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I helped a friend - then helped his GF's Mom
"Just shut up and fuck me." I said

I was walking home from the last day of school. It was already close to a 100 degrees out. It was about a 4 mile walk back to my house. I had missed the last school bus. I had to stay after for detention. I got caught passing a note for my best friend, Stan. He had asked me to pass a note to his new girl friend. They had only been going out for a week. Now I was the only one walking home after spending an hour, cleaning off the chalk board. I was so sweaty after cleaning. I went to the boys locker room to change. I put my gym class uniform on.

About a mile into my walk home. I stopped to tie my left shoe. I put my book bag on the ground, next to the grass. I could feel the sweat inside my tight short blue gym shorts. I could not find any clean underwear. I wore my used jock strap home. I forgot to wash it the last time I wore it. It had been in my locker for about two weeks. I pulled down on the bottom of my yellow high school t-shirt. I was on the football team, and played basketball. Being 6ft 4 helps, but maybe not with this tight gym uniform. I hope nobody sees me walking home today.

"Honk! Honk! Buck!! Hey dude..." said a guys voice. It was Stan. He was driving his Dad car. "What's up?" I said. "Hey! Come here. Man!" said Stan. I walked down the sidewalk, to his Dad's BMW. He had the top down. His father was quite rich. He always spoiled his son. Stan was wearing some expensive clothes, a nice hat and a huge watch on his left wrist. "Dude! Nice outfit. I thought gym class was over man.." he laughed. "All I had, after sweating to death. Cleaning the detention room one last time." I said. "Thanks for not saying, I passed the note. You know my parents. They kill me, if I got detention." he said. "Your Dad would have gotten you out of it." we both laughed. "Hop in.. I'll drive you home. But first, we have to make a stop." he smiled.

Anything was better than walking. I hoped into the passenger seat. About twenty minutes later we pulled down a small street. We parked at the end of the street. "Follow me." said Stan. He got out of the car. I put my book bag in the back seat, and got out of the car. We walked up to a metal gate. He had a big grin on his face. "Dude! Who's house is this?" I said. "Becky! The new girl I am seeing. She told me her Dad gone for the day, but her Mom home." said Stan. "Wait! The girl from class. You dragged me over here, looking like this. Come on! You got to be kidding me." I said. "Dude! Your my wing man. I need some big help on this one. You need to block the mother from catching us, in her daughters bedroom." said Stan. I was thinking what the fuck.

A second later the metal door opened. Stan started walking up the long driveway. I followed him. What was I going to do. He would do the same for me. Probably not. He run, just like I was thinking. I soon caught up to him. "What the plan?" I said. "Not sure. Becky said her Mom likes to sun bath out by the pool, in her back yard. Just go out there and talk with her. Meantime...I will slip back upstairs with Becky. She told me, she might want to get to 2nd base." said Stan. I thought for a second. Then it was to late.

"Hey Stan! Hey you! Cool you came Stan. I've been waiting all day. This is my friend Amanda." said Becky Both Becky and Amanda were on the cheer leading team. They were the skinny blonde girls who never talked to anybody but the popular kids. That was Stan. Probably not me. They both had these matching red bathing suits on. I tried to fix my gym outfit. Amanda pointed at me. Then said something to Becky. They both laughed. "Stan! This was the best you could do?" she whispered to him. "Your welcome." he said. I just stood there looking around. I did not find either girl very attractive. Now I was starting to hate myself for getting in the car with Stan.

"Follow me. I will introduce you to my Mother. Then we can go up to my room. He knows he has to stay behind and block my Mom from coming to my room? I'm not allowed to have boys in my room. He can talk can't he?" said Becky. "You better do a good job or else?" said Amanda. Stan just smiled. I followed them into the back yard. I could see they had a big fancy pool and a huge 8 person hot tub, near the shallow end. I was still looking around, when I heard a older woman voice.

"Hi! Becky! Hi Amanda!...Who do we got here girls?" said the same voice. I turned. There was Becky Mom. She was standing at the back door of her house. She was just coming down the back stairs. She had a glass of wine in her right hand. I gulped. I heard Stan gulp. Both girls waved at Becky's Mom. Unlike Becky. Her Mom was the exact opposite. Becky was small and petite. She had no curves. Her Mom was 5ft 6 with long legs, and killer curves. She had a huge chest, a tiny waist and big hips. She had a huge ass to match her sexy thighs. She was wearing a white two piece bathing suit. The bottom was tied tight on her big hips. The white strings keeping the bottom and her bathing suit top strained against the weight. She had her long curvy blonde hair down passed her shoulders. She had some bright red lips to match her long fingernails. Her toenails were painted the same color. She was wearing some 4inch white wooden heels. My mouth was watering. I was hoping it was not to obvious I was staring at her huge chest and ass. I heard Becky complain about something to her friend before we were all standing in front of Becky's Mom.

