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During our last chapter, JJ and Marshall discovered making love to their wives now definitely has a different element. Both Kathryn and Misty are nursing. After arranging for alternative methods of feeding their children, they allow their husbands to nurse. Both JJ and Marshall felt perverted for wanting to do that. Misty thought herself also perverted from wanting Marshall to nurse. After the friends discussed it together, they found they had that in common. They decided to enjoy the experience within reason.

The life-changing thing happened last chapter was the discovery that Reese was JJ’s aunt, his father’s baby sister. Once given to the state JJ’s father and Reese separated, JJ’s father was several years older than Reese who was just an infant. Their parents’ premature death gave way to a second tragedy where Reese did not know anything about her family.

The Ten of Them: chapter 30

Composed by hard93 and Dimek

Sam and Crystal love Reese as their aunt, that had not changed, and Reese truly loved by the family. Reese is older than I am, not much more than twelve years. I did not know whether to think of her as aunt or an older sister before. The discovery that Reese actually related to us had not changed the feelings the family truly have for Reese. That did allow me to clarify how I related to Reese and Ron. Having Ron and Reese with us had always felt right, now we knew why.

It took about two weeks before Reese stopped tackling me every time she first saw me. I think Ron was beginning to get a little jealous, it could also be that Reese was very pregnant. Whatever the reason I was a little relieved, however I feel if Reese and I are ever apart from more than a few days I will receive the same treatment on our meeting.

Mom brought forth some papers that were from a private investigator Dad had hired. Dad it spent all the money he received from his rookie card, about twenty-five thousand dollars on the private investigator. The only thing the private investigator could find out was that Reese was alive and adopted a few years prior to Dad search. That sealed any further records and only Reese’s adoptive parents or Reese herself could get that information.

Mom explained, “When Joseph got this information it broke his heart, he so wanted to get back his baby sister. At the time there is nothing more that we could do, after Joseph’s death I did not have the heart to continue looking once you turned eighteen Reese.”

Reese holds my Mom as they both weep for a short time. Reese finally says, “Maggie it is okay, back then I was not ready. I am just so happy that we finally did find each other especially now. What has happened this last year changed me. I am not the angry person I used to be. Being around the family, around JJ and Kathryn is shown me a different way. Mom and Dad have their own way. Now that I see it in JJ and Kathryn, I realize how much they love each other. I could not really see that when I was younger.”

Mom smiles and says, “I am just glad we finally found you. I knew I loved you for a reason, I just could not put my finger on what reason.” The two hug warmly finding something more precious than all the gold in the world.

It finally comes time for graduation, and I both look forward and dread the day. Not just my life will change shortly, but the entire family’s life will change. The Coach will soon be retired. I will try to help him through the transition. Fortunately, for him Sam, Crystal, and several other of the children are looking forward to spending more time with him. I know he will continue coaching Sam in her swimming, now he has the time to work with the other children too.

Kathryn and I along with our daughters find our seats along with the rest of the family who are gathered for Kara, Joan and Johnny’s graduation. The only ones missing was Uncle Ron and Aunt Reese, no one knew why they are not here. Daniel set with Cindy in his lap leaving an unused chair next to him. Karen decided to be with Kara on stage to help her across the stage. Kara was having difficulty the last couple of weeks, as she was getting bigger with her pregnancy on top of the fact that her leg injury seemed to be acting up a bit. Ron even loaned Kara one of his canes.

Karen had decided to move in with Kara and Daniel temporally, with Helen and Coach's approval, to assist Kara through the rest of the pregnancy. Kathryn and the other sisters including Helen have been taking turns going over as well, helping too, as they are all concerned with how much trouble Kara is having carrying twins. Daniel was very grateful, he worried for Kara and he seemed to fill every discomfort she felt.

Reese and Kara have become fast friends, and now that Reese is family it only brings us closer, the two found together most days. The family help Reese and Kara every day. Reese became pregnant three months before Kara, and it shows.

The threats Daniel received targeted Kara. Sylvia’s late husband has some disreputable friends that were not too happy about Kara getting off scot-free in their opinion. Fortunately, the police track down those individuals making the threats. Daniel took actions, namely a restraining order and a few quiet threats of his own. He still worries for Kara safety.

I know he feels more at ease having the two former Rangers watching over his wife. I know Daniel carries a firearm now, not to an event like this, but it would not surprise me that it is in his car right now. I wonder how long it will be before I too need the security of a firearm, martial arts are fine, but they do not have the same effect as a firearm. I mean most people do not turn and run away when you go into the stance.

