This is my first attempt at writing for others. Constructive criticism is welcome. However, rudeness will be ignored. If the story is like I will continue. Sorry, I forgot to set the comments.
I’m 37 years old recently divorced after 18 years and my name is Rick. I’m 6’ tall and 190 pounds. My marriage started out with a lot of sizzle. The sex was great. Over the years it became less and less frequent and seemed to lack the passion it once had.
Like most men, I love sex. I have always believed that there are three kinds of sex. First there is fucking. That is just sex where there is no emotional connection. Second there is sex. That is where there is some emotional connection like a new couple or friends with benefits kind of thing. Then the third and my favorite, is making love. That is a deep personal connection where every moment is bliss. By the end of my marriage trying to achieve that feeling was like work though the sex was still great.
I had moved in with some relatives in a large house that we all rented out in the country. It was a great arrangement. One big beautiful house that we all shared in an upscale location and we split all of the bills so it was cheap. The neighbors were all nice. I am not a social person by nature but I had met them and felt comfortable talking to them. All accept this pretty blond that lived down the road about a ¼ of a mile. She walked twice a day and every time I saw her, she would scowl and keep walking.
One day I was getting the mail and she was walking down the street. I decided to wait a moment and try to strike up a conversation. As she approached she had that same disgruntled look she always had.
I smiled at her and said, “Hello, nice day for a walk”. I know, a little weak but I had to start somewhere.
“Hi” was all she said as she walked away.
Needless to say it didn’t seem too likely that I would ever be able to crack that hard shell. So I puttered around in the yard for a while hoping to get another chance. Then I saw her coming down the road back towards her house. If anything, she looked even more annoyed when she noticed me.
“Was it something I said or did or what” I asked slightly annoyed. To my surprise she stopped, turned, and looked at me glaringly.
“Not yet, but I am sure there is some kind of lame line you’re going to try to use to pick me up. I’m not interested. I’m married and I don’t need another horny dog trying to hump my leg.” Then she walked away quickly.
I know I’m not Don Juan or Rico Suave but I felt that was a little harsh. But I was sure that I would see her another time so I could try again. I wasn’t trying to start anything. I was just trying to be friendly. But my guess is that she had been hit on so much that it was natural for her to be defensive. It was two or maybe three weeks later that I was outside again and saw her walking by again.
Once again I smiled, “Hello, have a nice walk. By the way I’m not a dog. I’m a neighbor just being polite.” It seemed like she ignored me and kept walking. I didn’t wait around for her this time figuring that it might be considered kind of creepy.
A couple days later I was outside again and she was walking by again. This time she turned down my driveway and walked right up to me. As she walked closer I went from thinking this woman was pretty to holy shit she looks amazing. You could see her tight toned muscles through the fabric of her exercise outfit. I tried to keep my cool but I was having difficulties. How long had it been since an attractive woman walked up to me? As she walked up to me, I noticed that her usual hostile facial expression was softer and not as annoyed.
As she stopped directly in front of me, I just kept my eyes on her eyes hoping to have some kind of hint of what she was doing here. “I was going to stop on my way back the other day but you had gone in already. But I didn’t want to disturb you and your wife.”
I laughed a little which seemed to annoy her a little. “I’m not married, actually just recently divorced. I live here with some relatives and my son. We all lease the property together to make it more affordable.” She seemed to relax a little after this.
“Oh, I had seen a couple of other people and assumed one might be your wife. My name is Karen. So were you hitting on me then? Like I said I am married you know.” She asked with a kind of expression that the glaring was about to come back.
“No, I am not hitting on you. I am just trying to get to know my neighbors and you are the only one I haven’t met yet. And as I said before, I am just being neighborly. Would you like to sit and have a water before you continue your walk?” I asked hoping to continue my conversation with her.
“No, I should really go and finish my walk. If it’s ok I will stop on my way back though and have that water then.”
“Ok, then you could tell me what you wanted to talk about when you were going to stop the other day.”
