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New things, Jake's confused
A Guy and His...?(10)Healing wish

Jake lay motionless, his cum starting to leak out of Rosalinda around his
cock. Looking down he saw a slight glow all around her, once again her hair got a
brighter red, on her head and her vagina, her breasts got firmer standing up more
proud. Her ass became rounder and rolling off her he saw that her skin had a healther
tone to it. Again another gong sounded as the glow around ger faded sitting up,
Rosalinda looked down at her body her mouth a gape. Gen came running and smiled
at her master.

Rodalinda's mother stepped into the room, bowing low she averted her eyes
from Jake's cock (she had felt the magic when she entered the house)
"Master Jake, I wish to thank you for freeing my daughter from the remainder of the
curse. I must return home now the baby will be born soon," she said rubbing her stomch.
"Be well my daughter, you both take good care of Master Jake."
"Thank you mama we will," replied Rosalinda.
"Yes and thank you for helping my new sister," Gen a huge smile on her face, blinking
Jake and Rosalinda were clothed.
Hugging both Jinns and a quick peck on his cheek Rosalinda's mother was gone.

Stretching Rosalinda smile at Jake, "I also wish to thank you for removing the
rest of the curse."
Jake was a little confused, "I'm still confused a bit about that, now you had 2 curses
on you right?
"No Master Jake, it was only one curse," sighing she settled and relayed the story.
"Many centuries ago, I was sent by the council to stop a Jinn from reuniting with her
master. I was told to keep them apart at all costs, which I did, In the process her
master was killed, as nearly was she. The council at the time had felt the bond the two
shared, afraid they had forbidden the Jinn to pursue the bond or relationship."
"Wait that was you? You were the one that intervened?" Jake asked afraid that Gen
might want revenge for her sister.

"Yes Master Jake it was me, when the master died a great rift formed between
this world and the Jinn world. The bond was the strongest magic there is, love, this
made all the powers of the council pale in comparison. Though they tried to block, fight
however you say it the were no match. They were cursed to stay in the council chamber
til a human released them, a human with a bond comparable to the first." Sighing
Tears filling her eyes, she looked at Gen, "she was beautiful your sister, I can never
undo the harm I did to your family," looking back at Jake she then looked down.

Continuing on though she couldn't see much from the tears, she had to finish,
"For my part in all this, my heart was filled with all the pain she felt a hundred times
over. In 5 plus centuries I grew bitter, filled with rage and mistrust, I was told that
till the human with the bond came I would be alone with no master. I watched as my bottle
was thrown into endless abyss, I thought that my torment would be over soon but the
power of their love kept us all alive. My body was changed into a horrid imitation
of what I was. My powers were weakened, The bond Master had to love me and make love
with me to break the curse. That was why I thought it wasn't you, I hadn't seen love
in a very long time, when you gave me a choice I thought you had rejected me."

Grasping her face Jake kissed her deeply, melting into his arms she truly felt
loved. "How could I not love you? you were beautiful inside in the other forms. I knew it
wasn't a mistake right after I kissed you that first time."
Smiling a smile that he felt would stop almost any man's heart she beamed in his praised.
"Master? What of Gen? I have learned that a man's heart can never truly love more
than one woman," Rosalinda wore a look of worried concern.
"Look into my heart, I know you can now. Tell me Rosalinda what do you see there?" Jake
hoped that he was right agout Rosalinda's powers now.

Gen and Rosalinda both stared hard at Jake for a minute, for a second he was a
worried but only a second. Jake watched as both their faces began to light up, then
ever so slowly a smile crept upon their beautiful lips. As their smiles got broader
and broader Jake knew they finally had learned that he loved them both equally.
Overcome with joy, they both went to grab Jake at the same time, knocking him on
his back amidst alot of giggling. Sighing Jake found that he was happier than he'd
been in a long time, holding both his lovely Jinns close, he didn't see a dark
shawdow nearby moving of it's own accord.

The next morning Jake awoke sandwiched between his two naked Jinn's. Quietly
getting out of bed he went to take a leak. Walking back into the bedroom Jake found
his self back in the room near the council chambers.
"What the fuck?" Jake was startled he thought the council was through with him.
Finding he was clothed he walked out the door and was met by Rasmir.
"I thought I was done here," started Jake, "are there more tests?
Bowing low Rasmir appeared to be shaken, "no there are no more tests, an ancient evil
has reared it's head once again. It threatens to destroy your world as well as ours."

"An ancient evil? Ok, so why have you called me?" Again Jake was confused
Damn but this seemed to be a reccurring theme these days. Jake was starting to get
pissed how the hell was he supposed to carry on if they didn't tell him everything?
"As I can see, you know that not everything was told to you. There was a side note
to the legend, it stated that you weren't just the saviour of the Jinn race but
also it's protector," Rasmir looked down ashamed that Jake hadn't been told
everything. Now he was afraid that Jake would be so angered that he might hurt
some of the council or just ignore it and let the council be destroyed.

