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Harry and Ron sneak to the local pub where they use the Spellbook to lure in an unsuspecting muggle
Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Eroticism
Chapter 5 - Pub Culture

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or
characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any
affiliation with its author

After only a couple of days in Grimmauld Place, Harry was
starting to wonder if he would have survived the rest of
the summer if he's been forced to stay with the Dursley's.
Life in the muggle world never did compare to his times
among his own kind. But this summer had had the added fear
of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Not only did he feel a
huge amount safer at Grimmauld Place, but was also around
people who were kind to him, and even some who loved him.

Mrs Weasley was as close a thing to a mother as he'd had
since his own was stolen from him by Voldemort. And the
moment he arrived she had resumed this role happily, as
she fussed over his hair and forced him to eat at least
twelve helpings of her fine cooking every meal. He didn't
complain, Mrs Weasley was an excellent cook.

And then there was Mr Weasley. One couldn't find a kinder
and more gentle man than him. His good natured obsession
with the muggle world, combined with his down to earth
approach to things, kept Harry very busy at mealtimes as
he tried to explain how everyday items like phone booths
and buses worked.

But by far the best part of being back in the Wizarding
world was being with his friends, Ron and Hermione.

He had missed them both hugely, perhaps more then any of
his past summers. Just to be around them again, listening
to their stories and laughing at their jokes, was both
relaxing and strengthening to him. He had been tired of
sneaking around, trying to avoid the chunks of meat that
were Dudley and his Gang. Now he was free, and he loved
every minute of it.

He was also beginning to get a hold of the information he
had craved for so long. On that first night, Sirius had
sat him down and told him all he wanted to know, whilst
fighting with Molly who wanted him sheltered from these
truths. More of 'Dumbledore's orders'.

As he sat thinking on his last few days, Ron entered the
room. Harry grunted in greeting, as Ron kicked off his
shoes and rolled onto his bed.

"You alright, man?" he asked Harry.

Harry nodded, his face buried in the latest edition of
the Daily Prophet.

"Reading an article on you?" Ron asked.

Harry again nodded. He scowled as he threw the paper
across the room to land somewhere near the bin. He then
lay back and stretched, muttering cursewords under his

"I wish they'd just lay off for a bit" he moaned aloud.

He saw Ron shrug in the corner of his eye.

"I've been thinking Harry.." he began.

Harry sat up again and looked over at his friend.

".. about that Spellbook of yours."

"What about it?"

"Well, we haven't used it for a while."

"I know, but its kinda hard in this house Ron. The only
girls here all the time are Hermione and Ginny, and
both are not really alright to just fuck."

"Well, we could always just go into London?" suggested

Harry thought about it. It was true, they could. He had
thought about it himself. But it was a risky decision,
with Voldemort back and the Ministry wanting to expel
him. The last thing he wanted to be found doing was
using illegal spells.

"We could" he answered. "But its dangerous. If we were
caught, even by your family, It would be a nightmare."

"We can get away with it" Ron scoffed. "Its easy to get
out of here at night."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. Just ask Fred or George, they can apparate you

Harry though about that. He had to admit that he had
forgotten about Ron's brothers.

"Well, I guess we could" he answered. He reached down
the side of his bed and pulled the spellbook out of
his backpack.

Opening it, he asked Ron "Where do you think we should
go? The Leaky Cauldron?"

"No, no, lets go to a muggle pub. We're less likely to
run into trouble there."

"Are there any nearby?"

"Yeah, there's one down the end of the road called
'The Pelican'. Bill told me it was alright."

Harry nodded, slamming the book shut. "The Pelican
it is."

They both got up and opened the door. It was after
supper, and the Weasleys had decided to get an early
night. That gave them a good enough chance.

They walked down the hall, making sure to keep quiet,
and entered the twins' room.

Harry found the sight that greeted them hard not to
laugh at. Fred was hastily pushing something large
and grey out of sight behind his bed, and George was
grabbing up rolls of parchment from the floor as
quickly as he could.

