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Chapter One; The Awakening
"Damn Kyle, how do you live in the same house
with those two without sporting a hardon all
day" Jeremy asks as he watches Kyle's sister Tera
and his Mom walk to the edge of the beach in
their Bikini's? "That's my mom and sister
dumbass, it ain't like I'd ever think of them that
way", Kyle replied. Kyle was lying because he did
think of them that way every day but he wasn't
going to broadcast it to the world.
He keeps his gaze from the two of them because
he knows he will get hard if he watches them.
He can't look at them, their asscheeks rubbing
together sensually gets his dick straining its skin
every time he does. Other than Tera being
shorter, they look almost identical. By the time
Tera is 18 they will pass for twins he is sure. His
mom has aged very well to be forty and her body
was better than most 20 year olds. He will see
them both in his mind as he strokes his cock
tonight. Their tits and asses and perfect thighs
and everything else that make them look like two
goddess's keeps him hard every night in his bed.
Jeremy won't let it go and says, "Bro, if they were
my kin I'd be trying to slide my hard dick in
them both, it wouldn't matter a bit if we are
related. Hell we almost are it seems like. I mean
it ain't like they'd ever tell anybody they was
fuckin you"! "Jeremy, shut the fuck up, that's my
sister and mom and I don't want to hear about
you wanting to fuck them. Tera's just thirteen
and I better not catch you sniffing around her or
I'll beat your damn brains in, you hear". "Yeah,
ok, but you know they're both hot and if they
were my kin you'd be looking at them and you
know it. Tell me you wouldn't nail Lydia if you
got the chance bro ". Just then Jeremy's dad
yelled saying they were leaving and he said he'd
see Kyle later and left. He was right and as he
watched Jeremy's younger sister walk up the
beach in her thong bikini with their mother he
began pulsing knowing he'd fuck them both.
There was just something about their brown
color draped over such beautiful bodies that
aroused him instantly.
Kyle lays there watching his mom and sister play
in the water. His gaze can't leave their bodies.
Their wet bikini bottoms are clinging to their
pussies and he can see the imprint of his
sister's pussy lips and the protrusion of his
mom's vulva also. He feels his dick beginning to
pulse as his gaze takes in his mom's breasts as
they bounce in their cloth enclosures, her
nipples plainly outlined through their thin cloth.
Both of them had cleavage showing and as he
watched, his younger sister's breast flopped out
of her top and was standing out proudly, its
nipple erect from the cold mist of the sea spray
as they splashed water on each other. She
seemed oblivious to it until his mom pointed to
it and laughed. He could see Tera's face turn
crimson as she realized everyone was staring at
her. She put her tit back in and placed her
hands over her face and ran up the beach and
sat down beside Kyle and covered herself with a
"That was so embarrassing, I thought I was
gonna die and mom just laughed at me and
didn't even tell me my boob was hanging out. I
feel so ashamed". Tera said. "You don't have
anything to be ashamed of sis, it was an
accident, and besides, every girl here is jealous
of your body, especially your tits. You and mom
both have beautiful tits", Kyle consoled her.
"Really Kyle, you think I have a good body, I
always thought my boobs were too small".
"You're only thirteen Tera, you'll get bigger, but
they are perfect for you right now. Everything
about you is perfect. All the guys want to fuck
you. I have to threaten to beat their asses to
keep them away from you", Kyle told her. "Really
Kyle, you're just saying that aren't you, you're
always kidding me", she said disbelievingly! "No
Tera, I mean it, you're like a young goddess", he
Tera leans over and kisses him on the cheek and
says, " I know you're lying but its a nice lie,
thank you Kyle", before running back down the
beach to push their mom into the surf and
laughing her butt off. When their mom stood up
her tit was hanging out of her top and Tera
pointed and laughed out loud and their mom
tucked it back in and took off chasing Tera across
the beach. The memory of both their breasts are
burned in Kyle's memory forever.
Kyle knows its wrong but he can't help
fantasizing about his sister and his mom.
Everyone talks about how beautiful they both
are, men and women. He has heard more than
one girl say they'd like to nuzzle up to either of
their pussies and he can't count all the remarks
he's heard from his friends and other men. He
can fuck just about any girl he wants to but all
he can think of is the two living with him. His
big dick is the talk of all the girls at his school
and he could have his pick of just about all of
them but at night when he fantasizes it is
always Tera or his mom that enters his mind. He
lays back on the towel and allows his mind to
examine the memory of his mom's breast, its
perfect aureole and its round erect nipple. He
thinks of touching it, tasting it as he suckles its
supple skin and his dick throbs, strains his
swimming trunks and he can feel his glans
hanging out beneath them. He lays a towel
across his waist to hide his erection.
A few minutes after Kyle dozes off, his mom and
sister walk up laughing. Tera picks her towel up
from alongside Kyle as her mom reaches and
grabs for the towel over Kyle's waist. She begins
to lift it but something seemed to be entangled
in it or something. Whatever it was felt thick and
round but then it fell loose and she raised the
towel to her head and began drying her hair.
Rita, his mom, was rubbing her hair briskly as
she glances down and sees something lying
between Kyle's thighs and thinks, that must be
what was entangled in the towel. It looked like a
large pink heart of some sort. At first, not
realizing what it is she starts to bend and pick
it up. Just as her fingers are about to grip it she
sees it plainly and startled, pulls her hand back
as she straightens back up quickly .
Kyle's hard cock is running down along his thigh
from under his trunks. His huge glans swollen
and thick looks menacing as it visibly pulses and
jerks inches below the edge of his swimwear. Oh
my god, she thinks, I was holding his dick, as
she remembers the feel of the thing entangled
in the towel as she grabbed it.
Tera sees her mom bend and reach for
something and then quickly stand back up. Her
mom's face is a deep shade of crimson as she
glances to see if Tera is watching. Tera glances
towards the area she had reached her hand out
to and sees Kyle's dick jerking from beneath his
trunks. She wants to stare at it, it looks as big as
she had heard it was from other girls that had
screwed him, but she is afraid her mom will
notice so she turns her head, blushing at her
thoughts of her brothers hard cock.
Rita is stunned. Her son's dick is huge. She
remembers the feel of it in her hand as she
tried to lift the towel not knowing she had his
dick wrapped by her fingers, he was very thick
and very hard. She wants to look away but she's
never seen, much less felt such a thick cockhead
before. Seeing it throb visibly is having an effect
on her that she knows is sooo wrong. Her fingers
yearn to grasp him again, only this time to
squeeze his thick girth and feel it jerking,
throbbing in her grasp as it is now.
Her and Rob weren't having much sex lately
since his job promotion requires him to be out
of town so often. That lack of sexual attention
makes it hard for her to keep telling herself this
is her fifteen year old son's dick and have it
mean anything. Her gaze keeps moving from Tera
to Kyle's arms, folded over his eyes shading them
from the Sun, to see if they are noticing where
her gaze is. If Tera wasn't here she would sit
here with a towel over her waist and masturbate
beneath it as she stared at her son's dick.
She had only seen one adult dick in her life,
Robs, and it seemed a child's next to her son's.
Tera is here though, so she drops the towel back
over his bobbing dick as the pulsing in her body
tortures her mind. Tera sits down alongside Kyle
on her towel and Rita sits at Kyle's feet
purposely so she can see up under the towel at
his groin better. From her vantage point she can
now see his thick glans head on and its girth
instills a pulsing tautness in her clit. Each jerk
of his stiffened cock raises the towel and she
sees his muscular thick shaft from beneath it as
it bobs under his trunks. His girth appears
painful in its thickness and creates a strife in
her pussy, a longing to feel herself that full and
stretched as her son throbs within her.
"What's wrong mom, why are you being so
quiet", Tera asks? Rita is startled by her
question and hadn't realized that she was
sitting lost to the imaginings the sight of her
son's cock caused to saturate her mind and
torment her body. "Nothing honey, just thinking
how nice it is here. I could sit here for hours if I
had something to drink" she replied. "Want me
to run and get us something at the concession
stand down the beach mom", Tera asked her?
"Would you sweetie, get the money from my
purse there by Kyle's head. Just get a couple of
cokes and we'll share with Kyle when he wakes
up", Rita replies. Kyle seems to be sleeping but
his cock keeps jerking, lifting, stiffening each
time it pulses and Rita can feel her pussy
moistening as she openly gazes at him now that
Tera has left.
She fills with shame knowing her pussy is
clenching as she thinks of how his big glans will
feel to a woman as it stretches and opens her,
impales her deeply. Rita is hot, aroused beyond
belief as she gazes around furtively to see if
there is anyone to see what she knows she has
to do. She is powerless to prevent her trembling
hand from reaching out to grasp her sons hard
dick, squeezing it, as her heart pounds in her
chest at such a public display of wantonness.
