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Life in the army is awesome when you're a lesbian!
Author's Note: Please keep in mind that I am only a writer. Because of this, it is possible that some of the military terms and regulations included in the following story are incorrect.


Barbie Lez has always been exceptionally smart. At age eight, two things in her life were certain; she was a lesbian and she would become a US Marine. As usual, it did not take long for Barbie to tell her best friend April about it. Both friends were stunned when April came to a shocking realization; she was a lesbian too. But the shock soon faded and the two agreed to become girlfriends. They had been friends for as long as they could remember, so it made sense for them to take their relationship to the next level. Smart enough to see their parents would not understand how they felt about each other, they agreed to keep their relationship a secret. At ten, they shared their first kiss and by twelve, their first make out session. When they lost their virginity to one another at age fifteen, they realized it was now time to come out of the closet; they had to tell their respective families.

As expected, the news shocked Barbie’s parents, but the unexpected came in the form of Brittney, her little sister. Utterly shaken by the news, she went weeks without speaking a single word to her sister. Barbie often tried to understand why Brittney reacted so harshly, but never got a straight answer, not even when Brittney started speaking to her again. As the weeks turned into months, the two sisters grew further and further apart until they no longer felt like family.

As for Candy, things did not go much better. Her parents—helped by Barbie’s—even tried to keep them apart, but when the young couple ran away, they realized their love was stronger than all. Although it would take them time to accept their respective daughter’s sexual orientation, they had no choice. Over the next few years, things only got worse for the young couple. They became outcasts in their own families. Barbie’s relationship with her sister somewhat improved, but the two would never be the friends they once were.

When they finally turned eighteen, they got married and moved out. Realizing they had forever lost them, their parents did not even try to stop them. Unlike their parents, the young couple was finally happy. They got their first apartment together and, for the first time in years, they were truly happy; they could have sex whenever—and wherever—they wanted without having to worry about their parents hearing them. But as these things often do, it soon came to an end. One day, the money ran out and the young lesbians were forced to come to grips with the harsh reality; they had to get a job.

That is when Barbie’s second childhood realization came into play. Only a few short months after the big move, Barbie enlisted. April was devastated to see her wife leave, but knew how much this dream meant to Barbie. So, although she felt her heart break that day, she did no stand in her young wife’s way.

After a tearful goodbye—during which Barbie promised everything would be all right—the young recruit was off. She spent the next twelve weeks going through basic training. As much as she missed April, she could not deny how awesome it was to finally live her life-long dream. She learned how to handle all sorts of weapons as well as all military techniques she would need in a combat situation. It was only when the training pulled to an end that she realized just how much she missed April. She started to count down the hours until their reunion, but the fateful moment never came; within hours of the training’s end, she was shipped out. The young couple was torn apart by war as they soon found themselves on opposite sides of the world.

* * *

“Wow!” gasps Barbie as she and the other recruits march off the cargo plane. All around them is a non-stop buzz of activity. Soldiers in uniforms hurry about, weaving their way through the numerous Humvees and the occasional tank that clutter the base. Standing before the recruits in a gigantic building that stretches as far as the eye can see. A smile appears on Barbie lips as she forgets all about April and realizes she cannot wait to be a part of the action.

It is only now that she realizes she has momentarily stopped to take in her impressive surroundings. Suddenly, she feels something hit her from behind, knocking her to the ground.

“What the fuck?” she mutters as she peers up to find a fierce-looking, but ho-so-hot brunette. Not paying any attention to the young blonde, she marches on.

“Please, don’t apologize,” mutter Barbie sarcastically as she gets to her feet and starts dusting off her brand new uniform. Unlike most other recruits, Barbie somehow manages to fill out her uniform in all the right places, making her one of the hottest soldiers on base.

She has long, platinum blonde hair with strategically placed, bright pink highlights, full, pouty lip and piercing, emerald green eyes. She begins by dusting off her tight, molding camouflage tank-top which barely contains her firm, D-Cup boobs. Her erect nipples can clearly be seen poking through the thin fabric as a considerable amount of cleavage remains visible because of the clothing’s revealing design. She then dusts off her tight pants. Her hands slide across her firm, bouncy ass before traveling back around to the front where her fingers momentarily come into contact with her clean-shaven, panty-free labia which remain quasi-visible beneath the think fabric of her camouflage pants. Although presently hidden beneath her clothing, the busty lesbian has a large tattoo hovering between her pussy and navel; bright pink with black trimming, it is in the shape of the lesbian symbol. Both she and April got matching tattoos to celebrate their long-awaited union.

