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Spring Break meets Midlife Crisis
I’ve taught history at only a handful of universities in my career. I started on the west coast and taught there several years. Eventually my wife, who I had met in grad school, convinced me that a position in the Midwest would put us in the heartland where she was raised, and be a great place to start our own family. We raised our children and as their lives took them all over the U.S. and overseas, we decided that maybe a position in the south would be best for our middle aged years. I sought out and landed a position down on the Texas gulf coast and my wife and I moved there and began the next chapter in our lives.

Having lived so long in the Midwest, we had made many friends from our colleagues and neighbors. Having a new home on the beach in Texas meant a steady stream of visitors who longed to escape the bone chilling cold of South Dakota winters. We even had guests drop in that were friends of our kids, all either college age or recently graduated. We were most popular in the spring, when Spring Break occurred on various campuses across South Dakota. This story is about one of those guests. Angie Jackson is the grown daughter of Les and Mary Jackson. She was two years out of college and teaching in Kansas at a poor rural school through a program called Teach for America. My wife Kay got a private message on Facebook asking if it would be alright for Angie and her roommates could come down for Spring Break and use our guest rooms as their base of operations. Kay gave her permission without asking mine, but of course I was ok with it. I thought of Angie as my third daughter. She was a year younger than my oldest son and a year older than my oldest daughter. Our two families, the Jacksons and Paul’s, had spent so many holidays and vacations together we were closer than most blood families.

“Angie is coming with her roommates for Spring Break, second week in March,” announced Kay over our grilled flounder dinner that night.

“When you say ‘roommates’, does that mean more than one? Are they male or female? Do we need to make additional arrangements or are they going to pile into the two queen beds?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask. If it’s important, I can send her a message on Facebook. But it’s ANGIE JACKSON for goodness sake. Do you think she’s going to bring a rowdy bunch of sex crazed lunatics into our house?” She gave me a mock serious look.

I thought about it. “You’re right. If Angie did manage to find a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for that matter, I would be honored if she brought them to our house for a week of wanton sex.” We both laughed. Angie Jackson was sweet and kind and quite beautiful in her own way, but she lacked any visible sex drive or desire to find a spouse or mate or boyfriend or girlfriend. She was just too nice. Appearance wise, Angie was short. She had plenty of curves, an ample behind and matching breasts. She tried to diet and work out, but her genetics insured that she would be voluptuous and not petite. She had straight blonde hair that she flipped under at her collar and bright blue eyes. And the most beautiful smile any man could set eyes on. Each of her parts screamed sexy, but taken altogether, they announced Sunday School Teacher. She was a sweet, kind, beautiful girl that was the opposite of the archetype for sexiness. Instead of being thin, she was rounded. Instead of oozing sensuality, she radiated wholesomeness. It was a pity no boy had ever fought his way through her sweetness to her warm bosom and warmer cunt. We didn’t discuss it, but Kay and I both held the same opinion. Give it time, I thought to myself. Her mother was a late bloomer too. Angie would find the right man to love her for her precious gifts.

Angie Jackson was a 24 year old virgin.

Spring Break for Angie and her roommates didn’t coincide with the Spring Break of my own university. It fell on the week prior to our Spring Break, right during midterms. I was so distracted by the midterms, I had forgotten they were coming until late on a Saturday evening when our front door flew open and Angie and her roommates burst in. Even though it had been some time since Angie had been to visit, neither she nor we thought it unusual that she just opened the door and came in like family. Kay remembered they were coming of course, but if she reminded me, I had forgotten. I was seated at my desk in my study when I heard the commotion of their arrival. Kay was already being introduced when I appeared.

“Are you sure there’s anyone left in Kansas?” I asked, surveying the seven young adults crowding my living room. “Do you live in a commune now?” Angie crossed the living room and pressed her ample breasts into my waist when she latched on with a bear hug. “How many people do you live with Angie?”

“Oh David! You know you don’t mind! This is Terry, Terri, Tunisha, Alberto, Allison, and Miko.” I was looking a virtual UN of young adults. Terry and Terri were both of Anglo decent, Alberto appeared to be Puerto Rican or Spanish. Allison and Tunisha were both African American and Miko was Asian. “We all teach through Teach for America, but not at the same school. When Terry, Terri and Alberto found out that Tunisha, Allison, Miko and I were coming down; they kind of invited themselves along. Don’t worry; we bought plenty of groceries, so you won’t have to feed us.” They were all giggling and looking about. They appeared to as wholesome a group as idealistic young teachers could be.

“Well, let’s give you a quick tour of the house,” said Kay as she herded everyone toward the hallway. They all followed along as I showed them the two guest bedrooms, each with a queen sized bed. We showed them the screen porch where my wife had placed two inflatable beds. With the sea breezes blowing through, the screen porch felt very nice. But that left one person unaccounted for. Kay saw my wheels turning and spoke up. “One of you will get the couch in David’s study. It’s the most comfortable couch in the house and offers you the more privacy than the living room.” Until then, my study had been more or less off limits to house guests. As if she could read my mind, Angie spoke up. “I’ll take the study. I’m the shortest and a couch will suit me just perfectly.”

“David and I will make you some sandwiches, I am sure you are hungry. You kids bring in your bags and decide who is rooming with whom.” With that we headed for the kitchen and started an assembly line of turkey and ham sandwiches with chips and grapes. I pulled out bottles of water and bottles of beer as well, so they could have their choice to start Spring Break or not. They finished bringing in the luggage and started carrying in the sacks of groceries while Kay and I lay out the trays of sandwiches. They weren’t kidding when they said they brought food. Our cupboards aren’t bare, but with just the two of us most of the time, we don’t stock up on too much more than we can use in a week or two. The kitchen was well stocked now. It held enough food for a brigade of marines.

