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The Bad guy's not Dead!
The Maintenance Man 8

Mark could only stare at his beautiful sister spread like an offering on an ancient altar,
Oh my god! She was the most gorgeous thing he's ever seen! Sighing, Mark had missed
too much of her life and from the look of her now she wanted to be more than just a part of
his life again."Sam," Mark sighed out, "You know we can't do this, it's incest!"
"No, not really on earth any more, especially for our family," Sam replied.
"What!" Mark was a little taken aback, "our family? what the hell does that mean?"
"Mother and Father are such well known and famous people that we as their offspring are
afforded special, uh.... allowances of certain behaviorts," Sam breathed out becoming more
excited by the massive bulge in her brother's pants.

Mark had to admit she was just as desireable as Nissie and god only knows he
was horny as hell just looking at his naked sister. "What do you mean allowed special
allowances of certain behaviors?"
"Like I said before, Mother and Father being as famous as they are, you and I are now more
likened marked targets. Therefore we are allowed to teach and love each other, so that while
we're inexperienced we can learn with someone that truly loves us and we can trust. See so by
law we are allowed to love each other," in a lowered whisper, "and maybe screw each others
brains out."

Mark must have had a shocked look on his face because Sam and Nissie both reached for
Mark and gently began to undress him with surprising lightning quick speed. Sam swallowed
hard when Mark's hard 9 inch cock sprang forth from his pants.
"Oh my god! Look at that beautiful thing!" Sam panted out
"Now Sam, remember what I tried to teach you, slow at first you don't want to get injured
from it. you're still a virgin and at his size it will hurt more than usual," Nissie advised
"I remember Nissie but it's so beautiful! Can I taste it?" Sam said moving closer to look
Mark had finally snapped out of his stupor and though still a little shocked, decided maybe
it was time he participated.
"If you're sure of this Sam, I don't want to hurt you as Nissie said you aren't used to a cock

yet, we need to go slow."

Sam just shook her head staring unwavering at her brother's cock. Tentatively she
reached her tongue to the tip, finding she liked the taste she began licking till she had
the tip in her mouth. Looking back at Nissie, "Oh my god, he tastes so good!"
"I know," said Nissie, "I remember the first time I tasted him."
Mark had started to gently rub her slit and clit, Sam's sences seemed to explode she felt
pin pricks all over. Then Mark began to slowly slide a finger in and out of her vagina,
Sam's eyes opened wide as a new feeling began to wash over her. Oh my god she thought, what is
he doing !? Mark felt her woman's fluids flowing heavier now bending down her got his first
taste of her a sweet nectaur he never thought to taste. Sam felt his lips close around her sex
an even more intense feeling began to flood her sences as her body stiffened and she felt
tingling all over, a head rush and an intese throbbing between her legs.

Nissie smiled when she heard Sam begin to orgasm, god she knew how Sam was feeling, Mark
might not be the best lover in the world but he more than made up for it with his enthusiasm.
Plus the fact that he loved to please his partner as much, if not even more. A few minutes later
Sam's breathing slowed sighing she released Mark's head she had clutched closer to her womanhood
with her hands and her legs.
Panting slightly she asked Nissie, "Is it always like this?"
"Only when you have a patner that cares as much for you and your feelings as Mark does, obviously
we are extremely special to Mark." Nissie smiled down at Mark a look of love on his face for both
of the women.

Mark arose from the bed, "Later when there is time we will explore this more, please don't
be in too much of a hurry Sam."
Sam in an almost dream like state just nodded her head, rolled over and fell asleep. For the next
few days Sam was treated to repeats of the same treatment with Mark using his tongue, among other
things to get her vagina more used to something being in it. Finally they arrived at Mark's next
contract. Looking over everything Mark saw that even the space port was unsafe and they had to
take a shuttle down to the surface. Mark had just unloaded when he looked around, ok he took back
what he's said before, THIS was the worst he'd ever seen, nothing electrical worked at all.
Everywhere he looked there was massive disrepair.

Sighing Mark knew that this time he had his work cut out for him. The strangest thing he'd
ever seen, a speeder converted to wheels pulled up drawn by a horse like creature. A man
identified his self as the one sent to pick them up stepped down and began to load their bags,
equipment then helped the two women on board. Mark was surprised that the man was as knowledgeable
as he was about the situation on the planet. Pulling up to a massive building another man escorted
them inside along a long hallway then into a well kept and orderly throne room.

