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My Moldovan wife.


Chapter 1.


It’s a bit strange to look back about 3 years.
My marriage was not functioning, and let’s just says, my wife and I “grew apart”.
Basically, I think it started, when the biggest of our children left the house after being 18 in 2004, and by spring 2008, I more or less gave up on it all, but having planned our vacation for this summer, I decided to proceed as planned.
Being back home we took the consequences, and tried to take out a divorce.

Let’s take a look back in time, to understand, how it all started:

I met my wife May 8th in 1985, and late September 1985, I got employed in a company, selling navigation and communication equipment for all sizes of ships, ranging from leisure boats to supertankers.
My job was to get this equipment installed and commissioned, whether it was national or abroad and mostly, this also included some basic education of the crew.
In late December 1985 we bought a nice house, and got married in April 1986.
By mid October, we had a son, and so far, our marriage was fine.
By the end of June 1989, one of my many service trips sent me for a shipyard in a town named Kherson in Ukraine, close to the coast of The Black Sea.
This job lasted for 2 weeks, and in the middle of December, still 1989, I was sent to this shipyard again.
This time my job included more tasks than the previous one, so this time it lasted for nearly a month, causing me to spend Christmas and New Year at this place.
New Years Eve, due to a “heavy party” on my hotel with other “crew members”, I got in contact with a very pretty young woman, who turned out to be almost 22 years old, but I was married, and my wife carrying our second child, so I had to turn down her “offer”.
I was going on 34, and by then, also found the difference of age, 12 years, a bit improper.
Her name was Nina, and as far as I can remember, she was about 170cm, 55kg, long blonde hair down her back, and blue eyes.
Actually my “ideal woman”.
At that time I couldn’t in my wildest dreams imagine, that this incident, would make a base for another chapter almost 19 years later in my life, and nor would even the most imaginative reader.

The years passed by, and the biggest of our children moved away, and I guess it was about this time, my wife and I really “grew apart”.
Actually we were “worn out” by innumerous conflicts, as we never had enough time to recover from a previous one, before a new one turned up.
After a while we decided to end our marriage by a divorce, and I ended up sitting in a nice house, only just being able to pay the mortgages, all alone.
I was “licking my wounds” after my divorce, and beginning to miss the company of a woman, but I had to face the fact of difficulties in this, as I was now 52, and my stomach was quite bigger than earlier.
Basically, I hadn’t been taking care of my body for the last years, nor had my wife.
Taken into consideration, I’d been a professional soldier when younger, and with a physic and “shape”, which could make many envious, I started to exercise again, by taking long walks, more or less with the speed of a march, and also considering the amount and quality of my food, so within a couple of months I rapidly lost some kilos, and my body was beginning to look in a pretty good shape again.

Having GPS in my car, I was sitting a late evening, searching for an update of the maps for Ukraine, and not having the correct address at hand, I simply entered “Ukraine” on “Google”.
A lot of results popped up on my screen, and more or less by accident, I happened to hit the address above or below my desired link, directing me to a homepage, which should turn out to be my luck.
At first I got surprised to realize, that this homepage apparently was an agency for Russian and Ukrainian women, looking for foreign partners, so I just made a “bookmark” for this page, and found the page I was searching for.
After updating my program and GPS, I curiously reverted to the homepage, and was soon thinking back on Nina, from Kherson in Ukraine.

Fortunately the homepage was in English, and mastering English almost fluently, also on the level of negotiation and Technical, combined with most Medical terms, I didn’t encounter any problems of searching for some “interesting” women.
A lot of search criteria were available; age, height, weight and other possibilities.
A major benefit was, it was possible to see the women’s first name and picture, and a thumbnail included more pictures.
All together, there was a good description of the women in question, containing information of the type of man, age etc. they would like to meet.
My first search included an age range from 40 to 50 years, but nobody seemed nice to me, so I tried to push my “luck” a bit, by setting the lower limit at 30 years, and now a nice “selection” of women was represented.
Facing this “selection”, I suddenly remembered a broadcast from Russia and Ukraine telling, it wasn’t unusual with a husband, who was 10 – 15 years older.
I pushed my luck further, by setting the lower limit at 25 years, with the upper at 40 years.
There were now several women to look at, in spite of stating my age, now at 52.
Let me be perfectly honest and tell, that with this amount of women, I now narrowed my search to only find women with blond or fair hair, and later on also blue eyes, and the amount decreased to “only” 128.
I sorted the women in an ascending order of age, and found 2 women, by the way from Kherson; one 29 years, and the other 31 years, both with a child, and the desired age of their chosen one, I even fitted into.
A little later, I found 2 women of 35 from Nikolayev, one with a daughter of 12, and the other without children.
I specially notified on the woman without children and never married, as due to her prettiness, she might be a “hard to get” woman, but by the information of her being a Medical Doctor, my best guess was, that she had chosen to go for her career.
Nevertheless I put this Medical Doctor, Elena, on my “Favorites”.
Some other women was also put down on my temporarily list, including one from Kiev of 38, and one from Lugansk of 40, so for a start I had about 14 women on my paper.
Some other women, apparently attractive to meet, had the word “generous” in their profile, which to my terms is the same as, they’re expecting you to spend a lot of money on them, so these were cancelled right away.
Yet I was a bit concerned:
How would it be possible to contact them, and how about the intensions of the website?
Many questions came to me, but I decided to register, so I could gain further access for more pictures of these chosen women.
The registration was free of charge, but you had to pay for each letter you sent, and those received letters you wanted to read.
After about an hour, I had made my own profile, putting the women in a special folder of “Favorites”.
Nothing more happened that evening.

The next day I had about 10 letters available from interested women, but after reading their profile, I decided to erase them, as they didn’t fell into my taste.
In about a week, I received more than 100 available letters from women from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Belarus, but some was way outside my limits of age, even some “girls” down to 18 to 20 years “young”, others with a look, I certainly didn’t want to wake up to in the morning.
After more than two weeks, I still didn’t have any interesting women on my “list” so I was a bit worried, if I had been too demanding in my wishes.
All of a sudden I received available letters from 3 Russian women, all from Moscow:
A stewardess only 26, but after two letters, we didn’t want to “go further”.
A lawyer, 34 years old, with a pretty face, and very slim, pretty gorgeous, but as she definitely wanted children, preferably more than just one, we agreed upon stopping our correspondence.
A Medical Doctor, 36 years old, with an appearance which really hit my heart, as she also looked slim, pretty gorgeous, but after sending her my second letter, I never heard a word from her.
Some other women also sent me a letter, but it all ended up in rejecting them, after having received more than 150 letters by now.
Nearly a month passed by, and being pretty sad about my misfortune, I was just about to have my profile deleted, as I got a letter from a Medical Doctor, Tatiana or just Tanya, living in a town in Ukraine called Zaporojie, some 400 Kilometers South-East of Kiev, and just reading her profile gave me a warm sensation inside.
I also noticed, she had a son, 13 years old, but as they say; “if you want the mother, you’ll have to accept the child(ren)”, which was OK with me.
Looking at the pictures of her gave me an impression of a nice and tender woman, with all it takes, even if she didn’t smile on any of these.
Being 36 years old, 48 kilos and 163cm tall, with a description of herself as person, and the kind of man she would like to meet, really sounded nice.
A look at her eyes somehow told me that behind that look was a woman, who would be a very devoted wife, just waiting for “Mr. Right”, so I decided to read her letter.
Her letter was rather interesting; she wrote quite open about herself, her life and also about her marriage and divorce.
She didn’t write it clearly, but between the lines, I got the impression, that her ex-husband and she, had been nearly of the same age, and now she wanted a more “mature” man.
From her letter, I got the impression she had had a hard time in her marriage, and more or less had forgotten how to smile.
Somehow I just felt, that if we would meet, a smile would easily come to her pretty face.
The next day I sent her a letter, containing almost the same information of me.
A couple of days later, she answered my letter, in a nice and warm way which made me very glad, so I quickly answered her, in a quite optimistic way, telling her, I intended to visit her.
I guess it was at this time, I decided to reject 2 other fairly attractive women on my list, telling them that I had to make up mind, putting all my efforts on Tanya.
Later in the evening, I altered my profile, indicating it was only open for correspondence.
Other letters passed, before I decided to send her three pink roses, telling her I was anxious to meet her, and including my phone number, and my mail address.
At the same time I also arranged a phone meeting, just to ensure, we would make a contact, as I also wanted to hear her voice.
I had requested our phone meeting to take place on Monday 27th of October, and I was waiting impatiently by my phone.
A little before 10 a.m. my phone gave a sound, and reading the display, I could see, it was a “long distance call”.
I hurried out of my department, heading for a more quiet room, and an interpreter presented herself, apparently to ensure I would accept this phone meeting.
In a jiffy, I heard Tanya’s voice, and appearing young just on the pictures of her, her voice sounded even younger on the phone.
I think our communication lasted for 14 minutes, exchanging phone numbers and our mail addresses, and I think we both were too eager at this moment, as I had difficulties in finding the right words, and it seemed as Tanya had the same difficulties, so we agreed to communicate via our mail addresses.
After finishing our phone call, I ordered my flight tickets as planned, and sent Tanya a test mail from my office to ensure, I had the right one.
When I arrived back home, there was several mails, but especially one from Tanya, asking for more precise details of my arriving, and trying to find an apartment for me for the week, I would spend in her town.
From our phone talk I got the impression, she was living in a 2-room apartment, and apparently Tanya didn’t like the idea of accommodating me, as this was our first time together, so at first I asked her to find an apartment for something like 50$, but this would be a pretty uncomfortable one, so I asked her to find one, for a maximum of 80 $ per day.
Another mail was from the Medical Doctor, Elena from my “Favorites”, with a very nice description of herself, and her wishes for the future.
Nearly one and a half month had passed since my registration, which I had to tell her, which had changed a lot of things in my search, so I had to reject her.
One thing she missed was her level of English, which proved to be at “Beginner’s level”, which would cause, we would have to rent an interpreter, making it difficult to communicate in more confidential matters.
As done with previous women, I also had her birth data’s compared to mine, to see how we would “fit together” in Astrological terms, if we would end up making a couple.
This result proved to be pretty bad, so somehow I was glad, that I was set for Tanya, with a pretty good match.