Our houseguests chattered and ate and opened up the beer, leaving the bottles of water untouched. “I hate to be a rude host,” I apologized, “but I am writing my midterm exams and I need to get back to them. You look like you are going to have plenty of fun without me to be the master of ceremonies, so carry on.” I left the kitchen to a chorus of thanks and retreated to my office. I wasn’t really paying attention to the time; I was too busy writing the essay questions for five sections of exams. Angie softly knocked and then entered. “I’m sorry to disturb you David, but I am going to get ready for bed. It’s been a long day.” She grabbed a bag of personal toiletries and rifled through a suitcase and then slipped out to the bathroom in the hall to change. When she came back I was gathering up papers to move to the kitchen to continue. “No, David, you don’t have to leave. Really. Just stay where you are, I will fall asleep anyway and you won’t disturb me. I have three roommates who chatter non-stop. I can sleep through anything.”

“If you are sure you don’t mind, I will stay here then.” She lay down on the couch with her head at the far end, away from the light from the lamp on my desk. It was a warm Texas gulf coast spring night so she didn’t crawl under the sheet and blankets. I glanced over and noticed was only wearing a t-shirt style nightshirt and panties. Standing up, the shirt hung down to her knees. It was obvious that she had removed her bra and I could tell her somewhat full breasts defied gravity without it. Impressive. When she lay down, she rolled to her side and pulled her knees up in the semi-fetal position, hiking up her shirt and exposing her butt. Even in the low light, I could clearly see her creamy white ass, fully exposed except where it was bisected by pink satin thong panties. I honestly don’t think it occurred to her that I could see her ass and the outline of her puffy lipped pussy. I was more shocked at the sight of Angie Jackson in a thong instead of full coverage granny panties. Maybe there was hope for her yet. I stared for a while, just wondering who would be her first. Had she had a first? Was she really a lesbian instead? Had she had sex with either of the guys she had brought? Any of the girls? Anyone at all? When she stirred slightly her breathing deepened as she adjusted her position. She had sunk into a relaxed slumber. It broke my train of thought and returned to writing test questions about historical milestones. About 1 a.m. I finished with two section exams. I stacked the papers in my briefcase, shut off the light and left the study.

I spent the next day writing the questions for the other sections midterm exams. Most professors would write one set of exam questions and use the exam for each section. But cellphones had pretty much rendered trust useless. The only way I could assist my students with maintaining their academic integrity was to write a different exam for each class section. Five classes, five exams. I probably put too much thought into it, given the overall academic rigor of this particular Texas institution of higher education, but old habits are hard to break. Since it was Sunday, I didn’t retreat to my office until after noon to begin. Upon entering I noticed the couch was still arranged as a bed and hadn’t been made. As sweet as Angie is, she isn’t a particularly tidy person. I also noticed something pink poking out from the crack of the cushions at the back of the couch. I gave it a tug and was rewarded with a pair of young woman’s thong panties. Used. I’ve never been into fetishes and I had never ever sniffed a pair of used panties before. But I thought, ‘Why the hell not?’ and put the still damp cloth to my nose and inhaled. My cock stirred. The odor, the feel of the cotton against my nose, the naughtiness of it, the reminder of that ample ass they had decorated just hours before, all of these things combined to give me a clear fantasy and a nice hard-on. Reluctantly I tucked the panties back where I found them and started working on test questions.

“When the kids get back, we are going to grill steaks. They should be back around seven. Do you want to fire up the grill?” I hadn’t seen Kay in hours, but that was typical. She leaves me alone when I am working in my study.

I looked up at my beautiful wife. “Come get me at six thirty. I’ll start it then.” She laughed and pointed at the mantel clock on my bookshelf. “OK then. I’ll start it now.” It was six thirty-five already. The afternoon had passed quickly and I was still writing out questions. Clearly I was distracted by something.

A few minutes after seven, a Suburban pulled up and the young adults all piled out wearing various forms of beach apparel. Angie was wearing a cotton beach throw over a dark blue one piece suit that pushed her ample figure into an hourglass shape. Her creamy breasts threatened to spill out of the top while the bottom of the suit packed her ass into two firm globes of flesh. Terry and Terri were clearly a couple, as were Alberto and Allison. Terry wore board shorts and a t-shirt, Terri wore a yellow string bikini and clearly had the firm young figure to wear it properly. Alberto was wearing a soccer sweatshirt with the arms cut off and black trunks. Allison was wearing a white boy short bikini with a blue belt. Tunisha sported a brown two piece that pressed her dark breasts into a mile of cleavage. Miko wore a pink and white checked bikini with demure frills around the bottoms and across the breasts, vainly trying to give her a modicum of modesty.

They were all getting along famously as they started opening bottles of wine and helping with finishing the dinner preparations. No one took the time to change clothes; everyone seemed perfectly relaxed in their current state of dress. We had our supper out on the deck that extended from behind the kitchen toward the gulf, content to bask in the breezes that were keeping the mosquitoes at bay for once. It was a boisterous affair and the topic of conversation flowed through a universe of subjects from dance to politics, but the underlying theme was always humor. When dinner concluded, Kay and I started to clear the dishes but we were quickly shooed out of the way. Our guest insisted that they do the cleaning up and I took the opportunity to slip into the study and return to work.

Angie joined me after a few minutes. They were done cleaning up and she was carrying two glasses of wine. She gave one to me and leaned over and gave a kiss on the cheek and said “Thank you so much for letting us come and stay with you. I’ve been looking forward to this for so long. Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching, but it’s so hard sometimes. And it’s so beautiful and warm here. The weather in Kansas only got up to 49 degrees today.” She laughed at the expense of everyone shivering in Kansas. Her beach cover-up had come loose and I got an eyeful of her full figure. I appreciated how beautiful she is, even if I was a majority of one. I might have stared too long. When I looked up, I could see a twinkle in her eye and all of her teeth. “Sometimes I wish all the boys would look at me the way you just did David.” She spun around and grabbed her night clothes and disappeared into the hallway. I went back to my lecture notes, looking for inspiration for questions that would demonstrate a mastery of the subject the midterms were supposed to measure. Angie wasn’t gone long enough to change before the study door opened again.

