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Rich orphan Tracey is perhaps too trusting of her friends!
"Don't be so silly Emily, I'd never pass as a slave!" Tracey squealed with laughter as her two friends smiled back at her.

"Well not as you are now silly, we'd have to do some work on you but ultimately all girls can be slaves Tracey, regardless of their upbringing." Emily replied.

"Well yes I know and I agree the idea is intriguing but everybody in town knows I'm Tracey Smith, most certainly not a slave girl." Tracey replied with a snort of laughter.

"Well maybe not everyone,"Ashley piped up,"There is that new girl in town, she's bought the old Harris place and moved in last week, rumours are she's a frightful girl, new money but lot's of it."

"Yes she would be perfect,"Emily giggled," She doesn't know you and I've heard that she's having a big party at the house next week to introduce herself to all the important townsfolk, I'm sure myself and Ashley will be invited, you too Tracey but wouldn't it be fun if we bought you along as our slave girl instead."

Tracey looked at the two of them with wide eyes, the idea was as preposterous now as it had been an hour ago when the subject was bought up, but now they seemed to have a firmer idea and instead of just a fanciful whimsy an actual plan was forming, and Tracey couldn't deny a sparkle of interest was also forming.

The three girls were sat around the garden table on the beautifully manicured lawn, the large imposing house behind them. A house that had became Tracey's a year ago when both her her parents were tragically killed in an awful motor accident. Tracey had been away at finishing school in Switzerland when the accident happened and she'd spent the last year slowly rebuilding her life and getting used to being an orphan at the relatively tender age of nineteen.

She was also a relatively well off orphan! Her parents had left the house to her and she was the sole beneficiary of their will which meant that she would never have to worry about money for the rest of her life.

Although the house was a large fine English country house it was not a mansion, her parents had though owned several slaves, ownership of whom had passed to Tracey in her parents wills and she found herself owning two male slaves and six female slaves. The younger male slave mainly kept the gardens in order while the older male slave worked inside the house, as did the female slaves who were kept busy cooking and cleaning and keeping the house looking as pristine as it did.

Tracey had always been fascinated by the whole concept of slavery. The law had been changed not long after she was born to allow the ownership of slaves and it wasn't long before it was widespread, firstly for the rich who could afford to buy a slave and then as the price fell more and more of the general public became slave owners.

Not too many of the general public owned eight slaves like Tracey did though and to start with she was intimated by the fact, especially as she was the only non slave in the house. She did try to be a kind mistress at first but soon found that she was being taken advantage of and she was told by a male neighbour that she would have to toughen up or face the consequences and so the next day she had lined all eight slaves up and lectured them on their recent laziness and attitude and to show that she was now in charge she had borrowed one of the neighbours male slaves and had him whip and cane all eight of them.

The two male slaves had been whipped, hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to cause real injury, the female slaves had been stripped naked and caned across their bare behinds. Tracey had watched the whole episode from less than ten feet away while sipping tea and to her surprise she had found herself sexually excited. Not so much by the men, the younger male slave did have a nicely toned body she admitted to herself but even so watching him whipped was mildly distasteful to her rather than exciting. Seeing the naked crying girls caned however was another matter, their nakedness and wails and jumping flesh as the man caned them excited Tracey enormously and to her surprise she even found herself thinking about what it would be like to be caned like that by a brute of a man who was obviously enjoying the task.

Tracey had always been a submissive girl, she knew it and she also knew it was a dangerous thing to admit to in these days of slavery. Of course most girls were bought up to be submissive now days as so many of them would end up in slavery but Tracey had always been told by her parents that she would never end up like that because of her breeding and wealth. Despite this though her feelings of submissiveness only grew stronger and she had to admit that on more than one occasion she had wondered what it would like to be a slave girl herself.

She was under no illusions though, her fantasy's in her own bed made the life of a slave very sexy indeed, she knew though that it was not the case in real life. Yes slave girls were often kept naked at all times and yes the master of the house had full sexual ownership of her and could use her to his hearts content. That did not mean though that the Master of the house was going to be a youthful hunk who was a consummate lover, in reality they were usually fat women hating deviants who no young girl would want to go to bed with given the choice!

No the fantasy of being a slave girl was just that, a fantasy, until Emily and Ashley had started this conversation!

"You really could do it Tracey, we all know you've thought about it enough times and it makes you all gooey" Emily giggled,"this could be your best chance."

Emily and Ashley Chambers were sisters and had been Tracey's friends ever since she remembered, maybe friends wasn't exactly the correct word, they were undoubtedly a class step down from Tracey, maybe even two but their father John Chambers had been Tracey's parents lawyer right up until their deaths and now acted as Tracey's lawyer. Not that she really understood anything the man said to her, he had this annoying habit of talking down to her in a most patronising way that left Tracey feeling that she didn't have a clue what he was doing with her affairs but as long as the money was there to pay the bills she was happy enough to let him carry on acting on her behalf. She always trusted him and whenever he asked her to sign some piece of paper with little or no explanation of what it was she was signing she just signed anyway.

There had been rumours that John Chambers had been annoyed around the time of her parents death, firstly because he had expected to gain something from their will, which had been made up before he became their lawyer some years earlier, and secondly he had hope that Tracey would return to Switzerland after her parents funeral and leave him to look after the estate.

She had also overhead him talking to Emily once in what had been her fathers study, she had innocently walked past the half open door and heard Emily giggle and her dad laugh as he said,

"The silly bitch just signed it over to me this morning, she doesn't have any idea what she was signing either."

