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Chapters 1-5 of 4 Curious College Girls, detailing the first 2 days of exploration
4 Curious College Girls
Volume 1: Curiosity
By John Morrison
Creator of “The Adventures of John and Holly”
With an anonymous collaborator

Chapter 1: Curiosity Killed the Pussy
October, Freshman year

The sun rose, turning the room a light yellow. The girls slept through the morning sun. Cynthia awoke later. “Hey Julie, you awake?” She said to her roommate in the bunk above her.
“Ugh, now I am you big jerk,” Julie smiled to herself, throwing a pillow down at Cynthia, below her.
“What time is it?” Cynthia asked, feeling worn out from the partying the night before.
“How the hell am I supposed to know, you just woke me up,” She laughed a bit, also feeling a bit tired still. She jumped off the bunk, heading into the kitchen, to look at the clock. “It is…wow, noon.”
Cynthia sat up, her bare feet on the cold floor, “I need a shower,” she said. Cynthia hastily grabbed a towel from her dresser, walking toward the shower. “Any plans for today?”
“Well, I wanted to go to the store really quick. I wanna get it done ASAP, so do you mind if I shower with you?” she chuckled to herself.
“That won’t work, but nice try,” Cynthia laughed at her bisexual roommate. “And don’t sneak in to watch me either,” Cynthia said as she turned back to Julie, smiling.
“Can’t blame a girl for trying,” She winked at her. Julie walked to the refrigerator, opening it up, looking for the orange juice. “Did you drink all of the god damn orange juice again?”
Cynthia poked her head out of the bathroom door, “What do you mean again? Plus I paid for it last time anyway,” she said. Julie stared at her. “And don’t come in here, I’m naked,” Cynthia said, her face semi-red, closing the door behind her.
Julie grinned, “Oh, I wouldn’t even think it girl,” She laughed to herself. Julie closed the fridge, walking slowly to the bathroom door. “oh, look at that, I need to brush my teeth.” She said loudly, smiling to herself. She slowly turned the knob. Julie poked her head in the bathroom.
“Ahh,” Cynthia screamed, pulling the shower curtain in front of her. Julie pushed the door fully open, the girls looking at each other. Cynthia started laughing, and that started Julie laughing too.
“So girl, I didn’t know you shaved.” Julie started cracking up. Cynthia was quite embarrassed, and they both laughed loudly. Cynthia laughed so much she had to sit on the edge of the tub, the shower curtain no longer covering anything as she gave up the vain attempt to cover herself.
Julie somewhat stared at Cynthia now. Cynthia’s shoulder length curly blonde hair was covering her face as she laughed uncontrollably. Her perfect sexy lips curved into an amazing smile, and her breasts were a nicely rounded B. She was tanned on most of her body except for her breasts and waist. “Would you get out of here!” Cynthia tried to say, laughing to hard to sound like she meant it.
It took Julie a few seconds to understand what she said, but she snapped out of it, shaking her head. “Um, yeah, sure thing.” She let out another smile. Julie walked to the drawer. She opened it up, and grabbed her green tooth brush, along with a bottle of tooth paste. Julie started to brush her teeth, the embarrassed Cynthia behind her. They stared at each other’s eyes in the mirror. “What?” Julie said, her mouth filled with toothpaste. Cynthia shook her head, still smiling. “I had to brush my teeth,” Julie said, starting to brush again.
“Take your time,” Cynthia said, watching her, smiling still. She was embarrassed still, her cheeks darkening up a little more. Julie soon spat the tooth paste into the sink, and rinsed her mouth out with water. She wiped her mouth, and put her tooth brush and paste away. Julie walked to the door, but not without one more look at her hot dorm mate. She winked at her, and then left, closing the door. Once she got out, she let out a soft moan, and said to herself, “God, what I would give to wrap my arms around that pretty thing.”
Cynthia sighed, and stood up. She turned on the shower and waited for the hot water to kick in. She stepped into the shower and quickly went about her business. She hurriedly lathered and rinsed with a bar of soap, then she shampooed her hair. With the chores out of the way, she peeked her head outside the shower curtain, just to make sure. Seeing nothing, Cynthia sat down in the tub, the hot water striking her in the chest. Cynthia spread her legs, and scooted back a few inches, until the water flowed onto her special area. Cynthia laid back against the back of the tub, moaning softly, and closing her eyes. Cynthia pressed her right hand down against her pussy, rubbing herself. She opened her lips with her fingers, allowing the water to tease her.
It had been at least a week since Cynthia had pleasured herself like this. The shower was her favorite place to play with herself. With her eyes closed, she tried to picture some masculine guy, picking her up, and carrying her to bed. As much as she tried, it wouldn’t happen. Thoughts of Julie kept popping into her head. Julie and her nice breasts, and her tender lips. “Oh god…” she let out, her climax rising, breathing heavily. “No, no way, I’m not gay,” Cynthia smiled, and then pictured herself getting her pussy licked by some hunk. But the guy suddenly turned into Julie. “Oh yes!” Cynthia let out, screaming herself to a well deserved orgasm.
Feeling very relieved, Cynthia picked herself up. The realization that she was turned on by another woman wasn’t entirely a surprise to her. Still, she was unsure of what it meant. She turned off the water, and reached for the shower curtain. Just before her hand reached it, the curtain suddenly pulled back. “Ah!” Cynthia yelped, scared. Then she was embarrassed when she saw Julie, staring back at her.
Julie had a big smile on her face, as she stared at her naked dorm mate. “Have fun in there?”
“None of your business,” Cynthia said. Cynthia reached for a towel, wrapping it around herself and stepping out of the shower. “Can I help you with something?” Cynthia asked, Julie still staring at her.
Julie had a huge smiled on her face. “Sorry. I thought you fell and hurt yourself. But when I came in, I realized what you were really doing… and I couldn’t stop watching,” Julie said, smirking.
“Right,” Cynthia said sarcastically. Cynthia stepped to the sink and started to brush her teeth. Cynthia looked up into the mirror and at Julie behind her, suddenly realizing that Julie was undressing and staring at her. Cynthia turned around, watching Julie undress. “What..what are you doing?” she asked, nervously.
“Oh, I have to take a shower too, remember?” Julie grinned at her. Cynthia nodded, and continued brushing. For some reason, she could not look away. Julie unsnapped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her marvelous 40D breasts popped out. Cynthia just stared, mesmerized by her friends breast size. Julie smiled to herself, feeling Cynthia’s eyes on her body as she pulled her panties down past her knees, letting them drop to the floor. Julie’s shaved pussy was exposed to the humid air. Smiling, Julie’s eyes came up to Cynthia’s. Julie saw the hypnotized stare in Cynthia’s eyes.
Cynthia blushed, and finished brushing, quickly walking out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She walked back into her bedroom, grabbing clothes from her drawer. Cynthia threw the wet towel over the side of a hamper, starting to dress.
Julie smiled to herself, and then stepped into the shower. She walked over to the handle, and turned it on, for hot water. The water splashed on her skin, “Ah!” she let out, jumping to the side, the water to hot. She quickly turned it down some, and smiled to herself, as the temperature was set. Julie grabbed the soap, and began lathering her breasts. “God, Cynthia is so fucking hot,” She said to herself, her eyes closed. She held the image of Cynthia’s naked body in her mind. She rinsed the soap off, and reached for the shampoo bottle. She opened the cap, and squirted some shampoo in her hand. She lathered her hands up, and then rubbed it all into her hair. Cynthia’s naked body stayed in her mind, where it belonged. She let out a moan, just thinking about her. She rinsed the soap out of her hair, and instantly brought her hands down to her pussy, rubbing it fast. “Mmmm…oh Cynthia, yes, please, more…”

Cynthia wondered what had just happened between her and Julie, but dismissed her thoughts as she finished dressing. She walked back out into the kitchen. Cynthia heard the shower running. For some reason, she felt drawn toward the bathroom. She quietly walked up to the bathroom, putting her ear to the door. With her ear pressed against the wooden door, Cynthia heard the distinct sound of a woman cumming. The idea struck her to go inside, as Julie had done. However, Cynthia stepped back, pretending she didn’t hear that. As hard as she tried to stop, the thought of Julie thinking of her while she pleasured herself stayed in Cynthia’s mind for the rest of the afternoon.
4 Curious College Girls
By John Morrison & Jessica Eggler
Creators of “The Adventures of John and Holly” and “Jessica’s Adventures!”

