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On an unexpected sails trip a man meets a friend from the internet
The Sales trip

It was typical Monday morning, the traffic was terrible and I was late for work again. I work in the sales department of a large international company. Even though I work in sales I never get to go on any of the sales trips. I was number three person in the sales dept. and only the top two went on the trips.
Jim was the top salesman, he was in his mid thirties and handsome but he was a real asshole in the office.
Susan was the number two sales person; she was an attractive Asian woman in her forties. She has shoulder he length black hair, a sweet smile and a natural friendly personality, I liked working with her.
They did all the trips and got most of the sales. When they came back they dumped all the paperwork on my desk and I finished the deal for them using there names. I had been at work for an hour when I got a call from one of the vice presidents of the company. Actually it was his secretary that called me to his office for a meeting. Being that I was late for work again this morning I thought I was going to be in trouble and get my ass chewed so I was a little nervous all the way to the vice presidents office. When I arrived the secretary greeted me and told me to sit down, she told me that Mr. Burrows was busy and would be ready for me soon. I waited quietly for about five minutes until the secretary notified me that I could go in to the office and meet with Mr. Burrows. My nervousness grew as I walked through the door. “Come in Tom, have a seat’ Mr. Burrows said as he pointed to a large leather chair. Without saying a word I quickly moved to the empty chair and sat down. “I herd some good things about you and the work you do in sales” he said. I began to calm down a little, but I was still a nervous. “Thank you sir, I try” I replied. “Well Tom I will come to the point, I have a special job for you. I need you to go on a business trip to Singapore for the company. I asked and Susan told me that you were the person for the job. She told me that you do most of the paper work on the sales and that you are familiar with the account” he paused. “Well what do you think, are you the man I am looking for” he asked?
“I am honored” I said. “What about Jim, don’t you want him to handle this account. He is the one who has dealt with this account before” I told him.
“Yes, Jim would normally go on this trip but he picked up a bug on his last trip and is sicker than hell. His doctor said he won’t be going anywhere for at least a week and I need someone to leave no later than Wednesday. Can you be ready to go by then” he asked?
“Of course, I can be ready to go tonight if you want” I said
“No Tom, Wednesday is fine. Get all the paperwork together that you need and you can pick up the airline tickets from my secretary tomorrow afternoon. She will also make hotel reservations for you, just keep your receipts for the accounting department” he instructed.
“Ok sir I will be ready and I wont let you down sir” I said as I stood up.
“You know Tom, if you do a good job on this trip you may be asked to go on more trips” he said as he ushered me out the office door. I was feeling vary good about myself all the way back to my office, I almost couldn’t believe my good fortune. The next day I was so excited about being chosen by the VP to go on this business trip that I was standing in front of his secretary’s desk at one minute after noon. The VP’s secretary looked up at me and smiled. “It looks like you are eager to go Tom” She commented as she handed me a packet of documents. “Here is everything you should need. Please check it out and sign here for it” she said.
I looked through everything in the large envelope and looked over the paper she had handed me. ”It looks like its all there” I told her and I scribbled my signature on the paper.
“Ok Tom, just remember to save all your receipts so you can turn them in when you get back” she said. Then she looked me in the eyes and a big smile spread across her face “good luck” she said.
That night I had everything I needed to go on the trip. I had my business class plane ticket, which was cool. I had never flown anything better than coach before and I was really excited. I had a company credit card, $500. dollars in travel checks and another $500. in cash. Mr. Burrows secretary had also made hotel reservations and left a note in the package with the hotel info. I couldn’t believe what was happening.
I had one more thing to do before I left on the trip. I had a few friends around the world that I chatted with almost every night on the internet, one was in Australia, two in the UK, one in Canada and I didn’t know where some of them lived. I needed to let them know that I wouldn’t be on line for the next week. I had sent emails to most of them but one friend, named Mary was MSN messenger so I chatted with her and told her that I would be gone.
“Where are you going” she asked? When I told her where she wanted to know when and what flight, she avoided the question when I asked her why she wanted to know. All she would say is that she would tell me when I got back. We chatted a little longer and then said god night.

By Wednesday morning I was packed and ready to go. The company sent a car to take me to the airport. I was told to be ready for pickup at my apartment at 9:00 am. I was so excited that I was up and ready by 7:20. I just sat there watching out the window waiting for a taxi to pull up for me. I was surprised when a limo pulled up at 8:56 am and my doorbell rang. I went down to meet the driver, he introduced himself opened the door for me and then took my bags to the trunk of the car. An hour later we were pulling up in front of the airline terminal and 15 minutes I was waiting at the gate ready to board.
It was a long trip with short stops for refueling and a crew change in Tokyo before our final landing in Singapore. It took almost an hour to collect my baggage and get through customs. The flight was comfortable but long and I couldn’t sleep so I was so tired. I couldn’t wait to get a taxi and get to the hotel. After clearing customs and immigration I walked through a double security door and walked out into the open lobby. Like every other airport there was always a crowd of people waiting to get a first glimpse of a friend or family member that was coming home from a trip or vacation. I didn’t think anything about it until I saw someone holding a sign with my name on it. I couldn’t see who was holding the sign and thought it was someone the company had arranged to pick me up. When I got close enough I could see a familiar face and smile that I had seen only on my computer.
