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Horny woman peeks at yard boy peeing in back yard, decides to seduce him.
Nice Little Surprises

I am Sharon, and this is the story of how I made a sudden unexplainable turnaround from being a confirmed lover of big cocks to going after a smaller one after accidentally viewing it, and being totally surprised and satisfied.

I am a buxom thirty eight year old woman of mixed black and Portuguese descent. Here in my Caribbean country we view the descendants of nineteenth century indentured laborers from Portugal, as a race different to white/European. I stand a shapely five feet ten barefooted, with watery hazel eyes, full pouty lips and long, black almost straight hair reaching past my shoulders. My boobs are big, my ass is big, my thighs and hips full and firm, and my pussy mound the size of a hamburger bun.

I have been sexually active since high school days, with a moderate tally, by today’s standards, of nine men. By some strange coincidence, all my lovers so far boasted huge dicks, ranging between a stout eight to a baton like twelve inches. My present husband, I’ve been twice married, fetches a massive tenner. It was a tenner incidentally, that first pried open my virgin pussy leaving me forever hooked on big, scoffing at the thought of anything small sliding into my ever horny tunnel. I simply love the feel of big; of being opened up under pressure, of being stretched and bruised and made to squirm. I love having to bite my lips and dig my heels into the bed to brace myself for the forced entry. I love having to grasp at my man’s hips to control the onslaught, and I enjoy the feeling of wanting to escape, yet wanting to stay. Yes, I love some pain; not too much though.

It was a blistering hot mid-afternoon, and I had just got out of bed, sweat drenched and a bit flushed from a steamy dream during a doze that I’d fallen into while watching soap on TV. My bedroom fan had broken down two days ago. I peeled off the damp blouse and bra, and slipped out of the short denim skirt. Wearing only a thong, I walked out of my bedroom and headed straight for the tiny upstairs living room which was free of direct sun at that time of day. I pulled aside the glass sliding door and was nicely greeted with a strong gust of fresh wind. I started to step out into the little verandah, forgetting for a moment that I was almost naked. I quickly pulled back inside and sat down in recline on a nearby sofa, my head on the arm, one leg on the floor and the other one leaning against the back rest of the sofa, allowing the cool wind to have its way on my welcoming body.
As I sat there still a bit groggy, I could feel the refreshing wind brushing against my fat pussy lips that were bisected by the thong crotch and on impulse let my hand drift down to cup and squeeze the sweetly titillated area tenderly, as I fished in my mind for some illicit images to help me on the intended journey. I have never been physically unfaithful to any of my husbands, but do from time to time when pleasuring myself, indulge in a little fantasy. It never takes much to stir me up sexually, and for some reason whenever I’m at home, I always feel the horniest during the midmorning or midafternoon hours. So, with the wind blowing against my almost completely exposed pussy the thong stuck snugly in the crease, and still feeling a glow from the dream, I decided to let myself go.

Pulling the thong out and away from my clean shaven pussy, I wet my fingers with saliva and made long, soft strokes over my clit bringing it quickly to attention as it filled with hot blood. I brought a hand up to one of my big boobs and grabbing as much as I could knead it vigorously. As I worked the tip of my clit I could feel cunt juices springing and welling up inside. I moved my head down the arm of the sofa and lay flat on my back throwing one leg up and over the back rest. Positioning one huge breast in the crook of my elbow I brought it forward to my mouth and began licking it. The inch long nipple tingled nicely and I pierced the now soaked cunt with a couple of fingers, moving them in and out rapidly as I bounced on my fat booty by contracting and relaxing the muscles. And then I heard the loud voice calling out from the direction of my gate. I disregarded it, reluctant to stop what I was doing. I hoped whoever it was would suppose that no one was at a home and go away. But that didn’t happen; the obviously young male voice continued to call out. I was pissed as I stopped my finger fucking and got up.

I walked around the sofa and with quick steps fuelled by annoyance, headed for a widow.

“Who is it?” I asked a bit angrily while pulling aside the blind, careful to keep my boobs covered.

