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Josh never felt the bullet enter his skull. Eighteen years of life ending in an instant.

Josh never felt the bullet enter his skull. Eighteen years of life ending in an instant.
Batman would have to survive without him.

"Mmmmmm," a gentle moan came from Mrs. James as Josh pulled on her labia, rolling
it gently between his thumb and forefinger. Her musk hit him like smelling salts, sending
blood rushing to his dick.
"Mmmmm, yeaah." her hips were beginning to move, her sphincter puckering as she worked
her kegel muscles. Josh, kneeling on a pillow at the foot of the bed, was taking it all
in. Every twitch and shudder had meaning, telling him exactly what she wanted. But he wasn't
going to give it to her - not until she suffered sufficiently. Sandra James had to pay for
her transgression.

"Sweetie, I've had two children. I'm afraid I'm a little loose down there. You wouldn't enjoy
Did she think he was an idiot?
"Your dick is too small. I won't enjoy it," is what she was really saying. But Josh wasn't
about to turn down regular blow jobs, especially from a milf as hot as his next door neighbor.
Hell, eight months ago he would have been happy with a glimpse of her titties. Now, his head
was buried between her thighs. He had come a long way.

Josh allowed Mrs. James to settle into a rhythm. He rolled her labia until she contracted, then
stopped until she relaxed, then he rolled it again. He allowed her to jerk off like that - up to a
point. When she got right to the edge he removed his hand.

"Let's try something else."

"Jossssh," she protested,giggling.
"Shhh!" Josh admonished, putting his index finger to his lips.
He listened for his brother who was in Mrs. James' den watching cartoons. It was only a feigned
concern, an earthquake wouldn't shake Jerrod from Saturday morning cartoons. It was all an act to
torment Mrs. James. Eight months of licking and smelling a pussy he couldn't fuck had made Josh
an angry young man. He was using every trick in the book - and then some, tying Mrs.James into
a tightly wound jumble of frustration. She picked the wrong boy-toy to play with. Josh was an

"Oooooh," she cooed as she felt Josh's breath moving closer to her clit - but fall just
short of promise.
"C'mon, Josh," she begged as she grabbed the back of his head.
Josh fought her just enough before allowing his tongue to send shudders throughout her body.
She arched her hips to grind her clit on his tongue. But he made her work for it, forcing
her to hold his head and wrap her legs around his shoulders to hold him place.. And just as she
was almost there - Josh jerked his head away.

"Let's try somthing else."

"Josh!" she hissed in a stage whisper.
He had her almost where he wanted her.
Josh took his index and middle fingers and pushed them slowly deep into Mrs. James pussy,
just below the cervix and pressed, then waited for her body to respond. As her pussy clenched, and
then relaxed, Josh followed her rhythm, using the strength of his wrist and forearm to apply
It was time.
Josh brought his two fingers up to her G-spot, and his tongue to her clit, and
rubbed and licked rapidly until Mrs. James was just about to explode --- "Batman!" he shouted as
he stood.
"Robiiin!" a voice sounded from the den.
"No!" Mrs James shouted rushing to cover herself.
"What, you think you're too good for my brother?" Josh asked.
"It's not right," she protested.
A six-foot two muscular figure entered the room in a Batman mask, tattered cape, t-shirt and gym
"What's not right, that he's retarded? I agree. He can't help how he was born. But you're going
to do this."
"No I'm not!"
"Don't fight!" Batman pleaded. "Hug and make up."
"You ARE going to do this, or you and I are through," Josh said to Mrs. James.
"What's today's special, Batman?!" Josh commanded.
Batman dropped his sweats and tighty whiteys in one motion, exposing an abnominally large cock.
"Salami. Two dollars a pound," he answered.

"What's today's special?" Josh's father's voice echoed in his brain as Jerrod exposed himself.
It was a running gag their father never tired of.
"Batman!" his father would shout to entertain his drinking buddies or the whores he brought home.
Jerrod would dutifully come running in his mask, cape and undies.
"What's today's special?"
"Salami. Two dollars a pound," Jerrod would answer after he dropped his undies.
After the shrieks and laughter died down, his father would start bragging about how big dicks
ran in the family.
It was obviously a blessing that skipped over Josh, and he was reminded of it every time he saw
his brother's massive tool.