“Mary” I asked? Her smile got bigger and she just seemed to glow as she spoke, ”Welcome to Singapore Tom. How was your flight”? I moved closer but she pulled away a little. Quietly she said “Sorry Tom. Singapore is a vary small country and everyone knows everyone around here. If we kissed now everyone in my family would know before I got home.” With a sly little grin she said “just wait until we are alone”.
I met Mary on the internet about six months ago and we had chatted often. At first we chatted cautiously and we were vary careful about what we told each other. Eventually we began to know each other better and we became friends. We talked about anything and everything, including sex. The more we talked, the hotter our conversations got. Some of our chats got pretty hot and sexy. We shared some pictures of ourselves with each other and we became much closer than just friends. She was a beautiful woman in her mid thirties, divorced and she had a teenaged daughter.
Mary was 5ft. 3 inches tall and weighed about 115 pounds, she had a beautiful shapely body. Her hair was shiny black and short, her eyes were a soft brown, and she had a smile that just melted my hart. I had seen many pictures of her but she was far more beautiful in real life.
“Mary why didn’t you tell me that you lived here” I asked?
“A girl has to have some secrets” she giggled. “Come on Tom, Ill give you a ride to your hotel and we can talk on the way”. She walked beside me as I pushed the cart carrying my bags. She led me through the airport and out a sliding glass door to the street. “Over here Tom” she said as she led me across the street to a parking lot. She stepped up behind a small green car and popped opened the trunk. It was a small car so we had to put one bag in the back seat along with my laptop computer.
I told her what hotel I had reservations for and 45 minutes later a man opened the car door while another man began to get my bags out of the car. Mary was by my side all the way from the car, through check in and up to my room. After the bellhop left the room and the door closed behind him Mary stepped a little closer to me. Our eyes met, then our hands met and then she moved into my arms and we kissed. It was a long tender, passionate kiss that I will never forget. After several minutes of kissing and holding each other we separated.
“It’s been a long trip and I need get a shower and some rest. Do you want to have dinner with me, you can bring Cindy and we can all go out together” I asked her?
“No Tom, I didn’t tell Cindy about you. I don’t tell her anything about my sex life”.
“Too bad, I would really like to meet her. In the pictures that you sent I could see that she looks a lot like you” I said.
“Maybe before you go home I will find a way for you two to meet” she replied. “If you are going to take a shower now do you want me to wash your back for you” she asked with a sly grin and a little giggle.
“I love the idea Mary, but I am really tired, I don’t think I will be much fun” I told her.
“That’s ok Tom, I think I can wake you up” she said as she pulled my suite coat off and started unbuttoning my shirt.
Even after nearly 24 hours in transit and the exhaustion that was in control of my body a stronger power was beginning to take over my mind and body. Her warm hands and gentle touch on my bare chest were al that was needed to make my manhood come to life and beg for attention. My hands went to her arms and slowly moved to the top of her shoulders. Softly I caressed her body as my hands passed the sides of her firm 34 B breasts and made there way to the buttons of her cream colored blouse. Quickly I had the last button unbuttoned and I was pulling her silky blouse out of her black skirt. As she pushed my shirt back off of my shoulders and pulled it down over my arms I did the same with her blouse. When my shirt was off I pulled her close and we put our arms around each other again in a loving embrace. Our lips met in another kiss as I guided my right hand along the edge of her bra until it reached the clasp in the back. With my thumb and middle finger I easily unfastened the clasp of her bra. I could feel her lace bra let go, it felt so soft pressed between Mary and I as we continued to kiss. Without breaking the kiss I pulled back enough to let her bra slide down her arms to her elbows. She let one arm at a time fall to her side and let her bra straps fall off over her hand. Her body and mine were still pressed together tight enough so her bra was trapped between us. My kisses started on her lips, and tenderly began to explore the rest of her mouth and neck. With kissing and licking my mouth continued to explore as I worked farther down. As my lips and tongue reached her chest I had to bend over and her sexy lace bra fell to the floor exposing her perfect firm breasts and dark brown nipples. Her nipples were small and hard but they were getting harder by the second. I knelt in front of her and sucked and licked one nipple then the other. A soft deep gasp came from her while I sucked one nipple and massaged the other with my free hand. My other hand slid down her side, over her hip, past her thigh to the bottom of her shirt. My mouth and tongue never stopped it’s exploration of her breasts and abdomen as my hand began to move up under the knee length skirt to her inner thigh. As my hand moved up her soft smooth leg to her thigh I could feel the top of her silk stocking. Mary made no effort to stop my advancement as my hand continued up her thigh to the crotch of her now wet panties.
