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Case Study 301: My first Webcast makes me a Star!

Chapter 20

Welcome back to another installment. I realize that this chapter is well over due but please be patient as there is still 1/3 of the story yet to be told after this chapter. For those of you who may be sensitive about the subject manner of an older man having intercourse with a younger female this is your time to leave and read another fresh story from XNXX. I do not condone sexual relationships with people under the age of 18 but this is a work of fiction so please do note that. My intention is to push the envelope and create something titillating. For those of you who enjoy this genre then please sit back and relax and enjoy the ride. So let’s dive right back in:

Meanwhile on the Atlantic Ocean aboard the USS George H.W. Bush aircraft carrier:

LA Homicide Detective Gemma Porter was in still in surgery aboard the USS George H.W. Bush aircraft carrier in the Atlantic Ocean steaming for Spain. It has been several long grueling hours since she was shot in the back by Latisha Ruiz who is best known as the ‘Cleaner.’ Latisha is one member of an elite assassination team that works for a Columbian Cartel. Gemma and Special Agent Tom Murphy of the FBI were attempting to apprehend Latisha and the remainder of her elite team that consists of her brother Ramón Ruiz and her half-brother Caesar Medina.

Special Agent Murphy took a calculated risk by trying to apprehend Latisha and her brothers by using a civilian named Jim Foster as bait. Jim was put into this ill-fated situation unknowingly by his runaway daughter Kristen Foster. The only reason Jim accepted the challenge was because Kristen disappeared one day when she was fourteen; that was six long years ago and he hasn’t seen or heard from his daughter since that fateful day. This was his ticket to try and reunite with his daughter because Special Agent Tom Murphy promised to take him to her hidden local when this operation was over.

Kristen Foster his daughter on the other hand just happened to be the only living witness to a quadruple homicide in Los Angeles a couple of months earlier that included the death Salvatore Palandolpho a Lieutenant in the Moretti crime family. Also murdered in the hotel suite that night were his two bodyguards by the hand of Latisha’s older brother Alejandro Ruiz who also happened to lose his life in the gun melee. On that ominous night just after the last bullets rang out Latisha was apprehensive to get into the hotel suite to do her job as the ‘Cleaner’ as she never saw her brother exit the room. Unfortunately for Latisha, Kristen the lone survivor was able to pull it together from her panic riddled state just long enough to pick up the phone and dial 911. Sadly, right after Kristen made her phone call for refuge to the LAPD she felt trapped and incapable of moving within the hotel suite because of the mutilated bodies that were strewn everywhere. It traumatized her so badly by what she had witnessed that she had suffered a psychotic break and has since slipped vicariously into a catatonic state.

Special Agent Tom Murphy who is in charge of the investigation decided it would be best to protect Kristen from both the Columbian cartel and the Moretti crime family until he cleared up this situation. It wasn’t an easy decision for him. Tom chose to hide her in a place that doesn’t exist as it’s a covert local known as Camelot. Camelot is hidden deep within a massive Air Force base in New Mexico. Agent Murphy moved Kristen there so she could work with the renowned Psychiatrist Dr. Miles Spencer PhD to try and regain her memory. Once her memory is restored perhaps she will have the critical information that is needed to close his case once and for all.

Meanwhile back at Camelot in New Mexico:
We pick up with Kristen Foster in the middle of one her therapy sessions with Dr. Spencer. Kristen has been hypnotized and Dr. Spencer used an additional technique known as Regression to tap into her subconscious mind. He is hoping that he will eventually get to the memories of the night that created her catatonic state. At this very moment Kristen is recanting a story that happened to her when she was a young lady. She and her family followed her father on a business trip to Sweden.

Dr. Miles Spencer’s tongue was deep inside of his patient Kristen Foster’s 20 year-old co-ed pussy. Miles was savoring her special blend of orgasm that remained from about a half hour ago when he fucked her last. He lifted his head from between her soft cream colored thighs and said, ‘So, tell me Kristen, what happened after they had this beauty pageant thing at the Johansson mansion?”

Kristen sat comfortably on the couch watching her therapists tongue dance between her pussy lips. She ran her fingernails over his scalp massaging it gently enjoying the pleasure that her therapist was providing and said, “Well ~ I went back to my room and waited for Mr. Johansson to come and get me. He took longer than I expected, so, I decided to go and visit with other family members that were right down the hallway from me. As I visited with each of them they told me about all of their private sexual adventures they had since their arrival at the mansion. Most of the stories included having passionate love making with the maids and butlers that were provided by the Johansson’s. It seemed like everyone was having a lot of fun with each other. It was turning out to be a nice little vacation for the whole family ~ you know ~ where families ~ like ours ~ that are made up of swingers of all ages can go and explore all of their sexual desires without any type of reprisals.

Then eventually when I returned back to my room it must have been around ten that night. Mr. Johansson was sitting patiently on the chair in the corner of the room. He was still in the same bathrobe when Priya and I had our little threesome with him in the bathroom earlier that evening. I smiled at him nervously when I entered the room. He was so tall, handsome and he had these piercing blue eyes that just seemed to melt your walls down and it allows him to do anything he wants to you. I just knew that eventually he was going to take me. I was so excited by the prospect of Mr. Johansson being alone with me it made my heart pound so hard it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.

I sat on the edge of the bed and then I tapped the bed with my hand inviting him to sit with me. As he made his way over to me I swallowed real hard and took a deep breath because I was so nervous. I wanted to make him happy like I do for my father. He sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder pulling me close to his side and said, ‘I think that before anything happens between us tonight that you and I need to talk about what we’re going to do together. It is really important to me that you feel absolutely safe so we can have as much fun together tonight.’

I smiled at him as my body shivered by his touch and I placed my hand on his upper thigh and began to rub it in a circular motion and said, ‘sure, what do you want to talk about?’ Gabe or ‘G’ said, ‘well, I just want to let you know that if you don’t want to do this thing with me tonight you don’t have to. I mean there are plenty of girls here at the mansion that would be willing to take your place and become a star with me tonight.’

I just smiled nervously at him and cupped his face with the palm of my hand and said, ‘I saw how nice and loving you were with Priya earlier and I think I can trust you not to hurt me G.’” Just then Kristen’s body began to tremble as she looked down at Miles head still planted between her thighs and said, “Oh my goodness ~ yes!~ Dr. Spencer I like the way you suck on my clit please don’t stop doing that ~ yeah right there!” Kristen got control of her emotions and continued on with her story. ‘Then I asked Gabe, can I call you G or is that something that is just between you and Priya?’ He giggled at me and said, ‘no, that is okay you can call me G. I just want you to understand that what we are going to do tonight.’

I moved over and plopped down into his lap.’ Kristen pushed her therapists head from between her legs and then rose from the couch holding out her hand and said to Miles, “Here let me show you.” Kristen was pulling Miles back behind his desk and pushing him down to sit in his big leather chair. Then Kristen sat in Miles’ lap re-enacting what she did that night with Gabe Johansson. “I put my arm around his shoulders like this while I pushed his thick long blonde hair away from his beautiful blue eyes and said to him, ‘what are you worried about G? I’ve been spreading my legs and taking all the men and boys that is part of my family for more than half of my life.’

Kristen took Miles’ hand and put it on the small of her back and said, ‘His one hand was caressing my back as the other snaked between my thighs.’ Kristen opened her legs and took Miles’ hand and let him slip between her upper thighs and continued, ‘G began to explore between my thighs just like this. G kissed me on the lips and said, ‘I want you to understand just like the pageant earlier tonight we are going to make this into a film. You know, several months ago I made a film with Priya, we sold close to a few thousand copies of our little escapade to all of our special friends around the world. It just so happens that the man who adopted Priya this evening saw her in that video and he just had to have her all to himself. We are going to do the same thing tonight.’

Kristen smiled at Miles as his touches were soft but made her body tingle and she said, ‘G caressed my face with his left hand while his right finally tunneled between my thighs to my pussy.’ Miles’ fingers were playing with her labia as he began to rub it gently as Miles looked into Kristen’s co-ed hazel eyes. He was getting lost in her story of molestation that took place some eight years earlier. He couldn’t contemplate how she could be so sexually confident at that age but his own sick perverted lust for Kristen began to push him to play along with her story. He knew how insane it was to continually take advantage of his patient that was hypnotized and incapable of defending herself against his advances. All he knew was that he didn’t want this to stop. He loved being naked with her and living out the stories that she told him inside of his office as he knew they all led to his orgasming all over her. Miles said, “Was it something like this.” Just then he pushed his middle finger inside of her warm soggy vagina.

Kristen slid down his thighs a little opening her legs to allow Miles finger to invade her deeply. She took hold of his wrist and began to guide his hand to escalate her pleasure and said, ‘Oh yeah!!! I was so wet down there just like I am right now Doctor Spencer. G just smiled at me when he felt his finger being covered by my juices and said, ‘I have a feeling that you’re going to be my newest and most infamous starlet. Tonight is going to be intense as we’ll be shooting our little tryst tonight live on camera with all of our special families watching us from all around the world.’

I wasn’t sure what he meant so I asked him, ‘what do you mean live and all over the world?’ He said, ‘well I have my own secure servers on the internet ~ well ~ let’s just say that ~ I have like this teeny itty-bitty spot on the internet ~ it’s like secret little piece of the internet that only the people in my group knows about. You see once I turn on my servers only my friends and I get access to my website. You have to have an encrypted code to log into the members area portion of the site.’

I asked him, ‘So you have a website that shows everyone that is part of your group what you’re doing here plus all of the strangers from around the world?’ He smiled and said, ‘Nah ~ the sight is disguised, you see once I turn the servers on and my site loads, the webpage shows that you can buy industrial air-conditioning units. Then there is a specific series of clicks on the site that you need to do before you are taken to the actual member’s area. The remainder is just a decoy. Then once you’ve gotten to the members area you have to have an encrypted twenty-two digit code to enter. You see for me and the people that are part of my little group of families ~ we like to watch each other having sex on our own private web cams with all of our family members. We want to make sure that no one else out there who isn’t part of our club doesn’t get to see what goes on in our homes. It’s just like when you and your family has your special family parties at your house. The parties are private and no one outside of your special group gets in to see what’s really going behind your closed doors. You understand what I’m talking about, right?’

I looked into his eyes and said, ‘yeah just like you had sex with me and Priya in the bathroom earlier today. I understand that people outside of our little group wouldn’t understand that us young boys and girls like having sex with the people in their own family and the people in our ‘special groups.’’

G smiled as his finger was now deep inside of me and said, ‘Well, tonight when we are in the room, there are going to be peoples from all over the world watching us making love with each other. During our time together there may be requests from the people who are watching us. I want to make sure that you are okay with all of this. I mean I can always use my own daughter Farah this evening. A lot of mommies and daddies in our groups out there like watching us make love to one another.’

Kristen smiled at Miles as his fingering was making her pussy secrete past his finger from her pink love canal. She gave Miles deep passionate kisses on the lips then smiled at him giving him a very satisfied look and said, “As I sat in his lap he added a second finger inside of me. Come on you can fit another finger inside of me Miles? You see back then with G my head was getting dizzy and my body began to quiver again as I spread my legs open on his lap. The more comfortable I was made it easier for G’s fingers slide in as deep as they could go inside of me.” Then I said, ‘just as long as you don’t hurt me tonight I’m okay with anything that you want to do to me.’ He said ‘I promise that I won’t hurt you.’

