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This is the second of six stories about messages going to the wrong person, and the result of that mistake. They are completely separate stories, and are only connected by this common theme. This story is quite long; it is fiction, and any resemblance to real persons or places is purely coincidental.
copyright: Lesley Tara, 2014

It was a thoroughly modern mix-up – something that couldn’t have happened a generation ago. It was at school, one Monday during the lunch-time break between classes, that I turned the corner into a corridor just as another girl came around it rapidly from the opposite direction. We probably could have avoided a collision if both of us had not been concentrating much more on the cell phone that we were holding than on looking where we were going.

The other girl was called Angela and was the same age as me – sixteen years old – but I did not know her very well, as it was a large school and she was in a different class. As it was, I had only a split second to register that there was another person suddenly in front of me, and no time in which to take evasive action. We cannoned into each other and bounced off, with me going sideways to bump my shoulder rather painfully against the wall, whilst Angela – who had been walking much more briskly than me, and so was caught even more off-balance – sprawled nearly full-length onto the floor, but just managed to catch herself on her hands and knees. And, of course, both of our cell phones were knocked flying out of our hands and skittered along the floor – which fortunately was covered with carpet tiles, and so they bounced and did not shatter.

We both simultaneously gave a yowl of surprise and alarm, followed by something like ‘Oh, shit, no! – aah, sorry, sorry!’

Angela seemed quite distracted, and I don’t think she had really registered who it was that she had collided with. Swiftly rising into a crouch from her prone position, she hurriedly reached out and scooped up her phone, before leaping to her feet and almost running away down the corridor, with only a ‘Sorry ’bout that! Hope yours is OK – sorry!’ flung backwards over her shoulder.

I was still too winded and shaken to get out a reply, but stooped to pick up my own phone before anyone else should come round the corner and possibly step on it. I gave it a quick glance and was greatly relieved to see that it seemed to be undamaged, for it was a new and expensive model which I had acquired only two days before. Indeed, it was still turned on – I had only just switched it on a few seconds before the collision, intending to send a text message to one of my friends. I walked slowly down the corridor, rolling my left shoulder to ease the discomfort from its impact with the unforgiving wall, and looking at the phone in my hand – there was something about it that didn’t seem quite right, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. The screen was showing the same standard background, and the clock was giving the correct time, so what ...

At which point, before I could ponder any further, the phone rang – and, acting purely on autopilot, I answered it. Before I could take a breath with which say hallo, there was a torrent of excited words in my ear – and in a voice that I knew very well:

‘Hiya, Angie baby – ohmigod, you are so fucking hot! Sweet Jesus, I can’t stop thinking about what we did yesterday, you made me cum so many times – just thinking about you sucking my tits and poking my pussy, it’s making me so fucking wet I’m dripping out my panties, babe. I love what we do together, it’s so good, I can’t hardly wait till Wednesday, but then I’m gonna eat you out so good, I’m gonna suck your cunt till you beg for mercy, and then I’ll give you the finger like I did yesterday, yeah – you really liked that, didn’t ya? Good thing your folks were miles away, or they might’ve heard that shriek when you came, ha ha!’

I was stunned – that was the only reason, I’m sure, why I didn’t interrupt this flood sooner. I hardly knew Angela, but this was one of my very best friends, one of the little group of four girls that I hung out with most of the time, by name of Karren. I liked her a lot, even though in the last few months she had often been rather moody and uncommunicative, at least with me, but I had just put that down to the usual teen girl stresses and time-of-the-month stuff.

There could be no doubt as to what she was talking about – evidently she and Angela had spent much of Sunday alone together at the latter’s house, having a full-on lesbian sex session! I looked again at the cell phone in my hand, and immediately realised what must have happened. The phone was a brand new model and almost none of the other boys or girls yet had one like it – but clearly Angela was the exception, and in her haste she had grabbed my phone by mistake, instead of her own! My mouth was dry with shock, but at last I managed to interrupt, with a shaky gasp:

‘Err ... Karren? ... umm ... it’s Lexie, here ...’

There was a wild squawk in my ear and then the unmistakeable clatter as someone dropped their phone as if it was a hot potato. A second later, there was a breathless shriek:

‘You BITCH! Angie, that’s NOT funny!’

and then Karren’s voice broke into something plaintive, and she continued:

‘Hey, c’mon, Angie, you know how I feel about Lexie – I know you’re jealous, but don’t be mean, babe, don’t spoil what we’ve got ... it was such good luck for both of us to hook up like this, and ... y’know, we said, just fuck-buddies, didn’t we? OK? Sexy fun times with no strings, right? ... please, don’t make jokes like that, you know it’ll just make me sad ...’

Shit! This was even worse than the original happy burble about their fuckathon session! Part of my mind was wrestling with the ‘you know how I feel about Lexie’ bit, but most of all I had to stop this:

‘No, Karren, really, this IS Lexie ... you see, Angela bumped into me a couple of minutes ago, and we both dropped our phones – I guess they must’ve got muddled up, they’re the same model, she must have mine and I’ve got hers ... I’m sorry, I didn’t realise or I would never have answered, really ...’

I’m not sure how much of my explanation Karren actually heard, but the last part was drowned out by an awful wail of horror :

‘Oh, no, No, NO! NO!! Lexie?? Oh fucking shit! oh shit, oh-shit, ohshit-shit-shit-shit!!!’

Karren’s voice rose to a nearly hysterical crescendo, and then suddenly ceased as she cut off the call. At once I tried to call her back, but her phone was now definitely switched off, as it went straight to voicemail. I was worried about how upset she had sounded, and I spent the remaining fifteen minutes of the lunch-hour searching the halls for her and trying her phone, but in both cases without success. I thought that I would get the chance to have a quick word with her at the start of the next class, which was one that we both had together, but she did not appear. At the end of the lesson, having barely taken in a word of it because my thoughts were in such a state of turmoil, I approached the teacher’s desk and asked about Karren’s whereabouts, saying that I had seen her at lunchtime (not quite true – it had been sound and not vision) and we were due to meet up after school (more or less true – there had been no such arrangement, but now I really had to see her). I was told that she had been taken suddenly ill at the end of the lunch-break, had gone to see the school nurse, and had been sent home for the rest of the day.

‘I saw her just before she left – she looked really pale and her face was all sweaty, I’m sure she had a fever’, added the teacher with sympathy.

It seemed an age until the school day was over, and I went as quickly as I could to Karren’s house, which was only a few blocks from my own street. Our little group of friends gathered there quite often after school, as it was the nearest of all our houses to the school and Karren had it to herself at that time of day – she was an only child, and both her parents worked in the city and did not get home until around six o’clock.

I walked down the quiet suburban road that Karren lived in, up the short path through the neat front garden, and rang the doorbell. As the chimes faded, I could see through the frosted glass of the door a figure hesitantly approaching and then stopping short as she, in turn, saw the outline of my form outside. I heard a shaky voice call out:

‘Who’s there?’

There was no point in pretence, and I responded:

‘Karren – it’s me, Lexie. Please – we have to talk, please let me in.’

There was a desperate wail from inside, then a sob, and a nearly hysterical answer:

‘No, no! NO! I can’t, I can’t!’

She was clearly about to run back upstairs into her bedroom, and I had to forestall that. With greater determination, I replied:

‘Karren, LET ME IN! If you don’t, I’m NOT going away – I’m gonna stand here and ring that bell, even if I have to do it until your folks come home, and then they’re gonna ask what I’m doing out here on the doormat!’

There was a moment of silence, and then the slow click of the lock being turned, and the door swung open. Karren stood to one side of it, rather sullenly staring at the floor and refusing to look at me. She had discarded her jacket and her shoes, but otherwise was still wearing her school uniform, though it looked a bit crumpled as if she had been lying on her bed. Her eyes were red-rimmed and her face was pale and streaky with tears – clearly she had been having a good cry.

I stepped into the hall, eased the edge of the door from her nerveless fingers, and closed it firmly behind me. I reached out, intending to give her a reassuring squeeze of the arm, but she bolted like a frightened rabbit, running up the stairs and into her bedroom. However, she had sufficiently accepted the inevitability of my entry into the house that she did not try to lock her bedroom door from the inside – in fact, she did not even shut it behind herself, as she slumped down despondently on her bed.

I left my jacket, backpack and shoes in the hall, and walked up the stairs slowly, giving her a moment in which to recover some of her composure. Entering the bedroom, I took the chair from in front of her desk and turned it to face the bed, before sitting down.

‘Karren, we have to talk’, I said once again – no prizes for originality here. ‘I understand you’ve got a ... umm ... errr ... a thing ... going with Angela, right?’ No prizes for clarity either.

She would not meet my eye, and gave a shaky sob when I hesitated over the word ‘thing’ (wow, really being articulate here, Lexie, aren’t we?). Then, not really having meant to, I blurted out the question that was uppermost in my mind:

‘What did you mean, “you know how I feel about Lexie”, Karren?’