But when they both saw who was entering their room,
they both sat back and wiped sweat from their brows
in unison.

"Lads, lads. Don't scare us like that" stammered

"Yeah" agreed George. "I nearly had a heart attack."

"What are you guys up to?" Ron asked, mild curiosity
etched into his voice.

Fred tapped his nose knowingly. "That's for us to
know, little brother, and you to find out."

Ron waved a hand at him in annoyance. He turned to
George. "Listen, you two, we need a favour."

"Could you apparate us out of this house?" Harry
asked quickly.

George raised his eyebrows. "What do you want to
leave for?"

"Uh.." Harry mumbled. "Well.. we've got a friend
who said they'll be in this part of London. And we
want to go see them."

The twins shook their heads. "You never were a
good liar, Harry" Fred told him.

George silently agreed, but he continued. "Don't
know why you'd want to sneak off to see a friend,
but I guess we could lend you a hand."

He reached out to the two boys. Harry and Ron took
his hand and there was a sudden, sharp crack.

* * *

By the time they were out of the door and at the
pub the sun had completely set, and it was just
getting busy. The outdoor seats were packed with
revelers, and there was a throng beginning to
emerge from inside.

They stood outside for a time, wondering how to

"Shall we just go in?" Ron asked. "Wing it?"

Harry shook his head. "No, lets sit out here for
a bit and choose a spell."

They went to one corner of the outdoor area and
found an unoccupied table. When they were seated
comfortably, Harry pulled the book out of the
pocket of his hoodie and opened it on the table
for them both to read.

"Right" Harry began. "We need a hex."

He flipped to the relevant chapter, and they both
began to read. Their eyes scrolled down the list
of spells, and they read them carefully to find a
suitable choice. When a woman with a notepad came
to ask them if they wanted anything, they waved
her away.

Eventually, Harry saw a hex that looked just
right for their needs.

Its description read:

The Erohex - A very simple hex, useful in almost any
situation. Casting this hex will make the target obey
the orders of the caster indefinitely, until the finito
spell is cast. On the conclusion of this hex, the target
will fall unconscious for a half hour, and upon waking
will remember nothing of the duration in which they were
under the control of the caster
Warning! - It is dangerous to leave someone in this state.
Be sure to cast the finito spell upon conclusion
of sexual activities
Warning! - As with all spells in the volume, the casting is
undetectable by the wizarding trace but highly
illegal to perform

The spell was a good one to know, and Harry made
sure to remember it in the future.

He pointed it out to Ron, and they both agreed that
it was just right. Silently they rose to their feet,
Harry stowing the book in his pocket, and walked
into the crowded pub.

It had a good, merry atmosphere. People were talking
jovially at tables and around the bar. Though Harry
and Ron weren't old, they could just pass as belonging
there. They went over to another empty table and sat,
scouting for a young lass to try their new spell on.

Eventually Ron pointed a girl out to Harry, and he
looked in the direction he pointed.

She looked to be of a similar age to them, perhaps she
was also too young to be there. She was sat alone at a
table, sipping on a soft drink and looking gloomy.

Mustering their courage, Harry and Ron walked over and
stopped next to her table.

"Anyone sitting there?" asked Harry brightly, pointing
at the two chairs opposite her. She looked up at them,
and the corners of her mouth twitched into a slight

"No, no one" she replied. She sat up, and watched as
the two of them took the seats opposite her.

"Um.. hi" she said to them in a soft voice. She seemed
rather timid.

Ron reached out a hand. "I'm Ron, nice to meet you."

"Pleasure" she said, shaking it.

Harry followed suit, offering his name and a hand.

"Waiting for someone?" he asked as she sat back in her
seat and took another drink.

"Yeah, I was meant to be having a date. But he never
turned up" she looked downcast again.

"Ouch" Harry murmured, trying to sound touched. "That's
rough. But hey, it'll be fine. He's evidently not that
great a guy if he'd stand you up like that."

