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In love or lust. Amy is a girl learning the ways of being a domiatrix. I am enjoying being her sub.
“What is happening little bro”, Susan asked? “Nothing much”, I answered. I was hoping she wasn’t going to ask me too many questions. My mind was reeling back to what had happened not an hour ago. There was something about what I was feeling when I had sex with Amy I just couldn’t wrap my head around. Susan just needed to leave me alone. She stood inside my doorway with a smirk on her face like she knew what I and Amy did.

Finally out of boredom she turned and went somewhere else in the house, I heard the phone ring and knew Susan would be johnny on the spot to answer it I wasn’t wrong; however, the phone call was for me. “Jimmy, Amy’s on the phone for you I think you got a girlfriend now”, Susan said. I could hear Amy screaming at Susan like she was possessed, berating her for what she just said to me. Since neither of our phones were not close to my bedroom nor were they in it I had to walk past Susan to answer it. I grabbed the phone from Susan, immediately she ran to her bedroom to see if she could listen in.

Before she could pick it up I told Amy, “Meet me at the park Amy”. I never gave her a chance to respond or Susan a chance to question Amy either because I hung up the phone immediately. I walked outside grabbed my helmet strapped it on and started my three-wheeler and left to go to the park by Amy’s house. Susan tried to stop me at the gate but it was still wide open which allowed me to ride right around her. I quickly rode to mom’s work and told her I was leaving for a ride. “Just be careful Jim”, she said.
I left just as Susan was pulling up so I knew I didn’t have much time. I gunned my bike for the alley and headed out to the flats north of town. I caught up with Amy on her way she was walking down the alley that went behind her house. I slowed and stopped beside her spooking her and making her jump. “What are you trying to do give me a heart attack”, she asked? “No, but get on lets ride to where we could talk alone”, I said. She swung herself on the bike and I did a U-turn and went back the way I came, once again gunning for the flats.

“Why are you in such a hurry”, Amy yelled over the sound of the bike? “Let me get us lost and I’ll explain everything”, I yelled back. Five minutes later I parked at one of the few spots I knew Susan would not be able to drive to. Once I turned the bike off Amy asked, “So do you know what is under Susan’s skin”. “I really don’t have any idea. I just had a few questions I needed to ask you. One, I have the feeling you want to start a relationship? If so two, why did you think you had to rope me earlier to get me to screw you again? Or is that answer; three, you get more worked up if you are more in control of the situation?

By time I was through Amy was staring at me as if I had just shot her. Her mouth was wide open, not saying a word. I leaned over and gave her a slow sensuous kiss; before she could react I had my tongue in her mouth digging past hers reaching for her tonsils. Which elicited a squealing moan into me making me shiver; pushing me away she said, “Wow! I never suspected you knew how to kiss like that”? I answered with, “I am full of other surprises too”.

I never said another word I just leaned in for another kiss. Feeling no resistance from her I gently pulled the tail of her shirt up above her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra; I knew she didn’t like to wear them because she had no breasts really. I pinched and tweaked her nipples causing her to moan again. She was squirming around on the back of my bike like a worm; she was definitely on her way toward getting turned on. I lifted my tank top over my head and dropped it on the gas tank behind me. Amy responded by rubbing her hands over my chest and stomach.

Having her in the palm of my hand so to say I unbuttoned and unzipped her jean shorts and slid them over her hips. I tried to restrain myself just a little and slow things down a bit; Amy would have attacked my eight inch cock had I let her at it. After several minutes of kissing and hand fighting she finally got her hands inside my pants and was jacking my cock slowly. I had slipped my hand inside the leg hole of her panties and was rubbing my middle finger up and down the slit of her pussy when she broke off the kiss and whispered, “I want you inside me now”. I had no hesitation I lifted her off the bike and carried to a flat rock.

