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             Naruto:Kyuubi Secrets
              Ch.5: Return to Konoha
      Ok guys! So, surprisingly, in the first day of publishing, my story got two comments(Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!), and started out with a 100% rating, so I was happy with that, so woohoo and(drumroll).... Good Reading!!
    "Why are you wearing that stupid-ass cloak, Naruto?" Jiraiya asked as he marched down the street, an incredibly heavy pack strapped to his back.
     Naruto look down and surveyed his cloak. Mainly made of a soft, silky black cloth, it contained differently-sized Uzumaki family symbols."It's not stupid, Ero-Sennin,"Naruto replied."Your ugly-ass whore lady-friends are stupid!"
     Jiraiya glared at Naruto and slammed the back of his head with an open palm."Shut your mouth, small-fry. Or I'll pound you into the ground."
     "Whatever," Naruto mumbled as he jumped of the road, and began running along the branches of the trees. 
     As he ran, he felt a slight vibration in his ear, then heard a voice that said,"Naruto, can you hear me?"
     "Uh, yeah..." He answered, unsure of what, or who, he was answering.
     "Yay!" Squeeled the teenage girl's voice."The telepathy link works!"
     "Oh, it's you, Nya!" Naruto said in realization.
     "Yeah it's me, silly," She giggled.
     While Naruto ran, he and Nya just talked, not really about anything in particular, until Jiraiya called out to Naruto, and they set up camp.
    So, Naruto and Jiraiya sat around a small fire in awkward silence, waiting for either one to break it. Finally, after almost an hour, Jiraiya sighed and said,"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go to sleep. I don't want to look exhausted when I walk into Konoha."
    Naruto agreed, and he too went to sleep, and dreamed about his beautiful hometown, Konoha.
    "So," Jiraiya began,"I've being exchanging messages with Tsunade..."
    "Cool," was all Naruto said, while playing with a kunai immaturely.
    Jiraiya just looked at the 15-year old in bewilderment before continuing."She says that she has told a lot of the females that you know, about your progress."
   "Hmm, is that so?"
   "Yeah, and some of the kunoichi don't believe her..."
   "What's that supposed to mean?"
    "It means that some of the kunoichi don't believe that you've gotten as strong as you have."
    "What?!" Naruto exclaimed, dangerously glaring at a rapidly cowering Jiraiya."Why wouldn't they think that I've gotten stronger?"
    "I wouldn't know, kid. But apparently the only two that actually have gotten better have been showing some...affection towards you for the past three years."
   "Really?" Naruto asked."Do you know who they are?"
   "Nope, if I did, I would have told you."
   "Oh..." Naruto replied, looking down.
  'Don't you even think about going out with someone else,' he heard Nya's voice blared through the telepathy link.
 'Nya, I can't stay with a girl that doesn't exist to the world' Naruto replied.
  'But I want you to be all to me,' Nya whined.
   'Whatever' Naruto thought as the main gates to Konoha came into view.
   "Look Ero-Sennin, it's Konoha!!" Naruto exclaimed, running at full blast towards his beloved home.
   Jiraiya chuckled, watching the boy shake hands with the Konoha gate guards, showing them his identification, then running into the Konoha streets.
    "Hey, is that you, Naruto?!" Naruto heard a voice, then searched for the owner of the feminine voice.
    Then he saw her, a beautiful pink-haired kunoichi standing with her hands on her hips."Sakura?! Wow, you look even prettier than three years ago!"
    Sakura blushed before replying,"You don't look too bad yourself. Tsunade-Sama had said that you had gotten stronger, but I didn't believe her."
   Just as she finished, Naruto fealt a pair of feminine hands tracing circles on his back. He turned around to the sight of a very sexy brunette, nearly naked, but with clouds that covered all the places that any guy would want to see."Hey, Konohamaru, nice sexy jutsu! Long time no see!"
    "So, how's your sexy jutsu nowadays?" Konohamaru asked, canceling the jutsu.
    "I don't do it anymore. It's immature," Naruto replied cooly.
    'Wow, he sure has matured,' Sakura thought, until Naruto's next comment.
   "Nope, so I've created a new mature sexy jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed, striking a crazy pose.
    Sakura fist soon came in contact with Naruto's face, and Naruto's body was smashed into the ground, creating a small crater.
   "You dumbass! You haven't changed at all," Sakura yelled at Naruto's face.
   "Geez," Naruto said, glaring at Sakura."Well, I gotta go, see ya later!"
   Sakura watched Naruto run down the street, a piece of her heart somewhat replaced.'Team Kakashi may once again be amazing,' she thought with longing.
    Naruto was running down the street when he was hugged/flying tackled by a rather light and curvy kunoichi.
    "My god, you're finally back!" Naruto heard the girl exclaim.
    He looked down into the eyes of the blond girl, and saw a lustful look in her eyes."Hey, Ino, how're you doin?"