Miles had his two long middle fingers curved inside of Kristen’s pussy pleasuring her G spot as her eyes were rolled up in her head and her breathing became labored and Miles said, “Weren’t you worried about so many strange people watching you have sex, especially on camera? Didn’t it seem odd that he told you that he had to hide his website from the authorities? I mean if you’re doing something like that ~ I mean ~ don’t you understand what you guys were going to do was illegal?!”

Kristen’s body began to convulse as she grabbed Miles’ wrist as he was pumping his fingers harder and deeper inside of her pussy. She was helping him masturbate her pussy so she could get off. Then without warning her mouth opened like a perfect O and then she began squirm all over his lap, “Holy fucking shit!!! Doctor Spencer you do that so good!!!” Her pussy began to squirt all over his hand and onto the floor of his office. It took a minute or so for Kristen to recover from convulsing on Miles’ lap as he kissed her passionately allowing her body to run its course.

Once her body returned back to normal she answered him, “First off you have to remember that when this happened with ‘G’ I wasn’t even a teenager yet. I was still in middle school when I did this with Mr. Johansson. So, I mean I didn’t even know how the internet even worked. Then about all the people in his group watching us ~ I mean ~ who cares ~ I mean ~ I’ve had people watch me have sex with men and women that were part of my special group back in Pennsylvania for years. I mean when my parents had our private parties people watched me all the time.

I mean everyone who is a part of this thing knows what we’re doing and it’s just like accepted and all. I told you years ago when my parents first brought me here to talk to you. (You see in Kristen’s subconscious mind she believes that she was brought to see Dr. Spencer because of her memory losses eight long years ago. She has no idea that is only been at Camelot for a few months or the real reason why she’s there.) People that are not part of our special little groups Doctor Spencer ~ they can’t ~ or should I say ~ they won’t ~ you see the people outside of our group just don’t seem to understand our ways of life. I think it’s just because we are ~ I guess the only way to say it is ~ we’re just like more open about sex inside of our families. It doesn’t mean that we are horrible people or like our parents are monsters or something like that. We do all the same things other families do together we’re just a little more loving with each other, that all.”

Miles said, “So did you go through with it? I mean did you and Mr. Johansson have sex together that night?”

Kristen put both arms around her therapist’s neck and kissed him on the lips and said, “Thank you for getting me off like that Doc.” She collected her thoughts and answered him, “I sure did ~ I mean ~ like ~ right after we made out for a while as he played with my tiny naughty spot. We left my room and as we walked together G turned to me and mentioned something to me, ‘oh, I forgot tonight during our special time together, it would really help if you could pretend that I am your real daddy. The people in my group will want you to call me daddy as much as you can. I want the people who are watching us to believe that you are really my daughter. Also if you can talk a lot and tell everyone who is watching on their webcams just exactly how you’re feeling. I don’t care whether it’s good or bad that will help us make their fantasies as believable as possible. It also makes our film that much better too.”

Miles said, “So, where was he taking you?”

Kristen got real excited that Miles wanted to hear more of her story and she laid her head on the side of his and said, “Well, I thought we were going to his bedroom but man I was completely wrong.”

Miles had his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer and tight against his body as if she were his own young daughter and asked, “So, where did he take you?”

Kristen began to squeeze Miles tightly just like he was doing to her and she said, “We went to his huge library of all places. It was like this huge room. The ceiling was like two stories high and as we were walking thru it I couldn’t help myself as I was looking in awe of the place. G noticed how impressed I was about the library and he said, ‘my family has lived in this mansion for over a century now and over all of those years my family has collected well over a 5,000 books.’

We walked to one end of the library and there was nowhere else to go but G pulled a couple of books on one of the shelves.” Kristen looked Miles right in the eyes and smiled and said, “Get this, the last book case slid open to one side. Can you believe it there was like this hidden room behind it?” G smiled at me and said, ‘once we go thru the door there’s no turning back. So, are you sure you still want to go thru with this?’ I looked at him and he took me by the hand and I said, ‘Are you kidding me a secret passageway to a secret room? Hell, yeah! I want to go I want to see it all. This is so cool, I’ve only seen these secret passageways only in like movies I never thought they ~ like ~ were ~ really were ~ like ~ actually real or something.”

Miles was just as intrigued by hidden passageways and asked, “When you were with G, were you by yourself or did you go with one of your family members?”

Kristen said, “No, I was by myself. Once we went through on the other side of the bookcase was G’s private office. When we got inside the bookcase closed behind us and he said, ‘this is my private office this is where the real magic happens. I do all my big business deals right from this room.’ He then led me to his private bathroom on the other side of the office. Once inside he went to the linen closet door and opened it. It looked normal, like any other closest, but there was this little button he pushed behind the doorjamb and all the towels moved to the right and behind it there was a secret staircase. He took me by the hand and said, ‘come on don’t be scared.’ We walked down three flights of stairs. When we got to the bottom I couldn’t believe what I saw down there.”

Miles was definitely intrigued especially with old mansions but knowing that there were secret rooms and passageways made him listen that much more intently. He was acting like a little kid and asked, “What? What was down there?”

Kristen said, “Well, ‘G’ told me that his grandfather built this secret passageway and bunker under the mansion during World War II just in case the Germans invaded Sweden. Once we got all the way down it was like all modern looking and all. There was like this whole like music and movie studios down there. There were several rooms. There was like six different fake bedrooms down there and there was like a studio to make music down there too ~ I mean like ~ unless you knew exactly where this place was you would never be able to find it. The bedrooms only had like three walls as the front wall was gone so the bedroom was completely open so you could see what was going on inside.”

Miles figured that maybe this guy made porn there and asked, “Did you see any other girls or boys down in those bedrooms?”

Kristen said, “No, they were empty. The only people down there were three other men. They were the same men that videoed the pageant with their movie cameras earlier in the night. Then G came to me and said, ‘ok, Kristen we are almost ready to start. We fired up our servers and people are beginning to log on to the website now. Come on over here. Look right into that camera there and say hello to everyone.

Meanwhile back on the USS Bush:
Agent Murphy paced back and forth outside of the infirmary recalling the numerous mistakes that he’s made in the Palandolpho case.

Tom was pondering whether or not he did the right thing by hiding Kristen Foster. He knew as far as the Columbian Cartel and the Moretti family were concerned Kristen had seemed to have vanished into thin air like she was part of some kind of magicians act. One minute she was standing right in front of you and then a second later she just, ‘Poof’, she was gone. It did take the Columbian cartel a while but eventually they’d paid off enough people to learn Kristen’s real name and her father Jim’s location as they still to this day don’t know Kristen’s exact local.

Latisha Ruiz ‘The Cleaner’ and her brothers were sent as a punishment for their failure of leaving a witness alive at a crime scene to go to Jim Foster’s estate on the Azore islands and get the location of his daughter and kill her, the father and the mother. They were ordered to use whatever extremes necessary to pry out whatever information that they may have about his daughter’s whereabouts and then kill both of them leaving no loose ends.

At first Latisha’s recon showed that Jim Foster was living alone. So, her initial approach was to meet Jim and date him a little to gain his trust and ask about his family in a roundabout way but after a few dates nothing came of that plan. Then as Latisha continued to date Jim she decided to allow her brother Caesar to drug him. Caesar’s specialty in the group is creating special elixirs for specific individuals. It allows him to extract information from a person without their knowledge. The elixir Caesar created for Jim Foster was a clear liquid that could be slipped into any ordinary drink without any detection as there was no aroma to it or any funny taste to it. Once consumed it makes the person appear like he or she would be sleeping. Then Caesar could ask whatever questions he wanted without any detection by the victim. It also allowed Latisha and her other brother Ramón access to search Jim’s home for clues.

The elixirs ultimately seemed useless on Jim as he had no information about his daughter’s local. So, Latisha was going to have to do it the old fashioned way. Latisha decided to use her very strong feminine wiles to con Jim into believing that they were budding lovers. She actually went so far as to sleeping with him to try to gain even the slightest bit of information that may lead her to his daughter Kristen’s whereabouts.

Unfortunately as much as she enjoyed her sexual relationship with Jim he was still very tight lipped about his ex-wife, his daughter and his past. Latisha finally decided after another long week of living in luxury and having the best sex of her young adult life was either Jim was going to give her the information she was looking for during their upcoming romantic dinner on his yacht or she was going to kill him and dump him overboard and take his multi-million dollar yacht back to their boss and try and appease her boss that way.

It just happened to be just sheer dumb luck that Detective Gemma Porter of the LAPD and FBI Special Agent Tom Murphy also found out about Jim’s whereabouts a little after Latisha and her brother’s did. Once they were given permission to go to interview Jim at his estate that is located in the Azore islands off the coast of Portugal. They had no idea that Latisha and her brothers whom were on the FBI’s top ten most wanted lists were already at the estate, it was like an early Christmas present for Tom and Gemma. Once Tom realized who Jim was sharing his bed with he knew he had to move as fast as he possibly could to apprehend Latisha and her brothers.

Tom’s mind was like a buzz saw trying to put a plan together and see all the angles in order to apprehend such a notorious assassination team. He knew he wouldn’t be able to do it with just Gemma and himself. He was going to need an experienced extraction team as there was no way for him to take out Ramón, Caesar and Latisha without someone losing their lives. He expeditiously made a phone call back to his boss, Section Chief Morales, in Langley, Virginia and told him of his situation. It took a whole twenty minutes and Tom was given his marching orders. A DSS (Diplomatic Security Service) team was to be deployed from Spain as they spoke and would meet up with him within a few hours. It would be up to Tom and the DSS team made up of FBI and CIA agents to somehow get Latisha and her brothers off of the Azore islands and out into international waters to avoid any jurisdictional or extradition bullshit.

If Tom was able to pull off the extraction without the loss of life it would be one of the biggest coups in Tom’s long illustrious career. Unfortunately his plan centered on using a civilian and that was Kristen’s father Jim. When using a civilian in these types of sting operations it can make things very dicey as they are not trained operatives. Tom’s plan was for Jim to take Latisha out on his yacht for a romantic dinner with her two brother’s in-toe. Once everyone was on board they would then sail out to international waters where Tom and Gemma with the assistance of the DSS team could then apprehend the entire team quickly, safely and hopefully without any bloodshed.

Meanwhile back at Camelot in New Mexico:
Kristen is still in the middle of telling Miles of her sexual escaped with Gabe Johansson.

“I was surprised as I sat in front of this big TV camera that they use for like the news and all. I could see myself on this little TV off to the side. Then as people were logging in and were connected to our webcast I could see them and hear them thru speakers in the room. The first man had a strange accent and we started talking to each other like we were old friends or something. After I spoke to about thirty or so people G came back and got me.

G said, ‘so, Kristen we’ve gotten a lot of requests to perform watersports tonight. Will you be okay with me standing over you and pissing on you and in your mouth? Are you okay with doing the same thing to me?’ I thought back to when I used to do the same thing with my father and mother and said, ‘sure no problem.’ G then said, ‘We have one request to have your hands and legs tied. Are you okay with this because I know that you were raped several months ago? So, if it’s a problem let me know now. I don’t want you to freak out later. I want you to be comfortable in there with me.’ I sat for a while and said, ‘I am okay with everything just as long you don’t hurt me.’ He said, ‘okay how about we make up a safe word that when you say it I will stop right away?’ I thought a few minutes and I said, ‘how about ~ Bunny ~ I say Bunny and we stop?’ And he said, ‘okay.’”

Miles said, “So, did he tie you up?”

