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I'm beginning a brand new series. I hope everyone enjoys it.
I was driving through north Canada during a heavy blizzard. I knew I should’ve stopped in the town I just passed to try to find sanctuary but being the age of only 24 I was arrogant. I’d grown up in Colorado so I knew how to drive in snow but I’d never been in snow like this.

I slowed down a lot upon coming to a long winding turn unfortunately it didn’t matter when out of nowhere a huge buck jumped in front of my truck. When his body came into contact with my grill and it rolled up the hood and right into my windshield spider web cracking it and leaving me blind. I stopped immediately pulling over to the side as the buck rolled off of my truck.

“Damn deer” I cursed to myself as I reached for phone only to see that I had no service. I considered going to sleep and just wait until morning but I had very little fuel so I wouldn’t have any heat for the entire night and I knew that could certainly cause me to go hypothermic. Luckily I spotted a faint light through the brush and knew it was probably a cabin.

“Good enough for me” I thought turning off my car. I grabbed my coat and got out. It was literally freezing cold outside and in seconds I could barely feel my face as I began walking through the snowy brush to the faint light. The snow was really deep and it added to the already challenging cold trek through the woods. By the time I finally got within 20 yards of the little cabin my lungs were aching from the cold air I’d been breathing in and I was extremely tired from walking in the deep snow. It took all the strength I had to get within arm’s reach of the door and knock twice before I collapsed. The last thing I remember before losing consciousness was the door opening and seeing someone’s feet come into view.

I had no idea how long I was out but I woke up feeling quite warm. I was staring at a wall wrapped in a blanket and I could feel an arm wrapped around my bare torso. Honestly it freaked me out a little realizing that was half naked except for my boxers with a stranger in the same bed with me.
I started to sit up and get a look at whoever this was as I felt the body start to move also.

“Good you’re up” a woman’s voice said and I turned my head to see her. She was much older than I was, I think around mid to late 40s but she was beautiful in an earthy sort of way. She had really long brown hair and a kind face with a few wrinkles here and there.

“How do you feel” she asked getting out of the bed and walking over to tend to the fire.

“Better” I said watching her closely. I wondered why a woman would live alone in a place like this, and kept my guard thinking she might be a serial killer or something. Although if she wanted to kill me I suppose she would’ve already done it.

She had a pretty nice figure for her age though. I could see she had very wide hips and a nice slim waist despite the baggy sweatpants she had on. She wore a long sleeve shirt and looked to be about 5’7 in height.

“Sorry I had to take off all of your clothes, but you were drenched. How long had you been out there before you got to my door”

“20 minutes maybe. A cracked my windshield hitting a deer and I saw light coming from your cabin”

“That was risky what you did in this weather, you’re lucky to have made it”.

“Yea, thank you so much for what you’ve done. I don’t know how I can repay you”

“I’m alone here as you may have guest and I could really use some work done if you can stay for a while” she asked with a concerned look on her face. I couldn’t really refuse, this woman had saved my life and I could never say no to a beautiful woman no matter the age.

“Of course, I can do just about anything” I said standing and joining her by the fire. I noticed her eyes scan over my body as I warmed my hands.

“Great, I think you’ll need these though” she smiled handing me my now dry clothes.
I put them on as she still continued to watch making me feel a little awkward.

“We’ll run out fire wood before too long, could you go under the cabin and get some” she asked pointing to the trap door on the floor.

“Sure” I said zipping up my coat.

“Great, I’ll get dinner started while you do that” she smiled and seemed a little too happy for a day like this.

I opened the floor door immediately feeling the immense cold as I climbed down and placed the door back in place as not to let even more heat out.
I saw a decent amount of wood stacked about 10 feet from me and crawled grabbing most of it and setting it right below the door. It only took me about 15 minutes to get all of it in the house. I didn’t want to stay out there longer than I had to as my clothes were drenched again.

“Thank you so much” she said standing over her stove frying what looked to be steak.

“No problem” I said taking off my clothes yet again.

“Here” I turned around to see her handing me a robe. “Even though I like you in just those, I’d prefer you not freeze to death” she chuckled a throaty a laugh as she walked back to the kitchen area.
I thought that was a weird thing to say to a stranger but she was probably lonely up here and hadn’t been with a man in quite some time.
We sat down to eat by the fire and she was a damn good cook.

“I’m Gail, by the way” she said as we ate and I realized I hadn’t even introduced myself.

“Jack. Thanks again for everything Gail”.

“No thanks necessary. It’s actually nice to have someone else here with for a change”

“How long have you lived here”

“My husband and I moved here almost 20 years ago, he died about 10 years ago and I just never left. So where were you headed when you decided to pay me a visit?” she laughed

“Ontario, I was going there to see some friends of mine”

“Oh, got a lady friend waiting for you” she smiled

“Unfortunately not” I smile blushing a little.

“Well I doubt it’ll take long for you to get one, considering how handsome you are”

“Thank you and I hope so”.

