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Omega Sagas - The Tales of Michael Sutton, Homecoming Surprise Part 1
This is my first story, so please roll with it. This is mostly fiction. The characters are based on real people, but most of the story’s events are fictional. The college and city is intended to be fictional. The city’s location is based on the real city of Montpelier, ID. and the two lakes are real. I am not from the western part of the United States, so I apologized to anyone, for any incorrect references to the area, that knows more about Idaho and the region around it. I have done some research though.

The story has a big buildup to setup the story and the series. Chapter/Section 5 is where the sexual tensions start getting juicy. I am thinking that I am going write sequels to this and another branch of ideas that I have. You can comment and give constructive criticism, but please don’t leave any stupid comments.

It is September of 2007 in Idaho. The fall colors is coming in bright swing on the small college campus of Bear Lake University. It is a private four-year university. The college is located in the small city of Riverton, in the southeastern part of Idaho. Riverton has around fifteen thousand people and close to Bear Lake and Mud Lake. It was Michael Sutton’s sophomore year at the school. He was an economics major. He didn’t really drink at college since he was underage and didn’t want mess with his college and life’s career. He was a very conservative and shy boy around new people. He just couldn’t get too much nerves to start up conversations too much.

However, he was good when he had established relationships. His father had died due to a workplace accident and had a trust fund and college money to pay his tuition and the typical stuff. He just had to keep up his grades and make small payments that his mother’s payments didn’t cover the bill. He was the typical average joe about 5ft 10 inches with little athletic skill. He was little overweight at around 200 pounds, but wasn’t too bad when it covered.
Mike was a member of the student activities committee, due to his cousin Taylor being the SAC president. Taylor was 21 and a junior studying in the field of marketing. Mike grew up in Idaho Falls. Idaho Falls is around 2½ hours away from Riverton depending on the route and speed you take. Taylor and her two friends grew up in the suburbs of Salt Lake City, Utah

Taylor is 5’7” with black straight hair that comes down to her shoulder blades. She has 32D breasts. She is also muscular due to her hobby of running. Taylor is Michael maternal cousin (Michael’s mom and Taylor’s mother are sisters, this explanation is important later)

Amanda is Michael’s paternal third cousin. (This means Amanda’s great-grandmother and Michael’s father’s grandfather were siblings) Amanda doesn’t know the relationship, but Michael know through his father’s and his hobby of genealogy. Michael hasn’t told Taylor about this, because you don’t really do!

Homecoming was coming up in couple of weeks and candidates were made by faculty. Then the student population were able to vote for the King and Queen. The faculty has always liked to pick from “leaders” of student organizations.

Emily Whitewood, 20 junior, would most likely be on the ballot. She was one of the head cheerleaders. She was not the typical cheerleader who looks like a pageant queen or playboy model, but she definitely was attractive with her charming southern accent and part of the popular kids in the school. She is 5ft 8 inches with nice round 36C breasts Emily was born and raised in Oklahoma and had some money from her father. Her parents moved to Idaho when her father’s Oklahoma cattle company was acquired from some bigger corporation. The Whitewoods decided to move to Idaho to be closer to family and her parents were getting older when Emily was 16. They eventually decided to build and now operate a fabulous resort, rightfully called Whitewood Resort.

Chapter 1
“Monday has finally came!” Taylor exclaimed when she exited her apartment bedroom and into her cousin’s bedroom. Michael decided to rent an on-campus apartment with couple of people that he was acquainted with. The other two apartment rooms were rented out by couple of Taylor’s girlfriends. He knew Taylor and he knew that living with her would be fabulous. Taylor was the best cousin that Michael could have. She would clean and make him food for dinner. He knows how to cook basic foods like macaroni and cheese and eggs, but nothing too special.

He would also love living with Taylor’s two friends, Sarah and Amanda, because they have started walking around the apartment with the underwear and/or just towels on. Taylor always is giving them crap about it. He had been introduced to Sarah and Amanda a while back to due to Sarah and Amanda had went to the same highschool as Taylor. Amanda was a culinology student. Michael’s family found out that

“Yes! It’s Monday, like any other Monday” Mike not realizing how Taylor really was excited for the announcement of Homecoming King and Queen candidates. Mike flips over and his morning hard-on hits Taylor in the arm. Taylor looking down to Mike’s groin and commenting, “Hey, watch it bro, I’m your cousin!”