Kristen smiled at her therapist as she sat in his lap seeing the excitement in his perverted eyes and said in a sarcastic tone, “Hey, relax a sec would you? Let me tell you the story and you’ll find out. We sat for a while as the camera guys kept handing me glasses of water telling me to drink as much water as I could so we could do the watersport stuff. The guys were doing all kinds of stuff on the computers and then about ten minutes later this guy named Sven who was one of the computer guys popped his head from his computer and said, ‘Mr. Johansson we have hit the 2,500 mark. I think we’re ready now.”

Miles said, “The 2,500 mark? What is that?”

Kristen said, “Well, that meant that there were 2,500 webcams logged in to the webcast. How many actual people who were ready to watch G and me have fun together I have no idea? Just before we were ready to go on camera G put on a black mask like the wrestlers in the WWE wear over his head ~ you know like the little Mexican guy Rey Mysterio?”

Miles said, “Yeah I know the wrestler that you are talking about. Why, the mask?”

Kristen said, “I’ll get to that in a minute. The mask fit really tight around his head and there were holes for his eyes, nose and mouth and I said, ‘what is that for?’ and G said, ‘I am an important international businessman honey. I am known worldwide. I can’t take the chance of someone who may not be part of my group or was mistakenly connected or was invited to watch to our little broadcast and they recognized me could be detrimental to my business. On my live webcasts this is the only way the people who watch me are able to recognize me ~ you know ~ on the webcasts I’m known as Private Pappi.”

Miles said, “The real reason was because he was having sex with an underage girls and he was about to do the same thing with you! That’s why he wore the mask. Can’t you finally see how wrong it is for an adult to have intercourse with underage children even if it’s with their own children even if the kids are agreeable to it?”

Kristen’s demeanor changed quickly and blurted out in a blood curdling tone, “No! You’re absolutely 100% WRONG!!!! You sound exactly like that lawyer lady that put my mommy in jail!!!! G said the only reason he wore the mask was because it would hurt his business if people knew it was him having such kinky sex!!!! So, you’re wrong ~ just plain wrong.”

Miles stayed calm and in a soft soothing tone said, “Again he’s hiding behind his mask because he was going to have sex with you on camera!”

Kristen’s tone calmed a little and thought about what Miles just mentioned and said, “Well, I sorta asked him the same thing like what do mean kinky sex? And he told me, ‘he likes to be tied up, spanked. He really likes it when a girl pees on him and of course because he was a swinger with his whole family and all.’ He said, ‘it is really important for people to think that he and his wife have like ~ this ~ he said something I didn’t understand at the time ~ he said that he had ~ a utopian marriage or something like that. What does that mean Doctor Spencer, utopian?”

Miles said, “Utopian basically is like someone saying that their marriage is perfect. So what happened next?”

Kristen said, “G took me by the hand and we walked into one of the bedrooms. There were two big cameras inside and I sat on the bed and heard all these people saying hello to me. G whispered in my ear and said, ‘Remember, I can’t speak to them ~ you have to do the talking for both of us.’ I looked into the camera and realized that I was going to become a movie star or at least a TV star that night. I was so nervous all of a sudden and said, ‘hello everyone.’ I turned and pointed to G and said, ‘I am here all alone with my daddy tonight inside of my bedroom. I hope that you all will enjoy watching us have fun like we do all the time here at the house. I don’t want anyone to worry tonight because my daddy and I are going to play with each other like we do when we are by ourselves.’ We were both still dressed I looked into the camera and said, ‘daddy why don’t you show everyone how you kiss me before I go off to school each morning.’”

Miles was feeling something ominous and asked, “I know that G told you that he wanted to keep his identity a secret but didn’t it bother you that he was covering up his face?”

Kristen said, “I don’t know? I mean this was something that he wanted to do not me. I felt absolutely safe with him besides the mask made it like mysterious and dangerous and that made it all the more exciting for me. I kinda liked that feeling even though I knew who was behind the mask but I also could pretend that he could be anyone I wanted to fantasize about too. It made it more exciting like he was some stranger who I wouldn’t ever see again and he was going to do all kinds of dirty nasty things to me. Besides, my family was watching everything.”

Miles was curious about her last statement, “What do you mean your family was watching?”

Kristen said, “Some of the people’s faces that were on the cameras were my family and others that were staying at the mansion that night as well. Then we finally started. G stood behind me and began to massage my shoulders. I looked into the camera with the sexiest look as I could give and said, ‘Oooh, yes daddy, your hands are so soft and nice on my shoulders, that feels so good.’ Then he moved his face down to mine and he kissed me on the lips and when he broke away from me I looked up at him and said, ‘daddy do I kiss you as good as my older sisters or even mommy?’ G kneeled down next to me so that he was a little smaller than me then he nodded at the camera.

As I stood over him as he kneeled in front of me we continued to kiss each other. At first we were both nervous but when his tongue moved between my lips and our tongues began to dance together my head started to get dizzy. When I started to feel tingly again I broke the kiss from him and smiled, ‘oh daddy, you kiss so much better than the boys that go to my junior high school.’ I then started to walk over to one of the walls that was this one big, huge mirror. I stood in front of it and G was directly behind me. I looked up into his big blue eyes and said, ‘daddy will you touch me in my private places? I want you to show everyone out there how wonderful you make me feel every day. Touch me just like you do for mommy or one of older my sisters.’

Then I took his hands and let him touch my chest and he began to rub my budding itty-bitty titties.’ Kristen took Miles’ hand and put it over her B-sized cups and said, “Squeeze them gently doc.” Then she continued on with her story, ‘My hands slid up his white hairless thighs and when my fingers hit his tight-whitey’s I found his large, thick and limp cock and began to stroke his thing over his underwear.’ Kristen then stood pulling Miles from the chair standing in front of him. Miles used both of his hands to squeeze and pinch her tiny little pink nipples. His touches made her body tingle in front of him as she began to moan with pleasure. Kristen’s hands found his warm semi-rigid cock and began to stroke it trying to bring it back to life.

Kristen continued on with her story as they both pleasured each other, ‘I turned my head to the monitor and I was watching the both of us touching one another. After a few seconds of caressing my nipples I looked up and said, ‘daddy let’s show everyone my tiny little hole that you like to play with.’

I continued to stand in front of the mirror and I spread my legs apart and he lifted the front of my tiny skirt. One of the cameramen slid over to us on his knees pointing his camera right at G’s fingers opening my tiny little slit.’ Kristen grabbed Miles’ right hand and guided his two fingers to her wet twat and he began to play with her again. ‘The cameraman was getting an excellent close up of my privates. I smiled and said, ‘daddy don’t you wish that you could have played with mommy’s pussy when it was this small and brand new?’

When Kristen mentioned about playing with her she could feel Miles’ penis grow to its full length in the palm of her warm soft hand. All Miles could think about was his special alone time with his own real thirteen-year-old daughter Amy at his home recently. It wasn’t too long after Kristen began her therapy sessions that Miles began to molest his own daughter at home in the same like manner of Kristen’s sick and demented stories that she revealed during her therapy sessions with him. At first he thought that it was he that was initiating the sexual contact but it was his daughter Amy who had the deeper lust to fuck her own father first. Miles began to imagine that Kristen was his real flesh and blood daughter Amy as he played with Kristen’s cunt and Miles said, “You’re the best daughter that a daddy could ever have!”

Kristen continued, ‘Look at that tiny little mound that hasn’t had one hair grown on it yet, daddy. Isn’t it so soft, smooth and slick because of my special fluids from between my legs, daddy? G moved his hands down and caressed my thighs with his oversized hands. Then I watched as his middle finger that had to be at least four inches long wrap between my lips of my pussy and his long white finger got coated with my special juices down there.’ Miles was in full character as his middle finger found the opening of her tiny pink slit and he could feel her slimy pussy juices as he began to finger her. With his eyes closed and his penis pushing between the crack of her buttocks he pictured his own daughter Amy standing in front of him. Miles came to realize that he was no better than any of the father’s that fucked their daughters in Kristen’s stories.

Kristen’s words became soft almost like a whisper as Miles’ fingers were once again doing the trick and bringing her body back to life and she said, ‘I tilted my head back as I was looking up at him as he began to play with my pussy and I stuck my tongue out. G opened his mouth and began to suck my tongue into his mouth. My hands must have been doing something right as I could feel him begin to grow to his full length under his tighty white’s. Then he released me and spun me around to face him.’ Miles was totally in character with Kristen. This wasn’t their first rodeo together. It has been a couple of months of these types of stories that Kristen re-enacted with her therapist Miles. “G then dropped to his knees so we were face to face and we continued to kiss passionately for what seemed to be like an hour. He kept squeezing my butt and spreading my cheeks wide open so everyone could see my privates in the mirror. I actually forgot there for a moment that we were on camera and that there were so many people watching us. Then I felt his hands caressing my bare ass under my tiny skirt.”

Miles didn’t want to be undone as he knelt in front of his co-ed goddess he grabbed for both of her firm ass cheeks and began to squeeze them and pulling them apart as his fingers trailed back inside of her holes. Miles quietly whispered to himself, ‘I love you so much Amy. I want you all to myself.’ Kristen began to squeeze Miles’ shoulders as his big hands felt so good on her ass and she continued with her story. “G then lifted my skirt and spread my ass open. I broke our kiss and looked back at the mirror and got to see what everyone else was gazing at. Both of my tiny holes were being stretched open by his big strong fingers.

It was like both of my holes were just aching to be played with and I looked into the camera and said, ‘daddy look how good that looks, do you like the way my butt looks tonight daddy? Look at my tiny little holes that are hungry for you to put your big thing inside and open them up.’

Miles moved his head around her waist and gazed at both of her co-ed fuck holes. He saw that they were both slightly gaped open like they were aching for his long thin cock. He closed his eyes and pictured his daughter Amy’s pink slits as Kristen continued on, ‘G just nodded his head in agreement. Daddy, why don’t you put your fingers inside of me like you do when you drive me to school each morning when we are in the car together?’ Miles mind was now concentrating on his own barely teen daughter. As he licked his middle finger and then plunged it into her damp vagina again. Kristen allowed him to penetrate her hole as she continued with her story, ‘G nodded in agreement about fingering me as his head bounced up and down and then I took his fingers and sucked on them as I looked into the camera I said, ‘oh daddy this one smells and tastes like my really small naughty place from between my legs.’”

Meanwhile back aboard the USS Bush:
Tom continued pacing back and forth replaying the capture of Latisha and her brothers in his mind while Gemma was still being operated on for her gunshot wound.

When it was time to begin the sting operation on Jim’s yacht Gemma and Tom posed as the wait staff. The other DSS Agents were supposed to be ordinary deck hands and cooks on the yacht that night. As Gemma was serving dinner on the stern of the second deck of the yacht; suddenly the yacht pitched violently to the starboard side. Gemma lost her footing as she wasn’t used to having sea legs and fell sideways into Latisha. The blunder was almost fatal as the butt of her revolver hit Latisha in the head.

Gemma wasn’t aware of what had happened and as she was leaving the two love birds to continue their romantic dinner Latisha became suspicious. It was peculiar to Latisha that an experienced waitress on a yacht would have better balance than Gemma showed and why would she have a revolver? She then looked at Jim then back at Gemma and knowing that she still wasn’t getting anywhere with Jim she decided her only option was to kill everyone on board and sail the yacht back to Columbia. She figured the yacht at least would be some type of compensation for the failure of her mission. She pulled her pistol from her purse and aimed it at Gemma just before she entered inside the yacht. When Jim saw the pistol drawn the adrenaline in his body took over and he reached for the pistol but he was too late as Latisha shot Gemma in the back. Latisha then hit Jim in the nose with her other hand and as he released the pistol she drew on him and as she was ready to kill Jim.