I giggled at the large wet spot she was leaving behind. “What’s so funny mister”, she asked? Trying to sound tough, I didn’t respond being caught up in the moment. I laid her down on the rock and kissed my way down her body paying attention to both breasts and her belly button. “Uh oh Jim I’m coming” Amy said. Without getting all the words out she sprayed my chest and stomach. Her breathing was rapid and shallow when I licked her pussy. I could tell she was well on her way toward another orgasm then without any warning she sprayed my face with her juices. Bucking her hips like she couldn’t get enough, she pulled on me to get me up face to face with her. When I relented she grabbed my cock with both hands wrapped her legs around me and pulled; inserting my cock into herself in one fluid motion. “I think I’m becoming addicted to sex Jim”, Amy said. I could see that she was enjoying what we were doing.

She released her grip she had on me with her legs and I started pumping in and out of her with a steady but slow movement. Amy matched me with rolling her hips. I began feeling like I was going to blow after a few minutes but tried to hold off as long as possible. Amy’s breathing suddenly changed and she said, “Jim I am coming again ohhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy goooooooooooooooood Jiiiiiiiiimmmm I’mmm commmmmmmming”. I was almost ready to pass out I had been holding my breath when I flooded her pussy with cum. Once I quit pumping in and out of her I felt my cock soften inside of her and slip out.

While we were recovering and getting dressed Amy answered my questions. “I really like you Jim. I don’t know how my mom and dad will react to us being in love with each other. As you can tell I don’t need to tie you up to enjoy having sex, but I do like having power over my partners”, Amy said. “We can just go slow and see how things develop; or we can tell your mom and dad we have been dating for a while secretly. If we tell them the latter we can use the excuse we are afraid of their reaction to us wanting a relationship with each other”, I said. “Jim you are so smart you have always amazed me by how resourceful you are”, Amy said.

For a few more moments we sat and kissed on my bike. Then I asked, “Are you ready to go Amy”. She simply nodded yes and got off the bike to allow me to start it then swung on to it behind me for the ride to her house. I drove my bike down her street instead of going down the alley. Amy stayed on it while I walked next to it. When I got close to her house I had seen Susan out front of her house talking to her mom and dad. They all turned and looked at us with disapproving looks on their faces. Instantly I felt like I was going to be sick. “You are in big trouble young lady”, Amy’s dad said. She got off the bike and turned it off. “Come with me”, she said. “I don’t want to cause any trouble for you”, I said.

“You won’t cause any more than what I’m already in just trust me ok”, Amy said. I shrugged my shoulders and went along with her. “I told them all about you two”, Susan said. “Oh yeah, what lies have you told my parents Susan, are you jealous you couldn’t be in the middle of our conversation”, Amy shot back. “Did you just talk to each other you’ve been gone for over an hour”, Amy’s mom said. “I promise mom that is all we did”, Amy said. “What did Susan tell you”, she asked sneering at Susan. “Susan said she thought you two ran off to go screw each other”, Amy’s dad said. “I wanted to ask Jim if he would want to go out steady is all. I certainly didn’t want Susan right there throwing insults and poking fun all the time we were trying to talk to each other. As for us having sex neither of us has even thought of it ok”, Amy said. “Susan will you leave so we may talk to Jim and Amy alone”, Mrs. Jefferson asked? “Yes but I still would like to find out the truth, and not have to listen my brothers version”, Susan said.

Amy and I followed Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson to their backyard patio and sat around a glass table. We sat across the table from each other while Amy’s mom went to get refreshments for all of us. Amy’s dad sat silently in the chair to my left and waited for Amy’s mom to return. I could tell by the look on his face he wasn’t buying what Amy had already said. He seemed to get agitated the longer we waited for his wife to return. “What do you plan to do after school Jim”, he asked. “I have been taking auto mechanics class sir”, I said. “Are you also going to college for those as well”, asked Mrs. Jefferson as she sat a tray of iced tea and glasses on the table. “Yes ma’am. The high school program isn’t the most advanced as I originally thought it would be”, I answered.

