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Rainy night in Oregon
I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was just 17. Back then I made money by doing lawns, and some babysitting for family friends and some times I would house sit for other people. As it was a small town, people quickly learned that I was very reliable. It was in the middle of July and that summer was very hot. I think it was a Sunday, I really don’t recall. Late that evening my mom got a phone call from a friend. Her friend’s mother had gotten sick and was in the hospital in a city about 4 hours away. She and her husband had to go see her, their daughter Wendy did not want to go with them. I think most of her friends were on vacation, so she had no one to stay with. I had meet Wendy a year or two before at some town picnic. I did not remember much of what she looked like. I recall she seemed a bit spoiled. She had an older brother Rob who had graduated high school a year before, joined the Army, went to Vietnam and was killed his second day there. He was only 18.
Anyway it was not quite dark, so it must have been a bit after 9pm. I really did not want to do it, but mom insisted as she said. “Every one knows you’re reliable and good with kids. They would prefer that she wasn’t alone. Especially with this storm coming.”
Mom drove me over to their house which was about 5 miles away in the next town. I could see the storm clouds and lightning moving our way in the distance. You could tell that it was going to rain, by the smell. At the house Wendy’s dad met us at the door. Said hi to my mom, glanced at me smiled a little, and grunted hello, looked at my mom and said. “Thank you. Sue’s mother is really bad and may not make it.”
Sue came in and hugged my mom, looked at me and smiled. “Hi, Brian, gosh you have grown since last I saw you. Thanks for helping. My moms not doing very well. Wendy’s was a bit upset and is asleep in her room upstairs. I told her not to worry that you would be here. There is pop in the fridge, and snacks on the kitchen counter. I also made up the guest room.” She grabbed my hand and took me down the hall to show me the room. “This used to be Rob’s room we use it as a guest room now.” She said quietly.
Sue’s husband, I don’t recall ever hearing his name called from the living room. “Let’s go Sue, the bags are in the car and I still need to gas up.”
Mom hugged Sue and then came over and hugged me as she said. “Call if you need any help.” She walked out the door with Sue. Wendy’s dad turned to me, stuck out his hand and said thanks. Walked to the door, paused and looked towards my mom and Sue. He then turned around and started walking toward me. He had a slight frown and started reaching behind him. I recall backing up a bit and my eyes getting wide. “Young man, I expect you to be a gentleman. Upstairs is OFF LIMITS understood?” he growled that last part.
“uhh yes sir” I stammered.
“Here” he said. I flinched as he brought his other arm from behind him. He had his wallet. Opened it up and handed me a crisp $20 bill. “There is another one for you when we get back. Providing I don’t hear about any trouble. Understand?” again he growled the last part.
I just nodded my head and looked at the money and grinned. I only charged 5 dollars a day for house watching, now I was very glad I came.
“OK, I see you do. Be sure to lock up after us.” He said going out the door.
I felt a sigh of relief as he left. When I think back on it the guy had scared me. I had never been in their house before, so I did my usual run through the house to check windows and doors. I always did this when I house sat or was watching kids. In those days most people didn’t worry much about locking the house up or even having some one house sit. This house was quite big and the family must have had lots of money. There were lots of nice things. I could see why they wanted it to be locked up.
The house was a bit warm inside. In the kitchen there was a window open and air was coming in. It was cooling down outside and the air felt very fresh. I could smell the approaching storm, and hear distant thunder. At times the sky would light up faintly. I closed and locked the window.
I checked out the snacks and just grabbed a pop. Back in the family room I went over to the TV and turned it on. It came on with the sound blasting. It took a few moments to find the volume and turn it down. I noticed that they had cable. Back in those days’ only people with money could afford cable. There was also a remote control.
Cool, I had house sit for someone once before who had one for their TV. That one had wires, this one did not. I pushed a button, the channel changed. This is great I thought as I sat down and started flipping channels. I found a movie I hadn’t seen in a long time and started watching it. I must have dozed off, but it only seemed like a few minutes.
“CRACK” The sound of the thunder woke me up and I sat upright, trying to remember where I was at. The TV had snow on it and was making a load rushing noise. I took the remote and turned it off. I turned out the lights and started to head down the hall past the stairs.
“Hi Brian” I heard this small voice say. I jumped and looked around. I saw no one. I looked up and there was this girl standing halfway down the stairs. She laughed, “I didn’t mean to scare you, silly. The thunder woke me up and I heard the TV buzzing, so I was going to shut it off. My room is really hot, is the kitchen window closed? My dad keeps it open so the hot air can move out upstairs.”
I just kind of looked at her not reacting. This was not the Wendy I remembered from almost two years ago. She looked a lot older than 13. She looked like some of the girls my age. She had on thin cotton pajama’s that looked a bit small for her. They seemed to cling to here in the best parts. With the upstairs hall light I could see the outline of her body beneath her jams. It looked great. Her breasts were very developed but were not oversize for her. As she walked down the stairs and came toward me, I could see she was just a bit shorter than I was, and I was tall for my age. The top of her head was just past my chin. And she had very dark black hair almost down to the middle of her back.
I must have looked like an idiot as I stared at her. She walked right up to me, stuck out her hand and said “Nice to see you to.” as she grinned. I just kind of stared at her bright green eyes and stammered… “uhhh yeah same here, sorry about your gramma..” as I shook her hand. It was so soft and warm. Not cold and clammy like some hands on other girls. I could smell soap and some other smell that seemed like perfume but then I realized it was her natural sweat odor, most likely from being in her hot room. I did not think sweat could smell so good. I slowly inhaled it and could feel myself getting flushed, I don’t know if it was the smell or her looks but it was starting to get very hot in the room.
“Thanks,” she said quietly. “I wanted to see her, but I hate hospitals, I never saw her much anyway.” She walked past me toward the kitchen, I turned to follow her. I could see the outline of her perfect butt from the light over the stove. I almost ran into the door jamb as I stared at it.
“Ahh… You did close it didn’t you!” she stated as she unlocked the window and pushed it all the way up. As the air rushed in I could feel the coolness rush past me as I stood in the doorway. It helped wake me up a bit more. I think I was still drowsy from sleep or still in shock from seeing Wendy. I remembered a skinny kid with braces. Not any more. This was one fine looking girl. I got the feeling she knew it to.
She stood in front of the window and let the air move past her, she reached up and undid the top two buttons of her pj’s and opened it up a bit to let the air flow past her chest. She stood there for a moment as the air made her top bellow out and her hair flow back. She looked really good to me.
I shook my head to clear it and thought to myself, Get a grip, she is only 13. I remembered the look her dad had given me. No wonder he was scary. He knew how his daughter looked to boys.
She turned and sighed and walked toward me. I just kind of stood there and stared at her. I felt very warm and self conscious. “You know your blocking the door.” She said to me smiling.
“Uhh sorry….” I stammered as I stepped aside. She turned her head and smiled as she walked past me. As she went by, a burst of wind from the window caused her top to blow out. I looked down and saw almost all of her left naked breast except for the nipple. Once again I got a big whiff of her smell and could feel myself growing weak. I could now feel my penis moving a bit. This is going to be a long night I thought. I shook my head again to clear out the vision of her white firm breast as well as that smell.
Looking toward the open window, I stepped back into the doorway. I turned back and said to her. “Do you always keep this window open? Aren’t you worried someone will come in and steal all your stuff?