Mary was enjoying what I was doing and she was holding my head with both hands. I was sucking and licking farther down now and my tongue was tracing along the edge of her skirt. My left hand had found the edge of the crotch in her panties and was pushing it’s way inside. Mary’s pussy was so wet and she was welcoming my probing fingers as she spread her legs wider for easier access. I ran my finger up and down her he was soft wet crack. I could feel her pussy getting wetter and I herd her gasp when my middle finger brushed over her hard little clitoris. Her soft wet pussy felt so good I couldn’t wait to get it into my mouth. I stopped massaging her breast and used my right hand to lift her skirt. When it was up high enough I ducked my head underneath and began to run my tongue up and down her thigh. I pushed my tongue up her thigh to the edge of her panties and began to lick from one side, down to her crotch and up the other side along the edge. When my mouth passed over the crotch of her vary shear panties I put my lips against the soft material and gently blew my hot breath through them. Her body responded immediately and she grabbed her shirt, trapping my head inside and holding it tightly. My fingers were still exploring inside her panties when I felt her juices flow harder and begin to run down my hand. Her small soft moans began to get louder and much stronger as her muscles tightened and relaxed with the small convulsions that were beginning to take over her body. Mary was still holding my head tightly against her body as she began to move back and pulled me with her. When she stopped moving back she pulled her shirt. I looked up at her and pulled my fingers out of her panties, my entire hand was covered with her juices. I smiled at her and placed two of my fingers in front of my mouth, I began to lick my fingers and the space between my fingers. “MMMM, MMMM, that’s good” I whispered to her. “And it feels sooooooo good too” she whispered back as she sat down with her legs spread wide open for me. Without hesitation I reached around behind her legs and lifted them up and rolled her onto her back. Her skirt fell up around her waist and exposed her light green panties. They were vary shear and had a rose stitched into them just above the crotch panel. I could easily see through them and see that her pussy wasn’t shaved but it was neatly trimmed and her hair was not vary thick. I stood up and her legs slid up over my arms until her ankles rested on my shoulders. My hands began to move back down over her muscular shapely legs, over her calves, then her firm light brown thighs, between her legs and up over her firm, toned belly to the waist band of her panties. They were so thin and looked so delicate that I had to consciously control myself. So beautiful and sexy I was afraid that I would loose control and just rip them off of her incredible body. I leaned forward and rolled her hips back so I could pull her panties down. Carefully I pulled them from between her and the bed and slowly pulled them down until they were around her ankles. With her ankles still on my shoulders her soaked panties were stretched over my face and nose. The scent of her warm fresh pussy juice filled my nostrils and dampness in her panties felt warm and natural against my face. I could see through the panties and watched her beautiful exposed body laying there as she waited for me to finish what I had started. She looked up at me and giggled, then gave me a hurry up and fuck me look. The scent of her womanhood made me hesitate but I soon lifted her ankles off my shoulders and with one hand pulled her panties off over her feet and let them drop to the floor. I stood there and took in her beauty for a moment then still holding her legs straight up in the air I looked down at her ass. A beautiful tight brown crack was visible from under her ass and ran up between her closed legs. I just froze there staring at her perfect ass until I could feel her legs straining to open. Mary reach up, put her hands behind her knees and pulled them to her chest as she spread her legs as far apart as she could. Even with her legs spread wide apart her pussy was still tightly closed. All I could see was her dark pussy lips trying to push there way out of her tight crack. I could feel myself begin to drool as I dropped to my knees again and pressed my face between her legs. Without her panties in the way my tongue went straight to her clit. My tongue began its assault as it traced around her clit two or three times before it pushed its way under her tiny hood and pushed hard against her magic button. After a few minutes of attacking her clit, my tongue began to explore the rest of dripping womanhood. Up and down her slit, from her clit to her asshole and back, time after time I licked every inch of her pussy and pushed my tongue into her tight hole. Her moans were getting stronger and more constant, every time my tongue pushed against her clit she let out a loud gasp and a shock wave of convulsions shot through her entire body. Her legs closed tightly around my head and her hands pulled my face hard against her cunt as her orgasm began. “OOOOH, OOOOOOH, OOOOOOH, MYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOD” she squealed as her orgasm intensified and consumed her entire body with massive convulsions. Her hot love juices flowed all over my tongue and the flavor of her womanhood filled my mouth. I savored and swallowed as much as my mouth and tongue could capture but the more I licked her juices from her tender hot pussy the more she came. My face was covered and despite my effort her pussy juice was running down my chin and dripping to the floor.
I wanted to fuck her but after the long trip and the excitement of the moment I needed a shower more than ever. She was still deep in a siege of multiple orgasms as I pulled my head out from between her legs and finished undressing. I was completely naked and vary tempted to spread her legs and give her a good fucking to go with the licking I had just given her, but I turned and went into the bathroom. I looked back at her as I walked into the bathroom and saw her body still quaking with orgasms. I turned the water on and adjusted the temperature for my shower. The water was warm and the shower felt great, I had my body all soaped up and was beginning to rinse off when the shower curtain opened and Mary stepped in. The hardness in my cock had started to subside but one look at Mary’s naked body was all it took to make me rock hard again. “Why did you start without me honey” she asked?
“Well sweetie, you looked like you were enjoying yourself so I didn’t want to bother you” I replied. She smiled and began to look up and down at my naked body. She had seen some pictures of my cock but had never seen it for real before.
“Wow, that is bigger than I thought” she said. “I can’t wait to have it inside me”
“I am not that big” I told her.
“My ex husbands penis was smaller than yours and I have only been with three men after the divorce, and they were also smaller”.
“It’s only average or even small where I am from. It’s only 7 inches long and 2 inches thick” I told her.
“I love it, and I know a lot of my friends would like it too” she said. She reached down and cupped my balls with her left hand and with her right hand she wrapped her fingers around my hard shaft. Slowly she started to stroke my shaft up and down. The warm water rinsed the soap off as she continued to stroke my meat. She put her hands on my chest and continued to rub and rinse the soap off as her knees began to bend and she settled into a kneeling position in front of me. The water sprayed down over my chest and splashed on the top of her head as she took my cock and balls in her hands again. Leaning forward she began to run her tongue up and down my now throbbing shaft. I watched her as she took my balls into her mouth and sucked them one at a time before she ran her tongue back up my shaft and circled my head.
