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This is my story. Please do not plagarise it without direct permission from me. Thanks!
"What a fucking douchebag," the brunette called Julietta muttered. Kyle did the only thing he could think of to remedy the situation. He tipped over Ed's inflatable, dumping him sideways into the river.

Thankfully the girls all laughed as he came up spluttering and the tension was eased. Over the next couple of hours they hung out with the girls, Kyle mostly chatting to Julietta, Casey to Margarita, while Ed tried unsuccessfully to get chatting with Shanice and Jessica, much to everyone's amusement.

With it being late in the afternoon though, the girls announced they had to head off.

"You guys want to meet up tonight at a party we're going to? It'll be around midnight, if that's not too late," Julietta said, placing her hand on Kyle's arm.

"I think we should be out partying by then," He grinned. "Where about?"

"Meet us in Club Boca. Know where that is?"

"Sure," He nodded. "We passed it last night. You want to give me your number?"

She shook her head, but smiled. "I wouldn't hear my phone anyway. Maybe later," She said, winking.

"I'll look forward to it," Kyle replied.

As the girls got out at the steps, Kyle casually back-paddled his inflatable, watching as they got out the water. Jessica was the first out, a thin blonde with a black one-piece making her skin look very pale. Second out was Shanice, a black curvy girl with a dazzling smile and nice hips, followed by Margarita, the most tanned of the group.

Kyle smiled, knowing why Casey had hit on her. She had by far the nicest body of the group and was the tallest by a couple of inches. Long dark hair tied in a ponytail, a black bikini, tight and firm all over, and an ass that reminded him of Jennifer Lopez.

Last out was Julietta, the girl he'd spent the last couple of hours chatting with. Her multi-coloured one-piece was slashed red and gold and showed her off quite nicely. She was average height, and pretty much average build. Nice ass, bit of a nice cleavage, nice legs.

Despite there being nothing outstanding about her, Kyle found her the most attractive of the four.

Julietta turned and waved to Kyle. "Remember. Midnight."

"We'll be there," He waved back.

"Feel free to forget the douchebag," She called as she disappeared.

"The douchebag will be coming," Ed shouted loud enough for half the park to hear. Realising everyone was looking at him, he muttered,"Shit," then tipped himself into the water.

"Come on!"

"He's got the bit between his teeth on this one," Casey admitted.

"I know," Kyle grunted. Ed had been going at them non-stop for the last hour about hitting a strip club, but Kyle and Casey were reluctant.. It wasn't that Kyle was against looking at naked women writhing all over him, but it was the amount of money they'd spend.

Three times in the past couple of years the three of them had gone to strip-bars and each time Kyle and Casey had spent over two hundred bucks each, while Ed had spent everything he had, and ended up relying on his friends to get him home again afterwards. Given they were planning on hitting the clubs to meet up with the girls later, Kyle and Casey were reluctant to let Ed loose or they'd end up paying for him all night.

"It'll be fun, fuckers. Come on," Ed repeated. "We'll see some tits, some hot ass, some wet pussy. Maybe even get a couple of girls to give us a private show, know what I mean?" He winked.

Kyle knew what he meant. He meant that Ed would chip in his last twenty bucks and Kyle and Casey would have to put in a hundred each so that the three of them could sit there and feel awkward watching two chicks play with each other for a couple of minutes. Then they wouldn't have enough money to do anything else.

"Ed, we can visit strip clubs back home. I want to get laid, and that doesn't happen with strippers," Kyle pointed out. "I want to meet the girls later."

"Yeah," Cased added. "You can't control yourself in these places man."

"Alright fuckers, what do I need to do to convince you not to be lame-ass cunts and go?" Ed said quickly, his gaze darting between his two friends. Kyle could see how eager he was.

"How much money have you got left, Ed?" Kyle asked.

"Two hundred and four bucks. We fucking leave tomorrow, guys. Pickup at ten past eleven," Ed said. "Come on, let's jjust go nuts, party like mother-fuckers and leave it all out there."

"I'll go if you give me one hundred and four bucks to keep for you until after we leave the strip club," Casey said after a moment.

"What? No fucking way, cocksucker," Ed blurted. "That's my cash."

"Yeah, but Casey's got a point," Kyle argued quickly. "It's gonna cost us at least twenty bucks to get into the club, plus drinks and then a cab back here. Throw in some food tomorrow. You can't afford to spend more than a hundred in a strip bar."