She was headed for the stairs when she turned around again, looking at me. She smiled and once again walked towards me. “You know your blocking the door.....again?” she stated. I felt like such a klutz as I stepped back into the kitchen and almost tripped on the rug. As she walked past me she turned and smiled. He bright green/blue eyes sparkled. I felt like she was parading in front of me.
“Come here and look silly….” She said pointing toward the window.
I slowly walked towards her and looked at the window. That instant a distant flash of lighting showed that the window had bars going across and down outside it. I didn’t recall seeing those when I had shut it before. No wonder she wasn’t worried.
Suddenly the window lit up again and almost at the same instant a gigantic crack and boom shook the whole house. She squealed and jumped towards me, almost falling. Without thinking I reached out and started to grab her shoulder to help steady her. At that moment she caught herself and turned towards me, and my hand landed square in the middle of her left boob. I jerked my hand back and stammered...”Uhh sorry, I thought you were falling.” I could feel myself turning red and in the low light I knew she could see it.
She laughed and said “Ohh..Don’t be so embarrassed, honest mistake. I am sure that isn’t the first tit you ever had the pleasure to feel up.” She turned and walked towards the door. I just stood there dumb founded with my mouth open. I had never heard a girl talk that way before. Boys yes, but not a girl. I had heard some of the older girls at school cuss a bit with shit and damn, but not quite like this.
Realizing I hadn’t said anything she turned and looked at me with a bit of a puzzled look on her face. We just looked at each other for a moment. I realized that my mouth was still open and my face was still red. “Ohhh my gosh…” she giggled “You haven’t have you. I bet your still a virgin aren’t you?”
She was grinning so big, that I could see almost all of her beautiful white teeth. The look on my face told it all. She stopped grinning when she noticed that I wasn’t laughing. She got a bit serious and said. “Look Brian, I am sorry; I really didn’t mean to embarrass you so much. You’re a good looking guy and I just figured you had girl friends and all that stuff.”
“Uhhh sure but we never really did anything, we are more friends than the boyfriend/girlfriend.” As I blurted it out I could feel my embarrassment going away a bit.
“Well, my brother Rob and his friends used to talk and stuff.” She said. She sounded a bit sad for a moment. She brightened up and looked at me with a secretive look. “I used to listen to them when they didn’t know I was around. They would talk about girls and stuff. Like who was hot, who they would like to fuck, that sort of stuff.” She smiled at the word fuck. I guess I had an odd look on my face.
“Does that bother you?” she said looking at me.
“Uhhhh what do you mean….?” I stammered back.
“Saying fuck.” She grinned “
“Not really,, I guess I never heard it coming from a girl before, especially not one as young as you.” I replied smiling. “Seems odd to hear it from someone who was a kid last time I saw them.”
She laughed. “I will be 14 next week, silly. I am practically already grown up. Here look at my tits.” As she put her hands under her boobs and lifted them up. Her top stretched a bit more and I could see the outlines of her nipples as the stuck out. They were erect, but at the time I did not know they could get hard. “They look pretty good….don’t they??” as she looked down and then looked at me with a bit of hesitation and concern on her face. “You do like to see tits……don’t you?”
“Uhhh yes I guess so,,,,, uhhh they look ok.” I stammered. I was turning red again and I could once again feel my penis moving a bit. This was going to get a bit more embarrassing if we didn’t change the subject.
“OK? What do you mean OK? She stated “Most girls my age don’t have these” as she hefted her tits once again. “Sorry…” as she dropped her hands and laughed. I was once again turning red.
Just then another flash and crackle hit the house. She laughed and squealed again. “I just love the sound of thunder. Let’s go upstairs; you can really see the lighting out my bedroom window. I think this is going to be a good one.”
“Uhhh… I don’t think so. Your dad said upstairs was off limits. I get the feeling that he would kill me.” my voice cracked as I said it. I felt very odd at that moment. She seemed so care free but I kept seeing the same vision of her dad looking at me.. “Understand?” I heard him say in my head.
“Oh don’t worry about daddy; he’s a big teddy bear.” She said “Besides they are 2 hours away by now. It’s perfectly OK, I am not going to tell him. Ohhh.. we need to get something to drink to take with us.”
I headed towards the fridge, and started to grab two Cokes. “No, silly not Coke get the orange juice. See that Tupperware container there..” she said and pointed. I did, it was almost full. I took it out. She walked towards a cupboard and took out two small juice glasses. I really wanted a Coke but didn’t argue. At this point I was not sure what I cared about. I felt a bit confused but went along anyway.
She set the glasses down, reached into another cupboard and pulled out a measuring cup. It was big and held 4 cups. She took the orange juice and poured the juice in until it was full. Some was left in the container which she then poured into the sink. I was a even more confused now and was looking at her a bit funny as I watched. She looked at me and smiled and laughed. “You’ll see.” She said as she poured the juice from the measuring cup back into the container. She snapped the lid closed and headed out of the kitchen into the dining room. “Grab the glasses.” She said over her shoulder.
Walking toward a tall cabinet with stained glass doors, she reached up and felt around on top of the cabinet for a moment. “Ahh here it is.” She exclaimed as she pulled down a key. Turned and smiled at me. I was still confused and it must have showed as she laughed and knelt down to one of the bottom doors that didn’t have any glass in it, she put the key in and turned. As it opened and I was able to see in, her odd actions all became clear. It was the booze cupboard. I had never seen that many bottles in a house before. It looked like the window of the local liquor store. I recognized several rums, scotches and other whiskeys that my parents had once in a while, usually around the holidays.
“Uhhh, where going to get in so much trouble. I don’t think so….” I said as I backed up a bit. I was getting uncomfortable and not liking where this was going. I wasn’t much of a drinker at the time. My friends and I would party a bit and drink some beer, but I never really got all that drunk or wasted on it. At least not back then. She pushed some of the bottles aside and grabbed an almost full bottle of vodka.
“Fat chance, my parents drink so much they never miss it most of the time. Rob taught me how to go easy. He used to do it all the time when he was here.” She said her voice getting lower. I could tell she was a bit sad again. She sat the orange juice down opened the lid and the vodka. Reaching underneath another shelf she brought out a small shot glass. “Here’s the trick…” she said. “Take 4 cups of juice and add 8 shots of vodka. That’s 4 shots for me and 4 shots for you. With our body weight, any more and we would be too drunk and things just wouldn’t be as much fun. You want to go watch the fireworks and have fun don’t you?” she turned and looked at me and smiled. I nodded slowly as she carefully measured out 8 shots and poured it into the juice. Handing me the bottle and shot glass, she said “Now take this back to the kitchen and pour in four shots of water. This is the first time for this bottle so it won’t water it down to much and my parent’s won’t notice. They usually only bring the vodka out for parties. This is almost once or twice every week, and never track how much gets used up. Rob taught me that….. as well as lots of other things.” She again turned and smiled at me. This was definitely turning into one of my better jobs I thought as I went and did what she said.
As I came back with the bottle she took it out of my hand, returned it to the cabinet and locked the door and put the key back. Turning to me she smiled again saying. “Now let’s go watch some fire works.” I got the glasses and followed her, as we approached the stairs and started up them. Her butt was in line with my head, I could see the light shining through her pj’s again and the form of her legs where they meet her bottom. The small upside down u shape between her legs was outlined. Once again I was aware of my penis stirring. I tried to remain calm. I was sure she was just having fun. And kept reminding myself she was only 13, well almost 14. A week away did she say. I couldn’t remember.