Let me describe Tanya a bit further:
Blond/brown hair almost down to her shoulders and green eyes.
What really “bothered” me, I could feel a sort of emptiness building up inside of me, really beginning to miss this woman.
Was I actually going to fall in love with Tanya, even though we had only been corresponding via mails, and only heard each other’s voice just once?
I have fallen in love for some times in my life, but thinking back, I honestly couldn’t remember feeling this sensation so strong and intense, so fast.
The next morning, Tuesday 28th, I could read, Tanya had also received the three roses, and a photo of her holding the roses was attached.
On this picture Tanya didn’t smile either, but I got the impression she somehow felt a bit embarrassed by the situation.
She had only been set for a telephone meeting, and all of a sudden, she was being photographed, without a chance to dress up, and setting her beautiful hair.
Being back from work in the evening, a new mail popped up in my mail box, saying thank you for these roses, telling she really loved roses.
Things went pretty fast from this point:
Being Instructor in First-Aid, I had to run some Training Courses, making enough money for my trip, and more mails passed to and from Tanya.
When going to bed in the evenings, my last thoughts was for Tanya, almost praying to God, to protect her and her family, thus making it possible for us, to have a successful meeting.
Of course my first thoughts in the morning were also for Tanya, giving me a hard time on the job, as she was on my mind most of the day, imagining how an everyday life with her and her son would be.
One major “concern” was, I had seen Tanya’s profile on another web-site, and on this were some other information, stating that about the question if she wanted children it was answered with a “I’ll tell you later”.
Well: If she was set for making a couple with me, was she also set for having additional children with me?
Realizing I was 52 I felt a little embarrassed, as my son and his girlfriend recently had had a daughter, and just holding her in my arms, I felt an itch, thinking I wouldn’t mind, if she was mine.
Honestly I wouldn’t mind, if Tanya wanted to have a child with me, just fearing that we could risk I wouldn’t grow old enough, to experience the child to make a family on her/his own, but I guess Tanya had taken this into consideration.
Of course I could die in an accident, so you never know.
Tanya’s Mum would be 60 years, just 2 days before my arrival, so with some help from Tanya, I would have to find a little present, preferably from Denmark, to show, I wanted all the best for a good relationship.
Tanya had told me, some of her relatives who lived in Germany would come too, so I was glad, I also mastered the German language pretty well, and I could feel Tanya was almost over the moon from happiness, I would be able to communicate with them too.
About some gifts, I had bought some CD’s, containing lessons in Danish, for Tanya and her son, also trying to find “The Little Mermaid” in porcelain for Tanya’s mother, a “Rubik’s Cube” for her son, and small necklace for Tanya, but what could I find for her father?
A colleague suggested I should find a bottle of Danish “Snaps” containing dill, which also was on my mind.

Thursday November 6th, turned out to be a remarkable day:
Tanya had sent a mail as usual, but this time the content deviated significantly from previous ones:
Words like “missing you, think of you every day” really “turned me on”, and last but not least, she usually just signed her mail “Sincerely, Tanya”, but this time she wrote “Your Tatiana”.
I was really happy about this, figuring Tanya by now had come to that point of believing in a serious relationship with me.
Oh my heart was full of joy, I was about to cry from happiness.
Two pictures of her were printed out, and placed at my desk, to feel her presence, when I was at work; oh how I missed that lovely woman now.
A letter containing such words, has to be replied to, with similar words and attitude, so that’s what I did after “recovering”, telling her this maybe was the big test of us, enabling us to have a nice future together, loving each other for the rest of our lives.
Gosh, I nearly cried from happiness, writing these lines.

The next day Friday however, a new problem occurred:
My financial adviser called me, telling me a major error was found in calculating my budget for my house.
My living expenses for food, had only been calculated for one month, instead of a whole year, so it didn’t look as good as needed.
Well; just another crisis.
Once again, I would have to make a decision; sell the house or the car.
Fortunately I told my problem to one of my colleagues.
Of course he knew all about Tanya, and that I was going to visit her, maybe also getting engaged.
He told me that a friend of his, was married to a foreign woman, who didn’t work, so he had her deductions on his income-tax return.
If this could make the difference in the economy, I should consider marry Tanya, if we were serious enough in our feelings for each other.
Besides; being a First-Aid Instructor myself, and pretty in demand, he frankly asked, if it would be possible for me to run enough Training Courses meanwhile, to uphold my living.
As an alternative, my bank maybe could postpone or reduce my payments for a year, in order to clarify my financial situation, enabling me to keep up my “usual” living while getting Tanya and her son (Ilya) to Denmark, and making her able to get a job here, so the finances would have a good flow.
I had been a bit sad for nearly an hour about my economy, but my colleague’s advises, really brought me “back on track” again.
This Friday evening it had been planned for a very long time, my ex-wife and I would go to a theater, watching a good play.
I had been into the centre of Copenhagen, in order buy some souvenirs for Tanya’s son and mother, before I met my ex-wife for a small dinner, and then go to the theater.
I told her about my problems, but also the advices I’ve got at my job, and we talked it over.
Realizing that I was very anxious to meet Tanya, and planning my trip to her, my ex-wife looked a bit curious at me and said, I looked a bit in love.
We had a good evening together and back home I went to bed, almost without any sorrows, but thinking of Tanya, that lovely honey.
A this point, I think I was in such a good mood, feeling in love with her, wondering, if we would end up, getting engaged.
I surely wouldn’t mind being engaged to her, if the “terms” was all right, and with these thoughts on my mind, I fell asleep.

Saturday morning, I went out to buy some shirts, in order to look presentable, when I arrived Tanya and her family.
My daughter visited me in the afternoon, and asking her if she wanted to see some pictures of Tanya, she eagerly answered “yes”.
Presenting the pictures, my daughter exclaimed, “She looks really nice” and smiled.
After this, I couldn’t help writing Tanya, telling her my daughter’s words, and asking, if she would consider, if it would be possible we would get engaged, while visiting her this time.
The rings didn’t have to be in gold, but just silver, as it would be the symbol itself, which counted.

Monday I called my bank, telling them, they had missed out some income, from being Instructor, and that I maybe was to get an extra deduction on my income-tax, if I married Tanya.
My advisor would take a closer look to his calculations, and promised to call back later, to present a probable solution.
In my department, a female colleague saw the pictures of Tanya, commenting she looked nice, but also quite young.
It was more or less exclaimed, why I wanted such a young woman, or rather why she wanted such an old man.
Well, I had to say, Tanya had “found” me, and that a difference of 10 – 15 years was not unusual, at least in Russia and Ukraine.
Realizing the difference in age of 16 years, prejudice came to some of my female colleagues.
Why are some people so full of prejudice, turning their attitude into a problem for others?
In my opinion, there is no age for love; if the chemistry is working, and you both accept the terms, others should be happy for you, or at least keep their mouth shut.

Tuesday night I went to bed, quite worried:
Had I been too forward for her, maybe expecting too much?
I had put all my “efforts” on her, and I felt almost heartbroken, as I had rejected some other fairly nice women.
Tanya had told me earlier that her PC had had a break down, so she had to go to an Internet Café, in order to communicate with me, and telling me, she was not able to write every day.
Later in the day, I had a minor talk with some of my female colleagues, and I couldn’t help telling, I was a bit disappointed about their prejudice.
One of these didn’t hesitate to “excuse” for her earlier exclaim, stating that others in our department, also had some years between their partner.
We had a little talk about it all, ending up in a good talk.
Back home, I checked my mail, but still nothing from Tanya.
I guessed she would be busy, preparing her Mum’s 60-years birthday, not having time enough to think it all over, and replying me, but it was very hard to miss her, and her letters.

Thursday however, started very good, when I started my computer at my job:
Tanya had sent me a mail, right after I left my job the day before.
I was very anxious to open her letter, telling me she didn’t quite understand about the rings, but also writing about walking together in the city, and maybe having dinner together, gave me a little kick of believing in her even more, as she also wrote something about preparations at home for me.
Would I actually be staying in her home?
Oh, it would be very nice and convenient, saving money for accommodation, so I could spend some money on her and her son instead.
Being busy in the afternoon, educating some colleagues in First-Aid, I came home a bit late, and was pretty tired, so soon I went to bed, with Tanya on my mind.
Oh, how I missed that woman, imagining she would soon be by my side.

