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It was obvious that William was in a good mood when he picked me up from work. When I got into the car he had a big smile on his face. I took one look at him and said, "You look like you've had a good day."

"I got my first paycheck today, Mom. Here it is!"

He handed me his paycheck, I looked at it and said, "Wow, that's great!" His check for a week was almost what I earned in a month. I was really proud of him. When he had graduated from high school a few weeks ago he had started working in construction. The work was hard, but he was young and strong, and the job obviously paid well. "You deserve it," I told him, "you're a hard worker."

We had never had much money. I had raised William as a single mom, having gotten pregnant when I was in high school. We had lived with my mother, until she had died in a car accident when I was only twenty-two. From that time on, my son, William, and I had lived together in a small apartment. Over the years I had often held two jobs, so that I could provide as best as I could for William. He had never complained, and had always been a good son.

As we headed home that night we drove past a fancy restaurant that we always joked about, saying that someday we'd eat there. We knew it was too expensive for us, but it always gave us a laugh. This time as we drove by it William said to me, "Mom, I'd like to celebrate my first paycheck by taking you to that restaurant tomorrow night." I told him that he didn't have to do that, but he kept insisting that he wanted to. I was hiding the real reason I didn't want him to take me there, but he was persistent in saying he wanted us to go there. So I finally told him, "William, I'd love to go there with you, but honey I don't have anything to wear."

His response surprised me, "Well we can take care of that! I'm treating you to a new outfit."

"Honey, you don't have to do that."

"I know Mom, but I want to."

I could tell that there wasn't going to be much use in arguing with him, so I agreed, "Well, okay."

We continued on down the highway but when we got to the discount store where I usually shopped he went right on by. "William, you passed the store."

"No Mom, I want to buy you something nice." And with that he turned into one of the town's larger malls. "We should be able to find something in here," he said.

"Well you'll have to help me then. If you see something you'd like me to wear you let me know, okay."

"Sure Mom."

We strolled through the mall passing the window displays of several stores. William finally stopped in front of one, turned to me, and said, "That looks nice Mom. What do you think?" I turned to see what he was looking at. It was a two-piece outfit in black that was displayed on a mannequin. The top was a ribbed stretch top with short sleeves and a moderately plunging scoop neckline. The bottom was a nice skirt that wasn't too short, stopping a few inches above the knees.

"That's fine with me, if it's okay with you."

We went into the store where I picked out the two pieces in my size and we made our purchase. As we left the store I told William, "There's one minor problem. I don't have a bra to wear with this top. All my bras are white, and they'll probably show through this stretch top. Maybe we should take this back."

"No Mom," he replied, "we'll simply buy you a new bra. There's a department store just a few doors down."

Before I could respond he took my hand and started leading me. We made our way to the lingerie department where there were several bras on display at the entrance. "What do you think Mom, shouldn't one of those be okay?"

He was suggesting a lacy black demi bra. Besides figuring that a black bra was what I needed, he had correctly assumed that I'd need a bra with cups that wouldn't be visible in the open neckline. I told him that one of those would be fine. A clerk approached us and asked if she could help us. Before I could respond William told her, "She wants a bra like that one over there."

The clerk looked at William, then at me, and then back at William and asked, "What size?" William obviously didn't know the answer so he simply turned and looked at me. "What size?" the lady repeated, now looking at me.

"38D" I replied. I noticed that William glanced at my chest, and then turned his head away. I thought that he must be embarrassed to be here, with his rather buxom mother, buying a bra. The clerk went to a drawer and found the bra we needed. She also pulled out a pair of matching panties and asked if we'd like to get them too, telling us that they were half-price with the purchase of the bra. Again William took charge and told the clerk we'd take the panties too. As she headed to the cash register I turned to William and jokingly said, "I haven't had matching underwear since I was in high school. You're going to spoil me!"

"You deserve nice things Mom. I want you to be happy."

The salesclerk suggested we open a charge account and William agreed, particularly after he learned that one of the benefits of doing so was that I could get a free makeover. William thought that was a great idea, saying I deserved some extra pampering and attention. We even discovered that we would be able to schedule the makeover for the next day. William suggested I go ahead, saying it would make tomorrow night extra special. I agreed, made the appointment for the early afternoon, and we left the store.

As we walked past a shoe store I said, "Oh drat, I don't have any shoes to wear with these things. William I'm afraid this is turning into more trouble than it's worth. It's been so long since I've dressed up I think I've forgotten how."

"No problem Mom…outfit…underwear…makeup…shoes…Anything else?" he joked.

We laughed and headed into the shoe store. "I want to pick these out," he told me. As the clerk came over he said, "I need something here for 'shorty'." He often teased me, calling me 'shorty', even though at 5' 5" I wasn't really that short. It's just that standing next to him, at 6' 2" I was definitely shorter. He picked up a pair of shiny black shoes with four inch heels and joked, "These ought to get you up here to the higher altitudes!"

"If you insist!" was my mockingly self-righteous comeback. We were starting to get giddy from all of our shopping. I wasn't used to getting so many nice things at once. Anyway, I tried on the shoes, joked that I was going to get a nosebleed, and we made the purchase. The salesclerk must have thought we were crazy the way we carrying on. Having finished our shopping we left the mall and headed for home.

When we arrived at our apartment William asked, "Do you want to try everything on?"

I was a bit tired so I told him, "No, I've had a long day. I think I'll wait until tomorrow. I'm going on to bed." I walked over to William and kissed him on the cheek, telling him, "William, thank you so much for all the nice treats tonight. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night". Then I went to bed.

I awoke early on Saturday, wanting to get all my weekend chores out of the way quickly. I was really looking forward to my makeover, trying on my new clothes, and going out for dinner. William had gotten up early because he'd promised a friend he'd help him move. I knew he wasn't going to be home until about 5:00 in the afternoon. By noon I had finished my housecleaning and took a quick shower. Then I headed to the mall for my makeover. The lady was very nice, took her time, and I was pleased with the results. William had left some money on the kitchen table in the morning, with a note telling me to use it to buy some cosmetics if I wanted to. I didn't really want to buy any cosmetics, but as it happened the clerk suggested that I have my hair done. She knew there was an available appointment because the lady after me had canceled her makeover and hair appointment. I didn't think William would mind, and it had been so long since I'd had my hair professionally cut, that I took the appointment. Also, before I left the department store I remembered that there was one more thing I needed--some stockings. While paying for them I giggled to myself as I recalled our teasing in the shoe store about whether I had gotten everything I needed.

When I returned home I thought I'd better start getting ready for going out to dinner. To relax I took a long bath, and shaved my legs. Since I'd just gotten it done, I took care not to get my hair wet. After drying off I opened the bags from last night's shopping spree and emptied their contents onto the bed. I picked up the black lace panties and put them on. I had remembered that they were bikini-style so I had trimmed the hair from around my pussy when I had bathed. I looked at myself in the mirror, saw the thin strips of fabric rise up over my curvy hips, and thought, "hmm not bad". I felt proud that my waist was as slim at age 33, as it had been when I was eighteen. The bikini panties also made my legs look longer, and I half-heartedly muttered to myself, "Don't call me shorty." I next put on the black lace demi bra. My smooth creamy white breasts contrasted with the dark lace of the black bra. The bra squeezed my breasts together, creating a deep cleavage. This further emphasized the fullness of my large breasts, making them look like they wanted to spill out of the cups of the bra. My breasts filled the cups so fully I wondered if maybe the saleslady had given me the wrong size. I took the bra off and looked at it. I read the label, 38D, and thought, hmm, I must have grown some! I put it back on and then sat on the edge of the bed. Picking up the stockings I had purchased I put them on. They were black thigh-highs with a lace edge around the top. Finally, I put on the black high heels we had purchased. Dressed in only the black bra, panties, stockings and shoes I strolled to the mirror and gazed at my reflection. It had been a long time since I had been able to fix myself up nicely and I thought I looked pretty good. I still weighed the same 120 pounds that I had weighed since high school. My figure was a true hourglass shape, with my large breasts tapering down to my slim waist, and my hips flaring out as they ran down to my shapely legs. I was also pleased with my new haircut. My long dark brown hair had always hung simply straight down my back. The beautician had cut it and layered it so that it reached just a few inches below my shoulders. The strands in the front cascaded down, resting just slightly above the top of my full breasts.

Being satisfied with my appearance so far I was now ready to try on the outfit William had bought me. I put on the ribbed top. Because it had a large scoop neckline I could stretch and hold the top open as I slipped it on so it wouldn't mess up my hair. Once I had the top on I thought, "Oh-oh, we have a problem. Why didn't I try this on at the store?" The scooped neckline was much more revealing than what we'd seen on the store's display. I thought to myself, "The mannequin was built like all those skinny models." I'd forgotten how slimly built they were. "This top's probably designed for someone with a 32A measurement, not someone as buxom as me!" When I looked in the mirror I realized that not only did the scoop top plunge so deeply that a lot of my bare smooth breasts and cleavage was visible, but that the stretchy material also tightly hugged the curves of my breasts, outlining them, leaving little to the imagination. I sighed and went ahead and tried on the skirt. It fit fine, being just tight enough around my waist, and just firm enough around my bottom. I kept wondering what I should do about the revealing top. I finally rationalized that it didn't really show any more cleavage than what you could see when you turned on half the shows on TV. I figured I'd ask William about it, and if he wasn't uncomfortable being out with his mother dressed this way I'd be okay. Not long after that I heard the front door open and I knew William was home.

"Mom, I'm home" he yelled.

"I'm back here" I answered. I heard him coming down the hallway towards my bedroom.

"Did you get your makeover" he called out as he was just outside my door.

"Yes honey. I did. You can come in. I'm dressed" He opened the door and entered the room. As he did so I turned to face him. He stopped dead in his tracks.

"Wow" he gasped "you look marvelous. Your hair… your makeup….your outfit." He stood there, looking me up and down until I felt self-conscious and started to blush. The only thing I could think to say was, "I hope you don't mind that I spent some of the money you left me to get my hair done"

"Are you kidding" he replied, "it looks fabulous."

Then, remembering the plunging neckline, I asked him, "William, do you think this top is too revealing? I think these tops are designed for skinny models. I can find something else to wear. I don't want to embarrass you at the restaurant."

"Embarrass me!" he exclaimed, "why I'm going to be with the best looking gal in the restaurant…why would I be embarrassed. You look fabulous Mom!"

Feeling good from the compliment I said, "Why thank you William…you really know how to make a lady feel good!" I even did a little twirl to show off my new outfit, hairdo, and makeup. Looking up at William I realized he was still staring at me. I playfully clapped my hands together and said, "You'd better get cleaned up honey, our reservations are at 7:30".

"Sure Mom, he replied, I'll take a shower and get dressed."

As he headed to his room I went to the living room, sat down and started watching TV. The local news was just coming on when I heard William start his shower. When the news was almost over I realized that William was still in the shower. He's been in there a long time I thought, that's not like him. I got up, walked to just outside the door of the bathroom, and called to him "William, are you coming?" He didn't respond, so I called out again, "William, we're going to be late. You need to hurry up."

This time his response came back, "Uh, okay Mom, I'll be out in just a minute." I went back to the TV and waited. Shortly thereafter I heard him come out of the bathroom and go to his room. In about fifteen minutes he came out all dressed up in a sport coat and tie.

"You look nice son, but we have to go, we don't want to be late….That was sure one long shower you took."

"Uh, oh, I was just really sweaty and grimy from helping Bob move today. I've got the car keys. You ready to go?"

"Sure" I said. We got to the car and William opened the door for me. "Why thank you honey" I said.

"A lady deserves to be treated like a lady" he replied.

We got to the restaurant and were seated. The waitress asked if we wanted drinks. William only had a soft drink, but I ordered a margarita. To my amazement the waitress asked to see my ID! When I briefly hesitated she somewhat apologetically said, "By law we have to card anyone we think might be twenty-five or under. So I'll need to see your ID." I gladly complied as I could see William stifling a laugh. When she saw my id she was embarrassed and said she was sorry she'd asked, but that I sure looked a lot younger than 33 years old! I told her that she'd made my day! William said it was the makeover and hairdo. We had a good time at the restaurant, and even did a little dancing. A party of four attractive girls I guessed to be in their early twenties sat at a nearby table. I told William, "I'll bet you'd rather be out with those girls instead of your Mom."

"Mom, I told you, I'm with the best looking gal in the restaurant"

"Well, I'm with the best looking guy!" We looked at each other and laughed.

When we left the restaurant William once again opened the car door for me. But when he tried to start the car it wouldn't start. He raised the hood and worked for awhile and finally got it to start. However, in the process he got grease on his shirt, hands and forehead. Our old car was always breaking down, and I was frustrated that it had broken down tonight when the evening had been so special, and that William had gotten dirty fixing it. I felt my Cinderella evening was being spoiled. I was upset and grumbled, "This damn car….if I had a million dollars…….."

William tried to calm me down, and in a few moments asked me, "Mom, if you had a million dollars what would you do?"

"I'd buy a new car, that's for sure!"

"Well that'd still leave a lot left over! What would you do with the rest…what if you could make your wildest dreams come true?"

I thought a moment, and then answered, "I'd move to an island and sit on the beach all day soaking up the sun!"


Several weeks went by and William and I continued our daily routine. One day when I got home I found William packed, and he told me he had to go away for a few days. He said it was for a construction job so I didn't think anything about it. He called every night to check on me. After five days he returned and was waiting for me when I got home from work. "Anything exciting happen while I was gone?" he asked.

"Same as usual" I told him.

"Mom, do you remember somebody winning that big lottery last week?"

"Yeah, that's all people around here have been talking about. The winner was from right here in town. Everyone's trying to guess who it is, but the news said the winner wanted to remain anonymous."

William came over and sat down beside me, took both of my hands into his and calmly said, "Mom, I won that lottery". I thought he was joking at first, but as I looked at the expression on his face I realized he was serious. "We have fifty million dollars in the bank!" I was speechless. William proceeded to tell me that he had spent the past several days claiming the money, making arrangements for different things, and that he had indeed taken a trip. He then pulled out two airline tickets and said, "Mom I want to take you on a trip…to a special place."

I was so excited as we flew over the ocean to the Caribbean. When we landed William had a cab take us out into the countryside. It dropped us off at a villa that looked out over the ocean. The view was beautiful! The house was up on a hill, with about thirty stairs that led down to the beach. As we got closer to the house I saw a red convertible car parked outside and told William that someone must be here. He laughed, pulled some keys out of his pocket, and told me the car was mine! He must have been able to tell that I was puzzled so he proceeded to tell me, "Mom, this is your dream come true. This is your house on the beach. This is your car!" I felt like I was in a fairy tale, or was having a dream, but I realized that he was telling the truth! We went inside and he showed me around. "I hope you like it."

Dazed, I could only respond, "It's unbelievable!"

After touring the house William told me I had to see the beach and take a dip in the ocean. When I told him I didn't bring a swimsuit he said "no problem" and told me to check the top dresser drawer in my bedroom. He said the realtor had said she would leave an assortment of suits there. I found a red one-piece suit and put it on. It had a plunging neckline with a halter top that lifted my breasts, showing a fair amount of cleavage. The sides of the suit were cut high, exposing quite a bit of my hips. I thought surely there must be a less revealing suit in the drawer, but found none.

