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What it takes for Tess to stand up to the Pool girls.
Please read Pool Girls Part 1, as this chapter picks up where the first left off.

Tess got out of the cab and made her way up to her apartment. She had slowly started to come around during the jostling of the cab ride, She still felt drained, but at least her mind had begun to start working.

She looked at the clock, it felt like it was late but it was only 7PM, too early to go to bed. She could smell the sex and sweat on her body so she decided that the first thing she needed was a shower. She went into her bedroom and took off her clothes, only noticing then that she wasn't wearing any panties. Then she remembered Alice and the scissors.

She turned on the shower and looked in the mirror. She had to admit that she looked well fucked. Her nipples were red and swollen and her pussy looked the same. She could even see her clit poking out, something she'd never seen in the mirror before. Her eyes were blood shoot and half closed.

As she stood under the hot water in the shower, she couldn't help but to replay what had happened. The exciting feel of her first day at her new job. The fun and chatty lunch with her new co-workers. The meeting with the Pool girls in the basement, where they made her cry with their kind words and hugs. Everything had seemed so perfect.

And then the unexpected turn of events. Strapped and cuffed to a table while the girls brought her to five straight orgasms, each getting more intense until she had literally passed out with pleasure!

She still could hardly believe that it had happened. Five orgasms? The most that she had ever cum before was twice in one night with her vibrator. She usually came once or not at all with her prior boyfriends. Today, each of the five Pool girls had made her cum one after the other.

And it had been lesbian sex! Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined something like this. Even when she was drunk at a high school party and some of the girls had started to kiss, she hadn't even watched, slipping away to find some boys to talk to. She just had no interest, and especially no desire, to be with a girl.

She got out of the shower, dried and put on her robe. She decided that she would have a glass of wine, poured one, and sat of the couch. She had some thinking to do before tomorrow.

OK, time to be honest with myself. First, this was by far the best and most exciting sexual experience she'd ever had. She couldn't deny that even if she wanted to. Maybe it was the thrill of being chained down and forced to do it. Maybe it was the fact that the other girls were experienced with lesbian sex and really knew how to drive a girl to orgasm. Maybe it was the domineering way that the gorgeous A controlled things. Ah shit, face the facts. It was all of these thing combined that had turned Tess into such an orgasm machine.

Second, what about the fact that is was lesbian sex? Did she like it because of that? Upon reflecting she could honestly say no. That had actually repulsed her. She hadn't wanted these girls licking her, and she was constantly struggling to pull away from their mouths and fingers. If she hadn't been restrained, she knew for certain that she would have jumped up and ran away. She would have fought the whole bunch of them with fists and teeth if she could have freed herself. If one of them had stuck their pussy in her face, she would have bit it right off. No, I can truthfully say that I'm not a lesbian, and don't want to be one.

So that left Tess with the third thing. What about her job? Alexis had made it quite clear that if she wanted to be a Pool girl Tess had to play along with their games. In fact, even if Tess stayed and tried to reason with the girls that she didn't want to join their "pleasuring", according to their dumb rules she already owed each of the girls an orgasm! What did they expect, that a straight girl was going to eat all of their pussies? That was insane!

What Tess should do was tell Alexis's supervisor what was going on and blow their whole game out of the water. Tess could probably even file a law suit. But then everyone, including Tess's parents and friends, would know that she had been raped by five girls. And what would happen to the other girls? All five of them were really nice people. Tess truly liked all of them and would hate to ruin their lives. They were only trying to find a way to cope with being young and single with very demanding work schedules. And Alice was her best friend's cousin, there was no way that Tess could cause such pain to her friend Kate and her mom and dad.

The only option was to go in tomorrow and tell Alexis that Tess wasn't the girl for the job. Let them find some other lezzie to join their pussy licking club!

Then another reality set in. Tess would be unemployed with no prospects. Shit, shit, shit. She'd have to start from scratch and find her own job. She had depended so much on Alice's help, and now that would be gone. And Tess didn't know another soul in her new home city. But that was what would happen, because she had no choice but to quit tomorrow.

As she stood, Tess realized how sore she was. Her whole body was stiff from all of her struggles and, she had to admit, from all of her thrashing in orgasm. Well, this would be her shortest job, and one that she would never forget.

Tess went to bed, but tossed and turned as her brain seemed to be on overload. Every time that she rolled over, her sensitive nipples sent jolts to her pussy. Without thinking, she found her hand between her legs, and with only what seemed like a few hard rubs she quivered as she came again, then finally fell asleep.

