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Cousins meet

Romance, incest, male/female, softcore

This story is a biography, based on fact (as best as I can remember – events that were unexpected, special and unforgettable) with interwoven fiction. It covers a number of years.

For photo of Lila see:

I felt it was more sensual in B&W.


It was 1992 when my family moved to live close by to my cousin Lila, who was about the same age. My name is Jonathon but my family has always called me Johnny. Our mothers are sisters. Layla's mother is about one year older than my mother. Lila and I are only children. We attended different schools. Lila attended a private girl’s school. My mother and I would visit their house and Lila and her mother would visit us. Lila and I became quite close. We seemed to like to do the same things.

Our story: ……………………



With swimming finished we continued our alternate visiting routine.

We were even closer as we became older. With the stay over arrangement we did not see each other Tues-Thurs. We asked our mothers if we extend our stayovers. However, they would not agree. They believed we were spending enough time together.

We settled into a regular routine on stayovers.

At Lila’s, there was now a new game, she received at Christmas – Scrabble. It was good for learning words and could be played over more than one day.
Lila said she wished she had a big bed so that I could keep her company during my stay.

At my house, my collection of Lego had expanded with the addition of Power Functions. Lila liked that we could now build working models.
The beds in my room were called ‘king singles’. Lila liked staying with me, more than ever, because there was enough extra space for her to sleep the night with me, which she now did often. I grew to enjoy Lila sleeping with me and waking up to feel her naked body cuddled up close.


She was excited (and so was I) that her breasts were getting larger, although not yet as big as Mary’s. She had me regularly check her pubic hair which was now starting to show on her mound. She badly wanted her hairs to be curly, like her mothers. She would lay on the bed open her legs wide…………… “can you see any curls yet?” she would ask. There were no curls but the hairs were growing quickly and showing clearly.

As it was getting warmer, I started to think about the fun that it was going to be when were back swimming. Lila always looked cute running around the pool and diving in - with little breasts and dark hairs on her mound she would look even cuter. Mary might even come again – I was sure her breasts would be lots bigger……….and her pubic hairs?? Lila was disappointed that I did not have pubic hairs……….. “not even one” she would say.

One night she said to me “you dick looks to be growing…………………stand up…..let me measure it again.”
She found the ruler and tape ………….”I can’t do it unless it’s sticking right up Johnny……………I don’t know why I have to help make it hard so much……………… would be much better if you could make it go up when I need it” Lila put her hand around and gave it her usual massage. “It’s coming up ………….I hope it does not stop working altogether!”

On the ruler, Lila read off 5 inches, on the tape, another 5 inches and then marked the ruler and tape……………”Gosh it’s slow……………again that’s only ½ inch improvement in about a year. Next she counted along the ruler, ½ inch at a time – 1….2…3... to 6………… “At the rate you’re growing it is going to be 6 more years before you reach 8 inches long!!”


On one visit, Aunt told my mother that Lila’s Dad had been transferred overseas and they would be leaving in 6 weeks. That meant we would not have much summer break before they left.

While away, Lila would be attending a private girls’ school, which was not far from where they would be living. Their own house would be rented out until they returned from overseas. However, they would be returning here on their holidays at least once a year.
Lila cried when she knew she would not be seeing us for some time, but felt better when knowing we could keep contact regularly by email and phone.

The day Lila left was the worst day of my life.

When I went to my bedroom I looked at the spare bed Lila used and felt very lonely. I think I cried a little for a couple of nights. The fact that I had had plenty of notice that she was going did not help. She was my soulmate. I would miss her a lot. The first few days after Lila left, I waited for the school bus that she use to arrive on, hoping she would be there.

With Lila gone, my mother convinced me to become more involved in tennis. This meant an extra three afternoons, after school, and joining the junior practice squad, with play on Saturday. An added distraction was going to Junior High. But night time was the lonely time. My father bought a TV for my room and a bunch of video travel documentaries about the UK, where Lila would be living. I knew Lila would have liked the videos because she had become very interested in history during the previous year.


About a year or so later, Lila and her parents returned for a holiday. They stayed with Lila’s paternal Grandparents about 1 ½ hrs from us. Lila was always excited when we came to visit, which we did a number of times.

I noticed changes in Lila over the year. She looked a lot taller and her breasts were now quite noticeable, especially in the t-shirt she was wearing.