As she got to the top of the stairs she stopped and turned around. Still mesmerized by her butt I stopped to and just stared forward. I was no longer looking straight at her butt anymore I was looking right straight at where he pj’s covered her pussy. Now I must stop my story and explain something. You may have noticed I say penis, instead of dick, or cock or prick. I never really liked those words; to me they were always a word that you heard adults use to describe people that were bad or they didn’t like. I was never comfortable saying them with regards to my penis. I also thought wieners was so child like, you know for kids. Now cunt or snatch was the same to me as dick and prick. A word to describe someone you thought was one. Vagina sounded so cold to me, like you were still in health class. But pussy…. now that word was what most of us guys used when talking about girls. “Bet her pussy is tight.” Or “I would like to see that pussy.” those kind of things you heard all the time when a bunch of guys were around. To me pussy describes something soft and warm. Some thing snuggly to touch and pet.
Anyway, I found myself again in an embarrassing moment. Staring straight at her pussy, or at least where it was behind her pj’s. She didn’t seem to notice me staring.
“Do you like looking at my butt?” she laughed as she said it. “I could tell you were. Most guys do you know. Girls can always tell.”
“Uhhh I was just ahh a just…. Well….. sort off, I ahh mean uuhhh couldn’t help notice. It was right there!” I choked as I said it, and looked up at her. She just smiled back at me.
“Oh… I almost forgot, wait here. Let me have the glasses.” She said taking them and walking down the hall. I could see several doors on the left and the right but they were all closed, at the end she opened one and went inside. “I’ll be right out, I want to clean up my room a bit.” I heard her say as more thunder cracked over head. It had been going on all the time and was not showing any signs of slowing down. I really don’t think I was noticing it to much anyway.
I could hear here running around and a door closing once or twice. She came back and started towards me down the hall, just before she reached me she stopped and turned toward a door. She looked at it for a moment. Opened it up and went in. I could here a door open, then close. She came back out of the room with something on a hanger, and turned and smiled at me as she walked up to me.
“Here, these are Robs old PJ’s, you should get comfy. You didn’t bring any did you? You don’t mind do you? They should fit you. Rob is….. I mean was… the same size as you when he wore these last. These are my favorites; they got little footballs on them, see.” Her voice cracked a bit as she said the last part. “That used to be his room when he was 16. When he turned 17 mom let him move downstairs. After he was gone mom moved all his stuff back up here like it was when he was still in school. She hasn’t done anything with it since then. I think Rob wanted to be downstairs so that he could sneak out at night, you know.” she kind of smiled as she said it.
I kind of smiled and nodded “Sure, I don’t mind.” I felt a little weird having to wear her brother’s pj’s but didn’t think it was wise to refuse. They seemed to be something special to her. “I will go change.” I turned around and headed down the stairs to the guest room. I quickly changed and debated at the last minute about leaving my jockey’s on under the pj’s or taking them off. I tried it both ways and finally took them off. That was much cooler and I began to be a bit calmer about the situation. I figured we would watch some lightning, get a little wasted, talk about stuff. I knew I had to keep telling myself that she was just a kid and that I needed to be “a gentleman” as her father had said. I had no intention of trying anything with her. I wasn’t even sure how I would even go about doing that.
I walked back upstairs and saw a small light coming from what I assumed was her room. As I got closer, I thought I could hear her crying. It was so soft, but she was defiantly crying. Not wanting to embarrass her, I backed up to the stairs and called out. “Wendy, where are you?”
There was just a slight pause and then I heard her say “Just a minute, doing some more cleaning.” I heard another door open and the sound of running water. In a moment she came out the door and looked down the hall saying. “There you are, I thought you had gotten lost. Those pj’s look a bit loose. Are they comfy?” before I could answer she said “Come on, just don’t mind the mess.” She stood aside in the door to let me pass. I could feel her look at me as I went by. The room was a typical girl’s room, stuffed animals, pink bed, over by a large window was a small table with the glasses and orange juice mix. There was a door to the bathroom on the right and a closet next to the bed.
“Looks nice..” I said as I looked around. I smiled and looked at her. She was smiling and looking back. I could see just a little bit of red in her eyes from her crying but other wise she acted fine. The only light in the room was coming from the bathroom and hallway. She walked over to the bathroom door and closed it, the light was still on. She then walked to her bedroom door and closed it. Light from both the bathroom and hallway came in from under the crack in both doors. Back then not many houses had installed carpets but had wood floors with rugs. Her room had carpet so the light was diffused. The room seemed to be dark as my eyes hadn’t adjusted yet. The flashes of lighting were coming about once or twice every 10 secs or so. As my eyes started to adjust and the light from the fireworks lit up the room I could see she was standing in the middle of the room. Looking at me. She was just kind of staring at me.
“Are you all right….? “ I asked. She seemed to jump ever so slightly and smiled.
“Yep, lets have a drink and watch the show. Oh… what time is it.” She said.
I looked at my watch, it was a bit after midnight, and told her. Her window was rather large and open, the curtains were moving back and forth a bit. There had been a breeze but as soon as the door was closed it had stopped. The room started to seem a bit warm again. Wendy seemed to notice it to.
“Hang on, this will never do…” she said and opened the hallway door, ran down the hall and flipped the switch. Now the only light coming in was from the bathroom and the storm outside. The breeze had started up and was pushing the curtains against the screen on her window. It felt better. The air moving past us was a bit warm but felt good. Then the rain started to pour down.
“Ok” she said. “This is very important. I don’t mean to sound like a bossy girl, but you need to understand something.” Ahh here it comes, she is going to lay down the rules. Before she could say anymore I quickly replied. “Look, ahhh I don’t have any intentions here. You seem like a real sweet kid and I don’t want to cause any trouble.” She looked at me kind of funny for a few moments then smiled very slyly as she said. “Oh I think I may cause you a bit of trouble. NO! silly!” she exclaimed. “What I mean is the drinking. We need to pace ourselves; it is no fun other wise.” I know I looked confused.
“Here let me explain.” as she went on. “If we drink this whole thing in say an hour. You and I both will be puking our guts out in two hours. And in the morning we will both pay with massive headaches and maybe more puking. Now do you understand?” Of course I did, I took three shots of tequila several months back one right after the other. I was knocked for a loop for about three hours. The morning after was hell, I hadn’t touched hard alcohol since then.
“Uhhh that doesn’t sound like much fun.” I said as I laughed.
“OK good, my brother taught me a lot about it, he said a person can be either stupid or smart if they are going to drink. People who get drunk on their ass people are stupid people. he said. Now it’s just after midnight so we take a drink and then half an hour later we can have another one.” With that she poured both glasses full and handed me mine and held up hers. “To the storm….” She said as she quickly drank the whole thing in just a few gulps. “Mmmm, that’s good. Been a few months since I had one of those.”
I just stared at her and said. “Aren’t you going to sip it or anything?”
She looked at me and laughed. “Sip it!” She said. “Where here to have fun! Take your shot, your not wimping on me are you?”
“No!” I exclaimed. I was still unsure what was going on. With that I drank mine down in just a few gulps as well. I could barley taste the vodka in it. It made the drink a bit tangy but was really good, I must admit that I was surprised at her level of knowledge she seemed to have about alcohol.
