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The creation of a king and god
The peal of the massive golden gong reverberated through the entire city, calling all of the citizens to the temple of Tlazolteotl, earthly home of the Goddess Toci. It signaled that a warrior prince had arrived and had declared his intention to bed and thereby wed Toci, becoming Tonatiuh, King of the Sun, King of the Heavens, and Ruler of the World. The people of Tlalmanalc failed to get more than mildly excited of the prospect, for many warrior princes had come to Tlalmanalc previously. All would make a claim as the rightful heir to all the power and trappings the marriage bestowed. All had failed. All had perished. The price of failure was death. In truth, none had come close to bedding Toci. None had proven worthy of the monumental task.
Toci passed the late afternoon listlessly. She had been through this all before too many times, though not so many times of late. Word had spread when so many suitors had perished. Toci had given up hope that a suitable candidate would ever appear. It wasn’t that Toci wasn’t worthy of risking life and limb for. She was that and more. As earthly goddesses go, Toci was a class unto herself. She radiated sensuality. She was constantly preened and beautified by her dozens of female attendants who were each beautiful in their own right. But Toci outshone them all, as the sun outshines the stars in the heavens.
As the golden notes faded in the far reaches of the massive temples of the lesser living gods in the City of the Sun, Toci walked through her temple hallways, refreshed by the cooling breezes that passed into the labyrinth interior of her palace, her prison. Only the wind was allowed to freely enter the temple pyramid from the pillared openings at strategic locations on the mountain of quarried stones. Night was kept at bay with thousands of torches. Day was kept out by thick tapestries. Only the wind could come and go as it pleased. Many times Toci found she was jealous of the breeze and the freedom it had that she did not.
Toci was born a Goddess and a Goddess she would remain until her deflowering. Then she would lose her celestial status and become an earthly Queen, matriarch of the city and the servant of her king. Toci was a worthy prize for any Prince. She was the most beautiful creature on earth. Skin a deep rich bronze, hair as black as ebony. Her eyes were nearly black with flecks of gold, her lips full and redder than blood. At nineteen years old, nearly middle age, her breasts were full and firm and her hips full and inviting. Toci was also tall. Over six feet tall, she stood the height of her bravest warriors, yet she moved with the grace of the jaguar on the prowl and a sweet word from her mouth caused any who heard to instantly do her bidding out of love, not fear. Her touch healed the sick; her smile healed the sick of heart. A kiss on the forehead caused forever loyalty, unbreakable until death.
The day passed into afternoon and the sun faded into the emerald green of the rainforest surrounding the City of the Goddess. Toci had spent little effort thinking that tonight would end any differently than the scores of nights before over the previous four years. Since her fifteenth year, Toci had attended more than a hundred claiming feasts, none ending in satisfaction. So tonight she expected nothing at all to come from the feast.
Evening arrived and preparations continued for the suitor in earnest. The members of the palace staff knew their parts too well. Cushions were arranged, wild boars were roasted, honeyed wine was prepared, and maidens were bathed and perfumed. Honored guests, priests, priestesses, virgins and warriors filled the feasting hall. It had been many months since a wedding feast had been prepared and for everyone save Toci, it was a welcome relief from the tedium of daily palace life. The handmaidens of the Goddess were skittering about making final preparations, all under the watchful eye of Xochipilli, High Priest and Regent in the City of Tlalmanalc. Their numbers contained more than a few hopeful hearts that tonight would be the night! After all, when Toci wed, they too would be free to wed and feel the heat of a man between their legs as they took their places at court as princesses.

Unknown to Toci, Xochipilli was working against her suitor in order to retain his own place as high priest and regent. Xochi secured their failures by mixing certain powders into the wild honey wine of the bride and groom. After a dose of these powders, no man could achieve tumescence, let alone complete copulation. For to win the hand of Toci, not only would the hopeful suitor need to complete the sex act, he must also make the Goddess beg for mercy and release. To make it plain, he must fuck her into submission and bend the Goddess to his will, claiming his rightful place as her Lord and Master. These powders, ground from the dried sexual parts of many rare flowers, made it impossible for any suitor to succeed.
At the appropriate hour, Toci entered the Great Hall of Feasts and took her seat on the cushions in the place of honor. Had she cared to recall the previous times she had partaken of this ceremony, she might have despaired at the one hundred five and fifty previous attempts and held little hope for success this night. But she did not dwell on the past. Nor did Toci long for the future. She just wanted the night to be over and her attempted lover dispatched quickly so she could retreat to the temporary freedom in her dreams. It was only in her dreams that Toci truly felt what it was like to be a woman. One frequent dream she particularly enjoyed featured dark, mysterious warrior, tall and broad. He was as strong as ten warriors and capable of bedding her into submission. She often dreamed of him, but held little hope he would ever materialize. Her last sixteen suitors had barely stood to her height, all filled with the greed of power and none with the strength or will to wield it. She was brought out of her sensual thoughts by the sound of warriors clashing spears with shields. Her suitor approached.
The warrior prince that entered the far hall was every bit as beautiful as the Goddess. Toci’s eyes flashed with a sudden hunger. Taller than any warrior and nearly seven feet, he towered over his entourage. His shoulders were broad. Black hair cascaded down he shoulders to the middle of his back. His long legs were thick and well defined. His hands were massive, with long, thick fingers. Strung over his shoulder, a bow of ebony gleamed. Nearly double the warrior’s height, no mere man could draw and loose an arrow from his quiver. Each arrow looked to be the size of a spear in a normal warrior’s hand. He carried a blood red spear tipped in solid gold. The spear easily outweighed Toci and he carried it as easily as child carried a feather. His shield was layered gold, a worthy a ransom to purchase a medium kingdom, had this society valued gold as the Europeans would centuries later. He was clad only in golden bands of his station around his upper biceps and a black codpiece made from the leather of a jungle lion. One he no doubt killed with his bare hands, thought Toci. He was incredibly handsome. She knew him at once, having spent so many dream nights in his arms. She flashed a tiny smile behind the thought. The room was silent. Every eye in the palace eyed the suitor. Every woman felt her heart quicken. Every man secretly hoped this Warrior Prince was a friendly foe. None were eager to challenge him. The gaze of the onlookers invariable locked onto the codpiece. It was a formidable affair. If it truly hid what was beneath and did not boast of false pride, the Prince was well formed indeed. He strode the length of the long room, stopping before the cushions of his soon-to-be-wife.

“Welcome to my temple,” smiled Toci, meeting his gaze with nothing revealed. “I am Toci, Goddess of the World.”

“I am Huitzilopochtli, the Hummingbird.” Toci laughed, as did her maidens who hid their mirth behind their hands. This God-Man before them was no hummingbird! He was a beast in the skin of a man.