“Sorry, cuz, but you caused it!” Mike told his cousin.

“Why!” Taylor sarcastically replied. “You did several wrong. You woke me up at like 8am, I was having the best dream in the world, and you’re just in panties!” Michael explained.
Taylor looks down and her breasts, “Oh Shit!!” She runs around the corner.
Michael grabs his sweatpants and starts to grab stuff out his drawers to take out some clothes for a shower before his 10:30 class. He then hears Taylor screaming and in agony.

Michael then runs to his cousin’s apartment bedroom. Taylor is on the floor with what looks like a broken arm or something. Michael was nothing for medical. “I’ll call public safety!”

Taylor says, “Ouch! Hey, Michael before Public Safety come. Please wake up Amanda or Sarah so I get dressed properly.” Each couple words Taylor would wince in pain and stop. Michael does what he is told and goes to the other end of the apartment.

Amanda’s door is already open and is empty. Michael remembers that she has a 8:30 class. Then he goes to the next door and knocks on Sarah’s door. Sarah opens the door with her being naked. Last night was an abnormal hot one and the apartment AC isn’t the best. To give you guys some idea about Sarah. She is 5’6” and 100 lbs of mostly muscle with 38B. She the exercise nut and rightfully majoring in exercise management.

“Wow, … Ms. Price, aw Taylor, my cousin... is injured and needs your help!” Michael grasps every word at the beautiful sight in front of him. “Hey! Goofball stop calling me Ms. Price, I am not your teacher. Also this is the not the time for you to goggle at my body. If you are good boy, then I might tempt you!” Sarah rapidly explains while she is quickly getting dressed.

Public Safety comes with the ambulance. Taylor goes to the local hospital and finds out that she will be in cast for couple of weeks and also finds that she needs to stay in the hospital for couple of days due to some abnormal levels in her blood tests. It is now around 3pm when the doctor comes in to talk to Taylor.

Chapter 2
At the hospital, the doctors ran tests and found some abnormalities.
Taylor, “this condition that I have is not life threatening?”
Doctor Lewis, “No, you just lost a lot of blood and we just want you to be tracked and supplied with vital nutrients to get back to the typical level.”

Taylor, “Thanks, Doctor Lewis!” The doctor tells her that he will check back later in the day on how she is doing. Michael comes into the hospital room while the doctor is leaving.
“Hey Michael, don’t you have class.”

“No, Professor Davis cancelled cancelled classes since he is going to New York for a week and wants to prepare for it.” He tells her beautiful cousin leaning down to kiss her on the cheek, “I have also done several errands for you! I have checked that goofy paper about Homecoming. For some reason, I am on the ballot”

She interrupts, “because you’re a very strong quiet leader!”

Michael replies, “thanks, the other people are on the ballot are the QB Victor Rice, cheerleader
Emily Whitewood, members of the crazy football fan club clique Greg Beckett and Paula Powell. The others are culinology couple and residence life staff members Jack Dawson and Julia Carlson, Student Association members Daniel Adams and our beautiful and sexy roommate Sarah Price!”

Taylor interrupts, “Hey! She is my best friend and I know that she and Amanda have been dancing around the apartment like garden nymphs, but please settle down cowboy!”
Taylor as always enjoyed greek mythology and her favorite goddess is Athena.

Taylor continues, “Hey! if my adding is correct that’s only nine! isn’t there like always 10 or 12 people on those lists” Michael leans in and is enveloped in his cousin sweet perfume. He states, “chill cowgirl, the best is for last. My favorite and most beautiful cousin is the last person nominated for Queen” Michael has five other female cousins but either they are not really close, deceased, or too young.

Michael continues, “I have contacted all of your professors and you’re fine until you get out of the hospital.”

Chapter 3 - Shopping, Dinner, and Dance
It has been few days and the calendar has flipped to Sunday. Michael drives Taylor home due to her having her cast on her dominant right hand. Michael has cocted a plan for a wonderful night for Taylor since Taylor has been there for him in dire situations. His father died when Michael was only eight. Amanda and Sarah takes Taylor shopping for clothes to wear for Homecoming and the typical girl shopping. Couple of days ago, Michael had Amanda teach him how to cook a roast beef. Then when dinner time comes, Amanda and Sarah would just say that they have a double date.