Her clit pounds like a throbbing miniature heart
that pumps her full of an unbearable insanity as
she feels him beneath her fingers. God he is so
thick, her fingers hold his glans and its
throbbing radiates up her arm and spreads
throughout her body to join with her own
throbbing causing her pussy to clench, inner
muscles craving to be stretched and hurt, even
her asshole pleads for his entry as it squeezes
and relaxes. He moans and his cock jerks
strongly, lifts her hand with the strength
embedded in it as it imbues a feeling of power
in her now tightly gripping grasp. Rita moans
loudly, uninhibitedly as her thighs clench tightly
and she cums.
Her clit feels strained as her thighs straighten,
squeezing so strongly she has to cross her
thighs and lay sideways as she squeezes them in
time with the constant inner surging of Kyle's
dick. Each jerk of his cock sends another coursing
wave of pleasure through her entire being. She
continues to squeeze her thighs in an attempt to
keep from touching herself openly as she espies
her daughter returning with the drinks. Seeing
Tera approaching from down the beach a ways
she knows she has to remove her hand from
Kyle's dick but it feels frozen, unresponsive,
addicted to the pulsing within it as surely as her
mind is. She doesn't want to leave it. She wants
to keep her hand on his hot jerking cock till it
instills a madness that will allow her to fuck him
in front of everyone, to cum repeatedly on him
until she lays exhausted and spent, unable to
cum anymore. She runs her hand up under his
trunks and draws it back squeezing the entire
length of his fat cock as he moans and his hips
shift. She reachs over him to grab her purse and
give him a few short strokes just to feel his cock
with her body blocking Tera's view from down
the beach. She feels so slutty and it is such a
delicious feeling. Her blood is pumping faster,
hotter than it has in years. If they were alone at
home Rita knew the fog of lust inundating her
mind would have her sucking his dick now. Only
Tera's presence possibly prevents it from
happening here at the beach now.
This is what her friends meant when they talked
about their husbands not fucking them anymore
and they looked at her and said, "Yeah but you
have Kyle at home and we've heard about him",
and then they'd laugh and hit each other. Rita
hadn't wanted to appear stupid and just smiled
as if she'd known what they meant but in reality
she had no clue. Everyone must have heard
about his big dick but her she reasoned. It
made her feel good that he had the reputation
as a stud but sitting here gazing at his stud
dick, her hand now feeling as empty as her
pussy, filled her with feelings and thoughts she
knew she had to find a way to put aside. She
had to admit that she liked the way her blood
raced through her veins as she gripped and
stroked his thick dick and still did as she lay
here watching his dick jerk and lift with his
dreams she guessed. Wonder who he's dreaming
of she thought. She would have felt an aroused
strife in her mind if she'd known it was her and
Tera was walking back slowly as she watched her
mom from down the beach. It appeared she was
openly looking at Kyle's hard dick and her thighs
were pumping regularly, like her own did when
she was aroused and pulsing. But she was
folding up as if she was cumming, thighs crossed
and squeezing tightly, her arm outstretched and
moving. Oh my god is she holding his dick she
thinks as she sees her mom's arm extended
towards Kyle's trunks. No, not mom, Tera thinks.
Although she has to admit when she thinks of
what she had seen her own clit pulses and
becomes taut and swollen and she wants to
touch him, squeeze him and suck him. Hmmm
maybe mom is enjoying the sight and feel of his
big dick surreptitiously, he is my brother and I
like thinking about it, she reasons as she
watches her mother's body lean across her
brothers body to grab her purse. She also sees
her mom's tongue slide across her lips as her
gaze never wavers from her brothers thighs.
As they sit drinking their soft drinks Rita notices
Kyle's dick is lengthening, lifting until it is stiffly
at a forty five degree angle to his body. His
swollen glans is lifting the towel from his body
as it stiffly jerks upright allowing her to see his
thick girth. Her breathing becomes deep, hurried
and her clit throbs like a bass drum as she
almost reaches her hand out again and grasps
him. Tera could see his cock lifting the towel
even from where she sat. Her mom's face has
become flushed and she has her thighs crossed
in a yoga position where her heel presses
against her pussy and she is leaning forward
with her upper body bobbing and soft moans
escaping her each time her leaning body presses
her heel against her clit. Tera could see a large
wet spot on her mom's bikini crotch and it
almost appeared she'd pissed herself.
Tera knew her mom was in an aroused agony and
she felt her own arousement taking control of
her as she watched Kyle's dick bobbing so she
stood up and said, "I think we should go mom,
I'm tired" "Yeah, I'd like to lay down too sweetie,
so lets go on home", Rita replied with
arousement stressing her voice. Tera bent down
and shook Kyle's arm and said, "Come on Kyle
we're leaving". Kyle stretched, his legs
straightening, arms over his head and his cock
straining upwards, imposing a terrible strife in
Rita's mind as it lifts his trunks as he moans
and strains. He seems to realize his dick i hard
and he presses the towel lower to cover his
straining cock as he sits up. He yawns and says,
dang, the Sun must have put me to sleep. I
hope I didn't burn. Rita's mind contemplates
how nice it would be to rub lotion on his big
cock if it was sunburned, or anytime really, and
immediately feels shame even thought the
thought lingers in her mind.
Chapter Two; Mom's Desire, Tera's Reality
When they arrive home Rita says she is going to
lie down for awhile as does Tera. Rita thinks she
shuts her door, but it slowly opens a bit as she
turns to open the bedroom window to allow
some fresh air in as well as to allow the odor of
her sex to escape. She knows she is going to
have to find relief for the burning hunger she
feels inside her after riding home alongside her
son and the still hard dick that occasionally
appeared as he jostled the towel in his lap. Tera
had seen it also as Kyle sat between her mom
and herself and she also was moved to go
masturbate in her room. Kyle sits in the living
room holding his hard dick remembering his
mom and sister at the beach unaware of the
strife he had imposed in their minds. He lays
back on the couch and pulls his cock out from
over his trunks, unaware that Tera was at the
head of the stairs watching as it jerked stiffly
She has to stifle the moan that tries to escape
her as her clit pulses with a thrill that feels
electric in nature and causes her thighs to
squeeze and her body to bend with its intensity.
She watches as her older brother begins stroking
his cock, his huge cock. He is thick, very thick.
Her breathing is quickened and her hand slides
inside her bikini bottom and finds her swollen
clit and idly rolls it as she continues watching
Kyle stroke his long fat cock with both hands.
She keeps remembering how he called her a
young goddess and said everybody wanted to
fuck her. She wonders if that includes him. She
needs to cum and is about to go to her room
and rub her clit until she does when she sees
Kyle reach over and pick up a picture of her off
the coffee table beside him. He stares at it, then
kisses her image and then places his swollen tip
at her mouth in the picture and rubs his dick
over her face.
Tera, feels herself tense as she realizes he is
thinking of her as he plays with his hard dick.
Her orgasm grips her suddenly and she groans
loudly, unable to stifle it because of its sudden
intensity. When her eyes open Kyle is craning
his neck looking up at her, his dick still firmly
grasped in his hand and a shocked look etched
on his face. Tera holds a finger up to her lips
and whispers, shhh as she walks slowly, quietly
down the stairs. She walks slowly, deliberately,
her hand pulling at the string tying her bikini
bottoms until it loosens and falls to the floor,
her gaze never wavering from his meaty dick..
She feels as if in a trance, his big dick holds her
mesmerized, hypnotized as it jerks and sways in
his grasp.
Kyle watches her, sees the bikini drop and he
also feels mesmerized by the sight of his young
sisters perfection. His gaze devours her young
pussy as she seems absorbed in the sight of his
hard cock. She walks unashamedly over to her
brother's prone body and kneels beside him
while looking into his eyes. He allows her to
remove her picture from his hand and place it
back on the table before leaning and placing her
lips on his as gently as he had her picture and
kisses him tenderly. Then she moves lower and
as their gazes lock, she takes the picture and
places it next to his cock before again placing it
back on the table as her mouth lowers to his fat
tip, her lips rubbing his glans as it had her
image before she licks it teasingly slow, eliciting
a low moan from deep in his body. She begins
sucking, licking him, doing everything she has
heard girls do to boys dicks and balls. Her hands
try to grasp his thick shaft but her fingers aren't
long enough to encircle him but she still pumps
his stiff dick.
