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This is the story of Samarth and his new found obsession for feet...this is a long story so please be patient when you read it.
I am Samarth. I am an usual indian guy whose dad is one of the richest people in the entire state. We lived in a huge mansion almost 20 kms outside the city. some might call it a country farmhouse. As i said i'm a usual indian guy, 18 years of age, about 5'7" hieght, weight around 60 kgs.
As i mentioned earlier i live in my father's mansion. My father has 2 younger brothers, both married. now like every house my house has its own set of problems though being rich and famous makes all of us hide those problems from the outside world. And to understand my story you have to know my family well as a lot of things happening in mylife are because of these problems.

My father is the owner of the Multimillion business empire and so he is mostly on the move. My mother died when i was 3 and i have always lived with my uncles and an army of servants. My second uncle helps my dad with the business and is aocked very hard working, honest and boring person. My youngest uncle on the contrary is a drunkard, gambler and a womanizer, but since my childhood has been the only one around and is fun to be with.

My father never bothered remarrying and my secong uncles wedding was less of a marriage and more of a business deal, since he was never the kinds to fall in love, as a matter of fact i doubt if he even had any interest in women. He just seemed all into his work. His wife, Spreeha was a typical rich girl, she had been taken care of properly and seemed like she had been raised up to be all pretty adn perfect for a rich guy to marry. She was beautiful with a sheer perfect 36D-26-36 hourglass figure which she achieved with daily rigorous workout in our in house gym. My youngest uncle as i mentioned was a womaniser and he got married to a top model of her times, her name was Sakshi. Now my uncle was not not some hunk or model and it was a common assumption among people that he got a model wife because of the money our family had.

My uncles had both gotten married before i turned 10 n this story starts after 6 years. I always knew my uncles did not have perfect marriages but being a young shagging teen ager i was never bothered by it, as a matter of fact from the age of 14 i was kind of happy that they had both married such beautiful women because i really enjoyed the views i used to get, be it when my aunts were in the gym or just out of bath. Since i was a kid when my aunts moved into the mansion so they never said anything to me when i watched them and i guess till a certain age my intentions were not bad either. It was only when i turned 15 and got my hands on an internet connction of my own that my thinking started to expand its horizons.

Now i am a normal teenager with raging harmones and when i found out about the world of porns and sex, i was addicted to it. Our mansion was a 3 story building with the gound floor being a huge hall, dining room, kitchen and some guest rooms. The second floor had 3 huge bedrooms, for the 3 couples respectively along with the gym and a huge library. And lastly the top floor which had 2 big terraces and at one end was my room. I liked the location of my room, started liking it more since the time i came into my shagging prime as it was very far from any one else in the house and gave me a lot of privacy

This story starts on the eve of my 15th birthday. My father had kept a huge party for me, a party where none of my friends were invited. It was more of a business gathering with everyone wishing me with a gift in hand and then forgetting what they were here for. Among the guests was an old friend of my aunt Sakshi. He was coming over to meet her after a decade and that too on my birthday. He, just like the other guests got me a gift, but he had a gift for my aunt as well..he handed me my gift and went over to greet the rest of my family, also handing my aunt her gift. He and my aunt chatted up for a while in a seperate area in the hall where they could catch up with out being disturbed. I just seemed to be passing by when my aunt called me towards where they were sitting and told me to chat up with him while she checked over the guests once, so me n Aashu uncle (Aunty's Friend) got talking.

Now my father was a very respected man and even with all the money, he had made this mansion away from the limelight of a big city so people here, including me had no idea that my aunt used to be a model before she got married. As i got talking to her friend, i for the first time found out that she used to be a model. I was very surprised and seemed to want to know more. Aashu uncle did give me quite a few details of the assignments my aunt did before her marriage. Sometime later my aunt reappeared and caught us both still talking about her past. She did not let Aashu uncle finish and took me to a side and asked me what all he told me. I finding it harmless told her what i could remember, keeping away the details of the work i knew she did. She found it harmless and asked me if i would mind keeping this information to myself. I agreed without thinking for a second and she seemed convinced, she ruffled my hair and gave me a kiss on my cheeks and just went about like nothing happened.

