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Dad forces 11 yr daughter to slut
by spider007 ©2013

This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 16 in real life. If fictional dad and friends rough fucking a little girl is distasteful, don’t read any more

Harry 8”
Harry’s 12-yr old daughter, Tina
Harry’s ex wife Edna
Edna’s new husband Dick
Friends James, 9”, and George, 9” and 260 lbs
Friend Zach, 245 lbs and 8”, son Kevin, age 12, 5”
Numerous others

Harry ogled Tina’s tight little 5th-grade ass cheeks as she sauntered away from the dinner table. He had drooled over his daughter’s ass since she was seven but couldn’t act with his wife around. Tina will be turning 11 in a couple of weeks, and Harry was excited how her little ass had rounded out and her budding tits were already poking out a couple of inches. Her dark hair, green eyes and model-looking high cheekbones surrounded a round mouth with big lips that looked just right for cock sucking. Her legs had a natural separation at her pelvis that would ease cock access to her little cunny.

Now his dream came true. Edna, his wife of 11 years, fooled around with two different studs and got caught. Edna was a bad cook, kept a sloppy house, bitched all the time, and was a dull unimaginative fuck, and knew nothing about his own dalliances. “Her studs must be real dorks,” he thought. “Good fuckin’ riddance!” he told her and kicked her ass out cold with no alimony and no Tina. Edna was gone and Harry drooled over the prospect of Tina. “I’ll have that little cunt fucking and sucking me in no time, and then turn her into my own whore fucking machine and there’s not a damn thing the bitch can do to stop me,” he reckoned to himself, getting dizzy as he envisaged her tight bare cunt pulsating on cock.

After just a week of Edna’s being gone Harry decided that seven days is long enough to “mourn” his wife’s leaving. He knew Tina would try to resist but knew he could easily overpower her and make her do whatever he wanted. A double win: satisfy his craving for Tina and relieve his frustrations with his former wife bitch by taking it out on his sexy little daughter bitch.

“Get in here!” he shouted. When Tina walked up to him he told her some new rules. “It’s just you and me now, kid, and you got to pick up your share of the load from your stupid mother. You’ll clean the bathrooms every other day, dust and vacuum every Saturday, learn how to cook and every night prepare dinner, wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen. You got it!?!?”

“I can’t do all of that,” she whined.

Harry grabbed a fistful of hair, yanked her head back and slapped her face, like he always wanted to do to Edna and fantacized about doing it to his little daughter-to-be slut. “You can and you will! Now listen closely. I’m the boss now. Your shitface mother ain’t here anymore. I tell you what to do and when to do it, and you’ll do exactly as I say! And with no sass or whining!” He shook her head by her hair. “Ya hear? Ya understand? You’d best tell me you get it!”

She mumbled a kind of an accession.

He was excited about taking out his frustrations with Edna on his daughter. Every time Tina winced or cried out with pain and humiliation he would see Edna begging for mercy. “Good! You get punished whenever you disobey or talk back. Now here’s another rule. Your body is maturing and starting to look nice. You’re old enough to start learning about sex so I’m going to teach you. The first lesson is that sex is always to please a man. I like lookin’ at you body, so after dinner each night you’ll take your clothes off and clean up the kitchen with nothing on while I watch. Starting tonight. Take your clothes off and get to washing dishes … right now!” He’d always wanted Edna to walk around naked but she wouldn’t. Now his Tina will fill in the gap.

Tina’s eyes bugged out. “What? I can’t do that, Daddy,” she protested

Harry yanked her head far back, placed a hand on her budding breast, found a nipple through her blouse, squeezed it between his thumb and index finger as hard as he could, pulled and twisted it. Tina let out a loud screech. “Does this hurt?” he asked her. She howled that it did. “This is the least of what you get when you disobey me.” He twisted it more. Over her yells he told her, “Nod your head that you’ll do what I say and I’ll let go.” Her head shook up and down violently. Harry released her and still sobbing she slowly removed her clothes. The blouse came first exposing her tits and brown nipples. They were good size for an 11-year old, maybe an A-cup, and stuck out prominently from her svelte body. “Those look nice,” he commented, “I’ll have to get you a bra; you’re old enough for a bra.”

Then came the shoes and socks and finally her skirt. She stood quietly. “C’mon. The panties,” Harry cajoled. Slowly the panties came off and she was naked. Harry grabbed the panties and pointedly threw them in the trash. “You’re old enough for a bra, but panties are for little girls. You’re too old for panties. I’m goin’ to throw them all away and you won’t wear panties anymore.”

“Daddy, but why? I have to wear panties!” she pleaded.

“ ‘cause I said so. Now that’s the second time you sassed me, and it’s time you learn the penalty for it. Go face the wall, bend over, grab your ankles and rest your head against the wall. And don’t you dare question or hesitate or I’ll triple your punishment.” Harry was ecstatic with this opportunity and his heart beat wildly.

Confused and frightened she did as told. She heard but couldn’t see Harry’s belt being pulled off. Then she felt the crack of the folded over studded belt on her butt. “I don’t want to hear any back talk or loud crying you disrespectful little shit. Your punishment is five spanks with the belt. And if you yell too loud I add another. Got it?” She hummed a yes. The belt came crashing down. She yelled out loud. “That’ll cost you another one. If you keep yelling, you get more. It’s up to you. I can beat your ass all night if that’s what it takes for you to learn.” The third whack. The fourth was on her bare back just above the buttocks. The fifth with all his might burning the back of her thighs. She screeched. “Oh! Good! I get to add yet another!” Two more whacks on her ass and Harry told her to get at the dirty dishes.

Harry watched intently Tina crying as she did the dishes. Before putting them away she said, “I have to go to the bathroom. I have to pee.”

“No, hold it until I say.”

Tina hurriedly put the dishes away, walked to her dad and asked again if she could go, adding she had to go bad. “Not yet,” he replied. “There is one more lesson first.” In a flash his dick was out. “This is my cock. Touch it and shake it like you’re shaking hands.” Tina froze. Harry squeezed a nipple. Her hand shot out and touched his cock. “Shake hands with it. Feel it all over. Get to know it.” Tina’s little hand alternated squeezing and shaking it with fingers roaming over what was now eight inches of hard cock, her eyes as big as saucers. “Kiss it!”


A nipple got squeezed. “Kiss it, I said. Kiss it over and over until I say stop.” Whining but without delay Tina began kissing his cock head. Harry kept some pressure on her nipple and for the next minute, through whines and sobs, got a dozen light kisses on the tip of his cock. “Now if you want me to let go of your tit stick the front of my cock in your mouth” Slowly the head disappeared into Tina’s little mouth. “Hold it there until I say. And flick your tongue over the part inside your mouth.” Harry kept his cock head in her mouth for two minutes thoroughly enjoying the tongue flicking, and how quickly he got complete dominance over his new little sex toy.

