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How I changed my wife and our sex life forever.

As I write this my wife is taking a shower. Soon she will get herself ready for her night out with her girlfriends. Once or twice a month they will hit the Kiez, the legendary party and red-light district of our native Hamburg. They'll have some wine, girl talk, exchange the latest rumors, and have a good time. Most of them are in their thirties, like us, and they are all nice middle class women whose idea of doing something crazy is to giggle red-faced and embarrassed because they caught each other eyeing a male stripper's cock in one of the St. Pauli strip clubs that they occasionally went to. Most of them, including my wife, usually just had a few drinks in a regular bar though, and wherever they decided to go, they never did anything rash. Sometimes my wife would come home late and I could smell the wine on her as she walked in the door but I always knew that I could trust her, no matter how many men would be drooling after her. Nothing sexual would ever happen on such a night. Until recently that is. Tonight was different, totally different. Tonight, I'm sure something will happen. I know that because I know her. I knew the old her and I know the new her, the one I created, the one who told me earlier today that she wants to fuck another man tonight.
She didn't actually say ”You don't mind, do you?” but she might as well have. She didn't ask for my approval, it was more like an announcement and she didn't use too many words either. In fact, she simply mentioned that there was that guy she fancied and that she'll probably meet him later tonight and bring him home. All she would say was that he used to date one of her friends who'd told my wife that she really missed having sex with him because he'd been giving her the most amazing orgasms. ”So, do you know that guy, I mean, have you actually met him before?”, I stammered. ”I've seen him a couple of times, talked to him twice at a party.” ”That's all? You talked twice and now you're gonna fuck him?” I felt like I needed a drink. ”Well, we are going out first”, she said and made it sound like a big, fat ”duh!?”. I suppose I deserved that. After all it was me who introduced her to extramarital sex. I was the one who had wanted this – well, something like this anyway. Right now, though, I'm not sure what I'm thinking. I'm not sure what I was thinking. I mean, I knew that something like this might happen. I knew that once we made that one step beyond the save boundaries of married life, there would be no turning back and the consequences would be unforeseeable. Well, no shit Sherlock. I cursed to myself quietly and poured myself another large brandy.
The water in the shower just stopped running. Now, I know, she's got soap all over her body, her slender, wonderful body, and shampoo in her long, brown hair. Her hands will run over her white skin, which will have a reddish hue now because of the hot water. Soon there may be strange hands all over that body, which used to be mine and mine alone. Her small breasts will disappear in those hands and her nipples will harden between fingers that she has never felt before. And soon these fingers will find her wet pussy and enter her, just like my fingers used to do. Now they just hit this damned key board. I can feel my own cock harden as I imagine this faceless stranger's cock harden. Her thin fingers around his thick cock, all soapy, like her pussy. My mind is racing. Why do I assume that he's got a big dick? Maybe the guy's just got skills. How big will it be? Amazing orgasms? Will they really do it here, in our home? Does she expect me to stay in my study or is she going to introduce him to me? ”Hello, this is what's-his- name, he's going to fuck me now, honey”. Or does she expect me to watch them; do I want to; will he want me to? I hate that I have lost all control over the situation. I used to call the shots, pull the strings, damn it! Now I've no idea what's happening. The water's back on, the sound of the water running and splashing on the bathroom floor pulled me out of my confused thoughts. I take a sip of my drink. Now she'll be washing all that soap off her. A new thought suddenly hit me: Would the new her actually touch herself in a sexual way as she showers? Has her sexual awakening also stirred her interest in her own body?

It wouldn't be fair to say that she used to be prude. No, she liked having sex with me, in fact she often made the first move when she felt like it. But she never masturbated, nor did she ever try anything new in bed. She never gave me blow-jobs but she really liked it when I went down on her, which is quite selfish actually, now that I think about it. Not that I minded, I love licking her pussy. That has always been the best way to make her come too – the only way more often than not. Every time we had sex she would at some point ask me to stop licking and start fucking her. Well, she never used that kind of language but she found nice expressions like ”use your penis”. In fact, she never said much in bed and I could never get her to talk about sexual issues, like fantasies or cravings. She wouldn't even tell me what she would like me to do while we were having sex. She wanted my cock inside her, she liked to ride, since that way she would have an orgasm sometimes, grinding her clit against my cock as she was riding it. I also learned that she seemed to prefer certain positions over others and I could tell when she was enjoying it. When she reached her early thirties her sexual appetite seemed to grow, well, I guess it's true what they say about women and the peak of their sexual development. In any case she wanted it more often, she got aroused easily, was usually very wet by the time I reached her pussy and our sexual routines changed a bit too.
I've always enjoyed fucking her with my fingers as I licked her clit. For my wife, however, that seemed to be a borderline pervert thing to do and even though she allowed it, she'd always signal me to stop when I started to really enjoy it. Then she wanted to ”make love” instead. But as she grew older she seemed to enjoy my fingers more and more. She would allow me to put in two at once and sometimes, when I really got her going, I managed to squeeze three fingers into her and by the sound of her moaning she enjoyed having her pussy stretched a little more than before. She also seemed to swallow up my cock more eagerly now whenever our love making intensified. Feeling my orgasm approaching I would pump away wildly, giving it to her hard and yet she would pull me towards her sometimes, trying to feel my cock as deep as possible. All that just reinforced my feeling of being inadequate. My dick just happens to be on the small side, well below average, I think, both in length and girth. And I always felt bad about the notion of not being able to give her what she needed. I loved my wife. She deserved to get decent orgasms. She ought to experience sexual ecstasy; I sensed the desire in her but I felt like I could only wake her appetite and not satisfy it properly. Of course she never complained but after every time we had sex I wondered how she would have liked a bigger man. I kept telling myself that love and sex were inseparable for her, as she had pointed out often enough but still I grew more and more restless.
We had reached a critical stage in our sexual relationship. It had been developing into that direction for years, maybe from the very beginning. I've been anxious because of the size of my penis as long as I remember. When we were boys we compared them sometimes and mine would usually be the smallest. Compared to my older brother's proud member mine looked puny. And later, when I became interested in porn, I was just as intimidated by the huge porn cocks as I was attracted to the pretty girls. It was always the combination of both that turned me on: A pretty girl who gets fucked by a big guy; the beauty and the beast. No wonder I started fantasizing about my wife having sex with other men, bigger men, they would always be really well hung guys. I never dared to confront her openly with my fantasies. I was afraid she'd lose all respect for me as a man. Well, I guess that's pretty much what actually happened. But it was a long way before we reached the present situation. I couldn't talk to her about this the way we talked about other things. Even if I had asked her if my dick was big enough for her, what the hell could she have possibly said?
Our marriage was a traditional one, despite the fact that we aren't conservative people. Well, my wife comes from a conservative family and she grew up as a nice Christian girl, saving herself for her future husband. So I was, in fact, her first and only lover! My dick was the only one she's ever had. She could not compare it to any other cock, she could not compare me to any other man. I took her innocence and now, after many married years, I took her innocence again - by setting her up for the sexual adventure that lead me to this situation, to my glass of brandy and my computer. And for the first time I don't read but write a sex story. This is what happened:

What led to our turning point, to the point of no return that we've crossed, began quite innocently. Paula, my wife of almost 15 years (we were very young when we got married) had just been on a short holiday with her sister, following a work trip and a visit at her parents' place before that, so we hadn't seen each other for two and a half weeks. I went down to the harbor and waited as the cruise ship reached its final position at the pier. I watched as the ship was secured, the gangways were lowered and a steady stream of passengers started to flow from within and from the higher decks above. It was a warm and sunny day in Hamburg. I watched dozens of women in light summer dresses and thought that summer was a glorious time indeed. Why did they all have to show so much skin? All those shapely legs and deep, inviting cleavages made me realize how horny I was. And then I spotted Paula, stepping off the gangway, following her sister. They noticed me and left the main stream of departing passengers.

