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The first time she saw him she almost laughed. He was
roly-poly, and wide-eyed, as if he was seeing the world for
the first time. An image of the Pillsbury Dough Boy popped
into her head and she chuckled all the way to work.

The second time she saw him was in her office parking
lot and that surprised her; first because she had never seen
him there before and second, because she had driven very
fast, as usual, and he didn't even seem to have a car.

The third time she saw him was back at her apartment
parking lot, after work. This time she was frightened. He
was standing just a few feet away from her reserved parking
spot and her front door. He still had that stupid look of
amazement on his face, but she knew from experience that the
world was full of weirdos, and this was probably one of them.

She got her can of chemical Mace out, checked that it was in
working order, then waited for the DoughBoy to move. He
didn't. He just stood there, lightly bouncing on his feet,
like he had to go to the bathroom; that same silly look on
his face. She judged the distance from the car to her front
door. Ten, twelve feet at the most. The DoughBoy was about
twenty to her right. He would be blocked by three cars and a
hedge. She got her key out, opened the car door and dashed
for her apartment.

"Hi, there!"

"Wha . . .?" she yelped in surprise. The doughboy was
right by her side - at the door! Suddenly startled, and
genuinely scared, she dropped her keys; her back flush
against her door. How did he get here so fast?

The Pillsbury Dough Boy smiled inanely at her. "Hi," he
said again.

She fumbled for the Mace can, almost dropping that too.

"Don't come near me!" she ordered, the Mace pointed
directly at him. "Keep away from me. I'll scream!"

His pudgy eyes blinked rapidly at her; his face a mask
of incomprehension. He snapped his fingers and suddenly they
were in the middle of her living room.

"Oh my God! How . . . what happened?" she asked aloud
in a scared and shrill voice. The door was still locked and
bolted from the inside. The windows were still closed.

"What's the matter?" he asked pleasantly.

"The . . . the door," she stuttered, "How did we get by
the door? What did you do? Who are you? Don't come near
me!" She pointed the Mace can at him again. He extended his
hand, index finger pointed and she felt her grip on the Mace
can begin to loosen. She squeezed harder, gripping it with
both hands but couldn't hold on to it. Her fingers came
loose and she gaped in disbelief as the Mace can floated
free, across the room and settled in Doughboy's chubby hand.

She stood there, transfixed, eyes wide and staring. It
was a full five seconds before she found her voice. "Who are
you?" she said, softly.

"I'm Hubert. Your Guardian Angel!"

Oh, God, a fruit loop! I'm locked in with a loony!

"Don't be frightened," he said as he watched her eyes
search desperately for a way out, "I'm not going to hurt
you. I'm here to help you."

"This is a trick, right? You've hypnotized me, or
something. This isn't happening." She had backed herself up
against the living room wall. There was no where else to go.

"Trick? This is no trick. I really am your Guardian

"Oh, Christ!" she wailed.

"Please, lets not get blasphemous." he said in a hurt
tone, then asked in wonder, "Are you scared of me?"

"Oh, no! People make cans float in the air all the
time. Going through walls is an everyday event. What the
hell do you think?" she screamed at him, on the verge of

"Please forgive me," he said, in that soft cherubic
voice of his, "They were such small things, I didn't think
they would frighten you. Please sit down. I really don't
mean you any harm."

She realized that she was over her initial panic; her
breathing almost normal now. Slowly, cautiously she sat on
the sofa. "You sit over there," she said. It was an order.

"Thank you," he said politely. "Let's start over again.
My name is Hubert and I'm your Guardian Angel."

"You said that already. What's this all about?"

"Oh, yes, dear me. I should have explained that right
away. You see, we discovered that there's been a terrible
oversight made. You are not what you're supposed to be."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Well," he continued, "we found out that you were
destined to be a world famous courtesan, and somehow,
through an inexcusable mistake, you were never given the
right . . . guidance, so I'm here to help you make up for the
last twenty years, and, of course, to offer our deepest

I knew it, she thought, a fruit loop! "I'm supposed to
be a courtesan? Me? Isn't that somebody who . . ."

"Gives pleasure to all she meets," he finished for her.

This is a huge practical joke she told herself. Any
minute someone is going to leap out of the closet and yell,
"Smile, You're on Candid Camera." This just couldn't be
happening to an over forty woman who was fighting the battle
of the bulge, and owed her hair color to Miss Clarol. She
wondered how they did the special effects, but despite
herself, she was intrigued.

"A courtesan, right? A happy hooker? The people up
there" - she pointed her finger up towards the ceiling -
"want me to . . . go to bed with men? To . . . screw?"

He looked at the direction of her finger, uncomprehen-
ding. Then a smile lit his chubby face. "Oh, no, you mis-
understand me," he said, "Those people have nothing to do
with this."

"You said you're my Guardian Angel."

"That's true, but I come from . . ." his finger pointed
toward the floor . . . "there!"

"From Hell?"

"We don't call it that," he said quickly, in defense.
"It's really like Los Angeles, and up there . . . " he made a
face, "is like Burbank. We just live life to the fullest."

She stared at him incredulously. "You're nuts! You're
a bonified loony-toon, and I want you out of here. Now!"

He jumped up, a look of distress on his face. "Oh,
please, don't do that. This is my first really big assign-
ment. Please, let me show you." He snapped his fingers and a
large book appeared in his hand.

"Stop doing that!" she yelled.

"Here we are. See! The book says that at thirteen you
have your first sexual experience. By seventeen you have
seduced the entire football team of your high school, and
several male teachers. And one female teacher, too. By the
time you are twenty-five you should've had sex with over a
thousand men and women, bringing joy and light to their
lives. In fact, at this point of your life you should have
changed the morals of almost the entire country."

"Let me see that."

He held up the book for her to see. It was ornate.
Parchment, she thought. Very elaborate. Someone had gone
though a lot of trouble. Okay, she thought, I'll play
along. "So what happened? How come I ended up Miss Goody

"Somebody made a mistake," he said contritely. "But
I'm here to make amends and get you back on the right track
so you can fulfill your destiny."

Suddenly she was angry and embarrassed. "Listen to me,
Hubert, Asshole, or whatever your name is. I'm forty-two
years old, frumpy, and I've had sex three times in my life.
Each time was worse than the other. I'm damn near frigid.
Do you understand that, you bastard!" There were tears in
her eyes now. "I can't cum. I don't climax. I don't even
like it. Now you get your ass the hell out of here. Through
the door, through the wall; I don't care how, just get the
hell out!"