“Careful” I told her “much more of that and I will explode all over you”
“Not a problem” she mumbled as she pushed her mouth over the head of my throbbing cock. The warm water rushing over my body and her hot mouth moving up and down my shaft was more than I could handle. The pressure was quickly building in my balls and was starting to move up my shaft.
Mary could feel my cock start to swell with cum so she closed her hand tightly around my shaft. “Not yet” she whispered. She had stopped sucking and held my shaft tightly until the pressure subsided. My cock ached and begged for release, but there was no release until she was ready. When the pressure subsided Mary could feel the difference in my cock and released my shaft. A few drops of cum oozed from the tip of my cock, Mary saw the droplets of cum and licked them from my cock before they dropped off and fell to the floor of the shower. “MMMMMM, that tastes so good” she said as she looked up, licked her lips and swallowed. Again she leaned forward and put her lips around my cock and began sucking. My cock had started to relax but when she began sucking it again it sprang back to life. I watched Mary’s head and hot mouth slide up and down my shaft. Sometimes she pushed too far and I herd her choke when my cock hit the back of her mouth and push against her throat. After several minutes the pressure started to build again, and again she tightened her grip on my cock to prevent me from shooting my load. This time she began to suck harder instead of stopping. My mind was completely in a fog. I couldn’t take much more, the pressure was building beyond anything I had ever experienced before. “AAAAAGGGGGGG” I groaned and was about to scream when she released her grip on my cock. Now she only had half of the head of my cock in her mouth and was sucking like she was sucking a vary thick milkshake through a small straw. My mind and body were completely out of control as I pumped load after load of my thick white seed into her waiting mouth. I was holding her head with both hands and she was pumping my shaft as she tried to swallow my load. I was almost done when she tightened her grip again and stopped the flow of cum. My mind was totally lost in pleasure and my eyes couldn’t focus on anything. Mary swallowed everything she could but my cum leaked out of the corner of her mouth. When her mouth was empty she opened it wide, stuck out her tongue and let her grip relax again. The pressure in my cock had built a little more and the remaining load shot out into her mouth, on her tongue and ran down her chin. I was spent but she wasn’t done, she swallowed and then sucked out the last drop.
Between the trip and the blow job that I had just experienced I was exhausted. My knees were week, my mind was in a cloud, I sank to the floor of the shower and just sat there. Mary stood up and washed the cum off her face, her beautiful pussy was only inches from my face but I was too tired to do anything about it.
When I had regained control and a little energy I stood up and turned the water off. We both got out of the shower and she grabbed a towel and dried me off, she spent some extra time drying my limp dick but couldn’t get any reaction. When we were both dried off we went back to the bed where I laid down and watched her get dressed. She was so beautiful and sexy I couldn’t believe what had happened. Her panties were still so wet that she wouldn’t wear them, she just rolled them up and put them in her purse. Before she left she covered me up and gave me a vary passionate kiss, then said “I will see you tomorrow”, then she left.
The next morning I got up early, my mind and body had not had time to adjust to the time change so I decided to check over the files and paperwork one last time before the first business meeting. When I picked up my briefcase a piece of paper fell off of it. It was a note from Mary, “if you are free for lunch give, me a call”. The note also had a phone number on it. I smiled and put the note in my suit pocket and continued to check out the files. At 7:30am I went down and had breakfast, by 9:00am I was meeting with a representative of the company. The meeting lasted 2 ½ hours before we decided to take a lunch break. We both agreed to get back together at 1:30pm to continue the meting. He wanted a chance to talk to his boss about our meeting and then get some lunch.
On the way through the lobby I reached into my pocket, got out Mary’s note and gave her a call. “I’ll be right there” she said when I told her where I was. Fifteen minutes later she pulled her car up to the curb in front of the door. “Hi sweetie, you look good today and you don’t look so tired” she said when I got in.
“I am feeling much better today now that I got some sleep” I told her as I leaned over to give her a kiss. She looked around and then leaned over to kiss me.
“I have a special place and a special lunch in mind for you” she said. The car pulled away from the curb and into traffic. Expertly the car weaved in and out of traffic and was soon pulling into a parking space near the river. After a short walk along the river and over a bridge we walked down some steps into an outdoors restraint. The table we sat was beside the river and had a red umbrella over it. It was a warm day with a nice cool breeze coming off the river. I felt like I was on top of the world setting there in such a nice place with a woman that was so beautiful. “Eat quickly” she told me “I have another stop to make before you go back”. I told her ok and ate lunch with her. It wasn’t long after we finished our lunch that we were walking through the door of Mary’s apartment. As soon as the door closed she turned around and threw her arms around me and began to kiss me. “Where is your daughter’ I asked?