Sarah reminds Taylor that Michael’s mother was going to pay for three dresses per person. She picked a conservative black dress that went to her heels, and then a beautiful red dress that was tightly fit to her waist so you could that she kept herself in shape.

The red dress was more of a ballroom dancer’s dress than a homecoming dress, but she wanted something special after being in so much pain. The final dress was a pink strapless dress that also showed off her amazing breasts, but kept her waist to a modest limit. Then the girls went to salon to get their nails done and for a haircut.

Taylor gets brown highlights in her hair and shortens it to be more shoulder-length.

The girls arrive back to the apartments around the scheduled time of six. Amanda tells Taylor,

“We will drop you off and help you into the red dress so you can show off to your younger cousin!” Sarah continues, “Michael has some special things planned for you tonight.” Taylor is confused, “This will be interesting.”

The girls helped Taylor into her dress and they decide to don one of theirs. Amanda and Sarah leave for a party. They just leave the other dresses and clothes in the trunk of Sarah’s

Taylor then rides the elevator to the fourth floor and heads to her apartment 417. She knocks at the door since she doesn’t want to worry about digging for her keys. She notices that there is salsa music playing and the smell of cooking. The door is opened.

Taylor notices the tuxedo, “Wow, you are all dressed up as well.”

Michael, “You’re amazing as well. Dinner will be done in couple of seconds.” Michael escorts his cousin over to the dinner table.

Taylor looks around and notices that the apartment is spotless. She shockingly exclaims, “What is going on? You get your mother to give my friends and me a shopping spree, cleans the apartment, actually cooks a meal, and even the romantic music.”

Michael explains, “You deserve a special night! You have been there for me on numerous occasions. You helped through my father’s death and helped me to develop into the person that I am today. Also you have had a very scaring situation happened to you. I thought I lost you!”

Taylor says, “I love this treatment, but I’m just doing what a wonderful cousin does.”
Michael continues, “Yes, but you’ve made there for every battle of mine. I couldn’t list them all and you are special to me. This is also a small part of your birthday present.” Her birthday is in late October.

Chapter 4 - The Mud Lake Gazebo

The two eat dinner and talk about classes and family matters. Then Michael cleans the table and washes up. He then suggests that they walk through the nature trails and catch the the autumn colors.

He helps her put on a small jacket and they proceed to the trails. They walk for about a half-hour. It’s now 7:30 and they proceed to the Mud Lake Gazebo. They cross the path of an older married couple. The older couple are sitting down outside the gazebo and reminiscing about their lives. The man has a new digital camera around his neck.

They overhear them, “Wow, remember those days when we were newlyweds!” Michael and Taylor forgetting that they were embracing to keep warm and holding hands. Taylor, “what are they are talking about?”
“They are thinking that we are spouses since we are so close,” Michael informs her. “Yes, I know, we are very close to each other and sometimes can think what the other is thinking,” Taylor mistakenly replies. Michael corrects her. “Yes” and giggles “but, I am talking about the proximity between us.”

Before she can reply, the couple walks up. The woman asks, “if I may ask? What happened to your arm, dear?” Taylor replies, “I fainted due to being low-efficient in some random nutrient and broke the arm in couple places. But should be healed soon.” The man responds, “Time, Love, and Care does the body good!” Michael replies, “Yes, it does! How long have you been together?” The woman said, “We got married when I was 23 and now I am 72, so” The man finishes answering, “49 almost our fiftieth wedding anniversary.” The woman starts to frown.

The man looks at his wife and then asks the two cousins, “can we take a picture of you two?” You two remind us of our younger selves. We lost our film wedding photos in a fire and would love to have a...” The woman continues for her husband, “similar photo to our wedding day for our anniversary party.” The man continues, “We got married here at the Gazebo and our favorite picture was at sunset and our first married night’s kiss.” The woman eyes gets happily tearful

Michael says, “Yes, we would love to” The man says, “Great! Can we have you two in the gazebo and kiss? So we can recapture the moment”

Taylor, “I...” Michael stops her and continues, “She doesn’t like the fuss over being newlyweds, but we should be great to do that for two.” Michael looks at her and motions her over and says to the older couple to wait for couple minutes.