“Please, take your seat beside me.” She waved her hand to indicate the place of her husband and as he lowered himself gracefully to the cushions, slaves appeared bearing the first of the many dozens of courses and earthen jugs of honeyed wine. For the next several hours they feasted. Slaves danced. Priests chanted. Maidens danced. Priests chanted. Warriors danced. Priests chanted. Throughout it all more honeyed wine. Toci’s eyes seldom strayed from Huitzil’s. She watched as he drank great cups of the treated wine until he had consumed gallons of the strong liquor. But nothing seemed to faze him. His eyes flashed with passion. His heart was burning with fire. Only a strong will had kept him from taking Toci when he first laid eyes on her. When at last the feast neared its end, Huitzil leapt to his feet. He extended his hand down to his bride. The honeyed wine had failed to dim the ardor in his eyes. Now she could see a ravenous animal hunger there. Toci’s heart raced with anticipation. Throughout the night she had been praying to herself that this gorgeous warrior prince would be the one. She felt a stirring in her loins she had not felt for many months. It was mixture of strong desire and stronger hope.
“I, Huitzilopochtli, the Hummingbird, claim Toci, Goddess of the Earth, as my wife. Does any man rise to challenge my right?” No man stirred. No man dared move, lest he was accidently seen as challenging the massive warrior. Seeing no challenge, Huitzil bent down, put a strong arm around his prize and swept her up into his arms. “You there,” he shouted at the slave girls of the Goddess. “Light our way to the marriage bed.”

Xochipilli watched from his place of honor. He was confident that this boastful giant would soon be dead, a casualty of both his own desire and Xochi’s mysterious powders. He took a long swallow of his own unaltered wine. He smiled at his own treachery. The powders had never failed to work their secret magic before, and they would not now. He staked his life on it.

Three floors above the feasting chamber, the slave servants opened the door to the matrimonial chamber. The groom entered with the bride in his arms and the couple was followed by a phalanx of priestesses, priests, attendants and the executioners. Huitzil ignored them. He lowered his bride to the marital bed and towered over her.

“Remove his clothing,” commanded Toci to her attendants. “Anoint his body.” Huitzil stood as a statue while the hands of the maidens loosened his armbands and removed them. Each weighed nine pounds but he was so strong he scarcely felt them. Then the small hands loosened the tie of his loin cloth and lowered it to the floor, leaving him naked in the flickering light of the torches.

The codpiece was no boast. The prize revealed befit a man of Huitzil’s proportions. His cock was thick and veiny, even in its relaxed state. Toci prayed it would rise to the occasion and prayed her acceptance of it did not split her in two.
Jars of scented oils were brought out and those same small hands rubbed his bronze skin and thick muscles until he glistened and shone. As the hands rubbed the oil into the massive manhood, it began to stir.

“Reveal my bride. Prepare her to accept her King,” commanded Huitzil. Toci knelt on the bed while the servant girls removed her clothing, exposing her aroused breasts and thick dark patch of pubic hair. As she too was rubbed with oil, she parted her knees to allow the hands to coat her cunt with lubricant. Against the devices of the high priest, the cock of the would-be King grew to a massive size, its bulbous head shining in the glow of the torches. Toci could not help herself. She reached out her hand and grasped as much as she could, which as just more than half of the circumference. It felt warm and strong in her grasp. She felt it pulse with the slow heartbeat of her husband-to-be. Her pussy flooded with anticipation.

“Take me, my husband. I am yours to command.”

Huitzil lifted her to her feet, and then knelt before her. He buried his face in her curly bush and his long tongue darted out and across her swollen lips. Toci gasped at the sensation. For all of her former suitors, none had gotten this far. Around the marital bed, all of the witnesses stood silent as stones. They were witnessing the creation of God.

Satisfied she was well lubricated, Huitzil laid her on her back. He signaled for more oil to be poured on his jutting manhood. The maidens were only too eager to comply. He knelt before his bride and felt a hand reach between his legs. It was the hand of the High Priestess, the woman who had been mother and nursemaid to the maiden before him. It was her hand that guided his cock to its destination. Toci tensed as the giant meat poised to enter.

“Relax, my wife. You will enjoy this a great deal. As will I.” He smiled and Toci did too, but not as confidently. When she looked into his eyes, he eased his hips forward and her tiny virgin cunt stretched around his invasion. Her maidenhead offered token resistance and in single slow thrust, Huitzil had claimed his rightful place as King of Sun, King of the Heavens, Ruler over all the World. Toci screamed. She had never felt pleasure so great in her life. The pain was exquisite and the pleasure was overpowering. Huitzil thrust again. Toci writhed in pleasure, unable to withstand the overpowering lust. Huitzil thrust again and again, his slow rhythm gave Toci’s cunt time to accommodate such a massive first time fuck. She screamed in pleasure, unable to control herself. She let out a guttural cry as her first small orgasm flooded her being. It was followed by wave after wave of pleasure, each building higher and higher until she could take no more. But Huitzil heeded her cries not. Huitzil had spent his last two years battling with the other warriors in his tribe to be become their prince and claim this honor. He had forgone all physical pleasures of the flesh in preparation of this night. He was intent on taking his pleasures as he wished.

It was too much for Toci. She screamed her pleasure. She shook uncontrollably as her body fought to withstand the onslaught of his massive organ deep in her womb.

“I AM YOURS! I AM YOURS! I AM YOURS! YOU ARE MY KING! FUCK ME MY LORD! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!” She gasped and panted. Huitzil took grunted his release, flooding her cunt with pints of thick cum. It was too much for Toci and she fainted dead away. Huitzil rose from between her legs, his massive pole jutting out lewdly. All gathered in the room immediately dropped to their knees, pushing their heads to the floor in abeyance.

The captain of the palace guard spoke without raising his head. “With your permission Tonatiuh, my King, may I announce your ascension to our throne?”

“You may,” replied Huitzil. “And then bring to me the high priest who prepared our feast tonight. I would have a word with him.”

Within minutes the golden gong was sounding through the city. A cry rose as the entire city roused to celebrate the ascension of the king. Tonight would begin a week of orgy and feasting, a nonstop celebration of earthly pleasure. Old men smile and young men laughed, women and girls all held their breath in anticipation. Even the homeliest crones would find loving hands caressing them as the entire world celebrated the coming of the Sun, the Heavens, and the World.

“You three,” Huitzil said to a trio of virgin maidens closest to the marital bed, kneeling near the queen. “Your queen is filled with my seed. You will drink your fill and attend to her needs.”

“Yes my King, we will obey.” The trio answered together. Each lovely maiden buried her face in the abused cunt of her mistress and drank the seed that spilled out until it quit trickling. The last busied her tongue with digging out as much of her lord’s cum as she could. She felt her mistress rouse and in her awakening, the queen gripped the maiden’s head, forcing her deeper into her cunt.