“This is called sucking cock. Men and boys really like it. Soon you’ll learn how to suck cock real good. Now wrap you hand around it, look at it up close, and say ‘Good-bye, cock. I hope to see you again.”

Hesitantly and slowly Tina said bye to her dad’s cock and that she hoped to see it again. “My cock wants to see you again, too. Now go pee and get to bed.” She waddled quickly off to the bathroom and bed giving Harry a great view of her little bouncing ass.

The following day Harry came home early from work to greet Tina coming home from school. “I changed the rules a little,” he barked. Instead of after dinner you’ll remove all of your clothes the minute you walk in the door. Before even drinks or peeing. Just get all your clothes off, and keep them off until bedtime. Now do it! This instant! And quickly!” As Tina dazedly removed her clothes standing in the entrance hall Harry added, “And one more thing. Anytime at home if you ever want something to drink or have to pee, you have to ask my permission. You can not get a drink or go pee without asking me first.”

First her blouse, then socks and shoes, then skirt, then panties! “What the fuck are those?” Harry barked. Tina looked perplexed. “Didn’t I tell you no panties? You disobeyed me again you!” Tina stood like a deer caught in the headlights and feeling fear throughout her body. She stood there trembling which thrilled Harry. “Get you disobeying ass over there and lay across the sofa arm. I’ll teach you not to ignore my orders!” Wide-eyed in fear Tina shuffled over to the sofa and draped herself over an arm. “This lesson is not with a pansy belt. See this?” he snarled. Tina looked back at a 4-foot long hard wood cane a half-inch thick at one end, over an inch at the other and caught a glimpse as her dad laid a roundhouse blast on her butt cheeks, something he had wanted to do to Edna for years.

“OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!” she screeched.

“Tell me you’re sorry for disobeying me.”

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed.

The cane came down on her lower back. “Tell me you’ll never again disobey me!”

“I WON’T!” Tina howled in pain. “PLEASE STOP! IT HURTS!”

“I’ll stop whenever I choose, now say it again,” Harry commanded as he laid a vicious whack on the back of her thighs. It knocked her off the sofa and she fell in a heap on the floor. “Don’t try to get away!” he yelled. “For that you get an extra. Get your ass back on the sofa and give me a good target!” Tina crawled back on the sofa arm tears running down her cheeks. “Stick your ass up high.” She yowled when the next blow landed on her ass. “Now say it again!”

“I’ll do what I’m told,” she sobbed.

“Good!” Harry responded and slammed the cane into her ass one more time. “That’s for good measure. Now get on your back across the sofa arm with your feet on the floor and your head on the sofa. I want your little tits poking as high as you can where I can get at ‘em and teach them a lesson, too.” She did as directed, not knowing what to expect but fearing whatever. The hard plastic glue clamps her dad pulled out puzzled her. Her puzzlement went away when Harry squeezed up the base of a tit to make the nipple protrude, and then slowly tightened the clap down on it. She screamed and Harry tightened it further. “Sounds like it’s working, you little bitch,” he sneered. “Let’s do another.” She screamed with excruciating pain as the second clamp flattened her other nipple. “You’ll wear these for the next two hours so you can remember your promise. And I don’t want to hear a lot of loud crying. Now get up.”

Tina struggled to her feet. “It hurts really bad,” she whined.

“It’s goddamn supposed to hurt! Now shut up! I have something to show you before dinner.” Harry grabbed her arm and led her to a kitchen chair.

“Daddy, I’m really thirsty and really have to pee.”

“Not just yet,” he replied. Then he stopped short. You could see the light bulb go on in his head. A wicked smile crossed his face. This is too fucking good to be true! he thought to himself; something else he always wanted to degrade his bitch ex-wife with, and now his daughter would get the brunt. “I think we can manage a drink and a pee. Get on your knees.” Tina dropped to her knees and watched as her dad got some twine from a drawer and tied her hands behind her back and her ankles together, and pulled out his cock. “I always wanted to do this with your mom, but the stupid bitch was too much of a priss. But you don’t have a choice. ‘Cause you will do everything I say!” He grabbed her hair and pulled her head way back. “Open you mouth wide and keep it open until I say.”

“DADDY?!?…” was all she could get out until a stream of warm piss filled her little mouth. She sputtered and coughed it out.

“Don’t do that! Anything you spill you lick up off the floor! Understand?” Her answer was a look of horror. Henry again told her in no uncertain terms to keep her mouth wide open. A two-second stream filled her mouth. She bore it and swallowed with just a slight cough, spitting out just a few drops. A third stream filled her mouth. Again she swallowed. Five more times. Harry sat on the chair. “Now, like you did last night, put the head of my cock in your mouth and suck out the last drops.”

She looked like she had no idea what was happening. Harry grabbed her head and slid her mouth over his cockhead. “Flick your tongue, and suck out the last drops.” This went on for two minutes. Harry went bonkers watching his little girl suck on his cockhead. “Now you’re goin’ to learn to suck cock for real. Tighten your lips and bob your head up and down taking a little more into your mouth each time.” She muffled a protest, or something -- Harry wasn’t sure. He moved her head over his cock. He forced it a little deeper until she started to gag. Once he held it three inches deep and she gagged and shook. “Learn to relax,” he coached. “Get used to it. It won’t be long ‘till you get twice as much of my didck down your throat. The deeper a cock can get the better a cocksucker you’ll be. And if you don’t want your ass beat, you’ll learn to be a good cocksucker.” She still gagged and shook. He pulled and started to stroke his cock in and out, faster and faster. He was so excited watching his cock fuck her tight little mouth for the first time he couldn’t hold back. He jammed it deep and held her head and mouth fast as he coated her throat with his cum. “That’s my seed, honey. Don’t spill any of my seed. It’s your dessert. Swallow all of it.” She had no choice and soon the almost two cups of piss was followed by two ounces of jism.

Harry abruptly pulled her up, told her she could pee and then get back here naked with the clamps still on her tits to make dinner. But first she had to get on the floor and lick up the spilled piss. He helped by pushing her face into the floor with his foot. “This is what little bitches that spill their daddy’s piss have to do,” he cackled.

Tina made some peanut butter sandwiches, whining in pain from the clamps the whole time. Finally they sat down to eat. With a sneer and a comment that he was just checking, Harry periodically slapped or pulled on the clamps. When she yelped he said, “Sounds like you like this,” and slapped and pulled the clamps harder. Finally the sandwiches were gone and Tina stacked the dirty dishes while Harry pulled on the nipple clamps. “Now I’m goin’ to start your next lesson. Go to my room and lie on the bed on your back.” Harry removed the clamps, and like a confused zombie Tina did as she was told.

“I need to see how grown up you really are,” Harry said, now in his room. He spread his daughter’s legs and lightly fingered and inspected her vagina. “Your dipshit mother probably told you this is a vagina. That’s wrong. It’s called a cunt, sometimes a pussy, and that’s what you’ll call it … cunt. Or fuck hole. Say it … cunt, fuck hole.”