Emily had laughed and said,

"God she's such a bimbo isn't she, we will get it all soon and she'll end up with nothing."

"Less than nothing, she will be in the debtors prison soon don't you worry and we all know what happens to girls that end up there."

Tracey had just carried on walking past as more giggles and laughter had come from the room, surely they hadn't been talking about her had they, after all Emily was her friend and she had known her father all her life. She had signed some papers that morning but she signed papers that Mr Chambers gave her most days. Emily had also started calling her a bimbo recently but only as a sign of affection Tracey was sure. Putting the thoughts from her mind Tracey had promptly forgotten any doubts about Emily's friendship.

A few days later she had confessed to both Emily and Ashley that she had always tried to suppress her submissive feelings and that she had also fantasied about being a slave girl herself. It had been two much wine that had loosened her tongue and she regretted it as soon as she'd said it, especially seeing the looks of shock and amusement on Emily's and Ashley's faces. They quickly assured her not to worry though and explained that most girls had the same feelings of curiosity but Tracey did not see the smiles that were being exchanged between the two sisters.

And now here they were sitting on the lawn sipping nice long cold glasses of Pimms discussing whether of not Tracey could pass herself off as a slave girl! It had been Tracey's fault, she had called for a new jug of Pimms and the slave had taken so long in bringing it to them Tracey had innocently exclaimed that she could do it quicker and make a better slave girl than the one standing naked before them now.

Once the girl was dismissed Emily had slyly said to Tracey,

"You know Tracey you should give it a go." on seeing Tracey's puzzled look she carried on,"you know you want to see what it feels like to be a slave girl, why don't you try it for a while, I'm sure you'd love it."

Tracey looked at her shocked, but she couldn't also deny that a flicker of excitement had crossed her mind, and her pussy! The three girls had then spent twenty minutes giggling and talking about how to get Tracey to try being a slave on a temporary basis until they had talked about taking Tracey as their slave to the new girls party.

Emily and Ashley had definitely been in charge of the conversation and were pushing Tracey into it but it was also true that Tracey was not resisting as much as perhaps she should have been!

"It will be fine Tracey, maybe your right the party itself might not be such a good idea as people will know you but we can take you along with us when we meet the new girl before the party and take you as our slave, she won't know who you are, gosh it will be so much fun." she giggled.

Tracey found herself giggling with the two sisters and she knew she couldn't resist agreeing to the girls plan, after all it was incredibly exciting, they would just take her to this girls house as their slave and to all extents and purposes that's what she would be for the day!

"You do realise you will have to be naked don't you Tracey." Ashley had said with a sly grin.

Tracey knew that most female slaves were kept naked at all times, and in all weathers! Tracey kept her own female slaves naked after all and that was the norm. Even in public female slaves were mostly naked, indeed it was more normal to see naked slave girls than clothed ones, even in the street. Tracey had no qualms about keeping her own slaves naked, they were all young and pretty and had good toned bodies and keeping them naked was not only a sign of public humiliation to the slave girl but it was also a way of their owner showing off the quality of slave she owned. After all the prettier the slave girl the more expensive she was to buy and if you had an expensive slave you wanted to show her off.

The thought of being naked for Emily and Ashley though as they paraded her around as their own slave was exquisitely naughty and she couldn't stop herself from giggling as she replied,

"Of course silly, I will be your slave after all."

The two sisters exchanged quick smiles before Emily said in mock disappointment,

"Oh there is one potential problem, what about your bar code?"

Tracey gasped, she knew Emily was right, that would be a problem. Every slave girl was bar coded as a means of identity. The bar code worked exactly the same way any piece of bar coded merchandise worked, you scanned the code with a scanner and the product details would be read and the slaves details were displayed along with her owners. This way any slave code be tracked and identified easily, and it also worked as a buying and selling tool. It was illegal to own an unbarcoded slave but once she was bar coded it was easy to buy and sell her on the open market.

Of course Tracey as a free girl was not bar coded at all, a fact that would be hard to hide as she would spend the day completely naked as the sisters slave!

"Well we could get her bar coded like an ordinary slave but just not registered,"Ashley piped up, "That way it she will have the bar codes on her body but nothing will come up if she's scanned."

"Oh I don't know." Tracey said hesitantly,"bar codes are permanent aren't they?"

"Well yes silly but Ashley's right, we could take you and get you coded but just don't do anything about it, that way if Sophie looks she will see your all correct." Emily laughed.

Still unsure Tracey looked at the girls for reassurance.

"Yes we could do that, there's a shop on the high street next to that delightful tea room, we could take you down there tomorrow and get your all done properly and myself and Emily could have some tea and cakes while we wait." Ashley giggled.

"Oh that's a good idea, those cakes are simply divine," Emily giggled, "It's all agreed then?" she said looking at Tracey and Tracey found herself nodding her head in agreement.

The next day the girls called for Tracey at eleven. She was nervous but so excited she couldn't deny it. The girls father had arrived an hour before them with another sheaf of paperwork to sign and as she did so he had stood behind her shoulder and she had been sure he was staring down the front of her fairly low cut dress. Feeling uneasy this prompted her to just sign all the forms as quickly as possible so that she could move away from his leering gaze.

This wasn't the first time she had felt uneasy recently under his gaze and she was grateful that he had no idea of the girls little game, she would simply die of shame if he were to see her naked!