For a moment all I could see or think about was Paula. I was thunderstruck by how beautiful my wife looked! A couple of weeks of separation and suddenly I realized just how gorgeous and hot she was! She wore a nice, longish summer dress and a blouse, nothing revealing or sexy, and yet, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. How could I have become so used to her lovely figure and her pretty face – and those legs, I never realized how sexy her legs were! And man, was that Paula's ass? I was so stunned that it took me a moment to realize that Paula and her sister Ann weren't alone. A couple had followed them as they separated from the crowd and after Paula and I had hugged and kissed each other (quite passionately), she introduced them to me.
Their names were Tim and Nina, she said. And they were exchange students from Australia. They were both in their early twenties and by the way they were holding hands and how they looked at each other they were very much in love. So Paula and Ann had met them on the first day of their cruise and by the end the four of them had become good friends. The Aussies, I was informed were about to begin their studies at the uni right here in Hamburg and the flat they'd found was not far from our own. Ann, on the other hand, lived in Bremen and was sad because she wouldn’t be able to meet them very often. The two youngsters made quite an impressive couple: Tim was tall and slim, towering not only over the girls but also over me. His shorts revealed legs as thick as tree trunks below his knees. His face was friendly and pleasant, handsome enough but he was not the kind of guy I would have called especially good looking.

My gaze, however, was wandering to his girlfriend more and more often and intensely as we strolled away from the pier. Horny as I was I couldn't help but notice what kind of a sexy kitten this Nina creature was! Everything about her seemed to ooze sex appeal. She was a petite little thing, shorter than Paula even, with shortish red hair and huge blue eyes. There were some freckles in her symmetric face, which also featured a cute, pointy nose, and surprisingly thick, sensual lips. Strong cheek bones framed everything and added a certain hardness to her girly appearance. Her body was just as exciting as her face and she was showing plenty of it! I remember simultaneously blessing and cursing the warm weather as we reached a nearby café and sat down with all the bags and suitcases. The idea was to have a cold drink and figure out where to go next. We decided to drive them to their new flat and have a pit stop at ours first. Tim and Nina were very nice and I soon found myself in a conversation about the local uni and student life. I was talking to Tim most of the time and I desperately tried to keep my eyes as far away from Nina's tits as possible. Not only were they big for such a small girl, they also looked very firm and full. She was clearly not wearing a bra and her nipples pushed through the thin cotton of her top shirt. I was in sweet agony. The cold beer was nice but a cold shower was what I needed!
Something about the way Tim smiled and looked at me suggested that he understood exactly what I was going through and that he didn't mind. In fact, he confirmed that suspicion already on the next day, when he visited us at our place alone for the first time. Nina decided to stay at their new students' flat, setting up their stuff. I was both relieved and disappointed because of her absence. I guess I have a tendency to obsess about certain girls and Nina's incredible sex-appeal had hit me hard. I felt guilty about it when Paula and I had sex that night after their return, not long after Ann had left, Tim and Nina had been dropped off at their new home and we had our flat to ourselves again. It was the first time in at least a month and I couldn't get the sight of Nina's nipples out of my mind. I wonder what colour they were, how her tits would feel like in my hands, I saw that round little ass of hers and those full lips. But those images had not replaced my realization that my own wife was hotter than I had thought and remembered. I kept on returning to that image too: Paula stepping off the gangway, her long hair in the summer breeze, her lovely figure with its gentle curves and her beautiful face. Sex was great that night. Paula came, I'm sure of it. Although I'm not sure what she was thinking about as I drove into her with all I had. Anyway, as Tim and I were having coffee in our kitchen (on the same table Paula and I had made love the night before) Tim boldly brought up the issue of Nina's sex-appeal. ”All righty, no worries!”, he said, laughed and showed big, white teeth. Neither of them spoke any German, so all our communication took place in English, or Australian English that is. He said that he was only too aware of the fact that literally all heterosexual men were turned on by his girl. I looked at him with my mouth hanging open and a face that was quickly reddening. He was totally ok with it, he said, as long as I kept my hands to myself, he added. ”Of course!”, I said at once, but he only burst out in laughter and said he was only kidding. After all, he didn't own her or anything and if she decided to be with somebody else it was her decision to make, not his. ”Sure, I understand”, I said, not understanding anything at all, actually. ”But I sure hope she sticks with me, I love her so much!”, Tim managed to say as his laughing fit was over, suddenly all serious again. I must know too, how it's like, he added, having such a beautiful, hot wife myself. Tim smiled innocently as I, once again, must have looked flabbergasted. And then my beautiful, hot wife walked into the kitchen, all smiling and happy looking. She sat down with a cup of coffee, briefly eyed the table were Tim's thick arms now rested; about in the same spot that was occupied by her buttocks last night. There was a powerful sense of familiarity between the two of them, like between old childhood friends. It might have been simply the echo of Tim's words of a moment before but I thought I detected also something else than friendly familiarity in his eyes when he looked at my Paula.

