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crusher gets jiggy in the holodeck
"........All's quiet tonight, Doctor Crusher."
said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I
can't remember the last time I went through a whole
shift without someone reporting to sickbay for
something or other."
"It must be your Irish luck, Morgan."
Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming
from her com-badge. "But if anything changes,
don't hesitate to call."
"Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied.
"There's little short of a major disaster that we can't
handle by ourselves. You've got us too well trained.
Enjoy your night off. "
"OK, Crusher out." She responded as she
tapped her com-badge to end the transmission.
"Damn," She said to her self as she leaned
back into the chair and closed her eyes. "The crew
would have to pick this night to be extraordinary
Sleep was out of the question, just as it had
been for the last two nights. Work was her only
chance to escape the dreams. She almost wished
for the proverbial "disaster" that would give her
something to do.
As it had for the last few nights, her mind
turned to the holodeck programming packet locked
in her desk. It would be so easy to remove it and
transfer it to the main holodeck. In the six months
since she had created the packet, she had even tried
it. If it had been such a mistake, then why had she
even created it. Why didn't she simply just erase it?
"I wish Deanna were here." She said to
herself. "I could use someone to talk to. She would
pick now to attend that conference on Rigel."
Who else could she talk to?
absolutely not. There was no one else she was really
close enough to talk to - at least not about this.
Unlocking her desk, she withdrew the
computer programming module and held it in her
hand. Even if someone else were to find it, it would
take the voice authorization of the CMO to access
the program. Maybe she should run the program,
after all, wasn't that what the holodeck was for.
Living out one's fantasies.
"Computer," She said, again tapping her
com-badge. "Location of Cadet Wesley Crusher?"
"Cadet Crusher is in main engineering..."
said the artificial female voice.
"Good, he'll be down there for hours."
Beverly said to herself as she ran her fingers across
the module. "Maybe it time I used this."
It had been the return of her son, Welsey, on
leave from Starfleet Academy, that had triggered the
return of the dreams. She had created the holodeck
fantasy soon after he had left for Earth. Lacking the
nerve to actually use it, she had simply locked it
Wesley had changed a great deal in a short
span of time. Her forbidden longings for her son
returned with a vengeance soon after he beamed
aboard. Now at 17, Wesley was almost the image of
her husband, Jack - dead all these many years.
From her medical training, Beverly knew
other women had these fantasies. In fact she knew
of a few cultures where having a son for a lover was
not out of the norm. A son would take his father's
place in every way, including in his mother's bed.
Determined, Beverly placed the module in
the open slot on her console and activated the
"Computer," She said, "Transfer holodeck
program Crusher Alpha One to Holodeck Four,
accessible only by voice authorization of the Chief
Medical Officer - code Alpha Five Two Five."
"Completed....." replied the voice of the
A wide smile crossed Beverly's face as she
rose from her desk and headed for the door. Now
that she had made the decision, she couldn't wait to
live out her fantasy.

Exiting the turbolift on deck five, Beverly
briskly walked down the corridor, acknowledging
the hello of a few crewmen with a polite nod. She
didn't want to stop and get involved in a
conversation now. In no time she stood at the doors
of Holodeck Four. She took a deep breath, then
activated the Holodeck's imaging system.
"Computer, run program Beverly Alpha
One." She said. "Lock out all external monitoring
and access.....Authorization Crusher Nine Nine
"Program engaged, all external monitoring
and access locked out." Replied the Computer.
"You may enter when ready."
Straightening her shoulders, Beverly stepped
between the sliding door.......and into her own

