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We develop a close relationship with an other couple
“God, Ellen, I'd love to take a swim in your pool. Do you think that you could lend me a swimming costume?”

“I'm sorry, Joy, but I don't own a swimming costume.”

“What? You have a magnificent swimming pool and you don't even swim in it?”

“Of course I swim in it. We all swim naked in our pool, and visitors are expected to respect that rule too.”

It was a hot Friday night. Joy and her husband Will, my husband, John, and I were sitting around a table in our pool area, digesting our barbecue. Joy and Will's two kids, Mary (4 years) and Len (3) and our two, Dan (6) and Lulu (4) were already splashing around in the pool, all of them naked. I had met Joy when we were both picking up our daughters and her son from preschool. I had invited her family for tonight without telling her that we had a pool.

When our guests had arrived, our two kids were already in the pool naked so Joy and Will did not seem to have any problem with their two joining our two in the pool. When I called the kids for their meal, my two just came to the table naked so Mary and Len copied them. Once the kids were fed they headed back to the pool and we adults sat down to our meal.

Nudity was not an issue for Joy's kids, but now that Joy felt an urge to get into the pool it seemed that her own nudity was more of an issue. I looked at John who had a big grin on his face which I took to mean that he would like to see Joy naked, then I looked at Will who had an even bigger grin on his face. Did he want to see his wife naked in front of John and me?

“Joy, take your clothes off and hop into the water. I'll get towels for everyone. Are you two blokes going to swim with us?”

I didn't wait for an answer as I headed inside, taking most of the dirty dishes with me. When I came back I was naked and carrying towels for everyone. Joy, still fully dressed, was looking nervous.

“Go ahead, honey,” Will told Joy, “it's no big deal. We're all good friends here.”

“You don't mind everyone seeing your wife naked.”

“Hell, Joy. It's not everyone, it's just our good friends, Ellen and John. I think that I'll come in too. How about you John?”

Once we were all in the pool the two men started horsing around, picking up the kids and throwing them a short distance in the air before splashing down safely into the water.

“Daddy? Why don't you throw mummy and Mary's mum in the air too?”, my daughter, Lulu, wanted to know.

So John and Will grabbed me by my arms and legs and together swung me back and forth, then threw me a few feet, landing in the pool with a big splash. When they tried to do the same to Joy she tried to run away, but she was too slow for John who grabbed her and held her against his body to stop her from getting away. Will then grabbed her legs and John and Will managed to throw her a few feet before splashing down.

After that the kids retreated to the shallow end of the pool and watched while we four adults behaved like children, wrestling with each other and ducking each other. After a few minutes of this I detected a pattern: Joy was really into 'wrestling' with my husband, John, while Joy's husband, Will, was most interested in the feel of my naked, wet body against his. I knew my husband well enough to know that he was really enjoying himself, and I certainly liked Will's attentions.

After, maybe 15 minutes of this Joy called a halt.

“I'm afraid that we should get our kids home and in bed.”

“Why not,” I suggested, “put your kids to bed with ours? Then you can stay for another drink.”

So Joy and I put both girls to bed in Lulu's bed and both boys to bed in Dan's bed. They were all still naked, as were we. The kids were a bit crowded in the single beds, but they all seemed happy, treating it as an adventure.

Back outside, near the pool, I decided to try moving the action up a notch. I went and sat straddling Will's lap, facing him, with my arms around his neck. My attention was totally on Will, but John told me later that Joy just stood there looking a little bit uncertain of herself, until John finished pouring 4 flutes of champagne and then he led her to another couch and pulled her to sit on top of him. Joy then threw herself into enjoying my husband's naked body against hers.

On Monday afternoon Joy and I met outside the gate of the preschool again.

She blushed a little as she said, “Will and I really enjoyed ourselves with you and John the other night.”

“I'm so glad to hear that because John and I enjoyed it so much that we want to invite you back as soon as possible. What do you think?”

“Really? You're not shocked that John fucked me and Will fucked you?”

“No. As I said we enjoyed it, all of it, particularly the fucking. Are you shocked?”

“Well, yes, I am a bit shocked. I always thought that Will and I would be faithful to each other. When we got home that night I was expecting Will to be upset with me. Instead, as soon as we got the kids into bed, he started tugging at my clothes to get me naked and we ended up having the best sex since the first year of our marriage. We talked about it next day and agreed that we had really enjoyed it.”

“So? Did you discuss whether you would like to do it again with John and me?”

“Will says that next time he wants to eat your pussy first before you give him a blow job.”