Sitting by my own Friday evening, I felt for running Tanya’s horoscope fully on my computer, and I got pretty surprised by the details:
More or less, it seemed as this would be the chance of her lifetime, to establish a “new life” abroad, as many aspects indicated, she would have the possibility to “start all over again” especially abroad.
To the more “inexperienced” it seemed more or less like this was meant to be.
I tried to find some aspects against this, but no matter how hard I tried, most things just seemed to look fine.
About moving Tanya to Denmark everything seemed to fit; of course there would be other minor “problems”, but knowing these almost to details, I knew “exactly” where to put my efforts, to avoid or handle these.
Apparently Tanya had to “get rid” of her past, and knowing this, I would be able to help her overcome most obstacles.
In her third letter, Tanya had written this:
“I am not afraid of moving to another country, I am sure that if you will be next to me and will support me, then we will overcome any hardships.”
Everything seemed to be planned ahead in Astrological manners.
Looking back, it seemed like my “experience” in 1989, was meant to be the base of a new start of life now.
Oh; this night I went to bed, almost crying myself into sleep, missing my darling.

It was hard to be on my own this weekend, but fortunately I had the possibility of searching on the Internet, for possible solutions, of getting Tanya and Ilya to Denmark, with as little problems as possible, so I was reading carefully on the relevant sites.
Being a Medical Doctor, there would only be “minor” problems for Tanya to get a working permission, which I wrote her; in fact her biggest obstacle would be to learn the Danish language, telling her I looked forward to meet her in the airport, and later walk through her city, hand in hand?
I had bought almost every gift for my visit, and the one for Ilya, a Rubik Cube, I was making a list of solutions for, so he wouldn’t be totally lost.
With that I was able to occupy myself most of the Sunday.
Realizing finances would be tight for my trip, I had decided to try to sell my old model train, and this Sunday afternoon, I was lucky to sell some of it.
In just one week, I would be packing my suitcase, getting ready for the next morning, sitting on a plane for Kiev, and some hours later, I would be in Zaporizhzhia, being received by Tanya, hopefully seeing her smile for the first time.
At this time I felt that I really had fallen in love with her, so my best guess was, it would only be a matter of days, before I was able to find out, if we would have a future together, and with that, hopefully telling her, I loved her.
What a sensation, running through my mind.

Being back from my job Monday (17th) I checked my mail, but nothing from Tanya.
Her profile on the other site, had not been accessed back to 11th, so I guessed, she was pretty busy, preparing for her Mum’s birthday.

Being on the job Wednesday 19th, my darling had replied me, Tuesday evening.
It seemed like all preparations had been made; an apartment for me, and Tanya would pick me up in the airport, also very impatiently awaiting my arrival.
About the apartment, I was a bit disappointed; I would have to spend money on this, so I would have to beware of my money, not spending too much in other manners.
Of course I had to realize, it would not be suitable, if I stayed with her, apparently brought up in a rather strict way.
This would also cause me to spend my nights alone; what a pity.
One of my wishes was, I would like to see Tanya in the morning, in order to find out, if I could “stand”, to see her face and hair in the morning, for the rest of my life.
Sex was not the subject to me at this time, just the wish of trying to go to sleep, and wake up, with Tanya in my arms.

Tanya had also asked, if I would try to buy a special perfume, or similar for her, in the airport.
To my big surprise, they apparently didn’t have this brand.
What a pity, if I would have to disappoint Tanya.

I had been checking the Tax-free shop in the airport, so I put a big effort into checking other possibilities.
Fortunately, I found out, I could buy it in a store a few kilometers away from my home, and at my job, one of my female colleagues had given me some advises, in order to buy the correct type.

Another thing she was writing about; she’d been out for repair of a tooth, but I could translate her letters spelling “stomatology”.
I couldn’t help smiling a bit; Tanya being a Doctor, writing “stomatology”????
What would that be all about?

On Thursday 20th, Tanya had written me a new mail, about bringing money in Dollars for the apartment, and telling she would cook for me.
What a nice initiative, making it possible to save money.
Of course I was set for taking her to a restaurant, so we could have a nice dinner.
I told her that I would like to help, as we maybe had to get used to be in a kitchen together? (Big smile).
She also told me to bring warm clothes, as cold had come to her area.
I told her I would do so, and I also told her, I was impressed by her English, and was proud of her.
This would be my last evening, educating colleagues in First-Aid, and Friday would be my last day at work, before coming to her.
The weekend would be spent by washing clothes, and preparing for my departure.
I really missed that woman, and also this day my colleagues had asked me, if I had heard from Tanya, all more or less anxious to get me back on job, to hear how things had evolved.
It was my impression that IF Tanya and I agreed upon taking her, and Ilya, to Denmark, my colleagues would very much like to see them as soon as possible.

Saturday morning I woke up a bit early.
It was the birthday of Tanya’s Mum, so I sat down by the computer, and wrote a Birthday congratulation for her, via Tanya.
As I wrote to Tanya, it was no longer a matter of days, but hours till we would meet.
A little more than an hour later, there was a reply from Tanya, telling me she would give her Mum my greetings, and told she was also waiting impatiently for me.
Some information of what we would do when I arrived was attached, including an amount in Dollars?
To my knowledge Ukraine got independent in 1991, and they also had their own currency, so I had to find out.
For some time I had tried to learn a little Ukrainian, and this time I tried to write something with Cyrillic letters, including my own name, so I was anxious to hear from Tanya, if possible, before my departure.
Oh, how I really missed that woman, hoping our meeting would be successful, and her family would accept me as a future member of the family.

Chapter 2:

The trip:

Monday morning, I couldn’t sleep, so I was out of bed at about 05:15, instead of 06:00 as planned.
I guess I was too anxious and excited, to sleep this night, so I checked my computer for further mails, mostly from Tanya.
A quick shower, and some breakfast, and I was sitting, impatiently awaiting my taxi, which I had ordered for 06:45.
Finally it came, and Copenhagen Airport was reached in 15 minutes.
On the Sunday I had been at the airport for checking in, electronically; I wouldn’t risk, that my plane was overbooked, thus delaying my arrival at Tanya.
I just had to leave my suitcase at “baggage drop”, and I had plenty of time in the “tax-free area”.
Typically: My plane was not at a gate yet, so I had to find a place to wait, for about an hour.
Finally the gate was presented, so I took my walk for the gate.
I had checked regularly, how much this route was delayed, and mostly it was about 10 minutes, but this day the boarding started almost 20 minutes later.
Finally on board and running down the runway, our take-off was aborted.
We had to taxi back to the start of the runway, as the cockpit had detected a minor computer error, and it had to be reset.
At last things had been reset, and we were airborne.
I guess I was quite lucky, as I had 3 seats on my own.
I was a bit surprised, as this was a Monday flight like my last one, but this time the “Economy Class” was only about 70 percent occupied.
The time passed by pretty fast, as I’d bought a magazine containing “Sudoku”.
When I arrived in Kiev, I had to fill out immigration papers, but unlike my last time, I was now in Ukraine as a tourist, and the Authorities simply told me to write “Hotel Russia” in Kiev.
I found my way to “Terminal A”; what a change in surroundings:
The terminal looked mostly like a bus station, and in the start it was hard to find a vacant seat, but I was lucky.
Now I had to spend something like 5 hours on my own, not being able to take a walk in the area, as I had my suitcase to take care of, so I just had to sit down, writing this story.
Of course I didn’t mind, but if there will be a next time, I don’t bring along my laptop.
Too much to take care of.
It was now 16:00 and the area was more or less empty, mostly deserted, compared to earlier.
Finally the desk for check-in opened, so I could be a little bit more on my own, but outside evening had fallen, so I couldn’t see a thing.
At last the plane was boarding, and about 20:00 I landed in Zaporizhzhia.
At first I couldn’t see Tanya, but suddenly I could see a blonde nice-looking woman, closing in on the fence, where I was waiting for my suitcase.
I liked her on the photos from the website, but in real, she looked even better.
A lot had to be done:
First we went to a store, for buying food, and went to Tanya’s place, so I could get a little to eat.
Tanya’s son, Ilya seemed to be a nice boy, welcoming me in English, and I got the impression, his English was better than Tanya’s.
Unfortunately I wasn’t that hungry; it tasted nice, but I just couldn’t eat it all.
We also had a “bill” to take care of; 80 $ per day for the apartment, plus 100 $ for some sort of transportation of Tanya and me, and all added up, I had to pay 740 $.
Tanya got her necklace, but unfortunately, my suitcase was in the car, containing Ilya’s gift.
I told them, that Tanya would bring it for him, when she had dropped me off in my apartment.

Tanya dropped me off in the apartment, and it looked OK.
My bed was ready, and about 10 minutes later, I was on my own again.
I was pretty tired, by travelling these hours, but it was hard to go to sleep, as I really missed Tanya.
When Tanya left me, she had asked, if I liked her.
Oh, yes.
I had to give her a hug, to show how much, but I would have felt better, if Tanya would have hugged a bit harder, but somehow I felt she cared for me.