The king him self greeted them though he did get too close, had them sit before he began.
"I am king Ralphus, I am the one who arranged a contract with you. We are one of the farthest of
the empire's world's that still posses technology, though as you saw non of it really operates
now. We are hoping you can repair and don't have to replace, you see it's been over 100 years
since anything really worked here, and yes I believe we have the money necessary to pay you."
Mark whispered to Nissie, "Mr. Mark wishes to get started right away to assess exactly what will
need to be done."
The king smiled, "direct an to the point, good I see you are far better than I heard you were."

Mark looked a little confused for a moment and again whispered to Nissie, "Mr. Mark wishes
to know how and what you heard about him."
Again the king smiled, "Although nothing has really worked here for a long time, we still have a
freighter in once a month to export. A man mentioned that there was a real maintenance man in a
nearby system so I contracted you, we haven't had to use much of the credits we recieve so I have
a stockpile now."
Satisfied Mark had Nissie thank the king before they headed out to the comp room. Mark's mouth
dropped agape when he saw the old city comp, it looked to be one of the first and extremely easy
to work on. Looking it over he saw that there was no power going to it, sighing he asked to be
taken to the power plant on the out skirts of the city.

Sighing Mark look at the old plant, though nuclear capable it looked to have not been run
in over a century. Sending a message to the king Mark told him the price was now double almost
100,000 credits. The king answered and said it was fine, Mark pulled all his scanners and went to
work Nissie and Sam close by writing orders for parts. After 6 hours Mark found that the reactor
was in fairly good shape, just a few seals that he could order, then they'd have it up and running
again. Returning to the huge building Mark looked over the comp, finding he was able to upgrade
quite a bit of it he set to work. 16 hours later he was certain that after he had the comp online
he could have it build repair bots.

The king listened to all that he'd done and was going to do, giving Mark complete access
to all the metal plants, Mark gave them all the specifics to build the parts to the repair bots.
Now came the hard part, somehow mark had to get fuel rods for the reactor once he had all the
repairs finished. Looking around a few days as it would be a week before the freighter came in
Mark put all the knowledge he had to work thinking up a way to create the rods. With the help of
all the metal workers in the city Mark finally had 2 feasible rods to work with. It had taken all
week because of the safety precautions they had to take. Finally the freighter pulled into orbit,
Mark contacted the Captain surprising him.

With parts in hand Mark and several people worked sealing the reactor, starting it up was
another thing. With all the repairs the configuration had to be adjusted. Two weeks after they had
landed the first power to be generated on the planet was flowing, Mark was back in the comp room
within an hour. Having made sure everything was up to par, Mark finally started the comp slowly.
As ancient as it was Mark remembered that this particular model had been the toughest ever made.
Bringing it on line to Mark was almost a joke, he'd surveyed the lines to the comp finding them
old but still serviceable. Though not many places were connected to the comp after years of
neglect, the few that were began to come to life. Each of the 10 places that were online were
checked by Mark before he approved them to be used.

The most impressive, last and hardest he approved was the factory they manufactured
their main export with. Next Mark worked on one of the two repair bots he had all the parts to. 24
hours later hardly any sleep he was ready to test the first, he started it putting the second
together. within an hour it was done and the two started around the huge building. Mark had
worked almost 2 days straight programing and putting the first together, he'd only set it for the
king's place as he needed sleep. The next day Mark awoke to an almost new looking, spotless, he
guessed you could call it a small palace.

The front was done and the bots were on the back side with only 2 it took all day just to
do half of anything. Everything worked the lights were a welcome treat for all there. Unknown to
Mark the metal workers had been working also those 3 days and had enough parts for 4 more. The 2
bots started and 2 hours later there were 6 bots, not an army like Mark would like but for this
planet this was a enormous work force. The 6 bots had the palace done within a few hours, Mark
then got with the king and they outlayed the plans for the rest of the city. With all the
improvements Mark completely forgot to mention that the king now had communication with the
neighboring planets. Mark looked at the work done so far, the palace was finished and the bots had
started to spread out on each side working on the power lines before anything else.