“You and you,” Huitzil commanded two more maidens. “Come and bath your King with your tongues. I will be ready for my bride when she is recovered.” Two additional virgins knelt at the feet of the king and bathed his massive tool with their tongues, each feeling the heat rise in her loins at the first taste of the combined juices that coated their king.

The captain of the guards returned with a small contingent of palace guards and the high priest among them. The priest spoke first.

“I command you to slay this beast! He has killed our goddess!” shouted Xochipilli when he saw the sexually spent queen. No man moved a muscle to comply.

“SILENCE!” roared Tonatiuh. “I tasted treachery in the honeyed wine tonight and you have just revealed yourself as its source. I had sent for you to find the schemer. But he is before me revealed! Kneel before your king!” Before Xochi could understand how he had revealed his part in the plot, Huitzil continued, “Your first thought was that the queen was dead. Only one certain that she could not have felt the earthly pleasures of her king could have thought such a thing. Only one certain there would be no act of passion could make such a leap of logic. Only the one responsible for poisoning the honeyed wine with the yaoyotl flower could make that leap.”

The high priest thought about defying the commands of his new lord, but thought better of it. He realized his defeat. He assumed the position of servant, knees and forehead against the stone floor, secretly hoping for mercy.

“I only meant to keep away the unworthy, Your Highness. Only a warrior worthy of such a prize could overcome this one small test. You are such a warrior, my King. Forgive me, my heart was pure.”

“Pure?” the king laughed. “Do you not know the power of the hummingbird? As small and delicate as it is, it is able to take nourishment from every flower, sweet and poisonous alike. I too have been nourished from every flower, sweet and poisonous alike. Your poisons had no more effect on me as your lies do now. How would you like to die? At the end of my spear or in combat?” The priest trembled.

“Combat my Lord, so that I may be judged by my deeds before the people I have served faithfully these many years.”

“So be it. Combat will decide your fate. Gather with you as many loyal men as you may convince. They may join your cause. If you succeed, you will live. If you fail, all will die. At nightfall tomorrow.”

Huitzil turned to captain. “See to it he is kept safe but is not allowed to leave this palace or you will take his place at nightfall.” The command offered no leniency. It would be followed to the letter.

All the while the two virgins lapped at his monstrous cock. Tonatiuh let his gaze fall on his bride. She smiled up at him, ready to do as he commanded always.

“Leave us this night,” he commanded to everyone assembled. “Tomorrow night each of you may try to earn a place at your queen’s side. Tonight is for the queen alone to enjoy. Go!” The room emptied. Huitzil lowered himself to the bed beside his bride, rolling onto his back. As the virgins took to the hallways, the words of the new king repeated in their heads. The king was going to take many wives. Some were scared at the prospect of riding that massive cock. Most secretly hoped to become the sister-wives of the king, all thoughts of other suitors pushed from their thoughts.

“This time you will ride me,” he said, helping his queen to straddle his massive torso. “Take your time. You will need to grow used to my intrusion.”

“As you wish my Lord,” Toci replied. She raised her ass until it cleared the end of his erect tool and lowered her cunt onto it. She was sore but she wanted him inside her now and forever. She settled down his shaft until it was so deep it became uncomfortable. She pressed he knees against his abdomen and began to ride him. His massive hands alternately gripped her ass and massaged her swollen, swaying breasts. When he pinched her nipples, ripples of pleasure and pain coursed through her, causing her black hair to whip about. She began to cum again. Every stroke was a new climax. She rode him until her legs gave out and then collapsed to his chest, his tool still embedded in her cunt. With a few deep grunts, Huitzil thrust into his limp bride and deposited another bucket of his royal seed. He kept his still rigid cock inside her and they both fell asleep, waking every other hour to renew their passion and then collapsing into blissful slumber. By morning they were well and truly mated.

Standing silently in the deep shadows for the entire night was the high priestess who had raised and protected Toci her entire life. She smiled softly at the happiness of her queen and slowly rubbed her own dripping cunt while staring at the cock of her king. Her wisdom was accurate when she predicted that an heir had been created tonight in the copulation of the marriage. Her place in the palace would be secure as she became the warden of the new prince. Of course it would be a prince. There would be many princes from the union of Tonatiuh and Toci and from Tonatiuh and his other wives he had not yet wed. Tonight was the beginning of the long period of fertility and bounty, the golden ages of the Aztec.

Breakfast arrived in a parade of fruits and meats carried by the maidens of the Queen as well as servant slaves. The queen was draped in a sheer cloth of indigo that covered her from breasts to knees. The king tied a similar cloth around his waist, but it did little to hide his constant arousal. The newlyweds ate and then rolled back onto the bed and fucked, oblivious to the servants who stood silent, enjoying the show. The maidens hoped to be selected to participate in the cleaning that took place between copulations. Toci’s cunt was raw and sore from the nearly constant abuse. While she had thought she could never tire of the feel of her husband inside her, she needed a long bath.

“Please my King, I beg your permission to go to the baths. I ask that you take as many wives as you will, but save your first bedding each morning and night for me.”

“As my Queen commands.” When Toci left the chamber, Tonatiuh commanded all the virgins in the room to disrobe. Their clothes fell in pools around their feet. “If you please me, I will name you wife. If you do not, I will give you to one of my warriors to be his. If you do not wish to mate with me, but chose your own husband, you are free to go.” No one moved. “You are to remain naked until you are married so that all men may look upon your true beauty and let their hearts fill with desire. You are all beautiful creatures.” The words from their King and God filled them with longing. All hoped to be named a wife to Tonatiuh. All hoped to bear him a son.

The first virgin he selected was small of stature, petite but alluring. He didn’t single her out for any reason other than she was the closest. He lowered her to the bed and signaled her to be anointed with scented oil. There was fear in her eyes as his huge cockhead pressed against her slick cunt. Hands of the other virgins caressed her skin and helped open her nether lips to allow him easier passage. With a sharp thrust he skewered her, tearing through her virginity with ferocity. The fear in her eyes flashed panic and then pure lust. The feel of her lord’s cock inside her womb was driving her insane with pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his wide hips and dug her heels into his ass, urging him deeper and faster. Her face was buried in his chest, her breasts mashed against the muscles of his abdomen, so different was their heights. She licked and then nibble his breast and nipple, causing Tonatiuh to roar with pleasure and pour cum into her steaming cunt. Still she urged him deeper until the battering was too much and she fainted from the pain and pleasure. It was not enough for Tonatiuh. He had her put on her knees and he guided himself into her from behind. He pounded her tight pussy until he came again, her limp form dangling from his cock. When he pulled out, maidens eagerly drank his cum from her dripping gash while still more lapped the remains from his still hard shaft.