“I took too long. All three bathrooms are occupied.”

“I can leave you alone to change,” I said as I stood up. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

“That’s not necessary,” she chirped, setting her clothes and bag down. “It might be the wine, but I really don’t mind changing with you in the room. Avert your eyes unless you want to see the full show!” She giggled and turned her back on me and removed her beach wrap. I tried to look away, but I couldn’t. She pulled the straps down off her shoulders and did the shimmy shake to get the rest of the suit down her body and then down her legs. As she bent over to remove it completely, I got a glimpse of her virgin pussy lips, pressed tightly together by the tops of her full thighs. She stepped into a pair of panties and smoothly slid them up her short legs. Then she turned around and looked me dead in the eye. “I said AVERT your eyes, you old perv!” She laughed and almost lost her balance as she raised her nightshirt above her head, giving me a full unencumbered look at her full C breasts. Her nipples were large but in perfect proportion to the rest of her breasts. They were hard, poking out like thimbles against the cotton of her nightie as it fell into place, following her ample curves. “Did you enjoy the show?”

“Yes I did,” I found myself answering honestly, my voice barely more than a whisper. “Very much. You are really quite beautiful.”

“You are just saying that because I am like a daughter to you. You HAVE to say it. It’s in the rules.”

“Angela Patricia Jackson, if you weren’t like a daughter to me, you’d be like a wife to me.” The innuendo was clear enough. Maybe the wine was affecting me as well.

“You say the nicest things!” She crossed the room and circled her arms around my neck, pulling me into her for a hug. Even sitting I was as tall as she was standing. I looped my arm around her back, feeling her ass as I raised my arm up to her waist to reciprocate the hug. She pressed her breasts against me, and I felt the nipples poking me through the thin cloth. I could feel the heat radiating from her body through the nightshirt.

“I’m serious Angie. You are stunningly beautiful. You have such sensuous curves and you are gorgeous without even trying. You are going to make some lucky young man a wonderful wife. Or have you already found someone?”

“Nope, not yet. Not even close. I don’t know what it is, but they just don’t find me that attractive.” She didn’t say it like a complaint, more like a chipper fact. “But I know you find me attractive and that means a lot to me.” She squeezed me again. I pulled her tighter, my arm felt the curves of her ass, the crevice between the cheeks.

“You know I do. If I were 25 years younger, I’d be chasing you all over Texas to get you into my bed.”

“Well,” she smiled and broke the embrace. “Maybe I won’t make you chase me all over Texas if you feel like getting into my bed.” She winked. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I just said that! I’m so embarrassed.” We both laughed. The laughter was a little different this time. I could feel a change in the air, an influx of sexual energy.

“Well you made me feel like a lucky man because you did. You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about. Why don’t you rejoin your friends for now and I will join you. I only have a few questions to write. Midterms begin tomorrow.”

Angie left the study and I kept going. At 10:30 my wife came in and kissed me good night. “Almost done?”

“Just a few left. Is the party winding down?” I hadn’t got much accomplished in the previous two hours. Except to daydream about a nude and wanton Angie Jackson.

“It is for me. I am going to bed. Too much wine and too much laughter. It’s so nice having those kids in the house. They are so full of life.” She kissed me good night. “Don’t be too much of a stodgy old history professor; those youngsters really are a lot of fun.”

“Ok, ok. I guess this can wait a few minutes. I’ll go see what the kids are doing.” We both left my study. Kay went to bed and I went to the living room where the wine and laughter were still flowing. I tried to keep up but I couldn’t. After half an hour of constantly being behind in the conversation, I slipped out to the study to finish writing the last of the mid-term. At midnight the door opened and Angie came in, face flush, eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Hello David! I’ve had too much to drink. I am going to bed.” She crossed the room and kissed me boldly on the lips. “Good night! If you want to tuck me in, I am going to be over there.” She pointed dramatically to the brown sofa. “On the couch. All alone. And tipsy. And in the mood for anything. ANY. THING.” She took a little nibble out of my earlobe and kissed me on the lips again. She swayed a little as she walked back to the couch to lay down. She assumed the same position as the night before with her knees partly drawn up and her ample ass exposed with her pussy pressing against the fabric of her panties. The last two questions I wrote could have been entirely written in crayon, as little as I paid attention. I finished them up finally and instead of turning out the light and going to bed, I left the light on and reconnoitered the living room. Everyone else had already gone to bed as well. I went to the kitchen and got two glasses of water and then slipped back into my office. I put one on the corner of my desk and the other on the table near where Angie was sleeping. But she wasn’t sleeping. She rolled over onto her back as I approached with the second glass of water.

“I’ve been waiting for you to tuck me in.” Her breasts wandered freely under her shirt. I put the water down and sat on the edge of the couch. “Can I ask you a personal question and get an honest answer?” she asked.

“Sure. If I can ask you a personal question and get an honest answer.”

“Why don’t guys ask me out?” She kept her smile, but I could see it was a question that bothered her.

“Angie, I am going to tell you some truths about men that you probably didn’t know, but when I tell you, they are going to make perfect sense.”

“OK, Professor, shoot.”

“First, why don’t YOU ask guys out?”

“I couldn’t do that. What if they said ‘no’?”

“Now you know one of the reasons why guys don’t ask you out.”

“Seriously? That’s it? They are afraid of me saying no?”

“Angie, you may not realize it, but a lot of guys find you sexy and attractive and would love to date you. But they also think you are too good for them and they are scared by how sweet and nice and cheerful you are.”