Chapter 2: Wild Tongues
October, Freshman Year

“Did you see Cynthia today?” Alex asked Taylor, as they sat watching TV in the middle of the night.
“No, I didn’t see her or Julie. They were probably out,” Taylor said, laughing at the TV. She sat on an arm chair, wearing a white T-shirt, and blue jeans.
“She acted strange when I saw her earlier,” Alex said, sitting in her nightgown. “I just wondered if there was something going on,” Alex said.
“I’m sure she was fine. You know Cynthia, she is always worried about something,” Taylor smiled, looking over to Alex.
“I think I’m going to bed, it’s pretty late,” Alex said, slowly standing up.
“I’ll go soon, I wanna finish this movie.” She smiled, looking at Alex, then back to the TV.
Alex quickly walked into her room, quietly shutting the door. She opened her drawer, picking up several layers of items, and grabbed a vibrator from the back of the drawer. She hopped up to the top bunk, quickly getting under her covers. In the dark, Alex settled into bed, her long hair laid out on her pillows, her short skinny frame taking up very little of the bed. She closed her eyes, pushing the small vibrator under the covers and under her nightgown. The mechanical buzzing seemed dangerously loud, worrying Alex, not wanting to get caught pink handed. She pictured her favorite dream guy, going through positions and different acts quickly, the small toy pressing against her clit. Her other hand was massaging her lips below the toy, trying to cum as quickly as possible. She was moaning softly and rhythmically, her back arching steadily.
Taylor yawed on the couch, very tired from a tough day in the gym. She stood up, and turned the TV off. She headed to her bedroom door, eyes half shut. When she reached the door, she thought she heard a buzzing sound. Not wanting to wake Alex up, she opened the door slowly and quietly.
Alex heard the door open. She turned the vibrator off, and played dead, hoping she hadn’t been caught.
“Alex, are you awake?” Taylor asked, looking at the top bunk in the dark room.
“Yeah,” Alex replied softly, her hands and toy still in her crotch, not wanting to move an inch. Then Taylor turned the lights on.
Taylor saw Alex in a weird position. Taylor smirked, knowing what was going on, “What are you doing? What was that buzzing?”
“What buzzing?” Alex said, trying to play it off. Taylor looked at her, still smirking. “Fine! I was masturbating,” Alex said bluntly.
Taylor giggled, looking at her. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s ok. I hear you almost every night anyways.” Taylor smiled, walking closer to her.
“You knew all this time?” Alex asked, sitting up now.
“Yeah,” Taylor said, making it sound obvious.
“Then why did you make me sneak around all this time?” Alex asked.
“Well, would me saying ‘I heard you masturbate last night’ sound like a normal thing to say?” she laughed a bit.
“Since when are you normal?” Alex quipped.
“Hey, don’t get pissy at me cause I caught you,” Taylor said, looking in her eyes.
“I’m not being pissy, I just mean that I kept doing it quietly, and you knew the whole time,” Alex said, now gesturing with her hands, which brought her little toy into plain sight.
“Well, I guess I just…hey! Is that my vibrator!?” Taylor asked, furiously, walking forward and grabbing the toy from Alex’s hand.
“No,” Alex said, the wet toy now in Taylor’s possession.
Taylor blushed now, realizing the difference now. “Oh, sorry!”
“If you lick that, I swear to god,” Alex said, knowing the bi-curious tendencies of Taylor.
Taylor grinned, “Oh, and what if I do?” she looked at Alex, raising the vibrator to her lips.
“I don’t lick your vibrator,” Alex said in a disgusted voice.
Taylor laughed, “But this one is coated in something sweet,” She looked back at her.
Alex jumped out of bed, going to take her slippery vibrator back. “Give me that,” Alex said, holding her hand out.
Taylor giggled, as she saw Alex run at her. Her long dark brown hair flew behind her, as her beautiful brown eyes were filled with anger. Her nice B cup breasts bounced slightly as she ran to her, and her nightgown was wet down there. Taylor smiled, and backed up, licking the vibrator’s shaft.
Alex kept moving toward Taylor until she was backed up against the dresser, still smirking. She tried to grab the vibrator but couldn’t get a hold of the slippery plastic, and Taylor moved aside and around the attacking Alex. Alex walked towards Taylor again, Taylor backed up all the way back to her bed.
Taylor giggled, as she tripped, and fell on her bed, still licking the vibrator. “Mmmm, it tastes SOOO good Alex.” She watched her come at her, as she knew now she was trapped on her bed.
Alex was ready to pounce, and jump onto Taylor’s bed, but Taylor did something unexpected. Taylor held the vibrator in her mouth with her teeth, her hands going down to pull up her shirt. Taylor tossed her shirt at Alex, laughing as she did it. Taylor is around 5 foot 7, with large C cup breasts, that were constrained by her white bra. She had blonde hair that was just less than shoulder length, and these piercing blue eyes that showed she was quite happy with herself at the moment.
The shirt flew into Alex’s face.
“You can’t just attack me, it would be too lesbian for you,” Taylor smirked.
Alex stood there, her face covered with a light sweat. It radiated a soft red. “You little bitch…just give it back.” She frowned at her.
“Make me,” Taylor said, pushing the vibrator just inside the top of her jeans, slowly descending toward her special area, provoking Alex.
Alex lunged at Taylor, pushing her down on her bed. Taylor laughed as Alex angrily grabbed for the vibrator, ending up with her hand in Taylor’s crotch.
Taylor smiled at her. “Hmm, what do you think you are doing?” she giggled, pulling the vibrator out, licking the head.
Alex noticed that the quick wrestling match had popped Taylor’s breasts out of her bra. Alex started laughing out loud, laying back on the bed giggling.
Taylor did too, her bra laying under her breasts, unclasped. She smiled, and threw it to the side. Taylor watched her laughing. She looked under her night gown, and noticed that she had no panties on. This got her a little wet.
“I’m not the only one flapping in the breeze,” Taylor said laughing as hard as Alex. Alex heard the comment, and quickly understood that she was exposing herself to Taylor. Alex laughed even harder, rolling onto her side on the bed, laughing uncontrollably.
Taylor’s face was bright red from all this laughing. She dropped the vibrator to the side, and closed her eyes, holding her stomach, laughing so hard. “Oh god girl, I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.” She smiled, laughing still.
Alex was laying on her side, laughing and looking into Taylor’s eyes. The laughing slowly went away, leaving silence and two exposed girls.
Taylor was just left with a big smile. Soon, that went away also. “Hey, Alex…what were you thinking of, when you were masturbating?” Taylor asked, looking into her eyes still.
“This guy in my Psych class,” Alex said quietly.
She smiled, “What does he look like?”
“I don’t know, he’s not spectacular or anything…what do you think about?” Alex asked.
She smiled, “Eh, nothing really, I kinda just do it.” She lied, not wanting to say.
“Oh come on, there has to be something,” Alex persisted.
Taylor blushed wildly, as she looked away from her. “You….” She mumbled, very softly.
“Really?” Alex asked, sounding interested. “I have tried thinking about girls, but it’s never as good as when I imagine a guy.”
Taylor looked back at her, confused, “You aren’t grossed out or anything?” she asked.
“Do you just think about me, or do you imagine other girls too?” Alex asked, sitting up, very interested in the topic.
“I uh…have thought about you, Cynthia, and Julie…but mostly, just you…” she blushed still.
“God, that must be frustrating. You have all that sexual energy when you are masturbating, and the object of lust is two feet away, but off limits…” Alex said, trailing off. “I thought about you once.”
Taylor’s eyes opened wide, “Really?!” she let out, happy, “tell me about it.” She said more forcefully than asking.
“Well…I was fantasizing about this guy, but it just wasn’t doing it for me, so I imagined that you walked in on us. So then, while he was still fucking me, you undressed, and came over, and you sat down on my face, and I was licking your pussy. After a while, the guy just kind of disappeared and it was just you and I in a sixty-nine,” Alex said, blushing.
Taylor smiled brightly at this, blushing a bit. Her pussy was on fire now. “Oh god Alex, that is so hot.” She smiled, looking at her exposed pussy. Her hand crept slowly to her own crotch.
Alex watched Taylor intently, seeing the arousal and desire in her. “Have you ever been with a girl?” Alex asked.
Taylor grinned, “Yes, I have. A couple actually, when I was younger. And I even kissed Julie the other day.” She smiled, looking at Alex, fire in her eyes and pants.
Alex trembled. “Do…do you want to kiss me?” She asked, knowing the answer.
Instead of answering, Taylor leaned into her face, kissing her lips lightly. Their lips opened, and they very slowly started to explore each other’s lips and tongue. The kiss ended quickly, Alex sitting back. Alex blushed, breathing faster, staring at Taylor for a minute, in a completely different way than before.
Taylor smiled at her best friend, and licked her lips slowly. “Was that your first lesbian kiss?”
Alex was smoldering, her mind on another level, her body completely awakened. The question lingered in the air for a while. Alex lunged forward, pushing Taylor back until she was on top of her. Alex immediately started kissing her passionately, her hands quickly moving all over Taylor.
Taylor smiled, kissing back with the same passion, if anything more. She rubbed her hands all over Alex’s back. She lowered them, finding her ass. She squeezed this lovingly, as she thrusted her tongue into her friend’s mouth.
Alex rubbed her hands on Taylor’s large breasts, making out with her. She felt Taylor’s hands move from her ass up to grab the bottom of her night gown and lifting it up. Alex raised her arms, letting Taylor take the night gown off.
Soon Alex’s naked body was visible to the world around her. Her body glistened in a light sweat. She continued rubbing Taylor’s breasts, pinching her nipples. Taylor sucked on her tongue lightly, as Alex unbuttoned Taylor’s pants, pulling them down to her knees.
Taylor reached around Alex’s firm ass, and pushed her index finger into Alex’s dripping pussy. She slowly pushed her finger in and out, as Alex continued to feel her up.
Taylor used her legs to push her jeans the rest of the way off. Alex soon felt a second finger penetrate her pussy lips, “Oh god Taylor, I love you so much!” Alex moaned out, breaking away from Taylor’s lips. Taylor didn’t respond, as she went back to kissing her.
Alex put one hand down into Taylor’s panties, forcing her way down. Their lip lock continued, as Alex pushed a finger against Taylor’s engorged clit, rubbing her roughly. Taylor showed the effects immediately.
Taylor’s hips humped against her finger, as she moaned out loud. Alex smiled at her, shutting her up with a kiss. After a minute of kissing, Alex slipped her panties off.
Alex removed her mouth from Taylor’s, kissing slowly down her neck, lingering on her breasts, and heading further south. Taylor could no longer reach Alex’s pussy, and she brought her two wet fingers up to her mouth, sucking Alex’s juices off of them, as she stared into Alex’s eyes.
Alex slinked further down, as she reached her pussy. Alex smiled at it, and kissed it slowly and softly. A low moan escaped Taylor’s Lips. “Oh god Alex, don’t tease me!” she said loudly. Alex grinned, and rubbed her clit with her index finger.
“I’ve always wanted to do this,” Alex said, grinning at Taylor. Then she looked back down at the wet slit before her. Alex’s tongue descended slowly until it reached Taylor’s lips. Alex slowly licked Taylor’s lips until she reached her clit.
Taylor grabbed her own tits, squeezing them hard. “Oh god Alex, please fuck me with your tongue!” Alex smiled, and then began to suck on her clit, nibbling it softly. Taylor’s hips humped into Alex’s face.
Alex moved down, her lips engaging Taylor’s lips, as she pressed her tongue between them and inside her. Alex felt Taylor’s hands on the back of her head, not pushing, but as if she didn’t want to let her go. Alex pushed her index finger inside of Taylor as she continued to eat her.
Taylor wrapped her legs around her head, thrusting her hips harder into her face, “Oh god Alex, yes oh god!!” she screamed out, as she reached her climax, cumming all over her face.
Alex giggled, her mouth still pressed against Taylor’s pussy, as she climaxed. She gave her pussy a quick goodbye kiss and sat upright. “That was fun!” Alex said, with a beaming smile.
Taylor was breathing very heavily, her head resting on a pillow, her eyes shut. Once she calmed down, she said, “Now it is your turn.”