Still confused and mad Jake thought they needed to tell him everything now
or just send his ass back and leave him the fuck alone.
"Yes master Jake, you are a unique human, in that you can be affected by magic
and you can affect magic users," Rasmir hoped he could explain this right.
"What do you mean I can affect magic users?" Jake asked no closer to understanding
than before.
"You are protected by 2 powerful Jinns, granted they are sex Jinns but they are still
powerful. They also love you, as you know love is the strongest magic there is.
This in it's self would boost their powers but the fact of the matter is you love
them also," Rasmir saw that Jake was starting to grasp more.

"So because of our love they are powerful? Huh and here I thought they were
that way normally," Jake said rather pleased with himself.
"No master Jake, plus their protection of you is thousands of times more powerful
I doubt anything could hurt you much now. You can't be hurt by magic much, or magic
enhanced warriors, even they would be hard pressed to hurt you but with them you still
have to be careful. This evil is powerful and very sneaky, trickful it wants
the destruction of order bringing back it's rule of chaos," Rasmir shook at this
"So without magic I have to defeat and destroy this evil?" Jake looked at Rasmir
much as he would a crazy man.

"Yes master Jake, that's what I have been trying to explain. I am unsure how
but according to the legend you are the only one who can. That and protect the
newly reemerging Jinn race," Rasmir smiled, thought he knew Jake was still a little
confused hell he was too, damn legend was never clear till it actually happened.
"Ok, question then," Jake said
"Yes, master Kake," Rasmie replied.
"I have no magic that I can use to travel here, so... when you need me, how do I get
here?" Jake asked.

"Ah!" Rasmir reached into his pocket handing Jake a little bottle on a
chain, "with this you will know when there is trouble here. At such a time or if you
merely wish to visit, simply rub it and poof you'll be here."
Jake looked at Rasmir unsure of the charm on a chain, a necklace of sorts.
Nodding Jake donned the necklace putting it in his shirt.
"So is there anything else or are we done?" Jake asked
"ah....," started Rasmir, "there is one problem, this way."
Following Gen's Father they went down the hall, entering a door, there Jake saw Gen's
mother laying on a bed sweat covering her body. The doctor was nearby wearing
a concerned and worried look.

"What's wrong with her?" Jake asked worried that Gen's mother might not make it.
"She has a type of sickness I haven't seen in a long time. Nothing I have done is working
Moving closer Jake looked at Yasmen briefly brushing the doctor as he went by. In the
moment Jake saw a greenish color near her heart, then it was gone. Amazed Jake asked
Yasmen how she felt, all she could croak out was very bad she had never felt this way
Brushing the doctor longer this time as he moved back, Jake again saw the greenish color
near her heart.
Grabbing the doctor he stared at Yasmen for a minute, looking at the doctor he asked,
"Doctor what kind of energy has a greenish color?" he looked hard at Jake then Yasmen.
"That sounds like poison but how can you see that? I see nothing," he asked
truly confused now.

"I don't know doc but I see it and it's moving toward her heart," Jake stated.
Thinking only a second the doctor looked hard at Jake, "put my hands where you see it,
no matter what you see don't move my hands off the spot where it is the darkest."
Jake watched as a blue color came from the doctor's hands and engulfed the green.
Within just a few moments Yasmen was starting to breathe easier and the green was almost
completely gone. Ten minutes later Yasmen was resting easy and the spot was glowing
blue now. Finally the doctor stopped looking at Jake he thanked him for the help
then bent to check his patient.

Jake moved back through the crowd outside the door, not wanting attention
he went back to the room he had shared with his Jinns. Sitting he waited for someone to
come and send him home. Sighing he layed down trying to relax from all the excitement
of the day. He hoped that Yasmen would be ok. Two hours later Rasmir walked into the room,
"Master Jake Yasmen is awake and asking for you."
"For me? why?" Jake asked
"As she put it she wanted to thank you for helping to save her life," Rasmir replied
"Saving her life? I did nothing, why thank me?" Jake asked.
"You did help to save her, without you the doctor would have never been able to see what
was wrong, let alone how to heal her," Rasmir looked at Jake with a new respect.

As they left the room neither of them noticed the small shadow that slowly
crept after them. Many of the council thanked Jake before he went back to his house.
Amazed but not surprised Jake found that only 45 minutes had passed. Laying back down
he felt Gen and Rosalina roll toward him wrapping their arms around him. Laying there
Jake was at a loss, so once again it seemed he was the saviour. Sighing he still was
unsure as to just how he was going to help without magic.

