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... MATT sat sipping his late night coffee and eating a muffin. He glanced around at the well wishers; Clara and Hugh-s wedding had gone off without a hitch, nice kids Matt thought.
After spending the night watching over Clara he had been given a half hour break. Matt smiled, damn descent of them...
Matt-s into specialized security... Usually this involves very high profile people paying a very high dollar. This gig tonight was just a little something he was doing to fill in time. He had not had a job for almost a month and he liked getting out and getting involved; kept him sharp.
He charged $500.00 for the night. The groom, Hugh, wanted his new wife looked seemed like a very light assignment to Matt. The fee he charged for this job was nominal. Normally Matt charged a $500 bill per hour.
... HUGH was concerned that his pals were planning to get to his wife on their wedding night. He felt that they would try drugging both bride and groom and boom boom. Clara gets it...multiple times.
Apparently Clara had morals but his pals thought she should be shared. Clara would have nothing to do with it and let all who would listen and even those who would not listen know that she was off limits.
So Matt-s job was to keep an eye on the bride and see to it that she was not raped. Simple enough he thought...
Matt waited a few minutes for the elevator. The dinner and dance had been held in the banquet room of a nice hotel. The bride and groom would be leaving for their honey moon from here after she changed and returned to say goodbye to her guests...

Simple plan..., or maybe not;
The elevator doors opened and as Matt stepped out her heard noise... a commotion. He looked to his left to see Clara heading away from his location giving it to no one in particular and everyone in general who was within earshot.
Tony, one of Hugh-s friends and best men was in pursuit... Two young women, one a bridesmaid, Sara, and another woman Matt did not recognize stood in the hallway telling Clara to come back to the room. NOT asking, telling...
--- CLARA! Matt yelled.

Heads spun on shoulders...the women-s faces paled; Tony frowned. Matt knew something was up...time to do my job he thought.

---There you are, Clara said. I need you Matt. These assholes drugged Hugh.

I moved towards Clara..., she moved beside me taking my arm. Hell, I felt like the groom for a moment.
--- WE make a nice couple eh Clara?

She smiled a little at my humour...but the situation did not lend itself to laughter.

The two young women had retreated into the hotel suite. Tony stood in the door way looking Matt straight in the eye... a definite challenge.
---Move Tony, Matt said to him...politely.

Tony stepped aside... Matt took a step but Clara held him back;
---He knows Karate Matt, be careful.

---Step into the room Tony we will conduct our business in there... ok with you.

---Ya..., sure man, whatever you say. Tony gave himself away with a cocky smirk.

Tony entered the room with Matt following. A very hesitant Clara followed, hanging onto Matt tightly.
---You will be ok Clara Matt said.

Tony moved toward the others in the room and turned facing Matt. Matt looked over at Hugh;
---What did you give him?

---Rohypnol, one of the young women answered. There was a noticeable shuffling of feet.

--- Shut up, one of the other women said to her, Matt did not catch which one. What he did catch though was the tightening on his arm of Clara-s fingers. Matt placed a hand over hers giving her a reassuring squeeze. [THE date rape drug, enough to make any bride tense...]

Matt moved to check Hugh over. Clara went with him staying very close. Matt opened Hugh-s eyes checking him...
---Where did you get the stuff? Matt asked.

---That is enough Tony said, just leave man. WE look out for our own ... WE will take care of Clara.

---By raping her Tony.

---By introducing her to our ways man... she will learn to love it just like everyone else.

---She has already said no Tony... you need to learn to respect that.

---Just leave old man before you get hurt.

---Let-s give it up Tony, this is not going so well; a voice from the back of the room said.

---Is that you Cliff, Clara asked.

---Yes it is Clara.

---Your here to.., she said. You could hear the disappointment in her voice.

He never answered. But Tony did;
---Just get the fuck out of here...he said, and made a threatening move toward Matt.

Out of the corner comes this little dweeb with his hat on sideways, pants hanging off his hips. Talking trash... He moved right past Tony and into Matt-s face.