Tera's pussy is flowing moisture, she feels it
seeping from her as she massages her brothers
hard cock. She studies Kyle's big dick, its hot
and feels like a steel core covered by a muscular
sponginess covered by large veins that pulse as
she sucks him. Each time it jerks in her hands
and mouth she moans and her clit throbs. She
has never felt like this before. Her pussy seems
so empty, and she yearns to feel something in it.
She knows what it needs but Kyle is so big it
scares her thinking of him fucking her but her
pussy demands to feel it against her entrance.
She climbs atop him, straddles his dick and
spreads her pussy lips and lowers her hot
mound to his shaft and rubs herself against his
fat dick. He starts to say something but she puts
her fingers on his lips and said, shhh. Her body
shudders as she feels her clit riding along his
hot dick. She lays down on him and they hunch
together, they call it dry fucking, but they were
anything but dry as her wildly excited pussy
drenched his hard member as they both became
more aroused.
Both of their young bodies were alive with need.
Kyle couldn't believe this was happening. All the
yearning he had experienced for his younger
sister and now here she was rubbing her pussy
on his hard dick. He knows he should stop her
but his emotions are running wild and the feel
of her wet pussy sliding up, rubbing and
clenching at his strained glans has him craving
to be in her tight pussy. Tera kisses her brother.
She had never really kissed a boy and Kyle's lips
were leading her, teaching her as they opened
and his tongue embraced her own, danced with
hers in a dance that only lovers should ever
indulge in. She feels falling, like her mind is
being swept away by the emotions of loving her
brother in this manner. Her young emotions are
not prepared to handle this overwhelming
arousement and sensual stimulation by someone
as close as Kyle is to her.
They both know this is wrong but neither knows
why, it feels so right, so wonderful. Tera decides
it will be her brother that takes her cherry,
today, now! She whispers in his ear, "I want you
to fuck me Kyle, I want to feel you in me, please"
He starts to protest but again she stops him and
raises up allowing his dick to stand stiffly erect
as she positions his fat tip at her hole and
squirms around on it. He feels good pressing
against her wet flesh as her inner lips kiss his
tip, sucking at it as she moans and thrusts
against him. She balances on her toes astraddle
him as she sits on his upraised dick and begins
pressing down hard. She feels her pussy
straining to open around his engorged dick. His
cock jerks hard, stiffens to the challenge of her
resisting body as his glans flares thickly.
His hands grip her thin hips, the soft skin of her
hips beneath his fingers drives him as he holds
her to his dick and begins an upwards pressure
as she pushes down onto his dick, both craving
the feeling of his fat dick embedded in her hot,
young, virgin pussy. She can feel her entrance
muscles stretching over his glans and it hurts,
burns, but she knew it would and she wants him
in her badly. Her young body is afire with
hormonal need and the demand it creates in her
mind can not be denied. Her body's refusal to
allow him entry fills her with a heated
frustration but that only serves to intensify the
craving she has to feel her brothers dick inside
her. She is determined to fuck her brothers big
cock and know the feelings those other girls
talked about, for herself. This is her day to
become a woman!
"I don't want to hurt you Tera, you're too tight",
he tells her. "If I wasn't your sister would you
stop, no, so shut up and fuck me like I'm just
some slut that wants your dick". Then as the
frustration she feels surfaces she begs, "Fuck me
Kyle, make it go, please"! He wants her as badly
as she wants him but he needs to know she
wants this as badly as he does. He rolls her over
on her back and begins fucking his cock into her
forcefully, pressuring past her tight entrance
muscles as she cries out, "Oh god Kyle its in me,
you're fucking me, it hurts so't stop...oh god my pussy feels
like its big", her moans and cries
express the pleasure she feels knowing her
brother is fucking her virgin pussy....till he
meets the resistance of her hymen.
She has tears flowing down her cheeks as she
feels her pussy full, pressured outwards by his
throbbing hot dick. Kyle knows this will hurt her
and his love for her won't allow him to do it. "Do
it Kyle, fuck me, I want you to", and then she
places her ankles on his ass and pulls her pussy
sharply up into his dick and feels her hymen rip
as his dick forces through it to throb in her
vagina. "Aieeeeeee", she cries as her pussy
burns as his fat dick renders her hymen
completely with the forceful pulling of her pussy
onto him. She can't restrain her loud cry as his
cock ruptures her virginity nor her wild hunching
as he throbs hotly against the burning tissues
he had rent asunder.
Rita had just pressed her biggest dildo deep in
her pussy and was hunching into it with Kyle's
dick in her mind when she hears a cry that
sounds like Tera's voice. With her pussy still
impaled she rises from the bed and walks to her
open door and listens. She hears something that
sounds familiar but she can't place it. She
glances out the door and sees Tera's door open
and Kyle's closed and slips into her robe and
silently walks down the hallway until she can
see in Tera's room and she isn't there. Again
she hears a slight cry and walks to the head of
the stairs and glances down and is stunned by
what she beholds. Tera is on her back, her
thighs spread grotesquely and her brother is
between them hunching his fat cock into his
sister's young pussy. It is her stifled cries as he
forces his huge cock into her tiny pussy that she
is hearing.
Is he raping her she wonders, should she stop
him? If so then why is her heels and ankles
pulling at his asscheeks and her hips hunching,
rolling, her hands pulling at his asscheeks above
her ankles. No, they are fucking, plain and
simple. Tera is feeling the huge cock she herself
had lusted after for all those long moments at
the beach earlier today. Watching them, seeing
his dick opening his sisters tiny pussy, hearing
her moans as his cock forces deeper and deeper
into her virgin body has her hand grasping the
dildo in her own pussy and fucking it into her
hard, painfully as she imagines feeling what her
thirteen year old daughter is fortunate enough
to be experiencing at her young age. Rita is
jealous of her daughters enjoyment of her sons
hot huge cock. She sits down on the stairs and
fucks herself as her children's bodies began to
move in unison, their moans and groans as one
as they both labor in a common goal. Rita
envisions Kyle's thick swollen glans, remembering
how it throbbed in her grasp as she enjoys the
memory of it in her mind and knows her
daughter is feeling that throbbing deep inside
her body as she sits there watching, craving to
know that feeling herself no matter how wrong it
may be!
Rita knows her daughter is learning the
primitive urges that compel a woman to help
drive a mans dick as deeply as possible before
taking his baby sperm into her womb, a dance
lovers engage in that is as timeless as sex itself.
Her daughters excited hunching tells of her
need to have her brother's dick fully implanted
in her womb when he launches his hot lava like
sperm into her clasping, fertile, cradle of life.
She knows her son is striving to sate that same
timeless craving as his hips rise and fall
forcefully, stretching her young flesh, battering
her tight cervix until it relents as her hymen did
and allows passage of his fat man instrument
into her uterine canal where it can complete its
journey to her young receptive womb.
Rita feels an insane craving to experience the
same forced opening of her small cervical
opening as her daughter is feeling. She can only
imagine the pain and sating feel of Kyle's
pulsing, hot, throbbing dick implanted within
her womb, her mind incensed by her craving to
make him cum there. She can only watch her
daughter feel what she sits playing with her own
pussy craving, Kyle's fat girth instilling a pained
pleasure in her by its imposition within her
birth canal and her knowledge it is her son's
hips driving it there! This is a place only the
Alpha males like Kyle may enter, a place
reserved for only those that offer the most
intense of pleasures. She wants her pussy
subjugated by her son's dick as her daughters is
now, forced to submit to its hard need in any
way or place desired by its young dominant
His big dick is ruining his sister's young pussy
for any average size boy just as Rita's dildo's
have left her vagina loosely gripping her
husbands cock from her continued need of their
feel inside her. Rita's hands cup the base of the
dildo that lies deep in her pussy as she pulls it
into her tightly grasping cunt, feeling it pressing
past her cervix but unable to gift her the depth
she knows her sons cock could and is to her
daughters young womb. Tera's face is strained,
etched with the emotional love she feels for the
cock straining her womb as she stares over her
brother's shoulder, eyes glazed with the
pleasure she feels, head jerking with each of his
hard thrusts until her gaze locks with her
mothers, her eyes growing wide as she realizes
her mom is watching her and her older brother
fucking like animals.
She knows she can't stop, she doesn't care about
the consequences, all she cares about right now
is her brother's hot dick throbbing and moving
inside her newly opened pussy. Her mom's gaze
is intense as she watches them fuck, her
arousement displayed by the way her hands hold
the dildo deeply inside her pussy as her hips
undulate hungrily, pressing into it forcibly with
her thighs widely spread The passion in her
mother's eyes tells of her desire to feel what she
is feeling. Tera feels sure if she'd motion for her
to join them she would, but that would mean
sharing Kyle's dick and she never wants it to
leave her own pussy. Her mom is so sexy and
beautiful and seeing her hips undulating,
pressing into the rubber dick she's enjoying, her
one hand squeezing her nipple as she stifles the
moans that would alert Kyle to her presence
heightens Tera's already intense arousement.