Tess dressed nicely in the morning, thinking that she'd stop by the Human Resources office and inquire about any other opening after she told Alexis that she was leaving. She was waiting in Alexis's office at 8AM.

Alexis came in a few minutes later, glanced at Tess, shut the office door, and sat at her desk.

"Good morning, Tess! I take it that you'd like to talk about your future in the Pool." Alexis had a friendly but business-like tone in her voice.

"Yes I would." Tess gave her a steady look. "OK, Alexis, I'll just spit it out. I think you, Alice, Jackie, Carli, and Liz are really great people, and I hope that I can remain friends with all of you. But I can't be your new Pool girl."

"Yesterday was the best and the worst day of my life. I'm flattered that you five desire to admit me to you're little club, I really am. I'm sure that you'll find some pretty girl who will jump at the chance. But that girl isn't me. You're all beautiful, sexy, smart, and friendly. If I was even the least bit inclined toward girls this would be a dream job. But I'm not. I'm a straight girl from a small town that just wants to meet a nice guy.."

"So, I'm here to officially resign from my new job as a Pool girl."

Alexis smiled sincerely and said "Thanks for being so honest. I really hope that you find the guy that you're looking for. I know that what the girls and I do here is way off of the beaten track, and most girls wouldn't want to be involved. We girls want the same thing that you do in life, only we're willing to go about it in a different way. And I'm sure that we all absolutely want to remain friends with you. You're a special, one-of-a-kind girl."

"I accept your resignation. I only have one thing to ask. We're swamped this morning. Alice can't come in till around noon, and I know that you'll want to say goodbye to her before you go. Liz and Jackie have to go to the west office for a couple of hours this morning. Could you stay for at least part of the day and help us out? Or all day? You'd be doing all of us a great favor."

" Of course," Tess smiled. "As they say, I'm all dressed up with no place to go! What do you want me to do?"

They both stood, and Alexis came to Tess. with her arms out. They gave each other an affectionate hug, and Alexis gave Tess a kiss on the cheek. Alexis whispered into Tess's ear. "I'll miss you, sweet Tess."

With that, Alexis told Tess of four things that needed to be done right away, and they both went to work.

The morning flew by for Tess. She didn't see any of the other girls except Alexis, who kept giving her things to do and places to go. They both skipped lunch, and then even Alexis disappeared. At around 2PM, Tess finally had time to sit at her desk and eat a quick sandwich from the vending machine.

Tess's Instant Message window popped open. It was from Mr. Walker upstairs. "Tess, could you please find me a black cartridge for my printer? It's cartridge number 6251. I can't find any of the other Pool girls. Sorry, but I need it right away." Tess responded. "No problem, I know that we have some, I'll bring it up right away."

Tess headed for the elevator and down to the basement. She felt a little shiver as she snaked through the corridors. Sort of like returning to the scene of the crime.

She turned her key and slowly pushed the door open just a crack. The lights were off this time. "I've got to quit being so paranoid," she thought. She pushed the door open and stepped in, holding the door open as she reached for where she expected the light switch to be.

The door slipped from her fingers and slammed as someone grabbed her from behind, putting one hand over her mouth and the other around her stomach. Other hands grabbed her arms as the lights came on.

All of the Pool girls had a firm hold, and they dragged the kicking and struggling Tess toward the padded table. Tess fought like a lion this time. She tried to bite the hand on mouth, she landed a hard kick into Carli's tummy, and she managed to pull an arm free and punch Liz a glancing blow in the face. Carli let out a roar and grabbed Tess around both legs and lifted them from the floor. Liz recovered and twisted Tess's arm painfully behind her back. They threw Tess hard onto the table, and Carli threw a hard punch into Tess's mid section. Tess felt the air pushed from her lungs, and suddenly she couldn't breathe.

As Tess tried to draw air back into her lungs, two girls grabbed her left arm, yanked it above her head, and she heard and felt the cuff snapping around her wrist. She twisted hard and kicked out, but the two girls got her other arm pulled up and cuffed. Jackie and Liz each jumped up and sat on a leg. Tess felt a cuff snap around each of her ankles at the end of the table. As Tess pulled on her restraints, the strap went across her belly and her hips were pulled tight to the table. The two girls who had been on Tess's arms now grabbed her head and held it while a strap tightened across her forehead. Her tormentors stepped back and watched Tess struggle and scream.