We were in our seats for ten minutes when finally the graduation ceremony started. There were the speeches by, the student class president, valedictorian and the different Faculty members scheduled before starting to distribute the diplomas. The student body president Rachel announced the self-defense classes would continue as part of her speech.

I knew that Kara grades was high enough to put her in the top ten percent of the class that earned her a place on the stage. Most of the students set at the front of the auditorium, while the parents filled the bleachers, and the rear of the auditorium.

We all anxiously waited for Kara, Joan, Johnny Misty and Jim’s names to hear so we could cheer. Joan is actually seated one seat to the right of Kara, they call her name and the family cheers. Joan smiles brightly at her name Joan Thurgood. When Joan returns to her seat, she is very confused because they skipped Kara who was seated one seat before her.

The family and I all looked at each other wondering what was going on. I looked at Kara on stage and she too had a confused expression on her face.

The principal called the last name of the top ten percent without calling Kara; he continued calling the names now in alphabetical order of the majority of the students.

Misty gives Johnny a peck on the cheek as he smiles brightly hearing his name now called Johnny Thurgood. Misty is next to be called and she too smiles brightly as her name announced, Misty Thurgood. The family cheers as they receive their diplomas. Misty had enough credits, and only have to pass the commensurate classes for her senior year to graduate. Because of her pregnancy, they allowed her to be homeschooled and still receive her diploma. After he handed out the last diploma, he paused and looked at the gathered people.

After clearing his throat, the Principal says, "I would usually say that is the end of the diplomas and wish the graduates well in their future endeavors. However, I have one diploma left. This diploma is for a special lady. Mrs. Kara Atkins please come forward." Kara had a confused look on her face but nonetheless with Karen’s help managed to make her way to the podium.

"Kara Atkins, formally known as Kara Edwards, is a remarkable student. She is also a hero. A few months ago this remarkable woman, risked her life, to save others, injured in the process. She showed courage and bravery in the face of danger. It is my great pleasure to present her high school diploma. In addition, I have the honor to present an award to honor her bravery and commitment to her fellow peers. Your fellow class members petitioned the governor and he agreed. You are receiving a special recognition from the Governor’s office of this great state.

The world could use more people like Kara. Kara, we all here wish you the best in whatever the future holds for you and your growing family," said the principal. He shook Kara’s hand as he handed over her diploma and a plaque. There was a standing ovation as she receives her awards. After the crowd died down Karen led a softly weeping Kara back to her seat. When it looks like Kara was about to stumble, Joan instantly leaped from her seat to assist Kara, Joan and Karen got Kara back into her seat.

“I have one other speech I must make.” The principal began. Would Coach Edwards please approach the podium? When the coach was standing next to the podium, the Principal continues, “It is not customary to say goodbye to our retiring faculty, but you have been such a big part of the lives of so many of our students. Your selfless dedication, to their well-being and athletic achievements have not gone unnoticed. Therefore, many of our previous students wish to thank you.”

Behind them is projected, six pictures of professional football players all graduates coached by my father-in-law. As they walk across the stage in their jerseys from the various teams, they now play for; they stop and shake the Coach’s hand. They file on by as more players this time in college jerseys begins to file by shaking the Coach’s hand. I even recognize a few from the years I was their team member. Then finally, our football team comes by and shakes his hand.

The principal stepping back up to the podium says, “These are but a few of the young men whose lives you changed for the better. Your kind and warm heart has touched so many in this school, you will be sorely missed my friend.”

The crowd comes to their feet as the coach wishes the graduating class the greatest of luck in their future. The auditorium gives him a long-standing ovation. The applause is so loud I feel my phone buzz but cannot hear my phone ringing. Looking at the caller ID, the call is from Ron just as the crowd dies down I answer and he informs me Reese is in labor her water broke on the way to graduation.

Fortunately, everyone in the family seated near me and other than a few having, difficulty getting out of the parking lot we all manage to get to the hospital together. Reese was very close to being full-term, and we were not too worried because of that. Ron is as nervous as the day of his wedding; he is walking back and forth with a slight limp. Sam runs up to him, jumps into his arms causing him to stumble backwards but he catches himself. Excitedly Sam asks, “Aunt Reese is having her baby, is he here yet?”