“C-c-unt,” she mumbled. “Fuck hole …”

“It’s you daddy’s fuckhole. Tell me it’s my fuck hole.”

Tina stammered.

Harry slapped her face. “Say it you stupid little bitch!”

Through sobs and though she didn’t know for sure what it meant Tina managed, “ It’s … your … fuck hole …, daddy.”

“And don’t ever forget it.” Harry resumed his inspection. “It seems a bit small,” he added. “Do you ever stick your fingers or hand in your cunt?” Before she could respond he continued, “Like this?” He pushed his index finger deep in her pussy. She jerked and yelped. It felt like a cherry busting. He added a second finger and began a finger fucking. “This is how you practice to expand your cunt. Know why you expand your cunt?” She shook her head ‘no’ but Henry didn’t notice and didn’t care, just kept talking, “So you can fuck. Do you know what fucking is? It’s when a man puts his cock inside your cunt. It’s the most important thing for a cunt … to take a man’s cock. Actually it’s the most important job of any woman or girl. Your most important job is fucking, taking a cock in your cunt, and making a man’s cock feel real good. But you have to get your cunt ready by practicing.” Harry was elated that her cunt was now producing cunt juice from his fingering – and quite a lot!

He got a cock-shaped dildo from the nightstand. “Here’s what you do to practice. Take this and stick it in your cunt. Then push it in and out. If you do that for an hour a day, in just a few days your cunt will be ready for fucking. You try it.” Harry slid the dildo in her pussy, placed her hands on it, and told her to move it in and out for the next hour. Gingerly she started doing as she was told. After a couple of minutes to make sure she was doing it right, Harry got his video cam and began taping the action. “Look at the camera and smile. I want a good video of you practicing. Men love to watch videos of a young girl fucking herself.” Harry continued videoing and Tina kept fucking herself with the dildo in a total daze. At Harry’s command she offered muffled comments for the camera, like, “My Daddy told me to do this,” and “I’m learning how to fuck,” and “I’m doing this for you.” She had no idea what that all meant, but Harry sure did.

The next day Harry got home from work and was very happy to see his naked daughter in the house. He didn’t care about the sad disgruntled look on her face. For him, 11-year old slut daughters can look anyway they want. “I’m starved,” he announced, “but I want to give you an appetizer before dinner.” With no fanfare, he walked her into the kitchen, put her on her knees, took out his cock and sat in front of her. “Put your mouth over my cock,” he ordered. She whined and hesitated, and got slapped hard on the side of her head. With a whimper 3 inches of cock was quickly in her mouth and Harry moved her head to and fro over it. He was so excited with the quick success of his daughter sucking cock it took only a minute for her mouth and stomach to be filled with a massive cum load. He held the sides of her head and looked her in the eyes. “You’re getting a little better and I’m goin’ to teach you how to suck cock real good. You’re gonna practice on my cock every day, sometimes twice.” Tina didn’t respond.

After dinner and the dishes Harry told her to again go to his room and practice fucking like last night. She had been using the dildo for 30 minutes when Harry came in and quietly took his clothes off. He removed the dildo and fingered and inspected Tina’s cunt. “Close enough,” he growled. “It’s almost big enough. Time for your first fuck.” Tina whimpered and begged him no. Harry didn’t miss a beat, spread her legs, pushed them back toward her head and lined up his fully erect 8 inches with her little love hole. His cockhead was twice the size of her pussy, and he couldn’t wait. “Like removing a bandage, starting a fuck is best done quickly … all at once.” He struggled getting the head in. He knew going further would probably hurt like hell and a snide smile crossed his lips as a feeling of great power went through him. The rim finally squeezed past her cunt lips and he rammed maybe four of his eight inches deep and hard in her cunt in one massive thrust.

Tina’s face contorted and she screamed bloody murder. “DADDY! IT HURTS! OH! OH! OH! DADDY! IT HURTS SO BAD! STOP!” But all Harry could see and hear was Edna. He was elated and drowning in lust. He knew his daughter was in for a lot more pain.

“It doesn’t hurt me, baby. It feels great, and that’s all that counts. Now shut your mouth while you get fucked.” She continued to scream. “Shut the fuck up!” he yelled and slapped her face. “Shut your fuckin’ mouth or I’ll really make it hurt. Now open up your fuck hole. Open it up you disobedient little bitch so I can get my cock in there! Get used to it. Daughter whores are supposed to take their daddy’s cocks up their little cunts.” He slapped her again for good measure. “My cock loves your cunt and it’s goin’ to fuck you a lot. And I’m goin’ to like watching you in pain as my cock reams your tight little fuck pot!” He fucked her with abandon and was getting four or five inches up her snatch. He heard a deep guttural moan a couple of times and figured he was jamming her cervix and it hurt like hell. He jammed his cock in hard ramming her little cervix. She yelped. He smiled down on her. “I bet that really hurt, you little shit. I’m goin’ to do it some more!” He pounded her for almost five minutes through her screams, the tripoded video cam capturing it all. She was a delirious blubbering idiot by the time he whitewashed her pussy. “That was not bad for your first time,” he commented. “It won’t hurt quite as much the next time, so get used to it. You are going to get fucked a lot from now on. You just make sure your cunt is always ready for my cock. Now I’m done with ya so get your ass out of my bed and go to your own room.” Still blubbering and confused, Tina stumbled off to bed.

The next morning Tina wandered stiffly into the kitchen for breakfast. “This morning, your breakfast is in my cock,” Harry announced. “Come get it with your mouth.” Within a minute her mouth was wrapped around his cock and he was face fucking her. Harry managed to hold off for five minutes, making his daughter suck non-stop the whole time. He blasted her mouth and told her to get to school, and if she got hungry just think of all the stuff she can get out of his cock.

That night he got home from work and immediately face fucked his naked daughter. After dinner as soon as Tina had put the dishes away Harry threw her on her back on the kitchen table. With no preliminaries he jammed his cock up her snatch.


“Shut the fuck up!” he hollered and slapped her face hard. He continued to pound her with abandon. She couldn’t help but whimper and screech loudly with tears flowing down her cheeks. Suddenly Harry stopped with his cock buried deep. He slapped her again. “Look at me and say this, ‘Daddy, I want you to fuck my cunt.’” Tina was dazed. She got slapped twice. “SAY IT!” Another slap.

Among blubbers Tina spit out, “D-daddy ….. Fuck ….. my … cunt…”

“Glad to,” Harry chuckled and resumed his jackhammer fucking without constraint.