He closed the book softly, a look of compassion on his
face. "That's not quite true. What you said about cumming,
that is. You masturbate nearly every night, and cum each
time. In your night table you have an electric vibrator and
three dildos. You love the way they feel in you, but you're
always embarrassed afterwards. As far as sex goes, you
really love it, but you've been taught that it's dirty and
degrading. You're full of guilty inhibitions. I intend to
change that."

She sat down on the couch, heavily; awe on her flushed
face. How does he know? How? Could he REALLY be what he
says he is? she wondered in amazement.

"I can see you're still not sure. Would you like me to
tell you your favorite fantasies? You're really quite
imaginative, even if you believe that you'd never do those

"No," she said, softly.

Hubert stood in front of her and placed his hand on her
forehead. His eyes lost their softness. In its place was a
strength she didn't believe possible for anyone to have. His
whole persona seem to change in front of her eyes. His
fingers squeezed her temples, but didn't hurt; a mist clouded
her eyes.

"Henceforth, you will be lustful! There will be no
shame, no embarrassment, no taboos. You will revel in the
pleasures of the flesh! You will have no boundaries and you
will have no inhibitions! So say I, Hubert, Guardian Angel
of this mortal woman." His hand fell away. "There! It's
done," he said.

The haze before her eyes began to fade. She felt
relaxed and somehow alive. Her mind was completely aware of
her bodily functions; her heart beat, the warmth in the pit
of her stomach, the juice of her pussy. Pussy! Had she
really thought that word? She crossed her legs and
automatically squeezed the lips of her cunt together. A
surge of pleasure coursed through her body, so intense, she

"Felt good, didn't it?"

She looked at him, through slited eyes, and nodded.

Hubert held out his hand then led her to the full-length
mirror in the hallway. She searched her image for the
change. It was there, she knew it was; she was different,
more alive, more . . . desirable, more - she sought the right
word - horny! Yes, horny! She was hot! She wanted sex!
She wanted to fuck! To feel the pleasures of a big cock in
her cunt! Her mouth! Her ass! Oh, I want it so badly, she
thought. Her image mocked her. She was still who she was.
The changes were in her mind, not her body. Her face showed
her disappointment. Her shoulders sagged.

"What's the matter?" Hubert asked.

"Look at me. Yuck!"

"Oh, is that all. Watch the mirror," he said and
pointed his finger at her. The tingling sensation began at
the top of her head, radiating through her hair, down her
shoulders. She felt the skin of her body tighten, become
smooth; the age lines disappear. Her stomach muscles
stretched and became taut. Her legs firmed and her chest
swelled and lifted, straining the front of her dress. A
sudden fear gripped her as she watched the metamorphosis.
She was no longer who she was. She was beautiful! Beautiful
and built! She could feel her tits chaffing against the
binding material.

"It's done," he said. "Take off your clothes and look
at yourself."

She looked at Hubert, then at her restrictive clothes.
With a smile, and sudden elation, she began pulling them
off, completely unselfconscious. Naked, she saw her new
body. Her face was smooth and unlined, her hair, lustrous,
and raven black. Two, full, upright globes of sensitive
flesh swelled from her chest, the nipples large and already
erect. She could see the defined muscles on her flat
stomach, the perfect sweep of her hips; her tapered, long
legs. The hair around her cunt was thick and coarse; a drop
of pussy juice glistened on a strand. Turning slowly she
could see her firm, heart-shaped ass in the mirror. She was
young! She was beautiful! She was perfect!

She threw her arms around Hubert, tears in her eyes.
"Oh, thank you. Thank you. If this is a dream I don't
ever want to wake up."

"It's no dream," he said, running his hand down her
naked back and firm flanks. A sudden lust filled her body.
She looked at him for the first time, not as a cartoon
character, or a Guardian Angel, but as a man. And a man has
a cock, she thought.

"I'm sorry," he said, reading her mind, "but I can't

Peevishly, she stepped away from him. "Hubert, you're
suppose to be my Guardian Angel. How can I become a great
piece of ass with only three assholes to my credit? I've
never even sucked cock!" Throwing her arms around him, she
rubbed her pussy against his crotch. No reaction.

"Shit, Hubert. I'm hot and horny. I need practice if
I'm going to set the world on fire."

He smiled, slipped a finger in her wet cunt and tweaked
her clit. Her mouth dropped open in surprise as a small
climax rippled through her body. She panted with pleasure.
It's true! It's all true, she thought in delight. I can
fuck! I want to fuck!

"I intend to help you do just that," he said with a
smile. We're going to take it one step at a time. Sit
there." He indicated the wing chair.

"Now play with yourself."


"Stick your finger in your cunt and make yourself cum.
Feel the pleasures that you can really give yourself now."

"I want to fuck," she said.

"Do it!" His voice rang with authority.

Suddenly, she was acutely aware of her nakedness and her
own vulnerability. She had never played with herself in
front of anyone and she hesitated, then looked into Hubert's
eyes. Desire filled her body. Her love juices began to
flow. Her breath became short, and a strange tightness
gripped her loins. Pulling her legs up she exposed the thick
lips of her cunt. Her hand rubbed the rounded mound, her
finger sliding in easily. She sighed, closed her eyes and
began to finger-fuck herself.

"Oooh, yess!" she breathed. She felt so good she
wanted to cry out loud. Her head rolled from side to side
as she squirmed in the chair, her right hand jerking
rhythmically between her legs, she massaged her belly and
tits with her left. Her new, smooth and silky, body
responded with wild sensations. Squeezing her thighs around
her twisting right hand, she rocked her loins up and down,
fucking herself on her still, twisting middle finger. She
lifted her tits with her left hand, pushing them toward her
face, darting her wet tongue at the hard, extended nipples.

Each flick of her tongue across her sensitive flesh sent a
rush of electric pleasure through her body, making her
steaming cunt contract. Her asscheeks flexed as she humped
forward, and upward, fucking herself on her slippery finger.
Hot pussy juice seeped down her inner thigh, into her
asscrack, onto the seat of the chair. It left a moist stain
on the soft cushion under her ass.