The girls were laughing and commenting. "Man, she's a wild one! " "I can't believe that she actually hit me in the face!" "Yea, she kicked me in the stomach and it hurt!' "Shit, she was trying to bite me!"

Alexis stepped up and put her hand on Tess's check, just like yesterday. "Are you done yet? Or are you going the really hurt yourself this time? Come on, we've got you, don't you think that its time to stop your foolish fighting?"

"Fuck you, Alexis, And fuck all of you!" Tess pulled on her restraints wildly for another minute, then suddenly lay still. "You know what, Alexis" she said calmly, "Mr. Walker is waiting for me. You won't get away with this."

"Mr. Walker? Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Walker isn't in today. Good thing he writes his password on a slip of paper that he leaves in his desk drawer. No, my dear Tess, that was me who sent you the message to come down here. We have some unfinished business before you resign. As I recall, you had five orgasms here yesterday, one delivered by each of us. And as I told you, orgasms are the one thing that we keep track of."

Tess turned red with rage and her body shook. She tried to express her anger, but she couldn't form the words. After a minute, she slumped back onto the table and began to softly cry. The soft crying turned into full scale weeping, then she lost it and began to sob and cry as hard as she had ever cried.

The girls all moved close around the table and began to touch Tess and try to comfort her. Alexis and Alice leaned in and kissed Tess's cheeks and whispered softly into her ears. "Don't cry, sweet Tess. We love you." "Tess, please don't cry sweetie."

Liz, Jackie and Carli all leaned into Tess and kissed her face and whispered their own soft words. All five girls licked away at Tess's tears. Tess hardly noticed as Alice and Alexis each quietly released an ankle, removed a shoe, slid each foot back to Tess's ass, and attached cuffs to the ankles. Finally, Tess began to settle down after she couldn't cry anymore. As she relaxed, the girls all stepped back.

Alexis stepped up to look Tess in the eyes. "OK, Tess honey, we all know what is going to happen here. You are going to bring each of us to orgasm. Since we can't trust you to use your hands, you'll have to make us cum using only your mouth."

Tess was regaining her strength after the hard cry. "Alexis, I won't do it! I told you, I'm not into girls! Just let me go and you'll never see me again."

"I'm sorry that you feel that way, Tess, I really am." Alexis unbuttoned Tess's blouse, snapped open her bra, and pulled the halves to the sides. Alice appeared with the scissors again, pulled Tess's skirt up to her waist front and back, cut the sides of her panties, and pulled what remained of the panties away.

Tess was confused, and her anger returned. "Why are you exposing my body? Is it just to get your kicks while you sick bitches humiliate me again?"

Alexis turned to the other girls. "Carli?"

Alexis retreated and Carli stepped forward and spoke to Tess.

"I had a boyfriend for a while who was into some different things. He liked to spank me and you know what? I found that it really turned me on! I discovered that I liked sex to be a little rough. I let him tie me to the bed and paddle me, amongst many other things."

"You'll remember that when I fingered you yesterday, it was hard and rough. I was hoping that in the future you'd fuck me just the same way. But, now I guess that won't be happening."

Carli turned and picked something up from the table. She held up a long, thin shaft with a handle on one end and a leather flap on the other. "Do you know what this is?" Tess tried to shake her head no, but the strap on her head held her in place.

Carli smiled. "This is a riding crop. It was originally used by a horse rider to incentivize his horse by slapping it on the side. The little sting got the horse moving faster. Today, most of them are sold in sex shops. They're used in the same way. A few slaps with one of these will get your sex partner to do almost anything."

Carli moved closer. Before Tess even knew it, Carli had given her a quick, perfectly aimed slap on each nipple. Tess screamed more in surprise than pain.

"Oh, come on, Tess, those were just love taps!" laughed Carli.

Carli moved her face right into Tess's. The laughing smile was gone, replaced by a truly sinister one.

"You ARE going to eat five pussies today. I'm going to enjoy making sure that you do as you're told. Let me demonstrate what happens if you don't." She stepped back, looked into Tess's eyes, then turned her gaze to Tess's tits. She slowly raised the crop high, then brought it down hard on Tess's nipple.

Tess sucked in a breath to scream, and immediately Carli landed a hard, stinging swat to the other nipple. Tess howled as the stings made her nipples feel like they were on fire. Her body jerked as she screamed in pain.

Carli leaned over and gently licked one nipple then the other as Tess calmed down. Tess began to speak, but Carli held a finger to her lips to silence her.