ONE, TWO... That is all it took for Matt to put him down. THE dweeb lay up against the wall beside the bed. Quiet as a church moose, and no hat...
That is all it took to activate Tony...He came a Matt, took up his stance and it was game two Men of War in Battle. The smaller one, Tony got in the early hits but caused little damage. Once the bigger ship turned into position it was over in a hurry. Tony lay on the carpet in allot of pain.

Tony was trying to get off the floor but was having trouble.

Matt took a heel and smashed Tony-s expose hand. Tony yelped. Matt dropped delivering a blow to Tony-s head and it was lights out. He twitched momentarily.
The other two remaining men and the young women fell silent. They almost stopped breathing. Matt patted down Tony and the other little fucker as Matt referred to him. Nothing on them...

---Who has the drugs, Matt asked.

One of the women opened her purse and handed Matt a vial with a variety of pills in it.
---Who supplied you with these Matt asked.

Just then Hotel security opened the door and entered the suite. Matt explained what had happen. [Matt and the security people knew one another already so there was no need for introductions.]
Matt went and stood beside Clara who was sitting on the bed beside her husband.

AS the young folk were being questioned and cleared out of the room Clara-s friend or ex-friend Cliff dropped a bombshell:
---Clara..., Hugh and Tony planned this whole thing. Hugh wanted you to be an integral part of the group. He took the drug himself so you would think he had been drugged. I think you should annul your marriage. This is not for you.
---CLIFF, one of the women yelled at him.

---Fuck you Clarisse...Clara is... was my friend. I am sorry Clara, I truly am... [With that he left the room to be escorted out by hotel security.] Tony and the little trashy kid would be hospitalized. NO charges were laid.

Clara and her body guard left the hotel via a side door; the exterior light was burnt out so it was very dark indeed.

Clara had nowhere to go. This was her wedding night and she expected to be with her husband.
Matt could see she was crushed;
---Where do you want to go Clara, Matt ask her as they stood outside the hotel side entrance... Not the kind of question one normally asks a newlywed woman is it.

---No, she said.

Matt could see she was shivering so he doffs his jacket, putting it about her shoulders. Clara looked at him;
---I don-t know. I have no place to stay... I moved out of my apartment last week and I quit my job.
---I guess I will rent a suite in a hotel...but not this one Matt. I feel sick... I am numb...I want to just fall down and cry.

---Clara, come stay with me... I have lots of room.
---Yes please, that would be great Matt. I need to be with someone I know right now... [Clara spoke these words excitedly.]
There was silence between the two, and then;
--- I need a hug very badly...would you?

Clara looked up at Matt. Those big arms came round her pulling her tight to him...She stood there in his jacket, in his arms, in the dark, in a vacant parking lot, softly crying.


Clara stood in the doorway of Matt-s bedroom dressed in a pair of his sweats...with a belt from his rob tied about her waist to keep the pants up.
---You have a gun in you drawer Matt...What is that for...? Me; she said half jokingly. She was afraid of guns.
---No, he said...that one is for intruders Clara... The one in the top drawer is for virgins. [Matt winked at her, drawing a smile from her.]
---ARE you a hit man or something she asked Matt?

---I only shoot virgins Clara...they are very dangerous you know. He winked at her again. Clara did not smile.
---Come sit Clara, I have made you a sandwich with salad and a drugs, sorry. WE can sit and talk or just hug if you wish.

Clara walked slowly over to Matt looking him over, she sat beside him. Matt looked at her and put his sandwich down. Clara spun around bringing her feet upon the couch; and laid her head on his shoulder while curling up in Matt-s arms...
Clara cried, and this time not softly. She cried into the chest of a paid body guard, a man she barely new.

Matt grew angry as he listened to this young woman. She was very badly hurt. Un-fucking believable he thought.

Eventually her crying turned to sobbing...and then she was quiet.
---Clara, Matt can stay here for awhile... [There was no response, she was asleep.]

Matt held Clara for a while...taking her in his arms he carried this young woman to is bed...laying her gently...taking it slow he tucked Clara in...She never woke.

Matt cleaned up; he is fastidious..., later he sat drinking a beer. Matt thought about the day just past in the quiet of his condo... He had seen a lot of things in his life, some pretty ugly. Never had he seen anything like this...just fucking stupid. Too loose a woman because she does not want to fuck your pals, young people these days he thought...