On one visit we were able to wander off by ourselves down the garden to secluded area. Lila put her arm around me, gave me a big kiss, then took my hand and rubbed it lightly over her breasts…… “Do you want to have a look? ................. I can lift my top up……………I left my bra off so you would be able see them!”

I went weak at the knees. My heart started to race. Before I could say a word Lila pulled up her top …….. ”what do you think? …………want to feel them?”

I had barely got my hand around one breast when that feeling started and I knew I was going to squirt. I was not really surprised. Her breasts had grown so much –they were so beautiful. They had become fully rounded even though still petite. To feel them was out of this world – so smooth, so soft, and with nipples even better than I had last seen them. No wonder I could not control myself.

Looking at my face, Lila knew what was about to happen………”shoot it on the garden” she pointed and put her arm around me. I just managed to get my dick out of my boxers and aim to the garden.

“Let me hold it“ Lila said as she put her hand around it. And when it exploded…………..”ooh ……………I can feel it squirting out…………. … gee, your dick has grown a lot…….wow!“

All I could do was mumble “I wish you did not have to go back!”

Lila put her arms around me and whispered “I’ve got a lot more hairs too…………..I won’t pull my shorts down out here but you can put your hand down and feel them.” I slid my fingers down her tummy and over her mound. They felt so good.
I really wanted to see them as I did not know if I would get another opportunity………….

“There is no one around…………. pull your shorts down quickly ………I want to look at them.” Lila pulled them down just far enough. I could not believe how much they had grown over the year. A small triangle had formed at the bottom of her mound plus a small strip growing up towards her tummy. Lila was thrilled when I told her that she looked absolutely beautiful down there.

“I wonder when yours are going to start? ………….email me as soon as you see even one hair…………… I want to know!” she replied.

Finally, as we started to go back to the house, Lila said “you’ve forgotten something!” She put her arms around me……… “You haven’t kissed me yet.” As we kissed I felt her pull her body to me, so close that her breasts pressed hard onto my chest. That kiss told me that our old feelings were still strong.

We would also meet nearby downtown. Our mothers would do some shopping then the four of us would go to the movies. Lila and I always sat together. She never let go of my hand until the movie finished.

With frequent contact via email, we had been able to keep each other up to date on our individual activities. Being with Lila now, made me feel like she had never been away. The vision of her would have to last until the next visit.


When home I lay on the bed thinking about the fun day with Lila. In a way, I was disappointed that I could not watch Lila’s breasts growing on a daily basis. However, it was exciting to be able to see such a big change all at once.


6 months later, Lila and my Aunt returned for a short visit because our maternal grandmother had been ill. We only saw them twice. Unfortunately, Lila and I did not have a chance to get together alone.
We were now older but I felt the same connection we always had.


After a further 6 months or so she returned with her parents for another holiday. Again they stayed with the grandparents.
On our first visit with them Lila ran up to me, threw her arms around me neck, gave me a big kiss, grabbed my hand and dragged me outside the house saying “I’ve got some good news….. ….on the plane Dad told me that we would be returning home in less than another 6 months……..I can barely wait!”

I was ecstatic. Looking at Lila, I thought she was prettier than ever. Her loose t-shirt did not hide what was underneath and becoming even more noticeable. We just managed enough time for me to feel her breasts by sliding my hand under her top. I was disappointed I could not get to see them but a quick feel was better than nothing!


On arriving home from school one day my mother told me that she had just been talking to my Aunt on the phone.
Lila was returning in 2 months. Her parents would return about 3 months later. She would be going to the same private girl’s school and start soon after returning. She would stay with us and go by bus to her school. As Lila was now older, my mother asked if she would like a separate room. Mum had offered to set up the study as a separate bedroom but Lila said she would be happy to sleep in my room for the 3 months, like she had always done.

The day Lila was arriving home was a school day for me. My mother said that I should be back from school before they arrived home after picking up Lila from the airport. I was excited that she was going to stay with us.


I heard the car arrive home. Looking out the window I glimpsed a tall shapely figure disappear under the portico. I thought – this is not the figure of the Lila I saw last visit. The front door opened and in rushed this vision, dressed in a tight fitting T-shirt and short shorts.
Before I could say a word she raced over, flung her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss. A weak feeling came over me as I felt her firm breasts press into my chest. In an instant my perception of Lila changed. Rather than a cousin – she was a gorgeous sexy girl. My dick went up like a rocket. Luckily, I was wearing loose boxer shorts, and a very long Hawaiian shirt Aunt had sent me when on their travels.