"Hundred and four bucks," Casey said, holding out his hand.

"No fucking way," Ed said. "Stop being such a bunch of fucking cockblockers."

"Yeah, I'm not going unless you give the cash to Casey either," Kyle said, crossing his arms.

"Or you can go out yourself, go to the stripclub on your own, and then wait for us to get in, but we're not giving you any cash at all. Not even tomorrow," Casey added.

"Fucking bitches. What the fuck?" Ed protested, but his resistance crumbled a moment later. "Okay, okay. Hundred and four bucks, but I want that fucking green back the second we leave the strip club, cunts."

"Okay," Casey shrugged, while Kyle grinned and headed into the bathroom for a shower and a shave. He really wanted to impress Julietta tonight. Or whatever her real name was.

Derriere's Gentleman's Club, the sign said outside.

"This place looks like a dive," Kyle muttered quietly. Still it did offer fully nude dances and you could bring in your own booze.

"Come on, losers," Ed grinned, a six-pack tucked under his arm. "Let's go see some shaking milk-bombs and wide open tampon-tunnels!"

Kyle shook his head at Ed. Sometimes the guy could be such a dick, but his vocabulary for slang terms when it came to the female anatomy was inexhaustible.

"Dude," Casey said. "If you call them that in front of any woman you're never gonna get laid."

"I do fine, fucktard," Ed grinned. "Come on, let's go."

Kyle followed Ed and Casey into the club, paying the steep twenty five dollar door fee. The club looked a lot better inside than it did outside, and there must have been a hundred guys in the room, with a bit of a relaxed policy of under twenty-one getting applied by the security staff. There was even a table of women across the room, getting cheers as one of them slipped a note into the g-string of a dancer. True to the advertising, a dancer was on another stage, gyrating around a pole, dressed only in black stockings and heels.

"Full nudity, bitches," Ed announced.

"Come on, let's go get a table," Kyle said, keen to get out of earshot of the security before Ed got them bounced right back out the door.

They sat down around a small table with four armchairs and within thirty seconds Ed was waving a twenty at a tall, skinny redheaded dancer with underwear the same colour as her hair.

"You looking for a dance, sugar?" she asked, her accent betraying her East-european origins.

"You better fucking believe it, baby," Ed grinned, leaning forward in his chair.

"Follow me, big boy," she purred, taking him by the hand and leading him off through an archway draped with strings of silver beads.

"He's gonna get kicked," Kyle laughed.

"Yep," Casey nodded. "No chance he can keep his hands to himself."

"Bet you five bucks it takes less than two..." Kyle's voice trailed off as he caught sight of a familiar face. "That's Julietta.... from the waterpark!"

She was about thirty feet across the room, with long black curly hair, tied up at the back and dressed in black and silver underwear that showed off her body to perfection. She stood amidst a table of four guys, baiting them on to buy a dance.

"The stripper with the long dark hair?" Casey asked, looking where Kyle's gaze was fixed. "That a wig she's got on, bro?"

"Must be." Julietta's hair was cut in a short bob that swept to one side, but her hair was a similar shade to the wig she was wearing. "She never said she was a fucking stripper. Business student at Berkeley, she told me."

"Well, if she's working here, she must have been planning to blow us off," Casey pointed out. "I wonder if the rest of the girls work here too. I'm going for a look." Kyle nodded as Casey got up and left the table.

He watched Julietta for a minute or two, feeling pretty disappointed that she'd lied to him today. He genuinely thought they were getting on good, that there was a mutual attraction there, and he felt optimistic about his chances tonight. Not now though.

"Hey baby," Kyle heard as he felt a touch on his arm. He turned to see the dancer from the stage when they'd first come in, now with a tight black dress on to supplement her stockings and heels.

"Hi," he replied, not really sure what to say.

"You gonna spend the night looking at Sahara from afar, or would you like to look at Piper close up?" she purred quietly.

"Erm... which one are you?" Kyle asked, confused.

The dancer laughed. "I'm Piper, sweetie. The girl over there is Sahara. You looking for a dance with me?" She lowered her voice and whispered in his ear. "I don't tease like she does. I deliver."

"Mind if I ask something?" Kyle blurted, partially intoxicated by Pipers perfume, but determined to get to the bottom of the Sahara/Julietta thing.

"As long as it ends up with you and me having some private time, sweetie," she replied, turning and sitting on his knee, her stocking-clad legs crossing on his lap.