I looked out and saw the smiling brown face of a short, slightly built teenager. He had in his hand a long stout piece of wire curved at the end, a metal file and 22inch cutlass, the type used for cutting grass and bush; this was before the days of the motorized grass cutters. He’d called two days earlier looking for work cutting grass or general cleaning up of the yard, and I’d told him to come today because of errands I had to do the past two days. It was customary for school boys to go around the more affluent neighborhoods doing odd jobs, especially at this time of year during the long summer break. My yard is usually kept tidy by an elderly man, but I hadn’t seen him for the past two months and grass had grown very high, due mostly to the just concluded rainy season, and there was also some builders waste and old boards that needed to be gathered up and burnt. I wanted to tell the youngster to come back another time, but then I realized that he might really need the money, as this sort of work is only sought after by poor kids. I told him to come in, to which he reminded me that the gate was padlocked.

Back in my bedroom I grabbed a short light dressing robe that was on the back of a chair, wrapped it hastily and went downstairs to let the boy in. He was about fourteen or fifteen and just about five feet five, but his smooth young light brown face had a worldly, all knowing look about it, especially his dark brown eyes, as if he’d seen a lot in his short time. I asked him why he was so late. He explained to me that he had come at this time because earlier in the day he’d been on another job, and instead of having the rest of the day go wasted, he’d decided to start on my yard, and finish it off the next day.

We stood at the kitchen door as I told him what I wanted done. He didn’t seem at all perturbed by me towering over him, he appeared very relaxed. He told me his name was Terry and that he lived two streets away in one of the government scheme houses. He asked for some water and I went into the kitchen and returned with a mug of cold water and a big glass. As I walked toward him I noticed the admiring look he was giving me, but he quickly looked away when our eyes met. As I held the glass in one hand and the mug in the other pouring him the water, I noticed his quick glance at my mid-section. He held out the glass for a refill, and while I was pouring I realized that he was once again looking at my mid-section, more intently this time. I looked down and saw that the robe was hanging partly open, wide enough for him to get an eyeful of my crotch. I could feel myself blush red as I quickly gathered the offending robe. Without looking at him I collected the glass and went into the kitchen.

He started work in front, because the sun was at the back of the house at this time of day. While doing my chores around the upstairs I would occasionally go to a window and look down to see how he was progressing. A couple of times, sensing my presence, he looked up and saw me observing him. One such time he abruptly put down his cutlass and started walking to the back of the house. I hurriedly moved to my bedroom where I stood at one of the windows, blind slightly shifted to the side peering into the back yard.

I saw him go to a clump of bushes and unbuttoning then unzipping his pants pulled down the waist of his briefs, letting his cock fall out, but he quickly put it back in after furtively looking around, probably deciding that where he was positioned other persons could see him. I got a brief glimpse of his cock, and felt to my surprise that I was disappointed he’d put it back in. But my disappointment was not for long, for he walked to a spot behind a coconut tree and once again freed his member.

I felt a sudden heat and excitement engulf me as I watched him take his little cock in hand and begin to pee. It was just about three inches, I reckoned, which to my calculation would probably reach about five or six inches when erect. Somehow the thought of it being erect got to me and as I watched him pee I lowered my hand to my crotch and rubbed my pussy. He took some time peeing, and when he was finished shook the little cock vigorously. Then instead of putting it away, he turned it around as if examining it for some defect, and I noticed that it began to stretch out a bit. As if satisfied that it was okay, he then fixed himself and walked away. I was still fingering my pussy through the sun dress I was wearing, continuing to do so as I walked back to the front where I pulled aside the blind slightly and looked for him; but he was not in a position where I could see him. I walked away disappointed. There was definitely something cute about his little prick, and thinking about it was making me more horny than I’d felt in a long while. I couldn’t help imagining what it’d feel like in my mouth and pussy.