“That’s not true.”

“It is. Second, do you find yourself sexually attracted to Terry or Alberto?”

“No, not really. They aren’t really my type.”

“Do find them handsome?”

“Yes, but they aren’t for me.”

“That’s natural. Everyone has a type or types that get them going and Terry and Alberto don’t do it for you. Guys are the same way. Yet there are plenty of guys who would love to see you naked, feel those warm young breasts pressed against their chest and get their hands on that great ass of yours.” She blushed at my graphic description of her physical attributes.

“I don’t believe it, but it makes a little sense. Are there any more reasons?”

“Yep. The final reason they don’t ask you out is that you just don’t know how to read the signs and give them encouragement to proceed.”

“There are signs?” she asked incredulously. “I didn’t anything about signs. Why didn’t someone tell me?”

“Your female friends probably thought you already knew and hadn’t found anyone worthy of your companionship. Angie, the young men that find you most attractive are going to be smart, funny, shy guys. They will be a lot like you, wonderful young people full of promise, but lacking in experience and unsure of how to proceed.”

“So what are the signs I should be looking for?”

“They will be looking at you when you don’t know it. You will catch them from time to time, but most of the time they will admire you from afar.”

“If I can’t catch them, how do I know they are looking at me?”

“They want to get you to notice them and give them some indication you are interested, so they will position themselves in places where you might see them every day. At the coffeeshop, in the hallway, across the teacher’s lounge. You assume there is a different reason why they are always in the same place each day and seem to run into you. But YOU are the reason they are always waiting to see you. Hoping one day you will smile and they will find the courage to strike up a conversation.”

Angie thought about this. After a moment she replied. “You know, I always get my gas in the same place every couple of weeks. I seem to run into the same guy getting gas at the same time. I always thought it was a coincidence. Now you make me think he’s really coming on to me!” We both laughed.

There was a pause in the conversation and I was beginning to think sitting this close was a bad idea.

“David, before you go, can I ask one last question?”

“Sure, anything.”

“Have you been giving me the signs?”

I paused a long time before answering. If I told her the truth, it might be crossing a line that she wasn’t ready to have crossed. I finally screwed up the courage, took in a deep breath and shared the way I really felt.


She broke into the widest grin. “Good! I thought so. Now I know I can read the signs! This is going to be such a great week. Now I won’t have to be alone all week. I felt like I was stuck as the proverbial third wheel on my own vacation because everyone else is paired up.” The implication that Miko and Tunisha was a lesbian couple stirred my imagination. “Kiss me goodnight!”

“But of course, my dear.” I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. When I raised up, our eyes met and held.

“Not like that,” she said softly.

I leaned over and tenderly kissed her on the cheek.

“No, not there either. But you are getting warmer,” she said through her shy smile.

I leaned over a third time and kissed her on the mouth, fully aware my wife was down the hall and this was wrong in so many ways. We kissed like young lovers kissing for the first time.

“Now I am getting hotter,” Angie gushed as she tried to catch her breath. “You are a really good kisser.”

I dropped my hand onto her thigh and twiddled with the bottom hem of her t-shirt. I contemplated pressing the opportunity, listening to the arguing of my devil and my angel in my head.

“Anytime, Princess. Good night.” I gave her another sensuous kiss and then I stood up and left the study before my little demon made me do something that we both might regret. I paused only long enough in the master bath to give myself a serious look about messing with the affections of a girl I always thought of as my daughter. I really needed to sleep and clear my head. Things would be much better in the morning.

But in the morning things weren’t better. As I shaved, I could only think of that voluptuous young virgin asleep in my study. Her full breasts aching to be caressed. Her tender little snatch aching to be licked. The passions that must be there, volcanic, waiting just below the surface. I found myself rubbing a thick erection through my pajama bottoms. This was too much too quickly for an old professor like me. All of the years I’ve been teaching, it never occurred to me to even attempt to have sex with a coed. I wasn’t interested. Kay and I have a great sex life. I took a long look in the mirror. The young old man that stared back had lines around his eyes, gray hair on the temples and sprinkled through his eyebrows. I probably had more years behind me than in front of me. I gave myself a wink and a shrug. If any man was of the perfect age for a mid-life crisis, it was me. That was it. I was having a temporary episode of insanity. I’d had my fun and now it was time to return to reality.

The young adults were still all crashed out when I got ready for classes. I snuck into my study and gazed down at Angie while I grabbed my briefcase. Even with my new resolve to subdue my urges, her allure was so strong I nearly stroked her ass and grazed my fingers along her pussy lips, but I was able to withstand the temptation. I slipped out quietly and shared a cup of coffee and a banana nut muffin with Kay in the kitchen. She said she was going to her garden club luncheon and then to her afternoon tutoring sessions at the grade school. At seven fifteen I left through the carport and drove myself to campus.

I managed to make it through the day with few outward distractions. I nearly handed the wrong exams out in the second section history, but I fumble around enough normally for this to be laughed off by my TA. By three o’clock I was headed home, a briefcase full of midterms to begin grading. I promised my classes a light session on Wednesday and an exam review on Friday, just in time for our Spring Break. I needed to get busy with grading these exams for my first two classes or I’d never get them done in time.

I was in the study when Kay came in at 3:45. Kay is everything Angie is not. She is tall, nearly six feet. She is physically fit. She runs competitively in age class races and does yoga for core balance and flexibility. She has small B breasts and a narrow ass and hips. Even after four kids, she’s a looker. I know I am a lucky, lucky man. Why was I even daydreaming about a petit, chubby young virgin? Kay mistook my look when she walked in the room.

“Seriously? It’s the middle of the afternoon on a Monday, David. Is having a house full of young men and women really having that much of an effect on you?” I didn’t flinch. I only gave her my hungry wolf grin.