Grabbing the large duffle bag that contains every last one of her few belongings, Barbie hurries along to catch up to the group of recruits that is being led towards the large building. When they reach the building, they are split into two groups; girls on one side, boys on the other. Although most groan when they learn each sex will be assigned to a separate part of the building to avoid any lewd behavior, Barbie feels a smile curl her lips as she sighs in relief.

The busty blonde and all other female recruits are led to their sleeping quarters which consist only of a huge room with row after row of bunk-beds. There must be a few hundred at least.

“Find a bed and get settled in!” says their commanding officer as she turns and heads out, leaving the crowd of young women to themselves. Within seconds, the loud buzz of conversation fills the room as everyone hurries through the field of beds to find the perfect one. Barbie weaves her way through the beds until she finds one in the far corner. It is perfect for a little peace and quiet… or so she thinks. She struggles beneath the weight of her heavy bag as she struggles to hoist it up onto the top bed. Right before she manages to lift the heavy bag high enough to place it onto the bed, a busty brunette throws her own bag on the top bunk.

“Sorry, it’s taken,” says the newcomer as she climbs up next to her bag. Distracted by the unexpected turn of events, Barbie loses her balance and crashes to the floor.

“Goddammit,” she swears as she gets to her feet and peers up to find… the same brunette that knocked her down before.

“You!” she growls as she recognizes the hot young woman. The brunette pays no attention to her; she is too busy unpacking.

“Didn’t you see I was about to take that bed?” asks Barbie.

Finally, the brunette peers down at her.

“You were too slow,” she simply says with a shrug.

Barbie feels anger boil within her, but, knowing better than to pick a fight on her first day, decides to take the lower bed as all the nearby top bunks are already taken. She barely has time to get settled in before they are split into smaller groups for orientation. Her group—which consists of a few dozen recruits—is soon led into a smaller room.

“Take a seat,” says the busty orientation officer that waits for them at the far end of the room. Being one of the last young women to enter the room, Barbie finds one of the final few empty seats. She is about to sit, but right before, someone slips past her and steals it. It is the same brunette as before!

“Hell no!” she mutters as she realizes this is the final straw. She will no longer get pushed around, no matter what the consequences. Determined to prove she is not a pushover, she shoves the brunette aside and takes a seat.

Just like Barbie, the busty bully is not so easily defeated. She jumps to her feet and uses a foot to push Barbie off her seat, forcing her to the floor for the third time.

“Fuck you!” yells Barbie as she jumps to her feet and swings. Unfortunately for the young blonde, the brunette sees the attack coming. She easily dodges the blow and throws a jab that hits Barbie in the stomach. Although the air gets knocked from her lungs, Barbie manages to throw another punch. She lands it, forcing Candy to bend over with pain. Before things can escalate further, their fellow recruits intervene. A few pairs of hands grab them and soon immobilize them. Both rivals struggle to break free and take out their anger on each other, but they remain restrained.

“That’s enough!” yells their orientation officer as she strides over. Barbie and the brunette immediately calm down.

“Let ‘em go,” orders the superior and the recruits immediately release the troublesome young women.

“Since you seem to have some issues to resolve, I’ll give you all the time you could possibly need to come up with a solution to whatever the problem is…” she starts, then adds with a smile, “…cleaning the latrines.”

Barbie’s eyes fly open.

“But it wasn’t my fault,” she tries to explain, “She was the one…” Before she can finish, the orientation officer cuts her off.

“I don’t care whose fault it is. Now get to work!” she says.

“But…” starts Candy, but a glare from her superior tells her it is time to shut up.
The two rivals spend the remainder of the day cleaning out latrines. For the first few hours, Barbie keeps herself distracted by muttering revenge plans beneath her breath, but, before long, she is too exhausted to do anything else than her job. After what seems like a week, the day finally comes to an end and they are relieved. By then, they are totally exhausted, utterly filthy and smell of … well, pretty much every foul odor imaginable. Getting a whiff of their rank smell, their commanding officer orders them to go take a shower.

The two young women are all too pleased to obey and soon find themselves in the showering room. Because their day lasted longer than all other recruits, the showers are completely empty, giving the two young women complete privacy. The showering room consists of nothing more than a large room with showerheads sticking out of the walls. An entrance is located in two of the four corners with a long bench running the entirety of the wall to link the two.

Although this would be the perfect time for the two to finish the fight they had started earlier, neither of them has the desire—or the strength—to do so. Standing mere feet apart, the two women do their best to ignore each other as they start to strip. As much as she despises the young bully for coming after her for no apparent reason, Barbie cannot help but steal a quick glance when she sees her start to disrobe.

“Damn!” thinks Barbie as she studies the brunette’s body for the first time since their initial encounter. She only now realizes just how gorgeous she really is.

