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Adventures of the girl will continue
Brief summary of first two parts:
After agreement with mother of the poor family I had possibility to do some public nudity and other activities with two girls. One of them, 13 yo Amanda had also sex desire and we arranged, that she will move to my apartment in the capital of our country and will start to study in new school. She advanced well in school and mother was satisfied with my efforts, nobody was angry, that I lived with underage girl, but then suddenly appeared, I can't match her sex demands, I was simply tired to have sex several times in a day. Amanda met my friend Rein, who visited me and she was walking naked at home as usually. I was relieved, that now she also had sex with Rein, but then suddenly Amanda wanted to participate in gangbang. I was strongly against her will, but Rein arranged 28 men for her and gangbang took place. Amanda was very happy and did all well, men also were satisfied. Surprisely even without wiping cum from her face she went outside -10 temperature and walked there almost two hours, before we returned together.

When we returned to the gym, all men were already left, except Rein who waited us, because he had to lock the gym door. Amanda now quickly dressed and she was still in very good mood. Rein was surprised and said to Amanda. „I talked here with all men, who participated in gangbang. They praised you very much and we thought about giving a prize for you. I gathered 640 euros – everybody gave as much as he decided and here are your money,“ said Rein.

Amanda was a little bit upset: „I didn't this for money. I had much fun and I am really happy, that you all gave me such a opportunity to have much good sex.“
Rein quickly explained: „Take this money not like salary, but like reward. You didn't really this for money, after all, we had no agreement. But this was a way, how men wanted to thank you.“
Finally Amanda accepted the money and we left. She said in car: „Please, give half of this reward to my mother, they need money more than me. And don't say anything, that I earned these euros.“

Now matter was disclosed, but more I was interested, how she felt after gangbang and wild bukkake and why she left for two hours outside into snow and coldness.
„You know, I felt overheated after having this long sex. This ended so suddenly, that I was still involved. I had high emotions and really was ready to have more sex. I had to cool down, but then outside I realized, that cold does not affect me. It means, I felt that cold outside, but it did not impact my body,” explained Amanda very confusedly.
“You were still warm?” I asked.
“Yes. And it was really strange feeling. When I walked in the snow, I got one more orgasm without exciting myself. You know, I even squirted. Heat wave went through my body and no cold at all! Then you came, we had one more time sex, but nothing changed. I was still overheated. Only last 15-20 minutes of this walk I slightly felt the freezing, but it was OK,” she explained.

Also Amanda had extraordinary impressions about gangbang. “That was interesting, but no more to say,” she said calmly. “I was watching all these man trying to give their best, but many of them actually failed. Some of them were very nervous, even seemed that they did not know how to have sex with such overexcitement. I tried to help them and succeeded in some cases. Some fun was to feel different cocks in a row! Some of them had rough cocks, some had long and also they used a different techniques. If you can fuck many people in the row, it is more pleasant, then have sex only with one certain person. I never bored, but 28 men was simply not enough, considering that they all were not skilful,” told Amanda.

Again I was stunned, how normally she explained such an extraordinary thing like gangbang. Having sex with 28 adult men in a row was not a real challenge for 13 yo Amanda. She was by far better than most of these man. “Losers,” she characterized some of her sex partners. “Bukkake at the end was quite poor, many of them were not able to cum properly. My face was even not totally covered in semen, like I saw in some pictures.”

“What are you talking about? I saw, you had much cum on your face and body.”
“Of course, but again not enough. I was really ready for wilder sex and stronger loads,” said Amanda.
“And you were not tired at all?”
“I can compare this gangbang like the slow pace running. I did not even make an effort,” sighed Amanda, but added quickly. “I don't complain, generally that was positive thing and I hope, I gave my best.”
“Poor Amanda, you felt cheated!” I laughed. For me it was even funny, that she expected much more.
“Yes, a little bit. I have seen these all porn star men and they are surely capable and powerful. To have about 60-70 this kind of men in the row can be a real pleasure,” said Amanda. “And that's why I accepted Rein's cash, because they were so poor.”

“I only have to ask the last question: I saw you during the action and you seemed to be very active and even ecstatic at the end, and now I realize, you even not enjoyed entirely?”
“Of course, I had to be active and ecstatic, because I tried to perform my part as best as I can. You have had much sex with me – have I ever been tired or did sex by half strength? Never! Sex is one of the important things, if not the most important thing in the life and you have to be good!!” replied Amanda.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

I understood, that Amanda wanted to try longer and stronger gangbang, but I still was against. In my opinion that was ridiculous, that such a young girl wanted so much extreme sex. At the same time I felt that I should still find these 70 strong men who fuck her violently and provide a real challenge for Amanda.

But before I actually thought about other thing. Amanda walked after gangbang almost two hours barefooted and naked in snow, I had a idea to repeat this in public. One of my friends was organizer of the funny ski race. It was a 16 km competition, because they also took the time and gave prizes for the quickest skiers, but also a carnival, where much competitors underwent the distance in weird costumes. Rabbits, chickens, bears and other animal costumes, clowns or harlequins, representatives of the different professions etc.