“All right time for the some fireworks.” She giggled. With that she moved her chair closer to mine, so that we were almost touching. I could now smell her stronger than ever. “Keep an eye on the watch, Brian.” She smiled at me as she sat down. “Let me know when half hour is up.”
We sat in silence for almost five minutes, going ohh and ahh with each bolt as it lit up the sky. Her window overlooked the distant mountains. There were very few houses in between. We could see bolts hit the ground. We keep looking at each other and grinning as each bolt seemed to be more and more graphic. I started to feel slightly warm again. I was getting a tingly sensation in my fingers and toes. My head seemed to be getting lighter, and I was feeling more relaxed. I was actually starting to enjoy myself.
She looked at me and said “Do you feel that?” she giggled a little bit. Before I could say anything she continued. “I can feel the vodka, it makes my toes tingle.” I smiled at her and nodded. She turned as more lighting lit up the sky. I continued to watch it and her. God she was so cute. She brought her knees up and put her feet in the chair. She placed an arm across her knees and put her chin on it as she looked out the window. Her right arm, the one next to me was under and around her lower right leg. In the brief flashes of light, I was watching her out of the corner of my eyes. Pretending to see some of the lightning she was reacting to. I just wanted to watch her, I was amazed at this young girl who seemed to be so comfortable with me, and everything that had gone on this evening. As I would glance at her I became conscious of the fact that her lower right arm was moving slowly up and down inside of her upper thigh. At first I assumed she was just maybe scratching or nervous. But the longer I watched and noticed what she was doing, the more it became obvious that she was actually rubbing her pussy. She was playing with herself while sitting here with me. I was stunned and really was trying to convince myself that I was just imagining it. I also became aware of a different sort of smell in the room I could not place.
“Boy now I feel warm, do you feel warm to?” She said. I turned toward her. She was looking at me with her head against her knee’s. Smiling slowly and with sparkling eyes, she said “What time is it.” I looked at my watch and we still had almost 10 mins left to go. I told her. Then she slowly smiled at me again, and said “I can’t wait lets do IT now.” Her odd grin at me took me by surprise.
“Uhh whaaattt!” I uttered. I was taken off guard, I think it was the way she said IT. She just smiled, laughed and said “No silly, another drink. You know Brian you get really weird sometimes.”
“Well, I find it really weird being in your bedroom, in pj’s and drinking vodka, and watching a thunder storm.” I said quietly. She looked at me and smiled. Grabbed her glass filled it and mine and said “Bottoms up.” I did the same with mine and smiled at her. We sat our glasses down and I turned and looked out the window. The storm was moving off and the lighting was getting fewer and fewer, at least close in. I could feel her watching me. I glanced at her and she was smiling at me. He lower right arm was once again slowly moving up and down between her legs.
“I looked at her and smiled. “What…. “ I said.
She sighed. “Oh nothing it just that sometimes between the lightning bolts, you remind me of Rob. You two look a lot alike, at least when he was 17.“ Her voice was kind of quiet. I could tell she was a bit sad. We sat there very quiet for what seemed a long time, enjoying the show and the noise of the rain.
“You miss him a lot don’t you?” I finally said. She nodded and looked out the window again. I could really feel the extra kick from the vodka now. I felt more relaxed and comfortable, and even with the cool air that was coming into the house I was feeling warm inside. The rain had slowed down a bit as well.
Still looking out the window, she said “Yes, we used to do so much together. Our parents were always gone to parties and stuff. Some times they would not get back until the next day. We used to sneak into the booze and come up here just like we are now and watch the storms, and talk and stuff.”
We sat for a few minutes more, when she turned to me and said real quite. “Can I ask you a question, it’s kind of personal and all, and you really don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
I looked at her for a moment. She wasn’t smiling, but had this strange look on her face, almost like she really was very curious. “Uhh sure, I don’t care.” I replied. I was feeling even more relaxed than ever and before I could say more she said. “Do you masturbate?” with out thinking about what I had just heard I replied “Yes…” and then caught myself and stammered “I mean no,… I mean ….well uhhh what do you mean?” I said looking at her. She looked back at me and without changing expression or anything said. “You know jack-off, beat your meat. You do know what masturbation is don’t you?” Before I could go on she continued. “I know most boys do it, at least Rob said so. I caught him once. I was walking by his room and he had the door open a bit. He must have thought no one was home yet. As I walked by I could see him lying naked on the bed. He was holding a dirty magazine up in front of his face so he couldn’t really see me. I stopped and looked in. I had seen him naked lots of times before, but this was different. I looked down and he had his hand around his cock and was going up and down on it. I couldn’t believe how big it was. I had only seen it small. At the time I really did not know what it was all about. I was only 11 and I knew where babies came from but I did not know about erections and masturbation. I was amazed and just stood and started at him and his cock, his hand was going up and down and seemed to be getting faster. He was starting to breathe faster as well, he then laid the book down and held his head back with his eyes closed. All of a sudden he was shooting white stuff up in the air and it was going on him and up his stomach. He kept pumping and shooting a bit more. At the same time he was making this low grunting sound. He then slowed down and stroked him self a bit more before stopping. I must have made a noise, because he opened his eyes and saw me looking at him.“
As I listened to Wendy tell the story, I could feel my own cock err penis moving. As much as I didn’t’ want it to my penis was getting larger by the moment. I leaned forward a bit and put my arm across my lap. I certainly did not want Wendy to see my erection poking up in my pj’s. I should have worn my shorts, they would at least have helped keep it down.
“Anyway he jumped up and grabbed the pillow and put it over his lap. He wanted to know how long I had been standing there. I just looked at him and said the whole time. I could see his white stuff slowly running down his front. He asked if I knew what he was doing. I said no. He didn’t seem mad, just relieved. He explained that boys got horny and there things got big. When that happened they had to pump on it and get the pressure out. He said all boys did it, and had to do it several times a week, other wise they would explode. He made me promise not to tell mom and dad what I had seen. This was a secret that only boys were supposed to know. Of course I agreed, he still seemed very upset. I looked at the stuff running down his belly and pointed to it and asked what’s that? He explained that it was cum and that it had sperm in it. I was then that I realized an important part of baby making. It was a mans thing getting hard and being inside a woman and shooting cum. I nodded my head and said ohhh, I get it, making babies. He said yes, that was how it worked. I then asked him if I could watch next time he did it again. I wanted to see it closer. He looked at me funny and said you’re really weird Wendy. Dad would kill us both if he found out. I told him I was just interested and wanted to see it work. I said if he didn’t show me I would tell mom and dad I saw him playing with his thingy. He looked upset again, and before he could say anymore I asked when will it get hard again. I assumed it would be days. He said that it could get hard in a few minutes if the right stuff happened. I said really, what stuff. He said just a minute, then got up still holding the pillow in front of him and went to the bathroom. He grabbed a towel and I could see him wiping the cum off himself. “
As Wendy told the story, my erection was getting larger and larger despite all my efforts to control it. I had never heard someone describe this much detail before. Some of the stories I read in magazines were not as real as this. Especially coming from a 13 year old girl who told it like it was a bedtime story.
“What time is it…” she said stopping in the middle with her descriptions of her brother. I looked at my watch and it was almost to the half hour after our second drink.