Coming out of my room I found William on the porch waiting for me. As we headed down to the beach William showed me a little gazebo that was part of our property. It was covered to provide protection from the sun while allowing you to look out over the beach and ocean. Taking up most of its space was a very large lounge chair. We made it to the beach and laid out our towels, sat down, and began enjoying the sun, sand and ocean. Both the sky and water were so blue it was hard to tell where they met. After a while I looked up the beach and saw a couple approaching. As they got nearer I noticed that the woman was topless. Her medium-sized breasts gently swayed as they passed by. I guessed the couple to be in their mid-forties. I turned to William and said I guess he got an eyeful. But he nonchalantly told me that the realtor had told him that nudity was fairly common on the island. We continued relaxing and tanning until I heard some noises. Another couple was approaching, but this time it was two girls. They appeared to be in their early twenties, and they were both completely nude. One was tall and slim, with short blond hair and small perky breasts. From the full patch of hair over her pussy it was evident that she was a true blond. The other girl was shorter, with long dark brown hair, and larger breasts. She had shaved her pussy, except for a narrow strip above her pussy. The two girls stopped no more than ten feet in front of us, were oblivious to their nudity, and asked if we knew the time. After William told them they continued on down the beach. When they were out of earshot I told William, "Now I know why you wanted to move here".

"Aw Mom, I didn't pay any attention to them."

"You mean to tell me you didn't notice them!"

"Not particularly."

I was a bit curious at his indifference so I questioned him, "Tell me William, which of those two girls did you like the most?" When he didn't answer I persisted with the question.

He figured he had to answer. "The brunette, the shorter girl."

"What did you like about her" I probed.

Without looking up he responded, "She was built more like you, with big boobs, I liked seeing them bounce as she walked."

I was surprised by his comments. Not knowing what to say I simply stayed quiet. Every so often I would glance at him through my sunglasses, but he seemed to be nonchalant about the afternoon. Finally he spoke up, "We'd better not stay out here too long on our first day or we'll get sunburned." We gathered up our things and headed back up the stairs. I again glanced out of the corner of my eyes, and thought I noticed William looking at my breasts which were gently bouncing up and down as we went up the stairs. I turned to look directly at him and he quickly turned away. I thought to myself that he wasn't really looking at my breasts, that it must have been my imagination, after all I was his mother.


My bed had been arranged so that as you lay in it you could look out over the ocean. It was very dark that night and I could barely see the rippling of the water lit by a pale sliver of a moon. I didn't think anything of it when I heard William come into my room and slip into bed beside me. I thought he was simply coming to say goodnight. "It's so beautiful here" I told him. I was laying on my side, with my back to him. I felt him put his arm on my shoulder and he started to gently caress up and down my side, from my shoulder to my waist.

"I hope you like it here" he whispered. I turned to face him, and as I did so he slipped his right arm underneath and around me so that I was in his embrace.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here William." I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. Before I could move back his hand slid up to the back of my head. He pulled my head forward and kissed me gently on the lips. Surprised I started to pull away, but he held me tightly in his grasp, and kissed me once again, this time more forcefully. His tongue parted my lips and was probing to find my tongue. I was able to pull away and blurted out, "William, what are you doing?"

"Mom you're so beautiful." He pulled me back to him and kissed me again. At the same instant I felt his free hand reach up to my shoulder. Due to the warm night I had only put on a short satin chemise top. It took no effort for William to slip the thin shoulder strap down, freeing my large breast. He put the palm of his hand over my nipple, and closed his fingers over as much of my large breast as his hand could grasp. Then he started to gently squeeze and caress my breast with his fingers.

"You can't do this. What's gotten into you? Have you been thinking about those girls on the beach?"

"No Mom, I've only been thinking of you." His hand continued to fondle my breast and I couldn't help but feel a responsive tingling in my nipple which was beginning to stiffen. He began to rub and pinch my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, making it become fully erect.

"William, no." I commanded. He removed his hand and I thought he would obey my command. However, before I could speak again he lowered his head, and put his lips to my breast. He slowly parted his lips and I felt his warm wet mouth encircling my now rigid nipple. He flicked his tongue over my aching nipple and despite myself I let out an unexpected moan. He then proceeded to suck my nipple and more of my breast into his mouth. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't let it happen. "Please stop," I muttered, "we can't do this". William ignored my plea and continued to suck on my breast. I started twisting my body, trying to pull away from him. I suddenly realized that my motions were causing my chemise to rise up over my hips. Because I wasn't wearing any panties I knew that my pussy was exposed and was only covered by the bed sheet. I made another attempt to stop him, saying "That's enough William…I want you to stop." He pulled his mouth away and I thought he would stop. But instead he rolled me over onto my back. He slid his hand out from underneath me and in doing so he pulled down the other side of my satin top, exposing my other breast. With one hand he now caressed and squeezed the breast he had been sucking. His arm was draped over my body, holding me gently but firmly down. Then he moved his mouth to my other breast and began sucking again. I was beginning to get confused. I knew I shouldn't be allowing him to do this, but it was feeling so good that I no longer felt like telling him to stop. As I watched him suck on my breasts I realized that he had been the last person to suck on them, but that had been many many years ago. My mind drifted back to the days when I used to nurse him and suddenly it seemed so natural to have my son sucking on my tits. I thought perhaps there would be no harm in letting him suck for a little while longer. I gently stroked my fingers through his hair, and whispered, "It's okay honey."

When William finally released my nipple from his mouth I became fully aware again of what was happening, and knew that I had to put a stop to what he was doing. After all, I was his mother! However, before I could say anything William moved up and slid his body over mine. At that instant I realized for the first time that William was nude. I could feel his rigid cock pressing against my stomach. My gown had gathered around my waist such that my pussy was completely uncovered. The realization of what William wanted hit me and I said, "NO, William…I can't let you fuck me." William paid no attention to me. I kept my legs tightly closed together. Then I started twisting my body, trying to get him off of me. As I tried to push him off, my legs spread apart slightly. This allowed his knee to slip between my legs. He was so strong he was able to pry my legs apart such that he could slip both of his legs in between mine. He then slid his body down so that his cock was now nestled against my pussy lips. My pussy was so slick and wet that I couldn't hide the fact that his fondling had greatly aroused me. "Please don't" I pleaded one more time. He was slowly rubbing his cock up and down over my pussy, coating his throbbing shaft with my pussy juices. I could feel my cunt getting wetter and wetter and thought this can't be happening. My hips were gently rocking as if they had a mind of their own. William raised up slightly and I could feel the tip of his cock pressing against my pussy, probing to find the opening it wanted to penetrate. "Noooo William" I half-heartedly whimpered. I knew this was wrong but the sensations I was feeling were slowly taking over. William pushed forward and eased the head of his cock just barely into my pussy. "Oooooh" I groaned.

William whispered into my ear, "Mom, I don't want to hurt you…I've never done this before."

Startled by what was happening I could only utter, "William, I've only done this once!" Now he knew, my only time before had been on that night long ago when he was conceived. He was a virgin, but I wasn't really any more experienced than he was! I could tell he was getting more excited. He shifted his weight and pushed more of his cock into my pussy. "William, you caaaan't fuuuck your mother" I moaned.

He replied, "I don't want you to be my mother, I want you to be my wife".

I was totally confused. I couldn't believe what he had just said. I couldn't believe what was happening. My son's first time would be with his mother, and he wanted me to be his wife???. Still, I felt an overpowering sense of sexual excitement that I couldn't deny and thought, once, just this once, I'd let him fuck me. I don't know which of us was most surprised when I slowly spread my legs apart and whispered, "It's okay William, just this one time."

William pushed more of his stiff cock into my now eager pussy. I gasped, "It's…..soo….big!" I could feel his massive virgin cock stretching the walls of my pussy. He stopped pushing, and I asked, "Is it all the way in?"

"No Mom, not yet."

"Go slow honey."

He proceeded to slowly ease his cock all the way in. I arched my back, and rolled my head back into the pillow, causing my tits to lift up as his cock slid further and further into my pussy. "Oohhhhh William, you're so deep inside mommy". I was overcome with lust. Years of pent up sexual desires and needs were suddenly unleashed. I didn't really remember anything from my only encounter years ago, it had been over with so fast. I decided right then and there to savor this time, and to make William's first time be as enjoyable as possible. William slowly started pulling his cock back out of my pussy. The sensation was incredible! He then withdrew his cock completely from my pussy. "NO!" I cried out. My exclamation must have confused him, making him think that perhaps I had changed my mind. He froze for a moment, until I urged, "Put it back in William. Honey, put your cock back in me and don't take it all the way out." Obeying my plea he once again inserted his rock hard cock into my hungry pussy. Slowly his cock sank into the depths of my cunt until it was once again completely buried in my pussy. I shuttered from the exquisite feeling of having a large stiff cock filling my cunt, and instinctively started rocking my hips. William responded by pumping his cock slowly in and out with long deep strokes. "Ooooohhhhhh, it feels soooo gooood" I moaned.

He groaned, "Mom, your pussy's so tight." He began to ram his cock harder, faster and deeper into my pussy. I responded by thrusting my hips upward, meeting him thrust for thrust. I planted my feet and pushed firmly back against his cock. Each downward thrust of his was met by a corresponding upward thrust of my own. It could truly be said we were fucking each other. I was fucking my son, and he was fucking his mother.

His body was pressed firmly against mine, my tits burning into his chest. He took both hands and encircled the outer edges of my tits and squeezed them together. Then he slipped his thumbs up to each of my nipples and gently rubbed them. "That feels sooo good William. I love the way you play with my tits." I was getting more excited and began thrusting upward even faster and harder. I wanted my pussy to love and caress every inch of his magnificent cock.

Remembering I wanted to make William's first fuck as enjoyable as possible I started questioning him. "Does your cock feel good in my pussy William?"

"Oh yes Mom."

"Do you like fucking your mommy?"

"Oh yes" he groaned and started pumping furiously, slamming his cock harder and harder into my pussy. His breathing began to get ragged.

As his cock plunged in and out of my pussy I realized that I was only moments away from exploding into the most climatic orgasm of my life. Every orgasm I had ever experienced before had been self-induced, but this orgasm was going to be the result of my son fucking me! I was completely caught up in the sensation of my son's massive cock sliding in and out of my pussy, and was just on the verge of cumming when William said, "Mom, I'm going to cum! Should I pull out, or can I cum in your pussy?"

At that moment there was no way I wanted him to pull his cock out of my pussy…it felt too good. I shamelessly told him, "Keep fucking me, William. It's okay, you can cum in my pussy. Fuck mommy. Fill mommy's cunt with your cum. I want you to shoot your load into my pussy".

My prompting put him over the edge and he moaned, "OH MOM. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Oh yes, I'm cumming in your pussy. Oh Mom, it feels so good". His body began jerking and he lunged forward, driving his cock deep into my pussy as it began filling a woman's pussy, indeed his mother's pussy, with a load of cum for the very first time.

Seeing how excited he had gotten from his first fuck was more than I could handle. Feeling his cum exploding into my cunt, I couldn't hold back any longer. "Oh honey, I'm cuummming. Mommy's cumming. It's so good, so good. I didn't know it could feel this good. Oh William you fuck me so well….Oh. Oh. Oooooohhhhhh." I encircled my arms around him and held him tightly. At the same time, my pussy was in ecstasy. It quivered in excitement, contracting and squeezing my son's spurting cock, trying to milk every last drop of virgin cum from his pulsing cock.

We collapsed into each other's arms, both of us completely spent. Our hearts were beating fast, our breathing was deep. Slowly and silently we calmed down, and began to return to normal. Then it hit me. "What had I done! I had just fucked my son! What kind of mother was I! But wait, it was William who had started everything. He was about to rape me, when I consented to his fucking me! And what had he said…he wanted me to be his wife!" My mind was racing with questions. I was so confused. How would we be able to go on? I had so many thoughts to sort out.

William finally broke the silence, timidly saying "Mom…."

But before he could continue I abruptly stopped him. "Don't say a word William." I'm sure he didn't know what to think, but this time he obeyed my command. I needed to think about what had happened, and how to respond. What should a mother do in these circumstances I wondered. I didn't have any answers, but I knew I didn't want to make a spur of the moment decision that would undoubtedly affect the rest of our lives. I lay awake a long time, reliving the events of the night, with all the questions that needed to be answered running through my head. Tomorrow I would have to have a long talk with William.

"Aw Mom, I didn't pay any attention to them."

"You mean to tell me you didn't notice them!"

"Not particularly."

I was a bit curious at his indifference so I questioned him, "Tell me William, which of those two girls did you like the most?" When he didn't answer I persisted with the question.

He figured he had to answer. "The brunette, the shorter girl."

"What did you like about her" I probed.

Without looking up he responded, "She was built more like you, with big boobs, I liked seeing them bounce as she walked."

I was surprised by his comments. Not knowing what to say I simply stayed quiet. Every so often I would glance at him through my sunglasses, but he seemed to be nonchalant about the afternoon. Finally he spoke up, "We'd better not stay out here too long on our first day or we'll get sunburned." We gathered up our things and headed back up the stairs. I again glanced out of the corner of my eyes, and thought I noticed William looking at my breasts which were gently bouncing up and down as we went up the stairs. I turned to look directly at him and he quickly turned away. I thought to myself that he wasn't really looking at my breasts, that it must have been my imagination, after all I was his mother.


My bed had been arranged so that as you lay in it you could look out over the ocean. It was very dark that night and I could barely see the rippling of the water lit by a pale sliver of a moon. I didn't think anything of it when I heard William come into my room and slip into bed beside me. I thought he was simply coming to say goodnight. "It's so beautiful here" I told him. I was laying on my side, with my back to him. I felt him put his arm on my shoulder and he started to gently caress up and down my side, from my shoulder to my waist.

"I hope you like it here" he whispered. I turned to face him, and as I did so he slipped his right arm underneath and around me so that I was in his embrace.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here William." I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. Before I could move back his hand slid up to the back of my head. He pulled my head forward and kissed me gently on the lips. Surprised I started to pull away, but he held me tightly in his grasp, and kissed me once again, this time more forcefully. His tongue parted my lips and was probing to find my tongue. I was able to pull away and blurted out, "William, what are you doing?"

"Mom you're so beautiful." He pulled me back to him and kissed me again. At the same instant I felt his free hand reach up to my shoulder. Due to the warm night I had only put on a short satin chemise top. It took no effort for William to slip the thin shoulder strap down, freeing my large breast. He put the palm of his hand over my nipple, and closed his fingers over as much of my large breast as his hand could grasp. Then he started to gently squeeze and caress my breast with his fingers.

"You can't do this. What's gotten into you? Have you been thinking about those girls on the beach?"

"No Mom, I've only been thinking of you." His hand continued to fondle my breast and I couldn't help but feel a responsive tingling in my nipple which was beginning to stiffen. He began to rub and pinch my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, making it become fully erect.

"William, no." I commanded. He removed his hand and I thought he would obey my command. However, before I could speak again he lowered his head, and put his lips to my breast. He slowly parted his lips and I felt his warm wet mouth encircling my now rigid nipple. He flicked his tongue over my aching nipple and despite myself I let out an unexpected moan. He then proceeded to suck my nipple and more of my breast into his mouth. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't let it happen. "Please stop," I muttered, "we can't do this". William ignored my plea and continued to suck on my breast. I started twisting my body, trying to pull away from him. I suddenly realized that my motions were causing my chemise to rise up over my hips. Because I wasn't wearing any panties I knew that my pussy was exposed and was only covered by the bed sheet. I made another attempt to stop him, saying "That's enough William…I want you to stop." He pulled his mouth away and I thought he would stop. But instead he rolled me over onto my back. He slid his hand out from underneath me and in doing so he pulled down the other side of my satin top, exposing my other breast. With one hand he now caressed and squeezed the breast he had been sucking. His arm was draped over my body, holding me gently but firmly down. Then he moved his mouth to my other breast and began sucking again. I was beginning to get confused. I knew I shouldn't be allowing him to do this, but it was feeling so good that I no longer felt like telling him to stop. As I watched him suck on my breasts I realized that he had been the last person to suck on them, but that had been many many years ago. My mind drifted back to the days when I used to nurse him and suddenly it seemed so natural to have my son sucking on my tits. I thought perhaps there would be no harm in letting him suck for a little while longer. I gently stroked my fingers through his hair, and whispered, "It's okay honey."

