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--- Room 431--- [REM]

Phil is a master at BBQ’ and we all loved his annual feast; every August he and Margi indulged us.

This time round there were some extras. A few big wigs were in town; potential customers. A BIG-BIG deal was in the works... so these potential clients were brought to Phil’s BBQ..., a definite feather in Phil’ cap.

The meal was the usual, delicious. The booze flowed as usual... NO shortage of piss-tanks working for Brwoen-Grund Engineering and Development.

The number two man in Development is Joanne’ husband Lester. He is to be bumped up the ladder and take lead if this deal goes thru... Apparently it’s close. I was talked to but nothing more...
I guess I can take solace in being considered though. Truth be known I am happy for Lester, for one I have been thinking of leaving Brwoen-Grund... BUT, I digress.

There were three guys here from ‘B-F-H’ Corp. All of whom attended Phil’ BBQ...and all unaccompanied middle aged men.

It must have been about 11PM when things turned...from my perspective. By this time of night about half the people had gone home...the drunks stayed on.
There were people on the deck enjoying this beautiful summer night. The rest, six of us including me were inside... Margi was in the kitchen, which left Joanne with me and the other four-men in the living room... Margi returned to the living room. I was about to leave but she asked me to stay;
“There is going to be something special happening and you will like it”.

“What”? I asked... she just winked and left for more drinks.

I looked about; Lester was there, shit faced to be sure. One of the three special guests was there. I knew the other two had gone back to their hotel... Business they said. Phil, Margi and myself... Joanne was sitting in a chair quiet.

My mouth dropped when Jo got up, moved in front of this Big Wig from ‘B-F-H’ and undid his zipper. Dropping to her knees she pulled out his cock and began sucking on it.

I turned and walked out of the living room. This was Phil and Margi’s place and I couldn’t believe they would let this happen in their home. I joined the crowd gathered outside...There must have been 15 or 16 people on the deck.

I threw-back-a- fuckin-beer..., chug a lugged the hole fucking thing.

I was fuckin mad...I liked Joanne...always wanted to fuck Lester’s wife. That’s the kind of guy I am.
Lester’ wife is lovely woman and I had a thing for her.

Joanne...I usually call her Jo;
Jo is in her early forty’s; she’ maybe 5’4”...somewhat heavy set, not unpleasant to look at...her legs are heavy with corresponding hips and ass. She wears her dark brown hair short, combed back on the sides.

Jo has ‘B’ tits for sure. I saw one of her bra’s one time when we were at their home, and being me I checked it out. BUT; other than some leg, nothing from Jo; she’s a conservative dresser and always acts the lady.

Her blue grey eyes are kind...even loving, if eyes can be described that way.

Other than her personality the thing, or should I say things I liked best about Jo are her ass and her front. Her pubic bone and stomach muscle protrude in such a way that any tight clothing she wears shows her dominate pubic bulge. I’ve only seen Jo in slacks once, and wow, does she have a nice box.

If that was all, fine, I would have left it at that. BUT Jo is a very beautiful human being and that intrigues me... I want to feel my cock in her...I want to make her cum...I want to dirty Jo. [I have a slutty rep and it’s well deserved]

So I had a thing for another man’s wife, who doesn’t. I had built this up in my mind though and when I saw Jo on her knees in front of this pot bellied fucker I got upset. My fantasy was broken. ......................................................................................................................................................................

Eventually I got into a conversation with some of the people outside.

I guess it might have been a half hour or so when Margi came by asking me to come inside. By now almost everyone had left.

The aftermath;
Lester had to be poured into bed. Phil was in the process of closing up. That left a handful of people including Margi, Jo and myself. Jo wasn’t much better off that her husband Lester.

A hell of fucking way to get a contract I thought, I was pissed at Lester, and everyone else who had anything to do with my dream being smashed.

I heard Margi and turned;
“Bob, I need help with Joanne ... I am going to put her in the bedroom downstairs...She deserves the best”.
Tis true. The downstairs bedroom was the best in-the house, the newest anyway. I’d spent a couple of nights in that room sleeping one off myself.

Phil had renovated a few years back. His basement Reno-was my first contract job in construction, helping old Phil as I called him. We hit if off pretty good and have been friends ever since.
I loved contracting and that is why I am considering leaving Brwoen-Grund.