I heard the catch in Karren’s breath, like a half-stifled sob, and then there was a heavy silence. I thought that I might have to probe again, but instead after a moment she began to explain in so dispirited a tone that it tugged on my heartstrings:

‘What’s the point in pretending any more, in hiding it? You know now, Lexie, though I never wanted you to – for sure, not like this! – now you know that I’m a lezzie. Well, it took me long enough to realise, for a long time I didn’t want to think that I was, y’know, that way ... I thought it was just normal schoolgirl crushes on teachers or pop stars, like, but it wasn’t. More than a year ago, I began getting more and more dreams about making out with girls ... never boys ... and I’d wake up so horny and so wet down there. The last few months, I came to realise that I’m not even bi, I’m completely gay ... and I couldn’t tell anyone, I daren’t tell anyone, especially my friends, like you ... well, most of all you ...’

I felt a great rush of sympathy for her, in her confusion and loneliness. I would have reached out and given her a reassuring pat on the knee, but I wasn’t sure how she would react to my touch right now, she was so skittish, and so I refrained from physical contact, and tried to pour reassurance into my voice instead:

‘Oh, Karren, sweetie ... it’s OK, really it’s OK ... no one can control such a thing. But, how did ... y’know, you and Angela? I mean, I never knew that you knew her much, really.’

My friend’s voice firmed up a little at my encouraging tone, but she still gazed at the floor as she explained.

‘It was just chance, really, but such a lucky chance. It was a month ago, at Frank’s party – d’you remember it?’

Yes, I did. Our little group of four friends gets invited to a lot of parties – we’re quite cool, but not snooty or mean, so we are generally well-liked and on friendly terms with most people. Also, it certainly helps that all four of our little group are good-looking girls. Karren is a tall slim blue-eyed blonde in the classic mould, and as for me – well, there’s no point in false modesty, I am one of the prettiest girls in our school year of nearly a hundred, with a sweet face, a smooth pink complexion, a mane of rich chestnut curls, and a figure that turns heads: my boobs really thrust out, a ripe pair of jutting D cups, emphasised all the more by my wasp waist and flaring hips, and an ass that sticks out behind almost as eye-catchingly as my tits do in front. The other reason why we get asked out a lot is that I am the only one us who has a regular long-term boyfriend; the other three don’t, and so all the boys hope that they will score lucky.

‘Well’, continued Karren, ‘I went, because we were all going, but I wasn’t enjoying it ... I haven’t for a while, all the boys trying to get off with me, and I know that’s just the last thing I want ... and when I can’t have what I really want, it just churns me up so much. So I had a few drinks too quickly early in the party, and by about ten o’clock I wanted to leave, so I went up to the bedroom where all our coats were, you know?’

I nodded, and with that encouragement she resumed the tale.

‘Anyway, I walked in, and the only person in the room was Angela, who’d also come to get her coat. I guess she was a little tipsy too, because when I came in she gave me a funny kind of look, and then she said “that’s a neat outfit, Karren, you look real hot tonight”. That cheered me up, so I gave her a twirl, and blew her a kiss, just as a joke. But, next thing I knew, she’d put her arms round me and was kissing me! – and, I mean, really French kissing, and fuck, I was just kissing right back, just as hard! We got really heavy – I pulled her top up and was squeezing her bra, and she put a hand up under my skirt – which, you’ll remember, was kinda short – and, well, wow, that really lit my fire! Anyway, after a couple of minutes, we broke apart, and then she asked me to come back to her house, that her folks were all out until after midnight at least. And, you know, I was so turned on, I just couldn’t resist, so we went to hers, and ... and ...’

Karren paused, and then she did raise her gaze and look me in the eye, continuing in a firmer tone, as if she had nothing to be ashamed of – as, of course, she truly didn’t:

‘Well, it was just fantastic, it felt so good. She’s a really hot lover, y’know ... it was my first time, but not hers – I mean, I am the first girl her age she’s had sex with, but although she won’t say who, she told me she was seduced about eight months ago by an older woman, and I’m sure she’s still seeing her regularly, because she was so expert – she showed me the most amazing things to do. Anyway, since then we’ve had sessions whenever we can get the chance, usually at her place – like yesterday – but sometimes’ ... and here Karren blushed as she glanced down at her own bed ... ‘sometimes, here, too. But we agreed, it was just to be sex-for-fun, just being fuck-buddies for each other, cos we both get so frustrated, but with no strings attached ... and I’m sure there’s a girl she’s really sweet on, but she won’t say who it is, and ...’

Once again, Karren’s gaze shifted downwards to scrutinise the carpet, and her voice faltered:

‘... well ... that kinda suits me, too.’

I nodded, and swallowed – it was all such a surprise, but I could see how easily it had happened, and of course Karren would have had to keep her gay affair secret. I posed my question again:

‘So ... what about “you know how I feel about Lexie”, what did you mean?’

Karren gave a shaky sound, part gasp and part sob.

‘Oh, shit ... well, you know now – or you must have guessed – that it’s you, Lexie, you’re the one that I want, that I need ... you’re the one that I love ... and I know that I can never have, it just breaks me up. I know I’ve been moody with you, but it’s just so hard, especially when we’re alone together – that’s why I’ve been avoiding that – or times like changing for sports at school, I can’t do that near you any more, but you somehow always end up right next to me! I can’t look, I want to touch you so much, I want to kiss you all over, make love to you ...’

‘Well’, I said with a secret smile, pushing the chair backwards and rising to my feet to stand immediately in front of her; ‘well, we’ll have to do something about that!’

Karren gazed up at me in shell-shocked stupor, as I removed my tie and quickly unbuttoned my white school shirt, casting both of them aside. Then I leaned my arms backwards in gull-wing style to unclasp my bra and fling it away, letting my heavy breasts swing free. Without a pause, I unfastened my pleated maroon-colour school uniform skirt, dropped it around my ankles, and with one swift downwards tug removed my panties as well.

Naked but for my white school socks, I stood before the amazed teenager, with my legs planted apart and my hands on my hips. Karren seemed to be in a daze as I reached for her right hand and lifted it up to cup my cunt, thrilled at feeling at long last her cool female fingers against my mound. I smiled down at the stunned schoolgirl, and said:

‘So, hot stuff ... kiss me, then ... come on, kiss me and touch me all you want, and show me what to do!’

‘Holy shit, Lexie!’ gasped Karren, ‘are you bi? I’d no idea – I’d never have thought it!’

Almost automatically, her fingers began to stroke my labia and probe my gash, seeking and then tweaking my clitoris. The first time that her fingertips brushed across it, I gave a sudden cry and then shivered from head to toe at her increasingly confident caresses. My nipples had hardened into pinnacles of rock, I had swirling butterflies in my stomach, my pelvis felt heavy and my cunt was almost aching and dripping with desire. I began to pull and pinch on my own tits, and my voice broke into a shrill quaver.

‘Oh, Karren, please – aaaaahhh, yes! Fuck me, babe, oh! – just take me and have me and FUCK ME! I want it, I want you ... oh, Christ, yes, please – YES!’

Karren looked amazed, but she wasn’t going to look this gift horse in the mouth – or rather, this hot curvy teenager in the vagina. She swung me around to lie in my back on her bed, and then sprang to her feet. In a few seconds of whirling motion, her uniform was discarded – in fact everything except her white knee-high stockings, which like me she retained.

She lay down on top of me, the stiff nipples of her smaller pointy breasts pressing into the soft pillows of my larger ones. First we kissed, long and slow, tongues twining and breaths mingling – that part was easy, I had had a few snogging sessions before, although never with a girl. Then Karren slid backwards, and brought her sensuous lips and nibbling teeth to each of my nipples in turn, sending electric shocks through me as I arched my back in pulsating desire.

She dropped her right hand to cradle my mound once again, squeezing me rhythmically down there until my head was swimming from the erotic sensations. I thrust my hips upwards and spread my legs open as far as the single bed would permit, giving myself to her in complete surrender. Now both of her hands were working away at my pussy, stroking my labia and teasing them apart, and then she slid further down the bed and brought her face level with my cunt. She began to probe her tongue into my gash, where her tingling fingertips had opened the way. The exquisite effects were just mind-blowing and I began to moan, almost incoherently:

‘Karren! Oh my, Karren! Fuck me, sweet Jesus, fuck me so hard! Oh, babe, I want you, I want you to have me ... please, take me ... OH! YES – LIKE THAT, OH YEAH, DO IT! DO IT!!!

My friend seemed as if she could hardly believe my reaction – but that didn’t stop her from taking full advantage of my novice offer! Karren slid her index finger into my vagina, and I moaned loudly and clutched at both of my own breasts, fiercely jerking my nipples.

However, instead of using her finger to drill me to a climax, Karren encountered an obstruction. She gave a startled exclamation, and then she looked up at me, across my stomach and chest and between my tits, with an expression on her face that was an almost comical fusion of stunned surprise and lascivious lust.

‘Lexie! You’re ... well, you’re .... y’know ... still a virgin!! But – you can’t be! – I mean, you just CAN’T! You and Tom – you’ve been going out for ages, and you’re both always dropping hints about what great sex you have – it drives me nuts!’