From the moment that Tom heard that fateful shot ring out from inside the galley he rushed up to the stern deck and found Gemma lying face down in a pool of her own blood. Tom’s mind blazed like fire looking for retribution on Latisha but the other DSS Agents quickly secured all the three fugitives without any other bloodshed. Once Tom and Gemma had been removed from the yacht and rendezvoused with the George Bush aircraft carrier Tom has been acting like a crazed dog seeking revenge for Gemma’s misfortune. Tom has been trying to calm himself by pacing back and forth but his mumbling to himself has made him appear like he’s a homeless man stranded on a city street corner. This has been going on for several hours now as he remained just outside of the infirmary doorways awaiting any kind of news about his secret lover.

The sailors aboard the aircraft carrier seeing his malaise made it a point to avoid Tom all together. They didn’t even try to make any kind of eye contact as they passed by him. As Tom continued pacing back and forth he looked down at his hands noticing how they were shaking involuntarily and he thought to himself, ‘When this one is all over I’m on desk duty. No more of this bullshit of drawing guns and taking people’s lives. Danny Glover was right in Lethal Weapon, ‘You’re getting too old for this shit Tommy.’

Tom thru himself against the steel wall of the ship and a manner of fear began to overtake him. He slowly slid down the wall onto his ass. He rested his elbows on top of his bended knees as his hands came to rest on his face trying to hide the range of emotions flooding his brain. He peeked thru his fingers and looking up he saw the sign that said Infirmary. He knew through those doors was Gemma a woman who didn’t deserve any of this. He thought, ‘I should’ve come alone and interviewed Jim Foster and Gemma would be home right now awaiting my return. Instead she’s lying on some operating table in the middle of the fucking ocean fighting for her life.’ Like a poorly written novel Tom’s mind subsided as he recalled the first time he saw Gemma and that led him to the first of many mistakes that is going to lead him to the demise of his tenure ship of being an FBI agent and more than likely a jail term.

It was only a short couple of months ago when he lost track of Salvatore Palandolpho a Lieutenant in the Moretti crime family of New York. When he finally resurfaced Sal was in Los Angeles as Tom was scouring New York City and northern New Jersey for him. Once his face appeared in the LA airport TA security system he knew that he had a short period of time to track him before he disappeared again. Tom boarded one of the FBI’s G-5’s and made a beeline out to LA to apprehend him. He had put a detail of men to follow him and keep track of all of his business dealings until he arrived later that evening.

When Tom finally arrived that night in LA he was debriefed that Salvatore went to the nightclub that he was part owner in. Then later in the evening he brought back a young girl with him to his hotel suite. Tom decided to give him one last evening of freedom and then arrest him the following morning. Unfortunately he never got that chance to because at 3:42 in the morning was when his cellphone rang startling him awake from his long needed REM sleep. It was Agent Danny Lambert one of the men in his detail that was on the stakeout that called to tell him that Sal and his bodyguards were shot and killed. Danny mentioned that he needed to get to the hotel to take over the investigation from the LAPD.

It was a little after four in the morning as Tom remembered walking into the hotel suite. It looked like it was a fucking war zone. On the floor in the outer room of the suite lay two of Sal’s body guards Kirby and Tony. They looked like two pieces of Swiss cheese as they were shot six times each. Three in the chest and three to the head and if wasn’t for the fact that Tom had met them several times he would have never been able to ID them. Even though Tom had every intention of putting these guys away for life he recalled how he got attached to them even though they were part of a criminal organization.

Tom shook his head and thought how much of a waist of life these two led. He thought at the time, ‘Look there’s Kirby Smith a top football recruit for the UCLA Bruins and a third round draft choice of the Tennessee Titans in the NFL. It didn’t work out for you buddy and now this was the best you could do? I mean who blows several million dollars in less than five years and ends up a bodyguard for a piece of shit like Sal?’

As he made his way to the bedroom doorway there was no mistaking Alejandro Ruiz on his back shot five times with a big ass caliber pistol. Knowing that Sal was in the room it was probably his .357 Smith and Wesson. Then at last still sitting upright against the headboard of the bed shot four times was Sal. He just shook his head and thought ‘god what a waste of life.’ Then he heard voices coming from the bathroom and as he entered there were two female detectives trying to comfort and cover up the nakedness of the lone survivor of the shootout. Tom’s immediate thought was the witness was too young to have been with Sal, she looked like she was definitely younger than 18 if she was lucky. There were rumors about Sal having sex with many underage girls. Once he cleared his head he looked up and that is when he saw his angel for the first time.

When Gemma spun her head around and looked into his eyes it was like there was an instant connection somehow. She smiled at him as Tom pulled out his ID and told the detectives that he was ‘Special Agent Tom Murphy of the FBI and he was taking charge of this investigation.’ Gemma was rising to go and meet him but suddenly the young girl who was rocking back and forth in the bathtub and was shivering like she was outside in a snowstorm, stood from the tub. She was covered in dried blood and semen from head to toe. Without a word she moved across the bathroom to Tom. She proceeded to hop onto his body wrapping her legs tightly around his waist and her arms tightly around his neck. She then blurted out one thing ‘protector.’ She then began to grind on Tom’s limp cock as Gemma’s hand moved over her mouth as she began to giggle at what was happening to him. Then her partner Karen Morgan spun around noticing what was happening and said, ‘so, do you two need the room special agent in charge Murphy?’ the whole room exploded with laughter as they were all trying to cut the tension that was in the air.

The only saving grace was when the EMT’s entered the bathroom to take Kristen from Tom but Kristen fought back. It seemed the only solution was for Tom to carry her to the ambulance and escort her to the hospital and that is where everything went downhill professionally for Tom. Once he was at the hospital the only thing that kept this young girl calm was Tom’s presence in the room with her. Each time he tried to leave her she would freak out so he was forced to sit and watch as they did a complete rape kit on her. Tom’s recollection about Kristen while the doctor was performing the rape kit was; as time moved forward Kristen seemed to calm herself to a point where she seemed to be almost zombie like.

Once the ordeal with her examination was over with it was time for her psyche evaluation. Kristen just lay there staring at the ceiling into nothingness. She never spoke when she was questioned nor moved when asked to do so or had any kind of reactions from the doctor throughout the entire examination. It was if her body was in the room but her mind was somewhere else and she appeared to be paralyzed or something. Kristen was still covered in sperm and blood and needed to be cleaned up. The hospital provided two female orderlies to help her. As they approached and touched her to put her in a wheel chair she snapped out of her zombie like state and began to fight them. Once again Tom was forced to carry her like she was a five year old with her arms and legs wrapped tightly around his torso as she sucked on her thumb and began to grind on his crotch again.’

The orderlies led them to a private room they had set up for Kristen. Sure enough when the orderlies tried to pry her away from Tom’s body again she fought them off just like she did with the EMT’s back at the hotel. Tom remembered how the orderlies laughed at him and told him, ‘the crazy bitch is all yours pal ~ good luck!’ Now, it was up to Tom to be her protector to take care of her. Tom’s mind blazed as he recalled as he sat her nearly perfect naked teen body on a small chair at the back of the shower stall. Tom closed his eyes and her face appeared clearly in his memory.

It was like a HD movie playing in his mind as he wanted to ask her so many questions but when he looked into her hazel eyes it was if she were the one hypnotizing him somehow. The longer he stared into them the more he believed in his mind she was speaking to him telepathically as he knelt in front of her. Tom’s clothes were beginning to get wet and since no one else was around he stripped and placed his suit into plastic evidence bags as they were now material evidence in the case as they were now covered with sperm and blood from her body.

Tom left her and went to the hospital room door and locked it for privacy with what he was about to do to her. Then re-entered the bathroom and then locked it as well. When he pulled the shower door open there was Kristen just sitting in the same position as he left her with that same blank stare. He grabbed soap and a rag and knelt in front of her again. Tom asked her, ‘Why, would a beautiful young girl like you be in a hotel room with a well-known piece of shit gangster like Sal?’ But no response came from her. Tom began to remove the blood and sperm from her face and as her flawless skin began to appear he noticed her natural beauty.

He noticed the only make-up she was wearing was cherry red lipstick. As he held her precious little chin in his hand as he began to realize how delicate she really was. He then brushed her teeth for her as her involuntary reflexes were still working as she spit out the toothpaste. She did the same thing when he poured mouth wash in her mouth. Tom smiled as he recollected that her face was that of a china dolls and when he gazed back into her eyes he felt that she wanted to tell him something, that she wanted him to kiss her.

Meanwhile back at Camelot in New Mexico: Miles was once again re-enacting one of Kristen’s stories.

Kristen continued on telling Miles what happened that evening, “After I coated a few of his fingers he slipped his middle finger inside of me as with his other hand he was pulling my ass as far apart as he could. When I felt him push his finger inside of my young tight pussy my whole body shook and I said, ‘oh yeah daddy I like the way you play with me!’ Then I pretended like he whispered something in my ear and I said, ‘of course daddy I will never tell mommy about our special playtime together. Don’t worry daddy I love you so much ~ I love our playtime together ~ I never want you to stop!’

His fingers began to push deeper and deeper inside of me and then his head nodded at me but I wasn’t sure what he wanted and I said, ‘of course daddy you can put a finger inside of my butthole. I like it when you do that to me that way I get to pretend like two boys are pushing their hot love sticks inside of me. Daddy don’t stop I want you to treat me just as if I’m mommy. I’ve seen you and my older brother fucking her hard and deep. I really like it when you pull your naughty sticks out from her holes and make her suck on them.’ That was his cue and he pulled his fingers out of both of my holes and then I sucked on both of them. Miles pulled his finger from her co-ed pussy and Kristen smiled at him and licked his finger and then grasped his wrist and sucked his finger like it was his dick.

Kristen winked at her therapist Miles and smiled as she let his finger slip from her mouth and said, ‘He picked me up and sat me on the edge of the bottom of the bed. He spread my legs really wide. He then picked up his own camera and began to take pictures of me. I then began to play with my holes and was smiling for the camera.’ Kristen moved to Miles’ desk and sat on the edge. She leaned back and smiled at her therapist as she began to lightly touch her holes for him and then said, ‘I could see G smiling under his mask. I loved watching myself on that little TV in the corner showing everyone what I was doing as I was pretending like my daddy or my Pap-Pap was on top of me fucking me. He moved me up on all fours and then I stuck a finger in my butthole while underneath my other fingers were rubbing my little nubbin.’”

Kristen rolled onto all fours on Miles’ desk and reached her one hand around her butt and stuck her pink finger into her stink hole. Miles stood back watching her and listening to her as he stroked his cock and said, “I could see why this man wanted to be with you. You are absolutely beautiful back here and the way you play with yourself is even getting me horny enough to want me to stick my cock back inside of you again.”

Kristen smiled as she locked eyes with her therapist as she licked her lips seductively for him and continued on with her tail, “After a few minutes of playing with myself I could feel my body begin to tingle all over and then I said, ‘daddy, I am sorry but I’m so excited that I think I have to pee.’