Throughout the day Tonatiuh fucked one virgin after another, fathering twelve sons in all without a daughter. Those twelve women would be known as First Day Wives and would keep separate counsel unto themselves. In all, Tonatiuh would have more than sixty wives and three hundred offspring before he was done taking wives. Of the three hundred, fewer than one hundred were daughters. The palace temple would never be without the sound of children for the next seven hundred years, when the Aztecs fell.

When evening fell the first day of his marriage, Toci and Tonatiuh walked out onto the altar level of the palace and spoke to their people.

“My children,” said Toci. “My children, behold Tonatiuh, King of the Sun, King of the Heavens, and Ruler of the World.” A roar went up from the crowd. Cries of “Tonatiuh, Tonatiuh, Tonatiuh” reverberated until the giant king raised his hand for silence.

“My children,” he roared. “Tonight you will witness the mercy of Tonatiuh. The High Priest Xochipilli has been found guilty of betrayal. As a kindness, I have granted him a trial by combat so that he may have a chance to live. Bring him forward.” The guards produced Xochipilli from behind a stone doorway at the ground level, surrounded by guards.

“Who among you will stand with Xochipilli to determine his fate, and share with it?” Twenty loyal and paid for warriors stood apart from the crowd. Xochipilli smiled wryly at the king. He was certain the king wasn’t expecting that.

“Are you men prepared to die tonight so that Xochipilli the Traitor may live? So be it. Take them all to the training grounds and give them what weapons and armaments as they shall need. When they are ready, the trial will begin.”

The palace guards escorted the twenty one combatants to the garrison training area as the people of the city crowded around as well, jostling for a better look. After the defenders had sufficiently armed themselves, the garrison gates opened up and twenty warriors and one kind strode in. All the warriors were of like size and strength to the king. There was a gasp from the crowd.

“I will ask you once again Xochipilli, would you prefer to die at the point of my spear or in combat?”

“Combat!” shouted Xochipilli defiantly. He could see his fate was doomed, but he had other tricks up his sleeve. Hidden around the perimeter of the garrison were his other paid agents. Each armed with bows and poisoned arrows. With a little luck, this fight would be over before the first blow was landed.

“My people, the trial would not be fair if Xochipilli and his warriors were to meet in mutual combat with my warriors. I will grant them one last chance at freedom.” He turned to Xochipilli. “You may choose a single man before you to meet you and your cohort in combat. If you can defeat him, you will be free. But any man among you that attempts to flee before the battle is done will be killed instantly.”

“Then I choose YOU!” screamed Xochipilli. “Kill him! Kill the king! Archers!” Forty secreted archers rose from their hiding places with arrows knocked and fired. None fired a second time as the twenty warriors of the king fired back. The cloud of arrows descended on the king but no arrow entered his flesh. They bounced harmlessly from his skin as a feathers on the wind.

“Of course you are treacherous to the end,” smiled Tonatiuh. “Now the people can see you for what you really are. Your death will be slow.”

The king strode through the attacking warriors as a man among children. He swept them aside with his shield and skewered them two and three at a time on his massive spear. Within minutes all twenty were dead or dying and the king had no mark on him. Xochipilli fell to his stomach, begging for mercy.

“Mercy? You have attempted to poison me, kill me, filled with arrows, skewered and slain. And you beg for mercy? Mercy is the one thing you shall not have. You will die the slow death.” With a slash of his spear Tonatiuh flayed the skin from the shoulder to the abdomen of Xochi. “You are not the only person who knows the ways of the flowers and poisons. You have been touched with the poison of the fire tree and the essence of the spirit root. You are dead, but will not breathe your last for several weeks. You will spend the rest of your heartbeats in unquenchable agony, alone in the darkness, with only the spirit root tea to slake your thirst. You will beg for death but until the long days of agony have left you utterly spent, you will receive no relief.” He turned to his guards. “Put him in the dungeons with a pail of spirit root water and seal the dungeons so that none can hear his cries of pain and in a moment of pity put him out of his misery.” His skin was already afire and his mind tormented by dark creatures before Xochipilli was sealed in his tomb.

“My children, you have witnessed my mercy and my judgment. Now go and feast and partake of the pleasures of the flesh. It is the command of your God and your King!” The people roared their approval and gave no more thought to the spectacle of death they had witnessed.

“You must be weary, my King,” said Toci as she approached. “You should bathe and take a rest.”

The king followed his bride back into his temple palace. He signaled for more oil to be poured on his jutting manhood. The maidens were only too eager to comply. He knelt before his bride and felt a hand reach between his legs. It was the hand of the High Priestess, the woman who had been mother and nursemaid to the maiden before him. It was her hand that guided his cock to its destination. Toci tensed as the giant meat poised to enter.

“Relax, my wife. You will enjoy this a great deal. As will I.” He smiled and Toci did too, but not as confidently. When she looked into his eyes, he eased his hips forward and her tiny virgin cunt stretched around his invasion. Her maidenhead offered token resistance and in single slow thrust, Huitzil had claimed his rightful place as King of Sun, King of the Heavens, Ruler over all the World. Toci screamed. She had never felt pleasure so great in her life. The pain was exquisite and the pleasure was overpowering. Huitzil thrust again. Toci writhed in pleasure, unable to withstand the overpowering lust. Huitzil thrust again and again, his slow rhythm gave Toci’s cunt time to accommodate such a massive first time fuck. She screamed in pleasure, unable to control herself. She let out a guttural cry as her first small orgasm flooded her being. It was followed by wave after wave of pleasure, each building higher and higher until she could take no more. But Huitzil heeded her cries not. Huitzil had spent his last two years battling with the other warriors in his tribe to be become their prince and claim this honor. He had forgone all physical pleasures of the flesh in preparation of this night. He was intent on taking his pleasures as he wished.

It was too much for Toci. She screamed her pleasure. She shook uncontrollably as her body fought to withstand the onslaught of his massive organ deep in her womb.

“I AM YOURS! I AM YOURS! I AM YOURS! YOU ARE MY KING! FUCK ME MY LORD! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!” She gasped and panted. Huitzil took grunted his release, flooding her cunt with pints of thick cum. It was too much for Toci and she fainted dead away. Huitzil rose from between her legs, his massive pole jutting out lewdly. All gathered in the room immediately dropped to their knees, pushing their heads to the floor in abeyance.

The captain of the palace guard spoke without raising his head. “With your permission Tonatiuh, my King, may I announce your ascension to our throne?”

“You may,” replied Huitzil. “And then bring to me the high priest who prepared our feast tonight. I would have a word with him.”