Later that morning Jake awoke to the sounds of his Jinns getting out of bed.
Gen stopped and bent to kiss Jake on the cheek. "Thank you master for saving my mother,
the doctor says she has made a full recovery."
"That's the thing Gen I don't feel I really did anything thing," Jake was more confused
than he was the night before.
"Master, as father explained it, there was another part of the legend that had been
overlooked, this ancient evil is in other predicitions also," Gen explained
"Yes. I remember him saying something like that last night," Jake replied.
"Yes master, but father said you didn't quite grasp what he was saying. It seems that
after you passed the tests proving you were the master of legend, there were many other
things you have to do to protect the Jinn and your world," Gen said sweetly.

"I know Gen but as I told Rasmir, I have no power, at least not magic," Jake said.
"we know master but you also have to remember you are the first master to have 2 Jinns. Not
only that but you love them both as they do you," Gen replied.
"Yes, I know Gen love is the most powerful magic," Jake said a little annoyed.
"All I can say master," Rosalinda broke in, "is that though you may not weild magic
it is extremely powerful around you."
"You mean like with Gen's mother? Doing things like that?" Jake asked.
"Yes master," they both said at the same time, "for now but soon there will be more."
Getting out of bed Jake was heading for the kitchen when the phone rang.

"Hello? yes, speaking," Jake spoke into the receiver, "uh, ok, yes I see...
how long before they start? I see, tell them I am on my way."
Jake hung up a slight look of shock on his face, "I have to go to the site where I found
you Gen, it seems I was put in charge of the site," Jake said a little shaken. With
that both Jinns blinked and a huge table appeared groaning from the weight of the food.
Sitting down Jake found he was dressed in a suit, reaching for a fork there was suddenly
food being fed to him on both sides. Taking a bite from each, he found that each fork was
being held by one of his Jinns.

"Ladies I can feed my self," Jake said slightly annoyed but still loving the
"We know master but we consider it a privilege to serve you," Rosalinda said
Sighing Jake knew he might as well concede on this, if he started into a debate
with them he knew that he'd probably never leave the house today. Leaving for the site
was a fun thing in it's self Rosalinda was unsure of the metal beast that Jake climbed
into and almost refused to go. Finally settled in they left thankfully there were
no incidents on the way there.

After signing in Jake walked the site seeing many of the things he'd seen wrong
had been removed. Many of those had been replaced with the suggestions he'd given Juno the
night before or day? Jake was a little confused the days had started to blur together.
As the day wore on Jake saw a few times that they were trying again to cut corners
putting a stop to it for a while. Later Yommy walked up to him and asked if the lessons
were still on. Jake had almost forgotten them but told Tommy that this weekend would be fine.
He noticed that everyone stayed further away from him. The biggest shock of the day though
was when not only Gen but Rosalinda BOTH showed up with at lunch.

Not really that hungry for food Jake took both of them into the shed, which
reminded him almost like a palace inside. Wasting no time (though they had plenty) both
of the Jinns were naked locked in a kiss on the bed, stopping only long enough to blink
Jake naked. Crawling between Rosalinda's legs and lapped hungrily at her womanly fluids.
Tasting her deeply he heard Rosalinda gasp while he drive his tongue deep into her sex.
Moving down Gen deep throated his cock getting him hard as a rock, lifting up she quickly
impaled herself all the way shrieking out her pleasure Jake buried as deep as he could
go. Finding her clit Jake worked feverishly as Rosalinda found her first orgasm.

The groans and grunts from Gen let him know that she was close to release, with a
final push she screamed out in orgasm, unable to move Jake felt Gen begin thrusting again.
Rosalinda could feel jake tongue fucking her faster the feeling was building, Gen was
feeling every inch of Jake's cock her vaginal muscles rippling massaging his shaft.
After 5 more minutes Jake knew he wouldn't last much longer. He could feel Gen starting
to pound on his cock trying to get every bit she could. Jake's balls started that familiar
tingling then he felt his cum exploding deep within Gen, feeling his juice she exploded
into her second orgasm bucking and screaming out in joy louder. Grabbing her clit with
his lips Jake sucked Rosalinda harder caysing her to scream out with her own pleasure.
As they all came down, none of them again noticed that they had a shadowy audience that
slowy crept out of the building, a deep sigh coming from with in it's depths.

Laying there trying to regain his breath, Jake thought he heard a voice. Listening
harder he thought he heard it again but wasn't sure. Laying still he heard it a third
time. <Help me, someone help me.>
Leaning up, Jake concentrated, <help you? how? where are you?>
<Follow my voice> it said
Jake dressed and walked out into the lot. there 10 feet away was a floating mist or shadow.
<Please release me from this prison I am in> it begged.
Rembering Rasmir's words about the evil, Jake wasn't sure this was it somehow he had to
get it to reveal its self. Wonderful he thought just fucking great.



2021-01-23 04:26:05

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-08-01 10:21:12
actually Redthorn, it was "Master Kake"


2016-06-15 09:00:29
'Master Yake?' Yommy? *snicker* dude the little spelling errors really crack me up


2016-05-15 18:07:14
Loving this story! Suspense and sex, awesome!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-01-20 02:00:51
Next one please

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