Although I longed for her to continue, I realised that explanations on my side couldn’t be postponed any further. With a sigh, I drew her up to nestle against me, kissed her briefly on the lips, and then as she lay cradled in my arms, I began to talk:

‘Well, I guess I’d better explain, but this really is a secret, and it doesn’t affect just me, so –’ and at this point I looked at her intensely ‘– you’ve gotta promise, promise on all that you care about, that you’ll not breathe a word of this to anyone – not anyone, not for any reason, not ever!’

Karren looked at me earnestly, and then with one finger she drew an X shape in the valley between my breasts.

‘On my love for you – on your heart, Lexie – I swear I’ll keep absolutely secret anything you tell me, forever and ever’, she solemnly affirmed.

‘Okay’, I said, drawing a shaky breath and summoning up the nerve to continue. ‘Well, Tom’s just about my oldest friend – we’ve known each other since first grade, and we’ve always been on the same wavelength, got on really well, shared our secrets and given advice and helped each other when we’re down. Anyway, about two years ago, I realised even before Tom did, that he’s gay.’

‘WHAAAT?!!’ yelped Karren, jerking upright in surprise.

‘Yeah, he’s completely gay’, I confirmed, ‘and he’s come to accept that, and is happy with it. Anyhow, soon after, it turned out that one reason why we’re in tune with each other is – I discovered the very same thing about myself!’

This disclosure was such a shock that Karren just gazed at me, saucer-eyed and open-mouthed. Then she breathed, almost inaudibly:

‘You mean ... oh, jeepers! Lexie, d’you mean ... that you’re a lesbian?’

I smiled at the slim blonde, who at last was where I had so longed for her to be – naked, and in bed with me!

‘Yep, honey-bun, I’m a girl for girls, and always will be. Anyhow, I was explaining – so Tom and I hit on this plan, to protect us both from any suspicion: we would pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend, instead of just pals, and that meant letting everyone think we were having heavy sex sessions, going all the way – but, of course, we never did anything at all!’

I paused and looked at my sweet sexy friend ... and now, maybe, I so hoped, my girlfriend, my lover ... and I laughed.

‘Y’know, I’ve never ever actually said that I have sex with Tom! You all just assumed it, and I let you – it was safest that way. But if you remember, whenever any of you refer to it, I just look all shy and embarrassed – well, that’s not faked – and look at the floor and mumble, or I’ll say something vague and ambiguous, or something true, like he’s hung like a stallion or he can keep it up for ages – the first I know from observation but that’s all, and the second I’ve had on good authority from someone else! But, honey, I want you to know, I’ve never ever lied to you – just let you take 2 and 2 and make 22 ... I’ve not told you the truth, I know, and I always wished I had the nerve to, but I’ve never lied.’

Karren looked pensive for a moment, clearly replaying past conversations in her mind and seeing them in a completely new light. Then she nodded and gave me an impish smile:

‘You minx, Lexie! – you let us all jump to conclusions, let our imaginations run riot, when all the time there was nothing going on!’

I resumed my tale: ‘It was easy, really – I mean, Tom and I had always spent plenty of time together anyway, talking about everything and anything, so all we had to do was walk around at school holding hands whilst we chatted, and go to parties together and make sure from time to time to have a cuddle where everybody would see. We have a pretend game for that, to make it easier – just before we start kissing, we whisper to the other the name of the music or film star that we’re going to imagine we’re making out with: a man for him, of course, and a woman for me. Then we leave the party early, and everyone assumes we’ve gone somewhere to fuck like rabbits. Actually, we usually go to Tom’s because his folks are regularly out on Saturdays till after midnight, and what really happens is we make hot chocolate and play videogames – we’ve both always been a bit geeky about those – and then when his folks come in, they give me a lift home. Even they think we’re a regular boyfriend-girlfriend couple, and that we’ve been getting it on before they come back!’

Karren regarded me with stunned amazement, as I continued:

‘So, that’s how it’s been – just a camouflage for both of us, it avoids any questions and rumours – who’d believe them? Just recently, however, it’s changed a bit – Tom’s actually hooked up with another guy, someone at school, and I won’t say who. It sounds a bit like you and Angela, that it happened almost by chance, in the locker room at school when just the two of them were still there after football practice, and they just clicked that the other guy was up for it – literally, I think, ha ha! The difference now is, after a party we go back to Tom’s, and his new boyfriend meets us there – then they go and fuck in his bedroom, and I sit downstairs with a book and listen out just in case his folks come back unusually early. I’m really pleased for Tom, it seems to be working out well for him and he’s so happy, but I must admit I’m a bit jealous and a whole lot frustrated – which is why I couldn’t believe my good luck when you said all that on the phone!’

‘Now’, I added, ‘less talk and more action! So, now you know I’m a virgin, would you please do something about that, honey?’

‘Oh yeah’, whispered Karren, sounding like a kid let loose in a chocolate factory. ‘I’ve got just the thing, Lexie, though I never dared dream that I would ever use it on you – never mind be your first!’

‘I’ve always wanted it to be you, always’, I answered softly.

Karren’s eyes shone with happiness as she eased me down on to my back, and then she rose to her feet and stepped across to her wardrobe. I had a wonderful view of her naked butt and the curve of her cunt as she bent over and, after rummaging around for a few seconds, emerged holding an oblong cardboard box. I raised my eyebrows, wondering if its dimensions meant what I hoped – and they did, as with a flourish and giggle, Karren produced from it a metallic silver vibrator.

‘I got this about six months ago – I managed to get it by mail order. Anyway, it did for my cherry, so now it can pop yours!’

My answer was not spoken, but it communicated more than a hundred pages. I spread my thighs open and arched my back, thrusting my pelvis upwards. My action needed no translator to shout its message: I’m yours, fuck me!

Karren knelt between my legs, and then lowered herself on top of me, the vibrator held in her left hand. She began to kiss me passionately, and then trailed a line of nibbling kisses down my neck and across the swell of my chest, first to one nipple and then the other. The sensations this triggered were amazing, and more profound than anything I had ever felt before. After sucking my tits and massaging my breasts, Karren’s mouth tickled its way across my stomach and round my belly-button, and then – ohmigod, oh my fuckin’ God!! As her tongue probed my pussy lips, I felt a shudder pass through my whole body – but it was far from being an unpleasant sensation, and in fact felt more like a release, as if I was a ship that was at last leaving harbour and setting out on its voyage – yes, my maiden voyage. The nips of Karren’s teeth along my swollen outer labia had an electrifying effect, and she followed this up by rubbing her forefinger up and down my parted pussy lips. I could only whimper and try to spread my thighs even further apart, offering up my openness in pleading arousal.

The slim blonde lifted her mouth away from my cunt, and gave me a wicked smile as she brought the tip of the silver tube right up to my softest and most private parts. She flicked something at its base, and it began to hum and throb, sending erotic vibrations right through me, radiating out from the epicentre where its gleaming tip had nudged into the parting between my labia. With a frown of concentration slightly furrowing her forehead, Karren carefully worked the humming machine further into me, until its tip was pressing against my hymen. There she paused, leaned over above me to look down into my face, and with a touch of uncertainty and anxiety in her voice, asked:

‘Lexie, sweetheart, are you sure you want me to do this? You don’t have to, babe – I don’t want you to feel that you have to! You’re just so fine as you are, really, I don’t mind waiting.’

‘Well, I do, you silly goose’, I managed to gasp, ‘of course I want it, and I want you to do it! Fuck me, babe – please! Aaahh, yes – c’mon, yeah, c’mon and fuck me, now, yeah, NOW! FUCK ME!! ... ooooh! AAAIEEEE ... OH! OH! YES! YES!!’

My last squeals and gasps were caused by her sudden shift to action, as with a single smooth motion she drove the vibrator into me, rending my hymen in its passage. There was a momentary sharp jab, like someone had pinched me, but inside rather than on my skin, and then that was overborne in the sensation of being penetrated – deeply penetrated, opened up for the very first time, as the humming vibrator cleft into my vaginal passage, rubbing the millions of nerve ends and sending shivers and thrills running through me from head to toe.

Its first entry into me was astonishing in its impact, and far more erotic than I had ever imagined it would be. However, this was as nothing to the arousing effects of Karren’s steady inexorable withdrawal of the silver pillar, and then her second thrust into my hole. I gave a little scream and involuntarily arched my back, sheer instinct driving my cunt forwards and upwards to maximise the effect of the insertion.

As I panted for breath, with my mouth half-open and my eyes wide and staring, altogether giving a good impression of being a half-wit, Karren repeated her pistoning action, becoming faster and firmer each time. It seemed only seconds, only maybe six or seven penetrations, before I cried out in ecstasy as I experienced my first ever real orgasm, brought about by another person. Of course, I had regularly rubbed my clit to stimulate myself to a climax during my solo fantasies, but that was now revealed for the shallow reflection of the real thing that it was. I slumped back on the bed in glorious dazed wonder, and moaned with the aftershocks as Karren slid the vibrator out of me. Still kneeling between my sprawled legs, she switched of its motor and then put the business end of it into her mouth and sucked my juices from it, at the same time giving me a wide lascivious grin. When I had managed to catch some breath, I spoke in barely more than a whisper:

‘Thank you ... that was just incredible, thank you, my darling ... thank you so much.’