"Hey Mom." said Becky. "Hey Becky, Hey Amanda. Who are your friends?" said Becky Mom. "This is Buck, and this is Stan. They go to the same school as us. Stan car broke down out front. He was wondering if he could borrow our phone." said Becky. "Oh! That stinks. Yes! He can borrow the phone. Nice to meet you Stan. Very nice to meet you Buck. So what are your plans for the summer boys?" she said. "My Dad got me a intern job with his company. Mrs. Sheets." said Stan. "Call me Brenda. Mrs. Sheets sounds like Jimmy Mom's name. How about you Buck? Any plans?" she said. "I'm taking the summer off." I said Amanda and Becky shot me a cold stare with there eyes after I talked. 'I should talk to my husband when he gets home later. There always looking for help at his office. You look like a big strapping fellow." said Brenda.

"Mom, I'm going to show Stan the phone. Come on Amanda. Buck! Keep my Mom company." said Brenda. "Wait! We can wait. For a minute. I don't need to use the phone that bad. We can hang out with your Mom." said Stan. Becky gripped his hand and pulled him through the back door, to the house. I smiled as the girls and Stan went into the house. "They must be in a hurry. Buck! Walk with me down to my chair. Do you have a girl friend, or our you playing the field?" said Mrs Sheets. "No! Girl friend. I don't really have time. I'm always working out or doing something sports related. You have a very nice house. Your back yard is very nice." I said. She smiled. "Thank you. What sports do you play?" she said. "Basketball and Football. Anything I can get my hands on. I like to stay in shape. "Do you think I need to work out? I try to keep in shape. I got a home gym in the basement. I just need to use it more often." she said. I smiled. "No. I can tell your in really good shape." I said.

She smiled. "Thank you. I used to love watching basketball. I was a cheer leader back in high school. Just like Becky. I dated a few basketball players back then. Before I met her Dad, Jimmy. I used to have a thing for tall men. All sweaty from practice." Mrs. Sheets giggled. I just stared at her big ass. It was jiggling as we walked toward her lounge chair. She stopped and turned to face me. "I have a silly question...Why are you dressed like, you just got out of gym class. Today was your last day of school? Correct?" she said. "Yes! It was our last day. I go stuck in detention and had to clean. I got a little sweaty. I went to the boys locker room to change. This was all I had to put on." I said. She smiled as she looked my up and down. I forgot all about Stan, Becky and Amanda. I was hoping he was having as much fun as me.

"Oh! Should I ask why you were in detention. Our you a bad boy...Buck!" she said. I smiled. "Yes! I got caught smoking in the boys bathroom." I said. I thought that might be more bad boy, then passing a note in class. She smiled. "After your dentition, was there anyone in the locker room, with you? Where you the only one changing? Did you take a shower, before you changed?" she said with a sexy smile. What was Mrs. Sheets into? I kept thinking. She was nearly twice my age. I was suppose to keep her mind off Becky in the house with Stan. How far could I go with her? I suddenly felt my cock getting hard in my used jock strap. "Ummm. There were a few guys changing in there. I skipped the shower. I forgot my towel." I said.

All of sudden she tilted her head to the side. "You did not shower...Are you still all hot and sweaty? Did you put any deodorant or spray under your arm pits?" she said. I looked at the front of her white bathing suit top. I could now see her two big nipples get semi hard. I gulped again. "No! It was my last day at school. I did not have any in my locker." I said. She put her right index finger in her mouth. She bite her long red finger nail. Her eyes got big. "Wow! That why my husband never lets me near, a boys locker room. He knows what can happen. I used to do some naughty things in there. The smell would get to me. I can't explain it. The stories I could tell." said Brenda. I got a big smile on my face. My cock was growing harder in my small gym shorts.

"Can I jump in your pool?" I said. "No! You clothes are all sweaty." said Brenda. "Here hold my shirt." I said. I pulled my sweaty tight yellow gym shirt over my head. I then put it in her left hand. She was checking out my body. I could feel her eyes on my muscular abs and sweaty chest. She then moved the sweaty shirt closer to her nose. She took a big whiff of my gym shirt. She bite her middle finger this time. She looked down at my tight blue gym shorts. "Can I get in now?" I said. I wiped my hands on my chest, and down my abs. Some of the sweat bounced on the hot cement under my shoes. I kicked off my sweaty gym shoes. I was standing in front of her, wearing just my gym shorts and used jock strap.

"No! Your still sweaty.." she said. She then pointed to my sweaty gym shorts. She still had my shirt near her nose. "OK! But I do have to warn you. I only have on my jock strap under these shorts. It was kinda of used, before I put it on today." I said. I pulled my gym shorts around my ankles. I then stood up. I kicked my gym shorts into my hand. I handed them to Brenda. She put my gym shorts up to her nose. She looked down at my large jock strap. "Oh! That is a used one. It's all stained in the front. Turn around. Are you wearing it right?" she said. My naked ass was hanging out the back. I stood there, while she checked me out from behind. "Is there a proper way to wear this?" I said.