Ron shakes his head no, and Sam’s face turns into a pout before Ron says, “I know how you feel Sam I feel the same way.”

Crystal tugs on Ron’s arm getting his attention. He bends down and scoops her up too. I use my cell phone and take a quick picture of my two daughters in their Uncle’s arms. The two girls work together distracting Ron from his worries.

I do not know who taught them how to be such little angels when it comes to that. However, the two can distract us men when we are the most worried. They did the same for Marshall when Misty was in labor. I heard the stories from Helen after a day or two had passed. It was one of the afternoons when the girls were at Helen’s home. They all were asleep, including Kathryn. Helen and I talked in whispers and she told me the story.

My phone rings yet again, and I step outside to answer. It is Major Denton, his retirement had finally come through and he is actually in town. He is looking forward to meeting my family, and catching up with Ron and Reese along with the Samson family.

He agrees to meet us at the hospital, as I explained that Reese is in labor. Fifteen minutes later, he finds the hospital than chuckles at a nervous Uncle Ron still pacing the hallways now with the two girls in his arms.

Major Denton smiles and says, “Look who I found on my way here.” He opens the door again and in comes Ron’s father-in-law and mother-in-law. Reese’s mother rushes to Ron, the last time they saw each other was just before Ron went off with Reese on their honeymoon. After she lets him go, Sam and Crystal take a deep breath, and then they giggle before giving Ron a kiss. Ron sets the two girls down, and takes his mother-in-law back into his arms.

Reese’s father walks up to me and says, “I understand you are my nephew.”

I smile throwing my arms wide I say, “Yes.” I wrap my uncle, who is a little surprised at my actions, into a hug. I release him, and my Mom takes my place.

Mom spent her free time of the last three weeks with Reese. No matter where Reese was, Mom try to spend as much time with her as possible. That meant Mom was at Kara and Daniel’s house every day. Mom related almost every story she had about Dad and me to Reese. Kara listening intently as Mom told stories about her brother-in-law. More often than not Kathryn and the girls were there loving the stories too.

Every time Reese seen me, she would throw me in a hug and kiss my cheeks for a couple minutes at least. Giggling Reese would say, “I am such a lucky aunt to have a nephew like you.”

I usually give her a kiss on the cheek before I would say to her, “My aunt only needs to ask, and whatever I have I will share with her.”

Reese would say, “All I need is to share your time, and your love my nephew.”

Chuckling because I was so happy I would reply, “I thought you were going to ask for something hard, but just try to stop me from fulfilling that promise.” So far, that has been very easy to do, my wife, children, and my mother were usually with Aunt Reese. Recently Sam or Crystal cuddled to Reese whenever I found them together, with Ron holding both of them.

I watched how gentle Ron could be, especially when he would hold Amanda. For a big man, battle hardened, he truly had a soft spot when it comes to children. He seemed calmer too, with Reese at his side and one of my girls in his arms. I knew he was going to be a great father. He definitely was a great uncle.

Reese’s Dad, Robert who prefers Bob, smiles at Ron now have in the opportunity to give the big man a hug. Ron seems more comfortable now showing such affection, before he always was a bit standoffish when it comes to such things. Although, I think now things changed slightly for Ron he more easily accepts affection and gives it as well.

Ron did not have much of a choice but to become accustomed, Sam would jump into his arms as she did me. Crystal would demand affection from him too. Although she was not as rough, it can be harder to deny her, her pout would precede tears and both could melt the hardest heart.

Ron certainly have a soft spot for the girls, which now included Cindy. Ron takes Cindy into his arms, introducing her to his in-laws too.

Reese’s Dad asks, “Have we been away that long?”

Cindy giggles and says, “No, I got my new Mama and Daddy because my Mommy died saving us. She knew Mama Kara would save us, she just needed the chance my Mommy gave to her.”

Kara weeps, and Ron moves to her still holding Cindy. Cindy leans toward Kara with her arms outstretched and Ron passes Cindy to Kara. Cindy says, “Momma I did not mean to hurt you please do not cry.”

Kara caresses Cindy and says, “It is okay baby, it is just that I miss your Mom so much. I miss her every day.”

Cindy holds to Kara and says, “I love you Mama, Mommy did too. She knew you would save us. You and uncle JJ had saved Mommy it was her turn to help. She knew she was too sick and would die, she said by saving us her life meant something. She told me that just before she left us.”