Within minutes the golden gong was sounding through the city. A cry rose as the entire city roused to celebrate the ascension of the king. Tonight would begin a week of orgy and feasting, a nonstop celebration of earthly pleasure. Old men smile and young men laughed, women and girls all held their breath in anticipation. Even the homeliest crones would find loving hands caressing them as the entire world celebrated the coming of the Sun, the Heavens, and the World.

“You three,” Huitzil said to a trio of virgin maidens closest to the marital bed, kneeling near the queen. “Your queen is filled with my seed. You will drink your fill and attend to her needs.”

“Yes my King, we will obey.” The trio answered together. Each lovely maiden buried her face in the abused cunt of her mistress and drank the seed that spilled out until it quit trickling. The last busied her tongue with digging out as much of her lord’s cum as she could. She felt her mistress rouse and in her awakening, the queen gripped the maiden’s head, forcing her deeper into her cunt.

“You and you,” Huitzil commanded two more maidens. “Come and bath your King with your tongues. I will be ready for my bride when she is recovered.” Two additional virgins knelt at the feet of the king and bathed his massive tool with their tongues, each feeling the heat rise in her loins at the first taste of the combined juices that coated their king.

The captain of the guards returned with a small contingent of palace guards and the high priest among them. The priest spoke first.

“I command you to slay this beast! He has killed our goddess!” shouted Xochipilli when he saw the sexually spent queen. No man moved a muscle to comply.

“SILENCE!” roared Tonatiuh. “I tasted treachery in the honeyed wine tonight and you have just revealed yourself as its source. I had sent for you to find the schemer. But he is before me revealed! Kneel before your king!” Before Xochi could understand how he had revealed his part in the plot, Huitzil continued, “Your first thought was that the queen was dead. Only one certain that she could not have felt the earthly pleasures of her king could have thought such a thing. Only one certain there would be no act of passion could make such a leap of logic. Only the one responsible for poisoning the honeyed wine with the yaoyotl flower could make that leap.”

The high priest thought about defying the commands of his new lord, but thought better of it. He realized his defeat. He assumed the position of servant, knees and forehead against the stone floor, secretly hoping for mercy.

“I only meant to keep away the unworthy, Your Highness. Only a warrior worthy of such a prize could overcome this one small test. You are such a warrior, my King. Forgive me, my heart was pure.”

“Pure?” the king laughed. “Do you not know the power of the hummingbird? As small and delicate as it is, it is able to take nourishment from every flower, sweet and poisonous alike. I too have been nourished from every flower, sweet and poisonous alike. Your poisons had no more effect on me as your lies do now. How would you like to die? At the end of my spear or in combat?” The priest trembled.

“Combat my Lord, so that I may be judged by my deeds before the people I have served faithfully these many years.”

“So be it. Combat will decide your fate. Gather with you as many loyal men as you may convince. They may join your cause. If you succeed, you will live. If you fail, all will die. At nightfall tomorrow.”

Huitzil turned to captain. “See to it he is kept safe but is not allowed to leave this palace. Or you will take his place at nightfall.” The command offered no leniency. It would be followed to the letter.

All the while the two virgins lapped at his monstrous cock. Tonatiuh let his gaze fall on his bride. She smiled up at him, ready to do as he commanded always.

“Leave us this night,” he commanded to everyone assembled. “Tomorrow night each of you may try to earn a place at your queen’s side. Tonight is for the queen alone to enjoy. Go!” The room emptied. Huitzil lowered himself to the bed beside his bride, rolling onto his back. As the virgins took to the hallways, the words of the new king repeated in their heads. The king was going to take many wives. Some were scared at the prospect of riding that massive cock. Most secretly hoped to become the sister-wives of the king, all thoughts of other suitors pushed from their thoughts.

“This time you will ride me,” he said, helping his queen to straddle his massive torso. “Take your time. You will need to grow used to my intrusion.”

“As you wish my Lord,” Toci replied. She raised her ass until it cleared the end of his erect tool and lowered her cunt onto it. She was sore but she wanted him inside her now and forever. She settled down his shaft until it was so deep it became uncomfortable. She pressed he knees against his abdomen and began to ride him. His massive hands alternately gripped her ass and massaged her swollen, swaying breasts. When he pinched her nipples, ripples of pleasure and pain coursed through her, causing her black hair to whip about. She began to cum again. Every stroke was a new climax. She rode him until her legs gave out and then collapsed to his chest, his tool still embedded in her cunt. With a few deep grunts, Huitzil thrust into his limp bride and deposited another bucket of his royal seed. He kept his still rigid cock inside her and they both fell asleep, waking every other hour to renew their passion and then collapsing into blissful slumber. By morning they were well and truly mated.

Standing silently in the deep shadows for the entire night was the high priestess who had raised and protected Toci her entire life. She smiled softly at the happiness of her queen and slowly rubbed her own dripping cunt while staring at the cock of her king. Her wisdom was accurate when she predicted that an heir had been created tonight in the copulation of the marriage. Her place in the palace would be secure as she became the warden of the new prince. Of course it would be a prince. There would be many princes from the union of Tonatiuh and Toci and from Tonatiuh and his other wives he had not yet wed. Tonight was the beginning of the long period of fertility and bounty, the golden ages of the Aztec.

Breakfast arrived in a parade of fruits and meats carried by the maidens of the Queen as well as servant slaves. The queen was draped in a sheer cloth of indigo that covered her from breasts to knees. The king tied a similar cloth around his waist, but it did little to hide his constant arousal. The newlyweds ate and then rolled back onto the bed and fucked, oblivious to the servants who stood silent, enjoying the show. The maidens hoped to be selected to participate in the cleaning that took place between copulations. Toci’s cunt was raw and sore from the nearly constant abuse. While she had thought she could never tire of the feel of her husband inside her, she needed a long bath.

“Please my King, I beg your permission to go to the baths. I ask that you take as many wives as you will, but save your first bedding each morning and night for me.”

“As my Queen commands.” When Toci left the chamber, Tonatiuh commanded all the virgins in the room to disrobe. Their clothes fell in pools around their feet. “If you please me, I will name you wife. If you do not, I will give you to one of my warriors to be his. If you do not wish to mate with me, but chose your own husband, you are free to go.” No one moved. “You are to remain naked until you are married so that all men may look upon your true beauty and let their hearts fill with desire. You are all beautiful creatures.” The words from their King and God filled them with longing. All hoped to be named a wife to Tonatiuh. All hoped to bear him a son.