There is little doubt that her mom is fantasizing
about fucking her son's dick.
Knowing her mother has the same cravings that
had tortured her own body before she had fallen
under the spell of Kyle's actions makes her feel a
new closeness to her. Tera watches her mom's
hips moving sensually and can tell she is
savoring the feel of Kyle's big dick in her mind,
torturing herself with her thoughts of incest, her
entire body craving to feel that forbidden ecstasy
for real. She knows that it will be impossible for
them not to fuck sooner or later, her mom is too
lost to her needs, unable to control them as her
display here on the stairs confirms
Feeling her mom's gaze on them instills such a
slutty feeing in Tera, a feeling she has never felt
before, she has always been the virgin, the good
girl. Knowing her mom is seeing that reputation
destroyed by the incestual fucking her brother is
giving her pussy has her mind in an emotional
turmoil. Kyle's dick is quickly driving her ability
to think and rationalize from her mind. Knowing
her mom is craving the feelings she is
experiencing as she watches them also serves to
fuel the inferno in her groin.
Rita raises her finger to her lips in a sign of
Shhhh! Tera feels an inner pleasure knowing her
mom is creating a secret between them, an
experience that only her and Tera will share
unless one of them divulges it. Knowing that her
mother is giving tacit approval of her fucking her
brother and not stopping it opens up a world of
possibilities for their pleasure. She knows in her
heart that the three of them will be in the same
bed at some future point in time and she
welcomes it, craves it! Knowing she is still loved
by her mom means the world to Tera. Now,
seeing her mom's sexuality expressing itself in
such a voyeuristic manner has her craving to be
there with her, enjoying her in any way she
Tera's thirteen year old mind is deluged with
emotions as all these carnal experiences have
her unable to cope with the sensations and
feelings filling her. Watching her mom fuck her
pussy with the dildo has Tera hunching
frantically up into Kyle's burgeoning dick. The
emotions of having her brother's huge dick in
her pussy while her mother sees and knows how
much she is enjoying it has her insane with her
inability to dispel the cravings filling her. She
feels so nasty cumming on Kyle's dick and the
knowledge her moans and screams are driving
her mom's own pleasure is mind-bendingly
intense. She knows her mom hears her begging
him to fuck her hard, to make her cum but she
can't help it, his hurtful thrusts drive everything
but the painful feel of his dick from her mind as
waves of pleasure thrill every cell of her being.
Her pussy still burns but the slight pain of her
torn tissue is nothing compared to the hurt his
dick inflicts as it opens her inside.
His cock sates the yearning she had experienced
before he entered her, replacing it with a new
and more intense craving to have him spew his
hot cum in his sister's fertile womb. Every fat
inch of his long cock pulses within the grasp of
her entire birth canal and instills a craving that
can never be stilled as long as he resides hotly
inside her. The same forces that have her
craving the feeling of his glans stretching her,
pressured by the entire length of his steely shaft
embedded in her pussy's grasp, has her lost to
the overwhelming need to feel him impregnate
her fertile womb. The fact she is on no birth
control does not even enter their minds as they
both are immersed in the emotions of their
incestual coupling, driven by the joy they have
found together in this supposedly despicable
Her only thoughts are of the primal need for her
to cajole his hot dick into giving up his seed and
the resulting affirmation of her womanhood
without which she has nothing. Her instincts tell
of the pleasure his hot spewing will provide and
the satisfaction she knows she will feel from the
explosive expulsion into her womb. She is no
longer a thirteen year old virgin, but a young
woman experiencing the same primitive urges
and needs that women have known since the
first cave man took his woman on the cave floor
in front of others. That primitive need is
implanted in her genes and drives her to ignore
the pain of his deep entry to accomplish their
common goal of impregnating her womb with his
Alpha seed. It is that part of her psyche that
allows her to find extreme pleasure in his
hurtful thrusts as he seeks to arrive at the
destination they both crave and to keep her in
her receptive state until he has asserted his
manhood by pounding her pussy into submission
thereby binding her womb to his hot ejaculation.
Like the cave woman that pressed her pussy to
the Alpha males spurting cock as she felt
impaled deeply, Tera met Kyle's hardest thrusts
with forceful hunching as his dick buries itself in
her uterus, stretching it with his thickness until
she felt his swollen glans enter the place of her
cravings and throb hotly against her virgin
wombs deepest recesses.
Kyle is in heaven! His sister is the first virgin
he's ever fucked and her tightness is a challenge
for his stiff, thick ramrod to overcome. His
instincts tell him to hold off and not cum until
he is fully inside his sisters pussy. He can tell
by her excited hunching she wants that also. He
is more aroused than ever before in his life and
his sister's pussy is squeezing, her hips
hunching her virgin pussy frantically up into his
swollen glans. He can feel his young sister's
excitement at fucking for her first time. The way
she keeps tensing, moaning and cumming over
and over as she floods his dick with her warm
cum is having an effect on his own feverish
excitement. He raises himself on his outstretched
arms and stares down into his sister's eyes as
she cums on his cock, her thighs and legs
tensing as they hold her to his hardest thrusts
as she feels impaled and stretched. She doesn't
have to say she loves him, it is expressed in her
eyes as she stares into his. He feels the same
emotions she does as he stares into his sisters
eyes, feeling her pussy grinding into his forceful,
deep thrusts, her heels pulling her pussy into
his swollen dick even as the pain of her pussy
stretching is etched on her young face.
Rita feels the love her children are sharing as
they lay in each others arms, their bodies
hunching, grinding, both straining to accomplish
the same goal. Tera's moans are filled with the
pleasure she is finding on her brothers huge
dick and their sounds excite and drive Rita's own
orgasmic bliss. Rita hears Kyles loud, "Oh god
Tera, I'm gonna cum"! She watches as Kyle
attempts to pull from his sisters pussy and hears
Tera's pleas of, "Cum in me Kyle, I need to feel
it, don't stop, I'm gonna cum too"! She sees
Tera's legs hold Kyle to her pussy, locking
around him making it impossible to withdraw his
long dick from her squirming pussy. She hears
her son's loud groan and sees his asscheeks
clenching as he drives his spewing cockhead
deep into his sister's womb.
The thought of the cockhead she had grasped
and felt pulsing earlier today exploding inside
her daughters pussy has Rita also tensing, lifting
into the big dildo lodged deep inside her as her
thoughts are of her own incestual desires. She
needs to feel what her daughter is experiencing
as her son empties his young balls deep in his
sister's cunt. Tera's shriek as he drives his cock
forcefully into her pussy tells of the exquisite
torture her pussy is experiencing as he buries
his dick fully into her inexperienced, unexplored
womb. Rita can only imagine the swelling of his
glans, the hot explosion of his ball juice
splattering forcefully against the deepest walls of
her impaled womb as her daughter feels it for
Tera feels her pussy stretched painfully,
something relaxing, opening her deep inside as
her birth canal becomes receptive to his dick as
it repeatedly forces through her uterine grip, its
tightness relenting until she feels his fat tip
lodged painfully at her deepest place, her body
feeling full, strained as she feels him swelling,
pulsing before exploding a hotness inside her
that seems to melt her mind. His molten ball
juice fills her womb until it is like a cauldron of
seething lava. His dick explods continuously like
an ongoing volcanic eruption, consuming her
identity as he makes her his forever. She feels
her body's birth canal straightening as his dick
stiffen with each forceful expulsion as he
continues impregnating her fertile womb. His
hands hold her by her asscheeks and her body
molds to his as she clings to him tightly,
trembling, shaking with each lava like explosion
within her. She loves Kyle, not only as a brother
but as a lover and Kyle feels the same as he
pulls his sisters young thin body to his swollen
dick. He has never experienced an orgasm like
this one he is having inside his sister's body. All
the love he holds for her seems to explode from
his dick to addict her to this violent eruption
from his balls. Every emotion, every moan and
sigh burns into his memory. Neither of them ever
want these moments to end and they lay there
in each others arms as their bodies sporadically
tense, jerk as their ardor wanes and their love
"That was so wrong little sis, but it felt sooo
right. I hope you know I love you Tera", Kyle says
softly as his cock pulses in her tight sister
"I love you too Kyle, and I love your big brother
dick too, a lot actually. Dang that felt so good.
No wonder all the girls want to fuck you, you're
so fuckin huge" she said as she squeezed his
cock with her inner muscles. "Hmmm I think I
need more Kyle, can you do it again", she asked
him seriously.
