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Brief summary of the first part

I offered a helping hand to the poor family and in return got an opportunity to walk naked with two girls (Laura, 15 and Amanda ,13) from this family. We also did some public nudity experience. Suddenly appeared, that Amanda is also ready for sex and I took her into custody in mother’s permission. I also become aware, that Amanda started sex relations in 10yo with her cousin (14) and often tried to find adult men for fucking. She had become a sex addict and I had much difficulties to keep pace with her demands to fuck every day two-three times. Amanda was often naked at home and also, when my friend visited me. Because I was tired, I let them also have sex. At the same time Amanda progressed very well in school and her mother even praised me for teaching her daughter.

Second Part

It happened in the beginning of the winter, some weeks before Christmas, when I again refused to have sex with Amanda. I justified it by horrible headache. It was third time within the week, when I tried to find some reason not to fuck. I thought to myself, how weird situaton it is: I have young girl in home and I have to avoid her.
Amanda was every time sad, when it happened. Finally she now asked: „Am I not attractive anymore?“

„Oh, no,“ I sighed. That was hard. I tried to explain, that not all people are equally capable and also brought an example: „If woman can satisfy 20 men in gangbang (It was my big mistake to mention that word!), then man never can satisfy 20 women in the row.“
Amanda was desperate. She never thought about possibility to reduce her sex habits, but instead of tried to figure out, how she can have more sex. I had already said to her, that I do not put obstacles in her way, if she wants to fuck with other men or boys, because we are not married couple. „But you have to come back, because I promised to your mother to take care of you,“ I added.

Later, when she went to the bedroom and I stayed at living room to watch football from TV, I thought about Amanda and was worried. Among of hundred other reasons, why too early sex relations are bad for children, I found one more – if their young age sex is not distasteful like in many cases, they simply will become a sex addicts. When her cousin seduced Amanda, she didn’t even know about meaning of the fucking. She discovered for herself a sex like pleasant game and even now, if she became more aware about sex and human relations, she could not longer kept her desire under control.

Amanda didn’t like a word „slut“. A week later she told me, what happened in school. Again after class of physical education all girls were taking shower and now Amanda’s best friend Rita dared finally to ask: „Amanda, you are not virgin anymore? I have noticed, that your pussy looks like exploited. Other girls have tight pussies, but yours is like open door.“
Amanda didn’t tell all to Rita, but admitted being in sex relations with „several“ men. Rita was shocked and called Amanda a slut. „I can’t be more your best friend,“ she said. They did not finish communication, but Rita was now repellent and no longer wanted to go after school to the store or cafe with Amanda. Or talk her about boys and other exciting things.

Also some of her classmates were heard from somewhere, that Amanda is living with older man, who is not her father and even not relative. Rumors spread and spread. Some girls were even jealous to Amanda for her popularity among boys and men, but others, more decent girls despised her. Only positive thing was, that nobody told to class teacher, who respected Amanda as a good student.

Very carefully I tried to explain, why some cruel classmates called her slut. „You know, if girl have many men in the same time, this behavior is considered a loose. And prostitutes, who have every day new clients, are called sluts. A married woman who cheats her husband, is also like slut. And there is many other ways to „earn“ this title,“ I explained.

But I will say frankly: Amanda didn’t understand my explanation. She was solid as a rock: I am not a slut! No way! „You know, sex is a pleasant thing and I am not responsible to anyone, if I am not in relationship or married. It is nobody's business how much I fuck!“ she shouted so loudly, that I was even afraid neighbours to heard this „statement“.

I tried to bring the comparison and said: „Maybe not, but if somebody drinks a lot, although can nevertheless do his job and cope with life, it is still bad.“ But Amanda was smart enough to respond quickly: „Oh, that is not fair! Drinking is always harmful for health, sex is not!“
Amanda began more and more to visit my friend Rein, of whom I wrote already in the first part of recent story. The most bad thing was, that Rein – even not officially married – was a father of the two children and living together with the great woman, mother of his son and daughter. Now he began to cheat her with 13-year old girl and likely said at home before going to bed: „Dear, I am tired today, sorry!“

Because Rein was a taxi driver, he found many places for fuck. Even in the car or in the room of the little warehouse, situated in the territory of the taxi company. And even worse: Rein’s colleague, who often worked at night shift, gave sometimes to Rein keys of his apartment. As working time of the taxi drivers is never fixed, then Rein did not have to explain to his wife why he sometimes have to longer stay away.