The first virgin he selected was small of stature, petite but alluring. He didn’t single her out for any reason other than she was the closest. He lowered her to the bed and signaled her to be anointed with scented oil. There was fear in her eyes as his huge cockhead pressed against her slick cunt. Hands of the other virgins caressed her skin and helped open her nether lips to allow him easier passage. With a sharp thrust he skewered her, tearing through her virginity with ferocity. The fear in her eyes flashed panic and then pure lust. The feel of her lord’s cock inside her womb was driving her insane with pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his wide hips and dug her heels into his ass, urging him deeper and faster. Her face was buried in his chest, her breasts mashed against the muscles of his abdomen, so different was their heights. She licked and then nibble his breast and nipple, causing Tonatiuh to roar with pleasure and pour cum into her steaming cunt. Still she urged him deeper until the battering was too much and she fainted from the pain and pleasure. It was not enough for Tonatiuh. He had her put on her knees and he guided himself into her from behind. He pounded her tight pussy until he came again, her limp form dangling from his cock. When he pulled out, maidens eagerly drank his cum from her dripping gash while still more lapped the remains from his still hard shaft.

Throughout the day Tonatiuh fucked one virgin after another, fathering twelve sons in all without a daughter. Those twelve women would be known as First Day Wives and would keep separate counsel unto themselves. In all, Tonatiuh would have more than sixty wives and three hundred offspring before he was done taking wives. Of the three hundred, fewer than one hundred were daughters. The palace temple would never be without the sound of children for the next seven hundred years, when the Aztecs fell.

When evening fell the first day of his marriage, Toci and Tonatiuh walked out onto the altar level of the palace and spoke to their people.

“My children,” said Toci. “My children, behold Tonatiuh, King of the Sun, King of the Heavens, and Ruler of the World.” A roar went up from the crowd. Cries of “Tonatiuh, Tonatiuh, Tonatiuh” reverberated until the giant king raised his hand for silence.

“My children,” he roared. “Tonight you will witness the mercy of Tonatiuh. The High Priest Xochipilli has been found guilty of betrayal. As a kindness, I have granted him a trial by combat so that he may have a chance to live. Bring him forward.” The guards produced Xochipilli from behind a stone doorway at the ground level, surrounded by guards.

“Who among you will stand with Xochipilli to determine his fate, and share with it?” Twenty loyal and paid for warriors stood apart from the crowd. Xochipilli smiled wryly at the king. He was certain the king wasn’t expecting that.

“Are you men prepared to die tonight so that Xochipilli the Traitor may live? So be it. Take them all to the training grounds and give them what weapons and armaments as they shall need. When they are ready, the trial will begin.”

The palace guards escorted the twenty one combatants to the garrison training area as the people of the city crowded around as well, jostling for a better look. After the defenders had sufficiently armed themselves, the garrison gates opened up and twenty warriors and one kind strode in. All the warriors were of like size and strength to the king. There was a gasp from the crowd.

“I will ask you once again Xochipilli, would you prefer to die at the point of my spear or in combat?”

“Combat!” shouted Xochipilli defiantly. He could see his fate was doomed, but he had other tricks up his sleeve. Hidden around the perimeter of the garrison were his other paid agents. Each armed with bows and poisoned arrows. With a little luck, this fight would be over before the first blow was landed.

“My people, the trial would not be fair if Xochipilli and his warriors were to meet in mutual combat with my warriors. I will grant them one last chance at freedom.” He turned to Xochipilli. “You may choose a single man before you to meet you and your cohort in combat. If you can defeat him, you will be free. But any man among you that attempts to flee before the battle is done will be killed instantly.”

“Then I choose YOU!” screamed Xochipilli. “Kill him! Kill the king! Archers!” Forty secreted archers rose from their hiding places with arrows knocked and fired. None fired a second time as the twenty warriors of the king fired back. The cloud of arrows descended on the king but no arrow entered his flesh. They bounced harmlessly from his skin as a feathers on the wind.

“Of course you are treacherous to the end,” smiled Tonatiuh. “Now the people can see you for what you really are. Your death will be slow.”

The king strode through the attacking warriors as a man among children. He swept them aside with his shield and skewered them two and three at a time on his massive spear. Within minutes all twenty were dead or dying and the king had no mark on him. Xochipilli fell to his stomach, begging for mercy.

“Mercy? You have attempted to poison me, kill me, filled with arrows, skewered and slain. And you beg for mercy? Mercy is the one thing you shall not have. You will die the slow death.” With a slash of his spear Tonatiuh flayed the skin from the shoulder to the abdomen of Xochi. “You are not the only person who knows the ways of the flowers and poisons. You have been touched with the poison of the fire tree and the essence of the spirit root. You are dead, but will not breathe your last for several weeks. You will spend the rest of your heartbeats in unquenchable agony, alone in the darkness, with only the spirit root tea to slake your thirst. You will beg for death but until the long days of agony have left you utterly spent, you will receive no relief.” He turned to his guards. “Put him in the dungeons with a pail of spirit root water and seal the dungeons so that none can hear his cries of pain and in a moment of pity put him out of his misery.” His skin was already afire and his mind tormented by dark creatures before Xochipilli was sealed in his tomb.

“My children, you have witnessed my mercy and my judgment. Now go and feast and partake of the pleasures of the flesh. It is the command of your God and your King!” The people roared their approval and gave no more thought to the spectacle of death they had witnessed.

“You must be weary, my King,” said Toci as she approached. “You should bathe and take a rest.”

The king followed his bride back into his temple palace. The long her back. He signaled for more oil to be poured on his jutting manhood. The maidens were only too eager to comply. He knelt before his bride and felt a hand reach between his legs. It was the hand of the High Priestess, the woman who had been mother and nursemaid to the maiden before him. It was her hand that guided his cock to its destination. Toci tensed as the giant meat poised to enter.

“Relax, my wife. You will enjoy this a great deal. As will I.” He smiled and Toci did too, but not as confidently. When she looked into his eyes, he eased his hips forward and her tiny virgin cunt stretched around his invasion. Her maidenhead offered token resistance and in single slow thrust, Huitzil had claimed his rightful place as King of Sun, King of the Heavens, Ruler over all the World. Toci screamed. She had never felt pleasure so great in her life. The pain was exquisite and the pleasure was overpowering. Huitzil thrust again. Toci writhed in pleasure, unable to withstand the overpowering lust. Huitzil thrust again and again, his slow rhythm gave Toci’s cunt time to accommodate such a massive first time fuck. She screamed in pleasure, unable to control herself. She let out a guttural cry as her first small orgasm flooded her being. It was followed by wave after wave of pleasure, each building higher and higher until she could take no more. But Huitzil heeded her cries not. Huitzil had spent his last two years battling with the other warriors in his tribe to be become their prince and claim this honor. He had forgone all physical pleasures of the flesh in preparation of this night. He was intent on taking his pleasures as he wished.

It was too much for Toci. She screamed her pleasure. She shook uncontrollably as her body fought to withstand the onslaught of his massive organ deep in her womb.

