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The bad guy finally gets his
The Maintenance Man 10

The liner landed late the next night, two women stepped off heading for the king's palace. Unknown
to them eyes were closely following them, curious as to where the man that was usually with them was.
Knocking at the palace door, it was slowly opened a mousey looking man peeking out then rushing out to hug
"I heard you were coming back here, you should have called, I'd have had rooms ready for you and your
master, by the way where is Mr. Mark?" he said.
"He is still on the ship, he was quarantined, some type of fever was all we were told, Sam and I had
instructions to come here and prepare for when Mr. Mark was released." Nissie replied

"Does he need a doctor? We have several of the best now plus, the new med bots we added a month
ago." The man said.
"No, father he doesn't, they have some of the best on board the ship. We were assured by Mr. Mark and the
liner company that Mr. Mark should be released in 1 to 2 days." Nissie replied a little depressed that
Mark wasn't there with them. Nissie and Sam bade the man good night and went to a room that was prepared
for them. Sighing Sam and Nissie entered the room and placed all the devices that Mark had told them to,
activating them they both got ready for bed hoping that Mark would contact them soon.

2 miles away an angry man was punching the wall where was that asshole? quarantined? There was no
way that Mark could get that sick with no warning. Looking over at the couple on the floor near the corner
of the room Tantka was red faced Damn that ass! leave it to a true amateur like him to get sick and die!
It wasn't fair, Mark was his to kill Damnit! Grabbing a scanner Tantka started to scan the whole area
where the ship was. A few minutes later his scanner started beeping, looking at the readings 3 times he
started to curse. Son of a bitch, they were supposed to meet so he could kill Mark after of course, he
signed the papers.

Tantka had to admit this com that Mark had made was extremely advanced, studying it for almost a
week Tantka had gotten ideas for a few things his self. Ha! let him come with this new tech and ideas he
had, Mark would never be able to beat his tech now. Laying down Tantka was more confident than he'd ever
been with an evil smile he fell asleep. A few minutes later there was a shimmering near the couple, Arthur
Doraland looked up and nodded, Just as suddenly the simmering was gone and another wrist com was outside
the shield. deactivating his Arthur reached out and grabbed it activating it as fast as possible. Within
seconds an alarm was going off, with Tantka jumping up and looking over his equipment.

Satisfied, Tantka layed back down falling asleep immediately. Artur smiled adjusting the new com,
this ought to be interesting as he watched the readouts on the com expand. On board the liner Mark took a
break from working on his new machine, smiling he thought that everything was preceeding according to
schedule. Looking down at the screen he sighed this new program was the most complicated he'd ever
written. Hell it was even more complicated than the eradicator virus since no one on the council knew of
it, then Mark was sure that they wouldn't try to stop him. The problem was if he didn't cover all the
bases in the code, it could spell disaster for everything living on the planet. For almost 2 weeks now
he'd been writing and rewriting the program he had the first half set up perfect, the distribution of it
was set, the second half still had way too many glitches.

Deleteing the first 3 lines he once again tried to smooth out the problems he was encountering.
Damnit! He was always good at the code but each time he ran the second half something turned wrong and the
out come was a 99% death rate to the planet. Sitting back he thought back to the almost same problem he'd
had with the eradicator virus. Thinking he remembered that he'd been talking to Nissie about most of the
city being wide open and.... that's it! Turning back he started typing with a vengenance 2 hours later he
was testing it, 3/4 of the way through there had been no glitches, smiling Mark knew he was finally on the
right track.

The next morning Tantka awoke and started woking on a stronger shield like he had diagnosed from
the com that he's taken from fat boy's mother, damn what a simple bitch! After he deactivated the shield
they had around them, Tantka was thinking about killing fat boy's father and using his mother over and
over. He'd record it so he could torture fat boy with it over and over for years. Stepping over to the
couple Tantka held up a scanner taking readings he adjusted another machine nearby. With an evil laugh
Tantka started the machine laughing, soon old man soon she'll be mine to use again and again, plus you,
you old bastard will be able to watch while I take her then I'll kill you and put you out of MY misery.