“Amy hasn’t said anything about starting a relationship with you to either of us”, Mr. Jefferson said. “We never talked about it until today before we came here”, Amy said. “We just don’t want you two doing something that will make any babies too early is all”, Mrs. Jefferson said. “We understand”, Amy and I said. We said that in unison getting a nod from Mr. Jefferson and a smile from Mrs. Jefferson. I began to loosen up a bit and the knot that was building inside me was untying itself as we talked and sipped on our teas. Mr. Jefferson stood up and walked into his garage and retrieved two sets of throwing horse shoes. Upon his return he asked, “Do you know how to throw ‘shoes’ Jim”? “No sir”, I said embarrassed. “No problem I’ll teach you how c’mon”, he said.

While Mr. Jefferson and I were throwing shoes Amy and her mother was talking about how Amy felt about me. By the time we finished the first game Mrs. Jefferson asked, “Donald how do you feel about cooking out here on the grill”? I don’t have the fuel for it Rita”, he answered. “I need to go to the store to get the meat so why don’t you and Jim go get fuel and Amy and I will go to the store and buy all the food for the cookout”, Rita asked. “Sounds good to me I will get the old tank and have it filled at the service station”, Donald said. Not much was said as Mr. Jefferson and I went to the service station.

He went inside and paid for the fuel and bought a six pack of Millers High Life beer in bottles I loaded the tank back in the truck and sat in the passenger seat waiting for his return. “Want a beer Jim”, Donald asked? “No sir. I don’t like it much”, I answered. “Most boys your age would jump at the chance to drink without your parents finding out. I won’t tell them if you have it gone by the time we get back to my house”, he countered. I quickly grabbed one and guzzled it having it finished by the time we stopped at the first stop sign and returned it to the empty slot I took it from. Mr. Jefferson laughed loudly when I did. “Actually I didn’t think you would have the nerve to do that Jim. You and I are going to get along fine”, he said.

For the first time since me and Amy pulled up at her house I felt at ease being around her father. When we returned Amy said, “You got some beer too. We bought a twelve pack at the store”. “You should have seen Jim he drank one down almost before we got out of the parking lot. I nearly died laughing at him”, Donald said. I was beginning to feel its effect and my voice reflected it. The service station we drove to be five times the distance to the store Amy’s mother and she went to so it wasn’t surprising when Rita said, “Jim we stopped by your mother’s workplace and told her you would be joining us for dinner. Have another beer and relax with Don”.

Donald cooked Cajon chicken something I had never eaten before. By the time dinner was over none of us could move we were all stuffed to the gills. When the phone rang Rita jumped up and ran as fast as she could to answer it; being half drunk it was quite comical. Donald, Amy, and I roared with laughter. Upon returning she said, “Jim that was your mother she just called to ask if it were ok for you to stay the night here. Your father and she are just thrilled about you and Amy. I told her Don and I will be fine with the arrangement. I and Amy will get you set up in the guest bedroom downstairs”. Amy squealed with glee. Donald and I attempted another game of ‘shoes’ neither of us could throw well and walking back and forth both of us stumbled and fell several times laughing at the other each time it happened.

The four of us laughed and cut up well into the evening, and being a Friday no one had work or school to go to. About ten thirty Amy sat in my lap and said “are you ready to turn in”, slurring every word she said. “It’s probably a good idea”, I managed to say. Amy pulled me out of the chair I was sitting in and led me down the stairs adjacent to the patio. We stumbled through the door and landed on the love seat just beyond the door a ways. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson were close behind laughing at us as they came in. They went upstairs telling us, “Be careful you two”. Amy was bold enough to give me a kiss before her mother and father were out of sight.

“While mom and I were at the store she asked me if we wanted to be sexually active. I told her I’d love to”, Amy said. “Are you saying you want to do it here”, I asked? “No let’s take a shower first with the day we’ve had we both could use it”, Amy said. I must have had a strange look on my face because Amy said, “Its ok silly mom bought us protection”. We managed to stand up and walk to the guest bathroom. Amy was quick to start undressing me but I started to feel self-conscious all of a sudden. Amy knew I was nervous and gave me a kiss again melting any reserve I might have had away.