Carli continued. "Those were pretty good snaps, but I can do them at least twice that hard if I want to. There's really only one thing worse."

Carli moved down the table. "What really, really hurts is a hard slap on the pussy, especially on the clit." She slid the end of the crop along Tess's pussy lips.

"No, please don't, I believe you!" cried Tess. Carli just smiled, raised the crop, and delivered a vicious blow that centered right on Tess's clit.

Tess's body jerked wildly as she shrieked in pain. Tears came to her eyes as she howled again and again. Carli began to gently lick Tess's clit and pussy to ease the pain. Tess slowly slumped back down.

Carli moved back to the head of the table and looked into Tess's eyes. "Tell me, are you going to eat five pussies today? Are you going to do your best to make them cum hard? Tell me."

"Yes," Tess whispered.

"Yes, what? And let the other girls hear you."

Tess looked around at all five girls, then said "Yes, I'm going to lick your pussies, and I'm going to do my best to make you cum hard."

Carli put her nose an inch from Tess's and said "I'll be watching you. If your enthusiasm lags, I'll be giving your pussy a reminder." She then reached up and took the strap off of Tess's forehead.

Alexis stepped up and said "We all agree that Liz is the best no-hands pussy eater, so she'll go first and give you a lesson. Just relax, Tess, and it'll be much easier. Oh, and try not make Carli mad!"

Tess watched as all five girls stripped and set their clothes on another table. The five naked girls crowded around Tess. They all began rubbing their pussies with one hand and caressing their tits and bodies with the other as they smiled at Tess.

Tess couldn't help but stare at their bodies. Alice, the tall red head, had smallish breasts with long red nipples and a small patch of red hair above her pussy. Dark haired Liz had beautiful large breasts with almost brown nipples. Her long, slim tummy led to a hairless mound that was full and protruding.

Carli was stunning. Her body was lean, hard, and coiled almost like a tiger that was ready to pounce. She had a barbell in one nipple, and a patch of fine blond hair below. As Tess looked at her, Carli spread her labia to show Tess her piercing, the gold ring reaching down to lay on the tip of her clit.

Jackie was the shortest and had the most curves. Her bulging breasts were capped with large, thick nipples. Her tummy was soft, and led to wide fleshy hips, She had a dark landing strip above her hairless pussy.

And Alexis, the classic beauty. Long blond hair laid past her thin neck onto flawless shoulders. Her breast were absolutely perfect, large and firm with big nipples. She was thin enough that her ribs just showed, yet soft enough to have curves. She, too, spread herself to show Tess her large clit and hanging pussy lips.

Tess could smell the excited women. She felt her nipples harden and her pussy weep as she admired the girls from up close. "My God, I've never seen such beauty," she thought.

Liz gave her a soft, loving kiss on the lips, then climbed onto the table. The other girls came close to watch the show while still rubbing themselves. Liz straddled Tess's head, held her pussy a few inches from Tess's mouth, and used both hands to pull her pussy wide open. Tess could almost taste the strong aroma.

"OK, sweet Tess, I'll start with the basics and go from there. My clit is at the top, just peeking out at you. If I pull back the hood, like this, it peeks out even more. The more excited I get, the bigger it will get. When you can't use your hands, licking and sucking the clit is the main way to make a girl cum. It's best if you lick and gently suck it, but when I'm close to cumming, suck it hard between your lips and flick your tongue rapidly across the tip."

"Below that on the outside you'll see my inner pussy lips. I love it when you suck and nibble on them. Pussies are quite tough, so never be afraid to suck and pull hard on them."

"Near the top of my pink insides is my pee hole, or urethra. Don't worry, I'm clean, you won't be tasting any pee. But my pee hole is sensitive, and I love it when you lick it, and even push your tongue into it. I'll bet you've given blow jobs to guys and they love it when you lick and probe into their hole. It's the same for girls. It feels good. Also, if a girl is a squirter, which I'm not, the squirting will come from this hole."

"Below that, of course is my pussy hole! It loves cocks, dildos, fingers and tongues. Without using hands, you'll be using your tongue inside of me. It feels great if you lick around the edge of the hole. And it feels really great if you stick your tongue inside and flick the tip around. Try to lick all around the inside and touch my pussy walls everywhere. Try fucking me with your tongue extended like a small cock. Try kissing and sucking the hole."

