Fate: Glossary
by Karax
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Posted Tue 8th of January 2013
Moirai- Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos aka The Fates. Three sisters born of Zeus and Themus, the goddess of divine order and law.
Ichor- An ethereal fluid flowing in the veins of the gods.
Aspictis- taken from 'aspicio' meaning to observe
Lacedaemon- Greek city-state that fell to Roman invasion in 146 B.C. (aka. Sparta)
Fides, Mors, Dolor, Poena, Invictus- Honor, Death, Pain, Punishment, Invincible
Alethia- Goddess of Truth
Athena- Goddess of Wisdom and battle strategy
Hestia- Goddess of the Hearth
Nyx- Goddess of Darkness
Hecate- Goddess of Magic
Artemis- Goddess of the Hunt
Enyo- Goddess of Destructive Warfare
Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon- seriously if you don't know who these guys are crawl out from under your rock and visit a library. God of Sky and Thunder, God of the Underworld and Death, God of the Sea (aka. Earth Shaker)
Hermes- God of Messengers and healing
Hera- Goddess of Women and Marriage
Aphrodite- Goddess of Love
Inpietas- Betrayal
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