"Hmm let me eat your pussy, that always gets
me hard when I think of doing it to you", he
says as he pulls from her pussy. His dick makes
a long slow slurping sound as it slides from her
pussy's grasp while he slides down until his
tongue is licking her clit.
"Oh god I feel so empty now, like something is
missing, a part of me is gone or
something....mmmmmm that feels good, oh darn
that feels real good Kyle, don't stop, oh god what
are you doing, you're gonna make
god...ohgod....d..d..don..don't stop...please
don't....oh shit!
aaiieeeeeerrrggghhhHHHHHHHHH....god I love
you so much......aaarrrrggghhhhhhHHHH.....SUCK
IT, SUCK IT HARD!! Oh god Kyle, eat me, do you
like my pussy, does it taste
good...ohhhhhhhh....I feel it....oh shit you're in
my pussy.....ohgod.......lick it.....lick me
Kyle....oh...oh....not again...oh
re licking in my pussy.....oh god fuck it with your
"Wha...what....ass...oh my god
my asshole....oh...oh that
good...doit...ohgod! Lick it, oh fuck.......I love
you...I really do......ohgod....I feel it....its...its in
my....ohgod you're licking in my ass......ohhhhhh
it......ohfuckyeah.....fingerit....oh damn"!
Kyle fingers his sister's asshole while his mouth
tortures her clit and pussy. How many times has
he thought of doing this to her as he
masturbated and now here he was actually doing
it. He is determined to do everything he has
learned from other girls to try and make it so
good for Tera she'll want him to do it often.
Someday he will fuck her asshole with his dick
when they are alone and mom isn't home. Tera
seems to love having her pussy licked and
sucked and even her ass too. She cums more
than any girl he's ever been with and he loves
it, loves his sister's body and the way she uses
it. She is a natural cocksucker and she fucks
better her first time than any slut he has ever
fucked. It is better he thinks because he really
loves Tera and wants to make it as good for her
as she makes it for him.
"Fuck me Kyle, I need to feel you in me again.
Can you fuck me some more", she pleads? "If
mom wasn't home I'd fuck your asshole sis, but
you'll yell too loud to do that now"...he replies
as he rises and places his hard dick again at her
young cuntlips and begins a slow pressured
entry into his sister's body once more. "God
Tera, your pussy feels so good, so tight on my
dick, I love fucking you. In fact I just love you
sis, I love everything about you and mom both",
he moans as he begins stroking deeper and
deeper into the tight confines of Tera's body.
"Have you fucked mom Kyle", she asked
incredulously? "No, but I'd love to. She is so
much like you sis, so beautiful and hot looking.
You're both just so damn sexy and your bodies
move so sensually. I know its as wrong as what
we're doing but I can't help it you both just
drive me crazy. I've wanted to fuck you since you
were ten years old Tera, think I'm not fucked
"Kyle, I've wanted you to since I was about
eleven and cum my first time while thinking of
you in bed one night. I saw you naked in the
bathroom accidently and it made me feel real
funny inside and my clit began pulsing and I
touched it and next thing I knew I was cumming
so hard while I pictured you in my mind. I
didn't know what it was then but I knew I loved
it and I kept rubbing myself and thinking about
you and it kept happening over and over. Your
dick was hard when I saw you but I didn't even
know what that meant back then. It was just so
taboo seeing you naked and all. Now look at
us....ohhhhhhgod that feels so good. I want you
to fuck me every chance we get Kyle, I promise I
won't let nobody else fuck me but you. Ohgod
fuck me, hurt my pussy Kyle, I love it when you
hurt it with your big dick.....ohhhhh...yeah, like
that, ohhhhhgodyes .....h..hard..harder...oh're fuckin huge"!
Rita is stunned to hear Kyle say he wants her
pussy, stunned and aroused that her young son
wants to put his big stiff dick in her older pussy
and cum in it. Watching him fuck now had new
meaning as she thought of him between her
thighs, his ass moving, hunching his fat cock
into her own pussy as she stared into his eyes.
She pictured her son's face over her as she
fucked her pussy hard, deeply with the dildo
and the orgasm it evoked was exquisite in its
intensity as her gaze was on her son's dick as it
pistoned its full length in her daughter's pussy.
Rita knew at that instant as her pussy quivered
and clenched the replica dick, the dick she
imagined to be her son's, that she was going to
really fuck her son. Once again he would fill the
womb from whence he came, but this time she
would pull him into her deepest recesses
wantonly, not ever wanting him to leave, unlike
when he was born and she felt relief to have
him gone from her body. This time he would
appease the hunger his cock has instilled in
both her and his sister. This time she knew she
would beg him never to leave her womb just as
his sister, her daughter, was now.
Thinking of his mom as his fantasy of fucking his
sister was unfolding had Kyle's young dick
stiffened, ramrod hard as he persecuted Tera's
pussy with it. He'd never seen a girl want her
pussy hurt like his sister does. The harder and
faster he fucks her the more intensely she cums
and remains tensed until he slows or stops his
hammering of her womb. Just touching his
sister's smooth skin excites him more than other
girls ever have. Seeing the love she has for him
displayed in her eyes as she grimaces in pain as
he pile drives his cock into her drives him to
punish her pussy, to hurt her like she seems to
need and to use all the stamina of his youthful
athletic body to keep her in her heaven till her
eyes close and she screams, her body shaking
fitfully, head tossing wildly as she tries to
escape the all consuming pleasure his fat dick
provides her repeatedly.
His emotions have him choking in his throat as
the love he feels for this blonde waif of a girl
overwhelms him and he has to lay upon her fully
and feel her warmth against his body. His own
young mind is not prepared for this kind of
emotional attachment and it fills him with a
need to kiss her, to love her and be lost within
her body and he does. Their kiss is torrid as his
hard cock stretches her womb painfully, held
against her deepest walls as their tongues
entwine and the emotions of their love for each
other have them clutching each other, her hips
grinding her womb against the heated throbbing
of his glans as he forcibly grinds against her clit,
mashing it between them as they strive to
become one. Kyle has never experienced such
emotions as he fucked a girl and Tera's emotions
are all new to her, the sexual sensations her
brother provides her bind her to him as tightly
as if they were married. The words brother and
Kyle equate to pleasure in her thirteen year old
mind now. She cannot hear either without a
pulsing beginning at her clit and an empty
yearning filling her pussy.
Tera has thought of having sex often and
imagined doing it as she played with herself but
nothing could have ever prepared her for the
feeling of Kyle's fat dick battering through her
hymen and then her cervix to become lodged
squarely within her womb. She feels every hard
hot inch as he fucks her. The feelings his dick
provokes within her has her out of control,
hunching frantically, she can't think, her body
just reacts to each new sensation and feeling his
dick causes to course through her in strong
waves until she tenses and cums hard over and
over again. Her pussy is already tightly expanded
by his thick girth and when she cums her pussy
muscles tighten and makes him feel twice as
large as he fucks her powerfully. Her once virgin
pussy is stretched, loosened but still tightly
clasping him as she fucks him wildly. Every
sensation is new to her mind and body,
multiplied by her brothers thickness until they
permeate her very soul. Every time her hips lift,
out-turn, her back arching as she presses up
into his hardest, deepest thrusts she thinks she
will die before he relents and allows her to gasp
for a quick breath before again impaling her
deeply sending her into another hard tensing
orgasm, heightened by his body mashing her
sensitive young clitoris.
Tera knows she will be experimenting more with
her newfound sexuality. If fucking and having
her pussy ate was this astounding she wants to
try other things now. She doesn't want to fuck
any guy but Kyle but she would like to eat a
girls pussy now that she knows how thrilling it is
to have it done to her. Knowing how her mom is
watching them and probably heard what Kyle
said about wanting to fuck her, something tells
her the dynamics of their home life are about to
take a pleasurable turn for the better. Kyle's dick
has opened a whole new world of thoughts to
her and now she is thinking how nice it would
be to taste her mom's pussy as Kyle fucks her
own and then they could swap
maybe...mmmmmm. Tera is shocked at her own
thoughts but Kyle's swelling cock just prompts
them to continue as he stiffens within her and
she knows she is about to feel her pussy
swamped with his hot ball juice. Again he tries
to pull away and again she holds him tightly to
her pussy while imploring him, "Give me your
baby Kyle, shoot it way up in my womb brother.
You know you want to come in your sister's hot
pussy, do it"!!
Hearing his sister's words makes his orgasm even
more intense as he bucks and thrusts as deeply
as possible into her greedy cunt saying, "Yes,
yes, I love fucking your pussy, here take it, take
my baby in your hot pussy Tera,
unggghhhhhhhh....unghhhhhhh...ohgod I love
you so much...ohhhhhfuck...squeeze it baby..oh
shit...damn...milk it...take it all...goddamn"!