When I was finished with my chores I changed into very short, soft, skin tight shorts, and a little tank top that stopped short just above my navel. I went downstairs into the kitchen where I prepared a glass of fruit juice and a tuna sandwich. I then went to the front door and called out to him. I could see his eyes devour me as I stood in the doorway. I told him to follow me to the kitchen, knowing that his eyes would be fixed on my big ass with the small shorts stuck into its cleft, and some of the cheeks hanging out of the leg. As he ate I moved about the kitchen doing this and that, knowing that I was exciting him as much as I was myself. I could feel my pussy literally jumping in my shorts, and for a moment I considered boldly stripping and asking him to fuck me with his cute little dick, but I didn’t want to risk spooking him after all he was very young. I also didn’t want to appear too slutty, especially as he lived in the neighborhood, and would know that I am a school teacher. Then there was the fact that my husband would be home shortly. I decided the best course of action would be to seduce him in stages.

When he was finished eating, I told him to call it a day, and suggested that he come early the next day to start his work before the sun got very hot. He seemed pleased with that, probably tired after working all day. I didn’t pay him anything; wanting to make sure he came by the next day. I cleared the plate from off the table while he was downing the last of the juice and turned clumsily, bumping his shoulder with my ass. When he stood up I saw the noticeable bump in his pants. As I let him out the door I caused my breasts to brush roughly against his arm.

For the rest of the afternoon I couldn’t get my mind off the sweet little cock, and being in a state of severe horniness, jumped my husband shortly after he came home. As I lay on the bed gritting my teeth as he pumped his big hard tool in and out of me, I was thinking of the little yard boy Terry, and his cute prick. My husband had brought home work, so I left him to it and retired to bed early, where I lay for a long time planning how to get fucked the next day. After I’d mentally tried and discarded a number of scenarios, I finally settled on one which I thought was foolproof. I ran it over in my mind as I stroked myself to an orgasm before dropping off to sleep.

The next morning at about eight o’ clock I heard him calling. I called out to him from a window, telling him to make his way to the back door. I greeted him at the door smilingly, wearing a short, loose, white see through beach shift with a low wide neckline, which allowed cleavage and the inner sides of my big, high boobs to show. All I had underneath was brief, lacy light blue panties. I immediately invited him in and gave him a mug of coffee and a small pie, followed by a large glass of juice. As I leant over to place the snack on the table I give him enough time to get a good look down my neckline, and upon straightening up, reached out and gently squeezed his shoulder about three or four times quickly.

“Yuh had a good rest Terry, yuh body mus be tired from all duh hard wuk yesterday” I said, in local dialect, as my hand gently massaged the shoulder.
“Nah,” he said smiling slightly “I use to it Miss, is laang now I doin dis”
“Really, how long?” I asked, moving away to stand against a counter, putting one leg up on a low stool and clasping my hands at the back of my head, causing my boobs to strain against the thin shift, nipple and dark areola on display, and no doubt, a lot of thigh and a bit of fat crotch as well.
“Lil ovah two years now, since I was twelve”
“Don’t you attend school?”
“Yes Miss, I does go to school, but every weekend and when school close I does hustle yard wuk”
“Dat’s good, but doan evah let the wuk mek you drop out of school; some young men, once dey earning money does forget about school. The money might look plenty now, but it won’t be enough when yuh grow up and got a family or lady friends to look after; so yuh got to educate yuself to get a good job” I felt like I wanted to do a special job on him right there and then.
“I know Miss, I got meh plans” he said sounding all grown up.

We chatted for a couple more minutes before I left him to finish his snack and start his work. All the while he seemed to be having a hard time deciding whether to look at my boobs or the exposed thigh and crotch. I was enjoying this, I would never have imagined that the seduction of a male could be so exciting, especially one so young. I could feel my pussy sweating internally. While we were chatting I casually told him that after he’d left the day before, I’d injured myself self while moving furniture, and was having a bit of a stiff neck and pain in my shoulder. Before I left I turned to him and said:

“Yuh know Terry, yesterday I see you peeing in the backyard. I am not angry, okay, but is not a nice thing to do. When yuh want to pee just gih me a call and I will let you use the toilet, okay baby, don’t be shy, just call me and I will come and show you the way.”
“I sorry bout dat Miss it won’t happen again.” He looked me in the eyes, as if searching them to see if I really wasn’t angry. I turned away and made my way up the stairs, happy in the thought that those young virgin eyes would be glued to my ass.