When William finally released my nipple from his mouth I became fully aware again of what was happening, and knew that I had to put a stop to what he was doing. After all, I was his mother! However, before I could say anything William moved up and slid his body over mine. At that instant I realized for the first time that William was nude. I could feel his rigid cock pressing against my stomach. My gown had gathered around my waist such that my pussy was completely uncovered. The realization of what William wanted hit me and I said, "NO, William…I can't let you fuck me." William paid no attention to me. I kept my legs tightly closed together. Then I started twisting my body, trying to get him off of me. As I tried to push him off, my legs spread apart slightly. This allowed his knee to slip between my legs. He was so strong he was able to pry my legs apart such that he could slip both of his legs in between mine. He then slid his body down so that his cock was now nestled against my pussy lips. My pussy was so slick and wet that I couldn't hide the fact that his fondling had greatly aroused me. "Please don't" I pleaded one more time. He was slowly rubbing his cock up and down over my pussy, coating his throbbing shaft with my pussy juices. I could feel my cunt getting wetter and wetter and thought this can't be happening. My hips were gently rocking as if they had a mind of their own. William raised up slightly and I could feel the tip of his cock pressing against my pussy, probing to find the opening it wanted to penetrate. "Noooo William" I half-heartedly whimpered. I knew this was wrong but the sensations I was feeling were slowly taking over. William pushed forward and eased the head of his cock just barely into my pussy. "Oooooh" I groaned.

William whispered into my ear, "Mom, I don't want to hurt you…I've never done this before."

Startled by what was happening I could only utter, "William, I've only done this once!" Now he knew, my only time before had been on that night long ago when he was conceived. He was a virgin, but I wasn't really any more experienced than he was! I could tell he was getting more excited. He shifted his weight and pushed more of his cock into my pussy. "William, you caaaan't fuuuck your mother" I moaned.

He replied, "I don't want you to be my mother, I want you to be my wife".

I was totally confused. I couldn't believe what he had just said. I couldn't believe what was happening. My son's first time would be with his mother, and he wanted me to be his wife???. Still, I felt an overpowering sense of sexual excitement that I couldn't deny and thought, once, just this once, I'd let him fuck me. I don't know which of us was most surprised when I slowly spread my legs apart and whispered, "It's okay William, just this one time."

William pushed more of his stiff cock into my now eager pussy. I gasped, "It's…..soo….big!" I could feel his massive virgin cock stretching the walls of my pussy. He stopped pushing, and I asked, "Is it all the way in?"

"No Mom, not yet."

"Go slow honey."

He proceeded to slowly ease his cock all the way in. I arched my back, and rolled my head back into the pillow, causing my tits to lift up as his cock slid further and further into my pussy. "Oohhhhh William, you're so deep inside mommy". I was overcome with lust. Years of pent up sexual desires and needs were suddenly unleashed. I didn't really remember anything from my only encounter years ago, it had been over with so fast. I decided right then and there to savor this time, and to make William's first time be as enjoyable as possible. William slowly started pulling his cock back out of my pussy. The sensation was incredible! He then withdrew his cock completely from my pussy. "NO!" I cried out. My exclamation must have confused him, making him think that perhaps I had changed my mind. He froze for a moment, until I urged, "Put it back in William. Honey, put your cock back in me and don't take it all the way out." Obeying my plea he once again inserted his rock hard cock into my hungry pussy. Slowly his cock sank into the depths of my cunt until it was once again completely buried in my pussy. I shuttered from the exquisite feeling of having a large stiff cock filling my cunt, and instinctively started rocking my hips. William responded by pumping his cock slowly in and out with long deep strokes. "Ooooohhhhhh, it feels soooo gooood" I moaned.

He groaned, "Mom, your pussy's so tight." He began to ram his cock harder, faster and deeper into my pussy. I responded by thrusting my hips upward, meeting him thrust for thrust. I planted my feet and pushed firmly back against his cock. Each downward thrust of his was met by a corresponding upward thrust of my own. It could truly be said we were fucking each other. I was fucking my son, and he was fucking his mother.

His body was pressed firmly against mine, my tits burning into his chest. He took both hands and encircled the outer edges of my tits and squeezed them together. Then he slipped his thumbs up to each of my nipples and gently rubbed them. "That feels sooo good William. I love the way you play with my tits." I was getting more excited and began thrusting upward even faster and harder. I wanted my pussy to love and caress every inch of his magnificent cock.

Remembering I wanted to make William's first fuck as enjoyable as possible I started questioning him. "Does your cock feel good in my pussy William?"

"Oh yes Mom."

"Do you like fucking your mommy?"

"Oh yes" he groaned and started pumping furiously, slamming his cock harder and harder into my pussy. His breathing began to get ragged.

As his cock plunged in and out of my pussy I realized that I was only moments away from exploding into the most climatic orgasm of my life. Every orgasm I had ever experienced before had been self-induced, but this orgasm was going to be the result of my son fucking me! I was completely caught up in the sensation of my son's massive cock sliding in and out of my pussy, and was just on the verge of cumming when William said, "Mom, I'm going to cum! Should I pull out, or can I cum in your pussy?"

At that moment there was no way I wanted him to pull his cock out of my pussy…it felt too good. I shamelessly told him, "Keep fucking me, William. It's okay, you can cum in my pussy. Fuck mommy. Fill mommy's cunt with your cum. I want you to shoot your load into my pussy".

My prompting put him over the edge and he moaned, "OH MOM. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Oh yes, I'm cumming in your pussy. Oh Mom, it feels so good". His body began jerking and he lunged forward, driving his cock deep into my pussy as it began filling a woman's pussy, indeed his mother's pussy, with a load of cum for the very first time.

Seeing how excited he had gotten from his first fuck was more than I could handle. Feeling his cum exploding into my cunt, I couldn't hold back any longer. "Oh honey, I'm cuummming. Mommy's cumming. It's so good, so good. I didn't know it could feel this good. Oh William you fuck me so well….Oh. Oh. Oooooohhhhhh." I encircled my arms around him and held him tightly. At the same time, my pussy was in ecstasy. It quivered in excitement, contracting and squeezing my son's spurting cock, trying to milk every last drop of virgin cum from his pulsing cock.

We collapsed into each other's arms, both of us completely spent. Our hearts were beating fast, our breathing was deep. Slowly and silently we calmed down, and began to return to normal. Then it hit me. "What had I done! I had just fucked my son! What kind of mother was I! But wait, it was William who had started everything. He was about to rape me, when I consented to his fucking me! And what had he said…he wanted me to be his wife!" My mind was racing with questions. I was so confused. How would we be able to go on? I had so many thoughts to sort out.

William finally broke the silence, timidly saying "Mom…."

But before he could continue I abruptly stopped him. "Don't say a word William." I'm sure he didn't know what to think, but this time he obeyed my command. I needed to think about what had happened, and how to respond. What should a mother do in these circumstances I wondered. I didn't have any answers, but I knew I didn't want to make a spur of the moment decision that would undoubtedly affect the rest of our lives. I lay awake a long time, reliving the events of the night, with all the questions that needed to be answered running through my head. Tomorrow I would have to have a long talk with William.


I woke up in the morning hoping that I had been dreaming. But as I looked beside me in the bed there was my sleeping son, and all the events of the previous night came rushing back--I had indeed let my son fuck me. Knowing I needed to collect my thoughts I slipped out of bed, got dressed, and headed for the beach to take a long walk. As I strolled along the beach I confronted all the questions that had raced through my mind after William had fucked me. I walked, alone with my thoughts for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion. I knew what I wanted to say to William, so I headed back to the house. As I approached the house I noticed that the car was gone. When I got inside I saw that William had left a note saying he was going into town. I took a bath, and then waited for him to return. After awhile I began to worry about him, wondering what state of mind he might be in. Finally, I heard the car pulling up in the driveway. William came into the house, his head down, trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"William, we need to talk."

He blurted back, "Mom, I'm so sorry about last night. I know you must hate me. I..."


"I went into town and bought a ticket for me to fly back to the states."


"I'll leave you here and you can have the house and car, and be happy on the island."

"William, will you be quiet and just listen for a minute."

He sat down on the sofa while I was standing across the room from him. "I've thought a lot about last night. What we did, what we said." He was looking down, trying to avoid me. "I kept coming back to the same conclusion. There's only been one man in my life, one man I've loved, one man that's loved me and taken care of me, and that's you William. So my answer is yes, if you still want me to be, I'd like to be your wife."

He looked up at me, his eyes growing bigger. "Are you sure Mom?"

"Yes, if you still want that."

"Of course I do Mom"

"But William, you haven't even seen me nude before. You may not even like my body!" I teased.

"No chance of that Mom!"

"Well, let's see."

I had put on a simple pullover after I had bathed. While William sat watching I slipped one strap off one shoulder, and then the other. The pullover fell to the floor, and I was standing in front of William wearing only a bikini. I had put on the smallest string bikini that had been in my dresser. It didn't do much to cover my body. The top only had two small patches that were barely big enough to cover my nipples. For the most part, my large breasts were exposed. One string was stretched tightly between my breasts, connecting the two patches of cloth. Strings running around my back, and up around my neck held the bikini in place. The bottom half of the bikini was a patch of cloth just large enough to conceal my pussy. Two strings flared up over my hips to hold it in place.

Reaching up behind my neck I pulled the knot out of the string that was holding the bikini top up, and then I reached behind me and untied the remaining knot. The bikini top fell to the floor, and my tits were completely exposed for William to see. My nipples were already beginning to stiffen, and his stare excited me that much more. Now he could see everything, my large 38D tits were completely on display for him. He could see my large areolas, and my erect nipples. I next pulled the knots from both sides of the bottom of the bikini and let it drop to the floor. Now my son was staring at my totally nude body. When I had bathed I had shaved my pussy, leaving just a small strip of hair just above my pussy lips--just like the girl we had seen on the beach yesterday. I could tell my pussy was very wet and wondered if William could see how moist my pussy lips were getting. As I stepped toward him he stood up from the couch and said, "Mom you're beautiful."

We embraced, and then I said, "My turn." I lifted his shirt up over his head, and then ran my hands over his masculine upper body. Then I hooked my thumbs into the elastic of his shorts and slid them down over his waist, letting them drop to the floor. We embraced again. My large tits were pressing into his chest and I could feel his rigid cock pressing against me. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down so that he was sitting on the sofa. Then I knelt in front of him. His beautiful cock was right in front of me. It was the first time I had really seen a man's erect cock. And what a cock! I was amazed at its size, it must have been nine inches long. I couldn't believe that William had been able to get all of that in me last night. I put my hand up to grasp it, but couldn't get my fingers all the way around it. Reacting to my touch William let out a sharp breath. .Slowly I started to stroke William's cock with my hand. I looked up at William who was intently watching my every motion. Our eyes met and we smiled. Then I looked back at the magnificent cock that was right in front of me. I leaned forward, stuck out my tongue, and started to gently lick the underside of my son's cock.

"Oh Mom..." William muttered. I continued to lick up and down on his cock coating it with the wetness from my tongue. Then I pursed my lips and slowly slid them over the tip of his cock and started gently sucking on William's cock. He gasped, and his hips jerked. I used my other hand to hold him down and continued to suck on his cock, bobbing my head up and down, while at the same time stroking his cock with my hand. I was giving my first blow-job ever, and I was excited to be giving it to my son. William's breathing was becoming heavier and he placed his hands on the back of my head. I figured he was going to cum soon. I wanted to taste his cum and was determined to swallow his entire load. As I continued to suck his cock I started stroking it faster with my hand and he cried out, "Oh Mom I'm cumming." He began shooting gobs of cum into my mouth as I sucked and swallowed as fast as I could, downing his entire load of cum. William's cum tasted so good to me.

William was still breathing heavy. I looked up at him and his eyes were closed, his head rolled back. He raised his head and opened his eyes and looked down at me. "That was incredible Mom." I smiled at him, satisfied that I had pleased him. I crawled up into his lap and was sitting crossways, with my ass between his legs. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him forward to give him a passionate kiss. We kissed long and hard, our tongues battling each other, exploring the tingling between us. When we pulled away William looked down at my chest. My tits were right in front of him. He took his finger and began to lightly trace around my areola. "Mom, your areoles are so big and sexy." He then began rubbing a nipple between his thumb and forefinger causing it to stiffen and get more erect than it already was. My nipples were protruding almost 1/2" from my tits.

"It felt so good last night when you sucked on my tits," I told him, thinking he would take the hint. Instead, William put both of his arms underneath me, scooped me up, and stood up and carried me towards the bedroom.

"Mom, I'm going to lick and suck on your tits till it drives you crazy! Then I'm going to kiss and lick your pussy until you cum!" His words almost gave me an orgasm.

I shuttered in excitement, and coyly asked, "Why William, are you going to eat my pussy?!!"

"If it's okay with you" he replied.

As seductively as I could I whispered, "Yes honey, I'd love for you to eat my pussy. No man's ever done that for me before. Please eat your mommy's pussy, please."

William's knees almost buckled from hearing my words. I could tell he was turned on by my lewd talking. He set me on the bed, and then laid down beside me. I was lying flat on my back, with my tits jutting up. My erect nipples were pointing straight up, stiff and begging to be sucked. William wasted no more time. Leaning over he put his warm mouth over one nipple. When his wet tongue rolled over my engorged nipple I let loose. "Ohmigosh, that feels so good...OOOHHHH."

He continued to suck on one nipple and then he reached up and gently pinched the other nipple. He took his other hand and placed it over my pussy. He could feel how wet I was. He took a finger and stroked between my pussy lips so that his finger was coated with my cunt juices. Then he took that finger and rubbed it over my nipple, coating it with my sweet cunt juice. He put his mouth on that nipple and began to suck, while at the same time he placed his hand back over my pussy. With one stroke his finger slid between my cuntlips and pressed against my swollen clit. It was more than I could take. The sensation of him sucking on my tits and fingering my clit put me in a frenzy. I couldn't hold back. "OH, William, I'm cumming."

My pussy started quivering and I could feel a flood of juices. I had been so excited it had only taken my son's sucking and playing with my tits to bring me to an orgasm! William removed his finger from my clit and sat there watching me. My body was quivering and jerking from the orgasm he had induced. I was slowly catching my breath, and looked up to see William setting at the edge of the bed. I closed my eyes and was relishing my orgasm. At that moment I felt pressure against my pussy and opened my eyes to see William's head between my legs. He was gently kissing my pussy.

"Mom, remember, I promised to eat your pussy." I couldn't believe that I could live through so much pleasure again so soon. I could feel William's tongue stroking my pussy, lapping up my cunt juices. He would start at the bottom of my pussy and slide his tongue all the way up my pussy lips, going up and down, lapping up my pussy juices. Then he would stick his tongue as deep into my cunt as he could, probing the walls of my pussy. His actions were getting a response from me. It felt so good I instinctively began rocking my hips to meet his tongue. He finally took his tongue and started at the bottom of my pussy, and then firmly licked all the way up until his tongue reached my clit. He pressed his tongue firmly against my clit and I jerked, and moaned, "Oh my god, William. It feels so good."