It turned out that Tim didn't have nearly as much to do at the university as he had thought and because the friendship between him and my wife seemed to have deepened and he didn't know many other people in Hamburg yet, he spent a lot of time at our place. I too enjoyed his presence. We went to the gym together sometimes or had a beer or two at our local pub. Once I took him and Nina (she insisted on coming along) down to Reeperbahn and showed them the best clubs and bars. At our place Nina was a frequent guest as well but not nearly as frequent as her boyfriend. Unlike him she did have lots of lectures and assignments right from the beginning and so she was often too busy when Paula and/or I were hanging around with Tim. Sometimes we actually seemed to be almost competing for his time! Paula wanted to take him shopping, I wanted to go out or push some iron. There was something about Tim that made you want to be his friend, even though he was so much younger an less experienced. He had charisma. Sometimes I sensed tension between Nina and my wife and once, over dinner at our place, it almost came to a row but Tim somehow managed to diffuse the situation. And when Nina realized that Paula and I were doing fine and still kissed like a young couple, Nina's jealousy vaporized as quickly as it had appeared. Tim's strategy to proceed from there was quite the opposite of mine: Instead of caution he, once again, chose confrontation and openness. I still remember Paula's face, going red as a tomato as Tim asked her about our sex life. How often we were doing it, how many boyfriends she'd had before me and if she ever felt attracted to women. Nina couldn't stop laughing and giggling. And I admired him for that move; he completely cleared the air with it. Now Nina knew that there was nothing secret going on between Paula and Tim – who were spending a lot of time together and did seem awfully close. So it came out that I was Paula's first and only lover; earlier teen-boyfriends only got to kiss and touch her. I was surprised how openly Paula spoke about some boys from her teens playing with her titties and trying, unsuccessfully, to get into her panties. Nina really seemed to open up now and it was as though a heavy weight had been lifted from her. I had been a bit disappointed earlier, actually, because sexy Nina had turned out to be quite dry and almost boring but now she was showing us a different side of herself. The wine must have helped to loosen her tongue as well. Another bottle was opened and soon Nina was talking about their sex life, while Tim retreated in his chair, looking a bit embarrassed for the first time since I've met him.
It was an amazing evening, even though it had almost ended early in a fight. But now everything was flowing, the wine, the conversation, the jokes. The food was great (some Aussie recipes and German-Italian hybrid dishes) and there was more and more sex in the air. Nina was oozing it. I still remember bits and pieces, fragments of our conversation and a couple of images that have burned itself into my mind. Paula saying that she was 100% hetero and never felt aroused by any women whatsoever; Nina (sounding really drunk by then) slurring in disbelief: ”You liar! You look at these norks and tell me you're not turned on, even one bit!” and she grabbed her own tits and squeezed them for all of us to see for effect. My cock hardened under the table but everybody was laughing and so was I. Paula admitted that the young Aussie girl was ”very pretty” and the fact that she wasn't turned on probably just proofed that she was totally straight. ”What about you?”, Nina produced with some difficulty and turned to me, since she realized that my wife wouldn’t admit anything. ”What?”, I asked. ”You asking me if I'm turned on by your 'norks'?” She finally let go of her tits and we all exploded in laughter. Tim gave me a knowing look though. But Nina wasn't done yet. Of course she wanted to know if I ever fancied a man. When I said no she spat that all straight men just pretended to be uninterested in other men and she backed up her argument with men’s' obsession with porn. ”You look at other guys' cocks all the time - and envy them!” ”Except you, Tim, of course!”, she added and put her hand on his lap. ”The porn guys envy you!”, she grinned foolishly, made a face and held up both her hands, some thirty centimeters apart from one another. Then she gave her hands a critical look, adjusted them a bit back and then even farther apart and rolled her eyes. ”Tim is the man!”, she said. ”And made me a woman, a real woman!” I can't remember how we got over the embarrassed silence that followed but, alcoholic as it had been, this incident just served to break through some of the last layers of ice and the next time we all got together the conversation turned towards sex very early on and we felt as though we had no more secrets.
Nina wanted to know how our sex life had changed over the years, having only one partner for such a long time. I wasn't comfortable with the direct way she asked my wife whether I was still giving her orgasms and if we fucked with passion. I tried to change the subject and Tim tried to come to my aid, realizing that I wasn't happy with the direction the conversation was going. To my surprise, Paula answered as if Nina had merely asked about the weather in Hamburg or where to buy shoes. My wife pointed out several times that she couldn't compare because she only knew me but that she was happy and satisfied. Eventually Nina speculated aloud about how I must be like in bed. And while we were still trying to recover and retort, she added: ”What kind of cock does he have?” I gaped at her from my chair and neither Paula nor I knew what to say. It was Tim who stopped her – in his typical, direct way. He half whispered in her ear that all that sex talk has turned him on and that he wished to go home straight away to make love with his girl all night long. We could all hear him in the silence that had followed Nina's blunt questions. She smiled her most seductive smile, which made my cock harden instantly even though her smile was not meant for me. Nina licked her incredible lips and slowly rose from her chair. She was wearing a short top that underscored both her perfectly round tits and her flat belly. Even her belly button (a small hole, actually) was a turn on. Her tight jeans followed the soft curves of her narrow hips, the light was shining from a window behind her through the empty triangle of space between her thighs and her crotch. And as she slowly turned, her perfect ass, a dancers ass, turned towards me. She gave me a curious look as she followed Tim out of our kitchen and said: ”Mmhh, now you've got some inspiring images to hold on to now, don't you?”
We never asked whether she meant the both of us or just me but we did fuck like rabbits that night. Afterwards Paula did something she'd never done before: She asked me if I fancied Nina. My inner alarm bells went off. I decided to try a combination of truthfulness and downplaying and said that it can't be denied that she's damn sexy but that I wasn't attracted by her charms – which was only partly a lie. The truth was I would have been way to intimidated by her to even consider sex. Paula seemed thoughtful. ”Is she not your type? She's so pretty, isn't she?” ”Well”, I answered, ”I think she is everyone’s type but that's not the point. She's not attractive as a person. I don't find her beautiful as a person; not like you, not at all.” The words came out and I realize now that I meant them: Nina was one sexy super kitten and she turned me on like crazy but my desire for her didn't run deep. It was all on the surface, no matter how hot that surface was. Paula just stared in the distance. ”A penny for your thoughts”, I said. And as she didn't react I asked her: ”What about you, sweet, do you fancy Tim?” Suddenly her hand was on my crotch and she reached for my hardening member. ”Tim? He's my friend. I fancy you, my husband”. I kissed her. First on her lips than on her pussy lips. She was wet before I even touched her down there. ”I love your pussy. I'm sure it's much nicer and tastier than Nina's. Like fine Bordeaux is better than cheap Australian Shiraz.” ”You mean old Bordeaux and young Australian Shiraz”. ”Not too old. But refined to perfection. At its peak!” That made her giggle. ”Too much tannin in those bloody young Aussie Shirazes”, I said taking only a moment's break of licking her clit. My left index finger was probing her pussy and I felt her all wet and widening. ”But those young Aussie Shirazes can be very big – wines”, she groaned as I started to fuck her with my index- and my middle finger. ”Mmhh”. ”All I have for you is a dry old German. Not exactly full bodied, I'm afraid”, I got excited about this unusual game. It wasn't really dirty talk, not yet at least, but it wasn't like her to say suggestive things in bed. My pair of fingers moved in and out and in again, as deep as they would go, and yes, I felt her pushing her hips towards me, she wanted it deeper. My tongue flicked faster and faster. ”You like that?”, I asked, as I often do. ”Oh yes, you are so good with your tongue...and with your fingers too.” I continued for a while, then I moved up, paused at her nipples, sucked them both hard and then I kissed her on her mouth again. Our tongues went wild in our mouths.
My cock slid into her so easily and I felt her push hard against me. She moved her hips in a strange way that was new to me. Soon I pulled out because I didn't want to come yet. ”The old German needs some chilling!”, I said and went down on her again. ”I know I'm not as pretty as Nina. And not half as sexy”, she suddenly said. ”Are you kidding, don't you see how you'd make me come in no time? I'm the one who pales in comparison, sweet, not you”, I replied while I was gently probing her wet pussy again with my finger. ”What do you mean?”, she asked. ”I'm sure young Tim couldn't do what you're doing to me right now, my husband!” Her words were sweet but turned to vinegar in my mind. ”But according to Nina he's the man, remember?”, It was meant to sound ironic but it came out sounding bitter. ”Because he's got a big penis?” Her voice was difficult to interpret. ”Why, have you seen it?”, I asked and made sure this time that I sounded like I'm just kidding. ”NO! Of course I haven't you idiot! What are you thinking! I just meant what Nina told us, remember?” She sounded almost hysterical. ”Yeah, sure I remember. And I've seen it too. In the shower at the gym. All the guys were staring”. I tried to sound cool. ”What? How big is it?” She also tried to sound cool but I could tell that this was beginning to intrigue her. I slid the second finger back in, quite easily.