She groaned as I turned around. She slowly took another whiff of my short and gym shorts. She then dropped them both to her side. She raised her right hand, to touch my chest. She then started to scratch her long nails on my tight abs. Where was this going. I wonder. My cock was aching under the thin white material of my jock strap. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was doing. I'm so sorry. Your so muscular. How tall are you?" she said. "6ft 4.. It's Ok! You have such long nails." I said. I watched as she dragged her nails down the front of my jock strap. She touched the thin white material covering my growing cock. She then touched my upper thigh. She was now inches from me. I could smell her sexy perfume, over my sweaty body.

She slowly bent over to put her face a few inches from the front of my jock strap. I put my hand on her lower back. I slowly moved my hand to her big juicy ass. I was palming her big left ass cheek. She said nothing. She kept staring at my used jock strap. I thought my cock was going to burst out and hit her face. She started to lick her big full red lips. "You can get in my pool, if you take that dirty jock strap off." she whispered. I just smiled. I had a better idea. I needed to see her. "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours." I said. She then reached p to pull on her white strings, keeping up her large top. A second later. She slowly peeled the front of her bathing suit, down to her waist. Her big nipples fully popped out in the warm breeze. My mouth dropped open from how large her breast were.

"Your turn.." she cooed. I quickly pulled my jock strap, down to my ankles. I bent down picking it up in my right hand. I immediately gave it to Brenda. She smiled as she brought it to her nose. I slowly moved my hand to touch her breast. She moaned as I rubbed her big fat nipples. I kept rubbing my hands all over her big breast. She dropped my used jock strap on the ground, in between us. She looked down to see my 9 3/4 inch cock, just bobbing up and down. In between my legs. There was a big glob of pre-cum on the tip. I was standing in front of Mrs. Sheets. I was totally naked standing in her back yard, near her pool. Inside her house, was her daughter, her daughter best friend and my friend, in her daughter bedroom. Were they watching us? I thought..

"Oh god! I forgot what big young cock looked like. It's been since high school since I saw a cock this big. Jimmy is so small. I used to love giving BJ's, its been so long." she said. "No time to wait. Here let me help." I said. I bent Brenda over by her waist. I put my sweaty cock in her mouth. She licked the head of my cock. Her long tongue went down the shaft as she got half my cock in her mouth. She gagged at first. But it was like riding a bike for her, all over again. She was sucking my cock, like a pro. She was making nasty sounds, all over my cock. I reached down to tough her big ass. I pulled on the two string, keeping up her white bottoms. I tossed her bottoms on her lounge chair. She did not miss a beat. She kept sucking my cock.

She used her long finger nails on my naked balls. I loved to shave all my most private areas on my body. She was stroking my cock and sucking my balls, as I watched her from above. I then slipped a finger down over her fat ass. I found her wet pussy, in a few seconds. I slowly inched my long middle finger in her pussy. I slowly started to finger fuck her pussy. She moaned as I shoved more cock down her throat. I started to move my hips forward, fucking her face. She grunted as I felt her pussy begin to soak my finger. I was ready for some more action from Mrs. Sheets.

I pulled my cock, from her greedy mouth. I quickly got behind her. I pushed on her upper back. She bent over, gripping her sexy ankles. I spit in my left hand. I then put the saliva on my cock. I grabbed her wide hips, and skinny waist. I put my cock, just inside her wet pussy. She moaned. I then thrusted all my cock in her pussy. She screamed. "Yes! Yes!! Fuck me!! Fuck me young man. Fuck me hard." she screamed. I started to put my full weight behind ever thrust into her tight pussy. I could hear her breast slam against her chest. I reached up to play with her swinging breast. I pulled on her nipples. She then let go of her ankles. I gripped her big breast with my big hands. She was so big, her breast fell down the side of my fingers. I started to bite her neck. She screamed louder.

I grabbed her big hips. I slowly moved her down, on her lounge chair. She spread her legs as I inserted my hard cock back in her tight pussy. I put my bare feet in the bottom of the lounge chair. I pushed on the metal, with my feet. It looked like I was doing push ups on her naked body. My cock plunged all the way in, than all the way out. She held onto my hips, as I fucked her very hard. I locked my mouth on her right breast. I was sucking on her big nipple, as she moaned in my left ear. "Faster! Faster!" she moaned. I could now feel her soft skin on my hard abs. I looked down to see my cock buried deep inside her.