"Get on with it," Josh commanded, and watched as Mrs. James knelt before Jerrod.
Josh was enjoying the moment. He watched as the look of terror mixed with panic spread across
Mrs. James' face.
"Yeah, bitch, you needed a dick big enough for you to feel something?" he thought. "Well, I got you
one. You're welcome."
"She has information on the Joker, Batman," Josh whispered into Jerrod's ear. "Let her play with
the salami until she talks."

Josh and Jerrod were fraternal twins, but any chance they had of growing up normally died
in the womb. Josh was fuzzy on the details, but he was told his mother, while pregnant with them,
was exposed to some toxic chemicals in an industrial accident. It left her with a debilitating
illness, and Jerrod severely retarded. An insurance settlement provided for Jerrod, and set
aside a college fund for Josh, but it was of little help to their mother. She died before
their ninth birthday.

"Quit stalling," Josh commanded. Mrs. James was working Jerrod over good, her tongue and hands
racing up and down his saliva soaked shaft. She was clearly hoping to finish Jerrod off with
a blow job. Josh wasn't having it.
"Here," he said handing her a condom. She was getting fucked, and that was that.
The fear widening her eyes was giving Josh an erection. Jerrod was going to split her good.

"Gently, sweetheart," Josh's mother said softly. She was teaching him how bathe his brother.
Josh had been learning responsibility from the time he could walk. His mother counted on his help
in cooking, washing, cleaning, and later administering her medication. After she died, the responsibility
for taking care of his brother fell squarely to him. He felt like he was carrying the weight of the world
on his shoulders.

"Gently, Batman," Josh whispered in his brother's ear as he guided him into Ms. James.
He could hear Ms. James gasp. He slowly nudged his brother into quicker pace.
"Mmmmmmm," within minutes Mrs. James was moaning like a trailer park skank, digging her nails
into Jerrod's back and wrapping her legs around him, drawing him in.
"Batman, there's cookies when you finish," Josh whispered into his ear.

Batman and cookies. Josh needed the two to control Jerrod. Physically he was no match for his
brother. Even though they both inherited the sleek dancer physique of their mother, Jerrod
also inherited the big hands and brute strength of their father - not to mention his dick. He also
had a freakishly high tolerance for pain, enabling him to do push-ups, sit-ups, and squats
all day. By the time they were twelve, Jerrod could toss Josh around like a rag doll.

Jerrod started pumping furiously, but instead of Josh seeing the pain he was anticipating,
Mrs. James was shaking from head to toe with pleasure. And Jerrod showed no signs of slowing down.
"Jesus!" he thought. Jerrod was a regular machine. Who knew?
"Okay, Batman, I'll take it from here," Josh said as lifted him off Mrs. James.
"I'll have my cookies now," Jerrod said.
"Soon as I finish the interrogation."
Josh chuckled to himself as he watched Jerrod's hog swing between his legs. It made him think
of his father's first love.

Walter McMann's dick was his pride and joy, and it commanded a wide berth in the McMann household.
Saturday mornings he walked it around the house like a prized pet, bathing it in the sunshine.
Jerrod would later join him, father and son scratching their asses and swinging their dicks while
Josh rustled them up breakfast. It was bad enough that his father was calling him "the little woman" and
"Clit Eastwood," but this shit was really rubbing salt in the wound. The last laugh belonged to
Josh, however. Jerrod's dick would grow big enough to humble even Walter "horsecock" McMann.
The Saturday morning dick strolls came to a screeching halt.

"Ugh, God!, this feels good," Josh thought.
Josh had dragged a very sore Mrs. James into the bathroom for a quick poke in the ass.
He never thought he'd take to butt fucking - he only coerced her into a it couple of months ago to
humiliate her. But he had come to enjoy the hell out of it. And when he was really into the
moment, like he was now, he liked prolonging the experience as long he could. But he had just
promised Jerrod cookies, and Jerrod wasn't much for boundaries. He once stormed in on their father
- hip deep in pussy - and shouted, "Who's eating my Cap'n Crunch?" Predictably, he was smacked
across the room. But no matter how often he got belted, he continued to challenge their old man.
"Ooooh shit!" He could feel Mrs. James ass clench on his dick. She had become a real butt slut.
The clenching, along with the smell of her freshly cleaned bung hole and the lingering
scent of her pussy on his face, drove Josh to pump like a mad man until he erupted.