When I called the slim blonde ‘my darling’ she looked so happy that it thrilled me to the core, and my breath caught as she wiped away a tear from the corner of one eye – but now it was a tear of happiness, not the tears of unending woe that she had been crying earlier.

I shifted backwards and propped myself up on my elbow, and then I reached up for the vibrator and took it from her hand. With a smile of my own, I placed a kiss on its rounded nub, and then put it down on the floor beside the bed. Moving sideways, I indicated with a gesture that it was my honey’s turn to lie down, which she did with alacrity.

‘I shouldn’t have all the fun, sweetheart ... and, I want to show you, show you beyond any doubt that I’m a lesbian, because I think maybe deep down you’re still not sure about that, which I understand – so, let me prove it to you!’

I slid my hands under her hips and beneath her thighs, and then eased them as wide open as I could. For a second I paused, drinking in my first really proper sexual sight of my lover’s pussy, which it seemed she kept completely clean-shaven so every detail of her folds of flesh were fully exposed. So beautiful, so mysterious, so desirable! I took up her former kneeling stance, but further down, below her knees, and then I bent forwards and down, slowly bringing my mouth to her sweat-sheened pussy.

‘Aaaaaaahhh!’ she whimpered, as I slid the tip of my tongue along her slit, licking her labia and delicately probing between them. ‘Ohh! Oh, Lexie – Lexie!! Oh, my love, how I’ve longed for this ... aaahhh! how I’ve dreamt of this moment, of you doing this – but I gave up on hope long ago, I never thought this could happen ... I still can’t believe it!’

‘Well’, I said, my voice muffled by having my mouth pressed against her cunt, ‘if you don’t believe your eyes – believe THIS!’ and I thrust the index finger of my right hand into her opening, whilst my tongue rasped across her clitoris, and then I began ramming my finger in and out, following the example she had given me with the vibrator,. She soon felt looser, and after half a dozen pokes I added a second finger, forcing her vagina more open. My excitement mounted as rapidly as hers, as she began to buck and moan, her hands clutching at the bedsheet at either side of her hips.

‘Oh, oh! OH!! oh, Sweet Jesus, yeah! – oh, Lexie, babe, I’m a believer, I am, truly ... OH, FUCK! I’m gonna cum – Lexie, you’re gonna make me cum if you do that ... yes, THAT, AAAHHH! SHIT, YES!! OHMIGOD, I’M CUMMING, I’M ... AH-AHH-AHHHH!

That was my other first of the day, the end of my other virginity – for the first time ever, I fucked another girl. In truth, it was even more of a mind-blowing experience than my own orgasm, partly because I had after all masturbated plenty of times, and so although it had been a hundred times more erotic, it was still an extension of something familiar. This – this was completely new, for this I had no point of reference, it was truly a new day dawning and a revelation. It also profoundly affected me for another reason, which I know more clearly now than I did then – I have something of a dominant streak in me, I love to be the one in charge, the one making the moves, the one wearing the strap-on. Fortunately, Karren is more submissive by nature, a natural bottom to my top, and so it has proved that truly we are a match made in heaven!

I moved up to lie alongside her, which on her single bed meant a really cosy embrace, and we cuddled and kissed, shared our amazing new-found joy and wiped away a tear or two that were provoked by the tumultuous shocks of the day and the soaring happiness in both our hearts.

After a while like this, I glanced at my watch, and was amazed to find that it was only three-quarters of an hour since I had knocked at Karren’s front door and forced admittance. There would still be at least two and half hours before either of Karren’s parents arrived home: they both worked in the retail sector and did not leave until their stores closed at six o’clock, and then had a good hour’s commute back from the city centre. I had some ideas about how to use that time to good effect, and so I rose from the bed, reassuring my still lolling girlfriend that I would be back in a moment.

I made a quick visit to her bathroom, wiping around my pussy with some toilet tissue – as I expected, there were a few red traces from my loss of virginity, but they were swiftly removed, and my vagina felt only slightly tender inside. Then I trotted downstairs, retrieved my school uniform jacket from the hall, and came back up to Karren’s room. Putting my jacket over the back of her desk chair, I reached into one of the pockets and took out the cell phone – Angela’s phone – and weighed it in my hands. I had switched it off after my fruitless attempts to reach Karren at lunchtime, and it had remained that way since, but now ...

Karren rolled onto her side ... oh, how enticingly that made her pert breasts bobble, and how gorgeous was the curve of her upthrust hip and buttock! ... and looked at me pensively.

‘I’ll have to tell her’, she said, ‘I mean ... I can’t pretend nothing has happened, that it’s all the same for me, and she’ll know ... anyway, I should end it, now that ... that we’re ...’ Then she paused, clearly stabbed by sudden piercing doubt: ‘we are ... aren’t we? ... Lexie?’

I put the phone down instantly on the desk chair, and with one stride I look her in my arms, kissing her with unmistakeable passion and desire. After a moment, I pulled my lips away enough to look her directly in the eye, and I made sure there could be no more misunderstanding, no more doubt, no more fear:

‘Yes – we ARE girlfriends, we ARE lovers, and we will be – we’re gonna be lesbian lovers, for ever and ever, I’m yours and you ...’ at this point I took one of her breasts in my hand and gave it a strong possessive squeeze, ‘you – YOU ARE MINE, now and always, and don’t you ever DARE to doubt that!’

My love gave a shaky but happy laugh, and wiped away some more tears – tears of relief and tears from the release of deep inner tensions that had been stifled for months and months and months.

‘You’re right’, I said, ‘Angela will have to know – WE will let her know’, and I emphasised the ‘we’ to make my position and responsibility clear. ‘But ... well, we don’t have to end it, not in that way.’

Karren’s lips parted and her eyebrows rose in enquiry, as I continued: ‘it wouldn’t be fair, not to dump her and leave her out in the cold like that, and ... well, your arrangement was “just fuck-buddies”, right? So, I don’t see why that needs to change ... apart from her getting two fuck-buddies for the price of one! It won’t affect our relationship, that we love each other – we aren’t in love with her, but we can still have good fun-fucking times together!’

‘Lexie! You’re wicked – wicked!!’ squealed Karren in amazement, but I could tell that she liked my proposal. And, after all, why not – Angela was certainly an attractive girl, a pretty brunette with long lissom legs and a tight butt, it was no wonder that she was vice-captain of the cheerleader team.

‘So ...’ I said, picking up Angela’s phone and hefting it in my hand, ‘why wait? – no time like the present!’

For a second, my sweet babe looked apprehensive, but then her resolve returned, and she gave me a bright smile and the nod to proceed. My heart sang with the trust that she had placed in me, and I blew her a kiss as I switched the phone on and dialled up the number of my own one – which I heartily hoped Angela still had in her possession, and switched on.

This was the day on which Lady Luck was smiling down on me, because it connected at once and after only four rings it was answered with a rather tentative ‘Hi?’

‘Angela? Hi, it’s Lexie here – I guess you’ve guessed what happened, that you’ve got my phone and I’ve got yours? ... Yeah? ... Good, well, anyway, are you busy right now, because ... uh huh ... OK, that’s great ... can you come to Karren’s? ... yeah, I’m at hers, actually ... you know where? ... yeah, great, in about twenty minutes then? ... no, that’s perfect – thanks, see you!’

‘What are we going to say to her?’ asked Karren doubtfully, after I had ended the call.

‘Don’t you worry, honey, I’ve got a plan ... and you, you’ve got just enough time to have a shower and put on a nice fresh outfit, so you won’t look like you’ve been upset and crying.’ I shooed her up from the bed and chased her along to the bathroom, both of us giggling, me admiring the lean tautness of her ass as I pretended to be trying to pinch it, and she glancing over her shoulder, wide-eyed at the sight of my D-cups bouncing around. I caught her just as she was wriggling through the half-open bathroom door, and she let out a squeal as I gave her rump a playful smack.

Whilst Karren had a hasty hot shower, I straightened up things in her bedroom, making the bed and opening the window for a few minutes, removing both the sight and smell of the recent sapphic love-making. In just over five minutes, a warm and still damp Karren emerged from the bathroom, wearing a long bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her hair. This gave me the opportunity to grab a shower myself, and I stripped off my socks and plunged into the glass cubicle. A quick rinse and soap, some borrowed shampoo, and then back to Karren’s bedroom, where I had timed it perfectly to be handed the hair dryer just as she finished with. I sat on the desk chair as I turned it on my hair, and I got turned on myself as I watched Karren choose her clothes and slip them on. It was my first insight into something I now know well – that it is just as erotic a sight to watch a woman dressing as it undressing. She slipped into a pair of quite skimpy sky-blue bikini panties and then the matching bra from the same set, followed by blue denim cut-off shorts and a yellow camisole with a pretty lace edging at the top. Of course, I had only my school uniform to put back on, and I decided to do so without any underwear. Karren’s eyes widened as I folded my discarded bra and panties and hid them in the side pocket of my jacket, and then I buttoned up my white shirt (not bothering with the tie, and leaving the top two buttons undone), pulled up my uniform skirt and fastened it at the waist, and restored my white knee-highs.