”Well, hard to say. How to describe it?” ”Is it like a sausage?” She was excited now, and horny, and I was getting very excited too; I felt butterflies in my belly. I picked up speed and rubbed her clit as well because I needed my tongue for talking now. ”Depends on the sausage, bigger than the ones we usually have.” ”Was it very long – or thick?” ”Both!” ”Mmhh. Describe it! Ah! Was it like – ah! Like a banana? Mmhh!” ”No. I added my ring finger to the other two and pushed. She pushed back, just a bit but I felt it. My wife wanted the extra finger inside her pussy and so I continued to fuck her with all three fingers now. She moaned even louder now. ”It looked more like a cucumber than a banana. Actually it kind of looked like a very thick piece of rope. It was hanging straight down. Who knows how it looks like when it's erect...” ”Ah! Nina!” ”What?!” ”Nina knows. Mmhh. How it looks like, ah! When it's – ah! Hard and erect. Mmmhhh! Yes, yes, yes!” I was thrusting into her very fast now and used my right hand to rub her clit. Her face was flushed and had a look I had never seen before. Not quite like that, anyway. She was having a really good time with me. She was having a good orgasm. She was thinking about our friend's twenty-something years old and twenty-something centimeters long cock. I was too. I saw it going in and out, pushing her pussy lips apart, stretching her, going deeper and deeper. I could imagine her face too, like now but multiplied by twenty-something. I could almost hear her screaming his name: ”OH TIM!!!” Afterwards we left it at that and didn't bring up Tim's penis again. Not for some time, that is. But I knew it was on her mind.

Life continued with more or less regular visits by our young Australians. Our strange triangle was interrupted once when Paula's sister Ann visited us from Bremen to meet and reconnect with Tim and Nina again. But so much had happened since their cruise that Ann could not possibly catch up – and when she realized that, she was angry, yes, jealous in fact, at me. I, after all, had not been part of their original cruise friendship and had ruthlessly taken her place. Ann, who is a horrible old prude, by the way, was soon offended, then shocked and finally outraged as our conversation turned towards sex once again. Nina was praising her own ”cherry tipped sugar melons” this time and wondered how Ann's teats might look like under her baggy clothes. When she noticed Ann's appalled reaction she kept pushing and pushing until Ann stormed out, positively furious. After the incident Paula, Tim and I felt guilty for not having interfered in time. We had enjoyed the show too much and then it was too late to fix the damage. On her way out Ann still called Nina a whore who'd probably come to Hamburg to sell her Australian cunt in the streets. Nina swore but only Tim understood what she was saying. Doors were banging. Outside Ann turned to me one last time and hissed that it was not proper nor normal that a married woman spent so much time with another man, and I, as her husband should better watch out. Paula told me later that Ann had had a major crush on young Tim ever since she laid eyes on him and that this was the reason why they approached them on the ship in the first place. Ann, who was a 40+ dried up old spinster! I was baffled. Tim sure made an impact on all sorts of people. Apparently Ann had already been jealous of all the attention Paula received from the strapping lad from Queensland.
On the evening of the same day Tim complained to me about Nina being cruel and mean. Yes, Ann probably has cobwebs between her legs and probably would need a good shag, as Nina had so helpfully suggested. But there was no need to torture the poor woman like that. Tim seemed really troubled. And it wasn't an isolated case either. Nina, he said, was turning into a real bitch. She was always complaining about all kinds of things, especially about his lack of ambition. She was accusing him of showing too much interest in other women, especially in Paula, he said sheepishly. Nina was vicious, she used sex as a weapon and became increasingly full of herself, constantly fishing for compliments and providing them herself if no one else did. ”She says I couldn't live without her because no other woman comes close to her, and I would always come crawling back and beg her to spread her legs for me”. We finished our beers. ”Truth is, she's not even that great in bed, you know?” I just stared at him. ”She's hot all right but she's all cold inside, know what I mean, mate?” I nodded. ”She doesn't even enjoy it proper, that one! I try, I try really hard. And she says I'm the greatest but you know what, mate, I think she just likes the idea of having sex with me. In reality she's just cold as a fish. Sometimes I think my Donger might freeze off!” ”Donger...? Oh! I see...” ”I need a hell of a lot of lube too because she's not wet, sorry for bothering you with that, mate!” Tim's face was a deep hue of red and his eyes were blinking nervously. ”It's all right, that's what mates are for, especially older ones like me, right?”, I said to my drunk friend. ”All righty then, mate!”

Tim seemed relieved and was suddenly cheerful again. ”You know, I bet you don't have problems like that with Paula!” There was something mischievous in his voice now. ”Now, there's a classy lady, Paula is! Cheers, mate! Here's to Paula!” And we drank. ”No, you're right. I don't need lube with Paula”. For a moment Tim gave me a strange, probing look. ”That's good. That's definitely good! You still, making love to her, mate?” He sounded a bit strange now, almost nervous. We had another round of beer and shots while I was praising my wife and how much I enjoyed making love with her. Tim was very drunk, worse than I'd ever seen him before; probably because he drank all that beer and schnapps on an empty stomach. He looked at me with glassy eyes and pushed his face closer to mine. ”Ya know, mate, if I had a woman like Paula, I'd...” He broke off. ”I mean Paula is just... She's the finest woman I've ever met! She's my best friend and...I...I love her very much.” ”It's alright, mate”, I said but there was a funny feeling in my stomach, unrelated to the booze. ”Mmmhhh. She's so good and smart and nice and beautiful...”, he went on, almost falling off his stool. ”And so hot!”, I added. ”Yeah! So fucking hot! Man! Sometimes I... But hey, it's not right to talk about your lady like that! She's not like Nina, she's not like that. She deserves better!” ”I agree”.

Over the course of the next few weeks Tim and Paula spent even more time together than before. It started two days after our drunken binge. Tim showed up at our flat, unannounced and only a shadow of himself. ”It's over”, he said. ”We broke up”. What followed was a seemingly endless hug. Paula and Tim just stood there, in a tight embrace, like two bodies merged into one. He put his face down into her hair, sobbing like a child, She patted his muscular back, gently touched his cheeks, even wiped away some tears and put a finger on his lips. She was whispering soothing words into his ear while her hands were moving up and down. I was acutely aware of the fact that she only wore her thin pajamas, with no bras or anything underneath. I watched them for minutes, wondering if either one of them felt sexually aroused or if this was really just pure friendship; some kind of almost motherly love for the broken hearted boy. After a while I noticed a change in her face expression: There was a strange look of pleasure, a half smile that had half replaced the soothing, pained face expression she'd had before.

Was it because she could feel him calming down in her arms; or was it because she could feel him stiffening against her embrace? I couldn't see his face at all. It was turned away and downwards in her hair. Now they looked like they were ready to separate but for some reason they couldn’t let go. I could almost see his erection pressing against my wife's body. Eventually he gave her a nod and after some more whispering they quickly let go. I caught a glimpse of the receding outline of his huge member in his trousers. He must have misjudged the state of it slightly. It was just too big to hide. I also caught a glimpse of my wife's nipples, still hard, through the thin satin of her shirt. She immediately folded her arms over her chest. Both looked mildly embarrassed but also curiously serene. I was confused and disturbed. Yes, I had fantasized about the two of them having sex, I was imagining how Tim could give her something I couldn't. But it was a sex fantasy. This was real – and it was too emotional, too sensual, too much like love. ”I love her very much”, wasn't that what a totally hammered Tim had told me less than two days ago? Now he was single. The sexy ice princess Cruella was gone. I would probably never see Nina again – something about that thought hurt me somewhere deep in my guts. And Tim and Paula seemed more like a couple than ever before.
Tim basically moved into our flat. Temporarily they said, until he finds a place of his own. Nina had already found a new roommate, a Nigerian post grad who was working on his thesis. And most likely on Nina's perfect tits as well. Tim used our spare room, ate with us, watched TV with us, and used our bathroom and everything else. I could see the looks they had for one another; I could feel them too. When Tim came out of the shower, with nothing but a towel around his waist, Paula didn't know where to look or what to do. She was squirming. Everything was shared, except for the bedroom, that’s where the last boundaries were drawn. He never came into our bedroom and we never came into his room. Until I noticed that Paula and Tim were spending time there too, playing cards when I was at work, or just talk for hours. There was a growing tension that could almost be felt physically. They both acted strange towards me. It was a mixture of guilt, uncertainty and something else that I couldn't quite figure out. There was a growing tension between them as well, a different kind of tension. My wife reminded me of a virgin again who couldn't bring herself to give up her precious flower to the boy she loved and desired.