"Now, you can shape your tongue to different tasks. Use a wide, flat tongue to lick from the bottom all the way up and over my clit. Use a pointed tongue to stab and flick my clit, or to tongue fuck my hole. You can even use your nose! When your tongue is inside me, your nose will be on my clit. Wiggle it around. You can also use your chin, or your whole face! If and when you get into pussy eating, you'll find it incredible to slide a pussy from your chin to your forehead while your lover cums!"

"Finally, lubrication is key. When you start, dig into my pussy, pull some of my wetness out with your tongue and smear it on my clit and all over. Use lots of spit, even spit on my pussy if you want. The wetter, the better."

Tess pulled her eyes from the pussy and up to Liz's face. "Wow, you should record that lesson and give a free copy to every man on the planet!' The girls all burst out laughing.

Liz smiled down at Tess. "No, my sweet Tess, that's just for you. I am SO turned on. I need you to make me cum like crazy!"

That brought Tess back to reality. She was about to lick another girl's pussy. Her face showed her apprehension.

Tess felt two very light taps from the crop on her pussy. She heard Carli say "Don't chicken out now, Tess."

Liz gently smoothed Tess's hair back from around her face, looked her in the eye, and gently lowered her pussy until the lips just touched Tess's mouth. "Lick me, Tess, make me cum."

Tess inhaled a long breath through her nose and took in Liz's smell. She pushed out a flat tongue and gently licked from the base of Liz's pussy to the the top. Liz let out a low moan. So did several of the other girls.

Tess pushed her tongue between the lips and poked it inside. She felt and tasted the wetness. Pushing her tongue in farther, she scooped up the moisture then slid her tongue up the slit and swirled it around the clit. Liz gasped. Tess repeated this several times until Liz's pussy was covered in the slick juice. She looked up to see Liz staring intently at her and tugging on her own nipples. Liz began to gently rock her hips onto Tess's mouth.

Tess was overcome with several thoughts at once. Liz tasted delicious! Tess had tasted her own pussy juice and liked the taste. Liz tasted similar but erotically different. The textures and heat of the pussy amazed her. It was soft in spots and firm in others. The inside squeezed at her tongue. The clit was firm but surrounded by softness. The whole act was made more intense by looking up past Liz's tits and nipples, seeing the lust in her eyes and listening to her moans, gasps and sighs.

Tess tried every trick that Liz had taught her. She fucked the pussy with her tongue and sucked hard on the lips. She licked all around the inner pink and the entrance into Liz. She sucked the clit into her mouth and tickled the tip with her tongue. She used the tip of her tongue to probe all around inside the hole.

Tess felt Liz start to shiver and moan louder and she knew that Liz was almost there. She sucked her clit hard and attacked it with her tongue. Liz 's body froze, than began to shake violently as she screamed and shuddered through a hard orgasm. Tess kept sucking, then moved down just as a gush of juice poured from Liz's cunt. Tess sucked and drank as much as she could.

Finally, a shaking Liz pulled her pussy away. "Oh my God, Tess, Oh my God! Oh! Oh!"

Liz slid down Tess's body and started kissing Tess and licking the juices from her face. The other girls were all moaning and speaking. "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen!" "Shit, I couldn't help it, I came when Liz did!" "I can't believe how fucking hot that was!"

Jackie helped Liz down from the table, then hopped up over Tess's face. "God, Tess, you are SO sexy! This won't take long, pleeeease make me cum like Liz did!" She pushed her cunt onto Tess's mouth. Tess went back to work, and within minutes Jackie was almost falling off the table in pleasure as she came hard. She also ended up kissing Tess hard and licking the cum from her face.

Jackie climbed down on shaky legs. Alexis ginned at Tess and said "OK, let's let Tess catch her breath" as she gently rubbed Tess's nipples. Liz had recovered and bent to Tess's pussy. Without a work she started to softly lick. Alice lifted Tess's head up and held a glass of water to her lips, and Tess found herself talking a long drink. Liz pulled back, looked at Tess and said "Sorry, I just had to taste you one more time before you leave us."

Alice climbed up as positioned herself above Tess's mouth. She put both hands to Tess's cheeks. "Tess, I'm so sorry that I got you into this when it isn't what you want." Then she grinned. "But not so sorry that I'm not gonna come in your mouth." She pushed down until her little red bush was on Tess's nose. Tess smiled and took a long swipe of the wet pussy.