"Ooooh, yesss!" she cried, no longer trying to stifle
her moans of pleasure. She was in heaven! Her body began to
surge with excitement. "I'm cumming!" she wailed. As spasms
erupted in her loins, she arched up, her cunt sucking
greedily at her finger. "Yesss! Yessss!" Brilliant colors
exploded in her brain as the fantastic pleasure surged
through her jerking her body out of control. Her eyes rolled
back, and her heels dug deep into the seat of the chair. She
jerked up and down, humping wildly with each rush of spasm
through her body. Pussy juice turned to thick cream,
frothing from her cunt and dribbling down her thighs. She
was a juicy mess, and she loved it!

Pleasure was all that mattered. She could die feeling this
good and she wouldn't care. Slowly, the tremors subsided.
She collapsed in the chair, melting into the cushions. Sweat
misted her body and she shivered in the sudden chill of the air.
She gasped as she pulled her finger out of her cunt. Her cunt
cream was slowly running down its length. Impulsively, she stuck
her finger in her mouth, her tongue licking at her own fuck-
juices. The tart taste thrilled her and her sweaty body
began to throb again with heat. She sighed with total pleasure.

Hubert knelt beside her, wiping her body with a cool,
damp washcloth. The rough nap sent new thrills through her
super-sensitive body. Her legs opened wide, allowing him to
clean her hot, sticky pussy. Her mind slipped into a warm,
post-orgasmic semi-consciousness. The cum had been
fantastic! No matter how many times she masturbated in the
past, she had never reached this peak. Was it because he was
watching? She realized that she had enjoyed the look on his
face. Even if he wasn't going to fuck her, she had gotten to
him; she knew it. His eyes had lit up when she had spread
her cuntlips apart, giving him a great view of her pink
cuntwalls. Oh, you wanton bitch, she thought, with a smile.
How you do love it!

"Very nice," he said, his voice filled with admiration.
"Now you're ready for step two."

"Step two?" she asked, her mind quickly alert; her body
alive. "What's that?"

He smiled at her. "Getting fucked, of course," he
said, stating what should appear obvious.

She gave him a suspicious smile, and wiggled her hips
at him in an obscene way. "I though you weren't going to
fuck me."

"I'm not," he said, snapping his fingers. "He is!"

The man appear from no where. He was gorgeous! An
Adonis! Tall, blond, handsome, and well built. He was also
naked. His thick cock and balls hung heavily between his
legs. Startled by his instantaneous appearance and the
frightening size of his manhood, she gasped, putting her hand
to her mouth in sudden fear.

"Does he meet with your approval?" Hubert asked.

Eyes wide, mouth open, her head nodded almost
imperceptibly. Hubert knew that he would.

The adonis smiled at her. There was desire in his eyes.
She saw his cock twitch, then begin to grow. Her eyes
widened in amazement. It was huge! Thick and heavily ridged
with exposed veins. She stared at the enormous erection,
frankly, licking her lips. It's nine inches long and seven
inches thick!

How did I know that, she wondered. But she knew it was
accurate. His prick was magnificent. She tried to swallow;
her mouth suddenly dry. But only her mouth was dry. Her
body had sent a signal to her brain and her cunt was flooded
anew with a gush of fresh love juice. She could feel the
lust flow through her body.

The adonis held out his hand, and slowly she reached for it.
Hubert snapped his fingers again. They were in her bedroom,
on the bed, locked in a tight embrace; the urgency of their
needs surging through them. Hubert sat on her hope chest, at
the foot of the bed, smiling his inane smile. She didn't care.

Adonis had large, strong hands and they roamed her firm
body at will; squeezing, kneading her hot flesh. He sucked
on her nipples and she yelped in pleasure as he roughly
nibbled at them. She was panting. Her hands gripped his
thick shoulders, ran down his bare back to his hard ass. He
had beautiful buns. She could feel his stiff cock press
against the sensitive skin of her squirming thigh.

"Oh, yesss," she moaned, "Yesss! Suck my titties!
Yeah! Oh, God, my pussy's creaming!"

Adonis pulled her to the edge of the bed, spreading her
legs wide. Her entire cunt was exposed. He lowered himself
until he was kneeling beside the bed, his breathing heavy and
shaky. "Oh, sweet, sweet pussy!" he exclaimed. "I'm gonna
eat you all up."

She gasped at his words, almost losing control. She
had never had her cunt eaten before. She wanted it badly.
She stifled a gasp as his thumbs spread the spongy edges of
her thick pussylips and pushed them apart. His breath was
hot against her open crotch. He gave her clit a short,
fleeting, flick of his tongue. A shock wave rippled through
her body, sending an electric sensation all the way to her
toes. Her fingers dug into the satin comforter that covered
the bed.

"Mmmmmmm," he whispered, kissing up and down the inside
of her cunt, tasting the sticky juice that flowed like hot
sap. He nuzzled the thick hair aside and slipped his long
tongue into her hot box. She moaned out loud, unable to
stop herself, not wanting to. She shoved her cunt deeper
onto his squirming tongue, and the pleasure began to wash
over her like waves on the shore.

Through slited eyes she saw his blond head bobbing between
her thighs. She wrapped her long legs around him and pulled his
face deep into her gushing cunt. He growled softly, drinking her
rich fuck-juices, as he licked out her contracting pussyhole. Without
warning, he roughly sucked her clit into his mouth and began
racing the tip of his tongue over the super sensitive love
bump. She screamed.

"Cummin' . . . cummin' . . ." Her voice failed her.
Her head swam and she nearly fainted. The shock, the over
powering pleasure, the sheer excitement made her body arch
up, tense and rigid. Then she exploded.

"Aaaaaahhhhh," she wailed, her saliva caught in her
throat, cutting off her cry of passion. Her body shook as
uncontrollable tremors tore through her flesh. Her legs
locked in a death grip around his head; fingernails nearly
tearing through the sheets. She was holding on for dear
life, and it took all her strength to resist the impulse to
grab his head and crush his face against her sizzling,
pleasure-raw crotch. Toes curling, hands grasping the
sheets, her hips flopped wildly against the mattress; her
pussyjuice squirting against his face and nose, smearing his
handsome features with thick love cream. Her head thrashed
back and forth. She suddenly found her voice.

"Aaaaaggggggg . . . Unnnggghhh . . . ooowwwwww . . .
OH! . . . mmmmmmmm . . . good . . . good . . ."