The girls had arrived an hour later and giggling like schoolgirls they had caught a taxi into town. Tracey had been embarrassed while sitting behind the rough looking driver as the sisters discussed her upcoming bar coding with gay abandon, seemingly taking great delight in embarrassing her in front of the driver who must of thought it was all for real and Tracey was being taken to begin a new life as a slave. Indeed when he had dropped them off in the high street he had laughed and said to Emily,

"If you want me to drive you back later give me a ring, I might even make you an offer for her, I've seen her around a lot and always fancied owning something that fancy" he's said looking at Tracey with lust on his face.

Emily had giggled and said,

"Well she's going to be too expensive for the likes of you, you might be able to afford to rent her for a while though."

The driver had laughed crudely before saying.

"I'll put the word around then, you girls could make a lot of money renting out one as pretty as her ."

"You do that." Emily had laughed and took his card off him before he roared off down the high street.

"Why did you tell him that." Tracey had gasped at Emily.

"Oh don't worry, I was just having fun teasing him." she laughed.

"Well I think he believed you, he's probably talking to all his taxi friends on the radio right now!" Tracey pouted.

"Well he had a good point, we could make a lot of money renting you out." Ashley giggled, "you know slave girls can't refuse their master or mistresses commands don't you." she laughed before Emily stepped in and still smiling said,

"Come on, enough of this teasing, we're frightening poor Tracey, let's get her inside the shop." and she took Tracey's hand and led her into what looked like a pet shop.

In fact that's exactly what it seemed to be, the shop was small and cramped and full of pet accessories, big and small, there were all kinda of food stuff in bags, collars and leashes, dog beds and kennels, cat litter, you name it the shop seemed to stock it.

Tracey had already assumed a submissive mode as she followed Emily and Ashley further inside the gloomy shop until they reached a counter where the only employee seemed to be working, a young girl, not much out of school by the looks of her.

"Can I help you?" the girl said with a cheery smile.

"Yes, I understand that you do bar coding on new slaves?" Emily said confidently.

"Yes that's right, which one is it." the girl smiled sweetly.

"Blondie here," Ashley replied pushing Tracey forward slightly.
"Okay that's not a problem, which of our services did you want?" the girl asked and on receiving blank looks from the sisters carried on,"Well I can get her bar coded and registered that's the basic service, you can get her micro chipped so you can always track where she is, we can collar her for you of course, we have a large selection of electric shock collars if you think she needs discipline, we can even do modifications, clit removal is very poplar nowadays for example." she laughed.

Tracey stood there mortified, this was all moving far away from the original idea, which as far as she was concerned was just to play a game, just a bit of fun to see what it was like to be a slave for a day. She hadn't been keen on being bar coded and now the sales girl was talking about cutting her clit off!

"I think we'll just have the basic package today." Emily smiled and Tracey sighed with relief.

"Very good, bar coded and registered it is then, where do you want the bar code on her body.?"

"Oh somewhere discreet, nowhere vulgar." Emily laughed and the sales girl laughed with her.

"Well she looks like she's full breasted, we could put one under her right breast and maybe one under the left bum cheek, it's best to have two if they are out of sight." the girl smiled.

"Sounds fine." Ashley laughed.

"Okay well if you ladies leave her with us she should be ready in a couple of hours." the girl said, "I just need you to fill in the registration form and that's it."

"Oh we were hoping you could do here while we waited." Emily said.

"Not today, got 3 others waiting out the back to be done, she will have to wait her turn I'm afraid, just leave your mobile number on the form and I'll give you a ring when she's ready to collect."

Tracey just stood there watching Emily fill in the registration form and then with a cheery goodbye and wave her and Ashley left the shop.

"Okay babe let's get you into a cage to wait for my dad to come back." the sales girl said and took Tracey's hand and led her back behind the counter and into a largish storeroom which was dominated by a large work table which appeared to have stirrups at one end. The only other thing of note was the six large metal dog cages stacked in a row of three with one cage on top of another. Inside three of the cages were naked girls and it was obvious to Tracey she was going into one of the empty cages.

Now she could of ran, or simply refused the next order, which was to get undressed, but instead she meekly did as she was told until she was standing in the cold room as naked as the day she was born before the young sales girl who smiled at her and said,

"Very good hunny, now get into your cage and hopefully you wont have to wait to long."

Tracey did as she was told and climbed up into one of the empty cages on top of one already containing a girl and before she knew it the sales girl had closed the metal door and locked it, leaving her literally caged like an animal.

The girl fastened the form Emily had completed to the front of the cage and walked off back into the front of the shop leaving Tracey caged with the other three girls. There happened to be a clock on the wall opposite the cages and Tracey saw that it was 11.15 when she'd been locked in the cage and by 12.15 she was wondering is she was ever going to get out! Although large for a dog cage it was not big enough to stand up in or move around that much and she found herself kneeling facing forwards on all fours most of the time. There was a small drinking tube poking through the cage and she pulled it into her mouth at one stage and started sucking on it until a sweet sickly liquid entered her mouth. At first she was going to spit it out but she suddenly realised that it actually tasted very nice on her tongue and it was certainly doing it's job of quenching her thirst as she greedily sucked harder on the tube drinking more and more of the liquid.

Eventually she let the tube slip from her mouth and made herself as comfortable as she could, the feeling of being caged naked like she was was in some ways a dream come true for Tracey, her submissive nature was being bought to the fore in that position there was no denying that! On the other hand metal cages were not built for comfort and she was soon almost crying out to be released so she could stretch her aching bones.