Matt was pleased with himself for crippling Tony. He would never be the same again. Matt was certain that Tony was the driving force. His bully-ing was obvious...the rest was devious.

AS Matt mulled over things a shadow appeared in his bedroom doorway.
---Gotta pee...
---Over there Clara, he pointed.

Matt took another sip and waited for Clara to finish pee-ing.
In the quiet of his condo Matt heard Clara pee...
He smiled to himself and asked; how long has it been since I-ve heard a woman pee?

While this useless thought was roaming his head Clara re-appeared and walked to him stepping into his arms for a hug. Matt accommodated her, with not a second thought.

She looked into his eyes and said;
---Would you sleep with me tonight..., Just sleep...

MATT lay with Clara running over what he had just seen. MY God he thought does she ever have a nice body, no..., a fantastic body. NO wonder those bastards were trying to get her...
---HUGH, you are a fucking idiot, Matt thought out load...

---Thank you, Clara said...snuggling back into Matt-s muscular frame.

Matt hugged her and cupped her breast in doing so. He quickly realized his mistake and pulled his hand away.
Clara took hold Matt-s hand and placed it onto her breast.
---It is my wedding night and a bride should at least have her breast held...

Matt held onto Clara and soon she was sleeping in his arms, feet and legs intertwined with his...she seemed at peace. He could not help but notice her ass pressing against him.

He wondered how this went form a $500 contract to watch over the bride to cuddling with her in his bed... and no $500. Matt knew there was a joke in there somewhere but his amusing musing was interrupted by Clara jumping or jerking in her sleep.

--- Clara... CLARA. [He gently shook her.] Clara... [...Matt turned the bed-lamp on.]

She woke up struggling. Matt let her go... Clara-s eyes were wild and filled with fright. Her breathing coming in gasps...

Clara-s head moved quickly taking in her surround. She scurried away from Matt.
---Clara, you were having a bad dream. [Both were sitting by now.]

Clara sat upright on the bed, her face buried in her hands. She looked up at Matt;
---They were raping me. [Matt reached for her and Clara crawled quickly into his arms. She was shivering...]

She looked at Matt, rolling her eyes;
---What a beautiful wedding night I am having...
Moments later she looked up at him again, giving Matt a twisted little smile.
--- I wonder how my honeymoon will be.

Matt gave out a little smile accompanied chuckle;
---Bad dreams and you still have a sense of humour, you are quite a woman.

---I have a lot of experience with bad dreams she said.

Matt looked at her not knowing what to say.
---Hold me, she said
Matt reached for the bed-lamp but Clara intercepted his arm;
---Please leave it on...

They cuddled again. This time Matt used his right hand to pull her lower stomach toward him causing her ass to press firmly against him.

He could feel her pubic hair pressing against his forearm thru her panties. Matt was not a fan of thongs and Clara did not were that style.
Her pub-s..., her ass..., he could not help but get a hard on; she did not seem to mind and neither did he.


Matt awoke and Clara was gone, she must have left early he thought. He rolled on his side and smiled as he noticed the sweats he had lent her lying in disarray on the floor.

He lay for awhile when a form appeared in the door way;
---Hello sleepy head.
---Hello, I thought you had bolted the scene.

---No, she said, I was just taking in the view. You have quite the view Matt... I could get used to this... OH, I made myself some coffee...hope you don-t mind. [Matt knew she was nervous, Clara talked excitedly...]
---No, no...not at all. Help yourself. Like I said last night, as you were can stay as long as you like Clara.

---Thank you.
---What do-you think, she said as she spun around in my robe. Ya think I would make a good wife, messy hair and all?

---I think you would make a wonderful wife Clara. [Her eyes simply sparkled at my comment. I was pleased I could do that for her...]

I got up and we sat having coffee and chatting...mostly about the view. She was quite taken by it...seventeenth floor and all. She asked me were the stairs went and I told her there was a loft that I use mostly for storage.
She fell quiet for a while and I left her to her thoughts. She seemed to be antsy though and I was going to ask her if there was something wrong but I decided to just let it slide.

---Matt, would you make love to me?