“I AM YOURS! I AM YOURS! I AM YOURS! YOU ARE MY KING! FUCK ME MY LORD! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!” She gasped and panted. Huitzil took grunted his release, flooding her cunt with pints of thick cum. It was too much for Toci and she fainted dead away. Huitzil rose from between her legs, his massive pole jutting out lewdly. All gathered in the room immediately dropped to their knees, pushing their heads to the floor in abeyance.

The captain of the palace guard spoke without raising his head. “With your permission Tonatiuh, my King, may I announce your ascension to our throne?”

“You may,” replied Huitzil. “And then bring to me the high priest who prepared our feast tonight. I would have a word with him.”

Within minutes the golden gong was sounding through the city. A cry rose as the entire city roused to celebrate the ascension of the king. Tonight would begin a week of orgy and feasting, a nonstop celebration of earthly pleasure. Old men smile and young men laughed, women and girls all held their breath in anticipation. Even the homeliest crones would find loving hands caressing them as the entire world celebrated the coming of the Sun, the Heavens, and the World.

“You three,” Huitzil said to a trio of virgin maidens closest to the marital bed, kneeling near the queen. “Your queen is filled with my seed. You will drink your fill and attend to her needs.”

“Yes my King, we will obey.” The trio answered together. Each lovely maiden buried her face in the abused cunt of her mistress and drank the seed that spilled out until it quit trickling. The last busied her tongue with digging out as much of her lord’s cum as she could. She felt her mistress rouse and in her awakening, the queen gripped the maiden’s head, forcing her deeper into her cunt.

“You and you,” Huitzil commanded two more maidens. “Come and bath your King with your tongues. I will be ready for my bride when she is recovered.” Two additional virgins knelt at the feet of the king and bathed his massive tool with their tongues, each feeling the heat rise in her loins at the first taste of the combined juices that coated their king.

The captain of the guards returned with a small contingent of palace guards and the high priest among them. The priest spoke first.

“I command you to slay this beast! He has killed our goddess!” shouted Xochipilli when he saw the sexually spent queen. No man moved a muscle to comply.

“SILENCE!” roared Tonatiuh. “I tasted treachery in the honeyed wine tonight and you have just revealed yourself as its source. I had sent for you to find the schemer. But he is before me revealed! Kneel before your king!” Before Xochi could understand how he had revealed his part in the plot, Huitzil continued, “Your first thought was that the queen was dead. Only one certain that she could not have felt the earthly pleasures of her king could have thought such a thing. Only one certain there would be no act of passion could make such a leap of logic. Only the one responsible for poisoning the honeyed wine with the yaoyotl flower could make that leap.”

The high priest thought about defying the commands of his new lord, but thought better of it. He realized his defeat. He assumed the position of servant, knees and forehead against the stone floor, secretly hoping for mercy.

“I only meant to keep away the unworthy, Your Highness. Only a warrior worthy of such a prize could overcome this one small test. You are such a warrior, my King. Forgive me, my heart was pure.”

“Pure?” the king laughed. “Do you not know the power of the hummingbird? As small and delicate as it is, it is able to take nourishment from every flower, sweet and poisonous alike. I too have been nourished from every flower, sweet and poisonous alike. Your poisons had no more effect on me as your lies do now. How would you like to die? At the end of my spear or in combat?” The priest trembled.

“Combat my Lord, so that I may be judged by my deeds before the people I have served faithfully these many years.”

“So be it. Combat will decide your fate. Gather with you as many loyal men as you may convince. They may join your cause. If you succeed, you will live. If you fail, all will die. At nightfall tomorrow.”

Huitzil turned to captain. “See to it he is kept safe but is not allowed to leave this palace. Or you will take his place at nightfall.” The command offered no leniency. It would be followed to the letter.

All the while the two virgins lapped at his monstrous cock. Tonatiuh let his gaze fall on his bride. She smiled up at him, ready to do as he commanded always.

“Leave us this night,” he commanded to everyone assembled. “Tomorrow night each of you may try to earn a place at your queen’s side. Tonight is for the queen alone to enjoy. Go!” The room emptied. Huitzil lowered himself to the bed beside his bride, rolling onto his back. As the virgins took to the hallways, the words of the new king repeated in their heads. The king was going to take many wives. Some were scared at the prospect of riding that massive cock. Most secretly hoped to become the sister-wives of the king, all thoughts of other suitors pushed from their thoughts.

“This time you will ride me,” he said, helping his queen to straddle his massive torso. “Take your time. You will need to grow used to my intrusion.”

“As you wish my Lord,” Toci replied. She raised her ass until it cleared the end of his erect tool and lowered her cunt onto it. She was sore but she wanted him inside her now and forever. She settled down his shaft until it was so deep it became uncomfortable. She pressed he knees against his abdomen and began to ride him. His massive hands alternately gripped her ass and massaged her swollen, swaying breasts. When he pinched her nipples, ripples of pleasure and pain coursed through her, causing her black hair to whip about. She began to cum again. Every stroke was a new climax. She rode him until her legs gave out and then collapsed to his chest, his tool still embedded in her cunt. With a few deep grunts, Huitzil thrust into his limp bride and deposited another bucket of his royal seed. He kept his still rigid cock inside her and they both fell asleep, waking every other hour to renew their passion and then collapsing into blissful slumber. By morning they were well and truly mated.

Standing silently in the deep shadows for the entire night was the high priestess who had raised and protected Toci her entire life. She smiled softly at the happiness of her queen and slowly rubbed her own dripping cunt while staring at the cock of her king. Her wisdom was accurate when she predicted that an heir had been created tonight in the copulation of the marriage. Her place in the palace would be secure as she became the warden of the new prince. Of course it would be a prince. There would be many princes from the union of Tonatiuh and Toci and from Tonatiuh and his other wives he had not yet wed. Tonight was the beginning of the long period of fertility and bounty, the golden ages of the Aztec.

Breakfast arrived in a parade of fruits and meats carried by the maidens of the Queen as well as servant slaves. The queen was draped in a sheer cloth of indigo that covered her from breasts to knees. The king tied a similar cloth around his waist, but it did little to hide his constant arousal. The newlyweds ate and then rolled back onto the bed and fucked, oblivious to the servants who stood silent, enjoying the show. The maidens hoped to be selected to participate in the cleaning that took place between copulations. Toci’s cunt was raw and sore from the nearly constant abuse. While she had thought she could never tire of the feel of her husband inside her, she needed a long bath.

“Please my King, I beg your permission to go to the baths. I ask that you take as many wives as you will, but save your first bedding each morning and night for me.”