She has long, brown hair, hazel eyes and fleshy lips. A faint smile appears on Barbie’s lips as her shower-mate slips out of her regulation uniform top. Just like Barbie, she wears no underwear, so her firm, D-Cup boobs are instantly revealed. The young blonde’s eyes remain glued to them as she feels a spark of arousal deep within her pussy.

“Fuck!” she thinks, mentally reprimanding herself for being turned on by the woman who would undoubtedly become her nemesis. But such thoughts soon leave her head when Candy turns around and pulls her pants down, exposing her bare ass to Barbie’s intent gaze.

“Oh my god!” thinks Barbie as she feels a wave of arousal wash over her. She again tries to regain control of her emotions, fully aware that she should feel hate for the busty brunette, not attraction. But any thought of self-control is soon forced from her head as the hazel-eyed recruit turns around.

“Wow!” is all Barbie manages to think as her eyes come across the brunette’s pussy. A perfectly-trimmed pubic hair arrow points to her clean-shaven labia, forcing the most powerful wave of arousal yet to wash over the busty blonde. It takes every bit of self-control for her to keep from reaching out and pulling the stunning brunette in for a long, passionate kiss.

“Control yourself,” thinks Barbie as she realizes how wrong it is for her to be attracted to her now fully-naked shower-mate. And not just because she was a complete bitch to Barbie from the moment they met. The biggest reason why Barbie cannot act upon her feelings is April; her wife.

Managing to regain control of her emotions, Barbie decides the best thing to do is hurry through the shower and get out of there before anything regrettable happens. With that in mind, she begins to strip. Just like her blonde counterpart, the busty bully seems quite interested in seeing more of the stripping recruit’s sublime body.

“Damn!” she thinks as she spots Barbie’s large, lesbian-themed tattoo. Maybe her plan would work after all. None of her previous attempts had paid off, but the tattoo gives her hope. Her eyes remain glued to Barbie’s body until she heads off to a nearby showerhead.

“This is gonna feel so good,” thinks Barbie as she turns on the water and adjusts the temperature. When it is just right, she gets ready for the soothing feel of millions upon millions of warm drops raining down upon her tired body. Right before she steps forward, the annoyingly disturbing brunette takes her place beneath the artificial waterfall.

A simple sigh escapes the busty blonde. Too tired to argue, Barbie takes the nearest showerhead and turns it on. Less than a minute later, the temperature is perfect and the young lesbian takes a step forward. Uninterrupted, she feels the water rain down upon her filthy body.

“Ahhh!” she sighs as she begins to relax from the exhausting day she just had. She reaches over and grabs a bar of soap from a nearby soap shelf. Another sigh escapes her as she begins to lather her flawless figure before working every inch of her tired body with her equally tired fingers.

Although quite busy forcing every last speck of dirt to leave her skin, Barbie still finds the time to throw the brunette the occasional glance. On more than one occasion, she finds her staring back at her, but each time their eyes meet, the two young recruits immediately look away. As her eyes once again travel to the hot bully’s soap-covered body, she feels her hand slide across her stomach until her fingers come into contact with her soap-covered labia.

“Mmmmm!” she moans softly. Luckily the sound of millions upon millions of drops slamming down upon the tiled floor stops the blonde’s moan form reaching the brunette’s ears. Her fingers start to move around tentatively for a few seconds before she realizes what is going on; she is masturbating!

“Fuck!” she mutters as she pulls her hand away. Unlike the first, this exclamation remains not unnoticed.

“Did you say something?” asks the hazel-eyed recruit as she glances over at Barbie less than a second after the blonde has torn her hand from her crotch.

“Nope,” lies Barbie, but the smile on her shower-mate’s lips tells her she is not so easy to fool. The horny blonde starts to panic and soon feels the soap slip from her fingers. She fumbles with it for a second before seeing fall to the floor. It slides across the tilled surface and comes to a stop between the brunette’s feet.

“Dammit!” thinks Barbie before saying aloud, “Do you mind?”

The brown-haired recruit peers down at the bar of soap for a few seconds before bending down to pick it up. But instead of handing it to Barbie she keeps it close to her body. Barbie reaches out, but the brunette makes sure to keep the desired item just out of reach. Barbie sighs as she takes another step forward. Once again, the item remains just out of reach.

“Come on,” says Barbie in an annoyed voice as she takes yet another step. She is now close enough for the busty brunette to grab her and pull her close. A surprised grunt escapes the young blonde as she feels the woman’s erect nipples pock at her boobs. Their eyes momentarily make contact and Barbie can see a ring of lust circle each one of her fellow recruit’s irises.