Our sex life dried up like a puddle in the sun. She said she didn't feel comfortable making love while Tim was just behind the thin wall. I had to think of their long embrace again. What if he hears us, she said. So fucking what, I said. He's a big boy. She gave me a funny look. When I did manage to get my hands in her panties I found her wet and ready. She let me fuck her quickly and without sound or much passion. Again I could feel how she wanted more. And less than three meters away, behind that door, there was more. There was more than she could handle, there was a super hung young stud who would love to give it to her all night. And yet, he was so far away. I fantasized while I was thrusting. What if Tim simply took over when I finished; if I pulled out and left her wide open for him? How could she refuse him? There was some kind of love between them, more of it than I felt comfortable with, there was sexual attraction, desire; only I was in the way. I of all people! I and convention. It was then that a plan started to take shape in my dirty, corrupted mind.

Eventually Tim did go out of the house again more frequently and he actually was looking for a flat or a room of his own. We were friends, after all, mates. And he felt really bad about the situation. I really believed that he respected me and felt guilty above all. So Tim and I became closer again, after our relationship had noticeably cooled down during the weeks following his brake up. Paula on the other hand seemed to pull back. I think she felt confused about Tim trying to move out and move on. She felt like she was losing him. But that did nothing to diminish the tension between them. Quite to the contrary, in fact, there was so much electricity between the two of them during those days, I could have charged my cell phone with it. It was now quite normal that Tim would spend the evenings with some fellow students and quietly sneak ”home” in the middle of the night. That was helpful to my plan because I needed an evening alone, seemingly just for Paula and me.

All I needed to figure out was how to convince Tim to go along with it. He needed to agree but he also needed to be briefed very well. It was a daring plan and one little mistake could ruin it, for all of us. I was worried because Tim was such a decent guy who really seemed to love Paula. Also he was usually very frank and straight forward. A sneaky scheme like the one I was fantasizing about surely violated everything he believed in. However, it turned out he was easily convinced. Maybe he was not such an angel after all, maybe he really believed my speech, as he claimed he did, about me wanting to give Paula what she deserved, out of deep love and respect. Deceiving her was just necessary to brake the chains of convention. Or maybe he was just too horny to care. In retrospect, however, I'm convinced that he was at least as perverted as I was and took a special pleasure out of this particular sexual adventure.

I remember how his look of utter disbelieve turned into a smirk when he comprehended what I was suggesting; that I was offering him my wife; to do with her what he'd been dreaming of lately. The restrictions that came with my plan didn't bother him at all, quite the opposite, he found them especially arousing. ”That's a great plan, mate and you are a great husband!”, he said. But there was no respect in his voice nor in his eyes anymore. ”And you have a great Donger, right?”, I said weakly. ”Yes I have. And tomorrow night I'll fuck your wife with it and make her scream your name!” ”Just be careful, you mustn't say anything! You must let me do all the talking! Don't make any sounds she might recognize, don't wear your usual after shave, use mine. And don't get to close to her – otherwise. She'll notice you don't have a beer belly. Don't...” ”Don't worry, mate! I understand and you'll find me well prepared, I promise!” He gave me that smirk again. ”But she will notice my Donger, mate. No disrespect but I've seen yours, it's not exactly in the same range, size wise, you know.” ”That's kind of the point here, Tim” ”Yeah but you reckon she falls for the trick?” I let him wait for my answer unnaturally long and could feel his excitement growing. He was dying to fuck my Paula, our Paula, his ”best friend”. I felt bad about it but I also felt relieve. At least this one wouldn't come between us, not for a relationship; he was in this for the sex and the mind game.
”Listen, Tim. She will not only be blindfolded, I will also tie up her hands against the frame of our bed. We actually talked about playing a game like that once. So she won't be able to touch you. Plus, I will tell her something about role playing and a new toy that I got her. We've also talked about trying a new dildo some time.” Tim nodded with approval. ”So we'll make her think I'm using a strap-on. We'll also have a couple of drinks, wine, you know. And she'll be horny as hell. I will only make her hornier. And then I'll leave her open for you and your Donger. Just make sure you'll be very gentle with her – at first” ”Yeah, I know and I promise, no worries, mate. I know she's never had anything like my Donger inside her. I know how to ease it in carefully, mate. But once she's used to it I won't be holding back!” His whole face had lit up with delight. ”Ok, you won't have to. As soon as she can take it, you give it to her. I'm sure you'll know how to take her right”. ”I sure will, my mate. She's in for a big surprise!” There was the smirk again. And he looked like a madman who was preparing for a particularly nasty murder. ”And when you're done and she's still in ecstasy and not sure what happened – so be it. It'll be like a wake dream, like Eyes Wide Shut.” The thought just hit me and I made it up as I went along. ”Yeah, mate! And that's what her eyes will be like: Wide open and shut at the same time! Just make sure that blindfold is big enough and won't move!” ”I will”. I did.

All the preparations were almost too easy. Tim announced that he'll be at a party that night and wouldn't be back ”home” until morning. He actually had the nerves to say that we'll have some quality time alone! ”Carpe diem, carpe noctem, wink-wink, nudge-nudge!” he called as he went out and closed the door behind him. Paula looked surprised at first, then shrugged and gave me a kind of ”why not” look. So I picked up on that and told her straight away about my role playing idea. This was a critical moment. If she said no to the blindfold and bondage the whole plan was off. Tim was waiting nearby, phone in hand, for my confirmation message or a cancellation. The message he received later on read ”Green light. Donger standby at 8:45.” I knew he would sneak back into our flat, get undressed and wait for my signal to approach the bed.

