Ch. 2 On the way home
Gina woke from her slumber refreshed but confused and feeling like she had spent the
night playing with her 'toys'. She had the most vivid dreams she ever experienced
todate. Brian dent her a text and sheinvited him over he had asked about the art project
(Photography was an art elective,) she even remembered reading afew stories on her
favorite porn site even down to some self manipulation before he was to came by.
Then things get a little foggy and are relaced several of her erotic fantasies.
As she sat up in bed she notices she must have gotten dressed at some point. She was
thirsty and hungry, since she had a light breakfast. A look at her alarm told her it was
4:30 pm, she wondered where the day had gone. Gina turned and headed downstairs to
get a drink and food. Her dad called after asking if she had a good nap, she just waved
her hand and kept going. Gina's mom was in the kitchen cleaning up and getting ready to
fix their dinner, "Hi mom." Mrs. K turned and looked at her daughter, "How was your visit
with Brian today." Gina stood there with a confused look on her face for a minute.
"Everything okay dear, you kids didn't have a fight?"
"Oh, no mom nothing like that we're fine," Gina told her but she was thinking she was
going to have to talk with Brian since she could not remember him coming by. Gina got her
drink and a snack and left to send Brian a text.
The text read [Yaho, Bri I must have realy been out of it today. My mom tells me you
came by today, I hope you're not mad at me. Tinckle my digits let me know whats up.]
Brian read the text and was suprised by the fact Gina didn't recall his visit. He
definately was going to have to experiment more with this now portion of his abilities.
After Brian left Gina's house he went off in search of subjects for his art project. It
was suppose to be a pictorial of life in their town it was an on going project to see what
the students could come up with. He had spent the time since he left Gina's walking
around taking random photos with his 35mm camera. We figured he had enough photos
for the project and was heading home through the park woods (short cut.)
The woods were backed by homes, businesses and a freeway just depended on where you
were at the time. He was headed to the residential side and passed afew homes already
when he heard the familiar voices of several girls from his class. He paused and decided
to take a closer look, these were some of the snobby bitches he and Gina had talked
about. As he came near the yard were the girls were at he was concealed by the folliage
but he had a good line of sight to where the girls where. He could see they were in the
above ground pool but not much else from this level, then he remembered the old tree
fort they had all scraped together some years earlier and wondered if it has still use
He decided to go check it out to see if it was still there. The closer he got to the old tree
fort (more of a blind than a fort,) he had a thought of trying his abilities on the two girls.
There it was and it looked like it had been added to since he was last here, he climbed
the tree to see if he still could see the yard and pool. The wall facing the yard looked to
have no window, yet he remembered there once was. Upon closser examination he found
someone had put a false panel up to hide the window, he removed it and sure enough he
had a much nicer vantage point now.
Brian stepped back away from the window placing his camera bag down and taking out his
digital camera, he replaced the memory card with Gina on it for a clean on and went back
to the window. The girls were swimming, diving off the board and sunbathing he took
several photos with out trying to push any thoughts to them at first, why try it if they
did something on their own. They had been out of the pool for fifteen minutes sunning
with their tops undone when Sally got up leaving her top on the lounger, she was
definatly a member of the little titty commity she barely had any visible shape to them
but Brian did have to note the size of her elongated nipples (3/4" long and as round as
his pinky.) She stood there streching giving Brian ample time for viewing and taking a
couple of photos then headed for the diving board, the other girl was one of her cronies
named Ashley. Seeing Sally flounting her bare chest she decided to have some (naughty)
fun, Ashley came up behind Sally and pulled the strings to her bikini bottoms. As Sally
bouced on the board she held the four strings and only released the front two as she
jumped into the pool, whereby depantsing the other girl.Sally didn't even notice the
material beinng pulled away since her legs had not been closed together when it
happened, though Brian was using his camera in video mode since he saw it coming.
Sally went in to the water and her bottoms went over the fence into the park, thanks to
Ashley tossing them there along with her top for good measure. Sally went back to her
lounger, her head was facing away from were Brian was and her sex was open for viewing
from where he was and the camera was recording it all. Ashley had laid out a trap for
Sally, since Sally would make her lick her and regularly skip returning the favor she
wanted her due. This time Ashley thought the bitch is going to eat me till I cum and coat
her like a glazed donut or she can streack home. Sally rolled on to her back to tan her
front and was practically a sleep when Ashley made her move Brian Had started the video
once again. Ashley had gotten up quietly and made her way to the head of Sally's lounger
she gingerly tied Sally's hands above her head to the lounger and tied her feet spread
wide lastly she had a robe sash and tied Sally to the lounger at the waist no way was she
getting out of doing what Ashley wanted.