Finally at 12.25 the back door to the shop opened and in walked a large man who without looking at the caged girls took his coat off and hung it up before bellowing at the top of his voice,

"I'm back honey."

He did look at the row of cages then and Tracey felt a wave of embarrassment overcome her as he looked at her naked and caged but she could tell from the look on his face that he was just looking at them as a work order rather than a sexual object!

The young sales girl came through the door into the room and kissed the man on the cheek before saying,

"Got four to do today so far, the two brunettes are the to be coded and registered and collared, the one on the end is having her clit removed as well, the two blondes are basic jobs, codes and registered."

'Okay, anyone in a hurry?"

"No not really, any order you like." she said before waltzing back out into the shop.

To Tracey's surprise the man approached her cage first and took the form from the front of it and read it briefly before unlocking the front and saying to her,

"Okay out you get then darling, let's get you all sorted out for your new mistress."

With some difficulty she clambered out of the cage and down till she was standing on her own two feet, another blush spreading over her face as she stood naked in front of the man. He barely looked at her though as he told her to get up onto the work table and lay down on her back and once she was there he quickly fastened her wrists and ankles to the table with leather straps that she hadn't noticed before.

"Right then honey this will hurt a bit so let's just get you devoiced, don't want you screaming the place down do we putting the customers off." he laughed.

Tracey was genuinely scared now, with no idea what to expect. This was only meant to be some silly game but it certainly did not seem a game to her now strapped naked to a table!

"Open wide." the man said looming above her and as Tracey did as she was told he quickly squirted some horrible gunk deep into her mouth and as she coughed and spluttered he laughed,

"That should keep your quiet for a while at least."

Tracey had no idea what the stuff was he had just sprayed down her throat but he was right, it did keep her quiet! She opened her mouth wide to try and shout out and not a sound escaped her lips, a sensation which only heightened her fear!

The man picked up the form Emily had completed again and looked at it with a puzzled look on his face before saying,

"I think that says one under each tit, I never could read that girls writing."

Tracey could only lay there strapped tightly down and devoiced as the man picked up what looked like some sort of electronic probe but with a large flatter head and as he switched an unseen switch the end of the probe started to hum slightly.

"Okay darling brace yourself." The man smiled at her as he took hold of her right nipple and pulled her breast high enough to make her squeal if she hadn't of been devoiced. That pain was nothing though compared to the sudden burning sensation as he firmly pressed the end of the probe against the underside of her raised breast and held it there for ten seconds although it seemed ten times longer than that to Tracey!

She knew she would be screaming the shop down if she'd not been devoiced and as he took the probe away and let her breast drop into it's normal position he laughed and said,

"Now the left one."

Knowing what was coming only seemed to make the pain worse as he proceeded to sear her slave bar code to the underside of her left breast and then released her nipple letting the tit flop back down.

"Okay good girl that bits all over, now you just lay there and let me get you registered." the man laughed casually and that was all Tracey could do anyway, lay on the table trying to get her breath back and waiting for the pain under each breast to subside.

She was dimly aware that the man was typing stuff into a computer and also dimly aware that perhaps he shouldn't be doing that, hadn't the bar coding just meant to be for show? She seemed to remember Emily and Ashley saying that she wouldn't actually be registered as a slave. He did seem to be typing a lot of information into the computer though and looking at the for that Emily had completed. Maybe that was it, Emily must of put down on the form that she wasn't actually to be properly registered.

"Right that's you all done then sweetheart,"the man said standing up and coming back over to the prone Tracey," somebody's going to have a lot of fun with you aren't they." he laughed crudely and ran his hand over Tracey's naked and defenceless body for a few seconds before releasing her wrists and ankles from the straps and telling her to get back into her cage and wait for her new owner to come back and pick her up!

Tracey climbed into the cage again and knelt down on all fours facing the work room wondering to herself if perhaps this game had gone too far. Surely he couldn't mean that he had actually registered her properly as a slave. That idea was preposterous for a girl of her breeding and wealth. If by some foul mistake he had gone through with the complete registration that surely Emily and her father could sort this out, couldn't they?

It was now 1.00 pm and Tracey could only stay in her cage as the other three girls were processed on the table in front of her. The two that were just being coded and registered like her were worked on methodically and quickly like she had been and Tracey wondered how many girls this man had actually had on his work table. The last girl struggled tremendously though, and not surprisingly Tracey thought as this was the girl having her clit removed!

Tracey had not been able to see exactly what was happening as the man had secured the poor girl on her front with her bottom pushed into the air. He had stood behind the girl between her spread legs but at an angle to Tracey, hiding her view which was probably a good thing! All she had seen was the man holding what looked like a simple pair of pliers in one hand and a sharp knife in the other!

Tracey had shut her eyes when the man had started making cutting motions and even though the girl was devoiced Tracey was sure she could still hear her scream in her head.

Finally all was quiet, all four girls were back in their cages and the man,pleased with us work, left them there and went out to the front of the shop. It was now almost 2 pm and Tracey had been wondering how much longer Emily and Ashley would be, they had left here there almost three hours ago!

Ten minutes later the door opened and the sales girl had entered the room followed by a middle aged woman and a much younger lad.

"As you can see Madam we've got four animals here today, all of them cheaply priced but all of them fit and healthy."