Chapter 3: Not So Secret Lovers

Cynthia unlocked the door to the suite, entering the darkened living room. She was wearing a tight blouse that attempted to show off her B cup breasts. Her curly shoulder length blonde hair was all done up, and her long athletic legs were being shown off by her tight short skirt. Julie walked in just behind her, the pair just returning from a night-club. “They left the TV on,” Cynthia said, walking over to turn it off, silencing the room all except the click of high heeled shoes.
Julie flicked on a light switch. She walked into the living room, looking around. She was wearing a White T-Shirt, with SOAD written on it in Pink Letters, and black jeans, with flip flops on under them. “What time is it?” She asked, a little dizzy from the alcohol she drank.
“It’s 2:37,” Cynthia said, glancing at the digital clock. Then Cynthia thought she heard something. Julie tried to say something, but Cynthia ‘shh’ed her quickly. “Do you hear that?” Cynthia whispered.
“Yeah, what is it?” Julie soon recognized the sound of two people making love. “Hey, does Taylor or Alex have a boyfriend?” Julie asked, looking over at Cynthia.
“I don’t think so,” Cynthia replied. They both crept toward Taylor and Alex’s door. The muffled moans of pleasure filtered through the wooden door. Then both of their eyes went wide when they distinctly heard two female screams. “No!” Cynthia said, astonished, to Julie.
“Oh my god…do you think they have been doing this for a long time?” Julie asked Cynthia, looking at her now, backing away from the door so the two lovers couldn’t hear them talk.
“How do we know it’s Taylor and Alex,” Cynthia said suspiciously.
“I’m just guessing. But it adds up,” Julie said, looking at the door.
“Only one way to find out,” Cynthia grinned naughtily.
“We can’t barge in on them. Listen, they are loving it. It would be wrong,” Julie said. She then looked back at the door.
“Barge in?” Cynthia said, rolling her eyes.
“Ok, but you open it.” She giggled a bit.
Cynthia grasped the door handle, slowly starting to turn it. Her heart raced, anticipating something exciting. The door creaked slightly, frightening the two peeping girls, but the throws of pleasure distracted the naked girls. The door open just far enough, Cynthia and Julie peered into the room. Taylor was on top of Alex in a sixty-nine, her blonde hair draped over Alex’s crotch, blocking their view. Alex was gripping Taylor’s ass, eating her intensely. The wide-eyed voyeurs slowly closed the door and stared at each other, eyebrows raised.
Julie had no idea what to say at the moment. The next word to come out of her mouth was, “Woah!” Julie looked back at the door, hearing the moans. She then shook her head, not paying attention anymore. “Did you suspect anything between them?”
“I caught Taylor staring at my ass once, but I never suspected they were together,” Cynthia said, sitting on the couch, feeling turned on by the discovery.
Julie watched Cynthia sit. She looked back at the door, and then turned away, heading to the couch. She sat next to Cynthia, looking at her, “I have kissed Taylor before…but nothing completely serious.”
“Do you think they are like in a relationship, like…you know,” Cynthia stumbled through her words, feeling a little hot.
“Well…I have seen Taylor stare at Alex, in very erotic ways. But, Alex? I never would have expected it,” Julie also was turned on by the sight they had just received.
“Maybe they aren’t together, maybe they just do that for fun…”Cynthia said, staring into space, her panties getting a little wet, “…cause that sure sounds like fun.”
Julie nodded, also looking into space. Then she just realized what Cynthia said. Julie smiled now, looking at Cynthia’s face. “Yeah…it does.”
Cynthia had some words on the tip of her tongue, but she felt like she couldn’t say them, her nervousness seemed to control her. “Um…Today…when I was mas…*clears throat* masturbating, I was thinking of you…” She trailed off, half-regretting that she said it as soon as it left her lips.
Julie smiled back at her, “…And I was thinking of you.” Julie looked into Cynthia’s eyes, not completely sure of what to do now. She wanted to grab her and kiss her right there. But she wasn’t sure if Cynthia was ready. “Ah what the hell,” Julie thought, grabbing Cynthia, pressing their lips together.
Cynthia was not shocked by Julie’s admission, she sounded proud of it too. Cynthia was about to ask Julie if she wanted to kiss her, but Julie beat her to the punch. Their wet lips pressed together, Julie pressed into Cynthia. Cynthia moaned subconsciously, not even realizing that it was her own voice. It wasn’t long before the tongues were out. Cynthia was being pressed back into the couch, as Julie took an active role, almost getting on top of her.
Julie swung her leg over Cynthia, straddling her. Julie wrapped her arms around her, kissing her hard, sucking on her tongue. Julie heard Cynthia moan out, and soon joined her, getting even wetter. Cynthia closed her eyes, loving the moment, as she soon felt Julie’s hands grope her tits.
Busy hands worked on both bodies, and Julie started humping against Cynthia, their hips grinding together. Cynthia almost immediately thrust back against Julie, her body pleading for gratification. They both stopped, their hands freezing where they were on each other, paused, as their heads got back into the game. Julie got Cynthia’s lower lip between her teeth, lightly tugging her lip back as their kiss broke. “I…I didn’t know I wanted it this badly,” Cynthia said, staring back at Julie. Julie was grinning very wide, like she had just accomplished a lifelong goal. Cynthia looked back at her, in a very plain, nonchalant face, like she just saw something clearly for the first time. The silence in the conversation was killed by their breathing. “What…what next,” Cynthia said.
Julie smiled at Cynthia, and didn’t answer her question. Instead, she responded by grabbing Cynthia’s top from the bottom, pulling it above her head. Cynthia smiled at this, and raised her arms, helping her out. Julie threw her shirt across the room. Julie kissed Cynthia’s lips, making out once again. Cynthia reached back, and unclasped her own bra.
Cynthia reached her hands under Julie’s tight t-shirt, grabbing her bra and pulling it off her breasts, freeing them into her hands. Julie sat straight up, putting her head back, putting her hands on either side of Cynthia’s head, as Cynthia played with her tits. Julie’s brown wavy hair draped behind her back. After a moment of groping, Julie reached down and pulled her own shirt off, dropping it beside her, before passionately descending back into the body of Cynthia, the two rolling onto their sides topless.
Cynthia started to kiss Julie once again, shoving her tongue into her mouth. Julie rubbed Cynthia’s back, as Cynthia continued playing with Julie’s huge D cup tits. Julie lowered her hands down more, rubbing her ass. Cynthia moaned out loudly, pulling away from her face. Cynthia stared into her eyes, and then went back in, sucking Julie’s tongue.
Julie’s hand pushed under Cynthia’s skirt, mashing her palm against her wet panties. Neither of them knew where this was going, just letting the moment lead them to wherever it would take them. Cynthia moaned very loudly, arching her back as her pussy was rubbed. “Wait,” Cynthia said.
“What?” Julie asked, hoping she wasn’t putting a stop to this.
“Shower,” Cynthia said simply.
Julie smiled at her, and slowly stood up. She grabbed Cynthia’s hands, helping her up. Cynthia quickly took her heels off, dropping them on the floor. The two girls walked slowly to the bathroom, not wanting to disturb the other two. Julie led the way. She giggled as she swayed her hips back and forth, teasing Cynthia. Cynthia slapped it softly, as they walked into the bathroom. Julie reached in past the shower curtain, turning the handle. Julie smiled at Cynthia, letting the water warm up. Julie kicked off her flip flops, and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them off. She stood back up, and hooked her thumbs into the straps of the thong, sliding them off also. She stood back up, her shaved pussy revealed. It was glistening from the wetness Julie was feeling.
Meanwhile, Cynthia slid off her skirt, watching Julie get naked. Cynthia giggled, feeling euphoric. With her panties off, her naked slit feeling the cold air suddenly, she shivered, wanting to jump into the warm water. Julie bent over adjusting the temperature again. Cynthia couldn’t help herself, cupping Julie’s ass with both hands. Julie laughed loudly. Julie stepped into the shower first, standing far enough back that the hot water hit her bald pussy. Cynthia stepped in, facing Julie, blocking her water.
“Hey, you’re in the way,” Julie said smiling brightly. Julie hugged Cynthia, throwing her arms around her, rubbing their now wet tits together. Cynthia hugged her back tightly. Julie slowly slid down Cynthia, looking straight back up at her, as her face came level with her crotch. Julie’s tongue darted forward, parting Cynthia’s moist lips. Cynthia felt the warm tongue in her pussy, taking in the wonderful sensation she was experiencing for the first time, moaning uncontrollably.
A few moments of pussy eating later, “I think I need to sit down,” Cynthia said, light headed.
Julie looked at her, “What’s wrong baby?” she asked, standing up.
“Not wrong, it’s too good,” Cynthia said, her eyes almost crossing. Julie grabbed her shoulders and turned them around, helping Cynthia sit down at the back of the tub.
“Thanks,” Cynthia let out, the pleasure overtaking her. Julie just smiled, and went back down to the exposed region between her legs. Julie sucked on her clit lightly, nibbling it gently. Cynthia moaned out loudly, resting her hands on her head. Julie brought up her hand, and slowly inserted a finger into her pussy.
The juices seemed to pour from her pussy as Julie performed on her. Cynthia’s chest heaved, her breath uncontrollable. Her pussy smelled of sex. She was approaching orgasm, and feeling a building energy deep within her, something unlike anything she had ever felt before. Her limbs seemed to lose all control, her body almost numb, tingling.
Julie thrusted her tongue deep into her pussy, pumping it in and out, along with her fingers. Cynthia’s pussy tasted amazing. Julie wanted nothing more than to taste her sweet cum. As if on cue, Cynthia released an enormous amount of cum from her pussy. It gushes onto Julie’s face, as Cynthia arched her back, moaning out her name. Julie sucked out all of the juices, and pulled away. She looked into Cynthia’s eyes, as she licked her lips. Cynthia was breathing harder than ever. Her mouth gaped in the classic O-face.
Julie sat up, wondering what was next. The sweet pussy juice taste still filled her mouth. Cynthia reached her right arm up to Julie’s shoulder, pulling her to her. Julie obeyed, pushing their mouths together, allowing Cynthia to taste herself. After a long kiss, Julie drew back, smiling wide. She looked into Cynthia’s eyes. “Was it good for you?” Julie asked jokingly.
Cynthia just smiled back at Julie, as if to say “Do you need to ask?” Julie laughed, and Cynthia joined her. Julie stood up, grabbing the soap. Unexpectedly, Cynthia jumped to her knees, and grabbed Julie’s waist. Julie was shocked by this, but smiled down at her. Cynthia didn’t look for approval, instead staring at the prize that lay before her. Cynthia plunged into her pussy, spreading her vaginal lips with two fingers. She took a big whiff of it first, smiling at the wonderful smell.
Cynthia could hardly believe this was really happening. It wasn’t a dream of hers as long ago as this morning, but here she was excitedly about to lick a pussy as well as she possibly could. She jammed her face into Julie’s slit, her lips and tongue pressing against her vagina. Her tongue danced with her genitals. “I think I know what you were talking about,” Julie said after a moment of cunnilingus, and feeling a bit woozy.
Cynthia backed off a bit, giggling some. She then went back in, ramming her tongue up into her cunt. Julie moaned out loudly, grabbing Cynthia’s hair, shoving her head deeper into her pussy. Cynthia groped Julie’s ass cheeks, which made Julie give out an extra moan.
Julie could barely stand, but Cynthia wasn’t really paying attention to anything other than the dripping genitals right in front of her face. Julie backed up against the front wall of the shower, the handle poking her in the back. But Julie was too in the moment to care, a tongue working hard between her legs. Julie felt her orgasm coming on much quicker than she anticipated. Julie climaxed, her yells of passion in the upper octaves. Cynthia didn’t stop, however, she just kept on pleasuring Julie.
Julie started breathing faster, her chest heaving harder. Julie slowly humped into Cynthia’s face, “Oh god Cynthia, lick me harder baby!” Cynthia smiled, and did just that. Julie let out one long moan, just before she let out her big orgasm. “OH FUCK!” she screamed out, as she drenched Cynthia’s face. Julie slid down the wall, sitting on her ass now, still breathing hard, trying to catch her breath. Cynthia giggled, licking her lips. Julie laughed as she saw the big mess on Cynthia’s face. Julie leaned in, and licked her cum off of Cynthia’s face.