„Rein is more capable in the bed, but I still love you, because you have helped me a lot,“ said Amanda with smile. I didn’t know, what to say. On the one hand I was saved, because no longer I was forced to have too much sex, but on the other hand Amanda was now more out of my control. Life of the young, only 13-year old girl was ridiculous: school, homework some class activities and a lot of sex.

But Amanda wanted more. After my unintentional talk about gangbang she studied from internet, what it means. She was terribly excited, when discovered, that some women had more than hundred men in a row. Amanda smiled happily, she imagined herself being treated by several men. „When one will finish, then second will start or even gets two at a time, one cock to mouth and one to pussy,“ admired Amanda these women, who completed the gangbang.

Then she was lead from Wikipedia page „Gangbang“ to another one called „Bukkake“. There was a drawing, how five men simultaneously squirting their cum on the face of the woman. „I would like to be this woman,“ Amanda dreamed.

She as though never noticed that all the heroes of the gangbangs were porn stars.
Amanda also tried to find from Google a combination of words „13 year old girl gangbang“ and found only cases, where gangbang was actually a gang rape. Then she found a comments from the forum, where one woman said: „I finally acted on my ultimate fantasy of being gangbanged and I was wondering if other girls have the same fantasy and if you actually went through with it./…/ It all lasted about a couple of hours but it was the greatest time of my life. None of the guys used condoms so there was cum everywhere, in my pussy, dripping down my legs, on my face and hair.“

Amanda then found an answer of the 15-year old girl, who also desperately wanted to be gangbanged. „Yes! Yes!“ screamed Amanda in her room. „I also want!“ Her body was filled entirely pleasant feeling. She wanted to be a 13-year old gangbang princess!! Although some horny guy probably set the whole forum topic about gangbang, Amanda took this as an example.

She only didn’t know, can she find enough men for her dream come true. „How much?“ thought Amanda. „Ten is definitely not enough. Maybe 30 or even 50? Why not 100!?“ And again she was all over delighted, when she imagined all these hundred men in the big gym waiting only to fuck her.

All of these thoughts in the previous paragraphs Amanda told me some days before Christmas. „Even though we have no time to organize this event before Christmas, it would be a very good gift,“ Amanda surprised me completely. Now I was really speechless. When she told me some other things about sex, I was able to reply after some pause, but right now I didn’t find the words!

I shook my head in astonishment. I put my hand to the forehead and sighed. „Oh, my God!“ that were the first words I could say and I said nothing more. I went to the kitchen and took a beer from the fridge. Amanda, who again walked at home bottomless (her favourite outfit!), wearing only short T-shirt and bra, followed me quickly. „Oh, I see, you didn’t like my idea. You allowed me to go with some other men, but a hundred will make you anger,“ said Amanda. „OK, hundred men were maybe exaggeration, I can accept, if them will be two-three times less.“

She still could not understand the reason for my shock. That was not a number of the gangbang participates, but whole idea itself. I took a few sips of beer and finally opened my mouth: „Amanda, you are crazy! The point is, that gangbang is entirely a bad! Men can safely go back home after this, but the woman has violated her reputation for life!“

Amanda, who currently rubbed her cunt (her normal act!), was now frightened. And unexpectedly she began to cry (not her normal act!). She sobbed quietly and then said through tears: „Again you are against me! What can I do? Pleasure of sex is all, what I want. And after gangbang I immediately will start to do my homework, I try always to be a nice girl.“
Her last sentence was so weird, that made me laugh. It was truly surreal to imagine a girl, who stands up after gangbang and will say: „Thank you, I'll wash the sperm off now and going to study my schoolwork!“

I'm not going to harass you for more of the description of our dispute, but can only say, that my efforts were not worth. Amanda obviously told same thing to Rein and he gladly agreed to organize gangbang for her. Because he was taxi driver and had more than 300 colleagues in the car park, this was easy for him to find a group of men for a gangbang.
Rein did not even concealed the fact that the girl is underage, but he did a smart thing. He recorded Amanda’s talk and showed it to others. That was not long, Amanda only said to the camera: „Hi, I am Amanda. I am a schoolgirl, who had dreamed about being gangbanged. I will invite all of you to the party and I promise, that you and myself will have a much of fun and pleasant time.“

Because winter break started, Amanda spent her time from Christmas to the New Year day at parents home, then returned and was ready for a gangbang. Maybe it sounds strange, but I agreed to go with in her big event. Rein also said: „I am afraid, maybe someone gets out of line and you have to be ready to interfere.“ Just in case Rein got for me a pistol. I had to forcibly disperse all the men, if Amanda wanted to finish her job. But Rein added: „I don’t think something will happen, I trust these men, they are generally good-hearted.“