About an hour later I went down to the kitchen, put some perfectly clean dishes and cups into the sink, splashed water against the front my dress, mostly around my nipples and then taking the biggest glass I had, filled it with lemonade and called him to the kitchen door.

“Excuse my untidiness” I said, as I handed him the lemonade. “I always make a mess when I do the dishes” I ran my hands down my bosom. He brazenly looked, with glinting eyes at the dark nipples poking through the wet fabric. As he held the glass to his head gulping down the lemonade I stole a look at his crotch. The hardon I saw looking back at me made me squeeze together my thighs. I took the glass from him and smiled inwardly, as the thought occurred to me that it won’t be long before I took him up to the bath room to pee.

As planned, after another hour had passed, I took another large glass of water to him. I turned and went up the stairs while he was still drinking the water. I took off of my dress and lay on the bed in panties only stroking my hot pussy that was now twitching from the burning need for cock. Out of nowhere an image of something I’d seen years ago came to mind. On a visit to the countryside, id happened to be standing just yards away from a stallion and mare about to mate. I got a clear view of the mare’s pussy opening and closing in anticipation, showing crimson, wet flesh each time it opened. I had a feeling that the same thing was happening to my pussy as I lay there on the bed. Pulling aside the panty leg I turned around to look at my pulsing pussy in the big mirror. The call came, less than fifteen minutes since I’d given him the water. I jumped off the bed and gathered up a small bath towel that I’d left there just for this moment. I wrapped the towel around me, covering most of my breast, and hardly more than my pussy in front. I don’t know how it looked at the back. The towel was not enough to go around without a gap along my thighs.

“Can I use the toilet Miss?”
“Sure Terry, come on in, follow me.” I bounded up the steps, although there was another bathroom downstairs. I wanted him to look up my ass.

I held the bathroom door open and he went in brushing against my body standing in the doorway. I turned away and pulled in the door behind me, without closing it. Immediately upon hearing the sound of peeing I strode into the bathroom, startling him. I walked up to about two feet from him, and as if it was the most ordinary thing to do, look straight down at his spurting cock. I then walked to the shower cubicle.

“I almost forgot,” I said hurriedly “I was just about to go in de shower when yuh call, if I doan go in right now I might just change my mind. Me an water is not friends” I said, laughing at the joke. I took off the towel and stepped into the cubicle. Before pulling the blind I looked and saw him staring at my body just as casually and directly as I had stared at his cock. His face had reddened and he seemed to be breathing hard. I pulled the blind. The blind had an open gap at the other end. I could see through it into the long mirror. He shook his partly erect cock and stood there looking towards the shower cubicle as he gently squeezed his swelling cock. He put it in and turned toward the door.

“Oh, Terry, please wait in the kitchen till I come down I’ll only be a few minutes”
“Ok Miss.” He replied with an unsteady voice

I hurriedly took my shower, washing my pussy clean of any stale juices. Without drying my skin I stepped into tight, white nylon panties, then wrapped the towel around my body and went downstairs. He was sitting at the table, eyes looking all glassy and excited as I walked toward him. When I was just a few inches from him I took off the towel, handed it to him and turned my back to him.

“Could you dry my back please, honey, I can’t manage it because of the stiff neck. It is very painful.”

He patted my back softly and I shuddered at his touches. “Go all the way down to my feet please”

As he dried my butt I felt his hand squeeze the cheeks. He moved to my thighs, gently sinking his fingers through the towel into the soft flesh. He got down on his knees, patting at my feet.

“Is this the first time you’re drying a woman’s body”
“Yes Miss”
“Well there is a first for everything. Think of this as practice for when you have your wife or girlfriend,” I turned around. “Do the front now please” I said calmly.

He got up and started patting my neck and shoulders then he moved to my chest and breasts. I raised the big globes up so he could get under there. The nipples were standing stiff and as hard as they could ever get. He looked at them with lust filled eyes. He went lower, rubbing my belly.

“Pull down my panties, Terry, so you can dry there properly.” He pulled them down and I stepped out of them. On his knees, he patted my crotch tenderly.

I reached out my hand and placed it on his head. He looked up into my eyes.