A little while earlier…

Alex giggled, her mouth pressed against Taylor’s pussy, as she climaxed. She gave her pussy a quick goodbye kiss and sat upright. “That was fun!” Alex said, with a beaming smile.
Taylor was breathing very heavily, her head resting on a pillow, her eyes shut. Once she calmed down, she said, “Now it is your turn.”
“How about, our turn,” Alex said, smiling wide.
Taylor giggled, “Roll over,” Taylor said, staring at Alex’s beautiful dark body. Alex rolled onto her back, as Taylor crawled on top of her, pressing her pussy into her face. Taylor stared down at Alex’s pussy, rubbing it softly.
Alex felt Taylor’s comparatively huge breasts on her stomach, and Taylor’s stomach on top of her small tits. The extremely tempting pussy was grinding into her face. Alex lapped and sucked the upside down pussy, she reached around Taylor’s hips, pulling on her ass cheeks. Taylor’s pussy was pushing down on her, and she couldn’t get enough of it.
Alex’s pussy was a little short of Taylor’s mouth, so Taylor had to scoot her head down a bit. She sniffed her pussy, and then began to lick it slowly, and lovingly. Alex let out a moan, this being the first time she was licked by a girl. Alex continued sucking on Taylor’s pussy, her eyes closed.
The surroundings seemed to disappear, the pleasure of both performing and being performed on was overwhelming. Taylor came first, loudly moaning into Alex’s slit, which was a feeling unto itself. Alex was feeling a building pressure between her legs. The feelings were almost so good it hurt. Taylor came again, her orgasms being quick and several strung together. But Alex was building toward something huge.
Taylor quickly shoved in two fingers, wanting to savor Alex’s cum more than anything. Alex stopped licking her pussy, and was breathing heavily. “Oh god Taylor, make me cum!” Taylor continued working her pussy, as Alex let out a HUGE load of cum, onto Taylor’s awaiting mouth. Taylor was shocked by the explosion of sex juices. The smell, taste, and feeling her face sprayed with cum were enough to give her another orgasm, which resulted in two great screams of passion. Taylor took out her finger, and started sucking the cum out of her slit.
A moment of silence followed, filled with the heavy breathing of two very happy girls. “Oh…my…fucking God,” Alex said. They sat up. The girls breathed heavily, looking at each other for a second, huge smiles on their faces. “Wanna go again?” Taylor asked, laughing. The silence was broken suddenly by a sound outside the room.
“What was that?” Taylor asked.
“I don’t know,” Alex said. The pair slowly walked to the door, opening it and peeking outside. They barely saw Cynthia and Julie’s bathroom door close, a pair of high heels lying half way between the bathroom and the couch, and two shirts lying on the ground. Taylor and Alex looked at each other, as if to say “What the hell?” They didn’t want to miss this. They both bolted back into their room, throwing on some clothes, and walking out into the living room. They sat on the couch, listening to the activities in the bathroom.

Cynthia and Julie slowly walked out of the shower, hand in hand. They were smiling happily at each other. Julie went into the closet, and grabbed two towels, a red and green one. She tossed the red one to Cynthia, and wrapped the green one around herself, her large breasts wanting to pop out. Cynthia smiled, and did the same, pulling her drenched blonde hair back. Julie walked up to Cynthia, and kissed her lips lovingly. “Do you think the girls heard us?” Julie asked, looking in Cynthia’s brown eyes.
“No way,” Cynthia responded, smiling at Julie. “Are we…what do we do, about ‘us’?” Cynthia asked.
“I don’t know,” Julie said, pulling her wet brown hair back. They took each other’s hand, and slowly opened the bathroom door.