Amanda was thrilled at the morning of the gangbang day. We didn’t have a sex in this day, because she wanted to be more sensual. She put on school uniform with a short skirt, that men were immediately aroused. „I could turn back home right now, when you say that you will quit,“ I said, when we drived towards a little gym 20 kilometres from capital. Because we have a very short time of the daylight in the middle of the winter, there was already dark. The gym situated in isolated place and hardly anyone randomly could happened to come there.
Rein had gotten together 28 men, himself he didn’t participate. „Only 28?“ was Amanda a little bit disappointed. Amanda was really calm and relaxed.

Although I damned this whole thing, I somehow also relaxed, when I saw, how happy was Amanda. She smiled to every man, who approached to her during gangbang, maintained energy all the time, sometimes moaned at pleasure. It was unbeliavable, how skillful she was: when one of the men fucked her, she took anothers cock to her hand and one more to mouth.
Men regularly exchanged, they tried not to cum yet, because Amanda’s biggest wish was a bukkake at the end. „What a girl! She is not bored at all!“ men praised Amanda.
„Wow! Whooaaaahh! So good!“ shouted Amanda at times.
„You are the angel! Beauty!“ replied men.

Amanda had multiple orgasms, but she was not yet tired. Again she started to rub quickly a man’s dick in her hand. Some of the men failed to withstand and they cum early on Amanda’s body or on face. Amanda again and again took happily the next man cock into her vagina and moaned several times. She was all sweaty, but looked still sexy. „Don’t finish! I want more!“ she shouted many times. Her cunt was completely red, but she went more and more ecstatic.
Men were ready to finish, but Amanda was filled with energy. She still worked without giving a break and moaned again receiving an orgasm. „She does not get tired at all?“ asked Rein. I didn’t say anything.

Finally all the man gathered and started to cum on Amanda’s face. She laughed sometimes, then swallowed a part of the cum and received a next load of sperm. Bukkake was her favourite, but in the same time she continued to rub her pussy. Never enough for her! When the last man loaded his cum on Amanda’s face, she was already fully covered. All the men applauded to the girl and Amanda stood up and raised her hands like Olympic champion.
Of course she looked like a slut all this cum flowing on her thighs, stomach, breasts and shoulders. She swallowed voraciously some sperm from her face, but was yet almost entirely covered, when she suddenly run outside gym, opened the door and jumped into snow. Rein was afraid, that somebody can be near outside, but fortunately there was not.

Men quickly pulled pants on and also went to see, what Amanda is doing. She rolled on the snow and was not going to come back yet. „Cooling down!“ she shouted and ran hundred meters towards forest. Her bright ass was a last, what we saw, when she disappeared between the trees. All were standing at the door fascinated and nobody followed her. I was worried, how long she will stay outside, it was almost 10 degrees below zero.
„Amanda! Amanda!“ I called, but she didn’t answer.

„She surprised us one more time,“ said one of the men. They mostly left to dress themselves, but Amanda didn’t return yet. I shouted again and then she answered from about 200-300 metres and called me: „Come here, this is incredible feeling!“

I followed Amanda, who stood on the little forest trail barefooted and naked. „I don’t feel any cold. Please, we can make here a final. Put your clothes on the snow and come on!“ This time I didn’t refuse. There was cold outside, but I got an orgasm. „OK, now is maybe enough,“ said she and started to walk away. „Are you lost? Gym is in another direction,“ I said. „No! Going now to a little walk!“

Amanda again ran and jumped into snow. It was so dark, that I didn’t see, was her face yet covered with cum or not. But she enjoyed a winter scenery and I was now also happy. „OK, I see, you are not freezed, but when we return?“

„I dont know,“ said Amanda only and we continued to walk. I looked at the time in my mobile phone and realized, that almost half an hour passed, still Amanda ran out of the gym. „I try to get used to the cold,“ said Amanda. „Maybe you call to Rein, that men can leave and say anybody my thanks.“
We walked almost two hours, before returned to the gym. Amanda’s body was as hot as normally, when she stepped inside. And she had talk me all about her feelings. „That really was my best day,“ she confirmed.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-01 17:07:47
Faaarrrkkk !!.unbelievable !!

anonymous readerReport 

2013-09-16 16:24:43
grammar motherfucker. learn it.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-09-15 20:47:29
The asshole pedophile returns with more reasons why he deserves a long torturous and painful death.

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