“Cindy is at school and wont be home for hours, so we have time” she said as she pulled me through her living room and into a bed room. Mary pushed the door but it didn’t close, nobody would be there but us so we didn’t worry about being seen. Mary unbuttoned the top of her dress, pulled it back off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor around her ankles. Before I could get my shirt and tie off Mary had stripped off her matching light blue bra and panties and was standing there totally naked. “You are too slow” she giggled. Her hands quickly found my belt and zipper and soon we were both naked and on the bed. We held each others naked body close and kissed in a tender loving way. It wasn’t long before my mouth and tongue were working their way down her neck to her hard nipples. Her breasts were firm and her nipples stood straight up. My tongue made several laps around each nipple before my mouth closed around one and began to suck. I squeezed her hard nipple between my lips and tickled the end of it with my tongue while my hand squeezed and massaged her other breast. Her body began to respond with soft moans and my hand moved further down her soft tender body to the slit between her silky smooth legs. She let out a loud gasp when my finger rubbed against her clit on its way to her tunnel of love. Her pussy was already getting wet and my finger easily slid up and down the dark wet crack of her womanhood. She was enjoying the attention she was getting and spread her legs even wider for me. I began to work my tongue down over her well toned belly to the top of her crack.
I was having fun and enjoying the taste of her sweet pussy when I herd a small squeak behind me. I looked up at Mary’s face while I continued to lick her pussy but she was lost in the passion and had not herd anything. I noticed the mirror that was on the stand beside the bed. I shifted my position slightly and looked into the mirror and saw Mary’s daughter Cindy standing just outside the bedroom door. She was watching us around the edge of the door. The bedroom door that Mary had not shut was now opened just a few inches and her 16 year old daughter was watching everything we were doing. I must admit that I was getting a little more than just turned on by the thought of being watched by Mary’s daughter. I continued to lick Mary’s pussy as I turned my body around and put one knee on each side of Mary’s head. Mary still didn’t know about Cindy but she knew what I wanted when she opened her eyes and saw my rock hard cock hanging so close to her face. She took my cock into her hand and pulled it to her open mouth and began sucking. I licked and sucked her pussy harder, to get more action from her. I pretended not to look but I kept watching Cindy. She had pushed the door open another inch or two to get a better view and I got so excited I began to push and pull my cock in and out of Mary’s mouth. I could see that Cindy was feeling something while she watched me face fuck her mother. Cindy wasn’t in plain sight but I could see that her hand was pressed against her skirt and she was rubbing it hard.
“Fuck me, fuck me, I want to feel your big dick inside me, Please fuck me now” Mary moaned between gasps. I began to move and out of the corner of my eye I saw Cindy step back into the hall way out of sight. I turned around and positioned myself between Mary’s legs. Cautiously I looked into the mirror again and Cindy was now back in the doorway where she was before. Reaching down under Mary’s knees I picked her legs up and rolled her hips way up so Cindy would get a good look when I pushed my cock into her mother’s wet pussy. When I was in position I had to push my cock almost straight down to enter Mary’s slick hole. “Oh my god that’s tight, it feels so good” Mary said, “fuck me, fuck me hard”. I drove my shaft deep into her cunt and she let out a loud gasp and her legs closed tightly around me. I let her legs down and began to pump her pussy harder and harder. She was meeting every thrust and our bodies slammed together mashing her hard clit between us. I watched Cindy rub her skirt harder as she watched me fucking her mother. Mary was loosing control as wave after wave of pleasure shot through her body one quake following another. Mary’s head was rocking from side to side and all of a sudden it paused. She was looking at the open door and saw her own daughter watching her get fucked. Mary was getting close to an orgasm and didn’t stop grinding her pussy into me as we continued to fuck. All of a sudden I felt Mary’s legs and arms tighten around me and her body tense. Pump after pump I continued to pound her pussy as her body began to convulse out of control. I had never been with a woman as tight as Mary before, her pussy was incredible and she was good at using it. After a long pounding and her many orgasms I was on the verge of blowing my load. I slammed my cock as deep and as hard as I could up Mary’s tight hot hole and just froze there. One load, then another, then another and then another shot from my cock and forced it’s way to freedom inside of Mary’s womb.
When my mind had cleared I looked at the mirror and saw that Cindy was gone.
Cindy saw us you know” Mary said.
“I thought I saw her at the door but I was, ah, in the middle of something” I replied.
She giggled and said “I know what you mean, I was preoccupied too”.
“What are you going to do, or tell her” I asked? “She looked like she was having some fun of her own”.
Mary looked me in the eye “She has never been with a man before and I think she liked what she saw. I know this is a strange thing for a mother to say, but would you be her first” she asked?
“What are you saying, do you want me to fuck her” I asked?
“The first time is always special. I want her first time to be as good as you just were” she said.
“What if she don’t want me, after all I am a lot older than she is. I’m old enough to be her father” I replied
“Just try. Please. For me” she begged.
“Ok, as long as you asked so nicely” I told her. I pulled my wilting cock out of her cum filled cunt. She quickly reached into the nightstand beside the bed and pulled out a washcloth. She put it between her legs to stop the river of cum and pussy juice that was spilling out and making a mess on the sheets. I got out of bed and reached for my underwear but Mary said “don’t bother, you look better naked”.