Paula's wrists were tied up against the bed frame, just as planned. She was really desperate to try something new, so she went along with it with very little protest. I used fluffy hand cuffs, which she found very amusing. You won't laugh when Tim's Donger penetrates your pussy, I thought. My cock was hard the whole time. We had killed off a bottle of wine – an Australian Shiraz. Paula had looked at me kind of strange as she saw the label. ”You like the Australian?”, I asked as she finished her third glass in bed. ”Love it”, she said. ”It tastes like more”. I refilled her glass and thought about how right she was. Then she became impatient and I took out the hand cuffs, tied her up and produced the blindfold from underneath my pillow, It was soft silk, thick, of the same colour as our wine and so broad that it covered half her face and her forehead. I took my time fixing it very carefully. ”If we already do this we'll do it right”, I said as she told me to hurry up. She wore only a thin satin semitransparent negligee and it was unbuttoned already. Her panties were still on as well, she never took them off before. She looked her best, more attractive than ever before; a real beauty. Tied up and blindfolded she looked also very vulnerable. She was at my mercy, trusted me completely and I was about to abuse this trust completely. And yet I knew that although she'd never go through with anything like that voluntarily, on some level she wanted it too. She wanted Tim. She wanted his embrace, his touch, his huge cock. I was sure of it. All I was about to do was to create a setting that aloud for all that to happen.
The wine was showing its desired effect on her, all was ready. I took the massive black dildo from the bedside table and pressed it against her left thigh. ”I'm Nina's new lover”, I said with a thick voice that was trying to sound African. She giggled. ”Oh I can see why Nina likes you. No wait, I can't see it, not anymore. But I saw it before and now I can feel it.” That's right, that's what it was all about: You saw something, you feel something else and you imagine...who knows. I said: ”Mmhh, beautiful pale German girl, I will make love to you with my big black cock!” ”Sounds good, but be gentle. Will you give me some oral pleasure first?” Paula was just like I wanted her: Drunk enough to play her role, and also really turned on. ”Sure. I will show you how a black man eats pussy! It will feel very different today than what you are used to!” As I said the last sentence my voice changed almost back to normal again. Of course I had told her before that, as part of the role playing, I would try my best to be different than I normally was. I'd also showed her several different dildos of different sizes, which should also help to add some extra confusion for her. Now it began. My hands were shaking, suddenly I couldn't believe this was really happening. But there she was, lifting her butt so I could take off her panties.

She opened her legs wide for me and I could see her glistening little pussy with the shock of dark hair around it. And Tim could see it too. He had crept up towards the bed, although I had not signaled him yet. He smirked at my puny cock and slowly worked on his own massive thing. It was dangling obscenely in front of him now, no longer a rope but a club as it was getting harder. I couldn't take my eyes off it for a moment. The music was quite loud, a collection of black musicians' best; as part of the role play but, more importantly, part of the scheme as well. It allowed Tim to breathe normally and sneak around the bed unnoticed by her. I noticed he was wearing thick wool socks to muffle any sound of his feet. Clever. I positioned myself, kneeling in front of the bed and spread her pussy lips with my shaky hands.

Tim was suddenly behind me, watching very closely. His Donger actually hit me a couple of times, he came so close. I licked her pussy, normally at first, than with wild, forceful movements. I also sucked on her pussy the way I'd seen it done in porn sometimes. Suddenly Tim reached for her tits from the side and I quickly stopped what I was doing and withdrew from her. He saw me stand clear and started to caress my wife's breasts, toying with her hard nipples and squeezing them gently. He must have done a good job because Paula started to moan. She smiled. ”Oohh, Mr. Black Man, I like how you massage my breasts!” ”I know you do”, I said with my African voice. But there was a hole in my chest. There was no turning back now; Paula was being touched by another man and she was enjoying it. I wondered how she might react if the blindfold suddenly came off, but then I focused, steadied my voice and continued my act: ”I hope you are horny tonight, white girl, because I have all night for you”. ”Ah, that would be nice, my husband is always so fast and goes to sleep after one orgasm”. ”Oh, I will come many times tonight and you will come still more often!” ”I'd love that, Mr. Black Man. I'm ready for you”.
Tim took that to be a signal and moved up behind me again. Before he could take my place though I mounted her and slid my hard cock into her wet and willing pussy. I almost exploded in her after a minute of thrusting but I stopped just on time and pulled out. There was a slurping sound. I went down on her again and gave her my tongue. In went two fingers and soon a third. Tim watched with a big grin on his face and an impatient air. He was hovering above like a bird of prey. These were my moments and they were running out. I desperately tried to relocate all my fantasies from my memory and play them in my mind like video clips but all the images just formed a fuzzy, blurred mess. I was just too nervous. I knew Paula was as ready as she'll ever be and – finally I withdrew again.


Within seconds Tim's head appeared from her right and he started to suck her nipples. That was a bold move but his head was nowhere near hers, so I calmed down. Quietly I took a mouthful of wine and swallowed it while Tim was sucking hard on my wife's hard nipples. His unexpected move actually allowed me to sort out the blurred images in my head and I could dwell on my old fantasies once again, even as they were becoming reality! There was a saxophone solo playing as he moves between her spread legs. She loved the saxophone. ”An instrument of sex”, I boomed at the right moment. ”But soon you will feel a much better instrument of sex!” ”Oh yes!” She was playing the game nicely. Tim's hands were all over her. For a moment I was afraid she might notice the difference since his hands were slightly bigger than mine. Then he went on to lick her pussy and probe her with his long fingers. Obviously he was good at that as well. She moaned and groaned and whimpered. In my fantasies the strange man had been all cock; going down on her was my domain! The wine burned in my throat and I felt like I was about to throw up.
And then he got up and grabbed his Donger, which was fully erect now and put most porn sized cocks to shame, including many black ones. It was huge. And he positioned the enormous head against her pussy. He was clearly experienced at this because he somehow managed to spread her pussy lips with one hand while the other was guiding the Donger. This was it. This was my big fantasy coming alive. I wanted to freeze this moment. I'd given her all I had to give, I'd felt that she could have taken more; that she would have enjoyed more; that she, somewhere in her mind must have wished that my cock were bigger; that if another man somehow appeared out of thin air without her seeing him she would welcome his bigger cock; the little extra something. Well, here was the other man, and more than just a little extra something. My excitement outweighed my anxiety and the words I'd rehearsed came out: ”Can you feel my big black cock against your pussy?” ”Oh yes”, she managed to say in a feeble voice. ”Do you want it? Do you want it inside you?” ”Yes. But be careful, I don't know if it fits. It feels so big” ”Don't worry, my sweet...”, I began but Tim was no longer paying attention to my act. Neither did he wear protection, I realized.
He pressed with obvious difficulty and the tomato-sized head disappeared slowly in my wife. She gasped and groaned with pain and I was sure she was going to tell me to throw away the fucking dildo right there and then. But she didn't. I looked up to her face, waiting for the curses to come out of her mouth; it was distorted with pain but no words came. She bit her lip instead. Tim used his hands to rub the perfectly smooth skin of Paula's inner thighs, and at the same time he slowly pushed more of his Donger into her. It was like porn and it wasn't. Her pussy lips got stretched wider and wider. It was an obscene sight. But it was also the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. Tim pushed deeper still, his shaft had now opened her up to its size. It looked like an arm, some kind of rock hard limb protruding from her body. Thick veins stuck out on Tim's penis and its skin moved visibly as it was struggling against the tightness of her pussy. It hurt them both, I realized.