“As my Queen commands.” When Toci left the chamber, Tonatiuh commanded all the virgins in the room to disrobe. Their clothes fell in pools around their feet. “If you please me, I will name you wife. If you do not, I will give you to one of my warriors to be his. If you do not wish to mate with me, but chose your own husband, you are free to go.” No one moved. “You are to remain naked until you are married so that all men may look upon your true beauty and let their hearts fill with desire. You are all beautiful creatures.” The words from their King and God filled them with longing. All hoped to be named a wife to Tonatiuh. All hoped to bear him a son.

The first virgin he selected was small of stature, petite but alluring. He didn’t single her out for any reason other than she was the closest. He lowered her to the bed and signaled her to be anointed with scented oil. There was fear in her eyes as his huge cockhead pressed against her slick cunt. Hands of the other virgins caressed her skin and helped open her nether lips to allow him easier passage. With a sharp thrust he skewered her, tearing through her virginity with ferocity. The fear in her eyes flashed panic and then pure lust. The feel of her lord’s cock inside her womb was driving her insane with pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his wide hips and dug her heels into his ass, urging him deeper and faster. Her face was buried in his chest, her breasts mashed against the muscles of his abdomen, so different was their heights. She licked and then nibble his breast and nipple, causing Tonatiuh to roar with pleasure and pour cum into her steaming cunt. Still she urged him deeper until the battering was too much and she fainted from the pain and pleasure. It was not enough for Tonatiuh. He had her put on her knees and he guided himself into her from behind. He pounded her tight pussy until he came again, her limp form dangling from his cock. When he pulled out, maidens eagerly drank his cum from her dripping gash while still more lapped the remains from his still hard shaft.

Throughout the day Tonatiuh fucked one virgin after another, fathering twelve sons in all without a daughter. Those twelve women would be known as First Day Wives and would keep separate counsel unto themselves. In all, Tonatiuh would have more than sixty wives and three hundred offspring before he was done taking wives. Of the three hundred, fewer than one hundred were daughters. The palace temple would never be without the sound of children for the next seven hundred years, when the Aztecs fell.

When evening fell the first day of his marriage, Toci and Tonatiuh walked out onto the altar level of the palace and spoke to their people.

“My children,” said Toci. “My children, behold Tonatiuh, King of the Sun, King of the Heavens, and Ruler of the World.” A roar went up from the crowd. Cries of “Tonatiuh, Tonatiuh, Tonatiuh” reverberated until the giant king raised his hand for silence.

“My children,” he roared. “Tonight you will witness the mercy of Tonatiuh. The High Priest Xochipilli has been found guilty of betrayal. As a kindness, I have granted him a trial by combat so that he may have a chance to live. Bring him forward.” The guards produced Xochipilli from behind a stone doorway at the ground level, surrounded by guards.

“Who among you will stand with Xochipilli to determine his fate, and share with it?” Twenty loyal and paid for warriors stood apart from the crowd. Xochipilli smiled wryly at the king. He was certain the king wasn’t expecting that.

“Are you men prepared to die tonight so that Xochipilli the Traitor may live? So be it. Take them all to the training grounds and give them what weapons and armaments as they shall need. When they are ready, the trial will begin.”

The palace guards escorted the twenty one combatants to the garrison training area as the people of the city crowded around as well, jostling for a better look. After the defenders had sufficiently armed themselves, the garrison gates opened up and twenty warriors and one kind strode in. All the warriors were of like size and strength to the king. There was a gasp from the crowd.

“I will ask you once again Xochipilli, would you prefer to die at the point of my spear or in combat?”

“Combat!” shouted Xochipilli defiantly. He could see his fate was doomed, but he had other tricks up his sleeve. Hidden around the perimeter of the garrison were his other paid agents. Each armed with bows and poisoned arrows. With a little luck, this fight would be over before the first blow was landed.

“My people, the trial would not be fair if Xochipilli and his warriors were to meet in mutual combat with my warriors. I will grant them one last chance at freedom.” He turned to Xochipilli. “You may choose a single man before you to meet you and your cohort in combat. If you can defeat him, you will be free. But any man among you that attempts to flee before the battle is done will be killed instantly.”

“Then I choose YOU!” screamed Xochipilli. “Kill him! Kill the king! Archers!” Forty secreted archers rose from their hiding places with arrows knocked and fired. None fired a second time as the twenty warriors of the king fired back. The cloud of arrows descended on the king but no arrow entered his flesh. They bounced harmlessly from his skin as a feathers on the wind.

“Of course you are treacherous to the end,” smiled Tonatiuh. “Now the people can see you for what you really are. Your death will be slow.”

The king strode through the attacking warriors as a man among children. He swept them aside with his shield and skewered them two and three at a time on his massive spear. Within minutes all twenty were dead or dying and the king had no mark on him. Xochipilli fell to his stomach, begging for mercy.

“Mercy? You have attempted to poison me, kill me, filled with arrows, skewered and slain. And you beg for mercy? Mercy is the one thing you shall not have. You will die the slow death.” With a slash of his spear Tonatiuh flayed the skin from the shoulder to the abdomen of Xochi. “You are not the only person who knows the ways of the flowers and poisons. You have been touched with the poison of the fire tree and the essence of the spirit root. You are dead, but will not breathe your last for several weeks. You will spend the rest of your heartbeats in unquenchable agony, alone in the darkness, with only the spirit root tea to slake your thirst. You will beg for death but until the long days of agony have left you utterly spent, you will receive no relief.” He turned to his guards. “Put him in the dungeons with a pail of spirit root water and seal the dungeons so that none can hear his cries of pain and in a moment of pity put him out of his misery.” His skin was already afire and his mind tormented by dark creatures before Xochipilli was sealed in his tomb.

“My children, you have witnessed my mercy and my judgment. Now go and feast and partake of the pleasures of the flesh. It is the command of your God and your King!” The people roared their approval and gave no more thought to the spectacle of death they had witnessed.

“You must be weary, my King,” said Toci as she approached. “You should bathe and take a rest.”

The king followed his bride back into his temple palace. The long days of peace and plenty had begun.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-25 15:11:08
Aside from his supernatural strength and invulnerability, Tonatiuh's huge penis (the size of a horse's, seemingly) is unbelievable. It is true that size matters, but it is not all that matters. From the descriptions given, I don't believe that Tonatiuh is a great lover; he is only the owner of a huge penis.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-11-17 07:41:04
The story was great but it looped. After the combat it kept starting over. Please fix and share again

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-25 23:49:51
Good story some pretty fucked up formatting going on tho

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-25 15:57:08
Site manager, please check why comments are being shown twice.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-24 21:51:46
David, I believe there was a problem in entering your story into the site. I believe that portions of the story were repeated numerous times.
Please check if I am correct,
Thank you for your marvellous works posted on this site.

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