After 15 minutes Tantka's look of glee turned to a snarl, adjusting the machine for the third time
nothing was working, what the hell? Looking at the readings, son of a bitch! Tantka stomped to another
machine Damnit! That fucking fart boy had built an oscillating circuit into the wrist com there was no way
he could deactivate it! Growling Tantka pulled a plasma gun and fired at the shield, the plasma charge hit
it and just bounced off eating a hole in the floor. Mouth agape Tantka was looking at the readings, wait a
minute! The energy readings were different from what he'd gotten, when he first cornered the couple and
they'd activated the com.

"Hey asshole," Tatka yelled at Arthur Doraland, "You aren't tech savy, how the fuck did you make
the com oscillate and change the energy signature?"
"I have a name you lame ass!" Arthur yelled back at him, "You should know that my wife and I are very
important dignitaries we will be missed."
"Important, My ass! I checked your records you aren't that important, I am sure that fart boy will miss
you but no one else. If anyone makes a move on me here this whole building is rigged to vaporize, so don't
think anyone is coming," Tantka spit back at him.
Sighing Arthur knew that the king would be worried and probably had troops mobilized to free them. Arthur
just hoped that Mark had a plan to get them out, though this new com was amazing, twice the output, twice
the shield strength, complete toxin and gas filter. Even with all the reports he had on new tech he'd
never seen anything this powerful.

The next day Mark walked off the lined a smile on his face he'd tested and retested all night
long, he'd projected everything he could think of at it, then, run through the comp and came up with a few
almost impossible. Hailing a speeder Mark made his way to the palace to see the king, he had a bit of
unfinished business with him. Walking in Mark touched a device at his belt to make sure that they wouldn't
be interrupted. Walking in Mark told everyone to leave he had to talk to the king alone, several guards
made a move toward Mark and were almost frozen to the spot.
"Now then when I release you I suggest you leave or we'll have you removbed unconscious, understand?" Mark
snapped, most of the men tried to nod yes, the few who didn't recieved a scowl from Mark, they immediately

The room cleared, Mark advanced on the king touching the device again the room was isolated and
escape proof. "I assume you know why I am here? Besides the fact that a homocidial maniac is lose on your
planet who wishes my death." Mark said between clenched teeth.
The king nodded, "I have the funds to pay you, though it will bankrupt the treasury, I can now pay you."
Mark nodded glad that for once the king was taking this serious, "Ok, I have evaluated the services that
Nissie has provided to me, I have taken into account what was owed, and what she has done. I'd say that
you owe me 15,000 less than before it won't bankrupt you but I have watched and your profits have started
increasing each export. I think you'll be ok."

The king brought out his credit comp and Mark brought out the contract that the king had made with
him. After the credits had been transfered, Mark wrote the contract complete then entered it as official.
"Nissie is no longer my slave, I have released her as of now but you must also in her presence," Mark was
hoping he didn't have to force the king's hand to get Nissie released. Calling Nissie, her and Sam entered
with Mark reactivating his device, they drew nearer Nissie had a look of concern on her face.
"Mr. Mark? May I ask what's going on?" she asked confused more than she'd been in a long time. "The
king and I have finally completed our contract, you are no longer a slave, you're free now." Mark said
happily, though he wasn't sure how she was going to take it.
"What!?" Nissie screamed, "No!!!! I want to be yours, NO!!!!!!!!!"
Mark was a little shocked and reached for Nissie as she slipped from consciousness, toward the floor.

Gently laying her on the floor, Mark quickly pulled a med scanner from his pack, scanning her he
breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was not ill. What the hell was going on? Now Mark was
actually starting to feel stupid. Sam looked over at Mark and saw the look of total confusion.
"Please tell me you know why she passed out," Sam said incredulously at her brother she couldn't believe
as smart as he was he didn't know!
"No Sam, I don't," he replied surprised at his sister.
"Here I thought you were smart!" she smirked at him, "you really don't know?" Mark just shook his head no,
"she loves you!" she exclaimed.
A little stunned Mark stared at Nissie. "she loves me? Why? I'm nothing special."
"Ok, you are an idiot after all, to her you are everything geez!" she said exasperated.
Mark just nodded, really for once unsure what to do.
"Damnit Mark! she loves you she wants to be near you, since she's no longer your slave, she won't be
required to stay with you, therefore she now will feel that you won't want her near, or even want her,"
Sam stated staring at Mark as if he was crazy.