Only a minute or so after we were both dressed, the door-bell pealed. Karren was sitting on the bed and made to rise, but I halted her with a gesture.

‘No – wait here, it’ll work better this way, trust me’.

She nodded, and with a grateful smile I left her sitting there and trotted down to open the front door.

‘Hi, Angela – thanks for coming round. Karren’s upstairs – c’mon up.’

Angela was also still in her school uniform, and I gestured to her to leave her jacket in the hall. As she did so, she produced my cell phone from its pocket and held it out to me, but instead of taking it I gave her a smile and beckoned her to follow me upstairs. I led the way, although I knew well from Karren’s confession that Angela had trodden these wooden steps many a time after the school day, as the prelude to an hour or two of slit-sucking and pussy-fucking. I felt a momentary hot stab of jealousy, but then reminded myself that the situation was the product of my and Tom’s cover-story being altogether too convincing, so I could hardly complain!

As we entered the bedroom, Karren gave her fuck-buddy a cheerful wave, but left the talking to me. I gestured Angela to sit on the bed beside Karren, which she did with a slight evidence of discomfort at their proximity. I sat down on the chair facing the duo and only then accepted the return of my phone from Angela. Holding it in my right hand, I picked up Angela’s cell phone from the desk with my left, but made no immediate move to return it to her.

‘What a coincidence, us both having this same brand new phone – I didn’t think anyone else at school had one!’ I said, looking at the two identical cell phones.

Angela laughed, relaxing a little: ‘Yeah, I thought the same, Lexie – and really, it’s mainly my fault – I was in a hurry, I was late for meeting ... err, someone ... and then I just grabbed the phone that was right by me, never thinking it might not be mine!’

‘Anyway’, I continued, ‘the thing is, right after I picked up what turns out to be your phone – and before I realised that it was – someone called it, and – thinking it was mine – I answered.’

‘Oh?’ queried Angela, tensing up a little again.

‘Her’, I said, gesturing at Karren, who now hung her head and looked at the floor, ‘and ... what she said – well, it gave the game away, about both of you, and what you’ve been doing.’

Angela’s face paled, and she clapped a hand over her mouth in shock.

‘Oh! What ... what are you going to do?’ she gasped.

‘Don’t worry’, I hastened to reassure her, ‘everything’s fine – in fact, it couldn’t be better. It’s me that should thank you for our collision and taking my phone, for otherwise I don’t know when I would have discovered that Karren’s a lesbian ...’ I paused, looking directly at Angela’s strained face, and then dropped my bombshell for the second time: ‘... like me, just like me – a lesbian like me.’

Angela knew me only as an acquaintance, for we had never been in the same classes and only slightly in overlapping social circles. Even so, she knew that I was “Tom’s girl” and presumably as hetero as they come – which rumour would have it I did often, thanks to Tom’s big hard cock. It was a major change of perspective to take on board, and she looked somewhere between bemused and bewildered.

‘So ... you’re saying ... you’re a lezzie? Meaning, like, you’re bisexual – yes?’ Angela asked doubtfully. For the moment, I let it rest at that; once again, leaving an assumption uncorrected was the easiest course to take. I certainly did not know her well enough to reveal Tom’s secret; with Karren it was different – as my closest female friend for many years, I knew that she would faithfully keep her promise, no matter what the temptation or provocation.

‘Kind of’, I confirmed, adding: ‘I’ll explain properly another time ... but for now, the point is, the point here and now is, that Karren and I have discovered each other – and, thanks to you, we’ve become lovers.’

‘Wow, that’s neat!’ responded Angela, but then her face fell as the implications dawned on her, and she turned to Karren disappointedly. ‘So ... I guess our fun times are over, right?’ she asked.

I shook my head. ‘No, not necessarily – that’s to say, we don’t feel that way, if you don’t.’

Angela brightened at this, and her shoulders, which had slumped, rose again.

‘Yeah?’ she enquired.

‘It’s true, Karren and I have a special closeness’, I continued, putting the two phones on the desk behind me and reaching forward with my right hand to caress possessively my babe’s nearest knee, ‘but we don’t want to leave you out in the cold – that doesn’t seem fair at all. So, if you want to continue the same arrangement as before – being fuck-buddy friends for fun, with no strings attached – but with both of us ... well, we’re up for that. In fact, we could have a lot of good times together.’

Angela looked amazed, and her eyes darted back and forth between our two smiling faces.

‘D’you mean that?’ she gasped. ‘I mean, do you really mean ... like ... fucking as a threesome?’

Karren and I nodded in affirmation, and Angela’s breath escaped in a soft ‘Wow!’ I gave Karren a mischievous smile and then rose to my feet, standing directly in front of Angela.

‘Let me prove it’, I said softly, as I pulled the front of my skirt up to my waist, revealing the absence of panties beneath. Angela gave a low whistle as she saw my bare cunt, with my labia swollen and prominent in arousal. I moved closer to her, so that my pussy was almost in her face.

‘So, how about it?’ I asked, undoing the fastening and small zip at my left side and letting my uniform skirt fall to the floor, and then swiftly unbuttoning my shirt and casting it aside. I cupped my swaying breasts in both hands, thrusting them out above the pair seated on the bed and enjoying the sight of both girls gazing up at me with almost identical expressions of lust.

‘God, yes – oh, yes! Yes for sure!’ Angela exclaimed, adding: ‘I never thought of anything like that, but ... that’d be amazing, so hot!’

I turned and sat down on the bed on Angela’s other side, so that she was sandwiched between me and Karren. I grasped the pretty brunette’s right breast, squeezing it firmly through her shirt and bra, as Karren similarly groped her left breast. Angela was still wearing her school uniform, and I undid her tie and drew it out from under her collar, whilst simultaneously Karren unbuttoned her white shirt. Then with one swift move, we pulled her shirt wide open and whisked it back off her shoulders. Angela looked on in wonder as we scooped her breasts – a nice perky pair for a girl of our age, fuller than Karren’s although less prominent than mine – out of her bra cups, and then with one accord we bent our heads to kiss them, sucking her stiff nipples into our mouths.

Angela moaned and went limp, and we eased her down onto her back, swinging her legs up so that she lay along the length of the bed. Karren continued assiduous attentions to her breasts, whilst I quickly pushed the lissom girl’s school skirt up above her hips and then stripped her panties down her legs and over her feet – silent assent to this being given by Angela lifting her butt an inch off the bed in each case so that I could do so. I then commenced my second-ever cunnilingus, as I began to eat out Angela’s pussy whilst Karren mauled and devoured her tits. Within moments, the slim brunette was writhing beneath our combined onslaught, her body trembling with arousal and her hips shuddering with approaching orgasm. As Angela began to give sharp incoherent cries, I brought my hand up to her cunt and slid two fingers into her vagina. There was no resistance to my penetration, as she was slickly wet and loose, and I delved deeply into her, my knuckles smacking against her swollen labia with the force of my inward thrusts. Angela bucked and gave a harsh shriek, and her pelvis quivered as a stream of wet juices coated my fingers and dribbled from her gash, and then with a long moaning cry she slumped back down on the bed.

‘Oh! Oh, Lord above, that was incredible!’ she sighed in wide-eyed wonder, as Karren and I lay alongside her to the left and right, my girlfriend’s left hand still caressing Angela’s chest, whilst I kept my right-hand on her cunt, gently rubbing it and easing my fingertips between the lips of her vagina.

‘First of many!’ I whispered in Angela’s ear, and she shivered with anticipatory delight. ‘Of course, sometimes it’ll be just Karren and me getting it on, but I promise we’ll make it a threesome at least twice a week.’

Angela couldn’t suppress a fleeting expression of disappointment that it wouldn’t be a threesome every time, but she was a realist and accepted that Karren and I would also want to have time – and sex – together as a couple.

‘Fair enough’, she said with a nod, and then added with a more natural smile: ‘I’ll look forward to it!’

There was an idea which had been bubbling away at the back of my mind, ever since Karren’s comment that she thought Angela was also specially sweet on someone, because she too had wanted to keep their relationship simply at the ‘fuck-buddy’ level and not add any emotional baggage. However, whilst Karren had told Angela of her secret longing for me (she told me later that there hadn’t been much choice about that, as in one of their first sessions she had called out my name during her moment of climax!), Angela had only vaguely indicated that she was similarly thwarted, but had given no details.

I rolled slightly onto my side and propped a hand under my chin, gazing down upon Angela’s flushed face. I’m on a roll, I thought, it’s my lucky day – so, here goes.

‘Angela, I promise I’ve got a good reason for asking this – is there someone who’s special for you, who you feel about like the way Karren feels about me?’

Angela looked hesitant, and I encouraged her further:

‘You know about me now, and Karren too – we trust you, and I promise you can trust us’, I reassured her.

The prone girl nodded slowly, but then her face sobered.