It was now Monday morning, and I hadn’t been sleeping well, because I’d been missing Tanya very much, and also afraid of oversleeping.
Tanya had promised to come to pick me up, but she’s coming earlier than agreed, so I just had some of my tea, then she was at the door.
I couldn’t understand fully, but as far as I could understand, she had been called for the hospital in the night, and she hadn’t been sleeping since 3 o’clock due to a patient’s illness, but she was granted to leave, for taking care of my departure.
We had a quick search in the apartment, if I had forgotten something, and we went to the taxi waiting in front of the minimarket, and in the airport, we only had a very little time, because Tanya had to hurry home, taking care of Ilya, before hurrying back to the hospital.
I was now on my own; I just had to listen carefully for “Kiev”, and I think it only lasted 15 minutes.
After check-in, we were waiting for some 30 minutes, but in vain.
There would be no take-off, apparently due to weather conditions in Kiev, so we all went back to the Cafeteria, just waiting for something to happen.
At my table, another man joined me, turning out to be a German, so we “entertained” each other, until departure.
From time to time he was working in the town, but also had a girlfriend, so he told me about the minor problems, I could encounter with Tanya, if we decided to get married, and moving her and Ilya to Denmark.
At about 10:30, we were called for our plane, and when arriving in Kiev about 12:00, I could see my SAS-plane right behind us, also just landed.
Getting my suitcase, I had to run for about 500 meters for “Terminal A”.
I was quickly checked in, and was simply asked, where I would like to sit on the plane.
I just answered, that I didn’t care, if she just would put me on the plane.
I got my boarding-card, hurried for the Security Check, and my dog-sign was paid extra attention to, as it was attached my “bullet”.
I had to unscrew the “projectile” in order to prove, it was only containing aftershave, and I think the guard had a little laugh about this, but also a little impressed by my handwork.
On for the “Passport Control”, not having any problems, and then on for the “Duty-Free”, just finding out, I didn’t want to spend further time there, as my plane was now boarding.
When boarding I found out, I was placed at seat 5D, which was on “Economy Extra”, so maybe my visible ID-card from Red Cross, made the trick.
I had a pleasant flight, with kind attention from the Chief Purser, and when leaving the plane, he gave me a nice pat on my shoulder, wishing me a merry Christmas.
Well, I just have to mention, he didn’t do that to the previous passengers.
We all left the plane, and got our luggage.

Chapter 3:

Back home:

Back home I passed through our minor shopping centre, and bought something eat- and drinkable.
In the house I made some supper, and tried to clear up my mind, with all the impressions from my trip.
I just sent a mail to Tanya, telling her I was home, missing her.
My God, how I felt desolated:
I really missed that “honey pie”, facing some worries that our story would not have a happy ending.
How I slept very awful this night.
Naturally, next day on my job, Tuesday, my colleagues were asking, how my trip had been.
Of course I couldn’t tell everything, but told we would continue our relation further, by trying to have Tanya visiting for Christmas or New Year.
Time passed by, and Thursday I managed to buy equipment for “Skype” as Tanya had advised, so in a matter of 1½ hour, I found Tanya on “Skype” and informed her, I was on-line.
Things went on a bit fast now, as I had to transfer money for VISA and a ticket to Kiev.
Tanya also told she needed an insurance of 100 Dollars, added with a living for 50 Dollars per day, so a new transfer of total 650 Dollars had to be made.
Ahead of this, I had also filled out some questionnaires and sent them for Tanya, as she would have to bring them with her to the Danish Embassy in Kiev, applying for her VISA.
Just to make sure, I had also sent these papers by mail to the Embassy, to ensure nothing would go wrong.
However, things did go very wrong:
The total transfer of 650 Dollars was sent through another bank than the previous, causing a delay for up to 8 days, so as it seemed now, Tanya would not be able to make it for New-Year.
My ex-wife had to check up, if the money had been transferred, and apparently the order had not been effectuated, so she would try to track the transaction.
Meanwhile Tanya mostly was complaining about not getting the money, and her bad financial situation, so I was more or less worried about our “relationship”.
The last days before Christmas, Tanya claimed she had been into bed, crying over her financial situation, also having lost money on the increased ratio between Dollars and Grivnias.
Amazingly enough she was frequently online for some time, and later on, offline on “Skype”, but not answering my messages.
The day before Christmas, almost everything was cleared up about her state; that poor woman had had a nervous breakdown, caused by her financial situation, but apparently her parents had tried to solve some of her problems, and her brother would join her to the Danish Embassy in Kiev, to apply for a VISA.
It seemed like it would be possible to get a VISA within only 2 days, so December 26th could be the day, everything would be a turning point.
On Monday 29th, she would apply for the VISA, so I just had to wait, what would happen.
Oh, was I anxious?
I didn’t hear anything from Tanya the next days, so what had happened?

On January 6th, I finally gave up, sending Tanya a message, complaining about her way of handling the whole situation, asking her to return all my money.
What an impolite answer I got from her accusing me for intending to hand her over to a brothel, not trusting her etc…..
How can you trust a woman, who specifically tells you to send a “C2”-questionnaire as an invitation, and then she forgets it when going to the Embassy, later just telling that problems was not her fault?
At that time I had to realize, Tanya was just what to be called a “scammer”.
What a pity: A nice looking woman, I had fallen in love with, on the verge to tell her I loved her, trying to find out for her and her son, to make a living for them here in Denmark.
After this, it would be hard to trust a woman again, especially from Ukraine.
Tanya really spoiled my believing in trusting Ukrainian woman.
Would my dream ever come true, getting a Ukrainian or Russian woman for my wife?

I really don’t feel in the mood to write any further about this woman.……

Chapter 4.


My New Year Eve was completely spoilt, but some common friends of my ex and I, invited us, and somehow I’m glad I accepted this invitation.

Some days later in January 2009, I had an “introduction letter” from a woman in Kiev, Ukraine.
Her name was Irina, and she appeared to be a nice woman.
40 years old, which was “appropriate” to me:
Hazel eyes and chestnut hair, 168 cm, 50 kg, and her English skills should be “Advanced” and she could also speak some German.
Almost “perfect” to me, considering age and “language skills”.
After just a few letters, she was writing about her future partner to serve breakfast in her bed, so I got the idea that she would be “my woman”, and soon we were talking about letting me spend a “long week-end” with her in Kiev.
I still don’t know exactly what went wrong, as there was always a new “obstacle”, preventing her to invite me (the short “version”).
On top of this, I suddenly found out, she could be the jealous type, so I had to finish this “relation”.

Now I was just down below ZERO in my mood, just feeling down, as emptiness and loneliness had really struck me.

February 26th a BIG difference happened:
I received a letter from a woman in Bender, Moldova.
Her name was Inessa, or just Inna.
Reading her profile, and running a “Compatibility test” in my Astrology program, it seemed like we would have a fair, or even good match, depending of her hour of birth.
Being 32 years old, she would be the youngest woman I had set my eyes on, but her profile attracted me, and even though the pictures in her profile were very “model like”, one of them gave me a good impression of her.
Being 157 cm and about 45 kilos, she would be able to stand under my chin, and her face also attracted me somehow.
Her hair appeared to be blond, but my best guess would be more like brown/hazel, and grey eyes.
She also had a daughter from 2001, but somehow I didn’t mind.
In fact I quite liked the idea of having a daughter this way.
Due to her profile, her level of English was stated as “Advanced”, so I didn’t expect problems in communicating with her.

Facing these fair odds, I decided to open what proved to be a short, but also very interesting “introduction letter”.
Writing “short” I seriously mean “short”, according to earlier letters, but her first letter was VERY interesting, so in a matter of very few letters, we agreed to make a meeting in an apartment in Chisinau instead, as it wasn’t possible to find an apartment in Bender, through the Agency.
According to Inna, there could also be some problems for me to go from Chisinau to Bender, due to some “Customs problems”, living in an area called “Transnistria”.
In only a few letters, I received a letter with a natural photo of Inna and her daughter, Bella, on my request.
Many letters passed by, now about 25, and I also had send her 3 roses; the first time they were pink, but Inna told me very open, she would very much like them in white, so a couple of days later, I sent her 3 white roses.
Through all these letters, I felt I’ve finally found “my woman”, and I felt very confident in meeting her in the apartment I had rented, hopefully spending “a long” weekend there together, just making food together, and maybe also see some of Chisinau, which appeared to be a nice town.
A bit strange to me, we had also been talking about the possibility of having sex, but this “topic” seemed to be quite “natural”.
Inessa wrote me quite “frankly” she hoped her “Interpreter” wouldn’t “interfere” with our “activities”.
Finally everything was planned for my trip to Chisinau.

