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A life on the run is hard for a vampire
I feel I should mention that this is my first attempt at writing a story so I would really appreciate any and all feedback you can give me. So once you have finished reading then please take the time to rate it whether your opinion is positive or negative, and if the story is crap then please tell me why you think so in the comments. reader feedback will be a huge consideration when writing the next chapter so if there is anything in particular you want to see or if you have any helpful suggestions then I would love it if you let me know in the comments. Thanks for your consideration and I hope you all enjoy.


I know better than to expect five star accommodations from a no name motel that charged by the hour, but I couldn’t help but think that even by those incredibly low standards this place was a dump. Honestly I was fairly certain that the roaches outnumbered the clientele by a significant margin. But beggars can’t be choosers and this place let me pay in cash and didn’t ask for a name or photo I.D. which was a necessity for me at the time.

In case you haven’t already guessed I was on the run, and had been for over a month. Still, no matter how fast or how far I ran the old man had never been more than a few hours behind. Until now that is, because the last time we came face to face I dropped a fuel tanker on his head, which had promptly exploded, and even he couldn’t just shrug that off. So I figured had at least a week before he was fully recovered and hot on my ass again. I planned to use that time to disappear completely so that even the old man could never find me, but I decided that I could afford to spend this one night recharging the batteries so to speak. Especially since I hadn’t gotten any more than an extended power nap in the last month.

I flicked away the cigarette I had been puffing on as I heard the door to my room creak open behind me, and turned to see the reason I had been on the run peering at me through the gap as she tried to minimize her exposure to the cold winter air. She was about five-foot-nothing and weighed about one hundred pounds give or take a few ounces. Her eyes, which were big enough to look like they belonged in one of those Japanese cartoons, were a bright, vivid green that almost seemed to glow in the moonlight, and her hair, which had run wild while she slept, was a brown so dark that in the dim light it looked like a black void framing her face.

I laughed as a particularly strong gust of wind made her grimace and start shivering uncontrollably, then walked back inside and shut the door behind me. When I turned to face her again I laughed even harder as I saw that she was wearing a thong and nothing else, and the icy breeze had made her nipples hard enough to cut glass. No wonder she was shaking so bad. As I tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to stop grinning like an idiot she stuck her tongue out at me and dove back under the sheets of the bed we were sharing. I grabbed one of the padded chairs that you always seem to find in these motel rooms and dragged it over by the bed so we could talk, flipping on the bedside lamp as an afterthought.

I could see perfectly well without the light, but since she was just a human I doubted she could even make out my silhouette in the dark room. Before starting the conversation about what our next move should be I took a few moments to admire the outline of her nude body underneath the sheets. With her breasts being on the small side of a b-cup and not having much of an ass to speak of, she was far less curvy than I usually preferred my women to be, but I could overlook that because she was only a few months past her thirteenth birthday and still growing. And I could tell that, given a few years, she would become one hell of a woman. She had also managed to retain a decent amount of muscle tone despite months of being chained up in the old man’s basement.

As attractive as she might have been, though, it wasn’t enough to explain why I had risked the old man’s wrath to get her out of that shit hole. No, that was because she had been what the old man had referred to as a delicacy. Her scent was a bouquet that couldn’t be matched by even the most exquisite garden, and even her fear-scent was practically a narcotic. But nothing in this world could compare to the taste of her blood. Eating the most delicious meal ever made while high on the most potent drug ever created still couldn’t compare to the effect her blood had. The first time I tasted it I understood perfectly why the old man guarded her so jealously. I also understood that I would do absolutely anything to have her for myself. The old man was wasting her anyway. Day after day I could tell that her smell and her taste were both steadily going downhill, and before long she would have been just another meal, so I waited for the right moment then grabbed her and made a break for it.

“Hey, Dare, you still with us?”

I blinked and refocused on my young charge, whose name is Courtney, if you were wondering. I must have been lost in thought for some time, because I got the feeling she had called my name several times already

“Yeah, sorry I was just reminiscing about how we got into this mess.” I replied, scratching at the stubble on my chin.

“Oh you mean how you saved me from that twisted freak Oxford, and now we’re running for our lives because when he’s pissed he’s a really scary twisted freak?” she quipped.

I had to chuckle at that. Twisted freak didn’t even begin to cover how fucked up the old man was in the head. Although, all things considered, I had to be somewhat grateful for the fact that he was a monster in the truest sense, judging by the loving adoration in little Courtney’s eyes. Adoration directed at none other than myself. Another, “twisted freak”, as she so elegantly stated. And, considering the things she had done for me and to me since we had started running, it was clear that while Oxford may not have broken her mind, he’d sure as hell bent it.