‘You’ll think me foolish – oh, yes, don’t shake your heads, you will! I know it’s hopeless, totally hopeless, but I can’t help it – I’ve been in love with her for years, in fact I can’t recall when I first realised, it’s so long ago! But it’s so useless, in fact it almost hurts too much to be around her now, especially when it’s just the two of us.’

I glanced across to Karren, who nodded back thoughtfully – it was a story with a very familiar ring. Angela had paused, with an introspective and rather sad expression on her face, and I had to give her another prompt.

‘So – who’s the babe, who’s your heart’s desire?’

The brunette looked away from me, shifting her gaze to the neutrality of the bedroom wall, and then she muttered a name so softly that if Karren and I had not been so in such close proximity, we would have missed it:


‘Aahh!’ I exhaled with satisfaction – I was on target, bull’s eye! However, Angela misinterpreted the sound, and repeated over again, with a catch in her voice, that it was useless and how stupid she was ever to have had such hopes.

I could certainly understand why Angela was attracted to Dominica. An unbiased observer would probably judge me to be the third or fourth most attractive girl in our school year (depending on whether or not you put Tiffany’s height and cascading red hair ahead of my jutting bust and butt), but no one would have hesitated for a moment to award Dominica the prize for being the best-looking girl of our age, and quite probably in the whole school. She had the luscious curves of her Hispanic heritage, with long shiny black hair, large expressive dark eyes and rich pouting lips, but more than that, much more, she exuded vitality, health and wholesomeness, and she had charisma by the bucketload. It was matched to a lively, laughing and genuinely kind and friendly personality, and so, despite her stunning looks and figure, Dominica was very popular as well, That girl was gonna go far – we all knew it: one day she’d be an international supermodel, or more likely a film star, as she had real acting ability as well.

I could also understand why Angela felt that the chance of her love being requited was nil. For more than a year now, Dominica had been the steady girlfriend of Larry Clarke – champion 100 metre sprinter, fastest winger and star of the school football team, and lead guitar and vocalist of the most popular teenage band in the neighbourhood. Although the all-round local hero, he was as modest, cheerful and nice as his girlfriend, and the pair of them were our high school’s golden couple – you didn’t need to even think who was going to be School President or Homecoming Queen, it just couldn’t be anyone other than Larry and Dominica.

However ... however, I knew something that Angela didn’t ... and if it meant what I thought it did, well ... it sure was a game-changer!

So I leaned across and gave the pretty brunette a kiss on each nipple, and then told her to lie where she was, as I needed a quick word with Karren. Angela was lost in her own thoughts and still dazed from her seismic orgasm, and without really listening she nodded her assent. My new-found girlfriend gave me a puzzled look as she followed me out to the landing at the top of the stairs.

‘What ...’ began Karren, but she got no further as I put a finger to her lips, and silenced her.

‘Babe, I can’t explain it all now ... and I might be wrong, that’s why I don’t want to say anything to Angie yet’, I whispered, and then I quickly explained what I wanted Karren to do – but still leaving her in the dark as to why. ‘Trust me on this, honey’, I concluded; ‘if it goes right, it’ll be great – and if not, then if you do like I’ve said, there’ll be no harm done.’

Karren was clearly itching to know more, but her love for me conquered her curiosity, and she nodded her agreement before slipping back into the bedroom. Through the small gap where she had left the door ajar, I saw her lie down on the bed and cuddle up to Angela again. I’ll admit that the sight gave me a pang of jealousy, but I knew that Karren was specially mine, and what she was doing was in a good cause. As I had asked, she would keep Angela happy and quiet – and completely naked – in the bedroom, whilst I set my scheme in motion.

I had scooped up my socks, bra, skirt, shirt and both of the cell phones on my way out of the bedroom, and now I scurried along to the bathroom, dropping my clothes in a heap outside its door, with the cell phones on top. There was no time to shower, but a quick wash of my face and hands, a wipe of my cunt with toilet paper, a whisk over my body with a towel, and a comb of my hair, and I looked quite presentable – or at least, not like someone who had just crawled out from a sex orgy. I pulled on my clothes and took the phones with me as I trotted downstairs and turned left into the kitchen. Switching on Angela’s phone, I looked in her directory and found Dominica’s number – I had been confident it would be there, as Angela was one of Dominica’s inner circle and oldest friends. Turning on my own phone, I dialled the number, and once more put my trust in Lady Luck.

She did not fail me: after a few rings, Dominica’s attractively lively and slightly husky voice gave a cheerful ‘Hi!’, to which I answered:

‘Hi, Dominica, it’s Lexie here ... yes, Lexie ... you know, Tom’s girlfriend ... uh huh, yeah ... that’s right, yeah. Anyway, there’s a good reason why I really really need to speak to you now ... no, I mean, in person, not by phone ... sorry, but are you free right now? ... yup, right away ... if ... Oh, have you? ... you could? That’s great, thanks so much!’

I felt a huge sense of relief, as I gave Karren’s address – I didn’t bother explaining that it was her house and not mine, as Dominica had never been to either of them, and really it didn’t matter. It was less than ten minutes by bicycle from Dominica’s house, and she had said she would come by that means – apparently she had a cheerleader squad practice in a little over an hour, so she would call to see me now, and then go on to it. Of course, Dominica was captain of the cheerleaders – that wasn’t even worth mentioning, as the hottest babe and most popular girl in school, girlfriend of the star athlete, it simply couldn’t have been any other way.

I waited in the hall, running through what to say in my mind, and getting tense as the minutes ticked by. I began to get nervous that Dominica had decided not to come after all, but it was just the waiting that had made the time drag. In fact, it was only seven minutes later that I saw her arrive and get off her bicycle, leaving it against the wall of the house. My breath caught in my throat – Dominica was wearing her cheerleader outfit, which I should have anticipated from her call but stupidly had not put two and two together, and she looked stunning in it. The length of leg and glimpse of red panties as she swung her leg over to dismount from the bicycle and the jiggle of her ripe bust (she was at least one size bigger even than me), despite the constraint of a sports bra, made me wet my lips: she was a gorgeously sexy young woman, there was no doubt about it.

I opened the front door before Dominica could reach for the doorbell, as I did not want Angela to hear that someone had arrived and become alarmed. I ushered Dominica through the hall and into the kitchen, where I leaned against the counter and took a shaky breath. I just hoped that I hadn’t over-reached myself: this was really the big roll of the dice now ... so, c’mon, the winner takes it all ...

‘Dominica ... you know that I’m Tom’s girlfriend, right?’

She nodded, her expression giving nothing away.

‘And you’re Larry’s ...’ I continued.

Dominica looked a little more guarded, but nodded again. I forged on:

‘So, what I need to ask is – and there’s a good cause, I promise – is the reason why you’re Larry’s girlfriend the same as why I’m Tom’s?’

‘Aaah ...’ she said, holding quite still. ‘I’ve been wondering, these last couple of weeks, when we might be having this conversation.’

She paused for a moment, looking at me consideringly, and then she said slowly:

‘Maybe, maybe ... and that reason is?’

Cards on the table time, Lexie, I thought to myself, although in fact this was the less risky part, as I was fairly sure that she knew the truth about me and Tom – the reason for which, the really really big secret, was that Larry was Tom’s new gay boyfriend, it was Larry that he was fucking and who it seemed couldn’t get enough of taking turns to suck each other off and take it up the ass!

‘That I’m a lesbian, and I want to keep it secret’, I said flatly, looking the hot Hispanic chick right in the eye.

For a couple of seconds – which seemed an eternity – there was no response, and then Dominica’s smile broadened into her usual carefree expression, her perfect white teeth parting in merriment.

‘Yeah, babe, it is – I’m as lezzie as you can get, at least on your own, that is! But, yeah, Larry and I have never had sex, he’s solely gay too – but then, I guess you know that, now he and Tom have discovered each other. My family mustn’t find out about me, they’d go crazy, especially my father, it’d be hell to pay ... so, yes, it’s been a cover for both of us, just like with you and Tom – which, by the way, I would never have guessed, even though I’ve been doing exactly the same thing myself!’

Then Dominica paused and looked at me meaningfully in a new way which made me tingle from head to toe. She smoothed one hand across her bust in an unconsciously erotic gesture, and continued:

‘So, is your idea that you and me hook up as well, like our “boyfriends” have? I guess it would have a lot going for it, and God knows I’d love to have a real girlfriend – in fact, I’d love to just get fucked by any femme. You’ll laugh, but I never have yet – in fact, would you believe, I’m still a virgin! I was saving myself for someone, someone special, but I can see that’s not going to happen, I’m not sure she even really likes me any more ... and you’re very sexy – and from what Tom’s told Larry, I know that you are kind and you can be trusted ... so, yeah, I think I might be up for that, for sure.’

I gave her a wide smile, and ignored the sudden hot flush in my cunt at the thought of fucking with Dominica – sweet Lord above, the idea of me and Dominica writhing around in the nude, making out, doing 69 ... shit, that got me so dripping wet I regretted that I hadn’t put any panties on. With an effort of will, I refrained from pushing her down on the kitchen table, stripping her panties off and eating her pussy, and with a slight tremor I spoke again.