"Where is the Riddler?" Josh asked his brother. It was Sunday afternoon, and reading comics together
in the kitchen had become a ritual.
Josh never felt closer to Jerrod than when they were reading comics. Simple communication that
other brothers took for granted, only happened over comics with Josh and Jerrod.
"Not enough clues yet," Jerrod replied.
Josh discovered that if Jerrod was intensely interested in something, and you went slow enough,
he could process and retain a lot of information, even analyze it. So Josh was
always careful to go slowly, from panel to panel, asking Jerrod questions along the way.
"Door," Jerrod said after hearing the rap on the kitchen door before racing to open it.
"Hi, Mrs. James," Jerrod said letting her in.
"Hi, Sweetie," Mrs. James replied. She was carrying a platter covered in foil. "Look what I
brought you," she said pulling back the foil. The steam was still coming off the chocolate
chip cookies.
"No, thank you," Jerrod said. "Peanut butter."
Josh was enjoying the look of confusion spreading across Mrs. James' face. The only cookies
in Jerrod's world were peanut butter cookies. It was a secret Josh kept to himself.
"You want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" Mrs. James asked.
"We just had lunch," Josh said. "Jerrod why don't you go take a nap."
"I'm not sleepy."
"Batman's gotta get his rest if he's going to catch the Riddler."
"I think I need to take a nap," Jerrod said.
"Okay, I'll wake you when it's time," Josh replied. As Jerrod exited the kitchen, Josh
turned to Mrs. James. "What do you want?"

"No fucking way!" Josh couldn't believe she was even suggesting this.
"Just hear me out," Mrs. James pleaded.
"There's nothing to hear," Josh said. "Jerrod is not performing at some bachelorette party."
"This is not just some party, Josh," Mrs. James insisted. "This is for a sorority sister.
Besides this could help you too. You're not going to make enough between now and September
selling to kids. This is a chance to pick up customers with deeper pockets."
She was right. His pot brownies were doing brisk business, but he it wasn't enough.
He needed to make enough to take Jerrod with him when he left for college. Leaving him behind
with their father was not an option.
"It gets better, Josh," Mrs. James added. "The host of the party has access to medical
marijuana. Maybe the two of you can work something out."
Josh was so desperate this was starting to sound like a good idea. But something wasn't sitting
right with him.
"What's in it for you?" Josh asked her. "Why are you trying to sell me on this. You can pick up
the phone and get professional strippers."
"I am getting professionals. But you're right, I do have an ulterior motive. I volunteered to
give the party so that I can control it and protect myself. I work for the police department,
Josh. I could lose my job if this party gets out of hand."
"But why do you need Jerrod?"
"These woman were expecting to go whoring at some nightclub. They're going to feel cheated having
this at a private residence unless it's a very memorable experience. And that's were Jerrod comes
"But we don't know how he's going to react to a bunch of strange women pawing at him."
"I'm going to take care of all that, Josh. Just let me lay it all out for you, then you decide,

"It looks like the Bruce Wayne estate," Jerrod said as the limo drove into the circular driveway.
Josh was expecting a mansion, but everything about this place shouted excess. The limo driver
lead them through the great room where the decorations for the party were all set up. They were being
put up in the maid's quarters. Later the host, Mrs. Reynolds, introduced herself and led them to
the kitchen.
"I think you'll find everything you need here," she said.
Her kitchen was half the size of Jerrod's house. Mrs. Reynolds returned from the pantry with a
large tupperware tub. When she removed the lid the ganja scent that hit Josh was strong.
"Hey, I'm not sure of the right mixture here," Josh said. "I've been baking with the cheap
"Just guestimate. I'm sure it'll be fine."