Phil's about 10 years older than his wife, Margi... Jeez, that is nothing considering both Margi and Jo are more than 20 years older than I. But I love fucking woman. It’s the quality of the woman that gives her - her worth, not her age, in my opinion.
Joanne and my history;
About two years back I was feeling pretty good and acting the pig at the same time. As the night wore on I got horny, Jo was the object of my lust. I more or less ask her if I could fuck her. She slapped my face, and deservedly so...
She came to me about a half hour later and apologizes for hitting me, that's the kind of woman she is... Ever since that apology I have had an intense desire to fuck her, orally, vaginally and anally...I even thought of raping her. She is something in my view.

I treated her with a hell of allot more respect after that but I was seducing her every time I had a chance. A contradiction, maybe; but I want her.

Now, here I am helping her drunken soul to a room downstairs in the basement. Just me and a drunken woman... doh! Every fuckin man takes some advantage of that scenario.
“Can you handle her Bob”, Margi ask me.

“I think so”, I said.

“I’ll be down to check-on ya in a bit, gotta help Phil first”. Margi says, with a wink. “Oh Bob, leave some for me... I’ll be bringing my strap-on”.

With that she turned and left to help her husband.

I was stunned, and did not know whether she was serious, giving me a warning or the go ahead to fuck her long time friend. I didn’t know if any of the afore mentioned were true; I knew my dream or fantasy of getting to know more about Jo was going to happen in about five minutes.

Jo handled herself quite well for a woman that was in-the-bag. Better than I’d thought she would, or had hoped. But then again women usually do don’t they.
I lent her my hand whilst she traversed the stairs. After that she was more or less on her own. I followed at close quarters in case she fell.
Jo was wearing open toe-d heels, strap-less. I thought for sure she would take a tumble. NOPE. I can’t walk in those fuckin things sober; she did it pissed to the gills. ‘Chicks, they got some shit going’.

She made her way to the bedroom unceremoniously and entered, with me right behind her. I got a hard-on just watching her walk. She turned to shut the door and I walked right into the bedroom. Turning I closed the door.

Jo looked at me through her drunken haze and said something... I assumed NO. Had she said anything at all before tonight I would have left.

It was different now, and the tilt of her head told me she knew it. I had more of a right to fuck her after she given head to that pot bellied fucker than before when her reputation was flawless.

She stood there in that bedroom presenting her case and doing a damn fine job of it. Her slurring had miraculously disappeared. I stood there teetering on leaving when I decided that I would never have better chance.

I took one, two steps towards her. She’d taken a step back by the time I had my hands on hers; pulling her to me. She pushed back but I was not letting her go. She was drunk so her struggling wasn’t what it should have been.
I held her close to me hugging Jo for the first time; she was not one to give out hugs to people. Or maybe it was just me because I’d asked for a fuck. Whatever the case she felt very comfortable in my arms, a good fit. I let out a sigh, a moan...It just happened.

She looked at me without struggling;
“Why do you like me so much Bob”?

“Your a good woman Jo, sexy, loving...kind of hot...I love your ass”.

“But I am so much older than you Bobby”.

“A fine wine Jo..., tastes better with age”.

I had been holding her thru this conversation and getting quite used to it. She seemed resigned to being in my arms.

“Maybe vinegar Bob”..., A pause from Jo; then came a smile; “Gin tonight anyway”

With the hand I had on her upper back I moved the wide strap of her dress off her right shoulder, baring her from shoulder to neck. My mouth kissed her shoulder and lower neck before she had time to push the strap back-in-place.
She’ an older woman but her skin looked delicious and my lips danced across her as they tasted Jo’s body for the first time.

“Don’t Bobby, please”.

I spun Jo around; my right hand taking hold of her throat. My arm crossed her chest, mostly going between her tits, and holding her tight to me. Her wide soft ass pressing into me... God it felt good.
“You destroyed my fantasy tonight Jo”. I said, still bitter.

“I’m sorry”, she said...Offering no further explanation.

“I want compensation for my broken dreams”. I said being flippant. “The least you can do is let me feel you tits”.

“Don’t Bobby, please don’t”, she said.

My left arm slipped about her waist so my left hand could grab he right hip bone. Pulling her ass tight to me I pressured her throat forcing Jo up on her toes...lifting her ass higher. I ground my hard cock into that ass of hers, both of us fully dressed.

Jo never did a thing; Jo never said a thing. I rubbed my hard cock against her ass for half a minute, more or less.
----the softness and the feeling of my cock rubbing in her crack...those cheeks felt fuckin fantastic.
“UGGH... Fuck you’re so hot I wanna rape you”. [Booze talking mostly]

Her hands grabbed my arm crossing her chest, pulling at it trying to free her throat. I humped her for a few seconds more then let her down. She gasped for air, but never said a thing.