As she walked away I noticed that she had a great ass. I looked away quickly not wanting to get caught checking her out. In my mind, I noticed she had an athletic build, about 5’ 4” tall, and probably had large B or possibly C cup breasts. In any case, she was a classically attractive blonde woman. It was about this time I notice I was getting a little uncomfortable and could use a little time to relax. I adjourned to the shower to clean up and rub one out as I had not been laid in about 6 months. After a twenty minute shower and an adequate orgasm, I got dressed and went back outside. I sat and waited patiently with several ice cold waters in a cooler between the two chairs on the front porch. A short time later I saw her walking down the street towards my house. I noticed that she had worked up a sweet during her walk as it was a warm day and we lived on a hill. I had a couple minutes before she would be there so I ran inside and grabbed a clean towel and brought it out with me. She was just coming down the driveway when I came out.
“I thought you were going to avoid me the way you ran into the house.” She laughed as she joked.
I politely handed her the towel and retrieved water for her. “I noticed that you were a little sweaty and thought you might appreciate a towel.” Then I offered her a seat in the chair next to the cooler. “There are several there if you need more.” I noticed that when I had given her the towel that she had a musky scent that comes from exertion. I also noticed that this stirred some very pleasant thoughts and my mind wasn’t the only part of me reacting. I sat down hoping I could hide my current discomfort.
“I felt the need to run a little bit on the way up the hill when I was coming back.” She replied.
We talked about how she had been living on the hill for about 8 years with her husband and two children. Both their kids were in college now. One of their daughters was 21and starting her 3rd year at college and the other would turn 19 right before she started her first year at college. I laughingly told her she had to be lying. There was no way she had kids in college.
“What is that supposed to mean?” she asked me looking at me suspiciously.
“First off, you do not look like you have had any kids. Secondly you do not look old enough to have kids in college already. I figured you and your husband for a younger couple. However, I can’t say for sure about your husband since I’ve never seen him.”
“Well I do have two children and that is why I exercise so much. Thank you for the compliment though. My husband is away working all of the time. He works in the city and stays there during the week and comes home some weekends.” She said with a kind of detached tone and a look that had a little defensiveness in it.
“That’s too bad. I would like to meet him sometime. You will have to bring him by some time. We can have a few drinks and get to know each other.
“How about a couple drinks now?” she asked smiling at me.
“What would you like to drink?” I asked not knowing what she might like. “I have beer, wine and whiskey.”
“Let’s go with beer and whiskey.” She said smiling broadly at me.
Needless to say, I had not expected that. So I went inside and brought out several bottles of beer, a bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey and two glasses. This was going to get interesting, or I hoped it would at least.
As we talked I got to know her better and she was a really amazing woman. After graduating high school, she put herself through college and got her RN. She had practically raised her two girls by herself since her husband was never around.
The sun was setting as we sat there sipping our beers. She started to relax more as time went by. We chatted together about her work as a nurse and my work as a technical consultant. We had already had one shot each, a toast to new friends. She called for another shot to toast having jobs that couldn’t lay us off. I laughed at this and poured the drinks.
“This goes down really smooth.” She noted after she drank her shot. I had finished mine as well and had been thinking where this might be going. Then she leaned in towards me and said, “Did you know my husband has a mistress in the city and that is where he stays all the time?”
“I’m sorry. Why would he cheat when he has such a wonderful woman at home? What is wrong with him?” I asked a little annoyed that some asshole would cheat on a woman that was so amazing. She’s attractive, has a good job, and seemed to be really nice once you get beyond her barriers.
She gave a little cry and sniffle. I got up and approached her laying a hand on her shoulder and told her everything would be ok. I’m not sure if it helped too much but I wanted to try and help in some way. After she quieted down a little, I sat back down and gave her another shot for her nerves and had one myself. She proceeded to tell me that over the years he just seemed to lose interest in her and then started to stay in the city more and more. So she started to work out and he didn’t seem to notice the difference. We continued to drink until late. We were both drunk and it was dark out.
“I should walk you home to make sure you get there safely.” I said.