"Don't stop Kyle...give it all to fucking
hot....good....Ohgod I don't care if you make me
pregnant just keep doing it...ohhhhh I'm
cumming....fuck me, fuckme hard, oh god Kyle
hurt me, fuck your cum in me
Chapter Three; Sex Ed The Secret Grows
Rita is laying back on the stairs, both hands
pulling hard at the rubber dick in her pussy as
her body lifts, shakes with intensity. Her heels
are on a step, ass in the air fucking her pussy
roughly, deeply as she cums hard repeatedly.
Each hard spasm sends waves of electric like
thrills coursing through every cell of her body as
she watches her kids fuck. Tera's pleas and wild
hunching as her brother fills her fertile womb
with his baby seed has Rita lost to her
imaginings as in her mind it is Kyle fucking her
pussy hard, driving his hot cum deep inside his
mother's craving pussy as she floods his fat dick
with appreciation for what he gifts her. Her body
hunches hard up into the dildo as she pulls it
into her deeply one last time before falling
exhausted upon the stairs. She watches as Kyle
slumps down onto Tera's body and sees her
daughter holding him, ankles pulling at him as
she continues hunching and moaning as he
sporadically pumps the last of his cum into her
womb as her uterine walls grip and milk his long
shaft, squeezing every drop of his virile seed
into her baby chamber before she too falls
exhausted beneath his body.
Rita silently rises and walks back to her room
and lay across her bed panting as she recalls
everything she has seen and heard. Her hand
moves idly to her clit as her memories bring
forth a pulsing within her swelling orb. She
craves to feel what her daughter had tonight.
She isn't even trying to fight the thoughts of her
and her son together now. She knows it is futile
for her to try and resist the urges his dick has
instilled in her, especially now that Tera had
caught her masturbating while watching him
take her daughters virginity. She wishes her first
time had been so wonderful, but she hadn't
even cum and her daughter had cum so often
and so intensely that she would remember her
brothers cock forever. Even when she was sixty
her hand would creep to her clit remembering
what he had done for her tonight.
Rita has never been so thoroughly fucked as her
son had fucked her daughter tonight. Never
made to lose control and hunch so rapidly into a
mans dick that she seemed possessed, unable to
think just react to what she feels. She wants to
feel like that! She wants to cum on her son's
dick so badly now, and he wants it to! Rita cum
as she remembered the feel of her sons glans
throbbing in her grasp earlier today and his
words stating how badly he wanted to put that
throbbing thickness deep in her pussy. The feel
of him as she stroked him was burned into her
memory forever. The animal like hardness and
size his thick, stiff, young virile dick had gotten
at the beach today was duplicated as he fucked
it deep into his sister's pussy. It had been years
since Rob's dick was so stiff and unyielding it
hurt her. She knew where Tera got the urge to
have her pussy hurt, stretched beyond belief.
She loved it also, it was like she was being
punished for loving dick so much and she
begged for it just as her daughter had. But
unlike her daughter she had never had a dick
capable of providing the intense pain she
sought. Only in her mind as today had she
experienced a dick that wonderful, a dick like
her son Kyle possessed.
Rita knew she should feel guilty at knowing she
was going to fuck her son while Rob was kept in
the dark of the new direction his family was
taking, but she didn't. After seeing the love
between her daughter and son expressed so
beautifully tonight she just couldn't find a need
for guilt within her. The only guilt she felt was
towards Rob. She really loved him and it wasn't
his fault he couldn't sate her enormous appetite
for dick. She would have continued to use her
vibrators and dildo's to sate her urges if not for
accidently espying her sons huge cock today, and
then allowing it to subjugate her mind and drive
her to grasp it. My god she thought, he's only
fifteen, will his dick grow more as he gets older.
That thought sent shudders of delight up her
spine and through her pussy as she realizes she
will have it in her if it does. She didn't like
doing things behind Rob's back, especially
fucking his son and allowing his son to fuck his
daughter without stopping it, but for the
present she saw no way around it.
Kyle rolled off his sister and allowed her to get
up as he lay there admiring her naked body. She
is truly a goddess, everything about her is
perfect, her breasts, ass, hair, even her tiny
nose. Gazing at her gaped pussy he wants her
again. How could such a small girl take all his
dick and beg him to fuck her harder, deeper he
wonders? He remembers her kiss and his dick
pulses strongly. No one has ever made him feel
like she did kissing him. He loved her, he knew
he did, not as a brother either. He wants her to
be his forever and that thought made him say,
"Tera, come here a minute, kneel down here".
When she did he kissed her, a warm passion
filled kiss, a kiss that explored and learned her
mouth and the feel of her tongue grappling with
his as both their minds swirled down into a
vortex of love and intense hunger for each other.
Her hand grasped his jerking cock and pulled at
him as desire flooded her young body again.
She broke their kiss and placed her mouth on
his swelling glans and began sucking at him like
a cum crazed whore. He knew she wanted him to
cum in her mouth and the emotions that filled
him had him reach and lift her and place her
atop him with his face between her thighs. They
lay there licking and sucking at each other
frantically, the need they both felt to please the
other paramount in both their young minds and
body's. Tera was first to tense in an orgasm that
had her hips forcing her pussy down onto Kyle's
tonguing caresses within her sloppy pussy. He
made horrible slurping sounds as he sucked and
probed within her grinding pussy. Her pussy was
splayed open from his thick cock and his tongue
flailed within its gaped moist walls as he licked
within her excitedly. His face was covered by
their slick love juices but he didn't care, all that
mattered was pleasing this girl he loved so
deeply. Her thighs squeezed and she sat upright
as she squirmed on his wildly flailing tongue.
Kyle couldn't breathe she hunched onto his face
so forcefully, completely lost to the pleasure he
was giving her as waves of pleasure permeated
every cell of her body.
Tera loved her brother eating her pussy and
didn't want the feel of his tongue pressuring her
pussy walls to ever stop. Her pussy no longer felt
tight as his tongue circled within it and he
licked feverishly with his mouth open and
pressed tightly to her gaped hole sucking at her
juices as he drank them. She couldn't think of
his breathing as she flooded his mouth with her
appreciation of his efforts, and when his mouth
clamped her clit and sucked hard all she could
do was hunch and grind and pray that he do it
forever and ever. She tensed wonderfully as
every cell of her body lined up like electrons and
raced to his flailing tongue to be licked and
caressed before being sucked from her pussy as
her only ability was to hunch and moan her
intense pleasure.
Then her eyes opened, she saw his erect,
swaying and jerking cock and fell upon it like a
mongoose attacking a swaying cobra, and began
devouring him. Her head twisted and turned,
lips sucking as she pressed him deep in her
throat and swallowed. Her jaws were strained
open as she forced his fat cock into her throat,
driven by the feelings at her pussy to swallow
him wholly. She craved his whole dick in her
mouth and kept pressing until her nose was at
his pubic hair. Determined to make him love the
dick sucking she gives him so he'll love her like
the older girls told her a guy would. She was
lost, her mind incapable of any thought but his
dick cumming. He had unleashed a slut from
somewhere inside her and she fucked his whole
cock in and out of her mouthings as her pussy
hunched and rolled down into his licking and
Kyle couldn't control the way his emotions filled
him with love for the way his sister was
devouring his dick. My god no one had ever
taken his whole dick in their throat and she had
it there swallowing as her throat muscles
constricted and pumped his cock. His dick was
streaming sensations he'd never felt before and
his body felt a pressure building within it like
never before. He actually thought he was going
to go insane if he didn't rid himself of the
pleasure she was causing to fill his body and
mind. His hips lifted, hunched and his mouth
worked her pussy frantically as she continued
her mouth assault on his dick.
He had said she was a born cocksucker but my
god nobody sucked dick like this. Her mouth was
as good or better then her young pussy. He
didn't want to cum, didn't want this to ever
stop, but, he had to cum or go insane from her
constant sucking, swallowing and deep-throating
his long fat dick. His dick was fully down her
throat when his balls began violently jerking,
pumping his hot cum directly into her
esophagus as his body spasmed. His hands held
her head to his exploding dick as he hunched
each hot spewing into her throat. His mind was
as lost as hers had been, nothing mattered
except prolonging the intense pleasure he felt at
releasing his pent up love down her constricting
throat. As his ardor waned and he allowed her
to lift her head and breathe she gasped quickly
and then immediately forced his dick back to the
depths of her throat as she moaned her own
pleasure at having his remaining cum shooting
forcibly into her gullet.