Chapter 4: Take It as It Cums

Julie and Cynthia, still wet from the ‘shower’ they shared, walked into the living room, wearing nothing but towels. They were surprised to see Alex and Taylor sitting on the couch. They desperately hoped that the other two girls had not heard the noises they had been making a few minutes before. “Hey,” Julie said to Alex and Taylor.
Both of the girls looked at Cynthia and Julie, grinning widely. “Why hello there you two,” Taylor said, “did you have fun?” This instantly caused both Cynthia and Julie to blush. Their faces were lit with red, as they looked down at the floor.
“What do you mean?” Cynthia said, trying to play innocent, but failing.
“I think you know,” Taylor said, with that knowing smirk that told them they had been caught.
Cynthia and Julie stood their, not knowing what to say. Their hair still dripped, as they looked anywhere but at Taylor and Alex. Alex giggled softly, from seeing how embarrassed they were.
“Okay…you got us,” Julie said, smiling at Taylor, staring her down.
“What?” Taylor said, as Julie kept staring at her.
“Did you guys have fun a few minutes ago?” Julie said, the two groups swapped expressions, the caught now doing the catching.
“What do you mean?” Taylor asked sarcastically, not trying to play innocent like Cynthia and Julie had.
Cynthia looked up at Taylor, and said, “Well, I can say it has to do with the numbers 6 and 9,” Taylor and Cynthia started laughing. Alex and Taylor looked at each other, and then at the floor.
Cynthia and Julie went and sat down on the love seat by the couch. “So, I guess we all have some explaining to do,” Alex said, wearing just the nightgown she had hastily thrown on earlier.
Cynthia and Julie looked at each other, then at the two other girls. “Well,” Julie started, “Cynthia and I, just…fell into it. I mean, we were sitting here, and the next thing we knew, we were kissing. Then we decided to jump in the shower together. How about you two?”
“She stole my vibrator from me,” Alex said, “while I was using it.”
Cynthia and Julie started giggling. “That’s a good move, I should have tried that earlier,” Julie said, looking at Cynthia.
Cynthia looked at the floor, blushing madly, “You can hear me?” Cynthia asked, not looking up.
“Hun, you sound like the Fourth of July every night,” Julie said, laughing out loud. Cynthia blushed deeper, but then started giggling.
“Well, I guess fireworks is a good description,” Cynthia said, smiling to the other three.
They all laughed at her comment. But soon, the laughing died out, and everything was silent. “So, what do we do now?” Taylor asked, looking around.
“Well, I don’t think I’m a lesbian,” Cynthia said, “I think this is just a playful kind of thing, nothing too serious.”
“That doesn’t sound like a compliment,” Julie said, looking at Cynthia.
Cynthia blushed, “Okay, it was wonderful, you were great, but I don’t think I want to marry you or anything,” she clarified.
Julie smiled at Cynthia’s comment on her oral sex. She looked around, and then Alex was next to speak up, “Yeah, Taylor, you were so amazing in there, but I am not ready for a relationship either…” she said, not wanting Taylor to be upset.
“With as much pussy eating that’s been going on today, I don’t think any of us can claim straighthood,” Taylor said.
“Yeah, I’m not so sure you can both say you are not at least a little lesbian,” Julie said to Alex and Cynthia.
Cynthia looked at Julie, “I am definitely not gay…I just think it was a bit of fun.”
“Yeah,” Alex agreed, “it was just something to do, and probably never will happen again.”
“Right,” Taylor said sarcastically. “How can you say that ten minutes after you are eating and being eaten by a girl?”
“It was just…I was caught up in the moment,” Alex said.
Julie looked at both Cynthia and Alex. Julie stood up, and then untied her towel, letting it fall to her sides, her huge D cup breasts way out in the open. She sat down, naked, her nipples rock hard, and her body still glistening a bit from the water. “Now tell me this doesn’t turn you on,” Julie giggled to herself.
“Yeah, tell me that doesn’t get you a little wet,” Taylor said smiling, and really checking out Julie’s naked body.
Julie looked at Taylor, and noticed she was really checking her out. This made her blush a little bit, and got her a little wet. Julie stood up, and started twirling around, showing her backside. She began rubbing her breasts together, “Mmm, you know you want these,” Julie said, looking at the two.
Alex and Cynthia sat silently, neither moving or saying anything. Julie jumped up and down a few times, letting her large tits bounce wonderfully, as she laughed. “I know I’m wet,” Taylor said, her hand noticeably rubbing between her legs on the outside of her pants.
Alex and Cynthia looked at Taylor, seeing her actions. “This is stupid,” said Cynthia, as she got up, “I’m going to bed...” Cynthia headed away. Taylor got up also, grabbing Cynthia, “Come on baby, stick around for a while.” Cynthia tried to get away, but Taylor accidentally hooked her thumb into Cynthia’s towel. Cynthia’s towel fell to the ground, as she stood there, completely nude.
Cynthia almost didn’t care that she was naked, turning around back toward the others. “I’m going to bed, we’ll talk about this later,” She said. Taylor quickly advanced toward naked Julie, and they kissed, more as a show for the other two. Their hands groped all over each other’s body. After a few moments, Taylor looked back at Cynthia. She was still standing there naked, watching them.
“Why aren’t you being open minded about this,” Julie said to Cynthia, “I mean, look I can tell you are wet.”
Cynthia looked down at her own pussy, and noticed it was a bit wet. “Look, I just really think that it was just something to do for fun. I’m not getting into any kind of gay relationship,” Cynthia said.
“Were not saying you want a relationship,” Julie said, “just that you are attracted to girls, which you clearly are,” Julie gestured toward Cynthia’s wet shaved pussy.
“I like guys, I want kids, I don’t want to date any girl,” Alex said, “but I can’t deny that this turns me on…” Alex looked over to Cynthia, knowing Cynthia felt the same way.
Cynthia looked back at Alex, and then said, “I guess Alex is right…I feel the same way.” She then sat back down, and looked at the floor.
“Glad you two finally admitted it,” Julie said smiling. “Now, the question is what do we do about it.”
“I wouldn’t mind having some fun now and then,” Alex said.
Cynthia looked at Alex, and then said, “Personally, I think it was a one time thing…I can’t see myself doing that again.”
“Why not?” Julie asked, “you know it feels so good. If it’s all for fun, and no strings attached, then what’s the problem?”
“I’m not sure, I just don’t feel like we should be doing this. Their should be a relationship involved for this stuff, and I don’t want one.” Cynthia rebutted.
“Cynthia…” Julie said, frustrated, “what was wrong with today, why can’t you just do something like that every once in a while, where’s the harm in that?”
Cynthia seemed unconvinced. “I got it, Cynthia, sit down next to Alex,” Taylor said. Cynthia reluctantly obeyed, sitting naked next to Alex. Taylor led Julie to the vacant couch. “Both of you watch, and when we’re all done, maybe then we can all talk honestly about this.” Taylor said, smiling.
Julie and Taylor both leaned in towards each other, their lips meeting halfway. They wrapped their arms around each other. Julie slowly started to lift up Taylor’s t-shirt. Taylor smiled at this, and raised her arms as Julie pulled it off. Julie threw it to an empty chair and the two began kissing again. Both girls grabbed the other’s naked tits, rubbing them passionately.
Both girl’s large breasts, Taylor’s blonde hair, and Julie’s brown hair intertwined as they made out, hugging tightly. Taylor pulled her jeans off, not breaking away from Julie, leaving just her panties. Julie pulled back, slowly kissing down Taylor, focusing on her hard nipples on her large breasts. She continued down, until she reached Taylor’s panties, which she grabbed with her teeth, tugging them off, whilst looking over to Alex and Cynthia.
Taylor giggled as she saw her take them off with her teeth. She watched Julie, and then looked over at Alex and Cynthia. At that moment, Alex was getting very turned on. She couldn’t look away. Cynthia also started getting wet, but she tried as hard as she could not to.
Julie now had a trimmed wet pussy right in front of her face. She quickly stuck her tongue between Taylor’s already moist lips, and grabbed her firm ass cheeks, pushing her face into Taylor’s crotch. Taylor moaned loudly as the pleasuring began.
Alex started fidgeting on the couch, as she watched the two of them pleasure each other. Cynthia looked away, but her eyes always were drawn back to Julie and Taylor. Julie closed her eyes, as she licked Taylor’s pussy harder, dying for a taste of cum now. Taylor also closed her eyes, and arched her back, as she rested her hands on Julie’s head, pushing her in farther.
Taylor weakened, and had to sit down on the edge of the couch with Julie still licking her feverishly. Alex could barely stand it, her pussy ached for attention. Alex felt awkward with Cynthia next to her, both girls staring at the show, not wanting to acknowledge the other. Cynthia’s pussy was wet, no matter how much she wanted not to like it, she was getting the couch wet.
Taylor was moaning out loud, as she let out a small orgasm. Julie licked it up, and continued working her pussy. Alex needed human contact bad. She wrapped an arm around Cynthia, and leaned into kiss her. Cynthia backed away, and jumped up, “What the fuck is wrong with you people?!” she shouted, running to her bedroom. She got inside, and closed the door, locking it.
Alex, remembering how Cynthia likes to make a big deal out of things, and get over it quickly, shrugged off the rejection, turning back to the show. Taylor had gotten up on the couch, and Julie was eating her out still. Julie incorporated a finger into the mix, driving Taylor higher and higher into ecstasy as she came again. Alex could no longer contain herself, reaching under her nightgown and shoving two fingers into her dripping pussy.
Taylor was screaming Julie’s name, as she let out another orgasm, this one bigger than the others, “Yes Julie YES!” Taylor collapsed, falling backwards onto the couch. Her breathing was very rapid and hard. Alex smiled, watching this, working her fingers faster.
Taylor laid down on the couch, inviting Julie to join her with a quick gesture. Julie climbed on top of her, into a sixty-nine. Taylor quickly spread open Julie’s dripping pussy with her hands, lapping at her juices, starting to please her. Julie hadn’t missed a beat, already pleasing Taylor again. Alex was frigging herself, three fingers pumping in and out, as she watched the two big titted girls sixty-nine on the couch, she was approaching a powerful orgasm.
Taylor wanted to repay Julie for the wonderful pleasure she had just received. Both girls licked hard, using their fingers for pleasure, along with their tongues. Alex couldn’t stand it. She was going to cum soon. She lifted her night gown off of her body, and used her left hand to play with her tits, and her right to continue pumping. Her breathing became rapid, and she was moaning loud.
In her room, Cynthia sat, staring at the door, easily hearing three girls moaning. She wondered if Alex was now doing it with them too. Cynthia, still naked, opened the door slowly, peering into the living room. She couldn’t see Julie and Taylor, as the back of the couch was to her, but she could clearly see Alex masturbating very hard and fast, approaching orgasm. Cynthia again felt herself getting excited, her pussy wet, her nipples hardening.
Soon, Alex came, in a big beautiful explosion. After it subsided, she passed out on the couch, her fingers still in her pussy. Taylor and Julie came loudly and powerfully, laying exhausted on the couch. Cynthia looked on, images of Alex lingering in her mind, as well as the earlier encounter with Julie. Cynthia went to bed, naked, she tried to sleep, but the images wouldn’t let her. Finally, she gave into temptation, masturbating in her bed, thinking of Alex and Julie. She immediately went to sleep afterward, dreaming of girls…

Warning! There are two versions of this chapter. Because of the serious nature of the content, we have created a “cleaner” version. The cleaner version is first, it doesn’t contain anything more offensive than is seen previously in this series (which isn’t much). If you want the original version, scroll down past the soft version.