“Come here and find out,” I challenged.

Kay closed the study door behind her and took up my challenge. As she came around my desk, I rotated my chair and pulled her between my legs. I sat up straight so my face was between her small breasts and I began to rub my nose on the bare skin above her blouse. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her forearms on my shoulders. I unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it from her shoulders, exposing her padded bra that filled her out to a small C cup. There was little fat on her, but age had loosened her skin. When I released her bra, her breasts sagged a bit, flattening out but leaving her small nipples painfully erect.

“It looks like those young people have put some life in your libido as well,” I teased.

“Maybe they have,” she admitted while she pressed her exposed breasts against my mouth. “All that sex in the house is making me horny!”

While my lips and tongue teased her nipples, my hands roamed her back and her firm ass. I hooked her waistband with my thumbs and slid her skirt down. She wasn’t wearing her normal practical panties; she was sporting the athletic cut red panties that made her long legs appear even longer. I could smell her warm arousal through the stretch material. I guided her around until her backside was against my desk. I looped my right arm under her left leg and pulled it up over my right shoulder. She had to grab my head and clutch it to her chest to maintain her balance. I pressed my nose against her mound, inhaling deeply of her fragrance. I guided her panties to the side and playfully licked her clean shaven lips. Kay has protruding labia that engorge into firm petals the more she is aroused. Her sex was so engorged, she was a pink and red lotus flower. I knew exactly which parts she liked sucked and which ones licked. All of them. I could feel her right leg shake as she weakened with her excitement. I pushed her back until her butt was on the edge of my desk and then picked up her other leg and looped if over my shoulder as well. This left her exposed pussy in the perfect position for my mouth. I fired my tongue against her clit and she started to flow with delicious juices. I stopped long enough to press her knees together long enough to wrench her panties completely off and toss them aside. Now she was completely bare and throbbing with excitement. I sucked her engorged labia in and pressed my index finger against her asshole. I only insert to the first knuckle, but it’s enough to allow me to feel the telegraph of twitches her orgasm creates. She kept cumming and cumming and cumming. When she finally had enough, and pressed my forehead hard to separate it from her hypersensitive pussy. She gasped and laughed through the gasps.

“My God! Why don’t we do THAT more often?”

“We aren’t done yet. Take a seat.” She sat down while I stood and backed against the desk. I didn’t waste any time, I undid my belt and trousers and slid them down to my knees, taking my underwear with them. My cock pointed directly at Kay’s mouth. One of Kay’s best qualities, in my opinion, is that she’s competitive. She took the pleasure she had received from me as a challenge. With one wet slurp she buried my seven and a half inches into her warm throat. Then she slowly pulled it out, teasing me with her tongue as she backed away. Suddenly she was thrusting me to the back of her throat and now she was really going to town. She never gave such sloppy and noisy blow jobs. I had created a monster. When I felt my arousal nearing end, I pulled out and made her stand up and kneel in my chair, bending her ass back toward me. I guided my hard cock into her hot cunt and started to power fuck her. It didn’t take long for me to blast the inside of her womb with my hot seed. It had been a long time since I had come that hard or that much. My orgasm triggered another in her and she dropped her head and pressed her ass back hard. Once I am spent, I usually soften. But not this time. My cock remained hard and her slick cunt was something wonderful to feel as I continued to glide in and out. Kay continued to orgasm as the bottom of my cock contacted her spongy g-spot on each stroke. I wasn’t going to come again soon and finally Kay begged me to stop. We were both hot, sweaty messes. Now it was nearly five o’clock. We needed to get cleaned up.

We were out of the shower and back to our regular routine, albeit with wet hair when the kids came back after a day down the beach on South Padre Island. Even though we have a beach front home, our neighborhood isn’t conducive to the wild debauchery college kids want at Spring Break. So our guests made the drive down the island to where the partiers gathered. Now they were stumbling back home, all tipsy except Angie. She had drawn the short straw and was the designated driver. Everyone had huge grins and sunburns. Clearly they had had a good time.

The wine began to flow again as I fired up the grill to cook shrimp kebabs and redfish filets. I had a couple glasses of Mer Soleil myself while grilling the seafood. Again everyone stayed in their beach attire until after dinner. I noticed that Angie was wearing a black suit, similar in build as the one from the day before. But she didn’t bother to close her cover-up. It just draped and flowed as she moved. As we sat out on the deck and enjoyed the coming sunset, she sat next to me and managed to somehow arrange herself until she was using my thigh as her foot rest. Kay was on the other side of me and when I looked at her I could see the devious wheels of her mind turning. As the kids did the dishes, Kay pulled her chair even closer to mine and told me what she thought.

“Angie is flirting with you! It’s so cute.” She kissed my neck and nibbled my ear. “You are such sexy stud even the coeds are in love with you.” She was teasing and I played along.

“I know! It’s a curse. Most I have to beat them back with a stick. I make the rest of them take a number and wait their turns.”

She laughed and playfully slapped my arm. Then she got a little more serious. “Well, let her down gently if you must,” warned my wife. “Or maybe I should?”

“If you think it would help, go ahead. I wouldn’t know what to say to her. She can’t have much experience with unrequited crushes and I don’t want to embarrass her or make her feel bad. Do you think she realizes she’s flirting with me?”

“I’ll find out, don’t worry.” We all moved into the living room and I put some smooth jazz on the stereo. The kids took turns in the showers, emerging in their various forms of bed time attire. Angie took her turn in the master shower and when she came out, Kay was waiting to talk to her. I didn’t even notice that they were both gone. The evening was great fun, but I still had hours of work to do. I slipped into my study and started to quickly grade the midterms. I had a glass of wine and light blue pen and I grabbed a stack of blue books and went to work. I was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and a t-shirt and panty wearing Angie as she entered.