Mark slowly blinked after Sam's tirade, damn he just wanted nissie to be free again then he could
ask her to stay with him as had been his plan the whole time. Nissie moaned and sat up, "Please Mr. Mark,
I don't want to leave, I want to be your assisstant please let me stay."
Mark looked at her and suddenly realized that he wouldn't be able to stand being without her. "I have no
plans to send you away but now that you're free, I can't make you stay either. I... would be pleased to
keep you on as an assisstant, with a reasonable salary of course."
Nissie's mouth dropped open he wanted her to stay with him? She thought that he didn't want her near only
tolerating it because he had to. "So do you wish to stay? You are as I said, free so you can do what you
Nissie's eyes were wide with surprise, he had freed her so she could stay with him on her own accord!
Throwing her arms around Mark's neck she shouted, "Yes! I want to stay forever with you!"
Mark was smiling a huge smile thank god she'd said yes!

Thanking the king, Mark ran checks on all the systems that he'd repaired months ago, finding
nothing really wrong he sat down with Nissie and Sam. "Ok, I've already got the plan in the works, I
realize that you 2 don't really know what's going on but I want you 2 to go on like usual."
"Mark, you know we can help, why leave us in the dark?" Nissie asked.
"In case Tantka gets to you, you won't know anything no matter what he does to you, I want you 2 to keep
these with you at all times," Mark handed them both new wrist comps, not unlike the new one that Mark's
father had recieved just a few days ago. Mark and the women got up to leave Mark suggested that they stay
in the palace so that they'd be safer. They were both about to decline when Nissie remembered the last
time Mark and Tantka had gone at each other, whispering to Sam her eyes getting wide they both agreed.

Breathing a sigh of relief Mark left instructions with both women then left the palace to start
part 2 of the plan. Walking to an older building, Mark called all his probes and drones to start
surveillance, setting up on the first floor Mark watched while the drones closed in on the building he
knew Tantka was in. Within a mile of the building, Tantka's defences took out everyone of them, all that
is that weren't cloaked. Mark smiled, same old predictable Tantka, moving his second wave of drones in,
he stopped them short seeing that Tantka had an upgraded shield array. Hmmmmmmmm it appeared to have the
same signature as his comp shields, so the little ass was trying to be smart for once, this new set of
events was a surprise to Mark. For once, just once since this had started it appeared that Tantka was
using his brains.

Scanning the building Mark found the source of the shield, typing a new command Mark sighed he
knew it'd take an hour till it took effect. Tantka left 20 minutes later, Mark wasn't sure where he was
headed but couldn't make a move till his folks were safe. Finally deactivating the shields, Mark had the
drones activate the cloak in the new com Mark's father had. Moving in, the drones soon had his parents
free and on the ground outside the building he was in. His mother and father walked in while he was
searching for Tantka. "Good work son, you have any sign of him," his father asked.
"No, not yet but I'm about to get his attention," Mark said as he had a probe move in uncloaked, the room
his parents were in was suddenly ablaze several explosions going off at the same time. Still scanning mark
finally found Tantka heading for his shuttle damnit! It appeared that he was on to them again.
A minute later Mark's com went off, "Hope you like the extra crispy parents," Tantka sneered.

Laughing Mark just watched as Tantka boasted and bragged, his smile got bigger when his comp rang
that the upload was complete. Tantka stopped in mid sentence screaming he stripped his clothes off running
for his shuttle, scanning the shuttle Mark uploaded again this time to the probe. Tantka had started the
shuttle and had started to lift when the shuttle just... fell apart falling the 3 feet to the ground.
Screaming Tantka activated his shield running as fast as his pudgy legs could carry him. Mark was almost
on the floor laughing the fool didn't even realize that he'd been contaminated by a computer/viral virus
Mark felt proud this program was his greatest work, and it was just starting.