I started pressing my pussy harder against his mouth as I ground my cunt into his face. His tongue was swirling around my clit. It wasn't long before I could tell I was approaching another climax. I began moaning, "Feels so good, yes right there, oh honey you make my pussy feel soooo goooood." At that moment William reached up and inserted two fingers into my cunt and started stroking the upper walls of my pussy. "Ohhhhhh FUCK!" I cried out, and slammed my cunt hard against his face. His firm tongue pressed against my clit, and I exploded into another orgasm. "Oh William...I'm cumming again...You're making mommy cum again...Oh keep eating mommy's make it feel soooo good." I heaved up and down in ecstasy, breathing very hard.

When my orgasm had finally subsided William scooted up over my body. With his large hands he grasped the outsides of each of my tits and pushed them together, creating a deep cleavage between my tits. Then he pushed his face into the area between my tits and started gently kissing my breasts. He kissed and licked on my soft breasts, finally finding his way to a nipple. He slowly licked and flicked his tongue over my nipples, alternating from one breast to the other. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Do you like my tits?" I asked, already knowing the answer!

"Oh yes Mom. I love sucking on your beautiful tits."

"Come up here and give me a kiss." He slid his body up and our lips met and locked, our tongues began probing each other's mouths, darting against each other. William slid further up over my body and I realized that his cock was hard again. I could feel it rubbing against my moist pussy. I had never wanted to be fucked so badly in all my life. This time there would be no resistance, no hesitancy. I wanted every inch of his magnificent cock. I spread my legs wide apart and began rubbing my pussy against his rigid cock. Opening my eyes and staring right into his gaze I whispered, "William, please fuck me. Please put your beautiful cock into my pussy. Last night, as your Mom I didn't know what I wanted. Now as your wife I want you to fuck me with every inch of your cock." I continued to grind my pussy against his hard cock. William looked back at me, and then slowly raised his hips. He was positioning the tip of his cock to find the opening of my pussy. Slowly I could feel his massive cock entering my quivering pussy. As he eased his cock into my pussy I could feel it stretching the walls of my cunt. "Oh William, it feels so good. Put it all the way in. Be a good, .husband...and fuck me hard." I scooted my hips up to give him a better angle to shove his cock into my eager pussy.

"Mom, it feels soooo good. Your pussy's so wet and tight."

"That's it honey, put it all the way in." He gave one final thrust, and I could tell that my son's large cock was completely buried in my pussy. We held each other, motionless, for a moment, then we kissed. Then William slowly started pulling his cock back out of my pussy. "Oh gosh" I moaned "It feels so good." He had withdrawn his cock almost completely out, and then he reversed and plunged it deep back into my cunt. "Oh William...yes...that feel's soooo goood. Oh yes, fuck me honey...faster...harder. Oh your cock feels so good." I was thrusting upward meeting his downward moves, as we moved together in perfect unison. In and out his cock kept plunging into my pussy. He raised up slightly and watched my big tits bounce around as he fucked me. They were wobbling up and down, and rolling around, responding to the movements of his cock pumping in and out of my pussy.

"I'm going to cum Mom!" he yelled. Once again, like last night, he asked, "Should I pull out?"

"No William, fill my pussy with your cum. I want you to shoot your load deep into my pussy. Fuck me honey, oh fuck me." I was thrashing about under him, eager to have him fill my pussy again with his cum.

William lunged forward, slamming his cock deep into my pussy. As he moaned I knew his cock was spewing forth another load of his cum, filling my pussy again. He kept jerking, driving his cock deeper and harder with each movement, as he filled my cunt.

"Oh my gosh honey! You're making me feel so good. That's it...keep fucking me...oh your cock's so big...honey I can feel you filling my pussy with your cum! Fuck me William, fuck your mom, fuck you wife! I want to be your wife and have you fuck me forever!!!!"

I exploded into an earth-shattering orgasm and threw my legs around him holding onto him, pulling him deeper into me. The feeling was exquisite—my son's large throbbing cock was buried deep into my clutching pussy. I never wanted the feeling to end!

It wasn't long before I could feel his cum, mixed with my own pussy juices, oozing out of my pussy and dribbling down my ass.

William rolled sideways, pulling me with him. My leg was draped over him and we snuggled facing each other, with his cock still buried in my pussy. We kissed each other and held each other tightly, happy with the knowledge that we were no longer just mother and son, but now we were also lovers. I realized that I really wanted more than anything to be my son's wife, and that no mother could ask for more from her son than for him to be her loving husband.

"I hope our honeymoon lasts forever!" I giggled softly.

William just smiled back and said, "I don't know why it shouldn't. You're going to be the most beautiful bride in the world."

We drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


It was late morning as we relaxed in bed after making love. Whereas the first time my son had fucked me I had been shocked and surprised, I was a very willing participant the second time we fucked. I had indeed enjoyed it very much and it made me realize how much I had missed out on by not having sex for 18 years!

We were exchanging little loving kisses when the phone rang.

"I'll get it" William said as he hopped up from the bed. He took the call and then returned to the room telling me that our shipment from home had arrived and that the delivery service would be bringing it later today. Before we had left the states William had hired a service to pack up the things we would want in our paradise home and have them shipped to us. There really wouldn't be that much as we had lived a very simple lifestyle before winning the lottery. Anyway, William told me that our things would be delivered this afternoon.

"Since we have some time, how would you like a picnic lunch down at the gazebo?" I suggested.

"Sure Mom, that sounds great."

"Okay dear, I'll fix us something and call you when it's ready."

I got up and went to the kitchen where I fixed us some sandwiches and put some beer in a cooler. I then headed back to the bedroom to pick out a bikini, and to tell William that everything was ready. I was still nude as I entered the room and I could feel William's eyes roaming over my body.

"William, everything is ready. Are you about ready dear?"

"Mom, I think I'll take a quick shower, then I'll be right there."

"Okay dear, I'll be waiting in the living room."

About ten minutes later William entered the living room where I was waiting. However he was a bit surprised to see me sitting there with only my bikini bottoms on. I stood up, walked to the table where I picked up the picnic basket and said, "Are you ready now honey?" Although I wasn't looking at him I could almost feel his eyes watching my naked breasts swaying as I moved about.

"But Mom….you're not going out like that are you?"

His concern over my nudity actually puzzled me for a moment as I responded, "Like what dear?"

"You know…..topless, Mom!"

"Well don't you like my tits honey?" I replied, now fighting back the urge to giggle.

"Well yes Mom, but…."

"And you've seen them before haven't you," I asked with a wry smile.

"Well sure Mom, but…"

"And didn't you say nudity was common on the island?"

"I did Mom, but…."

"But, but, but," I laughed, "I guess you want to see my butt!"

In one swift motion I removed my bikini bottoms, turned around and wiggled my butt. "Is that better dear?"

"Oh my gosh Mom, you're incredible!"

"Listen honey, I just want to make you happy. If you want me to be covered from head to toe I will be, but if you want to see me nude I don't mind being that way for you either. So just let me know what you want dear."

William's eyes slowly drank in my body. I could tell from the reaction in his swimsuit that he was getting excited from what he saw.

Finally he said, "You look just fine Mom….just like that."

"Are you sure dear?" I could see that his cock was hardening even more in his trunks.

"Oh yes Mom…I'm sure."

"Good, then let's have a picnic!"

I headed for the door. However before I went out I turned to William and in a more serious voice told him, "William, I think there is one thing we need to discuss. We have one little problem."

I could tell by the look on his face that he was afraid of what might be coming. Perhaps he thought the last twenty four hours had been too good to be true. However his fears were alleviated when I walked up to him, nuzzled against him, and playfully said, "I don't think you can call me Mom when we leave the house. For all that matters it might be best if you simply called me Cynthia from now on, no matter where we are."

He looked at me and automatically replied, "Okay Mom."

His response caused us both to break into laughter. As soon as the words had left his lips he knew he had already made his first slip. He thus cleared his throat, looked at me and distinctly said, "Cynthia, are you ready to have lunch?"

"Yes, William," I smiled back. It was going to take some practice but I knew we could pull it off.

We headed out of the house and down the steps to the gazebo. As we walked I deliberately put a little extra spring into my step. This of course made my tits bounce up and down, and I knew William was watching. I simply smiled at him as we were both aware of what we were doing. I truly liked being admired by my son and found it exciting that he liked to watch my tits bounce.

When we got to the gazebo I set the picnic basket down and turned to face William. I looked down and smiled at him as I could see that the tip of his cock was poking out above the waistband of his trunks.

"My my, what do we have here?" I giggled.

"Well jeez, Mom…." He tried to catch himself but couldn't.

I looked at him sternly, before smiling.

"Well jeez, Cynthia…it's just that you're so hot to look at!"

"Hmmm…I guess we'll have to do something to help you then won't we?"

I stepped toward William who was sitting on the edge of the chaise. Dropping to my knees I leaned forward and pulled his trunks down. His hard cock sprang out and smacked against my tits.

"It seems like this fella knows where it wants to go" I giggled.

I leaned forward and let William's cock nestle between my tits. Then I held my tits together as they smothered his cock.

"Would you like to fuck my tits honey?"

"Oh god yes, Cynthia."

We both smiled that he had gotten it right that time!

He started working his cock up and down between my tits. His cock head slipped through my cleavage and I bent my head down and licked the tip.

"That's it baby…fuck Mommy's tits." I taunted him by using "mommy" to excite and encourage him, as if he needed more encouragement!

He groaned, "That's no fair…Mom…uh, Cynthia."

He started to piston his cock faster between my tits. I loved the feel of his hard cock engulfed in my soft warm tits. My tits jiggled a little from his thrusting and I could tell that he loved watching. There was no doubt that my son was definitely a tit man.

As his cock slid between my tits I continued to tease it with my tongue. I would flick my tongue over his cockhead and slit each time it reappeared. He started thrusting faster and faster, his cock gliding smoothly between my large tits. I pressed my tits firmer around his cock and felt his body start to jerk.

"Oh fuck…Mo…Cynthia….I'm going to cum."

"Yes honey, cum for me"

I held my tits together as he pumped faster and faster. I looked up and our eyes met--the eyes of two lovers, mother and son, who only hours ago had committed to live as husband and wife. Without warning his cock burst forth with a powerful blast of cum, which hit under my chin and dribbled onto my neck and tits. I tilted my head so that I was looking right at his cock when another shot of cum hit right above my nose. I smiled as his cum splattered against my face and opened my mouth, ready to catch any more spurts. Sure enough William shot another spurt of cum that landed right in my mouth. As I closed my lips to savor and swallow it he hit me with even another spurt, this time right on my closed lips. I quickly opened my mouth and snaked my tongue out to accept this delicious glob of cum. Finally, I think we both thought his cumming was finished, as I let go of my grip on my tits. Panting we separated slightly from each other. William's still rigid cock was gently waving.

"Oh my gosh William, you covered me," I exclaimed.

But William wasn't through! As he backed away his cock spurted two more shots of cum onto my tits. We both started laughing at the cum shower he had given me.

I moved to sit in the chaise beside William and started to rake the lingering cum off my face with my fingers and then lick them clean. Looking at the cum covering my tits I started massaging it in, as I looked over at William who was still watching my every move.

"Do you think this stuff is as good as suntan lotion?" I teased as I continued to massage his cum into my tits, neck and even my cheeks.

"Oh I'm sure it is" he laughed.

"Well at least I know where I can get a good supply of it!" I responded.

Realizing our little escapade was over I moved away from William and started to unpack our lunch, placing it on a nearby table. We sat there without a care in the world and enjoyed a nice meal together. A warm gentle breeze was blowing and the waves were washing calmly onto the beach.

After our meal we both reclined in the large lounge chaises in the gazebo. I started reading a novel while William put on headphones and listened to music. We were both enjoying the afternoon when I heard the delivery truck pulling up at our house. Reaching over I tapped William on the shoulder and told him, "Honey, the shipment is here."

"I'll take care of it Cynthia." He beamed as he was proud that he had remembered not to call me Mom.

"Do you want any help honey?"

"Nah, I can handle it. And besides, I doubt the workers could get much done with you around." As he spoke his eyes slowly drifted up and down over my body, letting me know the intent of his comment.

"You're terrible" I replied in mock scorn, "but I'll stay here while you take care of it."

I continued reading my novel while William went to accept our delivery. It was now mid-afternoon and the full sun was taking its toll. Even in the covered gazebo it was getting warm. I decided that a quick dip in the ocean might be refreshing, plus it would help to clean off the residue of sticky cum from my face, neck, tits and even my pussy.

I hoped that William wouldn't mind if I went into the water nude. I doubted that would bother him, but there was always the chance the delivery crew might see me and I wasn't sure what he'd think about that. I figured that if I got to the ocean quickly that they wouldn't know which direction I came from and thus would have no idea that I was with William. I glanced up at the house and seeing no one I made a mad dash to the ocean, running right into the water.

The water was quite refreshing as it flowed over my body. I dipped down and submersed my head in the water. Running my fingers through my hair I loosened a tangle. "Oops, a spurt must have hit there and I didn't even realize it!" I thought to myself, realizing that the tangle was undoubtedly caused by William's cum.

I stood shoulder deep in the water running my hands over my body, almost as if I were taking a shower. As I softly rubbed my tits I thought about how good William made them feel when he sucked on them. Basking in the sun and water I reflected on all the good feelings my son had given me. My son, my husband…a smile came to my lips as I thought of how nice it was to have a husband. It had been difficult raising William as a single mom and I truly felt blessed to have a man who wanted me as his wife.

As these thoughts crossed my mind my hand brushed across my belly. One thought I had been suppressing re-entered my mind. As my hand slowly rubbed my stomach I thought, "What if I get pregnant. I don't even know if William wants children or has even thought about it."

I shuttered in the water, thinking about the possibility of getting pregnant from my son. The shutter was not from fear, but from want and excitement. As a young girl I had always fantasized about having the perfect family: mother, father and children. My young teen-age pregnancy had smashed those dreams. But now as I stood here, massaging my tummy, I thought to myself whether that dream might now be possible. The problem was is that I didn't know how to approach William on the subject. I couldn't decide whether to bring it up or wait to see if he mentioned it first. Surely he had at least given it some thought. After all, he had already fucked me twice, filling my pussy with his cum both times. However, I remembered that he had asked me each time if he should pull out or was it okay to cum inside me. Was that his way of asking? Perhaps he thought I was on the pill. But wouldn't he realize that that would make no sense considering I hadn't dated a man in 18 years?

Almost mesmerized I continued to softly stroke my tummy. I began to recall the way my tummy had swelled with William over eighteen years ago. Could that possibly happen again? I pictured William as a baby, nursing at my breasts, and felt a tingling at the possibility of once again nursing a baby. I surprised myself by giggling as I thought that if I did nurse a new baby that undoubtedly William would want to nurse on my swollen tits too. Thank goodness for having large tits I thought to myself, there'd be enough to go around! My nipples began to stiffen and ache as I considered the possibility of nursing both of my "babies."

Another thought entered my mind and my eyes flashed open. I looked up at the house to see if I could see William. It was like a revelation, but it really shouldn't have been. The thought was so obvious that the only oddity about it was that it had taken me so long to confront it.

"What if I'm already pregnant with William's baby?" I thought, "It may already be too late to ask him what he feels about having a family."

Even in the water I could feel my cunt getting wet and warm as I recalled how far William's cock had pushed up into me. I mean he had cum right into my womb! And if he shot as much cum into my womb as he did onto my body today it was only a matter of timing!