She smiled again. "Yeah, I guess you're right. My
name's Katie by the way."

"Well, Katie, would you like another drink?" Ron
asked her.

She nodded, draining the last few gulps of her current

It was quaint, to be ordering non alcoholic drinks
with their new friend. Harry wished they could have
got some butterbeer or firewhiskey. They could of had
a really good time.

He remembered the Oude de Intoxication, and felt in
his back pocket. He still had a small bottle of it,
which he's taken whilst still at Privet Drive. But he
decided against it. The last thing he needed was
being found with a semi passed out girl.

They continued talking with her for a while, and she
proved to be quite good company. Harry liked her
witty quirks, and her charming personality. She was
also exceedingly pretty, possessing a fine figure
and gorgeous face. Harry had to stop himself staring
whenever she gave one of those cute smiles.

Eventually they managed to get a hold of some beers
when a drunk at the table next to them offered to buy
rounds for everyone within reach (to 'honour his
bet' according to him). They had just about finished
when Harry decided to move things forward. George had
told them to be back in a couple of hours, and time
was wearing thin.

"Shall we take a walk?" Harry asked the other two.

Ron nodded. "Yeah, lets get out of here."

Katie didn't seem to object, so all three of them rose
to their feet and walked quickly out of the pub. It
was a warm evening, and the slight breeze felt cool
and pleasant after the stuffy pub.

The three of them walked down the street for a while,
in the direction of Grimmauld Place. Without anyone
consciously deciding it, they turned into the park
opposite number twelve and took a seat at the nearest
bench. The talk was flowing freely by then, and Harry
was wondering if they were even going to need the
spell for a good time with Katie.

When the mood felt right, he leant in to kiss her. She
reciprocated cautiously, and he pushed his tongue into
her mouth.

Suddenly she stopped, leaning back and almost getting
to her feet.

"Um.. I'm sorry" she stammered. "It's just, I'm not
really comfortable with this."

Had he been in a normal state of mind, Harry would of
considered what he was doing. But as it was, he'd had
a few drinks and he was getting increasingly flustered
by the ordeal. So he didn't hesitate as he pulled out
his wand and pointed it at her. Her eyes widened in
shock, as he waved it and spoke.

"Imperio Erohexus."

In an instant, a red stream erupted from the tip of
his wand and coursed into Katie's head. As quickly as
it started, it stopped. A blank look had appeared on
her face.

It appeared the spell had been necessary after all.

Ron smiled and spoke. "Stand up and take off your

Katie rose to her feet and did as she was told,
sliding her jacket off of her shoulders and starting
to unbutton her shirt. Harry couldn't help getting a
little hard at the sight of her generous tits swaying
in the breeze. She pulled the shirt over her head,
and then there she stood in only a bra, skirt and her

"And the rest" Harry told her.

She slid the skirt down revealing her delicious waist
to them and, to their surprise, some rather revealing
lingerie underwear. She soon had these and the bra off
in quick succession as she continued stripping,
showing her completely shaven nether regions and
slightly erect nipples.

Whether this was caused by arousal or the cold, the
boys were unsure. But they didn't care.

She was then stood in only her cute little plimsolls
and socks, the rest of her body open to the world.

"Kneel down here and give us each a blowjob" Harry

Katie didn't hesitate. She knelt at Ron's feet and
unzipped his flies. His already semi hard cock popped
out into her reach, and she took it in her hands,
stroking its length with a sultry look in her eyes.
The next moment, she bent down and engulfed it in her
mouth, making small sucking noises as she slid her
lips up and down his shaft.

Ron sighed in ecstasy, as he took the back of her head
in his hands and began shoving her head back and forth
until he was nudging the back of his throat.

"Oh yes, Hermione" he gasped with closed eyes. He
looked over at Harry to see raised eyebrows. "What? I
can dream, can't I?"