“You’re probably right. I’m drunk enough that I might not get there on my own.” She laughed.
We got up and started walking down the driveway. We were both kind of swaying as we walked along. When we finally reached her door, I was about to say my goodbyes and go back home when she said, “would you like to come in for a while?”
I gave this some serious thought as I was still hoping that this might go somewhere. Especially since finding out that their marriage was on the rocks. But my better judgment kicked in and I told her, “I don’t think I should right now. I am really drunk and I need to sleep it off.”
She looked disappointed and said, “Ok, fine, your loss. We could have had some fun.”
“We could always talk about that tomorrow if you like. I could stop by in the afternoon. What do you think?”
“Ok, sounds good. See you tomorrow.”
Walking home I kept beating myself up over not going in and seeing what kind of fun we might have had. I mean what kind of idiot doesn’t take a shot like that with a beautiful woman? This kind of idiot, that’s who. I am such a dumb ass. I had to take another shower before going to bed as I was wound up pretty good. All I could think about was how her sweaty clothes clung to her leaving very little to the imagination and thinking about how great she smelled. This time when I came it was more than adequate, it was great. As far jerking off goes anyways.
The next morning I got up, got dressed and ran some errands. I got home shortly after noon. I started to make some lunch and was thinking about when I should stop by to visit Karen. Should I wait? Should I go now? Yup, I’m a dumb ass. After lunch I started walking down the road towards Karen’s house and there was a small moving van in the driveway. Ok, this might not be the best time to show up, so I went back home and messed around the house doing odds and ends things that needed to be done. Later that afternoon, maybe four hours later, the doorbell rang. When I answered the door, it was Karen and eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying and her cheeks were tear streaked.
“Karen, what’s wrong? Come in and tell me about it.” I said urging her through the door.
“That’s it, he left me for that whore in the city, boob-zilla, skank, slut that she is. I knew it was over but I didn’t think it would hurt like this. I just need to talk. Is that ok?” she looked at me hopefully.
“Sure, no problem. What can I do to help?” I asked not sure what to do but just be there.
Karen sat next to me for a couple of hours and we talked about their relationship, and my relationship with my ex. We talked about mistakes made and time lost. It was a great emotional outpouring for both of us as we both had a great deal of emotional baggage to unload. When she left she seemed to be feeling much better.
“Thank you so much for being there for me and listening to me. You never did come over this afternoon.” She smiled at me.
“I came over but saw the moving van and thought that maybe then was not the best time, so I left.” I told her casually.
“Tell you what, tomorrow night, my place, 8pm. Dinner and drinks. All you have to bring is yourself. I will take care of everything else.” This time she smiled broadly at me. I was not sure how to take it. But I had my hopes up so high I was having a hard time breathing.
“Ok, I will see you tomorrow night then, good night.” I said smiling back at her.
As she left, I watched her walk away and there was something different in that walk. There was a kind of strut now. My head was spinning at the possibilities of what this meant and what might happen. Seems like it’s time for another shower, hehehe.
The next morning I got up, did some work, ran some errands and the day just seemed to drag by. In the early afternoon I hit the gym to work out a bit. I must look my best after all. I had exercised infrequently but overall I was in ok shape. Not overly muscular but not flabby either. I might have to step that up a bit I thought as I worked out. If I was going to enter the singles scene I might want to think about my appearance a little more. This led me thinking about a haircut and maybe a new set of clothes. Oh my god, I’m acting like one of those women from the chick-flicks, ahhhhhh.
After exercising, haircut, and some shopping I went home and showered. No masturbation this time. If the night went well, I needed to conserve energy so to speak. All cleaned up and the time was getting close. The anticipation was getting to me and I was getting close to bursting. Finally at 7:50 I started walking down to Karen’s house. On my way there, my nerves got tighter and tighter. I hadn’t been this nervous in years. When I finally reached her house, I waited for a second before ringing the bell.