Before I realized it I was naked and so was Amy and she was leading me into the shower. The water was hot and powerful, their shower I absolutely fell in love with. It was totally different from the one I was used to. Amy took care to wash all my parts I couldn’t reach as well as those I could. I took the soap and returned the favor once we were both clean we stepped out. Amy grabbed two towels form the vanity and we dried off. She led me through another door into the guest bedroom. There were two over size T-shirts and a small and large pair of shorts on the bed. Amy pulled me in close and kissed me.

My head was reeling with what was happening. Amy pushed me back and I landed on the bed she quickly mounted me before I could sit up she dove forward and reached under the pillow and withdrew two ropes and tied one arm then the other. I was beginning to get used to being restrained during sex. In the night stand Amy had prepared a gag, blindfold, and a feather. “Do you trust me”, Amy asked? “Of course babe”, I answered. Amy put the blindfold over my eyes and made sure I couldn’t see then softly pushed a ball gag into my mouth. I mumbled, “What is that for.” She paid no attention to what I said.

Knowing from Susan I was extremely ticklish she ran the feather over my body. I heard her open and close the night stand again and slapped me with a belt. “What the hell”, I mumbled. “Quiet your mouth slave. No more talking. When you feel I went too far say ‘bark’ and I will stop untie you and go to bed”, Amy said. I nodded compliance and Amy continued. Picking up the belt again she slapped me across the chest, stomach, and thighs. Although I never thought it would happen my cock started getting hard. “Mmmm I knew you liked this. Just you wait, I got more for you. Roll over when I untie you”, Amy whispered.

She untied me and I complied. Lying face down on the bed she tied me again. Once again she slapped me with the belt, this time on my exposed ass. I only whimpered and moaned she was starting to get a little rough. Amy took the feather again and ran a line from my neck down my back in medium circles. When she finished with my back she runs it up the inside of each thigh. I was giggling and squirming like crazy. With her free hand Amy had the belt folded over, she struck my ass with it again. She’d continue with her implements of torture for another ten minutes then stopped and untied me. She then took off my blindfold but left the gag.

I rolled over on my back and it hurt to lay on it. Amy asked, “Was I too hard on you”. I shook my head no. She took my cock in her mouth and gently jacked it while applying slow steady suction, the feeling was amazing. I felt I was going to blow when Amy lifted off and left my cock just throbbing in the air. As it subsided she was licking and biting my nipples, which hurt real bad because she didn’t do it gentle. Amy reached behind herself and took my cock in her left hand and guided it to her sopping wet pussy. She lowered herself on me making small circles as she did so. Amy quickly built up speed and broke into her first orgasm. “Oh my god I love your cock in me”, Amy said. Without slowing down much she continued grinding away. Breaking into her second orgasm I could feel her pulsing pussy grip and release my cock, causing me to flood her creamy pussy for the third time today.

Amy undid the gag then asked, “Did you enjoy yourself tonight”. “I had almost every emotion except for sadness, but yes I really did enjoy myself tonight”, I said. “Let’s get some sleep”, Amy said. We curled up together in the full size bed and soundly slept until morning. We woke up together I had a terrible headache from drinking too much. Amy got out of bed and led me into the bathroom and we showered again when we got out and dried off we heard the upstairs shower turn on. “My mom and dad are up too”, Amy said. “We better get dressed then. I don’t want either of them seeing us like this”, I said.

Amy smiled at me and scurried into the bedroom and started putting on clothes I was right behind her. We had the rest of our clothes on when there was a knock on the door. Amy’s mother asked, “Are you two decent so I may come in”? Amy answered, “Come in mom”. “How are you two feeling this morning”, Rita asked? “I’m feeling awful”, Amy said. “Me too”, I said. “I think that’s how we all feel beer has that effect on people. Come up to the kitchen for coffee and aspirin”, Rita said. I followed Amy and her mother up the stairs and to the kitchen then sat down at the table next to Amy. Donald walked in saying the showers free to Rita she answered ok.