It was now Friday May 29th 2009, when I finally was in a taxi for Kastrup Airport.
My check-in was done in only a matter of minutes, so I was to be on my own for quite a while, until my plane would depart.
Vienna was only a stop over, and it annoyed me very much, I had to pass another “Security Control”, still being in an international area, and also had to realize, that my ½ liter of Coca Cola, was not allowed to bring, so I had to drink as much as possible, before it was trashed.
The plane for Chisinau, was a fairly small twin turbo prop machine, for about 30 persons, so it was a bit noisier, but I managed.
In Chisinau Airport, my passport only got a stamp, and I could take my suitcase, and walked out the door in “Customs”, being met by my driver, Sergio.
There had been some “minor troubles”, as I had reserved this apartment, but ahead of my travel, “The Agency” had told me, we couldn’t have the apartment “as required”.
I felt a bit disappointed about this, but in the taxi, Sergio told me, we would actually have the requested apartment.
He took me to the apartment, and everything was nicely planned, so in about 25 minutes, I was on my own.
As being “installed” in the apartment, I realized, a small bunch of flowers were on the dining table; how nice.
As I had promised Inna, I would take a shower, and change my clothes, to look a bit “nicer”.
Several times I was “relaxing” in a chair, “frequently checking” the window, but no sight of a car, containing my Inna.
Fortunately, the apartment was equipped with a telephone, and all of a sudden I got a call.
Inna and her Interpreter were sitting in a “taxi” in the back-yard, but didn’t know where exactly to go.
I hurried down in the yard, realizing a car coming towards me, “flashing” with the “head lights”.
On the front seat her Interpreter, Katya was seated, but the windows in the back of the car were “black”, so I had to wait for Inna to open her door.
What a nice woman:
A white shirt, and a black matching suit.
What an appearance: The photos from her profile and later on from the flower delivery, and her daughter, had “improved” every time, but I got greatly surprised by her face, as she looked even nicer now.
I helped the two women up the stairs to the apartment, and we exchanged our small gifts, “as agreed”:
I got my bottle of Moldovan red wine, and Inna got her “Little Mermaid”.
We gave each other a discrete hug and a kiss, for a start.
As waiting for Inna and her Interpreter, I had made a list of what to buy for our supper and breakfast next morning, and Inna was very happy, I had made this in English and Russian, thanks to my translating program.
We decided to go shopping instantly after their “unpacking”, and we had only been walking for less than 100 meters, as Inessa took my hand to holding hands.
Well, that was nice for a start, but just a little after we were holding hands with fingers lovingly intertwined, and as far as I remember, this was on Inna’s initiative.
We made our shopping, and back in the apartment, we had a glass of my “Danish Schnapps”, I’d promised to bring along.
Inessa and Katya, were unpacking further, and I started to prepare our supper.
Unfortunately, Inna didn’t fancy spicy food, so I had to prepare the steaks I’ve brought from Denmark, in a normal way.
I had also brought some sauce Béarnaise, so all together, I was able to serve a good meal.
The steaks were prepared from my Butcher with pepper only on the rim when I bought these, and even this little, would be too much for Inna, so I had to cut this off.
We had our meal, and as far as I remember, we managed to see some pictures on my Laptop, before going to bed.
The apartment was a 2-room apartment, so Katya would sleep on the couch in the living room, while Inna and I were “supposed” to sleep in the bedroom.
I was quite anxious to be in the same bed with Inna, but I just went into bed, and Inna joined me on the other side.
I remember we just kissed each other discretely goodnight, and Inna turned off the light.
I know it may be wrong to feel a little “disappointed”, but I had been hoping for a bit more, like having her in my arms.
I was just lying there, trying to keep my eyes closed, in order to fall asleep, but I couldn’t help looking at her, in the dim light.
I guess it was about half an hour later, Inna started to move slowly towards me, and some later, she was in my arms, with my hand on her hip, later with my hand on her stomach.
Every time Inna had moved, my arm and hand moved a bit further upwards, and my hand landed on her breast.
This was not suitable for Inna, and she gave a protest.
I told her I was sorry, as I had apparently misunderstood the situation.
Oh, yes I had:
Inna had a minor upset stomach, possible due to have eaten the spices from my supper, and she didn’t like to have my hand on her stomach, so unfortunately this combination made me misunderstand the whole situation.
She calmed down very fast, and put herself into my arms again, and also took a good grip on my arms, also having our fingers intertwined.
I think it took about another hour more for me to fall asleep, but I felt happy now, having her in my arms, now able to see her, the first thing in the morning, as I had been wanting to.

Saturday morning:
I was able to see Inna, as the first thing, when I woke up.
Just from the first morning light shining through the window, she looked very nice to me, actually making me want to wake up to her face, every morning for the rest of my life.
It may sound strange to the reader, but due to our “long” correspondence, and the about past 17 hours together, I really felt “confident” about all.
Yes; it was really strange to me!!!
When Inna woke up, she gave me a really warm smile, kissing me on my chin.
We had some breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon and sausages, combined with tea and orange juice.
All prepared by me, and I could see, Inna (and Katya) really enjoyed been taken care of.
We all went shopping for ingredients for “Borsch”, and back in the apartment, we had a light dinner, consisting of the Danish bread, herrings and “Schnapps”, I had brought, as agreed.
It all seemed quite tasty to Inna, but unfortunately, Inna couldn’t take much, so she got a little intoxicated, and we all went for a “nap”.
Inna more or less threw herself into my arms, and shortly after, we both fell into a nice sleep.
When we woke up, Inna was looking at me with a wonderful smile, and before really noticing what happened, we were kissing, now with open mouth.
Our tongues were literally “dancing” into each other’s mouth!!!
I could feel, this made Inna quite “excited”, and shortly after, she asked me, if I wanted to “get into troubles”.
Oh, if she was trying to ask, what I was thinking of, I really wouldn’t mind.
We agreed to let Katya go to a nearby Disco later in the evening, so we could have some “privacy”. ;-)
We had prepared for “Borsch” earlier, and all together, we finished this nice dish, and had a really nice supper together.
Ahead of this Katya knew, Inna and I wanted some “privacy”, and she accepted to leave us alone later on.
After cleaning the kitchen, I gave Katya “good” money for a taxi, entrance and drinks, and she “finally” left Inna and me, on our own.
Inna and I had a shower separately, but in bed, she didn’t show much shyness.
Within minutes, we were both all naked, and just kissing each other with open mouth, seemed to make Inna ALL horny.
However, Inna was a bit hesitating:
She had been taking “Pills” for nearly the past month, taking the last one on Thursday, and she wasn’t quite sure, if we could have “unprotected” sex.
Due to my knowledge as “Paramedic”, we shouldn’t encounter any problems with this, as mostly these pills will give “full protection” after 7 days from last “period, so no problems.
Her next thing was, she felt some sort of “embarrassed”, not having been able to give birth to her daughter, Bella, in a natural way, but had given birth due to a “Caesarian cut”.
Quite “openly”, I asked to see it, and I had to realize, it was done quite nice, as I could hardly see or feel it.
Just some really MINOR “scarves”, confirmed this.
With this I also happened to see, most of her “pussy” was just a “small stripe”.
I was not especially surprised by this, as for some strange reasons, I had actually imagined, Inna would really “appear” like this.
Ahead of going to meet her, I had shaven myself ALL bald “down there”, and I still remember Inna just said 2 words by this; “Oh Henrik”.
We fell into each other’s arms, and as I had expected, Inna intended to “jump” me, in an upright “riding position”; (“Cowboy”).
My biggest worry:
If Inna would be able to “accommodate” me, was REALLY put into shame, as after only 2 or 3 thrusts, I was more or less FULLY into her.
I could feel Inna just had to feel “used” to me, but it really didn’t take long, as she was very wet, and I do mean WET.
Slowly we started to move, and eventually, Inna placed her upper body on my chest, with my hands on her “small” hips.
My God; she was just “divine” in her appearance to me!!!
Ahead of my marriage, I’d met other “interesting women”, but despite my “eagerness”, I’d NEVER managed to “ejaculate” the first time, EVEN including with my ex.
To my big surprise, it all ended “as it should”: ;-)
I came into Inna with a very BIG moan, and at the same time, Inna came for the second time.
Inna was on top on me for quite a long time after this, and we kissed each other quite passionately for quite a while, but I could feel, Inna tried to “tell something”.
Eventually she told:
She hadn’t had a man for more than 2 years, and she had been a bit “anxious / frightened” by this our first “meeting”.
Quite fast she’d found out, I was more “well breeded” than her ex, and she had feared, it would cause her pains to have sex with me.
Now she was just surprised to find out, it’d been better to have an even “bigger” man inside her.
Due to my extra “profession” as Paramedic, she hoped I would be able to explain this to her.
Oh yes; I had some ideas, and I would show her these “schematics” on my LapTop next morning, as I’d REALLY be able to show her these, there.
We headed for the bath room for a minor “clean up”, and in bed, Inna just put herself into my arms, and despite the heath, we fell into another nice sleep, not even registering, Katya arrived the apartment later on.