‘I would so much love that ... and we will, I’m sure, but there’s something else, one more thing that I have to ask you. I’m not prying, I promise you there’s good reason – Dominica, your someone special – just tell me, does her name begin with A?’

Dominica looked taken aback, and in her surprise spoke before thinking:

‘How could you know that?! ... Jesus, is it obvious? Oh God, no wonder she doesn’t want to be around me much any more! I thought no one knew, that it didn’t show ... shit, Lexie, does everyone know I’m a lez?’ she ended, almost in a wail.

‘No, no! Dominica, no, don’t worry – no one knows, no one else at all! Not Angela, I promise you, she has no idea, in fact I know she thinks you’re totally heterosexual. I promise, just like me, your set up with Larry, it has everyone totally convinced, it’d never cross their mind that you might be bisexual, never mind a lesbian! The only reason I know different is because I know about Tom and Larry – after all, they fuck at Tom’s house and I’m their look-out girl! – and when I asked Tom if Larry was bi, he told me, in the strictest confidence, that he was sure not, that Larry had promised him that he didn’t have any other lover – and that’s what made me wonder, but I still wasn’t sure. After all, you might be giving Larry cover out of friendship – I know you and he go back just about to kindergarten, like me and Tom – or you might just be wanting to keep your virginity and be free from hassling boyfriends, so whilst I could hope your reason was the same as mine, I certainly couldn’t assume it.’

My explanation had a reassuring effect, and by the end of it she was calm and smiling again, though still puzzled about the purpose of my second question. Well, it was time to lift the last veil of secrecy. I put my finger to my lips in the universal sign for silence, and then beckoned Dominica to follow me upstairs. On the landing, I put my finger across Dominica’s mouth to ensure that she remained quiet, and then I called out softly for Karren. Dominica’s eyes widened in surprise and I was glad that I’d taken the precaution of silencing her – and still more so when a few seconds later my lovely babe stepped out of the bedroom wearing a thigh-length kimono wrap in coloured silk, with rather obviously nothing on underneath it, and Dominica gave a tiny gasp at the sexy sight. However, before she could ask any of the dozens of questions that I could tell were on the tip of her tongue, I gave a little pat to the luscious Hispanic ass so nicely shown off in her cheerleader uniform, and urged her towards the bedroom door.

‘Go in’, I whispered, ‘and you’ll be glad.’

With a quick assessing look at my face and Karren’s, Dominica nodded and stepped briskly into the bedroom. There instantly followed two high-pitched shrieks, so close together that they were almost one sound:

‘Angie?!!! What? What’re you doing ...’
‘Dom?!!! Shit!! How’re you here ...’

And then, what I had hoped and prayed for – two simultaneous cries of lust and longing, the sound of someone’s footsteps racing across the floor whilst flinging off their clothes at the same time, a loud creak of springs as a second body flopped down on the bed, and then a lot of kissing, slurping, licking, moaning and groaning.

Out on the landing, Karren looked at me in amazement, like I was some kind of magician.

‘How the? ... I mean, how did you know ... and get her here, so fast?’

Once again, I made Karren swear undying secrecy, and then I told her that Tom’s new boyfriend was none other than Larry. Karren almost literally staggered with surprise at this news.

‘My God!’ she whispered, ‘I’d never have thought it, not for a moment ... right, I see now, so you thought, if Larry’s gay like Tom’s gay, then maybe Dominica’s a secret lesbian, just like you?’

I nodded, but explained that I couldn’t be sure, that just because Larry and Dominica’s relationship involved no sex, it didn’t automatically mean that she was a lesbian.

‘That’s why I needed you to keep Angela quiet upstairs, whilst I got Dominica here and talked to her – then, if it turned out she wasn’t gay, or was but didn’t fancy Angela, I could send her on her way, and neither of them would ever know anything about the other. But I was fairly sure of what it has turned out to be – that’s why it was worth chancing, and there was no point in waiting, in trying to set it up at some other time.’

Just at that moment, the moans and gasps that were audible through the bedroom door increased in pitch and pace, and then ended in two almost-synchronised cries of orgasm, after which it went quiet. Karren and I gave them another minute, and then she knocked on the door and called out quietly to ask if we could come in.

‘Sure, c’mon, yeah’, called out a cheerful confident voice – which, interestingly, was Angela’s and not Dominica’s.

An amazing and erotic sight greeted us as we entered the room. Both girls were completely naked, and curled up together on the bed, their faces shining with happiness and their hair rumpled with that alluring ‘I’ve-just-been-fucked’ look. Dominica was spooned around Angela’s back, with her hands wrapped round to clasp Angela’s breasts and her broad hips cradling the turn of Angela’s neat trim ass. Dominica looked blissfully stunned, whilst Angela looked more assured and confident than I had ever seen her, as she said:

‘Thank you ... thank you, Karren, and most of all, thank you, Lexie. Dom’s explained it briefly, and of course I understand now, that you and she have both been hiding in the same way – but you’ve been too damn convincing, you naughty pair! But still, Lexie, if you hadn’t acted on what you knew, Dom and I wouldn’t have got together – probably not ever, and that would be just awful!’

The cheerleader captain was nuzzling the pretty brunette’s neck, but lifted her head to nod her sincere agreement.

‘It wasn’t so difficult’, I said with a shrug, ‘and y’know, Angela, all of us should really be thanking you! After all, if we hadn’t collided and you hadn’t taken my cell phone and left me yours, then really none of this would have happened!’

Karren let her kimono fall from her shoulders, and enjoyed the admiring glances at her naked body which followed from all three of us. Then she sat down on the desk chair and patted her knees, looking at me. I walked over to stand next to her, and she quickly unbuttoned my shirt and threw it aside, and then let my skirt fall to the floor – I felt a glow of pleasure as our two new comrades eyed my cunt with unmistakeable sexual intent. Then Karren drew me down to sit on her lap, after which she unclasped my bra and let my breasts swing free for a moment until she cupped them in her hands, squeezing them firmly enough to arouse me – a fact that was more than evident to Dominica and Angela, as my nipples hardened into prominent points and my thighs spread involuntarily to reveal my puffily parted labia. With a wicked gleam in her eye, Angela patted the small vacant area of the bed in front of her, with a clear invitation to us to join them for a full-on sapphic quartet. I was all for it, but sensible Karren glanced at the clock on her bedroom wall, and with a sigh held me in place on her lap.

‘We’d love to’, she told Angela and Dominica with evident sincerity, ‘but I’m afraid we don’t have time – my parents will be home in about half an hour, so we’d all better freshen up and get dressed. It’s fine if you’re here when they get back, please stay if you want, but we can’t have anything that looks ... or smells ... like we’ve been fucking.’

‘And, Dominica, don’t you have cheer practice in a few minutes?’ I added. The beautiful team captain’s reaction was so comic that we all laughed – it was like one of those old cartoons, as her eyes went round and she clapped a hand over her mouth in shock.

‘Shit!!! I totally forgot!’ she squealed, but then she turned to Angela, and continued: ‘but I don’t care, this has been the most wonderful thing ever to happen to me, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! Still, if we have to finish up here anyway, I’d better go – as team captain, they just might notice that I’m not there! More seriously, it might lead to questions, and none of us wants that, right?’

‘Right!’, we all echoed back in agreement. Karren threw Dominica the towel that she had earlier brought back from her own shower, and for a few seconds she, Angela and I sat silently appreciating the sight of a naked Dominica wiping around her cunt, as her full breasts jiggled enticingly above, and then wriggling her luscious ass into the red cheerleader panties and scooping her superbly rounded breasts into her sports bra. Then the Hispanic temptress hastily donned the remainder of the delightfully skimpy cheerleader uniform, and bent over Angela to give her a lingering kiss – and a fond squeeze of her nearest breast. As Dominica then turned to go, Angela spoke quickly:

‘Babe ... after the practice, can you come to my house for a while? It’d just be for talk, we couldn’t do more – well, maybe a little kissing – but I just gotta see you some more today, or I’ll think I dreamt this!’

Dominica positively glowed with happiness, and promised that she would get to Angela’s house as fast as possible after the cheer squad session. Then she gave us all a cheerful wave, saying ‘I’ll let myself out, don’t bother’, and skipped to the bedroom door, at which she paused for a moment, glanced back over her shoulder with a huge grin, bent forwards, flipped the uniform mini-skirt up over her back and saucily wiggled her butt at us! Then with a laughing shout of ‘See ya later, lover-girl!’, she disappeared from view, after which there was a patter of steps on the stairs and the sound of the front door closing.

With regret – because there were other things we would much rather be doing together – Angela and I helped Karren to tidy her room, and we opened the window to air it out. Each of us in turn then took five minutes for a quick wipe over and dry in the bathroom, followed by a few minutes back in Karen’s room with brushes and hair dryer, so that we ended up looking very presentable. Angela then said that she ought to go home, so she could have her dinner and be ready for Dominica’s arrival, and we suggested to her that they both come to Karren’s house straight from school on the next day, not only for a sex session but also to make some plans.