Tracey could only stare in shock as the sales girl stepped out of the way and the woman and the lad came into view, it was Mrs Williams and her son Jack. Mrs Williams was her neighbour and not a very friendly neighbour either, Tracey's mother and father had always called her "that common woman!" and they had had several run ins with her over the years, usually because of their loud parties that they seemed to hold every weekend in the summers and even though their hours had a large expanse of garden between them the noise still travelled. Her son Jack had been in Tracey's class at school and had always been an obnoxious little prat!

The sales girl quickly opened the four cages and each girl got out and stood in front of the potential buyers who were looking at them with curiosity on Mrs Williams face and undisguised lust on Jacks face.

Of course as Tracey feared it only took a few seconds for them both to recognise Tracey and the look of surprise on their faces was almost comical, at least it would have been if Tracey hadn't of been so hideously embarrassed standing before them naked and on sale as a slave.

"My my Tracey, I never thought I'd see you here." Mrs Williams laughed and her son just stared even more lustfully than before, Tracey was sure that she could actually feel his eyes crawling over her exposed body!

"She's been devoiced Madam." the sales girl piped up in case the woman had been waiting for a reply from Tracey.

"Oh that's good, permanently?" Mrs Williams laughed.

"No just temporarily, we can make it permanent if you wished though."

"Oh yes I think I would like that, would be ironic actually as her and her wretched family were always moaning about the noise coming from my now house and now she won't be able to make any noise herself." Mrs Williams laughed loudly and her son joined in.

"Well Tracey there's not much point in asking you how you ended up on this position while your devoiced is there, I'm glad you have though, I was looking to but a pretty little slave girl for Jack and I'm sure he'd love to have you to play with, wouldn't you Jack."

Jack just looked at Tracey, almost it seemed struck as dumb as Tracey, his eyes were doing all the talking Tracey wanted to hear though!

"We'll take her, how much is she?" Mrs Williams barked at the sales girl.

"Well she only came in today so we haven't decided on a price yet and my dad does most of the pricing up but he's gone out for an hour." the girl replied in an unsure voice.

"Surely you can price her for me, bear in mind though I don't want to spend a lot, she's only going to be a toy for my son and I'm sure you know there's lot of shops selling girls like her, pussy is cheap nowadays."

"Yes of course madam, I'm sure we can arrange a suitable price for you."

Tracey was standing there not believing what she was hearing, surely the sales girl knew that she was not hers to sell! After all even if she had of been fully registered surely Emily was her new owner. Perhaps though the man had entered the shop as her owner and then she could be sold to whoever wanted to buy her! She looked at the grinning Jack again and wished the floor could just open up and swallow her whole!

Then as if she had been reading Tracey's mind the sales girl suddenly said,

"Oh I'm sorry Madam, I've just remembered, this girl was bought in but her new owner, she's not ours to sell, we are just holding her here waiting for her owner to pick her up."

Tracey could of kissed the girl but a look of anger and disappointment crossed Mrs Williams face.

"Are you just trying to push the price up?" she demanded angrily.

"No Madam, her owner should be here to pick her up soon, perhaps you could try and buy her from her?"

Mrs Williams shook her head,

"I really wanted to buy a slave now before going home, what if I offered you 100 pounds for her, you could tell her owner she escaped or something, I really would like to buy her, let's just say me and her have some history and it would be so sweet to have her as a slave at my house." she smiled sweetly at the sales girl.

"I'm sorry madam I can't do it, the best I can do is let you have her if her new owner doesn't collect her, if you leave me your number I can call you if she becomes available."

With some mutterings about how that would have to do Mrs Williams gave the girl her card and with a final look and leer from both of them they left the shop and Tracey heaved a big sigh of relief!

Twenty minutes later Emily and Ashley arrived and Tracey was once again let out of her cage to face another bout of embarrassment as she stood naked in front of her friends. Friends who found the whole scene absolutely hilarious and had a huge fit of the giggles as Tracey stood there totally exposed, unable to even voice her shame.

After calming down Emily asked Tracey if she was okay and on receiving no reply looked at the sales girl quizzically.

"Oh she's been devoiced." the girl smiled.

"Permanently?" Emily asked with a hint of shock in her voice.

"Oh no, just a temporary spray, she should be fine again in about two hours I'd say, did you wasn't her devoiced permanently?" the girl asked.

"Oh can you do that?" Ashley giggled.

"Yes it's not a problem, more and more owners are asking for it to be done, I can do it for you now if you like, only takes a second." she laughed.

For a second Tracey thought they were going to agree but then Emily said,

"No, maybe some other time, how much do we owe you for the coding?"

"Well that's twenty pounds for the coding and we registered her for you as well." the sales girl replied.

"You registered her, fully?" Emily asked.

"Yes, is that a problem?" the girl replied.

"Oh, well I guess not, so she's 100% registered, no going back?" Emily asked.

"Yes, she's a fully registered slave now and will be for the rest of her life with you as her owner to do with as you please." the girl giggled.

"Oh that's so cool." Ashley squealed with delight and Emily just smiled at Tracey.

"Remember we do buy and sell slaves so if you get tired of her we will buy her off you, we already had one interested buyer for her." the sales girl laughed.

"Oh?" Emily said surprised.

"Yes a middle aged lady and her son, they seemed to know her and were quite interested in buying her, a Mrs Williams." the sales girl said looking at the card left with her before.

"Oh that's the horrible common woman who lives next to Tracey," Ashley laughed, "No wonder she wanted to buy her, we should sell her to her when we've finished with her." she laughed and to Tracey's dismay she say Emily laughing to!