Two years ago I also saw a woman in fur costume, on which was drawn naked body. This was like reverse to the bodypainting. If bodypainting gives the impression that the person is dressed, but actually naked, then now this woman gave the impression, that she was naked, but actually dressed. I also knew, that some running competitions allow naked participants, like Bay to Breakers run in San Francisco and now I came to the idea, that Amanda can participate naked in this ski race if allowed.

I called to my friend and asked about possibility to sign up a naked participant for his ski race. “Hollallaaa!” he reacted to my proposal. “Yeah, it is possible, we have carnival, but how you imagine, this is not a running in summer, but ski race in winter. Our event take place on 9th February, cold weather is predicted. It would be fun, but who is capable of such a weather to ski nude about one and a half hours?”

“Amanda is able to complete this race nude, I am sure,” I convinced him.
“Who is Amanda? Your wife?”
“No, she is a girl. Only 13, but strong and confident, never afraid public nudity. When she gets excited, she don't feel the cold.”
“OK, you can sign up her as a participant, but I will ask other organizers about this. When they refused, then she can ski, but dressed and use some other funny costume,” said my friend.

Amanda quickly agreed to participate in ski race naked, obviously she was very happy for this opportunity, like every time, when some activity was related to sex or nudity. Week before the race we did a test in forest. Amanda left from the car naked and ran quickly away. Only 4 degrees below zero was not a cold weather for our winter, but after 10 minutes I saw Amanda coming back. “I can't,” she said. “I feel strong cold.” She was shivering and her lips were quite purple. We return to the car, her walk-run lasted only 17 minutes.
“Don't worry,” said Amanda suddenly. “I am sure, that in actual race I can withstand. More people means more excitement, this feeling will heat me.”

Then my friend also called and gave the green light for Amanda's naked outfit. “We discussed a matter and came to the conclusion, that naked girl increase the popularity of our competition. We don't care, that she is too young – carnival is carnival,” said my friend.
1652 skiers were recorded for ski race, Amanda had number 1011, what she tied on the arm. At 10 a.m weather was very cold, even minus 19 degrees. But “only” -8-10 was predicted for the day, which was sunny and not windy. Amanda was not concerned about cold and much people seeing her naked. As I have said earlier, being naked in public didn't bother her. She was only a little bit worried about proper ski wax. “I want skis to slip well!” she said.

10 minutes before start Amanda put her boots and skis on and left parking lot. She showed a number to the start control and find her place in the right row. All eyes turned towards Amanda. Funny man in yellow chicken costume and spider man had forgotten. “Wow, she is really nude, that is not a costume!” shouted one schoolboy. He was astonished to saw same age beautiful girl naked.
Because this was carnival, nobody said some angry words to Amanda. All other participants near her were very kind and favourable. “It is good idea to come naked, but can you really ride a whole distance? It is so cold!” asked one man. “I will try!” said Amanda and smiled.
“What a courage!” wondered one woman. “To ski in the freezing weather is tough, but especially worthy is, that you're not afraid to show yourself naked to others.”

I was really surprised by the reaction of the people. If naked appearance was allowed, then nobody talked about shame or improper conduct. Amanda got only positive attention. The most incredible was one woman talking to her 12yo daughter: “You look, how confident girl and also beautiful in her naked outfit!” Then she turned to Amanda and said: “You really chose the right costume, you look gorgeous. I'd want my daughter to have the same courage. I hope only, that you will not freeze.”
And even one older woman showed to Amanda thumb up and said: “Good luck to you!” And then she told to her husband: “I would not have believed that anyone dares to come naked, and yet so little girl! Amazing idea but only for young and pretty!”

Then race started and Amanda tried not to think about the whole situation and skied very strongly. Those who skied close to Amanda could watch in amazement how naked girl sweated. Amanda may have started too fast, because she felt some fatique after 3-4 kilometres. Then she find a proper rhythm again. After 5,5 kilometres hot drinks were offered to the competitors. Amanda was welcomed with applause. She quickly drank some tea and continued the race. “I said to you, that naked girl is participating, and that's true,” said one woman to another. “Hey! You go, girl!” she yelled. Because Amanda knew the right time to take the pace off, she was now stronger and started to pass other skiers at the end of the race. All they got to see a naked ass in front of them pushing towards finish. Amanda completed the race in 1 hour 26 minutes and 12 seconds, it was much faster than I expected. I didn't know, she was such a good athlete. “And now finishing Amanda xxxxxx, the naked girl!” informed the announcer.

I was a little bit worried, that they called Amanda's full name. Somebody familiar to her could be here. But that was not all. Now photographers and journalists surrounded Amanda. Even though I hoped, that they should not be put in the newspaper naked (no way full frontal!) picture, it was still alarming.