G was kneeling on the clear plastic sheet that was on the floor in front of the bed. He then pulled me off the bed and I stood in front of him. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. He took two of his middle fingers and jammed them up my little hole. He spread my little-pussy hole really wide and he began to tickle my special little G-spot inside of me. It felt so good I looked down at him and said, ‘daddy you are going to make me cum on your fingers.’ He penetrated me hard and deep massaging my G-spot and I began to moan really loud. My butt cheeks tightened and I rose up on my toes as both of my hands were holding on to his wrist guiding his fingers deep inside of me. Then he opened his mouth and then I sprayed all over his face. I didn’t pee on him I actually for the first time in my life squirted my orgasm all over his face.’”

Miles took Kristen by the hand and as she stood behind his desk he pushed his big leather chair away and buried his face between her 20 year-old co-ed thighs and began to taste her and mumbled, “Don’t stop honey I want to hear every little detail that happened that night.”

Kristen stood spreading her legs apart giving better access for her therapist. She gently caressed the back of his head while pulling it deeper between her upper thighs and said, ‘G winked at me and pulled me down and whispered in my ear and said, ‘I want you to lick it all off of my mask. I am going to pretend to be mad and I want to spank you as a punishment okay?’ I then looked all worried and I was pretending to be scared and said, ‘I am so sorry daddy I didn’t me to spray my orgasm all over your face like that. Please ~ please, daddy, don’t spank me. Let me clean it up.’ I stood over him and I started to lick the mask that was covering his face. As I was licking up my orgasm off of his face I felt the first sting on my ass as he hit my left cheek.

Miles then took hold of her hands and locked her wrists together in his one hand. He pulled her down so they were face to face, “Lick you’re pussy juice from my nose, lips and tongue.”

Kristen wiggled her ass and smiled as she knelt in front of her therapist and began to lick his face clean and then said, “Don’t be afraid to smack my ass hard Miles it’s a huge turn on for me.” Then she continued on with her story, “I looked into the camera and said, ‘Oh I’m so sorry daddy! I said I was sorry daddy! Please daddy, don’t punish me. I’ll be your good girl from now on, I promise.’ Then I felt the sting of his hand on my other ass cheek. I began to lick faster and faster but G kept a pace and slowly taking turns smacking either side of my ass.” Miles did not hold back as he smacked her ass hard enough that the palms of his own hands began to sting.

‘After I finished he stood and sat on the edge of the bed. He took me by the hand and pulled me over his knees facing my ass towards the mirror that took up the whole wall on that side of the room. I could see that my ass was turning a light pink color from his hard smacks. He lifted my ass up off of his lap just a little and that opened my ass cheeks so that everyone could see my privates in the mirror now. Then he began to smack me again and again and I said, ‘I am sorry daddy.’”

Miles stood grabbing his big leather chair sat and pulled his patient over his lap as his hard cock came to rest at the opening of her mound. He continued on punishing her as cheeks as Kristen didn’t ever skip a beat as she continued on with her story, “’I really do want to be your good little princess but sometimes I can’t help but being a bad girl.’ Then he whispered in my ear and said, ‘Kristen this is even hotter than I expected. I am ready to piss on you soon so be ready.’ Then I looked into the camera and said, ‘is this what you want from your bad girl daddy. You want me naked so you can play with me? Mommy doesn’t excite you anymore? You like to touch your bad little girl? You like to play with my young holes? Come on daddy I like being your bad girl. I want to feel your fingers inside of me again. I like your big hard cock daddy ~ I like it sliding deep inside of my preteen slits.’

Then I felt the sharp pangs of pain as he began to smack my ass cheeks again. One right after the other and this time it was a little harder and I have to admit Doctor Spencer that it was making me feel tingly all over again. Then he stuck his fingers in my mouth and I sucked on them and I looked in the camera and said, ‘daddy they’re all wet now. Put them inside of my holes. I can feel your dick getting hard on my belly daddy can I put it in my mouth while you punish your bad girl?’

G then slid back on the bed and pulled my butt over his face and I untied his robe and opened it. I then looked at his hard thing trapped by his tight underwear.” Miles let her slip from her lap and they returned back to the couch. Miles went to his back pulling her hips to his face. Kristen spread her legs and lined her naught spot to his mouth and lowered her hips down onto his face. She then told Miles what happened next as she stared at his hard throbbing cock.

Kristen said, “I leaned forward and pushed his underwear down around his thighs as he continued to finger me. There were two cameras now. One was shooting what he was doing to my holes behind me and one that was focused now on my face as my mouth was taking his big penis. I spit on the head and began to rub it all over his dick.” Kristen spit on her therapist’s cock and began to jack him off. “I then took it into my mouth. I looked at the camera and said, ‘I don’t understand why mommy doesn’t want to play with you anymore. If you want to daddy when you tuck me in at night I promise I will kiss your privates each night. I would love to go to sleep with your sperm smeared all over my face and your tiny swimmers inside of my stomach.

G really knew what he was doing because I tried to suck on his long penis but his tongue and fingers felt so good that I couldn’t help it he made me have another orgasm all over his mouth. I didn’t squirt this time but I did the feel my juices slipping out of me as I pushed hard like I was really going to have to pee. This time he smacked me really hard and I said, ‘I am sorry that I had another orgasm before you daddy but you play with me so good. I just can’t help it.’

I then moved down and kissed him on the lips. Kristen stopped stroking Miles’ cock and she spun around on top of him so they were face to face again and sucked on his tongue tasting her pussy that was all over it then said, ‘thank you daddy you really know how to make me feel like I’m a real big grown-up girl. I know that you need to punish me because I haven’t been able to make you finish yet.’ I then moved off the bed and over to the plastic. I took my clothes off so now I was completely nude. I spread my legs and I opened my mouth and my fingers opened my pussy and as G came around the side of the bed I said, ‘you can punish me any way you like to daddy. I am a bad, bad-girl and the only way for me to learn is for you teach me a new lesson.’

Kristen then slipped off of Miles and knelt on the floor. She pulled Miles from the couch and as he stood over her he began to slap his cock on her face. Then Kristen paying no attention to how Miles was humiliating her continued on as to what happened that night, “G stood over me stroking his cock he smiled at me then I came up to my knees and kissed his balls as I pointed at them with my fingers and said, ‘daddy I want what is hiding down inside of here. I want you to put it all over my face and in my mouth.’ He then lifted his leg and I saw his butthole and I remembered how my daddy liked it when I would lick him down there and put my finger gently inside of him. I kept licking his hairless balls and I noticed that there was no hair anywhere down there.

Then I said, ‘okay daddy if I have to I have to. I don’t like licking your butthole but if I have to in order for me to learn my lesson I will do it.’ I took my thumbs and spread him open.’”

Miles took his right leg and put it over her left shoulder and said, “I’ve never had a woman lick my butt like that, would you show me how you did it that night?”

Kristen smiled and thought about it and said, “Well, okay. I mean what the hell it’s not like the first time I’ve ever done this.” She then lowered herself and spread is brown hole and sniffed and it wasn’t nearly as bad as some of the guys she’s done this with before. She began to kiss and lick Miles’ stink hole as she continued on with her story, ‘G’s butthole was pink and perfect. You could see that he sometimes has things up there because of the way it was open. He smelled just fine and when my tongue touched him on the outside he just let out a big ‘YES.’ I knew that with all the women that he was with he was really enjoying himself with me. I stroked his privates as I kept licking him and then I heard him beginning to grunt.” Kristen then took a hold of Mile’s cock and began to stroke him as the tip continued to tongue fuck his hole. “I thought that he was ready to cum so I got back on my knees and opened my mouth and said, ‘come on and stroke it for me daddy. I want to watch your stuff splash all over my new boobs. I want to feel that warm load hit my face ~ I want to taste all of you daddy.

G stood over me and he stopped stroking and I knew that he mentioned it before but I was expecting him to cum on me but then this long yellow stream of his piss hit me on my face. Then he aimed and he pissed in my mouth until it was full. Then I spit it out all over my chin and down my body. He stopped for a few seconds and I said, ‘that was wonderful daddy. If you have any more I want you to shoot here between my legs.’ G then pushed me on my back and knelt down between my legs and then smiled and he wanted to say something but couldn’t.

Then I felt the next stream shoot from between my legs up my stomach and then splash on my face again and I screamed at him, ‘NO, NO, NO, NO, GOD DAMN IT DADDY!!! I told you I want you to piss inside of me.’ He then took the tip of his cock and stuck it inside of me and he blurted out, ‘OH SWEETIE you are so tight.’ Then I felt his hot piss being shot up my cunt hole. He stayed between my legs for a while. I know he wanted to start and fuck me right there but I snapped him out of it. I slapped him across the face as hard I could and said, ‘you’re a bad boy daddy and you deserve to be punished.’

I then stood over him and spread my legs over his face and then opened my pussy and said, ‘here take your own piss back I don’t want it if you can’t follow my orders. I pushed and then a combo of my pussy juice and his piss started to drip out first and then a steady stream landed on his masked face and in his mouth. Then I could no longer hold back and I fell to my knees. G’s face was firmly between my thighs and I said, ‘I would shut my eyes and open your mouth.’ My bladder was so full. I began to spray clear piss all over his masked face and filling up his mouth over and over again. Every time he would spit out a full mouthful of my pee I was on the ready to fill it right back up again.

When I could no longer pee anymore he grabbed my hips and held me over his tongue and he ate me cleaning my pussy. His strength surprised me as he held onto my hips and was able to lift me while still sitting on his face. As he stood upright my pussy was still buried on his face as my legs wrapped around his neck. He walked to the bottom of the bed and then pinched my butt. I screamed and said, ‘damn daddy that huuuuurrrrrrrttttttt!!!!!’ As I was screaming he tossed me from his shoulders on my back on to the mattress. I was laughing but he was quickly on me.”

Miles couldn’t believe how good it felt to have his butthole eaten like that. Then the way Kristen stroked his cock and the little twist she gave when her hand went over his head was driving crazy. Miles was ready for more so he released her head from his stink hole and pushed her to the floor. Then he spread her legs as he knelt over her and said, “Was he like this honey?”

Kristen said, “Yeah just like that Doc. Then he reached the side of the bed and a rope with a noose on the end went around one ankle. Then he went to the other side and he hooked my other leg. When I tried to move my legs together I realized that the rope went under the bed and it kept my legs spread apart. Then from under the pillows were two straps that were tied to the headboard. At that moment I felt helpless and I began to panic a little my heart started to pound and I said, ‘daddy I have a secret can I tell you?’ G moved down to my lips and I whispered, ‘please slow down I am ready to freak out.’ G said, ‘we can stop right now if you want. This is supposed to be fun. I won’t hurt you and I promise to listen to you.’ I said, ‘kiss me that will make me calm down. Kiss me and play with me for a while please.’”

Meanwhile back aboard the USS Bush: Tom’s malaise was in full force as his recollections of his actions come full circle for him. Tom went back to the start of his slippery slope as he was left alone with Kristen Foster his only eye witness to a quadruple homicide. We pick up where he needed to clean her naked body at the hospital.

It had been several months since Tom was with a woman but when his lips met Kristen’s there came this electrical current connecting them. Then as he pushed his tongue inside of her mouth the current between them became stronger even though there was no sexual response from her Tom’s sexual prowess was very apparent as he became hard almost instantaneously. Tom quickly began to clean the remainder of her body from the dried blood and semen as he was amazed at how soft her skin was. When it came time to clean her vagina he held the strawberry douche in his hand. He quickly read the instructions while Kristen remained in the same position not saying anything not doing anything not responding to any of his comments or touches.