My left hand moved the strap off her left shoulder; trying the same maneuver on that shoulder. Jo was too quick for me this time and had her dress strap back-up before I could kiss her.

Her right hand was trapped by my hug. But her left hand was free to interfere with my seduction of her.

Making room, I took Jo’ left arm forcing it behind her back. I placed her hand on my crotch, pressing it against my erection. I heard a sound come from her mouth, and it didn’t start out with, “Bob don’t”...

Jo’ fingers squeeze my erection.

I waited a few seconds as she felt my cock before slipping her dress strap off her shoulder again. This time there was no interference.
--- Her dress had a semi -‘V’ style neckline so the dress sagged without the strap holding it in place.
Looking down I saw the upper swell of her breast. Her skin looked perfect from this angle. I liked what I saw... allot, mmmm!
--- Forbidden fruit!

I heard a slight giggle and wondered if Jo was giggling over the feel of my cock or my delight at the sight of her breast. In either case I slipped a finger under her bra strap and moved it off her shoulder. Jo flinched at this move but nothing more...down the strap went. I pulled at it slightly moving the cup away from her breast.
---- AND there stood her nipple, erect and light brown in color, with a shadow of pink were it connected to her areola.
---- I looked at her nipple, studying it, loving its beauty. I was about to move my hand to it when Jo turned around. She spoke not at word but the expression on her face said it load and clear;
‘Undo your zipper for me please’?
---- I undid my zipper and watched her drop to her knees...taking my cock in her hand she toyed with it for a while, she played with it...staring at it as she did so.
---- I watched my cock disappear into her mouth...she sampled the tip...then more...

----I watched her take the entire length of it into her mouth...working it in deep and out...licking the tip...the sides...touching my balls...
She got more and more excited...her head moving faster, her passion increasing.

Jo loves my young cock...her head bobbing...twisting...moving about...sucking my cock in every possible way she can in her loving mouth.

She pulls back and looks up at me... Her eyes filled with lust;
“Don’t go yet bobby, I don’t want to stop...God you taste good”.

I don’t know how I managed but I held on for a bit longer.
---- She could tell I was struggling. Jo looked at me with those beautiful lust filled eyes; my cock buried deep in that warm wet opening below her nose. She nodded and closed her eyes, sucking harder...caving her cheeks.

She moaned when I started to fill her mouth; lips sealing any gaps keeping all the white creamy liquid in.

My head tipped back... I fuckin spas-‘d ... shaking all thrusts were short jabs inside her mouth...her beautiful warm wet mouth. I held JO’s head tight ...jerking as each shot of cum found her waiting mouth.


... Room 431...
---- Bob awoke to the sound of the phone. Looking at phone the thru sleepy eyes Bob noticed the buttons labeled in French.
Ah..., Bouton-poussoir;
“Mr. Smythe, this is your morning wakeup call”, a recorded voice said.

Lying in bed he thought of how things change. As a younger man he never needed wake-up calls.

Bob knew he should get up and shower, 10AM was not that far off and he had important business matters to attend to this day.

---- Resting his head Bob thought about the dream he’d had, and was rudely awakened from by the phone...

JOANNE! The dream seemed so real.
One night they had, and yet he never ever forgot that bj...or her box for that matter.

His cock had never received such passionate attention before or since that night, and Bob had had allot of bj’s over the years.

AND Jo’ box...remembering how much he enjoyed eating her. Bob knew he’d made a big deal about Joanne and that added to the thrill. What a night it was to have a dream come true.

Bob Smythe looked in the mirror at his reflection..., straightening his tie. Reflecting upon a time in his youth when few things made an impact on him. Bob had become a bit cold-hearted by the time he was 20 ..., but that night with Jo was one that did impact him.

Bob smiled; she had slipped away in the night. For years Bob had thought it was so she wouldn't be caught by her husband.

Bob maintained contact with Phi, Margi, Lester and Jo over the years. Even as his staggering wealth grew Bob never forgot his friends, any of them. It must have been over a decade later when Jo explained her motive for sneaking away in the night; highly flattering to himself it was.

Bob finished checking out and walked over to the front entry of the hotel. He stood patiently waiting for his limo.

Joanne, he thought. His mind going back to a particular visit he’d had with her.
---- They’d been coffee-ing for over an hour. Bob an Jo had allot to catch up; it had been awhile since their last visit.
---- “Bobby, remember our special night “? Jo said.

----“Yes Jo, of course I do”.

----“Did you ever wonder why I snuck out on you during the night”?

----“I presumed so you wouldn’t get caught by Lester”.

----“Well that was a side benefit I suppose. No Bob the real reason was you”.