Over the next three to four weeks the sex was intense. Every day Harry fucked her or had his cock sucked before dinner, fed his cum to her every morning, and fucked her once or twice more. Beyond selfishly pleasuring himself, he wanted to quickly expand his daughter’s skill and experience in a crash course. He started adding diabolical surprises. A couple of times as Tina was washing dishes after dinner and after an earlier pre-dinner fuck, Harry walked up behind her up and slid his cock in her cunt from behind with her upright. He grabbed her hips to bounce her up and down his cock but made her keep doing the dishes. He laughed at her awkwardness and sneered, “If you break any I’ll beat your ass with both my belt and my cane.” Then he made his fuck jerky hoping she would drop a plate, but, while it took her over ten minutes, with Harry holding back his cum shot, she managed to get the dishes washed and rinsed with difficulty but no breakage. Harry then turned her around and while standing wrapped his little daughter’s legs around his waist and impaled her with his cock. At this juncture it took only a minute or two to fill her pussy with his sperm. Then, “like the dishes,” Tina cleaned his cock with her mouth.

Sometimes “just for the practice” when he walked in at night he would whip her ass with his belt for a good ten minutes, laying on about 40 blows. “After I turn your ass red, then you can suck my cock,” was his only explanation. He only did this every third day or so but made her afraid and completely subservient every evening he walked in, which was what he wanted. It was this fear and uncertainty that made Tina start to believe her daddy must be a God – a mean God, but a God nonetheless. Harry realized this and knew that his little Edna stand-in bitch would do anything in the world he told her to. He was ecstatic that he owned and 100% controlled her mouth, ass, cunt, and titties.

He added juice to her cum cream breakfast. One morning she straggled in zombie-like prepared to suck his cock when instead Harry held her head back, mouth open, and pissed in her mouth. “A little juice for breakfast, bitch.” He pissed for two seconds and made her swallow. Then another two seconds. He had built up a load overnight and couldn’t control it, so he pissed what had to be 10 more ounces into a tea glass. “Drink this, you dirty little cunt.” She whined and struggled but started to sip the glass. Harry added color. “It’s good for you. It’ll make your tits grow! And that’s important. Your cunt’s openin’ up pretty good and your mouth is gettin’ there. But your asshole needs work and you need bigger tits before you’re a complete whore.” She finally downed her piss drink. “Now suck out your breakfast cum,” he commanded. Harry got so he could hold off while she sucked his cock for over ten minutes. This morning it was fifteen. He loved watching her struggle with his fat cock. Occasionally he would shove it deep and hold her nose and relish her struggle to breathe. After eating her breakfast Harry sent her off to school with a friendly whack on her ass.

Even though they fucked or sucked at least twice a day, Harry liked to go to her room around 3am while she was fast asleep and stick his cock in her mouth or pussy. He also liked to wake her up by sticking a finger up her ass. Once he finger fucked her asshole for a good three minutes. Another time he woke her with two fingers up her ass. Then before he fucked her she had to suck his fingers clean. The first time she recoiled. Harry turned her over, bent her over the side of the bed and laid into her with his belt for two minutes. Then, while she still wailed and screeched he pulled her head back by her hair and yelled in her face, “Don’t you ever refuse me anything! Ya hear?” She nodded her head up and down. “Maybe this will help you to not forget!” he yelled and slapped her hard across the face. “Gonna forget?” and slapped her again. She shook her head no. “Just to make sure!” He slapped her as hard as he could five more times in quick succession. Then he finger fucked her ass with three fingers, kept yanking her hair and made her clean his fingers. She was still sobbing when he had her straddle him on his back. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down heavy over his cock. His cock hit her cervix and bent under the strain. He rocked her up and down hitting her cervix each time.

This went on for three minutes with Tina in serious pain and Harry happy as a pig in shit. After filling her cunt he laid her down and whispered in her ear, “Remember where I put my fingers?” She mumbled. “Remember my fingers up your ass?” She managed a yes nod. “Well, pretty soon your going to get a cock in your ass -- you’re goin’ to get ass fucked. Whores have to ass fuck, too.” He quickly left, leaving Tina to contemplate in horror what he just did and said – just as he hoped.

Over the month Harry worked hard on her cocksucking skills. “Don’t just move your lips and mouth up and down his shaft. Sometimes squeeze your lips and rub them just on the rim. Flick your tongue on the rim, the underside, and on the peehole. While doing that use a hand to jack on the shaft.” He explained, “Don’t just get his cock deep but hold it deep while you shake your head and hum or gargle with his cock head next to your vocal chords.” He showed her how to massage balls while giving blowjobs, and to suck on balls. He also taught her how to jack a man off, sometimes with her palm wrapped around the shaft, other times with just the index finger and thumb jacking the shaft but also with slight friction on the rim. “And when he’s ready to cum, jack him faster and open your mouth in front of his cock so you can catch every drop of his cum. Swirl it around in your mouth so he can see before you swallow it.”

Tina knew she had to do what her daddy taught but she was still not always an enthusiastic student. Harry simply kept her sucking and flailed her ass with his belt. Much to his delight he found when he whacked her ass it drove his cock deeper so he made that a five-minute punishment. And her crying was just as good as humming! One time she was particularly reticent and he had already spent 8 minutes beating her ass. He yanked her mouth off his cock, stood her up, and told her she really pissed him off. He rocked her with a solid punch to her midriff, knocking the wind out of her. When she doubled over in pain he brought his knee up hard to her face and she went flying into a heap on the floor. “Ready to not be a stupid cocksuckin’ bitch and be a good cocksuckin’ whore?” he screamed. She nodded through her cries and dragged herself quickly back to his cock.

Everything wasn’t hard on Tina, even though that’s how Harry wanted it. In her rest periods Harry often made her use a vibrating dildo to keep her occupied and in practice. Once while explaining its use he showed her how it felt when she pumped it high on her clit. He kept at it for 10 minutes massaging her clit with the buzzing false cock. She soon began to squirm, moan and pant. She exploded in her first orgasm, a doozy for a 12-year old. Her body jerked violently, you could see her cunt lips quiver, and copious pussy juice squirted out. Tina did become a willing student of masturbation and Harry knew this would enhance his plans for her tremendously.

It seemed to Harry that his cock was getting deeper in little Tina’s cunt before she felt real pain. He needed to know how much. One time during an extra long fuck with Tina’s cunt especially lubed up he stopped, split her legs wide, had her straddle him while sitting up but with a pillow under his hips to extend his hard cock, and steadily pulled her cunt down on his cock. He pulled hard until it bottomed and Tina grunted in pain. Then with all his might he pulled some more. Harry was holding her too tight for her to thrash about but her upper body vibrated as her mouth squealed in pain. He held her tight, grabbed an eight-inch ruler, forced it into her cunt along side his tight fitting cock, and while she writhed in pain pulled her cunt down hard over his dick compressing her cervix and measured cunt lips to cock base. One inch! That meant she was taking seven inches, with some extra force and terrible pain maybe all eight! Harry knew his work was paying off on the 12-year old and her hairless little cunt was getting close to whore class. He couldn’t be more proud. He thought about celebrating by beating her with the cane. Instead he got his thrill as he lifted her cunt lips up past his cock rim then slammed her down just shy of his eight inches – 25 times as she grunted and cried out in pain each thrust. Her cries of pain and the depth of his cock made him dizzy with power. He unloaded a ton of cum.