    Ino stood up and brushed off before replying,"I'm good. I've missed you since our little fling. You haven't forgotten, have you?"
    Naruto blushed, feeling his tool getting hard, then said,"How could I forget?"
    'What the hell is she talking about?' Nya asked dangerously.
    'Hehe, nothing much,' Naruto sheepishly replied through the connection.
   "Well, Naruto, I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got practice that I'm already late for, so bye," Ino said, friendly giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, then running off.
    Well, that was two girls, Ino and Sakura, that he could count out in his list to see who liked him.
    Naruto was eating a bowl of ramen when his little 'accident' happened. Almost done with his delicious meal, he had lifted up the bowl to drink the remaining contents. That is when an unknowing man ran past, bumping Naruro's back. Naruto lurched forward as the bowl lost its hold on his lip, and the scalding hot contents poured over Naruto's body. He began screaming in pain as someone pulled him back and laid him on the ground. His shirt was quickly removed and replaced by a military-rationed heavy duty ice pack. The cold seeped over his burns, quickly cooling them to a normal temperature. When Naruto opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of a rather attractive black-haired women, who was tending to his wounds, massaging the ice pack directly into the spots of his wounds.
     "Shizune-nee chan?" Naruto gurgled, confused."What are you doing here?"
    Shizune blushed as she said,"I was, uh, shopping for more, um, medical supplies, to, uh, restock..."
    "Oh, ok," Naruto said, laying his head down."It's a good thing you were here. Thanks, a lot, nee-chan."
     Shizune smiled softly, and then carried a sleeping Naruto to his home. Once there, she placed him in his bed, situated his house, then wrote Naruto a quick note, then left for her own home.'Maybe,' Naruto thought in his sleep,'Maybe it's Shizune nee-chan'.
     Naruto was waken up by the unpleasant feeling of a wooden-based scroll slamming on the top of his head. Getting up groggily, he took the scroll at read it;
     Yo, Naruto-kun!
         I heard you were back, and I've heard that you've gotten pretty strong. So, I kinda take that as a challenge. Meet me a the training ground in three hours, and bring your A game. I'm hoping for a great fight!
             The Awesome Sensei Anko!
    'What?' Naruto thought after reading the scroll.'Who the Hell is Anko?'
      As he thought, he sat down and began eating a plate of eggs that he had a Kage Bushin make. He reread the scroll a couple of times, and before he knew it, he had one hour to get ready, and get to the field.
      'But should I even go?' He pondered.'I mean, I don't even know who Anko is!'
     But, the curiosity was just to strong as Naruto began getting dressed in his fighting attire; A black pair of pants, with a kunai carrier on his right leg, a tanktop, orange of course, and over that a jacket with black cloth over his shoulders and arms, and everything below that was a dark orange.
    'I'm only going to see who Anko is,' Naruto thought to himself, as he emerged from his front door and began running to the field.
    Naruto quickly jumped the fence surrounding the field as he looked around for the mysterious opponent. Trying to locate the opponent, Naruto sent a steady line of chakra to his sensory organs. Right as he heard the mystery guest, he heard the familiar whistling sound, and quickly jumped out of the way as a kunai hit the ground at the spot on which Naruto had just been standing.
     "You've got some nice reflexes," The person said in a clearly feminine voice.
     "So you're Anko?"
     "You bet cha," the woman replied, as she ran to stand around twenty feet across from Naruto.
    Naruto looked her up and down as he noticed her nice body. She wore an almost see-through net shirt, and a pair of khaki capris that were rolled up at the bottom, and wore navy blue sandals. Over all of that, she wore a brown overcoat that came down to her mid calf, and Naruto couldn't see her face, due to an Anbu mask that looked like a snake. But all and all, she look sexy as hell.
     "Wait, you're a member of Anbu and you want to challenge ME?!" Naruto exclaimed.
    "No, I'm not a member of Anbu, I just really like snakes," Anko replied snidely, before whipping her hand out, releasing three kunais at Naruto.