He remembered how she dragged it-out taking time to sip her coffee. She had fun with Bob Smythe that day he mused; that wicked smile gave that away.

She continued;
“I was a middle-age woman in love with a beautiful young man..., whose cock I'd just sucked, and loved sucking more than anything else I had done”.

She paused again, sipping her coffee..., and then smiled before continuing;
“NO Bobby”, she said...”I had been in love with you for a long time and I knew that if I stayed with you all night, as I wanted to do so the morning all you would’ve had to do was ask me to go with you and I would have”.

She paused again but now there was a tear in her eyes;
“I never wanted anything so badly in my life Bob. And I suppose I was equally afraid you would not ask me to run away with you”.

Jo whipped her eyes;
---“That is why I left during the night. It took every ounce of strength I had Bob to leave that bed. I cried all the way upstairs’... It broke my heart to go Bobby”.

Another pause;
“There was many a night I lay awake in bed wishing you would have woken and pulled me back into that BED; so many times Bobby”.


Bob stepped into the Limo and gave the driver instructions. AS the vehicle moved along the though-fare he thought about Joanne again;
---- After her revelation Bob recalled his reply;
“It’s been ten years Jo; I’m a different man now. [Pause]
In answering your un-asked question Jo..., you mean allot to me. Knowing how I felt about you at that time, when I was 20”.
[My turn to pause, not to tease her but to choose my words]
“Had I known how you felt about me Jo, I would have run off with you. Hell, I probably would have kidnapped you”.

Jo sat in her chair with tears in her eyes.

Jo was in her mid-fifties at the time of the visit. She had gained weight, not allot. Lester was past his fucking years so Jo was left alone sexually. [This I picked up from our conversation]

After some teasing I walked to her side of the table and dropped my drawers’. Her reaction was priceless; and so was the sucking. Ten years after and she could give good head.

Jo’ enthusiasm for sucking cocks is unmatched in my experience. I stood watching this woman whom meant so much to me work my cock with her mouth.

AS she tired I took her hand and hauled her off to bed. She was too embarrassed to have her top taken off, weight issues. BUT Jo’s pussy was exactly the same marvel it had been years earlier. I just had to fuck it.

After the excitement of penetration and her shyness...we slow fucked. This was only the second time in her life she was with a man other that her husband; even though it was the same man.

I encouraged her to go slow and get everything she could out of it. I intended to do the same. Our bodies worked together, moving to extract the most we could from one another.

I know she enjoyed herself. She told me afterward that it was the best sex she’d had since our last time together. I felt pretty good inside.

Bob thought; Jo’ pussy was pretty-much the same as any other pussy’ he’d fucked over the years. The difference is that it was Jo’... in this way and this way only Bob could touch Jo most intimately. The way only her husband could, and no other man. He loved bringing her to a peak...feeling her body thrust beneath him...her gasps...her moans... and her OMG’s...but mostly HER loss of control.

AND yes, her pussy. Jo [Joanne] just felt like the perfect fuck. The way Jo moved her ass...such a strong need in her when they’d fucked.

Bob smiled as he thought about Jo’ pussy. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d be fucking some woman and compared her pussy to Joanne’s.

THE limo stopped. Bob looked out and saw a middle aged woman walking. He liked the way she walked. Some women have that intriguing sway to their gait, most do not. He watched her as she walked and had a strong urge to fuck her.
‘With my money I could easily corrupt her Bob said to himself’.

He was feeling very evil today...all this Joanne stuff had opened a gate for a demon long caged in a dark recess of his mind.
Bob was just about to instruct the driver to turn so he could go on foot and approach that woman when his Blackberry chimed. ‘
Answering; “Hello Sally..., long time honey”.

“Too long I think. I’ll be there in 4 hours Bob”.

“I don’t need you for the meeting to Sally”.

“I know, it’s you I’m coming to see Bob. I’m in the mood for a spanking Robert”.

Bob laughed;
“I didn’t know you were into that Sally; kind of a daddy thing is it”?

“NO! More of a mother thing Bob... See you in four”...

Bob looked at his hand held device..., she’d disconnected; the hell did she know. Her intuitiveness is uncanny to say the least he thought; downright frightening at times.

Bob spoke aloud without thinking;
‘Jesus, she must have a direct line to a higher up’.

Bob laughed quietly to himself; I will have to tell her that, she’ll get a charge out of it...

Sally... Bob’s been months since I’ve seen her. Now there is a woman with an incomparable body; and her God Bob thought. She’ sheer perfection from head to toe. God I miss that woman.
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