Why did she not tell me to stop? All she managed were painful little whimpers, groans and sobs. But there was something else than pain about those sounds. There was lust. She was still horny as hell, she still wanted it and she began to feel the intense pleasure that came with the pain. He was half way in as he began to withdraw again and suddenly the huge head emerged again and popped out. I heard the hand cuff, metal against metal and I felt her pull. She had tried to grab his cock, instinctively, to guide it back inside. Tim smiled and for a moment I was afraid he would say something. I was too buzzed to think straight. Somehow the magic moment had gone. But Tim caught himself and looked at me instead. He looked so arrogant. His eyes and his smirk said: ”Hey, mate, I'm about to fuck your wife. How does that make you feel?” He clearly wanted me to say something, to make her beg for his cock. I forced myself to speak: ”You like my cock inside your tight white pussy?” ”Oh yes”, she moaned, in a voice I'd never heard before. In retrospect I'm not even sure if she was talking to me anymore at this point. ”Put it back in. Please.” And so he did. This time he only needed to push twice to reach the half-way point.
Paula gasped as he went in. ”Oh yes, yes, yes” she managed and he pushed deeper still. She let out a little scream. He pulled back and rammed the Donger back in, even deeper than before. She screamed again. And then he began to move back and forth in a nice steady rhythm. As he pulled out his head must have pushed against her entrance from within but he kept it just inside her. And as he thrust back in he made sure to reach the same depth with every stroke. He was an artist with his monstrous cock and soon he had her cry out with pleasure. I was shaking. ”Is it nice?”, I said weakly, my black voice forgotten. ”Oh yes! OH YES!" ”Does it hurt?” ”Yes!” ”Do you want me to stop? Just say the word and I stop” ”No! Keep going! Yes! Like that!” ”You like it when I fuck you with my big black cock?” ”I love it!”, she groaned. The Donger was very white actually, now that it was pumping and stretching my wife's pussy. Tim was as red as a lobster but his bizarre tool was all white, looking almost as unnatural as the black strap-on dildo that lay forgotten on the floor. I felt like I was in a dream; or was it a nightmare? It felt unreal. Tim was fucking Paula! He groaned but the music covered it well and he pulled out. There was a loud slurping sound as Paula's vagina collapsed where a second before there had been flesh, something as thick as her arm was suddenly gone. ”Push it back in!” She cried and I felt the bed shudder as her right hand tried to recover the lost treasure again. It must have hurt but she was beyond caring about pain now. ”You want me to fuck you?” ”YES!” Do you want it deep?”, I heard myself saying. ”YES!” ”All the way?” ”YES! Oh yes! And hard and fast!” She sounded like someone else, reading out my script. But it was Paula.
And then Tim drove his monster into her. With one fast and unexpected stroke he had forced all of his Dong into her. The whole house must have heard her scream. ”As soon as she can take it, you give it to her”, I remembered telling him when I told him about my scheme. And that's exactly what he did now. As she'd begged, her husband, 'the Black Man', Tim obliged and fucked her deep and hard. After a couple of minutes he pulled out again. My wife's cunt looked ravaged by now. A gaping hole was left behind as he withdrew. There was cream all over his Dong and also some blood, but he simply got up and mounted her as I had done before. So far he had kneeled on a thick pillow on the floor, which had allowed him to fuck her without making much physical contact otherwise. He had grabbed her hips, groped her ass cheeks from below, abused and caressed her legs and, leaning forwards, her tits now and again. But now he was climbing on top of her!

That was not part of my plan at all! Helplessly I slapped his ass, hoping against hope he would remember the deal and respect it. But he shoved me away with his left hand, while his right hand reached for Paula's face. Wide eyed I watched as he mounted her. Her legs opened wide for him. ”Hello, big boy” she gurgled. It was a deep, low voice that came from somewhere deep inside her belly. A place that had just been stimulated for the first time in her life. She sounded tired but utterly satisfied. There was a big smile on her face visible under the edge of the red blindfold. ”'Mr. Big Black Man', please don't stop, don't let it end ”, she said in the same voice, shaky but happy. I knew she'd just had the most incredible orgasms of her life. And it had just begun. I realized Tim was about to continue, so I quickly asked her: ”You ready for more?” This time she just nodded.
He entered her again and his rhythmical pounding continued. Soon I could hear his huge balls slap her butt – she was taking all of it now! I looked at her face and listened to the sounds she made and I realized she was in ecstasy. My dream had come true. I'm sure she didn't noticed that there were three hands on her. But Tim didn't give me much room, he covered almost her whole body with his own. She must have felt his lean stomach, his ribs on her. My mind was racing. Maybe I could come up with a story about the strap-on coming with a special suit, which was hard and bony like an armor. But then Tim shuddered and groaned loud, well audible over the music. Oh no, how would I be able to explain a dildo that came?! He drove into her with short strokes, faster than I could even move. Slap-slap-slap-slap-slap-slap. Paula was responding to the change, egging him on. ”YESYESYESYESYESYESYES! DON'T STOP!

And so he exploded into her and she must have had her most powerful orgasm yet, at the same time. I could literally see his balls pumping their load into her! He lifted his torso off hers and continued fucking her with longer slower strokes. I think she kind of passed out around that time, overwhelmed by her orgasms. I could see his monster move inside her! It actually caused a visible, moving bump in her abdomen, she was so thin and petite. I stared at the obscene scene. Thick sperm was being forces out as the Dong moved back and forth. Suddenly he was on top of her again, still inside her, he kissed her all over her body, caressed her breasts, her cheeks! All caution forgotten he kissed her on her lips and for minutes they just kissed like two teenagers in love, their tongues exploring new territory,

There was nothing I could do. My silly charade had fallen to pieces, and so had I. His cock eventually softened and shrunk a bit and he pulled out of my wife. Her formerly tight pussy was now a ravaged cunt, gaping, oozing Tim's sperm. There was so much of it! Paula looked different now. The blindfold was still in place but the look on her face was something between utter satisfaction, confusion and alarm; now that her ecstatic state was receding. I expected Tim to leave there and then. I should have been furious with him for violating our agreement like that. He was supposed to fuck my wife, kneeling in front of the bed and wearing a xxxxl sized condom. Instead he was on top of her, filled her up with his sperm and kissed her! I was too spent and confused to act. My puny cock was raw and a small splatter of sperm on the floor marked my own role in all that had taken place. I was hard again but I couldn't remember when I had come and how often.

I opened my eyes and witnessed a scene that was radically different than the one only moments before. Tim had gone out of bed and had moved up to the head end to her right. He guided his semi-erect cock, slimy as it was, right to her mouth. And Paula opened it! She opened it as far as she could and accepted Tim’s Donger until she gagged on it. Tim pushed on, then pulled out and allowed her to suck the massive knob of his cock. My wife, who never wanted to give head to me, enthusiastically sucked on what she was told was a black strap-on dildo. She ran her tongue along the hardening shaft and smiled under her blindfold. ”It feels so real”, before she resumed sucking greedily. There was sperm and her own juices on her lips now. ”I don't know what you're doing to me tonight but I love it! Hooh! Her statement seemed absurdly lame considering what had just happened. It was the same thing, I realized, she'd told me when I'd given her three fingers for the first time until she'd come. ”It feels super hard again” she said, sounding puzzled but there was no slur anymore; the effect of the wine was gone.

I began to wonder if I was still the director of my charade. It was clear that I'd lost some strings but was it possible that I had become a puppet? ”Ready for more?”, Tim suddenly asked her. She gave him a brief nod, in the general direction where she expected me / Mr. Black Man / Tim to be standing. ”I'm horny again, my big boy” she said in a husky voice. The music had stopped, I realized then. ”I need some more of that wonderful Shiraz”, she said with a playful tone in her voice. ”Mmhh?”, Tim looked confused. I pointed at the second, half empty wine bottle on the table, moving my arms violently, panicking. Did she know? How much did she know? Tim came with her glass and held it to her lips so she could drink. She did, all of it. Some trickled down her chin, mixing with the sperm. He prepared to mount her again but she said: ”Enough with the damn hand cuffs. I wanna touch my man! Come on, take them off now!”, she demanded. There was something cold and hard about her voice that I didn't like at all.
Flabbergasted I produced the key and unlocked her left hand cuff. I should have remained strong. I should have insisted on sticking to the plan, right there. There may yet had been a way out of this; some way to de-escalate the situation. My fantasy was fulfilled; it ought to have ended already; it ought to have ended differently; it ought to have ended! I was too weak to oppose her. Her arm came lose. I handed the key to Tim, staring at him in terror. He gave me his ”no worries” look and freed her right hand. She rubbed her sore wrists, the fluffy pink stuff had not been soft enough for the ride she had just been subjected to.