Seeing us together, my mother said that we use to be a similar height. Now, Lila was quite tall but I was a lot taller. We all chatted for a while, then my mother said it was time she started preparing the evening meal. Lila said she would help and they went off to the kitchen.


After the meal Lila and I went to my bedroom. I was glad my bedroom was somewhat isolated, being an extension to the original house.
We chatted non-stop while Lila unpacked her things. My mother’s voice sang out that it was late and bedtime. I was lying on my side in bed, mesmerized, just watching her put her clothes away. A bed lamp was on and I was sort of dozing on and off.
I was awakened by a voice “Johnny”. I half opened my eyes and level with my face, just visible in the dull light, was a triangle of dark curly hair.

I thought I had died and gone to heaven.


I looked up and in the dull light could see Lila, completely naked. She looked like the pictures I had seen in Playboy centerfolds that sometimes were passed around at school – although a lot younger. She said “do you think I have changed much? ……… move over I want to get in with you”.

As her warm body slid into the bed her nipples were jutting out and came within inches of my face. She cuddled up to me with firm bare breasts pressed into my chest.
My heart started to pound. Within the blink of an eye my dick was as hard as a rock again. Lila could feel it and said “you are poking in to me!” She put her hand down, grasped my Dick and slid it between the tops of her legs.


Suddenly that familiar feeling started and I knew I was going to squirt. I had absolutely no control over it. I grabbed my dick around the base, squeezed to try and delay it, and said to Lila “tissue…quick” and rolled on my back. She whispered “don’t worry……….just let it come………I remember what to do!” placing her hand lightly around my dick. Come it did. Lila watched as it squirted onto her cupped hand. Never had I gone for so long.

“Was that good?” I nodded….. “Me too!” she said and gave me a big kiss.

I lay on my back, recovering………… “please don’t go away again”. I pleaded.

Lila replied “I won’t go away and leave you again ………ever…………I promise! …………… do you promise to never leave me?”

All I knew was that I had feelings for her that were different to when we were young. I wanted to put my arms around her and hold her close as before, but I felt that I wanted her to be me with forever. I wanted to look after her. I wanted to protect her.

So far, she had acted as if we had never been apart. But, she was no longer that young girl that I knew so well.


I just rolled back and cuddled up close. She slid her hand down and placed it lightly around my dick. “Are you ok now?” She asked……….”It feels soft but quite big.” I doubted whether it would ever go back to its floppy state – with Lila around.

I was luxuriating in the pleasure of Lila’s naked body pressed against mine. I thought of how good it was going to be to have Lila close to me for 3 months at least, when Lila asked “do you like my new breasts?”

She propped herself on her elbow ………..”Would you like to feel them?……………and feel how my nipples go hard - just like your dick does?” Her breasts were not as big as the Centerfold girls but there was plenty. “They’re going to grow bigger than they are now” she added.

I cupped my hand around one then the other. “Use both hands together………… this.” She said, demonstrating what she meant.
Using both hands, I followed what she had done, letting her nipples slip firmly through my fingers on each circling of my hands…….. “yes…….that was real nice…………can you feel how big my nipples have gone? ………………….all you need is regular practice!!”

I was sure I would like to practice as often as Lila wanted.

Lila flopped beside me again……….”when it’s light in the morning you can have a good look at my new body.” She said.

As there was now no room for 2 in my king single bed Lila moved off to her bed. She thought she would sleep well after the long flight home. I was falling asleep as I watched Lila tuck a nightdress under her pillow and slide naked into bed.

Today had been the best day of my life!


When I awoke Lila was sitting on my bed, beside me. She was wearing a short sheer ‘almost nothing’ nightdress. She lent over and gave me a kiss. I felt we were closer than ever.

Standing at the end of the bed, Lila started by pulling up her nightdress, just far enough so that her pubic hair was visible. Looking at me she asked “what do think? ..........will I keep going?”
I could see her beautiful slim but shapely legs topped by a triangle of dark curly hair.

I could hardly believe my eyes as I took in the complete picture of her fully naked in front of me.

Her breasts were unbelievable, far better than when she was wearing a t-shirt. They were so round, yet full, just touching in the middle of her chest. And then, there were those nipples sitting on the front, everything so perfect - as if they were moulded and stuck on. She circled her hands around and under her breasts, gave them a gentle caress and, at the same time pushed them together to form a full looking cleavage.

“Not as good as your Mum……..are they? …..but they’re still growing”. Lila said.