Days later Harry came home from work and surprised his naked daughter with his friend, James. Harry got along great with James. He was a mean perveted son of a bitch and would fuck anything or anyone with a one-inch hole somewhere. Harry appreciated that. Tina was frightened but James didn’t give her time to think about it. “God Damn! Look at those cute little tits and tight cunt on the little slut! You were right, Harry! This is goin’ to be great!”

Harry sneered at Tina. “This is James my friend from work. It’s time you experienced different cocks and he agreed to make you feel a nine incher.” Tina froze as James whipped his clothes off and waved his cock around like a baseball bat. Harry took them into the family room and had a trembling Tina stand in front of James. “Check out those little titties and see how sensitive they,” he suggested. James pinched and twisted her nipples. She recoiled in pain. Harry slapped the side of her face hard. “Don’t ever back off from my friends!” he screamed.

“Son of a bitch, Harry! God damn! Can I slap the bitch around, too?”

“That’d be great, but fuck the shit out of her first. Here, check out her cunt,” Harry replied. He placed one of her legs on the sofa seat and told her to reach down and spread her pussy lips.

“Jesus H. Fuckin’ Christ!” James whistled. “Look at that fine little bald pussy on your daughter just waiting for my cock.” He stuck two fingers up her, finger fucked her for a minute, then sucked the cunt juice off of them. He leaned forward, flicked her little nub with his tongue then shoved it in her pussy. “Man oh man, Harry! This cunt is soooo sweet… looks sweet and tastes sweet. And so very tight. My cock is going to love stretching the shit out of it.” He snarled, “Show me your daddy’s right. Be a good little whore and suck on this to warm it up!” He forced her to her knees and stuck his cock down her throat. She coughed and gagged. He face fucked her for a minute. “Your cunt ready for my cock, girlie?” He didn’t wait for an answer but dragged her along the floor by her hair screaming to the bedroom and threw her on the bed. He looked at Harry. “She takes pain pretty good. Still OK if I have fun with the bitch? You know how I like to have fun with bitches and whores!” Harry smiled back and gave him a thumbs up. “Let’s see if your tight little cunt can take this cock, bitch!” With no fanfare and Tina’s blood curdling scream James’ cock rammed deep in her little cunt – a full six inches of his nine – banging her cervix. “Damn this is sweet, Harry! The tiny cunt is like a warm vise on my prick.” Sneering at Tina, “I bet you think I’m gonna tear your pussy apart, don’t ya? Well, I’m goin’ to try!” He continued through her screams and grunts pounding her ruthlessly for five minutes. She cried out to her daddy but he just told James to slap her a couple of times to shut her up. James stopped for a second and with a big evil smile through his yellow teeth slapped her face four times left and right then resumed his reaming, getting six inches in with every stroke and almost driving Tina clean through the mattress with each powerful stroke. Tina grunted and groaned and doubled over with each penetration. James bellowed as he filled her pussy. He stuck his cock in her mouth for cleaning and told her, “No use callin’ fer your daddy. He asked me to pound your little pud, and you can count on me doin’ it again with your daddy makin’ sure I do it hard and make it hurt.” Looking at Harry with his cock still down Tina’s throat and paying no mind to her gags and coughs, “That was great! This cunt was all you said it was. I got to have it again. How ‘bout tomorrow?”

“Sure. Great.” James answered.

“I bet George would go crazy over this child piece of ass. How about him coming to?” James asked.

“Even better. The more cock she gets the sooner I can whore the bitch out,” was the reply.

James pulled out of her mouth and, laughing, whipped his semi-hard nine inches across her face a few times and then twisted both nipples hard, making her scream again. Then he held her head taut by a fistful of hair and alternated stretching a nipple and whacking her face a few times. “This is what I call funn,” he muttered and then without another word he got dressed and left.

Tina was sobbing. “Don’t worry,” Harry said. “After you fuck his cock a dozen times or so you’ll be able to handle it better. Think about that. Now get your cryin’ ass outta my room!”

The very next evening James, George and a third friend, Zach, showed up. Harry had met Zach at a PTA meeting,. Harry went to PTA not to be a responsible parent but to scout out potential young girls he and James could fuck – one way or another. Harry instantly liked Zach. Zach was as degenerate as he was. Zach bragged about his hot wife and 8th grade twins, Kevin and Ruby and mentioned he was teaching Kevin about sex and working on his fantasy of Kevin fucking his mother and maybe his sister. That’s why he brought little Kevin along tonight. Harry thought his daughter’s taking on four big cocks and maybe one small dick is far better than just three.

Harry started things off, “James has already had a piece of her. George, you go first and give her cunt a good warmup.” George laid her out and with a sneer buried her 90 pounds with his 260 to where she could hardly breathe. “Don’t suffocate her,” Harry cautioned, “at least ‘till we’re done fucking her!” James and Zach laughed but little Kevin looked afraid. George rammed six of his nine inches in her, just like James last night. George showed off and fucked her slowly but hard for 20 minutes. He talked dirty and called her every name in the book. About every three strokes he crashed his cock hard into her cervix and crushed the wind out of her with his entire bulk pressing on her. He got loud ughs, screeches, and bulging eyes in return. Once she managed to beg Harry for help, whining about the man and cock being too big. Harry snidely whispered in her ear, “And just think, one of these days I’m goin’ to let them both fuck you at the same time.” Just then George filled her pussy and looked at Harry, “Can I get her pregnant. I’d love to knock this little bitch up.”

Harry laughed, “I don’t think so. I don’t think she’s ready, but give it your best shot! In 11 years she’d be 22, I can throw her ass out on the streets, and we can all fuck the shit out of her 10-year old daughter!” Everyone except Tina had a big laugh. “Anyway, it’s James’ turn again.”

James implored, “I really want to fuck her ass, Harry. Can I? I bet you’d like my cock stretching your little ass,” he sneered at Tina.

Harry replied, “All she’s had so far is fingers, but I’d like to see you take her cherry ass. You have to let me video it. I want to record the pain in her face as you ream her back door the first time.”

“Damn straight! But just video my cock, not my face.”

“It’s only her face, her asshole, and your cock that men will pay money to watch,” Harry snapped as he put her on her hands and knees in the family room so bed boards wouldn’t block the video. Tina was blubbering and resisting. Zach, James and George looked at Harry questioningly. “Ya keep whore daughters in line the same as any other daughter,” said Harry. “Let me show ya. It’s almost as fun as fuckin’.” He pulled off his belt and gave her ass a hard lash.

“I’ll do it, daddy! I’ll do it!” Tina screamed.

“I’ll bet you will, you smart ass bitch!” Harry gave her four more powerful lashes. She screamed loudly every time. Then with Tina crying and begging for forgiveness he invited Zach, James and George to take a couple of swings.

“NO! No, Daddy, no! I’ll do what you say. Please don’t let them!”