My knees weakened as I considered the possibility of already being pregnant, possibly carrying my son's child. Yes, we were going to live as husband and wife, but in reality he still was my son. A little brother or sister, or oh my gosh, a son or daughter, of William's could actually already be at the earliest stages of conception within me. After all, it apparently was pretty easy to get me pregnant. I had gotten pregnant the first time I had fucked; William was living proof of that! So considering that William had fucked me twice already without any protection perhaps I was already pregnant!

I was still wrapped up in my thoughts when I heard the delivery truck leaving. The thoughts I had been pondering were replaced by the present moment. I looked up and saw William walking back down the hill to the gazebo. He saw me out in the water and waved. I waved back and began to walk back out of the water onto the beach. I walked up the hill and met him at the gazebo.

"Did everything arrive all right?

"Yes, there were more boxes than I thought there would be but we just stacked them in the spare bedroom."

"Well we can go through them later."

"There's no rush Cynthia," his eyes flashing mischievously, "we can go through them whenever we want."

"Okay honey," I replied smiling back at him, quietly acknowledging his correctly calling me Cynthia.

"The water is wonderful. You should try it," I told him.

"Well I did work up a bit of a sweat moving those boxes, so maybe I will," he replied.

I settled back into my lounge chair and picked up my novel to escape to the world of fiction. I glanced at William and saw him enter the water, and then he began diving into the waves. I enjoyed seeing him relaxing and enjoying himself. I wasn't ready to address the thoughts that were lurking in my mind. I knew that someday I was going to have to bring up the subject of our possible having a baby together but I was just not ready to discuss it with William. I told myself that perhaps it would be easier to discuss after we'd been living as "husband and wife" for a bit longer.

I finished a chapter in my book and set it aside. Scooting my lounge chair to the rail at the edge of the gazebo I positioned myself on my knees with my arms resting on the railing. I nestled my chin into my hands as I looked out over the rail at the beautiful sight before me. William had started back up to the beach and I raised up and waved to him. He waved back and I couldn't help but wonder if his eyes were looking at my tits that were swaying back and forth as I waved.

When he finally reached the gazebo William went past me and grabbed a towel and began to dry off. I returned to looking out at the ocean. The water was crystal clear, letting all the magnificent colors of the ocean shine through. The air was deep blue and the sandy beach was glistening white. Overhead beautiful birds sailed effortlessly. There was even a pair of dolphins frolicking in the water.

"William, come here, this is such a beautiful sight," I said as I invited him to join me.

"It sure is," was his response.

Puzzled, I looked back and discovered that he was looking at my naked ass.

"You're incorrigible," I laughed, wiggling my butt at him.

I turned and looked back out at the ocean but as I did so I felt William move onto my chair behind me. He moved up against me and I could feel his skin against mine. As I turned to look back at him I felt him place his hands on my hips and his hard cock brushed against my leg.

"Again! You're going to wear that thing out!" I teased him. Nonetheless I again wiggled my butt at him. The truth be known, I would never get tired of him fucking me.

I spread my legs a bit further apart and braced myself, holding onto the railing. William recognized my invitation and started to press his cock against my now wet pussy lips. I moaned softly as once again I felt the head of his cock ease into me, spreading my pussy lips apart.

"Oh god, that feels good," I moaned as I felt him pushing deeper into me. My wet cunt was accepting his cock, holding it tight.

"Oh fuck yes, it does" he murmured.

I tilted my head down and raised my ass higher, letting his cock plunge even further into my excited cunt. His cock went in deep, hitting my cervix. I briefly thought about what had been on my mind earlier and thought perhaps now would be the time to say something. But as William worked his cock in and out of my pussy I was overcome with the feeling of being fucked. Perhaps selfishly I decided that it would be better to discuss the possibility of pregnancy another time.

William started thrusting his cock harder into my cunt. I wondered if he appreciated the tightness of my cunt. Even though I was 33 years old this was only the fourth time in my life I had been fucked. I was sure that my cunt was as tight as any eighteen year old's.

My thoughts were soon addressed as William moaned, "Oh god, your cunt's so tight."

I could feel his massive cock stretching my hugging cunt and knew that we were both the recipients of exquisite pleasure.

William reached under and cupped my swinging tits. I moaned as he began to pinch my nipples. His hands moved all over my full tits that were hanging down for him. He squeezed them, rubbed them and pressed them together. It felt wonderful. All the while he continued to pump his cock into my snug pussy.

I groaned as I pushed back onto his cock. Being fucked from behind was of course a new experience for me…one I wanted to experience over and over!

William raised back up and held my waist as he continued to plunge his cock fast and deep into me. It was as if he was determined to drive it in as deep as possible.

"Oh my gosh, honey….oh fuck that feels sooo good." I could feel my cunt squeezing his cock, not wanting to let it go.

That thought stayed in my mind: "Not wanting to let it go." It was as if my cunt couldn't survive without his cock deep inside me.

But then another thought flashed into my head: "This could be the fuck that gets me pregnant!" I let out a little whimper and moan. Sure I might already be pregnant from William fucking me, but if I wasn't it meant that the possibility of getting pregnant existed each time he fucked me.

I was overwhelmed by the excitement that I could actually get pregnant from this fucking and I started cumming. My cunt spasmed and clamped down on William's cock. That was all he needed. He pushed forward, his cock plunging even deeper into my cunt.

"Oh god, I'm cumming Mom." In his excitement he couldn't help but revert back to calling me Mom. However we were both so wrapped up in the throes of orgasm that neither of us really gave it any thought.

I ground my cunt back into him as his cock pushed further into me than I ever thought possible. This time he didn't ask if he should pull out. He just held me tight and jerked into me, ramming his cock into my accepting pussy, filling my cunt with what I was sure was potent cum. I couldn't help but wonder at the moment if he had any idea that he could be getting me pregnant. If it was on his mind he certainly was doing everything he could to make it happen! He bucked and jerked over and over, relentlessly driving his cock deep into my cunt.

The thought of this incestuous union and what could happen from it caused me to cum like never before. My cunt continued to milk his cock, wanting every drop of his hot seed. I wanted his baby-making sperm to find its way to a waiting egg.

"Oh baby, baby, baby," I moaned. I was sure he had no idea of the double meaning of my cries.

I wanted so badly just to tell him, "Knock me up, lover. Fill my pussy with your seed. Give me all your cum. Cum deep in me and get me pregnant."

Instead I let my pussy do the talking as it caressed and loved his cock. He kept spasming with little jerks as his climax slowly subsided.

Finally William pulled out and laid down beside me. "Oh my gosh, that was incredible!" he gasped.

"It certainly was" I replied as I nestled beside him. "I love you so much"

"I love you too" he responded.

As we lay there facing each other I knew our love as husband and wife was still just beginning. It would certainly continue to grow. There would definitely be areas where our love as husband and wife would be different from our love as mother and son. I reached over and caressed William's cheek and then leaned forward and kissed him. As I moved away I slowly ran my hand down over his shoulder, then to his stomach, and finally to his cock where I gave it a loving squeeze. I then slid my hand up over my tummy. I couldn't help but wonder if a beautiful baby would result from our love. I put my arms around William and held him tight. Perhaps I was already pregnant. If we kept fucking like newlyweds there was no doubt that I soon would be if I wasn't already. In any case I knew that I couldn't put off the subject forever. Soon I was going to have to see how William felt about being a daddy.


I went to bed early but had trouble falling asleep. I kept wondering how William might feel about getting me pregnant. I tossed and turned a bit as I worried that he might be upset that I had not discussed this beforehand if I was already pregnant. Of course there was also the possibility that I wasn't yet pregnant. Then I worried whether he would be agreeable to getting his mother pregnant.

When I awoke I looked over and saw that William was still asleep. I slipped out of bed and had a small breakfast as I looked out over the ocean and enjoyed the beautiful morning. Remembering the shipment that had arrived yesterday I headed to the spare bedroom where William had stored the boxes. I was surprised to see so many boxes there since we hadn't had that many possessions back in our apartment.

The first box I opened was marked "Mom's bedroom." I started to remove the contents, first seeing the pictures that had been on my dresser, then coming to a small box of inexpensive jewelry. When I got to the clothes in the bottom of the box I realized that there weren't very many. I hadn't had many nice clothes, mostly just work clothes, and apparently William hadn't told them to send too much. I wondered what I was going to do. Other than the clothes I had packed when we came I only had the bikinis the realtor had left for me. I was certainly going to need more than that. True we didn't wear much around the house, but I did have to go shopping sometime!

I continued opening boxes and setting things out around the room. I had gone through boxes marked for mom's room, living room, kitchen, and storage while leaving boxes marked for William alone. I figured he'd want to go through his own things. When I moved the last labeled box I noticed that the other boxes were different. They had arrived yesterday but they weren't from our apartment. Looking closer I saw that the return addresses on them showed they had come from Victoria's Secrets and Fredericks of Hollywood. Needless to say, my curiosity was aroused.

About that time William walked into the doorway. I looked up at him and smiled, "Good morning sleepyhead."

He stretched and asked how long had I been up.

"About an hour is all. I started opening boxes from home."

"Yeah, it looks like you've been busy."

"Would you like some breakfast honey?"

"Sure Cynthia that would be fine."

We headed to the kitchen where I fixed him a simple breakfast. I sat down at the table with him, sipping on a cup of coffee.

He looked over at me and said, "I suppose you saw the boxes from Victoria's Secrets and Frederick's."

"Yes honey, I did."

"Mom," he slipped, "I knew you didn't have a lot of clothes before so I ordered a bunch of stuff for you. I hope you like it. But if you don't you can send it back or you can order more stuff. There aren't too many places around here for you to buy clothes so I figured ordering by catalog would be best."

"That's so thoughtful of you dear." Then I thought for a moment and asked, "And why wouldn't I like them? I'm sure you picked out nice things for me."

William's face turned a bit red as he replied, "Well, it's just that...most of the outfits are you know...kinda sexy."

"Honey, you know I don't mind wearing sexy things for you. But I hope you did buy me some things to go shopping in. I can't go to the village in a bikini and I don't want to create a scene at the market!"

We both laughed. "I think I picked a few things out that should be okay for that," William replied. He was finished with breakfast so he asked, "Would you like to see what I ordered?"

"Sure honey...let's go check it out."

I was eager to go back to the bedroom where the boxes were. I wasn't used to getting a lot of nice things at once and thought that this would be fun. William cut open the first box and then told me to go through it. The first thing I pulled out was a nice summer dress with thin shoulder straps. Holding it up I could tell that it would go to just about mid-thigh when I wore it. "It's lovely dear. I can even shop in it," I laughed.

I continued to remove more items from the box. There were a few more dresses, some nice tops and even some shorts. "You did well," I giggled. I stepped over and gave William a kiss on the cheek.

"That's one box down, five more to go," William said as he opened another box. Reaching into it the first thing I pulled out was a pink bra.

"Hmmm...that's pretty," I said. I soon discovered that there were a dozen bras in the box, with matching panties for each bra. William had picked out bras and panties in black, blue, red, pink, purple, yellow, and white. "What'cha one of everything?" I joked.

"Well I couldn't make up my mind. I figured you'd look good in all of them so I said what the heck!"

I continued opening boxes, holding up each item of clothing. There were some jeans, skirts, sweaters, more shorts, sexy tops, and even more bras and panties. William had even ordered some stockings for me. One box I opened contained nothing but shoes. There was everything from sandals to shoes with 5" spike heels. "You certainly know how to take care of a lady," I told him.

William opened the last box and then stepped back for me to go through it. The first thing I found was a black corset. That was followed by several garter belts and more stockings. I kept pulling out more and more lingerie. There were teddies, nightgowns, babydolls and more. I could tell William was a bit anxious as he awaited my response to his selection. I turned to him and smiled, then I walked over to him and gave him a deep passionate kiss, saying, "I can't wait to model some of these things for you honey. They're all so pretty. You make me feel so special."

"You are special. I love you soooo much."

"When would you like me to wear the lingerie honey?"

"I thought maybe in the evenings, around dinner time." He tried to hide his grin, "I mean I'd still like to see you in bikinis and nude during the day."

"Whatever you wish dear. But right now I'm going to put these things away, and try to figure out what I'll model for you this evening." I winked at him.

I spent a good part of the day putting things away. I was amazed that it took so much time to unpack considering I didn't think we had all that much. But being in a new environment I had to find a place for each item. At our apartment I could have easily relocated each item, but here I took my time to figure out exactly where in our villa I wanted each thing to go.

Late afternoon came before I realized it. At 5:00 I called out to William who was down at the gazebo that I was going to clean up and that dinner would be ready in about an hour.

I headed to the bathroom and decided to take a warm bath. As I slipped into the tub I started to recall the lingerie that William had selected and began to decide what I would model for him tonight. Reaching for my razor I decided that for most of the lingerie he'd purchased I would look sexier if I shaved my pussy completely. Thus I shaved my pussy again, this time removing even the small patch of hair above my pussy lips that I had left before. As I ran my fingers over my now smooth pussy my mind turned to earlier thoughts and I formulated a plan. Tonight I would ask William if he wanted to be a father.

I could feel my pussy getting wet from the excitement of what we would be discussing. As I slowly stroked my pussy I closed my eyes and thought what it would be like to be pregnant again. Unlike the first time when I was unexpectedly impregnated by a stranger this time I would relish the pregnancy. There was no one else alive that I would rather have get me pregnant than my son. I had no doubt that he loved me deeply and I couldn't imagine him not wanting me to have his baby. I continued to gently stroke my smooth pussy lips but as much as I wanted to bring myself to an orgasm I decided I'd wait for a climax with my husband later in the evening.

Getting out of the tub I toweled myself dry, slowly rubbing the soft towel over my soft skin. After I had dried off I took a bottle of perfume and put a dab on my neck and some between my breasts. I sat in front of the mirror and put on red lipstick to match my red fingernails, and applied makeup as if I were going out for the evening.

Walking into the bedroom I pulled open a dresser drawer and gazed upon the assortment of new lingerie. "Hmmm, I wonder which of these William would like to see me in," I mused. I giggled aloud as I concluded that he would be glad to see me in "any" of them. I thus reached for an ensemble like I had never worn before. It included a garter belt, stockings, stretch g-string, lace demi-bra, and a sheer robe—all in black. I had never worn a garter belt in my life but had heard other women talk about how their husbands loved them.

I sat on the side of the bed and put on the stockings, pulling them up over my smooth legs. I stepped into the garter belt and slid it up till it rested over my hips and then I attached the stockings. I briefly looked up and saw my reflection in the mirror. Seeing myself in only the garter and stockings made me feel sexy. My long hair was hanging down my back between my shoulder blades. My lips were red from the lipstick I had applied. And my large naked breasts stood firmly with no sag. Since most of my sunbathing had been done in the nude I didn't have any tan lines. In fact, I couldn't believe how tan my body had already gotten in the short time we had been on the island.

Glancing at the bra I saw that William had remembered my bra size and had ordered size 38D bras. My mind drifted again as I briefly wondered how full my tits would swell if I got pregnant. Perhaps then a 38D wouldn't be big enough!

When I slipped on the sheer robe I realized it was purely for effect. It did nothing to cover me since you could see right through it. And I certainly didn't need it for warmth or privacy. I knew that it was just one of those things that men liked, and there was nothing more that I wanted than to please my man.

I left the bedroom and entered the kitchen and realized that William was still down at the gazebo. As I was preparing dinner I heard the door open and knew it was him entering.

"William, is that you dear?"

"Yes Cynthia. Is dinner ready?"

"Just about honey."

As I was answering him I was heading out to meet him. When I entered the room where he was his eyes got big.

"Oh my gosh" he gasped.

I twirled around for him. "It's so lovely dear. Do you like it?"

"Do I like it? You look fabulous!"