When Tom finished cleaning both of her cavities between her legs he stood looking at this young girl then he thought that she could be no more than seventeen. She sat in the chair like a paraplegic with a dazed and confused look on her face. Tom began to cry involuntarily as he sat with his face buried between his hands as he recollected what he did next. He knelt in front of her again spreading her legs open as he moved between them. Tom began to caress her skin as he remembered it was as soft as a baby’s skin. He then caressed her face and spoke, ‘you are the most beautiful little thing that I’ve ever seen. If you understand me I want you to stop me any time you want me to.’ Then he moved his lips to hers and kissed her again. There came no reprisals from her and he took that as she wanted more. He then moved his hands to her B-cup breasts and began caressing them as he kissed her passionately.

Tom’s manhood was strong and long now as he moved upwards bringing the tip of his penis to her vaginal cavity. He could feel the hot damp moistness between her legs. He pushed as the tip of his spear slipped between her lips and the young girl’s juices covered his head as it pushed past the ring of her opening. The electrical charge shot right through his penis to his coccyx bone then right up his spine to his brain. It was so electric that when he looked into her eyes it was if she was projecting her thoughts of sexual wantonness to him.

Tom grabbed her hips and began to thrust violently between her legs. He remembered how tight she was as if the ER Doctor was correct when she said that she didn’t believe that Kristen hadn’t had sexual intercourse at all that evening. Tom pushed deep inside of her and his eight inches were being milked by her love canal as the tip of his penis came to rest at the opening of her womb. Tom shook as her legs wrapped around his buttocks and her arms came to rest around his neck. Tom took this to mean that she wanted more but she wasn’t able to verbally communicate that to him. Tom’s lack of sexual activity ruined the moment as a few more thrusts and he felt his penis betray him as he inseminated her.

Tom continued to sit up against the wall crying uncontrollably as sailors passed by him. They thought it was because perhaps a good friend of his might have passed away as he was sitting outside of the Infirmary but that was not the case. Tom’s tears came from fear that if Kristen should ever wake from her catatonic state that he would be charged with rape. His heart pushed up his sternum into his throat as he remembered that even though he just shot his load up her love canal that he was still hard and very horny.

Then and even now he couldn’t believe that he pushed his hard massive cock back into her tiny slime- filled hole and began to fuck her again. Once again he didn’t last all that long. It wasn’t because of anything that Kristen may have done as she didn’t move or say anything during the whole ordeal. He remembered how he even pushed himself inside of her anal canal for a while but ended up exploding for a second time between her legs in less than ten minutes. Tom’s body began to shake violently as he couldn’t believe that he was a man of the law, that he swore to uphold the laws of the land and in the span of ten minutes he broke the law not once but twice.

Tom became self-aware of his nerves as his hands and feet were actually shaking involuntarily. Then he remembered that after Dr. White’s psych evaluation of Kristen he gave her a heavy sedative to help her with the flight from Los Angeles to Albuquerque to the covert location of Camelot. That was when Tom was left alone with her once again on the FBI’s private jet.

Unlike other private jets this one had a sliding wall that came from the sides that blocked off the remainder of the cabin from the cockpit. It is used for private meetings that may be Top Secret during flights. Once the wall was pulled across there was a small couch on the one side of the plane that slid out to a bed like a futon and the chairs on the other fold down to make a cot like bed. Tom set up the bed for Kristen and the two chairs for himself. After they were airborne Tom couldn’t help himself as he moved to her bed and stripped her naked. Tom’s craving for her young tight pussy overtook his mind and he took advantage of her not once but two more times. Tom’s body continued to shake involuntarily as stood as the anguish of what he did to this young underage girl could never be taken back all he could do is hope that she never woke from her catatonic state and actually remembered anything that he had done to her.

Meanwhile back at Camelot in New Mexico: Kristen was recanting a story of a sexual episode when she was only twelve year’s old having sex with a thirty something man in front of camera’s being broadcast over the internet for a private audience.

Miles realized that the trauma of Kristen being raped and beaten so badly that being tied up and feeling hopeless could be devastating for her and asked, “So, did Gabe, I mean G, untie you?”

Kristen said, “No. He started by touching me between my legs as he kissed me on the ear and whispered, ‘you are by far the hottest and tightest piece of ass that I’ve been with since my daughter and I did this very thing to her several years ago. You are beautiful and are full of joyful and playfulness.’ Then he bit my earlobe as he pushed his finger in my pussy.

Then he blew in my ear gently then he kissed me on the nose. Then G kissed me on the lips as I could taste our collective urine and my own orgasm mixed in. He kept kissing me as he slid his body on top of my and straddled my belly. I could feel his long hot penis on my belly as I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out for him to suck on. Then he did the same for me and I returned the favor. The hottest thing he did to me was the way he kissed me on my neck and licked it. It made my head dizzy. I wanted to wrap my arms and legs around him but that was impossible the way I was tied up.

Miles moved down on top of her body and kissed her on the lips. Then he smiled and kissed and licked her neck and said, “Did he do it like this?”

Kristen’s head started getting dizzy by Miles touch, “Oh yeah Doc, just like that.” As Miles caressed her body she continued on with her story, ‘Then his mouth went to my nipples. He sucked on them and he gently bit each nipple sending shockwaves down my spine to my ass. I could feel my cunt getting wet again.” Miles slipped down her body to her breasts and nibbled on her nipples and licked them gently for affect. “Yeah Doc just like that, don’t stop. I was lost in the way he was teasing me and I remembered that no one was talking and I said, ‘yes, daddy. Pretend that I am mommy. I’ll take care of you daddy. Whenever mommy tells you that you need to jerkoff come here to my bed. Sneak into my room and sit on my chest and jerkoff all over my face daddy. I’ll let you fill my holes with your white warm sperm. I’ll take every load you want to share with me daddy.’

His tongue then trailed from by budding boobs down the line that went from between my boobs down to my bellybutton and then down to my clit. He left a clear trail of his saliva as he hit my bellybutton. Then I felt another finger slip into my butthole. ‘Daddy, don’t push your finger inside of my butthole so hard. I really don’t play with that hole too much.’

Miles tongue followed that same path that G’s did some eight years earlier and he said, “God baby even your skin tastes good.”

Kristen smiled as she watched her therapists face borough between her thighs again as he began to eat her and finger her butthole then she said, ‘Then his head went between my legs and his tongue was like a velvety hair brush. He was licking me from my butthole all the way up to my little nubbin and then he would suck on it. I just wanted to run my fingers thru his hair but I couldn’t and I said, ‘Daddy why would mommy ever want to give this up? You are like a pro at this licking thing.’ Then he added his fingers back inside of me and that of course got my motor really running. After a few more minutes I was feeling another orgasm coming on and I said, ‘come on daddy push your fingers inside of me harder and faster.’

G then turned his hand so his fingers were up against my g-spot again and he began to rub it hard again. I couldn’t control my body as it began to move all over the place. I was bouncing up and down on his fingers and said, ‘OH my GOD DADDY!!! Then I felt like this swoosh and then there was like all this juice just spraying everywhere from inside of my pussy. I couldn’t help myself tossing and turning on the bed. I just wanted to curl up in a ball for a while but I couldn’t. I looked up at G and his wet fingers and I said, ‘daddy may I please taste my juices from your fingers? Please put them in my mouth daddy. I want to lick them clean.’

Miles tongue danced from her butthole to her clit as he finger fucked her holes and when he heard her say she wanted to taste her holes from his fingers he wasn’t one to deny a desire and said, “Here you go hone taste them now.”

After she tasted her butthole and her cum once again she smiled at her therapist and said, “Sit on my chest and titty-fuck me Doc.” Miles did as he was told and as he was positioning himself on top of her Kristen moved on with the story. “Then G sat on my chest and began slapping his limp dick on my face and I said, ‘daddy if you want me to suck your dick you need to feed it to me. As you can see my hands are tied.’ I then opened my mouth and he shoved it into my mouth.”

Miles’ cock wasn’t limp but hard as a rock wanting more and he grabbed her hair lifting her head so he could stab his cock into her mouth and said, “Did he do it like this?”

She said, “No quite like that but I’ll suck you any way you want me too.” Kristen took Mile’s cock in her mouth and in between him pumping her mouth when his cock wasn’t in her mouth she moved her story forward. “I sucked on him as he began to grow in my mouth. I have to say Doctor Spencer there is nothing more satisfying for a girl than taking a limp lifeless cock that is shoved into your mouth and then feel it come to life because of the way you’re sucking it. I have to admit there is no better turn-on for me knowing that I can make a man feel good because of my body.

I wanted to say so many things but he just grabbed the back of my head and forced it down my throat. I was gagging on his cock and when he pulled out I spit out the extra saliva all over my chin and then some of it started to run down my face and into my eyes. After a while I was finally able to say something, ‘hey daddy would you mind cleaning my face a little.’

He grabbed a pillow and put it over my face and began to wipe it on the pillow case but it freaked me out and I started to scream, ‘BUNNY, BUNNY, BUNNY, BUNNY.”

Miles said, “What happened?”

Kristen said, “When G heard the words he immediately untied me and I flung myself into his arms and he held me close and tight to his sweaty body. I could hear the people on the webcams talking about how daring I was and how trusting I was with G. Then I looked into the camera several minutes later and said, ‘sorry folks I just got scared for a little bit. Come on daddy. I want to feel you inside of me.’”

Miles said, “At the time you felt like you were still okay with being with him. I mean you just went through a traumatic experience of being raped by those three men and beaten badly just a few months before this?”

Kristen said, “I never wanted to feel helpless again that is why before I start something with somebody with sex I want to feel safe at all times just like I do with you Doc.”

Miles said, “Thank you honey that means a lot to me.” Then Miles slipped down between her legs and penetrated her without her permission but Kristen didn’t say anything to him about it.

As Miles was pumping his cock in and out of her pink cavity she continued and said, “I just remembered that I kissed him on the lips and said, ‘I trust you to take me now daddy.’ I then climbed off of his lap and lay back on the bed. I spread my legs and put my ankles back inside of the straps. Then G put my hands back in the straps. As I lay on my back completely helpless I knew now I could trust G because he stopped and made sure that I was okay. I was okay to do whatever he wanted to me after that.

I think he was a little startled so he wasn’t hard and he straddled my chest and I smiled and opened my mouth, ‘come on daddy we can start over again. Put it back in my mouth.’ G stroked his cock and then put the tip inside of my mouth. I couldn’t see all that much just his hips thrusting forward pushing his limp dick into my mouth. Then I felt his finger once again rubbing my little nubbin. It took a while for me sucking on his head with nothing happening. I thought that he lost it but the more he played with my clit the more I felt the heat rise inside of my body. Once my hips started to move in circular motions and I began to moan I think that G finally realized that I was really okay with everything and then I felt the blood coursing in and around his shaft as he began to grow in my mouth again.

When he pulled his semi-hard cock out of my mouth I spit on his shaft and I said, ‘come on daddy don’t be afraid to fuck my mouth I want to feel you go down my throat. Teach me how to be a bad girl daddy. I want to learn all of the dirty nasty tricks that mommy knows.’

G stroked his penis now that it was long and hard. He then moved forward and sat his butt down on my mouth and I began to lick is butt crack again. I could see the cameramen moving in to get the close up shots of my tongue moving in and out of their boss’ asshole. After a few times of not being able to breathe because he just sat over my face he finally moved down between my legs.

One of the cameramen handed G this red ball that had a straps on either sides of the ball. He told me to open my mouth and he slipped inside and adjusted so that it was tight in my mouth. Then G loosened the straps just a little so I could move my arms and legs a little better but that was it. He spit on the palm of his hand and he rubbed it in and all over my privates. Then finally I watched as he took the tip of his penis and just rubbed it up and down just inside of my lips.