It was late afternoon and Jerrod was frolicking in the infinity pool while Josh finished baking
the brownies for the party. The smell of grilled beef and chicken drifted into the kitchen while
Josh and Mrs. Reynolds talked. Josh found it hard to concentrate when she was so close to him -
she was stunning. But she was down to earth, not at all stuck up like Josh was expecting. And she
had a great rapport with Jerrod. Josh had been worried that she might call the whole thing off
once she found out about Jerrod. But she treated him like he was normal.

"I like it here," Jerrod said.
The two of them were eating burgers and fries on the king size bed in the maid's quarters
and watching "Batman", staring Michael Keaton.
"Yeah I do too."
"Robin, eat. It's gonna get cold."
It was the best hambuger he ever had. That chef was good.
"Let's move here."
"No, Jerrod. We don't belong here."
It would be nice though. Josh could almost pretend they were two rich kids lounging around
watching a movie. But the faint thumping of the techno music coming from the great room was a
constant reminder of why they were there.
"Ten minutes," Mrs. James said after poking her head though the door.
It was show time. Josh rolled off the bed and reached into a canvas bag, pulling out a long
cape and a Batman Mask.
"At least one good thing came out this," Josh thought. Mrs. James had sprung for a new cape
and mask. Josh was tired of that old ratty cape Jerrod had been wearing. Josh helped Jerrod with
the mask and cape and then the two of them waited for Mrs. James to return.

"You ready," she said looking Jerrod up and down. The mask and cape was all he was wearing.
"Yeah," Jerrod replied.
"Just like we practiced," she said.
Josh had his doubts about those "rehearsals" and whether there was even a bachelorette party.
It could have all been a ruse so she could fuck Jerrod. But the moment was finally here. The
music was pounding in their ears once they reached the great room.
"Shit," Josh thought. "These bitches are scandalous."
He couldn't believe what he witnessing. This wasn't a strip show. It was Roman orgy.

"Enough," Mrs. James shouted into her mic. Someone kill the music. "It's time for these pretty
boys to leave."
Their jeers rose to a crescendo as the naked, sweaty strippers exited the room.
"You bitches have been playing with boys too long. It's time you took on a real man. Meet
Gothom's own, the cape crusader, Batmaaaaan!."
Indian snake charmer music started to play as Jerrod slowly walked to the center of the room.
"Batman, what's today's special?" Mrs. James asked.
"Salami. Two dollars a pound," Jerrod replied before brushing the cape aside and propping his
fists his hips.
The shocked oohs and aahs filled the room.
"Any of you whores up for the challange?" Mrs. James asked tauntingly.
A short plumb woman in her late twenties with a spiked hairdo sprinted to Jerrod. She had a throw
pillow in one hand and a can of whipped cream in the other.
"Jeez! That woman really likes giving blow jobs," Josh thought as she agressively went after
Jerrod. And they proceeded one after another, each seemingly with a different technique, competing
with each other to get Jerrod off. Josh couldn't take it anymore. He was looking for a dark
corner to jerk off.
"That's enough, bitches," Mrs. James shouted. "You had you chance, every last sorry one of
you. Where is the whore of honor? Bring you ass front and center."
A long legged blond who didn't look much older than Josh walked confidently to center of
the room. She looked like she was stepping right out of a men's magazine. Josh had jerked
off thousands of times to women like her.

"We're all here tonight to sympathize with this whore who's retiring her cunt," Mrs. James began.
Josh couldn't believe women talked this way to each other.
"But she doesn't have anything more to prove. She's defeated every cock to challenge her,
including that little cocktail weenie belonging to her intended."
That ilicited whoops and laughter from those gathered.
"That being said, I don't know about you but I would like see Marcia put her belt on the line
against Batman."
The cheers rose to an ear splitting level.
"I accept," the bride-to-be said after the cheers died down. The room erupted again and large
throw pillows were thrown in her direction."
"Who are these women?!" Josh asked himself.
"Jackie, bring me the knee pads," Mrs. James said directing the spike haired, plump women to a white
linen covered table in the corner.
Jackie returned with the knee pads and she Mrs. James were putting them on Jerrod as Marcia
was making herself comfortable on the pillows. Jackie reached up to Jerrod's now semi-erect
penis only to have her hand slapped away by Mrs. James.
"You had your chance, bitch. Have a seat."
"Alright, we need a volunteer to wet this bitch up. We don't want to send her back to Roger, all
ripped up, do we?"
A staturesque, silver haired middle-aged women walked over and dropped down and started eating
Marcia's pussy while Mrs. James put a condom on Jerrod. Josh had found his dark corner
and was beating off.
"That's enough of that lesbo shit," Mrs. James shouted. "We want to see some fucking."
The cheers started up again.