I stepped closer to him and gave him a hug and a peck on the check. As he pressed against me I could feel his stiff cock. I playfully squeezed it and said, "Yeah, I guess you like it."

If William could have had his way he would have stripped me on the spot and fucked me then and there. I suppose he might have been a bit disappointed when I whispered into his ear and said, "Lets have dinner and then I show you how much I like it!"

All during dinner William couldn't take his eyes off of me. He particularly focused on my breasts. The black bra had pushed them together creating a deep cleavage. Furthermore the robe and bra were so sheer that I might as well have been nude. I knew William could see my nipples and half expected him to comment about how stiff they were. However if William was excited, he had no idea how excited and horny I was. There were so many variables to my excitement. I was dressing the sexy lingerie he had picked for me. Plus I felt a bit wicked as even though I tried I couldn't erase the thought that here I was in front of my own son, dressed like a wanton woman. And finally I knew that tonight was the night. That after our meal I would be asking him how he felt about being a father. I was pretty sure what his response would be but was just a slight bit nervous as I thought that it's not every son that thinks about having a baby with his mother. I worried just a bit that there was the slightest chance that he would say no—that he didn't want to get his mother pregnant—and if that happened I would be devastated.

I snapped out of my daydream when William said, "That was a fantastic dinner. There's a nice breeze outside. How would you like to sit on the porch and maybe have a glass of wine and watch the sunset?"

I smiled and responded, "I'd love that dear."

"Okay, I'll get a bottle and some glasses and join you there."

On my way to the porch I picked up an old family photo album I had left out. I took a seat on the large outdoor sofa and waited for William. When he arrived he handed me a glass of wine and I thanked him. As he sat beside me he asked, "What do you have there?"

"Oh, it's just some pictures from back home. Would you like to look at them with me?"

"Sure, that would be great."

He sat beside me as I opened the album to the first page where there was a picture of my mother. "Mom sure would have loved this place."

"I'm sure she would have," he replied. Neither of us stopped to consider how we would have explained to her how we were living there together!

I turned the page and there was the picture I wanted to show William—a picture of me holding a new-born baby. Of course it was William I was holding in the picture. It was hard to believe that the tiny baby in the picture was the same person who was now 18 years old and fucking me. I was also amazed at how young I looked. I smiled at William and said, "You were such a good baby honey, and so cute!"

He looked at the picture of him as an infant in my arms. "The perfect son," he replied. We both couldn't help but giggle.

I kept turning the pages. There was page after page of me with William as a new-born baby. My baby, who was now sitting next to me as a grown up young man. My baby who had told me only a few days earlier that he wanted me as his wife. My baby who was now my lover.

I took a deep breath and softly asked, "William can I ask you something?"

He replied, with no idea of what I'd be asking, "Sure, anything."

"Do you like babies?"

"Well I guess so. I haven't given it much thought."

He saw my eyes flash at him and that's when I think he got it. "Oh wow Mom," he slipped, "are you talking about what I think you are?"

Looking him directly into his eyes, making sure I could capture his response, I replied, "Yes honey. There's no other way to ask I guess. But would you like me to have your baby?"

I was so relieved when his answer was instantaneous. "Yes Mom yes, I would love for us to have babies together!" In all his excitement he had reverted back to calling me Mom. I didn't even think about trying to correct his misstep as I was sure it was the result of his being excited about the prospect of getting his mother pregnant.

"Babies" I giggled, taking immediate note that he was talking about more than one. I was so excited as I could see my dream of having a family was going to come true. Thoughts flashed through my mind at lightning speed as I pictured myself pregnant, my tummy swelling by the month, my tits filling with milk, nursing a new baby. I don't know that I had ever been happier.

I reached over and stroked William's cheek softly and said, "Well, I guess if we're going to have babies we'd better get started." I teased him, "So do you feel like fucking me?"

"Oh yeah" he moaned.

William stood up and then reached down and scooped me up. I realized he was going to take me to our bedroom. I put my hands around his neck as he carried me.

"I want to have your babies dear. I want to have lots of babies for you."

"Oh god" he groaned, and his pace picked up a bit. Quickly we were in our bedroom and he gently laid me down on the bed. I slipped off my robe and lay there in just the bra, g-string, garter and stockings. William quickly removed his shirt and shorts. I don't think I had ever seen his cock so swollen. Indeed the idea of me getting pregnant was as exciting to him as it was to me.

I started to unclasp my bra when he said, "Leave it on....please."

"Sure sweetie"

He then reached over and cupped my breasts through the bra. My nipples had been stiff all evening and I gasped as his fingers played with them. "Oh honey that feels sooo good!" He pulled my bra cups down under my breasts which caused them to sit firmly together. Then he leaned forward and kissed the tops of my breasts. Next he licked them, his tongue sliding all around my nipples. Finally, his tongue slid over my nipple and flicked back and forth. I knew that my pussy was never wetter than it was at that moment and I could hardly wait for him to fuck me.

William took his time though and continued to lick and kiss my breasts. When his mouth eased over my nipple and sucked on it I started to shutter. "Oh my god" I gasped. I was on the verge of cumming. All my earlier thoughts and then our later talk about getting pregnant had me so worked up that I couldn't hold back.

I was gasping, "Oh my god, oh my god" as William continued to arouse me. Just as I thought I couldn't take any more he slipped his hand inside my g-string and cupped my pussy. "Ooooohhhhhhh fuck." I moaned. No sooner than his finger slipped between my pussy lips then I started to climax.

"Oh my god....oh my god," I continued, being at a loss for words. My body started jerking and bucking. William began to work his finger a bit faster and just slightly deeper as my orgasm continued. While his finger sank into my pussy his thumb rubbed over my clit. My hips were bucking up wildly, my legs shaking uncontrollably. All the while William kept fondling my pussy. I was gasping in ecstasy; my tits bobbing wildly even though they were still held by the underwires of my bra. My pussy was creaming on William's hand like never before. I would certainly be ready for his cock tonight! "I'm cuummmiinnnggggg," I groaned. I shuttered and gasped, my head was twisting from side to side, my hips were lifting up and my legs were kicking wildly. Gasping for breath I could simply mutter, "Oh..ooh...oh," as my body was overcome with the sensation of an incredible climax.

My climax slowly started to subside. I didn't even realize how deep I was breathing until I looked up at William who had a bemused expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yesss....that....felt....sooo....good," I hissed in between breaths. My body was still having little tremors as I caught my breath. "Oh my gosh honey...that was unbelievable," I gasped.

I reached for William and pulled him up to me and we kissed passionately. I was so ready to be fucked that I spread my legs apart and ground my pussy against him. His cock was sliding all over my very wet pussy. I could tell he was as eager to fuck me as I was to be fucked.

We were both so excited we really didn't take any time for foreplay. I whimpered, "Please," actually begging him to fuck me. He leaned forward and pressed the tip of his cock into my pussy. Then with one firm thrust he pushed his cock deep into me.

"OH yes," I moaned, as I felt his rigid cocking sliding deep into me. I responded by pushing back up to him, anxious to get his cock completely buried in my cunt.

We started fucking wildly, bucking to each other. Undoubtedly we were overwhelmed by the purpose of our union—to get me pregnant! William was fucking me hard and deep. I could feel the tip of his cock bumping my cervix. My pussy was creaming all over his cock as it plowed into me over and over.

"Baby, you feel so good" I moaned. "Do it honey, fuck me and get me pregnant."

"Oh god Mom." William started thrusting even faster. It was as if a primal urge had taken over. We weren't just fucking, and we weren't what I'd call making love, but the intensity of our coupling might best be described by saying that we were mating. For this time anyway William was a virile male determined to impregnate his willing mate. I didn't know if I was fertile at the moment but I sure hoped I was. The only thing in the world I wanted was for William's seed to shoot deep into me and send his baby-making sperm to a waiting egg.

I pulled my legs back as he continued to thrust into me. He raised up on his arms and looked down at me as his cock pistoned in and out of my cunt. My tits were wobbling wildly from the motion of our fucking. I raised my head slightly and looked down to see his cock. I could see my pussy lips spread wide, hugging his massive cock as it worked its way in and out. William took notice of my focus and he also looked down. Together our eyes beheld the sight of his cock sliding in and out of my cunt, both of us understanding the intent of our union, knowing that soon he would be shooting a potent blast of cum into me.

William dropped down and we held each other tightly as he continued to drive his cock into me. "Mom, I'm going to do it." he groaned.

"Yes baby, do it. Fill my cunt with your cum. Please baby. Knock me up, get me pregnant!" Those were the words I had been wanting to say all day.

I felt him stiffen and then groan. His cock slammed deep into me and he started cumming. I clinged to him tight, my arms around his back, my legs wrapped around him, and my pussy clutching his cock. William continued to groan and spasm, his throbbing cock blasting spurt after spurt of his potent seed into me.

At the same moment William started cumming I started to cum again. My hips bucked up uncontrollably as his cock plunged into me. My cunt milked his cock, desperately wanting to get every drop of his precious cum.

"OH FUCK" I moaned. "OH honey, you're doing it! You're filling my pussy!" My hips were gyrating madly as I was cumming, as I was accepting his load of cum. It was as if I was subconsciously trying to coax it into the depths of my cunt where I knew it would do its deed.

Our bodies slammed together wildly as he gave and I received. We held each other very tightly as we completed the act of mating. Only time would tell if a new life would start to blossom within me. But at the moment all I could think about were millions of his virile sperm swimming inside me, racing to start the process of conception.

William remained over me as we caught our breath. He started giving me little kisses on my nose, forehead, eyelids and cheeks. Our mouths met and we shared a probing kiss.

He broke away and said softly to me, "I love you, and I want you to be the mother of my children."

"Nothing would make me happier," I replied. Then I continued, "But William there is one thing I guess I should mention. You know that you've already fucked me several times. So there is the possibility that you've already gotten me pregnant."

"I'd already thought of that Cynthia. And if that's the case it's certainly fine with me."

As he spoke I felt his cock start to stiffen again. Apparently the thought of having possibly already impregnated me was enough to excite him back to hardness. I smiled at him as I squeezed my cunt, encouraging him on. When he was hard again he started to fuck me again, but this time with slow loving strokes. We looked steadily into each other's eyes as he started sliding his cock in and out of my cunt. This time there was no rush. We both enjoyed the sensation of our second round. I continued to watch William's face as he started cumming again. I had a warm feeling in my heart as my husband filled my cunt with even more cum. I didn't know whether or not I was now pregnant, but I knew that at the rate we were fucking it would only be a matter of time.

William slid off of me but continued to hold me in his arms. I felt so loved by him. We chatted as we lay there. He had all kinds of questions about pregnancy and babies. I could tell this was going to be a fun and loving experience to go through with him. I had no doubt in my mind that he would be a wonderful father who would make my dream of having the perfect family come true. After awhile we both fell asleep, still embraced in each other's arms.

The next morning when I woke up I had a definite glow about me. William was inquisitive and asked me, "Do you think you're pregnant?"

I smiled and replied, "There's no way of knowing at this point dear. But just the pure thought that I might be is so exciting for me." "But don't worry," I teased, "if I'm not pregnant we'll just keep trying...if that's okay with you!"

He laughed, "Uh, yeah, I think I can handle that."

A little later in the morning I heard a vehicle pulling up to the house.

"William, someone's here."

"I'll get it" he replied. I heard him talking to a man at the door and then he came in carrying some boxes. "It was another delivery," he informed me.

"It's getting to be like grand central station around here," I joked. "So what is it this time?"

"I ordered a computer and some stuff."

"That's great honey." I was so glad to see that he had gotten something for himself. He had always wanted a computer but we had never been able to afford one before. I didn't know much about them but knew that most of the kids his age had had them for years.

He spent the next few hours setting up his new computer. I would check on him and he would show me the keyboard, the monitor, the printer and the computer itself. The last time I entered the room he was holding something in his hands.

"What's that? I asked inquisitively.

"It's a digital camera. It works with the computer. I can take pictures and print them out right here!"

"Cool" I replied. I was impressed by his new fangled stuff and was proud that he was smart enough to set it all up by himself.

He continued, "Here, it's all ready. I think the first picture should be of you."

"Me. Oh honey, I look a mess, don't take a picture of me now!"

He laughed. "That's what everyone says when you want to take their picture. But believe me, you never look a mess."

I smiled at him appreciatively. "That's so sweet of you to say. But how about if you wait till this afternoon to take my picture, after I've cleaned up?"

"Okay, maybe we can take some down by the ocean."

"Sure, that sounds great."

We had some lunch and then I took a shower. I remembered that William was going to take pictures of me so I picked out a white bikini to wear. I also decided to put on some make-up, something I didn't always do if we were going to be down at the ocean. And finally, to dress myself up a bit I picked out a pretty little seashell necklace of mine and fastened it around my neck.

It wasn't long before we were both ready to go down to the gazebo. William had filled a cooler and I could see that he had it and another bag containing his new camera.

"Can I help you carry anything honey?" I asked.

"No thanks, I can handle it."

We made our way to the gazebo and spread towels out and started to relax. "Are you ready to be the top model on the island?" William asked.

"Well I don't know about being the top model," I laughed, "but if you want to take my picture I guess that's okay! Didn't you say you wanted to take them down by the ocean?" He nodded yes to which I responded, "Well let me put on some lotion first before we go out into the sun."

I sat in the chaise and applied lotion to my shoulders, arms, legs, hips and mid-section. Turning to William I asked, "Can you put lotion on my back honey?"

"Sure" he replied. He sat beside me and rubbed lotion over my back. "That should take care of you."

"Thanks dear."

We strolled down to the ocean and I waited for William to get his camera ready.

"Okay, here goes" he advised me.

I struck a pose and heard the camera click.

"That should be a nice one" I heard him say.

He posed me several ways and continued to take pictures of me from different angles. After awhile he lowered the camera, looked at me and asked, "Do you mind removing your top?"

I had been expecting such a request and simply smiled at him and untied the strings to my bikini, letting the top fall away. I watched as he focused the camera and then he started taking pictures of me topless.

"Turn to your left Cynthia" he instructed. I followed his directions and he took pictures of my profile. My full breasts were exposed to the camera. I smiled at him as he took even more pictures.

"Now, lean forward, please?" He seemed a little embarrassed about asking me to assume different poses and I wanted to let him know it was okay.

"Like this dear?" As I leaned forward my breasts hung down and bounced together. Click, click, I heard the camera.

He seemed to be a little more comfortable now. I was surprised that I felt so comfortable. After all, I had never been photographed nude before. But if it's what my lover wanted I was more than glad to oblige.

There was no doubt that he was getting more comfortable when I heard his next request. "Cynthia, can you remove your bikini bottoms?"

"Sure dear." Without hesitating I untied the bottom and pulled it off. Now I stood there totally nude. I didn't really feel strange because we had been nude on the beach together before. But it was a bit different having my picture taken as I posed nude for him.

The wind was blowing my hair back slightly as William had me pose in numerous stances. He took pictures looking directly at me, pictures with me turned sideways, and finally pictures with me sitting in the sand with my legs spread. I had no qualms about the camera capturing my nude butt, tits and pussy as long as it was pleasing him.

The day went by fast and before I knew it it was dinner time. We headed back to the house and had dinner before we cleaned up. After finishing dinner I went to our bedroom to clean up. Being photographed all afternoon had been very arousing for me and I was longing for William to fuck me. I took a shower and afterwards proceeded to pick out some lingerie to wear for the evening.

Searching through my dresser I selected a light blue matching bra and panty set that I thought William would like. It held my breasts together and was so sheer that my nipples and areolas were visible through the bra, as well as my shaved pussy through the bikini style panties.