I might not be some cheapster but if such a hot n beautiful lady gives me a kiss i do feel good n excited. Everything went about normally for the rest of the night and when the guest were all gone, my family also went to their rooms to call it a night. Back in my room i remembered the information i had gathered in the evening about my aunt and began to use my internet to look at what she used to do. I typed in d name of her projects one after the other, just to find that her name was listed everywhere but her images were removed form all the sites. I kept trying to find something but in vain. I got so engrossed in it that i lost track of when i dozed off right in front of my laptop. I was woken in d morning by my servant as my father was to leave home again in a while and he wanted to see me. I got up all messed up and sleep deprived but i could not go in front of my father this way so i decided to take a shower. I must have been gone about 15 minutes and when i got out i was shocked to see Sakshi Chachi standing in my room. As soon as i saw her my eyes went straight to my laptop which had been switched off by some one. I looked back Chachi and saw a hint of a smile on her face. We stood there for enough time that the silence got too hard to bear and then she said "Samarth your dad is waiting downstairs"...she took a pause and scanned me from head to toe and as her eyes went down my towel seemed to slip a little but i held it in time...This got a big smile from her and she continued "And I would suggest you put something less slippery on yourself"...I was blushing red at her remark..seeing me blush she walked over to me slowly..i a way i had never seen her walk..slow and sentuous...she came close and ruffled my hair like last night and came forward to kiss my cheeks but instead whispered in my ear "Don't get stuck up on your laptop again" and saying that she jus turned around and went out. As soon as she was out i went towards my Laptop and switched in on to find it was jus put on sleep and i knew no one except Sakshi Chachi could have done it..all my search pages had been closed and instead a notepad file had been kept open..

Just then i heard my father call for me...leaving everything aside i rushed out of bed, changed into a jeans and tee and went downstairs. As soon as i got down i saw everyone was already there waiting for me. My father stays outside India for a major part of the year and usually leaves without me even finding out but this time he had specially asked for me to be called down as he had something to talk about. He took me and his personal assistant to a corner, away from others and started speaking..."Samarth you have turned 15 now..the age when i started building this empire..while many may say that you are young..i believe diffrently"...he let that sink in and it got me interested...he continued handing me a new wallet and spoke again "Son..this is your birthday gift from your father"..I took it and he continued "I know i'm not around much and i can never make up for that but something that i can do is make you independent enough..this wallet contains 3 platinum credit cards registered to my name...they are yours now...don't worry about there bills as they would be paid by my p.a and don't worry i'm not going to track it as i said you are big enough now so where you spend is your decision but i hope that you will practice caution"...Saying that he hugged me turned around n went away as usual.

The rest of the day was all normal with my uncle leaving for work and the other uncle coming into the house all drunked up...that was a daily affair as he never stayed in the house on any night and returned late the next day...kept sleeping the entire day and again went out at night...i had become used to this but today for the first time my attention was drawn to Sakshi Chachi when he came in...She looked disgusted and did not even try to go close to a matter of fact when he tried to come colse to her she called a servant and asked him to take my uncle away and put him to sleep. I kept looking towards her when all this was happening and when all of it was over she turned around such that our gaze met...i was expecting her to continue being angry but instead she got a smile on her face and jus before leaving from my sight she gave me a wink and left...I did not know what to interpret so i just let it go and went back to my room.

Back in my room i realised what i had left before my dad called me down..I saw the notepad file still there..I opened it and what it read shocked me more than anything in my life.


I saw your research work and i cannot help but notice that Aashu did tell you a lot more then you mentioned last night.

I know guys your age are curious and i don't blame you for trying to dig up some dirt on me. What you don't know is that when I and your uncle got married your father had all my future modelling contracts taken away and all of my previous works nulled so even if you try hard you will not be able to find anything.

But if you still want to get all the images that you could not dig up online then you can come to me and i may be able to help you out.


P.S. You are the only one who knows about my past and i would prefer if it stays that way ;-)

Samarth was shocked beyond words. He could not interpret anything, after all he was still a 15 year old boy. He had a lot of questions and not a single answer. He stayed inside his room, thinking...reading the message..thinking again...until he had had enough. His monatony was broken him being called over for dinner. He went down and ate in silence looking over to Sakshi every once in a while. She seemed to keep her eyes away from his gaze and dinner was over in jus 10 minutes. Everyone said there rtual good nights and went to there rooms.

Samarth knew that his uncle would be out for his regular parties and he could find Sakshi alone in her room. Gathering all the courage that he had he went to her room and knocked. He did not hear a reply so he knocked again...still no had been jus 10 minutes since the dinner so he knew she had not gone off to sleep..he knocked a third time and entered the room. The room was empty and now that he was inside he could hear the shower running. He decided to come back again after some time but as he was turning around his eyes fell to her laptop screen which had been placed in such a way that anyone who entered the door had a straight view of it...hearing the shower still on he went closer to the laptop and paid attention to the screen. The screen showed a slideshow of images of Sakshi that he had never seen before.

It started with a picture of her marriage day..then a few with her husband. The images after that got Samarth mesmerised to the screen. The next image was her in a hot and short dress, wearing 6" was her in backless haulter dress that ended just inches above her round ass, again wearing the 6" heels...n they kept goin on and on till the last image of her in a black bikini, lying barefoot on a comforter...What shocked Samarth more was that he had images of his aunt in all her glory, showing off all her assets but he could not take his eyes of her feet...enclasped in her heels n specially the last image where she was barefoot.