"Oh, baby," adonis said, his voice muffled by her thick
thatch. She felt her legs spread wider. He was actually
lifting them up and pressing them to her tits. He bent over
her crotch and started slurping, lapping up the pussy-nectar
that bubbled madly from her throbbing cunt. His tongue
slipped between her asscheeks, licking the down length of
them, tasting the tangy sweat from her pink, twitching
asshole. His tongue probed her asshole and entered it. Her
body reared and stiffened. She couldn't believe this was
actually happening; couldn't believe the sensations his
asshole reaming was giving her.

She panted with each flick of his tongue against the
sensitive walls of her bunhole. Her toes spread and clutched
and wiggled. She started to squirm, wiggling her ass, rubbing
it in his face. He jabbed his tongue back in her hot cunt, then
quickly back into her ass, and back to her pussy. She never dreamed
such pleasure was possible, pleasure so intense it verged on pain.
His tongue hit the ultra-sensitive spot in her cunt and immediately
she was on the verge of another orgasm.

Her eyes over-flowed with tears, her pleasure and excitement
close to making her lose consciousness. In the recesses of her mind
she realized the pleasure she was receiving had almost been
lost; almost never was. Her mind vowed to share; to give as
well as receive. She would make up for lost time. She would
be The Courtesan!

Her body exploded again.

Time lost meaning. She didn't know how long she laid
there panting, trying to control her heaving chest. But when
she slowly opened her eyes, Adonis was standing by the bed
holding his huge cock, slowing moving the skin back and
forth. She could see the wicked single eye peeking at her.

What does it taste like? What would it feel like in my
mouth? "Can I suck it?" she asked, not of Adonis, but of
Hubert, "I want to suck it so bad."

"Of course you can, my dear. That's what it's there

"It's so big. I won't be able to get it all in my

"You'll do fine. See, it's twitching already, just
waiting for your lovely lips."

With trembling fingers she closed her hand around his
throbbing cock. It was so hard. And she couldn't get her
hand all the way around it. She slid her fingers up and
down the ivory-smooth shaft. It was hard a marble. It
throbbed inches in front of her face. She could smell his
musky man odor in her nostrils. The scent stirred her juices
again. Adonis placed his hand on the back of her head and
gently pushed forward.

"Suck it, sweet thing! Lick it all up and down and suck
it!" he said, his voice very tight.

With hands trembling, she began lapping at the massive
cockhead, tasting its salty moisture; her tongue teasing the
glaring pisshole. Her hands began sliding up and down,
working the foreskin along the shaft. Her mouth ovaled and
she engulfed the head and a few inches of the shaft. It was
so huge she couldn't swallow much of it. Adonis rolled his
eyes in passion; tingling sensations running through his
body. He humped his hips forward and felt his shaft go
deeper into her silky mouth.

"Oh, baby, baby!" he moaned. "That's the way! Suck my
prong! Eat it up! Good, baby, good!"

She was frantic with desire. She lay on her side,
cradling his big prick, playing with it and sucking it as if
it were a giant toy; a Christmas present all her own. She
was in heaven! Like magic, her throat muscles relaxed and
his massive pike slid easily into her hot, sucking mouth.

It's in! All the way in!

Pride swelled in her chest. His crinkly pubic hair
rubbed roughly against her squirming, prick-filled face. She
cupped his huge, swinging balls; kneading them. Her powerful
jaw muscles squeezed and sucked at his throbbing cock, and
she felt his passion, his life force being drawn for the
large ballsac she was playing with.

"Suck! Suck!" he panted.

She felt his cock harden, felt it quiver in her mouth,
sensed the peak of eruption. The huge cock flexed, shuddered
and hot, burning cum shot into her throat.

"Ahhhhhh!" he screamed. "Ugggggg . . . yeahhhhhh!"

Hot, sticky wads of cum smashed against her tongue and
tonsils, flooding her full mouth to overflowing. Gobs of
rich cream dribbled down the corners of her mouth. She
pulled his still spurting cock from her mouth. Cum splashed
her hair, her eyes, and her nose. She smeared his love-juice
all over her soft skin, reveling in the feel of it. As it
slid down her throat, she thought it tasted like oysters.
Her hands kept jerking and her mouth kept sucking until the
last gobs had oozed out. She had expected his cock to go
soft. It didn't. She looked at Hubert in anticipation.
Again, he read her mind. "A soft cock wouldn't do now, would
it?" He was smiling, like a teacher with a star pupil.

That's what I am, she thought. A pupil. And I can't
wait for the next lesson. She smiled at Hubert, who nodded,
and at Adonis, who leered at her.

That's it, she thought, looking at the lust in his
eyes, Want me! Want to fuck me! Prong me! Cum in me,
like your life depends on it. That's what I want you to do.

"Fuck me!" she demanded, her body throbbing with
renewed lust. "Fuck me good!"

Adonis smiled and began stroking his massive fuckpole.
She pushed herself back up on the bed, lifting her legs up to
her shoulders, opening herself wide. The pink meat of her
cuntwalls glistened with her dewy juice, beckoning. She
slipped two finger in her cunt and twisted them around,
saturating them. Slowly, provocatively, she put them in her
mouth and began sucking on them.

Adonis jumped on the bed; his steel-like cock bouncing
in front of him, his breath ragged. He wrapped his hands around
her slender waist and pulled her twitching ass towards his cock.
Her legs rested on his shoulders. His fuckpole kissed her pussy
and rubbed the fluffy cuntlips. Electricity pulsed through her;
tingling sensations running up and down her spine, making her
squirm. "Stick it in! she growled. "Ooooooo fuck me!"

He leaned forward and pushed his cock in slowly. Her
mind screamed in desire. Bastard! Bastard!


His huge cock sank into her tight hole. "Aaaagggggg!
Oh, God! Oh, God! Yesssssss!" It was enormous, thick as a
tree trunk, but it slipped in easily, disappearing inside her
to the hilt. Her eyes rolled back in ecstasy; head twisting
from side to side. Her heels pounded his back. Her fingers
dug into his tender flesh, raked his arms and back. He began
to hump his dong in her and her cunt contracted immediately,
sending spasms of raw pleasure through her. Pussycream
welled up and over-flowed her cuntwalls, seeping down her
asscrack. She went from one orgasm to another without
stopping. Her body bucked and convoluted, almost out of
control; her mind whirling in a kaleidoscope of blinding
colors and lights.