“Is there anything you really would like to do, anything you’d like to do to me, baby? I asked softly. He didn’t answer with words, but his eyes said it all
“Come on baby, don’t be shy, I know you want something, tell me what you want, anything”
“I want fuck yuh, Miss, I want fuck yuh bad”
“And I want you to fuck me, I want it bad”
“I know Miss, I know dat” he said as he forced his face between my thighs, probing for my pussy, breathing in my scent deeply. Did I just hear him say that, I wondered as I felt his elbows brace against my inner thighs, prying them apart, his small hands between them, underneath my butt, his thumbs spreading my cunt lips. He licked at my lips and clit and tongued my cavity like someone who had been doing this a long time. He lapped at my pussy eagerly, sucking on the lips, soaking up my juices, and surprised me sweetly as a thumb entered my asshole. I clamped my anal wall against the probing thumb. He got up and grabbed a big breast in both hands and began licking and biting it hungrily. I rubbed his bobbing head tenderly with one hand as the other reached down and grasped his very hard cock. I wasn’t even aware that he had slipped his pants down. His cock was a nice handful. I rocked it from side to side. I bent over so he could kiss me. He did it nicely, like an expert lover.

“Is this your first time Terry?” I whispered as I felt his fingers twirling my stiff clit.
“No Miss,” was his muffled reply, his lips around a hard demanding nipple.

I held his cock tightly and led him out the kitchen and down a hallway to a guest room, his hand stuck in the crevice of my big bouncing ass. I pulled him over to the bed that I had previously prepared for this bit of action. I made him sit at the side of the bed his legs apart with me kneeling between them. I looked at his cock lovingly; it was about five and a half to six inches of hard shining meat. I lowered my head and licked the engorged knob wetly, then took it all into my mouth, forcing it into my throat; I gagged and spurted saliva all over it. I wrapped my fingers around it and jerked my hand sliding up and down fast. I looked up into his eyes and saw him looking at me, a pleased look on his flushed face.

“OH baby, I been thinking bout this all de time since yesterday. I’ve wanted to have dis sweet cock inside uh me since I see it yesterday when you was peeing in de backyard.” I said.
“I know, I know you woulda like it and want it, dat is why I show it to you” he said. “And I been watching you a long time now, since about a month ago when I pass by one Sunday morning and see you in de yard in a short pink skirt, and de wind blow it up”

My hand froze on his cock at those words. Did he just say all that I think he said? My god the little fucker set me up. I’ve been playing his game all this time thinking it was mine. I wasn’t angry though, just shocked. Suddenly I remembered the day he was referring to, how after a strong wind had lifted high my short skirt, I’d spun around, looking into the street, and seeing a young boy looking at me with leering eyes from under a baseball cap. I had smiled embarrassingly, hoping he wasn’t a student from my school, because he must surely have got a good look at my ass, with only a thong on. Seduced by a boy! I felt dizzy, drugged. Before I could gather my wits, he got up, and pulling me up from the floor guided me onto the bed. I lay on my back looking in amazement as this little boy man followed me onto the bed. He pushed my big thighs apart and I willingly spread them for him. He got between my legs and lowered his head. A stiff tongue, as expert as any I’d ever felt before divided my pussy lips neatly. I rolled my head from side to side as this little boy with the cute little cock worked my pussy with his tongue; lips, clit, tunnel and all, masterly licked, sucked, bitten and probed.

I raised my head and watched him lift my legs and push my knees back with my help, then drop his head back to my core and drove his tongue against the tight little entrance of my asshole, making me wish that I had the muscle control to just open it up at will, and let his hot tongue in as far as it could get. He licked the puckered entrance nicely, making me wiggle my ass. I felt him feeling my pussy, scooping thick liquid and then fumbling between his thighs. I felt some of my own wet sticky stuff rubbed against my asshole and his finger slid into it, pushing in and out, soon joined by another finger. With his fingers still in me, spreading the hole, he positioned his stiff tool pushing it forward as he withdrew his fingers. I wanted to tell him to stop, because this was all new to me, I didn’t know what to expect. Because of the sheer enormous sizes of cock I’d so far known, I’d never let any of them into that private chamber. A couple of them had made it in an inch or two at the most before I pulled away. At the same moment his fingers slipped out he pushed forward, driving his cock about an inch into me. I winced at the unexpected bite of pain. Before I could decide whether I wanted it or not, he was halfway into me and I bit into my lip at the pressure of this foreign invasion.