Ron says, “I know how you feel Kara, there is people that I miss every day, friends that I will never get to see again, friends who have saved my life. I live to honor their sacrifice. It does not stop me from missing them, but I know they would not want me to be sad all the time.”

Kara draws a deep breath releases it slowly and says, “It is just that every time they call me a hero I see her face as she was shot. She smiled, and then she coughed up blood. I knew she was hurt so bad, there was nothing I could do.”

Cindy says, “Mommy was very happy that she is able to save you and me. She knew you were the only one who is going to stop him from hurting me, and Aunt Karen and Daddy. She was happy to give you the chance.” Cindy sobs and to her Mama’s shoulder. Kara begins trying to comfort Cindy even as she still sobs.

Most of the family try to comfort both Kara and Cindy. Ron finally says, “Maybe we should get a plaque made for the other hero that day, Sylvia should be awarded and give our highest praise, her action saved as many lives.”

I realize now that is what has bothered Kara all along, called a hero when the person who saved you died doing it was totally forgotten. That her friend happily gave up her life so she could live as a hero made the loss all the greater. The anger at the loss of her friend only magnified when her friend’s sacrifice ignored by those who called her hero.

Kara once under a little more control says, “That is exactly right, without her, without Sylvia I would not be here.”

Daniel after kissing his wife says, “I am so grateful to her, she saved you, she saved all of us. I want to name our daughter Sylvia. Is that all right with you, Love?”

Kara wraps herself around Daniel, squeezing poor Cindy in between them. They hold her for a second or two, before moving apart enough for Cindy to giggle. Cindy exclaims, “I like being squeezed like that.”

Sam says, “It is not bad until you cannot breathe.”

Cindy looks up into Kara’s face laughing she says, “I think Sylvia likes her name, is she jumping?”

Kara says, “I think they both like their names, I want to name your son Daniel Junior. Is that okay with you my Love?” Cindy gets a second squeeze as they kiss. Not so long to cause Cindy suffocating, when they part Cindy giggles again.

Cindy hugs Kara’s abdomen that holds her twins and says brightly to her yet to be born brother and sister, “Just wait to you guys get out here and I can play with you Sylvia and DJ. We are going to have so much fun.”

Kara puts her hands on either side of Cindy and remarks, “I think they like that idea, they seem to really jump for joy.”

It could be that their favorite playmate was just being born. The Doctor called Ron into the delivery room, after he was finished dressed in operating room protective wear he ushered into the delivery room. Now it was my turn to walk with the two girls nervously. Amanda needed nursed, and Kathryn had gone to the ladies room, along with Kara and Cindy.

Ron exited the delivery room with a bright smile, the Doctor had Ron cut the umbilical cord, something Reese had requested. Smiling he says, “I have a son. Robert John Davis is 8 lbs. 1 oz. has all ten fingers and ten toes, he is absolutely perfect.”

His father-in-law Robert smiles had the baby’s name stepping forward he pulls Ron into a hug. Ron has is bewildered look for a moment and says, “I never knew how much the human heart could love until now. It is a wonderful feeling.”

The rest of the fathers chuckle and simultaneously say, “Yes it is.”

We look around the room at each other, and then burst out laughing at ourselves. Ron gets handshakes and hugs as family members congratulate him. The baby brought to the observation window, wrapped in a blue blanket and placed in a bassinet. Reese will be going back to one of the rooms shortly, and Robert John will join her there.

Kara heard the commotion and sent Cindy to find out what is going on. Ron scoops her up and says, you have a new baby cousin Robert John Davis. Cindy hugs him gives him a big kiss and Ron sets her down, she rapidly disappears into the bathroom. Only a second later Kara is on her way to Ron to congratulate him. A few moments later Kathryn hands me Amanda, and she goes to run giving him a hug and congratulate him.

Amanda on my shoulder burps loudly. Wiggles a bit, and then drapes herself against my shoulder, as I gently rub circles across her back. The baby is asleep in moments. Ron chuckle softly and asks, “Can you teach me how to do that?”

I shake my head yes, although I feel Ron probably already knows it is just that he is a bit insecure, just as I felt on the day Amanda was born. Daniel has the same look, and I give him a nod as well.

Charles chuckles and says, “It looks like these young men forgot we gone through this too.”

I chuckle and say, “No I have not, I am planning on asking you and Dad to help me with Ron and Daniel.”