He then sat down at the end of the table by Amy then asked, “Did you enjoy yourself last night Jim”? “Yes I did sir”, I answered. “We might have to do that again next weekend. Let’s just see what happens this week. Your mother and father might want to treat you two then. If so I’m sure Rita and I am ok with it”, Donald said. After coffee and breakfast I went back down stairs dressed back into my clothes walked outside with Amy under my left arm. I started my bike kissed Amy and said, “I will call you later”. “Ok I love you Jim, I’ll be waiting for your call”, Amy said. “I love you too babe”, I said. I then directed my bike toward the alley then climbed on and sped off in a cloud of dust.

I couldn’t get my mind off Amy all the way home. As soon as I arrived Susan was right on top of me shooting off questions in rapid fire succession. “Shut up Susan”, I finally said. Just about then our mother bailed me out by saying, “Susan will you quit badgering Jim we all want to know how his night with Amy was. Let him have some time to relax. Susan just growled and ran off to her bedroom calling Amy immediately. After a short heated exchange I heard Susan say “You’re a bitch Amy”. Susan slammed her phone down followed closely by her door. Apparently Susan wasn’t any closer to finding out anything from Amy either.

“I’m going to check on Susan”, mom said. She knocked on her door then asked, “Susan may I come in”? “No” Susan growled. “Are you ok”, mom asked? “I will be in a few minutes, let me get over how I’m feeling”, Susan said. Mom returned to the kitchen and said, “I’m sorry about Susan’s behavior Jim. I am at a loss with trying to figure out why she has been acting this way”. “She has been friends with Amy a long time. Now Amy is being closer to me and obviously she is not dealing with it to well”, I said. “That shouldn’t excuse her behavior Jim. My best friend stole my first boyfriend ever and I didn’t react even close to the way Susan just did”, mom said.

Even though I loved Susan I struggled with why she thought she was entitled to know every little detail about my relationship with Amy. I woke up the next morning with Susan sitting on my chest. “Get off of me Susan”, I said. “No I’m not going to until you tell me what I want to know”, Susan shot back. “I don’t want to hurt you but I will do it. So I may be able to go relieve myself. Either that or I have a better idea I’ll just pee on you”, I said. “You wouldn’t dare”, Susan said. “That’s it I’m doing it”, I said. I reached for my pants and Susan jumped off me screaming all the way to her bedroom.

I never talked to Amy until the next day. I was able to because mom got Susan to leave the house. It was mom’s day off, she wanted to talk with Susan about the privacy between Amy and I. “I would have called yesterday but you know who had the phone tied up then. Every time she hung up she was either dialing another number or the phone was ringing. Today the phone rang several times also while mom and Susan were gone”, I said. “I was beginning to feel like you were avoiding me. After that night we shared”, Amy said. “I’ll tell you what I will do if Susan ties up the phone tomorrow. I will go directly to your house and talk with you just so know I still care about us”, I told her. “You do still have good feelings about us then”, Amy asked? “Yes I do, if my feelings ever do change I promise to tell you personally”, I said.

“I love you Amy. Just remember these words”, I said. “I love you too Jim. I don’t know how our relationship will progress with us having to sneak around to be together”, Amy said. “We will do our best ok”, I said. “Ok”, Amy said. We both hung up and just then mom and Susan had just pulled in to the drive and I walked outside to help bring in the purchases. “Susan several of your friends have called and expressed wanting to talk. Lisa called five times since you have been gone with mom”, I said. Susan said, “Thank you” and hurried to her bedroom to call Lisa.

I was about done helping mom when she leaned over outside and said, “Mrs. Jefferson saw us at Ross and told me you were welcome to just show up anytime unannounced”. I realized my mother was trying to stay neutral. Staying a neutral party mom might also talk to Susan. Tomorrow was the next day mom would be working, I knew I’d be alone with Susan I dreaded having to spend a whole day alone with her. Once again I woke up with Susan on my chest digging for info. I was beginning to get tired of this and just sat up sending Susan flying across the room. My action caused her to get hurt.