Adonis ran his prong in and out of her. All ten inches!
Up to the very tip of his cockhead, then plunging down to the
hot, secret depths of her pulsing pussy. She gasped as he
pulled his cock all the way out of her, and immediately felt
its loss. He spun her around roughly, setting her on all
fours, then, without mercy, stuck his cock back into her
steamy hole. She came instantly.

Cum was running down her thighs like hot, melted butter.
Her body was clammy with sweat. She was definitely making up
for all those lost years.

Eyes slited, face contorted, she tried to call Hubert.
Her mouth gaped as she tried to talk, to scream, but nothing
came out.

"I'm right here, my dear." her Guardian Angel said, his
face inches away from hers. "Is something wrong?"

" . . . need . . . need . . . cock . . . mouth . . .
please! Give me . . . yours . . ."

"Oh, my, you are getting into it. I'm so happy! Of
course, I can't help you myself, but - " he snapped his
fingers - "I'm sure he can."

She felt a hard prick slap her face and push at her
lips. Her eyes opened wide. Another adonis, almost a clone
of the first, but with dark hair and olive complexion was
waving his big cock in front of her face. Her mind smiled
and her tongue snaked out, laving the thick, purple cockhead.

Time and space began to lose reality. Her body soared,
floated, ebbed, then soared again. She sucked cock, swallowed
cum, gallons of it, she thought. Her cunt was rubbed
ragged by first one huge dick, then the other. She sucked
both pricks simultaneous, washing her face, hair and body
with their secretions. She fucked on her back, on her knees,
on her side, upside down. Every piece of furniture was used
to support her body as she was speared time and again. And
still she craved more.

She lay on her back, gently licking Adonis' cock shaft,
running her nimble tongue over the hard ridges. Adonis II
was between her legs laving her burning pussy, trying to
quench a fire that couldn't be put out completely. He held
her hips up with his strong hands, exposing her cum-drenched
asshole, and blew softly on it. The pink wrinkled hole
involuntarily contracted.

"Oooooo," she sighed, as his tongue began gentle
exploration. It swabbed the hole, lubricating it with
spittle, then slowly entered it, twisting as it went. His
tongue was long and slender and went in a long way. A new
sensation rippled through her and her body shivered with

"Agh!" she cried, as his drooling tongue began to twist
and turn in her ass. "Ooowwwwwww . . . oooohhhhh!" She
gasped when the invading tongue withdrew, somehow
disappointed that it was gone. The small part of her mind,
still rooted in reality was horrified by the unnatural act;
the other part, the larger portion of her mind; the one
steeped in primal pleasure, longed for the slippery eel-like
tongue of her gorgeous lover.

His steaming hot breath, and a slick wet finger poked
at her asshole again. A small rebellion in her mind erupted.
It was quickly extinguished, and she surrendered to the
invasion, relaxing the muscles there and sucking his twisting
finger into her ass. Her body arched as the thrills
intensified. The thought of his driving finger reaching
straight up from her asshole to her brain drove her to the
brink of a breathtaking orgasms. She felt his finger wiggle
and squirm up into the red-hot walls of her tight asshole.

"Yeah . . . yeah . . .YESSSSSS!" she cried out,
suddenly addicted to the sensation of his finger. She yelped
in pain - the first she had felt - as he popped his finger
out, then drove it back in along with another in her heated
pussy. Both fingers churned in her orifices. Showers of
electric sparks burst in her brain, like a hundred Roman
candles, and another flood of juice was released from her
ever-full well. Her hips churned lewdly, pushing Adonis II's
fingers deeper into her demanding body. Her mouth gobbled
Adonis' semi-erect prick and she sucked on it greedily.

Hubert, sitting quietly on her hope chest, smiled in
satisfaction. He watched with detached fascination as the
two men plunged fingers and cock in her twitching body. She
was climaxing again; her body flailing away as the spasms
racked her; her voice choked by the thickness of the huge
cock in her mouth.

The men wasted no time. Even before the tremors ceased
they had repositioned her. One man lay on his back, his
rampart cock stiff and erect. It nuzzled the opening of her
pleasure-raw cunt and sank out of sight as she was lowered
on to it by the other man.

Hubert made a mental note to give these people names,
the next time he had to use them.

She was panting heavily, her mind still foggy and far
away in some Eden. She felt her hot cunt fill up with cock
and she sighed. A stray breeze chilled her sweaty body,
sending a delightful shiver through her and giving her
gooseflesh. She sucked the fresh air into her lungs. Then
felt a hot mouth on her sensitive nipples, sucking them hard;
making her tremble with desire, again. The first Adonis, the
one with his cock in her, pulled her forward and grabbed the
firm globes of her asscheeks; kneading them. He smiled at
his partner.

She was shaking; her body on the verge of another
explosion. Hot pussyjuice ran down the insides of her thigh.
The dark haired one slid his cock between her thighs,
greasing it with her slick cream. He rubbed his cock up and
down between her asscheeks, greasing her cleft and bunhole.
She tried to tear the mist and fog from her mind, but wasn't
successful. The thick knob of his cock stretched her virgin
asshole and started to slide in. He stopped as she screamed.

"Don't! Shit . . . it's too fuckin' big! You'll kill
me!" she wailed in real terror. Hubert was next to her in an

"Relax, my dear, relax. I'm here. You can do it! Open
your ass to this new pleasure; this new sensation. Let
yourself be debased, and you will enter an entirely new
dimension of lust and pleasure. That's a good girl," he
cooed, as he saw her sphincter muscle opened allowing the
huge cock to enter her ass easily. He patted her head and
went back to his seat.

It took several seconds to sort out everything in her
fuzzy mind. She had done it! He was all the way in! She
felt the same pride well up in her as she had when she had
taken his cock - or was it the other one - all the way down
her throat. "Ahhhh . . ." she sighed in pleasure, releasing
her ass muscles, feeling his hips flat against her ass, his
cock fully seated. The feeling was fantastic. The cock in
her pussy began to slide in and out of her hot cunt. It
grated against the thin membrane separating the two lusty
pricks. In a moment, the cock in her ass started to move in
unison with the cock in her cunt. Her toes curled and her
fingers dug into hard flesh. Her mind exploded in a panorama
of brilliant colors and flashing lights, bringing her to the
edge of sanity. She blacked out as the intense wave of pure
pleasure crashed over her, like a huge tidal wave.