Alice was a loud one. She immediately began a series of loud yelps and squeaks as Tess dug into her new bag of pussy licking tricks. Alice was very wet and juice seemed to pour out of her, She came as Tess was tongue fucking her and squirted a solid spray that filled Tess's mouth making her gulp and swallow. As Tess licked and swallowed, Alice quickly came again and shot another brief spray onto Tess's face. Alice shook so much that the other girls had to hold onto her for her own protection. Finally, they had to lift her off of the table as she couldn't control her movements on her own.

"I guess we forgot to tell you that she's a squirter," Alexis grinned, as she leaned and licked the cum from Tess's face. She then helped Tess with another drink of water. This gave Tess a second to collect her thoughts. "I'm tied down and forced to lick pussy, but this is still the second best sex I've ever had, almost as good as yesterday. I can't say why, but I'm loving this." She felt her nipples pulsing and her clit returning the pulse.

As Carli climbed onto the table, Tess had an evil thought. "Carli, you wicked slut, I'm getting tired, Maybe you need your crop to keep me going. Someone hand her the crop." Carli's eyes lit up as she was handed the crop. The other girls came close with wide eyes. Carli pushed her cunt hard onto Tess's mouth. Tess began to very slowly and softly lick.

"Come on, you lazy bitch, lick my cunt," Carli snarled. She reached behind her and flicked a quick snap at Tess's nipple. Tess yelped into her pussy. Carli snapped the other nipple a little harder, and Tess yelped again. Tess tore into Carli's pussy with a vengeance. "Stick that slut tongue in my pussy and fuck me." Carli started to bounce on Tess's tongue, then reached back and planted a mild swat on Tess's pussy. Tess yelped again into Carli's cunt.

Then began what was almost a war between the two girls. Tess harshly sucked and bit anything that touched her mouth, especially the the clit ring. Carli flicked the crop onto Tess's tits and tummy. Both girls were grunting and growling. Tess could see Carli harshly twisting and pulling her own nipples.

The other girls were grinding their cunts on their hands and and shouting at both girls on the table. By now, Carli was constantly swatting at Tess's tits and nipples, and Tess was howling and biting until she finally yelled. "Alright, you win." Carli stopped moving and looked at Tess. Tess turned her head away from the pussy in her face so she could speak.

"All right, you wicked bitch, I know what you want. Fuck my face. Use my face as your fuck toy. Rub your nasty cunt all over me and make yourself come." All five girls gasped and looked at Tess.

Carli threw the crop onto the floor and wrapped her fist into Tess's hair. With a yell like a banshee she started grinding her cunt back and forth from Tess's chin to her forehead. She went fast and hard as Tess squealed and fought for breath. In only seconds Carli screamed and shook through a massive orgasm, never stopping the grinding until she was spent.

Carli collapsed with her hands above Tess's head. Slowly, she managed to slide down until she was passionately kissing Tess and licking her. She licked the juices from her eyelids and forehead. She gently stuck her tongue into Tess's nostrils and licked and sucked the juice from inside. She sucked the juice from Tess's hair. She then put her forehead to Tess's and stared into her eyes with what was certainly love.

The other girls helped Carli from the table. Alice licked Tess's chin and neck and Alexis and Liz licked and soothed her battered breasts and nipples. Jackie licked and soothed her cunt. Tess just laid still and moaned. They carried on and on with the soft love until Carli was able to stand, then she joined Jackie in licking Tess's pussy and mound.

Tess floated in a daze. She didn't even notice as Alexis fastened the straps around her waist and ass. Alice lifted Tess's head and gave her more water to drink. As she finished, Tess looked down and saw that she had a big plastic cock strapped to her body. She felt her arms being moved down to her sides, and realized the the cuffs had been removed from her wrists. She looked up to see Alexis's cunt positioned above her face.

"Oh my sweet Tess. I know that you don't have much left to give." Alexis smiled down at her. "You've had a hard day. Mine was hard only because I have been saving my orgasm for you. I don't know how many times the other girls have cum watching you, but I held off and saved it for you."

"Please honey, I've dreamed of this. Please taste my cunt and let me feel your tongue inside me. Please." She gently lowered her cunt to just above Tess's lips.

Tess came out of her fog as she looked up at the beautiful girl. She inhaled deeply through her nose, exhaled with a sigh, then stuck her nose into Alexis's fragrant cunt. She inhaled again, even snorting some of Alexis's juices. Tess withdrew, then slid her tongue across the biggest clit that she'd ever seen. She gently sucked the clit into her mouth as she mewed like a kitten. She heard Alexis draw in a deep breath.