Harry shrugged, trying not to judge as Ron returned to
face fucking the little minx between his legs. She was
doing her best to deepthroat Ron's full length, but
was having trouble. She evidently wasn't experienced
in the matter. But Ron was merciless, as he forced his
rock hard cock as deep as he could into her windpipe.

"Ah, that's bloody brilliant" he moaned aloud as she
started gagging on his tip. He held her in place for
several seconds before releasing her head from his
crazed grasp. She slid backwards quickly, gasping for
air and coughing out drops of Ron's precum.

"Get over here, Katie" Harry commanded. Katie didn't
wait to be told twice. She got up and staggered over
to where Harry sat, his knees spread wide to accommodate
her. As she began to pull down his jeans, and uncover
his pulsing manhood, Ron rose to his feet.

He grabbed her by the legs and turned her until one
leg was up on the bench. In this position her legs were
spread wide for him. He bend over her, the tip of his
dick prodding at her entrance.

She had revealed Harry's cock from his underwear, and
Harry smiled with pleasure as her mouth closed over it
in moments. She wasn't as good as Tonks had been, but
boy did he enjoy a good blowjob.

Ron, meanwhile, was rubbing his hard shaft between her
lips, using a hand to stimulate Katie's clit while he
did so. He knew it was going to be tough to get into
her, so she'd better be well lubricated.

She was getting better at head all the time, Harry
noticed, as she took his entire length in one swift
motion. He took her head in his hands, as Ron had, and
gave her some help, moving his hips up and down to
forced his hardening cock down her throat.

Ron had pressed the bulbous tip of his raging hard on
into her tight little pussy, but was encountering
difficulty. Only a couple of inches in he had found
out that Katie was a virgin, reaching her intact
Hymen. She moaned onto Harry's cock as he prodded it
harder and harder, trying to push through to fuck
her properly.

Just as Harry pulled her down into a long, sloppy
deepthroat, Ron gave a hard shove and forced his way
past Katie's hymen. She cried out loudly, but with
her throat blocked by Harry's shaft it came out as a
muffled moan. Harry held her there, not even giving
her breath as Ron began to pound into her with ever
increasing speed.

When he was confident she wouldn't make too much
noise, Harry released her and she shot backwards,
drawing in great lungfuls of air. She coughed a few
times, then went back to work on his cock as Ron
continued to fuck her pussy.

They kept up in this way for some time, with Harry
fucking her throat and Ron ruining her virgin Pussy.
Though she had stretched out somewhat, she was still
incredibly tight. Ron had trouble fitting his girth
into her, and had to be brutal.

"Hey, Katie, come and suck your juices off of this
cock" he called to her. She took Harry's cock out of
her mouth, and turned around in an instant. As she
began to suck on Ron's cock, which was coated in her
own blood and juice from her cunt, Harry continued
where Ron had left off. He lifted her leg and forced
himself into her degraded pussy. Her lips were puffy
and red from her treatment, and the sight excited
Harry immensely. Wild with lust, he slapped her ass
a few times. She moaned onto Ron's cock, and he
watched as it began reddening before his eyes.

When they grew bored of using her, Harry and Ron lay
her down on the bench. They nodded to each other,
and Harry cast 'finito' on her body. She instantly
drifted into unconsciousness.

They then proceeded to beat off, looking over her
beautiful and used body below them. After splashing
cum all over her tits and her face, Harry and Ron
pulled up their trousers and turned away from Katie
towards number twelve. Ron looked at his watch.

"Five minutes, then George should be there. Come on
lets go."

Harry hesitated. "That was pretty cruel, mate. You
think its alright to just leave her there?"

Ron shrugged. "What do you suggest we do, wake her
up and apologize?"

Harry sighed. He had a point.

And so they both began to walk back to Headquarters,
their sexual desires fulfilled. For now.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-07-21 23:20:14
I agree, fuck another muggle, but DP her. Where Harry gets to take her virgin ass cherry, while Ron fucks her sloppy wet pussy.


Anonymous readerReport 

2014-07-21 03:34:37
loved it have them fuck anther muggle one each though

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