George chuckles, “While you are at it, I will need a refresher course too.”

Several of our wife’s giggle, Kathryn says, “I bet they do not make it through the afternoon.”

I step close to my wife, I am unable to let go of Amanda at this moment so I make the best contact I can allowing my hip to push against her gently. Mentally I ask, (can you hear me?)

Kathryn giggles in her mind, (yes, what did you have on your mind?)

Mentally I ask (what is the bet for?)

Kathryn flashes a mental image of me licking her, and then she is in a doggy style position as I pleasure her repeatedly.

With a mental chuckle I flash an image, of Kathryn given me a blowjob, followed by her on top writing me until I have another orgasm. Mentally I say, (That is what I want if I win.)

Kathryn giggles, looking up at me she thinks, (I do not think I will lose either way.)

I kiss Kathryn to seal the bet.

They only let a few family members at a time to visit Reese when she is in her room. When I finally do get to visit, Reese is nursing Robert John. Although she cannot jump up and give me a kiss, I see the joy in her eyes at my presence.

I smile is a grinning Ron as Robert John holds to his little finger, the baby’s hand barely wrapped around his father’s pinky. Smiling I say, “Take lots of pictures, they grow so fast during these months. Amanda’s hand are ready can go around two fingers.”

Chuckling Ron says, “I know, thanks for letting me hold my goddaughter. JJ, would you be willing to be Robert John’s godfather?”

In a soft voice not to disturb the baby I say excitedly, “I would love to be.”

Reese smiles and says, “It settled then, you and Kathryn are to be the godparents. In three days we will have a christening.”

The next three days went by exceedingly fast, I swear I let Amanda down on the floor and she moved when I was not looking. I am not sure if she was crawling, scooted, or rolled and set backup but she definitely was not in the same location I set her down. That was the first time, and I missed it. I was determined not to miss the next time Amanda moved on her own. At three months that is rather fast for a baby to begin to move, but not unheard of happening.

I know she has already started to roll when in her crib, that something we even have video of Amanda rolling around the crib. We have to be very careful, we cannot leave her on the bed, or a couch without someone there for fear she will roll off.

Robert’s christening goes well, and Kathryn and I do our parts as godparents. The entire family is there, including Rick Denton, he had us dropped the major because he is retired now.

Then we all went to lunch afterwards at Bobby’s and Mary’s restaurant now gets crowded every time the family shows up. I notice a new item on the menu, Alyssa’s meatloaf, apparently Alyssa and Mary exchange recipes. I just have to order that, it is excellent like most of Mary’s cooking, but I still swear Alyssa’s meatloaf is better.

Leave a two hundred dollar tip for Debs after the end of the meal. I pay the check before we head home.

Kathryn runs the class for that afternoon as I take care of Amanda. Cindy, Sam and Crystal are working on their home school, they should just be finishing third grade shortly. The Coaches judging their physical education portion, Amanda sitting on my lap watching the girls swim, Crystal and Sam barely trail Cindy as they race through twenty-five laps.

Sam is taking her time; I think she has giving Cindy the win. It is not that Sam pities Cindy is that she loves her and wants her to feel better. Losing a race occasionally is not a bad thing if you push your opponent to their limit, making them search for new strength within themselves. Sam is not exactly swimming at the top of her game, and Dad knows it, the smile he gives me tells me he and Sam are working together. Cindy’s victory will be a very close one, she and Crystal are neck and neck and Sam is only a tenth of a second behind, I notice Crystal messes up on the last flip turn, giving Cindy the lead. Sam purposely missed the last flip turn to turning too early.

Cindy wins with the second faster than Sam, and eight tenths of a second faster than Crystal. She beams went handed the first place trophy of the three small trophies Dad had gotten them. Some kids would tease the others for losing, but I think Cindy had been there herself. She hugs Sam and Crystal. She gets a hug from her grandfather as well.

Crystal runs off the show her second-place trophy to her Mom. Has Sam comes and sets on my lap as Amanda sleeps in her stroller. I ask, “You not feeling well today?”

She looks into my face and asks, “Daddy is it wrong that I did not swim as fast as I could?”

I smile and hug her and I say, “Sometimes winning means you come in last place. You made Cindy and Crystal work hard, and you gave them an incentive to keep on working. If you won every single time, do you think they would keep racing you? I am not even sure they would even try after a while. This way you can beat them in the rematch, just do not do it too badly.”