She floated in a soft, warm sea; her body aglow, alive
for the very first time in her life. Her mind was almost
blank; beautifully, wonderfully blank. Nothing could touch
her. She wanted to enjoy this feeling forever but a faraway
voice intruded; soft but insistent. She tried to ignore it
but she couldn't. Slowly, she opened her eyes. Hubert was
sitting on the bed, smiling at her.

"Well, hello, there," he said. "I was beginning to
worry about you."

She was groggy and disorientated. "Wha . . . what
happened? Where's everybody?"

"Your playmates? I sent them back. They served their

"Was I dreaming? Did . . . did all that really happen?"

"Oh, yes, my dear, all that was absolutely real. Now,
I've drawn you a very nice, hot bath. Go soak for a while
and then we'll talk. By the way, let me be the first to
congratulate you. You were magnificent!"

She nodded, then zombie-like, she got up and followed
his directions. The bath was hot and steamy, and wonderfully
relaxing. She immersed her body up to her chin, letting the
soothing water gently revive her. Her skin tingled and
glowed. She was very aware of its sensitivity. Her eyes
wandered over the hills and valleys of her new body; the
full, upright, big-nippled tits; the flat stomach - she could
actually see the defined muscles - the long, taut, shapely
legs. Absentmindedly, she played with a strand of her raven-
black hair.

If this was a dream, she didn't want to wake up. She
closed her eyes and images of Adonis and friend flashed
through her mind. Like a newsreel, she saw their large,
beautiful cocks entering every opening in her body. She saw
the look of lust and passion on her face - Did I really do
those things? - her body surging with unbounded pleasure. A
warm glow began to spread upward from her cunt.

"Well, my dear, how do you feel now?" Hubert sat on
the commode, still dressed in his long overcoat, apparently
oblivious to the steamy humidity.

She shrugged. "I'm still not sure if this is real or
not. It's like something happening to another person."

"Actually, that's one way of putting it. You are
another person; or really, the person you're suppose to be."

"Those men . . . I really did let them . . ."

"Fuck you," he finished for her. "And you sucked their
dicks and did all sorts of wonderfully sexy and debasing
things. You had a lot to catch up on."

She gestured with her arms, them movement causing her
tits to break the surface of the water, like twin periscopes.
She made no movement to cover herself. "I still don't
understand, Hubert."

Her Guardian Angel looked pensively at her, "Well, let
me review things for you." He paused a moment. "Good help
is very hard to find these days, I'm afraid, and a rather
inept clerk forgot to make the proper notations on your
career path. So, in the absence of that information, you
sort of drifted off in the wrong direction. Instead of
becoming a highly sensual woman; free and uninhibited, you
became almost the opposite.

"When we realized the mistake, my superiors gave me the
assignment of rectifying things. The first thing to do was
get rid of all those middle-class inhibitions - you humans
do saddle yourselves with a great deal of them, my dear -
then, you had to be shown just what you've been missing. So
that's what I did. If I do say so myself, you are a very apt

"All that . . . pleasure; it was just for me? To see
what I've missed?"

"Exactly! How can you share the wealth if you don't
know what the Treasure Trove holds? Now that you do, you
can go spread the word; or rather, share the pussy." He
smiled at his own humor.

She stood up in the tub and reached for a towel, water
cascaded down her firm body. A smile lit her face. "I owe
you a great deal, don't I?"

He shrugged as if it was of no consequence. Her hips
rotated, sensually, and she thrust her cherry-tipped tits at
him. "Are you sure you don't want a little? After all, you
created me."

Hubert smiled and wiggled a finger at her. "That's the
spirit, my dear. Everyone is fair game. You'll do fine,"
he said, his voice emotional with pride.

"Am I going to do anything bad, Hubert? I mean . . .
you come from . . . down there," she said, pointing toward
the floor. "How is pleasure giving going to help you? I
mean, it's so good, you'd think it would come - she pointed
upward - from up there."

"Quite the contrary, my dear. We're the ones in the
Pleasure business, not them. They're in the denial business.
It's like the difference between Burbank and Los Angles. The
latter is alive, the former is boring. If you spread our
pleasure doctrine - and you will - the world won't have time
to destroy itself by beating its breast; trying to gain
something it doesn't want to begin with."

"I don't understand. If you come from down there,
you're suppose to be evil. Everything you've done for me so
far as just felt good. Don't you want me to sell my soul or
something; sign in blood."

"Oh, my, you do have an active imagination. Who says
we're evil? And who says Hell is a fiery inferno? Not us!
Our competitors and us are in a fight to capture men's minds;
that's true, but it's a conceptual fight. They say what's
good is bad. We say what's good is pleasing and should be

"I'm still confused, Hubert."

"Don't worry, my dear. It will all be clear in its own
time and in its own way."

* * *

She lay propped up on her big, king-size bed, gazing out
the sliding glass doors to the bedroom terrace. It was
twilight and the drapes were open. Her hand held a large
black dildo and she gently rubbed it over her body. The
flesh tingled everywhere she touched herself. Her cunt was
dewy with new juice. A small private smile curled her lips.

She was always wet, now; always ready. She could make
herself cream just by thinking of cock - or pussy - yes,
pussy. Hubert had told her, before leaving, that everything
and everybody would now become sexual to her. Female pussy
was the first thing that had entered her mind. Warm, wet,
succulent pink meat; thick tangle of pubic hair; the tart
aroma of cunt-scent.

The wonderfully obscene dildo slowly traced ziz-zag
patterns over her body, lingering over the slit of her cunt.
Her eyes focused. She was looking across the street at
another building; another apartment. Her neighbor - Nancy
was standing in her bedroom, the drapes parted, dressing; no,
undressing. She watched as Nancy slid her skirt over her
shapely hips and let it drop to the floor. The half-slip
followed. She saw that Nancy favored garter belts and hose
instead of pantyhose. She liked that. It was more feminine.

Nancy, dressed in high heels, bra and panties, began
brushing her thick brown hair. The movement of her arms
caused her tits to bounce provocatively.

She slid a trembling finger over her extended clitoris
and shivered as the electric current zipped through her
heated body. Her tongue licked the tip of the phony penis
but her eyes never left the window. Nancy put the brush down
and unclasped her bra. It was one of the old, behind the
back ones. Nancy's tits were large, well rounded. She
massaged the heavy globes.

