Jan is a school teacher, he teaches music, art, etc... He is a small man, five six...one forty, one thirty five or something like that, we all like Jan though. Most of us here went to school with him.
Hell, most of us went to school together, or were at the same school a few grades apart.
Middle class and lower middle class families for the most part...
AS a group we are between 25 and 30 years of age. Of the 30 plus people here only a few are younger or older. Those are mostly friends or siblings of one of us.
WE hold these parties at some ones house 4 or 5 times a year...Never going to the same house twice in a four year stretch...kind of a rule we self imposed.
WE have a Halloween party, which is a must. A pre-Christmas party, another must. Those are the two closest ones, usually about 5 or 6 weeks apart.
We take a few months off until spring before the next one. Finally we have two in the warm months. One at the end of May or early June and the big summer bash in August after everyone has returned from vacation. We try and have succeeded so far in having our warm-weather parties at a home with a good sized yard.
Tonight-s party is being held at Kerry and Carrie-s. I know there is no limit to the number of jokes that has brought on. Kerry is assistant manager of the produce department at a major grocery chain store.
Carrie, Kerry-s wife, inherited her father-s tire shop...yes tire shop. She has always been a bit of a tom boy so I guess it only fitting she should be in a man-s world... AT work she is tough...away from work, aka these parties she is allot of fun...a very caring woman. And she will from time to time cause some uproarious things to occur.
Enter me, and more importantly my date. I always bring Delha to these parties. Her and I are both single and have no significant other...WE are both 27.
Delha is part black which is likely why she is the tallest woman in our super group. You would have to know this about Delha-s back-ground because you cannot tell by just looking at her. The only possible tell would be her dark tan in the summer; but allot of people have those.
Other that her tan she is very white indeed... Her face is classic Scottish, her father-s ethnicity. Delha is bi-, or so the story goes. I am the only one she ever goes out with and we do not...
Three parties ago at Marinas and Chad-s things got wild. It was near mid-night and the party had been it-s usual fun time for all. Delha moved up behind Carrie and hugged her in a sensual way. I thought this might turn unpleasant...
WRONG, wrong, wrong...Carrie turned and gave Delha a soft kiss on the mouth. The room went dead quiet. The two women looked at one another;
---Let-s dance Carrie said to Delha.
WE have rock and roll music playing in the back-ground at these parties and this time was no different. The girls started to dance a regular two step kind of thing, unrehearsed. It was enthralling. Out of the corner of my mesmerized eye I saw Jan talking with Chad.
---Hold on girls, I got a good one for ya...
Both women looked about and waited. Chad has a large collection of good old kick ass rock and roll tunes. WE waited for half a minute or so:
Boom..., Boom, it began...Jeff Healey-s Roadhouse blues...
Delha and Carrie picked up-on it and the mood at the party went ballistic; these two ladies danced as if they were in heat. Fuckng bump and grind, pussy on thigh; both women...sliding their hands up and down each other-s body. Tits against tits...light kisses leading to some fucking hot mouth on mouth action.
My fellow partiers talked, laughed...sighed and eventually went quiet as it appeared these women were going to orgasm right in front of us...
The song was also quieting, the sleaziest man at this function nodded at Chad suggesting he quickly bump this tune for another kickass R&R masterpiece. Chad winked at me and hurriedly moves to his machine.
Chad is the man, what a fucking guy...he has some real vintage stuff...
.....Little Sister with Steve Ray Vaughan and Jeff Healey; you could not ask for more.
The room filled with good old bump and grind; Carrie and Delha resume their dancing... Twas a thing of beauty to watch two women make out ...and these two for the first time, fuck it was hot.
They started off dancing dirty, rubbing pussy on thigh. Too my surprise Kerry encourages his wife... to go for it... and she responds by tweaking Delha-s nipple. Both girls start touching breasts and squeezing nipples...shirts or blouses are pulled out, buttons undone...they are getting hotter and hotter.
There is some soft chatter in the room, a giggle or two...some heavy breathing... I am on the floor slash rug, on my knees with my hands together almost praying... Mine eyes riveted to the action less than six feet from me... If somebody cum-s I am likely going to get wet.
I can-t fucking believe what is happening here...we have never had this kind of action before...this is my thing.
Somehow the dancing stopped and Carrie was on the rug with her feet towards me...Delha had removed her shirt and bra in a split second exposing her beautiful tits to us all. Carrie was looking at them a touching them...
Carrie-s blouse was open and one tit was out...she had nice tits...beauties. Delha moved Carrie-s blouse and bra straps off shoulder, now both Carrie-s tits were exposed to us.
Delha swooped down with her mouth and assaulted Carrie-s tits...pulling at her nipples with her mouth...Carrie arched her back, twisting slightly so she was no longer lying flat on the rug...she was so fucking hot I doubt she knew or cared were she was...
Out of nowhere Kerry came and undid his wife-s pants and pulled them off her, panties and all...Carrie reached for her pants at first but once they were gone she was Delha-s.
Delha moved her around ruining my view, [I will have to complain to her about that], opening Carries legs;
---Come on baby, I take you to heaven and back. I overheard Delha whisper to Carrie.
I could see now that Delha had two fingers in Carrie and her thumb was rubbing Carrie-s clit... Carrie was arching and twisting on the rug... I got a brief look at her face when she flipped her head over pointing her face in my direction... I have ever seen a woman so turned on...