Michael, “Yes, this might be little awkward, but it is for a good cause.” Taylor shakes her head Michael continues, “it will only a peck on the lips. They were married almost fifty years ago. They were too conservative to make out back in the day at the ”kiss the bride” part.”
Taylor agrees to go along with the crazy plan. The two “couples” walk into the gazebo.

Taylor asks them about their attire and the man says that it is unusual for an 1950s wedding, referring to Taylor’s dress, but it isn’t too risque and the best option that they have.

The man then tells what kind of photos he wants and checks if the plan is good. They do a photo with Michael/Taylor holding hands outreached and looking at each other. Then they face the camera and hold hands. The third photo is them looking at the sunset and the last photo is the kiss. The man checks the camera and sees the the 3 photos are good. Then Michael comforts Taylor and says, “It will be fine! Just pretend that I’m one of your exes.” Taylor just ended a relationship because of too many differences.

The man is set and Taylor positions herself to Michael and Michael kisses Taylor with everything he knows from little experience. [He has had sex with a high school friend, but wasn’t too romantic.]

Taylor does the stereotypical foot-raise off the ground. She is amazed by how impactful the kiss is. Taylor opens her mouth and Michael starts entering. Michael is getting hard, but Taylor feels it and pushes him away.

Taylor heads towards the apartment. Michael catches up her and gently grabs Taylor’s arm and says, “Sorry, I just got caught up in the moment”

Taylor, “Yes, I know but we can’t go down that path.”
Michael, “I know, but it happens and we should explore.”

Taylor, “No, I need some time to think...”

Michael, “Let me walk you back and I can go straight to my bedroom.”

Taylor, “No, you should find someplace else to sleep for the night. I can call public safety to walk me back”

Michael, “I don’t trust Public Safety. They are kind of shady characters.” Michael doesn’t like them because they are mostly of perceived immature foreigners.

Taylor, “No, I don’t trust you!” Michael, “Fine, then let me call Sarah to come and I can bunk at one my buddies’ floor”
Sarah comes and cools down Taylor and Amanda gets the story from Michael.

Michael and Taylor talk and make up. Michael then receives a voicemail from an unknown number. The voicemail is from the man at the gazebo apologizing for any awkwardness caused and wants them to come to the anniversary party.

Michael and Taylor decide to go back to the apartment. Sarah and Amanda also goes back to the apartment and decide to catch z’s. Sarah goes over to Taylor and tells her that she can scream or whatever if needed.

Michael decides to continue the talk with Taylor. They talk about what happened, what to do next, and how they live together with the new dynamics. Taylor confesses hidden feelings towards Michael and that the kiss was good.

Michael tells Taylor that if she wants to go to bed she can wake up Amanda for assistance. Taylor says, “the night is over and I feel I was bitch to you back at the lake. Can I make it up to you?”

Michael then asks Taylor, if she wants to dance.

Chapter 5 - Dancing can leads down to a wonderful path
Michael turns the music on and the two cousins start going down a wonderful path

Taylor, “how are we going to do that?” pointing to her arm. Michael, “Your arm is injured, not your leg or shoulder, crazy! You can just wrap your arms around my waist or neck“ Taylor walks in the living room and then clings onto Michael. They dance for couple minutes.
Taylor asks, “How did you pull this off and what in the world has gotten into you that you’re dancing this good. You’re leading me flawless and never stepping on my feet?”

Michael blushingly admits, “Yes, I had Amanda teach me how to cook. Sarah taught me how to dance. It took couple of nights to be this good. My buddies and I took yesterday to clean the apartment.” He continues, “I knew I wanted this night to be the best night possible for you. I love you!”

He leans in and kisses Taylor. Taylor then proceeds to back away, but then pauses. She is getting wet.

Michael attempts one more time. Taylor then lets him proceed. Michael slips his tongue into her mouth and they share a romantic kiss. Michael steps back and makes sure that this is what Taylor wants. Taylor says, “Yes, it has been a while since my last big kiss”

On the same note, the music player then flips to the next CD which Michael forgot to take out. It was his favorites CD and also has a special message/song for Amanda.