"Brenda!!! What the???" said a male voice. I turned my head to see a small guy standing a few feet from the lounge chair. "Hi! Honey!" said Brenda. I stopped fucking Mrs. Sheets. I kept my cock deep inside her. I kept sucking her big breast. "What is the meaning of this?" he said. "Jimmy! Becky brought some of her friends over. One thing led to another. He was all sweaty. You know how I am around sweaty boys." said Brenda. "Is he going to stop? He's fucking you again. I can see his big cock moving inside you." said Mr. Sheets. "Oh god! He is so big and tall. You know how I love tall men. Forget about me. Go see what Becky, is doing. She in the house with a boy. He suppose to be using a phone to call for a tow job." said Brenda. Just then I felt a huge surge of excitement. I started to cum deep inside Brenda. "Oh god! Buck erupting deep inside me. I forgot to take my pill today. That a good boy. You can finish. Go Jimmy. Stop starring, our daughter.

Jimmy rushed into the house. "Thanks honey. That felt so good." said Brenda. "Maybe we should both get in the pool and clean off before they come out." I said. "Yes! That a good idea." she said. I dove in the deep end and swam down to the shallow end. I watched Brenda walk down with only her wooden heels on. "Is it Ok to wear my heels in the pool. The water should be Ok. Right?" she said. I smiled. "Here let me help. Grab my hand." I said. She grabbed the metal pole and my hand. She then walked down into the pool. I swam over to the edge of the pool. I put my back on the corner of the pool. I could see the back door to the house. I could also see Brenda rubbing water all over her exposed body.

A minute later she strutted over towards me. She sank down in the shallow water. She then pushed her breast in my face, as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I then grabbed her hips and forced her tight pussy back on my hard cock. We started to kiss as she rode my cock. She put her tongue in my mouth. A minute later the back door opened. I saw Amanda eyes, get big. I saw Stan eyes get bigger. I then saw Becky run around the pool towards us. I finally saw Jimmy come running out the back door. "Becky! Wait! It's not what you think. Your Mom...." he shouted.

Brenda let go of our kiss. She finally looked up at her daughter, who was now inches from the edge of the pool. "Mom! What are you doing with him?" said Becky. I started to suck both of Brenda's big breast. I made some loud slurping noises. "It's Ok! Honey!" said her Mom. "What the fuck??" shouted Amanda. She was now standing next to Becky. "Did you get to call for a tow truck. What have you guys been up to?" said Brenda. "That's all you can say. Get off him Mom. Come here." said Becky. She grabbed her Mom hand and both of them pulled her onto the edge of the pool. I looked up to see all the water, fall off her amazing body into the pool. The front of her pussy was all red and swollen from my hard cock.

"No! What are you doing?" said Becky. I turned to see Stan. His fly was open on his shorts. He was stroking his small cock. I then saw Jimmy standing next to him. He was doing the same thing. Amanda screamed. "God! Your Dad doing it too. "It's just natural girls. Don't fight it." said Brenda. I stood up, out of the water. I grabbed Brenda ankles. I tossed her legs over my shoulders. I slapped her pussy with my big wet cock. "Oh! God! He's back!!!" shouted Brenda. I arched my back, thrusting my cock back in her wet pussy. I leaned down to bite her big left nipple. "Jimmy! Help Stan...The girls won't..It's Ok honey." shouted Brenda.

I looked over my shoulder. Jimmy was stroking Stan small cock in the open. Becky had fainted. Amanda was giving her mouth to mouth and some tongue in the grass. I turned to keep fucking Brenda on the edge of the pool. She finally fell back on the wet cement. I climbed on top of her. Putting my cock in her deep cleavage. Next there were 4 shadows above me. All of them were watching my cock, fuck Brenda big tits. After a few long strokes, I came all over her big fat breast. I wiped the last few spurts on Brenda big mouth.

"Knock! Knock!"~~~"Come on in.." I said. The door to my office opened. "Good afternoon, Mr. Kelly. I brought some papers for you to sign." said my new secretary voice. I looked up. She was only wearing a small white cocktail dress. She then walked over to my chair, behind my big oak desk. "Just sign here, and here..Sir!!" she said. "I see your husband bought the dress I liked. Did you remember not to wear any panties today. We only have a few minutes before I have to give my speech. Pull up the back and climb on. Mrs. Sheets...You are so naughty today." I said. "Thank you. I told Jimmy you were making Stan his new intern. He is moving into the maids quarters with Amanda and Becky after work. Then we can have to whole house to ourselves." said Brenda. "Just shut up and fuck me." I said




anonymous readerReport 

2013-11-05 03:39:17
No 1st part u lost me

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-20 00:04:44
yup, another nut job of writing.. Repeated lines from other stories

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-12 23:52:25
Wow... Pick up a book and examine. How sentences. Are actually written. okay.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-07 00:38:56
Wow, this story sucked. Don't give up your day job.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-06 19:09:07
I sure hope that English is NOT your first language.

Because if it is at 27yo you really suck.

Then there is the 9-3/4” cock. REALLY……….

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