“Time for another shot.” I said as I started to reach and pour another one for us. I didn’t really feel like I was drunk. It was more like I was warm and relaxed, except for the part between my legs. That’s when I stopped, I would have to bring my arm up from my lap. I did not want to do that. My erection was full on and if I moved my arm, my pj’s would sprout a tent in the middle of my lap.
“I’ll get it she said. You seem a little tense.” She laughed as she said it. “This doesn’t bother you does it, you don’t seem to be as red as you were earlier tonight.” She laughed again.
“No…uhh no I’m uh fine… its just odd and all, I mean your brother? He was going to show it and do it again. Seems a little perverted to me.” I exclaimed.
“Oh lighten up.” She laughed again. “I am just telling you what happened. I didn’t think anything of it at the time and Rob seemed a bit upset but I think he was more worried about me saying something to mom and dad. We share the bathroom.” See she said as she stood up and opened the door to her bathroom. The light about blinded me but I could see a door on the other side of the toilet. “That’s his room on the other side, sometimes we would forgot to lock the other side and walk in on each other. One of us would be pooping, peeing or standing naked brushing our teeth or in the shower. It was never a big deal with us. We always laughed about it. It never really seemed sexy or anything.” She closed the door and sat back down.
She looked at me and smiled, she had a big grin on her face and her cheeks were flushed. “Anyway….” She went on. “As he was standing in the bathroom cleaning up, I saw the magazine and walked over to the bed to look at it. I had seen Playboy once at a friend’s house. But this one was way different than that. It showed girls with their legs spread way open, their pussy was all pink and moist.”
I groaned a bit as she said it. She glanced at me and smiled. “Some had what looked like fake cocks in them and were making them go in and out. Rob said later they were dildos.” She laughed at that. “Some pictures showed a cock in a pussy all the way in. The guy’s ball sack was all firm and round, not hanging loose like Robs was at the moment. I just stared at the pictures, very amazed. Rob came out looked at me and smiled, the pillow was gone and he was naked. His cock was all limp and hanging down. He looked at me and smiled, and asked me if I saw anything that looked good. I nodded my head and pointed to a picture with a guy who had an enormous cock. He was standing over a girl who was looking up at him and had it in her hand. She looked like she was going to kiss it I told him. Oh she is going to do that and more he laughed and told me to turn the page. I did, and I couldn’t believe it, I though it looked disgusting but it seemed to excite me at the same time. She was sucking on it. It was almost all the way in her mouth, can you believe that?” Wendy turned and looked at me again.
She must have noticed the glazed look in my eyes, because she said “What’s wrong, Brian, is this all a bit much for you? Do you want me to stop? We can talk about other stuff” she sounded concerned.
“I ahhh… nothing.. its just that I feel all warm and all this talk is making me warmer” I said very quietly looking at her. “If it doesn’t bother you it doesn’t bother me…much anyway.”
She smiled a big grin and said. “What time is it?” I looked at my watch. Only 15 mins had gone by. “We still have 15 mins left.” I said.
She laughed and looked at me with a very odd smile. “Stand up?” she said, a bit loud.
“What….uhh why?” I stammered, I looked around thinking she had seen or heard something.
“I said….Stand Up. Why not….are you afraid to stand up?” she laughed.
“Uh no… its just uh well uh….” I could feel my face getting redder by the second.
“Ohhh come on silly….just stand up….. Please….” She almost wined the last part.
I slowly stood up, but as I did I turned so that I was almost facing away from here. My penis was sticking straight out and the pjs’ were showing it very well.
“Hey…” she exclaimed. “No fair, now turn around, come on turn around, don’t be so shy.”
I looked back at her, she was grinning up at me. Still watching her I slowly turned so that my body was almost facing her. As I did she stopped looking at me and looked down at my pj’s her mouth open.
“Oh my god!” she said “You do have a big hard on under there don’t you. I knew my story would do that! “ she giggled a bit then continued. “OK, now I want you to do something for me.” I looked at her, I was still a bit flushed but nodded my head slowly. “I want you to take your hand and put it inside your pj’s.” I did as she said. “Now wrap your fingers around your cock and pump on it a bit for me.” She stood watching my hand as I put it in the pj’s and grabbed my penis. I started to slowly go back and forth on it as I watched her. God it felt so good, as I closed my eyes for a second. I opened them as I heard her a make a soft sigh. She was looking up at me, I noticed that she had her hand down inside her pj’s. She pulled her arm out and reached out to me with both hands.
“Now, keep playing.” She said, and looked at me. “I want to pull your pj’s down, so don’t move OK?” I really didn’t care at this point; I just felt the warmth of my hand and the warmth from the air and the vodka working on me. I looked at her, she had a glazed look on her face and leaned in closer and gripped each side of the jams and started to slowly bring them down. She stared straight at my penis as it popped free with my hand still slowly moving on it. I looked down at my penis and there was a whole lot of clear wet coming out as I worked back and forth on it. I felt like I was going to cum any second. She gasped and looked at me.
“Oh…my gosh Brian that is a very nice cock…” she moaned a bit as she said it. “Ok, now stop and move your hand!” saying it a bit loud. I did with out thinking. God I didn’t want to stop now. I closed my eyes a second and moaned. “Hang on Brian!” I heard her say. I looked down just as she moved in. She grabbed my penis far back next to my pubic hair. Her touch was so soft and gentle, I could feel that her hand was just a bit wet. I was sure it was her pussy juice on it. Before I could react, she moved closer her tongue came out and started licking the tip of my penis. She tongued it for a second and got most of the pre-cum that was oozing out of me. I jerked back a bit but she took her other hand and put it behind me directly on my but. Her fingers went slightly in my butt crack and I thought I was going to exploded right then all over her face. She pulled me closer and then she slowly slid her mouth over my penis. As she did, her tongue slowly moved up an down on the bottom of my erect shaft and tickled the tip. She worked her way so that I was farther in her mouth and started sucking and slurping. As she started moving a bit faster, I could feel my self getting close. She sensed it as well and speeded up a bit. She moved her other hand off my penis and on my other butt cheek.
By this time I was getting real close. Her head was going back and forth making sucking sounds, her tongue was moving around rapidly on the under side and around the head of my penis. My hips started slowly jerking and I could feel my cum as it started to rise. As I looked down at her, she opened her eyes and glanced up, I could see the light in her eyes, and the obvious joy on her face as she sucked me in and out. I could feel her hands grip my butt checks harder as she moved my ass crack apart, she kept moving her fingers closer to my butt hole. She had really short fingernails, and her hands were so soft and warm.
She removed one hand and brought it to her mouth. I looked down and she was sucking my cock and her finger at the same time. With out missing a beat she put her hand back on my butt and spread my cheeks even further. She moistened all around my butt by going back and forth from her mouth to my ass until I was soaking wet back there. I wasn’t sure what she had in mind, I really did not care at the moment. I was feeling like I was in a dream. The lights and noise from the storm outside, the warm air going past me from downstairs, this enormous warmth from between my legs that never seemed to end. All I could do was think about that warm wet soft mouth wrapped around my cock. I could her myself talking.