It had been a month since they had started, the metal workers had in that time created
enough parts for 14 more bots. Mark was pleased his bots could actually create upgraded parts
though not as good as the ones he could order it was cheaper in the long run. The 20 bots had over
half the city repaired the king was extremely overjoyed the production had been tripled and the
freighters would now visit twice a month, the fact that they could talk to relay stations and the
empire helped to spur the people to bring themselves forward faster. Mark had already been
teaching 30 or 40 people how to maintain the now working systems, he'd had them for 10 hours a day
watching and taking notes. Sighing Mark just hoped he'd taught them enough to keep things going,
after all he had brought them 100 years closer to being more modern.

Dreading what might occur Mark and his two assisstants went to see the king the last day
they were to be there. Smiling the king welcomed them sitting them before he spoke.
"I was concerned that my system wouldn't be upgraded enough for me to pay you credits but your bots are amazing. We just recieved confirmation today that we are now on the empirial system and have rejoined the empire. Therefore I was about to send for you so we could settle your bill. I have been totalling your and our costs." Ah shit not again, thought Mark, "from what I saw the price you gave me was much too low, as I figured with all the costs for material and your time I figured more in the neighbor hood of 200,000 credits."
Mark looked shocked, looking over the figures he saw that the king was right. Damn he must have
been really tired when he made that estimate.

Nodding his head Mark agreed telling the king through Nissie that he was sorry and
appreciated an honest king as he had met quite a few rulers and heads of governments that weren't.
so. Nissie spoke after Mark whispered to her for a few minutes, "Mr. Mark askes if you have
recieved your credit exchange comp yet. If not Mr. Mark says he has an extra he can build in an
hour for you if you wish. It won't cost you anything really and he says that he would be happy to
do it, the comp would make transactions alot easier and you could keep track of the treasury with
greater ease." The king nodded sending mark to their room where after an hour he had it ready.
Handing it to the king they were thanked and led to a waiting speeder (minus wheels) and left for
the space port.

The bots had just made it to the port a few hours ago and had the first landing pad done.
The liner set down while they waited, once on board Mark was going through the programs seeing all
those he had added about to sign out he noticed a familiar bug with a signature he knew too well.
Pulling all his scanners he began to scan the entire ship finding an untold amount of plasma,
micro nuke and phase detonators. Damnit! Here he thought that the shit was too hurt or dead but
here was the proof that he was still alive and still out to try and kill Mark and his two
assisstants. Growling he removed the charges for hours, finally he started going over the comp
programs, here too he found slight changes enough to kill. Sighing Mark knew that he was a target

On their way to his next contract Mark called his friend, "Hello again head master," Mark
started, "you had any word on Tantka? I just caught sight of more of his handy work aboard this
liner, I was hoping he was dead or in jail.
The older man shook his head, "No the last we heard he was still running from an assassian that
was gunning from him." Here Mark had to smile, "are you sure it was him?"
"Yes, the signature is his many can write code but each has a specific way that they write it,"
Mark said a little irratated that the head master would doubt him he nev....., "So Tantka still
not dead huh?"
"Tantka!? Damn you Mark no one is that good," Tantka snarled out at him.
"You forget I finished the course and I didn't have to cheat, bitch!" Mark was alittle more than
pissed now, "and by the way that assassian after you isn't from me you threatened her sister,
unless you kill her she will you."
Sputtering Tantka snarled again, "she will be soon enough as will you, you remember fart boy I am
About to switch off Mark said, "by the way, hope you enjoy my present."

Clicking off Mark had to laugh, about now, everything Tantka had connected to that call
would be crashing and burning out and there was nothing he could do about it. Reaching into his
bag Mark pulled a special hookup out and snapping it on, he called the head master the real head
master. "Head master, I must be getting unfocused I almost fell for a false image of you."
The old man on the other end laughed a bit then spoke, "don't be that way, you remember the old
maintenance man, you saw his work on that world, he had, had the same thing happen to him after
that he developed the image filter, maybe you can make it better."
"What!? a man that good made a mistake like that?" Mark said almost in shock.
The head master did that smirk that always irritated Mark, "Remember no matter how much schooling
it's what we learn in the field that makes you the best you can be. I heard about your last job,
my god mark did you really have to make rods for their reactor?"
Mark smiled the old man never missed a thing, "Yes, it was the only way I could get the planet on
line, it was one of the original planet comps from over 100 years ago."