Emily took Tracey's arm and started to lead her out of the back room and into the main part of the shop and Tracey suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and scared. As far as she could see there was nobody else in the shop but she could see people passing by outside and here she was completely naked for the first time in a public place!

She just stood there in a slight daze as the sisters started talking to the sales girl again, she couldn't believe the position she found herself in, apart from the fact that she was naked she was also a registered slave and Tracey knew that once you were registered there was no getting away from the fact that you were a slave for the rest of your life. That meant all her human rights were gone, she was not allowed to own anything either, her life belonged to her Master, and that was now Emily Chambers! Her only hope was that once this silly devoicer wore off she could speak to Emily sensibly and remind her that this was just supposed to be some silly game and that even if she couldn't delete her records from the slave record at least get Emily's assurances that she was not going to act as her owner and she would just let Tracey continue to live as a free woman.

She was bought out of her daze by the snap of Emily fastening a collar around her neck and then a leash to that and then she felt Ashley behind her tying her wrists together with what felt like a soft leather strip of material.

"Okay slave, let's get you home shall we." Emily giggled and Tracey wondered how effective her talk with Emily was going to be!

The next day was pretty surreal for Tracey, in fact everything from leaving the pet shop onwards had been surreal!

Emily and Ashley had insisted on walking her down the high street completely naked to the bus stop and with her hands tied behind her back so that she was completely exposed and unable to cover herself. On the way they must of passed at least half the town, or at least it seemed that way to Tracey, most of whom she knew! Most of the women they passed had cast sneering looks at her and most of the men had cast lust filled looks but whichever it was Tracey had received them with shame and embarrassment.

The two girls leading her through the town had been giggling the whole way and to Tracey they had seemed to be positively revelling in the experience of showing her off to as many people as they could! Once they had arrived at the bus stop they had to wait for fifteen minutes, again with lots of people walking by and seeing the naked Tracey, and in some ways it was even worse on the bus when it arrived as Tracey was not allowed to take a seat, slaves were only permitted to stand and so she had to stand the whole way while the other passengers stared at her nakedness.

By the time they reached the safety and privacy of home Tracey was about fit to burst of embarrassment and luckily around that time the devoicer started to wear off and she began to berate Emily and Ashley for their treatment of her.

To her relief once the girls had stopped giggling and told her it had only been a bit of fun they did seem conciliatory towards her until Tracey had said she was going to go and put some clothes on.

"Oh no Missy, I'm afraid not, your a slave now and slaves stay naked." Emily had said sternly backed up by Ashley.

"But I'm not a real slave, this was only meant to be a silly game." Tracey pouted and that had bought a fresh round of giggles from the two sisters.

"Don't be such a baby," Ashley had laughed.

"Well technically you are a real slave Tracey." Emily smiled," You've been properly coded and registered and I am your legal owner, until I decide to sell you of course." She giggled.

"But you wouldn't do that, would you?" Tracey said concerned.

The sisters had looked at her for a few seconds and Tracey was sure they were going to say they were indeed going to sell her until they both burst out laughing.

"Don't be silly," Emily laughed," don't worry, I'm sure I read somewhere that if a slave is unregistered within 72 hours she becomes a free woman again, so I reckon we've got about 68 hours to get you unregistered, I think that's right anyway"

"Yes you silly girl, we'll get my dad to unregister you before the time is up and you'll be back to normal, he is a lawyer you know." Ashley laughed.

"In the meantime though you are a slave girl and will act as one," Emily said sternly,"For the next day or two you will be kept naked and act as a slave, we still intend to take you to Sophie's soon and show you off as our new slave and if you let us down we might just forget to unregister you!"

Although Tracey was still in shock over what had happened to her she had greedily picked up on the fact that the whole thing could be reversed and things get back to normal soon, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

The next day passed in a blur, the sisters had been true to their word and insisted that Tracey had act as a slave around the house. She had been expected to work with the other slaves, cleaning, fetching, cooking and all the other slave duties, and worst of all this meant being naked all the time.

Unbeknown to Tracey the girls must of bought a can of two of the devoicer from the pet shop as they sprayed her fairly liberally every so often and for most of the next twenty four hours she had been unable to speak a word.

If truth be told though Tracey had to admit she had been turned on almost constantly. Being kept naked and expected to act submissively at all times, she wasn't even allowed to look at the girls face to face, she had to keep her eyes lowered when talking to "betters" had turned her on enormously. It was almost like a dream come true for her and when John, the young male slave, had come into her bed in the slaves quarters that night with obvious intentions she had opened her legs willingly for him! The way she had acted with him had embarrassed her deeply, after all less than two days ago she had been his owner and now she was riding him like a wanton slut in heat! She couldn't help herself though and the embarrassment was worth it for the warm feeling between her legs as she finally fell asleep in his arms that night.

The humiliation had deepened the next morning though when Emily had rung the bell for service and Tracey had entered the room prepared to accept a new order when she saw Mrs Williams sitting there smiling.

"Ah there she is, your so lucky to have got her Emily, I would of enslaved her ages ago if I'd had the chance."

All Tracey could do was stand by the chair and look at the floor as she heard Emily laugh,

"Well I know you've had your arguments in the past with her, I'm sure you would have a lot of fun with her if she was your slave now."