“That’s an understatement.” I muttered, “Anyways, we need to figure out our next move pretty soon. It will probably take that old bastard a few days to recover after what I did to him, but I don’t want to take any chances so we need to disappear pretty fast.”

“Well that shouldn’t be too hard.” Courtney volunteered unhelpfully.

“If it were that easy we would have done it already,” I growled, “The problem is he’s tracking us by scent, your scent specifically, and we need to find a way to neutralize it if we’re going to lose him.”

Courtney threw her hands up, obviously annoyed, and yelled, “You vampires are always talking about scent this and aroma that! Come off it already!”

I snarled from deep in my chest and bellowed, “SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME THINK!”

Courtney flinched away from me and I instantly felt pangs of remorse but then a wave of her potent fear-scent engulfed me and I was lost in happy dreams for a few seconds. When I came back to my senses I saw Courtney curled up on the bed, tears streaming silently down her cheeks. Feeling guilty, (which is a new sensation for me, I assure you.) I crawled into the bed and wrapped my arms around her, whispering nonsense until she stopped shaking.

“I’m sorry Court. When I think about what might happen to you if he catches up to us it makes me a nervous wreck, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

This was, of course, complete bullshit. I was far more concerned about what would happen to ME should Oxford catch us with our pants down, but I didn’t want to lose my delicacy so I decided to play it off like her safety was my foremost concern.

I knew it had the desired effect when she snuggled up against me and whispered, “It’s okay, Darrick, I know you’re worried about me. I guess I just can’t understand all this scent stuff because I don’t have a vampire’s sense of smell.”

I smirked and replied, “Well believe me when I say that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. If the person I’m smelling is living a healthy lifestyle then they can smell pretty good, but there are tons of things that can throw off their scent and make them smell awful. Drugs, alcohol, various illnesses, hell even poor nutrition can make a person smell completely rancid to a vampire.”

“I had no idea so much went into it.” She replied.

“Yeah, but anemics are the worst if you ask me. All that vitamin B and whatever else they take makes them smell like blood…in a bad way.”

Courtney’s face screwed up in confusion at that, “Don’t you like the way blood smells?” she asked.

“Well yeah, I do,” I replied, trying to find a way to explain what I meant, “Blood smells different to me now, but I’m not talking about that. Anemics smell the way blood smelled when I was a human, which is to say nasty.”

Her face screwed up in confusion yet again and she said, “I thought humans couldn’t smell blood.”

“Really?” I replied, “I’ve never heard that. Well tell you what, remind me sometime and I will rip out someone’s throat without eating them, and then you can see for yourself whether or not you can smell blood.”

“Really?” she asked, and her eyes lit up like she was at school and the teacher had just proposed a field trip, (See what I mean? There is something seriously bent in this girl’s head.) “Can we go do it right now?”

“Let’s hold off on that for now.” I replied, laughing.

I don’t know if it was the leftover fear-scent drifting about the room or all the talk about blood but I was starting to get aroused, so I snaked my hand under the sheets and began absently fondling her left breast as I lay there beside her.

“Whoa there, tiger, has talking about ripping out throats got you in the mood?” she asked coyly, but despite her playful attitude I could see the blanket move as she began fingering her clit, and her free hand made an appearance above the covers to begin fumbling with the fly of my jeans. I decided to help her out and sacrificed some of my fun time with her firm tits to stand up and strip down as quickly as I could.

When I was completely nude with my six-and-a-half inch cock standing at full attention (Don’t laugh. We can’t all be porn stars.) and my fangs on full display I immediately threw the blankets covering her to the side and tore off the flimsy scrap of cloth that was barring entry to my own private treasure trove. Her middle finger was working feverishly on her clit, dipping into her canal every so often to moisten it. Figuring she had things well in hand down there (pun intended) I climbed up her writhing body until I was straddling her chest. Then I grabbed a fistful of her hair and forced my cock down her throat, which she gladly accepted. She then proceeded to suck me off like her life depended on it, undulating her tongue along the bottom of my shaft while fucked her face.