“Kay and I had a talk about you,” she said from near the door. “She caught on how much I was flirting with you. She was cool with it. I told her I have had a huge crush on you from the time I was little. She told me not to let you get hurt too bad and to let you down easy.” She crossed the room until she was standing right in front of me, in the same place Kay had been just hours before. “What she didn’t know was that I wasn’t going to let you down at all. In fact, I plan on keeping you up. All night. And making it hard on you. Over and over again.”

I was beginning to think Angie wasn’t a virgin at all. I was beginning to get the impression she had been a seductress before. I was trying to make sense of the vixen standing in front of me as compared to the sweet little princess I thought she was.

“Uh…..Ok. I guess.” Not a very witty comeback. She cracked up with laughter.

“Did I do it right? Did I sound like a sex starved harlot?” She put her arms on my shoulders, and leaned a little closer.

“Yes you did. Was it all a joke? Were you just teasing your old friend David?” I raised my hands up to the top of her hips, brushing my thumbs over her hip bones.

“Of course not. In fact, Kay told me if I could get you to make a move on me tonight, I could have you. I think she was joking. I think.” Kay knows me well enough to know I am only good for once every three or four days. Getting older has taken its toll on my libido. Her joke was only half a joke. Kay was confident our afternoon tryst would be my swan song for a couple of days.

“Well not right now, I can’t make a move on you. I still have fifteen tests to grade. Why don’t you go hang out with your friends and let me finish? Then we will see if you are still in the mood for an old guy to put a full on move on you.”

“Deal!” she agreed, leaning over to give me a quick kiss on the mouth. I swear she actually sashayed as she left the study, shaking her ass back and forth for my enjoyment.

As hard as it was to concentrate, I finished grading the tests about the same time my wife came in to kiss me good night. She had clearly been keeping up in the wine consumption portion of the evening.

“How did things go with Angie? Did she say anything?” Kay asked after straddling my lap and pressing her breasts into my face for the second time today.

“She claims you gave her permission to sleep with me if she could get me to initiate the contact. Or something like it.” I watched Kay’s face for any indication that Angie had lied or that the two of them were somehow pranking me for being such a sucker for a pretty face.

“Yep, that’s pretty much it. She’s been in love with you all of her life. The reason she doesn’t have a boyfriend is because she hasn’t found anyone she likes as much as you.”

“Are you serious? She really said that? I had no idea. Are you just teasing me?” I was looking for a break in her character that would let me know she was teasing. She gave no indication she was lying or playing me.

“I am dead serious. I’ve been giving it some thought. If you want to, you can be her first.” She looked me right in the eye when she said that.

“Now I know you are messing with me.” I waved my hand at her, certain she was just being a little spiteful with her joke.

“No David, I am not. I am not afraid you are going to have a torrid affair with Angie Jackson. You are going to be a caring and gentle lover for her first experience. You are going to introduce her to the pleasures of making love the right way. And if I know you at all, you’ve actually been thinking about it for the last day or two.” I didn’t say a word. Kay knows me well.

“I don’t know what to say. I’d never expect you to say this in a million years. As much as I agree that Angie’s first time should be special, I don’t know if I can do that. It’s all too strange. I don’t even want to consider it. I love you and only you.”

“I know you do sweetheart. Taking Angie’s virginity won’t change that. If this afternoon was any indication, having sex with her will pay me benefits for a long time to come. A girl could get used to being treated like a sex object by her sexy stud husband. Promise you will really think about it. Don’t let Angie go back to Kansas a virgin. I’m afraid she will do something silly when she gets back. Or worse yet, while she is here with some random stranger down on the island. Promise?”

“I guess. I’ll think about it tonight. If you feel the same way tomorrow, I’ll think about it again,” I promised. She kissed me long and deep, reaching down between our bodies to stroke my cock through my pants. “That’s not fair!” I protested. She just laughed and dismounted and left me alone in the study.

I was done with the tests for the night, so I headed out to the party in the living room. The couples were all paired up, leaving Angie alone on the loveseat. Since next to her was the only seat open, I settled in. She immediately turned in her seat and threw her legs over mine, adjusting her t-shirt until she had covered her panties again. The conversation had turned to sunburns. Everyone took turns showing their reddest parts. When Angie’s turn came she tried to pull her tshirt down to show the top over her cleavage which had turned lobster red. It didn’t work. So she improvised by pulling her shirt up, exposing burn and ample breasts as the same time.

“You win!” exclaimed Terry and Terri.

“You also win for Breast in Show!” giggled Tunisha.

“And Second Breast in Show,” guffawed Miko. Even I had to laugh at that. Angie didn’t even attempt to cover herself.

“It feels SO good to have that t-shirt off my skin. I am burning up! And I put lotion on a dozen times!” She pulled her shirt off entirely and lay back against the couch. If any of her friends were shocked, they didn’t show it.

“I have some aloe in my bag,” volunteed Kiko. She went out to the screen porch and returned with a bottle of green gel. She handed it to Angie. “Here, this will make your burn feel better.”

Angie handed me the bottle. “Would you rub it on my please? It hurts when I move my arms too much.” I didn’t look at her friends to see if they were shocked. I was plenty shocked myself.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes of course silly. I am burning up, go gently.” I am sure all eyes were on my while I squirted a big glob of aloe gel into my hand and passed the bottle to the next couple. I started with her shoulders, laying a thick layer of pain relieving gel on the reddest spots. The conversation around us resumed as people took turns rubbing aloe into each other’s burned skin. “Maybe it would work better if I turned around.” Angie didn’t wait for a response; she just spun around and settled against me. This allowed me much easier access to the red tops of her bosoms. I rubbed the hot skin with the cooling lotion. Angie purred her appreciation. I tried not to drift too far south. Her puffy nipples were hard and she spun back around. “Do my thighs too.”