“Does he now? Tell him that John loves the fact that I can deep throat him. Ask him if he would like me to do that for him.”

“I'm sure he would love that. I've never been able to deep throat him.”

“So while Will eats my pussy and fucks my throat, what will you and John be doing?”

“Does John ever fuck your arsehole?”

“Yes. Is that what you want? John fucking your arse?”

She blushed again. “Yes. Will always says 'no' when I suggest anal.”

“Well, John fucks my arse nearly as often as he fucks my cunt. We both really enjoy it. Why do you want it so much?”

“Because I have a dirty little secret. I've always had a fantasy of having a DP. Of course it could never happen if I was strictly faithful to Will, but after the other night...just maybe it becomes possible. I hope that I haven't shocked you?”

“No. Not shocked, delighted.”

Just then Lulu, Mary, and Len ran out the gate and our discussion was cut short.

“Mummy, can we go for a swim at Lulu's place again?”

“No, Mary, we cannot invite ourselves like that.”

“Mummy. Can't we invite Mary, Len and their mum back for another swim?”

“How about it Joy. It's nice to see the kids playing happily together, don't you think?”

“I don't know that I can. I have to get back to prepare dinner.”

“Why don't you and I prepare something at our place while the kids play together? You can ring Will and get him to come to our place from work.”

“Are you sure? I feel that we are imposing on you so soon after the other night.”

“Nonsense. Our kids and your kids play together well. I'd like to encourage that. And then...”

“You're not thinking of another night like...”

“You would not have to stay very late. Just a little fun would be nice.”

Joy took out her phone and spoke for a few minutes.

“It seems that Will likes the idea very much. He says he'll leave work early and pick up some wine to go with the meal. If we want him to buy anything else on the way I'm to call him back.”

As soon as we were home the 4 kids stripped out of their clothes and headed for the pool, yelling and laughing. Joy and I looked at each other.

“What do you say, Joy? A quick dip before we start in the kitchen?”

“Well, it is really hot. It'll be great to cool off.”

We both stripped.

“How come you're not wearing any panties?”

“Will's made a new rule. I am only to wear short skirts and no panties. I like his new rule because it makes me feel very sexy all the time.”

We didn't stay long in the pool. In my mind it was just an excuse for us to be naked. Judging by the way that Joy went along with my suggestion she may have shared my enthusiasm for welcoming our men, naked.

By the time that John arrived home we were sitting out by the pool, watching our kids, and sipping on glasses of cold chardonnay.

“Well. You two look beautiful. It's nice to have you here again, Joy.”

And he kissed both of us on the lips and squeezed our tits at the same time.

Will arrived only 10 minutes after John.

“This looks like it is going to be fun.”

And he kissed both of us on the lips and squeezed our tits at the same time. John disappeared into the house and came back out soon after, naked and carrying two beers and the half-full bottle of chardonnay. Will realised that he was the only one dressed and quickly stripped off.

“So? What are the plans for the evening?”, Will wanted to know.

“Joy and I have dinner ready. I suggest that we eat straight away, put the kids to bed early, and then we'll have time for some adult time together without making it a late night. Can anyone improve on that?”

“Ellen told me to tell you that she can deep-throat you if you are willing to eat her pussy.”, Joy told her husband.

“And Joy wants you, John, to fuck her in her arse. She's an anal virgin, it seems.”

We fed the kids first, then let them go back into the pool while we ate our dinner near the pool where we could watch over their safety.

“So Will? Joy tells me that she wears only short skirts without panties. What's that about?”

“I was so thrilled that we all enjoyed all the fucking here the other night that I decided that I had a chance to expand our sexual horizons even further. I had always dreamt of making that rule for Joy but now seemed to be my best chance to impose it. I'm thrilled to say that she has accepted it without any hesitation or reluctance.”

“As I told Ellen earlier, I love Will's rule. It makes me feel randy all day. I can't wait for Will to get home each day and fuck me.”

“So Joy,”, my husband asked, “have you made any new rules for Will?”

“I've thought about it, but I'm worried about how it might affect our kids.”

“Why? What is your idea?”

“I'd like us all to be naked at home, all the time.”

“Why would that affect your kids. They're perfectly happy, here, and we and they are all naked.”

“But what about when their friends come for sleep-overs?”

“If Lulu and Dan come to you for a sleep-over there'll be no problem. You can make your rule flexible enough to allow fully or partly clothed when anyone else visits. I see no problem.”

“That's our new rule then.”, said Will, “Total nudity at home except when strangers are visiting.”