The fucking was uneventful for Josh. He knew it wasn't a fair fight. Jerrod wasn't wired to
connect fucking with cumming. Marcia put on good show though, bucking and grinding
to the chants of her enthusiastic sisters. In the end she gave up the ghost, shuddering and
"The winner, Batmaaan!" Mrs. James shouted to jeers from the room, raising Jerrod's hand
in triumph.
"Hey, knock that shit off! Dick ruled tonight, bitches. Just accept it."
Mrs. James whispered something in Jerrod's ear and started eating a peanut butter cookie
with relish.
"Give this bitch a shower, Batman," she said and walked over to stand just behind Marcia's
head, bookending her with Jerrod. Three or four pumps from Jerrod and the cum burst forth
from his cock. Mrs. James had trained him well. The streams came thick and long pelting
Marcia with thick drops. Shocked silence replaced the jeers as spurt after spurt ejected
from Jerrod. It was a load worthy of Batman. The room erupted in chants as Jerrod exited.
"Batman! Batman! Batman!."

"Can I talk to you Josh," Mrs. Reynolds asked, poking her head in the door after knocking.
"Sure." This was the payoff Josh thought giddily.
The two walk out to back yard. It was lit up like christmas, the white lights twinkling in the
trees and bushes. Smoke from the grill was still wafting in the air.
"I've got to remember to ask if I can take some of those burgers home," Josh thought.
He noticed the small leather bag Mrs. Reynolds had strapped over her shoulder. That must be
the weed.
"Josh, Sandi was right. That Jerrod is quite a talent," Mrs. Reynolds said.
"He's not doing any more parties. Josh said"
"I was thinking more private."
"The answer is still no. I only agreed to this for the weed. You know that."
"Well, I'm going to have to say no to that. Look I know why you're doing it and I think it's
a beautiful and selfless thing you've done taking care of your brother. But this is not the
way. You can't afford to risk arrest. Your whole life is ahead of you."
She removed the bag from her shoulder and handed it to Josh.
"There's eight grand in there, the amount you estimated you need for your first year. After you
told me your story, I just knew I had to help - no strings attached.
Josh started to weep and shake uncontrollably. The more he tried to stop it the worst it got.
"What the fuck is wrong with me," he said out loud before he could stop himself.
"It's stress honey. You've been carrying a lot more than you realized."
She stepped over and held him."
"She smells so good," he thought.
"Look, just as you would do anything to help your brother, I will do anything to please my
husband. We can help each other. Just listen to what I have to say."
"Here we go again," Josh thought.

"You forgot to pack my swim trunks," Jerrod said.
"We're not going for that, Jerrod," Josh replied. Batman has work to do. No time to play today."
Josh had just helped Jerrod into his Batman costume. He still couldn't get over how impressive
Jerrod looked in it. Mrs. Reynolds went all out and took them to a special shop, had it tailored
and everything. Jerrod stopped traffic in that shop when he stepped out from the dressing room. He looked
like the real thing. Well, the real movie thing.
"C'mon Jerrod, the limo's waiting."
During the drive over Josh was almost light-headed. Mrs. Reynolds had been right about the stress
he had been carrying. For the first time in his life Josh felt like a kid. He and Jerrod had
been having the time of there lives at the Reynold's estate the past two weeks.
"Mrs. Reynolds is nice. She has the best cookies, too," Jerrod said.
"Yes, she does." Josh was feeling a twinge of anxiety. Two women now knew how to handle Jerrod.
Staying in control was not going to be as easy. He just had to make it to September, and then
he and Jerrod were out here.
"We're here!" Jerrod shouted jumping out of the limo.
"Jerrod, wait! We talked about this. This has to be done the way Mrs. Reynolds wants it. Okay?"
Josh still didn't understand why a man with a woman as beautiful as Mrs. Reynolds needed to watch
her fuck a guy in Batman costume to get it up. Rich people were strange.