Meanwhile aboard the USS Bush: Agent Murphy was recollecting what happened after his flight with Kristen Foster on the FBI’s private G-5 en-route to the Camelot clinic.

Tom felt as if his heart literally moved from his chest to his throat as his feelings overtook him as he was realizing for the for the first time in his life that he is falling madly in love with Gemma and thought, ‘I think it’s too damn late for me to hide that I’ve been fucking Gemma.’ He then began to bang his head against the steel wall and thought, ‘Damn it Tommy how could you be so damn stupid to fuck up your career so quickly by fucking a witness and then a co-worker?’

Tom’s mind calmed as he remembered that after he secured Kristen at Camelot he flew back to LA to close up the crime scene once and for all. He wasn’t expecting Gemma and Karen to still be there but he was truly excited that they were. Gemma and Karen invited him out for a late bite to eat and discuss the case. It was nice to get his mind off of raping his witness four times while she was suffering from a psychotic break.

What happened next was totally unexpected as they ate both girls invited him back to Karen’s townhouse for the evening. Tom stood in a corner with his hand over his mouth as he smiled as he thought about how the two of them seduced him that night. He remembered how there was some light kissing from both girls and how they left him alone on the couch wanting more of them as they both disappeared upstairs for a while. He heard a shower running and then they both returned downstairs several minutes later.

Karen was definitely more enticing of the two as she shook her ass down the stairs wearing only a wet bath towel. Then when Gemma appeared from the top step; that was when Tom’s heart started to beat so hard that he thought it was going to explode from his chest. She was wearing black penny loafers with knee high white stockings. Then as his eyes gazed upwards she was wearing a red plaid micro-mini-skirt that stopped at the very top of her thighs. She had a woman’s white dress shirt tied in a knot above her flat stomach. She wasn’t wearing a bra as he could see her breasts clearly. She wasn’t wearing any makeup and her hair was tied into two ponytails that fell over either of her ears.

Tom vividly remembered how Karen sat across from him on the coffee table and spread her legs wide open for him. Tom had been wondering if the girls shaved their little cooch’s and now he knew that at least one of them did. Tom couldn’t take his eyes off of Karen’s voluptuous body. Her stomach was just as flat as Gemma’s but she was a very large D-cup and her hips were wider but just as enticing.

It wasn’t until Gemma lightly touched his chin and pulled his face to hers and kissed him that Tom realized that he finally met his soul mate. When Gemma’s tongue crossed that threshold into his mouth Tom was a goner. The way she gently massaged his penis over his pants as Tom’s eyes moved back to Karen all he could think was that one of these girls better fuck his brains out. Tom couldn’t remember what exactly Gemma said to Karen but it made her scurry up the stairs. Gemma swung her leg over his waist and began to grind on him and this he definitely remembered when she said, “If you want to fuck my pussy I’ll be upstairs. I’m not going to tease you like that little teenage girl did earlier tonight at the crime scene.’

Tom closed his eyes as he replayed in his mind as he climbed the stairs that night. When he came to the bedroom door what he saw just blew him away. There they were both of them naked on Karen’s bed eating each other’s pussies. Tom recollected how he stood there in the doorway ogling both of them as he was stroking his cock over his pants. Tom smiled as Gemma’s head slipped out from between Karen’s thighs and said the sweetest word to him, ‘Daddy!’ He smiled as Gemma held her hand out to him said, ‘come on join us daddy. Our pussies are nice and wet for you now.’ Tom’s cock grew under his trousers as he stood in the corner on the carrier hiding it as best he possibly could.

Tom smiled as in his mind he played what happened next. He knelt between Karen’s legs and proceeded to fuck her. He could still feel the light scratches that Gemma provided going down his back to his buttocks. Then the way she spread her legs and played with her pussy it was probably one of the smallest holes that he had ever seen. When he pulled out of Karen, Gemma was quick to open her mouth and suck Karen’s juices off before he plunged deep inside of her.

Tom knows that Karen was a better fuck, more than likely, because she was about ten years older and that much more experienced but Gemma made up for her inexperience’s with excitement and eagerness. It was clearly imprinted on Tom’s brain when he finally pushed all eight inches inside of Gemma how her eyes went wide with pleasure and her mouth made a perfect O. Then when she smiled and said, ‘come on daddy fuck your daughter’ Tom nearly exploded right there. Tom’s mind and heart were filled with joy that he knew that Gemma was the one for him.

Meanwhile back at Camelot in New Mexico: Kristen is recollecting her Webcam debut with Gabe Johansson.

Kristen continued on with her story of how Gabriel Johansson a thirty something man was fucking her when she was about twelve-years-old. She said, “It felt so good that I began to moan really loud I wanted to scream but the red ball that was shoved in my mouth wouldn’t let me. Then he pushed slow and hard and when he was all the way inside of me I could feel the tip of his penis pushing my young womb open. G put his hands on the top of my head and he kissed my cheeks as he just moved his hips in tiny little circles. He was so deep in my pussy ~ it was like his cock was tickling the back of my throat he was so deep inside of me. I never felt so full in my life up to that point. Then he began to move in and out of me. It didn’t take long for my pussy to become sopping wet inside. When I looked down between my legs I notice a thick white ring of my pussy juices coating his entire shaft of his cock.

It was really quiet for a long time as all you could here was our moans of pleasure and G’s hips slapping up against my pelvic bone. He fucked me hard, deep and so good that he continued to make me cum over and over. Then the men that were watching from their webcams began to ask G to remove the ball from my mouth. They wanted to hear how I felt with his cock inside of me and they wanted to hear my orgasms.

When he untied the ball from mouth he then took the rope and tied my left wrist to my left ankle and then my right wrist to my right ankle. G then sat on the top of the bed resting his back up against the head board. He then pulled me by my hair to him on my stomach. He told me to open my mouth and I did as he told me. Then grabbing my hair he pushed his cock back into my mouth and started to fuck my mouth fast and hard and then every now and then he would push my head all the way down his eight inch shaft. I would gag and spit on his cock. Finally when he stopped the cameras were close to my face and I just smiled and said, ‘I love it when daddy feeds me his cock in the morning before school. I never go to school hungry.’ Then I looked into the camera and said, ‘daddy, my pussy is still hungry for more of your cock. Can I ride you like I used to do when I was younger? We can play cowgirl!’

Kristen then smacked Miles on the butt and said, “Come on it’s my turn to fuck you Doc. You’re getting tired and I can feel you’re not slamming my pussy as hard anymore.” Kristen moved him up on the couch and straddled his cock and then plunged downwards. Her eyes rolled up and into the back of her head and she smiled and said, “Then he picked me up underneath my armpits and held me over his cock. He lined it up with my now red and sore pussy. It was just as red as my ass was from him slapping me so hard. Then without warning I felt the sharp pang of both of his hands smacking my ass hard again. I just blurted out, ‘damn it daddy I am sorry. I thought I was fucking you good. I promise to fuck your big hard cock better.’ I started moving faster and harder on his cock but he kept hitting my ass. My ass looked like a freshly cooked lobster just taken out of boiling water.

I bounced up and down on his cock the best I could then he made my suck on his fingers as he continued to beat my ass raw with his other hand. Then I learned why he wanted me to suck his finger because he jammed it up my butthole without any warning. I shot straight up and said, ‘holy fucking shit daddy. Not so damn hard work it in gently daddy.’

The time for mister nice guy was over. He pushed me off of his cock and took several pillows and threw them on the floor. Then he picked me up and pushed my head off of the bed. He stood over me as my head was dangling off the side of the bed and then he pushed his cock deep inside of my mouth.”

Kristen slipped off of Miles and he said, “What I was so close.”

Kristen said, “Just stand on the end of the couch.” Kristen moved on her back then slid her head over the arm of the couch and said, “Now I want you to fuck my throat this way.” Miles began to push his cock down her throat to the point that what it was in her throat he could see her throat bubble upwards with his cock stuck deep down inside of her.

Kristen pinched his thigh and saliva oozed out of her mouth when Miles pulled out of her throat and she said give me a minute Doc. Then she said, “With one hand he held my head so he could throat fuck me while with is other he was fucking both of my holes with his two big fingers. I could feel one of the cameramen climbing on the bed and I could feel the heat from the camera light between my legs as they were getting a really good close up of my privates.

When he finally finished fucking my mouth and throat there were these big, thick streams of my spit connecting my mouth to the tip of his cock and his balls just like right now Doc! He pushed me off the bed so my head and shoulders were on the floor and my ass was up in the air leaning against the side of the bed. He then spread my legs and sat on the edge of the bed. Then he pushed his cock back in my pussy and started to fuck me again. I never fucked in that position before and I liked the feeling of him being so deep inside of me.”

Kristen took the back cushion off the couch and put it on the floor. Her head came to rest on the cushion with her shoulders. Her ass was up in the air and her legs were spread and she said, “I love this position now. Come on over here and power-drive my cunt this way. I don’t know what I looked like at that moment but there was spit all over my face and my eyes and when he pulled out of me and spread me open the cameraman got a shot of my privates and I said, ‘do you like what you see daddy? You like the way you gape your baby’s holes daddy? I love the way you do it to me daddy. I never want you to stop.’

G never asked permission to do what he did next. I guess the fact that I let him piss on me, made me eat his asshole, smack my ass, finger-fucked both of my fuck holes why not just fuck my asshole too? I felt the tip of his cock slip from the bottom of my pussy down to my ass. The he lifted up and got the right angle and he pushed. He tried a few times and I cried out, ‘no daddy not there! Please daddy it is okay for your fingers but your thing is too big for my tiny hole!

Miles slipped out from her now raw looking red pussy and said, “Was it something like this.” He spit on her butthole and then his pussy juice coated cock slipped into her shithole.”

Kristen smiled as the sensation of being fucked in the ass turned her on more than anything else and said, “Yeah just like that! Then I felt his head pierce my asshole open just like you just did. I clenched my ass cheeks to try and keep him out but he took that as a challenge and he finally worked the head inside of me. I screamed out, ‘no daddy you’re just too big please daddy. You can do anything else to me but not that; don’t put it in my dirty-stink-hole!’

Then he stood grabbing my ankles he pushed straight down. I watched as his shaft disappeared into my anal cavity. He had his thumbs opening my pussy as the cameraman who was over me got the close up they were looking for. I looked over at the TV monitor and could see what he was doing to me. I have to admit his big cock spreading my tiny asshole open and seeing how tiny my ass actually was made it look so damn hot. Also the way my pussy was gaped open and red from him pounding me so hard was getting me just as hot as he was. G’s cock did hurt being so deep inside of me but I could see that the cameraman’s cock was just as hard and then it dawned on me that this was not about me and G but this was about the people who were watching both of us and how they were being turned on by the way his big cock was destroying my itty-bitty preteen asshole.

I just smiled the best I could and then I said, ‘Okay daddy it feels a whole lot better now. Come on daddy do it faster and harder. Treat me like I’m your personal fuck toy daddy! I want to be your cum-bucket daddy! Come on and fuck it hard daddy. I want my ass to get you off.’

I wasn’t sure why I did what I did next but I just couldn’t help myself. I reached up and slid my hand up the cameraman’s pants leg and stroked his cock underneath and said, ‘come on cameraman don’t you want a taste? Come on put your cock in my mouth. I know you want to ~ I can see you’re so damn hard.’