His song is modelled after the Lonestar song Amazed, which is Michael’s favorite love song. The first couple line plays before Michael has time to safely get out of the embrace and turn it off.

The lines...
‘I love you baby,
Everytime our eyes meet, I wished it was easier to be one
You spark butterflies like no one else
I wished this was not forbidden love’

The last line meaning that Amanda’s lineage to Michael’s (they are 3rd cousin on father’s side. Refer back to the introduction, if necessary) Some might dispute how far incest goes, but Michael would typically think possibly 10th or farther would be free game.

“So you hoped for this result to happen. To profess your ‘forbidden love’ to me and hope that I would be thrilled from tonight’s events and be seduced” Taylor responds [in more of a confused tone than an angered tone]

Michael responds, “That song was not meant for or about you. My music professor wanted some romantic feel that was based on an actual song” ‘Not all true’ Michael thinks.

“Fine, I believe you and this night has been amazing. What do you want from me? Sex?”

“I just want make your life as great as possible. You’re an angel...I should correct myself...You’re more like Aphrodite. You’re kind, mischievous, smart, caring, and beautiful!.” He continues, “I do not need to have sex.”

Taylor, ”This night is a whirlwind. One second I am wearing a hospital gown, then shopping for a surprise date, then passionate kissing. I am just confused, but I do know that sex would be great.” She adds, “Yes, it is forbidden love, but that is why we are descended Adam and Eve?”

Michael, “You’re in control! It is your night!”

Taylor, “Let’s take a shower together and then we can have sex. I can fall asleep in loving arms! Under one condition. No cumming inside or anal!”

Chapter 6 - Shower and Sex
Michael, “Agreed” Michael is thinking that this is going to be difficult to explain to Amanda and Sarah in the morning if needed.

Taylor, “Let’s take all of our clothes in my bedroom and then walk naked to the shower” The shower is closest to the Amanda and Sarah’s bedrooms.

Michael escorts Taylor to her bedroom and helps her get undressed. He then come to back of Taylor and lifts up her dress and plays with pussy. He is getting a hard on. His fullest length is about a modest six inches and width three inches. Taylor, “Please, be gentle with me like Zeus treats his treasured thunderbolt. I am a virgin with hymen still in intact.” Each few words getting harder to say.
Michael pulls off her dress and bra.

Michael moans and says, “Oh Help me! I am going to see Hades eventually!”
Taylor, “Oh I need to pee! Briseis will be back” Michael responds, “Don’t let Agamemnon keep you too long!” Taylor responds, “Achilles, be patient”

Michael takes off his clothes in the meanwhile. He starts towards the bathroom. Amanda wakes up and sees that Michael is naked and is standing over Taylor’s bedroom’s threshold.

Amanda, “Oh Beaver!” She runs towards Michael. Michael stops her and tells her that this consensual incest.

Taylor comes out and see that Amanda awake. Michael jokingly, “I guess it’s not Agamemnon keeping me away from my beautiful bride Briseis. It’s Menelaus keeping me”

[Context: In the Iliad, Agamemnon is forbidden to have his war bride, so he takes Achilles, Michael, war bride Briseis, Taylor. Menelaus was the brother and supporter of Agamemnon]

“What in the world!” Amanda says

“It is sex. Life has been a whirlwind for me and I need someone that’s gentle to me that will allow me to experience the full extent of sex. Then experience the male-favorite quickie” Taylor says

“Ok, it’s your life! and it’s getting late. Just be quiet!!” Amanda says.

Amanda retreats back to her room. Taylor leads Michael to the bathroom. Let’s go before I change my mind and before Sarah wakes up.

Michael takes off all remaining clothes. He escorts Taylor into the shower. Taylor turns on the sop and then grabs the shampoo.

“I love you so much Briseis!” Michael rubbing his hand around Taylor’s body. His hands rubs the shampoo into her hair and across her neck. Down to her nice round breasts. He starts fingering inside her pussy.

“Enough with the Greek, loverboy!“ Taylor exclaims. She moaning wildly, but the walls are better quality since they semi-soundproofed them. She turns to face Michael and finally grasps how big the cock is! “Wow! That is big!”