After a few minutes of what I can only describe as the most glorious blow job I’ve ever received I could tell that I was getting close, but I wasn’t ready for the fun to end just yet so I withdrew my penis from her mouth, little streams of saliva dripping of the tip, and crawled back to the other end of the bed, where I dove face first into her beautiful snatch. While my tongue went to work on her engorged love button I drove two fingers into her dripping wet slit, where I found the rough little nub that was her g-spot and attacked it with a vengeance. Within two minutes she was bucking so hard I had to forcefully pin her hips down in order to maintain contact while emitting a series of loud wailing moans. I knew she came when she stopped bucking entirely and her body locked up tighter than a drum and she let out a curious, high-pitched trilling noise, almost like a hummingbird. Courtney collapsed back onto the bed, gasping for breath, as little aftershocks went coursing through her, and I moved back up and kissed her passionately letting her taste her own juices.

As we lay there with our bodies tangled together I triggered one of my vampiric abilities, changing the center of gravity around the bed, and Courtney gasped with amazement as we began drifting downwards towards the ceiling. When we came to rest she was now on top so she got into position and sat down on my shaft, impaling herself fully in one swift stroke. She began steadily bouncing up and down on my cock, letting out little grunts and breathy moans occasionally, and I matched her rhythm, meeting each of her thrusts with one of my own, and the slap of skin on skin resounded throughout the room. Not being one to let a good trick go to waste, I flipped her over so that she was laying on her stomach on the ceiling, and entered her again from behind. As I began thrusting in and out of her I had the satisfaction of hearing her moans grow in both frequency and volume as the rough plaster surface we were laying on scraped across her nipples and clit.

After another few minutes of that I rolled her over again so that we were once again face to face, but I was still on top. Next I retriggered my ability, returning gravity to normal, and dropped us both unceremoniously back onto the bed, and since I was inside her when we landed, the shock from our bodies hitting the mattress immediately threw her over the edge into her second mind blowing orgasm of the night.

As I continued to pound away at her snatch I felt myself getting close again so I positioned myself on top of her using one hand to pin her arms above her head and at the exact moment that I shot my load deep into her womb I bit down on her neck, my fangs piercing the artery, and injected a venom that sent her rocketing into another climax that wouldn’t let up until I withdrew my fangs. As she squirmed and writhed beneath me her hot blood splashed into my mouth, and it was like a bomb going off in my head. I completely lost myself in a euphoria that no drug could ever hope to match. Unfortunately, though, I drank a little too deeply. When I finally regained my senses I noticed that he hands I had pinned to the mattress were starting to get cold and the writhing body beneath me was getting sluggish. I immediately withdrew my fangs and jumped back, cursing my own stupidity while Courtney lay there shuddering through the last moments of what was probably a painfully intense orgasm. I had managed to stop just shy of killing her, but it had been close, too close, and I couldn’t afford to make a mistake like that again. This girl was far too valuable to let her die because of a minor lapse in judgment.

In the midst of berating myself, however, I noticed something that brought me up short, and I let out a surprised laugh. Due to my slip up I had come across the solution to our biggest problem. Courtney’s scent, which was usually so potent it was almost overwhelming, was now almost nonexistent. The substantial blood loss had diluted it to the point where it was almost unnoticeable even when standing right next to her. Now all I had to do was take her to the hospital and get her treated for anemia and she would no longer even smell like herself. Granted I would probably have to repeat the process several times before everything was said and done, but I was confident that she would be willing to go through that for me.

- After all – I thought, baring my fangs in a feral grin, - I saved her from the monster. –



2015-07-27 22:07:39
Saw your comment on my essay. Feel free to email me for further remarks.

You have the makings of a story, but there's nothing really grabbing me. Your exposition is blatantly obvious, even in Courtney's quips, and takes me out of the story. You barely focus on the protagonist at all before jumping to something else, which just leaves me wanting to know about what you've already established, i.e. him. Cut out the 'I'm on the run' comment, it's much better without you explaining every detail. The 'in case you couldn't tell' etc. acknowledgement of the reader is distracting, and makes me wonder who I, the reader, am to the protagonist in a way you don't acknowledge.

Keep building the relationship between the two. What happens outside the sheets makes what happens between them more interesting. You were good at building atmosphere but kind of stopped when they opened their mouths. Keep writing. It's good of you to get stuff out there. <3


2015-07-22 08:25:51
You are right. It is VERY disturbing. But that's Darrick. He's a 700 year old vampire that views humans as little more than cattle. It makes sense that he would have no regard for the age of his victims.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-25 09:37:54
interesting story besides the fact that she's practically a child. thats p disturbing tbh.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-19 12:53:31
Fucken shit story

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-14 12:54:23
Very good, you got a positive rating from me. I like your style of writing and I'm curious were this story will take us. Hopefully someplace twisted and depraved.

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