He remained still for a moment, blowing hard, his squinting eyes looking into my wide open pair. He started moving slowly inside me, and I felt something in there relax and welcome him. And as he began pounding into me faster, I found myself pushing forward to meet him. I lifted my hands to my ankles, grabbed them and spread myself for my little ardent lover. On his knees he rammed into me for a long time as my head swam, lost in pleasure. He leaned forward on me still thrusting, but with short quick jabs as he did a nice rolling of his hips. I felt his muscled belly rubbing my clit and soon I felt a familiar pressure building up and I soon exploded in a violent orgasm. I screamed as wave after wave of burning pleasure washed my body from head to toe.

As my body’s convulsions reduced to a gentle shudder I felt him suddenly stiffen, and then buck wildly as he shot hot young cream into my asshole. He lay still on me for a while, still hard and I found that I could use the muscle in there to massage his cock softly.

“Is this yuh first time doin this?” I queried.
“How long have yuh been doing, you know, everything?” I asked
“About a year and a half” he whispered as he pulled his cock slowly out my ass and positions it against my pussy.
“Wid who, the women you work for?” I asked, as I felt his cock go past my twitching lips sweetly.
“Some of dem, dey daughters, dey mothers, dey sisters, anybody” he said casually, matter-of-factly, then, as if becoming annoyed. He slammed into me hard making me grunt in pleasure.
“So, Terry baby, how many…” I started speaking but was rudely interrupted
“Shut up and fuck!” he whispered brusquely, and slapped my cheek, not very hard, but with a sweet sting. He looked down at me and gives me another little slap, then some more, alternating left and right cheek. He then slapped my flank, not hard, like a jockey urging his racing filly on. I reached up and hugged him tightly and began to ride for him.

He rammed into my pussy very hard, alternating between thrusts with deep grinding and winding against my fat mound. I was surprised that his cock was filling me just like the big ones, only without the pain and expansion. But who needed pain, I didn’t at that moment; I fully enjoyed the way his strong six-incher was moving up inside of me, making me gush fluid. I moved up under him, urging him on, my pussy wanting to please him the way he was pleasing it. He turned me over and started fucking me from the back, slamming his groin and belly against my fat ass. I could feel them bouncing and quivering under his onslaught. Suddenly he was slapping those great mounds hard with his open palms, both hands, one after the other; I felt my ass burn under the slaps. I loved it.

“Yes baby, yes, oooh, aaah, I cried out as he pleasured me inside and outside “Oh, fuck me, fuck me, yes, yes, yes!”

I was like a wild woman on my knees, bucking and pushing and rolling my big booties as my young skilled lover rode me. I felt him fall forward on my back, his hands reached out and grabbed my huge boobs roughly, causing sweet pain that I bore with tightly closed eyes and grinding teeth, holding it tightly inside. I felt him shudder and jerk, and he shot another load of his sperm into me. I felt mine creeping up on me, and smiled as it grabbed me and shook me into a thousand pieces of fireworks.

We remained in bed for hours, fucking and licking and pleasing each other. His work in the yard was over for that day. He said he’d the care of it the next day if I didn’t mind. I didn’t.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-25 20:58:49
It wasn't text speak fuck wad!! They live in the Caribbean, it's an accent. You've got an accent yourself even if you don't know it. Of course you don't usually write you're accent in but the author thought it would add flavour to the story!!


2015-07-05 11:07:08
Try using the proper words to construct sentences and not text speak, it's really is hard to read.
The first part was was really quite good, but then you started using misspelled and text speak words in your conversations.
Sorry but i gave this a negative vote.


2015-06-28 12:04:28
I'm a new account but I just started, posted my first chap. And it'll keep going if I get enough feed back so yeah.. GO READ AND BEAT YOUR COCK.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-23 02:52:57
I need someone to fuck me

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-08 13:37:07
Sweet sex story,pussies are for fucking no tym shld be wasted.

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