“You can reach those.”

“Pleeeeeease???” she begged. I responded by slowly rubbing the remaining goop on the tops of both of her thighs. They weren’t burned all that bad. I think Angie wanted a reason to get my hands on her thighs and near her pussy. I kept clear of her panties and rubbed for as long as I dared, enjoying every second. I glanced around the room. All the rubbing had gotten everyone else warmed up. As if on cue they all said good night and headed for the privacy of their various rooms.

“Come tuck me in,” Angie ordered as she stood up and slipped her t-shirt back on. I followed her into the study and allowed her to pull me down to my knees as she reclined onto the couch. She kept pulling until I was lip to lip with her. After several minutes she relinquished her grip on my shirt and let me catch my breath. “You spoke with Kay, I know you did. She told you it would be ok if you were my first, didn’t she?”

“She did.”

“Good. How do we start? Should I take my clothes off?”

“Whoa down little princess. Before we do anything, you need to slow down and let things happen. You have a bad sunburn and you aren’t in any shape to have sex like that. Maybe by Wednesday or Thursday if your burn fades by then. Right now your skin would be so sore you wouldn’t be able to enjoy anything.” I was being calm and reasonable, even though my little demon was giving me other ideas. “No, not tonight.”

“Come on David! That’s not fair. First you get me all worked up, now you want to leave me in the lurch!”

“We can’t have that, can we. There is something I can do for you to help you sleep tonight. Raise your hips up.” She listened to my directions and I slipped her panties gently down her sunburned thighs and onto the floor. I had her sit up and spread her legs wide with her ass on the edge of the couch. I knelt between her thighs and I was rewarded by the smell of her sex, fresh and inviting. Her full thighs framed the tiniest little pussy I had ever seen. It was completely bare and spread open. But her clit was huge by comparison. It was bigger than the end of a pencil, protruding like a little penis, begging for attention. I slowly kissed her thighs, alternating with my lips and little bites of love with a tongue lashing thrown in for texture. Her hips squirmed from the tickling and teasing. I looked up from between her legs. Her bright blue eyes peered through her scattered blond hair. She was smiling and biting her bottom lip. Her hands flittered about, not sure where they should land.

“Relax. You are really going to like this next part.” She giggled. I teased the bottom of her slit with my tongue and gently parted her folds with licks. I purposely avoided her protruding clit. I listened to her breathing, coming in fast gasps and then long periods of silence as she held her breath. I touched her clit with just the lightest brushing of my tongue. She stiffened. I caressed it again. She shuddered. I gently circled it with my lips, not pressing, just holding. Her hips thrust involuntarily. I backed off.

“Now this next bit is going to drive you wild. You must not scream aloud and wake the rest of the house. Scream and bite your pillow if you must.” With that warning I sucked her hard clit into my mouth and lathered it with my whole tongue. Angie responded by bucking and stifling her screams. She grabbed her pillow and pressed it hard to her face. I could hear her muffled screams of pleasure. This only inspired me to suck harder. She raised her knees even farther and thrust her cunt out for my mouth to devour. I pressed my tongue into her virginity and rolled the tip of my nose around her clit. She cursed. She screamed. She took the Lord’s name in vain. All of this was thankfully muffled by her pillow or she would have wakened the entire neighborhood. I put my mouth back on her clit and slowly traced her labia with my middle finger. I slid it in easily until it reached her hymen. She was definitely still a virgin. As my mouth continued to work over her sopping cunt and clit, I slid my hands under her t-shirt and found her taut nipples. I circled her areoles before clamping both nipples in gentle pinches while simultaneously clamping down on her clit with my lips. That was it. She had been walking the pleasure tightrope for too long. I pushed her off and she fell into the oblivion of pleasure. Her very first orgasm wrecked her. She was out of breath and sweating from her brow and chest. She draped her legs on my shoulders, and caressed my head as I rested it against her thigh. Her pussy pulsed and clenched with the gentle aftershocks of her climax. I blew a gentle breeze and this elicited and unexpected response. She spread her legs wide to allow me repeat access. I may have created a monster.

I accepted the opportunity and let my imagination run wild. I put my hands behind her knees and spread her legs back and wide, rolling her hips open in the process. Her ass was now fully exposed. Her brown ring was slightly open, and it twitched when I blew on it as well. I leaned forward and flicked my tongue on it. She tensed for a moment and then held her breath. I flicked it again, giving her the opportunity to like it or tell me to stop. I flicked it again and then I circled it. She seemed to relax. I pressed my tongue into her ass and then slid it up her slit and around her clit and back down. I kissed and sucked each white globe of ass, using my lips to kiss and bite. I sucked on the tissue between her cunt and her ass, licking the ridge of skin that connected the two openings. I pressed my tongue into her asshole, feeling it opening as she relaxed and enjoyed the intrusion. I have always loved assplay and I was glad that Angie appeared to love it as well. My nose was wedged in her pussy and I used it to press the underside of her clit. I was smearing her juices all over my face and loving it. When I wanted her to cum again, I put my tongue deep into her ass, then deep into her cunt, and flicked her engorged clit. And to finish the onslaught of pleasure, I slid my hands under her shirt and gently squeezed her nipples and slowly rolled them between my thumbs and forefingers. She rode the waves of her orgasm as they reminded her that there were worlds of experiences she had not yet tasted. She bucked her ass against my face, gripped my wrists and held them firm against her breasts, and moaned into the pillow she was biting. When her pleasure finally relented, she was spent.

“I want you to be my first David. I want to feel what it’s like to make love. To you. I want you to teach me how to please you. I want you to show me everything. That was so incredible. I never knew what it could be like. Oh God! There’s another one!” An involuntary aftershock orgasm rippled through her loins. I lowered her legs and helped her to get into a more comfortable position to fall asleep. She rubbed my thigh, her hand drifting closer to my cock. “I should return the favor.” I gently guided her hand away, leaning in to kiss her. As much as I wanted to plunder her virginity, I had promised my wife the opportunity to change her mind.