Just when I thought Carrie was going to cum- ..., Delha stopped and move on her... Delha re-inserted her fingers and started to lick Carries clit...
Carrie lost it...plain and simple. Her body arched in thrust, stiffened..., shook; and repeated itself. Her hands grabbed at the rug... her head trashed about...I do not think she took a single breath...orgasm after orgasm.
I sat on my knees, rapt in what I had just seen...my cock ached, it was so hard...
When Carrie started to surface she looked for her pants...Kerry took his shirt off and laid it over her pussy and thighs. I seems someone did not want Carrie covered. [In my defence they did add to my comfort as I sat on them on the rug.]
When I got up Kerry looked at me and laughed... I heard moaning and other noises but I was not interested. I saw Jan with his wife and I made a bee-line for them.
Jan-s wife is a very attractive and respected woman. Maybe the most respect of our super group. Her dark brown hair par shoulder length. Her sexy average size boobs. She has a nice shape, narrow waist, etal. It-s her ass, pussy and legs that the guys whisper about behind the backs of those who look out for her; and that is a few.
She turned her back to her husband and he looked at her clothing and waist. I moved in on them and placing a hand on her waist, swung her gently away from Jan in what could only be seen as a dance step.
---Jan, I want to borrow your wife; I am so fucking horny man.
He laughed;
---Go ahead man.
---JAN! She said.
I took two more steps in jest holding her; waiting for Jan to call me back. Instead he said;
---It is that kind of a night honey.
She struggled some and said;
---Put me down..., let go of me. [She is very light actually. I was not going to force her I was teasing really.]
I kept swinging her about in kind of a waltz step. Another step to the hall...I was just about to stop when I heard some laughter and one loud voice say;
---Lucky bastard, I wanted to fuck her.
I could feel her stop; kind of relax her protest...another step, what harm could it do to continue down the hall. Her feet barely touching the carpet to keep balance I suppose...I never gave much thought to what I was doing...I was just doing it. Spontaneous I believe they like to call it. Whatever, I was fucking horny and she is beautiful...what else is there?
Waltzing into the bedroom I shut the door behind us...bringing us to the bed. I paused, expecting the door to open and this beautiful woman to be taken from me.
I plopped down with her taking her by the hair I kissed Jan-s wife with as much passion as I have ever kissed a woman...I wanted to fuck somebody. Jan-s wife was much more than somebody.
[I had just popped the clutch and my motor was roaring...]
She pushed at me but I held on and kissed her again...ravishing her lovely mouth. [Still expecting this to end surreptitiously.]
Like most women, when she sensed how badly I wanted her she stop pushing against me.
---Take off your top, I said. I think I said that...
I rolled her on her side and pinned her, un-doing the clasp and zipper of her skirt...quickly removing her skirt and panties...she was not so fast with her top.
She pushed at me with her hands but she did not seem desperate.
I went down on her, burying my face in her beautiful dark bush...eating her pussy. My hunger apparent as I ate her out like a mad man...
I rose up to fuck and she pushed at me;
---Let me get the rest of my clothes off before you drive me into the lower level.
Her top off..., I pushed into her...she pushed back trying to hold me...
---Slow down.
I kept fucking her as my urgency required...
---Slow down.
I did not listen.
She punched me in the shoulder and pushed at me...squeezing her legs together ...trying to stop me...
---If you don-t stop I will scream my head off she said.
I stopped...looking at her face...with that beautiful dark brown hair all around it, and some covering it. I could hardly breathe I was panting so hard.
---Slow down, if I am going to be fucked I want to enjoy it. She said.
---I am so horny, I said.
---So am I, she replied, now slow down so we both can get what we want.
---Ok, I said panting.
She smiled at me.
---Here, get off...I will get on top of you...you know...ride -m cowgirl stuff.
I watched her sit atop me...spreading her legs wide to take me in. What a fucking great idea I thought to myself. Her pussy was well covered with a matt of dark brown fuss. Good Lord she is fucking gorgeous.
I watch my cock slip into her... I could not stop staring at her...her thighs so wide...my eyes roamed her body...she was very nicely put together...Jan-s wife...
I could not remember her name.
I watched her tits as she rode me...those nipples swaying...she looked very pretty.
I felt her move slightly as she adjusted her position atop me...
---mmmm; a little extra treat for my cock.
She, the unnamed woman Jan married, fucked me...my stamina stayed, I do not know how, but it did...she fucked me and fucked me and fucked me...I sure loved the feel of her.
My eyes drank in her sexy body; every fucking pore.
She started to dig and dig and grind against me...working her way as far down on me as she could...and pulling high up on my cock...again and again...our pace increased...
---Oh my lucky cock; I blurted out, what a good fuck.
She glanced at me as she cam...Her beautiful young body twisting atop me.
She sat looking into my face;
---You never came, is something wrong she said.
---No, I answered...you are so beautiful...so beautiful to watch..., cum-ing became secondary. [I paused.]
---Can we try this again? I really do need to fuck.
There was a knock at the bedroom door;
---Ann, you coming home? It was Jan.
She rolled off me and my heart sank;
---NO! ....We are spending the night together. My reputation is ruined anyway.
She whispered into my ear;
---If Jan is going to give me away then I am going to say for how long.
Ann I thought, right Ann;
---You-ve got a fantastic body Ann, I said; trying to reinforce her decision to stay the night with me.
She laughed.
---That is classic.
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