Sam giggles and says, “Daddy you want to race?”

I smile and say, “Okay, but tomorrow morning. That way you can tell the girls you think you are having an off day. You know I do not mind losing to you. I am very proud each and every time you have to work hard to win.”

Sam looks at me suspiciously and ask, “Daddy did you ever let me win?”

I smile at Sam and say, “Maybe once or twice when you just started, but I have not let you win in six months. Now you know what I meant, I made you work hard so you never had it easy. Now, I could not win a race with you if you gave me a full lap head start.”

Sam smiles and says, “Oh, I see winning is fun, because it was fun I worked harder. You think Cindy and Crystal are going to work harder?”

Giving her a kiss on the forehead I say, “I think they feel good about themselves now, sometimes they need that, sometimes you need that. I know you can help them do better. Do you think your sister will love you for it?”

Sam gives me a giggle and says, “Crystal and Cindy love me now, but I think they know I kept missing the flip turns.”

Petting on her I say, “You can always tell them that you are having an off day, when you miss the first you try too hard and kept missing them afterwards. That happens to many people. Sometimes when you try, too hard you will make more mistakes. That is part of life, to learn to deal with the mistakes.”

Sam asks, “If I did not lose on purpose would you still be proud of me?”

Pulling Sam back to my chest I say, “Win or lose Sam I will always be proud to be your Dad. I cannot waterski, are you still proud of me?”

Sam giggles and looks at me she says, “I am still proud of you Daddy. Even if you really funny when you try to waterski.”

I tell Sam, “Nobody’s perfect at everything, nobody is perfect every day even at things they are good at. It does not mean if you have a bad day I will stop being proud of you. I will let you in on a little secret, you swim faster than most ten-year-olds, and Cindy and Crystal do too. If the three if you keep swimming and keep getting better, it would not surprise me to see the three if you on the US Olympic team. However that will be when you get old, like fourteen or sixteen years old.”

Sam giggles and says, “Mommy’s only fourteen. She is not old, silly Daddy.”

I said, “You are only four and five sixth. Sometimes I swear, your ten years older than that, if I close my eyes, you could fool me.”

Sam giggles, gives me a big hug and a quick peck before she runs off. I am not sure if she had a bad day, or just a bad meet, or she threw the match at her grandfather’s request. I do not really care, I love her and still proud to be her Daddy. That is what I want her to know.

I remember seeing Sam watching a commercial, her Crystal and Cindy pointed they laughed at the commercial; two girls were riding in an electric toy car. I am sure that something that the girls would love. I should talk to Kara and Daniel. I would love to get one for Sam and Crystal but would not want Cindy and Anna or Rosie to feel left out of the fun. The five girls hang out at the Playhouse all the time together; they should be leaving shortly to spend time together. It is usually this time in the afternoon, unless Anna is in town. That reminds me, it is my turn to make cookies for the girls.

The three girls come in; Sam and Crystal are dressed in their play clothes, just an older pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I asked the girls what type of cookies they want, Sam and Crystal look at each other before Crystal says, “Chocolate, chocolate chip they are Cindy’s favorite.”

Cindy’s eyes light up and she hugs Crystal then Sam. The three giggle, as they get the mixing bowl and start bringing me the ingredients. If they want cookies, they get to help make them. I do not want my girls to be helpless, having someone else do everything for them.

I do not think that is a good way to live, being very dependent on someone else to do the simplest things for you. Everyone in the family could afford to have that lifestyle, we just choose not to. I am sure if we ran across someone desperately in need of a job we could put them to work. However, I still would insist that the girls do something, help in some manner like rinsing the dishes and loading the dishwasher. You never know, money may not last forever.

I am glad Kathryn has the recipe, and it is not too difficult. The girls are used to helping. They do not try to do the dangerous things. They do love to stir the cookies, although I do use the mixer when needed. Amanda begins to cry, I shudder realize she is hungry. I warm a bottle for her, even though she tries she cannot hold her own bottle yet, but give her a couple more weeks. Fortunately, the cookies are at a step, where the girls could handle their preparation for now.

Kathryn comes into the kitchen, glances around and sees me feeding Amanda as I watch the girls. They are putting the dough onto cookie sheets, not very evenly but it is there cookies. It is something they can experiment with the process of making cookies.

Kathryn sits down beside me, puts her hand over my neck as she leans into me. I hear her inner voice question me, (You got everything under control? I mean, if you need any help I am always here.)