Harry smiled at the men. He pushed her head to the floor and told her to shut up and tuck her legs under her body. “Get your ass up high so my friends won’t miss the target. And you’d better keep it high and steady, make it easy for ‘em to beat your ass!” Blubbering, Tina held her ass high. James went first and with fiery eyes laid three hard slaps on it with the folded over belt. Tina cried so hard she couldn’t scream. Then George, slobbering from his mouth, took his turn.

It was now Zach’s turn. “This time open the belt and give her the buckle!”

“Jesus fuckin’ Christ!” Zach exclaimed and buried the metal buckle in Tina’s ass. “Bet you’d like to see me do this to your sister Ruby, huh?” he chuckled at Kevin. Without waiting for any answer he swung again. And again. And again. The buckle was cutting into her ass and she was hysterical when Zach gave her two more roundhouse whacks. “How ‘bout your sister and mother?” he winked at his son.

Harry slapped her to stop the wailing, yanked her head back and hissed, “I don’t want my friend James to think you don’t like him. Look him in the eye and say, “Please Mr. James, shove your cock in my asshole.””

She looked at James with wide eyes. “Please put you cock in my ass… hole,” she whimpered. George held her head back so her face was directly in the camera. James lined up his cock, grabbed Tina’s hips and in one slow but powerful push buried 6 inches in her ass. Her eyes bugged out, her face grimaced and she opened her mouth wide to scream but only coughs came out. James pounded her slow but very hard and very deep with each thrust. Tina was whining uncontrollably, gritting her teeth, her eyes as big as saucers and rolling back in her head with every invasion of her rectum. Harry and George were taunting her and egging James on. James got more up her ass. Harry chided her to smile for all the men watching her first ass-fucking video. He goaded James to fuck her faster and deeper and ‘give ‘er all you got’. He went from her face to closeups of the monster cock reaming the virgin ass then back to her face. James had fucked her for ten minutes but Harry had him go another ten minutes, now with full 9” strokes. After 20 minutes of non-stop ass pounding and just before Tina passed out, Harry had James pull his cock out of her ass and shove it in her mouth.

“Get all that cum and shit off it like a good ass fucking whore!” Harry commanded. In a total daze and in total pain Tina licked and slurpped James’ dirty cock as Harry videoed. Harry then said she deserved a celebration drink, held her head back by pinching her nose and poured 4 ounces of vodka straight down her throat. It only took 2 or 3 minutes for the vodka to take affect and the pain subside a little.

Harry growled, “Now it’s time for the grand fucking.” He placed her on her back on the floor, raised her legs high, jammed her against the sofa, and spread her legs wide. Zach straddled her open legs, aimed his 9 inches at her pulsating cunt with the head just in, and let gravity pile drive his full 245 pounds into her barely open cunt. Her ear-piercing scream woke the dead. Her neck bent over, her body compressed like an accordion, and her legs did a forced split. Harry straightened her up and held her lags apart as Zach got into position again. He raised up and slammed eight inches back in. He was crashing into her cervix, crushing her womb, and bending her like a pretzel. It took him 15 seconds to pull Tina, in so much pain she had no resistance and just wailed, back into position where his cock had unfettered access to her cunt. Again for the third time. Then after 20 seconds a fourth power slam. Tina was crying uncontrollably and screaming like a banshee. She begged Zach to stop and begged her daddy to stop it. Instead Harry yelled at her, “Videos of a kid whore screaming in pain as a monster cock tears into her cunt is worth its weight in gold. You got more pain coming.” He motioned for Zach to do it again. Eight inches slammed back into her cervix. She wailed and cried out. Harry said in her face, “Here it comes again. Let everyone hear you scream. Hit her again, Zach.” Another eight inches of cock and 245 pounds pounded her 90 pounds and aching cunt. SCREAM! “You can do better than that. Again George.” SLAM! SCREAM! More Harry taunts. Harry kept this up for a two more minutes until Tina was all but comatose, her legs flopping like straws, her voice gone from screaming. This was the world’s roughest fuck and Harry kept it up for 16 power thrusts over 5 minutes.

Harry said to Kevin, “You think it’s over? A woman’s fucking is never over until the man says it is, and it don’t matter who she is: teacher, sister, neighbor, mother, or my slut daughter. They don’t get to rest until you are done!” Tina’s every bone ached and her body was mincemeat. Harry dragged her up, put her on her knees and tilted her head way back as Zach straddled her. He pinched her nose to open her mouth and slipped his cock in. This time he pushed his cock in very slowly. When it hit the back of her throat he just pushed harder. His cock was like a slow moving crushing machine. Tina gagged. Coughed, and her body twitched and jerked. Zach looked at his wide-eyed son and with a smirk kept pushing and pushing. Tina was convulsing. Zach’s cock had a straight shot. It edged into the opening of her esophagus past her gagging reflex. She stopped gagging and the jerking let up just a little. Zach pushed with no let up. You could now see Tina’s neck bulge out as Zach’s pubic hairs squeezed against her lips and all of his 8” could be seen at the bottom of her bulging neck. He started a slow pump, his cock out of her neck then slowly back in blowing it up like a balloon. Everyone was mesmerized as Zach throat fucked her for six slow minutes. Then in one slow thrust Harry held her mouth wide open and helped Zach stuff his two balls in her mouth. Now her neck and cheeks bulged simultaneously. He wouild leave his cock and balls buried for a few seconds while he rotated the base around her lips which also rotated his cockhead in a circle deep in her throat. Her neck bulged out over an inch. Two minutes of this and the tlghtness got to Zach’s cock and he exploded a torrent of cum straight into her stomach.

Watching this drove James and George sky high and they had to jack off. Harry, to his surprise, saw Zach quickly leave the now pile of whimpering mush Tina, rush over to hypnotized Kevin, grab his dick and jerk him off! “There’s a man I can like,” thought Harry.

Everyone rested for 30 minutes. It gave Harry time for some helpful advice for Kevin. “If you were a bit bothered by what you just saw, let me explain something. The most important thing to know is girls are girls, and women are women. They’re all females. They all have cunts. And they have cunts so men can fuck ‘em. As I said they might be clerks, teachers, daughters, sisters, neighbors, even mothers. It doesn’t matter. Their most important job is to let men fuck their cunt. Do you understnd?” Kevin nodded. Harry took a liberty and gave Kevin’s dick a little squeeze. “Women are suppose to make our peckers feel good.”

Tina was almost comatose but Harry, James, George, and Zach still spent the next five hours fucking her silly and getting their cocks sucked off. Kevin watched bug-eyed. One highlight was James fucking her doggie style while Harry face fucked her. George and Zach handled the camera and passed the time twisting and pulling her tits. James especially liked it when Tina’s whole body shook and jerked on his cock from trying to breathe with her daddy’s cock held deep down her tiny throat and her nose pinched closed. Another highlight was Tina straddling Zach while James and George bounced her up and down hard like a posthole digger. Tears streamed down her face.