Never has a Tuesday at school gone by so slowly, every minute dragging, the hands of the classroom clocks seeming to have been frozen in place. All four of us just couldn’t wait, and in the lunch hour we got together and giggled about it, longing to touch and feel each other, but not daring anything where there were so many other eyes to see. However, at last the last lesson ended, and we four were just about the first people to be out through the school gates and on our way. We walked briskly to Karren’s house, our eyes shining with anticipation and affection, and our tits so hard and pointy that they were almost drilling holes through our bra cups.

After Karren unlocked the door and let us all into the empty house, she drew Angela aside for a moment in the hall, whispering in her ear. Whatever she said was clearly good news, as Angela clapped her hands in delight and nodded agreement. Then Karren instructed Dominica and I to wait in the hall, which we did with mystified looks at each other, whilst she quickly went up to her bedroom with Angela. However, in less than a minute Karren re-emerged and came back downstairs, looking very pleased with herself, and addressed Dominica.

‘You can go up now, honey, she’s all ready for you!’ she said, with a wave of her hand in the direction of the bedroom.

As Dominica began to mount the staircase, Karren took my hand and led me into the lounge, and we sat down together on the long couch. Only then did she explain that she had offered Angela the use of the vibrator which had taken my virginity the previous day, so she could do the same for Dominica’s cherry, and that we would wait down here and give them privacy for such a special moment. As we snuggled up together on the couch, kissing, cuddling and stroking each other’s breasts through out half-undone shirts, we were soon once again serenaded by the sweet song of sapphic sex, mounting until it became explosive. This time we waited until when, about five minutes later, the bedroom door opened and Angela called out to us to come up and join them.

When we did so, we greeted by the lovely sight of Dominica’s naked body, sprawled on her back on the bed with her thighs wide apart, as the fingers of her right hand slowly stroked and teased her own pussy. The expression on her face was exactly that of the cat who had got the cream, she looked so pleased and satisfied.

Angela came back through the bedroom door behind us – she had been in the bathroom, wiping the vibrator and drying it with a towel, and now she handed the wonderful silver machine back to its owner. Angela then put her hands on her hips, and announced:

‘Right, now we’re all on the same footing – let’s have some fuck-fun!’

No one was going to disagree with that suggestion! Angela offered to show us something good, and within a couple of minutes she had taught us how to use the ‘scissors’ position, in which one girl can mash and grind her pussy against another’s – in fact, if you could get the angle and position just right, you could get your slit to rub down inside the labial lips of your lover – something which, as we soon learned, has incredibly arousing effects. Soon we were in our couples, side by side on Karren’s bedroom floor, our cunts grinding away against our partner’s sweet sex, as we groped each other’s breasts and strained against each other, getting wet and slick between our legs but abrading our pussy-lips together until the friction sent us into orgasmic overload. After we had all climaxed, Dominica looked at her new girlfriend in curious wonder.

‘Angie, how come you’re so expert, how do you know these things?’ she enquired; ‘and, I mean, you really knew how to handle that vibrator as well!’ she added with a blushing smile.

Angela looked at her Hispanic hottie, and then briefly at Karren and I, and then she shrugged.

‘Why not?’ she responded, ‘let’s have no secrets from each other, let’s make it that way from the start. So I’ll tell you, but remember this must be just like with Larry and Tom, not a word ever gets breathed to anyone else!’

We all nodded solemnly, after which Angela revealed that – as Karren and I had expected – she had a mature lover. The woman in question turned out to be one of our own school-teachers, which didn’t surprise me – after all, what other opportunities did we have? It was Miss Anderson, the music teacher, who was actually not that mature – she had begun teaching at our school only three years ago, and that was her first job after qualifying, so she was maybe 25 or 26. Angela was very talented musically, especially with the violin, and apparently it had started just over six months ago, during one of their one-to-one tuitions, with Miss Anderson standing close to show her exactly how to hold her head and chin – and then her hands had started to wander, as if they had a mind of their own, caressing Angela’s chest, unbuttoning her school shirt, easing her breasts out of her bra, and then – as Angela had pleaded with the teacher not to stop there – Miss Anderson had sucked the nipples of the pretty teen, laid her down on the floor, lifted her skirt to around her waist, removed her panties, spread her thighs wide apart, and had eaten her pussy till the younger girl’s back arched in the spasm of her first proper orgasm.

It then transpired that Miss Anderson had recently split up with the girlfriend she had had since her college days, and who looked like an older version of Angela, which was why she hadn’t been able to keep her hands off her. Angela had reassured the teacher that she was glad, that she already knew for certain that she was a lesbian and wanted to be taught what to do. So they had begun dividing the one-hour music lessons into a first half of lesbian lovemaking, and a second half of music tuition. The teacher had hit upon the clever idea of tape-recording the tuition part of each week’s lesson, and then playing it back during the sex part of the next lesson – it covered any noises they might make whilst fucking, and even better it meant that to any passer-by in the corridor outside it would sound like a normal violin lesson was in progress. This gave them complete security, as Miss Anderson also locked the music practice room door, on the basis that she did not want the lesson to be interrupted.

After their third session of 69 on the music room floor, Miss Anderson had suggested that Angela come to her apartment on Saturday afternoons, an invitation which was delightedly accepted. This was when Angela lost her cherry, to the expert thrusts of Miss Anderson’s strap-on dildo – and she paused in her story to assure us that getting fucked by a large strap-on was the best experience ever. This was how it had been until recently – sex during her twice-weekly violin lessons and then a long unrestrained lezzie-fest on Saturday afternoons. However, recently there had been a new development – Miss Anderson had begun a new relationship, with a businesswoman a few years older than her, aged around thirty, and had given up her own small rented apartment to move in to the well-paid executive’s much more spacious property in a nicer neighbourhood.

‘So ... does that mean your fucks with Miss Anderson have finished, then?’ asked Dominica in a curiously flat tone of voice, so that I couldn’t tell if she was wanting to hear either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’.

It was no – Angela explained with a grin that Miss Anderson, or Ruth as she called her when they were making love, had told her chic new lover all about the sapphic sweet-sixteen babe that she had seduced, and Lenore (the older woman) had been enraptured – apparently she had always had a thing for teenagers, especially in uniform, but had never had the chance to fuck one, as in her own teenage years in a small country town in the mid-West she had never encountered another lesbian, young or old. Now Angela went to Lenore’s apartment, and gave herself up to the surging desires and expert lesbian tuition of both older women.

‘There’s lots more I can show you yet!’ she concluded with pride. ‘Better still, let’s all go to Lenore and Ruth’s place this Saturday – shall we?’

‘Oh, yes!’ we eagerly chorused in reply.

‘Great! I’ll let Ruth know that something special is going to happen – but not what it is. I’ll wear my school uniform, like I always do for them. Dom, can you please wear your cheerleader costume? – you can put a coat over it, so it’s not obvious while we’re outside.’ After Dominica’s nod of assent, Angela turned to us: ‘Lexie, you look great in school uniform – will you wear yours?’, to which I readily agreed. ‘Karren, you play handball, don’t you?’ asked Angela, and in a moment she had my girlfriend’s promise to wear her playing gear of tiny satiny shorts and a cut-off top which left the midriff bare. We then agreed on a place to rendezvous beforehand, so that we would arrive together at the women’s apartment.

Then Angela laughed, and her next words dropped the last piece of the puzzle into place:

‘Y’know, that’s who I was in such a rush to see, Lexie, on Monday, when we bumped into each other. I’d spent part of the morning just looking at Dom and wondering what I could do, and I got so frustrated I just had get some pussy. So I’d arranged to meet Ruth at lunchtime in the music room, but then I got held up and I was afraid she would give up on me, so I was trying to text her to wait and running to get there at the same time – and, well – bang! and the rest, as they say, is herstory!’

We all laughed, and then we got down to the serious business of tit-sucking, pussy-licking, cunt-munching, vagina-shafting lesbian sex – we were wild and sensuous, but also innocent and carefree, in our pure young teenage love.

So that’s how my lesbian love life finally started, thanks to a corridor collision and a message that ended up where it was not intended. Since then, we’ve settled into a routine: I go to Karren’s house every day after school, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays (when her parents have extra hours and get home even later), Dominica and Angela join us and we have fantastic four-way lesbian orgies. On Saturday afternoons (after the first time that the unheralded arrival of our hot teen quartet blew the minds and stoked the fires of the older women – after which they used their strap-ons, and really blew our minds), we take turns to get fucked by Ruth and Lenore: one weekend, it is Angela’s and Dominica’s turn, the next Karren’s and mine. Apart from these regular events, sometimes we hook up just socially, because within our quartet we don’t have to disguise our feelings for our lover; at other times, each couple goes their own way, especially if there is going to be a few hours where they can be alone at one of their houses.

If you enjoyed this, I have posted the first and third stories at the same time – to find them, follow the author link at the top of this story (where you can also find my other all-girl lesbian stories). The other three stories will follow in the next few weeks.
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