“Oh fuck,” mutters Barbie as she suddenly realizes what is about to happen. Before she can do anything to stop it, the brunette grabs Barbie’s head and pulls her in for a long, passionate kiss.

“Mmm?” moans Barbie half out of surprise, half out of shock as she feels a tongue slither past her lips. As shocked as she is by her shower-mate’s unexpected behavior, Barbie is even more shocked when she finds herself enjoying it. Struggling to keep from kissing her back, is takes the busty blonde a few seconds to realize the young bully is still passionately making out with her.

Meanwhile, the horny brunette is all too happy as she finds herself surprised by how long it takes Barbie to push her away. Just when she thinks such a thing will not happen, she feels the blonde’s lips leave hers.

“What the fuck are you doing?” almost shouts Barbie as she takes a step back.
“Isn’t it obvious?” wonders the dark-haired beauty as she reaches out and pulls Barbie in for another passionate kiss.

“Mmmmm!” moans Barbie again. Imagine her surprise when she realizes it is a moan of lust, not surprise. She still manages to refrain from reciprocating the brunette’s eager tongue strokes, but does not have the force—or the will—to pull away. As the seconds slowly tick by, Barbie feels increasingly powerful waves of arousal wash over her as the dark-haired recruit’s eager tongue continue to dance around in her mouth.

“I didn’t think it would be this easy,” thinks the busty bully as she runs her hands down her blonde counterpart’s back until she reaches her firm butt. Within seconds, she is expertly massaging her ass with both hands, forcing ever-powerful moans to flow past Barbie’s lips.

“Oh my god!” mentally gasps the increasingly horny blonde as she remembers something; she is married! As aroused as she by her lesbian shower-mate, Barbie cannot give in to her ever-growing feelings. She must fight!

“Don’t give in!” she tells herself as she struggles to break free from the hazel-eyed beauty’s spell. It takes the better part of a minute, but she eventually finds the strength to pull away.

“Stop!” she yells as she again takes a step back, but she tone of her voice leaves the brunette smiling. She knows fully well that Barbie wants her.

“Why?” she asks teasingly as she reaches out and sensually runs her finger along Barbie’s arm.

Barbie feels a shiver of delight ripple through her entire body, but, determined to keep control of her emotions, remains unaffected. Taking a deep breath to clear her mind of all dirty thoughts, she opens her mouth to speak. It takes her a few tried before she can finally speak.

“I… I have a wife,” she stutters, pointing to the ring around her finger.

The brunette scoffs.

“Really?” she asks, “Because that’s not what your pussy is saying.” With that, she pulls Barbie in for yet another kiss. Before the busty blonde has time to react, the horny bully reaches down and presses her palm against Barbie’s engorged labia.

“Mmmmm!” moans Barbie. Once again, the moan is the result of lust, not surprise. She feels the most powerful wave of arousal yet wash over her as the brunette’s hand begins moving around, expertly massaging her lower lips. Although the young blonde loves her wife with all her heart, the moment she feels her shower-mate’s hand on her labia, April vanishes from her mind; it is like she never existed. Now with nothing stopping her, she finally gives in to her lustful urges. Not wasting a second, she starts kissing her fellow recruit.

“I knew she would cave,” thinks the bully-turned-lover as the young recruits’ tongues dance around in each other’s mouths. Still fully aware that Barbie’s unexpected change of mind may very well be only temporary, she decides to escalate things. Breaking the kiss, she makes her way down to her ample bosom.

“Oh, yes!” moans Barbie as she feels her new friend’s lips wrap themselves around one of her nipples. Soon, she feels her tongue flicking back and forth, sending shivers of delight rippling throughout her body.

Thrilled by Barbie’s positive response, she uses her free hand to massage her other boob. Moans flow past the busty blonde’s lips as she feels her oh-so-hot young lover ravage her body. With one of her new friend’s hand busy stimulating her increasingly humidifying twat and the other doing the same to one of her breasts while the other is being services by her lips, Barbie feels her energy return. Although previously exhausted by the long day of latrine cleaning, the tight-bodied recruit now feels energized and ready to take on any challenge.

Before Barbie has time to get accustomed to her mammary stimulation, her brunette friend puts an end to it. The horny blonde is about to voice her discontent when she feels the former bully lick her way down to her pussy.

“Oh, fuck!” moans Barbie, the cry echoing throughout the entire showering room as she feels the brunette’s hand leave her pussy, only to be replaced by her tongue. Barbie instinctively spreads her legs wider, giving her fellow recruit better access.

Taking full advantage of her all access pass, the kneeling lesbian slides her tongue past Barbie’s lower lips. She giggles giddily as she feels her taste buds gorge themselves on the married teen’s sweet pre-cum.