Chapter 5 (Soft Version): Attack of the Lesbians

Taylor and Julie awoke during the night, laying together naked on the couch. They looked over and saw Alex asleep, a finger barely still inside her pussy. The girls quietly laughed, and Taylor led Julie toward her room. Taylor pulled the covers back on her bed, where her and Alex had done it earlier. Taylor climbed into bed, Julie right behind her. Taylor pulled the covers up over them, and they hugged tightly together. “Mmm, it’s so sticky here,” Julie said, laughing with Taylor. They both gave each other a quick kiss before drifting back to sleep.
Alex laid on the couch, in a deep sleep. Her dreams were filled with thoughts of Julie and Taylor eating each other out. How she wished she had someone to care for. But it would have to be a guy. A nice guy with abs, and a big cock. Alex smiled to herself, as the perfect guy entered her dreams. He had brown hair, and a 9 inch cock, waiting for her. But after some time, that guy’s hair grew longer, and he got boobs. He turned into a woman with a strap-on.
Alex woke up in the morning, her body covered in swear, “I’m not gay…” she said to herself, before standing up, going into the kitchen for a glass of water. She gulped down a glass, standing naked in the kitchen. She found her nightgown on the floor, picking it up. She walked back to her room. Once inside she saw Taylor and Julie spooning on the bottom bunk. She took the chance to look at the naked girls, wondering what they had been up to recently, before climbing up to her top bunk.
Taylor woke up, she felt Julie spooning her from behind. Taylor looked up and saw Alex’s lower half ascending to the top bunk, her hairy pussy being the first thing Taylor noticed. “Hey Alex,” Taylor moaned, stretching her arms over her head, fully waking up.
“Oh, hey Taylor. Sorry if I woke you up,” Alex said, getting under her blankets.
“Julie?” Taylor said, wondering if she was awake.
Julie lay there, still out. Her body was very hot. Alex lay her head on a pillow, and got comfortable.
“You think Cynthia’s alright?” Alex asked Taylor.
“Yeah, she just needs to find her inner lesbian,” Taylor said, chuckling a bit.
“She was probably just over-reacting. I hope she is less dramatic today,” Alex said.
Taylor smiled, “Yeah, and maybe she can join in on the fun. Oh, and Alex, thanks for earlier.”
“You know what, if she wants nothing to do with us, the three of us could just share a room, I don’t think Julie would mind,” Alex said giggling.
Taylor smiled, “Yeah, either we get a big bed in here, or we can all just share one bunk,” Taylor giggled, “I wouldn’t mind the low space.”
Julie woke up, moaning softly, and squeezing Taylor. Her hands came up to Taylor’s breasts, cupping them. “Well hi there Julie,” Taylor said.
Julie smiled, “Mmm, what time is it?” Julie asked Taylor.
“7:47,” Alex said, looking at a digital clock on the dresser.
“About time for some pussy-licking,” Taylor said laughing, feeling the hands on her breasts pinching her nipples.
“Oh, hey there Alex,” Julie smiled, feeling like she was caught in the act.
“Hi Julie,” Alex said, “Do you think Cynthia will be alright today?”
“That bitch hypocrite?” Julie giggled to herself, “if she doesn’t realize she is gay by tonight, I am gonna rape it out of her.”
“Well, that’s a little extreme,” Alex said, laughing at Julie’s statement. “Maybe we all should tie her up and turn her lesbian!”
“That sounds like a plan,” Taylor said. They all giggled at the proposition.
“Seriously…let’s do it,” Julie said, “It could work.”
Alex smiled at this, “Mmm, just the thought of it is getting me hot,” Alex said, moving her hands up and down her body.
“We could tie her up to her bed posts, and we could all take turns eating and fingering her, and don’t stop till she’s begging for more,” Julie laughed.
“We better do something now, or I’m gonna have to masturbate right now,” Alex said, giggling to herself, her hand between her legs.
Taylor smiled to herself, “Anyone have any handcuffs?”
“I have some strips of cloth…” Alex said, masturbating quietly on the top bunk.
Julie smiled, “I have some handcuffs…that my old boyfriend used on me,” she smiled, rubbing Taylor’s tits still.
“Leave it to Julie to actually have handcuffs,” Alex laughed. Taylor and Julie sat up on the bed.
“You guys really want to do this?” Julie asked.
“Yeah,” They both replied.
“Ok, we gotta sneak in then,” Julie said, getting off the bed.
“Let’s go,” Taylor said, standing up next to Julie, both naked. They looked over and saw Alex masturbating.
“Caught me,” Alex said, smiling, she sat up and jumped down from the top bunk. Taylor grabbed Alex’s hand, and licked the juices off her finger. Alex giggled as her tongue tickled her finger.
“Quiet, lets go,” Taylor said.
The three girls walked quietly out of their room. They headed slowly to Julie and Cynthia’s room. Taylor grasped the door knob, trying to turn, “Damn, it’s locked,” she said, a frown on her face.
Julie looked at Taylor, and pushed her out of the way, “You are supposed to turn and push, not pull,” she said softly, giggling lightly. Alex did too, and Taylor blushed a bit.
“Oops,” Taylor whispered, as Julie opened the door. The three naked girls crept inside. Cynthia was asleep on her bed on the bottom bunk. Julie went to the closet to find her handcuffs. Taylor and Alex watched Cynthia sleep. Cynthia barely had any covers on her, her naked body exposed, and her right hand was innocently laying on her crotch. Cynthia moaned lightly.
“I don’t think she was repulsed…” Taylor said, smiling.
“Must have enjoyed the show,” Alex muttered.
“Got ‘em” Julie said, coming back from the closet.
Taylor smiled, taking the 4 pairs from Julie, “Awesome,” she said, walking over to Cynthia slowly. She carefully cuffed her hands to both of the bed posts above her head. “Alex, you do her feet,” Taylor said, handing Alex the other 2 pairs.
Alex cuffed Cynthia’s right ankle, and then cuffed the post. She reached for her left ankle, and Cynthia woke up, seeing the three girls above her.
“What the hell?!?” Cynthia asked, trying to move her hands. Alex acted quickly, getting the last cuff on her.
“What are guys doing?!” Cynthia asked, not able to move.
Julie giggled, “Well, all 4 of us are going to have some fun.”
“So sit back, and enjoy the ride,” Taylor said, running her hand up Cynthia’s thigh.
Alex bent down, licking Cynthia’s toes. Cynthia tried not to, but laughed as she was tickled.
Cynthia struggled hard, trying to fight the cuffs, “Quit kidding around!” she said, but was soon silenced by Julie’s lips.
Alex kept tonguing her toes, and running her hands up Cynthia’s smooth legs. Taylor bent over, her mouth hovering over Cynthia’s wet pussy. She stuck her tongue out, slowly descending to Cynthia’s slit.
Cynthia pulled her lips away from Julie’s, “Hey, what are you doing!” but Cynthia’s pleads were ignored by her attackers. Taylor slowly touched Cynthia’s pussy with the tip of her tongue, darting inside her wetness. “Quit it,” Cynthia said, but her voice betrayed her, almost laughing from the tickling sensations, which only further encouraged them.
Alex hopped up on the bed, sitting on top of Cynthia’s legs. Alex pressed her hand into Cynthia’s crotch, one finger entering her, as Taylor tickled her clit with her tongue. Julie leaned forward, sucking on Cynthia’s nipple, playing with the other in her hand.
“Fuck,” Cynthia said, moaning in pleasure. “Ohhh, stop, mmm, ohh,” her once forceful orders had slowly turned into whimpers. The three girls were giving her pleasure, albeit unwanted pleasure, but pleasure nonetheless. She breathed heavily, arching her back slightly.
Julie bit her nipple playfully. Alex, down in the southern regions, added a finger deep into Cynthia’s depths, as Taylor sucked on her clit.
Alex smacked her hand on the side of Cynthia’s hip, almost spanking her. Taylor pushed her mouth further down, sucking and licking all over Cynthia’s pussy. A moment later, Taylor moved over, bending down to kiss Cynthia. Cynthia didn’t resist, Taylor’s tongue entering her mouth. Cynthia wanted not to kiss back, but somewhat did, as she tasted herself. No matter how hard she tried, she was enjoying this. Her pussy was burning, wanting to cum.
Julie moved down to her pussy, and clamped her mouth on her waiting lips. Julie wanted to taste her cum again. It was so sweet and juicy. Alex moved her hands under Cynthia, rubbing her ass cheeks, squeezing them softly. Taylor began sucking on Cynthia’s tongue, both of their eyes closed.
Alex moved up between Cynthia’s legs, spreading them. Julie was essentially making out with Cynthia’s dripping slit. Alex pushed the index finger of her right hand into Cynthia’s pussy, slowly fingering her.
Cynthia moaned loudly, escaping Taylor’s mouth, “Stop! Haha, quit it,” she laughed as she tried to stop her pleasure. Cynthia’s ass cheeks clenched over Alex’s finger. Alex just giggled, and pushed it in harder.
Julie went into overdrive, eating out Cynthia incredibly hard and fast. Alex simply held one finger in Cynthia’s hole. Taylor’s mouth came back onto Cynthia’s. Cynthia fought it harder and harder, but couldn’t stop it. Her orgasm hit like a tidal wave. Her pussy squirmed and quivered, shooting her cum into Julie’s mouth and at Alex, her ass clenching on Alex’s finger, and she moaned loudly into Taylor’s mouth as she arched her back.
Once Cynthia’s orgasm subsided, she collapsed on the bed, her eyes slowly closing. The pleasure was beyond her, as it was hard for her to think straight. She didn’t want to like this, but she did…a lot.
The girls didn’t stop. Taylor straddled Cynthia’s chest, her wet pussy resting on Cynthia’s tits. Alex giggled, her finger being squeezed by Cynthia’s quivering pussy. Julie kept on eating Cynthia’s now drenched slit. Cynthia moaned loudly, and beyond her control.
“Stop guys,” Taylor said, perched on Cynthia’s glorious little tits. Alex pulled her finger from Cynthia’s pussy, licking and tasting her juices. The room was filled with the aroma of four dripping slits. Julie extricated her tongue from Cynthia’s wet pussy.
“Now do you understand, Cynthia?” Taylor asked.
“Don’t stop,” Cynthia moaned, her eyes closed, her head lying to the side from the aftermath of her powerful orgasm. The three girls giggled, mission accomplished.