Sunday morning, we woke up, with Inna in my arms.
My God; didn’t Inna look nice?
She also looked like really have fallen in love as a teenager, and I felt the same way.
Some very big hugs and kisses were exchanged, and we headed for the kitchen, preparing some breakfast, while Katya woke up, joining us, probably quite sure what had “happened” between Inna and me, but being very discrete.
After our breakfast, we had a glass of champagne containing halves of strawberries, more or less “feeding” each other with these.
Meanwhile Inna happened to remember her question from the previous evening about enjoying sex with a more “well breeded” man.
Oh, I ‘m not considered that “well breeded” as I’m “only” 17 cm, but maybe “big”.
I managed to find the “schematics” on my LapTop, giving my best explanation, which she seemed to accept.
On these, I also tried to explain the “G-Point”.
While showing these “schematics”, Inna was sitting behind me on the couch embracing me from behind like a teenager in love.
The champagne happened to have some “effects” on her, and we had to go to bed again.
When waking up, Inna looked at me with a “secret” smile:
A bit hesitating, she asked me, if I’d ever tried anal sex.
Well, due to my age, and also experience, I could tell, I’d tried it more times, why?
A bit “embarrassed / shy” Inna confided me, she’d never tried, and she was wondering, why men wanted this kind of sex?
Omgh; I could only answer for myself, as the sensation would be even more “tight”, and in my opinion, a woman is having 3 orifices, all “suitable” for sex, but it all depended on the woman.
Somehow Inna felt embarrassed by asking me, but my “natural attitude” on this made her “relax” in some way.
I couldn’t help asking her, if she would like to try, as in that case, I wouldn’t mind “helping” her to find out.
Inna looked quite embarrassed about this topic, but told me, she had been thinking about this from time to time, but never had the courage to try, fearing it would hurt too much.
Just the shivering in her body told me, she was interested in trying, but also having Katya in the living room, made Inna quite reticent on this.
I’m not quite sure, what happened now, but we ended up in a very tender hug, ending up in licking Inna for a start.
After her first orgasm, Inna had to relax for a very short while, and I told her to enjoy “things coming up”.
I don’t think Inna had expected what I did to her next:
While licking her “small stripe”, I put a finger to her back orifice, and a small “jiggle” escaped her mouth.
Apparently she didn’t mind, so I put my finger even deeper into her tight little asshole.
My finger was all deep into her asshole, while licking her, as she came a bit violently, trying to hide her “scream” into the pillow.
Her orgasm hadn’t even subsided finally, when she almost took me by my ears, dragging my lips to hers, telling she almost loved me for this new experience.
We didn’t stay in this position for long, when Inna told me to lie on my back, as she’d now take “good care” of me.
She took my fully erected prick into her mouth, caressing my sack and balls in a way I’d never experienced.
I’m not sure, but it felt, like it didn’t take her long time to make me come into her mouth, and I can’t remember this being so good, since when I was engaged to a single mother, when I was only 23 years old.
Apparently Inna felt a bit proud, of making me come this fast, and I felt quite surprised.
Inna was more or less “exhausted” by all this, and she simply fell asleep in my arms.
When waking up, Inna looked a bit “embarrassed” at me, falling asleep this fast.
Oh; I was also to blame, as I’d given her more champagne than she could take, but her “openness” in bed, really had “compensated” for this.
It was now late in the afternoon, and we had made some sort of agreement, we would go to a nearby disco.
We had some supper, and we all dressed up.
In the disco, we had some nice hours, until finally going back to the apartment, starting to pack Inna and Katya’s things.

During the afternoon, Inna also told me, she had a brother in a town in Germany, Pottum, and she had already been making the first documents for applying for Visa to visit him and his wife.
Her idea was, we could meet there in summer, as she would also bring her daughter, Bella.
In this way we could all be further “acquainted”, and depending how things would “evolve”, she and Bella would join me to Denmark, for “a period”, if I wanted to.

I think it was about 2 a.m., when Inna and Katya were picked up, in order to go back to Bender.
I had to hurry to bed, as I was supposed to be up again at 7, to take care of the apartment, also packing my suitcase, going back to Denmark.
Oh, I don’t think I was sleeping much this night, as I was missing to have Inna in my arms.
I managed to clean up the apartment quite well, and more hours later, I landed in Kastrup, Copenhagen Airport.
Oh, it was hard to go to bed this evening, missing Inna quite a lot now, but being in my own bed, helped me somehow.
I had just managed to send an E-mail to Inna, saying thank you for a VERY nice week-end, also telling her, I missed her quite a lot.
I also managed to order 5 pink roses, as a sign for my “love” for her.

The next weeks passed by quite slowly, every day, exchanging mails with Inna.
After about a month, I had a nice mail from Inna:
Her application for a Visa for Germany, had finally been approved, and she informed me, when she and Bella would be in Pottum, with her brother and his wife.
I had a short meeting with my Boss, agreeing to have vacation in connection with Inna’s visit in Germany, and I didn’t encounter any problems in this case.
I went shopping for a Barbie doll and some “accessories”, also preparing the guest room in order to have Bella there, in case Inna and Bella would join me back to Denmark, to try “to find out”.

It finally became Friday up to my vacation, so I hurried home to make the final preparations, prior to leave early on Saturday morning, finally meeting Inna, and Bella.
It was hard to fall asleep this night, but Saturday morning, I headed for Germany, maybe a bit “overjoyed” from what could happen.
I left the ferry in Puttgarden about 9 a.m., and after 6 hours, I arrived the notified address in Pottum.
I knew, Inna and Bella had arrived on the Friday, so I was more or less expecting Inna to be the first to meet me in the “drive-way”, and I would be right.
I hardly managed to set my car to a full stop, when Inna tried to open my door, almost dragging me out of my car, kissing and hugging my like a crazy, just saying “Henrik”.
I had been missing her quite a lot, but to me it seemed, she’d been missing me even more, on the verge of “raping” me right away.
From the corner of my eyes, I happened to see a little girl, apparently Bella, looking quite astonished by her mother’s “behavior”.
Inna’s brother and sister-in-law, came to welcome me, and despite it was our first meeting, I was welcomed as a family member.
Well; Bella was a bit reticent on me, but my later gifts for her, made her quite confident with me, also realizing, her mother “liked” me quite a lot.
Inna simply couldn’t keep her hands away from me, and we were more or less “inseparable” the rest of the day.
Bella proved to know more words and phrases in English, also more in German, so I didn’t encounter severe problems in communicating with her, despite she was a bit reticent on me in the start.
As the rest of the afternoon and evening passed by, she proved to feel more “safe” with me, and when going to bed, Inna and I told her goodnight, together.
A bit reticent, I offered Bella a kiss, and to my big surprise, she accepted this.
I think Inna was “over the hill” from joy by this.
We had a couple of hours with Inna’s brother and his wife, finally ending up in bed together, next to Bella.
Inna was “hot like Hell”, but we had to be a bit “quiet” due to Bella’s presence.
Damn, Inna almost bite the head of my prick from lechery, before “jumping” me, making both of us come almost too fast.
Back in bed, from being in the bathroom, we fell asleep into each other’s arms, making me feel, that’s how future would be.

Sunday morning, Bella woke up as the first of us, and she entered our bed silently, placing herself next to Inna.
Still having Inna in one arm, I more or less as a reflex, put my other arm around Bella, which she didn’t oppose.
I’m not sure for how long we stayed in bed, but Bella seemed to approve on my presence.
We had a nice Sunday together with Inna’s family, and that night, Inna and I also managed to have sex again.

Monday morning, I could feel some sort of “frustration” from Inna!!!
I managed to “drag” it out of her:
She was so “madly” in love with me, and realizing how well Bella had accepted me, she would like, if we could all go to my house in Denmark, spending most of our vacation there, together.
Well, I wouldn’t mind at all, as I also felt quite in love with Inna, so during our breakfast, Inna told her brother about her “wishes / desires”.
It didn’t take long for all of us to pack up my car, heading for Denmark.
Inna had managed to tell Bella, our trip would take longer, than their trip from Chisinau, and she may also have to take a sleep in my car.
Somehow, Bella felt confident about this, and within an hour, our course was set for Denmark.
Close to Pottum, a “Jysk” is situated, selling miscellaneous “eiderdowns”, pillows etc.
As I didn’t have these, we had to buy these at first, as we wouldn’t manage to reach Denmark before “closing hours”.
With these things settled, we set course for Puttgarden, and had a nice short supper on the ferry.
Arriving my row-house, Inna and Bella had to take a close look on my house from the outside, and most of all, Inna “approved” as my house is positioned in an “open” green area, and Bella also seemed to approve.
In “a jiffy”, we managed to make Bella’s bed, and she seemed to approve her bed and bed sheets.
Also realizing she had access to a TV, made her feel quite “confident” with the situation, knowing where her mother, (and I), would sleep.
A brief washing in the bathroom made us tell Bella “good night”, and again I got a big hug and kiss from her.
Inna was naturally a bit tired as I from the trip, but we decided to take a shower, and this time it was together.
This was actually our first time together in the shower, but I still remember, Inna really appreciated this.
Afterwards, we ended up in bed, and again, Inna was “hot like Hell”, when she finally “jumped” me.
This time my hands came between us, making me “squeeze” her tits a bit, which she didn’t mind at all.
In fact, this seemed to “improve” her lechery quite a lot.
I think Inna managed to climax twice, before I finally spurted into her.
My God; what a woman.
When finally relaxing, I could see, her eyes were quite “wet”:
Oh, she had really been missing me, since saying goodbye in Chisinau.
She had been really worried I wouldn’t be serious in my intentions with her and Bella.
Just like me, she had been almost worried to sick, wondering if we could find out.
Now we were in my house, trying to find out, and she just felt this a bit “unreal”.
Oh, I really understood what she was trying to express:
I’ve had the similar worries, and I had to tell her, I hadn’t been sleeping much, the night ahead of going to meet her in Germany.
This time, Inna fell asleep on top of me.