“Oh my god!” shrieks Barbie as she feels the eager tongue slide all the way up her pussy. A powerful wave of arousal soon follows as Barbie realizes she has not had sex since the start of basic training. Never has she gone so long with sex since she lost her virginity at fifteen. Sure, she masturbates whenever she gets the change, but self-stimulation comes nowhere near what she is currently experiencing.

“Faster!” begs Barbie only moments after she feels the brunette’s tongue start to dart in and out of her. Her new friend is all too happy to oblige as she reaches up and fumbles around until she finds what she is looking for; Barbie’s boobs.

“Oh god!” moans Barbie as she feels her former tormentor’s hands begin to stimulate her erect nipples while her tongue continues repeatedly plunging in and out of her soaking wet pussy. It takes almost no time for her head to be forced back by the power of arousal. Eyes sealed shut, the moaning blonde can feel millions upon millions of drops of water rain down upon her face and body as she feels her arousal level skyrocket. Within seconds, she feels an orgasm build deep within her pussy.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” she screams blissfully. An orgasm is imminent and the teen knows it all too well.

“Wow!” mentally gasps the brunette as she feels Barbie’s pussy start to shake and shiver around her tongue as the passionate tongue-fucking continues.

“I’m gonna cum!” announces Barbie between two moans as she feels the first wave of cum start to flow up from the depths of her pussy. Within seconds, the surprisingly hot, incredibly sweet liquid gushes past the brunette’s tongue and squirts into her mouth. It takes less than a second for the hazel-eyed recruit to feel her mouth overflowing. Determined not to lose a single drop, she swallows it.

“Mmmmm!” she moans as she feels the hot liquid flow down her throat. She continues tongue-fucking Barbie’s tight poon as she feels another wave fill her mouth. She tries to swallow it, but because the new wave is much more voluminous that the first, the gooey liquid is soon forced past her lips. Becoming airborne, it soon mixes with the water and rains down upon the young lovers. After falling to the tiled floor, the diluted cum inevitably finds its way to the drain where it is lost forever.

“What a waste,” thinks the kneeling lesbian as she continues licking Barbie’s cunt. She drinks as much of the sweet nectar se she can, but only half makes it to her stomach, the other half being wasted.

“Don’t stop!” begs Barbie as her orgasm rages on, “Please don’t stop!”

Her fellow recruit cannot help but smile as she realizes stopping is exactly what the horny blonde wanted her to do just minutes before. It is quite astonishing how quickly one’s emotions can change from one extreme to the other. Yet, Barbie seems to have mastered said art as she now moans to high heavens.

Wave after wave flows out of her; her hot orgasmilk being forced to squirt out of her new friend’s mouth, effectively covering both Barbie’s lower body and Candy’s upper body in cum. Unfortunately, the water washes it away as fast as it is produced, keeping the two lesbians in a quasi-constant state of cleanliness.

Barbie’s moans continue to echo throughout the showering room as her orgasm rages on for the better part of a minute. By the time the final wave flows out of her, it is a miracle she can still stand seeing how almost all strength has left her body.

“Mmmmm!” moans the brunette as she pulls away, mouth filled with Barbie’s last few drops of orgasmilk.

With her body no longer supported by the dark-haired lesbian, Barbie feels her knees buckle. A second later, she is sprawled across the floor, struggling to keep air flowing in and out of her lungs. Her eyes remain shut as she feels the warm water rain down upon her. Everything is quiet but for her quick breathing as she struggles to recover from her intense orgasm.

Nearby, the horny brunette also gasps for air, although most of her strength remains present in her sublime body. After a few minutes, during which Barbie gradually comes down from her sexual high, she finally realizes what just happened; she cheated on April!

“Oh my god!” she mentally gasps, “What have I done?”

She peers over at her former tormentor and finds her sitting nearby, still panting lightly. Still stunned by what just happened, she realizes she needs some time alone to process everything. That what is done cannot be undone, yet Barbie is confident that a little time alone will give her the clarity to decide the best course of action. One thing is clear in her mind; she must get as far away from the busty brunette as possible. With that in mind, she glances around the room. Grabbing her clothes is out of the question as it would only slow her escape. Realizing she will have to streak it through the base, Barbie throws her former bully one final glance before jumping to her feet.

“Gotta go!” she mutters as she hurries toward the nearest exit. Right before she can reach it, the hot brunette appears before her.

“How did she do that?” wonders Barbie as she tries to get past the busty brunette. Unfortunately, that proves to be impossible.

“You’re not getting away that easily,” says the dark-haired recruit.