It always amazed her, the detail the
computer put into the holodeck images. If she didn't
know better, she would swear she was actually in
sickbay. Her program provided the location and
participants in her fantasy, but unlike a scripted play,
the computer controlled the sequence of events. It
was more fun that way, more real. The idea of not
knowing what would come next made it all the more
From behind her, Beverly heard the sickbay
door open and felt a new presence in the room.
Turning she faced the holodeck created image of her
"Wes, you're back early?" She said,
remembering the background information she had
programmed into the module. "What happened to
your date with Ensign Carson?"
"I canceled it." Wes replied as he walked
across the room. "I thought it would e more fun to
spend the evening with you."
"Then I'd better get you onto one of the
diagnostic tables," Beverly answered as she
motioned to the bed next to her. "You must have a
fever if you'd pass up a date with a pretty ensign in
favor of spending a night with your old Mom.."
"You're fall from old, Mom." Wesley
laughed as he moved over and lifted himself atop the
bed beside Beverly. "In fact I know a lot of women
who wished they looked as good as you."
Beverly laughed, starting to loose herself in
the fantasy.
"I though Deanna Troi was your idea, Wes."
I know you've spent enough time dreaming about
"Deanna's fine, Mom, but she can't compare
with you."
"You can't tell me that if you had the chance,
you'd pick me over Deanna?" Beverly asked ,
feeling a warm tingle throughout her body as she felt
Wesley's eyes covering her body.
"I can do more than tell you...." Wesley said
as he leaned forward and kissed Beverly.
She was taken aback for a moment as she
felt his lips press against her. Her dreams now had
the reality of the holodeck - a reality that was all too
"Wes....." She exclaimed, a hesitation in her
voice." "I'm your Mother."
"You're also a woman...." Wesley replied as
he dropped off the edge of the bed and stroked her
arms. "Can you tell me you don't want it as much as
I do?"
"........No.......I can't....." Beverly admitted,
giving in totally to the fantasy.
With that, Wesley kissed her again, this time
harder. She felt his tongue against her lips and
opened to admit it. Strong young hands cupped her
breasts, rubbing the now erect nipples through the
blue material. Beverly could feel his warm breath on
her neck as he kissed his way down to it. Then he
reached behind her and undid the seam the held her
uniform together.
As Wesley gripped a handful of material in
each hand, he suddenly ripped it forward, tearing
apart the top of Beverly's uniform. Suddenly
released from the confines of the jumpsuit, her
breasts popped free. Wes smiled in appreciation at
his Mother's breasts, for a woman her age they were
still in fine form. Chalk up another one for Starfleet
physical training.
The young Cadet quickly moved his mouth
to the closest breast, kissing the nipple. His hand
closed around it and helped guide it into his mouth.
Beverly sighed as she felt Wesley's mouth closed
around her aureole and his teeth gently teased her
nipple. She could feel the strength in his arms and
wanted to surrender to him totally.
Still playing with the first breast, Wesley
moved his mouth to the second, repeating his
attentions to it's twin. He alternated between little
kisses and bites, just enough pain and pleasure to
send electric surges through Beverly's body.
As her son suckled at her breasts, Beverly
reached down and paced her hand on the hard
mound between his legs. Even covered by the
uniform material she could feel the outline of his
hardness. She hadn't seen her son naked since he
was a boy, having always let one of the other
doctors give him his physical. But from the length
of the outline she traced with her fingers, there was
one more thing he had inherited from his father.
Smiling as his Mother cupped his balls,
Wesley stepped back and began to strip, giving the
Doctor time to rid herself of the rest of her uniform.
She left only the thin blue panties, wanting to give
Wes the pleasure of taking them off.
Wesley on the other hand wasted no time in
ridding himself of all his clothing. Standing naked
before her, he gently stroked his hard seven inches
as it pointed to the ceiling. Beverly was pleased that
her initial assessment had been correct.
In a moment, Beverly was on her knees and
quickly took Wesley into her mouth. As she felt his
hardness slide along her tongue, she savored the
maleness which assaulted her nostrils. With quick
motions, she covered her son's cock with a slippery
coating of saliva, licking the sides as she ran her
tongue up and down its length. After a few minutes
she was rewarded with a drop of precious precum
which appeared on the tip. Reaching out with the
edge of her tongue, she slowly licked it clean.
Still stroking his erect member with her
fingers, she turned her tongue to his balls. As with
the rest of his body, they were almost hairless.
Taking each globe in her mouth in turn, she sucked
them as if they were candy.
Then the Doctor continued between his legs
and moved her head up between the cheeks of his
ass. Spreading the fleshy mounds with her hands,
she reached inward with her tongue and caressed his
anal entry. She felt him jump with excitement as she
penetrated him with her tongue. One hand reached
back in front as she continued to stroke his cock.
Timing both her tongue's thrusts with the motions of
her hand, she sent a double spark across the boys
Moving her free hand down to between her
own legs, Beverly found herself incredibly wet.
With no effort she slid two fingers within herself and
proceeded to masturbate. Even so she never
skipped a beat as she continued to play with both his
cock and ass.