Kyle shook all over as her lips sucked at his
sensitive tip as she moaned her delight at
finding it still bubbling the dregs of his balls
from its hole. Tera licked and sucked with glee
as she swallowed his dick juices. Her thighs
squeezed Kyle's head as tasting his cum seemed
to cause her own body to eke out another small
orgasm. "Can you do that again Kyle, I love
sucking your cum from your pee hole. I want you
to cum in my mouth this time and not in my
throat", she said as she beamed. "Oh god sis,
that was the most fantastic blow job I've ever
had. You are so fucking good. You drained me
sweetie, I'm through for awhile, my dick is
"You're mean Kyle, all the girls are always saying
how you fuck them over and over but you won't
cum again for me. I think you're lying about me
being so good or you'd want to do it again", she
reasoned. "I want to feel it squirting in my
mouth and not in my stomach."
"Sis the reason I can't is because you did it so
good you satisfied me, my balls are empty, you
made them cum it all out because you suck dick
so good. Trust me Tera I want you to do it again
as bad as you do and after while I'll fill your hot
little mouth up all you want but right now I
can't. I just want to take a nap and dream about
fucking your pussy again", he said smiling.
"Ok but you better let me suck your dick again
tonight. I think I might like being a cocksucker!
Do you care if I suck other guys cocks as long as
I don't let them fuck me", she asked innocently?
Let me pick the guys you suck Tera. Maybe I'll
even find a guy for you to fuck too, but I don't
want you getting a reputation for being a slut or
anything. Right now just suck and fuck me, ok",
he asked?
"Ok, I love sucking and fucking you and don't
really need anybody else as long as you let me
have your cum. Am I a cum slut Kyle if I like
sucking cum from dicks", she asked him
"Not necessarily, do you like thinking you may be
a cum slut sis? You can be my cum slut. I want
to cum a lot in every one of your sweet holes".
"Even up my asshole? I really liked it when you
licked my asshole Kyle. It was so nasty and
everything but it really got me hot and I think I
wanted you to fuck me there. Do you really want
to put your dick in there, that sounds so nasty
but it really felt good when you had your fingers
in me there and was sucking my button"!
"Hmmmm yes especially up your tight asshole
sis. I want you to feel me cum in your ass while
you're cummin. Now leave me alone and let me
rest up so I can fill your mouth with my cum
after while ok"?
Tera walked away, bending to retrieve her bikini
before stopping to put it on. As she started to
step into it she decided to just take it all off.
She walked up the stairs nude not even worrying
if mom saw her now that they had shared their
sexy secret. She felt so slutty as she felt her
brothers cum leaking from her pussy and both
their juices coating her ass and thighs. Her butt
cheeks felt oiled and slick as they moved
together. She had cum so much her entire ass
was coated, her thighs also smeared and slick. It
felt so nasty knowing she had been fucking and
all that juice was evidence of the pleasure she
felt being her brother's cum slut, she loved it!
Her pussy felt different though, no longer tight
she felt like something inside her was missing
and when she squeezed her pussy muscles they
didn't squeeze real tight like they used to. She
had a hole now inside her and it burned a little.
She wondered who Kyle would let fuck her and
how many dicks he'd bring her to suck. Her
thighs squeezed strongly as her clit throbbed
with anticipation of sucking his friends dicks and
making them cum in her mouth and throat.
Tera saw her mom's door open and thought she
might want to talk about their secret and her
newfound need of birth control if she wasn't
already pregnant with her grandbaby from Kyle!
She walked to the door and stuck her head in
the room. Her mom was lying across the bed
nude, thighs open and her hand was slowly
rubbing her clit as low mewling sounds escaped
her lips. She is so beautiful Tera thought to
herself. She watched her mom's hips undulate
and hunch as she obviously was enjoying her
thoughts. She remembered her thoughts of
eating her mom's pussy while Kyle fucked her
sisterly pussy and she felt that same cloak of
lust fogging her mind as she had when she saw
Kyle kiss her picture and rub his dick on the
image of her lips!
As she stood there she thought how lonely her
mom must feel, especially watching them fuck
and carry on and her with no man to take care of
her. It wasn't any wonder she had big rubber
dicks to please herself with, speaking of which
she saw the one her mother had been fucking
laying there beside her on the bed. It was
almost as big as Kyle's dick, maybe as long but
nowhere as thick, Kyle was unbelievably thick.
Her mom's breathing was becoming quicker and
she moaned, "Oh god Kyle, fuck me, fuck
momma", as her fingers began flying over her
swollen clit, her pussy hunching quickly. Tera
knew what she was about to do, she couldn't
control it, it was like some force took control of
her mind and she was helpless to resist the
urges it instilled in her.
She stepped silently into the room and crept to
the side of the bed where she was standing
between her mom's outstretched thighs. Her
gaze flowed over her mom's supine body. God
must have created her face with his own hands,
sculpted her perfect breasts and topped them
with perfectly round nipples that now stood
proudly erect, straining! She felt herself filling
with desire as her gaze fell upon the flatness of
her mom's stomach, a slight concave that women
her age felt jealousy at seeing. The constant
pulsing of her clit drives the carnal fog that she
feels her mind succumbing to. As her gaze
roams her mom's shapely thighs the gaped
emptiness in her pussy clenches and relaxes in
rhythm to her inner pulsing. But it is seeing her
mom's pussy, the folds of it permeated with the
wetness of her pleasure as it moves, undulates,
gaped with its need for her son's hard dick, that
instills the overwhelming hunger she feels
controlling her.
The moisture coating her also fills her ass valley
and that same moist vee beckons Tera's tongue
as she craves to taste it, to slide her tongue
down that moist corridor to lick and suck at her
mother's perfectly formed puckered ring of
pleasure. Her mind is lost to the influence of
the craving that fills her, guides her to lower her
body as her breathing quickens and her exhaled
breath dries her lips, causing her tongue to wet
them constantly. Tera's young body is alive with
craving, her hormones pumping her body full of
need as the pulsing at her clit and the newness
of her sexual excitement instills a hunger to
taste her mom's pussy. She remembers how
Kyle's tongue and lips tormented and pleased
her and she wants her mom to feel that way, she
wants to be the person driving that pleasure for
her mom. She needs to taste her mom's pussy
cum with her tongue pressed as far as possible
inside it. But this is her mom and fear fills her
as to what she might do if she opens her eyes
and sees her between her thighs, her daughter
eating her womanly pussy. Then she remembers
how she looked on the stairs, the smile adorning
her face and she knows she has nothing to fear!
She leans forward as her mom's thighs lift, Rita's
feet placed flatly on the bed as she manipulates
her taut bud, moaning as Kyle fucks her in her
mind. The irony of this was not lost on Tera as
her mom thought of her son pleasing her as her
daughter's tongue begins laving her mothers
hand as it moves on her clit, pushing it aside to
lick and lave at her swollen orb. "Oh god", her
mom cries as her hand finds Tera's head and
she begins hunching into the wonderful feelings
her daughter presents her. Tera sucks on her
swollen orb lightly, her tongue playing over it as
she sucks and her mom lifts, screams, her body
trembling at her pussy and then that trembling
spreads outwards until her whole being is
vibrating, shaking as Tera's fingers enters her
moms slickness and rubs her there.
Rita's thighs and pussy are covered with the
slick juices she has expelled as she watched her
children fucking and Tera's face rubs against
that slickness as she savors her mom's musky
odor. Her mom's pussy is hot and that heat
radiates against her cheeks as her tongue laves
to her slimy entrance and replaces her fingers
there. By now her gaze is locked with her moms
and Tera watches as her moms face takes on an
anguished appearance as her tongue twirls and
licks as deeply as her tongue will allow. The
taste of the rubber of the dildo remains in her
mom's pussy but it doesn't deter Tera's tongue
from internally flailing her mom's pussy. Tera
felt powerful as her mothers cries express her craven desire to cum on her daughters hot
tongue. Her hips express that same need as they
press her soaked pussy into her daughters
tonguing penetration of her incestual craving.
Rita's mind is lost as she watches her daughter
lick and suck at her pussy. Oh god, what have I
become she thinks as she pulls her daughter's
head to her pussy and hunches roughly against
her face. "Oh shit that feels so good baby girl,
eat my pussy, eat your momma's cunt. Oh god
Tera you're gonna make momma cum... do you
want to taste my cum you want to
press your tongue in momma's pussy and eat it.
Oh god what a slut I've become. I love you Tera,
I really do baby. Make me cum, ohgod I need to
cum so badly"!
"You want to fuck Kyle don't you momma, you
want to feel his big dick fucking your pussy like
he did mine don't you. Say it mom, say you
want to fuck your son's dick. Say it mom, say you
want Kyle to fuck your pussy while your baby girl
sucks your clit, you know you want it. Tell me
you want to be Kyle's cum slut like I am mom".