The kids did not seem to mind when we bundled them off to bed earlier than usual. Maybe they liked sharing a small bed with another naked child? Joy and I checked on them ten minutes later. They all seemed to be asleep. I had a naughty thought.

“I wonder,” I said to Joy, “if they would like it if we put Mary to bed with Dan and Len with Lulu.”

“Ellen! For god's sake! They're only kids. Not even teenagers.”

“You're right of course. It was just a naughty thought that I had.”

“So, Joy. Do you want me to take your anal cherry?”, my husband asked.

“Oh! Yes please! I hope that it doesn't hurt.”

“John is very gentle when he fucks my arse. I'm sure that he will be with you. I'll get the lube.”

When I came back John was fingering Joy's arsehole while Will watched with a funny look on his face. I handed John the lube and then went to Will and pressed my boobs against his bare chest.

“As I remember it, you are going to eat my pussy for me and then I'm going to deep throat you. OK?”

“Yes. However, first I want to watch John fuck Joy's arse. She has always wanted me to do that to her, but I could never bring myself to do it.”

He turned me around so that he was standing behind me holding my shoulders so that my back was pressed against his chest. I reached behind me and repositioned his semi-erect cock so that it was lodged in my bum crack as our lower bodies were pressed together. His cock went from semi- to fully-erect.

I pulled his hands down so that he was holding me by my boobs rather than my shoulders. He kissed the back of my neck.

“Have you and John done this sort of thing with anyone else?”

“No. You and Joy are the first. When I invited you for dinner the other night I had no idea that it might go the way that it did. One thing just seemed to lead to another. Why?”

“You both seemed so comfortable about everything. I thought that maybe we weren't your first.”

“We've invited families for a barbeque and a swim before where we all ended up naked. We've never taken the next step before.”

“So what happened that was different with us?”

“It was just that while we were playing in the pool, Joy and John seemed to gravitate towards each other and you and I were playing together too. I found all that body contact very arousing and that gave me the courage to take the next step and sit on your lap. And once you did not push me away, the rest was inevitable.”

“I must say that I was pretty aroused in the pool. When you sat on my lap afterwards I was excited, but also I was worried about Joy's reaction. Then John got Joy to sit on his lap and I decided that she was going to be OK with everything.”

While we had been talking John had lubed Joy's arsehole and his cock and then eased his cock into her rear hole. By now he was pumping wildly in and out and the little whimpering sounds that Joy was making told me that she was enjoying this as much as any fuck that she had ever experienced.

When John reached around her hip and did something to her clit she screamed as her orgasm hit her. Then John was holding his cock deep inside Joy and we knew that he was cumming in her arsehole.

“Well Will. The show's over and I want my pussy eaten, please.”

I lay on my back on a mattress, that our kids use as flotation in the pool,and spread my legs wide. Will didn't hesitate and I was very quickly floating on cloud nine as his tongue and lips explored my most intimate parts. I had my eyes squeezed closed as my orgasm swept through my body.

When I opened them again Joy and John were standing watching us, with their bodies pressed together and his hands on her boobs just as Will and I had watched them. They seemed to be enjoying the little show that we were putting on.

Next, Will moved to a chair. His cock was so erect that it must have hurt.

“You really want this, don't you?”

“Fuck, yes. Come on.”

I knelt between his knees and took his cock head into my mouth and swirled my tongue around the sensitive patch under the head. Normally John likes me to start there, but Will was impatient to experience my ability to deep throat him and so he pressed my head down his cock.

I took the hint and slid down his pole until he was in my throat. I swallowed to stimulate him, then pulled back enough to be able breath. I repeated this only a few times before I realised that his dick was throbbing in my mouth as he pumped his cum straight down my throat.

I pulled back and collected the rest of his load in my mouth. When he was finished cumming I swallowed. Then I stood up and pushed a nipple into his mouth; I just wanted to show him some affection.

After Joy and Will left, taking their kids with them, John and I couldn't get enough of each other. John fucked my cunt, then my arse, and then got me to deep throat him. After that we slept very well.

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Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-02 13:49:20
1992 6 6Michael Schumacher

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-02 13:48:33
1992 6 6Michael Schumacher


2013-12-18 20:30:55
Excellent wife sharing. This story is very hot. Highly recommended for wife swapping/sharing fans.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-12-03 11:39:18
I wish my life was that good and going in the some way. I enjoyed it very much

anonymous readerReport 

2013-12-03 11:16:30
Very good story, everyone sharing, everyone happy with the other. Good times, please continue.

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