I smiled at her “Ok” I said as I walked to the door. I must admit that I felt vary uncomfortable walking into a 16 year old girls bedroom completely naked, but that’s what her mother wanted me to. I stepped into the hallway and up to Cindy’s door. I was surprised to find it slightly open just like her mothers door had been. It wasn’t open far but I could see Cindy laying on the bed. Her shirt was pulled up around her waist and she had one hand inside pink bikini panties and the other hand was mashing and rubbing her breasts. I could see the hand that she had in her panties was working hard and fast. I also noticed that she was vary excited, I could tell by the growing wet spot in the crotch of her panties. I got down on my hands and knees and quietly pushed the door open far enough for me to enter. Silently I crawled to the foot of her bed and watched for a moment. She was a beautiful girl with soft smooth skin, long black hair that was spread all over her pillow. From this angle she was even more beautiful. I had seen pictures of her before and I knew she had a beautiful bright smile like her mother that made her whole face light up. All of a sudden my cock sprang to life again as I watched her work herself into a sexual frenzy. I waited until she was completely engrossed in herself before I began to move. Her legs were spread wide apart and her knees were bent. As gently as I could I moved up over the end of her bed and in between her legs. She was concentrating so hard on what she was doing that she didn’t notice that I was there until I put my mouth against her soft wet panties and blew my hot breath through them to envelope her hand and pussy. Her hand stopped moving abruptly and her head popped up so she could see me.
Her cheeks turned bright red when she realized she had been caught masturbating but quickly faded when she realized what I was doing. “It’s ok, I am a friend of your mothers” I told her softly.
“I saw you fucking my mother so I hope that you are a vary good friend of hers” Cindy replied. “Now what do you think you are doing in here” she continued?
“Your mother and I saw you watching us and we saw what you were doing. Your mother thought I could come help you with what you started in the hall” I said softly. I didn’t know what Cindy was going to say, but I noticed her legs were still spread and her hand was beginning to move in her panties again.
“You are pretty old for me aren’t you” she asked?
“If it feels good enough does it matter? I won’t tell anyone if you don’t, your friends will never know” I said as I pushed my fingers under the edge her panties. My fingers made contact with her tender young flesh and I felt a shudder shoot through her. Again I put my lips against her panties and forced my hot breath through them. This time it was my fingers that were working on her hot young cunt. I don’t think she was completely comfortable with me doing it to her but she didn’t resist. My tongue gently licked her inner thigh and up to her crotch beside her covered pussy. She pulled her hand out of her panties and began to unbutton her blouse. Her clothes looked like a school uniform and she looked incredible in it. I looked up over her firm adolescent belly and watched her pull open her blouse and slip her hand under the cup of her delicate lace bra. I pulled the crotch of her panties aside and she let out a loud gasp when my tongue plunged its way between her tender young lips. Her pussy was already dripping wet from the fingering she had given herself. The aroma of her virgin liquid in my nostrils and flavor on my tongue was intoxicating. My tongue pushed its way up the inside if her tightly closed crack to the hard tiny little spot at the top of her crack.
I could feel small quakes rush through her body, but she was completely oblivious to anything except to mounting pleasure inside of her. I continued to lick the virgin flesh between her legs and the quakes in her body turned to small spasms. With both hands I reached up to the waistband of her panties and began to pull them down. I was slightly surprised when Cindy lifted her slender young school girl ass off the bed to allow me to pull her panties down. It wasn’t long before I pulled her panties off over her feet and dropped them on the floor. She spread her legs wide apart again and reached for my head. With one hand on each side of my head she pulled my face and mouth back into her soaked cunt. Without hesitation my tongue went back to work on her clit. I pulled both of her knees up and her hips rolled up to position her untouched love tunnel within reach of my dancing tongue. Cindy was getting close to an orgasm, her breathing had deepened considerably and she was moaning every time she exhaled. Again I looked up over her belly and saw that she had pulled her bra up and both breasts were bare. With both hands she was gripping the blanket and her knuckles were turning white. Her mind was lost and her body was completely out of her control. I took the next step and reached up to her breasts. They were vary firm and her dark brown nipples were the size and as hard as the eraser on a pencil. A massive wave of orgasm flooded her consciousness and her body began to tremble. The trembling intensified and developed into all out convulsions while I continued to lick her pussy and massage her breasts. For several minutes orgasm after orgasm rocked her body and added to her next orgasm. I was startled when she lost all control and let a low scream. After several orgasms Cindy slowly began to calm down and regain control.
Now it was my turn and I could feel my hard cock pressing hard into the mattress. I licked, gulped and swallowed every drop of pussy juice that I could, but my face was still covered and some was running down my chin and dripping onto the bed. Again I licked my way up to the top of her slit but I didn’t stop there. Continuing on I licked and kissed her lower belly for a moment while I stood up and got onto the bed with her. My tongue and lips jumped over her skirt and began to lick and kiss her belly above her skirt on the way to her beautiful teenaged breasts. Gently I took her right nipple into my mouth and held it with my lips while my tongue massaged it. My hips were almost in place and I used my knees to hold her legs apart.
The head of my cock was just barely touching her tender young pussy lips when she asked “what are you doing? Are you going to fuck me now? My mother is next door you know.”
I herd another voice come from behind me, it was Mary. “It’s alright. It’s all up to you baby” Mary told her daughter.
“But mom wont it hurt? It looks too big for me and I am still a virgin, wont it hurt me when he puts it in” Cindy asked?
“It does hurt the first time baby but the pain will go away quickly, then it will start feeling really good. You will enjoy it when it stops hurting” Mary told her.
Mary walked over beside the bed and smiled’ “he is bigger than most men around here but it feels even better when it is big like that. Tom is a kind, gentle man and a good fucker too. I think he will be great for your first time honey. Just lay back and enjoy.” Mary whispered to her and gave her a sly wink.