She turned sideways to show her profile then continued turning until her back was to me. I marveled at the tantalizing curve that started at her shoulders and finished at her tiny waist. Her hips quickly curved out to a very shapely bottom – which was sexy in its own special way.

I now had my own centerfold in 3D but even better. My centerfold had pubic hair – a complete woman!!


Lila placed her hand on her triangle……”my hairs have grown well …. what do you think?” I sat on the edge of the bed as she moved so I could have a closer look. They were so beautiful and curly, contrasting with her skin which I had never seen white before. I reminded her of how frustrated she had been waiting for them to grow…..

“But you can’t see all my hairs……the ones around my ‘girlie’ parts……you will be able to see them best if lie on the bed”.
She lay on her back and opened her legs a little…. ”what can you see now?”
I said I could see lots of tight curly hairs between her legs …all the way from front to back.

“Ok…. move down the bed little and I will be able open my legs wide.
“Can you see everything now?”

I could hardly speak. My dick was pointing up as though it was about to take off.
“I can see you like my new body!” Lila said to me.

My heart was beating fast – the sight before me was absolutely beautiful – I had never seen anything like it before.

In between the tight curls was her familiar crease, tightly together as I remembered it. I could not help but stare. At the top, her hairs were slightly covering the little, very familiar hood. I moved them aside hoping to glimpse her pleasure spot. I ran the palm of my hand lightly along the top of her curls and then let my fingers slide through – finally letting my palm rest on her mound and my fingers along her crease.

With her eyes half closed Lila said…“Ooh …..I like that…..I could trim those hairs if you think there are too many!!…..what do you think?

I was taken by surprise that she could even think such a thing. She hadn’t had them for very long, so I told her that they looked so beautiful, even removing just one hair, would spoil their appearance. “OK” she replied, then….

“Stand up and let me have a good look at how your body has changed.”

Whereas before, when younger and standing, my dick just stood straight out, it now had a slight upward tilt.
“It’s even bigger than I thought it would be……I like the way it is sloping up……and it still looks to be perfectly straight.


She moved to her bedside and returned with the old school ruler, pen and tape. Lila pushed my dick down so it was level, placed the ruler on it, 6 ½ inches it read. She put a mark on the ruler. On the tape it was 51/2 around. Holding her hand up and fingers apart about 1 ½ inches ………….. “It’s a lot fatter but you’ve still got that far to go”.

“You’re a lot bigger in the shoulders and chest” she said sliding the palms hands over the top of my shoulders then down and circled my chest. “Let me see your back?” she said as she walked to behind me. Sliding her hands backwards and forwards over my back and down over my backside……….”your back muscles are beautiful….. and smooth……….. I love the feel of them…………….have you been going to the gym Johnny? ………………oh…………..I’m feeling quite naughty.”
In front of me again, Lila stretched up and gave me a quick kiss…… “I like” ….turned around and nestled her back against me. Taking hold of my hands, she placed them on her tummy….” would you like to have some more practice?” I did not need to be asked a second time. In fact, I really did not need to be asked the first time!! Lila loved having her breasts caressed while standing up – I always seemed to require practice, lots of practice.


Next she put her hand around my dick, held it lightly and asked me whether I remembered what the old rule was. I nodded. She asked me to tell her what the old rule was. I said that I was not allowed to push my dick into her. Then she took both my hands in hers and looked me straight in the eye. She said that the old rule still applied; she was too young for babies. I really took notice when she said ‘babies’. I agreed and told her that I only wanted to do what she wanted. She said she would ask me to do it when she felt ready for such a big event.

This restriction had been firmly etched in my memory from way back.

I knew that just suggesting to Lila anything different could be a disaster. She would definitely tell her mother, who would tell my mother, who might tell me that I could not go to Lila’s anymore. Worse still, I could lose Lila altogether. In any case, I felt that, at our present stage, I did not need more than the sensual cuddles with Lila. I would be there for whatever extra she needed.

PS. I was never interested in looking at Playboy centerfolds again.


Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-29 05:41:46
My cousin is so hot i just fucked her once i wish I could again

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-13 14:36:12
I wish i could get a cousin like Lila
Who is caring and more promising

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-30 14:47:10
Omfg that was a good story,i have a sexy beautyful cousin that i wish everyday i could fuk but im afraid that she might say no or she might think of me as a disguising perverted guy but my god she has big boobs nd a big ass,god i wanna eat nd fuk her so badly!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-28 19:44:29
its seems like she's talking all alone.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-06-17 10:37:38
good job

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