Ashley wasn't very stealthy when it came to tying the robe sash, since she already had
Sally secured. Sally woke with a startal she could not move, she spoke with venom in her
voice. "What the fuck are you doing you BITCH?" Ashley stood back laughing and said is
that any way to talk to your jailer now,hmmmm?" Sally was squirming on the lounger
making it shift with movements. "You better let me loose now or you'll pay for this," Sally
retorted. "Oh, somebody is going to pay but not me. You still owe plenty for all those
times you wanted that pussy licked and now you are going to make good for it."
She waited for that to sink in and then she continued, "Here's the way it is going to be,
you are going to eat me till I am satisfied I have been repayed. If you don't please me or
refuse to do it I am going to oil up your tits, pussy and ass and let you bake in the sun
then I will tie you up some all you can due is duck walk then I'll leash you and walk you
through the park and let everybody have some fun with you.............the choice is yours
Sal." Ashley tilted the lounger standing Sal on her head practicaly and said, "think on
that I will be right back." Walking away leaving the naked girl tied to the chair and went
in the house.
Brian stopped the recording and checked the battery and memory on the card, he
changed the card out. Then almost if from nowhere he remembered Sal's bikini Ash had
thrown over the fence, he climbed down ran over and retreived the garment. He thought
to himself 'she want need this back today.' He went back to the tree fort to wait and see
what Ash would do next.
Ash came back out of the house after about ten minutes, she was wearing a wrap and
carring a small sachel. She righted the lounger and looked at a dazed Sally. "So Sal whats
it going to be?" she said tapping her foot. "All right I'll lick you till you cum."
"No, Sal you will lick me till I say I'm satisfied and only then will I let you loose."
"Lets go inside so noone catches us. Okay Ash."
"Nice try but you like to be on display and I'm not going to take the chance you getting
loose before your done." Ashley started to get closer to the lounger, " Just one more
thing to help you remember next time and give what you receive."
Brian turned on the camera in video mode, as Ashley loosened the robe sash around Sal's
waist. She lifted Sal's ass off the lounger and place two cushions under the top of her
ass near her waist then retied Sal's waist this placed Sal's ass and pelvis up into the air
putting her in a more lewd position. Ash then took out a can and sprayed it up the crack
of Sal's ass and then over her complete pussy mound. "Aahh!! What the the hell is that it
stings?" Sal blurted out. "Hmmm, this oh just something to help remind you to not be a
spoiled little bitch. Little girlies don't need any hair down there so we have Nair for
down there." Ashley held the can out for Sal to see. "Noooo!! That was not part of the
deal." Ashley turned and looked right in her eyes, "The deal is what I say it is."
Ash walked to the top of the lounger and said, "while that does its job you can start on
yours." She parted her wrap to reviel her unclad pussy and straddled Sal's head. "Now
start licking!" Ash pressed down and smeered her cunt all over Sal's face. Sal must have
been doing a good job licking her cunt because Ash spread open the wrap revieling she
had nothing on underneath when she started to maul her own tits (34D at least.) Ashley
started to gyrate her hips and do a slight humping bouce on Sal as well.
It didn't last to long she got off Sal when there came a beeping noise from the sachle.
"Don't want a chemical burn now do we?" She picked up the hose and reinsed off Sal's
lower half. Brian had zoomed in as the water rinsed off the white foamy substance, as it
came away Sal was left bare with no more pubic hair. Brian took note of Sal's bare cunt
she had nice full pussy out lips and her inner lips where protruding and seemed to have
grown with Sal's arousal, her clit was in proportion with her nipples and stood erect like
a little dick (a dickie-clit.) Brian thought how Gina was going to love to see this video.
The action went on for over two hours, Ashley had brought double nipple clamps and had
a nipplw tug of war with Sal at one point. She had a clear tube that held Sal's twat open
and then she streched out Sal's inner lips like she was steching a hide (in away she was,)
she reamed Sal's ass with agraduated cone that had ball knots at intervals down its
length. Brian lost count of how many times Ash creamed Sal's face, she even squirted
twice as well.
When Ash finally had her fill she just about crawled in the back door of her house. After
about fifteen minutes inside, Brian thought she may have fallen a sleep she reemirged
redressed in a mini summer dress. Then started to remove all the clips and what nots
from Sal's body, and finally the graduated anal gaper that's what Brian thought to call it.
With everything but the bindings removed from Sal, Ash once again turned the cold
water hose on and rinsed off Sal. With the sun just about setting and the cool breeze
that was blowing, Sal's flesh instantly had goosebumps spring up all over.
Brian's penis lay limp and a little tender he had wacked off at least a half dozen or more
time till it just would not respond any more. He finaly put it back in his place and zipped
up his shorts, put away the camera and closed up the window. He climbed down from the
fort and made his way home. His last thought was to wonder if Ash and Sal were looking
for Sal's bikini.
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