Tess pushed out her tired tongue and pushed it into Alexis. She twirled it around inside the tight, wet cunt. She held her tongue stiff inside the cunt as juices trickled into her mouth. Her tongue failed her and slipped back into her mouth, so she kissed and sucked the hole and drank the sweet juice.

Alexis sighed and lifted herself away. She slid down Tess's body, mounted the big cock, and slowly sank down until their bodies touched. Lifting Tess's hands, she placed them on her ass. Leaning forward, she pushed her big tits tight with Tess's. She slid her arms under Tess's arm pits and cupped her hands over her shoulders while giving Tess soft kisses on her cheeks.

Then the ride began. Pulling up high, then slamming her body down Alexis slowly rode Tess. The feeling of Alexis's body brought Tess back to life, and she kissed Alexis on the lips again and again. Alexis stared into her eyes and picked up speed. Tess felt her clit respond to the bumping.

As she bounced faster onto Tess, Alexis pulled her lips away. "Tess, I know that you're leaving, but I have one last favor to ask." She stared at Tess as she pumped hard. "Can I please cum in your mouth, my sweet Tess?"

Tess grinned and grabbed tight onto Alexis's ass. "Alexis, the thing that would make me most happy in this life is for you to cum in my mouth. Would you please cum in my mouth?" Alexis's eyes filled with tears as she bounced harder on the cock.

The other girls were close, and they started rubbing their hands over Alexis and Tess. Tess could hear crying from the girls around them.

Alexis was now bouncing herself full force on the cock, Her wet eyes became glazed as she pounded away. She started to whimper and grunt as she fucked herself on Tess.

Suddenly, Alexis jumped with a jolt from the cock, leaped forward and planted her cunt on Tess's face. Tess sucked on her big clit and pulled up a hand and shoved three fingers deep into Alexis's cunt. She sucked and nibbled harder.

Alexis screamed and trembled as she came and came into Tess's mouth. Tess kept sucking and bit down harder on Alexis's clit while her tongue tortured the tip. Alexis kept cumming and gushed juices onto Tess's face and neck. Alexis was crying and laughing and shaking and screaming.

She collapsed over Tess and fell onto the table. Tess released her clit as she was buried under Alexis's shaking stomach. The shaking finally started to slow and Alexis released a shuddering breath and cried hard. Tess raised her hands and hugged Alexis's body hard to her face as she, too, cried into Alexis's belly.

The other girls slowly helped Alexis to sit on Tess's chest, then helped her from the table. All of the naked girls were crying as they supported Alexis, who shakily leaned down to kiss Tess while her tears dripped onto Tess's face.

Alice removed the strap from Tess's hips and released her ankles from the padded cuffs. She loosened the strap-on cock and removed it. Tess stretched her legs and tried to sit up, but couldn't, so she laid back down. The other girls went to a couch and collapsed into it and each other, wrapping themselves in hugs.

Tess turned her head and looked at the hugging and cooing girls. She knew why she was softly crying. It wasn't fear or anger over what they had done to her. It wasn't because she was quitting her job and was scared about her future. It wasn't her sore body or her swollen mouth.

It was the strong feelings that this group brought out of her. The bonds between her and her new friends were like nothing she'd felt before. This was the first time that Tess felt true love. This overwhelming feeling was what was making her cry.

It was like a switch snapped in Tess's mind. She knew what she wanted to do, and what she had to do.

She swung her legs down and managed to get to her feet. The girls heard and looked up at her.

Alexis's shaky voice said "Tess, please don't leave us. Maybe we can work out a way..."

Tess cut her off. "Silence!" she boomed. She saw the riding crop laying on the floor, picked it up, and swung it down hard onto the padded table top. "There is only one way that we can work this out, and it is going to be MY way."

"Alice, step forward," Tess said firmly. Alice stood, reluctantly walked toward Tess, and stopped a few feet away. Tess quickly gave her a firm swat on the nipple and said "Closer. Stand in front of me." Alice stepped close to Tess and hung her head.

"Alice, do you know that I have only one true friend in this world, and that person is your cousin Kate?" Alice looked at Tess and started to sob again. "Yes, Kate told me the same thing."

"Alice, you shamed your cousin, my best friend. You legally raped me after I trusted you." Alice cried harder. Tess paused and looked toward the couch. "Liz, step forward."

Liz came and stood next to Alice. Tess stepped back then planted a firm swat onto Liz's nipple. Liz squealed.