Her breathing became ragged as she watched; a voyeur
caught up in the sexual pleasure of peeping. The dildo
parted her cunt-lips, but she didn't put it all the way in.
She was teasing herself, waiting for the next scene; a better
scene. Nancy was still rubbing her tits when a man - her
husband - what was his name? - came up behind her and cupped
her breasts with his hands. His pants bulged with his
erection. He kneaded her tits, rolling the nipples around
in his fingers, kissed her neck. One hand moved to cover
his wife's mound. He ground his hard-on into her ass. She
saw the look on Nancy's face as she began to surrender to her
husband's hands and mouth; the look of sexual excitement.

Her own juices began to flow freely. The sheet beneath her
ass was already very wet. The man turned his wife to him and
kissed her passionately. Her arms went around his neck and
hips began to grind together wantonly. The man's hands went
to her ass and squeeze them. He pulled her to the bed, out
of her line of vision. She squeezed her tit painfully and
shoved the big, black dildo all the way up her pussy. Her
strong cunt muscles clamped, viselike, on it. Her cum was
immediate and powerful. Her body thrashed around the bed,
almost out of control. She sucked on her fingers; humping
her hips against the captured dildo. Her mind pictured Nancy
and her husband; licking, sucking, fucking. She had to have
them! Both of them!

Slowly, the tremors began to pass. Her breathing was
almost normal. Across the courtyard the drapes blocked her
view. Enjoy yourselves, my loves, she thought. You'll enjoy
it even more after I through with you two. She curled in a
ball, the dildo still stuck in her pussy, and she slept.

* * *

The next morning, after she had showered, she was
surprised at the contents of her closet. All her own clothes
were gone. In their place was a whole different wardrobe:
chic, expensive, and very sexy. Leather mini-skirts, silk,
see-through blouses, low cut dresses. Even her lingerie was
new and provocative: wispy panties, almost nothing bras,
garter-belts and stockings. And everything fit! She ran
from drawer to drawer, like a child at Christmas, finding new
and exciting treasures. "Oh, Hubert!" she cried aloud, "You
thought of everything."

She whirled in front of the full mirror, a slinky black
cocktail dress held up in front of her naked body. The
doorbell rang. She dropped the dress on the bed, saw the
long silk robe hanging in the closet; shrugged it on and
belted it loosely. The doorbell rang again. She opened it
without hesitation, without her usual caution. The man was
huge - six foot four, and probably 250 pounds - and flat
black. A thick, square mustache covered the upper lip of a
face that showed the influence of Arab or White blood. He
wore the uniform of a Postman. She felt her cunt contract.

"Yes?" she smiled, sweetly, not trying to close the
robe that gapped open, displaying a large amount of cleavage.
She saw the intake of his breath; where his eyes were drawn.

"Yes?" she asked again.

"Wha . . . oh, I have a COD package for you, lady," he
said, reluctantly pulling his eyes away from her almost
exposed tits; thrusting the package at her. It was heavy and
she almost dropped it. The movement caused the robe to open
more, giving the black giant an even better look at her tits.
She knew, from his wide-eyed expression, that he could see
all the way down to her hardened nipples.

He moved quickly, catching the package before it fell
from her arms. He was close and she could smell his aroma;
the tangy smell of sexual excitement!

"You had better put it on the table," she said, finally
closing her robe, and pointing inside.

"Yeah," he croaked.

She looked him up and down as he put the large package
on the coffee table in the living room. His shirt stretched
across his muscular back. She thought she could see the
muscles ripple. He turned, holding his clipboard in front
of himself, trying to hide his growing erection. He has a
huge cock, she thought wickedly. I wonder . . .

"Er . . . the bill comes to $52.95," he said, shifting
his weight nervously, trying to keep his prick from tenting
his tight pants. Crazy bitch, he thought; open the door
with hardly nothing on, give a guy a hard-on that won't quit,
but he knew that she'd scream bloody murder if he made one
false move. Why did White chicks like to fuck up the heads
of Black men?

"$52.95?" she said, suddenly wondering who sent the
package and what was in it. She didn't remember ordering
anything. "I'll have to get my bag. Have a seat," she said
climbing the stairs, giving him quick, exciting glimpses of
her long, naked legs.

He shoved his rampart cock down and to the side, wishing
he had worn jockey shorts - anything - to hold his cock in
place. Shit! What a woman! Like to throw a hump to that
one, he thought.

"Can you bring that package up here for me, please."
Her voice floated down from upstairs.

Shit! Now I'm a fuckin' servant, he thought, but he
really didn't mind. He hoped to see those tits again. He
knew she was naked beneath that robe; the way it clung to
her, nothing could be hidden. Shit! His girl was going to
get a reaming tonight.

She was standing with her back to the streaming
sunlight. If he had any doubts about what she had on, they
were dispelled by the translucent material of her robe. Her
body was completely silhouetted - naked, for all practical
purposes - against the back light. He swallowed hard.

"Put it on the dresser," she said, rummaging through
her bag. "Does it say who it's from?"

"Er . . . a Mr. Hubert Angel."

"Do you accept credit cards?"

He shook his head, trying not to stare at her body;
willing his cock to stay down, and losing on both counts.

"Is something the matter?" she asked innocently.

Bitch! Cock-teasing, bitch! He shook his head. "No!
. . . and no, we can't accept credit cards. Checks or cash

She smiled at him, frankly this time. Slowly, almost
deliberately, she began to write out a check. Leaning
forward, the robe fell away, giving him a spectacular view
of her naked tits. She heard him wince.

"Something is the matter," she said, tearing the check
out of the book. "Do I unsettle you?" She was very close
to him now, only inches away. He was breathing heavily.

She put a hand on his chest. Her touch felt like fire.
Twenty years in Levenworth, he thought, restraining the
impulse to grab her and fuck her ragged. Her hand moved
sensually over his chest and arm. "I don't like to see
another human being in misery," she said softly. "Please
tell me what's wrong. I want to help."

"Look, lady." He was gasping. "Just give me the check
and let me get out of here."

"Not until you tell me what's troubling you. Is it
because you have a hard-on and think you can't use it? It
really looks like a lovely one. Is it as big as it looks?"