After picking my jaw up off the floor, which brought the cutest smile to her face, I asked;
---What about your virginity Clara?

She ignored my question.

---I have never been loved by a man Matt. This is my honeymoon and since my husband is a... well I am not sure what... I would like you to be my first lover Matt. [I noticed she choose her words carefully, but paid no heed.]

---I am flattered Clara, but don-t you think you should think about this for a while.

---You don-t like me Matt... I am not pretty enough for you?
[Ops, I thought!]
---No, I mean yes...YOU are beautiful beyond words Clara...It-s just... [Clara cut me short.]
---Well come-on then old man, let-s go.

I got up as did Clara. [Sassy brat I thought.] WE went into the bedroom; Clara wanted me to sit on the bed so she could display herself... sort of getting my stamp of approval I guess; or maybe something totally different. I don-t know.

I took her hand and looked at her face;
---I want to do this first I said, touching her cheek.

She seemed ok with it so I stepped back and looked at her face. Clara-s face was oval or almost oval. Her nose straight, even longish, her chin is a bit pointed, but nothing that takes away from her overall looks. She has bit of a buck-tooth look to her, again nothing that detracts from her looks.

Her eyes are brown, a beautiful hazel brown. And except for times like this I had noted that her eyes seemed always if tracking potential danger.

She is a natural dirty blonde. She had it pulled tight in a pony tail last night...this morning it is fly-away messy. Rather a cute sexy look.

Her ears seem to stick out a bit but it is hard to tell with her hair as it is, again nothing to complain about.

I reached out touching her face...fingers wonder-ing over her temples to her very fine her hair.
---How tall are you Clara?
---Five foot eight Matt; and you?
---Six foot four Clara...You seemed sorter. I said.
She smiled at me;
---I wonder why?

I pulled Clara to me kissing her tenderly on a mouth so sweet, then too her forehead...her eyes...moving away from Clara taking her hand too my mouth, kissing it...sucking each finger...looking into her eyes, see-ing them partially closed...that dreamy look of love.

A hint of pink, the quiet sound of her breathing...the robe falls to the floor.
---My, my you are fucking gorgeous Clara; immediately regretting my choice of words.

---Am I pretty enough for you? She said. [There was genuine concern in her voice.]
---You are a 10 Clara...maybe even an 11.

She positively glowed. I am sure if my sight had been on the right wavelength her aura would have blinded me.
---Come...hurray, she said taking my hand and pulling me to the bed.

Clara tossed the bedding aside and hopped on the bed, then onto her back opening her legs for me.

I was blown away. Fuck was she beautiful. I stood there paralysed...
---Hurray Matt... Please...

I did not see the emergency but then wtf do I know.I am a male and men have a genius for not understanding women.
I moved my face between her legs and kissed first one thigh then the other. I sniffed at her inhaling her fragrance. It was intoxicating. I noticed the glistening of her juices on her slightly swollen lips...I did not want to lose this view. But alas her hands reach my head and pulled me so we were face to face...

---It is easier on you from behind, I said.
---No...I want see the face of the man I love when we are together Matt.

I position myself and push ahead, touching her...separating lips to a small opening...pushing harder...slowly I enter...discomfort showing on her face... I stop.

Clara wraps her legs about me and, using her hips and legs, pulls me in herself.

The task is done and I am in... We stay motionless for a bit then she begins to move...I follow her lead. She being a virgin certainly affects my thinking...I am wary of hurting her...wary of allot of things but mostly of not doing a good job.

I close mine eyes and picture her beauty. She is fucking gorgeous and I am having sex with her tight young body. I keep these pictures in my mind letting Clara take control.

It takes time before I feel her urgency. Her hands softly take hold of my face and pull me to her kissing me passionately...her mouth tells the story... lips and tongue dancing about my mouth as we kiss. She finishes with hard thrusts, her legs clapped about me...her young body convulsing under mine.

I start to pull out;
---NO, stay in...I want to feel you.
--- I love you, I love you, she says; giving me a huge hug. [I pay no heed.]

THE following week Clara went about getting her annulment started... Hugh caused her some trouble but relented after hearing the charges he could face.