Determined to get away, Barbie turns tail with the firm intention of escaping through the other exit, but before she can even take a step, she feels a hand grab her arm. Reacting on instinct, she turns around swinging. Unfortunately, the brunette sees it coming and easily dodges the blow before throwing a punch of her own. Unlike her fellow recruit, Barbie is not fast enough to dodge the hit and gets clocked in the jaw. With stars in her eyes, the tight-bodied blonde goes flying and slams to the ground with such force that the air is knocked form her lungs. Gasping for air and struggling to keep the world from spinning, she barely even notices the sublime brunette that sits atop her.

As Barbie tries to recover, the hazel-eyed young woman lies atop Barbie and, realizing this could be her one and only change, lowers her head towards Barbie’s. Without a moment of hesitation, she slides her tongue past her fellow recruit’s lips and starts passionately kissing her.

“Mmmmm!” moans Barbie on instinct, although she is still too confused to understand what is happening. However, her body is still able to interpret the former bully’s actions. Acting independently from her brain, Barbie’s body starts to send wave after wave of arousal washing over the confused young woman’s flawless body, soon forcing her to reciprocate the eager brunette’s passionate tongue strokes.

By the time Barbie finally recovers from her fall, she is passionately making out with her new friend. She even feels her hands massage the brunette’s firm ass as moans of delight flow past her lips.

“What the hell am I doing?” wonders Barbie. Although she is fully aware that what she is doing the exact opposite of what she should be doing, the teen realizes arousal fills her body, making it impossible for her to consider anything else than what she is doing right now; having sex with this hot brunette. But as yet another powerful wave of arousal washes over her, she realizes she cannot fight her growing sexual arousal any longer. She desperately wants to cum and will do anything to achieve that goal. Giving in to her ever-growing urges, Barbie manages to intensify the already passionate make out session.

“Mmm?” moans a surprised brunette as she feels Barbie’s attitude change. Although unexpected, the change is exactly what she was hoping for. She is stunned at how aggressive her young lover is as she takes control of the situation by flipping the dark-haired recruit onto her back.

A surprised grunt escapes her as she feels Barbie pull away. Fearing the blonde is again trying to flee, she goes to grab her, but before she can, Barbie returns, a bar of soap in hand—the same bar of soap that started it all. Barbie rubs the soap between her hands until she has a considerable amount of foam gathered in her palms. Discarding the now useless bar of soap, she lowers her hands to the brunette’s silky-smooth body. The first step is to lather her large boobs and use the suds to stimulate her erect nipples, forcing a few passion-filled moans to escape her. But Barbie soon gets bored and moves on to something of more importance; the pussy.

“FUCK!” shrieks the soap covered recruit as she feels Barbie’s hands slide across her engorged labia. A satisfied smile appears on the blonde’s lips as she gives one of her hands permission to leave her new friend’s crotch. The other remains in place as the cheating lesbian inserts two fingers exactly where the brunette’s pubic arrow tells her to; her pussy.

“Oh, yes!” she moans as she feels Barbie’s fingers slide up her twat, sending shivers of delight rippling throughout her body. Not wasting a second, the now passion-fuelled young blonde starts to slide her fingers in and out of her dark-haired friend’s pussy. With the soap making the penetration surprisingly easy, Barbie bothers not ask permission to add a third finger.

“Faster!” begs the former bully as she feels Barbie thrusting three fingers in and out of her tight poon at an already impressive speed. A smile appears on Barbie’s lips as she does as told, forcing her hand to jerk back and forth with such force that only a blur can be seen.

“Oh yes! YES! YESSS!” she moans as her breath grows ever-short. Up and down go her boobs as she struggles to keep air flowing in and out of her lungs. Her powerful moans help in no way, but the horny brunette would not have it any other way.

Because she has been in a constant state of arousal since the first time she laid eyes on Barbie, it takes the brunette a record-setting time before she feels an orgasm build deep within her.

“Oh yes! Fuck me! FUCK ME!” she moans as she feels her pussy start to shake and shiver. Moment later, she feels the first wave flow up from the depths of her pussy. The power with which the gooey liquid is released makes it impossible for Barbie to continue her avid finger-fucking as her brunette friend starts to squirt. Her fingers are forced from the young woman’s pussy as the first wave of orgasmilk sprays past her lower lips, effectively covering Barbie in a thick layer of cum.

“Damn!” mutters Barbie, stunned by the intensity of her fellow recruit’s orgasm. Realizing her help is no longer required, she does the first thing that comes to mind; she leans forward and opens her mouth wide. As she approaches the squirting pussy, the horny blonde is forced to close her eyes to keep from being blinded, but that does not stop her from venturing on until she is close enough for her entire mouth to get filled with each new wave.