Mom and dad yelled at me most of the day. I came right out and told them Susan was trying to pump information out of me as it pertained to my relationship with Amy. My dad said, “I am going to put this situation to bed right now. We need to have some order in this house”. Susan was lying in her bed recovering from her injuries when mom, dad, and I went to have a discussion about her persistence. “Look Susan we need to have some peace and resolve to what is going on. We can’t go to the hospital every other day just because you won’t let your brother have a relationship with your friend without your nose right in the middle of it”, dad said. “She was my friend first now she won’t talk to me. Now the only person she wants to talk to is Jim. I just want my friend back”, Susan said.

“Ok Jim let’s resolve this now. What is going on between you and Amy”, mom said. “I ate dinner with her parents and because no one was home here I was allowed to stay the night. I just don’t know what the big deal is. I stayed in the guest bedroom down stairs and Amy stayed in her bedroom”, I said. “Ok are you done now Susan; can this be the end of you torturing Jim please. Our whole trip yesterday was designed to stop this very thing”, mom said. “Ok I will leave him alone”, Susan said. Our lives sort of went back to normal. There would nothing normal about my life with Amy though. She loved tying me up and having sex with me. But most importantly I was starting to enjoy being tied up and tortured. I never expressed this to Susan, mom, and dad.

“I’m going for a ride. I need some alone time”, I said. “Just be careful”, mom and dad said in unison. I quickly was out in the flats going up and down the hills and rolling through the ditches. I was close to Amy’s house and decided to just pop in and talk to Amy. When I first stopped my bike it looked as if no one was home. I walked up to the driveway door and knocked anyway. Amy answered from the other side and didn’t open the door. “What are you doing Amy? Why won’t you open the door”, I asked? “Give me a minute I’m not dressed”, Amy said. But she was dressed just not in clothes so to speak. I seen she was wearing a leather one piece body suit used in BDSM. My cock was up without the possibility of it going down.

Amy noticed the lump in my pants as soon as she opened the door. Her embarrassment was apparent immediately as she was a bright crimson and it went from her face to her neck. “Did I come at a bad time”, I asked? “No. I was trying on some new clothes is all”, Amy quickly answered. “So that explains why you’re blushing now”, I asked? Amy turned another shade of red. “Um Jim I kind of have a new type of clothes I have never thought of wearing and mom and dad don’t know about them and I wanted to surprise you”, Amy said. I couldn’t hide the fact I had an erection nor could I stop my heart from pounding inside my chest.

“Come in Jim I’ll show you”, Amy said. If at all possible my heart seemed to pound even harder. My entire body shook. “Are you ok Jim”, Amy asked? “I will be in a minute. I just need to settle down a little”, I said. Amy just giggled like a school girl. We walked into the guest bedroom where Amy had an entire wardrobe of BDSM clothing laid out on the bed from constrictive leather suits to simple uniforms that she had seen in an a store that caters toward this type of lifestyle. “I bought most of this stuff yesterday I had a friend help me who is into this too. She told me I needed a few items to supplement my act. I couldn’t deny her she became way too forward with her conversation. So I just relented and she took me to Sacramento”, Amy said.

“Oh my, there has to be close to a thousand dollars’ worth of clothing here”, I said. “Well I really only spent two hundred but my friend gave me a bunch of stuff”, Amy said. We had heard a car pull into the drive. Amy quickly threw all the clothes in the closet with my help. Mrs. Jefferson walked in and said, “Amy I’m home, are you here”? “Yes mom I’m downstairs with Jim he left his boots here”, Amy answered. Of course I had my boots on so the deception worked. “Hi Jim, how are you today?” Mrs. Jefferson said. “Ok, I guess I have been having problems with Susan and needed a break”, I said. I looked at Amy and she and I exchanged grins. “Well would you be joining us for dinner again tonight”, Rita said. “Let me call home and tell mom I won’t be home for dinner and I will join your family tonight”, I said.