I got some work so time for Clara became a problem for a couple of weeks... She seemed quite happy actually.
WE had one discussion about neatness and Clara to her credit kept my condo very clean. AND to my credit I locked up all the guns after disassembling them... I wanted no accidents.

WE bought some addition pieces of furniture for her and a few knick-knacks... Clara was very happy I would say...
THE sex thing was non-existent thought... I had told her that when I am working I need to be focused 100 percent and sex with her would take that away from me making it dangerous for everyone... She seemed ok with that too.

On the main floor of this tower there are several shops, a restaurant, an al-nighter, a bar...and a couple of ladies shops. Clara and I set up accounts for her so she could shop and not have to travel out side...which seemed to be of concern to her when I was not about.

Clara is a sharp dresser of that there was no doubt. I was so very proud to have her on my arm.
I realized she would find some young guy one day and leave. I am just going to enjoy her while she is in my life...and happy to be able to help her out. She-s a fantastic human being as well as a knock out...

Earlier on Clara and I had talked of a six month period to see how things went. I had forgotten so when she mentioned it on the six month anniversary date it took me by surprise...This had an unforeseen affect on Clara...from my perspective.

I have seen people look terrified before; after all I am in the business of protecting people from danger, sometimes extreme danger. The look on Clara-s face was that look; to be honest it floored me. I had no idea why she would feel so threatened.

---I thought after six months if we were ok with each other we were going to get married, Clara said.

I confess to standing there with a dumb look on my face. This chick stuff leaves me baffled. Obviously the pause in my answering triggered her attack;
---Matt, Matt, marry me..., please, please...
[Clara was hanging onto me with her arms wrapped about my neck.]

Clara looked at me, I still had not answered; her panic attack took hold of her.
WE have a nurse in the building whose number I have on speed dial. I have a bad memory for numbers. I laid Clara on the couch and called Angela, the nurse.

It took her nearly 5 minutes to get to my condo by which time I figured Clara was having a heart attack. I had put a cold wash cloth over her forehead...her breathing was extreme to say the least... actually I figured she might die right in front of me.

I had no fucking idea what to do. By the time Angela arrived at my condo I was pissed...and I let her know it. When I am pissed at a woman my language has allot of – you fucking cunt – in it.

Fortunately for Clara Angela is a hardnosed bitch and fired right back. Many a trucker would have been proud of us... although my nosey neighbors probably were not...the door to my condo being wide open for Rob, her assistant bringing Oxygen or something.

Angela worked on Clara as we argued. I give her-her due, Angela is a good nurse. But Clara was dying in my estimation so nobody was any fucking good in my heated view of things...

Angela did her thing and Clara got better. Angela and I kept at it though. Fuck she is a bitch.

I was settling down a little but she kept it up, I followed her to my door arguing with her. I turned to see how Clara was as Angela stepped over the threshold leaving my condo;
---MATT! Angela says.
---WHAT! I answered spinning to face her again.
The cunt smiled at me, and winked. That a fucking bitch I thought. [I was later to smile about that.]

ONCE I was finished being an asshole Rob motioned for me to come to Clara. She was still laying on the couch...her pretty face marked from the mask or whatever they used on her... [I never noticed I was too busy yelling at Angela.]

---I-m sorry Clara I said, she made me mad.
---That is ok, she said. You were just afraid I was dying.
Her eyes sparkled.
---You love me she said.

---Yes Clara, I love you.

---You will marry me Matt?
---Yes, I will marry you Clara. [Pause...] But why would you want to marry a miserable old S.O.B. like me... You can have anyone of a million guys.

---You have kind eyes...
I stood there looking at her, not really knowing how to go about this thing with her.
---and you can protect me.
I had no comeback for her... Plus subconsciously I think I liked the idea of having a beautiful wife.

Rob was on a different wavelength;
---Protect you from what Clara, he asked.

---If I tell you do you promise to marry me Matt?
---Yes, I promise Clara... What is scaring you? I asked. Finally seeing that maybe there was something.

CLARA looked at me, then Rob... her eyes moved from one to the other. The tears started to come...she fought them but lost that battle.
Clara reached for me; I moved over and hugged her.