“Mmmmm!” she moans as she feels the first mouthful flow down her throat. Another soon comes, rapidly followed by yet another. This goes on for the better part of a minute as the busty brunette experiences the most intense orgasm of her life. Her moans are so powerful that passersby can clearly hear them as they walk past the showering room. A few curious souls stop momentarily, but do not want to risk a look, too terrified by what they might find.

Finally, after a good minute of intense squirting, the cum-covered, hazel-eyed lesbian’s orgasm finally comes to an end. One final wave squirts out, landing square in Barbie’s mouth, forcing a satisfied moan past her cum-covered lips. The two young lovers spend the next few minutes catching their breaths.

Barbie is the first to recover and, curious as always, she wipes the thick layer of cum that clings to her eyes lids and peers around.

“Oh my god!” she gasps as she finds a disturbingly beautiful scene. Both she and her new friend are covered in a thick layer of orgasmilk, giving them each a second skin. A large circle of cum has formed on the floor round them, giving a wintery look to their small part of the showering room. Curious by Barbie’s stunned exclamation, the brunette sits up and peers around. Her reaction is similar to Barbie’s as she sees the impressive amount of cum she produced.

“So, are you happy?” asks Barbie in a surprisingly cold voice, “You got what you wanted.”

“But…” stutters the brunette, taken aback by her new friend’s sudden change of tone.

There is a few seconds of awkwardness as the two stare at each other. Finally, Barbie bursts out laughing, forcing a stunned expression to appear on her friend’s face.

“I’m kidding,” finally explains Barbie, seeing how confused her cum-covered shower-mate is. It takes the still-panting young woman another few seconds to finally understand, but when she does, a few chuckles escape her.

“Are you sure?” she asks, thinking Barbie is either bipolar of a great actress.

But the truth is, Barbie is neither; she is simply feeling guilty. Like anything else, sex has its lows and its highs. During the lows, Barbie feels remorse for giving in to her attraction for her new friend and cheating on her wife. During the highs, she fully gives in to her lustful desires and becomes a wild beast whose only goal is sexual satisfaction. Her recent change of mood was just a rapid transition between a sexual low and high.

“Maybe this’ll convince you,” giggles Barbie as the sight of the busty brunette’s cum-covered body forces a wave of arousal to wash over her. She leans forward and, after licking up a mouthful of cum from the dark-haired recruit’s sublime body, she comes in for a passionate, cum-filled kiss.

“Mmmmm!” they moan in unison as their tongues begin a lustful dance amidst the sea of pussy fluid. But the kiss is soon cut short when they hear a shocked gasp echo throughout the showering room.

With the kiss now broken, the two cum-covered friends turn to find a busty Asian recruit standing in the nearest exit’s doorway. A shocked expression is plastered across her face as her eyes remain glues to the young couple. There is a brief moment of awkwardness as all three young woman share stunned glances.

“Hi,” finally says Barbie’s former tormentor with a casual smile. That seems to snap the hot Asian out of her stunned trance because she turns tail and hurries off.

The two friends cannot suppress a few amused giggles as they resume the momentarily interrupted kiss. As the makes out session grows increasing passionate, the two lesbians start moaning loudly. The dark-haired beauty feels arousal return to her body even though she experienced an earth-shattering orgasm only minutes before.

“Ready for round two?” asks an equally aroused Barbie once the kiss is broken.

“Fuck yeah!” immediately responds her new friend as she waits for Barbie to initiate the aforementioned second round. The thick layer of cum that clings to their respective bodies gives Barbie an idea.

“Don’t move,” she orders.

“Yes mam,” responds her brunette friend as she salutes her. They share a few chuckles as Barbie implements her plan. She grabs one the former bully’s leg and raises it so her toes point to the ceiling. She then kneels over her friend’s other leg and lowers her body until her pussy comes into contact with the brunette’s.

“Fuck!” they both moan as Barbie starts rocking back and forth, forcing their cum-covered cunts to rub together.

“Oh yes!” she moans as she begins to speed up the rocking. Although this is the first time she uses this position, she does it like a real pro, swaying her hips back and forth, forcing their respective poons to rub together. The cum seems to help as it acts as a lubricant, making the two young lesbians produce moan after moan of total bliss.

As wave after wave of arousal washes over her, the horny brunette begins to force her hips up and down, effectively increasing the speed, which in turn increases the blissful feeling that fills both young lovers. Their moans once again start to fill the air as they both feel an orgasm building within them.

“Oh god!” moans Barbie as she feels her pussy start to shake and shiver.

“Fuck!” adds her new friend moment later as she realizes she is on the verge of climax. Less than a second later, they attain something that is only rarely attained; a simultaneous orgasm.

