Rafaela a bottle of pills. “She takes two immediately, then one a day for a week. Then she pees in a cup and you get it to me. I’ll be there in two weeks. If they let me go earlier, I’ll be there earlier.”

Michael smiled. She had just told him to swing his influence bat. She would be there whenever they needed her.

Workers finished the clinic in three days, the day before Jennifer arrived. A few pieces of equipment were still on order, but most was already installed.

“Moving day” finally arrived.

The move itself went off with military precision. The Afghani embassy proved to be a problem. They demanded the names of the Afghani residents. A single phone call soothed ruffled feathers.

They moved at night. Jennifer arrived shortly after Michael, his harem and the two girls. While Jennifer’s apartment was on the second floor of the clinic, she would have access to the main house and lap pool as well.

Around 10 PM, the guards brought Jennifer to the main house. She had reviewed the medical files of each woman. Incredible. 8 rape victims with one man. She wanted to meet these women in their home environment.

She entered a room filled with love. Rafaela lounged in Michael’s arms while Beth rubbed her feet. Lynne, Rachael, Shoshana and Nita sat at a table, two laptops in front of them. Maria and Alice were absent.

Michael rose to greet her.

Maria and Alice came from the back of the house, waiving happily.

Jennifer was clearly uncomfortable. Michael offered her a glass of wine that she accepted quickly.

“Everything OK?” Michael asked.

“My apartment is fantastic! Once everything arrives, the clinic will be great. I was just a little lonely…” Nita came over and hugged her.

Beth came to her. “I’m Beth. Not sure you’ll see too much of me. All my plumbing’s been taken out.”

“You’re on You Tube. You’re the rape victim that begged them to release her rapists!”

‘Shit’, Michael thought, ‘this could ruin everything.’

“Now I understand. You just wanted to be left alone. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”

Rachael, Lynne and Shoshana introduced themselves.

Jennifer looked into Shoshana’s radiant eyes, “Honey, we need to schedule some time together tomorrow. I want to see how the treatments are coming.”

Rachael extended her hand. “I’m Rachael and you need to have some more wine.” The older woman giggled. “You need to catch up.”

Jennifer smiled, liking these people. She began to relax.

The guards escorted her back to her new apartment after three bottles of shared wine.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-24 01:59:23
Quite a few mistakes. Very little smut for being on a smut site.
Negative rating

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-25 02:28:57
If you are going to write... RESEARCH! Otherwise you look like a fool. Dumbass!

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-23 17:30:20
that was brilliant please carry on, pure magic

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-23 11:13:59
I have never posted anything but ratungs in three years of reading here. You are a skilled writer. This should be published as a novel. Keep up the storyline for a little longer. Jennifer being an image of Vika could lead seeveral interesting directions. Excellent work.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-22 05:53:55
neat story but is Michael has to a superman to be able to handle all these women ........... I hope more chapters are forth coming because it really is an interesting story

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