The head master's eyes grew large, "I remember when those were phased out, something about
not enough memory but I'm sure you discovered a way to increase that, huh?"
"Yes, it was easy really," Mark noticed that the head master was shaking his head.
"I'll keep the forces on alert for him by the way have you started scanning for him yet?" the
older man said.
"I have been since I sent destruct1 to his comp, according to what I am seeing he is on the next
planet we are going to," Mark said still shaken from Tantka's call.
"All right be on alert also," The old man sighed the same way that irritated Mark in school.

Sitting on the sofa Mark thought about what the old man had said, with that he started
taking his image filter out and taking it apart he spent the next 2 days refining and upgrading
parts he'd increased the resolution another 1/3 but Mark didn't feel it was enough yet.
Another day's work he had it at 1/2 still not what he wanted it at but good for now, as the ship
was landing. Nissie and Sam were starting to worry they hadn't really seen Mark for the 3 days of
the flight. Stepping out of the bedroom they saw Mark was still sitting on the sofa working on
another of his machines. Nissie smiled she remembered the last time he had worked this hard on his
machines they had almost lost the room they were in along with their lives. Sam on the other hand
was upset having wanted to snuggle with her brother the first chance she'd had been able to in
many years.

Stepping off the ship Mark realised that he hadn't slept much the three days aboard the
ship. With Tantka on this planet he needed to be as sharp as he could. Not looking around he took
the women straight to their contact. The president met them at the steps of the planetary central
building. Mark had Nissie talk to him while he went in to scan the room. Pulling out all his
scanners he went all around the room for 2 hours pulling bugs out. Not quite done he looked for
charges, gas, electrical, and explosives finally satisfied he pulled the new scanner out looking
for false images he only found 2 but he was finally done. Nissie and Sam walked in after he told
them it was clear putting up the shield emitters he finally felt safer but put up a second set
before he fell asleep half off the bed.

Awaking the next morning, Mark sat up looking aroubd seeing the 2 women still asleep, he
got up and looked at the notes they had left for him. Finally looking around he was begining to
relise what was wrong around here. According to the notes they had some 4th year maintenance men
there but they had no idea what was wrong. Sighing Mark left the room and went to see the
president, unaccustomed to actually talking Mark had a hard time getting started.
"Your problem," Mark started out.
"Nothing is is working, everything is connected but won't come on," the president said.
"Thanks," Mark answered as he headed to the comp room. Scanning the room he saw that it was true
all the machinery was working, turning the comp on he plugged in after 5 minutes the comp shut
down. Just as he thought it was riddled with virus's. Scanning the room he found a hidden
transmitter and reciever, Sighing he pulled another machine that jammed the signal while he
cleaned the comp, Damn he had too big a jump on Mark, working for 3 hours he didn't see the women
walk into the room.

Finally finished with the virus removal, Mark still had to find the transmiting and
recieving programs. Nissie and Sam had gone to get his food when he noticed that the women had
been there. Finally finding the programs Mark also found the bomb that was attached to the middle of the comp. Damnit the bomb was set to go off if it was moved too much, shit it was also set to go off if the signal was disturbed too much. With the comp finally cleared the women walked back in."I need you 2 to go back to the room, I may not be able to defuse this bomb, I don't want you 2
hurt." Mark was worried even more, if it was just him he wouldn't be worried but with them he was
truly on edge. Twenty minutes after they left they heard an enormous explosion screaming they both
ran back expecting the worst, at the door they had to wait for the dust to clear, when it did they
both screamed at the huge hole in the back wall and the fact that Mark was no where to be seen.
Both women were crying each having lost someone they turly loved, so that neither saw the figure
of a man walk back in the wall.


Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-09 07:01:06
I agree with clover! I may just be your newest loyal fan Pars! I've read all of the lost empire and Leben that you've written so far, along with about the first 10 chapters of a guy and his.... Keep em coming when you have the time!

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-08-13 10:22:56
DAMMIT PARS!!! This is by far your most suspenseful cliffhanger yet out of ALL your stories that I've read.
Keep end coming in hot.

As always,
Semper Fidelibus Fidelis, Clover.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-24 16:37:15
Another good chapter keep up the great work. (Put up the read all chapters for the new readers so they will be able to fallow ;-) your stories.)

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-24 15:26:34
Thoroughly confusing and disjointed. Grammar doesn't really follow, spelling is all over, and it's hard to tell what's happening and who's saying what. Just get a proof reader.


2014-10-24 09:39:46
Another excellent chapter of an equally excellent story Pars I'm looking forward to future chapters.

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