The men high fived and they enthusiastically agreed to Harry’s suggestion they do this again soon and often. Harry suggested a finale “just so he knows how it feels” and made the dead to the world and beat to shreds Tina suck Kevin’s cock. “Don’t you love to see classmates get along so well?” he chuckled at Zach.

As they were leaving Harry asked, “Your daughter as fuckable as mine?”
“Not as far along, but getting there.” Zach replied.

“Think I could trade Tina for a piece of your Ruby?” Harry inquired.

“Damn straight! Great idea!” Zach answered as they walked out.

As the men left. Harry was in seventh heaven. It was just one day after Tina’s second cock and just a few weeks after her first fuck and tonight she was fucked eight or so times by four men and sucked off four or five cocks. Plus she spent the entire night in excruciating pain. It doesn’t get better than this. Harry slapped her to wake her and whispered, “You done good and are almost ready to graduate to full-fledged whore taking cock in your cunt, mouth and ass. You can’t get lazy so you’re gonna have my or someone’s cock in you at least once every day. My friends will be over a lot looking for some of your sweet cunt, and after your pictures get on the internet there’ll be strangers giving me big bucks to fuck you and you’ll finally be earning your goddamn keep around here. You’ll be my whore and I’ll sell your cunt to anyone I want. Whadda think of that, bitch?” He didn’t wait for an answer but got up, envisioned Edna, and kicked her in the stomach. “And don’t you ever forget who’s boss.” Tina groaned and passed out where she lay.

Harry got things rolling and mailed Edna a DVD of some of the fuckfest. He dubbed an introduction, “I know you like pictures of your daughter even if she is now my little whore. Here’s one of her taking 8” up her ass. Look closely, fuckface, you might learn somethin’. If your sex-starved wimp husband has a yen for a good piece of ass, just let me know. He can fuck your daughter -- my whore -- anytime.”

Over the next few months Harry fucked now 12-year old Tina once or twice a day, got sucked off every morning, some evenings, and routinely fed her 8 ounces of piss juice in the morning. Tina was losing her little girl personality and becoming a robotic fuck machine, just like Harry wanted her. He introduced her to rim jobs and for sport once had Tina do her bathroom-cleaning chore with her tongue, taking a closeup video as her tongue scaraped the crud, hairs, and dried piss off the bowl and rim. Harry made this a 30-minute chore, ending by telling her to be his toilet. He laid her head face up across the bowl, opend her mouth and pissed a massive stream down her throat, on her face, in her hair and in her eyes. He held her eyelids open and pissed directly in her open eyes knowing the saline piss would burn like hell.

Two or three nights a week a friend stopped in and joined the fray. About once a week the four got together for a daughter fuck fest. This was also punishment time, deserved or just for fun. They really liked one punisnment where Tina was forced to stand with her hands behind her neck, her chest pushed out and legs spread wide. Then while one beat her ass with a cane, another took a flogger to her tits where the tiny lead balls stung hard, and a third slammed a heavy metal belt buckle into her vulnerable pussy with an uppercut swing. All three stroked the same time so if her body recoiled from one it aggrevated another. There was no way she could alleviate the pain that shot through her body. This built the lust of the men, especially Harry who drooled as he watched his daughter screaming and writhing in pain as she was pummeled. Her punishment was five strokes that she had to count out. If she ever missed a count or faltered in her stance it started over. That happened only once. After that she forced herself to push her tits out so the whip could easily find its mark, keep her cunt exposed to take the full blow of the belt buckle, and count loud and clearly amidst her screams. Once, despite her efforts, she got ten for good measure.

They also liked to help her tits grow by clamping the nipples and seeing how far they could be stretched. They stretched her tits to twice normal and held them there while the whip struck down on her elongated nipples. They would make her grovel on her stomach and beg to be fucked, make her finger fuck herself to orgasm as they watched, and once introduced her to beer bottle fucking with three giving loud commentary on how her filthy cunt had grown to whore level while the fourth bottle fucked her.

She was getting more cock than the hottest MILF in town and also having a few orgasms. She was getting an inkling to the upside of being her daddy’s sex slave.

Once in a while the doorbell rang and one to four strangers, responding to pictures and videos on the internet, came in. Harry escorted Tina and them to a specially made up third bedroom and left them for one hour with the only admonition to “not hurt her bad.” Harry would secretely video the activites and listen through the wall. Sometines it was almost quiet; sometimes there were grunts, squeaals and laughter; sometimes screams rang out for the longest time. Harry got between $100 and $200 per man. This came to about$1200 one month but Harry knew his little girl was just getting started and would soon be a gold mine.

Sometimes Harry took little Tina out cold calling so to speak. On one ride Tina wore a sheer little unbuttoned blouse, a skirt made for a 3rd-grader that barely covered her butt cheeks, and, of course, no panties. She was told to not cover anything no matter what. It was less than five minutes when Harry saw a young man walking along the busy highway, and pulled over to ask for directions. Fifteen seconds into the directions Harry asked him if he liked little girls. The young man hemmed and hawed. Harry continued, “Little girls are the best fuck in the world. They don’t give you any shit, and their cunts are tight as a vise yet still have tons of juice.” The guy lit up like a Christmas tree. “I just happen to have one for you. She’s in 7th grade, knows how to fuck, and tonight she’s on me – no charge. Check her out. Look at her cunt. Ever see anything better than that?” He was drooling. Harry told him and Tina to get in the back. Tina whined. Harry looked at her sternly. “Everybody loves to fuck little girls but no one wants to fuck a god damn whiner, so cut it out or I’ll let him watch me beat the shit out of ya.” Harry drove and Tina spent the next 45 minutes fucking and sucking in the back seat. Harry drove close to other cars and trucks so others could catch a glimpse.

The evening drive became a Friday ritual. Even though he made little money he viewed it like his friends who seldom paid, and liked the thrill of picking up total strangers and watching them fuck his little girl’s brains out. One time four passed her around the back seat for two hours as many cars honked. They gave him $200.

A couple of months passed before Edna called, steaming mad and beside herself. Harry acted contrite and agreed to talk things out. He politely invited Edna and her new husband, Dick, over to discuss Tina. Harry wondered if his ex was still fucking her other stud on the side. She agreed to tomorrow night. A snide sneer crossed Harry’s face. He had already lined up James and Zach.

The next night Edna and Dick no sooner sat down when quick as a flash James and Zach had them both tied up securely. The were surprised speechless but managed a feeble, “What the…” Harry bellowed, “I’m going to help you by teaching you to never bother me or my whore ever again. It would help to appreciate how good my whore is, like her cocksucking and fucking skills.” On cue as ordered Tina came in, quietly unzipped Dick’s pants, fished out his soft 3-incher, stuck it in her mouth and sucked it to a hard 5 inches – all in two minutes.