Before I could ring the bell, the door opened. “Come in.” Karen said from behind the door peeking around the edge. When I entered the foyer she closed the door behind me. I turned to look at her and there she was, in this skimpy black little maid outfit with thigh’s and a garters. The outfit pushed her breasts up nicely and seems to give them an extra enhancement that made them all the more delicious looking. My heart was pounding in my chest. My cock immediately jumped to say hello. I must have looked like I was about to pass out because then she said, “Follow me and have a seat.” When she passed me I noticed she had on a light perfume that made my stomach feel like it was full of butterflies. I noticed that the front of the skirt was longer than the back and could just see the bottom of her ass peeking out. It appeared that she was either wearing some very skimpy panties or none at all.
She sat me at the table and served dinner staying quiet the whole time. I really didn’t know what to say as I believe I left my voice at the door. She served a nice dinner of grilled chicken with fresh vegetables smothered in a light sauce and white wine. I quietly ate the meal set before me trying my best to find my voice, maybe in a pocket somewhere.
Karen looked at me contently and said, “You look very nice. Is that a new haircut for me?” she laughed.
“Um, actually, it’s a new haircut and new outfit. I wanted to make a good impression.” I said finally finding my voice after so long a silence.
Karen smiled at me and said, “You look very nice, I like it. Are you almost finished with dinner? I hope you have room for desert”.
“Oh, yeah, I’m done.” I said a little surprised she was rushing this along so quickly.
“Ok, I will take the plates and be right back with desert. Stay here.” She said smiling at me.
“Yes ma’am.” I said with a slight salute.
Karen took the plates into the kitchen and shut the door behind her. As I sat there looking around the dining room, I noticed that all of the blinds were closed. Pretty soon the lights dimmed down and it became just light enough to make out shapes barely.
“Close your eyes, I have a special treat and I hope you enjoy it.” Karen said with a little laugh.
I sat back in my chair closed my eyes and said, “Ok, ready.”
I heard the door open fully and shut from the kitchen, and then the chair across the table from me moved. Then I heard a motion on the table. What was going on?
“Ok, you can open your eyes now.” She breathed right in front of me.
What sat, on the table, directly in front of me was a naked woman with whipped cream covering her breasts and her pussy. She sat there with a bowl full of fresh fruit next to her. She picked up a strawberry, ran it down her left breast, gathering up a large quantity of whipped cream, and put it to my lips. I opened my mouth slowly and she pushed it into my mouth. Next was a grape, the right breast, and into my mouth that one went. This went on for a short while. Different fruit same situation though. Then she asked me, “Are you ready for the best part?”
“I can’t wait.” I said feeling the strain of pent up sexual tension deep in my groin.
She pulled out a cherry. She leaned back on one elbow, slowly pushed the cherry into her pussy, pulled it out and dabbed a little whipped cream on the end for something extra. I eagerly accepted the cherry. I could taste the cherry, the whipped cream and Karen’s cream as well. It was an intoxicating flavor that mixed with all the others stood out enhancing its flavor so much more. Karen’s pussy was delicious.
I couldn’t take any more. I kicked my chair out from under me, fell to my knees and started lapping at her pussy. God she was so wet it was dripping out of her onto the table. I lapped that up to. I licked and sucked for all I was worth. The whole time Karen was grunting and groaning. She mumbled something about never being eaten like that or something. I wasn’t paying any attention to that right now. I was in oral bliss dining on the sacred nectar of the goddess that was Karen. Before I knew it, she grabbed my head roughly and smashed my face into her pussy. She came with such force it was everything I could do to keep from drowning. She came and she came. I kept drinking it in. It was like trying to drink in an entire river to keep from drowning. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, her body stopped shaking. I lapped up the last of her juices and the rest of the whipped cream on her pussy. She giggled and twitched a few more times before I was done. She had an exhilarated look on her face as she tried to catch her breath.
“That was amazing” she said between panting breaths. “I haven’t had my pussy eaten in years. You have no idea how much I have missed it. Now how can I return the favor? Do you want me to suck your cock or do you just want to fuck the hell out of me and make me cum all over your cock?” she asked looking eager to do everything she could think of.