I chuckle in my mind, my inner voice says to Kathryn, (you just trying to win the bet. The truth of the matter is right now, I would not mind letting you. Just so, I can pay up, but it is my day to be with the girls.)

Sam giggles and says, “Mommy and Daddy are thinking to each other again.”

The three girls giggle, and Sam says, “We can tell by the way you look at each other.”

I smile and say, “You know I can tell certain things about you three. Like if, you are hungry, and what you would want to eat sometimes. Like right now, Sam and Crystal wants grilled cheese, but Cindy you would rather have a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich.”

The girls all have shocked expressions, and Kathryn and I giggle. Before I say, “It is called empathetic or telepathic, I can feel your emotions, maybe even your surface thoughts when I said you are hungry, and the images of what you wanted come forward in your mind.”

The girls are still a little shocked, and Kathryn says, “It is because we love you so much. It lets us know what we need to do for you. Cindy, your Daddy is learning how to use it to, that is why he is having your Mama’s cravings. It will not be too long, before he learns to do the same with you.”

Sensing the girls’ apprehension I say, “It does not really mean I can read your mind, I could not tell you what you are thinking right now. I can feel your emotions. I do not think it is anything to be afraid of; it is not as if it is going to harm you. It is just a neat trick, which your Mom and I can do.”

The three girls huddled together whispering, and one of them keeps looking at us, Kathryn and I giggle as they plot. We know they are going to try to test us. So far, all three have changed what they want for lunch. Sam was thinking she wants a purple cow to drink. I do not have a clue what that is, glancing at Kathryn I see she does not either. I ask Sam, “Sam, what is a purple cow?”

Sam has a look of surprise, and her mind flashes it’s a half glass of milk with half glass of grape juice. She has not had one since her mother left. Her mother would do that to get her to drink her milk, something Sam did not have too much of a taste for back then. I chuckle and say, “What does that taste like, half milk and half grape juice?”

Sam walks right up to me stares into my eyes, I get the impression she is trying to ask something just using her mind. I reach out and take her hand, as with Kathryn the volume of her inner voice comes in much clear and is no longer whisper buried in a noisy room. My inner voice says, (ask again.)

Sam’s inner voice questions, (can you hear all my thoughts?)

I answer aloud, “If I hold your hand, and you want me to, otherwise it is like catching a whisper on a breeze. Sometimes you can understand, sometimes not. Nevertheless, when I hold your hand, and you want me to hear you I can.”

She lets go of my hand and takes a hold of her Mom’s hand. Kathryn smiles and says, “of course, I love you. If I did not, do you think I could do this?”

Sam’s eyes widened the next thing I know Sam is holding her close crying. Sam finally says, “I saw your memory the first time you saw me. You loved me right then.”

Crystal comes into my lap and we slide Amanda into her lap, leaning against my chest her inner voice ask, (when you first saw me did you love me too?)

I share the memories of the first time I met her with Crystal. Including the conversation I had with Kathryn, Crystal’s eyes begin to water although she has a bright smile. She kisses me and says, “Thank you Daddy, I love you so much.”

“I love you too Crystal. Do not feel left out Cindy, I love you too and I had since the first time I met you too. I just knew that you belong with Daniel and Kara. I get to be your uncle for the rest of your life, remember?”

Cindy moves to me hugs me the best she can because I still hold Crystal and Amanda as she feeds, “Thank you Uncle JJ. I love you too.”


2018-12-07 02:35:07
Okay this my third time reading this story. I feel that this could be a 2 to 4 book series. It had me laughing, it had me crying, and it also had wishing for more. Please add more chapters or tell the next stories of this.


2018-01-29 15:03:53
this is unfair to us readers who have been left hanging expectinģ this to continus. should havs at least 2 more chapters, if not more, to bring to a conclusion.


2017-05-21 23:37:24
I just love your stories, are you going to continue any of the ones that you stopped on years ago? I would love more chapters of "The Ten Of Them"
To me, it just seemed to be hanging in mid story, like you had several more chapters that you were going to add.

Thanks for what you have done, I love them and have already read then 2 of 3 times each.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-17 20:48:54
Please continue

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-18 13:35:30
A great story, but a shame it stops here. i had thought that the same story published on amazon would have the rest of the story but unfortunately having bought it for a couple of £ i have found it ends in the same place. so dont waste your money on it

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