I walked down the hallway to the room where William was working with his computer. He had his back to me as he sat at the desk. I leaned forward and kissed his neck, putting my arms around him. As I did so I looked up at the screen and saw the images of me he had taken earlier in the day.

"Did they turn out okay?" I asked.

"They sure did. You looked fantastic!" Turning and looking at me he continued, "You look fantastic now!"

"Well thank you sweetie. Anytime you want to take pictures of me you just let me know."

"Okay," he replied, "how about now?"

"Now? You want to take more pictures!"

"Yeah, you look really hot in that outfit."

"Well, sure honey, if that's what you want." There was something about him wanting to photograph me that excited me. "Where do you want me to stand?"

"Let's go to the bedroom," he responded.

Together we went to the bedroom. When we got there I turned and said, "Okay, just tell me what you want me to do."

"Ok. Well first of all, just stand there by the bed and maybe raise your hands so that your wrists are pushing your tits together."

"Like this?" I tilted my body, shifting most of my weight onto one foot, and brought my lightly clenched fists up as my wrists pressed against the outer edges of my breasts. William didn't even need to reply. The response from his camera told me the pose was fine.

"Now, sit on the edge of the bed, okay? And maybe slip your bra straps down off your shoulders."

I followed his directions and gave him a pouty little smile as I sat on the edge of the bed and let my right leg bend to the floor while I curled my left leg up beside me onto the bed. I crossed my hands and rested them on my right knee. This made my arms press my breasts together until they looked like they were going to spill out of my bra.

"That's soooo sexy," William told me as he continued to snap pictures.

"Now stand up and slide your bra cups down under your tits."

I stood up and did as he requested, leaving my fingers hooked into the bra straps as I pulled them away from my breasts. I was beginning to get a bit amused that here I was so readily following the instructions of my son while he ordered me around.

"Okay, sit back down on the bed...please?"

I realized he was struggling to maintain his composure. His cock was swelling in his shorts, tenting them with his telltale arousal. He had me sit on the bed and spread my legs wide apart. Then he directed me to clasp my hands together between my legs and set them on the bed. This of course squeezed my breasts together and forced them outward. He focused the camera and took another shot.

He continued to direct me and take picture after picture. It wasn't long before he had me slip of my panties and pose in various positions where he photographed my newly shaved pussy. After numerous shots he seemed to hesitate as if he didn't know whether he should proceed further.

"Uh, Cynthia," he spoke, with some hesitancy. "Will with...uh...your pussy?"

He was nervously awaiting my reply. I simply smiled at him as my fingers slipped down to my pussy lips. "Like this, honey?"

He watched as I slowly slid my fingers up and down my smooth pussy lips. I looked him straight in the eye as I curled my middle finger into my pussy. I pulled my finger out and he could see it was gleaming with my wet juices. I smiled as I slid my finger back in and started to finger fuck myself as he watched.

Click, click, click. I could tell he was excited. But then I realized I was getting very excited myself. There was something about playing with my pussy in front of my son that was so hot. I thought to myself, "What kind of depraved woman am I? This is so naughty!"

Despite my thoughts I continued to finger my cunt. I lifted my other hand to my lips and licked my fingers. Then I started to pinch and tease one of my nipples. All the while William kept taking pictures of me.

As my body responded I started to rock my hips. I shuttered as I pushed my finger deeper into my cunt. Looking at William I could tell he was almost in a trance from watching the scene in front of him. I felt so wicked, playing with myself in front of my son, knowing that I was turning him on more and more.

I couldn't resist the taboo nature of the situation. As my fingers flicked over my clit I shuttered and gave a little jerk. I was building to a fever pitch. Out of nowhere I started to huskily taunt William. I could barely believe the words coming out of my mouth.

While looking at him dreamily I asked, "Do you like watching your mommy play with her pussy?"

"Oh god," he groaned. He was so worked up he couldn't respond any more than that.

"You know, this is the pussy from which you came," I teased him shamelessly.

"Oh fuck Mom." He couldn't take any more. He set his camera down for a moment and stripped his shorts down, releasing his swollen cock. The sight of his throbbing cock excited me even more.

"You want to put that big cock in your mommy's pussy don't you baby."

"Oh yes," he groaned again as he started to stroke his cock.

"You know what will happen if you put your big cock in me don't you baby?" Of course he knew, but he was so charged up he could hardly speak. Besides I answered the question before he had a chance anyway.

"You'll shoot a big load of baby-making cum in your mommy's pussy won't you," I teased unmercifully.

"You want to give your mommy a baby don't you?"

He couldn't do more than nod his head yes as he stroked his cock.

"You want to see your mommy's tummy swell with a baby don't you?"

"You want to see your mommy's tits get bigger as they fill with milk don't you?"

He was stroking faster and faster. I had never seen his cock so big, hard and angry looking. Plus, as I was teasing him I was fingering myself even faster, my hips rocking up higher off the bed. I couldn't take it any more when I begged, "William, fuck me, please. I have to have your cock in me. Please William, fuck me right now."

I laid back on the bed and spread my legs wide. William wasted no time as he moved to the bed and slid over me. My pussy was so slick that his cock was sliding all over it.

"Get it in me" I groaned. Not even waiting for him I gripped his cock and aimed it toward my quivering pussy. As I lifted my hips I felt his thick cock pushing into me.

"Yes, oh god yes. Fuck me. Fuck me and get me pregnant. Get your nasty mommy pregnant."

Again I was surprised at how brazen I was, but I was so hot that I had to have his cock, and I had to have his cum. I wanted him to plant his load of cum deep into my cunt.

Our bodies were slamming together. I gasped as I felt his cock plunging into my wet cunt over and over. My tits were rubbing against his chest. I spread my legs wide and reached down and gently cupped his balls, hearing him groan with pleasure as I stimulated him there. My fingers teased him under his balls and he thrust even harder.

"Give it to me honey. Give me your cum. Fill mommy's pussy....please."

William groaned and pressed forward, unable to hold back any longer. His body bucked into mine as he started shooting his potent cum deep into my cunt again. I shrieked and started to cum too. We clung together tightly, mother and son, connected together as William poured his life giving essence into my receptive cunt.

I encouraged him by saying, "That's it honey. I want your cum in me. You're my lover and I want it all." Then I repeated, "I want to have your baby...I want to have lots of your babies."

We stayed in each others arms for quite awhile as we both shuttered and jerked from little after shocks. I smiled at him and kissed him softly. He returned my kiss with a very passionate kiss.

"Wow, where did that come from?" I asked him a bit surprised.

"Its just that you were sooo hot."

"Well I hope you didn't mind the taunting and teasing."

"Yeah, it was terrible," he replied facetiously before he started to chuckle.

I held him tight as I told him, "Oh William, I do hope you get me pregnant."

He smiled as he replied, "Well, like you said, if at first we don't succeed we'll just keep trying."



We fell asleep cuddled together with his cock still buried in my pussy.

The next day was more of the same, as were the days after that. We often had sex in the gazebo in the afternoon and I continued to model lingerie every night for William which always led to our fucking. We didn't always talk about me getting pregnant but I know it was always in the back of both of our minds.

Days turned into weeks. During that time William had become interested in boats. He often photographed sailboats and other boats as they went by in the ocean. One day he called to me as a beautiful boat went across the horizon.

"Isn't that a beauty Cynthia?"

"It's very nice," I replied. Then I continued, "Honey, you know what, you like boats so much, I think you should buy one."

"Would you go out onto the ocean with me?" he asked.

"Well of course I would!"

"To buy one we'd have to go to the city."

It was apparent that he had been giving it some thought.

"That would be fine," I responded, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"Of course, you've got to help me pick one out."

"Well I don't know anything about them, but I'd love to go with you."

Back at the house William called a marina and got some information. He then suggested that we go to the city for a few days. "The sales rep said I could look over some boats and he'd take me out in any I wanted. He even said if I picked one out he'd give me some instructions. They sounded very good. They said they'd give me all the training I needed to handle a boat in the ocean. Even though it might take several trips back there before I feel comfortable going alone."

"Whatever you think is best dear," I told him. Then I recalled something I had heard on the local radio. "William, I heard on the radio that this is spring break week. We probably won't be able to get a room at a hotel."

William replied, "I'm sure that we can get a room. I don't think we'll be staying in the same place that the college kids stay."

"Oh, are you going to treat me?" I giggled.

"You bet."

William made all of the arrangements and in a few days we were pulling up to the fanciest hotel on the island.

"Will this do?" he asked with a grin.

"Well, I suppose I could get used to it," I replied in jest.

However when we got to the lobby we encountered some problems. The clerk waved his finger at us and said, "I'm sorry, but we don't give rooms to college students."

That brought a smile to my face. Did he think I was a college student? In any case William wasn't discouraged at all.

"We're not college students," he told the clerk.

"Yeah right" was the response he got back.

"No really," William replied, "we live on the island." With that William gave him our local address.

"Well I don't know," the clerk hesitated.

William next pulled open his wallet and handed him his American Express card. "Here, check me out. We really are from the island. There won't be any room damage, but I think you'll find out that we're good for it even if there was."

As the clerk headed back to an office William muttered a bit loudly, "Jeez, what's a guy gotta do to get a room in this place? Bring his mommy with him?"

He snickered as I quickly poked him in the rib with my elbow. "William!" I exclaimed as we both started to laugh.

It wasn't long before the clerk returned and very politely said, "Let's see, you requested the penthouse didn't you?" He motioned to a bellboy and directed him, "Take this couple to the penthouse suite." He handed William his credit card which he'd obviously checked and said, "Please, enjoy yourselves and have a good time as our guest."

It didn't take us long to unpack and I soon discovered that William was anxious to get to the marina to start checking out boats. I commented on several shops as we drove and told William I wouldn't mind checking out some of the local shops while he checked on boats. He told me that a lot of what he would be talking about today would be a bit technical so that I might as well enjoy myself and do some shopping. I could take the car and come back later and pick him up.

As we pulled into the parking lot I was amazed at all the beautiful boats. "They're all so pretty. I don't know how you'll decide!"

"Yeah, it might take awhile," William replied.

We entered the shop and a man came up to greet us. When he gave his name William told him, "I talked to you on the phone the other day. I'm William, and this is my wife, Cynthia."

My heart melted. It was the first time William had introduced me as his wife. I beamed with pride and excitement as I hugged his arm. It was our first introduction to the outside world as husband and wife and William had made it feel so natural. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him for making me feel so good. Unfortunately, the sales rep took over and it was time for me to depart. As I stepped to the car the rep yelled out, "Come back in two or three hours if that's okay." I nodded that that would be fine.

When I got back into the car I was suddenly on a mission. Although I had told William that I wanted to shop, there had been something else that had caught my eye as we had driven to the marina. We had passed a drugstore. There weren't any drugstores near the little village where we lived so we went without a lot of things. So now that I had the opportunity there was one thing I wanted to see if this drugstore had—a home pregnancy test. I was two weeks overdue for my period and was fairly certain that I was pregnant. I had almost said something to William but had promised myself that I wouldn't tell him anything until I was absolutely sure. I traced the route we had taken and found the drug store we had passed. It didn't take long for me to purchase a few items and head for the hotel.

Once I was back in our room I was a nervous fit just from being so anxious. I wasn't worried that I was or wasn't pregnant I just wanted to know which was the case. I followed the instructions for the pregnancy test and waited breathlessly for the results.

A big smile crept across my face. According to the test I was pregnant! I laughed, giggled and cried tears of joy. "Oh William, I love you," I said out loud to no one but myself. "I'm going to have your baby!"

I quickly hurried to the bedside table to get the local phone book. Even though the test said I was pregnant I wanted to make absolutely sure. I had passed a health clinic on the road and I looked up their number and gave them a call. They agreed to see me tomorrow and I knew I could go by there while William was looking at boats again. My only immediate concern was that I was so giddy that I was afraid William would figure I was up to something. I had to compose myself as I headed back out of the hotel and drove back to pick up William.

Pulling into the parking lot I waved at William and the sales rep. They headed to the car and I took a deep breath and asked, "Did you find one you like?"

"I've narrowed it down to three," William replied. "I want to go out in them tomorrow."

:"Sure honey, that would be great."

I scooted over and William got behind the wheel of the car. I cuddled up to him and he seemed to sense something. "Are you okay," he asked.

I thought quick and responded, "Oh honey, it was so nice when you introduced me as your wife. You don't know how nice that made me feel."

He put his arm around me and gave me a hug responding, "Well, you are my wife." I scooted closer to him and sighed.

As we drove back to town William said, "You know, we ought to take advantage of being here. There are a lot of fun night clubs. How would you like to go partying tonight?"

"I'd love that dear." I really wanted to go, but I was also somewhat relieved that we wouldn't be alone in the hotel room where I might blurt out the news that I was now aware of.

We had dinner in the hotel restaurant and then headed back to our room to get dressed to go out. I picked out an outfit that I hoped would blend in with the college girls. I was a bit nervous that I'd be side by side with them in the night clubs. I combed my hair so that it flowed fully down off my shoulders onto my back. I unpacked a little white half sweater and put it on over a white and purple-flowered bra. The sweater had a plunging neckline that exposed quite a bit of my breasts. It buttoned up with eight buttons between my breasts, and was cropped such that most of my mid-section wasn't covered. I next slipped on a ruffled lavender skirt that was loose and bouncy. I reached for some bikini panties but had a naughty thought. I wondered what William would think if I went without wearing any panties tonight. I had heard that some college girls do that and I thought well why not? I tossed the panties aside and headed out of the bedroom.

William looked at me and whistled. "Are you ready to go? You'll definitely be the prettiest and sexiest babe there."

I strolled over to him and whispered into his ear, giggling, "Flattery will get you everywhere mister."

We drove across town to a nightclub we had heard about. There was a long line waiting to get in. We parked our car and got in line. The place was packed with college students and I wondered again if I would be able to pull this off. The line moved along steadily. There was a group of four girls in front of us and six guys behind us. I chatted a bit with the girls while William talked with the guys.

One of the girls in front of me dropped her purse and objects started falling out of it and rolling around. She grabbed her cellphone and one of her friends grabbed her keys. A bottle of nail polish that had fallen loose started rolling toward me and I bent down to pick it up. At that exact moment a gust of wind appeared from no where and blew my skirt up. My naked butt and bald pussy were exposed to the guys in line behind us. I suddenly realized what was happening and stood up abruptly. I turned back to see a beaming William. Several of the guys were giving him the thumbs up.

He moved beside me and said softly, "No panties, that's hot. I like that."

"Well I didn't mean to put on a show for the whole neighborhood!"

"No harm done. And believe me, no one was complaining."

Nonetheless I was still too embarrassed to turn around and face the guys behind me. I could only wonder what their thoughts were. However I didn't have to wait long to hear one of their comments. William had turned back to them and one of them yelled out to him, "Your girlfriend is one hot mama." If he only knew, I thought as my face turned red, if he only knew. I stifled a giggle as the door opened for us to enter the nightclub.

We found a table and took a seat to the side of the stage where the band was playing. When it was time to order drinks I asked for a soft drink. William looked puzzled and asked if I was feeling okay. I told him I was thirsty from the warm night and only wanted a soft drink. I was relieved when he simply shrugged okay. Of course he had no idea that knowing that I was likely pregnant I didn't want a drink with alcohol.

The club got wilder as the evening progressed. It wasn't long before the DJ announced that there would be a wet t-shirt contest. I laughed knowing this was something that neither William or I had ever witnessed before. My laughter turned to surprise when all of a sudden I was being recruited to be a contestant in the contest.

"I can't do that!" I told the DJ.