On Tuesday morning, we woke up all of a sudden, as Bella “sneaked” into our bed.
This time Inna managed to place Bella between us, and Bella didn’t oppose in any manner, not even when I also embraced her.
This was almost too good to be true:
Inna seemingly approving what could be her new home / future, and Bella also “approving” with me?

We spend a little more than 2 weeks together like this in my house.
Every day, we made some sort of “excursions”, so Inna could know about Copenhagen.
In just two days, Inna happened to remember about anal sex.
That first evening, I didn’t penetrate her, just “opening” her with three fingers, more or less making her sob from sheer delight, while licking her pussy, making her orgasm.
The next evening, Inna more or less “demanded” me to penetrate her, now feeling “in the mood” for anal sex.
Oh; Inna really surprised me by this:
It only took me three, maybe four strokes after “opening” her with three fingers, and my prick was more than half-way into her ass.
As this was the first time for Inna, I had to be very carefully, but quite fast she seemed “comfortable” about this.
Inna made a naughty “grin” telling it felt a bit strange, as she was only used to let “something out” from there.
I started to move slowly forth and back, and in a short time, I was almost able to get all into her tight ass.
Somehow Inna seemed to like the sensation of having my prick in her ass, and also started to move her hips.
At a time, I could feel her ass contracted, and a low groan escaped her mouth, telling me she had experienced a minor orgasm.
Inna asked me to move faster, and it didn’t take me long to come into her.
As I did that, Inna gave another groan, telling me she more or less had enjoyed this.
We cleaned our abdomen, and back in bed, Inna told me, this wouldn’t be the last time, we had anal sex.
Somehow this had been a bit exhausting to Inna, so she fell asleep in my arms.

The next morning, Inna put herself on top of me, appreciating what I’d done to her the evening before.
We came a long way in our sex life, also letting me “spray” into her mouth, and the last evening, before heading back to Pottum, Inna climaxed quite heavily, as I took her in the ass.
Inna was more or less on the verge of passing out from this.

On our way back to Pottum, Inna’s hand was mostly on my thigh, and from time to time also placing her hand directly on my prick, causing it to erect quite fast.
Somehow Inna felt a bit embarrassed by this, but also feeling “proud” she was able to turn me “on” this fast.
I could feel Inna was a bit “sore” in her ass, but in a way it appeared as she appreciated being reminded of this.
Late in the afternoon we arrived at her brother and his wife, and I think her brother guessed about our relations, from the very first moment.

We had 3 days together, until it was time for me to go back to Denmark.
Oh, it was very hard to leave my two “girls”, but we had agreed, I should come back to Chisinau in autumn, renting an apartment there, with an extra room, so Bella could sleep alone.

Yes, we met in Chisinau again, and Bella was also “over the Hill” from joy, kissing and hugging me, just like Inna did.
We’d arranged vacation for a week, and in the daytime, Inna showed me some interesting places, and in the evenings and nights, we had sex, like paid for it.
Bella and I came even closer to each other, and understanding some Russian, I could tell, she asked Inna, if I would become her new father.
Inna was a bit reticent in telling me this, but when I told her, I’d understood Bella’s question for her, and I wouldn’t mind it to be so, Inna threw herself into my arms, kissed me passionately, asking what it would take, to make this be “for real”.
At that time I couldn’t answer, but later that day I asked her, if she and Bella would like to come to visit me for Christmas and New Year.
If possible, her brother and his wife would also be invited for at least one of the evenings.
Oh, she would really like it to be so, so we made a “preliminary” appointment, so we could check out due to our jobs.

Again it was really hard to say goodbye to my 2 “girls”, and also I had tears in my eyes.
In the evening, we managed to exchange some information in our mails, and less than 3 weeks later, things were settled for Inna and Bella to come to Denmark, also with an “open” invitation for her brother and his wife.

In the meantime, I was busy on my job, and at home, I was also busy, preparing for their arrival, especially, if Inna’s brother and his wife would also come.
A month before Christmas, everything was arranged:
Inna and Bella would arrive on December 21. and on December 30., her brother and his wife would arrive.

Oh, what a thrill to pick up Inna and Bella in Copenhagen Airport.
About 20 minutes later, we were in my house, all decorated for Christmas.
We just had a good supper, later putting Bella to bed, making her say “goodnight Mom and Dad”.
Oh, that really touched my heart!
When Inna and I were on our own, I told her about Bella’s “exclamation”:
Since our last time in Chisinau, Bella had frequently been asking, if I would become her new father, and as far as Inna could understand, Bella wouldn’t mind.
Oh, I really liked that little girl, she seemed to be so “easy” to handle, and felt I would be very happy to become her father, which I told Inna.
Inna looked at me in a “strange” way, asking me, what I intended to do about this.
Little did Inna knew, what plans I had for New Years Eve!
In a jiffy, we headed for the bathroom taking a shower, and I managed to give Inna an orgasm there, which seemed to surprise her quite a lot.
Oh, Inna was very hot this evening, but no wonder:
By every time together, our sex life seemed to improve, but this had never happened to us.
As Inna and Bella had been up quite early, we only managed to have sex once, finally falling asleep.

The next morning Inna appeared a bit embarrassed about this, but a bit jokingly I told her, I was hoping all these travels forth and back could come to an end, if she really wanted to.
Inna looked at me some sort of “bewildered”, asking what I was trying to tell her.
To calm her down, I asked her, if she would try to “look into the future”, considering, if she and Bella would like to stay here permanently.
Inna looked quite “bewildered” by my question, asking me if I was serious about this?
Oh yes I was, but I just wanted to know her opinion, in that case.
Inna threw her arms around me, telling she couldn’t imagine anything better.
We went shopping for Christmas Eve, and Inna looked quite impressed, by the different “things”.
Back in my house, we managed to put the various things into my fridge and freezer, and Bella was put into her bedroom for a nap, and Inna and I decided to do the same.
We didn’t manage to sleep at all, due to speaking about a future together.
It became quite clear to me, Inna really wanted to settle down with me.
We made some supper together, and Inna really tried to be helpful, also with Bella, to make the table.
We had some cozy hours together, letting Bella watch the TV, realizing, she enjoyed the various channels with cartoons.
In her bedroom, I told her how she could manage the TV by the “remote”, and told, she wouldn’t be allowed to turn it on until 7 o’clock.
In mornings, she would find a box, containing a “sandwich” and a little bottle of lemonade, which she could take “for a start”, until Inna and I had woke up, preparing breakfast.
Without further questions, Bella accepted, kissing both of us goodnight.
What an evening and night Inna and I had:
Inna was really hot this time, and when I came into her for the third time, we were both quite exhausted.

On December 24th, it would be my Christmas Eve and Inna really tried to be helpful, together with Bella, making the table.
My children and ex would be guests this evening, and we had a very nice evening together.
Inna was a bit “shy” at the start, being with my ex, but quite soon, she “relaxed”.
Inna and Bella seemed a bit “impressed” by the Danish traditions, but they seemed to enjoy all these.
When my ex and children went off, Inna and my ex gave each other a discrete hug, telling me, they could “approve” with each other.
Just the fact, we didn’t have to dish-wash everything by hand, just putting most things in the dish washing machine made us finishing the kitchen quite fast, so we could go to bed.
Bella had fallen asleep on the couch, so we managed to put her to bed, just making her telling us goodnight.
In bed, Inna was set for sex, but having spent a lot of “power”, we were both a bit “exhausted” after only once, but I could feel Inna had appreciated the Danish ways of celebrating Christmas.

The next days passed by, by shopping for New Years Eve, going to Copenhagen, so Inna could get an impression of my Capitol City.
We managed to cook together, and all together, it appeared, as we could really work together in the kitchen.
In bed, Inna was hot as usual, and everything seemed to work “perfectly”.

On December 29, we had to clean up, in order to receive Inna’s brother and his wife the next afternoon
Also this worked out in nice cooperation between us, and Bella more or less felt for her room, also “tidying up” there.

On December 30., we finally picked up Inna’s brother and his wife, in the late afternoon.
Oh, what a nice “gathering” in the Airport.
About 15 minutes later, we were in my house, and Inna had prepared “Borsch” for us as “First Course”.
I had prepared my “Chili Con Carne” in two different ways:
One without spices for Inna and Bella, and a spicier one for the rest of us.
As expected, Inna’s “Borsch” was a success, but I found out, her brother and his wife really liked my “Chili Con Carne” as well.
We had this nice supper, and of course Inna and her brother had a lot to talk about.
When in private with him, I had to “confide” him that I intended to make our relationship a “serious one”, and I would like to have his “approval” on this, knowing he was the oldest male member of the family.
There was no doubt in his mind, Inna was madly in love with me, and really considered to settle down with me, if I wanted to.
Almost without hesitation, her brother gave his approval.
We had several cozy hours together, until saying goodnight.