Taylor looked down at Cynthia, as she sat on her chest. She turned her back to Cynthia’s face, and then backed up, putting her pussy on Cynthia’s mouth, “Lick it,” Taylor said, looking back at Cynthia. Cynthia’s tongue escaped her mouth, as it penetrated Taylor’s vaginal lips. She thrusted her tongue in and out of her pussy, tasting her sweet juices.
Alex giggled, seeing Cynthia enthusiastically eating Taylor’s dripping pussy. “That’s our little lesbian,” Alex joked. She leaned down, kissing Cynthia’s sweet pussy, then used her tongue to tickle her clit. Julie suddenly had nothing to do. All of Cynthia’s important areas were already being covered by Alex and Taylor. Julie set her sights on Alex’s dripping slit, as she was bent over eating Cynthia. The sight of Alex bent over, her pussy seemed to beg for her pleasuring tongue, was too tempting to pass up. Julie stepped over a few feet, and bent over the bed, grabbing Alex’s ass cheeks and spreading them. She plunged her mouth between Alex’s legs, diving into her sweet pussy.
This shocked Alex. She jumped a little at the first contact, but let her pussy melt in Julie’s mouth. Alex slowly pushed her body back against Julie, moaning out. She used two fingers to push into Cynthia’s slit, as she sucked on her clit. The smells coming from Cynthia’s pussy were wonderful.
Taylor was still sitting on Cynthia’s face, she leaned forward a bit, putting her hands on Cynthia’s tits, massaging them, to hold her upright. Alex looked up from Cynthia’s hot pussy to see Taylor groping Cynthia while she ate her. Alex, being eaten out herself, couldn’t help but wonder how any of them could deny that this was an amazing experience. Alex thought about it for a second, the whole situation, and giggled a little into Cynthia’s pussy. Alex repositioned herself a little, getting up on all fours, her hands on either side of Cynthia’s hips, this allowed Julie better access to her pussy, something Alex really craved at that moment.
Taylor rode Cynthia’s face, moaning out loud. Cynthia’s tongue pressed against her clit, before slipping back inside her pussy. Taylor threw her blonde hair back, and leaned forward. She let out a small orgasm, as she continued riding. Cynthia smiled a bit, sucking up the juices, going back to work. Julie rubbed her own pussy, as she continued sucking Alex. Alex humped back into Julie’s face, her tits swaying back and forth.
Cynthia felt her second orgasm impending, it made her whole body tingle, she tried to cry out in pleasure, but her mouth was buried in Taylor’s slit. Alex sensed Cynthia’s near orgasmic state, and put two fingers inside her pussy, finger-fucking her vigorously as she continued to orally please her. Alex could sense that her own orgasm would follow closely behind Cynthia’s.
Taylor continued riding, as the other three girls never stopped eating. Alex plunged her tongue in farther, as Julie added in another finger. Cynthia couldn’t do much, but she licked harder. The room was filled with sounds of pleasure and smells of sex. Within a minute, Taylor’s stopped riding, as she began cumming again. Alex, felt Cynthia’s pussy release her juices, her pussy contracting violently. This did enough to Alex to make her cum into Julie’s mouth, which brought Julie on to an enormous orgasm. All the girls came at once, moaning loudly into the air, or into a pussy.
Taylor laid forward, almost in a sixty-nine on top of Cynthia. Alex couldn’t hold herself up, and laid down, her mouth just inches from Cynthia’s still orgasmic pussy. Julie lay forward on top of Alex’s wonderful ass. The girls all panted and breathed loudly. For a few minutes the only movement was of their heaving chests. The lack of talking for the past few minutes had now become an awkward silence. Finally Alex broke the silence, “Just something I noticed…but Julie has been neglected so far…”
Julie smiled at them, her cheek resting comfortably on Alex’s ass cheek, “Guys, it is ok. I’m happy to give and not receive.” She smiled at the three of them. Julie stood up, and looked at the pile of girls that lay under her bunk. “So, what now?” Julie asked.
“I need a shower,” Cynthia said, Taylor’s pussy still just next to her mouth. “You guys are all sweaty and laying on top of me.” They all laughed.
“Shower sounds good,” Julie said, “Let’s go…”

Chapter 5: Attack of The Lesbians (Original Version)

Taylor and Julie awoke during the night, laying together naked on the couch. They looked over and saw Alex asleep, a finger barely still inside her pussy. The girls quietly laughed, and Taylor led Julie toward her room. Taylor pulled the covers back on her bed, where her and Alex had done it earlier. Taylor climbed into bed, Julie right behind her. Taylor pulled the covers up over them, and they hugged tightly together. “Mmm, it’s so sticky here,” Julie said, laughing with Taylor. They both gave each other a quick kiss before drifting back to sleep.
Alex laid on the couch, in a deep sleep. Her dreams were filled with thoughts of Julie and Taylor eating each other out. How she wished she had someone to care for. But it would have to be a guy. A nice guy with abs, and a big cock. Alex smiled to herself, as the perfect guy entered her dreams. He had brown hair, and a 9 inch cock, waiting for her. But after some time, that guy’s hair grew longer, and he got boobs. He turned into a woman with a strap-on.
Alex woke up in the morning, her body covered in swear, “I’m not gay…” she said to herself, before standing up, going into the kitchen for a glass of water. She gulped down a glass, standing naked in the kitchen. She found her nightgown on the floor, picking it up. She walked back to her room. Once inside she saw Taylor and Julie spooning on the bottom bunk. She took the chance to look at the naked girls, wondering what they had been up to recently, before climbing up to her top bunk.
Taylor woke up, she felt Julie spooning her from behind. Taylor looked up and saw Alex’s lower half ascending to the top bunk, her hairy pussy being the first thing Taylor noticed. “Hey Alex,” Taylor moaned, stretching her arms over her head, fully waking up.
“Oh, hey Taylor. Sorry if I woke you up,” Alex said, getting under her blankets.
“Julie?” Taylor said, wondering if she was awake.
Julie lay there, still out. Her body was very hot. Alex lay her head on a pillow, and got comfortable.
“You think Cynthia’s alright?” Alex asked Taylor.
“Yeah, she just needs to find her inner lesbian,” Taylor said, chuckling a bit.
“She was probably just over-reacting. I hope she is less dramatic today,” Alex said.
Taylor smiled, “Yeah, and maybe she can join in on the fun. Oh, and Alex, thanks for earlier.”
“You know what, if she wants nothing to do with us, the three of us could just share a room, I don’t think Julie would mind,” Alex said giggling.
Taylor smiled, “Yeah, either we get a big bed in here, or we can all just share one bunk,” Taylor giggled, “I wouldn’t mind the low space.”
Julie woke up, moaning softly, and squeezing Taylor. Her hands came up to Taylor’s breasts, cupping them. “Well hi there Julie,” Taylor said.
Julie smiled, “Mmm, what time is it?” Julie asked Taylor.
“7:47,” Alex said, looking at a digital clock on the dresser.
“About time for some pussy-licking,” Taylor said laughing, feeling the hands on her breasts pinching her nipples.
“Oh, hey there Alex,” Julie smiled, feeling like she was caught in the act.
“Hi Julie,” Alex said, “Do you think Cynthia will be alright today?”
“That bitch hypocrite?” Julie giggled to herself, “if she doesn’t realize she is gay by tonight, I am gonna rape it out of her.”
“Well, that’s a little extreme,” Alex said, laughing at Julie’s statement. “Maybe we all should tie her up and turn her lesbian!”
“That sounds like a plan,” Taylor said. They all giggled at the proposition.
“Seriously…let’s do it,” Julie said, “It could work.”
Alex smiled at this, “Mmm, just the thought of it is getting me hot,” Alex said, moving her hands up and down her body.
“We could tie her up to her bed posts, and we could all take turns eating and fingering her, and don’t stop till she’s begging for more,” Julie laughed.
“We better do something now, or I’m gonna have to masturbate right now,” Alex said, giggling to herself, her hand between her legs.
Taylor smiled to herself, “Anyone have any handcuffs?”
“I have some strips of cloth…” Alex said, masturbating quietly on the top bunk.
Julie smiled, “I have some handcuffs…that my old boyfriend used on me,” she smiled, rubbing Taylor’s tits still.
“Leave it to Julie to actually have handcuffs,” Alex laughed. Taylor and Julie sat up on the bed.
“You guys really want to do this?” Julie asked.
“Yeah,” They both replied.
“Ok, we gotta sneak in then,” Julie said, getting off the bed.
“Let’s go,” Taylor said, standing up next to Julie, both naked. They looked over and saw Alex masturbating.
“Caught me,” Alex said, smiling, she sat up and jumped down from the top bunk. Taylor grabbed Alex’s hand, and licked the juices off her finger. Alex giggled as her tongue tickled her finger.
“Quiet, lets go,” Taylor said.
The three girls walked quietly out of their room. They headed slowly to Julie and Cynthia’s room. Taylor grasped the door knob, trying to turn, “Damn, it’s locked,” she said, a frown on her face.
Julie looked at Taylor, and pushed her out of the way, “You are supposed to turn and push, not pull,” she said softly, giggling lightly. Alex did too, and Taylor blushed a bit.
“Oops,” Taylor whispered, as Julie opened the door. The three naked girls crept inside. Cynthia was asleep on her bed on the bottom bunk. Julie went to the closet to find her handcuffs. Taylor and Alex watched Cynthia sleep. Cynthia barely had any covers on her, her naked body exposed, and her right hand was innocently laying on her crotch. Cynthia moaned lightly.
“I don’t think she was repulsed…” Taylor said, smiling.
“Must have enjoyed the show,” Alex muttered.
“Got ‘em” Julie said, coming back from the closet.
Taylor smiled, taking the 4 pairs from Julie, “Awesome,” she said, walking over to Cynthia slowly. She carefully cuffed her hands to both of the bed posts above her head. “Alex, you do her feet,” Taylor said, handing Alex the other 2 pairs.
Alex cuffed Cynthia’s right ankle, and then cuffed the post. She reached for her left ankle, and Cynthia woke up, seeing the three girls above her.
“What the fuck!” Cynthia said, trying to move her hands. Alex acted quickly, getting the last cuff on her.
“What’s going on?!” Cynthia shouted, not able to move.
Julie giggled, “Well, all 4 of us are going to have some fun.”
“So sit back, and enjoy the ride,” Taylor said, running her hand up Cynthia’s thigh.
Alex bent down, licking Cynthia’s toes. Cynthia tried not to, but laughed as she was tickled.