Samarth had been watching porns n reading about sex for over an year now but this was an all new experience for him..he studied in a boys school..had never had any female girl friends...n all of a sudden all he could look at was his aunt's feet...he forgot where he was or the fact that he could get caught..he just removed the slideshow and found the folder where he could find all these his shock the folder had more images then the slide show was showcasing. Infact he found a subfolder of images which had pictures of Sakshi's work for a footwear brand..these pictures had her wearing a lot of hot dresses but the importance was given to the footwears she was sporting...he was out of his mind now...he was in pure bliss of the heavenly site in front of him. He didn't even realise that he had been staring at an image of her feet for more than 10 minutes now.

He was snapped back to reality by a coughing sound behind him. Suddenly the realisation struck him and he turned back. The site in front of him made him even more speechless than he already was. Sakshi was standing in a night gown that had cuts till her waist on either side and she was putting a lotion on one of her legs. She was barefoot and smiling at Samarth but he could not take his eyes of her feet and legs. She could see the hard-on he was sporting but she knew he did not realise he had it because he made no efforts to hide it. It took him 10-20 seconds to gain his senses back and as soon as it came back he rushed out of the room and did not stop running till he was in his own room..door locked..straight on his bed.

It was only after a minute of calming down his breathing that he realised he had a massive hard-on. Samarth had been used to him getting hard but he had never masturbated..and this was not a normal hard-on..his dick and balls were hurting..he tried not to think of his aunt's feet but the images were just not clearing away and so his balls kept hurting. Such bad was his condition that he was about to cry when he heard a slight knock on his door. Suddenly his mind was diverted and he felt the pain reduce a little..he did not respond and waited to hear it again..the door was knocked again, this time a little louder. He realised he had to open the door but he could not do so with a hard-on. He waited another 20 seconds for his hard-on to go away and when it became a little managable he heard the knock for the third time. He quickly opened the door and was aghast looking at who it was. It was Sakshi on the door. She was still dressed the same and she came in. She asked Samarth to close the door and he followed her instructions like in a hypnotism spell.

Sakshi knew the effect she was having on him and she was enjoying it very much. She came and sat on a chair near his bed and asked Samarth to sit on the bed in front of her. As soon as he sat down she removed her footwear from one of her foot and placed it right between his thighs making sure not to touch him but put it up as a sight for him to see. As expected he kept staring at her feet and the problem that he was struggling to deal with spurted back up.

Sakshi had seen Samarth grow up for so many years and knew very well that he had no interactions with any girls his age and hardly had any friends amongst guys either. Being an alone kid she had guessed that he must have never heard or even thought about even touching himself...she was not sure about it but she decided to go with a bluff for now till she found out more.

She let him take in the sight for about a minute and he did not take his eyes of her feet for one second. After a minute she began speaking in a very soft voice..."Samarth..did you get the note i left for you in the morning??" He nodded a yes, still not looking up, his eyes locked to its original position.
She then spoke again..."Did you come to my room to see the pictures??" He again nodded a yes.
She inquired further..."So?? Did you like the pictures??". And she got the same nod.
She smiled and kept going "Then why did you run away?? Don't you want the pictures for yourself??"...this was not a yes or no question and she did not get a reply.

Samarth was still looking at her feet..she moved the foot which was on the bed and he kept watching it..she replaced her other foot between his legs but din bother taking off her footwear..she brought her foot to his chin and made him look at her..she had a smile on her face when she asked him the next question "Did you run away because you were scared of me noticing this" and as she finished her sentence she placed her other foot on his rock hard...he whimpered a little but loved the sensation of a touch on his hard groin...she rubbed her footwear over it as she got another nod in a yes from him which brought a big smile on her face. She removed both her legs and came and sat in front of his laptop on his bed. She had a pendrive which she used to transfer two of her pics on his laptop. Both were pictures of her feet. And then she loaded a website on the laptop. When she was convinced that the page had loaded she got up from the bed n moved towards the door. She turned just as she was on the door, made sure she got her leg out of its cut as she gave Samarth one last view and said "Have fun" and she blew him a kiss and shut the door behind her.

P.S. This is the first part of a long series of events. If this story gets a positive review then i'll publish the next part very soon.
Will look forward to your views and comments


Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-07 22:55:43
so much detail the story is almost unreadable. not even worth 4 out of 10...

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-01 18:11:58
It was a good story. Keep writing.
But the sentences cant be identified easily. Make the first letter of every sentence a capital letter.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-07-31 17:07:46
Eh....almost too bored reading....
Needs more paragraphs and breaks....I'd vote a 4 out of 10....Sorry.

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