On December 31. it would be New Years Eve, and Inna really tried to be helpful, together with Bella, making the table, while I also managed to have a “serious talk” with Inna’s brother.
Before noon, Inna’s brother and I had to leave the house for “some additional shopping”.
First of all, we went to a nearby florist, buying a bunch of red roses, as I intended to “propose” to Inna at midnight.
To make it clear, we had to go away we also managed to go to a small shopping center nearby, buying some extra beers and rockets.
We had a minor lunch, then having a nap for almost 2 hours.
At 5 p.m. our guests, consisting of my children, my ex and some mutual friends arrived, and we had our “Fondue” carefully prepared through the morning.
Even Inna was quite impressed by all my preparations, but she really did her best in “following my orders”, in all my preparations.
Some hours later, we had some coffee and tea, also firing some rockets and fire-crackers for Bella.
About half an hour before midnight, we all watched “Dinner for one” as a Danish tradition.
Inna’s brother and his wife quite knew this one, but due to some unknown reasons, Inna had never seen this before.
To her, it was quite hilarious, seeing James “stumble” on the tiger’s head for several times.
5 minutes to midnight, I prepared for the Champagne and special cake we usually have this evening.
At Midnight, we all made a “toast”, wishing each other a happy New Year, and pretending I’d forgotten something I fetched the bunch of roses, kneeling in front of Inna, asking her to become my wife.
Inna didn’t need long time to consider her “yes”.
Poor Bella:
She didn’t quite know what was going on, but when Inna had told her, this would cause them to stay with me “forever”, me also being her father, she threw her arms around my neck, just saying “Oh Daddy”.
My God, what a “roar” this caused:
Lots of hugs were exchanged, and I’m not quite sure for how long all this lasted, but it took quite a while for us to end all these, finally making Inna and I deciding, when to make all these things “come true”.
If possible, we would try to get married on Easter in Chisinau, Moldova.
Due to a lot of restrictions for “family gathering” in “Schengen” we thought this should be an ample time for us to make all necessary arrangements.
O, what a party, ending up about two hours later, leaving “the newly engaged couple” alone.
Inna and I simply fell asleep with Inna on top of me, making Inna sleep beside me later on, and quite early in the morning, we realized, Bella had placed herself between us.
When Inna and I finally woke up, Bella kissed and hugged both of us, addressing us as “Mom” and “Dad”.
I think, Bella did “her work” by asking Inna, if I was finally going to become her Dad?
Not even fully awake, Inna just told Bella “yes”, and we fell asleep all three, maybe for another hour.
Bella seemed to be in a hurry, learning Danish and English, in combination of German.
No wonder:
From Inna and HER brother, Bella was quite keen of learning German, but also English, due to the correspondence between Inna and me.
Oh, that little girl really took me by surprise, trying to communicate with me, leaving Inna quite “red headed”:
Bella was quite curious to know, if this would really be her “regular room”, and a lot of questions, like if she could come into our bedroom every morning, and many other “strange” questions, hard to tell about. ;-)
We had a nice breakfast, again consisting of eggs, bacon, “baby sausages”, and orange juice.
We had to find out about an exact date to get married, and due to differences in our religion, Easter didn’t happen to be at the same time.
As agreed, we would marry in Chisinau on Easter, so it would be Inna’s “Easter”.
This is a week later, compared to the “Christian Easter”, and with this also the possibility of experiencing a better weather in Chisinau.
Most of this day, was in the “sign” of our future marriage, but even Bella seemed to enjoy all preparations, several times sitting on my lap, also addressing me as “Dad”, hugging me with her arms around my neck.
The rest of the days passed by, almost too fast, but most details about our wedding had been planned, so when I on January 5, had to tell my girls goodbye in the Airport, it had been agreed for me to come to Chisinau about a month later, in order to bring some important papers, for “The Register”.

In the beginning of February, we met again in Chisinau, in the same apartment as last time, and it also seemed, Bella felt comfortable about this one.
She didn’t “object” in any manner, to sleep in the separate bedroom for her, while Inna and I slept in “our” bedroom.
I don’t know how, but Inna seemed to be even more “warm” to me this time.
We only had a “long” weekend together, but Inna was interested in having as much anal sex with me as possible, so when we “split up” that Tuesday morning, she appeared quite “sore” in her ass, but certainly not minding this.
We had also managed to meet with the local “Register” to present all relevant papers, in order to get married, and all seemed to be “OK”.

Finally it became the “Orthodox” Easter, and we all met in Chisinau, also with Inna’s brother and his wife.
The weather turned out to be “perfect”:
The Sun shining from an almost cloudless sky; what could be better?
We met at “The Register” at the agreed time; Inna in her black and white dress, as when we met the first time, me in a nice suit, and Bella in a similar dress as Inna, also carrying a fairly big bunch of flowers.
In less than 30 minutes, we could leave again, now as “husband and wife”.
Only one thing would be “missing” right now:
A “Honeymoon”.
Unfortunately, Inna and Bella would have to go back to Bender in a few days, taking care of all “necessary arrangements”, like having their belongings packed, and shipped for Denmark.
We also managed to have some days together, as some sort of a “honeymoon”, without Bella, as Inna’s brother and his wife, stayed at a nearby hotel, with her.
It was a bit hard to tell each other goodbye in the Airport, now being a married couple, but knowing, that in about 2 weeks, Inna and Bella would come to Denmark, now for “eternity”.

Oh, it was hard to wait for these two weeks to pass, but finally, I could pick up Inna and Bella in Copenhagen Airport.
I think we all had tears in our eyes from joy, knowing we were not supposed to be apart anymore.
Again, it only took about 15 – 20 minutes to get to my house, and this time I carried Inna over the doorstep.
This time we ordered some “fast food”, and especially Bella enjoyed this.
Inna only managed to unpack their toilet bags, getting Bella into bed, and then Inna was really set for sex.
Our first “round” was a quite “wild ride”, not leaving me for rest for long time.
Inna wanted to have anal sex with me, and I felt quite sure, she was up to “something special”.
With my prick deep in her ass, I could tell for sure, she placed at least two fingers in her cunt, which she’d never done before, almost making her “explode” in quite an orgasm, nearly making her pass out.
After coming deep into her ass, finally letting me relax, Inna looked at me in quite a different way:
She was quite surprised by what had happened, and nearly from crying, she more or less “demanded” me to try it this way again.
My God:
I think this would be my third erection within an hour, but Inna’s “heat” made me “in the mood” quite fast again.
Again I penetrated her tight anus, and again I could feel she inserted at least two fingers in her cunt.
Apparently this wasn’t “enough” to her, and I guess even a third finger ended up her cunt.
Shortly after, Inna orgasmed quite violently, simply making her faint, just “ending” flat on her stomach.
She was in this position for at least a minute, making me tell her name several times, just paying attention to her breath.
When finally “coming through”, her eyes were quite wet, asking me to forgive her
“letting me down”, but this had just been so exciting, she had never imagined this to be that intense.
Poor Inna; she was more or less exhausted from this, just “offering” to give me a “blow job”, which I wouldn’t mind.
I went to the bathroom for washing my prick carefully, and in bed, Inna gave me a good “blow job”, making me come deep down her throat, almost making her choke, but it felt, like she was having another minor orgasm from this.
Inna hardly managed it for the bathroom, getting washed.
Back in bed, she almost placed herself on top of me, falling asleep.

The next morning, Inna seemed quite embarrassed, by have fallen asleep this fast, but promised that she would “make it up with me” again.
Oh, I wasn’t in a hurry for this, as it had been a nice experience for me to realize, she was fond of anal sex, also able to climax this “hard”.
This evening, we had sex again, and Inna was really “hot”, been missing me for two weeks.
The next weeks, we had sex every night, and when I came to my job in the mornings, my colleagues could tell I was a very happy man.

Bella had been placed in a School, also with a special teacher, so she could learn Danish quite fast, also getting friends.
Inna also got lessons in Danish, and in about 3 months, the first short sentences came from their mouth, and I felt quite proud about them.

We had a nice vacation in summer, visiting her brother and his wife, ahead of continuing to Austria, a place of my favorites.
We spend a week in Austria, also managing to go to the local “Swim Land”, really enjoying each other, also with Bella playing in the big pool.

It’s now almost 3 years ago, we firstly met:
Inna has managed to pass the Danish “exam” for becoming a Danish Citizen, and with this, also a Danish passport.

Due to Inna’s education as Lawyer, she also managed to pass a special test for lawyers, now also able to serve as “Certified Lawyer”.

We’re still “A Happy Family”, and our sex life developed even further:
Inna found out, she really liked to be “stretched” in both holes, but due to her “small” body, she haven’t managed to get an entire fist into any holes, but she’s enjoying, when I “fill” her up with four fingers in each hole simultaneously, or when she’s “playing” with herself, almost having her own hand fully inside her cunt.
Inna’s also keen on watching porn movies with me, seeing women being able to engulf a fist “here and there”, ending up in trying the same, but I can also feel, she’s a bit disappointed, she’s not able to.
To comfort her, I can tell, she’s still “narrow” to fuck, and this is the “price” we have to pay.

Bella is still a nice “daughter” to me, and so far, I haven’t encountered serious problems with her, and together with my children and ex, we can still meet as good friends, especially on “special occasions”.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-25 22:46:06
bP9lgn Thanks a lot for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-01-17 15:49:31
the "extent" to which you use "quotation marks" is "appalling"


2012-10-29 10:53:28
A very well written story. I appreciate your candid style. Thank you very much. G2W.

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