He knew it! A cock-teasing honky bitch! She sat on the
bed, arms back, tits thrust forward, the nipples clearly
visible. Her legs crossed and the gown fell open. He could
see all the way up to her black haired pussy. His cock
bulged and threatened to explode from its captivity.

"Just give me the fuckin' check." His voice was a rasp.

She opened her legs, baring her naked pussy to him.
Quickly, she stuck the check between her legs and closed them
again. It took only a split second.

"Come and get it!" Her voice was thick with suppressed

The giant Black groaned in misery. The dam broke. He
dropped to his knees, pulled her legs apart roughly and
jammed his face in the thick turf of her wet pussy.

"Agggggg!" she wailed, as his hot tongue pierced her
cuntlips and entered her juicy hole. "Oh, yessss! Suck my
white cunt! Oh, you beautiful black bastard, suck it!"

Hands entangled in his kinky hair, legs straight up and
wide apart, she shoved her throbbing cunt at him, smearing
his face with her love juices.

"Sweet cunt . . . sweet cunt," he murmured, his tongue
flicking furiously over the lips of her pussy; his thumbs
pulling them back and apart, exposing her distended clit.
He clamped his mouth on it.

"Oh, yes, yes, yessss! Eat me!" she panted, her hips
bouncing, thrusting lewdly at him. She was on fire! She
tugged at his shirt, helping him, as he tried to undress
without taking his mouth from her watering cunt. It was the
sweetest pussy he had ever eaten and he wasn't about to let
it loose. He sighed in her cunt as his cock leaped free from
the restraining pants.

"Don't stop!" she pleaded. "Don't stop eating me!
Suck harder." Her body jerked and churned as his snake-like
tongue probed her heated pussy, twisting up and around.
Electric shivers rippled from her toes to her brain as each
swish, over her super-aroused clit, sent waves of pleasure
crashing over her. Cuntjuice leaked like hop sap in between
her asscheeks. She was flowing like a river. Having her
pussy sucked by a black man - a complete stranger - was
making her pop like a machine gun. Bam! Bam! Bam! Cum!
Cum! Cum! She saw his black arms around her legs, holding
her cunt wide, the contrast startling; exciting. She humped
her cunt harder against his mouth.

"Fuck me!" she gasped. "Com'on, you gotta fuck me!
Stick that black cock in me! Fill me up with black cum!"

"You honky bitch!" he yelled. "I'll fill you, all
right. It's gonna come out your mouth! I'm gonna fuck you

"Yeah! Fuck me ragged! Make me cum!"

He pushed away from her. Her eyes opened in amazement.
It was the biggest, blackest, thickest cock she had ever
seen. Bigger than either of her two Golden boys. She licked
her lips hungrily; her body trembling in anticipation. He
waved the huge fuckpole at her. "Well, sweetness, what do
you say now?" his voice taunting.

She pulled her legs up and back to her tits in reply.
The Black giant smiled. "You're somethin' else, baby.
A real fuckin' machine. Gonna give it to you slow and easy
like, an inch at a time; make you beg for it."

"It's you who's going to beg, my big black buck. My
pussy's going to gobble you up and squeeze you dry. You're
going to cum like never before. Stick it to me, big man.
You're in for the ride of your life!"

Angrily, he rammed his cock forward!

In the end, he cried and begged for mercy; his cock
sore and swollen. He had lost count of the times he came;
his mind boggled with the pleasure, the pain, her squirming,
ever juicy, cunt gave him.

She wouldn't let him go soft. He'd pop and she'd be right
there to suck him hard again; or massage him with her powerful
cunt muscles - she had actually jerked him off, just using them and
nothing else. Her throat seem to go on forever, taking every
inch of his huge prick in; a fiery vacuum that sucked him dry,
wringing the very life force from his body. His cum coated her
throat, her face, her tits; everywhere she could smear it.
She gloried in it. She had jerked his cock up and down with
a strength that he found unbelievable. Her grip was actually

And her ass! Her perfect ass! Twin globes of flesh
hiding a secret valley; the pink, puckered asshole beckoning
to him; grasping, clutching, pulling him deep inside her;
all the way in to her hot bowels. He had almost passed out
when he came.

He lay quietly beside her; the images of them floating
softly in his mind, her body nestled against his, an arm
draped over his chest. Her color was vivid against his. A
startling thought occurred to him. He wasn't angry anymore.
Not at himself, not at all the White people, not at the
world. He was at peace. He marveled at the strange feeling
of serenity. When had it occurred? How?

"Feeling better?" she asked, her face framed by the
wild tangle of her raven hair; serene and beautiful. He
nodded his head, suddenly afraid to speak.

"You had a lot of anger in you! Is it all gone now?"

"How did you know?"

She shrugged, her tits moving delightfully as she did.
He had made her cum in a gush just by sucking on those
beauties. Like a Mother's love.

"Does it matter? The only thing that counts is that
you're no longer angry at the world. You're at peace."

"Yeah," he said in astonishment. "I am. I really am."

"It's the doctrine of pleasure. The hope for all

He didn't know what she was talking about, and didn't
care. He only knew how good he felt. He wished the world
felt this good.

"Hey, I don't even know your name. What is it?"

She smiled a strange smile. "Let's leave that a
mystery." she said. "You know where I live. Feel free to
drop over anytime. Maybe, you'll bring a friend. Male or
female." She winked at the huge, Black, naked man.

"Yeah," he said, a glint in his eye. "Maybe I will."

She spent the rest of the day glorying in herself;
feeling the wonder of her new insight. When had Hubert
given it to her? She didn't know and didn't care. She just
knew she had it, and it was hers to share. In the tub, rich
with bubbles, she touched herself all over acutely aware of
her sensitive body. She tingled, she hummed; she was alive!
Her clit took just two swift strokes of her finger to explode
in another stomach-clinching cum.

Afterwards, she busied herself with her new wardrobe,
admiring her ripe, taut body as she did; her mind drifting over
her sudden wantonness, her passion, her conversion. She felt
wonderfully excited. She had to share.

Nancy! Her neighbor! She would start with Nancy and her
husband and then she would ... take on the world. She smiled at
the wonder of it all. And she had her Guardian Angel to thank.



2014-03-15 05:55:10
pretty good, you should continue this.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-07-05 14:56:52
What was in the package

anonymous readerReport 

2013-05-18 14:37:15
Pretty good. not sure she should just epilouge it in Call it good or do another chapter

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