“What would you like to do if you had it your way?” I asked.
“I would have you fuck me as hard as you can for as long as you can until you are ready to cum. When you are ready to cum, I would then have you get in a 69 and fuck my mouth until you came in my throat.” Karen said licking her lips.
My cock was so hard at the thought of all of that that I was ready to cum right there. I took a couple moments to calm down and caressed her naked body. God she was beautiful. My cock was aching in anticipation of penetrating this beautiful woman. She was still lying on the table, her body glistening with sweat. “And where would you like this to happen? Here? Or somewhere else?” I asked.
“I think we should move to my bedroom. If you’re as good as I hope you are, it’s going to get loud and I don’t want any distractions. We will have more room to play to.” Karen said with a smile.
We pushed the chairs in, gathered our things and went into her bedroom. There was a king size bed, all of the drapes had been pulled. She walked in, turned on a dim light and led me next to the bed. There she started unbuttoning my shirt and helped me out of my clothes. When she got to my new boxer briefs, she could see the outline of my raging hard on through the flimsy material and she ran her fingernails over the shaft of my cock. The sensation sent shivers through my body. Then she reached for the waistband and started to pull down my underwear. My cock sprang out, finally set free from restriction. She gave my cock a slight squeeze and a couple tugs then crawled onto the bed, looking over her shoulder at me with a smile that screamed she wanted me. She twisted and lay on her back and motioned for me to come to her.
I moved to her body, kissing her ankle, then her calf, then her thigh. I skipped the fun part and moved up to her stomach and kissed around her belly button. Then I moved up between her breasts, not touching them though and started kissing and nibbling her neck. I moved to her ear, licked the edge and whispered quietly, “Is there a specific position you would like me to start in?” Then I sucked in her earlobe and gave it a little nibble. She shivered slightly and sighed audibly.
“Any way you want is fine, just ram that beautiful cock in me and make me cum.” She said huskily.
I knelt beside her, rolled her so she was laying on her right side. I straddled her right leg put her left leg on my right shoulder. She was spread wide and ready for the taking. I could see her girl goo oozing out of her delicious pussy. I pushed my cock-head down to slippery pussy lips. I slowly slid my cock into her warm wet pussy. Karen took a long deep settling sigh as inch after inch was slid into her soaked pussy. Finally, I was completely in her. I could not go in any further and she wiggled with anticipation.
“Now you said you wanted it hard, right?” I asked while sliding in and out slowly to prolong the sensation.
“Just fuck me already, get that cock moving. Pleeeeeease???” she begged. How could I refuse?
With a final slow withdrawal, I slammed my cock back into her. I preceded to slam-fuck her as hard as I could. Within a couple minutes she built up to an impressive orgasm that just about forced me out of her now gushing pussy. But I kept pumping as hard as I could. Several minutes later she came again and I slapped my hand to her pussy to finger her clit while she came. It magnified her orgasm and she started contorting and spasming. The look of sheer ecstasy on her face was exhilarating. She came several more times and each time I would rub her clit while she came. I was building up fast. God I wanted to blow my hot load in this woman’s already flooded pussy. “I’m going to cum soon.” I grunted into her ear. She pushed out from under me, swiveled around, and slid between my legs. I fell forward to my hands as she engulfed my cock with her mouth. She grabbed my ass and forced my cock as deep as it would go down her throat. I continued to fuck her mouth for as long as I could but I didn’t hold out long. I exploded into her mouth and I heard her grunt. I could feel her throat contract as she swallowed spurt after spurt of my cum. I don’t think I had ever cum that much in my life. It was like it wouldn’t stop. When it finally did, my balls ached with sudden emptiness. Karen continued to lick and suck my cock and balls. Cleaning up all of the cum from both of us. I rolled over and laid there on the bed totally spent. After a couple moments, Karen got up, put on a robe, and said, “ok, you need to go now. I have to get to bed and be up early tomorrow to pick up my girls. I should be back in the afternoon if you want to come over and you can meet my girls.