Local newspaper wanted interview. “I believe that you will want to go somewhere warm, if we can get out there to talk in the cab,” asked reporter. Amanda, however, surprised him: "Oh, I need still time to cool down, still better to talk right here.” (Later I will introduce to you the full article, written by this man).
Amanda spend about 10 minutes in finish area, getting full attention. She again drank hot tea and answered to questions. Then announcer informed, that Amanda received third place in the under 14 age girls. “We ask that you wait for award ceremony,” said official to Amanda.

Amanda then shocked all spectators and other competitors completely. She took skis, socks and boots off and stayed standing barefoot among the crowd and patiently waited a ceremony. “Girl is a real hero!” said one man. “Don't worry, I am not freezed yet,” said Amanda.
“You want to get award naked as you competed?” asked one of the organizers.
“I just did not want to get dressed yet. If you do not mind, I will come naked to the ceremony?”
“Of course,” said organizer. “However, note that it will last a long time. Youth awards will be given at the end of the ceremony.”

Curious people still surrounded Amanda. She received all praise. “You are so strong!” wondered one woman. “Such a girl should be a role model. She skied naked and also will take award naked.”
Amanda had to wait about 15 minutes, then three best of the U14 girls got award. Photographers again took many pictures. Amanda was awarded an alarm clock, the first girl got coffeemaker.

Only then Amanda took her skies and boots and returned to the car. People waved to her. “What success you had!” I said to Amanda, when she sat in the car. “All were impressed,” said Amanda. “Now you can see that if allowed to come naked, then no one would complain. Mostly they praised my courage – both for naked appearance and cold resistance. My feet were really sore, when I waited award ceremony, but I gave them all, what they liked.
Article was published two days later. Full text will follow.

Naked girl's strong performance wondered competitors in xxxxxxxxx ski race”

xxxxxxx ski race was organized for the sixth time, but undoubtedly this year event was the most wonderful and memorable. Long time our race participants have invented many interesting costumes, because this is not only competition, but also carnival. However, this year young girl named Amanda dared first time to compete naked, what is officially allowed in our race.

All people I asked, were amazed about girl's courage. “Usually girls of her age are very shy, but now one appeared and was not afraid to show naked body over thousand of competitors. Also she very well coped with cold weather, even -19 before the start. The girl rode the whole distance, and then waited another 40 minutes awards, naked and barefooted. I can only say, it was in all respects heroical performance,” said Anne, who finished minutes after Amanda. We can also add, that Amanda was third in her age category, U14 girls.

I took a quick interview with Amanda in the finish area and she was all the time smiling and happy.

You got today an enormous attention. Did you expected this, when you came here?
“Of course I knew, that naked appearance will draw an attention, but I was not sure are people impressed or maybe shocked. Nobody was angry and this was a pleasant surprise.”

How were your feelings during the race? Did you felt some cold or maybe discomfort?
“I can say, that during the race I never felt cold, only 20-25 minutes after finish a little bit, but then awards ceremony started. About discomfort being naked in front of many people, I can only say three words: I don't care. Because nudity was allowed in this carnival competition, I was all the time happy and not worried. Actually I like to be naked in public and also consider it natural. Many times I have been upset, why people consider nakedness like shame or ill-mannered behavior. Today nobody complained and that is, how nakedness have to be treated.”

Your time 1:26.12 was quite good. Have you practised a skiing or maybe you have sporting traditions in your family?
“No, I was skiing a bit some winters ago, but I have not good technique, only strong legs and arms. I do not get tired easily and that's why I can handle many sports.”

How you came up with the idea to participate naked?
“Actually my friend said, that he knows about one skiing competition, where naked appearance is allowed. For me it sounded exciting. I didn't hesitate. If you think, that maybe I was doubtful or not confident, when I arrived here today, then I can certainly say: I enjoyed every moment and I hope that also others had good feelings.

Last question: but if somebody close to you find out about your performance today, will then be some problems?
“I don't think so. I repeat one more time: nudity was allowed. That is enough to explain.”

The winner of the competition, Mati xxxxxx, who completed the distance with time 47.56, said also, that his win is minor happening compared to naked girl's participation. “She was a real hero of this competition. More than two hours outside naked, it requires strong health and courage. I can never withstand naked skiing more than 10-15 minutes,” said xxxxxxxx.
And finally one more opinion of Anne: “She was very cute and gorgeous. Nobody had to ashamed this kind of beautiful body. Girl has every reason to be proud of herself!”
Results of the race you can find in website xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

That was the text. Five photos were added. One of them overall start photo, many people, but no Amanda seen. Second was a little portrait photo of winner. And then three photos of Amanda: first, surrounded by people and talking to one lady, second skiing in distance and third standing podium. In that photo were also added a close-up of Amanda’s bare feet, which were red-purple.
Only podium photo was full frontal, but indistinct and hazy, certainly processed in purpose.

Now we only had to wait, what will happen. Local newspaper was known only in a small area and not sold in other towns.
Will be continued.


2018-07-04 11:34:47
Where is the first two parts

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