"Now, quietly go upstairs like you practiced," Josh directed Jerrod.
A club sandwich was prepared for Josh in the entertainment room. Man, he was going to miss that
chef. He had just settled in front of the television when he heard his name.
"Josh!" Mrs. Reynolds shouted coming down the stairs. "He hit me!"
"What?" He looked up at Jerrod at the top of the stairs.
"She tried to pee on me," Jerrod said.
"No I didn't. I just wanted him to go down on me first."
"He doesn't understand that. I'll do it," Josh said heading up the stairs.
The master bedroom was like something out of Caesars Palace. He noticed the full length mirror by
the bed. Mr Reynolds had to be behind that.
"God, this is creepy," Josh thought.
Within minutes he was once again eating a pussy he was never going to fuck. Her expensive perfume
and body wash mixed with the smell of her pussy had combined to make a dizzying cocktail. Josh
felt himself getting angry as he had with Mrs. James.
"Okay, you're ready," he said pushing himself up to reveal his jeans stretched by a chubby.
He caught her in a grin just before he headed out. Women were such cock teasers.
Her shrieks of delight followed him down the stairs. He raced to the guest bathroom to beat off.
He never made it.

"Code red!" a chubby middle-aged man shouted from the doorway that had been a mirror.
Mrs. Reynolds was shocked out her state of euphoria.
"Batman, we have to get to the Bat Cave," she said into Jerrod's ear.
The two walked past Mr. Reynolds into the panic room. He pressed a button and bullet-proof shield
passed in front of the two-way mirror. Jerrod and Mrs. Reynolds sat in front of the closed circut
monitors as Mr Reynolds headed to his clothes with a cell phone in his ear.
"We have a break-in. Heavily armed. Maybe half a dozen. At least three dead. Okay."
Jerrod was sitting ramrod stright silently staring a the monitors.
"I should stop this," he said in monotone.
"No, Batman. Let the police handle this. We need you for the crime lords," Mrs. Reynolds responded,
gently rubbing Jerrod's back. Damn he was filling out that costume. Muscles bulging and
stretching it in all the right places. She was getting wet again.

Sandra James had just left the supermarket. She stocked up on the snacks for Josh and Jerrod, made sure to
remember to get plenty of peanut butter cookies. Her daughters were spending the weekend with her
mother and she intended to fuck the twins every available minute of it. She tried to tell them before
she left for work but they weren't home. That was strange. Walter answered the door.
"Is Josh home?",she asked.
"No. I'm looking for him myself. He didn't even leave a note. When I catch up with him, I'm gonna put
my foot in his ass."
"Well, if I see him I'll send him straight home, Walter."

"Get back to work!" Detective James shouted at the patrolmen. This Batman character was distrupting
his squad room. He put him in interview room three until he could question him. And for the past hour
and a half the kid had been attracting a steady stream of camera phone carrying officers behaving like star
struck teenagers. This had to stop. He had three bodies on his hands. He didn't care if this kid was of
"diminished capacity", he was coming out of that costume, even if he had to taser his big ass. But while
staring at him through the two-way glass he did have to admit to himself that the young man did strike an
impressive figure.

Mrs. James wasn't even out of the police parking lot before she got hit with the buzz. There had been a
multiple homicide at the Crescent Estates. Sandi wasn't a police officer, she was in tech support, but
there were no secrets in that building, especially when it involved something as sensational as this.
Before she could put her purse down she learned that a kid had been killed at the Reynolds estate, and
that another in a Batman costume was in interview room three. Sandi felt gut punched.
"Whose handling it," she asked.
"Your ex," came the reply.
"Shit!", she almost said out loud. She had to head off Trevor before her name come up.