“FUCK!” they both shriek as they feel their respective first wave flow forth from the depths of the pussies. The hot liquid is soon forced past their lowers lips, combining into a sweet cocktail of lesbian cum before becoming airborne. It splits into millions upon millions of tiny drops and rains down upon the moaning couple, adding yet another layer of orgasmilk to their already cum-covered bodies.

“Don’t stop!” begs the brunette between moans. Barbie would surely smile if not so busy using every last bit of strength to keep up the exhausting rhythm as her pussy releases wave after wave of blistering hot liquid all over her gorgeous lover.

The hot, gooey liquid continues to flow forth, creating an ever-growing puddle of cum all around the two young recruits as they moan to high heavens. Back and forth their lower lips slide, forcing shivers of delight to ripple through their respective bodies as their orgasms rage on.

Although their orgasms remain less powerful than their respective first climaxes, both young women are blissfully happy. As the seconds tick by, they start to tire and, by the time they release their final waves, a full minute later, the two are barely even moving. Barbie has slumped over to one side and is panting like a dog on a hot day. Legs still locked and pussies still touching, the two do their best to recover as their eyes remain closed to conserve energy.

It takes the better part of five minutes for them to find the strength to sit. The two glance around and cannot help but laugh as they see the impressive amount of cum that covers the showering room floor.

Without exchanging a single word, the two young lesbians get to their feet and head over to the two showerheads they used only minutes before to clean their grit-covered body. With the water still running, it takes the two practically not time to get cleaned off.

As Barbie washes the cum from her body, her thoughts travel back to April. She cannot help but feel bad about cheating, but as she glances over at her new friend, she realizes it is a miracle she managed to resists her for as long as she did.

“Still, I should have been able to control myself,” she thinks, but soon realizes there is no point in focusing on the past. What is done is done; the future is what matters. Still, she feels bad for cheating on her wife, especially with someone she just met. It is only now that Barbie realizes she does not even know her new friend’s name.

“How can I have had sex with a girl and not even know her name?” she wonders silently.

“What is…” she starts as she turns to her former bully, but finds the spot next to her empty. Panicked, she glances around the room and finds Candy drying herself off by the bench. A relieved sigh escapes her as she turns off the water and hurries over to the hazel-eyed recruit. The busty blonde grabs her own towel and starts getting dried off as she struggles to get started.

“I… How… What…” she stammers, unable to formulate the question. Although it is a simple question she has asked many a time, she finds herself unable to utter the words. For some unknown reason, she finds herself flustered at the simple though of learning the name of the first woman—other than April of course—to make her cum since she lost her virginity at fifteen.

“What is it?” asks the busty brunette with an amused smile.

Taking a deep breath for courage, Barbie finally asks the question.

“What’s your name?”

The dark-haired recruit produces a few chuckles as she realizes she never introduced herself; she was far too busy seducing Barbie to even think of such things.

“I’m Candy,” she finally says, “Candy Luv.”

Barbie smiles.

“Candy,” she thinks, “It suits her.”

“I’m Barbie Lez,” she then adds aloud as she outstretches a hand.

Candy giggles.

“Isn’t that a little too formal? I mean we did just have sex.”

Barbie nods as she realizes Candy is right.

“Come here, you sexy bitch,” giggles Barbie as she pulls Candy in for a long, passionate kiss.

“Mmmmm!” they moan simultaneously as their tongues dance around in each other’s mouths. Unfortunately, their nice-to-meet-you kiss is cut short when they hear voices echo from nearby.

“What the fuck?” wonders Barbie as she pulls away and turns to find three women standing before them. One of them is the same hot Asian recruit they scared off earlier. The other two are obviously base security guards.

“Is that her?” asks one of the guards. The Asian nods as she points to Barbie.

“Her?” wonders Barbie as she turns to Candy. “What the…” she mutters when she finds Candy missing. A quick glance around the showering room tells her Candy is nowhere to be seen. She hears footsteps and finds the two guards marching towards her. Although she does not think they actually did anything wrong, Barbie cannot help but feel like the best thing for her to do is run. Unfortunately, before she can even think of escaping, the two guards reach her and, with a firm grip, keep her from getting away.

“Fuck!” she mutters beneath her breath as she glances from one guard to the other.

“Get dressed,” says one of the guards as she hands the naked recruit her clothes.

“Why?” asks Barbie.

“The general wants to see you,” explains one of the guards.

“The general? Why?” inquires Barbie. Unfortunately, the guards remain silent as they wait for her to get dressed.

“I guess I’ll find out soon enough,” she thinks as she is escorted out of the showering room.

To be continued in Part 2…


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. A new fantasy will be published each week, so make sure to check back every so often.

Have a horny day,

Barbie Lez

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