Cynthia struggled hard, trying to fight the cuffs, “Please, don’t do this, please let me go!” she begged, but was soon silenced by Julie’s lips.
Alex kept tonguing her toes, and running her hands up Cynthia’s smooth legs. Taylor bent over, her mouth hovering over Cynthia’s wet pussy. She stuck her tongue out, slowly descending to Cynthia’s slit.
Cynthia pulled her lips away from Julie’s, “Taylor don’t you dare! All of you leave, get the fuck out!” but Cynthia’s pleads were ignored by her attackers. Taylor slowly touched Cynthia’s pussy with the tip of her tongue, darting inside her wetness.
Alex hopped up on the bed, sitting on top of Cynthia’s legs, she pressed her hand into Cynthia’s crotch, one finger entering her, as Taylor tickled her clit with her tongue. Julie leaned forward, sucking on Cynthia’s nipple, playing with the other in her hand.
“Stop,” Cynthia said. Her once forceful orders had slowly turned into whimpers. The three girls were giving her pleasure, albeit unwanted pleasure, but pleasure nonetheless. She breathed heavily, arching her back slightly.
Julie bit her nipple playfully, but rough. Alex, down in the southern regions, added a finger deep into Cynthia’s depths, as Taylor sucked on her clit.
Alex smacked her hand on the side of Cynthia’s hip, almost spanking her. Taylor pushed her mouth further down, sucking and licking all over Cynthia’s pussy. A moment later, Taylor moved over, bending down to kiss Cynthia. Cynthia didn’t resist, Taylor’s tongue entering her mouth. Cynthia wanted not to kiss back, but somewhat did, as she tasted herself. No matter how hard she tried, she was enjoying this. Her pussy was burning, wanting to cum.
Julie moved down to her pussy, and clamped her mouth on her waiting lips. Julie wanted to taste her cum again. It was so sweet and juicy. Alex moved her hands under Cynthia, rubbing her ass cheeks, squeezing them softly. Taylor began sucking on Cynthia’s tongue, both of their eyes closed.
Alex moved up between Cynthia’s legs, spreading them. Julie was essentially making out with Cynthia’s dripping slit. Alex pushed the index finger of her right hand into Cynthia’s pussy, and the index finger of her left hand, already wet with her juices, into Cynthia’s ass.
Cynthia moaned loudly, escaping Taylor’s mouth, “Get it out! OW!” Cynthia’s ass cheeks clenched over Alex’s finger. Alex just giggled, and pushed it in harder.
Julie went into overdrive, eating out Cynthia incredibly hard and fast. Alex simply held one finger in both of Cynthia’s holes. Taylor’s mouth came back onto Cynthia’s. Cynthia fought it harder and harder, but couldn’t stop it. Her orgasm hit like a tidal wave. Her pussy squirmed and quivered, shooting her cum into Julie’s mouth and at Alex, her ass clenching on Alex’s finger, and she moaned loudly into Taylor’s mouth as she arched her back.
Once Cynthia’s orgasm subsided, she collapsed on the bed, her eyes slowly closing. The pleasure was beyond her, as it was hard for her to think straight. She didn’t want to like this, but she did.
The girls didn’t stop. Taylor straddled Cynthia’s chest, her wet pussy resting on Cynthia’s tits. Alex giggled, her fingers both being squeezed, she starting to pump them both in and out. Julie kept on eating Cynthia’s now drenched slit. Cynthia moaned loudly, and beyond her control.
“Stop guys,” Taylor said, perched on Cynthia’s glorious little tits. Alex pulled her fingers from Cynthia’s pussy, licking and tasting her juices. The room was filled with the aroma of four dripping slits. Julie extricated her tongue from Cynthia’s wet pussy.
“Now do you understand, Cynthia?” Taylor asked.
“Don’t stop,” Cynthia moaned, her eyes closed, her head lying to the side from the aftermath of her powerful orgasm. The three girls giggled, mission accomplished.

Taylor looked down at Cynthia, as she sat on her chest. She turned her back to Cynthia’s face, and then backed up, putting her pussy on Cynthia’s mouth, “Lick it,” Taylor said, looking back at Cynthia. Cynthia’s tongue escaped her mouth, as it penetrated Taylor’s vaginal lips. She thrusted her tongue in and out of her pussy, tasting her sweet juices.
Alex giggled, seeing Cynthia enthusiastically eating Taylor’s dripping pussy. “That’s our little lesbian,” Alex joked. She leaned down, kissing Cynthia’s sweet pussy, then used her tongue to tickle her clit. Julie suddenly had nothing to do. All of Cynthia’s important areas were already being covered by Alex and Taylor. Julie set her sights on Alex’s dripping slit, as she was bent over eating Cynthia. The sight of Alex bent over, her pussy seemed to beg for her pleasuring tongue, was too tempting to pass up. Julie stepped over a few feet, and bent over the bed, grabbing Alex’s ass cheeks and spreading them. She plunged her mouth between Alex’s legs, diving into her sweet pussy.
This shocked Alex. She jumped a little at the first contact, but let her pussy melt in Julie’s mouth. Alex slowly pushed her body back against Julie, moaning out. She used two fingers to push into Cynthia’s slit, as she sucked on her clit. The smells coming from Cynthia’s pussy were wonderful.
Taylor was still sitting on Cynthia’s face, she leaned forward a bit, putting her hands on Cynthia’s tits, massaging them, to hold her upright. Alex looked up from Cynthia’s hot pussy to see Taylor groping Cynthia while she ate her. Alex, being eaten out herself, couldn’t help but wonder how any of them could deny that this was an amazing experience. Alex thought about it for a second, the whole situation, and giggled a little into Cynthia’s pussy. Alex repositioned herself a little, getting up on all fours, her hands on either side of Cynthia’s hips, this allowed Julie better access to her pussy, something Alex really craved at that moment.
Taylor rode Cynthia’s face, moaning out loud. Cynthia’s tongue pressed against her clit, before slipping back inside her pussy. Taylor threw her blonde hair back, and leaned forward. She let out a small orgasm, as she continued riding. Cynthia smiled a bit, sucking up the juices, going back to work. Julie rubbed her own pussy, as she continued sucking Alex. Alex humped back into Julie’s face, her tits swaying back and forth.
Cynthia felt her second orgasm impending, it made her whole body tingle, she tried to cry out in pleasure, but her mouth was buried in Taylor’s slit. Alex sensed Cynthia’s near orgasmic state, and put two fingers inside her pussy, finger-fucking her vigorously as she continued to orally please her. Alex could sense that her own orgasm would follow closely behind Cynthia’s.
Taylor continued riding, as the other three girls never stopped eating. Alex plunged her tongue in farther, as Julie added in another finger. Cynthia couldn’t do much, but she licked harder. The room was filled with sounds of pleasure and smells of sex. Within a minute, Taylor’s stopped riding, as she began cumming again. Alex, felt Cynthia’s pussy release her juices, her pussy contracting violently. This did enough to Alex to make her cum into Julie’s mouth, which brought Julie on to an enormous orgasm. All the girls came at once, moaning loudly into the air, or into a pussy.
Taylor laid forward, almost in a sixty-nine on top of Cynthia. Alex couldn’t hold herself up, and laid down, her mouth just inches from Cynthia’s still orgasmic pussy. Julie lay forward on top of Alex’s wonderful ass. The girls all panted and breathed loudly. For a few minutes the only movement was of their heaving chests. The lack of talking for the past few minutes had now become an awkward silence. Finally Alex broke the silence, “Just something I noticed…but Julie has been neglected so far…”
Julie smiled at them, her cheek resting comfortably on Alex’s ass cheek, “Guys, it is ok. I’m happy to give and not receive.” She smiled at the three of them. Julie stood up, and looked at the pile of girls that lay under her bunk. “So, what now?” Julie asked.
“I need a shower,” Cynthia said, Taylor’s pussy still just next to her mouth. “You guys are all sweaty and laying on top of me.” They all laughed.
“Shower sounds good,” Julie said, “Let’s go…”


2008-02-07 03:46:06
awesome 10/10


2005-12-18 02:17:15
GREAT!!! 9/10...i came


2005-08-22 02:47:03
great, i liked it a lot, 9/10


2005-08-10 20:40:34
great story' but fuck the soft version stuff and don't forget the voyuerism

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