"Sahara," Kyle began. "I met her today, at the water park. Is her real name Julietta?"

To his surprise Piper laughed. "I think you're getting her confused with someone else, sweetie. Sahara wasn't at no waterpark today. The girl can't even swim."

Kyle frowned. "She was only on the lazy river anyway. It's only four foot deep."

"Trust me, sweetie," Piper smiled. "Sahara wasn't at no water park today. And her name ain't Julietta neither."

"Well if it wasn't her, she must have a frickin twin in town," Kyle said, turning back to look at the brunette that was the spitting image of the girl he'd spent two hours talking to that afternoon.

"Anyway, enough about Sahara," Piper said, whispering in his ear once more. She shifted her hips slightly on his lap, getting his attention. "Let's you and me go for a dance."

Kyle felt drawn in two directions. He really wanted to get a dance with Sahara to find out if it was Julietta or not, but Piper had been very helpful, her scent was intoxicating and her butt felt very nice as it wriggled on his lap.

She stood up and took his hand, then cocked an eyebrow at him. "Let's go."

Before the dance Piper said she delivered, but Kyle honestly thought he'd had much better lapdances. It was as if her heart wasn't in it, and neither were her acting skills. He gave her twenty bucks anyway for going through the motions, thanked her and then returned to Casey, joined a moment later by Ed.

"Woo, mother fuckers," Ed crowed as he sat down heavily. "That girl was all over me like a fat kids tongue on chocolate ice cream."

"You just had a lapdance and all you can think of to describe it is a fat kid licking ice cream?" Casey laughed. "Dude, that's fucked up."

"That's not what I fucking meant," Ed said quickly but the damage was done and while Kyle kept an eye on Sahara, Casey kept getting digs in on Ed.

"Hey, did you find her friends here?" Kyle asked Casey, remembering his friends search.

"No, man. They're not here. I even asked if there was girls on their break through the back, but the bartender said they were all working because it was so busy."

"I asked one of the other dancers and she said it's not her," Kyle explained. "Her name's Sahara apparently."

"Stripper names are hot!" Ed added.

Kyle and Casey ignored him. "Do you think she was telling the truth?" Casey asked. "Be a shame if it was her and the girls weren't going to meet us, but if it's just someone who looks like her then the girls might still be at Club Boca at twelve."

"She said that Sahara can't swim, and definitely wasn't at the waterpark today."

"You should get her over for a dance," Casey suggested. "You can ask her yourself."

"I'm waiting for her to be done with those guys," Kyle explained.

"Fuck that shit," Ed said getting up. "I'll go get her."

"Fuck no!" Kyle said quickly while Casey grabbed Ed's wrist. "You're not exactly Mister Tact-And-Diplomacy, Ed."

"So? She's only a stripper and I know how to talk to strippers."

"Yeah? What about the four guys she's talking with though?" Casey pointed out.

"Man, you're such a pussy," Ed stated. Much as Kyle didn't like to agree with Ed on much, what he said was true. Casey would avoid any kind of potential physical confrontation and if one happened he was off like a scalded cat. He had no problem talking with women, but if there was other guys nearby showing an interest he'd avoid them like the plague rather than risk starting something.

"Ed, have a seat, man," Kyle said. "I'll get her as soon as she's done with those guys, okay? Besides, there's no big rush. We don't have to be at the club for another hour."

"Yeah, man," Casey added. "It's probably not even her anyway."

"Whatever, bitches," Ed said, taking a seat and opening another of his beers.

They sat there for another half an hour while Sahara took three of the guys individually in for dances, with Kyle biding his time. Ed disappeared for another two lapdances and Casey went for one. Another dancer approached Kyle but he declined the offer and after that the dancers seemed to leave him alone.

By the time Sahara returned after the third dance and the fourth guy at the table declined a dance with her, Kyle was about ready to hop out his chair and go over but she turned and looked right at him and then strutted over.

It was so bizarre, he thought to himself as he saw absolutely no flicker of recognition on her face.

"Hey, gorgeous," she said as she sat on the arm of his chair, and he knew there and then it wasn't Julietta. It was her voice. It was different. A completely different tone. Different accent. More husky and a little more Southern than Julietta's Manhattan twang.

"Your name's Sahara, right?" Kyle said, more for a way of starting the conversation off.