“Oh Wendy, this feels so good, please don’t stop, oh my cock is so hard it hurts.” I had finally said cock to her, penis was gone for good, at least for now. It seemed to go on for ever as she slowly worked on me. She would stop a bit and reach her tongue down and work them over my balls, before going back to sucking on me some more. After a bit she started working her mouth and tongue a bit faster. Just when I felt I was getting close to erupting she would stop or slow down. This seemed to go on forever as well. Soon she was going a bit faster and I was starting to move my hips in time with her mouth. She proceeded to go a bit faster. I groaned and could feel myself getting really close now. Sensing this she moved her hand and I then felt the tip of her finger start to poke at my butt hole. It was so wet that it started to go in a little bit. She pushed farther, at first I resisted but then I pushed back and she slipped it at least a half of her finger inside me. As soon as she did, I felt my cum start to race out my cock. I was worried for a second that I was going to gross her out. That feeling was lost when I suddenly exploded into her mouth. I could feel squirt after squirt rushing from me as she slowed a bit and continued to suck, I could actually hear her gulp my cum as I shot each squirt into that warm wet mouth. I came in spasms, each squirt seemed like it would never end. She slowed and just as the sensitivity of her mouth on my cock started to overcome me, she stopped, I unloaded a few more squirts. I could hear her gulping them down as they filled her mouth. I had never cum that hard before, nothing I ever did with my hand could match what had just erupted from my body. She halted all movement with her mouth or tongue and slowly removed her finger from my butt.
I tried to pull from her mouth as I felt weak and wanted to sit down. She resisted and pulled me back to her and guided me as I sat down on the chair edge. Slowly ever so slowly she continued to suck me as I could feel my self start to go limp. She slowly massaged my butt with her hands. After a few more sucks she opened her mouth and licked me up and down, before looking up at me with a big grin.
“What time is it?” she said softly and giggled. I looked at my watch. We were 10mins over due for our shot. I couldn’t believe that it had taken this long of time for me to cum.
“My god, that was great, Wendy… I uhhh that was so great,,,,, I have never cum like that before” I said very softly. “I think I must have come a gallon….and uhhh and uuu….that was so great”
“Time for a chaser…” she said as she got up. She quickly poured the last of the juice mix into our glasses. “Bottom’s up” as she drank hers down.
I drank mine quickly, I suddenly felt a bit foolish setting there with Robs pj’s around my ankles, I stepped out of them and then stood up and removed my top. I was starting to sweat from the exertion. As I did she moved in real close to me and started kissing my neck and working her way to my mouth. She found it and pushed her tongue in and started to suck on my tongue like it was my cock. I could taste my cum a bit still in her mouth. At least I assumed it was, it sure wasn’t orange juice and vodka.
She slowly stopped and looked up at me. “Was that your first blow job?” she giggled.
I smiled back and said, “Yeah, I uhh never even been touched by a girl down there..”
“No way…How can a handsome guy like you at least not make out and fool around.” She grinned.
“I never really had a real girlfriend.” I said quietly. I suddenly became aware of the fact that I was standing naked in the middle of her bedroom. “uhhh I guess I have one now?” I laughed.
She pulled back a bit and her smile dropped. The look on my face must have shocked her. She seemed concerned. “uhhh Brian please understand, I can be your friend. But I am not your girl friend. I am not your lover either.”
Now I was confused. “But I thought that ahh this auhh was…..” I couldn’t say anymore.
Wendy smiled and laughed a bit. “No, silly, this is fun, this is sex play. We are not making love, nor are we going steady or going out or any of that. You and I are just having fun and playing. Are you not having fun? Do you want to stop playing? We can but I can use a real good fuck buddy right now.”
“No, I mean Yes… yes I am having fun and no I don’t want to stop…” I sighed as I said it. Fuck buddy. She wanted me to be her fuck buddy. I wasn’t really sure what it meant but it sounded good.
“Ok, let’s not get all dramatic or serious.” She replied. “I want to have fun and play some more to. But we have a problem. I don’t want to get pregnant, and boys have lots of sperm just waiting to get inside of naughty girls and knock them up, you do understand that don’t you.”
I was relieved and she saw it on my face. “Good…that means at no point does your nice hard cock get anywhere near my wet hot pussy, unless he is properly dressed up.” She said it very softly as she moved closer to me then turned away. “Look my brother gave me a bunch of rubbers before he left. You do know what rubbers are don’t you?” She walked to her bed got on her hands and knees and bent down. As she bent over I could see that the crotch of her pajamas were wet. Then reaching under, she pulled out a box, opened it and showed me what was inside. About 20 small packets or so that looked similar to what I had in my wallet.
“Yes, of course… I have one in my wallet. My cousin gave it to me last year” I replied.
She looked at me and laughed…”Throw it away first chance you get. It could be too old or have damage from being packed around and cause you problems….if you know what I mean.”
“Sure… I guess so but I would need a new one.” I replied smiling.
She reached in the box and took several out. Threw me one and put the others on the night stand and giggled. “This should do us for awhile. How do you feel. Would you like more to drink?
I felt very good and really thought I would go over the edge if I had anymore.” No, I think I am fine.. nice and warm and toasty. But I would like to have a coke if I can. I am thirsty.” I grinned looking down at the new condom in my hand.
“OK, but I have to go with you, here lets have some fun.” She said, reaching out and grabbing my penis. She rubbed it a little bit, but then moved her hands down and grabbed my ball sack and gently tugged on it. “OK lets go… you’re my little boy and I have you on my leash.” With that she gently tugged on me and started walking toward the door. I of course had to follow. We walked down the darkened hallway; the only light came from the dimly lit kitchen below. I could feel myself getting a little excited with her gentle tugging on my balls. I looked down and my penis had started to come back to life. She led me down the stairs, looking back at me and seeing that my cock was getting a bit stiff, she reached out and slapped it. I about fell down from the sharp blow, but it really didn’t hurt it just surprised me.
“Not now little boy, I have more plans.” She smiled back at me as she said it. My penis started to lose it’s stiffness real quick. We went into the kitchen; letting go she grabbed a coke and handed it to me, then took one for herself. We turned around and started toward the stairs; I gently touched her shoulder and showed her the condom. She got the idea. I dashed into the guest room and put it in my wallet. Throwing the old one in the trash can. As we started up, she let go and smiled back at me.
“Don’t go anywhere else now. Just follow me.” She said. She slowly turned back and looked at me. I was again watching her bottom; I looked up as she stopped. She smiled again then slowly pulled her pj bottoms down until just the bottom of her butt showed where they met her legs.
“Do you like the view now?” She said. “Much better than last time, right?” I nodded at her.
I could see very soft hairs between the legs and the beginnings of her pussy lips. Her butt was white and creamy colored with no blemishes or marks. The crack of her ass was slightly spread and I could barley see the pink bud of her butt hole. Again I felt my cock really coming to life. I just stared. This was the closest I had ever gotten to see a real pussy. It was then that I noticed the smell, I could smell her, I could also see the glistening of moisture in her hair and along her legs. She had gotten very wet from our sex play. Her smell was intoxicating, I breathed it in along with her other smells, her sweat smell that I had noticed earlier in the kitchen, the soapy smell of her skin. I felt like I was going to fall over as I stumbled towards her. My nose just inches from her wonderful ass. The smell was much stronger now. My first smell of clean sweet pussy and the clean musky smell of her butt, it was driving me wild, I wanted so bad to stick my whole face into her moist cracks, and suck to my hearts content.