After a dozen try’s I finally got through to home but of course Susan answered. “Susan may I talk to mom please”, I said. “Mom Jim’s on the phone for you”, Susan yelled. I heard mom say give me the phone to Susan. “I want to listen in”, Susan said. “Give me the phone now or you won’t have a phone to talk on”, mom said. Susan growled and dropped the phone. “Hello Jim, where are you?” mom said. “I am at Amy’s. Her mother asked if I wanted to eat dinner with them again I’m just calling to see if that’s ok with you”, I said. “I knew there was something going on between you two”, Susan said on the other phone. “Ok Susan for that you are grounded from the phone. Get off the line now. I have no problem with that arrangement and I will have a talk with Susan about her being in the middle of your relationship”, mom said.

“Susan is in so much trouble now. She tried listening in and mom caught her. Now she is grounded from the phone”, I said. Amy and Rita both giggled. “Serves her right”, Rita quipped. That statement made me laugh out loud, a very hearty laugh indeed. “Donald will get off of work shortly. He really likes you Jim”, Rita said. “Thank you ma’am, I like the both of you also. I really love Amy but I don’t want to act too eager. I am trying to go slow in our relationship”, I said. “We have all the time in the world Jim. If things are going too fast for you I won’t put any pressure on you”, Amy said. Amy was willing to go slow. The statement hit me like a ton of bricks.

Susan and I were poised to have a show down. I knew she would bring her A-game. I will have to dig deep and get one over on her. Dinner at Amy’s was a quiet affair this night. I didn’t want to spend the night. Being late summer I rode home after dinner with plenty of light to spare. I didn’t think about anything else but tearing into Susan and telling her off about being grounded off the phone for a week. I could tell as soon as I arrived I was one up on her she avoided me like I had the plague. When I walked into the house I knew she was miserable when I seen her phone sitting on the kitchen table. I decided to up the ante just a little I immediately called Amy and asked her over to dinner tomorrow night.

As soon as I told Amy what I had planned she was on board to humiliate Susan. I had more than one chance to tell mom but held back until I woke up the next morning. Susan was still in bed asleep. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table reading a book. I sat down with my usual cup of coffee and I sat down to her left. When she looked at me I guess I gave myself away; I had to have the look on my face I had something on my mind. “What’s on your mind Jim”, mom asked? “I was wondering if it would be ok if Amy came over to dinner”, I answered. “Do you think that’s a really good idea Jim”, mom asked? “I need to smoke Susan I do believe she deserves it”, I answered.

I never mentioned tonight to Susan until I seen Mrs. Jefferson drop Amy off. I could see Susan’s animosity build as she came face to face with Amy. Then she surprised everyone by saying “Hello sister”. Amy’s reaction was priceless. “You’re really ok with me and Jim being romantically involved”, Amy said. “Of course whatever gave you the idea I wasn’t”, Susan asked? “I wanted to give both you and Jim some ribbing over it but I’m over that now”, Susan added. Everyone laughed and the mood really lightened . Amy and I went to the bathroom to wash our hands for dinner. Ever so slightly she showed me she had on a tight fitting patent leather shinny body suit.

That night after dinner once everyone was asleep I was tied to my own bed. I could deny Amy her wish but I enjoyed it too much. Within a few minutes I was tied, gagged, and blinded. A whip Amy acquired at the shop she visited with her friend which was known as the cat o’ nine tails tortured me for an hour. I was so painfully hard I begged release of my pent up sexual energy. I was refused my only request. Amy just continued rolling me from my back to my chest. I became so uncomfortable I could no longer lay on either. I heard a zipper open; Amy opened the crotch of her body suit and was rubbing her sloppy pussy against my tortured skin. The feeling of her suits zipper and her wetness was causing me sensations I would wiggle and strain against. Amy had the feather also she would tickle me for minutes then without warning slap with her whip.

I couldn’t figure out how long Amy tortured me. When she finally allowed me to have release she sat on my engorged member. Once she did the feeling I received caused me to shudder every time she sank down to my abdomen. She was slow and deliberate with her movements. I softly moaned through my gag. It was impossible for me to hold off an orgasm. I sprayed rope after rope of cum into Amy’s gripping pussy she started having an orgasm of her own. She sprayed my stomach without even lifting off of me. We lay in my bed together basking in the afterglow of our love making until early morning.

To Be Continued…
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