Running for the building next to the one he'd held Mark's parents in, his shields were up in an
instant. Mark just laughed as if shields would would stop the virus, it was all inclusive when it came to
Tantka, if he touched it and it wasn't alive or belonged to someone else then it was as good as destroyed
basicly almost everything that he owned. Mark laughed when the shields began to slowly dissolve Tantka was
still running when it finally broke through. Escaping out the back Tantka was racing away at breakneck
speed what the hell had that fart boy done to him this reminded him of a forbidden program he'd heard
about years ago what was that called? Ah! yes the eradicator virus but Tantka thought that was a deadly
almost unstoppable virus, so what the hell was this? Looking at his earlier scan that had survived he saw
that this virus was designed with the express intent of harming one person.

What the hell!? From what he saw it was designed to attack him? Shit! Typing on the run Tantka had
2 lines done when it caught him again and the comp in his hands fell apart. Screaming Tantka kept running
doing everything he could to escape but everything of his that he touched fell apart finally hailing a
cab, he climbed in as his clothes dissolved to dust, screaming, the driver thought he was insane and
headed for the nearest law enforcement building. Sighing Mark hoped it was finally over, sending a pulse
to the probe following Tantka the virus activated its rubout command, satisfied Mark watched as the virus
wrote it's self out of exsistence. Breathing another sigh this one of relief Mark's mother was staring her
mouth agape, "that was the eradicator virus wasn't it?" she almost shrieked

"No mother you saw what I was working on the last time I saw you, it wasn't the eradicator but it
was a more complicated version of a much simpler virus," Mark calmly stated.
"Oh my god! Are you trying to put the whole system at risk? what if it broke out?" she snapped back at
"I made sure that it wouldn't I built in 3000 safeguards which created 3000 more each I made sure that it
was only local and that it was programed to go after one thing and one thing only and that was Tantka," he
"NO! you..." she started.
"That's enough Trina!" Arthur Doraland yelled, his wife could only stare at him, "For years I have
protected you, shielded you and given you everything I could, but I won't have you doubting our son, he's
a hell of alot smarted than I am, I saw what he showed you before and showed it to the council. Our son
actually solved the mystery behind the killer virus."
"No, Arthur I...," she started again.
"I said that's enough! Shut up for once!" Arthur again shouted. Surprised to the point she couldn't speak
Trina Doraland found she somewhat like this new Arthur, it kind of turned her on for the first time in
years how strange.



The school on central had almost sent an armed detachment out after Mark and the women with him,
they had studied the new virus Mark had written for months, though it was very similar to the eradicator
virus, it was directly opposite to it. Nissie had finally gotten Mark to confess that he loved her and now
they were working on their first child. Sam, Mark's Sister finally get her wish a month after the defeat
of Tantka, Mark took her virginity as carefully as he could. Her vigina stretched by all the attention
still could barely accommodate Mark's massive monster cock. Assti finally returned to her brothel
rewarding her assisstant Fochan with something he'd wanted for a long time. She'd smirked at Mark telling
him she had, had Tantka in her sights when he'd started screaming and running, she'd laughed harder than
she'd ever laughed when Mark told her what had actually taken place.

Tantka had been taken to prison screaming the whole time that he had been infected by a computer
virus. The thing was when he was scanned the techs found nothing wrong with him at all and no virus of any
kind on him or even near him. This of course caused even more screaming with them locking him up in the
pysch ward. Everything was finally starting to go better, every world that Mark visited was advanced at
least 20 years. This of course helped the empire many years later when another empire tried to invade. The
many improvements mark had made on the fringe worlds helped them to last far longer than the invading
forces thought they should have. Five years later his sister now a partner, her knowledge that of a sixth
year student was almost as rich as her brother. Nissie the financial officer watched their son while mark
worked, that is till the day his wife and son both went missing.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-09 07:39:37
Yup. Good stuff. Clover pretty much summed up my thoughts lol.

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-08-14 05:21:16
Pars you fucking jackass!!! You call this an epilogue but this is a goddamned teaser for the continuation! Your genius is incredibly frustratingly suspenseful.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-20 12:03:46
This sries as kind of backwards but I really it.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-07 06:22:29
Not even a prologue its a fucking teaser lol please finish the stories you start then make new ones because you are very talented THANKS

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-01 14:36:20
Ohhhh you dirty rat pars001! This is not an epilogue this is an ending of one story and a prologue of another. Before you start the second book, may I suggest you complete you're other stories. Particularly 'A Guy And His......' cycle.


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