Trevor gathered his thoughts before entering interview room three. He had Karen and Bobby Reynolds separated
in interview rooms one and two. He had gone back and forth questioning them for over an hour. He wasn't
expecting the truth, he just wanted them to tell him enough lies for him to fashion a hangman's noose.
"Why were the kids in your house?"
"Bobby was mentoring Josh."
"Why was the retarded kid in a costume?"
"He loves Batman."
"Why did you feel the need to build a panic room with redundant security features worthy of Fort Knox?"
"We are medical marijuana dispensers. You can't be too careful."
This wasn't about marijuana. Trevor smelled hard drugs. But without a warrant he couldn't do a thorough search.
Batman was the key. He may be retarded, but in Trevor's experience he found the retarded to be without guile.
He just needed enough trip up the Reynolds and the bullshit they were slinging.

"Have a seat, Batman," Trevor said. "I'm detective James and I need to ask you some questions."
"Okay," Jerrod said taking a seat next to the detective.
"I need your real name."
"Bruce Wayne," Jerrod replied.
"No, son. I need your real name."
"Bruce Wayne," Jerrod repeated.
"Okay, Mr Wayne. Where do you live?"
"In the white house on the corner."
"This kid's a walnut," Trevor thought. "I need to come at this from another angle."
"Okay, Mr Wayne," Trevor began again but was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Excuse me, detective," a patrolman said sticking his head in the door."Your ex is outside."
"Tell her I'm busy, damn it!"
"She says it's about the case."

"What do you know about this, Sandi?"
"Those kids are my neighbors, Trevor, Josh and Jerrod McMann. You should know by now that Jerrod doesn't
understand what's going on. You need to stop questioning him and call his father."
"The hell I do. This is a murder investigation."
"Listen to me, Trevor. He's confused and he can get a little aggressive. I'm not going stand by and
allow him to have an 'accident' in there during questioning. You either let me talk to him right
now or I'm going over your head."
"You've got a couple of minutes," Trevor said opening the door.

"Mrs. James, what are you doing here?" Jerrod asked with a wide grin.
"Listen, Jerrod, this is important," Sandi said approaching him. "This detective needs you to answer his questions
as Jerrod, not Batman. Okay?"
Jerrod nodded as Sandi leaned over and whispered in his ear. Then she started eating a cookie.
Jerrod immediately stood up and pulled out his massive cock and started stroking it.
"Shit!" Trevor exclaimed opening the door and shouting "We need a take down in here!"
"Four uniformed and plain clothes officers rushed in just as Jerrod ejaculated in long thick streams all over the
interview table."
Sandi had to suppress a smile. She could never get tired of watching that.
The take down crew pounced on Jerrod, handcuffed him and then dragged him through the squad room to jeers and a
barrage of wadded paper.

A sense of relief washed over Sandi as Jerrod was being taken away. She had dodged a bullet. The feeling didn't
last long. As she passed interview rooms one and two, she saw the Reynolds. She knew Trevor. This was far from
over. He could be like a dog with a bone. A feeling of nausea overcame her as the reality of the events hit her.
Josh was dead. Was she responsible? She couldn't finish her shift. She had to leave.

"What the fuck just happened," Trevor muttered under his breath. Then his pulsed quickened as pieces of the puzzle
started to come together. That dead kid had looked familiar. Now he knew why. He saw him a couple of times when
he picked up his daughters. He would have known that then had there been some ID on the kid. The invasion crew
didn't find what they were looking for. The only reason they would have for taking the kid's wallet was to continue
the search at his house. Trevor's daughters lived next door!
"Harris!" he yelled to a plain clothes officer."Send a couple of units to Sandi's house. I'll explain later."
Now it was personal. The gloves were coming off.
"Let's take it from the top, Mr Reynolds," Trevor said entering interview room one.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-15 07:15:53
Interesting. Rather confused and confusing, quite a bit asshole-ish to make fun of somebody mentally retarded. As far as the writing went, tighen it all up, and explain the flashbacks and whatnot. As for your storyline, it's too jumbled up, and the whole mentally-crippled part is just cruel.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-15 02:10:37
Dude...u are a damn brave writer. I think Mr Kane would have liked it himself. Damn you with that cliffhanger

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-14 23:52:20
You son-of-a-bitch. You shouldn't ever show the world it is alright to take advantage of mentally unstable people. I hope you end up in Hell stuck with Hitler.

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