"Liz, you and Alice had your way with my nipples yesterday. As I recall, you twisted harder than I could ever have imagined. Then you tried to pull my nipples right off the ends of my tits!" Tess paused. "Is that correct?" Liz hung her head and answered. "Yes."

"Very well, you both need to have your nipples punished. One day a week for the next month you will come to this room with me. I will twist and pull them until you scream. I want your nipples to be red, swollen, and sore for the whole week, then I will do it again."

"And for the other part of your punishments, you each owe me six orgasm. Is that clear?'

Alice and Liz both looked up, caught somewhere between tears and lust. Alice spoke first. "Yes, Mistress." Liz immediately said "Yes, Mistress."

"Jackie. Step forward." Jackie stood and moved up next to Alice. Tess walked behind her and gave her a hard swat onto each of her ass cheeks. She watched the fleshy cheeks bounce as Jackie let out a howl.

Tess stepped back around and into Jackie's face. "Sweet Jackie, the girl with the big smile. And all the kinks. If I remember right, you were the first person that ever fucked me in the ass. Yes, you fucked me way up the ass. Didn't you also lick my asshole?"

When Jackie didn't respond, Tess slowly grabbed her by the jaw and stared into her eyes. "Tell me."

Jackie hung her head. "Yes, Mistress, I pulled your beautiful ass open and licked you. Then I fucked your asshole with my tongue, put my finger deep in your ass, and fucked your ass with a long vibrator."

"Jackie, you total ass slut, your penalty is also six orgasms. And I'm going to find the biggest dildo that I can strap on and fuck your ass. Six times. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress'" Jackie replied with a smile.

"Carli, step forward" She did. Tess looked at her. "Spread your legs apart. Farther." Carli looked scared, but spread her feet as far apart as she could. Tess looked her in the eyes, smiled, then wound up and delivered a very hard swat to Carl's clit. Carli screamed loudly as her hands flew to her cunt. She hopped up an down, whimpered and rubbed herself.

"Carli, you caused me bodily harm. You whipped my clit. You punched me and knocked the wind out of me. On purpose! Your penalty is six orgasm. I know what a flogger is and I'm going to find one and beat your backside red. Six times. Is that clear?" Carli bounced on her toes while holding her cunt and smiled sweetly. "Yes, Mistress."

"Alexis, step forward." Tess pushed and parted the girls, making room for Alexis in the center of the row. Tess reached down and grabbed Alexis's clit and pinched and pulled it hard. Alexis screamed louder than any of the others. Tess squeezed again, then let go as Alexis's hands flew to her cunt. Tess waited a minute until Alexis's whimpering had die down.

"Sweet Alexis, you gorgeous domineering slut. You're the ring leader, the one who makes sure that the girls do what you want. You plan these indoctrinations. You lured me down here twice and forced me to have sex against my will."

"Your penalty, Alexis, is that you owe me twenty orgasm. In addition I'm going to find a big strap-on and a fat butt plug. I'm going to shove that fat plug into your ass and rape your cunt whenever I feel like it for a month straight. Is that clear?"

Alexis smiled and meekly said, "Yes, Mistress. I will gladly accept your punishment."

"Very well. You have all agreed to your punishments. I have only one more requirement, which I will tell you in a moment." Tess smiled and softened her voice. "Alexis, if you and the girls will have me, I'll stay. I hereby withdraw my resignation."

"What resignation?" Alexis shouted as the five girls cheered and clapped. Tess held her arms wide and the girls scrambled into a group hug, kissing Tess's cheeks and mouth and squeezing her very tight. Tears began to fall again and mingled upon all of their cheeks. No one wanted the hug to end.

Finally, Alexis looked at Tess. "Hey, didn't you have one more requirement to tell us?"

Tess pulled away from the girls and climbed back onto the table. She looked at the group with a wicked grin. "Yes, the final thing is this. You need to give me as many free orgasms as I can stand before you leave this room. Well, what are you waiting for?"

Tess closed her eyes and smiled as the five tongues descended upon her body. Being a Pool girl wasn't so bad after all. Now all they needed was some guy to strap to this table.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-16 15:54:12
Love this story. Hope you continue it further & get them to do other things (such as Alexis with a very large butt plug having to do her normal office work, other girls having to wear remote vib's etc), then get a guy too.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-20 18:43:23
More plz my dick feels so good i cumed 6 times plz continue

anonymous readerReport 

2013-07-14 23:10:50
This was the dumbest story ever

anonymous readerReport 

2013-07-13 15:20:10
oh please make one where they strap a guy to the table

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