Her tears turned to sobs. The sobs got deeper and deeper as she began to gasp again. And then she blurted it out:
---I don-t want to be raped anymore.

SHE cried. I thought her sorrow on her fucked up wedding night was heart wrenching. It was nothing compared to what I was hearing now. I looked to Rob and gave a - I don-t know look -... He reached out and touched my shoulder with that I understand Matt – look - ; he knew I was no rapist.

CLARA cried for awhile and when she was done Rob gave her a pill. I held onto her as she fell asleep in my arms. Neither Rob nor I asked any questions.
WE put the runny-nose- tear-streaked-face 24 year old woman into bed. Rob and I looked at her.
HE said;
---Beauty is beauty Matt no matter what. [These young people are pretty smart I thought. This is one of the few times I wish I had interpersonal skills.]

ROB and I sat and talked as we drank a beer. He was at the end of his day. Angela called him up and soon she was sitting with us. Angela checked in on Clara after Rob told her what happened.
WE finished a six pack off as we chatted over matters.

Oh Ya, Angela and I made up... [I thought it was pretty big of me since the bitch never admitted being wrong.]

There is a big chair in the bed room. I sat in that chair all night watching over Clara as she slept. I am used to staying awake for long periods of time.

Just after 8AM my little angel and wife to be stirred. I waited with a smile on my face to see her reaction when she realized her man watched over her all night...It should be interesting I thought.

WHEN she opened her peepers and saw me sitting there her eyes brightened.
---All night she said.
---All night I answered.

She pulled the top cover with her as she moved from the bed to sit on my lap and be hugged.
---I am so lucky to have found you she said. I love you with all my heart Matt. [Her beautiful brown eyes looking at me dreamily...]

I was starting to feel pretty comfortable about all this love stuff. It should have been real easy considering Clara-s looks.

---Want to know why I told people I was a virgin, she said.
Matt looked at her, cuddled as they were.
---I guessed because you were one Clara.

CLARA pulled back; looking into his eyes...she liked Matt-s eyes. He had a kindness to him despite what he did for a living... Clara spoke;
---I had never had an orgasm, of any kind.

Matt thought for a moment;
---I don-t know what to say to that.

Clara left the chair and stood facing away from Matt. She began walking back and forth on the carpet wondering if she could or should tell Matt...
---I want to tell you my sad little story.
---Ok! Matt said.

---When I was nine my teenage brother raped me.
---When I was twelve my mother died leaving me in the care of my drunkard father.
---Three days before my sixteenth birthday a boy I loved very much and I were out celebrating and got a little drunk. He forced me.
---When I was nineteen I took a short cut through some parkland like I had done many times before. Two young black men caught me and raped me.
---NO matter where I go men are putting their hands on me. I am sick of it Matt.
---A month before I was to marry Hugh Tony caught me alone as I was waiting for Hugh. He had my arms twisted; I could do nothing. HE told me I was; - so fucking beautiful -. He said he was going to fuck me every day once I was married to Hugh. When he saw Hugh coming up the sidewalk to the house Tony let me go.

---I ran past Hugh and yelled; I want a body guard at my wedding.

---I gave him your number later that day. [She paused.] I know I should have just kept running but I loved Hugh and I wanted to be married. I have wanted to be married ever since I was a little girl Matt. I know lots of girls do not think that way, but for me, I just wanted to be someone-s wife.

Clara looked at Matt;
---And now I am going to be married. [A beautiful smile spread across her face.]


I looked at her and thought for a minute;
---How did you get my number I ask her?

---A couple of years ago I was at Ben Stile-s inauguration. You were there professionally. I noticed this big man and at one point I went over and said hello. You said hello back and then ignored me as you did your job. I always remembered how kind your eyes looked. Although you were not there for me somehow I felt safe.
---I called around and got your number.

---So this is a set up I said, jokingly.

---In a convoluted way I suppose she answered. [I need to get better jokes.]

The following month Clara and I were married by a Justice of the Peace. I had asked her if she wanted to spend our wedding night in a hotel suite;
---No, I don-t have much luck with hotels, she answered.

I watched my wife walk down the stairs at the court house, as did many others. I was a very proud man I tell ya.