”But the blindfold stays on!”, I said quickly while she wrapped her arms around Tim and found his lips with hers. I was in denial, desperately holding on to the last shreds of my scheme that had gone terribly awry. ”All righty then”, she said. ”Let's play the game - but play it well!” I quietly took a few steps backwards and watched as my wife and her Australian lover were all over each other. She grabbed his monstrous Dong and jerked it. How could she possibly still believe it was a strap-on dildo? She touched him all over his well-muscled, lean body, caressing his muscles while she kissed him. Surely she knew! And he was all over her slender body, violently squeezing her tits again.

She dropped to her knees and guided his knob into her mouth again, sucking him hard. ”Oh yes!”, he murmured under his breath. ”Paula!” She stopped as suddenly as she'd began and he pulled her down with him as he lowered himself on his back. She understood. Within moments her pussy was hovering over his massive club. She grabbed it, now that she had her hands, and guided the huge, round knob to her entrance. She cried out as she lowered herself on it. Soon she was riding him like crazy. A splatter of my sperm hit her above her left knee. It was almost liquid, like milk. Tim ignored my presence completely. He didn't talk, except for a few isolated words now and then. I'd put the music back on but no-one cared. She got off him and went down on all fours. Her movements were those of a woman who knew exactly what she wanted. I didn't realize it then, not yet, but she was already permanently changed. There was no way back from there. My blindfold scheme had gotten totally out of control and whether she knew what I had done or not – of course she must have known – had become meaningless.
I watched as Tim drove into her from behind. He fucked her like a dog now, and all the way again. He was so deep inside her! She went all ecstatic again and cried out in pain and pleasure. Somewhere a neighbour was knocking against a wall with a broomstick. No-one cared. ”Come on top again, finish me off!”, she said, the same words she' often used with me, and yet their meaning seemed so different now. He pushed her legs up towards her face, the way I often did when I wanted to give her all I got. ”How do want it?”, he asked her, sounding utterly like himself. ”Gimme all you've got, sweet boy”, she said. ”You wanna be fucked, Paula? Really fucked?” She nodded rapidly. ”Say it!”, he commanded. ”I want you to tell me what you want, Paula!” She hesitated. For a moment her hand rested on her blindfold. But she left it in place and reached down for his Donger instead.

Fuck me, my sweet boy, fuck me like you've never fucked a woman before! Fuck me with your monster till I pass out!” She pulled his cock into her and he let himself fall, simply letting go of the uncomfortable position he'd held. His narrow hips went down, his Donger impaled her and it was the most obscene sight yet. She screamed. He lifted his butt and drove the Donger back into my wife. All the way again but harder, and harder, and harder. I feared for her life, I thought he'd split her right in two. His monster cock looked even bigger now and it drove into Paula's body with no mercy. Again and again and again. Paula screamed and shouted out many words, mostly gibberish but at least once I heard the name ”Tim” quite clearly. She did pass out in the end. Then he suddenly pulled out and jerked violently. His own hand was not big enough to encircle his girth. He grabbed her neck, pulled her up and erupted right in front of her face. She opened her mouth and he shot his jets of hot seed into it as well. She swallowed. She groaned and sobbed uncontrollably. Then I realized that she was pissing herself, right there in our bed. Her hand tried to reach around the massive girth of the Donger. There were her rings on her ring finger, symbols of our eternal love. Her face was covered in white and milky slime. The bed was a mess, and so was what was left of her semi-transparent satin thing. Its remains hung off her in shreds, torn and soiled. Tim suddenly pissed as well, on Paula; all over her abused body, as if he was hosing her down! He even aimed for her face and she opened her mouth for him!
The blindfold was soaked in Tim's bodily fluids but still mostly in place. There was my beautiful wife, reduced to something less than a fuck doll and at the same time empowered like never before. She was unable to speak or move and just rolled around in the mess like a drunk whore. Then Tim grabbed her and drove a finger into her anus, which was virgin territory! I was shocked, again. Soon he had several fingers up her arse and rammed them into her violently. Eventually he got her moan with pleasure again. Tim took her from behind again, only this time it was anal. Out of a sudden impulse I suddenly took the huge, black strap-on dildo and pushed it towards her cunt from below. Paula actually moved he legs farther apart and allowed the dildo to penetrate her abused and slimy cunt from below, while the Donger went in and out her asshole. Finally I put on the strap and Tim and I took her together. She was riding me and my dildo and Tim kept on fucking her anally. We all passed out after that.

But when I woke up there was no sign of Tim. Paula remained in bed all day. She didn't say a word and I didn't want to confront her. When I dared to look at her later on the following day, she just gave me a ”don't you say anything”-look. She had cleaned herself up of course and we took turns cleaning the bedroom, as if a mutual, wordless agreement had been made. One more day passed and I looked at her again, seeking for any kind of sign. The uncertainty was torture. She gave me a long, hard look, then she went over to me, and kissed me briefly on the mouth. Then she quickly stepped backwards and slapped me in the face, so hard that my glassed went flying across the room. They landed where my little sperm stains were still visible on the carpet. I said nothing. Neither did she. And that was that. My blindfold scheme was repressed from our minds, at least I tried hard.
Tim helped by remaining permanently absent. Just as I was getting my hopes up and thought our lives might soon be back to normal, disaster struck in the form of sexy Nina's shrill voice in my phone. It was a month or more after the Evening. Tim has disappeared and I first thought that was the reason for her call. But I was wrong. And soon I forgot even that I was horny again and was longing to have sex with my Paula again. Well, my Paula did not exist anymore. Nina was screaming obscenities in my ear and after a long confusion I realized what she was saying. My wife was fucking her boyfriend now; the real Mr. Big Black Man with his very real cock, the size of which Nina first described as horse-sized, than, more accurately as 11 inches. It didn't really matter to me how big the man's cock was though. But the cruel reality suddenly sunk in: My Paula was gone forever. I wept. Nina called me a fucking wimp and hung up the phone. She was right, of course, and I have not heard of her since. Maybe she was bonking another freak now; maybe she decided that she'd had her fill of Dongers and BBCs. After all she'd never enjoyed it anyway, as Tim had pointed out, sometime in a previous life.


Paula has not had her fill yet, that much is certain. We still live together but we do not share our bedroom anymore. Our bed is now also our guest bed – for her guests that is. For the men she brings home for sex. I'm not allowed to watch, it turns out. Whenever there's a bloke in there with her, she puts the wine red blindfold on the door knob. But that's just her sense of humour; a little joke at my expense. I don't need to see the blindfold on the door. I can always hear her. And her guests as well. They talk quite freely in there. Sometimes I'm concerned about her safety but no matter how abusive her guests sound, she always seems to get what she wants from them. And sends them on their way when they've finished.
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