I was less than an inch from Cindy’s virgin pussy and getting inpatient. My cock ached and it had a mind of its own. Slowly I pushed my cock harder against her soft wet pussy lips until they opened around my shaft and her pussy yielded to the mounting pressure. Cindy got a scared look on her face when she realized that I was ready and going to push my large cock into her untouched womanhood. I got a really strange feeling when Mary reached down and took Cindy’s hand and held it tight. Cindy closed her eyes tight and said “ok, go ahead and do it”.
“Relax Cindy, I will take it slow and easy for you” I said. I reached down between us and grabbed my cock and rubbed it up and down her slick slit from her hard little clit to her tight little brown asshole. I continued to suck on her hard nipples and massage her breasts while my cock moved up and down her slit. After a moment I felt her body start to relax. When I felt her body relax enough I stopped the head of my cock at the entrance to her hidden untapped womanhood. Carefully and slowly I pushed slightly harder until the head started to force its way in and her pussy started to stretch around it. Cindy’s body tensed but she didn’t make a sound as the head of my cock passed the threshold and her body closed around it.
“OUCH! OU, OU, OU. It hurts, it hurts” Cindy whimpered.
“Relax, ill hold it here for a moment until it feels better” I whispered to her.
I stopped sucking her nipples and kissed her tenderly on the lips. It wasn’t long and her body began to relax again and I pushed my cock in farther until it felt like something was blocking my way. Again her body tensed and she whimpered a little more but the pain subsided quicker this time. I waited longer this time until she was much more relaxed and then pushed hard to break through her virginal barrier.
“OOOOUUUUU!” She cried as a tear began to run down the side of her face.
Her body tensed again and I could feel her already incredibly tight pussy get much tighter. Again I waited until the time was right but this time I pushed all the way in until my balls were pressed against her ass cheeks. My shaft was buried all the way in her now and I left it deep inside her tightly stretched hole while we continued to kiss.
She felt so tight and unbelievable as we laid there together in each others arms and kissed. I couldn’t believe that this beautiful teenaged girl was letting me take her virginity. What was more unbelievable was that her mother was the person that got us together and she was right there encouraging us.
Cindy broke the kiss and whispered “it don’t hurt anymore, is that all?”
I began to kiss her again as I slowly pulled my cock out to the edge. She gasped when I pushed it back in. Slowly I pulled out and pushed back in again and again at first and then faster and harder as her body relaxed and accepted the violation.
Cindy and I were really enjoying ourselves until Mary stopped us and asked “Can I have some fun too?”
“What do you have in mind” I asked?
Mary smiled at Cindy and asked “want to try something more fun”?
“What do you have in mind mom” Cindy asked?
In under a minute I found myself on my back and Mary was holding my shaft and guiding her daughter down onto it. Mary’s hand was covered in Cindy’s fresh pussy juice as she held my cock straight up while Cindy lowered herself down onto it. Mary helped Cindy into position and coached her on how to move and what to do and how to do it. Cindy’s cunt was still vary tight and dripping wet as she began to move up and down. Mary watched Cindy start to slide up and down my shaft with confidence and then got onto the bed herself. Quickly Mary placed one knee on each side of my head and lowered her freshly washed pussy onto my face. I was bucking my hips up to meet Cindy’s pussy when she came down on my shaft. Her little clit was getting mashed between us with every stroke. Cindy was riding my throbbing shaft and Mary was grinding her pussy into my face while my tongue was reaching as deep into her hole as it could go.
Even with Cindy sliding up and down I could still feel how tight her pussy was and I could still feel her muscles tighten and contract. At times I could even feel her pulse around my shaft when she paused, it was incredible.
With the grinding her clit was getting between us she was building fast to a climax and I was getting close also. Her tight pussy was more than I could take for long and soon I felt Cindy freeze, drop down hard on my shaft and begin to shake. Her breathing was hard and fast as her orgasm took control of her mind and body. Her arms were wrapped around me and I could feel her fingernail gigging into my back. Her pussy got so tight that it almost hurt as I continued to buck and pump. After she started her orgasm I didn’t last long before I couldn’t take any more. I grabbed her hips, pushed hard and as deep as I could. The pressure in my balls shot up my shaft and emptied into Cindy’s young womb. I pumped again and again and shot load after load into Cindy’s incredibly tight pussy. Mary was still riding my face and tongue like a wild woman. Her juices were flowing freely and now were running down the sides of my face. Soon Mary’s body stopped moving and all her weight dropped onto my face and I could feel her body shake wildly, a large flow of warm slick liquid gushed out into my mouth and all over my face.
With Mary’s full weight sitting on my face I could hardly breath but she rolled over and we all laid there together in each others embrace. When we had recovered we moved around on the bed until we were side by side. I felt like I had never felt before. I had a beautiful Asian woman cuddling up to me on one side and her hot little 16 year old daughter on the other side. We continued to lay there and we kissed and hugged for a long time. From time to time Mary would reach down and rub my cock and sometimes she would reach over and place Cindy’s hand on my shaft. Cindy’s pussy juice was still covering my shaft and balls, and now it was starting to thicken and get sticky.
After several minutes Mary suggested that we get cleaned up so we all went to the bathroom together. Mary had already washed her pussy once but now needed to be cleaned again. Cindy was walking with her hand held tightly against her recently stretched and filled cunt. She was trying to hold my cum in but it was running down her leg and leaving a mess on the carpet. Just watching this mother and daughter wiggle their naked bodies as the walked down the hall was a giant turn on. I had no cum left to give but my cock was getting hard again. Mary turned the water on and we all got into the shower.