“It’s like six inches, but supposedly some people have 8s or 9s,” Michael informs his cousin. He rubs her ass and soaps her up, They both get sprayed. They continue rubbing each other with Taylor giving Michael a handjob.
Michael says, “Can you put that in your mouth?” Taylor replies with a no.
Taylor then tells Michael if he can guarantee that he will not drop her. She will fuck him while she sits on him while he standing up after he breaks her hymen.

Michael says, “Yes! I would love that! Let’s get dried up so I have the best grip!”
They get all dried while Michael has fun toweling her off every inch of exposed skin or hair.

They juggle their way to Taylor’s room and shuts the door.

Taylor slides down onto the bed. He slides his cousin to the edge of the bed. He goes down on her pussy. He licks her pussy and sticks a finger in. Taylor moaning, “Oh hot fire, you are amazing!!” He sticks another finger in and realizes that Taylor might have a broken hymen.

Michael then position himself to slide his cock into Taylor’s pussy. He leans and passionately kisses his cousin. Their tongues play around with each other in Taylor’s mouth.

While he is kissing his cousin, he grabs his cock at then slides it in. After several smooth strokes in and out, so Taylor can get use to it, Michael slides his cock in further.

Michael is rubbing his hands all around Taylor’s lovely breasts. He slides in further and indeed Taylor is a virgin and unbroken hymen. He breaks through and slides in total about four inches in.

“Are you fine?” Michael asks.
“I’m fine, just getting use to having a thick cock in me.” Taylor replies
He slides in and out rhythmically for another five minutes.

“Are you ready?” Michael says.
“Yes, come grab your prize!” Taylor replies
Michael grabs Taylor’s hips and picks her up. His hands start to slide, but he was driven to have Taylor ride him.

“Taylor, you need to hold on to my neck. It might be difficult with your arm.” Michael says
“Yes, I can do it!” Taylor exclaimed. “Oh dang!” His cock entering her and impaling her. He now has almost all of his six inch cock in her.

“Wow!! I don’t know how long I can take this!” Taylor climaxes!
“Wow, you’re so tight” Her pussy walls were constraining him to greatest amount possible.
“Oh fuck!” Michael exclaims

“Please, don’t say that you cummed in me?”
“I might of?”
“Put me down!” Taylor exclaims
Michael puts her down onto the bed and slides his cock out of her pussy.
“Oh dang! You’ve!” Taylor explains
“Thankfully, it not too much” Michael says
He sprayed most of his sperm onto Taylor’s belly or on the bed.

“Plan B! Time to clean up” Taylor points to a paper cup on her tv stand.
Michael dumps the loose change in it and hold it under her pussy.
Taylor standing up and the cum drips down.

She sticks her finger into her pussy and glides the remaining cum out of her pussy.
“Ok Let’s get some rest and we go to doctors to see if any of your soldiers have sneaked into the heavily guarded Trojan Gates” Taylor exclaims.
The two of them then cuddle for the remaining of the night.

A week went by and the pregnancy test show that Taylor is not pregnant.

I am quite busy, so I don’t know how fast I can turn sequels out. Part 1 wasn’t conceived to be a Taylor and Michael story, but it came out that way. The first sequel is most likely between Michael and Sarah. I don’t know when/how I want to introduce Amanda into this. The third sequel that I am thinking about is a rape story between Emily and a football player. The fourth part is most likely the Emily and Michael love story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-01-12 11:58:05
Achilles &Briseis Far

anonymous readerReport 

2013-02-08 21:43:09
needs a total rewrite by a GOOD WRITER that knows enough to use a GOOD EDITOR. remove all the greek names it is to confusing.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-12 17:16:11
For those you are complaining, I will write again and proofread my stuff. Since its grammatical errors is the issues, that is fixable. If you don't like find somewhere else, but if you can let me try and improve you may be surprised.

For people like reader JJ than I will write again. I should be able to turn another part soon.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-23 19:35:26
This is utter and complete shit, yet you decided to write another story after this. That story sucked ass as well, take the hint and please, next time you decide to write take a hammer and smash every one of your fingers!!! Really, don't hold back, hit them hard you moron!!!!

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-23 12:22:26
totally agree with other readers, crap, gave up after first paragraph

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