Wesley then reached down and picked
Beverly up off the floor, placing her on top of the
examination table. Spreading her legs, he quickly
replaced her fingers with his tongue. A small layer
of girlcum already coated the red haired mound and
Wes quickly licked it clean. Beverly fingered her clit
as Wes continued to lick away at the center of her
sexuality, replacing the girljuice he had licked away
with a fresh coat. Beverly was lost in ecstacy as she
watched her son, or at least a computer created
double go down on her. Never in all those
forbidden dreams had she ever imagined it would
feel this good.
"Oh God, Wesley!" She cried out as his
tongue found a particularly sensitive spot. "Lick
it.....Lick your Mother's pussy!"
Ten minutes passed as he did just that. Wave
upon wave of girlcum erupted from Beverly,
covering Wesley's face. Each new surge only drove
him harder, determined to induce another eruption.
"I can't wait any more...." Beverly yelled as
she held his head tight between her legs. "I need
you inside me.......Now!"
With that, Wesley stood up and flipped
Beverly onto her stomach across the diagnostic bed.
Spreading her legs as wide as he could, his guided
his rock hard cock to the tunnel entrance he had
emerged from seventeen years before. In one quick
motion he slid it inside, until his balls slapped against
Beverly's ass. Heavily lubricated by the earlier
streams of girljuice, Beverly's tunnel offered no
resistance as he withdrew and then returned with
twice the force.
Wes took a firm grip on Beverly's pelvis and
repeated his withdrawal/reentry again and again.
Each time his thrust carried a little more strength,
each time it send another flush of heat throughout
his Mother's body. As Beverly braced herself
against the bed, Wes reached around and played
with Beverly's clit, now that she was no longer able
to do so. Beverly wished she had instructed the
computer to give Wesley an inexhaustible stamina,
so that the pounding could go on for hours. But
since she hadn't, she knew her neo-son had to be
near climax.
She felt his body start to stiffen and she
quickly pulled her self from him and spun around.
Before the first spurts of boy cum could shoot
forward, she was again on her knees and licking the
head of his cock. As what seemed like pints of
white boyjuice erupted from Wesley, Beverly caught
it all with her face and hungry tongue. Finally the
torrid abated and only a drop remained at the tip of
his cock. Reaching out with her tongue, Beverly
licked that away also.
Sitting naked on the floor, her face still
covered with cum, Beverly was greatly satisfied. It
had only been a computer simulation, but it was as
close to the real thing as she would ever have the
courage to try. She gazed up at the now motionless
nude Wesley. If she ever wanted to use this
program again, and she was sure she would. She
was going to have to see about giving the Wesley
hologram more personality. But for now, a hot
shower seemed to be the first priority.
"Computer......end program." She called out
as she stood and wiped her face with the remnants
of her uniform.
Her fantasy sickbay faded to the nothingness
it had emerged from, to be replaced by the familiar
yellow and black grid pattern. It was a few seconds
before Beverly realized she wasn't alone. The
Wesley hologram was still there.
"Wesley?" She asked in a quiet confused
"Er......Hi Mom." replied the naked cadet.
"Oh God, Wesley....." Beverly gasped as she
realized that it had been Wesley all along. "How
could did you....?"
"It wasn't too hard," He began. "Back when
Captain Picard had Geordie put those safety locks
on the holosystem so that only a senior officer could
authorize the use of a crewman's image, I helped
Geordie with the project. I put a sub-routine into
the system that would notify me if anyone tried to
use my image. I never imagined it would be you or
for this."
"But all the security locks, my personal code.
How did you get past them?"
"Crusher Delta One Five......remember. The
emergency override code you gave me in case of
disaster. You never changed it after I left for the
"But why?" She finally asked. "Why did you
do it?"
Wesley smiled and reached out and took his
Mother's hand.
"Because you're not the only Crusher with
this fantasy." He said softly. "Because I wanted
you as much as you wanted me."
"Oh Wes...." She said as she embraced him.
"I love you so."
"If you want, I'll punch up that program
before I go back to the Academy." He said as he
returned the embrace. "It needs a lot of work."
Beverly didn't answer, she just held his naked
body tightly against her own.
"But first, how bout we head back to our
quarters and do a little more research, just so I know
exactly what to add onto the program."
Beverly looked up at him and smiled. Then
she pulled him close and kissed him.
"Well, when could I ever stand in the way of
your research?" She asked, a gleam in her eye.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-01-12 08:43:24
excellent! i love it, do more , do more !


2006-08-24 00:40:45
very good! as for the "pitchforks n torches", more likely daktarg's n toy phasers...


2005-12-25 11:24:27
cool!well done.
and as a long-time trekkie,ican tellyou that you've got nothing to worry about!


2005-09-14 16:54:54
Definately work on the format. A good story though. You need to be careful when you play around with pre existing charecters, there is a danger that your audiance will come after you with pitchforks and torches if they feel the beloved fantasy has been compromised. Keep writing.


2005-09-13 16:30:09
reformat this one. too vertical. it's like reading bad poetry. another one that's been floating about the web, now added to the mighty, mighty files of xnxx.

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