“We had our fun, now its time to take care of our man. You wash his front and I will wash his back” Mary told Cindy with a giggle.
“What do you want me to do” Cindy asked her?
“Here is the soap honey. I am sure that you will figure out what to do when he is clean” Mary giggled
I felt Mary’s soapy hands running up and down my back and then down to my ass and between my legs. Cindy was standing in front of me completely naked with water running down her long black hair and all over her young naked body. Her small breasts, tiny dark nipples and small body looked beyond description. My cock jumped to life and began to throb again when Cindy began to rub her soapy hands all over my chest. When I was well lathered Cindy stepped closer and I put my arms around her. We shared a long passionate kiss while our bodies slipped and slid against each others. She pressed her tongue to my lips until it gained access and then our tongues met and began the exploration of each other. I could feel Mary’s hand slide between my ass cheeks, past my balls and up my shaft while it was pressed between her daughter’s body and mine.
Mary withdrew her hand, stood up and carefully pushed by Cindy and I. She stood behind Cindy and said “let’s see how much life he has in that magic shaft”?
“What do you have in mind mom” Cindy asked?
Mary reached out and put her hands on Cindy’s waist. she gently pulled her naked body back, ran her hands up over her small firm breasts and then to her shoulders. Gently Mary pushed Cindy down to her knees. Now that Cindy was kneeling in front of me Mary wrapped her fingers around my cock and pulled it down so it was only inches from Cindy” lips.
“He licked you and you enjoyed it so why don’t you do it to him” Mary coached her daughter.
Mary started to give her a few instructions but Cindy looked up at her mother and said “Yuck, you want me to put his penis in my mouth”?
“Guys like to have their cocks sucked. If you are going to have sex you will need to know how. Besides you will like the results” Mary said.
Cindy reached up and used her thumb and forefinger to hold my cock, leaned forward and touched the tip of her tongue on my hard shaft. Mary continued to coach and soon Cindy was licking my shaft, balls and then she closed her lips around my meat. Mary knelt down beside her daughter and they took turns sucking and licking every square of my shaft. I was already spent but it didn’t take long before the pressure started to build in my balls. My head was pounding with pain but I didn’t care. Mary knew what was happening and she told Cindy to hold my cock tighter so I couldn’t cum until she was ready to let me. I was almost in agony and I had a tight grip on Cindy’s head when she released her grip. Cindy’s lips were closed tightly around the head of my swollen meat and she was still sucking hard when I shot another load into her mouth. She thought she was ready for my cum, but she began to cough and gag when it hit the back of her throat. I was still holding her head tightly but she pulled back and my cock sprang up out of her mouth and shot the remains of my load on her nose and all over her face. Cindy continued to cough and gag as she spit my cum out, it run out of her mouth down her face and dripped off her chin.
I was completely exhausted and just sat down in the bottom of the shower and watched Cindy and Mary wash each other and finish showering. It was an incredible turn on watching this beautiful woman and her daughter shower together but I was so exhausted I couldn’t get my cock up even if I used a string.
When we were all finished and dried off we went to the living room and relaxed. By now I was already vary late for getting back to my meeting. Mary handed me the telephone and asked if I could call and reschedule so I called the office. I explained that I was exhausted and I was vary sorry that I was late. Mary and Cindy giggled when they herd me say that I was tired from the trip and I had fell asleep during the lunch break and that I would be back in the morning. The man on the other end of the phone told me that he understood and they would like to have a more time to go over the paperwork that I left them.
I hung up the phone and we sat there for what felt like an hour before we got up.
During the next few days before I went home Mary, Cindy and I spent a lot of time together. I even moved out of the hotel and slept there with Mary and Cindy every night. The last day that I was there Mary and I met for lunch like usual. She told me she had a surprise for me at dinner but she wouldn’t tell me what it was. Instead of eating dinner at her apartment we went out to a nice quiet restaurant. When the waiter approached, Mary told him that we were waiting for one more person. I was confused. Mary, Cindy and I were there, who were we waiting for? We didn’t wait long before another beautiful young woman approached the table. Mary introduced her as her best friend Alice from work. We had a delightful conversation with our dinner. When dinner was over Mary drove home, I don’t think Alice and Cindy were wearing their panties because while we were riding in the car they both pulled their dresses and spread their legs. We ended up back at Mary’s apartment completely naked and on the living room floor. The bed wasn’t big enough for all of us so we used the floor, the couch, the chair and everything else that we found.
The next day we all got up late and were walking funny because we were all vary sore. We ran through the airport and I almost missed my flight home but it was well worth it. I had three vary beautiful and sexy women seeing me off. I didn’t want to go but the good times couldn’t last forever.
When I got back to the home office I turned in all the paperwork and went home to recover. The next day I was called to Mr. Burrows office again.
“Great job. You got the account, all the paperwork is done and I don’t know how but you spent alot less money than you were allowed. After the way you handled this trip you can plan on many more” he said.
“That sounds good to me. Please just let me recover between trips” I replied. I didn’t tell him why.


2008-02-04 22:47:21
wow made me cum


2008-01-04 20:11:16


2007-10-16 10:07:45
with that spelling are you sure you are not just the junior office boy with a huge imagination?


2007-09-24 09:42:29


2007-06-03 10:18:13
dude its a story who cars ... lmoa .. . nice played gota love them horny asiains .. and spore of all places nice :p

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