"God yes, I'd put the little slut in her place don't you worry, and my son would have different uses for her if you know what I mean." she laughed crudely and Emily joined in while Tracey cringed inwardly. "Unfortunately though he does have a habit of getting through slaves girls quickly, I'm sure he would take his time with this one though"

"Did you know I tried to buy her at the shop?" Mrs Williams asked Emily.

"Yes, the sales girl mentioned it, are you still interested then?" Emily giggled.

"Oh yes, she's such a stunner isn't she, it's always more fun to play with the prettier slaves." she laughed crudely again and Tracey shuddered at the thought of what this horrible woman might do to her.

"Well I might be in the market even though I've only just got her myself." Emily smiled.

"Oh that would be marvellous," Mrs Williams squealed with delight,'I'd pay you a good rate for her."

"Well I've barely had any use out of her myself yet, let me give you a call when I'm ready to sell her." Emily smiled sweetly and then with a cursory wave of her hand dismissed Tracey from the room leaving her to wonder just how bad life would be under the control of Mrs Williams and her son!

Her humiliation had grown that same afternoon when Mr Chambers had arrived at the house and it wasn't long before his daughters summoned the naked Tracey to the drawing room to come face to face with him. She had cringed inwardly at the way he had simply stood without saying a word and let his eyes travel slowly up and down her exposed body as if inspecting a piece of meat.

"Well well Tracey you do seem to be in a spot of bother don't you?" he had laughed.

"She can't speak daddy, we devoice her." Ashley had giggled.

"Oh, that's a good idea, slaves should be seen and not heard anyway." he said nodding, his eyes never leaving Tracey," she had such a nice voice though, pity I'll never hear it again." he laughed.

"Well it's not permanent, it wears off every few hours." Emily said.

"Well that's a bit silly isn't it, why don't you make it permanent given her present position." he smiled.

"Well we've told her that you will be able to make her free again under the 72 hour rule." Emily said to her father and Tracey noticed a sly tone in her voice.

"72 hour rule? That rule was dismissed years ago silly, she's a slave for life now, no going back." Mr Chambers laughed and for a second Tracey looked at him in shock but then Emily blurted out,

"Don't be silly daddy, you know it can still be applied sometimes and I'm sure you can release Tracey using the law." Emily giggled nervously and Tracey was sure that she saw her winking at her dad as she did so!

Mr Chambers just looked at her for a few seconds as if confused and then laughed unconvincingly,

"Oh yes of course, I must be getting old, I'm sure I can do something."

Tracey was relieved, although she thought Mr Chambers didn't sound convincing perhaps it was because he was getting old and had forgotten the rules of law. She had already admitted to herself that the whole experience of being a naked slave girl had been a turn on, but she wasn't sure she wanted to stay a slave for the rest of her life!

"You better go Tracey, send in someone else with some tea and cake." Emily said to her and as she turned to leave she heard Mr Chambers say,

"Right as her legal owner you are now also the legal owner of all her assets, including this house and all the money in the accounts, you are quite a rich young lady now Emily." he laughed and as she left the room she heard both girls giggling with him.

As she walked towards the kitchen she played back the conversations in her head, she knew that her 72 hours expired at 1.00pm tomorrow and although Mr Chambers had given her cause for doubt she was sure that girls wouldn't let her down and would get her slavery revoked, after all they were her friends.

John had again come to her bed that night and taken enormous pleasure in using her former mistress roughly and without mercy and Tracey had enjoyed his treatment of her enormously as well, although she had already made her mind up to sell him once she was reinstated to her proper position in the house!

The next morning she had been awoken with the other slaves and the daily duty of chores had started, the first of which was to be devoiced by John who seemed to of been given the job of devoicing all the female slaves. As she walked through the house on her way to the kitchen to start preparing breakfasts it had become apparent that Mr Chambers had spent the night at the house along with his daughters and she was at least grateful that however rough John had been with her it was better than spending the night with that old man!

However that old man did hold the key to her freedom and that key had to be used today! The kitchen clock showed it was 7am, she had six hours to be freed. She new the girls still intended to take her to Sophie's house to show her off as their slave, after all that was the whole point of this silly game! She just hoped that would leave enough time to get back here in time for their father to do whatever he had to do!

She had served breakfast herself to the two sisters and their father, again acutely embarrassed that she was naked in front of him. Her embarrassment only heightened when Ashley had noticed her swollen pussy and squealed with laughter as she asked Tracey if John had been using her. She had only been able to nod, blushing furiously at the same time and both girls had giggled with delight and Mr Chambers had laughed and said,

"I told you girls she was a slut deep down, I bet she'd happily let all the bucks in town service her."

"Is that true Tracey, are you a slut?" Emily had asked giggling slyly.

"Of course she is, we should make her give us a show this afternoon, line up as many bucks as we can for her to take on." Ashley had laughed.

Tracey had almost run out of the dining room once she was dismissed, the embarrassment almost too much to bear. She spent the next hour in the kitchen washing plates and having her own breakfast which consisted of scraps that were scrapped into dog bowls, one for each female slave. Once each bowl was full they were placed on the floor in a line and each girl had to eat from them without using her hands, on all fours on the floor. This was a new procedure, Tracey certainly hadn't introduced it, and the elder male slave had been in charge of filling the bowls and he had certainly enjoyed the sight of eight naked girls eating from them, their bottoms high in the air in a neat line!

The rest of the morning she had been told to help in the garden and although the work had been strenuous in the hot sun she also relished the feeling of being naked outside. She had no watch on of course so she had no idea what time it was when she looked up and saw Mr Chambers driving away but she sure hoped he was going to be back before one o'clock!