“I can wait. You need sleep. Good night Princess.” I kissed her all over her face and then passionately on her mouth. “You are so beautiful. You deserve to be worshipped.” I stood up and left the room. I think Angie was asleep before I got to the door, exhausted and spent. I smiled.

I washed my face and hands in the bathroom I shared with my wife. I stripped down to my boxer briefs and stared at the middle age fool in the mirror and wondered if I was really going to go through with it. The door opened and my wife shuffled in, naked except for those sexy red panties. She walked behind me to the private area with the commode, relieved herself and shuffled back out, pinching my ass as she walked by. “If you are that worked up, you can come to the bed and I will take care of it for you.” She got the wrong impression why I was standing at the mirror, but I could see by the erection pressing against my briefs, she hadn’t got the impression too wrong. I followed her into our bed.

Kay spent the next twenty minutes bent over my erection, sucking for all she was worth. I love a good blow job and this was one for the ages. But I need to bury my cock in her pussy or her ass. I had a hunger that only a quick hard fuck could satisfy. I guided her to her back and pulled her panties off. Then I rolled her onto her side and lifted one leg up to her chest, exposing her cunt to my hard cock. It was one of our favorite positions. She was well lubricated when I speared her. She bit down on her pillow and grunted in time to my thrusts. As I stroked in and out, I sucked on my left thumb, leaving a glob of saliva on the pad that I carefully lowered to the crack of her ass. I used it to lube her brown ring. Kay tolerates anal play sometimes, objects at other. She’s not an anal addict, but she loves me and lets me abuse her ass from time to time. I worked my thumb around her ring, encouraging her to relax. My right hand worked its way to the front of her pussy, tweaking her clit. She was getting three points of contact and it was working. She shifted and rolled her hips, giving me great access to her ass. My thumb popped in and I pressed it past the first knuckle and up to the second. I could feel my cock sliding in and out of her through the thin skin that separates her colon from her vagina. I alternated thrusts between my thumb in her ass and my cock in her cunt. She gripped the sheets and rolled her face into the mattress to muffle her moans. We continued like this until she came, her inner labia throbbing and her sphincter twitching. Now it was my turn. I pulled my still hard cock from her steaming pussy and spit on my fingers. I got my dick good and wet. I adjusted my aim and pressed my cockhead against her asshole. She relaxed and allowed me to bury it in one long stroke.

“God David! It’s never felt this good before. Do it. Fuck my ass. Fuck it like you know you want to. Fuck it like you know I want you to. Fuck. My. Ass.” Kay never spoke dirty to me like that before. I obliged by slowly pumping her ass until I was sure I could go harder and faster. Then I grabbed her hip and started pumping for all I was worth. I could feel my juice boiling up from my testicles. I kept pumping. Finally it was too much. I blasted her intestines with as much cum as my old body could make and then I collapsed on her, keeping my erection buried in her ass. I slowly moved to the spooning position, careful to remain intact in her ass. I must have fallen asleep like that, because I awoke some time later as she disengaged. My cock was still hard. I passed the rest of the night resting in the slumber of the dead.

The next morning I woke to the smell of fresh coffee steaming from a cup on my nightstand and a gentle hand caressing my face. I cracked my eyes open, protesting against the dawn.

“Hello Stud,” purred my wife’s voice in my ear. I could feel her naked breasts pressed against my arm. “Thanks for last night. That was fantastic.” I watched her naked form with blurry eyes as she entered the master bath and started the shower. Our bed was situated so that you can see the shower reflected in the mirror. She smiled at me in the reflection and crooked her finger at me to join her. Even though our shower was big enough for three or four, we had never showered together. I rose unsteadily to my feet and shuffled in to join her, sipping on my coffee every other step.

We took a long shower, taking our time watching each other off. I soaped the crack of her ass, feeling the hole that I had just hour before abused and used for my pleasure.

“Go easy, it’s still a little tender. I’ve never liked anal before last night. It was fabulous. You can try it again, but give me a week to walk straight first.” She smiled and we kissed, allowing the warm water to flow over us. No matter how much either of us wanted it, I wasn’t going to be able to fuck again for a while, so we just enjoyed the sensual touch and slippery skin. Finally we shut off the water and dried each other with the thick towels my wife loves. We were nearly dressed when she spoke again.

“I’ve decided that the Angie Question is up to you. Whatever you decide is fine with me. It’s painfully obvious that you love me and desire me. But you are middle aged now and this might be your last chance to have sex with someone young and fresh. It would be too strange for me to tell you that you have to have sex with her. But I do think it’s a good idea. Every girl should have a lover like you for her first time. It’s a special moment that too often is wasted and spoiled. No, I think I would prefer it be a man like you. A good man. A gentle man. A dead sexy stud.” She laughed and I did too.

“I’ll think about it. I really will. I have thought about it and I find it a little unsettling. I also find it exciting. But I haven’t decided. I don’t want to wreck anything in my life for a moment of pleasure. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt her. I want to be able to live up to both of your expectations. I have a lot to think about.” She hugged me from behind around my waist.

“You will come to the right decision. You always do. That’s one of the wonderful things about you. You are a good man.”

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-07-24 08:58:19
I am looking forward to part two and the taking of Angie's cherry.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-07-10 00:26:53
I have a plump female slave at my command. Into anything and she will do as told. Want to trade pics. All kinds welcome.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-06-21 19:02:33
Firm.kaash. tum. Hotel

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-02-04 00:17:07
Very nice story. Please continue,Iam sitting in Austria and waiting. Thanks

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-30 06:28:25
a great start but now you have to have full sex WITH ANGIE



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