    Naruto quickly evaded the oncoming attacks before throwing a kunai of his own. Anko swiftly took a taijutsu stance, then powerfully kicked the kunai, reflecting it with her  metal-heeled sandals. She looked up just in time to see Naruto running at her with a Reshangen spinning wildly in his hand. Anko quickly formed some hand seals, then whispered the jutsu, so as to make sure Naruto had no idea as to what was coming his way. Suddenly, Naruto saw a large snake erupt out of Anko's palm, coming in his direction. It quickly closed it's mouth around the Reshangen, at a speed that would put Rock Lee to shame, and slammed into a nearby tree, exploding with the force of the Reshangen. As this was happening, the ground under Naruto was shifting, then suddenly, two snakes on either side of Naruto blasted out of the ground, wrapping around Naruto and restraining him. He dodged, just in time, an incoming kunai, which nicked his left cheek. When he recovered from his slam onto the ground, he looked up to see the girl removing her mask. And damn, was she sexy. She had large, purple pupil-less eyes, with violet hair that surrounded her delicate face, and came together in the back, forming a sloppy, but very sexy, spiky ponytail. Anko seemed somewhat familiar to Naruto, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Until she started talking and acting somewhat seductive. 
    "Ooh," She cooed."It looks like you got a little cut. Let me clean that up for you."
    A very long tongue then slowly slithered out of the girl's mouth, then touched Naruto's cheek, as he shivered, and began licking up the small amount of blood on Naruto's cheek. Then it hit Naruto; Anko was the woman at the Chuunin Exams, the one that had done the exact thing that she was doing now.
     "You're quite a charming young man," Anko whispered huskily in his ear.  
     She then looked up into Naruto's eyes, and he stared right back. Anko stared deep into Naruto's deep blue orbs, and Naruto stared into Anko's beautiful purple eyes. Their faces inched closer together, until they could feel eachother's breath, until they tips of their noses softly brushed together.
     "Wow," Naruto said huskily,"You are beautiful."
    Anko smiled softly before inching even closer to Naruto's face until their lips touched, and softly crushed her lips onto Naruto's. They laid there, softly making out, Anko's tongue fighting for dominance into Naruto's mouth as his tongue dance with hers. Naruto's hands rubbed over Anko's curvy body as the snakes loosened their once vice-like grip. After a few minutes, Anko pulled up for air, and stared right into Naruto's eyes. Those beautiful, perfect eyes.
    Anko suddenly stiffened as she felt something sharp poking into her stomach. She looked down to see a kunai, held by Naruto, softly poking her netted shirt. 
     "Looks like I win," Naruto said goofily, with a smirk on his face.
     "I think I know what to reward you with," Anko replied in a seductive tone, lightly tracing circles on Naruto's shirt with her fingers.
    She then stiffened again as she felt a new object poking her stomach. Anko looked at Naruto's face, and seeing a huge blush, she looked down, and saw a tent in Naruto's black pants, and a rather large one at that.
     Anko blushed herself as she stood and brushed off, saying,"Well, that was a great fight, kid, but I have to leave, sadly, and help with the Chuunin Exam planning, so I'll hopefully see you later."
     "Wait!" Naruto exclaimed, jumping off his back and running towards her.
     "Yeah?" She asked expectedly.
     "Well, uh, I was, um, just wonderin' if, maybe, well, I just want to ask if you, I don't know, had plans for tomorrow?" Naruto asked, clearly not knowing what to say.
     Anko smiled softly, replying,"I'll meet you at your place, 8 PM tomorrow, but know I really have to go!"
     She left after giving Naruto a kiss on the cheek, and that's when Naruto heard a rather unpleasant voice.
     'Naruto, get home now we have to talk,' Nya said through the telepathy link.
    'Oh crap,' Naruto thought to himself, who had totally forgotten about Nya.  
    'Shit, I really want Anko's body,' the other part of Naruto's mind thought.
    With that thought in his held, Naruto quickly sprinted off in the direction of his apartment, preparing for the asschewing that wasn't to far away.
     Well, what did you guys think off chapter five? I bet none of you were expecting Anko, right? I wasn't really planning on Shizune being involved, and if she is, it will only be on occasion. But, on that note, I've only got one comment on thoughts of an 'One Piece' story, so I'll just put it out there again. Well guys, hope you liked chapter five, and I look forward to reading your comments!
(P.S. If any of you have suggestions for the story, just P.M me, or put something in the comments section, and if any of you out there are looking for a good BETA reader, I would be happy to help! Just P.M me! 

anonymous readerReport 

2012-12-21 09:27:21
I love how you made it anko cuz she is sexy as hell

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-20 21:05:24
Excellent story i hope its a full on harem

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-20 14:36:57
you should write a book some day

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-19 10:56:09
@unknownrocker321 don't rush yourself it only adds on to the writers block. PS. I like the shizune thing :)


2012-11-18 20:49:21
Sorry for the long wait people!! I trully am! Ive just had a terrible case of writer's block the past couple of days. But ive finally picked it back up, and the next chapter shood be out in a day or two! Oh, and ive also got a proofreader!! Yayyyy!!!!!!

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