"Go ahead, you can do it," William encouraged me.

I looked at him a bit surprised. "Do you want me to do it?"

"Well, only if you don't mind."

I could tell that he really wanted me to do it, and the crowd was chanting for me to go on stage, so I looked at William and said, "Well if it's what you want." His nod was all the prompting I needed. I winked at him and headed to the stage to join the other participants. All the while I was thinking, "There ain't no way I should be in this contest! I don't stand a chance with these young girls."

The DJ took us all backstage to a small room and told us to remove our shirts, blouses, tank tops or whatever and to put on white t-shirts the club furnished. Being the novice I was I started to put my t-shirt on while I still had my bra on. I saw the other girls taking off their bras and was relieved to see that they hadn't realized my mistake. I quickly took off my bra and slipped on the t-shirt.

There were about twenty-five of us competing in the contest. As we headed back to the stage the DJ announced that six of us would be winners, and that each winner would win one hundred dollars.

I watched as the contest started, not quite sure what to expect. As the first girl stepped up to the DJ he took a pitcher of water and poured it over her breasts. The t-shirt was immediately transparent. The girl waved her arms above her head showing off her breasts. I guessed that she was about a 34B and knew that if size was a deciding factor that I was in the running!

One by one the girls displayed their chests to the roar of the crowd. Finally it was my turn and I took a deep breath as I stepped closer to the DJ. I got the surprise of my life when he poured the water over my breasts. It was ice cold! I gasped and shivered and the crowd roared. My large dark areolas were instantly visible under the confines of the tight white t-shirt. But more than the fact that my breasts were so easy to see that I might as well have been topless was that the cold water had an immediate affect on my nipples. They started to stiffen and poke against the material, tenting the t-shirt much more than any of the younger girls had. The crowd was screaming, cheering and whistling as I walked from one end of the stage to the other. I looked over and found William in the crowd. He was smiling, proudly I think, and gave me two thumbs up. I smiled back at him, winked, and added a little bounce to my step. Of course this caused my large breasts to bounce up and down as I walked back to my place in line.

The judging was soon done. It was based on the response from the crowd and I was picked as one of the six winners. I figured the contest was over and started to leave the stage.

"Wait a minute," the DJ commanded, "you can't leave yet."

I was a bit puzzled as he walked over to me and said, "Now the six of you need to compete in the best tits contest."

I had a puzzled look on my face as he continued, "Yeah, you all need to go topless." He turned to the crowd and yelled, "You want to see these babes topless?"

Well of course they did. I started to resist but looked over at William and could tell he was okay with it and I thought well why not, they've pretty much seen my tits anyway. Plus my girlish pride had been pleased by being referred to as a babe.

The DJ took us to the back room again and gave us some instructions. He told us we would all need to remove our t-shirts. But then he told us we would need to remove our shorts or skirts too and parade on the stage in only our panties.

"I can't," I whispered to the DJ.

"Oh sure you can honey," he responded.

"No, I really can't," I pleaded.

He stepped closer to me and asked what the problem was. I hesitated and then told him I wasn't wearing any panties. He laughed and told me I wasn't the first one to use that excuse. Then he said it would be no problem, that the bar had panties they provided for just such occasions. He opened a drawer from which he retrieved a pair of sheer thong panties and told me to put them on.

I slipped off my skirt and put on the panties. The other five girls in the competition were now ready too. They all looked so young and I was a bit afraid that I'd embarrass myself competing against them. I casually glanced at each of them as I evaluated my competition. I quickly realized that I definitely had the largest breasts in the group. A couple of the girls were probably about 34B's, perhaps two were 36C, and a petite girl there was only about a 32B. I was suddenly proud of my 38D size but then wondered if the crowd would think they were too big.

Each contestant was called out to the stage individually. I could hear the crowd cheer as each girl paraded across the stage to the admiring gazes of the crowd. I was the last one to come out and when I came out on stage I was greeted by a roar. The DJ met me at the edge of the stage with a pitcher of water. I smiled at him, knowing what to expect this time. As he had before he poured cold water over my chest as the crowd cheered even louder. I was a bit surprised when he cupped my breasts and held them as he poured the water over them, since no one but William had touched me there for a long long time. In the excitement of the moment I was unaware that the water was running down over my body and down between my legs. What I also didn't realize was that the water running over the thong panties I was wearing was making them become transparent. As I walked across the stage my shaved pussy lips were easy to see. I looked at William who was cheering as loud as anyone and smiled meekly. I guessed he really liked seeing me on display. That thought encouraged me more and I mischievously put a bigger spring into my step. This of course again caused my tits to bounce even more, which inspired even more cheers.

The DJ told us all to lineup for judging, yelling out to the crowd, "Who's got the best tits?" As I stood there all kinds of thoughts ran through my mind. First of all, I couldn't really believe that I was basically nude in front of a large group of people. As I looked over at the other girls I was competing against I had several other thoughts.

I thought, "I wonder what they would think if they knew I wasn't an 18 to 21 year old college girl but a 33 year old, a 33 year old mother as a matter of fact! How would they feel about competing against me then!"

More thoughts flickered through my head, "I wonder what they would think about me not only being a mother, but a mother who lets her son fuck her!"

But the most intriguing thought for me was, "I not only wonder what they would think if they knew they were competing against a 33 year old, that is a mother who fucks her son, but that is also pregnant with her son's baby!"

I snapped back to reality as the DJ moved to me. The applause for me left no doubt that I was the overwhelming crowd favorite and I was declared the winner. I took the five hundred dollar prize and gave it to the other girls back stage, explaining to them that I didn't need the money. Then I dressed back into my skirt and sweater and went back out to greet William.

"Congratulations Cynthia," he called out to me.

I moved closer to him and put my arms around him. "I hope you didn't mind me being up there."

"I loved it," he said, "I always said you were the sexiest woman on the island and now I have proof." He held up a certificate the DJ had given him to give to me. It read, "Cynthia, Best Tits on the Island, Spring Break Gala."

"Hmmm, I guess I'll have to frame it," I joked. We both laughed and moved to the dance floor. We start dancing to the fast beat and I couldn't help but watch William staring at my tits as they bounced under my sweater.

"Like what you see?" I teased him. He knew what I was talking about and simply nodded his head.

The music changed to a slow song and he took me in his arms. In the dim light he let his hands roam over my body.

"Mmmm...that feels good honey." I pressed to him tighter as I felt his arms slide around me and pull me tighter to him. I could feel his stiff cock against me. I slipped my hand down between us and playfully squeezed his cock. "I can't wait for you to fuck me tonight dear." For the first time I saw him blush as I realized that the young couple dancing beside us had overheard me. "Oops, sorry," I whispered.

"Don't be sorry," he admonished me, "I don't mind anyone knowing I get to fuck the sexiest women here, the woman with the best tits on the island." He held me tight and then continued, "Are you ready to go back to the hotel?"

"Ready whenever you are."

We slipped out of the nightclub and got into our car. William decided to take a route back that would hug the coast for awhile. However he didn't realize that there was a drawbridge on the route, and just as we got to it we had to stop for it to rise up.

"Sorry, I didn't have any idea this was here," he told me.

"No problem." I scooted close to him and kissed his cheek. "Perhaps we can find some way to pass the time," I giggled.

We started making out like teenagers. It didn't take long for William's hands to start roaming over my body. He slipped a hand under my sweater and played with my breasts. Then he slid a hand under my skirt and fondled my pussy.

"Mmmmm," I moaned in his ear. Then I slipped my tongue into his ear and rolled it around. I could tell that even though he was surprised by the sensation that he found it pleasurable. And now it was my turn. I unbuckled his belt, unsnapped his jeans and slid his zipper down. I reached into to grasp his cock and was surprised. Just like me he hadn't worn any underwear!

He smiled at me and said, "Two can play that game you know." He further explained, "My cock gets so hard when you dress up so sexily I don't like it being confined."

My response was to pull his cock free and slowly stroke it. "Yeah, no use in keeping this big guy bundled up," I mused. Then I bent down and licked just under the head of his cock. "Besides, he tastes so good." My mouth opened and took in the head of his cock. I slowly sucked on it, rolling my tongue all around his cock head. He leaned back in his seat and groaned as I continued giving him a blow job. My mouth slid down and took in more of his cock, my lips tight around his cock, my cheeks indented as I sucked harder.

Slowly my head bobbed up and down on William's cock. It had been awhile since I had sucked him off. Every time I had tried to recently he had insisted that I let him cum in my pussy, saying he didn't want to waste any cum. I would giggle and tell him that he had plenty of cum to go around, but he insisted that it all be deposited in my pussy since he was determined to get me pregnant. All the same, I enjoyed sucking his cock and tasting his cum and I had missed doing this. So now I was glad that he hadn't stopped me.

My head started to move up and down faster as I continued to suck him. I felt him shutter as my hand encircled his cock and started stroking it as I sucked. I pumped his cock faster and pressed my lips tighter, determined to coax a load of his cum into my waiting mouth.

I heard William say, "Someone's watching."

I paused briefly and said, "What?"

"Someone's watching. The man in the control tower is watching."

"It's okay," I mumbled as I returned to sucking his cock. I stroked and sucked, faster and faster, humming on his cock as I sucked.

"Oh fuck," he moaned, "I can't hold back. Oh fuck." He thrusts his hips upward and suddenly started shooting streams of warm cum into my mouth. I was determined to accept it all, swallowing each spurt that shot into my mouth. All the while he was cumming I kept sucking and stroking his cock. I loved the feel of his body jerking and twitching, knowing I was giving him much pleasure.

I finally pulled away and sat up beside him. "Did you like that honey? I certainly did."

"It was great," he replied, "but I'm so sorry to have wasted it."

"Wasted it? What do you mean?"

"Well you know. I've only cum in your pussy lately, trying to get you pregnant. I'm sorry I couldn't hold out. It's just that it felt sooo good."

I was touched that he felt so guilty. "You didn't waste it honey," I softly told him.

He didn't pick up on my comment and responded, "Well it's just that even though I enjoyed that so much I had told myself I would only cum in your pussy until I knew you were pregnant."

Now it was me who felt guilty and I knew I had a decision to make. Despite the promise I had made to myself to not say anything to him until I was absolutely sure I was pregnant I didn't want him to be upset with himself. I looked straight at him and repeated, "You didn't waste it."

"What do you mean?" He still hadn't figured out what I meant.

I took hold of both of his hands and grinned, telling him, "William, I'm pregnant." It took a moment for it to sink in. He just looked at me for a few seconds. Perhaps he was a bit startled, perhaps it was in disbelief. Then I could see it register in his eyes, and a big smile came upon his face. He realized he had done it, he had gotten his mother pregnant.

"You're pregnant?" he exclaimed.

"Yes dear. I just found out today." I proceeded to tell him about taking the home pregnancy test. "It should be accurate, but just to make sure I have an appointment tomorrow. I wasn't going to tell you until after a doctor confirmed it. But there's no doubt in my mind that I'm pregnant. And you're going to be a daddy!"

I squeezed his hands and we simply stared and smiled at each other. We were in our own world, lost to the world around us. That is until horns started honking behind us. We hadn't even noticed that the bridge had lowered and traffic could move again. I leaned my head against his shoulder as William resumed driving through the city.

"Pregnant," he bristled, "I'm going to be a dad. And you're going to be a mom—again!" I giggled and smiled up at him as he sped back to the hotel.

When we got back to the hotel William held my hand as we headed up to the elevator. Once inside it he pulled me to him and kissed me deeply. "I love you. You are already the best mom in the world and you're going to be the best again."

I melted into his embrace, wanting him to hold me forever. When the elevator reached the penthouse and the door opened William suddenly scooped me up and carried me into our room. I felt like a bride being carried over the threshold. He had to make a trip to the bathroom—too much beer I teased him—and I walked out to the balcony that looked out over the city.

William soon returned and stepped up behind me. His arms encircled me and held me. I could have stayed in his embrace all night. I was enjoying the little kisses he was planting on my head, ear, cheek and neck. His hands gently stroked my shoulders and arms, finally encircling me. His hand slid over my still flat stomach and I grinned, knowing what he was doing.

"You can't tell anything yet," I told him, "it's too soon. But it won't be all that long before I start to show. Will you still think I'm sexy when my tummy starts to swell?"

His hands massaged my belly as he responded, "I'm sure you'll be the sexiest pregnant lady on the island."

As we giggled I felt William slide one hand up under my sweater. He began to fondle my breast, squeezing it, cupping it, lifting it and holding it.

"They'll get bigger too, and heavier also," I told him.

He didn't say a thing but just continued to play with my breasts. Finding a nipple he pinched it and pulled on it, making it grow even stiffer. I ground my butt against him and was surprised when he stepped back. However I immediately heard his zipper being opened. I still didn't have any panties on and soon I felt William lifting my skirt up over my ass and I felt his cock behind me. I grabbed hold of the railing on the balcony and spread my legs apart. My eyes closed as I felt William's cock rubbing against my wet pussy lips. I smiled to myself, knowing he was hard again, and wickedly thinking that every 33 year old woman should be fortunate to have a virile 18 year old stud to service her.

I moaned softly as William eased the tip of his cock into my pussy. I loved the feel of his thick cock stretching my pussy open and I moaned softly as he pushed in deeper. His hands gripped my waist tighter and he thrust his cock deep into me.

"Oh baby it feels so good." I sighed as his cock filled my cunt. It was right where it belonged, right where I wanted it to be. He started to slowly fuck me with long deep strokes. I pushed back as William thrust his cock forward, driving it even deeper into my cunt.

"How does it feel to fuck a pregnant pussy?" I teased. I surprised myself at how wickedly nasty I could now sometimes be. I was sure it was a result of having missed so many years of sex. Now I wanted to make up for every moment I had missed, and I had the perfect person to do it with. I knew that I would always let William fuck me whenever, wherever and however he wanted.

"It feels fucking good," he replied as he picked up the pace. "But...."

"But what," I asked?

"But it looks like I'm going to be wasting it after all," he laughed.

As I ground my pussy back onto his cock I replied, "Well I wouldn't call this wasting it. You're just keeping my pussy satisfied and happy."

William started thrusting faster. He reached around and began rubbing my clit. I groaned and felt my cunt start to squeeze his cock.

"Yes, yes, yes," I hissed as my cunt eagerly accepted his cock plunging faster and deeper into it. His finger started rubbing over my clit in circular motions. "Oh god," I moaned, "I'm going to cum."

William was close too. He started slamming his cock into me as my orgasm hit. My cunt muscles clenched his cock and he groaned as he started cumming into me. I wiggled my ass as his cock kept filling me. The sperm he was shooting deep into my cunt would once again race to find a waiting egg. But this time they would be too late. The deed had already been done. I was pregnant with my son's baby.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-02 11:58:06
This really needs a Romance tag...

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-25 06:12:19
some anal sex and fisting would have been nice

anonymous readerReport 

2013-07-14 02:20:59
When he had taken mom to n8club,D story must be against the will of mother and son,after flashing glimps of her(wilam mom)blade pusy which leads to force fuck of mom by coleg boys trun by trun until there left a huge remain of cum inside mom pusy to make her then pregnant.Tno much of cum was still oozing even when they got back to their room.This is the only thing i miss in this stnry that can add spicx in the alredy worth to squeze story.Hope you go on with more such best story.Hands up for u guys.Keep it up.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-07 03:38:20
This is a good story, but, find the same mistake in all these stories.................... the correct spelling of shuddering is with d.s and not t's................. shuddering, not shuttering


2013-05-22 00:02:58
I would love to win the lottery and be able to do this. This is probably the story I have read the most on this website.

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