Clara wore a short dress, dark brown and nearly see thru. [No wonder you need protection I thought...]

AS I watched her descend the stairs I marvelled at her gorgeous legs. She had a mid-summers tan which went particularly well with her dress. The angle of the sun showed me a glimpse of the hollow on her upper thigh just below her panties...which I knew to be dark brown.
She turned and I saw her dark brown bra glistening as the sunlight shown thru her dress, the reflection of sunlight off her skin was dazzling.

SHE held out her hand:
---Come husband, let-s go home and consummate our marriage.

I HAD JUST SPENT about a half our kissing my wife-s legs...I guarantee I never missed an inch. I started kissing her feet and toes, then on and upward. She has legs to die for... shapely and toned with flawless skin.

Next, I rolled her over and kissed that gorgeous ass of hers, those cheeks...grrrrrrrr...
I even spent a short time running a finger along her bum crack. It felt so perverted.

Up her lower back my lips traced a path of love and lust across her spine...shoulders...ribs...waist...arms, everything.

I kissed and caressed her neck and head with all the love a man can give a woman. Her long soft hair...intertwined with my fingers as I kissed her head, again and again.

Turning my wife over I kissed her shoulders, her arms and hands, her breasts; those perky little nipples that stand so proud. I spent some time dragging my lips about her breasts. I loved the way she reacted.

MY LIPS roamed her tummy, waist, and lower too her pubic hair.
Her beautiful, beautiful pussy...the taste. I could have stayed there forever, but alas, I felt her hands pull my head up;
---Come-husband..., enjoy your wife.

I entered Clara and slipped about completely rapt in the feeling of her. That warm sheath pressuring my cock. I kept thinking how warm and perfectly molded a woman-s vagina is for a man. This particular woman-s perfection extended outside her vagina

Suddenly she rolls us over and rides me...our first time for this position. I looked at her body as she rode me...I could see everything. Her bouncing tits, her tummy, everything...
---Enjoy your wife, she had said.

I looked to Clara-s face to see her eyes fixed on mine; a warm loving smile graced those lips. Her hair fly-away messy... so sexy...I love her hair.

Her breasts bouncing as she moves...firm, young breasts with nipples so proud.

Her tummy so taunt flexing as she rides me, not an ounce of fat on my wife. [I smiled inwardly for the briefest of moments as I realized I was getting into this – WIFE - thing.]

The prize, the prize those lovely thighs, I cannot get enough. Spread wide for me to see the soft hollow spot near her pussy. My eyes are fixed on her inner thighs...just staring, I cannot help cock in her, I see everything...watching her move up..., and down, her legs spread so wide. I never want this to stop.

I look to her face;
---AM I pretty enough for you?

I nod; yes...I cannot speak my mouth won-t work.

---LOOK she says...moving her hands along my thighs...she leans back and slowly lifts herself, nearly pulling my cock out of her...then a gradual descent down my stick consuming all of it inside her...I see it all...I love watching her...MY GOD she is doing it again.

OH FUCK, OH FUCK... oh fuck!
Clara and I lay in bed, me on my side so I can look at her...she on her back holding my seed in her...she doesn-t like to waste it...she loves my semen.

IN time Clara will go to the bathroom and clean herself. When she returns she will wash me with a wet cloth, and dry me. She has a regime my wife.

AFTER a time she will suck me and we will start again. I fuck her...we roll and she rides me...I ogle my naked young wife.

AND every time she asks;
........................................AM I PRETTY ENOUGH FOR YOU?

AND every time I ask myself..., what happened to her? Surely more than the rapes.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-21 22:30:47
Nice story....liked it

anonymous readerReport 

2012-12-26 06:49:35
that, and it's retarded nature. Also the fact that it makes no sense, has no back story and just assumes we should understand such a ridiculous plot, and worst of all is tagged improperly, which really pisses me off. A "planned rape" that never comes close to fruition then instead leads to a retarded "love scene" has no business being in a rape category. Next time label it correctly so those of us looking for good rape story don't waste our time reading this shit.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-12-22 13:41:16
The lack of proper punctuation in this makes it confusing and nearly unreadable.

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