"That's right," she nodded slowly. "A little bird told me you're looking for some quiet time with me." She didn't ask a question but made it a solid statement.

"Yeah, see today I was at a waterpark and I met this girl."

"And she teased you, am I right?"

"Not exactly," Kyle replied, a nervous smile on his face. He couldn't get over how much she looked like Julietta. "I met this girl and you two are unbelievably similar. I thought you were her."

"Well I don't have any sisters, and I wasn't at any waterparks today. I was too busy working on my all over tan," she said, making every word sound seductive. "Want to go to a private room so I can show you it?"

"Em... sure," Kevin replied. He'd spent most of his time in the club watching her, and if it wasn't Juletta then he wanted her to dance for him. If it was Julietta, then even better. He handed her the twenty bucks he had held in his hand for the last half hour.

"Follow me," she said firmly. "What's your name, handsome?"


"You already know my name."


"Shall I tell you what else you know?" she said, dragging the beads out the way and beckoning him through the archway.

"Sure," Kyle stammered, feeling suddenly more nervous now than he had since his first ever time in a strip club.

"That I'm going to give you a dance you'll remember for the rest of your life," she purred. Her hand dragged him into a small booth to the right of the archway and he thumped into the seat. A single light shone down in the booth from above and music pumped from speakers high on the walls throughout the room.

"Remember, no touching, Kyle," she breathed in his ear as she sat down astride his lap. She sat upright, her thighs either side of his and took a hold of his wrists, then paused a second, giving him a curious look.

"What's up?" he asked, intensely aware of her chest inches from his face and the weight of her body on his.

"Nothing," she said quietly as if breaking from a trance. She took his wrists and placed them either side of him on the chiar. "Keep your hands there, Kyle. You're not gonna need them." Then she winked. "I know you've been watching me for a while now."

Without a seductive smile, Sahara leaned back, her pelvis pressing into his and she continued, arching her back until her head was on the small table in the booth. Then, in time with the pulsing music, she began to pump her hips on his, as if she was riding him.

Kyle took a deep breath as his body immediately responded to this sultry woman gyrating on him, grinding her crotch on his through her thin black panties with the silver lace.

Sahara bumped him extra hard, then four beats later the same again, then once more. Her hips resumed their quick movement, rocking on him in time with the music.

"Oh Jesus," he muttered, feeling his cock begin to rise in his jeans. With his hands at his sides he could feel it getting thicker and longer, growing down the right leg of his trousers. Without adjustment it was going to get painful.

Sahara flicked herself back upright on his lap, a graceful and erotic movement that placed her chest right in front of his face. Kyle licked his lips, acutely aware of her breathing and the rise and fall of her breasts.

He felt Sahara's hand slip around behind his neck and she began to slowly ride him, as if on a bucking bronco in slow motion, grinding her hips on him, her flat taught stomach rolling with each movement.

"Oh Jesus," he repeated.

Her hands came up to her chest, barely a foot from his face and her finger glided slowly over her bra, tender fingertips caressing the material until they met in the middle. A smooth graceful motion had the front clip undone and then she rolled her head back and thrust her chest forward as her bra slid off her shoulders.

The luxurious full shape of her breasts moved within inches of Kyle's face and as his mouth dropped open of it's own volition, suddenly she swung away again, her left hand landing on his forehead. Kyle felt his head being held firmly agianst the seat as Sahara rose onto her knees, her breasts hovering deliciously over his open mouth.

He watched in agonisingly close detail as her free hand caressed her nipple for a moment, her face invisible in the silhouette of the overhead light, and then she brought it towards his mouth. Kyle's tongue flickered out, so close, aching to taste her tight little pink nub, longing to suck it into his mouth and pleasure her.

Her body swayed, bringing her nipple closer then swinging away out of reach by a few inches, then back again once more. Kyle's tongue darted out at each swaying movement, but her hand held his head firmly in place, his tongue as little as an inch out of reach of it's target.

He groaned, an involuntary sound that brought her nipple closer. His tongue stretched out, as far as he could make it reach and he strained as she inched her breast in, closer and closer until he was sure he would be able to lick her nipple. He positively ached for it, and it was all he could do to keep his hands at his sides and not drag her into his mouth.

She released his head from the seat, but before Kyle could smother her nipple in his mouth she stood up, swaying her hips from side to side above him, slowly shuffling backwards for a moment, before she suddenly dropped to a crouch.
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