She cleaned up while I used the bathroom. I stepped out of the bathroom and was caught like that buck in my head lights. I stood jaw dropped looking at Gail bending over the bed. She was wearing only a tiny pair of black panties that did nothing to cover her plump creamy white ass.
I watched as she got into bed under the covers facing the wall leaving space for me. I could feel my cock grow as I walked toward the bed. I was beyond horny and argued with myself whether I should even get in with her as I knew I might end up raping this buxom widow. I slid under the covers in just my boxers and I could already feel myself getting fully hard as my bare skin came into contact with hers.

She began shifting backward pressing her ass fully on my thigh now and my penis was now hard as a diamond and sticking out of the leg of my shorts. I snapped open the button to my boxers pulling my penis free of confinement. I rolled onto my side my cock heavy with blood slapping against her butt making her jump slightly and I knew she was still awake. I wanted to just slide those panties off and fuck her into oblivion but I wasn’t completely sure if it was the right move.

Unfortunately my penis was massive with blood and I moved it down between us with the front of my shaft pressed firmly against the soft large globes of her ass. It felt amazing, and even though not satisfied I forced myself to sleep.
I woke up only a few hours later and noticed my cock trapped between Gail’s soft thighs. I found this very curious but I was still half asleep and drifted off only a few minutes later.

The second time I awoke she was out of the bed. I heard noises behind me that I could only speculate that she was cooking and I decided to get up. I sat pulling the covers off of me and looked down to see my penis still hanging out of my boxers. I quickly put my member back in my underwear remembering the brief events of last night.
It was even odder when I looked to see Gail wearing the robe that she’d given me the previous day.

“Morning” she said cheerfully stirring her pot.

“Morning” I sat down at the table. She poured two bowls and brought them over to me sitting down as well.

“Thank you” I took the bowl

“Sorry about last night” she said making me look up confused. “I had no choice but to adjust that fat prick of yours so we could both sleep comfortably” she chuckled and I nearly choked on my oatmeal hearing a sweet woman like herself use those words.

“Sorry about that” I blushed.

“Oh it’s fine. You’re a man it happens. I had to occasionally do the same thing when my husband was alive, but I never had to manage anything that large”

“I’ll try to keep that under control in future”

“Like I said it’s fine, just let me know if it gets too uncomfortable and I’ll take care of it. I may be an old widow but I know a few tricks” she winked making my cock twitch in my shorts.

I felt a little awkward but horny hearing her and thinking “I bet you do”. “I don’t think you’re old Gail, I mean you’re gorgeous and you seem to be managing this place pretty good on your own” I said honestly.

“Oh well thank you, but I think 44 is pretty old especially for a woman with nothing to show for her life” she said a little sullen as she got up clearing the table.

“Gail you’ve got a lot of time left trust me. I may be young but I know people and you’re going to accomplish everything you put your mind to” I said turning to look at her making her smile slightly.

I noticed we were getting low on fire wood so I had to put my clothes on again and go under the cabin. Unfortunately there were only a few small logs left and that wouldn’t even last a day.

I climbed back out of the floor with remaining wood. I walked to the front door opening it a little and just as I suspected we were snowed in. Wait actually snowed in was understatement from my experience. I’m nearly 6’4 and the height of the snow was over half of my height. I had never seen an amount this much pile up against a door before. It was nearly frozen and at the moment there’d be no way I’d be able to break through it all.

“Dammit” I said quietly but Gail heard me.

“What’s wrong” she asked looking concerned.

“We’re snowed in and that’s all of our fire wood” I sighed pointing to the logs.

“Fantastic” she said sighing putting her hands on her curvy hips. “Ok well I’ve been in this situation before; we’ll be fine for a couple of days actually and hopefully the sun will come out and we should be able to break up the ice on the door. For now though we’ll only burn wood at night and try to keep as warm as possible during the day”.

“Ok Yukon lady” I said chuckling impressed with her adaptability.

She laughed a little. “Hey when you’ve lived up here as long as I have you learn a few things”.

I made sure the ceiling was patched up well enough that we wouldn’t freeze to death and after that I realized there wasn’t much to do. Gail seem to always be cleaning and mending something and I had no idea how she stayed busy up here. She had a television but unfortunately no electricity at the moment and her generator was out of gasoline. Being mainly from the city I definitely was about to lose my mind.

“Jack get out those wet clothes before you go hypothermic” she chuckled coming toward me pulling off my jacket. I had forgotten I was even wearing clothes as I paced around the cabin with boredom. “Get under the covers, we’re in for a long a couple days” she raised an eyebrow as she doted on me like that of a loving mother.

“Don’t worry about me, I might be from the city but I know cold” I said boasting though knowing truthfully I didn’t know it like this.

“Pride comes before the fall young man” she laughed giving me more covers. I watched her as she took inventory of her supplies. I could tell she definitely knew what she was doing and damn did she look sexy doing it. She wore no makeup whatsoever and didn’t matter in the least as I gazed at her beautiful face with big blue eyes. Her long hair in a lovely ponytail hanging down her back. She was now wearing a tight long sleeve shirt and her perky breast were jutting out against the shirt nicely as I noticed her stiff nipples. She was so adapted to the cold she wasn’t even wearing full length pants but capris that clung to those wide curvy hips and her nice plump posterior.