Ten minutes later Ashley called her and told her they were leaving for Sophie's house soon and to her initial confusion Ashley told her to stand against a wall but her motive became clear when she picked up a garden hose and turned it on! The freezing water shocked Tracey and she would of squealed the place down if she'd had her voice!

"We can't have you going to meet someone new all hot and sweaty can we," Ashley giggled,"people will wonder what you've been up to!" She continued to happily hose down the cowering naked Tracey with huge enjoyment for another 3 or 4 minutes before finally turning off the hose to Tracey's immense relief, that water was freezing!

"Okay go and wait by the car, we will be another ten minutes yet, you will be dry by then in the sun." Ashley said dismissively before striding back indoors.

Tracey did as she was told nervous at the thought of being shown off to a stranger, Mrs Williams and Mr Chambers had been embarrassing enough ad she hoped the fact that this Sophie didn't know her would make it easier but she somehow doubted that it would!

Finally after what seemed more like twenty minutes than ten the two sisters came out of the house and up to the car. They were both dressed up very nicely as if they were going to a garden party and Tracey suddenly noticed that Emily was wearing one of her dresses! As if she knew what Tracey was thinking Emily laughed,

"Hope you don't mind Tracey, I've always loved this dress, and it's not as if you will wear it again is it." she giggled joined by Ashley.

Tracey was told to drive and so she climbed behind the wheel and set off feeling totally surreal as she drove down the road completely naked!

In truth it was only a five minute drive and the sisters sat in the back giggling and chatting inanely, Tracey couldn't help but notice the clock in the car as it read 11.15, less than two hours before her chance of freedom was due to expire, she hoped this was going to be a quick visit!

"She did say she was going to offer refreshments didn't she, only I'm famished." Ashley said in the back.

"Yes don't worry, I got the impression she was going to put on a big spread for us," Emily sighed, "she probably wants to impress us so there will be tons of food and drink, just don't drink too much, you know you always fall asleep when you drink at lunch time, we will be there all day then!"

Tracey continued driving but she really was hoping that the girls were just teasing her, surely they hadn't forgotten the time and what they needed to do today!

She pulled into long drive and proceeded past perfectly manicured lawns and flower beds until they reached the front of a large brick house with a colonnade entrance, much grander than Tracey's house. As she stopped and got out of the car and let the sisters out Emily suddenly grabbed her arm and quickly fastened a tight leather collar around her neck and then attached a leash to it.

"Okay Tracey remember who you are here, don't let us down or you will suffer for it later, understand?"

Tracey could only nod and followed behind Emily as she was lead along like a pet dog.

The door was opened by a completely naked girl who did a full curtsey before letting them inside to a impressive hallway with rooms to each side and an imposing staircase raising up the middle. The naked girl scampered off and within a minute another girl appeared, no older than the first but this one was dressed and looked every inch the lady of the house!

She introduced herself to Emily and Ashley and with lots of air kissing the three girls were quickly over the formalities and Sophie invited them into a sumptuously furnished drawing room where three chairs were arranged, the three dressed girls quickly sitting leaving the naked Tracey standing beside Emily's chair more than a bit self conscious.

"I must sat your girl is very cute, is that the Tracey Smith I've been hearing about, the former owner of the house up the road." Sophie giggled looking Tracey up and down as if she was a prize heifer!

"Yes that's her." Emily giggled with Sophie.
"Oh you are a lucky one then, not only do you get a cutie like her as a slave but you get all her assets to, which I believe were considerable." Sophie winked.

"Yes it was a good deal for me." Emily laughed.

"I'd say," Sophie smiled, "Of course I have my own range of slaves here but if you ever fancied selling her I'd be glad to put in an offer, I just love those big heavy tits of hers" she giggled and again the room was full of girlish laughter.

For the next twenty minutes Tracey was forgotten as the three girls made small talk and all Tracey could do was stand beside Emily collared and leashed and await any instructions. She had spied a clock on the mantle and as it approached 11.50 she saw Sophie stand and say,

"I've laid on a spot of lunch for us and some rather nice wine that daddy picked up on his last visit to France, I do hope your hungry?"

Emily and Ashley stood and started to follow their host out of the room, Emily leading Tracey as they did so until Sophie smiled and said,

"Why don't you leave your slave in the hands of my male slaves for a while, I'm sure they would enjoy getting to know her if you catch my meaning." she giggled and on seeing Emily's hesitation said,

"Oh don't worry they won't damage her, just have some fun with her, I doubt if you've broken her in yet have you?"

"Well no not yet." Emily said.

"Well it's about time she was then," Sophie giggled as she rang a bell attached to the wall.

Tracey had been standing there horrified at these turn of events, surely this didn't mean what she thought it meant, being turned over to some male slaves for their sexual pleasure!

A minute later the naked girl that had opened the door for them reappeared and listened as Sophie said to her,

"Take this slave down to the males quarters for me please slave, I'm sure they will know what to do with her." she laughed and took the end of the leash from Emily's hand and gave it to the slave girl who tugged on it indicating for Tracey to follow her.

As she started walking towards some stairs which led down she heard Sophie laugh and say to the giggling sisters,

"She will be a different slave by the time you get her back in a few hours."

A few hours! As she was led down the stairs Tracey had severe doubts now that she would ever be a free woman again!

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-08 06:48:33
very well done i got dripping wet please make a part 2

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