He put the camera down and slid his shorts off. He knelt next to my head. His cock wasn’t that big but he picked my head up and then he fed me his cock. I watched as the two men were fucking my holes and then they looked at each other and smiled. G finally was ready and pulled out of my ass. He grabbed me by my hair and I was now on my knees sucking each of their cocks. I looked up at G and said, ‘I can taste your pre-cum daddy! I want you to feed me your sperm. I want to go to bed tonight with your sperm swimming around in my stomach.’ He began to fuck my mouth and then then I felt his head widen in my mouth and I pulled back and said, ‘when you’re ready daddy to cum I want you to let me know then I’m going to swallow your cock and then you can shoot your stuff down my throat.’

He then pushed back inside of me as the cameraman was now behind me fucking my pussy. Then ‘G’ tapped me on the head and I winked at the other cameraman that was now getting the close up shots and I said, ‘push it down my throat daddy!’ ‘G’ grabbed the back of my head and then pumped a few more times and then he let out two ropes down my throat. He pulled out and then spoke only for the third time that night but in a fake voice he said, ‘take it on your face too princess.’ Then he jerked off the rest of his load all over my face.’ After he was done stroking he fell on the bed and you could see the sweat just pouring off of him.

Then I heard the man behind me and he said, ‘I am ready to finish where do you want it you little fucking vixen!’ I just said, ‘fill my cunt hole with my tiny brothers and sisters!’ He grabbed my hips and then I felt an ungodly amount of cum being deposited inside of my little canal. When he finished he fell back and said, ‘you are by far the best piece of young ass I ever had.’

I moved forward and his cock slipped out of my pussy. There was so much sperm I could feel it beginning to ooze out from between my pussy lips. I quickly sat on the bottom of the bed and then spread my legs. The other cameramen zoomed in as I began to push his cum out of my pussy down onto the plastic that was covered in my and ‘G’s piss. All in all Doctor Spencer I really had fun that night.’”

Miles had his eyes closed as he listen to her story conclude and the only thing he could imagine was Kristen was his own flesh and blood daughter Amy. Miles continued to propel his hips forwards and backwards and he could feel this impending orgasm coming on and he looked down at his patient and said, “Kristen can I try that ~ you know ~ finish down your throat?”

Kristen was spry like a small monkey. As Miles pulled out of her he fell back on the couch with his dick in his hand as he was stroking it. Kristen smiled and said, “Of course Doc. When you feel like you’re going to finish don’t wait for me just push my head down on you and finish in my throat.”

Kristen opened her mouth and began to lick his shaft as she stroked her therapist, “Oh man I love the taste of my pussy on a man’s cock. She moved down and kissed his balls and then looked deep into her therapist’s eyes and said, “My reward is sitting down in here with these two beautiful balls. I guess it’s my job to suck for my treasure?”

Miles had his eyes closed as he was picturing his daughter who was sitting between his legs playing with his cock and licking his balls, “Please sweetie ~ please suck me I want to finish so badly.” Kristen opened her mouth and took his penis into her mouth bobbing up and down just the top half and then every so often would swallow his entire shaft. She would keep it deep in her throat for several seconds and then would eagerly go back to work as her hands were caressing his balls. Miles was holding onto his orgasm the best he could but he began to pump his cock in her mouth. Then his toes began to curl and he was squirming on the couch as Kristen’s tongue was circling his head, “Kristen I can’t hold back anymore don’t stop you’re going to make me finish.” Kristen looked up into her therapist’s eyes and swallowed him to the trunk of his shaft.

Miles was trying his best to push even deeper down her throat and then he relaxed and let loose his load down her throat. Miles wanted to scream out in ecstasy but he didn’t want to alarm his secretary right outside his office door. All Miles could do was grunt in a low hush tone and said, “Brilliant ~ absolutely brilliant. Oh my God. Kristen, who taught you how to do that?”

Kristen lifted her head and she opened her mouth and showed her therapist. “See not one single drop of sperm in my mouth. All your little swimmers are now floating my stomach.” Kristen smiled and knelt upwards kissing Miles on the lips and said, “I learned from one of the girls that used to come to one of my parents swinger parties. She told me that the guys like the feeling and you don’t have to taste their salty loads and you don’t have a messy load to clean up off of your face.”

Miles pulled Kristen up off her knees and they cuddled for a few moments and then he said, “Why don’t we take some time and take a shower in my office bathroom. I think that this is a good place to stop for the day, don’t you?”

Kristen was stroking his ever shrinking cock in her hand and said, “I think I might be able to get one more load out of ya in the shower. Maybe I’ll let you put in my butthole.” Kristen turned her head and then kissed her therapist on the lips.

Meanwhile aboard the USS Bush:

As Tom sat exhausted on the floor in his self-loathing knowing that he may never see Gemma again suddenly a nurse covered in blood came out of the infirmary and looked at Tom and smiled. Then another nurse came out covered in blood and Tom shot up like a flame waiting for the bad news but they were calm and they weren’t running or yelling for help then the surgeon Commander Hans Mencken came out of the infirmary and said, “I guess you’re the FBI Agent pining after that gorgeous little thing inside there?”

Tom stood in front of the surgeon and had all of his hope being shone through his eyes and said, “Is she going to be okay Doc? Is she going to make it?”

Commander Hans Mencken said, “She’s not out of the water just yet. I’ve got her stable now. She’s going to need a lot of rest and relaxation for a while. I’m going to keep her here until we dock at port. It will be safer to move her to one of the base hospitals for the remainder of her convalescence.” Hans put his hand on Tom’s shoulder, “I don’t know what your relationship is with her but she’s really lucky. The bullet was a through and through and didn’t hit anything major but she’s lost a lot of blood and she is terribly week.”

Tom said, “Please Doc, I’ve got to see her! Can I go in and see her? Please! I don’t care even if it’s for less than a minute. Please ~ I think ~ I think I’m in love her Doc?”

Hans smiled at him, “You’re first time for being in love?”

Tom said, “Never had time to fall in love before Doc. It’s all been about the career ~ I don’t want to lose her.”

Hans said, “It feels good doesn’t it? Listen, don’t get her excited and if it looks like she’s going to fade off to sleep just leave her alone, okay?”

Tom said, “Sure, sure thing Doc. Whatever, I just want to ~ look ~ Commander if there is anything I can ever do for you ~”

Hans looked him in the eyes, “Okay you wanna help me? Okay, my son is at NYU. He’s been toying with the idea of becoming an FBI Agent. He’s currently number three in his class as he’s enrolled in their Law School. Perhaps you could go and talk to him ~ you know ~ maybe give him some sort of advice ~ you know ~ one way or the other.”

Tom said, “Well tell me Doc, do you want him to be an Agent or a lawyer?”

Hans said, “It’s his life and I’m going to let him live it. I just want him to know all the facts if he decides to try and become part of the FBI.”

Tom said, “I promise, it’s on my to-do list Commander. Thanks for all you did for Gemma doctor.”

Hans slapped his hand on Tom’s shoulder and said, “Thank you Agent Murphy. Be gentle in there she’s very week.”

Tom opened the door to the infirmary and sitting at the desk was a male nurse doing some paperwork and Tom said, “I’m here to ~

The young man sitting at the desk just smiled and said, “Follow me. She’s back here. Listen she’s very week and tired just a few minutes okay?”

Tom slipped into the very tiny cell like room. He saw Gemma on her back and she looked like an angel and he shut the door behind him. Tom gazed at her as there were several plastic lines hooked to both of her arms and a heart monitor hooked up to her chest. Tom moved over and took the chair in the corner and moved it to the side of the bed. He took her cold hand that had tubes running of it and kissed the back of her hand. He then pushed her hair away from her face and kissed her gently on the cheek, “You’re going to be okay Gemma I’ll see to that. You just rest.”

Several minutes later Gemma’s head moved and her eyes slowly opened and it took a few seconds for her to focus in on Tom’s face. A smile cracked her face and in a labored voice she whispered, “There you are ~ I love you daddy.”

Tom said, “Enough of that crap Gemma you need your rest. Are you in any pain?”

Gemma said, “No way baaaabbbby. I fEEEEEEl FFFFFFuuuuNNNKKKKYYYYY!!!!! I guess I could be better but I do have this new big hole in my stomach.” As she giggled she coughed a little and said, “Is there anyone here, I mean are we alone?”

Tom said, “No, there is an orderly just outside of your door.”

Gemma said, “Damn it anyway! When am I going to collect on that damn bet? Don’t think for one minute that I’m going to let you get out of your debt buddy. I want you to fuck me on that little beach at Jim’s estate.”

Tom said, “You’ve got a one track mind girl. Why don’t you rest for a little bit and get better first before spreading your legs?”

Gemma said, “Spreading my legs? That’s a wonderful idea! Honey, will you check me out to make sure that everything that is supposed to be on my body is still on my body? I feel sorta week or I would do it myself ~ besides ~ you know how I like the feel of your hands pleasuring me.”

Tom chuckled knowing how playful Gemma could be. He knew at that moment that she was going to be just fine and said, “What do you want me to check? What do you think is missing?”

Gemma smiled at her ruggedly handsome boyfriend and said, “Start with my naughty spots! Check to make sure that they all still working, will ya sweetie?”

Tom smiled at her, “You’re not going to give up are you?”

Gemma had an idea and said, “How about if you just climbed on top of me and we did it right now? I mean really Tommy how many civilians get to do it on an aircraft carrier? And one that is named after a Bush ha, ha, ha, ha ~ I mean come on, that’s just funny!”

Tom put his hand under the covers and felt her paper nightgown they still had her in and she was naked underneath. He reached up and touched her breasts and squeezed them gently.”

Gemma reacted like she normally would from Tom’s touches and said, “Hurry baby before someone comes in I want you to lick and suck on them baby. I want to feel that special tingle you give me instead of this pain that I’m in. I need your special touch baby.”

Tom realized that he was completely under Gemma’s spell. That no matter what she asks Tom is willing to make sure that he pleases his woman. Then he let his other hand slip between her legs and he fingered her as he kissed her breasts and her mouth. Tom alternated back and forth until he made her finish. When he looked into her hazel eyes that were filled with contentment he said, “You are one crazy woman?”

Gemma said, “Wait until I’m all better and once we’re married. I’m going to fuck you every day and give you as many babies as you want.”

Tom just smiled as he stuck his pussy juice covered finger into her mouth and said, “Looking forward to it.”

End of chapter 20

Well, once again thank you for taking the time to read some of the sick demented things that have popped into my mind. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I welcome all comments both positive and negative. If it happens to be negative please be constructive it’s really easy to say that you think something sucks. Please tell me why you liked or disliked the subject manner as it will help me become a better writer. I am excited that I am a recommended Author on this site but it is my wish to better my work each time out. Stay tuned as there is still over 300 pages of unedited work to come your way over the next year. Thank you once again Jintina.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-15 04:17:02
I think you are an excellent writer already. I've taken a liking to several characters. Interesting story.... With obvious adaptations this could be turned into a script. It really hasn't been very predictable. It's not easy to find a plot that is original. Everything has already been done ad nauseum. A lot of potential here. Keep writimg- please!

Worm CruddReport 

2015-12-29 01:19:23
I've found the next part of the story "Case Study 301 Daddy and me in Paris". Change the address bar to read 57945/ instead of 55298/ . It isn't listed under the author so appears to be hidden.

Worm CruddReport 

2015-11-29 23:19:31
Can we start a petition to get the author to finish his story?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-01 01:37:16
Finish the story please!!! The best series on here ever!! Come backkkk

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-22 06:50:41
awesome story but i want the next part

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