Dick was speechless. Edna was hysterical until James ripped of her blouse and bra and put a death squeeze on a nipple. Now she simply cried out in her own pain. James put her on her knees right next to Dick now lying on the floor and made her watch close up as Tina got naked, kneeled over Dick’s face and rubbed her pussy on it. Edna became dead silent when she watched her little Tina slide down Dick’s body, poise her pussy over his still hard dick, then slide her pussy over it. She began pumping up and down and gyrating, and as earlier ordered, bent over Dick’s face and robotically cooed loudly so her mother could hear, “This is what a real pussy feels like.”

Harry hissed, “Get a good look. Or if you miss some of it catch it on the internet in a few days.”

“You bastard!” Edna cried.

“Yes, I know,” replied Harry. You don’t understand how little children can be such good fuckers. I’m going to show you.” He layed Edna down and Zach escorted his naked son Kevin in. Zach and Kevin had been practicing for this. Edna got ashen as Harry pulled her legs apart and back as Kevin approached. His dick went in easily and began fucking as his dad had taught him. Edna groaned and whimpered. Harry cajoled, “Tighten your cunt, bitch, so the boy can feel it, like Dick is doing with Tina’s cunt.” The parallel fucking lasted 10 minutes.

“Now here’s what happens if your sorry asses bother me ever again. And don’t even think about cops or the first thing they’ll see is a video of you moaning as you fuck an underage boy.” James pulled his 9” out of his pants and rammed it as hard as he could up Edna’s snatch. She cried in pain and humilation as James fucked the shit out of her. “Now look closely at what happens to Dick.” As Edna watched aghast Harry stood the naked Dick up and held him tight with his arms behind his back. Zach tied a string around Dick’s dick, stretched it upward and tied it in place. Harry kicked his legs apart. Dick’s balls hung down like two lonely exposed small speed bags. Zach brought his knee up hard into the exposed balls, smashing them into his groin. Dick yelled and desparately tried to double over to alleviate the pain but couldn’t. Harry snarled at Edna, “I hope you get to liking that nine incher reaming your cunt, because until you cum all over it, every 30 seconds Dick here gets his balls kicked.

Edna reacted furiously for 30 seconds until another knee slammed into Dick’s balls. She began humping back as best she could. She arched her pelvis hoping more of James’ cock rubbed her clit. She whined and thrust trying to save her husband. Finally she had an orgasm, just as the incoherent and babbling Dick got his 10th knee to the nuts. James pulled out of Edna, sauntered over to Dick, said it looked like fun and firmly planted the top of his foot into Dick’s Battered balls for the 11th time. Dick was near hysterical.

Edna and Dick were untied. A crying Edna reached for her clothes when a whip lashed her tits. “That’s so you won’t forget… ever! And your clothes stay here. You cocksuckers are driving home naked. Now get your sorry asses out of here before I really take the whip to you!” They straggled out, both sobbing and both naked. The men high-fived.

Kevin asked his father, “That was nice. Is that how mother’s pussy feels?”

“Yes, it is, son. But when you’re fucking it, it’s cunt, not pussy.

Harry, James and Zach sat with martinis and entertained themselves watching Tina suck off her classmate, Kevin. Like before, he had just shot his wad into Edna and Tina knew she would have to suck him a long time to get him off again or get her ass beat.

“Ya know what’d be great,” Harry intoned to Zach. “Tina sucking your dick and your Ruby sucking mine, right before we fuck ‘em.” They high-fived. “Maybe you could bring your wife along so James would have something to fuck.” They all chuckled

Things settled down to almost routine fucking and whoring. Tina was still robotic but was starting to have more orgasms and learning that sex is not all bad. She was taking 6” with ease and 9” with not too much pain. Her sucking skills got good and she could take 6” or 7” into her esophagus with little gagging. She fucked as easily with her ass as her cunt. One indication that she was getting into it was the way, when riding atop, on her own she leaned over doing all the work and pistoned her cunt up and down with great speed, depth, and force while looking dreamingly into the man’s eyes and asking him if it felt good. “Do you like my tight little girl cunt?” she cooed once as Harry beamed with pride.

She always got her piss in the morning to drink. Sometimes for fun he would piss half in her mouth and half on her face and tits and send her to school without bra, panties, or cleaning up. She was instructed to flash her men teachers when she could. If one happened to bite and come on to her she was to say only ‘where should we go’ and if he took her someplace, fuck him and then nicely ask for $20.

From the internet and word of mouth Harry was getting good clientele. It exceeded his expectation how much high class men would pay to fuck a child whore. These averaged $200 to $300 with one corporate kingpin paying $1000 for six hours of sucking and fucking, though for that he also spanked her, got a rim job and pissed on her. Harry was pocketing $2000 a month, not bad for a middle schooler still going to class, doing chores around the house, and fucking her daddy and his friends continually.

Fridays were still reserved for what Harry referred to as two-bit whore night. He liked to drive around looking for the raunchiest and dirtiest guys he could find. He got a special kick out of seeing his daughter ravished by lowlifes. One time he found six young blacks, all about 16. Harry drove them all home, offered them first a drink, then Tina. They hesitated when learning she was his daughter. “No problem,” he assured them. “Underage pussy is the best there is and I make the bitch use use her god given talents. So feel free to fuck the shit out of my little slut any way for as long as you like.” Before the night was over each had their cock sucked dry, fucked her cunt twice and three fucked her in the ass. When Harry drove them back at 2am he crammed four in the back with Tina and made her suck cock to cock to cock all the way while they paddled her bare ass. Harry thought she did good and as a reward beat her bare ass for three minutes and had her blow him before going to bed.

One Friday Harry was extra horny and took Tina to an out of the way truck stop where, much to his great satisfaction, he watched a number of big burley men fuck and manhandle her continuously for four hours, once in a dirty toilet stall with 8” up her ass and 6” in her cunt the same time and an especially thrilling hour when he got to help by holding her face in the bottom of a urinal while getting fucked doggie style in her cunt and ass repeatedly. He got a couple to piss in the urinal before slamming her face back in, and a couple to cum all over her face and hair as he held her head back. Whether ass or cunt fucked she cleaned every cock.

These were great times. The only thing Harry missed was fucking Zach’s wife and daughter. But that was small potatoes compared to owning a 12-year old sex slave whore for a life of lust, leisure and self-pleasure. He had only one small disappointment. Tina was getting used to and even liked some of the fucking she got, so she was not experiencing a lot of pain. Harry would just have to find a way to torture her when she wasn’t fucking just to keep her in line and to satisfy his need to hurt the little bitch and hear her scream. He imagined that tit and clit clamps, and hot candle wax and flame should do the trick. He liked that thought.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-28 10:04:53
Your a fucking sicko I feel sick

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-26 10:47:49
I loved the story, but almost didn't open it because of no tags. You really should go back and add some tags, if you can. --Sluttkitty36

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-25 18:10:42
A vry vry bad story motherfucker learn to use tags

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-24 20:24:39
Warning tags would have saved me from opening useless piece of shit. Now I must vote negative.


2014-03-24 20:09:39
You really need help.There was nothing entertaining about this

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