“Careful Brian, are you alright, is everything alright…”she exclaimed. “You’re not a bit drunk are you?
“Yes,,, I am drunk,,, I am drunk on the sight and smell of your body.” I said “I didn’t realize that the smell of a girl was so powerful. And your bottom is so beautiful.”
“Yes, I like it to.” She said. She then reached in behind her and carefully reached under her bottom and rubbed her fingers along her pussy. I watched as they disappeared inside and came back out all wet. Her fingers were almost dripping from the amount off moisture on them. She moved her hand to her mouth and sucked her fingers slowly while looking into my eyes. I noticed that by this time my cock had gotten full up and was sticking straight out again. She reached in again for more of her wonderful liquid. But this time she held her hand out and moved it toward my mouth. “Lick me….Brian” she said.
My mouth opened and her fingers slipped inside. My eyes closed, her taste was a bit salty, and reminded me of diluted milk. I worked my mouth and tongue around her soft fingers. I licked until I couldn’t taste her anymore. I opened my eyes and she had a very big smile on her face. I could see she enjoyed watching me suck her moisture from her fingers. She then was looking down at my erection.
“Let’s go back to my room, where we can play some more.” she said as she bent over and finished pulling her pjs bottoms off. I stared at her exposed pussy and pink bud of an ass hole. She had very light hair compared to her dark head. She was almost hairless around the lips and above her wonderful hole and on her mound. I could see what I knew was her clitoris. I looked so much like a miniature penis all red and wet. She stood up, removed her top and turned toward me so that I could see her breasts for the first time. Her nipples were very erect, and her soft mounds looked firm and perfect.
“There very beautiful, Wendy” I said quietly. I was still recovering from the shock of seeing her exposed pussy and the taste of her wonderful liquid. She grabbed my hands and put them on her tits. And showed me how to move them and play with her nipples. She leaned back and sighed as I did so. I massaged them for a few minutes, totally mesmerized by the feel and look of them.
We then started down the hall together. Wendy put her arm around my waist and guided me towards her room. I was a bit wobbly from my first look at a pussy and playing with her boobs. She glanced down at my erect cock sticking straight out. “Opps your dripping… here let me fix it.” She said as she bent over. With out missing a step, we kept walking as she reached out with her tongue and licked the drops that were flowing from my erection. I thought I would come again just from the touch of her tongue. “You taste very good Brian, do you know that.”
“uhhh yeah I guess, I tasted it before, it didn’t do much for me, but it wasn’t bad.” I said shyly.
As we entered her room she went to the bathroom and washed her hands, then turned and set on the pot. She smiled up at me as I watched her pee, the look must have told her everything.
“Have your never even seen a girl pee before… come here.” She said.
I walked toward her and she lifted herself off the toilet and put her hands on either side of her pussy, she spread the lips and started peeing, straight down. “See…” She said. If I spread my pussy I can almost stand while I pee. She slowly stood up as she was peeing and it still shot straight down. I then realized that I had to go to, even with my erection. In fact it had gotten half soft while standing there watching her. I was feeling very comfortable being naked with her, and seeing her naked.
“I have to go to…” I said. She looked at me smiling and finished her last little squirt, reached over and grabbed a small towel and patted herself dry while holding her pussy lips open with her other two fingers. She finally stood all the way up and out of the way. “There you go….” She said and motioned me forward. Still standing at my side she watched as I guided my penis, which was almost limp and started to pee. It was hard at first to pee and it felt odd standing there with her watching me. It seemed like a long time before I started and then it came out fast and quick. As soon as I finished she grabbed the towel took my penis in her hand and patted me dry. Still holding my cock she slowly stroked it up and down while looking into my eyes. Her face came to mine and started licking my neck as she worked her mouth up to mine. I could feel my cock growing again. This time rather quickly. Our tongues meet and we sucked on each other. I felt her grab some towels as she slowly started moving us both toward the door. Without stopping our kissing, she guided us over to the bed threw the towels on the side and turned and fell back while pulling me down beside her. She moved her self away from my penis as it briefly touched her on the thigh.
She pulled her mouth from mine and looked straight into my eyes. “Have you ever sucked on a pussy before? You would like to do that…right..” she laughed as she said it. She knew that I hadn’t. I just smiled and nodded. It was her way of telling me what was coming next. I felt like I was going to squirt again. “Here let me get in position.” She said as she moved away and scooted up on the bed with her head against the pillows. She grabbed a folded towel and plopped it down and set her butt down on it. “I get a bit messy sometimes.” She laughed as she took another small pillow and put it under the small of her back. This lifted her middle up into the air. She lifted her knees a bit and grabbed behind them and pulled her legs with her feet up and over her head and to the side. Again I almost squirted as my cocked jumped up and down through my excitement. I just stood there looking at her smiling up at me in that position. I guess I knew what to do, but felt nervous about starting. I could still see lots of moister and some of it was running down across her butt hole.
“Ok, now I am going to teach you how to make fireworks..” she giggled. “Now very slowly come forward and lick me slowly all around my pussy with out actually touching it.” I got on the bed and leaned down and did as she told me, working my tongue slowly around and around. Changing directions and making little small circles with my tongue. My saliva ran out of my mouth and coated her on all sides. I slowly breathed in the aroma of her sweet pussy as I worked on her. I could feel her as she moved her butt back and forth and up and down. “Yes.. that’s it yes.. you’re doing very well…Now slowly work to my butt hole and tickle it with your tongue.” I didn’t care as I did what she said. “Work up to my pussy bottom and now slowly lick the middle back and forth from top to bottom.” She gasped as I made the first stroke up and back. I felt her clit briefly under my tongue. I knew this was a very sensitive part. I circled it a few times and then I went back down her lips and put my tongue deeper into her hole. “You’re a natural…Brian, I think you got it. Just keep working on my pussy like that.” I did as she told me. She slowly had me going back and forth on her. I glanced up at her a few times. She was holding both her tits in her hands and playing with her nipples. The movements started going faster and faster. I tried my best to keep up with her rhythm. As she slowed, I slowed as she moved faster I then went faster and pushed a bit deeper and harder as well. I brought my hands up and slowly started to work a finger into her pussy as I continued to lick her up and down. My face was covered with our combined juices and I was drunk with the smells coming from her body. I could feel her starting to shake more and she started crying out. “Oh, god your doing so well, suck my clit, suck my pussy….oh keep going, harder faster” as she cried out the words. “Oh I am going to cum….make me cum cum…don’t stop…keep going, push your fingers in me,,, rub the inside top of my pussy…a bit harder there that’s it don’t stop uhhgg hh” I did and soon I felt her start to shake and spasm. I was thinking back on when she made be cum, as she sucked on me. I took a wet finger and moved it down to her butt, and pushed in slowly. Our juices had her hole well covered…I felt her jerk and push against my finger, it easily slipped almost all the way in. As it did she yelled out and started jerking her hips into my face. “I’m cumming…..oh god this is better than I hoped…fuck my ass…suck my pussy suck it suck it… keep sucking god … I am going to cum ugggaagahhh cum cum cuuuag…”She jerked and her hips shot up and down, almost hurting my lips and face from the pressure. I kept licking and sucking moving one finger of my hand back and forth in her butt and the fingers on my other hand up inside her. All of a sudden she arched even higher…liquid gushed out of her and some squirted me right in the face. I was shocked, I had not heard of this before…she gushed almost like she was peeing, I didn’t really care at the moment, I kept sucking and licking her, trying my best not to stop. She arched high with another spasm and it was like she was coming again all over. Her whole body was shaking and going into spasms.