I could feel my cock beginning to get hard and I moved my hand down inside my shorts pulling it out. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a release and my horniness was driving me insane as I slowly squeezed the cockhead.
Since Gail had offered earlier she was definitely going to relieve me today but I was never the type to ask a woman for a sexual favor though; I preferred it be there idea so I knew they did whatever with me strictly on their own accord.

She came to the bed only a few minutes later and I could see as she stripped off her capris facing away from me clearly and deliberately displaying her beautiful round butt to me.

I raised the covers for as she got in her bare hip pressing against my shaft sending electricity through my body.

“Good you got it warm for me” she chuckled sliding in more now tightly against me. It was almost instinct as I lifted my arm putting it under her head as she cuddled in against me laying her hand on my chest as she laid on her side.

It felt great cuddling against her warm flesh with her lightly tracing her finger all over my chest. She smelled of delicious vanilla and I so wanted to devour her.

“Gail” I said through a raspy voice.

“Mmm” she only retorted as if to ask what.

“What did you mean you had nothing to show for your life” I asked remembering our earlier conversation.

“You wouldn’t understand” she said unsure.

“Try me”

She sighed “Well after my husband and I were initially married we planned to have children but he changed his mind shortly after and we never did. Hell he wanted to not have any so badly he completely stopped having sex with me an entire 3 years before his death. When I go, there won’t be anyone to miss me and it’s pretty humbling especially at my age”

“I’m sorry. So why didn’t you ever marry again, I bet any man would have love to take you as his wife” I chuckled but thinking I was one who wouldn’t mind.

“Oh you truly are an outsider aren’t you” she laughed slightly. Even if I lived in town it would be nearly impossible to marry again. This place is full of old married couples, right now you’re probably the most eligible bachelor in this area” she laughed.

“Wow, that’s awful. There’s no way I’ll be able to make it out of this place without getting mauled by a bunch of cougars” I laughed as she slowly reached down grasping my fully hard prick in her tiny hand.

“Or just one” she smiled dreamily into my eyes before pressing her soft lips up to mine.
She expertly moved her leg over my body shifting herself down to straddle my thighs throwing the covers off of us both not that I needed them as I was plenty warm now.

She looked down staring at my member in her tiny hands for the longest time “Good lord look this beautiful penis” she exclaimed widening her eyes as if she’d seen the most amazing thing ever. “I knew it was huge but this is really the fattest prick I’ve ever seen!” “And I haven’t even seen many big ones in my day” she said making me laugh a little.

I honestly loved when women gush over my dick. I knew I was blessed with a nice cock and thanked God for it along with all of my other blessings. When she said fat she meant it, I had a very wide member. It was like grabbing a 20 oz coke bottle with the mushroom head a little bit less wide. I wasn’t really that long though, probably about 7 inches, but that was fine with me.
I moved my hands down resting them on her thick creamy thighs as she started to moan stroking my cock in her hands.

“Now let me see if I can give this thing a proper sucking” she said smiling sliding ass back to my shins and leaning her head down. She opened her small mouth slightly just lightly nipping the very tip. She licked her lips tasting the precum before moving her mouth down again now beginning to lick the spongy head.

She opened her mouth wide and she had to in order to take my entire cock head in her mouth. The warm wet engulfing of my flesh was nearly enough to push me to the edge as I dug my fingers into her thighs. The pleasure increased even more when she sucked in her cheeks tightening her lips like a soft vice and began pressing her tongue hard against the sensitive part just under the helmet of my penis.

“Ugh fuck” I grunted feeling her assaulting tongue.
She pulled her mouth up seconds later with a loud wet pop. “Told ya I knew a few tricks” she giggled taking my cock back in her mouth. She moved her head down more trying to swallow about half of my penis. She started to choke a little as she got about 4 inches of meat in the back of her throat.

Ugh ugh” she coughed and grunted pulling off my cock leaving a profuse amount of her saliva on my cock. “Jeez I’ve never choked on a penis before, you’re really big for me right now” she said leaning back down planting several kisses on my shaft and head.

“Sorry about that” I chuckled running my fingers through her hair.

“Don’t be, I love your fat cock and I’m going to love mastering it” she said with the lust of an animal in her eyes.

To be Continued……

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-03 19:11:56
I like all the sex and porn films on here

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-22 09:11:24
Dude you would be thousands of miles out of your way to be in the Yukon on your way to Ontario

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-26 01:42:16
i love young hung guys, i am forty five with an hour glass figure and 42 c cup boobs, my neighbors seventeen year old son just loves burying his eight inches between my cleavage and creaming in my face and he ain't slow in the fucking department either.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-09 02:43:34
Need to work on continuity and logic. If she's been there for twenty years I doubt she would be out of wood or gasoline. Next you're going to tell us she is out of food? The story is good but pay attention to the logic - she is 5'7" and has tiny hands - really?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-07 23:15:13
Can you believe that the grammer natzis are making such a big deal over guest and guess? Chill out and enjoy the story, very well done.

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