Tera loved teasing her mom while fingering her
pussy. "Want me to tell you how your son's dick
felt fucking my pussy mom. You loved fucking
your pussy while you watched him rape my
cherry with his huge cock didn't you mom. His
dick is so fat I felt like my pussy was ripping, felt
like I was gonna die when it opened me up and
he fucked it deep in my baby holder. You'd like
that wouldn't you mom, feeling your pussy
ripping, tearing as his hot cum shot all up
inside your womb, I loved it, loved my brother
fucking me. Remember what his dick looked like
mom, how fat and long, how stiff it was mom,
you should feel it stiffen in your pussy when
he's about to cum, oh god, it hurts so fuckin
good all I could do is cum on it."
Rita cried as she cum on her daughters hand.
"Yes, Yes she screamed I want my son's dick in
me, god help me but I do. I want him to fuck me
hard, to rape his mothers pussy like he did
yours. Oh god I need him to cum in me, make
me feel like he did you". Rita was crying as she
confessed, "I do need him to hurt my pussy, I
want it so bad. Go get him baby, get Kyle and
tell him I want to fuck his big cock, oh fuck I
want him in me now, I don't care what happens
I want to fuck him and cum on his cock"!
Tera picked up the big dildo and placed it at
her moms pussy hole and as she began sucking
her clit rammed it in her hard all the way to its
balls and began fucking her forcefully. Rita
screams and immediately begins hunching into
the big dildo, her entire upper body thrashing
as her daughter fucks her pussy and sucks hard
on her clit. Rita's mind is overwhelmed by her
admission to her daughter she wants to feel
Kyle's dick, her sons hard cock, fucking her,
hurting her pussy until she cum as Tera did.
Things are progressing too fast. She never
dreamed her daughter would be eating her
pussy today or fucking her brothers dick. Tera is
as dick hungry as she is but more willing to go
get what she wants or needs. She sensed what
Rita needs, sex, pure raw sex, not lovemaking
but hard deep pounding sex and she gave it to
her. Tera used her mom's pussy like Kyle did her
own, she fucked her mom's pussy like he had
fucked his sister's! She used the dildo to give
her mom the deep pain she needed as she
elicited one tensing orgasm after another from
her hot cauldron of need.
Remembering Kyle's delightful licking of her
asshole she slid her own tongue into her moms
asscrack and laved her with pressure there after
removing the dick from her pussy leaving her
with the same gaped empty feeling she had
experienced. Tera learned quick and soon her
mom was face down ass in the air pressing her
asshole back into her daughters stiffened tongue
moaning her pleasure. "Oh god Tera, nobody's
ever done that to me before, don't stop baby, I
love it, I feel so nasty and slutty when you're
licking my hole, I want to feel something in me
there" Tera's finger slid quickly into her mom's
asshole and she was rewarded by a loud moan
and her mom's ass hunching, rolling, squeezing
as she felt her digit with her puckered ring of
pleasure. " More baby, I want more in me, oh
damn that feels so good Tera. How can you know
how to make your momma feel this way, did Kyle
teach you"?
"Kinda mom. Would you let Kyle put his dick in
your asshole mom, if he was here now I mean?
When he did this to me I think I wanted him to
fuck my asshole. Can I fuck your asshole with the
rubber dick mom", she asked huskily?
"Hmmm I want something bigger there than
your finger baby. Try it and we'll see. I know I'd
let Kyle fuck my asshole if he wanted to Tera, oh
god just thinking of it makes my asshole crave it.
Do it baby, fuck my asshole while I think of your
brother's hard dick fucking me there till he
cums. Oh god what has his dick done to me Rita
cries out in her mind, Can't I say no to anything
as long as this craving is within me
"Mom I love you so much, your the best mom in
the world and I love your pussy juice in my
mouth. I'm gonna get you ready to be ass fucked
mom. I'll do this when Kyle really fucks your ass
too mom. I want to eat your pussy while he
fucks your asshole like I'm gonna do now after
we get it in you. Would you like that mom,
would you like to watch me eat your pussy while
Kyle fucks your ass", she teased?
Rita was getting hotter and hotter as her
daughter talked. When Tera's hands grip her
asscheeks and her thumbs spread them so she
can wetly lick through the valley they creat she
can't help but moan and press her asshole into
the wet slithery movement of her tongue as she
spreads her saliva slickly over Rita's puckered
joy. She feels her daughter place the dildo at
her ringed muscle and begin pressing into her.
Rita has never had anything in her ass before
but every cell of her being wants to feel that
rubber dick fucking her there with Kyle in her
mind. She feels her muscle opening, the hard
feel of the rubber pressing against the nerve rich
flesh of her asshole causing a craving there that
has Rita trying to open her asshole, straining
back into the cock as her ass rolls hungrily. Her
breath is held as her daughter tries to force past
the restrictive ring of muscle. After a few
minutes her asshole is stretched around the rim
of the dildo's crown. Her breathing is quick and
there is a burning sensation in the flesh of her
stretched hole and tears begin forming in her
eyes as she moans deeply. Tera inserts her
thumb into her mom's pussy and begins rubbing
her clit with her fingers while holding a
pressure on the dildo.
" Oh god, it feels so big, I want it in me so bad
baby. Yes, Yes, oh fuck yeah, Oh God its in me
baby girl, oh damn...oh fuck yes...doit....fuck my
ass Kyle...give it to me baby...fuck momma's
asshole. Oh god Tera I want your brothers dick
there...want to feel him fucking his cum up my
shitter.....yes, yes, fast, fuck it fast", she begs.
Rita's hips roll, press back into the plunging
cock as her daughter fucks her asshole with it.
Rita had never felt streaming thrills like those
produced as Tera fucked her ass roughly, using
the full length of it to subjugate her mind to
the intense sensations emanating from her now
loose and hunching body. The insane pleasure
she feels fuels her arousement as her body
builds to an orgasm that Rita knows will leave
her stricken, unable to move or breathe when it
courses through her in waves as intense as the
thrills roiling her mind as Tera fucks her wildly,
unable to think just react to the overwhelming
pleasure she is finding with her daughter's
Tera has her mom roll over on her back and
begins licking and sucking her clit as she pumps
the dildo in and out of her rolling ass. Rita is in
a newfound heaven as streams of pure pleasure
race from her ass muscle to unite with those
flooding from her clit as Tera sucks and licks it
The craving to cum is like a great pressure
within her, building higher and higher with each
lick and stroke her daughter presents her until
her need has her hunching in a frenzy, hand
holding Tera to her clit as she roughly grinds up
into her sucking mouth and then her hips lift,
hunch into the dick deep in her rectum. Rita
loves it, loves squeezing her asshole down on
the hard thickness impaling her exit hole as she
thinks of her son's big cock finding pleasure in
her body. She craves to feel him cumming in her
ass, filling her there as she cums as she is now
while pulling Tera to her pussy. I am such a
fucking slut, she thinks to herself as she yearns
to be impaled by her son's dick up her ass and
her daughter sucking at her pussy.
Later, they reversed places and Tera learned the
joy of squeezing the nerve rich environment of
her puckered ring down on a hard stiff rod stuck
up her ass while a woman's mouth explores and
pleasures her pussy. Rita loves the taste of her
daughter's pussy cum. It is so warm and pure as
it clings to her tongue, liquid enough that she
drinks it but of a wonderful consistency that
allows her to coat her young daughters clit with
it before laving it from her as she moans and
writhes heatedly. The feel of her young body
responding to her kisses and caresses as they
both learn the ways of woman to woman love
endear them both to this newly awakened form
of expressing love for another woman. They lay
for hours kissing, touching, the thought of Kyle's
big dick lost as they explore each other, not as
mother and daughter but as lovers. The orgasms
they induce in each other are intense, filled with
passion and love. The cravings they instill as
their hands and fingers caress, their mouths
sucking and licking softly are always followed by
back arching, sheet gripping, mind bending
explosions at their pussies that addict them to
each other, their bodies melding, uniting as one
as their love for each other expresses itself.
They fall asleep wrapped in each others arms,
drained of the passion that prompted their
coupling, replaced by the sereneness of love as
mother and daughter drift blissfully away to
their dreams. Dreams of each other and Kyle's
dick. Their dreams are eerily similar but they
were not aware of it. The biggest difference in
their dreams was Rita enjoying their friend next
door, Tanya, her hands and lips exploring her
best friend's brown body as she expressed how
much she cared for her. But their dreams
indicated that this would not be the last of
either of theirs lesbian style lovemaking or their
incestuous relationships.
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