“ahhhhhh cum cuuuhhh” she moaned long and slow and gushed a little more. I tasted her, if it was pee it didn’t taste like what I thought pee might taste like. My face was soaked….I slowly stopped as she started to slow down and relax. I pulled my fingers out of her and continued to slowly lick all around her pussy and cleaned her as she had cleaned me earlier. She moaned softly and slowly brought her legs down and to my side. The whole time she had kept her hands on her tits and was still slowly massaging them.
My cock was throbbing and I needed to come so bad. I wanted to shove it in her pussy and fuck it till I exploded. If I had been a bit drunker I would have, even if she had tried to stop me.
“God Wendy you really are something… I didn’t think girls could shoot like that.” I moaned. “I need you to suck on me again, my cock is so hard I want it in your pussy so bad… please suck me.” I then noticed that my hips were slowly dry humping the air. I was on the verge of just coming right then.
She sensed my distress and said. “I got a better idea…” as she moved and her hand down between her legs, she rubbed herself and I could see she was getting her hand all wet. She then reached out and grabbed my cock and ran it up and down and lubed me up good, I felt I was going to squirt right in her hand. She then got up turned over on her knees and bent down with her head on the bed sideways, now with her butt sticking almost straight up in the air. “Fuck me in the ass,,, go slowly at first push very slowly,,, use spit to get your cock slicker if you need to.” I didn’t need any spit, the juice from her pussy, and the pre-cum on my cock was enough as I moved to her. With my cock in my hand I looked down at her bottom, her sphincter muscle was going back and forth like she was trying to poop. Her pussy was all red and seemed like it was engorged. I was tempted once again to just slip my penis into her. But as I watched her rosebud on her ass go back and forth I got hotter just looking at it. I placed my cock against it and started to push slowly into her, then backing out and going back in a little bit further. She groaned and I saw her reach under her and start working on her pussy… “Go slow, fuck me real slow,,,, real slow, don’t hurry I will let you know when to go faster, she grunted….” I worked my cock slowly into her, it felt a bit tight at first but she seemed to relax and push against me as I finally slipped further and further into her. In the back of my mind, I knew that she had done this a before and from her reaction maybe a lot, but the feeling of being inside her was over powering me. I began to think that maybe this was something much better than pussy, her grip on me would change from loose to firm.. it felt a bit like she was sucking on me again, then all I could think about was shooting my cum. “If you feel to close, stop moving and grip your cock at the base and squeeze real hard or pinch your self real hard.. it will slow things down.”
I did as she said and pinched myself a few times as I pushed myself in and out of her bottom. It helped some and I could concentrate on watching her as I stood over her and humped her in the ass.
She slowly ground her butt against me as she continued to play with her self. I could feel her hand starting to speed up and her body moving faster… “ohhh Brian…., I am getting close again….let me know when you’re ready…I want to cum with you..” she moaned. I was ready and could feel my cum, I started moving a bit faster and looked down on my cock as it moved in and out. The sight of her under me and the fact that I could see her arm jerking her hand in and out of her pussy was to much… “Wendy I am going to squirt any sec…… uuuggg” I started to squirt. As I did she screamed “I’mmm commming toooo… don’t stop…” My hips had stopped and were jerking as each squirt kept coming out of me and pouring into her. I thought I had cum a lot on the blow job she had given me earlier, but this seemed longer and more intense. I could hear her wetness as her juices once again poured out of her and on the bed. As we both slowed and stopped, I held my self tight into her and collapsed onto her. We both lay there, breathing hard, and moaning softly. I think it was at least a good 5mins. My cock slowly went down as it was pushed out of her ass hole. I just felt the warmness of her whole body and the wetness of our sweat and cum all over us.
“God Brian… that was so good….” She moaned. “I haven’t had a good ass fuck since Rob….” She tensed and jerked a bit as she realized what she had just said. I jerked a bit to but from her reaction more that her comment. I could tell she was holding her breath waiting for any further reaction.
“You fucked your own brother…??” I said softly.. I wasn’t to shocked but I felt very odd. I felt her get more relaxed from the tone of my voice. She could tell that I was more curious and not disgusted.
“No…not really, Rob would never fuck my pussy…. we always played, but never actually fucked” he said it wouldn’t be right. After all what he said we were doing was him teaching me about sex and playing, he wanted me to be proud of my body and not afraid to enjoy it. Now I wish so much that we had fucked… I loved him so much.. I miss him so…” she started sobbing quietly at first. As I moved off her and moved in close beside her she turned toward me. I took her into my arms and held her as she cried softly into my shoulder. Her warm tears flowed over me and soaked her face as well as my chest and arms. After a while she slowly stopped and her breathing became very light. The air coming into the room from downstairs was a bit cooler. I could tell that she was asleep; I didn’t want to move and disturb her. I thought about the night and how I almost decided to stay home and not come. I laughed to myself at the irony I had cum alright, twice. I knew there would be more. I looked down at our naked bodies as they got illuminated from the occasional lightning flash that was now very distant. She had her leg over mine and was straddling me. I could feel the warm wetness from her pussy on my skin, and my own sticky wetness of my cock as it slowly dried against her. I must have fell asleep to. I awoke with a strange feeling between my legs, something warm and wet was working on my cock. I could fell myself getting a bit erect. Wendy was leaning over me with a warm soft wash cloth and carefully wiping me clean. Then she noticed that I was awake as I started to move my hips and thrust my cock with her hand movements.
“Damn… you Brian… you spoiled it.” She laughed. “I was going to clean you all up and suck you awake. I was hoping you would start shooting your cum as you woke up.” I was again amazed at how relaxed she was when she talked this way. “I did that with Rob once. I snuck into his room when he was asleep. It was a hot night and he was naked on top of his covers. He had been out partying and I could smell that he had been drinking. I had just turned 12. I looked down at his cock and slowly..… Nope!…I don’t want to jump ahead. Lets take a shower and later I will tell you the rest of the story.” She smacked me gently on the penis and turned to her night stand and clicked her light on. It had a dimmer and she turned it down. She then went into the bathroom and turned the light out. She started the shower and laid out some towels. I had sat up and was on the edge of the bed looking down at the other towels and the enormous wet spots we had left behind in our love making ahh I mean sex play as Wendy called it.
“Now I have to change the sheets before we go to bed.” She giggled as she came back into the room. “Are you cumming Brian….” I loved the way she said it. I watched her naked body turn back and go into the shower. I think I was still in shock about how the night had turned out. This was the best babysitting job ever, and this was certainly no baby I was taking care of. This was one fine fuck buddy.
“Hurry up silly, I need a good back scrub…” she called. She was already in the shower. Snapping out of my dreamy reflections I headed into the bathroom and stepped into the shower with her.

Anonymous readerReport 

2013-12-24 02:13:07
delete and never ever post a wall of text again you should be banned and all your shit deleted

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-06-10 23:46:45


2007-07-24 10:20:57
I appreciate the sincerity of the narrator and I honestly believe he's telling the trueth.


2007-01-11 13:32:25
good story. i wish i could find a girl like that


2006-10-16 22:12:20

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